^ ^..^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 III 1.1 12.2 13.6 14.0 11.25 iu 2.0 1.8 1.6 150mm ^>^m

..™ OTTAWA: FEEB PEE88 BOOK ATO ,0B PmKT.NO BOUSE, El«,K STKEET.. 'mxa 0i Bixtctoxs. Preeident: ' ALLAN GILMOUR, Esq. f VIce-Presldente: aANDFOBD FLEMING, Ea., joHN ASHWORTH, Es., .TOHN MATHER, Esq. . Mr. GEORGE LANG, " WM. McOANN, " WM. C. BOWLES, " JAMES MATHER, '• WM. McGEE, Directors : Mb. ROBERT CURRY, JAMES HICKEY, JAMES FLETCHER, WM. GRAHAM, " L. PERRIZAINE, (( (( (< Auditors : M^m, WM. P. ANDEESON and JAMES RADFOED. Secretary-Troasvirer : N. ROBERTSON, Government Grounds, Or, 84 Gloucester Street, RULES AND REGULATIONS. AU articles competing for prizes must be the bona fide property of the competitor at least two months previous to the Exhibition • if proyed not to be such, the competitor to be disqualified from receiving any All entries must be made not later than Saturday, 28th August and the articles must be in position on the tables, by 10 a.m. on Wednesday 1st September. This Eule to be strictly adhered to. AU articles to remain in the Building till the close of the Exhibition. Judges to have the power of withholdmg a prize if they consider the article does not merit it, or award an Extra for any article not mentioned in the Prize List, if they think it deservmg, with the consent of the Directors. The decision of the Judges to be final. In no case can a Jiidge compete m a class, where he is actmg as a Judge. No person can take more than one prize, in the same class, and any deviation from numbers specified in the Prize List, to disqualify the article from a prize. ^ All complamts must be made in writmg to the Secretary, which he shall lay before the Board of Directors, at a meeting to be held the last day of the Exhibition, at 2 p.m. No person will be allowed in the Building, whUe ' the Judges are awarding prizes. Any person may beeome a member, on the payment of one dollar. And each member will receive two tickets of admission, to the Exhibition to be given up at the door. . * Parties at adistance can make thfii..o«*«- v information from tho Secretar^ '' ^^ "'^' ^^^ '^''^i^e all Tickets. 26 cents; OhilOren, 10 cents. N. ROBEBTSON, OOVEBNMENT GROUNDS, Or, 84 Gloucester Street. Ottawa, ^Sl/iZE LIST CLASS r. Section. PlUltl in Potf . 1 Bet 8 On,„„e„t»l Foli.geP,»te. .„t „v„8 i„„h First. '8 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 1 3 00 00 pots, Ist prize, A. GUmour. 6 Begonias in bloon,, distinci. ;;.: .* .' .' .' ; ^f ."? 6 ^eGeranhims; distinct; ''is^prij;,^ 6 Bronze «« «) 6 saver and Tricolor Geraniums'/disilnci ." * ' * 6 pit ""'r '"^^' '«* P"^«' J-«- Goodwin". 6 Fuchsias, Ist prize. A. Gilmour 0.0 8 Fuchsias ® "^ IFuchsia, Specimen ^ ^^ 6 Double Petunias, 1st priz*;,' Jas; Mather;" ''^' 6 Hehotropes.notIessthan 8 varieties... 4 Lantanas. distinct, 1st prize, W. C. Bowli^ 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 m 1 Specimen Stove Plant.. 6 New or rare Plants, 1st prize, John^Maih;;*." 1 « „' [] " John Mather. inch 6 Table Decoration Planis^'n^t 'over" 6 Pots, Ist prize, Jas. Hickey... 3 Table Decoration Plants, not o;;r'6 fe;h 8 00 2 00 8 00 1 00 1 00 8 00 2 (?0 1 00 e Lycopodiuns or Selaginellas'. '.;';;..V.; ^^ lOPAma Aid: x , . . _ _ 1 00^ tiwwo 10 Ferns, distinct, 1st 6 Native Ferns, 'distich Anderson S.FIea sum, g- 1st priKe, W. P. 00" 8 00 2 00 8«cond. 50 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 76 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 50 60 2 00 1 00 60 50 1 60 50 $ i)«ction. 25 Lost Hanging Basket, single plant gi"oo „7 ,. «^ , variety of plants i oo ^1 6 Coxcombs j ^^ 28 " 4Achimon«8.. i oo 29 •• 24 Succulent Plants, S. Fleming *.'!!..*.". 400 80 " .24 Cacti, James Goodwin o /;n 81 " 6 Coleus, distinct .'.!.'. !.'."'.". 2 00 82 '• Collection of Coleus, distinct, 1st prize Silv'er Medal, G. Cox 33 •' CoUection Pottery for HorticulVurai purposes'! 8 00 8«cond. 60 60 60 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 r 2 00 1 60 CLASS II. Out llovert, 84 Best 24 Asters, Ist prize, A. H. Taylor S2 00 86 " 12 German QuiUed Asters'. ... .' 1 nn 87 " 24 Phlox Drummondii IZ 88 '« 13 « « "" 89 " CoypctionPerrenial Phlox........ '.'....".''' j qq *0 " 12 Stocks, not less than 6 varieties 1 on 41 " 12 Zinnias, double *.;. { qq 42 " 24 Verbenas, 8 trusses of each..... 9 nn 48" 12 Petunias, double I^ ** ^2 Single ^ ^,Q 46 " 12 Gladiolus .... 1 to 46 " 12Eoses l^ 47" 6HoUyhock8 , "" 48 " 24Pansies....... J "" 49 " 24Dianthu8 *"'".'..* .**.'* "'.'.'.'.".".'"" 1 oo 60 •« 12 Carnations and Picotees i nn 61 " 12 French Marigolds ion 62 •♦ 12 African « ] Ji 68 " 24Dahlias f "" 64 " 12 « .. _ ^ "" 66 " 12 Trusses Geranium, smgle,' iVt* prize!' A. - Gilmour ^ ,.r. 1 60 50 60 00 60 60 60 60 00 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 1 00 flMtlon. C6 Best 12 Anterrhinums .... ^.'^ 67 •• 6 SalpigloHsis ', ?? 68 " Bouquet, hand ." 3^^ «» " " vase 3^^ «o " " fan ::;.;:;::::: loo 61 •• Design for Dinner Table Decoration, E wine Brothers ** . 62 " Collection Cut Flowcrsyist prize', Ewing Bros. 8 00 CLASS III. 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77, 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 VoiTstables. 63 Best CoUeotion Vegetables and Roots, 24 varieties 8 of each, 1st Prize by Mayor Mackintosh,' Cittzen for One Year and 2 Heads Cauliflower ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 ' Summer Cabbage ' Red Cabbage Late " Savoy Scotch Kale . Brussel Sprouts 6 Table Carrots ..|.'.[ " " 6 Parsnips 6 Red Onions '. 6 Yellow " '..V. '. 6 White « ....!.......!.!. 6 Radishes 6 Long Beets 6 Table Turnips .7... ... [ " .. .' ' 6 Heads White Celery ., 6 " Red " .....!.!....!.. * 1 Peck Potatoes, Early Rose ....'. 6 Varieties Potatoes, 1 gaUon each,* isV piiVe, A. Gilmour 1 Peck Potatoes, any variety ...' . . .. * i Peck Butter Beans Heoond. 60 50 60 50 50 1 1 00 00 85 00 U 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 6a 1 00 60 3 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 50 10 Section. p,„t 85 Best I Peck Green Beans f 1 OO 86 " 12 Tomatoes, Trophy i 00 87 " 12 " Acme 100 88 " 6 Varieties lomatoes, 3 of each, 1st prize, A. Gilmour 2 00 8D " 2 Hubbard Squash 100 90 " 2 Mammoth " 100 91 " 2 Vegetable Marrow 100 92 '\2 Boston Marrow 1 00 93 '• 2 Table Cucumbers 1 oO 94 " 1 Gallon Gherkin Cucumbers 1 00 95 " 6 Heads Sweet Corn 100 96 " 12 Eipe Peppers 100 97 " 12 Capsicums ( 100 98 " 8 Fruit of Egg Plant, Purple 100 99 " 8 « « White 1 00 100 '• Collection Cultivated Herbs, Ist prize, A. Gilmour 2 00 101 " 6Lettuce ...' 100 CLASS IV. Fmits— Production of the Otta^ra VallOT. 102 Best Collection Fruit, not less than 10 varieties, 1st prize, A. Gilmour : $4 00 103 " 6 Apples, Astrican 100 104 ♦* 6 " Duchess of Oldenburgh 100 105 " 6 " Fameuse 100 106 " 6 «' Alexandria 1 00 107 " 6 " Brockville Beauty l CO 108 " 6 " Golden Russet 100 109 •• 6 Varieties Table Apples, 2 of each 1 00 110 " 6 « Crabs, 6 of each 100 111 " 6 Pears i oO 112 " Collection Grapes, 12 varietied, 2 bunches each, (open air), 1st prize, Hunting Bridle, byG.May Ill " Grapes 6 varieties, 2 bunches each, Ist prize, by Thos. McKay 2 00 Second. 50 60 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 00 60 50 50 50 60 ^ 50 50 50 1 00 60 11 econd. 50 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 50 Section. . 114 Best Grapes, 2 bunches bla^k, 1st prize, Pruning Knife, Thomas Birkett ] Grapes, 2 bunches white Champion ...','' •' 3 varieties (Hothouse) 2 bunches each, 1st prize, Thos. McKay. . , Grapes, 2 varieties Black (Hothouse) 2 bunches each, any variety Grapes, 2 varieties. White (Hothouse), 2 bunches each, any variety 6 Peaches Collection of Plums, 6 of each 2 Melons, green flesh 2 " yellow " 2 " water...* 2 Citrons Basket Fruit Pint Gooseberries " Currants, red white black '.!!!!.'.* Blackberries Raspberries 116 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 12G 127 128 129 180 131 182 (i Fir«t. • • • • 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 « Second. 60 50 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 60 AMATEURS' PRIZE LIST. CLASS V. l^a Best Collection Vegetables, 10 varieties, 3 of each, Ist prize. Silk Hat, E. J. Devlm, value. .' Collection Fruit Plums Apples Grapes, 6 varieties, 2 bunches each, namsd.. 2 Melons, Greenflesh ' j qq 2 ♦♦ Water ........7. i OO 143 136 136 137 138 189 4( (( (6 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 $1 00 50 50 50 60 50 50 I 5 ]2 Sout PiMltl. Settion. ■ 140 Best Collection House PJants/lst prize. 6 Plants, """ G.Laing.and -,, HI '« 2Puch8ias ',^ ®^ 142 " 2 Heliotropes .... .'. ? "^ 143 " 2 Lantanas . . . . ^ ^^ 144 « 2 Foliage Plants . . . .*.'.'. '.", .* .' .' .' Z [ [ [", \ [ ['[ [ [ \ ^ 146 « 10 Asters, distinct..... ,*!"* 146 '« estocks, « -^ "" 147 " 12 Phlox Drommo;iii;Y;Vprize;«;:pi;we;s ' '' and Gardens," by J. Hope'A Co . 148 " 6 Perrenial Phlox J ' *: 149 '« BDahUas ^ ®^ 150 " 12Verbenas... ] ^^ 161 " 12Pansie8 ^ ^^ 162 " ePetunias J ^^ 153 " GDianthus .. ' "^ "^ 164 « GMarigolds * ] ^^ 166 « 12Zinnia8 -^ "" 166 « Bouquet by a yo,;^g"lady;'(nrentoaiicVfe^^^ ^ ^^ Satchel, by S.