COXTkACT SPliCIFICATIONS VM) AN ACT kc^|.cctin},' llu loii.iiiiclioii of ///c t>//,Av, Moiitrcil. Othn.oi ,nid Ot\ui,iit,ii l\',iil-„,iy (laU >..>itli Slioic. ) -•*-;i^;5>- > • . . . • 1 • . I. ', ■, . • * ».. I . •« . . • ^ • , • • . . I • gui:iu:c: J i: I ANADIKX sriv\,\I I'RIN I l.\( IS?)). • • • • 4 fi INDEX. I'ACK. Contriict 1 SpciilicfUion for tin ^fain I.iin', 1 . — ( itiienil i'rovisioiis 1 ."> IJ. — \[\'fi\A i>f Wiiy !in Schedule C :\H Circular No. .3 41 I.— Kiuht of Way . . 42 II — Fincinjx '• III.— Kaith. Works •• IV. — Drainage 48 v.— Cattle Guards 4« Vi. — Masonry Pa«k. J«>iiii KcpoiJ of M<'K«i-K. C. nailliirp' inwl A. I,. Lijrlit 49 niaxmni g2 Dc'taili'd Hpucilication for fouiKliitionK in tl'. p water. (jrciurul description 53 (.'rih Work u H< ariiiK Piles j^jj Pliitforni for Masonry gg Furtli.r Protection 57 Analysis of the Main Line 58 Table of Distanee go An Act respecting the construction of the (^Juebcc, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental Railway 63 CONTRACT hi;t\vi:i:\ THE HONORABLE THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. AND THE HONORABLE THOMAS McGREEVY. No. 7409. 24th September, 1875. On lliisday, tlic Iwciily luiirlli til" St 'pie m her. one thou- sand tM.ulil Iniiidrcd and seventy live. Before us the undersigned, Nutari(>s Public lor the Piovince oC (,)ueltee. I'esidinji' at the city of (»)nehec. jicrsonally came and apjieared : llie Ilomtralile Tlionias McClreevy. of the city oi' (,)uelie(\ conli-actor. of tlie liist part : And l)ie llontnalile tli(> Ivxecutive (lonucil of llie l*i'o- \inc(' of (^)ntdiec. hereto re[)reseuled and acting Ity and liiiMiugli the llonoralile Cdiaides Honclu'i' de Houclierville. Seci'ctary of iJie Province of (,)uel)ec and Ministerof Public lnsli'U( lion, iluly aiUlioii/ed to the rllrcl hereof by au Order in Cionucil. bearini: dal(> Ibe twenty fourth ol S('|)leniber, one tbonsand ( iubt hundred and seventy live, a copy wbei-eof is lu^reunto annexed to b)rni part of these presents, of tlie second part. Wliirli s.iid iiarlli's'd aihl aur.-nl as lulldw-s. l.o wil : WluTcas (111 till' lil'lh (lay (»r A|iiil. oiif llioiisaiid (MliIiI liiiiidi'cd and scvciily l\v that circct \\)v the ('(tnstiiiclidn and tMinipmcnl rd' tin' Nmlh Slioi-c Hallway and Piles Hran(di of the said North Shore Hallway, exIi-ndinL: IVoni tin city ol" Three Hivers. to a [loint, at or in-ai' the (Irand Piles. npon the St. Manrice Hiver, and loi- the conslrnetion ol" a Sleamhoat on the said Hiver for the pi'ice and snhjeel to the condilions thei-ein expressed, and acc(H'din,u to the s[)e('ili('alions thereto annexed; the whole as more par(- ienlarly sei h»rth and desci'ihed in a eopy (d" the said conlracl : and whei-eas on llie thirteenth day (d' .Inne. one thonsand eiiiht hnndi-edand seventy three, hy deed passed heJ'ore .1. H. Parkin. Notaiy I'nhlic al (,)iitd)ec. a snpple- mentul contraet was also entered into h'tween the said Saninel P. Keith, acting as well for himself as in his ({nalily «d" Altoi-ney dnly anthori/ed of Periy Hiram Smith and (ieor^e Lincoln Dnnlap. all of (!hi I*iil»lii-, al (,)iit'|M c. llir said \U'i\ II. Siiiilli. SaiiiiK'l L. Kcilli ami (Imi;:!' !,. I)uiila]i did assign and Iraii^lfr uiilo llif said iloiioralilt' 'riiuiiia> Mcdicc^y, all their rii:lil«. lillr and iiili-rcsl in llic said two aliovc cited ronlracls. lor the nmsidei-alions and snhject to (he condi- lions llielein r.\|n-essed. And wlieica.- on tlie twenty first day of F(dtrnary. one thousand eiuht Ir.indred and sexenly foni'. hy deed jiassed nel'ore ,1. A. (diailidiois. Notary Pnhlie. at (^nehec. the said lloiiorahle Thomas Mrdreevy entered into a sn|ii>leniental (•oiitiaci with the said (lolonel NVilliani Rhodes, in his said (|nalily. respect inu the constrnction and e(|ni]inient ol the North Shore l»ail\vay and the said IMIes |{ran(li herennto annexed and sjiecially reh'ired to as lorniiM^ pari of these presents: And whereas, hy a repoit dated (he thirteenth of Maich. ei.Lihteeii hniidred and si'venly live, at (,)nel(ec. (Charles Haillarue. Ksqnire and Alexander laideis Li,L;ht. !']s(|nire. I'] nu in eels, icconi mended certain additions, alterations and ini|)ro\'emeiMs to Im> made in the constrnclion ol' the main line ()'■ the said railway as more liilly appears hy a c(»py ol the said rejioil hereunto annexed and espusially I'eh'rred to as loi'miui: part oT the.>e presents; And whei'eas. on the eleventh day ol' August, one thousand eij^hl hundred and seventy live, hy a I'esolulion adojited at a mei'liui: of the Directors ol" the said Noilh Shore llailway Company, it was i-esolved as follows, thai is to say : (I'l'liat the [ireseni jiositioii ol tht> money .narkel in <( Oanada. and the strong thonj^h nnronnd<'d o[ijiosition 'I mauirestrd in ct rtain ijuai'ters in Kn.uland to the invesl- '( nient ol" money in (lanadian Railway securities, [)i'e- « ventinu the sale ol" the liouds ol' this Railway Coinjiany. K i'e(|uire thai llu' (iovei iimeul (d" the I*ro\ iiice id" (,)U(dti'c K should hi'inrornu'd (d' theposilion inwhitdi the Company I find tlKMiisclvcs sitnntiMl, the coinii.niy (Icclarc llicy ;iit' ■( iiii;il»l(' locdiislrncl I lie i'(i;i(l iiiidrr exist in.L: .irr.-iiiuiMiii'iil-. •< ,-iii(l llicy ('ifsii'c lo iii';:r upon Ihi' ('lovt'iiiiiicul llic iiiiiHM-- 1 alive iieeessily. iiiulrr tlic circiiiiistaiices. nl' prdiiipt I (Idvei'iiiiieiil action. Tin' (loinpiiny are llieidor)' i-eady 'I to allow the (lOVcrnnnMit lit dt'al with the (jnestioii in any I w.iy llie\- may. in the itiililic intt'ivsl think proper. " niakin,Lr sn(di arrJinucini'iils with the conlrartor as may 'I he Foimd necessary.)! And whereas, on the twentieth day of An^-'iisl. (»ne Ihonsand ei,uhl hnndi-ed and seventy Uve. at a sjiecial mcelinji ol' the (lonncil (d' the (lily of (^)n(diec. it was n'S(dved as follows, to wit : ((That this ('corporation hy Us snhsci'iplioii of a million .( dollars lo the capilal stock of the Noi-lh Shoiv Hailway K Comi»any. has lir iiitfrrsi llir s.iid slumlii lie couiiiIcIimI. Now lli('i't'r<»ri' llicsi' i»i'i'S('iits. and wr. llic said Notaries, witness, tiiat the said parties iierelo. aetiii.i: as ajopesaid liaxe covenanted and aui'eed as lollows. that is to say : The said llonoiahle Thomas Mc( li-ee\ > lieitdt) luider- takes. hinds and ohhL't's hiins(dr toward the said jiart) ol the^(eond i»ai't, to {h» and iiei'I'oiin all t li-' ohIiLiations and to execnU' all the works whirli nnder his aforesaid coiili'art. of dale the twenty lirsl of F(dirnai-\. oni' th aisaiid ei;;hl hniidred and seventy h»nr. he was honnil to do and [lei h»rrn to and in favor of the said ConipanN-. snhjeet howi'vei' to the reqnii'einents of a eei'tain eirenlai' called cii'cnlar No. two. dated the twelth of .Inne, one tlH'n>and ei,i:ht hnndivd and seventy fonr. si^'iied Silas S(-yni(Mii'. and herennto an- nexed to form part of these presents and snhjeet also to sindi (di;ui,ues as hy the said rep(»rt of Messrs. IJaillar^c and Liuht liave heen niti-o ijed in said proposed W(»i'k : and snhjeet moi-eover to any additions, alterations and impiovemenls which have heen set h)rth or are delineated or ajipear in the C(^ntrael Schednles marked A. H. and (].. and in the amended pr(»tiles and jdaii marked No. mir. /iro, three, pnir nnd firr herewith sii^ned and specially re- ferred to as forming part of these |>resiMits : I. The jiarty of the fii-st pai't lierehy covenants and a^i'ess to make all changes in grades, jilans. specilications and otherwise, in conformity with the (lovermnent nujnire- ments from time in time, as the said work pi-o^resses. and it is fnlly nnih'rstood and aj^reed l)y and hetween hoth pai'ties hereto, lliat the ju-ofiles, plans, working', drawings and detailed sptwifications of the dillerenl woi-ks. stinctn- res. l)nildin!.;s and e(|nipments. shall he made hy the said contractors and fnlly appioved hy the (lovernmeut Vlnti'i- neors liofon? woi'k is bej^iin npon them, and that all work — — ;m(l MiJilcrials shall lie siihjcd lo his ins|i(>!'lioii and approv- al lii'torc hi'iiiu a('C('i led and [)aid i'ov iiy the (lovci-n- iiKMil ; il is iiirlhci' understood and ai;i't'('(i hy and Itc- \ver. one thonsaiid eight hnndi'cd and seventy htni', hereunto anne.Ved and marked A, and secondlv liv an amended sche- (lid(> covering the same workwith some additions thereto, said amended sidiednle marked li pre[>ared and signed hy the (lovernmem iMigini'ei'. and hearing dah' the lirsl Se]»temher, one thousand eight hundred and sexcnty li\e. and as to sn(di jiorlion of said woi'k lo he done on the Piles Ihvnudi. the sidiednle ol' work and materials shall he the scIkmIiiIc hi'i'cmito aimcxcd mnrlvcd (] and licrciii Itd'orc rt'lrrrtMl In. '(. ll is riirtliiM' aLirccd and iiiidi'rstond that in case aii)' allci'alioiis arc iiadc in tlic location ol" llic line or road oi- in the consfiMK lion of sncdi jiart thcrcorwliicli will incn'at^i' llic cost to the said contractcH'. citlicr in ,uradin<:. l»ridj:in,i: oi- IciiLith ol" line. ivc.. i\c., the said contractor shall he paid snch aildilional cost /u-o rniti \\[\\\ the s(diednle then in force, and at [irices mentioned therein, and in c;!S(' of any decrease in !lie cost (d'constrnction constMiiient oii aii)' sn(di chan,i:<' of line, a coricspondinji' deduction shall he made hy the said conti'acloi' as [»ei' .-(diednle ]'ates. ."), It is her(d)y aui'ced that as to the manner of settling for the work already done on the said line, the ainonnt theret)f shall he ascertained Ity the (loveiauuent I'lnuineer, its \alne shall W hxed ]iy the sidiednle (d' prices herennfo aiuiexed. marked ii.. hearing date jii'st Seplemher. and the j^ross Sinn thus ascertained, after deducting drawhack liereinafltM' mentioned and the amounts ali-eady j)ai(l. Ihe halance shall lie paid to the said party of tlie lirst p;irt, and and as to the manner of seltlin.i; h)!' the work t(» i)e chine hereafter hy Ihe said contractor, it shall lie done as h)l lows, monthly estimates of the (piantities there. Il is further nnderslood and ai^reed that the (loNcrii- nu'iit Knjjineer may (dian^c the scliednle rates of prices, if htiind necessary, to secure the full completion (d'the road : or in case the srdiednle already made liear too hard upon Ihe conti'actor, snhject however to the apjiroval and — .S — nilificatioii fiftlic LicntciiJint (lovn-iior in coimcil. hiil in no case shall llic cnsl of the road exceed the uross [»rice hereinaller ineiilioiied. 7. ll is I'lirlh*'!' understood that no work done orinateiial Cnrnislied njion \vhi( h a line (d' any kind exists, shall ]>e in(du(l<'d in any pi'o^ress esliinale I'nniished hy the (lovernnienl iMi.uineer. S. It is fni'ther expressly a^M'eed and nnderstood brand bcdweeii the said parties that ten jter cent (d'ea(di monthly pro^M'css estimate shall lie retained hy the ( Jovei'nment as secnrity h)r the dne fnllilment of contract hy the said con- tractor, and when [\\r amonnls so ke[)t ha(dv sliall amonni lo, at least, on(.' hnndred thonsand d(dlars. live jtei* c(Mit on ea(di monthly (>slimate thereartei- may ]>(> retained till the hnal completion ol' th(> contract in all its parts, and th(* acceptance IIkm-coI' l)y tiie (iovei'nnieni. ',). It is Inrther a.ureed and nnderstood that it the con- Iraclor rid'uses or ne.ulects to meet within a roasonal)le time, any ol' the ohli;4alions or payments whiidi Ik.' has assnmed under these presents, or if dtdays h)r an un- reasonable length ot time the payment I'or labor perh)rnied or materials ])urchased I'or in connection with the road, then and in any of the said casi>s, the GovernmenI shall have Iho i)Ower to make sncdi |iayments and to deduct the amount thereof from the said coiUractoi''s eslimat(>. 10. The parly of the lirst part covenants and a,ur(>es to nse and emjdoy sti'td rails of the best quality and pattern weij;hinj^' lifty six ponnds per lineal yard h)r the main Ibron^h lra(d\s. the swilidies and lo remain of iron of the same wei.Lilit and pattern. The [lai'ty of the iirsl part covenants and a.urees also to bnild iron tiaiss bridt^cs (d' the best (jnality and most appi'ov(>d plans foi- the crossinus of the Ste. Anne, hatiscan, St. Maniice and Ottawa Uivers. all other brid.ues to r(>maiii (d' wood. 11. The said [lai'ly id' the lirst part herejiy covenanl> !l ;iii(l atii-ct's to ]>;iy foi* llic ciilii-c riuht ofw.iy tV<»iii the Harbimi- of (,)ii('l»i'C to a poiiil williiii tln'CJIy of Moiiti'cal at or near tlic iiorllirastci'ly limits llicrt'of. as the (loni- inissioiirrs shall (It'trnniiic lici-t^artcr. as well as all ('iii:iiit'(MMiiji. cuiitinuriit and incidiMital rxpcnscs coiiiit'i'lcd with the said Railway and lii-aindi. and tlu' oruaiii/ation nMjiiin.'d to carry on the works till fully coiiiiilrtrd and ac<'(']ilcd ; it licin.u rxjircssly understood that the only (vxpt'ust's payalih' hy tln' ( lOvci'UiutMi! shall he ihosr of till' (lovcrunicut Kn^iuciT. and that all oIIkm' dishursc- incuts necessary h)i- the full construction and e([uipinent of the said railway and hranidi ami all urftunds necessai'y hi the opinion of the Chief KuLiinet'r and (w)nHnissionei" for station iiouses. d(>pols. machine shops. I'kc., shall he ina(h' and paid hy the said lh)norahle 'Idiomas Nh'dreevy. at his own cost and (diar;^es. and shall not only include those ('((unected with the huildin,us and e(iui|iment of the said railway and branch in all their pai'ts. inclndinu huildin,t:s and rolliu.u' sto(d\. C^e.. i^c.. hut also the iiit(M'est on lhe(iit\' of (^)ueliec l)ouds or stock, i^ranted towards building the said road, luitil the railway is open between Quebec and Montnvil. as mentioned in the abov(» cited contract, as well as the sum of live thousand dollars per aunnni towai'ds the salaries and (Wpeiises of tlu; li'ustees oi' cominissiouers who niav b(> ajipointed by the l*rovincial (lovernmeiil, and incdudin,L; lli<' re[iayment of all stocdv actualh piaid lui by private shareholdi I's whi(di shall he refuud( A by the said coiilracloi', also all and every accounts due to any [lai'ly or parlies h)r labor done, services [terfornied oi- materials furnished heretofore and at jii-esent unpaid, and also su(di acccuuits as the truslees oi- commis- sioners to he hereafter ajipointed may consider just shall be paid b\ the s.iid coiitrai-ior. l"J. The said party of the first pari hereby fni'ther covenants and aLirees to extend the said Hallway to deej! water in the Harbour id' (Quebec as coiilemitlated in the existinu arranuemenls and auicemenls. o — 1(1 — \'-\. The parly of 111!' lii'sl pari dolli lici't'liy niKicrlakc l»roniis(', Itiiid and ol)li,u(' himscir. his licii's and ;issi,l:iis lo fully aiul railhl'ully jx'i'lonn and cxcculr all the coiidi- ti(tiisaiid flic covciiaiils hciciii CDntaiiK'd and scl forth, as well as lliost' nit'iilioncd and scl forlh in llic ahovc cited i'onlracts and i-cporl of l^aillar.i/c and Liuht assented to as ahovc mi'iilloncd i\vhi(di are nol hercliy anniillcdi snhject and according lo Ihe s[((;cilh'alions tliercniito annexed and lo liie spccijicatijns herennto annexed, rclatin;^^ as well as to the main lin;' as lo the Piles Bramdi. stcainhoat on the St. Maniace. (S. ., ^^vc., for and in consideralioii of Ihe sum of four millions stnen hnndred and thirty two thoiisand three hnndred and eighty-seven (hillarsand fifty live cents. \vhi(di shall he paid lo him as hereinafter jiro^idcd. 14. And it is fiirlher a.ureed and expressly nndei'slood hy and lietwecn the said parlies hci'do. that the wliole line of lh(> main road and Piles Biamdi with all lh(> hnildings, rolling sloc'k, snow f(Mices, ike, seamltoat, ike, as referred to in the ahovc cited contracts and liei-ein shall ho fnlly completed and dclivei'cd in lii'st ri'j>a!('(l and hcrt'iirilo annexed, by whieh llic se\eral species id' work lo lie done and niali'i'ials to lie i'nrnislied, and the sniijiosed relative ijnanlities and amonnls (d" ea(di have been aseei-lained and set loilh with more oi less |ireeision. nexertlieless it is hendiy deidared that all earlliw (irks, masonry. bnildinj.;s. wiM'kshops and erections and ev(My other mailer oi' lliinj.; neeessai'y lo conslrncl or erecl a lirsl (da>s railroad shall be done. Iiirnished and jiert'ormed by the eonlraelor. and shall be considered lo be slipnlaled for and exigible nnder llie preseid conti'act. and no woi'k shall be considered as extra work and allowed for nnless a special detdai-ition so cliaracb'ri/.inji- il shall have lieen made and signed by (lovernmenl Engineer and the conunissioners or ti-ustees. and authorized by the (lovermiuMd b(d'or(> snidi woi'k shall have b(>Bn connnenced : il bein.Li Inrlher exjiressly agreed and nnderslood thai any omission or error in this agree- ment or in the said above cited conti-acts and the s[»ecilica- lions thereto and heicnido annexed shall not be taken advanta.ue ol" by the said contractor, but that the whole work done and mal(M'ials used shall be ol' the best descriji- tion. wether sii(>cially mentioned or not. so as to secure a first (dass i-ailway and equipment, and that all work and materials necessary to be done and used to create a iirst (dass I'oad shall be considered as cominj: within the scoiu' and meanin,!,^ ol" this jiresenl aui'eemenl. 17. il is I'ni'lher expressly aj^reed and nndoi'stood by and between Ihesaid parlies that the (»)nidiec (!dy Honds ali'eady jiaid lo Ihesaid contractor, shall be kejil b\ him at par. and that the said (lonti'actor shall hereal'ter I'cceivc other similai' bonds also at jiai' or cash instead at the (dioice of the (lovernmenl. bnl that the (lily of (»)n(d)e(' shall not be liable for interest tbei'eon till the road is iinniinu as above mentioned in above cited contracts. IS. It is riii'tlicr ;i,Lii'(H'(l jiiid uiiil(':sl(»()(l tli;it slumld the (lovcrniiKMit li.ivc to univi liter the siiid ('ity of (^iielxM* .i^aiiisl payiiUMit (»!" iiitcitjst on said lioiids. then and in that case, file Govci-nmcnl shall have the riuhl to i-ctain on the said nioutiily rstiniatcs IVoni Intuic paynKMils to the contractor an amount to cnalilc it to niri't th<' said interest. I*.). It is Inrlhei' a^HH'd and understood that all railway honds ali'eady received jiy tjie said conlraclor from the said North Shore Hallway (lonipany shall Iw returned to said (ioverunient as soon as these pi-eseids have Imnmi ratilied hy tiie Legislature, and that hereal'tei' no niori' honds shall h(> issued hy the said couipauy. and that all the said i-eturned honds shall lie cauc(dled. '2i\. It is I'urlher expressly agreed and understood h\' and between the said [tarties hereto, that the present aui'ee- nient and conli-act shall he suhniitted to the j.euislatni'e of the Province of (^)u(d)ec h)r its approval. \\(\ that should the Le^islatni'e not apjirove of and sanction th(^ same, thai then and in that case, these pn'seuts to he null, void and of no eti'ect whatever, in the same way as if the same h;.d never been enlered iido hy e\[>ress condition, and in that las' case, all monies that shall have been received in the meantime by the said Honorable Thomas McGree\ y. in virtn(> t.heriMd", shall b(^ consider(>d as paid to him on acconid of work done on said l^ailway under the existin.u' law. and d(Mlnclt>d tVom lh(> subsidy to whi(di the said roaaid Uailrtwid Coniiiaiiy anil the said l»aity of till' lirst jiait is hcitdiy canctdlcd and Ihc said lionds therein mentioned are restoi'ed to the said jiarty ol' the sec(»iid pai'l, and any sum of money which may have I.een paid under the said (danse l>y the said parly (d' the first part shall not i)e (dainied tVom the said Hailway (iom- [lany or from the said party of the second jiart. 'I'he int'Mi lion of this idause hein,u' to I'eslore the said bonds iia(d\ to the said paity of tiie se( (^nd jiart. the debts jiaid undei' the said (danse not to be rhar,L:<'able l(» Ihe I'ntviiict*, if tliese presents are ratified liy tin' Legislature. Notwithstanding anythinj^ in any one of the contracts hei-eiub(d"ore rcd'crred to thesaid contractor shall l)e bound to rurnish at iiis own proper cost and charges any and all .urounds niM'essary and required in Ihe oj)inion ol'the (lov- ei'innent Engineer and Couimissioners for the service of the saion : and in the ev<'ut of the (louuuissioners disi)ensing the said (^onti-actor from i>ur(djasing any ground foi- a station in Ihe Ciity of MontreaU the value thereof shall be by him expench'd upon biuldings for station houses. is.c., on any ground indicated by Ihe said (louuuissiouers within the conliues (d' the said (lity of Montreal. It being understood, liowover, tliat the coutraidor shall only be called upon to pay for land for a station near the North I'^a-tern limits of the said Ciiy. It is hereby declared that wdienevar the words "MirsI class I'oad '" are made use of in Ibis conti-act. the same shall be ludd to a[i[)ly to the main line only. And for the execution of these presents, the jiarlies of lln' first and second pai'l have cl.'clt'd (heir domiciles at llie Cily of Qiieltec. Tims done and (>\ecnfed. al the City of QiKdjer, on ihr day. month and yearhrsl al)ove written under the niniii)ei- seven tiionsan foni- hundred and nine in llie (dianihiMN oT the President j»ino th,. pi-eseuL ori.uinal of record in his oilice. iSi'-iicdj Thos. McGhkkvv. C. H. I)e iioUCHKIIVILLK. K. G. Cannon, N. R. Phi Huot, i\. P. A true co])y of the oia^inal remaining- of record in iin oihce. (Signed,) Phi. IUot, N. P. NORTH SHORK RAILWAY. SPECIFICATIONS von THK COXSTRUC/rrON and I<:gUIPMKNTOFTIIK MAIN LINE. I. — Gknkhal Provisions. 1. The Initial point of the Main Line of the North Shore Railway, wil he at or near St. PanTs Market, in tho City of Qnoh(>c, at snch point as the Railway Company may (If^si^iiatc. And the 'I'erminal point will be at or near the northeasterly limits of the City of Montreal, at sneh point as the Railway Company may desi^niate. The location of the line and the arrani2:emeiit of grades, between the initial and terminal [)(»ints, will be made nnder the direction and supervision of the Engineer in Chief, and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of said Company. 2. The term Eiirjinrin\ when used, either in the contract or spcH'ifications, will in all cases refer to the Engineer in Chief of the North Shore Railway, or to any subordinate Engineer, who, acting under iifstrnctions from the* En- gineer in Chief, may, for the time being, have the direct charge and supervision of the work particularly referred to. 3. The work will, in all cases, be under the direct charge and control of the Engineer ; and his orders must — I(i 111- . oiiiiilii'il willi ill ('\('i'\' rt'Sjii'cl. .iiiil iiihI'T all I'ircimi- slaiiccs. llr will liavc |in\v('r. ami il will \u' his diity lo rcicct, or (•oiKJcMiii. ai any sta^c or coiKlitiun of llic work, •ill W'rkinaiisliiii or matci'ial. wlii' li. in his ojiiiiioii. may he imiici'l't'cl or iiiisiiilaldi' ; and tlii' >aiii(' iiiiisl he iiiiiiir- flially ciiri'i'cltMl. or i't'[tlaci'(l. ht his ciiliit' satisraclioii. He will also have powri- h) discharfic IVoiii Ihc woi'k. any Foi'dnan, nicchanic. or lahoicr. wlnt may jirovc to he either incominMriil, oi- (lisrcs|i('ctriil and riotous in iiis condiicl ; and the iiri'son so discjiarucd shall iml he I'ln [iloycd Ihcrcartcr upon any portion ol llic work. 'i. 'riic woi'k of urad nation will lie divided into sections. avei'a.uiiiLi' aljoiil one mile in leiiulh. tiic seetional di\!sioiis l)ein,L: made h> accommodale. as nearly as praclicalth*. the (H'ononiical dislriltnlion of the material htnnd in i-xcava- lions, or required in embaiiknieiils. lint \\\\< will not l»rev(>nl the removal of malei'ials recjiiired hir the I'oad- bed, or metdianical strnctni'es. from one section to another. whenever, in the ojiinion of the Engineer, il may he ne- cessary or expedient to do so. 5. The ri^^hl of way, or lands procured by thel^ailway (lomj)any lor Llie roadway, depots,, maidiine-shops. i^c.. will nol include private' roadways to and rroin the work (luring- its construction, nor lands reijuireil by the contractor. Tor storing- and man ii fact urint;- timber, stone, and other materials or li.xtures, preparatory to then' bein<: used in the work. These nuist be i)i'ocured by the con- tractor, at his own [>ropc>r (diai-g-e and I'xpense. (1. It is intended that the materials and workmanship, both iu th(> roadway, ti'ack, sti'uctnres, buil(lin,t:s, and eiinipnieuls, sliall all he //r.s/ t-luss, so lai- as i'e<,'ards streu ey(>. nor coii\ey an idea (d' cai-elessness or want ol' skill in execution. — 17 — 7. \V(»rkiiif; plans and siMM'ilicalions nioiv in neh width as tlie Kn^Mneer may direct : and will embracf a width snthcient foi' a fnture double track, wlicncvcr tbe same mav be reiinirtMl bv the business of the road. "2, A .Li'ood and substantial fence, to be composed of dur- able matei'ial. must be constructed alon^^ the boundary line of the (Company's lands. n[ton both sides of the Rail- way thronghont its f?ntire lenj^'th ; and convenient gates must be inserted w henever required for farm crossings or otluM' ])uri>oses. In settled j)orlions of the country, the fencing shoidd be comidcti'd in advance of the connnen cement of work upon the road, in order to prevent dam- ages to the adjoining land owners. III. (^I.EARINC. AND GlU nrUNG. 1. The ground set a[»art for the Railroad and its appur- tenances must be idiop[ied and (deared to the boundary ol the CompMuy's lands. The stumps, bushes, and otlier i-ui»bisli, which are of no value, unist either be destroyed by fire, or otherwise removed, so as not to dislignre nor intei'fere with the work. '2. Trees that are of any value for wood or timber, must be neatly tiimmed, and either wasted. and othei- material horrowed h>r emhaiikmeiits, whenever directed hy the KiiLiineer. *J. Sjioil hanks and Itorrowin^ pits will he so ina(h' as not to disliunre nor interfere with the permanent road- way and slopes : and they miisl he dresseil n[) in such form aid dimensions as the Fin<.dneer may direcl. 10 lli.uhways, road crossin,u-s. and pi'ivate roads, conti- .Uiious lo the Ilailroad, will he (dian^n-d, constructed, or rehiiilt. whenever directed hy the Kn.ud.UM'r ; and the work must he so carried on. as not to interfere with the rights and [irivilegcs of the pnhlic. or adjoiniiiL: [»rojiert\ owners. II. Whenevei' stone are fonnd, in rocdv excavations, that are snital)h' for masonry strnctnriis, or for slope, retainint; or riji-rap walls reiinired u[>on the work, they may he nsed h)r snch [nirposes hy the contractor ; hn't when such matei-ial is not so re(|iiired, il will, at the dis- cretion of the Engineer, he retained l)y the Company foi- other purposes, and neatly piled up h\ the contractor, so as to be accessihc from the traidv. I'-?. Retaining, and pro'.ection walls will he constructep : and the slopes of (>mhanknients will he faced with rip-rap. whenever required for the safety of the work. 13. The road must he Ihoronuhly drained in all i)la(:(;s. so that no water will he allowed to accumulate and stand tdther in tin." cuttings, or along side of tlu} emhankmeuts ; and ample hridges, culverts, or sluices must he constructed across the roadway at j)i'oper points, for the purpose of heading the water away from the Railroad to its natural (dianu(ds. — :?U - 14. In grading for a singl'^ track, cart' will be lakeii not to cxc.'tvale side ditches and Ixn'rnwing pits, nor to di^posit waste ni;iteri;il, where the same will intt'ifere with the rntiive constrnction of a donhle track. V. — Foundations. 1. Fonndation pits will he excavated ol' snch size, and to sn(di deptli as the Kngineer may direct. When below water, they mnst l)e ke[»t dry by i)nmiiing, bailing, or (>xtra draining, nnlil the excavation is comjileted, thofonnd- ations j)reiiai'ed, and the masonry, or other strnctnre bronght al»ove tlu> snrl'aci' line ol" the water. 2. Whenever solid rocdv is not h)nnd. th(> fonndations will consist either of paving, concrete, piling or plall'orms of timber ami plank, as the Kngineer may direct; the whole to be protected by she(>t piling. ri[t-rap, ci'ib-work, or cotl'er dams, when necessary : and execnted in the most thorongh and snbstanlial manner. VI. — Masonhy. 1. The ditl'erent varieties of st(»ne woi'k reqnired for abntments and piers of liridges, ai'ch and box culverts, open drains, cattle guards, slojie, and luMaining walls, i^vc. mnst be execnt(^d in a skillfnl and woi-kmanlike manner, after the general plan of albM-nah' headers and strehdiers ; and nnist be composed of dnrable, W(dl-shaped stones, laid npon tlndr broadest oi' (jnarry beds, and adapt<>d to the h)rmation of the dilVenMil works or strnctnn>s, '2. Bridge ab>dm(Mits an.i piiM's, arch cnlveiMs, and the side walls of open drains, road crossings, or cattle i)asses exceeding live feet in height, will be laid in hydranlic mortar ; and will correspond in character to what is genei-ally termed first-(dass i-nitbh' masonry. The face stone must he hanuner dressed to good beds and joints. ;iiid ititclicd ii.. or sc.tbhliMl, to n lino upon tlip beds nnd l)nil(ls, cori't^sitondinii- with the iinisli line of th(> work. All aniilcs that anM'.\j>os('d to view, must ]\r cut rloan and sharp with the chisel, to an arras of at least one inch in width, and laid to a [icrl'cct line. The work will he laid in courses, ea(di of uniroi'in thickness, ^vhen the (|uarry atl'ords strata suitable for that [»urpose ; but w'.ien this is not the case, it will be sntlicieiit to Ijuild and levcd up sections of from two to four feel in hei^uht, as the En^an- eer may direct, with S([uai-e well-shaped stones of suit- able si/e, bi'ouLihl to (dose joints and free from spalls, both vei'tically and horizontally. ;l The copin,uniust be of proper and imiform thiiduiess, iHMtly iiammer divssed upon the face, beds, and vertical joints : the IVonr ani>les must be cut s([uai'(> with the (diisel, and the stone must jte of suiiicient width to ^ive a Liood linishing bond to fh(> work after i>rojectin,u' a few iiudies over llie faci' of the wall. In cases wliere the cop- in,n- forms, the iinishin,u course, or bridge seat for truss bi'idgcs, their ui)iier surfaces will b(^ dress(>d to a smooth and uniform [ilane ; and they will be secundy fastened to ea(di other, and to the main wall, by means of strong iron clamps and dowels, whenever directed by the Kngineer. ■4. The stone conii)osing the andi, in culverts, must be pla(M'd iterp(Midicular to tlu^ curve ; and extend eidindy Ihrough the thickn{^ss of the arch, and be dressed Ihrougli- out to (dose beds and joints. These must be laid in regnlai' courses of uniform thi(d\ness, and the inner faces dressed smoothly to a line with the hannuer. The outer, or i-ing stone, must have an exti-a liiiish ; and the key stone niusi bo neatly cut with the (diis(d, and so placed as to project slightly from the face of the work. T). The mortar used in masonry must be composed of the best (juality of hydraulic cemeni, mixed in |>i'o[ier pro- portions, with (dean sharj) sand ; and applied to the work within the proper time foi rendering the adhesion and •)•) s()li(li{ic;ili()ii iiiosl jkmTccI. When j^i'oiit (»r coiicn'tc ai'c used, tlicy will Itf iii;iiiii I'/iclin'cd ;iii(l ;ip|ili('(l iimltM' siicli s|t(.M'i;il (lii'cctioiis ;is the Kiigiiit't'!' may dcciii apjdirablc tu \hv case. (). liox ciilvci'ts. and up 'II drains, sluices, or catth'- miards. iiol c.xcccdiii.n' five reel in liciulit. will lie of rnlihlc masonry, and will iitMicraily he laid di'y. The side walls mnst, he laid np sli'onii' and \\(dl bonded Ihron^lioiil. I)it' uplxM' coni'Sf! l»on(liii,i:' llie entire wall. The covering' stone ol' box cnlverts mnst be eiitircdy s(»und, and wide enonji;li to ext(!n(l a[ least two tliire covered. The end walls of box cnlverts mnst ite laid with extra caro ae.d linisli. the stone bein.u ol" ^ood beds and builds, ^vi!h j(tints and angles (dean and sipiare. so as to l)e I'l'ee from s[)alls. 'Idle copin^in mnst be ol' j)ro[>er and uniform thickness, neatly lianmier dressed on the face ; and so laid as to liavo a slight projection over the front wall, and It. extend ba(dv so as to j^ive a i.,^ood finisliing bond to the work. The (muIs of lli(> side walls of open drains. (SvC.will be composed of stjuare W(dl-shaped stones, laid in re'i'nlar sl(>ps oi' otlsets to correspond with the slo|»e of the adjoinin.u bank : and so widl bedded and litted as to recjuired no sj)alls or W(Hlges to keep them iiermanently in place. 7. Slo})e and retainin.i:- walls will be laid at snidi au'ile. and of sufdi Ihitdvuess. as the iMiiiineer may direct. The stone unisl be snilicieidly massive, and well boimded. In withstand the lateral Ihrnst of the banks, and also any shoidi or picssure to wlii(di they may be exjiosed upon the outer surface. 'I'he upper course must be as neaidy uniform in tbiidvuess as [)racticable. and suthcieutly wide to bmid the entii'e wall. Nil. — Hiiiix.iM.. I. The timber composini.; the brid.ues must all beofthe stroULicst and most durable kinds : and must be j>ropei ly — n — ;ula[)l('(l lo llic sjitM-ilic [)iii'i)()si' lV)r which it is iiitt'iidinl. [t must ;il>o he ciiliivly IVcc from siiji, shakos, hiosc (ir hbick knots, or othci- sym|itoms oTih-cay. The kind, h,Miglh. and size I'lMjuircd foi' Ihc dilVorcnt sti-nctiircs. mnst cont'oi'm to the hills rnrnisht'd hy the Knuinccr : and he t'ranx'd and [>nl lo.ucthcr in the most skill'iil and workmanlike mannci'. in conrormily with the plans and speriflcations fni-nishcd hy tlio Knuinccr for the i-csprclivc strncturos. "2. The iron rcijnii'cd in I'ods, straps, holts, nnls.washci's. ivc. mnst \h' of tlu^ licsl ifnality in nsc hir sn(di pnr[)os('s : and it mnst he ncath and jiropcfly mannfaclnivd. ;}. The trnss hi'id,urs mnst he of ;i (piality (Mjnal in sli'pnfilh and dnrahillty lo the Howe patent' trnss, the proportions vai-yiii^L;- according to the leiigtii between bearings. i. Hridges of smaller sjian, where fnll tiaissing is not reqniivd. will he hnilt in accordance with the plans and si)(>cifh'ations liiniisli'd hir ea(di i)afticnlai' strnctiire h> the Kngineer. N'lII. — SrPKllSTHLCTL'HK. I. The cross-ties mnst he of the best and most duralde Ihnher attainalile within a i-easonahle distance from tile line ol the raili'oad. The pai'licnlar kinds h)r ea(di locality, will be designated from lime to time l)y the Kngineer. •2. The lies will be eight h'et long, six intdies tliick. and if ilattened njion only two si(h's, they mnst have a bearing surface of at least six in prdiicrly st'cored liy lish-platcs of tho iiios! appi'ovcd jiathTii. leaving siilliciciil sjiacc \n> tAVccii llic rails to allow 1" r their coiilraciioii and c.xpaii- sion. ."). The track niiist he laid in Ihc nujst llnti'on.L;!! and workmanlike mannicr. The ci'oss-tios will •icncially 1m' laid two I'cct a jjarl tVoni I'cntrc to ccnti-c. 'I'lics ninst he thoi'Oi.',i.;hly heihh'd with a maul, and their njiiter surfaces hi'ouuht to a iierfect line with the straij^ht-eduie. so as to conl'orni to Ihe '4 ra de-pegs, as iiiven liy the Kn,t;ineer. And the C(Mitre of (M(di tie, wdien laid and propeidy l)edded. must coiiioi'ui to the line of centre slakes as <^iveii by tlie Engineer. (). The rails will be laid with a gauge of four feet eight and one half imdies, and thoronghly sjiiked with two s[tikes tn each cross-tie, upon alternate sides of each hai', so driven as not to s[)lit or otherwise injure the tie. 7. Alter Ihe rails ai'e laid. s[)iked and perleclly adjusted, tlie sjtaces between the lies must be filed in wilh proixn- maleiial, and lliroughly tamited, so as to hold the ties lirnily in position, and, at the same lime, secure as [)erfect drainage for the sn[>erslruclure as possilile. S. N'tnther the slo[»es nor Ihe I'o »d bed must be disti- gnred or weakened by taking material therefrom for tilling in or adjusting the Iraidv, '.I. ^Vhenever. in Ihe ojiinioii of the Engineer. Ihe male- iial composing, oi' c<)iitiguous lo the road-bed, is unsuit- able for ballastiiiL: Ihe track, other suilahle material sli.dl be suhsliluted Iherefoi'. and hauled in uitoii Ihe traidv wilh gravtd trains, until the same is thoroughly ballasted lo Ihe satisfaction of the MiiLiineer. •2:y — 1(1. Switclios and sidings sliall lie put ir. rniint'clinu f'ilhcr with llic luaiii li-ack ov willi oilier sidings, al such points as Ihc Kuuinccr may dcsiunatc And Ihcsc sidings shall, if rcqnii'cd. be ('([nal in the autii'CLzalc to at least lixc jiei' rent of the main line (d" tra(d\. II. At all street, [uihlie road, and faian ei' a suil- alile I lathuni ol' [ilank. eipial in thiiduiess to the height of the I'ails. sliall he laiil and lh(H'on,uhly sjiikod down he- Iween till' rails, and also upon the a|iproarlies tlien>to. so as to insure a safe and convenient crossing. \'2. A siiitahle si^n-hoard, painttM! in lai^u'e lettei'S, will he placed at ea(di road crossing-. indicaliniL: the danger of crossiuu the track while the eiiLiine hidl rin|Jrs. \'.\. Suitable and permanent cattle guards will he con- slrncled underneath the ti'ack. at all |nihlic roail crossiiius ; and Ihe adjidninji' t'eiices must he so connected therewith as to [ireveiif animals from enteriUL: upon oi' lollowini: the tratd;. Slioiilil Ihc (jcnrriil 1)1(111 iif suiirrslrudurr, for Ihr ichalr or 'iiii/ /Kiiiion oflhr lldilii'iii/, be i-liiiinicd hrrcdl'/fr, Inj rotnntnn riiiisi'iil^ fnnii rr iss-lir hrtir/'niis a ronliitnnlis loiKjil iidindl i/idiiiH/s. Ihr fiillowiiKj s/ifi'i/iciil iiiiis ii'iil be siibsliliiird far tij'lirh's ritrrrspniiiliiHi hi llii siini'' mnnbris. in Ihr forcijoinii sprri/inil idiis ." I. The longitudinal sills must he of the Im^sI and most fluraltle liniher alt. linahle within a reasoiiahle distance from the line of Ihe railroad. Idle particular kinds for eaidi localily will he desigiiated from lime lo lime, hy the l']ii,L:iiii'er. ■?. Ihe sills nia\' he r, it being understood tha^ the average number of ties will not exceed eight hundred per mile. The cross-ties will be six and one half feet long, five inches wide, and two and one half inches thick, and they must be of sound white oak, or other equally good and lurable timlter. Wlien framed into the sill, their ni»[ier surface must be flush with the surface of the sill ; and they must be firmly held in their places by means of a suitable spike or tree nail driven through them into the sill at each joint. 5. The track mnst be laid in the most workmanlike manner. The sills must be thoroughly liedded with a heavy maul, and their upper surfaces brought to a perfect plane and line, so as to conform to the hiiiglit of the grade- pegs as given by the Engineer; and the longitudinal centre of (»acli sill, when laid and properly bedded, must be in a tin.' parallel with the c(Mitre line of the railway, and such ;i distance from it as to bring the centre line of the sill directly underneath the centre line of the iron rail, which it is to support, ('). Tht» rails will be laid with a gauge of four feet eight and one half inches, and so arranged as to break joints at least two feet with the sills upon which they rest. They — 27 — must be thoroughly spiked to the sills at intervals of three feet upon each side of th»' rail upon tangents, and two I'eet U[)on eui'ves, and the spikes nuist be so driven as not to split or otherwise injure the sill or cross-tie. One spike must be driven into and through each cross tie, upon the outer side of each rail ; and if this s[»ike is two inches longer than the ordiiuiry railroad spike, and of jtroportiouate srze, it may be substituted at the Vw joints foi- the fastenings specified at the close of article -2, 7. After the rails are laid, spik(Ml,and perfectly adjusted, the space between and immediately outside of the sills' must be lilled in with suitable material to such depth as the Engineer may nMjuire, and thoroughlv tampml, so as to hold the sills Jirnily in position, and at' the same time secure as perfect di-ainage for the superstructure as pos- sible. IX. Machine Shops, Engine Houses and Water Stations. 1. One large and commodious Machine Shop is to be constructed, either of brick or stone, at or n(»ar tlie station at Quebec, of such dimensions, and htted ui» with such machinery and other conveniences, as the Engineer may deem suitable and prop(>r for the ordinarv repairs, bnikl- ing and rebuilding of the Engines and other rolling stock in use upon the road. 2. One Repair Shop is to be constructed, either of brick or stone, at each of the stations. Three Rivers and Montreal, of such dimensions, and fitted up with such machinery, as the Engineer may deem suitable and proper, for the ordinary repairs of rolling stock at those stations. :\ One Engine House with ten stalls, at a turn-table, is to be constructed, either of lirick (jr .^lone, at each of the stations gnebec, Three Rivers and Montreal, of huch dimensions and d(>tails of consLrucLiou as the Engiueei' may dt.-em proper. — -M — i. Water Stations, with all iiiodcni iiii]»rovt"iii('iits. shall he coiislnictcd. at carli of |j),. stations Qiiclicc, Thivc HivjM's. and Monlival ; and also at snch inlci-nicdiatc stations, or points, at intei'valscd'not less than fifteen miles, as the Kn.Liineei- may deem necessary and jii-oper, lor tin' safe and eonvenien; workim; of the road. X.— -I*AssHN(ii;it AMI FiiKKiiir Staiions. 1. One lar^t3 and conunodions Passen.Lici' llonse shall ])e constrncted. either o!" hii(dv or stone, ateaidi of the stations (»)iiel)er. Three liiversand Monlival. of snch dimensions, and with snch linisJi and Inrnitni-e, as the Knuineer jnay deeni necessary and iiI'o[k'1' lor the accommodation ol' tlu> l)nhlic ; and for sncdi olHces as may Ite iiecessarv and con- venieid h)r the ti'ansaclion of the hiisiness of the'Comiianv at those |ioints. •i. One large and commodions b^-eii-ht ITonso sliall be constrncted, cither of hri(dv or stone, at eaidi of the sta- tions gnehcc, Three-Rivers and Montreal, ol" sn<-h dimen- sions, and with smdi otficcs and fix nros as the Kn.yineer may deem necessai-y and projier I'or the- convenieiitlraiis- actioii (d" linsiness at those [loinls. :l A Station House, with passenger and Freight aix'om- modations coiii])ined. must !»(> constrncted, either ol" wood, brirdv or stone, at each ol" the intermediate, or wav sta- tions, of sneh diniiuisions, and with sncn rnrnitnre and fi.xtnres, as the Engineer may deem necessary and proper for the aceommodation of "tin' way linsiness upon tli(3 road. XI.— Loeo.NfOTivE Engines, and Rolling Stock. I. Nine first (dass Passenger Engines, and seven first class Freight Engines shall be furnished upon the road, of such weight, and details of constrnetioii, as the Engin- — ■2[) — • •or iiia\ (It'ciii ncrcssary and j.i'(,j,.'r fur \\io\v ivsiiccfivr uses. ' '-.Ten first class [lassfu-cr cars: ci^lit s.toikI class p.-isscii-ri- cars; seven l.a-o-an,., „iail. aii.l cxprcs- cars coiiiljiiiciatl(.rm cars: and ej-hteen I, and cars shall be funnshed iiltoii the road, ol' such dimensions, <-onstrncti.)n and imsh as Ihe Kn-nieer may deem necessarv and |»roi,er loi' their respectivf! uses. ' 'Ihese are Ihe specificalions nKMitioned in Ihe I'" ••••'/•'■'•"•K .'mii.'xed to tliese presents, certifi.'d, acknow'^- <"d-ed and si-ned hy (he parties to these presents, and tlie niKh-rsioned Notary, and Ihe said \vitn.'ss.«s aft<>r Ihe due ';<;a(hn^ thereor, on thi^ Fifth Dav of April, in the Vcai' One Ihonsand Kiglit Hundred and'Sevenlv two NORTH SHORE RAILWAY. SPECIFICATIONS von THE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT OF THE PILES BRANCH. The SpjM'irications for the construction and equipment of the Main Line, so far as relates to the general cliaraoter of the work and materials, will apply, and be in force upon the Piles Branch, subject only to the following mo- difications : 1. The lower Terminus of the Piles Branch will be within the limits of the Town of Three Rivers ; and, if the |)rincipal portion of the line shall be located by the Rail- way (Company upon the east side of the St. Maurice River, the point of Jnnction with the Main Line will be so fixed that one bridge over said River will answer for both the Branch and Main Line. The upper Terminus will be fixed by the Railway Company at or near th(! Grand Piles, upon the St. Maurice River, where a convenient connection may be made with the navigable waters of said River. 2. The right of way will be procured, and the road-bed prepan^d, without any reference to the future construction of a second or double track. 3. Trestle work may be substituted for embankiiK'nts and masonry, in extreme cases, where, in the opinion of — :{; lln' I'lii.uiiKM'r, nllifi' on .iccoiini of ilir se.ncih- o|' ni.ilt' or utiifi-siilliciciit cjiiiscs. it iii;iy he jiislili.ildr oi- (-.xprdifiit '" '1" >•»• iJiit III.' hvslli' woik. wlifii so siilislitiitcd. mnsl Ix" iii;i(I(' lo coiironii lo Ihc pl.ins .iiid sprcilicMlions I'lir- iiislii'd hy lilt' fMiuiiiccr. '«. Till' Iron l»;iilsin;iy lie (d' no! less w.'i.i^lil ||i;i|j ruriv live pounds per liiii'.il yard, ."). An I'ji-inc-IIoiisc. wilh liirn-lahlc. iniisi he coii- stniclcd. cilhcr ol" liricdx or shdir, al the li-nninal slalioii al llic (Irand Piles, willi stalls !'or two Kii.uiiii's. (i. A Walcr-slalion iiiiisl In- coiislriictrd al llir < Irand Piles ; and also one, if r»'(|iiin'd l»v llic Kimiiiccr. al some C()nviMii Jnnclion of llic PraiKdi and llic Main Line. 7. A Passcii^M'r and Frci-lil Slalion coniliiiicd. !nii.>l lie conslniclcd al, llic slalir)n al (irand Piles; and also Iwo or more, if rc([nirc(l i)y llie iMi.uiiiccr. shall !>c conslrnclcd at soin(> projicr inlcrniedialc iioints iiclwecn llic Jnnclion and (ii-aiid Piles. and express car ; two emigrant cars: llirce calllc cars : liflecii hox frei-ht cars ; twenty live i»!ath)rin cars: and Iwo han.l cars mnsl he fnrnished upon ihe |'i|,.s Bramdi. !l. A siiilahle and pei'inanenl Wharf or I.andin- mnsl he conslrnclcd al Ihe (ii-and Piles, for the coiiV(;iiient transfer (d' i»asseii,M(.|'s and I'rei.uht. helweeii Ihe cars and sieainhoal. h). A ,L;ood and snhslaiilial Sh-amlcial. siudi as the KiiLiinecr shall approve, and siiilahle for lie iiavi,uation of Ihe St. Maurice iiiv.'r. ahow ihe (Irand Piles: and, !ia\iii,L: [iritper accoinmodalion hu' Ihe lraiis|torlalion ol — X\ — nasspng(M-s and rnMj,Hit, must be fiiriiisluMl upon lh<' Si. Mauricn Rivor, at tht- t<'niiinal station of the liranch ai the Grand Piles. These are th(> specifications mentioned in the roi-cgoin^ contract, annexed to these; presents, certified, acknow- ledged, and signed by the parties to i»resents, the witnesses, and the undersigned Notary, aft(M- due read'i-- thereof, on the Fifth Day of April, in the year oik,. thou>^aiid eight hundred and seventy two. .5 — 35 — /) 5 5S t =£ r ^.= '^ c as « =s i V — O ii . CJ -^^ "s 1^^ •" ^ .® "" •3 -f jj *- a o c X "^-i -^ "~ 2 C -, ^ ca r'^^'=« •r* "< c .~ "^ --" -^ ^ ^. Vt-. r^ ^ ?* «4M -. , *d -a ^ •-; « or "-' -« *« ^ '^ -- .i ^ o "^^ * a I^ f . a - -r -ti: ^ i =* -■ 3 '^ i o - 3 o Sj 73 a- o ^ ^ ce s " ;i'=iij ^ ^ 2 o •= r^ *~* ■» ."Tr f^ — L. o^ O c ■:« « ~ S5 E 1; ii iL g .i *cc x" .- ~ = ^ - - ;s ^ 'X ;^ C {■ ^ ~ 53 ir* > rt ^ „ •• ^ ►J c -►^ .-"3 •— ' S 12 n - ^ - -as Si: S -£««^ t- -I tc ^ — M — 15 a « g o , <:i -,^ 1 ^ 1 ^ o •nC J8 o ,o •a 'o M !q H( a: ST. ■< -u t^H ■^ S ;_> Q ^ a >J -< -^ W .,^. w 7. P: C e a: ta (- p: o SC o o «^ 1/ o Oh I a o o m P a, 01 o o O O O O wOOOOOOOOOOOO (O 00 o o o o COOOOOOO — "aoo:D-HCD— ' . OOOOOOOO O C O' O O © O O »c o ir; o o c I--, lo o-i o -riMCCiCDiMTj.— .CO J^1_ 05 t- C-l I— I ,— I CD r— 1 oo" cc" -T ^^ c en a _o a a X c • r. • c T. rt. « <- C *< C "^ — .Z '^ ~ ■" --' — X "^ "^ z. c t^ '- I- ^ c :^ ^ ^ f ~ ■■ 500 00C000C00000OOOOO0 OOOCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO" o o Q o ooooopooooooo "^ --, -^ -^ — _ '-^ o_ lO oo_ c;^ ift^ o »o_ o^ in w ^„ ^ • - ■— " " -H io lO i>- ^ ic cc" aS' cT ~ ^ CO cc ^ co" i^ -^ y^ -^ fS c^ '-' CO.— ifO •-• TfiCD'Mi— • MfO'-<-He- .— ( X- - ^ 3 -r f s3 C r- A rr uc * fi o « ILh u -^ 9 ■o ^ >-' c 73 * s u r ■t tf 'te' i. C im ^ bf ■•-' V, H t ^^ ^ C fee '^ u u a ^! O 4, ■ O t: bt^ - a 13 •f. cS ■ C be a a . . to >- y 2 JJ S CS 153 S tci: "^ ■= ^ 5 a .i; o a. ^^ is ii .. o sf Q >, t* Ms •J3 3 o h O ic X. a a. — 38 — O O ^T ^ OC t^ C^l - 1, g .^ ^ 5 § .-^ § ^S, R, —^ '1, ^„ '^ =^ '^^ - "* - o5 r-i t- CD c S '^ 2 2 g --'■^' gr'-''~«'~;;f 2:' o 2 '"'~«'' OOiOCOOCC;oeoc50c~ i- 'O o c CO X o c 1 ;:^ X -J i-i M M P3 — :\\) — ooooooocoocccooo o o c o o o o _ :0 t-^ «0^ C0_ C: t- -, o CO i-t fo •^ f— I I- o" TjT — " i^ -4~ cT cT leT oT o o o o o o o o o t- »o o CO — CD ^ 3 O O ■" — • iM evi 1— I be 'to 'Ji 00 CO «D~ o c o o o o o c o o c: lo iq_ -, '-' 00 CO s^i c o o o c c o o 5 c c o >n O lC5 O CO ^ CO <» CO rt< (M ir^ c^i f-^ iM :vi - o -31-3 G J =« I I J I NORTH SllORH RAILWAY. CIRCULAR No. 2. VOK 11 IE IM'ORMAIION AND (IT I DANTE OK ENGINEER DEPARTMENT AND CONTRACTORS, WITH REFERKNtK TO CKR TAI N MAITHRS WIIK 11 ARK l.KKT Ol^KN bOR THK DKCISION uK TIIK KM U NEKK, IN IIIK C.KNERAL Sl'IU IFICAIIONS KHR 1 TIK MMN MNK. The conlract lor the coiistriiclicm and ('([iiipnuMit of the North Shoi'p Railway, and tin' licnoral s[HH'ifi('alions attachod thereto, provide I'oi- a fii-sl-rlass yitihmn in all rcsjx'cls, so I'ai as the main line hclwecii QiiidjiN' and Montreal is concerned. The I'acl thai this was made a condition precedent, which umsl he complied with before ei her the liailwa y Conijiany. 01' the (]ontr;ictoi'. wonid he entitled lo reciMve the large anionnt of aid .uraiUed Lo the by the Provincial Governnii'nI. and the ('ity of (^nehec. I'endered it nnneces L'.ary to enihody in the ori,uinal siieeiUcalions, all the details wlii'di are nsnally coidained in the specUieations h^r a lirsl-class railw;iy : and many matters ot iin|toi'lance were ther-d'ore left to the dei'ision (d' the Kn^ineci'. dnrin,n' the jirogress of the work. In view ol the iireal importance of insnrin,;.,^ a perfect undei-slanding. and harnionv of action, at the onlset, as 4^2 well ,''s iiniroi-inity in tlic cliaivicU'r ol' work iqtoii all jtoitioiis of the liiu': and also lor Ihc piii'iiosf* of facilitatiii'.'' the projM'i- execution of the woi'k. and of cari-yin^ out the lni('S[)ii'it and moaning orf the contract and ori.ixinal s[»eci- lications, I he following r.rplnndioni ov 'Ifhiilnl s[)ecifh'ations have heen [)i'ei)a red in relation to the diireniil classes of woi'k hiM'einafter refei'red lo, so far as any contingency connected therf.'with can now l)e fon^seen and [n-ovided for. I. — RuufT OF Way. 1. The Right of Way ninstl)e secnnMl of sntiicient width for th(} constrnction of the Railway, and also to allow of the honndary fences heiiig hnilt f3ntirely njion the Coni- [)any's land, witiioiit inlei-fering, eitliei- with adjoining lands, or with t0[» slopes of excavations, side drains and horrowing ])its requin.'d to be madednring the constrnction of the Railway. 2. At points whore Stations may be located, the extra width reqnired will he designated "by special instrnctions from the of!i('e of tlie Kngine<'r in Chief. IL— Fkncin.;. 1. The character of the fen<'ing and gates along the honndary lines of the Railway, as regards the dnrability of the materials of wdiich they\'ire composed, and the style and workmanship of their constrnction, mnst be fnlly np to tli<> standard of the fencing and gates in general nse npon the lirst class farms contignonsto the I^ailway in the Parishes and Gonnties through which the Railway passes. III. — Earth Works. 1. The grade line as indicated npon the profiles, is intended to ]'ei)resent the elevation of the bottom of the cross-tie in the suiierstinctnre. — 'i3 — 2. The iiiiuiiuiiiii widtli ol' lirrlvr frrt as sptM-ificd for singU' track, is intriKlnl to apply only to cases, both in excavations and enibankiut'iils. wIum'c t-lic native uialerial is of sand or gravel, suitable for the reception of the siqierstriictiire witliout requiimg ballast: but wln'n such is not the cas(». the I'oad-bed will be lel't with a toi» width oflifffMMi feet at sub-grade, so as t allow of oik* foot in depth of ballast, and a linishing width of twelve feet at grade 3. The elevation «d' the sub-graile, will gtMierally be one foot below the grade line as indicated uitou the profiles, but it mav varv from this at the discretion of the Engineer. ♦J *- ^> after allowing for proper gradients for the superstructure. 4. The linisliing width of twelve feet, as above spe- cified, is intended to aitjily to the rOcid-b(»d after becoming fully settled, and after the slopi's have become iirmly fixed in position, so as to be free from the dangers of scouring, slides, ikc. ; and th(> Engineer in charge must make due allowance, in extra widths, for height of banks, character of mat(M'ial. and other contingencies of t'^is nature, during the progress of the work. 5. Surface of catch-water drains must bo excavated at a pro[)er distan.-e above the toi»-slopes of excavations, in wet ground, whenever thev will have a tendencv to turn the water fi'om the slopes and road-way. and hvid it into an adjacent culvert or slnic(>. 6. The picsent line of location is intended to be the center line of the single track now to be consti'ucted : and the space reserved for an additional track, will l>e twelve feet in width, and will, as a general rule, be htcated u[Kni the Southerly side of the jireseut road-bed ; but the iMigineer in charge may depart from this rule in excep- tional cases, havmg due regard to the disti'ibulion and [»rocuring of material, and also to the proper future alinement of tlu; tracks. _- w _ 7. WliiMicviT llici'c is a scarcity of iiialcri.ii rorcinljank- mciils. the sjiacc reserved Tor llie double h';ick may lie • Microaclied i!| (in foi' l)(iri")\viiii;' purposes l hoiTouMn--' 'iiid disjjositn.n orniatonal : iiavinn- j,, view also tli,. (lUniv ••oiislrnclion ol snow r.Micps alon- tlir lin-'. at all c.xd.h.mI [xiiids. ' ^ ' IV. — Dll.AINAOE. 1. Tli.'.jn.'slion.d-rrossor lateral draina-v will Ix-niadr tlK! .^nlij.'cl ot sp.'<-ial ohstTvation and sindv bv llu' iMi-in.MM- in diivri (dia.-v .,r the work; an.l -rrat, 'caiv mnst be alvon to adopt opcnm-s of sntficient sectional area to Dass Hie waters ot liie hi-hest Hoods evre roven'd bo.x cohorts will saf.dv answer the purpose and where the depth of bank upon the <'<)\vring will be suthcient to protect the uiasonrv fr.,m injury by th,. passap. of trains. Two feet in depth of earth b(>low the bottom of th." cross-tie. should be r,-,,,,|ed a^ a miiHmumFr.Mi.di drains, and tubes composed of iron or other suitable materials, maybe used in cases where it can be done with safety. 3. Th.' side walls of opeu water or road-wavs, cattle guards. N:e ol twelve feet spans and under, will b<- l(>ff two (>et b(dow .urad.-, in order to allow for a wall plate ami lon-itiidmal sle.'per for the support of the cross-ties WluMiever the spans e.xceed tw.dve f.>et. these structures as also till- masoury reiiuired for piers aud abntments oi* — 40 — Irus.-s l)ri(V';('s, will be made to cuuforiii to the sjiccilic ])laii of such slnicture. V. Cattle GrAiins. 1. Cattle guards will gcucrally he coustructt'd of stone masonry, of the character descrihed in tin? Oth paragi-apli. under the head of Masonuv, in the general s[»ecihcations. This will always be the cause when Ihey are useil for [tur- jMJses of lateral drainage ; but when this is not the case, and when suitable stone are not easily attainable, they may, at the discretion of the Engineer in charge, be con- structed of good sound cedar, or other ecjually durable tinibei', after the plan adopted upon other iirst-class Rail- ways in Canada. VI. Masonry. 1. The term first-class rubble Masonry^ as used in para- graph 2, under the head of Masonhy, in the general speci- fh^ations, is intended, so far as regards strength, durability, general appearance, .and proper adaptation, to secure work which shall be fully up to the standard for similar struc- tures upon the Intercolonial, GrandTrnnk, Great Western. (H- any other Iirst-class Railway in Canada. 2. The exception with reference to broken or irrt^gular courses, in extreme cases whtu'e the (juarry will not afford stone of uniform thickness for every course, must not be construed in such a manner as to I'esull in work which shall be inferior in strength and durability, to ordinary tirst-class ranged work. 3. The following extract from tht> Specified fio)is for Ihr fntcrcoloiiial Itailirai/ is given as a guide to the Kngiueei' in charge, contractors and inspectors, with i-eferencc t(» the general character and details of tliis class of work in the more imi>ortant siriu'tui'es upon this road : — 17 U '.0 r.. hrsf-class mason n/^\u\[\ hr m ivmilar ('(Hirscs of ;irii<', I'li'I in .,ii iIi.m,- n;,tiiV;il t>«' work will he 1,'lt with the;- quarry facp;' ,>xc,.j,| ||„> oiilsid,' ai-ris."s. striii-s and '•opiiiH-, winch will lie chisel dressed. " i:i Th(M-ou ses of lirst-class masoiirv will not b.- less llian twelve uKdies, and they will he arran-ed in m- the plans to suit Ih.. nature of Ih.' (inairie^ conrs,>s may ran-e up to 2i inches, and the tliiiniest courses iuva- I'laJily he placed towards the lop ol' the work. i'«. Headers will he huilt in everv course not Inrther apart than G leet, tli.n^ will have a len-tli in line of wall o not less than •>'» inclu-s, and (hey must run hack at l(>ast W tunes their hei-lit. unless wIk-u thev will not allow his proportion, in wh; bed. I he larger bridges will ivquire bed stones of proportion- — 48 — ally greater weight ; these stones sliall be solidly and earernlly placed in [»osition, so that lln^iiridge will sel fair on the niiddh.' ol" the stone. 'iH. The harking will consist of Mat hcddiMl stones, having an area of bed eipial to lonr superficial h'ct or Fiore. Kxcejit in high [hms or abntnients two thicknesses of hacking stone, hnt not more will he allowed in each conrse, and theii- joints ninst nol e.\c(>ed thai of tlu^ face work ; in s[iecial cases wliei-e deemed necessary l»y I he KngiiKM.'r lo iiisnre slahilily. thi' heddiug shall he in one thi(dvness ; Ihe beds mnsl. if necessary, be scaltbled olf, so as to give a solid bearing. No pinning will be admith'd. Between th(^ ba(dving and face slonc^s there ninst be a good S(jnare joint, not exceeding one inch in width, and th(! face stones mnst be scabhled olf lo allow this. In walls over three f(;et in thickness, headers will be ])nilt in front and back alternately, and great care must be taken in the arrangements of the joints, so as to give [lerfect bond. 'tl). Every stone must be set in a full bed of moitar and beaten solid, the vertical joints mnsl beflnshed njt solid, and every course mnst he perfectly level and thoroughly "routed." Should conliugencies occur dui'ing the i ogress of the work, which have not Ixmmi referred to, or provided for, in th.e above, they will be innnediately re[»orte(l lo the othce of the Engiueer-iu-chief lor lurtluM' information and instrn* li(tns. SILAS SEYMOUR, Enijini'rr-in-C'hirf. (,)nelMr. .Iniie I",', iST'i. lOlNT RKPORT I) F Messrs. C. BAILLARGE and A. L. LIGHT. Quebec, 13th March, 1875. A. H. Vkrhet, Esq., Secy. Norths. Railway. Sir, In accorflance with rcsulutioiis jjassed on the IJrd and r^th inst., resi)ectivcly at mc(Miii,i4:s ol'llie special coinniitlec of the North Shore Railway, wherein Messrs. Haillar-c ^ Liglit were nNiuested to com(^ to a mntnal nn(hM'standin|.i and make known, with the least i)0ssil)l(> delay what nm- dilications ai-c necessary to he made in the siteciflcations. ;ind in tht> jdans of th(> road, to rs at llie dis])osal of the Company ['iw IlKM-onstrnclion of their i-oad. Messrs. Baillai'.ue iS. Li-lit he- to rejiort on the above as Inllows : Isl. Thai the road-bed or base ofFiallast be raised more or less eijuivalent to an avei'a,L:e of at least one loot Ihronghoul its entire len-itb over and above urade l,>v(d 4 :>() shewn on [ rotilcs. Willi rcgjird to this r.-iisin}: of ro;)(l-h('(l \v(> suii^^cst llial the wlioh' line lie [wissed ovci- prolih' in hnnd and the points \vh(M'(> liic raisin*: siionld he made he indicated on that profile. *2nd. Thai the he increased IVoni hS to I'l feel in width to admit of thronjiii (inuna.m,'. Ih'il. That althmi^h Messrs. FliMnminn and Li,uht aredici- (h'dly oi' ojiinion that a width of 17 feel at •brmation or hase of Ballast lev(d, wonld insure more permniieney. safety and iiltimatt^ economy yet t.-dung the present re- sources of the Coni]tany into consideivilion, we are pre- [)aied to recommand thai a width of iKtt less than lo feet as now arranged for the M. N. (ioloni/.alion Railway, he adoph'd as the width of Formation f.evtd on the K\ S. Railway, it heinj;- nnih'i'stood that the road-hed shall he so made iwith si(h' slo[)es of not l(>ss than on > ana a half horizontal to one pef[»endicnlai'lyi that it will letainthe full width of I.") feet after it has thoroughly shrunk and conscdidated. Where the native material is suliici*Milly good to he used as Ballast, t!ie road-hed may he laised or left one foot higher and reduced to \'2 \\'o\ in width at uii lerside of sleejH'r. The uudcM'signed are induced to recommend this reduc- tion in width (d" i'o;id-hed. hec.'inse these emhankmeuts can bt> widened hereafter if desired, withoid iuttu'fering maleri.'dy with the general plan of llu^ Railway, when- evtM' the resources of the Com[)any will admit of this increase being made. 4th. That a foot of Ballast he placed under the slee[>(M's as will as carried u]» to the levid of their upper sui'faces ;is slunvu in th(^ diagram attaidiefl. The widtli of Ballast heing 10 feet at the lev(d of [()[> ol sleeper and li feet t) iiKdies at tiie hase or Formation level. ■>lli. the k.p width or l^rrs shall ii, ii„ rasr l.r l.-s. iiau Iroiii .) to / feet i'or spans oi' IVoiu SO to JCO hn't "^ l.'."l lor spans of .S() IV.M, (> fe.l for spans of |-2(). 7 tVrl' for spans ol l()0 an,lprop„r[i„uat,.lyfor int<'nn(Mliat.' orlai-vr spans whH'h ol conrsr will nc.vssitatr the ivhnil.iino Hic Hicr at tlKsTacqnes-Cai-tierHiidoe, in ,-,,nfoi-niit v with this sii--."st,on,or the erection of an additional Pier.' Also thai tiiea.Iditiona thidvn('ssiv,i,n,v,lat the iners of the hruh... at PorlnenI ot w ueh the fonndations are already in plan, ••an he obtained by alterin- the baiter thereof. ' That Uiese Piers be .•onstrnel,>d of first-class masonry Ml. i.ight h.Mn-ol opunon that the speeihcations for ma- sonry m nse on the Montreal N. Colonization Railway tioni thoir Ire.Mhmi from amhio-nity h." adoj^ted on the N^o.lJiSh.uv I.a.lway and that Portland llydranlie C,. • i ..nT ''; f^'''^-'^''' '»^i^""0' ill the propm-tion ol . ot sand to I ot cement m fac.- work and 3 of sand to I cemonl m tlu- bacdvin- and heartin- (llh. Thai the fonndations iov Piers in de.-p water be so altered and strengthened to th.. a[.|.royal of the nnder- signed as to ensure tliat sahMy and stability which in thei.' opnnon they do not now jmss.'s. This modifh-ation clause -No. b we h.dieye is within the scoj f ih,. contract. We hav(,' the honor to be. Sir, ^'onr obedient servants, '^'f?'>'"'l' "Cms. liMLLAnfu'v. " A. L. Licht.ii . Tliis is Hie ivporl (W Messi's. liaiHar-e c^ I a-hl, referred to 111 tlic conlraci iniU'in] into Ik Iwceii llx' Honorable the I'Acnilive Coniicil of llic Province of (^ a. d the Ho- 52 iiorable Ths. McGreovy, and pass.Ml this dav before Phil Hiiot and his Collea-iie, Notaries Public, at Quebec. iSigiiedi Ths. McGhkkvy. C. B. I)K Boi CHEHVn.l.K. " Phi. HroT. N. P.. . , „ '' K. (i. Cannon. N. \\. A true Copy, Phi. Huot, N. P. Quebec, 24th September, 1875. I CO! s n. / ■i II. 15 n SECTION OF ROAD IN EMI s n 15 11. I B A L L A ST. \. Eis/rB.A-isrK:3i/i:Ei:srT \ \ "x \ X OAD IN EMBANKMENT XoTR : This cross st'ction is simply iiitciultMl to shew the .•irrniiuciiK'Ut of the Biiilasliiij^'iii coiiiicrtioii with the width of Ho;i(lh('(l lias no ivt'onMicc to llu' h('i,i:hl of Erabaiiknunit iiiti'iidtMl. \ (SiglltHl.l (Ins. liAlM-AIlUli:. i A. li. Lkiht. NORTH SHORE RAILWAY. DETAILKI) SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOUNDATIONS IN DEEP WATER. General Dkscriptfon. In cases where solid rock is not easily altaiiiable, it is proposed to furnish substantial and durable foundations for bridge masonry in deep water, by means ot a composite substruclure^ to be formed of piles, surrounded by a rough, strong crib work, filled with stone. It is i' tended thai the entire weight of the masonry, and bridge superstructure shall be supported by the bear- ing piles ; and that the crib shall ke^ep the piles firmly in position ; and at the same time, protect them from the effect of SCO' ring or undermining, by reason of the action of the current upon the bed of the sti'eam. The following method of construction will be adopted, subject to such modifications as may, from time to time, be directed or approved by the Engineer, during the pro- gress of the work. Crib Work. The locality of the proposed substructure will be indi cated by means of guide piles, firmly driven, at points representing the outer angles or sides of the crib work : .Vi uiul the oiitliiio of the ri-il» iiiiist be inaJi' to conform l»i the plans funiisliLMl by the Kiigiiieer. The cril) will he ('oinjiosed of round limbers, or loj^s, of the (luality and dimensions specified in the hills furnished bv the Euj.nneer. These timbers will be neatlv locdved or •.. CD I fastened together at the joints and angles ; and thoioughly secured in their i»laces, by means of drift-i)olts, tree-nails or spikes, of [iroper size, as the Euginecu* may direct. The outside timbers will be sulliciently near each other to retain the loose stone with which the crib is to be filled : and th(^y will be hound together, and kept in their [laces, by means of ties to be inserted at proper intervals for that purpose. The cril) will be so constructed as to afford vortical chambers for the reception of a sufficient amount of stone to sink, and hold it firmly in its place at the bottom of the river, within tlie area indicated by the guide piles ; and these chambers will be floored, and sided up, in such a manner as to prevent the stone, as they are thrown in during construction, from falling out and interhu'ing with the proper sinking of the crib, or with the future driving of the bearing piles. (ireat care must be taken, in the formation of the buttom of the crib, to insure a perfect adajjtatiou to that j)ortion of the bed of the river ui)on which it is to rest, so that the entire crib nuiy settle evenly and vertically to a fii-ni bear- ing, and thus avoid the danger of drawing the <'n<'losed bearing piles out of their [)roper [losition. After the crib has been built \i[\ to the i'e(juired height, and thoroughly secured in position, the driving of the foundation or bearing jtiles will be conuniMiced in the vacant spaces or chaml)eis left for them in the ci'ib. \ 1 .».) — Hl-AMINi; PiLKS. The quality. Iciiuth. and size of the timber coinposiiii: the licM'iii^- piles, will coiifonn to the bill fiii'iiished by the p]nuiiieer. The heads of the piles must be eut off square, and. when i'e(|uii'ed by the l*]iii:iiie(M\ they nuist be banded witli a wron^ihl iron i-inu of sntfieieiit slraii^th to withstand the bl(»w of the haninier They ninst by properly sharpened at the small end. so that the point will eome directly under the ciMder of tlw pile : and when requiied by the En,L;ineer, tht» [loinl must be [iropi'rly pi-otectcd by means of a cast or wrou.^ht iron sho(\ They must, in all cases, be stripped of bark, andsmoothh trinunt'd of all knots or otlun- protub<3rences, so that they will pass freely throup:li the leaders of the pile driver. The piles must l)e di'iven vertically, and with i)recision. at the points designated upon the plans furnished by the Kngineer, being generally from two to three feet apart froru their centers, according to their length, or the weight which they ar<» to sustain ; and if any pile bo dri- ven so mu(di out of place, that in the opinion of the En- gineer, it will not all'ord a firm and proper bearing for the cap, or i)latform, upon which the masoni-y is to rest, it must be replaced imm<'diatly by another pile properly driven. The hammer used for driving piles must be of cast iron, weighing of least fifteen hundred pounds; and it must fall through the vertical leaders, at least thirty feel at the last blow. The piles must in all cases be driv(Mi to a point where, owing to the firmness of the earth, or other sufficient cause, they canmU be forced more than two inches, at the last blow of the hammer — 50 — After bciii^ properly driven, llie tops ol" the piles will be iiroiighf to, ;iii(l firmly Jield in their propei- position, as shown by the plan, for the reception of the raps ; 'a:id while in this position, the spaces within the erib, and bet- ween and aronnd the ])il(>s, will ]>e tilled to the nvjniied height, with stones of snitable size for i)aeking well ; th(>s(> stones ninst be thoron-hly settled with a rammer, so as to form an immovablp ballast, which will hold each pile t irmly iri position. The piles will then be sawed otf to snch a level, as, with the intervening caps and platform, will bring the bottom of the masonry ahont two feet iielovv low water mark in the River. Platform for Masonry. The timber composing the platform npon w^hich the masonry is to rest, will conform to the bills fnrnished bv the Engineer. It will consist : Firsf .-—Of caps, flattened to a nniform thickness of not less than one foot, with a least one foot of bearing snrface npon each side of the stick. These caps are to be placed transversly npon the piles, and secnrely fastened to each pile witb a drift-bolt, or a two-in(di white oak tree-nail— as the Engineer may direct. Second ; — Longitndinal floor timbtn's, no! less than six- inches thick, and twelve inches wide, will be placed six- inches apart npon the caps, and s(>cnrely fastened totliem by means of tree-nails, or spikes. 77(/V^/ .---Two conrses of two inch plank will be laid diagonally in opposite din>ctions, npon fhe tloor timbei-s, and Ihoronghly secnred with spikes. Ujion this lloorinii-ol' plaidv, th(^ first conrse of masonry, consis'ing of large Hal stones, is to rest. .) / — As an allci'iialivc In llic altovc hh'IIkmI uT cnuslnictifdi. llif fMilirc platform may. at tlic ()])tinu of fho Contractor. Ii" [lilt totiotlicr at or near the sliorc : and. after htnii,:^ fill iiislu'd witli the iKM-ossary side ami ciid [lifccs. foi- i»i'o- It'ctioii a.iiaiiist ihc watt'i'. it may lir Moated to its desti- nation in the form of a scow, and IJien he sunk, and j)ro- perly secured to its place iijion the piles : thus atrordintr a \vater-ti,L;ht caisson in whicji the masoni\ ma> he com- menceil. F( irrnKK Piioikction. After the platform has heen securely au(diored in its phice n[>on the piles. su(di furthei- jn'olection. oi' j^uai'd piles, shall Ite driven ; and such additional comiections. fast(Miiiigs and tinish shall he put upon the top, and outer side of the crih work, imdudin.u hi'ush and riprap around th(> l)ottom, as uiay ho reqnirocl by the Engineer, for the l)uri)ose of protecting it thoroughly from the injurious action of the water, ice, oi' any otlier dangei- to which the foundation may become ex[»osed. 8 .hS — 2 73 ^, o J. a; c8 -a « 2 « X) O :S o 11 —I l2 o .IS a i^ c3 a: S Or S tc a. 9 a 2 I- 'J= ~ o S as 43 O ^ O V o H iJ ?; % U O s O K F^ U tin H o c 05 — »0 Ji c CD — r-. ■* -(.i »n u a u X fe H o 1 S5 h5 72 o —t a; Eh O a a : : a -•^ tH 4- * Ui x» « tl a, 00 :j • • f^ • cc CO 4J a V ""• a La ' '—' ^ ce O i 73 O -C a, a ■+-* -♦-' -M ' oj 4) cc V .Sj cc d) . ■+j" <*5 4; 'S o CO •o 00 <--c c e^i o TJ CJ »o * rH s r^ <4-l .9 1 o a c r— * O a c fO a 5 fl T; fl ■w s -*-j b. 4) +J a d o C: 43 4) o i^ 4J fct » ^.^'^ O -fl i3 IJ fl s -f-) rt k be ic fcc "*^ • •-- c a _c ;» O 4) _fl fl "fl c • ■-( 'o fl 13 fl ^ h-i .S _2 '■« » « S -M — t; -t; -a ti EC ■(-) fl 2 (vO o i^ I- CO CO o5 -t 00 -f 00 t- o 00 lo o o w e^i I- CO '- Raihva v Company'" and the- Montreal. Ottawa and Wf>st(M'n Railway Company " heretofore known as the - Montr(>al Northern Colonization Railway Company. ' have severally si-nifled to the lien- tenant-governor, their inahilitv to carrv ont the consirnc- tion ol the said linesof road, and whereas thev have sever- ally expressed their readiness to surrendtu' to 'the Gov(U-n- nient ot the province of gnehec, the [iropertv and rii,4ils of till' said corporations, if the -overnment w(inld nndertake [o-'onstrnct thesaid linesof railroad, with the hranch(^. thereof to the Grand Piles and St. Jerome; and whereas It IS in the pn])lic inteivst that the said roads slionld be '•onstrncted, and therefrom prolon^M'd as hereinafter set lorth; therefor lb>r Majesty, by and with the advice and <-onsent ot the legislature ef Qnelmc, enacts as lollows: 1. There shall bo a railway constructed coinmenciii"- at the port ol Qnebec, and extending iVom d,H-p water in'Uie said port, via Montreal, to smdi poim in the county of I oiitiac, as may l)e mosi snilabl." for connecting lieivafter the said railway, with (he snbsidiz.wl portion of the rs. and also snch ag(>nts. servants and workmen, as in their discrrtion they may deem necessary and jiropei' for the execntion of the powers and duties i;:) vostiMl iiiaiiil iiiip').-;!'il oil lli(>s;ii:l ('(jimnissioiii'i's in vii'tiic of (lie prcsLMil act. 6. TluM'()iii[iiissi()ii(,'i\s shall liavc full nowcr and au- thorilv by I li 'iiisi'lV('s, tli'ir cimiiK't'i's, a^ciils. woi'kiut'ii. servants and contnu'tDi-s, and tlic sm-vants and woi'knien (jf sncli ('i)iiti'actoi's ; 1. To uxaniinc, cxploi-i' and snrxey tli 'pivsiMit jd'ojcctcd liiiu of railway IVoni (,)ncl)'c \V(\>l\vard. and 111-' Connlry adjaconi llio-cto : 2. And foi- that ;nii'ii >s" to cnti'i- iiiio and n[)on aii\ pnltlic land, or llii' land of an\' coi-poralion or ]»i'rsoii \v]ialsof>\('r : 3. To make snrvnys, cxaniinations oi' oilier arranyc- ments on sn(di lands non'ssary for conlii'niinu-, altering, establishing or loi-aliiiL,' th,> site of the railway, and to set' ontand ascertain sneli parts of the lands as shall he ne- cessary and proper for the railway: i. And fnrtlier to lell (M' remove any trees standinuin any woods, lands or forests where the railway shall pass, to the distance (d' four I'ods from eithi>r side theivof. 7. The resolntion [iissod on the eleventh dav of Angnsl last hy the directors n\' the North Shore iiail- wuy coini):iny, and snl)se({nenlly to wit : on llic -J-^nd day of Novemher, J.STo, as ratilied and conlirmed bv a resolntion of the shareholders of th(> com[ian\-. jMir- poi'tini;- lo vest and conv(>y all the [)roperty of the said railway company in and to llii- said province of (,)ntd),'c. ^'i-'dl. at all times and places, he Indd to he fnll. linal. complet", and (dl'ectnal to all intents and pnrposes what- soever ; ami a.ll the propei'ly and ri.ghts of action ofllir said coi'poration and all tJie frantdiises a.nd privil(\u(',- tlii>reof shall he, and th<' same are heivh\ vested, in \l'\ Maji^sty, to and for the pnhlic nses of the jjrovince; and tlt.e 'Muv-islralion of a cmjiv of [he said resolutions, in an\ GO fogistry ollicc in ,i,iiy ivgisLraliDii (li\ ision of I his pi-oviiicc ill \vlii''li Jiiiy l;i!i(ls arc siliiati>il. which have a' any liiiic herotoI'Mrc 1);mm! convcytMl or hiMidcil lo Hn' said oiiqia.iiv. shall ha\'c liic saiiic lurci- and cllrcf, as if such lands had hccn sjn'cially incnlioncil in Ihc said I'csnlnlioiis. and sopa rahdy, and spiM-ially and c\[)rcssly therein dcscrihcd, anv provision of any law or act to the conlrary not with- stand in, l;-. •S. Till' ti'ansl'cr and assiuimicnt passed on Ihc second day of Novenihei-, on(> thousand eigiit hnndrtMl and seven- ty-five, helore Mtre. Dnmoiudnd, nolai-y piihlic. hv and between th-; Montreal, Ottawa and Western liailway com- pany, and the provinc(> of (^)ne]tec. |)iirportinL; t.o vi'-st anrl convey all tile properly of tile said railway comp.iny. in and to the said province of (^)nel)i>c. shall lie ludd to he full, (inal, coniplele and idfectiial to all int.eiils and [uir- poses whatsoever: and all the property of the said corpo- ration, and all the I'ights and i)rivile,!j:(>s thereof, therehv convc^yed (h- intend(>d so In j)e, shall h(;, and the sanic> are lierel)y V(>ste(l in Her Majesty, to and for the pnhlic uses of this province ; and Mie ]'egist.rat;ion of a copy of the said Iranshn' and assignment, in any registry office in any re- gisti'atioii division of this province, in \\hi(di anv lanils are situated, wdiicii have at any time jieretofoiv heen con- veyed 01- bonded to the said couipaii)'. shall have the same forc(» and eli'ect, as if sncdi lands had been s[)t^cially miMi- tioned in the said conli'act or agre(>ment. and se[)arately, spi'cially. and (Wpressly (herein described, any provision of any law or act to the contrary nolwitlistanding. 9. The coutract passed at the cUy of Qmdjec, on the tvv(Mity fourth day of S(^[)tember last past, bid'ore Mtre. Ph. llnot and colleagues, notaries, bet\V(>(Mi th(^ Honorable ("diaries B. Dtd^oiicherville. representing the province of (»)n(diec, and (he Honorable Thomas McOreevy. for the construction and conqdc'tion of that i)or(ion of the said railway between deep wMoi in the port of the city oi' QiicbtM', ;iii(l tilt' . ify of Mdiilrcal. ami the Itraiicli Ihi'i'citr U)(ii'ainl Piles, is lici'i'liy ratilicd and coiilli'anMl. 10. Tlic coiilracl passed li.doi't' Mtn-. DiiiiioiiclKd. iio- lary [niblic, at tlii' rAly of Qiiehec. on the sixIctMitli day ol NovcinbiT, in the year of Our Lord one llnmsaiid ei^^lil liiiiidrcd and seventy live, between tli^' lIonDi-able Cbaides B. DeHnncherville, ivpn'sentiny Ibe prnvnice of (»)nebe('. and Duncan MacDonald, bir tbe consfrncliMii and com plelion of tliat [)orLion of tiie said railway iuMween liie (;ity ol' Montreal and tbe vilia ol' Aylnier. in tbe comity of Ottawa, witli tbe luvincii to St. Jertuiie. is bereby rali- lied and conlirnie(L 11. Tbe provisions ol" i/ir Qifhrc lidilirtn/ Ac( IHO!). so far as tliey are applicable to tbe nnderlakin,!^- iiend)y antln^rized, and in so far as lliey are not varieil by or inconsistent witli tlu; provisions of tbis act slialla[)ply to the said liailway to llio extent to wliicdi tln^y are appli- cable thereto, and be constrned to I'oi'in [»ai1 of tbe present act. Tbe said coniniissioiitM-s in locating Ibt^ railway ber(d>y antborized to b;> constructed, at any plact* or jioint where the same is not already located, shall be entitled to avail themselves of the dejiosit beretobn-e made ii\- the Montreal, Ottawa and Western Railway (lomitany, or by the Montreal X(H'tbei'n Colonization Railwa>' Company, in tbe olfice of th(> clerks of the I^eace. btr the disli'icts oi' connlies lbron,ub wbiidi the said i-ailway was intended to i)ass. and shall b)rtliwitli canse a coni[ilete C()[>y of smdi j)lan> and i)ooks of rtd'erence to be deposited in tbe ollice of the department of public works, and sncli de[»osil shall be held to be a conipliani'e witli Ibe provisions of //jv Qittbrc Hdihrni/ Arl. IS();i. in respect of plans and snr\'eys. and shall l»e held to be a snUicicnl basis for any procet'dings to be taken nnder the said railway act, io tbe same extent andintlu' sani-' manner as if tbe said commis- sioners bad made ami cori'ected maps or plans and books — r.s — (»r rcrct'cm'c. ;iii(| IukI dcposiinl tltfin and cojiics ol' lliciii. ill coiiroriiiit y willi the lirsl ;iii(l Sfcoiid sult-si'dioiis ol' I he f'ii^iilh section nf the said Oiirh/c lioihiuii/ Ac/. iSCiU. And the copies now deposited in tlie said ollice of tin- said clerks of the jteace, ;ind the eopy to lie depositiMl in tlie dep.irtmeiit of pnlilic works in conformity liereto. shall l)e ti'c.'ited. receiveil. dealt with and acci-pfcd in ev(>ry i'es[»ecl, as if Hiesani'' had been made and deposited by the comniissi(»ners nnder thi- pi'ovisions of the said eighth section. The liiii' hoi'iMofoi'i' adopied hy ihe Monti-eal. Ottawa and Westeiai Ilailway, nnli'ss tin' same he cliaimiMlhy the said (lomiuissionet's. is hei'ehy declared to he in fntni-e. the lin(> of the (Jinidiec. Montri'al, Ottawa and Occidental Railway ])etwoen Monti'eal and Aylniei'. and of the hrantdi to Saint Jerome, bnt sncli location shall ])e snb- ject t:o all snch alterations as shall be made thi'i'oin, in conformity to th(> said (d.Lihlh section of the said railway act; which allei'ation shall 1,m' made in the manner pro- scribe(1 in ihe said section. In cases wh(U'e proceedings have been connnenciMl by ihe said Montri'al, Ottawa and W(-st<'rn Uailway. or by Ihe Montn^al N(»rtheiai Colonization Railway, for th(> exju'opriation or ac([nisition of lands for the })nr[)oses of lh(> said railway, and have not been completed, the com- missioners shall have th(> riL^bt to continne such [(rocoed- in.ij^s nnd(M' the provisions of the said Qwbi'c, Ruilirinj An. IMC)',), provided the proj)rictors or persons interested in su(di lands, shall lile with the commissioners a written consent thereto : but the said commissioners may discon- tinue all anterior proceedings, on the part of the said coni[)any, and may commence snch proc(H^din,i;s t/c novo und(M' tlip said (Jmi'Ik'C lidihrni/ Arl : anil in the valuation of su(di properties allowance may be made to snch pro- pi'ietors, or jiarlies interested, for any actual and mat(M'ial damage which has been caused to th(>m by the discouti- — ('.!) iiiiaiirc of such iin-vioiis procct'diiigs. Hul no foii.->lni( - hive or ,m'iiiM'.il (laiuaiit's sliall be awai'dfd in rclalioii llicri'in. 'I'lii' (Irposit of ina[i>. [tiaiis .ind l)ooks of ndrri'iicc wlicrcNCi* iiiadf by or on bidialf of Ibr said Xortb Shore Kailway (loiii[(aiiy. and all valtiafioiis, tenders. dejT()sit> of money, and all otlici' slejis and procci'dinLfs lakeii by or on l)(dialf i)\' the saiil coni'ianv. towai-ds the anjnisition or e.\[»ro[»iMation (d'any land oi- pi-operty reipiired for Ihr purposes of the said i-ailway. shall enui-e to the beiKdil of I he said provinee. and the said eomniissioners shall have the [)0\ver to laki' up suerty necessary for the constru(;tion, maintenance and use of the railroad, upon suidi [irices as may lie aurecd belweiHi them; and they may also ent(M' into conli-acls and sti[)ula- lions with smdi [tersons and corpoivitious, in respect of the amount of C()ui[>ensation to Ite paid for all damages sus- lained l)y them, by n-ason of anythiuL;' (h)ne in vii'tUL' and uu(b'r the authority of the present act. tli. As to that [lortiou of the said railway between Ayl- mer aforesaid and the [loinf in the county of Poutiac whiidi shall be didermiued upon, as most suitable for crossing the Ottawa river to couueot suciiportion of the said niilway, with the suhsidizi'il jjortion of the Canada — 70 — Cciili-al Railway, the said ('Oiiiiiiission ts sliall build (he saiiii' by b'liiler and coiitracl. after tbr; pl.iiis and spcciJi- catioiis tlii'nd'oi- sball haAc b mmi duly advcrtiscil : and Ihcy shall ace >[>l tlic UMidiM's of sm-li conhvictors as shall a|»[i('ai' lo Ihcni to l)i' possessed of snilicient skill, expe- rience and i-esonrces. lo carry ont Ih'' work or such j»or- tions thereof as they ni;iy conti'aet for: [trovided always. tliJit Ihe said conimissionc^rs sh;ill not be l)ouud t(j accept \\u' lowest, 01' any tender, if th(>y should deem it foi- the public interest not to (b) so. and jtrovidiMl also thai no conti-act under this section shall be concluded by the coinaiissioiiers, until lirst duly san(;tioned by the lieute- nant-governor in council. 14. The contract, to be so euteri^l into shall l)e guarded by such securities, and cont.iin su(di provisions b)r retain- ing a pro[)ortiou of th(^ contract moneys, to be h(!ld as n reserve fund, foi- such period of linn* and on su(di con- ditions, as may apj);^ar to be necessary for the protection of the public, and for securing the due performanc*^ of the contract. 15. No moneys shall be paid to any contractor until the (dii(d" (MiginiMM- shall have certilied that the work, for or on account of which, Ihe same shall be claimed, has been duly executed, nor until such certificate shall have been approved of ]>y the commissioners. lO. No member of the legislature shall be a conunis sioner, undi.'r this act, or shall hold, or bi.^ a[)i)ointed to any otiice of emolument uiidei' the commissioners, or hi a contractor, or parly to any contract with the comniis- sioiKM's, for the consti'uctiou of the i-ailway oi- any pari thereof. 17. The lieuleuant-goviM'iior in council, oi' any person or i»ersons a[»[)ointed by liim, shall have [tower to ius[tect all contracts, and proceedings of the commissioners and to examine their accounts at all times. iH. Till' liciiliMiiiiil-^ovi'i-iiMr ill ciiiiiii-il sluill li.\ llu' viiU\ ol'salai'v of ciHiiii'iisalioii for llu' '■o.iiiiiissioni'i's and Mic cliii'f (MiLriiii'cr. ;iiiil >li;ill a [(jtrnxc of a II otlii'i' salaries lo Iff awai'dcil l»y till' I'luiiiiiissioiit'r^. siil»i('ct in ,i II cases to till' rcvisiui) and r(mli"iiiati()ii dfllii' l"'L;i«;|atiin'. IS>. Till' lii'iili'iiaiil-.uovt'i'iiur in ntiiiicil slnill liavf IIk; pDWi'f. al any linii', to susp -nd ilic pnt^i'i'ss id' tin' wurk iinlil fill' tJii'n next session oj' ttn' Icuislat iirc. IfO. The tri'.isni'i'r ol' tin- ju'nvinci'. sli;ill IVdiii liiiie to iinic pay to tlio roinniissiom'rs. on tlii'ir di'niand. all inoiicys r.'ijnii'i'il nnder lliis art. ruriln' pnrposcs tiiL'ri'ol", ill siudi iiianunr. at smdi tinii's. ind in smdi snnis. 'is may, from tinii' to liini'. hi- ordi'i'i'd Ity tin' lirntt''i'iioi' in coiiiicil 21. The CMniiiiissionni's shall liirnisli ipnii'tiMdy ar- coniils. lor ol'ttMKM' if riMjnin'd liy the lii'iili'n;iiit-L''OV('iMi(n- ill coniicil), to till' ircasnrtM' of \\u\ proviin'o. of all ('.\'[i(Mid- liii'i' and lial)iliti('s nuidi' and incnri'i'd ninli'i' this act. 3!2. Till' (,'onunissioiit'rs ni;iy make smdi an';iiigeniiMits with till' Canada Central Hailway (^)iii[)aiiy. ;is shall 1)0 ;ipproved l»y tjie lienlenant-uovenior in eonncil. lor the extension of the said Camilla Ceiilral Railway. Iroiii the eastern tiM'ininns snhsidized jxirtion thereof, or from smdi other point of junction with the said snhsidized [lorlion thereof, as niiiy he selected to the Ottawa river, opposite the western terininus of tlie railway hereliy authorized to hi' coiistrncted, or for the constrnclion of a liridge over the said river at the said last mentioned terminns; and also, to make such arrangements lor the transit of rolling stock, goods, fi'eight ;ind passengers over the said snhsi- dized [tortion . 'The said commissioners are anthori/ed to raise \)\ way of loan, a sum not (ixceedini^' thre(3 millions of dollars. for Ihe construction of Ihe said road and its branclies, and for su(di imrposc* lo issu(* bonds o:' (l(d)enlures. and they may. by llu' lieutenant governor in council, be anthorizi'd lo i^uarantee in Ihe name of Ihe [»rovince, lh;it the said railroad sli.dl be completeil and [iiit in op 'ration. 2H. Such bond.-, or dfdientures shall hi- .-i,L;ned li\()ne of the commissioners and counlersiyned and I'euistereil in a spi'cial liook by tlu' secretary of the said commissioners, and they shall lie certilied. has li;i\iM,i;' issueil nndi'r tlli^ a.'l. by the tieasurci' of Ihe pi'oxince. — 73 — Tkey shall b.' made payable in Ibirly yt^irs, and shall bear iiifcrcsl al a rate not cxct'cdiiii^- six [i;'r ('cut p'l'aii- niiiu, payaldc stnni-aimiially, on pri'seiilation of ibc inter- est conpons thcrounto anncxcil. Till' interest coupons annexed to the d(d)cntnres sliall be signed 1)\' the sccrctai'y of the said connnissionei'>. JJ7. The bonds or ([(dientni'cs issn<'(l by the said coni- missionei's, may ite made payable in (lanada or (dsc where, and in currency or sterling', as they shall dc'Mn most expedient to facilitate the ne^ociation thereof. 2.S. The said conimissioiiei's may sell the jjonds or de- bcntni'es issued in virtui' of the jn-esent act and dis[)ose of the sam(> at sucdi prices as they may aj^ree upon, and the li(HihMiant fiovernor in council shall ap[n-ove or dirtM-t : and they may .guarantee the due jiayinent olhec, and to [lerh'cl th(> securities thei'(diy intended to be uiv'eii, and to enable such (diai'ge to be made c(tmpletel\- eil'ectual by registra- tion thereof, in accordance with t laws ol' this pro\'ince. 20. Every su(di mortjiaui.' or hy[iothe( may bi' from time to time made to any corporation, oi' to any [kmxiu or pei'sons in the United Ivinudom. oi' in the Dominion ol (Canada oi' (dsewhere. as trustees for the bidders of the said (hdientures; wbicdi didji'utures shall i-fd'ci' to such u'lort^am' or hypothec, and shall be counlersiuucd by the trustees, oi' one (d' them, oi- by some i)ei'siiu in their name duly authorized by them in that iielialf. loi- lie' pui'i)ose of idenlifvin.L; snidi didiMilure-^ is those which arc 'n be lb 7i - Sficiirerl hy such iii{)rt;j:;i,ui' or liyijol.hcc : hut ;my h;iiik. or I'omiiniiv l;i\vt'iilly iiicorpoi'atcd fiir hM;;il |iiir[iosi's. ina\" Ijc also aiipoiiitcd trustees, and they ai'e heivh)' an- thorizeil to aeci-pl such appoiiitiueiit and pei'lonu the duties (•()imected lh(M'e\vith. as ib'scrihed iu suidi uioi't- ga^e or hypnt hec. 30. Mvery smdi inoi'Igaye or hy[)Othee uiay coutaiu an auihoi'ity lo the trustees to lake possession nC. to woi'k and. sell the raihva\-. hands aud other i)roperly llierein eonr prised, upon did'auU hy the conuuissiouers to [)ay the inlert>sl (d" tlie (hdieiitui'e to ht> secured lhei'(d)y. or any part tliereof. wilhin su(di dehays i'es[tectiv(dy. and upon sn(di terms and conditions, as the said conmiissiouei's sliall aijn^t^ on. and the U(MitiMiani-,^ov(M'nor in council a[)prove or direct, as s(n h)ilh in sncdi niorl,yaj:,^e and hypothec. 31. Kvery such niortj^aj^c or hy[iolht>c. u[)on heingdnly regish'red in accordances with tlie laws of this [)rovince, hy the i'(.\uistration thort'of or ol" an authentic notarial copy thereol", in the registry offices h)rall \\w re^dstraliou divisions in \vhi(di shall W situate any part, o' the railway, lands or other pro[>erty intended to l)e aTect(,»d ther(d)y, and without tli(^ registration of any of the dtdjentnres issued shall, for the pnr[)0ses of this act, and of the loan to he made in virtue llienM)!", take tdt'ect in [triority from the date ot its i-egisl ration, without reference to the date or dales at whi(di the dehentures to be secured tliendjy shall bo issued, and at whatever suhse({nent date (»r dates they shall be issued ; and e.\ce[»t when otherwise [>rovided in the moi'tgage or hypothec, all the didxMilures to he issued, ui»on the seon'ily theixM)!', shall he secunul thereby pari passu, and without any pn^feniuce of one over llu; other, in consequence of the r(?spective dates of issue thereof, or foi' any other reason. 33. The trustees may, at all times, in their own names, aud without the concurriMiC(» or co-operation of any of llie dehenturediolders, enforc(3 all the i-ights which such /.) iiiori^ayc or hypolhcc sli;ill juirpori lo rDiiri'i' iii»-)ii llicni. and all coiilriicls into wiiicli. lor the [nirjioscs of biMiofil- iii,u' oi prolcctiii.u- the (Ichciiliircs holders. Ilicy may cntoi' with the said couiniissioiici's. I't^sprcliiiu ihc coiistnicliou of Hie I'ailway. or willi any oi r persons, in priM-JMdy the same way as il' sncli contracts, and sm !i or liv |»ol!ii'c liad l)('tMi made to lliem for llieii' own iienelil, aiid fliey were tile holders of all the didtentiires issned thenMinder and intended to he secnivd Ihei'idiv : and for sii(di purpose they may. if necessary. hrin,L: neh moit^a,L;e or h\|)othec that npon the said ii'nstees assinnin^ to taki- possession of and work the said railway, they, tlie said Irnstees, shall Itc i)oiin(l and obli.iKMl to render [friodical acconnts to the coiiimissi(;ners of [hr eai'ninns and recidpls of the said road, and lo ])ay over to the said commissioners any sur- i'his of revenn.' over and aho\(' what is ret|nirrd f n- llir payment of the (daims i " the s;iid delientnredmlders, and over and ahovc Ihe expense of workin^^ and maintaining: the .said road, the whole snhjecl to sn(di j)enalt\-. as in and hy thi< said mori,i:a;4v may he slipnlah'd foi' and provided. J$4. A sinking: fnnd is InMvhy eslahlished. to wliicii the said coinmissionri's shall [»a \ an annna I snm of one pei '■•'Id. on the anionnl of the honds or (hdientnres i>sned ni virtue of llll^ acl, ;in(i smdi ^nm shall he hy them paid onci' '" 111*' pi'MVincial trecnivr. in e(|nal semi-annnal pa \ menis, and shall hi- in\-es;-d h\ and permitted to accnmn l''it<' midei' the nroia-.'nieiil id' the said I I'.'asnivr. J?.'> Smdi sinkini.' fiipil ma\ hi' (Mn|ilo\i'd in the I'e- d''mplion fd' the (hdnMiiiires ^o issned. in accoidancr \\iih Ihf insliMiclioiiv id' llir pro\incial trcasniei'. as a[ipro\((l I'v III" lii'nieiiani uon ri'iioi' in council. I$G. l''r.M n ind oiji of ih.' iv\enni' of the -^tid road, aflei lU paviiiciil of iIk' I'lirrciil rxpciiscs \'i\v llic iiiaiiilcii.iiic!' and woi'kiii^Mlit'ri'ur. lli,> lii'sl claims to ln' p-'iid venue I'und of the provin<'e. J5T. The iiiuni( ipal ni'ants or subscri[)lious for stock mentioned in sdiedule A. hei'iuuito annexed, made under t,lie si'\t'r;il liy-laws authorizing the same in favor of the said Norl.h Shore j»i!i[\vay Com[)auy. and of the said Mon- treal, Ottawa and Wesi(M'n Railway Comiiaiiy. hithei'to known as the Montreal Noi'thern (loloniz;ilion Piailw;i>' (;omi)auy, sliall be and are vested in the Quebec. Montn>al. Ottawa and OccidiMital I^ailway. and shall be paid to the treasuroi' of the |»rovince. liH. The cori»()rations whi(di have uia(h' such .Ljrautsor subscribed foi the said stotdv shall not he admitted to plead ])y way of exception, or for the juirpose of modify- ing their en^aiivnuMits, the la[)se of time, or ne.ulipnice on the j)art of the compaiues, oi' t>ither of them, in ful- filling the conditions or any of Ww, coiiditions. under wliieli the said grants or subscriptions for sto(dv were made ; anver ; anil the said cor[»oralions slinl b;' respectively bound and obligiMl to execnt(\ issue and (hdiver to the provincial ti-easni-er. the tot;d amount of th(>ir s;iid I'esjjec- live bonds or debentures, the issue wbei'eof is anihori/ed by suMi liydaws, and th(; tn^asnrer ma\- • dien necessary, and as the case may re([iure, la'gotiale such bonds or de- bentures. JiO. The several amounts of the subscriptions of the munici[)al corporation, to the ca]utal stoek. of the '(North Slioiv R;iii\\;iy (loiiipaiiy,)! or of the " Montreal XorthtTii (Colonization Railway Company.)) and of tho lutnnsos lii'antcil to siicli ('oni[)anii's. inclndin.u- the- snms already paid, shall 1h' deemed lo lie invested in Ihe said road, and shall Iteai' int(M'est, to lie paid liy the said commissiontM's lo the said rorpoivitions, at sn(di rate, not exceeding' live pel' cciilnm per annnni on Iheii' resjieelive amonnts, as the annnal revennt^ of the said rnad will admit o!'. aftei' pay- ment of Ihe cost of maiiitenani'e and nmning- expenses, of ihe interest on honds or dtdienlnres issued nnder section ■^K and of the sinking fnnd estai)lished nndei' section 154, — sncli interest not to hegin to rnn. nnlil after the whole of Ihe said I'oad shall have been completed a.nd [)ul in opi'ratioii. lO. The halain'e of Ihe varions subsidies oi- grants ac- coi'iled jiy the acts of this province now in force, to >< the Norlh Shore Railway Com[)aiiy,)) and lo ^ The Montreal Northern Colonizalion I{ailway com.[>any, i» and lh(3 snms snliscribefl by Ihe cities of (,)n(d)ec, Monlreal and 'I'hree Rivers, and Ihe sever.'il othei' corporations and mnnici- [ialilit>s, shall ho [laid liy the tri'asnrer of the province, to Ihe said coniniissioiiei's foi' Ihe pnrjioses of this act, and shall be expemled on the parts of the road, in res[)ect of whi(di sn(di sniisidies, grants and subscriptions wfu-e given : and the said [layments shall If' made snbjecl to the tei'uis of Ihe [ii'oviso. ndating to the road from the city ofThr(?e Rivers to the (irand Piles, and to the establishment of steam navigation on the St. Manrice, coniained, in sub^ section I of section iO of thi' act of this province, :^7 Vict.. ca[i. ;\ and also subject to Ihepi'oviso contained in sectiou '2\ of tlu' said act. ■41, The lienlenant-governor in conncil maygraid to the said coiiuuissioniM's ['dv Ihe construction of the raibvay to be built in virtne of llii- present act. another additional subsidy of two millions three hnndi'e(l and twenty sevini thousand dollars, as re|ireseiiting tlie value of the grant — 7S — ill land acconlcd to tlie Xoi-tli SIkht' and Moiiliv.-d Xoiili- I'l'ii C(jl()iiizalion lailwaws. 4^. Tlic lifMitciiJUit-.uovei'nor in ronncil may, so soon a> the said road oi- any S(M;ti(»n llnM-cof sliail liavr ]hh n coin- plelt'd, lease tho said road oi- sfM-tion liicrcof. ro any per- son or persons, or to any rorporatiitn. suhjiM-t to llie ap- proval ol" the lef^islatnre. 43. And to avoid .'ill doubts il is Iieiviiy cnarlcd thai '( Lli(M^)n(d)e(', Montreal. Oltawa and Orcidentad r;i,jl\vay )> is hereby vested with all the rights, [jowcrs, inimnnities. fraiicdiises, privilt';4t's and assids, heretororr by any act granted niito (uther tht> North Shore Railway tompjiny. or the Montreal Nortli(>rn Colonization Railway Coili- pany, subject iK'vertheless to any ;i Iterations, limitations. or restrictions herein contained, and so Far as this legisla- ture may or can do, with all the rights, powers, immuni- ties, franchises, privileges, and assets granted by the par- liament of th(^ Domini(^n of Canada to tlie Montreal. Ottawa and Western Rciilwav Comiianv. 44. Notwithslanding anything to the contrary, in any of the hereinbefore recited a(d-s, or in anv of the Itydaws hereinbefore alluded to, the said sevei'al corporations shall not be entitled to ai)[)oint or to be represent(>d by any di- njctors in the management of the aifairs of tlie coni[»;iny ; and th ^ dinM'ioratc contemplated and provid(Ml foi' liy the provisions of the said acts is hereby abolished. 45. The contracts or a>j;reeinents hereinbefore alluded to h)r tlie traiisfer of the rights and assets of the North Shor.' Railway Company and of the Montreal. Ottawa, and West M'wa Railway Company, to the province of Que- bec being i-atified. I he rights of the mdiNidnal shandiold ers, ill the said companies, shall be ti-anslerivd to and vested in the said comni'ssionei's in their (piality, to and for tlie uses (d" I liis ]ii'()\ inci>. The stock of iiidi\idna! sharehoiili'rs in the said CDm- •laiii 's. 01' so much llicrcof as shall have bo.-ii paid up. shall ht> r(>rmi(l(^(l h» tht'iii. Itt. And il is fiii-fhri' (Miadrd that I ho said coniinis- sioiiiioi's. ill llioir said (|iiality by and with Iho const'iil nl' tho lioiitoiiaiit-govonior in coiiiicih may and tlioy arc hrr( h> aiilhoi'izod to '"ipldN- to tht^ Parliaiin'iil of Canada. I'ur aiiv icuishitioii whirdi niav he (hiomod ncci'ssai'v. for ! he purposes n\' tliis acl -IT. The iH'i'siMil act sliall conic mio force itn the day ol' ! h' sanction therei^f. • • I » * : I I I • • t • I I II '. : - . ' •