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''S:S (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone ^= (71 6) 288 - 5989 - Fax ARCHIVES BRIEF OUTLINE (y^O Vu ' (By way of question arid answer) PRESBYTERIAN FAITH BX S3 CL PRICE FIVE CENTS. BY THE REV. JOHN BAIN SCOTT, LEAMINGTON, ONT. ■' r" LEAMINGTON, ONT. 4 » ■/ *.. ^ ■ ■"'■' . . 1 '•. ^ -■■■■■:.■ '. -■.-'-' ■l .- ' / ■,• ' - ; r,.:-;- ^' - -■' — . '■ ' '■ ' . ' ■ • . , ■ ' ■ .1 '■'*'■■ ■■'■ ■ " • ■ ■■ ■ \ - 1 ;■.;(' - ; ^ , . ■!•.■■■ ■ ■ ■' :■■ ' ■■;:-■■.:•■ ''. '>.■'■'' . ■■ ■ ' ■. ■■ ■ ' ■ ' ' ■ ' y - o' ■* - ■ ■ . ■y ■'■'■■ ■ ■■ • ' ■ ^' ■ ■. ■ ■■' '■ . ■ .' ■ -'\ ■ ■ ■ -■ '' ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ . . " • ' ■ ■ ■ • . '.■■■' " ■ -♦ .<-.•■ '^ ■. ■■-■ ■ / . ■ • ■ :■'■ . ■ ■ '.. ■ ■ *'' "''' ■ • :■ - . • . ■ • ''■' ■ \ ■ . '■■ '■■; ^'^ ■ .;:._... •■---■ -.f- ■ "; - 7 ,~"^"- ^' V'" i- . -V- ■'• ; "/ .; ■ ..- ■■ .:%:::.,^:^;*^-^-.:.:: * - ■ > -li." ■*■■.■ '■■"^■:''^'-'':':--, ■;;'■ ■v.- i, A PRIKF OUTLTNK OF I>RESBYTERIAN FAITH AND PRACTICE, For two reasoua this outline Ih made p'uhlio. First, aonie^stran^'e opinions are held aild taught about Pres- byterianisni ; secondly, one is sometimes told by people who make no profession of religion that they are perplexed to know what to believe, seeing there are so many dift'ereut churches all claiming ^to be right. - Tiie question, What do you ]>elieve? is bV||^^ answered iu the following pages. For fuller informatlf n referenee is made to the CatceUisms, and Confession of Faith adopted by us. . t* ' ^ ^^ JojiN Bain S( OTT. Leamington, Out., 17th March, 1881i Wha\ kthe supreme standard of belief of the Pres- byterian (Dhurcli ? . It is the inspired word of God, and that only, to which ail fi naP appeals i about ^ faith and practice are made. (Confession of Fai^th i;^ 9 10). Do you not put the Confessioi^of Faith in the room of the bible? \ No: it like the Catechisms is but a subordinate \ standard, everything in it must be in accordance with the bible. #2 A HKIBl^ OU TLIJnC or Why have you a subordinate gtandard? * Because there are ditt'ereut Churches having different views on faith and practice, for this reason it is neces- sary that we present to the worhl a sunnnary of what wel believe. Kvery section of the church must have a creed be it written or not. - Have you any bible authority for adopting a Con- fession of -Faith ? / / Yes : Christ asked from his disciples, as his neWly constituted church, a confession of tlicir faith in hijrn. (Matt, xvi, lH-18. ) Belief in it and consent to it \VaH made a test of admission to the church. (A(^ts viii, 37.) Why not abide by this only as the confession of your fftith ? Because heresies arose in the Church, and it was needful to state and defend the truth in opposition to each error. (Rom. vi, 17, where ••fdrm," means "sys- tem," of truth, 2 Tim. i, 13.) Why call yourselves IP'resbyterians ? We are Christians because we adopt the religion of Christ, and Presbyterians l)ecauae we adopt the form of Church government the apostles set up, which was done by the instruction of Christ, hhnself, or under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Acts i, 3 ; John xvi, 13) We represent the Apostolic Church. Will you explain that government? The only office bearers in the Church are elders (in Greek, Pre«6McJr may appeal from the decision of the Session to the Presby- tery, thence to the Synod, thence to the General Assembly, Of whom are the Church Courts composed ? Sessions are cpmposed of the minister and all the ruling elders in the cdngregatiou. Presbyteries and Synods are composed of one minister and one elder from each congregation within their districts. General Assemblies are composed of delegates from the Pres- byteries, and Councils of delegates from the Churches. With the exception of Sessions, all our Church Coui-ts have an equal number of clergymen s^nd laynien. If there be any other traits in the (cha^'acter of Presbyteria.nism, pilease mention them. It is monarchial, having Christ as its King ; Aristo- cratic, being governed by a few; and Democratic, aa A HKIKK OUTLINE OK that few are choH«n l»y the ixjopU'. It in the inodt'l for the constitutional govern nmntn of fiee countrie* in our age. History tostiHes that tho«ie who, since the Heforniation, were the Hrst to Mtnigglo f<»r civil aiul religions liberty, adoptetl this form of, government in their Churches. Did not Presbyterianism have it« origin at the Re- formation? Not its origin ; but it was revived at that time. The Waldensian and Vandois Churclics' wipre never aubject to the Romish Hierarchy, and they are Tres- byterian.* The Reformed Churches in Kraneci Swit- zerland, Holland, liermany and Spain are Presbyterian, as well iis tliat in Scotlane the future of Presby- terianism ? That being Apostolic, it will Dtecome the dominant, if not universal form of Church Government. (Lukk xii, 32.) • 4; What do you believe respectihg God ? That there is but one God, the Father, Creator, Upholder, and Governor of all things. (1 Cor. viii. 6.) What do you believe respecting the Trinity ? That there are Three Persons in the one Godhead^ — the Father, the Son, and the ftolv Ghpst, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. (Matt, xxviii, 19; 1 John V, 7.) ^These Churches, and the Lutheran, also the Welsh Calvinistlc Methodists, sent representatives to the General Council of 1880. ^ PHKHBYTKRIAN FAITII A^f^ I'KA(!TIC1, 5 - Wliat tlo you IkjUovc ruHp/i. Because they are chosen to eternal salvation, (Kom. viii, 28*30) and God keeps them from fallings ( Ju de 24. ) Po you teach that belieyeis may be assured of their salvation? , . . , , We do. We say that the salvation of every beUever •is assured, although they may not feel that they are ' among the saved. (2 Tim. i, 12. ) Their doubts will not make God let go his hold on them ; but were their -final salvation to depend on their hold on God, they could have no assurance of it, as they could nolT knoiy. the moment they might let go. vPs- cxxi, 1-4, withr cxxvii, 1.) , ,„ - \j *. Do you teach that believers will ever become^perfect t)n earth? , ,. . • No- their sanctification or holmess is progressive, and will be so till death frees the soul from iJic body. (Phil, iii, 12-14 ; Hep, xiii, 23 ; 2,Pet. iii,- 18.) Be- sides "perfection " means more than ** sinlessness : it includes the " being filled with all the -graces of sal- vation." In heaven-only can this be attained. (Ep. iv, 19. ) What do you believe respecting the future of man ? That there are but two states after death,— that of happiness in the case of the saved, and of misery in the case of the lost. (Dan. xii, 2. 3.) Death hxes the future condition of the soul, which if unchange- able. (Luke xvi,J9-26.) Also, that at the resurrec- tion, souls and spiritual bodies, identified by the souls as those they formerly inhabited, will*be reunited, and 10 A BHIEV OUTLINE OF 80 continue, the saved in heaven, the unsaved in hell. (Matt, xxv, 31-45; Job xix, 26, 27.) What are your views about baptism ? We believe that it, like the Lord's Supper, is a sign and seal of the Covenant of Grace, whi, ■, f X Among the ruins of ancient Christian Churches, tonts have been found, in which it is impossible to immerse even a babe. ' . . - ., , In the most ancient pictures descriptive of the bap- tism of the Eunuch by Philip, the parties are standing in the water, whilst the water is being poured on the head of the baptized. / ^\ u What are your opinions respecting baptism by im- mersion, seeingyou practise sprinkling? ^ . \ We hold that immersion is not proved to be ijcrip- • tural, nor can it be the only mode of baptism. ^But we do not on that account say that those immersed are not baptized. A change from the original mode ot administering a sacrament does not invalidate the or- >^ X. u A BRIBF OUTLINE OK dinanoe itself. If it does, the Lord's Supper as pre< sently administered is null and void ;#for some kneel, others sit wljiilst they receive it, whereas Christ and his disoiples reclined on couches, according to the Eastern custom of taking meals. In what do you consider that the value of baptism consists ? Not in the mode of administration, but in the name of him in whom one is baptized, This is proved from the case of those baptized according to John's baptism but were re-baptjzed in the name of Christ.* (Acts xix, 1-7.) What do Presbyterians regard as the Church ? We say that *' The universal Church consists of all those persons, in every nation, together with their children, who make profession of the holy religion of Qhrist and of submission to his laws. '* W^e also say fhat '* Saints, by profession, are bound to maintain an holy fellowship and oommunion, which communion, as God oflfereth Opportunity, is to be ex» tended unto all who in every place call upon the name of the Lord Jesus, " No man or section of the Church is to set the Word of God aside for human opinion. His Word and that only is to be the standard of our faith and practice. **Let every man be fully persuaded jn his own mind."^RoM. xiv, 5, ' * Prove all things ; hold fast that which is good, "— I Thes. V, 21. ** Search ihe Scriptures. "-^ohn v, 39; 2 Tim. ii, 13, *' To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to these wprds it is because there igfno light in them. "— IsA. viiil 20. *The mode of baptism adopted by John and Christ was the same, so that the re-baptisn) was not on that account. This shews that the " one bjeiptism " of the Church is that in the name of the Trinity. on th til fc t w ai bi C rKKSBYTERIAN FAITH AND PRAtmCB. 15 BAPTISM. AS KKGARDF.n BY l8t, Baptists, and I. 2nd, Otiibr Denominations, I. There ia confession of faith Thoro Is confession of faith on the part of the candidaie, on the part of the candidate. or fcho i onsecration to God of ." childTen by bclievinsf parents or persons representing them. 11. The Immersion in water of the body of the baptized, in the name of the Trinity. n. The sprinkling with water the body of the baptized, or its ImnierFton in water, in the name of tlie Trinity. lU, III. This baptism must be per^ This baptism to be pertem- formed by none but a Baptist ed by any ordained minisler preacher, who himself has of the Rospel. been immersed by another Who was immersed. , Immersion performed by any other preacher is not ■< baptism. ' :^'lV. '■■;■■ ; IV.' -^ None are regarded asbe^ All baptized are regarded longing to the Church of as belonging to the Church Christ unless so baptized. of Christ. ♦v^ Vivian Printing Hqusc; London* J ,1 ,■ ■*'■ ■ ■; ■ . y ■ :. J ' -■/■/ ii 'A. \ ' /v. 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