•:'■ ^-:^ ^■■■''- '■■■ m AilMM|iiifwlMpNMlM«iilMit»( ^|P Ml Centimeter 1 2 f ^ II » 13 14 19 iM* llsl^iliB 4S ^^, «^.^^ "V^^ ■ )*< r* { I *»»ir !«"{ '. t .-■.4J., „. ■ ■-.•.•*"•!!;■■ CIHM Microfiche S«ri«s (Monograplit) ICIMH Coilcction d« microfiches (monoaraphles) /. I ' w 1^ *<'i MlgiuiipioiintleiMi / iile n ii p iii y ■ < ■!>■ 'aji'i TR9 fPBWlBW •liiM *.'•' .V a LJuium* ColoMraiiik fiA otfMT ilim Mm or MMk)/ nnColMiMiplMMa LJhiMMbatAMW D □2: oydtia ImvbJ wHMn wc IMI. II M INiiM WM MTttiNM tPifM WMil lon#iMt to a CoMMMntaifM aMppMMMtiifWi .--^ TMi HtM it fwnM M tfM Ct 4Mll iMiaM ■•»•• LjNMt •I/m •rfoMi/ I 1^ wmwwinpi^v I V>QiMHtv •! print vartoi/ \Jl1 QmIM Mpto 4t rimp^ttion L-i_ffJ ra|illMiOM OCNItilMM □ liMlMrfMinrfiatotl/ Cowip w iiii m Mm) inita Titto Ml ^mim tthm from:/ U tilM Ap I'wi-llia pnwiMit: □ Titto pofi of iM Alt* * tHr* da to iiwaisofi □ jCiiition of iiMM/ ;-^:-'. Titro 4t dtpwt da to livraiMn I 1 Maithaad/ LJ O tofciqiia (piriodiqua i ) da to livraiton ^«OJr ^WJT ^wr ax 12X IfX /I I M I t I 2SX SOX aox MX 2tX 32X T)|« oonv fllni«d lMr« hat bMfi r«pradii««d tfuinki to tiM tMMrosity 9f: . ■•' f . . .*••■■ AfdilvM vf OfitMflo, TiMll POMIDM OOfMWflffNIf tn# OOfloltlOfl MM M^loNlty of tho original oovv and In kaoplnf wMi tho flUnlnf L'OMmfrtoIro fimA hit w iiroiMH frioo A hi ANMVMOf OflMnO Ti # ■• '-» ipfo tony 00 lo oonowofi of Orlglnol copl o o fci pHmod ■■gvniiing wnn ino irvni sw^ ons anoNig on ttio loot iMfO wMi • printod or Wuoiroiod Iwpwo don*' or tiio book oovor wnon opproprloto* AN otnor origlnoi oopioo oro filmofl oogMining on tlio fflrat pppo wHch a primod or ilhiairatod Im i p r aa ■ion. and ending on tho laat pogo wMi o prteitod * or niiMtratad Imi Tho loot foeordod fromo on aoeh mioroHeho •hoN eomain tho symbol t^ (mooning "CON- TINUID"). or tho •ymtool ▼ (rtiooning "IMO"). whiehovor appliaa. Mapa. plataa. eham. ate., moy bo fUmod it diffforont roduetion rotioo. Thooo too lorgo to bo androlv Inoludod in ono oxpoauro ora fUmod boginning in tho uppor loft bond eomor. loft to i|i^ right and top to bottom. M mony fnynoo 00 ^?^v roquirod. Tho following diogromo iNuatrato thol ' - mathod: Pirlo noo apm iwiiaa av pwt at on tarmMont aoit"Pp>'ip ao diMiotrovoRt aoll po^ lo loo M.Toy olaa ^ diii lo dofniAvn oaoa atd Un dpa a ywboiaa auivanta app oiol ua aiir la dam U ta im a ga da ehodvo ndor o f loh o. aolon !• mo: lo 8vmbolo««» aig<^ *** SMiVlir. IP aymbala ▼ aignMo "^MW-'. fHmda A doe toiw do rddttotion diffdroma. Loraoua lo dooiimont aal ima arand Bmir raprodult on on aaiil oMohd. H aot fHmd A povtk do fanglo aMp ArlaM r gauaha. da gauaha A drpltp. at do hOiit on boa. an pranani la nombro Hhiatrant la mothodo. 1 2 3 \ .^ I «. 6 -ii jy^rit^ C OUTLINES OF UTIN SYNTAX. -,.!?« IKTBODtJOTIOlf. Tixn of ipMoh, •itli« iingly <* combined, form ptopMitiona c g., A»ii, «iMm lwM« ; pufc l««tt^ «*• * Indapand«it of aaoh othar, aa in tha abora aiampK and «M oaUad oo-ordlnata propoaitimia ; or» ^ (» Ona of tham ia naad to qnalifjr tha othar.or aoma part of it, and ia oaUad a dapandant or anbordinato proportion, white that on whidi H dapanda k cdlad a^laa^ «f prtj- dpil piopodtlon i a. f., Sarftta Hntt *t P«[»» «T^, like itoai fc« ooaw to ikirf «*• >«««. ^^^''^/TZ^ \^ it • i^rindpal propoaSHon, «d «i«|H»r«««««"««|*'i»*«^ ^ pandant pcoporitioQ. »' \ V V \ -H^ Pa^s* W ' * <^ .».. *"■ §; ■* OHAPTBR L Th9 JfmnUiU BUmeiUB of a9tUmeu.^ul!^ and Pr^kaU, Swrnoir I. — SuBJKrr. I. EvKET aentonoe, howertr dmple, oondsti of two dktinot pwto, (1) Th* ^M^iM. or that of whioh it ipedu, m, |Nilr, in tfas nenienoe puir ladU. (3) The frtdicaU, or that which is Mid of the rabjtok, ie ^g., Dftr*l, A« iinmW jTMjt ft (i .^ j{^A« iUrf «, |wr*ap«). ht mag write, may he wriie, or hi him wriU. , . (3) The inipemtiTo it uaed to ezpraia » oomouuid j •. g/, Pw- t&s oUucU, $h%U the gaUe. 10. FoeoliM.— The lume of the person or thing ■ddrmtifii piil in the vocative ; e. g., Quid eat, O&tlllnA I tehy ie thie, OaiiUne t Bi^.— Thia» of coane, forms no part of the snbjeot or ptedioate. u.» \, \ OHAPTER IL \ SubardinaU EUmenU—ModifUre, \ / \ fiaonow L— UsB or MoDiriua. IL Both subject and predicate may have qnalifying words and clauses connected with them, to limit or qualify their meaning ; e.g., (1) LAtlnfls rex r6gn&vlt, Latinm the king reigned. Bi&n the subject is modified by rex. (3) Mllltfa fortltSr pQgnant, thfi mMUrsJighi tfmvely. Here the predicate, is modified by /orMtfr. IS. Any modifier, whether in the subject or the predicate, npi^ be itself modified ; e. g., Utlntts, bdn4e rex, r^gn&^. Hfi^ the modifier, rwe, is itself niddifled by 6Aitf«. la Kouns^ adjectives, verU "od advw:^ ai« oftfin found with V 810x199 n.~MoDJFisM OF Kotrira. 14. Nouns, including pronouns, may be n^6iiified, " : ^ I. By ad jectives and partidplea. / IL -By nouns and dansea used witH the foroe of a4jMiiTis; ' Vk I. Noons maylM modified by adjectives and participka j e. g., Bdniks puSr, a jNNN^'^. . Ifi. IL Nouns may be modified by nouns and dimes used with the fproe of adjectivesL Hieieaie^ •'"k ^f^ ■ \.' ■ • ■ ■ * (1) limitinf noviM- 17. K««w»«-*-^~»» "■»'♦'"« *• ""'"• -^ -"^^ . . » L.-»<.r or — ^.jij.^7j>,.*j^.jfj..^^^^w^^ii;^^^ifi '^w^?^mmmm (1) Th4gmiitiv«. (t) TU • modilI«d by ob>eli. Thai* MPi, ^.1 (1) TIm obUqo* OMW of noona. (2) Inflnltltw or oUuM« ««*i •• nonni. as. V«tb« miiy tiA« on« or mow oblkju* omm of «»«»• (S) BiJblU p«»rO Tiim mowtrAt, «a/6i« .^oir. <*« icay to «*• 6oy.^ ;', S4. The oMumUiv i« uiied •• the dirtei vhftH of an tction ; •. g.i Gaifla puellAm UiidAt, CaiiM j>i atsM (A« girt. 8ft. ThegMiitW^i»u(iod. (I) After rerb. of pitying; o. g., MWrtmlnl •Wdrttm, pUy iheaUi€4. (a) After lerbe of remembering and forgetting ; e. g^^ MImlnl tlvOrikm, I rttnember tU thing. (8) After tifert and inttlreet ; e. .g., Intlreil omnittm, itU0^ ^ iiUtrtd of ail BBii.~.y«rbe of remembering and forgetting ebmetimee take the MCttMtive ; e. g., M«mlnl Cinntoi, / nvtumbti Ciivna. 36. The dative U uMd, (1) After eMft in expremoni denoting poMe«lon ; e. g., Pu»r5 eat Hb«r, iht Inyy hM a hook Oit, UitrtuabockioiUhoy), (2) After the compound* of ewi, except pouS, to be able ; e. g., Mihl piOfult, ie pro/Wed me. (3) After the compomidi of W.*^, MU, and mOU; ^. g.. OftdO •uO ■Wlafficlt, fce hM duohargtd hu duty (Ui, ha» don4 enottghfor). U) Aft^r the compound* of the prepoutione, &d, aiit«, o»n, in, int«r, «b, poet, pra^ itib, and rtpftr, togetherwith a few oth«»; «. g-> V«rl ttt miM MocurrM, i fcaee come that ymt may oBtid {mootrO me. (5) After verbe ngnifying to command or o6ey, jpfo«e or (li.- pfe(Me,/atHMor.t«i»re, terve or mwe, together with to mi- dttij^, •?»«. IHtrdoH, «»ii>y, fteiujw, persuade, &o. ; i. g., Liglbtts p»r«t, he vhey$ ihe law (v obedient to the lawa). 37. The abktive b UMd, -^^ v (I) After the deponent verbe, «l, /ml, /unflfi, |)«Irt, tMCl, .'• 'X • 1; ' 1. f - ^^ii,:.,*.4 i(in4i'iili^fi jfe ■■ ^»«>i^f*T.» q^ I • ^ Um «ipOM HMO; »••«•» i«0» TBWWntttr, *h« thing; e-g., oJ!^ i^^ Zl^tj^? ^T^ "^ ''' P«»»on. tog«th«r wtth th. gwua™ of ih. ^ uT""" "' **« 41. JeetiMftM atW Dative ^Anx, ♦«.«-:x: . ' "™^"*^^^*— ^^^^~— ^^^iM^,— ^__^^_ * T Xlie fint of tiieae obieefai » ...-^ x \^ . h Mjmmmin^ oTjLlSS needed ;e.g.,mc»^^ (lit, ifcew w n«ed to ia 0/ « fco**")^ 4«. Veibe ■ometimeitdte to inliilTel^ ^ i 8pL««i*b6»tttm,I/^(whrtt)flUrft^^«^^ . tfce i«m tfetwM ito>8r«. ; ^rtto w^ coxmected with it, iiuty be u«^ « the object of a^^^^^^ (Bee eoomplee Above). . '^ BMii.-The infinitive «• o^eci is taied chiefly after vw*« of |*r. . 4g. SuWec« a/ IM«i««e.--The wbiect of the inflidtlTe ii put in B»M.-In this example, «, which is the subject of eirf, is put in the accusative according to rule. ^ \w. l>q»en(fo«« <^*erfto« « OltM^ Itonn-yUuLd as the object of a verb; e. g., Nescift und» s51 60 The verb in dependent questions is put in the subjunctive, aa ^ the above eiample. 61. Object after Paeme Fer6..-Verbs » «»« PTJV^^i"^ fdkiwed by the ««ne c««s as in «ie active, except t^^* Jnroct^^ which becomes the subject of the passive; e. g., (^^>JJf^?T fSTaccasant, they accuee BaU^u of Iheft; {Pass.) Bslbiis furtl • aocQ8ltttr,BoI6u»M accused o//Ae/e. , _ 6St Ag^ of PiUiive Ferl«.-After pa««ve v«b^ ihe_ ag^ e^wsieTby tiie abUtive with a or d6 ; ^ ifce boy M towijfW 6y CaiiM ; except, - d i."'> llK^f' >tir» l« LATIN tniTAZ* Xihl crtdltftr, I am beKei^l (Ut., •« u W»ei«d to me). \ IL AdverUal Mod\fUr$. - ^ ' 64. VerU often tdw adverbUa modiflen ; these we, ^ (1) Adverbe. (2) Adverbial exjjreMioM. 6B. Verb* may be modified l^ adverb.; e. g., ForttUir ptignik, ktJtghU bravdy. K»i.-Adverbi«l aodifiers are the 8M»e whether the verb i.ac«w«, orjMMioe. . 60. Verb, may be modified by adveiWalexptewon.: the«.«re^ (1) The oblique OMeeof nouns (With or without pieporition.). (3) Infinitives, or dependent propodtions. m The oWique oases of nouns (with cr without pwpositionli) Ji*i»2v3nu,difier., may be refen^ to the followmg otasses, via. : ■ V ■'■'■■■•■ " Q) Adverbial expressions of maimer, meant, «a (8) Adverbial expiAons of <»m«. (8) AdverWal expressions of j*iee. (4) IfisoeUaneous adverbial expressions. 6& The oUique esses of nouns (and sometiifies of adjective.) may be used as adverbial modifiers denoting maimer, mea»w, *c «». lfa««ef,.K€an., ^Timo whui k ozprMted by tho oblatiTO without » preposition ; e, g.) HiSmS unfts dormit, tii« bear «Im]m m'tomltr. 68. £ensf(/i 0/ Time. -^Length of time ii generally expraned hy the aocuaative ; e. g., Caitti umiim flnlim Tizlt, Caiiu lived one year. . "• " Cfi. The oblique osMe of nouns (with or without jnopodtiona) may be used M adverbial modifien denoting |»2aee. (^. The name of a town where anything ii, or is done, if of tho fint or second dedension and singular number, is put in the genitive otherwise in the ablative ; e. g., (1) Oaiiis Cortdnae visit, CaiiM lived at Oartona ; (2) Oaiiis TibflrS vixXt, Coum lived ai Tibar. 66. The name of a place where anything is, or is done, when not Utown, is generally put in the ablative with a preposition,; e. g., Urstts In antrO donnit, ihe hear tUepein a cave. ^^67. After verbs of motion, ~^?^ , (1) The place to which the motion is directed, if a town or smsll ishmd, is elpressed by the accusative without a pre- position, otherwise by the accusative with one ; o. g., (1) BSmAm vfinIrS, to eome to Rome; (2) In It&UIm vSnIrS, to eome into lidty. (2) The place from which the motion proceeds, if a tbwn or small iUand, is expressed by the abUtive without a pre- position, otherwise by the ablative with one; e. g., (1) Bdmft vSnlrS, to eome from Borne; (2) Ab Itttift vi^rfl, to eome from Italy. >^ 68. Ddmi&t and rfl«, together with the genitives hdH, Mml, and mUUiatf are used like names of towns ; e. g., Oaiiis rtbC rMilt, Chum returned from the country; Balbtts St d&nX St mlUtiae mioOm fult, Btdbm ieaiwiihme both at home and on semee. 69. The supine in Am, as a verbal noun in 4he accusative, follows verbs of mojtion to express the purpose or object of that motion ; e. g., IGttIt l^tSs p&cSm pStltilm, he aende ambaeeadon tomu fbr ^'***** ...... ^ ■ 70> The ablative absolute and the oUique V^t proptfa, sfionndikm, iftpri, tnna, idtifty v^nOa (rare). 73. Pf«tKWt?*■ ■V in I l->-^.* tirftj'Wrf '" 'f^'L. ••"*"•< f' (8.) t!?^oa«m»onlyin ih^^^^ » ^ Sionoir v.— MoDiMiM Of Sa PwpodtioM Md oanjmiotioii. •» ooimaottf-, and n««» modUy nor •>« modifiad. .^ «j : si Interjection. •« •«P'-^/l«*^'L^ Cl^ ^^ J^ Jl hftye no gr«mni«tioiJ influence npon the lert of «■ !- -\ ieiitenoe. OHAFTBR ni^ U» o» MooDl^ Pabhoiflis, GwiniDB, ahd Sunm. 88. Thi indk4tiYe iiin«d in pomtive e-ertioo.; •• g.» P"*' IUm.— The indioatlTe ie oonimoidy ni*d m prinoipel pi«po«w«% bttfc eometimee in dependent onei. • 83. The wbjimefciTe k n»d both in prindpil tnd dep-dwit propontione. . ,, 84. L Inprindpdpfopodtion.lJMi«Aj^ m To «TOM«ft*wiA Of ft oommMid ; e. g., BWftftt, m nwy (2) To expre«i «i effinnfttion d^^db^Mv «r^!J^' * *" 8B.ILIndip«d«itpwpd«fcioiiv^^ , ^. ill ■ «... :»- M ■;:f '."^"^p^^^^ (Mft nOiii okMlil qoWntti iM bdMs, ndlMiif frwmili (Wm ;Vw» WiV *««W (*y ««*^ *• •^««« *• *«• **iW)- 00 Wtth fii#w Itft Tltlt, qiiid iMMiftt» te., «^ loidM (man) livM, wif fc« «.J,.i4c'A '1 ' Wi ■#"' '"S,, 1 ■/ 1^ '' ^lAj'^S.'.&i, J