THE NORTH 8H0R£ RAILWAY: ITS LEGAI. AND FINANCIAL BASIS. WITH MAPS SHOWIJNG ITS LOCATION AND CONNECTIONS. "» QUKBEC!; FROM hmm B^USBIAU'S BTSAM PBINtWO MTABUSaMENT. BIBLIOTHEQUE DE LA VILLE DE MONTREAL COLLECTION GAGNON 1^) 30/GS^ Porm? ir.Hii 1 Jii The rVortli 8liorc Kallvray x The St. ]!liiiiriee liailwaT : The Canada Central Uaiilwa^.^ ^ BlCJUTCIi OF TiriO IMUSANIZATIOX OF TirKSE TMrOItTANT KVTKUI'IMSKS, A\D A STATKMKNl" oK lllh; CONDITIONS OF TIIKIK KNItoWMKNT BV TIIK OAXAOIAN OOVKUXMKN l' WITM LAND OltANTS STILL IN FOKOK ; TO WilKJII AUIi Ai»l'J£NUi;i) ALL Tllli STATL'TKS & OIIDKIIS IN COIWCIL KKLATINO TO Till-: ST. MAUKIUIi: ANP NOUTIf SlIOUE RAILWAYS, INCLUUINO TlllilU UIIAUTKKS AND THE O P I IV 1 O ]\ « OP EMINENT LEGAL COUNSEL. QUEBEC: FROM LEGER BROUSSEAU's STEAM I'llIXTING ESTABLISHMENT. 1870. TftE IVORTH 8HORE RAILWAY AND t. Paurict S;aijiption aiib fmxb Compiti]. Quebec. > DIRECTORS. ■J. D. Bkousskau, Hon. JosKiMi CArciKiN, Thomas McGrekw, J. B. Kkn.s'jd, William iliioDES, Willis Rltssell, G. PL SlMARD, Iloii. J. J. C. ABBcvrt, Louis Beadjuen, Hon. John Hamilton, Hon, J. J. Ross, William Mc Doug all, Ex-Offi,cio Directors. * P. Gaknrau, Mavor of Quehcc. J. M. DKf^iLETS, ALavor of Throe Rivers. Joseph Desaulnikks, Warden of St. Maurice County. President. Mon. Joseph Cacchon. Vice-President. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott. Montreal Ste. Anne. three Rivers. * Note. — Tho ex-officio Directors arc 'not detailed, there befngr,at the time of mal\ing up this list, (Sept. 1, ISTO) only tlivce; namely, The flavor of Quebec, as representing the City on account of its subscription of $1,200,000, 'the Mayor of Tiiree Rivers, as representing that City on account of its subscription of $50,000 ; and Th.' Warden of the County of St. Maurice, as representing that County upon its subscriiition of $200,000. Only when the subscriptions from all the Municipalities interested in the roa/i, shall have been made, can thi? list of Directors be completed. When other Municipalities subsiribe Htock, their chief magistrates will be atided to the list of ex-ojficio Directors. The subscription of Quebec is $1,200,000; that of Three Rivers $50,000; and thftt of St. Maurice Country, $20o,000 TPIE i\'orth Shore sind St. Maurice KalluavN. Ill 1853, the Canadian Parluiment incorporated ccrtnin |)roprietors and others as the JSorth S'lore Rniluuiji Coiii/)ant/, with an anthori/^'d Share C'apital of 84,000.000, liaviti«i power to acquire and to alienate property, to contract, to mortfifaiije,and to issue deben- tures, and with other powers necessary for all the purposes contemplated by their Act of Incorporatioa. — (IG Vict. Chap. 100.) The object of this Company was the construction of a railway between the cities of Montreal and Quebec. In 1atlnn Company " and providing that the act should remain in force, until 1872, forcibly indicates the persistence of the Legislature in its intentions, as ex|)ressed in the Chapter 149. — (29-30 Vtct. Chap. 9 .) By notarial deeds duly passed and executed in 18(37 and subsequent years, between th^ heirs of Mr. Turcott.', and the peseut contractor, the latter was duly and legally substituted in the place and stead of the heirs and assigns of the previous coarractoi, wiih all the powers, rights, privileges and respoii- sibilities conferied by the afi)resaid contract; rjid he now stands in his relations towards the Company and the Government of Canada, legally and for all the purposes of the said contract, in the position previously occupied by Mr. Turcotte. It is proper to state that the attitude of the j)resent Ministry of the Province of Quebec, towards this enterprise, as herein described, is one of unfriend- liness ; the Land Grant being considered excessive, and an intention admitted of resisting the ful- fillment of the law. But as no lawyer, e'ven in the interest of the Government, has disputed the validity of the law, a refusal to execute it would be a plain Act of repudiation which it is not possible that any ministry will attemot ; and hence it becomes evident that their hostility must necessarily be limited to an effort to prevent the building of the road by casting a cloud over its credit. But this passive hostility can 8 The North Shore Railiraji. in no way ellert tlie legal riglits already acqiiinMl ; and ill order to sliow tin; tlrrn cting the Cannda dntrnl Railway Company, and in no way concerning tiie North Shore Railway. — (29 Vict. Chap. 80, f/A/t/ 29-30 Vict. Chap. 94.) It will thus be seen that the North Sho'-e Railway is endowed Avith 1,200,000 acres of land, or to a pro])ortional part of that amount for so much of its The Norlh Shore lln'dwmj. 9 liiif ns it pliall construct prior to Jan. 1, 1S72, indn- jKMidctit ofall other iMilorj)iis('s. If built in couiicctiou witli t'lo St. Man ice Ji((ilii'iant ol lands furnishes an ample basis lor the linancial .•>(!(;u- rity of the work. 'I'he country traversed is the finest and most populous in the Province of (Quebec, and irives every assurance (jI an abundant passenger and freight trallic. in addition to the local business, ihe main line of the road will Ibrm au important part of the C'lituuln Central Scheme, destined to coimect the city of Quebec by the shortest route, with the (Jeorgian Bay and the Upper Lakes, and, eventually with ihe Pacilic coast by the w ly of the American North' rn Pacilic Iiaihrat/, which is now being built, and the proposed Canadian Farijic Ihiihray^ thci cons- truction of which, in the immediate future, is far more probable than were any of the present Pacific Kail- ways, ten years ago. As a due regard for truth, compelled an allusion to the unfriendly attitude of the local Government, towaids the St. Maurice Railw(Uj^ the same candor refjuires a statement of the lac that the m-mbers of the Government profess a sincere friend.>hip fi)r the Norlh /Shore and St. Maurice RaUways as combined In fiict, an otlicial letter written by the lion. Mr Chauveau, the Premier, under date of January 26, 1870, gives as a reason for the attitude of his Government that they " are of opinion that the grant of land to ^vhich the Company might be entitled, in virtue of the Act 20 Victoria, Chap. 149, was espe- cially set apart for the construction, as well of the Railway now in contemplation, " (the St. Mauricr. liailway) " as of a Kail way between Quebec and JMontreal, on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence. " The additional allegation made, that the latter Kail- " way scheme is now^ abandoned, " is quite gratuitous and erroneous, and cannot in any degree weaken the force of his admission that the Land Grant is a 10 The North Sliore Railirat/. valid one for the purpose dtvscrihod. Tliorc Sfvmis now every prolml»ility, tluit tlie Coriipniiy and the citizens of th»' Province are alive to the «;reat impor- tance i)t iho Xorlh Shore /iJ'//////Vi//, and of prompt action to secure tlio aid oth^ed by llie Cana(haii Govern- ment, while yet that offer fixist.^ in full le^al force. Of lln> value of these lands, it is not nccesssary to speak, as connnori liune has long since placed them atuonj? the most desirable pro{>crties on the continent. With iheiraccpiisitioM by a pnctical Com()any, bent on the development of their wealth, will be com- menced a series of industrial improvements most profitable to the promoters and beneficial to the country at large. LEGAL OPINIO?^ S, I\oi't]i Nliore and ^»t* Ulaiirice Uailway^. Quebec, ICtli March, 1870. . In the year 1853, by an Act of the ParHamont of Canada, 16th Victoria, cap. 100, a C'onipany under the name of the ISorlh Shore liailway Corfipnny, was incorporated for the coristructioii of a Railway from the City of Quebec to the City of Montreal, upon the North Side of the Kiver St. Lawrence. In 1857, by the Act ':iOth Victoria, cap. 119, another Company was incorporated, under the name of the ^»7. Maurice Radwny and Stcom Navi^alion (.'om/icviif^ for t lie construction of a liailvvay from some point adjoining the track of the North Shore Uailway Com/jany, at or near TJiree Rivers, to the Grand I'iies on the river St. Maurice, where the Steam Navigation ot that River commences, and with the rif^ht to run one or more Steamers on the navigable waters of the b"t. JNIaurice and of carrying j)assengers and goods for hire. The object is stated in the Preamble, to be " to advance the colonization of the Valley oi the St. Maurice and to render available the ungranted i.inds of tiie Crown adjacent to the River St. Mauiice." By Section 14th of the last mentioned Act, an appropriation is made in favor of this Railway, 12 The North Shore Railway. (sometimes cnlled the Piles Railway,) of 1,500,000 acres of the ungranleil lands of the Crown. !)>- the 1.5th Section of the same Act, a faculty or j)ower is "granted to the Dipcciors of the North Shore UitHway Co7nj)(i/iy, to amalgamate that Company Avilh the Si. Maurice Rnilwinj and Steam NaviiintiDH Com/u/////, within one year from the passing of that Act. This amalii^amation was duly effected and has heen recofjni.sed by several Acts of Parliament, par- ticularly that of 1858, 22 Victoria, cap. 5(), by which the name of the united Companies was changed to the North Shore Railway and St. Maurice Navi- fiation and Land Company. This Act establishes the fact of amalgation beyond a doubt. The most important question which arises is — What will entitle the Company to the Grant of land a[)propriated ? Referring to the 11th clause, the only one regula- ting the appropriation, we find the grant made in these terms : " Be it enacted that one million five hundred thousand acres of the ungranted lands of the Crown, in the lUMghbourhood of the said River St. Maurice, as close to the said Railway as may be, shall be and are hereby set aside for the purposes of this Act, &c.;" — that is to say, for the construction of a Railway from a point at or near Three Rivers, to the Grand Piles. The only conditions attached to the completion of the Grant by the issuing of the Patent, are contained in the same clause, and are : 1. The actual completion of the said Railway with Stations, rolling Stock and other appurtenances sufficient for the proper working thereof) according to the Report of some skilled engineer, and the approval of such Report by the Governor in Council ; 2. Satisfactory evidence that the Company is proprietor of one or more Steamers, suited for the Navigation of the St. Maurice, on the said river; and Legal Opinions. 1,'J 3. TVo Company giving a bond to the satisfiic- tion of the Inspector Geiienil, to run such steamer and keep open the said Railway. Whenever tlKv-c conditions are complied witlj, the law declares that there ^hall be granted to the said Company by the Governor in Council, the 1,5)9,000 acres, ^c. *' And the said 'grant shall be a Tree grant, and the Company shall have fidl power to alienate till! lands so granted and to deal with the same in such manner as they may think pro[)er; "and " the Directors may, snbject to the aforesaid conditions, j)ledge the Company's interest in such lands as secu- rity for any sum necessary to construct the said Kailway and works, or to build or purchase the said Steamer or b^teamers." It is nec»'s?nry to notice a Proviso in clause 15 of the same Act, which, after arranging for the amalga- mation of the two Companies, provides " that the pro- ceeds of the said Crown Lands, if sold, or the rents issues and profits thereof, if retained, shall be applied to the construction of the Railways of the said amal- gamated Companies and to no other purpose whatso- ever, until the whole Railway line of the said amalga- mated Company shall be completed." It is clear that this Proviso, which is merely indicative of the appli- t ation of the money proceeds of the lands, does not change the condition precedent to the Grant, which is regulated only by clause 14, and is solely and entirely the construction of the Piles road as contemplated. This is the more clear, as the North Sliore Bwlway is provided, not only with a large Stock Capital, but with an independent Grant of 1,200,000 acres of land, as a link of the Cduada Ctnlral Railway. In September, 1860, the North Shore and St. I\Tninice Rnilwny and Nnvinalinn and Land Company contracted with the Hon. J. K. Turcotte, his heirs and assi;r?is, for the building of the Piles Road in the terms of the 20 \ ic. ch. 149 ; and on his death, the contract fell to his widow, who, as his universal Legatee, is included in the term " heir ". There can therefore be no doubt, that the Grant is conditioned on the building of the Piles Railway 11 The Canada Central Railway Companif. alone ; tluit ihc proceeds may bo appropriated by the Directors to the construetiori of the two ronds, (and have heeii so aj)propriatcd to the extent of Mr. Tiircotte's contract); tJiat the iiiterofst in tlie lands may be pledged to raise money lor the purpose ofconstruc- timr the road ; and t!iat Mrs. Turcotte or assi'^'ns have all the boiu'feial in1<*re!st in the contract. The build- ing of the Piles Railway must, however, take prece- dence, inasmuch as, until that way is completed, the Grant cannot be obtained ; nor can the interest ill the lands be made available save on that condition. (Signed), John B. Paukin, Q. C. C. G. Holt, Q. C. Having carefully considered the provisions of the several Statutes referred to, I fully concur in the foregoing opinions. Montreal, 22nd March 1870. Edward Carter, Q. C. I concur in the above opinion of Messrs. Parkin, Holt and Carter. Montreal, 20th August 1870. F. P. POMMINVILLE, Q. C. Caiisidti Centra! Railway €oiii|iaEoiy« Quebec, lOtli June, 1S70. By the Act of the Parliament of Canada, 19-20 Victoria, ch. 112, passed in the year 1856, the Presi- dents, Directors and Stockholders of the " North Shore Kailway Company " and other Companies, were const itu ted a body corporate by the name of the " Lake Huron Ottawa and Quebec Junction Kailway Legal Opinions. 15 Company " to construct a main line of RailAvay from. Lake Huron 1o tlie Ottawa and thence to Quehec, in the most direct line. The Capital of the Company was divided into 1,000 parts, of which AW >vere ashij^ned to tlio " North Shore Kailway, " the capital stock bein<>- J,6500, stg. per mile, with power of increase, to be held by the Companies, upon whom also and not upon the individuiil stockhold'.'rs the calls were to be made. This ctmstitutioii and these provisions are important as showin<^- that, from the connneucement of the enterprise, the individuality and autonomy of each company was contemplated and preserved. This is placed l)eyond a doubt by the clause 21, which provides thar the se\'(-ral com- panies may, if they deem it advisable, unite togetlier as one company. The construction of the Kailway, under the last cited Act, having- been attended with difficulty — in fiict nover undertaken— the 21 Victoria, chap. 80 was passed to extend and atnend that Act and to chaufj^e the name of the Company; and by this last Act, which must bo regarded as the true Charter of the Railway, certain persons were incorporated under thn name of tlie " Canada Central Railway Company. " By clause 2, some clauses of the former Act, and all inconsistent provision.-^, were repealed, and the 24 Vic. substituted to the 19-20, with this important proviso, that the " North Shore Nailway " and other companies shall thereafter he entitled to all the benefits, rights, and privileges granted by the first Act, except us altered (and it v.ill be seen that an iiuportant alteration has been made as to the land -^rant) and that the " North Shore Railway " mentioned in tlie Act 2i Vic. is to mean the " North Shore luiilway and St. Maurice Navigation and Land Company. " Ry the lO-'iO Vic. 4,000,000 acres of trie nn^rant- ed lands of the Crown in the neighborhood of the line of the Railway fi'o^n Ottawa to Lake Huron, were set apart lor the Company, to be granted in a mode which was changed by the subsequent Act. That change, and the manner and conditions of the appropriations, are to be found in the 21 Vic, by 18 The North Shore Railtvay Company. aid of the North Shore Railway ; and this appropria- tion remains in lorccj until January, 1872. I also find that, oy successive Acts, an appro- priation of 1,500,000 acre.^ of land has been made in favor of the North Shore and l^ilrs Railways, and that this, also, remains in force until January, 1872. The two appropriations are, in my opinion, in full force; and if the enterprise be completed according to the terms of existing Statutes, I can see no ground for refusal on the purt of the (jlovernnient, to set apart land in conformity with the Statutes making the appropriations. J. J. C. Abbott. tnmt APPENDIX. *l<'*l**l|M|*l||M|l«l|M|*l||llM*ll*lt' Statutes, — Orders in Coiiiicil, iVe. CHAP. 100—16 VicToniA. An Act to authorize th(! formation of a Company to construct a Kailroad on tlie North Shore of tlio Kivor Saint Lawrence, from tlie City ol(|ueljec to the City of iMontreai, or to some convenient point on any Railway leiulin^ from Montreal to the Western Cities of this Province. [Asimttrl to 22n(l April, 1853 ] WIIKREAS tlic constrnntion of a, Riiilwiiy cniinei-tini^ tliel^rr'^n^bli'. oxtrcinitios «tl' tlio Province must i!;r(.'Htl\' (•kikIiicc to promote tlic wcltan; and int(!ro.-t.s of its inluihitiiiits, and it is tlii'rcl'oi'L' desiraldt' tliat a Jvailway should be constructcil to connect the City of Quebec in as direct a line as ]»ossihk^ with tlw; liailway projected to run westward from the C'ify of Montreal, and tlius to connect the latter hy a direct and advanta<>;eous line with the intended liailway from (Quebec to the eastern- limits of the I*rovince ; And whereas su(;h a line, passing thrpufjli a pojtuldus and itn|)ortant eection of the Country, ma}' be found on the North Shore of the liiver Saint Lawrence : Pe it therefore enncted by tlie Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the ild^'ice and c i)t' tin; jnildic ii('\\Y|)ui»i'r8 Jililili.'-liril ill !lic.-;iii| Ci'y of (^lu-ln'f, fiill a ^'ciicriil iiU'ctiii;^ ot'iiif >iilit^ci iliiT.-. to lie JK-Ul iit such ]iliict' ill liu' mid Citv as hIuiII lie a|»])oiiit((I liv flii' naid iiotici-, and tliut at mdi iiu'ct'ii^ tlic Mav' r ot" tlic -aid city, or ill liis al>sciic(' any one of tiio Mi-niitci's of llu! City ('(Miiicil, may pn side, and the City Cltrlv hliall act as Scurrctary ; and at t-ncn iiicctiiii^ tlic nnijority (»f tliu hnliscril)ci-s prc.-ciit tlicriat iiiiiy elect from an on^'' tiic |>dVons liaviii;; cacli suKscrihcd for tSlocix of tlu; iiitciidcil Coiii|iaiiy l(» till.' nnioiiiit otOiic Hundred Pounds or npwanls, nine immsoiih I'lovisr. : if to be tlie tirst I )irectors of till! intended Coin[iany : I'lttN ide(l tl." M;''''i»: always, tliat if, at tiie lirst iiicetiii'' so called, nine Mholllli full lo , i 1 . 1 1 . I ,■ • I'^.l .1 »• bu lii'lti .\ic. ''''"''''' ""^ '"-' '•'i'<'t*'d as aioresaid, tlieii another nieetiii;^ ""i.y Itu culled, in the manner aforesaid, l»y the Mayor tiiid (Joiiii- cill' rs of the said Ci'y, j;""ivint; a noti(!e thereof in the nia'iiier jU'escM-ihed with re^-ard to the lirst meetini; ; an I >ii)fiit/i.9 quoth'H iinlil a meeting be etleetively lielil and nine Directors elected thereat. On ififain II. And be It enacted, lliut SO soon as !nay b(! after the ll!'i'ir''t'nu' t'l<'f'fi"ti "t'nirectors as aforesaid, the saiective siibscrii>tioii.s, and puny iiikIit' '^" utlidavit or solemn ailirination of the said City (Jlerk, that ttiis Act. the said copy is a f.iithfnl and correct transcript from tho ori^ri'ifil books in the possession of the City Council ; and it shall aj>])(iar by the docmmeiits aforesaid that an amount not less than One Hundred ami Tw nty-live Thousand I'oniuls of tho said Stock has actuiiliy been t^uliscrilied for hona fi(h\ and if the said (Jouncil shall, -with tlm documents aforesaid, transmit alec to the paid Secretary the certificate of the CashiiT of soino chartered P>ank in this Prnvin(;e, of the deposit therein of a sum equal to ten per cent upon the amount of subscrii.>tiiin8, with authority to the sa'd Secretary tocontrol the withdrawal of the said dejiosit for such time as the said Secretary may tliink proper, not longer than six months after the Kailway shall have been actually commenced and proceeded with, then the said Secretary is liereby re([uired forthwith to deliver to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of <,)uebec, a certiticato tliat all the requirements of this section have been complied with ; And npon and after the granting of tlie said certilicate, the subscritiers to the Stock of the intended Comjiany, and such persons and ])arties as shall thereafter become subscribers to the same, their several and respective heirs, executors, administrators, curators and assigns, i)io])rietors of Stock in Tiumrand the said undertaking, shall be, by virtue of this Act, woig. t'orponite and Tolitic, by the name of " The North Shore 1853. i>i. Lauirencc yaith !Shre.siiit I)iivr; (ii'ts ot' tilt* sait'lvc^, thc'r . aijt'li's, (iHii'ciri, workiiKii and sorvaiitti, t(» make and complitc a liailway to lie cuIUmI »> 'I'lif Xortli Shore Uailw;iy," iVoiii any point within tlu' limits of thi' saitl ('ity of (^ui-hi'i- to any jM»int within th(? City ot' MoihicmI, ( r to carry such liailway ity a line in tin* roar of thi' City last inmH'd to any point in tin- Counlry of [,iiic. .,f Montreal beyond or to the westward of the .'•aid ('ity, an- there, if they deem it expedient, to ('((nnect It with an}' liailway to he con-trneted fiom the >aid City to or towards tliu City of Kinj^ston or to or towards tliu Town of llytown : J'rovided always, that a eopy of tin- eertiliente ;;;ranfed as I'mvisn : afoi'es id hy tin- Secretary of this Province, rhall hy ihe said *'"l''''^ "•'i''- (Jompany ho pnhlislied in thn Ctni(n/Ue witiiin twenty ''•'.'"/ '*■*"!' '" (lays atier it shall have been i;"ranteany. IV. And be it enacted. That the sineral clauses of "TheC-rtnin liaihvay (Jlauses Consolidation Act," parsed duriii<,' *'"-' 'J'"t;'v ','*^ l,^ Session held in the fourteenth and lifteeiith years of Her -Mil- Jn, ,',n„,'n,ig,'i ' jcsly's Reign, with resj>ect to the lirst, second, third and f(auth witli tlii.s Act. clauses thereof, and al?o the several c'auses of tlie said A(;t ■with respect to the " Interpretation, " Incorporation, " " Rort'crs,'" " Pla' s and Surveys,'' " Lands and their valua- tion," " Iliirliways and Bridges," " Fences," " Toll.s," "Ge- neral Meetings,'' " Directors, their Election and Duties," W Cup. 10(t. JSt. Lawntice North Shore Jinilway. 1n»se(Mitic enaith <1 tiiiiH(' iJiMikH to carry (in S(j nselul an iiiidertakinir — I'c it einutted, Tiiat it III MlllHI lip- 1 II • 1 I 1 !■ I *• ..1 • 1 /I 1 .1 • tj,„i(„,.,,„;ni„ sliall and nuiy i»c lawhil tor the saal Company and their siie- oiHiiifiic-»rs, to raise atul contiihnte aiiu»n^ tliuinselves, in siieli ciNxiiiy. proportions as to them shall seeni meet and convenient, a com- petent Hum of money for the iiiaKini^ and completiii;^ the said Ilaihvay, aninj;; the said Rail- way and other works ; and if the wholcSlock Ijo nyt suhscrihed before their ehtrtion, the Directors of the said ('onipany shall cause the iJcioks of Siihscriptioii t>pened as aforesaid, to remain oi)eii ut soino place in the City of t^iiehec, and other Hooks to he opt" ed e'sewhere, within or witleait tliis Pi'ovince, at snch ] daces as they may appoint, for receiving; the ^ii;natu res of per ons williiiii^ to hec'iiiu! suhscrihers to thesaid iinderfahiii;^, until tho whole Stock shall have heen sithscrihed for ; and I'or this piir- ])ose they shall he held antl hound to ;;ive piihlic noti(x' in tho C'tindilii Gn, community cr party, wIk; shall write or authorize any |iers(ui ti; write his or her signature, or cor])orate or eollec- tive name, in such Hook or in any Hook of Suhscription 0]iened Ity the Mavor and (^ouucil'o'S of the City (tf (Juehec, as a Suhseriher to the said undei'takin a Alemher of tho said Company, and shall have the same riyhts and liMhilities as sucli as areherehy coid'erredon the ]\[emhcrs of the said Company, nor shall it he necessary tluit the Suh- scription of any Corporation to the Stock be under its common rioviso: p.r-seal: l^rovided always, that any person, corporation or ])arty, SOILS will. ^^.],^j before the iia t-iiiij of this A( t has or ehall have ^wh cribed for sii.iirs in OJ' autliorized any per.-on to suhscribe his or her name, or tho tlif Uiiiluay corporate name of such Cnrpoi'ation, for any amount of Stock in vlicii lirojrc- {i„y Stock Book of tlic tlicu 1 u tcudcd Companv to construct a ly tolH-'iial li'i'l^^'"y <^'i tho North Shore of the River Saint Lawrence, ho- bll- as sul)- tween the City of Quebec and the City of Montreal, or such Hcrilicrs under other phicc in the rear theieof as might bo found ])racticahle, this Act. j^ 1,^. ^j^ii^^j u -|-]^, jj^^,.{i, gi,^^,.^. Rairoad," subject to tho pro- visions of the Railway Clauses Consolidatiou Act, and of a IS.'H. Sf. Liiwrence Morth Shot'e /iaihmy. Cup. 100. v S|tcciiil Act to bo ohtaint'd l>y tlif Compniiv trom tlic I,c;;islii. tnri' i>t' tlii> I'mviiicc, sliiill lie (Icciiuil to Inivn siilt'crihcd fur u liki- iiiiiiiiiiit III' Stock ot' till' (.'oiii|»!itiy litivliv iiiroriiurafitl, and sliidl litiv «• idl tlu' i'ii;lit>' and lie ^■ullj^<■t to all tlii.* liiiliilitird Midcli iImv woidd lia\(' oi- l)i' lialiir to if tlifV had ^idtscriiifd tor a liki' amount of Stock nndir tin- |irovi?ion:< of tlii.s iVct. VII. And licit ('nnctid, Tliat the hmn po to Ito raised or c.iiiituist.xk: Kidi>erilc(| .-hall cnnHtitiitc the capital sNick (»f the Hid.) Com "ihI its a|i|.ii. jiany. and >hall not exceed in the w hoh' thei-um of Six Hundred '"* • rh«ni(iaiid rounds curroiuiy, and the money t-o to he raised is herel' directed and a|i|)(iinted to he laid ont and a|i|ilie(h in the liift |»hice. for and towards ihe payment ot' all di-hur>e- inents for makin<; the surveys, plans and eothnates incident to the said Uailway, and all the rtst, roidne and remainder of hnch money, for ami towards making', completim; an*! main- taining the said Railway, and other the purposes of thiii Act, and to no other Ubo, intent or juirpose whatever. VIII. And he it enactfd. That the said sum of Six Hundred A">""'>t of ThoUr.and rounds shall ho divided and distin^ui>hed into ninety- '""'' *''""'''• bix thousand eipial parts or sharesof Six I'ounds Fivi' Shillinj^s current V each, and that such shares shall he deemed persomd '",'"' 1"'''"/- estate, and shall he t' ansti'rred as sueli ; and that tlie said n'nt'ty six tliouoand shares shall he and are hereby vi'.sted in the saiil several suhscriiieis, aiul their several respective heirp, executors, curatorH, administrators and assi<,'ns, to their and j,;^,,,,,!,,,^ every of their projier use ami hehoof, projiortio' ally to the Xr. piniiiK ef sum they aneveral and respec'ive rucces-orp, exeeutoi's, cura- tors, admiinstrators and issiM-ns, who shall severally suhscrihe itnd pay the sum of Six I'oiinds Five > hilliniis, or >-uch sum or bums as shall he denniud'd in lieu thii'cof, toward> carryiui^ on and completiiiif the sai.. intended Uailway, shall he entitled to and receive, after the s lid Uailway shall lie completed, the Itij-'lits of entire and net distribution of the prolits and advanta^^es that •'''^'""■'■'"''''*'"'- shall and may ari^u and aeciue by virtue of the sum anr I'urther sum had been original'y raised as ]>art of the said lirst sum of Six Hundred Thousand Pounds : any thinij: herein contained to the contrary notwithstandiii^jf. Votes in 1)10- -^- -'^"tl 1hi it enacted, That the numl)er of votc^i to Mdiich portion to each Sharehohh'r in tho said \mdertakin^ slndl be entitled on S)iaros. cvi'ry occasion when, in conformity to the i)rovisions of this Act, the votes of the members of the said Com})any are to bo ji,''ven, shall be e.,,._ ^^ Annual Gonoi-al Meetisiiijof the said Shareholders shall be held to (•hoo>e Directois in the room of those whose ollico nuiy ar that time become vacant, and generally to transact the business of tho Company ;but if at any time it shall ai)pear to Special Mcot-any eleven nr nmre of such Shareholders, holding togetlu'r two iMKs iiow thousand shares at least, that for more cilectually i)uttin<; this culled, iScc. \ t • J. ■• o • 1 i.' i' oi 1 11 ' Act into executu)!!, a Sjiecnil meeting ot Sliareliolders is necessary to be held, it shall lie lawful tor such eleven or more of them to cause fifteen days' notice, at least, to be given thereof in the Ciuiada Gazutte,, and in any other news])a})er in each of the Cities of Quebec and iMontreal, or in sucli manner as the Shareholders shall by a By-law ]iassed at any GeiuM-al Meeting, direct or a])[)oint, s[)''eifying in such notice the time and place, and the reason and intention of such Siiecial Afeetings res- ])ectively ; and the Shareholders are hereby authorized to meet pursuant to such notice, and proceed to^the execution of the powers by this Act given them, with respect to the matters so s|)eciHed only ; and all such acts of the Shareliolders, or tho majciri'y of them, at such S[)ecial Meetings assemlded, such majority not having either as princi|>als or i)roxies less than two thousand shares, shall be as valid to all intents and purposes as if the same were done at General Meetings : Proviso : for Provided always, that it shall and may be lawful for the said 1853. 8t. Lawrey^ce Not th Shore liailwiiij. Cap. 100. vii 81iiiiTli(.l(ler> at mc\\ Special .Mcetinp;?, in case (if tlic di'atli, '•>'i"K ^"'in- alist'iicc resiii'iiatioii or removal (»t anv pL'rson naiiu'd a '.V''' ".' '" ' 1 ,,• . .1 • 1 / ( • ''"' ^ 'It'll. Diiecfor to iiiana^iO tho ailairs i»t the said Loni])any iti inaiiiiiT at'ol•L■^aid. to olioojc and a]>]H>iiit anotlii'r or others, in the room or stead (tfth so Dirctors ulio may die or he ahseiit. I't.'-ii^ii or l)e removed as aforesaid ; any tldng in this Act to the coiitrai V notwiliistandin"-. ■f!?" XIT. And 1)0 it enaeterueeed to fill np the vacancies thus occiirrini'' in the direction. XIII. And 1)0 it enacted, That any MeotinL' of the ^aid ^^^^^J'^ Directors, at which not less llian flvi' Directors shall he jiteseiit, shall ho competent to use and exercise all and any of the powers lierohy vested in the eaid Directors of the said Com- pany. Xl\^ And he it enacted, That the Stock Qualification rfQiialiUcation Sliareholders to be Directors of the saio lawt'id fof tliu Secretary or Treasurer in any such case to sirvid (.11 the ai)pear in obedience to tlic said Writ, to make tlie Dechiration Couipany. j,j ^.^.j^ ^.,^^^^^ i^y j .^^^. according to tlie exigency of each case, wliich said Dechiration, or the Declaration of tlie President, shall be taken and received in oil Courts of Justice in ]jO\ver Canada, as the Declaration of the Company ; and in causes where interrogatories stir fails et articles ov strment (fecisoire, may have been or may hereafter he served u])on the Company, the Directors shall have the ])Ower by a Vote or Tlesolution entered among the minuter of the i)roceedi:ig8 of any meeting, to authorize the President or Treasurer to appear in atiy cause to answer such interrogatories ; and the answers of the President or Treasurer, so authorized, shall be held and taken to be the answers of the Company to all intents and purjjoses, as if all the formalities, by law required, had been complied with ; and the ])rodiU'tion of a co])y of such liesolu- tion, certified by the Secretary, with tlie said answers, shall bs Bufticient evidence of such authorization. Com puny may XIX. And lie it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful take lands f,)j. (^],^, Company to take and approjtriate for tlie use of their ♦1,'^ '«t ' 1 .?... Kailwav, but not to alii'nat", so much of the beach or land me i5[. j^aw- I'll /III- yx L' toiialti(s not oxcrodini2:Ton Poimds. ''"P'.^*-' l""- iii any ca^o, may I)c.' iinpnseil t'nr tl oc uUravciilioii tlieivuf, and "'' " '""■ such penalties shall he recover.djlc ii-oin the said Coniiiany of from aiij of their otlieers or servants hy wlioiu tlie rei^iilatioi.'s shall have heen contravened. XXI. And he it enacted, That the said Company shall haveCini.a.i.o.if.y power to hecoine iiarties to Proniis^orv Notes and Ihlls ut' ""''".' ''^,/* Jlixchanife tor sums not less than Iwcnty liveiounds, juid any ,,,,t(.-s, &. ' euch Promissory Note made or eu'lorsed, and any such Uill iA' E\chan£{t' drawn, ac^ca'ptcd or endorsed hy the President, or Vice ['resident of tiu; Company, and countersigned hy the Secretary and Treasurer, and under t'le authority of a nuijority of a y«f>/'w/rt of the Directors, is and shall he hiutHni;' up((n the Cumjiany ; and cvnYy such Promissory Note or Pill of Exchange made, drawn, accepted or endorsed hy the Presi- dent or Vice President of the said Com[)any, and counter- sii^'ued hy the Secre'ary and Treasurer as sneii, either heforo or after the })assin<;' of this Act, shall he presumed to have heen pro])erly nuido, d)'awn, accepted or endorsed, as the c ise may ho, for the Conij)any, until i he contr.iry he sh 'Wn ; and in no case shall it he necessary to Inive the seal I'f the Compjniy aifixe 1 to any such Pill of Exchanj^e or Promissory Note, nor shall the President, Vice-President, or the k^ecretary and Trea- surer of the Company so making, drawing, acceptiiej;, or endorsing any such Promissory Noie or .P)i[l of Exchange, hcp,.,,^. ., therehy suhjeeted individually to an \' liahilily whatever : Pro- vided always, that nothing in this claue shall he con:?trued to authorize the said Compfiny to issue any Note payahle to hearer, or any Promissory Note intended to he circulated iis money, or as the Notes of a Bank. XXTT. And he it enacted, That if at any time the AfHyor aiul Co.po.iiti.'.s Councillors of the City of (.}uehec, or the Coi-porat'on of the"':iy ^ 'mI City of Montreal, or the Gentlemen Ecclesiastics of the Sen u "'""*'•' •"* ^*'" nary ot C^ii^^'i^^'c, or any otlnr Corporate ooily, civil or ecclesia-^- w^li us miI'- tic:d, or any Municupalify in lliis Province, shall he desirous of «'•■''•<■ "oc suhscrihing for shanks of the Capital Sto^dc of the said Company''^'" '• '■^■*'- or of otherwise promoting tlie sj)eedy complelion of the said Tiailway, hy loans of money or securities for money at interest or d coNsiUdiioji dere ite, it shall he lawl'ul for them res[)ecti- vely so to do in like manii' r, and wirh the same liglits suid privileges in respect thereof as ])rivate indivitluals may do under or in virtue of this Act, anv thing in anv Ordinance ur A'-t or Instrument ot Incorporatiun of any such Ixjdy, oi in any Law or usage to the contrary notwitlistaiidi'g : Provided always, r ..v-o. that should tlui said Company recpiire to purcliase fi(un the Ecclesiastics of the Seminary of St. Snlpice of Montro il, anv hind either on the Lachine Canal, liiver St. Lawieucc, or in any other i)lace, tor the [)urposes of the Railway, it shall he lawfid fir the said Eec'esiasties to sell and c(uivey the same to the Comi)any, without advertising and ofleritig the said lands X Cap. 100. St. Lawrence North Shore Raihony. 16 Vict. at public; sale, or witliont any other formality of sale than is })rovi(Je(l by this Act. onjm'i'ri'm.t ^^I^f- J'j'ovided always, and be it enacted, Tliat inasniucli to I'cK'iii'icct '^'^ '1'^ ^^''.y^'" "'"^1 Councillors of the City of Quebec have t<» tlic jiiovi- ah'eady obtained the consent of a Majority of the (jualified fiions t.t |.iirii-t.ii,(,tors (.f the Municipaliry, that 'the said Mayor and 5^g"y,,!j''^'^ j"jj Councillors should subscribe for sliares to an amount not V.'f. 51. exceedinoration may, either before or after the incorporation of the said Company, and Avithout any previous forimdity or ])rocceding, subscribe for shares in the Capital Stock of the said Company to an amount not exceeding the sum aforesaid, or may, to the amount aforesaid, lend to or guarantee the payment of any sum of money bor- rowed ]jy the Company from any Corporation or ])erson, or indo. sc or guarantei; the jiayment of any debenture to be issued by the Company for money by them borrowed, and shall have jiower to assess and levy from time to time upon the whole rateable pro])erty in the s;ud City, a sufficient sum to enable them to discharge the debt or engagement so contracted, and for like purpose to issue debentures payable at such times and for such sums respectively, not less than Five Pounds cur- rency, and bearing or not bearing interest, as tlic said Corpo- „ . ,, ration mav think meet : Provided alwavs, that nothing in iioiiitioii of ^"'^ ^^^ siiall be construed to i)revent the said Corporation or Qii(l)i'c lu.iy the ]\Iayor and Councillors of the City of Quebec, from siilis.iilii' for subscribing for any further or additional a.nount of the Stock fiirtlicr sum. <,[' the said Company, if they see tit so to do, comj. lying with the provisions of the Railway Clauses Conso'idation Act in that behalf, as far as regards such further or additional amount of Stock. rrocccriinps XXIV. And 1)0 it cnactcd, Tliat if at any time any Sheriff or \\"it of'Fx('- T)f^ilifl' f'hall receive a Writ of Execution, commanding him to ciitiona^'aiiistlevy any sum of money due by any Municipality for the a Miiniciiiiiii- principal or interest of any Bond or Debenture issued under ty for arrears the autlioritv of tlus Act, the Plaintiff nuiy i-equire, and the of interest or ^ , , •' , ... i •.. i. i l • i nrin.iiial on Court whence such execution issues may order it to l)e levieon the Secretary- Treasurer of such Municip: lity, and if the money therein mentioned, with all the lawful hiterest and costs, which the 1853. 6V. LaiorencG North Shore RaiUoay. Cap. lOi). xi said Slicrif}' or IjiiilifF is coiniueiitlL'd to k'vy, be not jniid Avitliin one month tVoiii the time C)t' such service, the said Sheriti' or I'uilitr sliull himself calculate wliat rate in tlie pound, upon tlie assessed value of all the rateable property lyiu«^ or situate Avithiu the limits of the said Municii)a'ity, will, in his opinion, after making fair allowance for the exjicnses, loss'.'s and defi- ciencies in the collection of su(rh rate, be required to i)roilucc the debt, interest and cost which he is commanded to levy, and a sum ot ten j)er centum in addition ; and the snid Sheriff or I'ai'ili'may conmiand tlie Council of the saiil Mnni('i|iality, and all otlicers whom it may concern, to cause the said rate to be levied and collected, and the proceeds to be paid over to him; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Asse-sors, Collectors, and all oiiier otlicers of the said Munici- pality, to produce to tlie said Sherift or Bailiif, on his demand, all assessment ])ooks, pa})ers and docmnents, haviufj^ referenco to the assessment of the pi'operty in the said Municipality, and to give him such infornuxtiou a-* he may re(piire in order to lix the said rate : and all such officers of the said M^niicipality slniU be bound to obey the said Slierill or Jjaililf, as well in i'OS])ect ot such information as in the levying and col'ectionof such s])ecial rate, and for neglecting or refusing such obedience, shall be liable by impi'isonment {contralnte par corps) to be decreed against them by the Couit in which the judgment has been I'enderel and ought to be levied ; and the sa'd Sheriff or J''>"ris of the Bai'iff shall, for the iiuriiose of imposing, levying and collect-^'"'''"?'""**'''" mg tlie said special rate, have all tlie jjowers ot the said Alum- ,.,,,, „i,.^^^,jYuti' ci])al Council and of its ofiieers, and may proceed to the sale of lands and immoveable ])roperty in the same manner, and take such otlu-r nroceediiigs and recourses asthiiv could do for the nonpayment of any rate or assessment; and the said Sheriff or J3aililf shall pay to the I'laiiitilf his debt, interest and costs out of the amount levied, and if there be any sur|)liis, it shall be paid back to tlieSecretary-Treasurer of thesaid Muni- cipality, but if there be a deficiency, a new rate shall be imposed and a levy made ; and no rate so imposed, nor any levy or collection by such Sherilfor Biiliif, shall be liable to be opposed for inequality or injustice, but any party injured may petilion the Council of said Municipality for redress out of their other funds, XXV. And be ii enacted. That it shall l)e lawful for the Tlic f}ovcrn- Governor in Council, at any time after the expiration of twenty- '"''"* ">">' one years, from and after the first dav of Janiiarv next, after thei'"''''^ \ti'. iiinl on to the Mayor and Councillors' of the City of Quebec, to pur-'*^'"^**'-''""!*'- cliase the said Railway, with all its liereditaments, stock and appurtenances, in the name and on l)ehalf of ller Majesty, upon giving to the said Company three months' notice in writing of his intention, and upon payment of a sum equal to twenty years purchase of the annual profits divisible upon the I'lovihO. xii Cup. lOU. «SV. Ltnonncc jS\>rth Shore liailway. 10 Vitr sul),~cril)e(l jind paid up Stock oT tlie suid Iliiilwiiy, csliiniit(;d oil ilie avt-'i'iigu of tlic Hcveii tliL'U next prt'ccdiiif^ ycai> i'x)- A'idi'd tliat tlic aveian'o rate ot' prolitrf for the said .sfVfU yoars, sludl not. 1k' less than thr I'ate of tin I'ound.s in tlic Iliiiulrud, and il t^hail 1)U hr.\ lid foi' the Company, if ihcy sliall hu of tho opinion that the i^^aid rate of twenty years puielia?;o of the 6uid averai>;e ])rotits, is an inadeipnite late of ])nrc]iaso of the 8aid IJailway. rcftut'nce heini;' had to tlie itvospeffivc ])rotits tlirreof, to reipiln; that it shall be lel't to arljltiai Ion in case of dirt'ereiice, to detcrndne what (if any) addiiioinal amount (»f ])iuo]iiisu money >li;dl ho paid to the said Company ; l*r<>videil al^o, thai siu-h option of [nirchasc shall not he c;.e'.- cised, exce[)t with the consent of the Company, whih; any Order in Council, reducing the Tol's fixed an'' ret^u'.atcd by a;iy l>y-la\\' of the said Cumpany shall be in force. ToMpniiyto XXVI. And be it enacted, Tiiat from and after the coni- vVui'n'w<''i)-'''*^'''*^'^'''''-^^''^ '''' ''"^ ]>(Jriod of seven years, next pre('ctlini>' the cf ti) such ii,s- pi-'i'iud at wliich the eaid option of purchase will become 8Uiii(>..on. available, full and true accounts j-ludl be kept by theDirectoi's of the said Company, of all sums of money leceived anil j^aid on account of the said liailway ; aiid tlie said Company, shall once in every half year during the said ])eiiod of seven years, cause a ha f yearly account in abstract to be prei)ared, shewing', ihe total receii»t and exjienditureoii account of tlie said liailway, for the half year eiidiiii;' on the Thirtieth day of June, and on tlie Thi'-ty first day of l)eceiu!)er re.-]H.'ctively, under disliiict heads of receipt and ex[)enditure, with a sialement of the bahmce of such account duly audited and certilied, under the hands of two or moi'e of the Directors of the said Com|'any, TIkv si. nil ii'Ud shall send a cop^y of such account to the Inspector (ieiieral, tiaii.sinii on or belbre the last days of August and February respectively ; tup'r,, (), such j^,,(^[ it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, if and when til,. r,|si„.ctor''^ Hiail think nt, to ajipoint any jiroper jjerson or persons to Uciuml. inspect the acciums and books of the said Couipauy, during the said pei'iod of eeveu years ; and it shall be lawfull for any ];)ersoii so authorized, at all reasonable times, u])on pnoduciug his authority, to examine the books, accounts, vouchers and other documeiiis of the Company, at the principal Ollice or place of Business o':' the Company, and to take copies or ex- tracts therefrom. D.lK-it.i I'sto XX V 11. And bo it enacted, Tiiat any Delieui ure in tlie form ^"?,;'*',\''-''"'"of the Scheduie A'to this Act, issued by the said Comi)aiiv, O' I'lO »>C'R'- "^ It' c 'It! to tui.s shall be valid aid eti'ectual to ail intents and purposes accord- Aoi, ing to th.e tenor thereof and sl\all bind the Company, and any Miinicipial Corpcn-atioii which tliall guarantee the same and if Hvpnthcc iia-such Debenture shall j)urport to give a mortgage or hypothec tlcvsiuh Di- ^jj (]|^ liailwav and i.ronertv of the said Compain, such mort- bcn tlucs. , ; 11,/ 'i. 1 11 11 1 ,■■ ,1 1 ^ gage or hy[K>lhec .nIuiII be valid and shall rank from the date of such Debenture if the same be registered within one month from such date, and no such Debenture need be passed before 1S53, Si. Lawrence JVori/i Shore liaihoaf/. Cap. 100 xiii a Xotary or N*>tarii'.s in ordci- to i^'ivc valiili'v to siu-li inortij;ai;c or livj/oilu'c, \v liicli sliall iiicludu the h'oii Uails and other paits ol* the track ot" tliu liailway, and all i)rid,ii;r.s, huiidiii^s, coii.s- ti'iictioiis anvi\\ of the Cumjiany, oy the oath of any oiio credible wit ne>s before tlu' lieiiisi'ar : And lor facilitatin;^- the !:• J,'I^».•)lt:• i registration ol' the said Dehentnns, He it enaeled, That tht; '" ''i'-'''^ • re^ir-tration lheie(»f. in tliu Iteiiistry Olliee of the Cotinly of Qu(.'])ee, shall be sullieiciit and shall have the sann; elleet as if tliey AVerc registered in every County throu^'h whieli the said liailwiiy sliall pass or in wliieli the proi): rty mor<^a^'id or l'y}>o- tlieeated shall lie, and the said Company mny furiii.-h the lu'^Is- tiar of thesaid County of Qaebtje, with a Jxtok or Injoks contain- ing copies of t'lie Form aforesaid, one copy on each i)a<^e, with 6ueh blanks as may be convenient for the several case^, and tlio registry of any Debentiu'e by cojiyiiii;' the same at leng'h in a!'y of the said 15(joks (witlnut copying;' tlie interest t'od^^r^?;*') aad ap|)en|)ondi!i^' ceitilieateof reiiislration shall be iiiveii by the lie^'istrar on,, ,, , the oi'lii'ina! Debenture: and if any I'ei^Is'eri'd J )ebi'nture U;. ;,,.,. n-cs. Biiall be broug'ht to the said ]iegi.-trresence by the I'resident or Secretary of the said Comiiany, tlie llej:;istrar eliall nudce an entry of the cancellation of such Debenture in the margin of the pji^'e oil which the same is n gi^te'red, and the caiici'l'ed Delienture shall renniin of record in his oilice : Foes, and the fee of the ]ieu'istrar for regis eiing any Debenture tdiall hv Two Shi!ing>, and for entering the cancellation ol'any Debenture One Shilling, and no more. XXVin. And be it declared and enacted, That the Act A. t tr, V. c passed in the present session, intituled, Tin Act to ,7/ij)oWi-r ant/'-''-'', "''j' ■'^- * liailway Company whoin: li a iliO(Ay forms pari of the Main Trunk i^,','',*; j!), , 'j", ^•',',. Line of Jiadwny througJiout thin Province, to unite with a?;//t,'oiuViny anu otlnr such Company or to jjurchase the proixrty and liyhla^^y ••'•i' way. of an 1/ suek Company, and to repeal, certain Acts, therein iiicntionid inral sum and inte- rest, the said Company, under the authority of their said Act of Incorporation, hereby mortgage and hy])othecate " the whole of the Railway called the Mortli Shore Railway from its termi- nus at Quebec to its terminus at Montreal, bothlerniini inclu- Bive, and all the appurtenances thereof," or as the case may be. In witness whereof, I the Tresident of the said company, have lu'reunto set my liand and atHxed the coujmou seal of the said Company, at the City of Quebec, on the day of one thousand eight hundred and A. 13. President. [l, r.] C. D. Secretary. Jf the Dehmtiire he guaranteed hy any Municipal Corpo- ration, say : " Guaranteed by {naine of Corporation). J, ii. Mayor, [l. s.] Registered in the Registry" Office of the County of Quebec, on the day of one tliousand eight luuulred , on page of Book E. F. Registrar. IS Vict.— 1854. North Shore liaUway {Quehcc.) Cap. XT CHAP. 31.— 18 Victoria. An Act to ninciul the Act of Incorporation of the Nortli isliore l^ailway Company. [Assented to ISth December, 1854.] "VirirEUEAS thouri^nnal suLscHption bck ef tlic Xnrtli '''■'■'^"''•'^■• TT iSliurc liiiilwiiy Cdiiipaiiy, kept in (•(•iit'unuity with the Act sixteenth Victoria, chapter one hundred, in('orj)oratin^ I ho Coiiii)ai)_v above ineiitii)ned, was det^tniyed by Fii'i; on the tliirtietli day of Dcceiidier, one thousand ei^ht hiindri'd and fifty-three, and it is expedient to provide a remedy for the inconveinences wlucli inidorn of Great liritain and Ireland, and intituled, Ait Art (o reunite the I'mvinces of Upper and Loioer Canada^ iind for the Govei'mnent of Canada, and it is hereby enacted by the autho- rity of the same, as follows : I. AVithin the period of one month from and after tin.' parsing of this Act, the Secretary of the Province shall affix the seal ■^""i"'*'"' of the Province to and shall deliver to the North Shore Haihvav '")'>: "',""', Comiiauy, the copy ot tlie said Stock or Sul)Scription J»ook, .niition ixxik and the documents accom]»anyin<; the same, transnutted to to i.c iruulo "' ' " ' "■ " '■ ■ • ... . , ...11 i: ,^J said Secretarv of the Province, as being that transmitted tol"'iP"'^''« 't him by the Clerk of the Citv of Quebec; and the said copvr'"^".':'' "'^'•^* shall tlienceiorth be consulered to all intents and purposes as &c. the orii);inal, and shall have the same fore and eifect ; and the signature of any person, whose name shall be found to be inscriljcd in the said copy as a subscriber or sharehohler, shall be considered as haviiigbeen inscribed in the original book by tlie said subscriber or s'sireholder, and in case of denial on thejjart ofsuch subscriber or shareholder, it shall be sufficient in order to prove the said signature or the number of shares subscribed for by the faid subscriber or shareliolder, that the person or persons whose name or names shall a])pear u])on the said cojw as that or those of the witness or witnesses to the said signa- ture, do declare under oath that the said subscriber or shire- lio'der did place his signature or mark (as the case may be) in the said original subscription book, or did subs(;ribe for the said shares ; any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. xvi Cup. 3k North Shore liulbtmy (^Quebec.) IH Vic i.— 1S51. ('oni|iMiiy II, It sliiill lu? liiuTiil '"ortlic PiiM (J(imi)aiiv ulioii tln-y sli;ill III I ' '11'^ . I)c ilifiH'iiiito iiiitli'iri/ccid at u sitcc ;il iii' utiiii; nf tliu rfliiU'fliol- Slllllrs III (IT- , , . II 1 ,. 1 111 tain ..ih.r (U'l's, f(» he jiruviuii>ly cuImmI lorlluit i»iir|)(>nt', provMk'd alwavri, iiii.lriiiikiiii,'. tliiit iit such iiH'ctiii;^ tliri'i' luiirtli* ot' siicli sliiU'-liaMcrs ]»i\'sciit niiHt iis-oiit, to piircliiisc, taki', jiosscss ami sii!>s;Tii)ij Ibi" s!ian.'H in any otlirr Railway (tr Strain to'-ry ('Hiii|)any ncross tlio riviT St. I-awrencu, ut any imint hi'twci'ii C^uclxtcj and Montreal iuelnsivc, \\\nm tlicv shall doctn it advanlaircons to the intere.-ts ol' the said North Shore Iladway (JoMi|»aiiy, VM;iii.rnii and the J)iri!eior3 of fhii said Conipiinv iiiav authorize one or iiioi'c! person,-; to vott; ni respect ot the shares, at any .Meeting; ol" such Kui'way or Steani-t'ei'ry (Jonipany as al'nresaid, in ^\hi(•h till' sa'd jSorth Shore I!;iil\vay Company shall have so taken shares. h.f li bdiin s. SlvIuL''^ Jll. lliennnil)er oftlie 1)1 vetors of tho Company >Iiall he tiih Iv \ Avho shall from and after the tit'te nth day of the month ol' .June next, he elected aninially at the i^-e'ieral nieetiui;' of the stttekliolders, in the nninner and foi'm piovided in and i>y the luiilio ty CLau.scH CunsoLulaUaa Act. rip.t inicc- w_ 71^. T)ii'C(!tors nniy employ as paid Directors one or ^'^ "*■ more of their numher. fal I'i'm'Io' ^'' '''"*"" '^'"^ ''"''"' thoiiassiniirof this Act. no private hliare- tl, ,,„,._ liolder shall he entitled to vote at any of the El ctions recpiired or authori/ed hy the said Act, unless he shad have paid all insialmenls called in aiul due at the da'e of the said meeting's. r on? ()"-.! - yi. 'Ihe payment af snc^h instalments slirdl he authenticated '"'""•'• '■■■ "'■l)y tlie certificate of the trea urei' ol'ihe said Company. Pi ties u\ Y n. Any suhscriher who ^liall ne:^lect or refuse to ])ay one If '. .'' Nui to. <"' ""^1"^ t)l" the instalments called in hy the said Com[)any, shall be required so to do by notiricatiou in writiiiij^, under the si;4nature of tlie Treasii er of ilio sahl Company, and the said iiot'tication shall he lei't at the residence for the tinu' hein^' of the said Shareholder, or at the domicile which he shall have „,,' „. elecled at the time of siihscrlhinL!; : I'roof of service of such ]!otitication shall hem;' le by the oath of the person serving.' iho same. riiiiiio Act. VIII. This Act shall be a Public Act. 20 Vict. St. Maurice Rail may — Incnrporalim. Cap. IV,). xvii CHAP. 1-19.— '20 ViCToniA. An Act to iiicorporalo the St. Muurico J^iilway niid Navigation Company. \Assentul to Wth Juur, 1857.] WIIKIiEAS cortaiii |»c-rt*oMs liavi' |ii'titioii(Ml tli;it an Ac-t i.,.,,.i„j1,k., may bu passed luitluiri/.iiii; tlu'coiititnictioii of a Kailway from soiiit' point ailjoinini; tin; Track of tliu Nortii Shore Hail- Avav ('oMtpany at or iicarTIiietj-liiv ers, liL'riiiif't'r to ht- sclccrt'tl, to the (Jrand IMIesoii the Uivei' St. Muurice where tlic Stt'am Jsav'iiratioii of that liiver comnuMiccs, with powrr to run oiieor more Steamei's on the navij^ahli; wa'ei's of tiuit Itiver ah(»ve the said Cirand I'ilos, and the ri;,'iit aby, (leori^e Jlonore Simard, Georije O'kill Stuart, Napoleon Casault, Jean El e Thibau(i can, all of Quebec Ks([uires, and Joseph Edouard Turcotte, AntoiiH; Polettc niul Aime Des Islets, of Three-Uivers, Es |uii'es, Sir (ieorije, Simpson, of Montreal, Kniirht, Jactjues (Jlivier IJureau. of tlie County of Kapierville, Esipiii't', and Louis Leon Eesieur De-itiulniers, of the County of St. Maurice, E>quii'e, to^vther with such other person or persons, Corporations and Munlci- l)alities as shall under the provisions of this Aet, become Shareholdors in the Com])anv herebv incorporated, shall be^, 1 1 1 1 • 1 i^. . "i 1*11. . Cort)0'(iti' and are liercby ordained, c instituted a id declared to be a nam^ ainl body corjiorate and politic by and under the name of the St. i>f'w<'vs. Maurice Kailway and Steam Xavii^^'ation Company. JI. The several clauses ui' the IJailway Clauses Consolida Ct rtaiu <\nn- tion Act, with resi)ect to the first, s cond, third and fourth ^f*^ o' '•^' }'^ clauses thereof, and also the several clauses of the said last^"*"' ^''i'"' mentioned Act With respetjt to "■ Interpret ition, " Incorpo- «i(ii this Art ration," " Powers," Plans and Surveys," " Lands and their valuation," " lli^n'hways rind J}rid,i;-es," '• Fences," " Tolls," " General Meetings," '' Directors their election and duties," " Shares and their transfer," ''• Municipalities," '' Sharehol- ders," " Actions for indemnity and tines and juMialties aMil their prosecution," " Woikinu; of the Jlailway," and '' (ieiieral Provisions," shall be incorporated with this Act, iuid slia'l accordingly apply to the said Company and the said Uailway, except only in so far as they may be inconsistent witii the express enactinent« hereof ; and the expression " this xvlii Cjii). 14'J. *SV. Maurice liiiUway — Incorporation. 20 Vitrr. Pruvlwo. Act,'' when iisud h(!rein, kIiuU bo untU.'r>t()ticl to incliitlti tlio jd'ovisiaiiH ot' tlic fiiiilwivy (Jliiuscs Coiis(*liilatii»ii Act which iirti iiicuri»(»niti'il with thi» Act us utorcsaid. I.iiit' «.( linii- jji 'I'lio Coinuany hon!l)V incori)(»ratcMl and thiir Sorvarita ,.,l • and A;^fciitH Hhall liavo till! i>(twcr to lay out iind coiistnicl a Jini'way liutwi'cn .such point connecting vith tiio line of the Haiil Railway Company leading iVoni (^uchuc t<» Minitrcal, in the Town ot" Three- lii vers, or on the Kat-t hank of the St. IMaiirico, a.s they Hhall seh'ct, and tlie place callcil the (irand I'iles or when,"ver heyond tiiat place the navigation of the lliver St, Maiiiici! comnienccs, witii lull powtrri to pasa over imy portiim of the ( ountry between the points :d'ore.>aid and to (rarry the isaid luiilway tlii'oUi;-h the (Vown LainU Towir to 11111 iyinij; between tlie name. The saiil Coniuaiiy t^hall ali^o liave Mi'iiiiiriH i..r I',, II i,(,\v-er and authority to build purchase, hold, keel) and lii'iKlit mid ' . •' ,, • 1 !>• i^'* ^f • 1 piisHciigiiH. '■"" ^"^' *^"" iiiore steamer.- on die ^anl Kiver ot. JMaunce aliovu the said (Jrand I'iles on the iiiivi;4ai)le waters thiuxud", and hhall be t nf ithul to charj^ h, fares and frei,i;'ht for ]>assen;^ers and goods cai'ried on hoard tlie same; Provided always that the Jiailwaya to be constructed under this Act shall liavc it.s terminus in the Towti of Three- Rivers : and in case the i-aid liailways shall he built on the east side of the River St. Mau- rice, such Railways may be exti'iided to the ci»niliience of the River St. Lawrence anil St. Maurice, on the l)ank of tlie latter river. lY. The Ca])ital of tlio Company hereby incorpnr,,tcd shall be tw(» liK ".red thnuaand pounds currency (witli j)ower to in- crease the bame in the manner provided by the Railway Clau- ses Consolidation Act,) which said capital nhall bo raised in thirty-two thousnnd shares of six pounds live sliillings each, and every such shai'c shall entitle the propi'ietor on every occasion when the votes of the shoreholders are to bu given, to one vote for every such share. V, From aud after the jiUFsing of this Act, the said Joseph Morrin, A)idrew Stuart, Eufjcne Chinic, Josepli llamel, Jean J>aptiste llenaud, Olivier Robitaille, The Honorable J( 'ph Cauclion, Fraiu^ois Evanture', Francois Baby, Georgo llonoro Siiiiird, Gcoi'ge O'kiil istuart, iS^apoleon Casault, Joan Elie Thibeaudc^au, Sir George Simpson, Knight, Jacques Olivier J]ure:iu, Lou's Leon Le»i(!ur Desaulniers, John McDougall, Charles Alleyn, Joseph Edouard Turcotte and Antoine A. Polette, and George Baily Ilouliston, shall be Provit-ional Directors of the s;dd Company for carrying into ellect the object and purposes of this Act. Form of con- VI. Deeds and conveyances under this Act for the lands to veyiiiics to ijQ conveyed to the said Company for the ])urposes of this *'"'^'' "^'' Act, shall and niay, as far as the title to the said lands or circumstances of the parties making said conveyance will Capital. Increase. Sliari'K. Votes. Provisional Directors numud. 1H.")7. St. Maurice /i'li'l in/ii/— /nmrpomtlon. C.\\t. 149. xix iiiliiiit, lie m;ulr ill tin' tnriii ^ivcn in tliu Sclicilulc to tliis Act iiiiiikfd A, lUid 111 llcj^isirais nw lnTcliy ivi|iiin!(l to ri';;itt- lli'^'intiutitm. ti'i" ill tlii'ir r»'y;irttiy hookn hiu-Ii (KhmIs mm the |>pMliicfiou tlieroof iuul proot ot' uvcfiitioii, wirliout any tiu-iiiori.-il, mid to III iiiit(! t'Vi ry siK'li I'litiy (»n the deed, and tlu; saiil ('o iipany eli;ill i»!iy till! UL'>;istnir tlu'ivlor t\v» bliiliiii^'s and eix penuo, ^''''■''• iind ti'i iimru. Vir. It eliall ann their beiii^ (;lected by tho Stockolders of tho saitl Company as hereinafter provided, would under the provisions of th(! Railway Clauses Counds currency in the; capital stock *'f,"|'i!,'!!'','" '',•' the said Company shall be taken, ami ten poiiii(ls ]»er centum i,j,.,,,.i,„.„ thereon hhall have beiMi'paid into t^ome one of the (Jhart<'iH"d J»aiiks uf this I'ruviiice, it ■■'hall a;id may behiwfiil tor the Pro- vi?ional .Directors of the said Conii>any for the tinrj bi-in^' to call a meet n^-, at the ('ity of (Quebec, of tin- subscribers for stock there'll, and who have paid tc'ii per centum thereon as aforesaid far the purpose of electiii<^ Directors of the said Com- ])any : Provided always, that if the said Provisional Dii'ectors Proviso : in shall ne_i;'lect or omit to call such lueetin;;', then the same may':""' "'"'"''<- be called bv anv of the holders of shares in said Com|)anv ^'"V '" "!. 1 , ,. • •, , 1 . .1 I- • «uch mooting, lloldIU^• anion:;' t hem not less than an anioint iMjuivalen' to live thousand ])ounds currency ; and of any meetiii^to called by the Provisional JJirectors, or by the sharehohlers as aforesaid, public notici! for one miuith shall be <:;iven in at least two news-papers, one ))ublisheil in English and one in French, at Quebec, and in the Enu'lish and l'"reii(!h hum'ua^es in roprietor of shares therein to an amount not less than one hundred and twenty-iive pounds currency, and shall also ])roceed to pass such rules and rei^ulations and bydaws as shall seem to them lit, provided they be not inconsistent with this Act, XX Cn]). 149. -67. Maxirice liaihoay — Incot poration . 20 Vict. Tcimof oftice IX. The Diivcrtors so {vppoiiifcd or tlioso ap]K)inted in tlieir etouil (at u iiicetiiii^ to \w Ciillcd for tluit ])ur}>osc; uiidtT tlie c-ii- ditidiis i toi'L^aid) in ease of vacancy, shall remain in (jIUcl' for OMc year, or until such time a< bhall he a]i])ointc(l by any l)y- hiw (if the Conijiany, not excceditiji: the said term of a year ; Aninml p'ni'-and the ^liarehohhT.s .--hall yearly in like iiianner at such time rill moctiiigs and I laee as sliall be provided for by the l)y laws, meet and elect Dii'i'ctors in the rodiii of those whose ]ieriud of olhce shall have expired, and i;-enerally to transact the Ijusiness of 'he Com- Spetial K'ue-pany ; but if at any time it should apj)car to any ten or more ml lucttings. of such sliareholders lH)Idin«:' together one thousand shares at least, that a 8}>ecial (-ienei'al Meeting of tlie Shareholders is necessary lo be held, it shall be lawful tor such ton or more of them to cause littcen days' notice at lest to bo i^ivcn thoreot", in such newspapers as are here'nbefi>re provided, s])eci- fyhij^ in such notice the time and i)laee, aiul the reason Powers of and iutcution of sucli Special Meeting respectively and the Kjiccial K'lii-glijuvholders are hereby authorized to meet p<.'rsuant to such "^^'^^ '"^'"'notice and proceed to the execution of the i)owers by this Act g-iven to them with respect to the matter so specified oidy ; and all such acts of the shareholders or the majority of them at such sj)eci!d meetings assembled, (Such majorit}' not having either as principal or proxies less than five hundred shares) shall be as valid to all intents and purposes as if the same were done at xVnni'.al Meetiuirs. a- Directors to X. Ic shall and may be lawful for the Directors of the said '■'^'^"!'''*'''i'*:^*'Com]iany for the time being, to inake, execute and deliver all ^^c , '"'"^^gij^.]) j^^.,.ip j^^il j^],m.^.g (,(>,,(^i|j, j^j-^jj,^ ji„j j,][ ^\x^.\x bonds deben- tures, mortgages, or other securities, as to the said Directors for the time being shall from lime to time seem most expe- dient for raising the ricces^ary cajutal for the time being autho- rized to be raised by the said Company, or for raising any part thereoT. Bonds, &c'., XI. All bonds, debentures and other securities to be exe- may bu P'l.v- cnted bv the said Railway Company may be payabh? to bearer, able to bearer. . i,' i , , i i " ^ ' '\i •' ^-r- ,. i ., and all sucii bonds, del)entures or other securities of the said Company, and all dividends and interest warrants there. m res])ectively, which shall juirport to be payable to bearer, shall be assignable at law by delivery, and may be sued on and enfor- ced by the respective bearers and owners thereof for the time beini"' in their own names. 'ft Qiioriim of XII. Any meetings of the Directors of the said Company, at irectors. -wliic-h not less than five of such Directors shall be present, shall be competent to exercise and use all and every o^ the powers hereby vested in the said Directors. Calls. XIII. Calls nuiy be made by the Directors of the said com- Provisoiimit-P^'O' ^^^1' ^^1"-' ti^^"-' ^'"-'i'lft • Pi'ovidcd that no call to be made ing calls. Upon the subscribers lor stock in the said Railway Company, 1S57. St. Maurice Raihoay — / corporation. Cap. 149 xxi shall ('xcoed the sum often ]ionnclt' per coiitnm ujxm the amount sul)-<'i'ihehall ami may he lawful for the Provisional and l''"viso : tm others D'ir. ctors of the said Comi)any for the time heiu'^to d,.. l"!--'»t,t<'l'« nianu and receive to and tor the use ot the said l.oinpany tlie.sriiliiiig &c, sum of ten ])ounda ])er centnui upon the; amount so hy such pe!'so it enacted, that one'""' '^ ''."" ^ Ml* J.' -i 1 1 j.\ 1 I'll .111 ..aires ot wiisto million live hundred thousand acres ot tlie ungranted lainis ot i.,,,,]^ ,,, i„, the Crown in the neiirhhoiirhood of said River St. ^Iiiurice as-iiiiitrdtotlio close to the said Kailway as may be, shall be and are hereby ^'"'!'l"»"y<"i set aside for tlie purposes of this Act, and -whenever the '""ii'd ' |'|.'|j||,'^'jj'^. Railway shall he iU'tually completed in a good and perma- Kui^vay uiul nent manner witli Stations, rolling Stock and other ajipur- niiiiiinj; thu tenances suthcleiit for flu; ])roj)er working thereof, then upon ''''■'•■'""^■''•''• thi; reptu't of some skilled engineer whom the Governor sliall ap[)oint for that, and the approval of such report by tluiGovei'iior in Councii,and U])on satisfactory evideiute that the said Company is proprietor of one or more steamers suitetl for the navigation of the St. Maurice, on the said river, and on the Coni]iany giving a bond To the satisfaction of the Insjiector General to run such steamer and to ke']i open the said Railway, there shall be granted to the said Company, by the Governor in Council, one million five hundred thousand acresof nngran- ted lands of the Crown lying as near as may be to the said liailway, and the said navigable waters of the St. Maurice; and siich grant shall be a free grant, and the Comi)any shall liave full power to alienate the lands so granted, and to deal wiih the same in such manner as they may think ]>roper ; Trovided, always, that such grant shall be of tracts of ten miles I'loviso : front by tweifty in deptii, alternating with other ♦^'•fn.-ts(;,'';|'|^^*'^'iJ'';^"f to be resei ved for Public Lands ; and the Directors of the said „at'iii^^ with" Company ma_y, subject to the aforesaid conditions, pledge its liind.s r, s( rv- in'erest in such lands as security for any sum necessary t(j"'''- construct the said Railway and works, or to build or purchase the said steamer or steamers. XV. Tlie said North Shore Railway Company shall have company the I'ight of amalgamating with the sa'd St. Maurice Rail- imi) unite way and Steam Navio-ation Com]»any, as one Com])aiiy, v'"',"'*', within one year tr-m the })assing hereot ; and as tar as the]';iiiwiiy same shall be necessary to such union and to all ])roceed- Comimny. ings previous or subsequent thereto, the provisions of the Acts xxii Cap. 141). St. Maurice R dlwny — Incorporatkn. 20 Vict. ]iatany, and shall b('c,om(! one and the same Cor|)otation and Company, nnder the title of the Noith Shore and St. Manrice Railway and Naviiratioii Com]iany, and the Directors and I'rovisional Directors (if any) of the two Com[>aniesso am:dn'ainated, shall be the Diiectors of the Company formed out of the said amal_ ,,t' ];;ii].ii;i'avel, as well as lands tor stations and otlier purposes at wayii.iVravLl convenient places along the line of Ilailway for constructing ])its for lial- and keei)ing in repair and for carrying on the business of uist, jcc. ^|j^ ^,^jj j».^ii^\-.jy^ jijij ^s such gravel [lits and deposits cannot at all times be procured without buying the w' ile lot of land whereon such de])osits may be found, — It is therefore enacted, that it shall be lawful for the said Com|)any and they are liereby authorised, from time to time to puri_hase, have, hold, take, receive, nse and enjoy, along the line ol' the said Railway or s.])arated therefrom, and if separated therefrom, then with the neces!;ary right of way tlU'reto, any lands, tenements and hei'editanien'ts which it shall pleaee Iler Majesty or any per- 1857. St. Maurice liaihoay — Incorporation. Cap. 149. xxiii son or person^!, or bodies politic, to give, grant, sell oi convoy unto, and to tlie usit of or in any trust for tlie said Company, •■ their successors and assigns, and it shall and may be hiwt'ull for the said Company to cstabl' h stations or workshops on any of sucli lots or blocks of land, and from time to time by deed of l)arirain and sale or otherwise to grant, bai'gain, sell or convey any portions of such lands not necessary Xo be retained for giavel i)its, sidings, bi-anches, wood-yards, station grounds orwoikshops, or for effectually re])airing. n\ninta'ning and using to the greatest advantage, the said Railway and other works connected therewith. XVir. The said Railway i^hall be co;miien('ed within twoCoininmrc- years and completed within live years aftt r the itnssing of this""'"', '"'.'^ , Act, and nnlcss commenced and coinplcted within tlie said ,^.,„.i^^ several ])eriods, all rights to the said grands of land shall cease, and it shall in either of such cases be lawful to pass an Act incorporating aiiotlu-r Comj^aiiy to construct tlie sa'd liailway from Three- Rivers to tiie navigable waters of the liiver St. Maurice as aforesaid. XVIII. The Act shall apply to this Act, ainU'i'l'l't: Act. this Act shall be deemed a Puljlic Act. SCHEDULE A. Know all men by these presents that I, {insert the name of the wife also, if sho is to release lur dower, or for any otJur reasoJi, to join in the coiiveyancc) do hereby in consl- deratit>n of paid to me, (or, as the case may he) by the St. Maurice Eailway, and Steam Navigation Com- pany, the receipt whereof is hcrel)y acknowledged, grant, bar- gain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said St. Maurice Itaib way and Steam Navigation Company, their successors and ass ngs, for ever, all that certain parcel or tract of land situate {describe the land) the same having been selected and laid out by the said Company for the purpose of their llaihvay ; to have and to ' a\ the raid land and premises tfigether with ever) thing appei.aining thereto, to the sa'd St. Maurice Jiailway and Steam Navigation Company, their successors and assingns for ever, {if there be doiver to /m' released, add) audi, {name the wife) hereby release my dower in the ^jremises. Witness my hand (or our hands) and seal {or Seals) this day of , one thousand eight hundred and A. r>. (L. p.) C. D. (u s.) Signed, sealed and delivered in the i)resence oi' O.K. xxiv Ciii>. 6i). N. Shore Ihdhoay, Name Changed. 22 Vicr. CHAP. 56.-22 Victoria. An Act to chanjfc the nanu* of the North Shore Rail- way and St. Maurice Navigation Company, I'rciiiiilih {^Assented to 'iUh July, I808.J ^T7"nEREAS Avitli the view of'ficilitii'in<>j tlie oi)orations tT and tlie 8alo of the btook of tlio A'orlh Sliorc Kailway and St. Maurice Xaviij,'ati(jn Company, in acconlancc with the Petition of the Directors of the aniali;'ainated Coinjiany formed hy virtue of the Act liereafter m-iitioiuMl, it is de^irahle tiiat the iianio of the Paid auiali;'amated Company shuuM he chaiiijed : Therefore, Ilcr Majesty, l)y and witli tlie a'ivici; and consent of tlie JA'i;'ishitive Council and Assembly of Cainida, enacts as follows : Namoofrom- 1. From and after the pa-sini>: of this Act, the Xortli Shore rlmnr'd'^ Pailwav and St. Maurice jSaviiration Company shuU he named and known as the iVo/th Shore Rnihoay and St. Man- rice Navigation and Land Company., and the said last nauje shall hereafter 1)0 the only name which the siud Company shall have, and shall ri'j)Iace ils present name, any tiling- in the Act ])asscd in the twentieth year of Her ]V[ajesty''s reign, chaj)fere(l one hundred and forty nine, to the contrary iiot- Hrnv tlio free withstand int;' ; And the free irrant of a million and a half Kraiitoflaml .^.p^s of land provided hy the said Act, shall he ^rninted to the ,!.'.„,■', L'!"i' said Comi)anv, in such alternate blocks within the water-shed made. or the St. JMaurice, as the (.lovernor m Council nuiy ^ ^^^ direct : Provided always, that nothini,^ contained in this Act not t()'invaH-''^"i'^ prevent any Py law, (d)liu'ation or otiier document what- (liitiMitiv i)i\)-so(!ver, made, ])assed or executed before the ])fissiii^ of this (■('.(liii-s liy ^Y^.^^ QY t],y pi-()ceelace annually on the twenty-eigth day of June, or should that day be a Suiulay or legal holiday, ou the following day not being a Sunday or holiday. I'liiiiit Alt. 3. This x^ct shall be deenud a Public Act. 1861. Canada Central Railway Co. Cap. 80. xxv CAP. 80.— 24 Victoria. An Act (*) to incorporate tlic Canada Central Kail- way Company, anil to ameiui the Act, intituled : . An Act to j)roviJc for and encoiirn,.^.^„ll,le, Railway aiitliorizud by the Act ))as.sed in the niiieteentii ami twentieth years (if Iter Majestx "h liiMgn, intitiih'cl : •' A/t ly-jo v. cap. A ci to provide for and encourage the conatr action of n Railw ly 1 1 -'. from Lal'e Huron to Qnehec., has l)een attended with ditricnlty in cunseqnence (,'f the want of a cun(;entrafeany : Therefoi'c, ller Majesty, by and with the advice andcotisent of the Legis- lative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. Nicholas Sparks, John Sn])ple. Alexander Mcintosh, J;^™!^^^!^^?;^'"- Christopher Armstrong, William (JWIeara, P. Pearson Ilairis, ""'*"''"' Thomas Langrell, Peter A. Kglison, William Jiio. Wills, J. R. Mongenais, Joseph llinton, Robert Ci'aig, dames l)ryke, James Goodwin, Francis Clemow, James Leamy, John Porgie, James Skead, Alexander Scott, J. M. Curriei-, John W. Lonx, Richard W. Scott, and William PriMlei'iek Powel, Es(piires, ^\•ith all such other persons, Corporations and Municipalities as shall hecoiueShareholdert! in the Company herein- constituted, shall he, and they are herehv ordaineil, constituted and declared a,, , hody Cor[)orate and Politic, by the name ot the '' Canada ji,ime. Central Railway Company." 2. The first, seccnd, third and eleventh sections of the said ^J'"*^|'^^^^P;^''« Act cited in the Preamble of this Act, in so far as they are*,\2 npciiicd^-' inconsistent with the jirovisions of this Act, and so much otiunl the luw ' any other section theieofor of any other Act, as is inconsistent *^'"""l'''"y (*) This Act is iiitrndiucd to slmw tlic relatinus of tlic Xvrth Shore Fnihiai/ til till' Cuniida Cenlral Railu-dii, aii'l tlic cniiititioiis on wliicli the tuiiucr is cutitlcil to receive the Laud Uraiit of l,20O/)OO acres herein apiiropriated in its aid. The Act of 19-20 Victoria nientionerior, and from the City of Troviso. Ottawa to the City of Montreal ; Provided, always, that with- out the consent of tlie Directors of the said Canada Central Railway Company, the Carillon and Crenville Railway Com- ])any shall not luive jv^wer to construct the section of the said Railway between ILiwkesbury and Ottawa until the expiration of tliree years from the ])assing of this Act, nor afterwards if tlu! Canada Central Railway Comi)any shall have commenccdj and shall proceed with the construction thereof. The Company 5_ Tj^^ Comijany hereby incorix)ratcd, the said North Shore and eertam t) m f^ i.i r^" mi i /i 01 d m r^ others may Rf^^iway Coinpiauy, the Card on and Crrenvule Rauway Coin- amalgamate. p:T.ny) ^y X\\^t nauie or inider the corporate name of the Ottawa Valley Railway Company, or any two of them, lying contiguous to each other, may, if they deem it advisable, unite together as one Com[»any ; and such union may be made by a deed of agreement betwcicti the Compsmies so amalgiunating, fiist approved of by resolutions ]>assed respectively at meetings of the Stockholders of such Companies specially called for the Decdofamal-pxirpose ; And such deed nhall specity the name to be used gama ion. ^^ ^j^^ corporate name of siu;h anuilgamated Company, which shall be the name of one of the Companies so amalgamathing, and shiill be valid and binding upon all persons and parties concerned ; — and upon such amalgamation, the new Company 1861. Canada Central Raiboay Co. Ciij). 80. xxvii thereby formed .sliall t'urthwitli cause tlie fact of such amalifain- N«w numc, utidii Hiid the ciii-purate Uiiine tlicrchv assumed to he advertized "m;''\':"1 Ill llic Caiiuita (jnuuttc ; and tiiereiipoii tlie m-w bDinpaiiv shall liave all the rights, powers, claims and ])riviie<^es, and sliall be .subjeet to all the duties and ohli^atiuiis eunl'ened u))()n or hehl by the C(jm])aiiiesso amal^'amatiiii;'or to which such Companies were subjected by their Acts of ineurporatioii. G. And for the better adjustment of the ])ro])()itions cf the Division of said several (Jompaiues in the lands a]>proi)riated and set apart""" '•'•"'I'* "!'- • 1 I'll • 1 !• i- ii •! 1 ^^1 \ i. 'i. I • ii iiroruiiitril iiy ill aiu oi the said hue or l>,auway by tlie Act cited in the pre- j, ,_'.,„ yj,. . amble of this Act, it is hereby enacted that they shall be re:;'n- w:, uiuoii),' lated as follows, to wit : setiinii; a])art in aid of the said Nortii f^'-vi nil Com- 8hore Railway Company three tenths thereof, and divichnj;-'"''""''^" the remainder thereof into as many ])arts as there are miles in distaiiee between Montreal and the extreme Xcnih Western terminus, which could be reached by the main line of any of the live Com])aiiies mentioned in the second sub-section of the third section of the said Act, under their respective Acts of incorporation, namely, the V^illa_:;e of Pembroke, and ai)j)ro- ])riatin<; one such part thereof t(j each and every mile of such distance in aid of the construction thereof ; Provided, i'roviso. always, tliat the ])ower8 of the said Xortli Shore Jiailway Company, the Brockville and Ottawa Kailway Company, and of the Carillon andGivnville Railway Company, in respect of the j)ortions of the said line of Railway which tlujy are empowered to construct by their respective Acts ofincorporation and by the Acts in amendement there(»f, shall not be abiid^xd by the pro- visions hereof exee])t in so far as they are abridi;'ed by thej)ro- viso in the fourth clause of this Act ; and provided, also, that I'loviso. in the coiiii)utatiun of the said distance the line of Raiway eon- temi)lated by the Act cited in the i)reaiiible to this Act, shall be followed as nearly as may be in conformity with the third clause thereof, but without refen.'ncc to the })arts therein esta- blished ; cxcei)t that the distance between Yaudieuil and llawkesbury shall also be computed as part of the said distance, and that no portion of the Grand 'i'miik luiilway, of which any of the said Companies shall a vail themselves to reach Muiitreai, shall be held to form a portion of the distance for which said Company sliall be entitled to aid under this Act ; Provided, I' always, tlrd if, within live years from the ]jassiiioard of Directors Their powers, of tlie Company, with ])ower to till vacancies occuring thereon, and to associate with themselves thereon not more than tliree other persons, who, on l)eing so named, shall become and bo Directors of the Company equally with themselves, to open Stock Pooks, to make a call upon the shares subscribed therein, to call a meeting of the Subscribers thereto, for the election of otliers Directors as liereinafter provided, and with all such other powers as under the liailway Act, are vested in snch Board. First K'^fral 9. So soon fis one tenth of the capital stock shall have been ul*?*'!'^n'^- •''^ibscribed, and not less than five per cent of the anujunt iuid'li!"tion ^iibscribed shall have been paid in and deposited in some of iJirettors. Cliaitcred Bank to the credit of the Coni])any, it shall bo lawful for the said Directors, or a majority of them, by public notice, to be given at least thirty days previous in the Canada GnzeMi\ and in one or more news])apf'rs published in the Cities of Montreal and Ottawa, to call a first General Meeting of the Shareholders, at such time and place as they shall think proper ; and, at such Meeting, and at every Annual General Meeting of the Company thereafter, there shall be elected not less than seven nor more than ten Directors, to serve nntil the next Annnal General Meeting, and nntil their successors are ap])ointed, and at every snch Meeting, each Munhhiiil Municipal or other Corporation, holding Stock to the amount Corporntidu of twenty thousand dollars or more, and not being in arrear for holding stoik any call thereon, nniy either take part in such election as an ordinary Shareholder, or may abstain from so doing ; and each ISCl. Canada Central naUvmy Co. Cap. 80. xxi'x snch Corporntioii, as .sliall so abstain, may. citlior tlicn or at any titno tlit'roiit't(.'i', hy I'.y-Iiiw in that Itt-lia!.. name onecitlici* DiiTctor, wlio ii('('arties eiibscribin;^ for stock in the said Company to J."^-^j^';'[^.jj'''''' ])ay a (U'lmsit of not more than ten per ('(nt thereon ; the amount of sneh deposit shall be (lecioard of Directors, and fntnro calls lor instalments shall at no one time Instulnunts. exceed live per cent, nor shall more than one call be made ■within thirty days. 11. No ])(>rs(.n shall be (pialified to be elected sncli Director '"'"'■'l !''"'•'"" by the Shai'eholilei-s, unless he be a shareholder holdint^at^ least ten shares of stock in the Company, and has paiorjitioiiri who may oi'conio bharolKilditrsi m lilicd. hiudi !Stu('l< ; and the nioiioy 8(» raised (shall hi- a|)|)lied, in tho lirtit |)lac'(> to tlio jiaynient and di?(diarg(; of all fees, oxpensotj and di^hnl•s{•nu•nts lor ])roeurini^ tho pnssa^jjo of thin Act, and l"or nlalital, and such iJondsof Debentures may be for such amount respectively as the said Company may deem exjx'dient, and all I'onds and debenture to be executed by tho said Comjiany, miy be pay- Dfbonturi's '^^^^"^ to bearer ; and all such IJonds, Debenture-, or other &c. Secui'ities of the said Company, and all dividends and interest wan-ants thereon respectively, which shall pur])ort to be pay- able to bearer, shall be assi^nable at law by delivery, and may be sued on and enforc(;d by the respective bearers and owners thereof, for tho time being, in their own names. ruymuut of 20. It shall be lawful for the Board of Directors, out of the intoicKt until Cajutal of the ('ompany, to ])rovido and pay such sura as may, t le works iUf^.j.^^ii^ tiuu! to time, with the earnings of the Company avail- I'ompleiL'd. 1 1 . !■ • 1 1 , 1. • • 1 r able tor dividend, be sutncient to pay interest upon tiie J^oan ajid Stock and Share Capital of the Company, until the com- 1801. Canada Central Railway/ Co. Caj). 80. xxxi ]»lcti<)n oftlif! an tin iriziitl works ot'tlio mulortakitiij dftlio Ooiii- l>any ; I'rnvidc I, alw .vrt, that siicli im yiiiciits shall not contimnj I'iovIho. to hi' iiuuli! iipoM thi) Stock ami Sliari! (' ipital, oxci'pt out of the caniiiii^rt ot' tilt' C'oini)anv, after t hi.! 111. st day of May, one ' thonsaiul t'i;::ht IiuikIi'ciI aiul sixty-six. 21. Tho Coinpaiiv, for any of tlioir Stations or Dopotn, at,. . . . any p'ace wlu-ro sikmi Station or Di'pot may i)o reviuircd foriimd i<> i.c any of tlu'ir woi'ks hurchy authorizcil, niiiy take land to tho tiilon fm cNtcnt of twenty acrci^. without tho coiiricnt of tlui i>i-o|ii iotur '''"I"'''* tluMTdf, hilt suhjcet otherwise to tho provisions of the Jtailway Act in that helnilf. 22. The (Company may enter Into any anrreoinent with the Aurifcmcnts said North Shore Railway (Company, llie (trand Trntdc liail- ",''.'' """■^' way Company, or any otJier liailway C'oiiipany, whose line ot\|,'|,\"!|;^jj,,j,_ operations may, in any wise, conneet with the lino of route of the Company, tor the leasini^ of their Railway or any part thereof, to such other Company, or for tho lea-iui^ or hiriiii^ out to such other Company, of any Locomotives, Cars, Cai- riaLjes, Tenders, or other nioveahle proj)erty of the Company, citlier altot^cthcr, for any time or times, occ-asion or oeea>ions or for the leasini^ from such other Company, of any Railway or ]>art thereof, or for the leasiiii^ or hirinii,' from such i>ther Coin- ])any, of any Locomotives, Cars, Cari'iai^-es, Tenders or other moveable property, either altoi^ether, or for any time or times, C'CMsion or occasions, or tor tho usiui^ of the whole or any part of the liailway, or mf>vca!)le ]>ro]ierty of the Company, or of the Kailway or moveable property of such other Company, in common by the two Campanies, or oard, appoint an may irnvV.-i Agent in tho City of London, in England, with jiowcr to pay ^^""'"t '» dividends, to open and keep books of transfer for tlu^ ^''^•'•^^'^t'corfai'auow-' the Company, and for tlie issue of Scrip and Stock Certiticates, ci-.s. and thereupon shares may be transferred fnjm the Canada Office to the London OtKcc in the names of the transferees, inTransf.r of the same maiiDor as shares may be transferred in tho former*"}""'''^ *^''""i oi^XQG^ a.\\([ vice versa ; and shares originally taken and « 'b-Qj"|^,^jI"j^j*|*j scribed lor in Great Britain may be entered ujion the books at i.jcc vers!). tho London OtHcc, and Scrip Certiticates be is-u"d for them, and the Agent or other officer shall transmit an accurate list an xxxii Cii]). ^0. Canada Ventral lialbtmy Co. LM Vkt. of all such triiiisl'iTH aiid Scri[) C»!rtificivtc8 80 issued, to tlio Sf'cnitarv or utiirr otlicrr of tiie {'inii]iiuiy in this I'ldviiicu, whosluill tlHjrciiiioii iiiiikf the ri'nuisito ctitrio i it'S|K'(ttiiii; such tniiist'cr niKJ Scrip CcrtiticatiM in the Uci-ister kept iu tho Province, aiid thereupon the same hhall he hiudiii;^ on tho Company as to all the ri^'hts and piivih';^'erf of StocklioMerrf, as thoiij^h tho Scrip Ocrtitieatcs iiad heoii issued hy tho Secretary of the Cunipuny in this Province. \yiiin a Hcc- 2i. It shall not ho neco-«ary, previous to tho Railway ti(in 1)1 tin; r\ • i • • i ^ . i • .i ■ i i i lliiilwiiv iH Vyonipaniea liavui;;' a ri;^iit to a shari; m tho said land appro- t<.iniil("t((l,a ])riation in virtue of this Act, or any one or more of them, jimiMirtiuiiiitr i„.i|,^ entitled to have their respective pro|'ortion3 of tho ',?','"'',''''"''' J^iiid lands, that any other Railway or portion of Railway Ik' liilids iiiMV 11,1,,'' , / 1 • 1 1 ^ 1)1' Kiiiiit'"! to^-nouiu 1)0 made oy any other Company ; t)nt, on the contrary, the (.'oiiiimiiy, so soon as any portion (jfanyof the said Jiailways, not less **>• than twenty miles iu len^^th, t^hall he actually completed in a ^ood and peruMueiit manner with stations, ro'liuijj stock and other ap[»urti'nances, sutlicient for the projier working; of such portion of such liailway, then and thereafter, from time to time, \ip(tn tho completion of similar portions thereof or of any otli'M- of tho said Railwa,y8, upon tho report of tho Inspec'or of Railways for the time boin;:;, the Company which shall have coii- Btructcd tho same shall be entitled to a correspond iui;- pro[)or- tion of such ^rant of lauds as they would be entitled to under tho said Act nineteenth and twentieth Victoi ia,(^ha]>tor one hun- dred and twelve, as amended by this Act, in the event of eacdi ot the Companies forming the Luke Jluron and (Quebec Rail- Avay Company, cotnplyin;^ with tho conditions precedent to Bueh i^i'ant provi- tho mid last mentioned Company ; and if no ungranted lands of the Crown front on the said Railway, then such ^'rant of lands may be made from the vacant lands of the Crown lying within tho Avatershed of tho Ottawa lliver. Dcltcntnrea 25. Any debentures issued by the said Comj)anios, or any to bi- II pfcno- one or moro of thorn, shall form a y;eneral mort tin- in proportit^n to the nmount of stock taken iiy each stock- T.''" '''"''''''''* holder, su'li ('Hm]iMny may do so, iiist rci^ulatinic l»y a l>y law ,,„„.,, i„.|,,.|i. the mode in which such allotment shall he male and evideiu ed; < and the shares in favor of which any allotment or appropriation of lands may be unide, shall be called •' J.aud Shares." 27. The holders of the debentures of any of the S!U(I ^:[';_'^'j';,'''^y^ Companies, having mort^ai;'e or hypcttheque on said lands, „m„,,j^,,,„,„l or if the said lands be allotted amoni; the shareholders, ilis|Misc of tho or any class of the phareholders thei-eof, th'ii the holders'"'''' ''""'•"*• of land shares, shill have the riifht to elect from ainoni^ themselves throe trustt es, which eleetion shall be made by su'^h hcdders of debentures or of land shares as the case may bo, at a ineetin<5 of such holders called for the pupose, in the same manner as is ])rovided by the Act iiico]'p(»ratinii; such Comj)any for special meetings of the shareholders thei-eof; and inay he in.'ide by a majority in amount of such holders pre- sent at snch meetini;-, cither in jicrson or by jn-oxy ; And such Trustees shall have the sole and entire contri>l, manag-e-'^'"'"' 1'u»'-ts. ment, disposition and direction of the huid rei>rcscnted by the holders of the debentures or land shares, or in which such shareholders have any interest; and lor and on behalf of such shareholders, may mortg-afje or sell and dispose ot such lands and collect and receive the i)roceeds thereof, as they may see tit, and for that ])urpose may appoint an ai;ent or agents and have an otliee or olhees either in Canada or elsewhere, and on realizing the proceeds of the said lands or any of them, may divide the proceerotanto^ ex- rroviso. tini^Miish siicli (lebeiiturcs ; and provided, also, tliat if such lands L(; allotted in favor of land shares, such Trustees shall not liave any control over such lands until such land shares he paid up ; and until tliat time, such lands shall bo mana^s^ed by the Directors of the Company, for the benefit of such land shares. Public Act. 28. This Act shall bo a Public Act. SCHEDULE A. Know all men by these presents, that I {or wc, as the case may le) A. D. of in consideration of paid to me {or us as the case may he) by the recei))t whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said Company, their successors and assigns for ever all that tract or parcel {or those tracts or parcels, as the case may Ic) of land situate {here describe the lands) the same having been selected and laid out by the said Com])an_y for the pur- poses of their Railway : To have and to hold the "said lands and premises, with all a})purtenanccs, thereto, to the said their successors and assigns for ever {here add clause for release of Doioer if any). "Witness my hand and seal {or our hands and seals, as the case may le) this day of in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of [XoTE.— The Striutcs 29 V'ictoria, Chap. 80. and 29-30 Vic- toria, C-ap. 9-t, relate to details regarding the Canada Cen- tral Ilailioay^ but have no bearing ou the North 8horQ or St. Maurice liailways.'] 18G1. North Shore Railvmy. Cap. 85. xxxv CHAP. 85—24 Victoria. An Act to extend the period fixed for tlie completion of the works of tlio North Shore Kaiiway and tSt. JNIaurice Navigation and Land Company. {^Asserdcil to ISth May 1S61.] XV/'irEREAS tlic Directors of tlic N'orthSlioro Riiilway and I'lramiiio tT 8t. Maurice iS'aviicatii)ii and Lund Company liave, liy their petition, jiraycd that tlie ])ei'iod lixed for the c.onstriU'tion of their works may he extended for tlic reasons set forth in the said petition, and it is ex]>edient to acei'de to their prayer: Tlierefore, Jh^r Majesty, Ijy and M'itli the advice and consent of the Legishitive Council and Assenddy of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. The North Shore llailwav and St. j\[anrico Navt";ation Period for and Land Company may continue the construction of their'!"' *^"'."i''''- Kailway and other works after the month of -June, one tliousand ,',",',', p.',,, ^''^ ei<;"ht hundred and sixty-two, but such lioad and woi'ks must wDik.s cxtun- be completed by the thirtieth day of October, one thousand *l'ii. eit?ht hundred and sixty-six ; and the said Con)])aiiy shall, durinj;- and after the month of dune, one thousand i'ii;'hthuiulred and sixty-two, continue to enjoy all the powers, rii-'hts and pri- vileu'es i;Taiited to and enjoyed by them, in virtue ot the Acts respecting the said Company, any linntation or provisi(.»n in any such Act to the contrary notwithstaiuling. 2, It shall and may be lawful for the Directors of the said iMivctoismay Company, for the time being, to make, execute and deliver all 'r^'"' ^^'"}^^' such scri]) and share certificates, and all such Bonds, Debeu ^^ for mis- tures, Mortgages or other Securities, as to the said I)irectorsill,^' c:n)ital. for tlie time being shall, from time to time, seem m(»st exjic- dient for raising the necessary capital for the time being authoi'ized to be raised by the said Company, * the I'oard of Directors, out of the ri^iitpanvmny cai>ilal of the Company, to provide and pay such sum as may,'"'- i"''"'^' xxxvi Cap, 95 North SJwre, c&c, Raihoay. 29-30 Vict. on fapita] from time to time, Avith the ean»iii jjay ccrtiiia dividends, to o])eii and keep l)noks of transfer for the shares of powers. j-in; Company, and ibr the issue of Scrip and Stock Certiiicates ; and thereupon shares may be transferred from the (Janada OUice to the London Otlice in the names of the traii>t\'rrees, in tJie same manner as shares may lie transferred in the former olHce, and ?;?ce w?'s4/ and shares originally taken and sub- S(!i'ibed for in Great Britain may be entered upon the books at the Loiid< 111 OtHce, and Scrip Certiiicates be issued for them ; and the A_i?ent or other otKcer shall transmit an accurate list of all such transfers and Scrip ('ertiticates so issued, to the Secre- tary or other oliicer of the Comjiany in this Province, who shall thereupon make the reipiisite entries respectinijj such transi'er and Scr'p Certificates, in the llej^'istcr ke])t in the Piovince, and thereupon the same sliall be bindiui^ on the Com]) uiy as to all tlu; ri<;lits and pri\ileges of Stockluilders, as thoui^'h the Scri|) Certificates had l)een issued by the Secretary of the Company in this Province. rul)lic Act. 6_ rj^^i^i^ ^Yct shall be deemed a PnbUc Act. CHAP. 9.5—29-30 Victoria. An Act to extenid the period for the completion of the works of the Nortli Shore Railway and St. Maurice Navigation and Laud Company. [Assented to \hth August, 1SG6.] "\\7'I^^1'^^T^T*^'^^S> ill view of the jErrcat importance of the under- * T takiuiz:, it is ex[)edient to extend the |>eriod durini!; which the North Shore Railway an 1 St. JMaurice Kavii::ation and Land Ccanpany may complete their works, and the said Com- pany have, by their petition, to the Legislature ])rayed ibr such extension : Therefore, Her ]\raie.sty, by and with the advice and consent of the Leo-islative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : Timpfor 1^ Yov and notwithstandiiip; anything to the contrary in the tli"'i{i'iil!vav ^'^^^ twenty-fourth Victoria, cha])ter (.'ighty-iive. or in any other und worlds 'of Act, or law, the eaid North Shore liailway and St. Maurice l'rcaiiil}Io. 29-30 YicT. North Shore, d;c., Eaihoay. Co. Cap. 95. xxxvii Navi'ijation and Land Company mav continue the construction*'"' Company ofthvir Kiiilway and otlicr works fit'ter tho tliirtieth dav of''''"'""';'''' , , . , •' , 1 • 1 1 1 i" , iiii'l Acts eon- ()ctol)or m tlic! jncscnt year, one thousand eii,dit hundred and timiil. sixty-six, by which day they were bound tu eotni)h'te tlieni under the siid Act ; Init the Jtailway and works of '.lie said Company sliall be conii)lete(l on or beiort' the lirst (hiy of January, in the year of Our Lord one thousand ei;j,ht hu!i- (b'ed and seventy-two ; and the said Act, and all the Acts relatini>' to the nald dnnpany, or to vhe North Shore linUu-ay Company, or to the St. Maurice JiaUway and Navigation Coni])any, shall be and remain in force until the day last mentioned, as if the said day had been fixed by the Act last cited as thiit on or before which the said works should be completed. 2. This Act shall be deemed a Public Act. ruLiic Act. « St. Mau- Xavigation and Land Company, requestino- that permission liii' rts|.d be g-ranted to the Company whenever they l)ecome entitled to *'"' '^'"'^",' the Grant of the million and a half acres of land uiuler the J^t 'j'i,,„',.j\.^. Act, to select where they please the said (piantity of land in the NaviKntiDn & St. Maurice: " i-'"'l Comp. The Comndssioner of Crown Lands, rcjiorts that it is desirable and will be convenient that he should be authorized so to survey and lay out the; lands lying on the watt'r shed of the River St. Alaurice, as will enable ihe North Shore liailway and St. JMauricc Navigation iind Land Company to n.'ccivo thereout alternate blocks, in confornnty with the provisions of tile Acts rehiring thereto. The Committee rcenmmend that the authority l)e given as requested, and that the Railway Company be itrformed thcicof. Certified, (Siirncd) Vi^M. II. Lki:, C. E. C. VI Laud Com imny xxxvili Order in Council 315 Order in Qouncd^ EXTRACT, &c., &o., January (jth, 1859. On selection Oil tlie re])(irt of tlic IlnnoraMe the Coininissioncr of Crown of '"'"' I'.v niit yon herewith aceonipaiiyiu";', three dillerent jJi'ojrets of survey under the letters A, B ^ 0, prep^'.rcdin this Depait- ment before earryin^ the survey of the bloeks into effect. The project A divides the water phed of the St. Maurice into l)locks or tracts averaging 10 miles in bicath by 20 miles in depth; project 1) into blocks of 10 miles Sfjuare and ])roject C into blocks of 20 miles square more or les-s, according,' as the winding course ef the lliver St. Maurice will ])ernut a frontay-o of the blocks respectively situate on tlie op[)0£ite banks of that liiver. The tract of country comprised within the proposed survey of three millions of acres in blocks for selection thereout by the Company of alternate blocks to the extent of one million and a half of acres, I beii' leave to observe, covers all that i>art of the water shed of St. Maurice which as far as has been ascer- tained from exploration, appears to be generally or more or less fit for settlement ; while it will be an injunction upon the surveyors to be employed on the survey, to suggest in the course of their field operations such partial deviations from either of the project as will obtain more favorable locations of the blocks in such localities wherein tho project may cover lauds wholly unfit for cultivation. After you shall have examined these projects of survey, would you be so good as to return them to this Department, subjoiniitg any observations or renuirks which you may think fit to otter on the part of the Company, which 1 take leave to btate will receive every consideration. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obdt., scrvt. (Signed) P. M. Yaxkocghnet, Commissioner.