m Wif ] ii gy I i Loyalists' Society. CONSTITUTION, Adopted 13th Mav, 1889. .1 J- f i ■' .i?* M (["^biffts. descendants into closer association with one another. yah'sts. and to t)rinji tiieir fUfinbf I 's cDualitiuitioaa. n.en:b:Sjp ril-st^Lly:" '^ '^^'^^-'^'"^ "' '"^ ''">-='"^'^ ^'-'■' --"^ - ---•^-- .^-vided. he e,i,ih.. ..r Tile society may admit Honorary members who need not he of t.-nalist descent i,nt s,,,!, n,.n shall not serve m any office or be entitled to vote at any n.eetins of the Noclety! "'' "'""''' vlbmissioii of iHciubfrs. 3. Candidates f.- idmission must be proposeil bv a member at i >m irterh- .no...;,, . . , • subsec^entcuartet, "-tin, by a ballot I, ^hich th.e ont orni:;:h:,;'eS:d /^^ Li^^^^^^^ '"^ ^'""""^' '' =' And provided further that members mav be admitted bv the St-indim. r^mm » k meethn; of the comnnttee the notice for which sh'all specifv Ihe .lame of thltul^^^^^^^^^^ '^ " '""""""'^ '''"'' '"' " I'.very iierson applying for membership, after the thirteenth dav of Ar-.v .s^n i, .11 ,1 i- ,• ■ present memi>er should on or before the firs lav of |ulv iSSo , . w th ■, HI 1 ' •' ''I'''"'™"""' ""'' '-'-«'■>• setting forth his ..ualifications lor membership, i,K:luc , U ^^m^ J ' d ' .1 ;^;;;:h::^ '') '"'^"'^' ^' ^^^'ff' ^'"'"'""' the loyalists from whom he traces hi. descent and then in^e d d ';• [^"-"'; >•■- ''« ar as practicable, respecting declaration si.ali be, when possible, accun^a e by ^i r h; ^ on ^ """'" '" '"'^'^^ ''' "'" "''^ Dues. 4. Every member certified .IS above, siiall on or jjefore th.wl-,,- ,,f ti, , \r . . feeofo,„*,w,„,„..-n ,„„ "-"-cteci to an> olhce or of iHcftiiiiin. 5. There shall be four quarterly meetings of the Society (.•Ycliisi,.„ ,f ti. (L^ffucrs. 6 The members of the Society at the May quarterly meeting in each vear, (the t ii. I the lollowmgonicers for the ensuing year vi/.:- - .v A President, Three \ice-l-residenls, A Chaplain, An A Recording Secretary, A Corresponding .Secretary ■-'■■■ M, ot all which husmoss, tliev sh.iii make ■ '"li •■' ' '"-i^^i-eii uie nu ctingh, o! the present year, 1SS9, excepted), shall listorian, A Treasurer, I'wo Marsh.ills, a nil! report at the next <|uarterly meeting. it 13 i'^- ^ jQ)a^Ci^t. McX-M^i^^ jfi . ^ .1_ t-uju ?&J -x-t^K-^a-tw-cc-iG^ J ^Sm 1 a. 5). if f I c5/» This circular is addressed to you on the supposition that you are qualified ! and dilnr^sob to. become a member of the Society. The quahfication for membership will be ascertained by reference to the Constitution, which is printed on the other side. The cost of membership has been made merely nominal, as it is (Ictined adyisable tliat no barrier should exist to the admission into the Society of any person of Loyalist extraction. ' I should be _i>lad if you would exhibit or state the .ntents of this circular to all those of Loyalist descent in your neighbourhood, or elsewhere, for whom as well as yourself ibis-instended. Although th.c Society has been organized in this Province, it is nolcin anyr 6ther seuse Ifcjod^. and the membershi[> of all jjcrsons qualified, irrespective of their place of residence, is garnestly~. desire^ No form is i)rescribed for tiie written statement to be filed by persons applying^ for ' mk^iligr: ship under tiie 3rd article of the Constitution, and any statement of the necessary facts will be- deemed 7 sufificient. ' ' In addition to enlarging the membership, it is the purpose of the Society to collect frt«ti,*t^4 members, and otherwise, all statements of facts which wi)' aid in making generally known the sa'o^ees i made and the pjinciiJles maintained and enunciated by .. . Loyalists, individually and colkctiyely. It is ciaimeil that by the adoption of this method, and the eventual publication ol the' ilferiii^- ' ^a>i secured, in a condensed and attractive form, the result will be of great value. It is believed that it will thereby be fully proved that the Loyalists were not merely devoted to the King, and the traditions of their mother land, but that they exhibited notable wisdom and '^t§- sight in their estimate of the. importance of maintaining in this country the older constitt'^tion anS the principles involved t The co-o]r;ration of ail disposed 10 aid in the work of the Society, as indicated above, o: hereafter developed, is most earnestly invited. ';- 'P' I .( Your obedient servant, I. ALLEN JACK,' By order of the Standing ComtniUcf ■^LarK^onding Secretary, A 7. The election shall be by ballot, and the person or persons having the jj^reater number of votes shall be declared elected; and in the case of a tie between two or more candidates, a ballot shall he again taken, but on the candidates only between whom such tie exists. For the present year, such officers and such committee shall in- ,i|)pointed at the adjourned meeting, on the 13th day of May, 1 889. IJicsi^int 8. Tiic President shall, when ptesent, preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Standing Committee. He shall call a special meeting, when he shall judge proper or upon the requisition, made in writing, of any two members; and tiie notice of such special meetitig must s|)eciry tlie business to be transacted thereat. Dicc-IJifsiDcnts. 9. The duties specified in the next preceding section shall, in the absence of the President, devolve on the Vice- President standing first in the order in which they :.re named in tiie declaration of the election. titanbing (Eomiiiittcc. 10. The .Standing Committee shall collect and preserve papers and documents of historical interest, and obtain and record information respecting the Loyalists, and provide for the proper celebration of the anniversary. The Standing Committee shall also frame Hy-Iaws for the goxermiieiit of tiie Society, but such I?y-Laws must, before going into effect, be a|)proved of by a tpiarterly meeting of the .Society. All accounts of the .Society and the Treasurer shall be audited by the Standing Committee. . lUiusljalfl : Thomas W. 1'ktkks, Barrister, AUlern.an, Saint John, N. B. Gk... W. J.-nks, Merchant, Saint Join., N. B. A. Ciiii'MAN Smith, Ali.kn O. Eaki.k, . Hun. a. L. Ba;.mkk, . Hon. C. N. Skinnkk, Q.C, . Charles A. Everett, Geo. S. Deforest, W. P. Dole, M. A., . VVii.i.iA.M S. Harding, M. D., Milks B. Dixon, Superintendent Board of I'ul)lic Works, . Barrister, . . . . Judge ill ICquity, Barrister, .M. P., Etc., . . Merchant, E.\. M. P., Mercliant, . • ■ liarrister, .... Barrister, .Saint John, N. B. It: n, N. H. si. U. 11, n: B.