.;' ^c^^ .%; 2^ ^ 0/f 1' Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WFST MAIN STREET WEB..rE«,N.Y. 14580 (716) 875-4503 -b N? ,\ ;\ iV \ ,^ %^ 'a.Yin. _6— Dl Bl cuse whatever for cattle-growers allowing the disease to reach the fatal stage. As the exte^-^al manifestation, or lump, grows, it finally breaks and the poisonous dis- charge destroys Ihe hair about the opening. This discharge is fairly loaded with the germs and it is by this means that the disease spreads. The pus is distributed over the pasture, gets into the water or feed-troughs and in this way is almost certain to infect other stock. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS This disease should ^e treated as soon as it appears If it is i'.llowed to progress until the bones are badly affected there is no way of coix pletely restoring the health of the animal. The growth may be removed but the bones will remain weakened and enlarged. Besides, if the growth is neg- lected until it begins to discharge, all the rest of your stock is placed in jeopardy and pas- tures may become so infected as to remain a source of danger for years. Why take any chances ? All lumps are not Lump- Jaw bat it is far safer to treat them as such. Fleming's Lump-Jaw Cure will remove almost any lump, no matter what the character of it may be. THE DISEASE IS SPREADING Lump- Jaw is becoming more prevalent among cattle every year. There is no doubt about that. While Veterinarians have been making a study of the disease for a long time past, owing to the Iense and because when administered to milch cows it rendered their milk unfit for use and caused them to go dry in a short time. At some of the experi- mental farm stations as much as $S to $io A. oLire thf\t lenves* no ineirk. — lo — ; cases, as large doses were necessary and the treatment had to be kept up for months. The ideal, the i^acUcal cure, was yet to come. DISCOVERY OF THE FLEMING CURE Profiting by the ex- perience of others Fleming Brothers, Dractical Chemists, made a thorough study of actinomycosis and followed it up by a long series of scientific ex- periments upon affected animals in their own herd. For more than four years they have been compounding and selling a Lump- J aw Cure which grew out of these laboratory inves- tigations and numerous tests. Before they publicly claimed to have a radical cure for the disease they knew that they had found one. It cured to stay cure. A TRUE ANTISEPTIC AND DISINFECTANT Flemings' Lump- Jaw Cure is a liquid prepara- tion with remark- able penetrating qualities and sufficiently pow- erful in its action to destroy, not only the Acti- nomycosis germs, but disease germs of all kinds. When the germs are destroyed the tumor ceases to be malignant and nature pro- ceeds to throw it off and heal the sore the same as in the case of any foreign body or ordinary sope. By the use of this remedy large tumors may safely be removed and it frequently happens that not even a scar remains. Many animals that have been cured by it have passed a rigid inspection and then been sold for shipment east or for export. The fact that this remedy removes, and re- moves quickly and effectually, all tumors, ex- crescences and unnatural growths is one point in its favor. Just as important are the facts tuuL LUC iciiicQy IS u puvveiLUi ctiiLiDcpLiv; aUu. Is not daii^erou-S to litiiidle — II — u sinfectant, that it cleanses and stimulates a heiilthy growth of new tissue, that blood poison- ing never follows its use and that in handling it human life is never endangered. SUMMARY OF DISEASE and CURE In the foregoing pages we have shown that Lump- Jaw, is a disease having a determinate course and succession of phenomena. It is due to a definite cause just as certainly as bots in horses or syphilis in man. We also have shown that there is a safe, sure and specific cure for it, albeit an inexpensive one. We cannot believe that any farmer or stock grower v/ill continue to run the risk of losing a single animal, or having an infected animal spread the disease in his herd, when a small cash outlay will absolutely prevent either oc- currence. Usually only one or two applications are required to effect a cure if used when the dis- ease is in its early stages. When the infection is of long standing and far advanced the treat- ment should be applied as recommended under the head of "special instructions." Does Not Dentroy tl^e Ilf-iir. — 12 — I r ol oi 111: th St to al .yt (ii m oc- r A Bei^?"^ >«^^' druggist wi-ite to us a"id we win forward direct. Every druee-ist is inthnritiH by. us to guarantee the Cure. Ind to Sri'?h^."4^^^^^^^ I>rice in ease of failure. ' - .»"!?e I^eaci our Testimonials. —17— Our Guarantee Fleming's Lump- Jaw Cure has always been sold with our positive and aljsoluto guarantee, that it will cure or your money will he refunded. And our guarantee is good. Reniemher that. If this remedy will do what is claimed for it, it is worth many times its cost. If it fails there will be no cost. In every case where the treatment does not give satis- faction, after a fair and fathful trial we will refund with- out any haggling. A radical cure is not to be expected when the disease is so far advanced that the teeth are loosened and tlie jaw-bone practically destroyed. We know that this remedy will cure any ordinary case. In exceptional cases more than one bottle may be required , notably those where the rubbing in method is employed. Under these circumstimces the use of an entire bottle without complete cure does not necessarily imply fail- ure. Whenever we have been consulted about stubborn cases we have generally been able, through advice by mail, to make suggestions wiiich brought them through successfully. References. J. p. Lawrason, Banker, St. George, Ont. Drover's National Bank, Chicago. Any Who'i'sale Druggist in Winnipeg, Man.; or Toronto, Ont. Any of our patrons whose testimonials appear m this booklet. Terms, Remittances Fleming's Lump- Jaw Cure costs $2.00 a bottle or three bottles for $5.00. We ship in special mailing cases, post paid to any part of the world. Full directions for use ae company every bottle. Remit by Express or Post Office Money Order, or by Registered Letter. Address orders and correspondence to Fleming Brothers, Chemists, St. George, Ont. Our g^uarf-xntee proteots you.. —18— What Others Say. Although we do not come before the pubUe as stron- g-era with oui Lump-Jaw Cure, and the remedy is no^v sufflc iently well known among- farmers and stockmen to sell on its merits alone, still it is a satisfaction to us to receive unsolicited letters of commendation from those who U8(! it. In the following pages are published a number of such letters selected from among the hund- reds which we have on file. Space forbids our repro- ducing them all, nor is it necessary. In choosing, we aimed at covering as wide a territory and as varying conditions as possible, rather than those couched in the strongest words of praise. Annan, Ont., Nov. 7th, 1800. Fleming Bros., Sirs.— Please forward ]>v return mail one bottle of Lump-Jaw Cure. I have cured three cases of Lump-Jaw and have two more well under way to cure, from one bottle. Find enclosed ^2 00. Yours, etc., John C. McLaren, Wanatah, Ind., Nov. 17, 1898. Fleming Bros.— Dear Sirs : In regard to the Lump- Jaw Cure I got. I believe it is all O.K. I will enclose $2,00 for the bottle I got, and $2.00 for another bottle. I l)elieve it can be used on human beings also. My wife had a felon on her finger which the doctor tried and did not cure, and your remedy cured It. Send me the remedy by return mall, and oblige Yours truly. T. L. White. Chicago, Nov. 30th, 1898 Messrs. Fleming Bros.— Gents : Having been chief meat inspector for the City of Chicago for the last two years, and being in touch daily with all forms and stages of Lump- Jaw Cattle, I must say that where your "Lump-JaAv Cure" has been applied that the disease had no internal effect. The lump was thoroughly killed and the animal passed without any hesitation. I should favorably advise all stock-raising people to use "Fleming's Lump-Jaw Cure" above all others, as I am positive it is a sure and speedy cure. Yoiirs truly, John J. Cashin, Chief Meat Insp., Chicago. —19— Corvalls, Mont., July 30th, 1899. a/J:^u,^^^'' ««/>«- Sirs.-Flnd (uicloaed $2A)0. Remedy rlKht, Yours truly, j. l. ifurnble. Sirs,— I have during the summer used your Lumn-Jaw Cure on a Inrpre tumor on the front leg of a horse belong- ing to Mr. Hamilton, of Carrot River. It was of over a year 8 standing ancijarger than a 1(5 (juart pail. I applied it twice and the last time 1 saw it it was no larger than my hand. I expect to see it again this fall. J. E. Spence, V.S., Prince Albert, Sask. Prince Albert, Sask., Dec. Ifith, 1897. Dear Sirs,— I have much pleasure in recommending your Lumn-Jaw Cure. It only took part of thebittle purchased from you to cc mpletely cure the two cases of Lump- Jaw in my herd. A. S. Stewart. Beulah, Man., Nov. 30th, 1897. Fleming Bror., Dear Sirs,— I am ()lea8ed ti say that in treatnig the only two cases I have had since receivintr your medicine it has jiroved to be all you claim. I cured the two cases effectually with two applications, usine- only one-(iuarter of the contents of one *2 bottle For further particulars see my letter to the Nor'-West Farm- er, sent for next issue. Yours truly, W. A. Doyle. Fletwode, N.W.T., March 25th. 1898. S'rs,--Please find enclr sed the sum of !p!2.()0. for which amount send me another bottle of your Lump-Jaw Cure The bottle I got from you before cured three cases. I would advise any man to keep it on hand. John Colard. Varency, Ont., Oct iMh 18,'8. Dear Sirs,— I saw your advertisement in the Farmers' Advocate for Lump- Jaw on cattle, and Jas. Sharp, V.S. of Jarvis, advised me to send for a bottle, as he had ad- vised several to send for it and they had good results. Enclosed find two dollars, for which ])lease send me one bottle, and oblige, Thos. Parkinson. Please send me by mail one box of voar Lump- Jaw (Cattle.) Cure My neighbors, Mr.. Hurd and J. Aiexan- der, highly recommend it. Yours truly, M. R. Hammond, Kimberley, Grey Co. — 20— ^^, '<*'n»»ly,()nt.,Mnrehl.'»th,lH!)5». This l8 to certify that I have used Fleriilnir Bros Lurri)JavvCur«ontwo of rny cattle. One of them I conmrlereii iiu'urabl(^ and was so had that in hreSn^ ma( e a roaring noi-ie, and with diffleultv s vail owed hi? food. One bottle cured her and a steer. ^"""^^<^ n<^> John Ali'xander. St. George, Ont., July 20th, inoo. Fleming BROs.-Gents-One application of Lump- Jaw Cure was all that I required to remove the trrowth from the awof my animal. It hao not even left a sclr The hair Fiaving: ^rown again all over where applied. I can thoroughly recommend it to all stockmen. William McCormlck. Branchton , Ont. July 20, 1ut any of your Lump-Jaw Cure on the bull's neck. I have not written sooner till I would see if there was no sign of it coming on again. Now I be- lieve it is thoroughly cured. I wish to thank you first, for the square way you dealt with me, and second, that you own, or rather have discovered, a cure for Lump- Jaw, as the bull I treated with your Lump-Jaw Cure was a very valuable beast and Avould have been dead be- fore this only for your cure. Yours truly, Geo. H. Alexander. Gowanstown, Ont., May 19th, 1899. Dear Sirs,— We arc very glad to say that Fleming's Lump- Jaw Cure is worth having on a farm, and I think every farmer should keep it on hand. One of our cows had the Luvn]»- Ja.w, and it was only aeven davs from the time we put it on until the lump was gone, it's the best in Canada to-day. Yours truly, Howard Coates. 22 Stayner, Ont., Feb. l.Sth, 1809. Om-e^ifa'i'frmowl.rT^^^^ '^^^,^» ^'^^^^ Lump- Jaw h.?VKi ^^. \o^'o^\8 : I have taken two lumps off one cow hV^% rubbing-iu process. Both were discharViiiff-I ave twocas^s yet-one the lump is going- down the other th- rubj.ing-in did not seem to do any good Last week I P^t the steer and cut lump open and iS what had fslhi'osf I^one .TbP^V^ "^^" '^V''^^ ^« diricied Tlum r.hol^?H ^t"^' ?}^ 1"">P was hard and had never dis- J?f^y.^.^^- ^T,?»>*i advise anyone using your cure if to use oTe km?o*'«v.v f/'^'^K''""« 1^ ^^^« not reduce lump 10 use tne knile, lor it will save trnie and money. Yours truly, T. A. Brown. St. Liguorl, Oue., July 20th, 1890. Dear Sirs,-Some time ago I bought a bottle of your Lump- Jaw Cure and I succeeded in curing a ))ull, ss I thank you very much. One of my friends has a cow that has a swelling on the neck near the ear, and he wishes to have a bottle of your remerty. Yours truly, Napoleon Kivet. Courtenay, B.C., Aug. 20th, 1800. *>^>i^^/"^^.^"v'^'''' S,"'S^— Enclosed please find order for $2.00, for which send a bottle of your Lump-Jaw Cure ThL^ w?i T \^ f^i' 'lemoving a ringbone from a horse! ine Dottle I bought from you last spring cured the Lump-Jaw on three animals completely. I B. Crawford. Arkwriglit, Ont., Aug. 29th, 1800. Dear Sirs,— I have noticed in The Sun that you have advertised a cure for Lump- Jaw, and also have heard of iJfl^^^j "f ^^' ^"^^ ^l^'o^e *o ^"^i out tlie result, and I am satished :f you send me the same kind of stuff I will not begrudge the money. I hereby enclcse $2m for one package ot Fleming's Lump-Jaw Cure. Yours truly, James A. Fletcher. Northcote, Ont., July 31st, 1899. Fleming Bros,, Gents,— In my practice here in drc- toring cows, horses, etc., I have come across your T^«>di- cme ior lump- jaw, My experience with the mef.icine ]^^^:J'f'\J''''y^^^^^^^^tory,aud I find it does r.ll you claim for it. Wesley Phillips, V.S. Argylc, Ont., April 3rd, 1000. Sirs,-^Enclosed please find !!?2; send mea])ottle of your Lump-Jaw Cure I got a bottle from you last fall and It jrave COOd S-ltisfnof nn A ..,.1 :,. t»*„?;i„..v". " ^ gave good satisfaction. —23— Archie McFaiiane. . LiBle, Out., April 27, 1900. Fleming Bros.— My kind sirs— I will say only a few words, but wliat I do say you can put it down for law. That medicine that yon Vave me cured the lump on my cow almost like mag-ic. It did its work like magic. It cannot he praised too much. I was more than pleased with it. If you would charge ^5.00 for it it would be cheap. B. Handy. Pentieton, May 11, 1900. Dear Sirs,— I enclose |5.()0, i>lea8e send me that amount of jour Lump-Jaw Cure which I have found very effective, and oblige, Thos. Ellis. I Egerton, Ont., April 9, 1900. Gentlemen— Please send me two bottles of your ex- cellent Lump- J aw Cure. Find enclosed .f4.00. John McLuhan. Hastings, Ont., July 6th, 1900. Messrs. Fleming Bros.— I got a bottle of your Lump Jaw Cure over a year ago, I must suy it is a grand suc- cess. It cured a bull, a very bad case, and I sold him at full price, though some of the veterinary surgeons pro- noun^'ed it incurable. Yours truly, John A, Convey. Tilbury, Ont., June 18th, 1900. Gentlemen,— In the last couple of years I have pur- chased a grat number of bottles of your Lump-Jaw Cure f-.r use in this locality, and I must say it has given splen- did satisfaction. I liave only known one case where it has failed and that was hopeless from the start. I have tried other remedies, but none have given anything like the satisfaction your Lump- J aw Cure has. The Iodide of Potassium treatment is uncertain and very expensive and the surgical treatment— where successful— is very apt to leave a large amount of scar tissue. Your Lump- Jaw Cure is a prompt and sure cure, and the cost is but trifling, as one bottle will cure 2 or 3 cases, if taken in the early stages. Wishing you every success, I remain truly yours, J- H. Armstrong, V. S. Courtenay, B.C., Oct. 1st, 1900. Qents.— I have never had a failure with Lumps on cattle, two applications of Lump-Jaw Cure removing tiiem clean, and one bottle sometimes curin,, four head. Find enelused $2 iX) for another bottle. B. C. Crawford. —24- r. s. ( )iricf, rNfoN STOCK YARDS. ("hiL!atd-t». Ml