^ \ ^ <^ ^ ■ t ^« L'axampiaira filmA fut raproduit grica A la gAniroaiti da: Naw Bruniwick IMuMum Saint John Laa imagaa auivantaa ont AtA raproduitaa avac la plua grand aoin. compta tanu da la condition at da la nattatA da l'axampiaira fiimA. at •n conformltA avac laa conditiona du contrat da fllmaga. Laa axamplairaa originaux dont la couvartura •n papiar aat ImprimAa aont filmAa an commandant par la pramiar plat at an tarmlnant aoit par la damlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraaalon ou dllluatration, aoit par la aacond plat, aalon la caa. Toua laa autraa axamplairaa originaux aont filmAa an commandant par la pramlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraaalon ou d'illuatration at an tarmlnant par la damlAra paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. Un daa aymbolaa auhranta apparaftra aur la damiAra imaga da chaqua microficha, aalon la caa: la aymbolo — »• algnifia "A SUIVRE", la aymbola ▼ algnifia "FIN". Laa cartaa, planchaa, tablaaux, ate, pauvant Atra filmAa A daa taux da rAduction dHf Aranta. Loraqua la documant aat trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un aaul clichA, il aat fiimA A partir da i'angia aupAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut wt baa, an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa auivanti illuatrant la mAthoda. t * Oil- ISA I CATALOGUE 01 BOOKS, % WITH THB REGULATIONS FOR THE READING ROO AND £|:brary OF THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTEi Imcorporaited Jlimo D«nUiil 1839. •■,m '^^% x^^ SAINT JOHN, N. B. V«^: PRINTED Bf BOBEBT BHIVSS, tUVCt WI&IUM B'M'JiST j6 ' 1647. ■.//■ . ^•' -^ L. A ■X REGULATIONS. THE LIBRARY & READINS ROOM Shall be under the management of the Board of Di- rectors, and shnll be kept open regularly every Monday Evening, Holidays excepted, from half-past six to eight o'clock. No Book, however, wdl be delivered out after eight o'clock on Lecture Evenings. THE READING ROOM. .#.'•- •■^•-':<'- I. No conversation shall be allowed in the Reading Room. 11. ■"" ■■ ■; No person shall be permitted to smoke in the Rooms, or injure the furniture, or conduct himself in any way inconsistent with decorum. III. Any Member mutilating any of the Periodicals or Papers, shall be liable to a fine equal to twice the cost thereof. IV. No Periodical shall be taken from the Reading Room until one month siiall have elapsed from the time of its being received; nor then, unless the next succeeding Number shall have been received. '■■V- . ■■:■■■'■ _ kI. I b r a r y . 'Th^ Board of Pjrpctors shall appoint a Librarian, to continue in office during good behaviour. II. -"■-^'^ " No person, except Members of the Board, shall be suffered to ni6ve a Book from its place in the Library, without permission of the Librarian. ...•^": X •V (3) ' - 111. -"'^ No Member shall be entitled to receive a Book from the Library until he shall have paid all sums due from him to the Treasurer. IV, Each Member shall have the privile^re of usini; any of the Books from the Library in the Reading Room, though at the same time in possession of a Book belong- ing to the Institute : vet it will be considered as an in- variable rule that such Book must be resigned to any Member drawmg it from the Library. V. Deposited Books and those marked in the Catalogue with an asterisk, toijether with such other Works as the Board shall from time to time designate as Books of Reference, shall not be taken from the Rooms, except by special permission of the Board. VI. A Member applying for Books shall receive but one volume at a time, except when the Plates belonging to the Work are bound in a separate volume, when that also shall be delivered if required. VII. A Folio or Quarto may be kept three weeks; any other sized work, two weeks. Any person detaining a Book longer, shall pay a fine of One Penny for a Duo- decimo, Two Pence for an Octavo, Six Pence for a Quarto, per day, for every day's detention, and shall be debarred from the use of the Library until such fine be paid. VIII. If any person lose or injure a Book, he shall make the same good to the Librarian, and if such Book be one of a set, and may thereupon receive the remaining volumes as his property. IX. Every Member requiring a Book for use in the Reading Ruom shall enter the title of the same,gwith his signa- ture, in a Register to be kept for that purpose, the Libra- rian shall countersign the entry when the Book is re- tured into his possession. X. No Member shall be allowed to write in any of the Books belonging to the Library ; he shall also be re- sponsible for its loss if not returned agreeably to the preceding regulation. XI. All Works on Party Politics and Controversial The- ology shall be excluded from the Library, as inconsis- tent with the objects of the Institution. XII. In order to guard against the possible introduction of immoral works, all Books presented to the Inititution ,J;i" ;.^"'; y^ ■hail be subjected to the approval of the Board of Dl lectors, before they are placed in the Library. XIII. A stamp shall be procured, having on it "Mechanics' Institctb, St. John," with which distinct impressions shall be stamped in various places in and upon each Book, and upon Plates, Maps, &c. XIV. There shall be a printed Catalogue of the Books with a nnmber affixed to each volume, so that when a person wants a Book he may mention the number. The Books shall be delivered in the order of application, and if a particular Book shall be required and it be already en- gaged, the party applying may enter the name of it with tne Librarian, who shall detain it for hirn when it is re turned into the Library. A written Catalogue of such Books as may from time to time be added to the Library shall be hung up in the Library Room till printed Cata- logues can be prepared. XV, In order that the Directors may be enabled to report the state of the Library at the Greneral Annual Meeting in Aprif, all the Books must be in the first Monday in April, under the penalty of Six Pence for a Duodecimo, One Shilling for an Octavo, and Two Shillings for a Quarto, per volume, for every day thev may be detained beyond the period. The Library at this time shall be elosed for a week. \> ^' . iV OFFICE-BEARERS FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL 1848. f ISAAC WOODWARD, Esq., M. P. P., President. W. J. RITCHIE, Esq., M.P.P. ) ^,, p^„.v7^,„ JAMES PATERSON. L. L. D. \ ^" Presidents. W. R. M. BUIVriS. Esq., Corresponding Secretary. JOSEPH W. LAWRENCE, Recording Secretary. 4 W. H. ADAMS, Treasurer. T. B. Millidsr, Esq., Alexander Balloch, and T. R. Gordon, Committee of Audit. WILLL4M HUTCHINSON, Jr., Esq., librarian. Ma. CHARLES P. BETTS, Clerk. Directors :— Edwin Fairweather, Robert Shives, James Lawton, James Pettin^ell, James Agnew, Greo. Hutchinson, Jr., Samuel L. Tilley, John J. Monroe, Charles J. Melick, William W. EmsUc, Lewis W. Du- rant, and George E. Fenety. GATALOOUE OF BOOKS. WorlcM marked with an aateriik (*) are iniended for n- /erenc6 in the Library. i ElTCTCLOFBDIA BOITAKKICA,* - Tredgold's Steanv^Engine, with Plates,** Loudon's Architectural Magazine, The Glasgow Mechanics' Magazine^ Bell's Geography, Hebert's Encyclopedia,*'' lire's Dictionary of Chemistry, Thomson's Chemistry, LiBBABT OF EnTKKTAIKIHO KnOWUBDOK Menageries, .... Vegetable Substances, Insects, .... Birds, .... Monkeys, . . - . Pursuit of Knowledge, Historical Parallels, ... Societies of Middle Ages, Criminal Trials, Back Woods of Canada, New Zcalanders, . . . Paris and its Historical Scenes, Men of Modern Times, She Hindoos, - - The Chinese, - - -. ' Pompeii, - - -• Egyptian Antiquities, Egyptians, Modern, Elgin Marbles, - - Townley Gallery, British Costume, - - - Babbage's Economy of Machinery, Labdmeb's Cvclopbdia, viz : England^ - - - . Ireland, Scotland, - - . - America, .... Prance, - - - - Netherlands, . . - Denmark, - . . - Switzerland,, . . _ Poland, ' - - - - Germany, Russia, - - Spain and Portugal, Nofl. 20 vols. Ito 2 3to 7 8 to 12 13 to 18 19 to 20 21 22 to 26 27 to 68 27 to 28 29 to 31 32 to 34 36 to 37 38 39 to 40 41 to 42 43 44 to 4a 46 47 48 to 49 60 to 53 64 to 55 66 to 57 58 to 59 60 to 61 62 to 63 64 to 65 66 to 67 68 69 70 to 183 ;-■' >-■ 70 to 79 to 81 to 83 to 85 to 78 80 82 84 87 88 89 90 91 92 to 94 95 to M 98 to 102 "©I (6) Earope Middle Agei, - • Noa 103 to 106 Italian Republics, 107 Roman Empire, ... 108 to 109 Rome, . . . - 110 to 111 Greece, - - 112 to 117 Grecian and Roman Antiquities, 118 to 119 The Church, 120 to 121 The Reformation, 122 to 123 Maraiime Discoveries, 124 to 126 Outlines of History, 127 Chronology of History, Cities and Towns, 128 129 British Lawyers, . . - 130 British Military Commanders, 131 to 133 British Naval Commanders, 134 to 137 British Statesmen, 138 to 143 Foreign Statesmen, 144 to 148 Literary Men of Britain, 149 to 162 Literary Men of France, 153 Literary Men of Italy and Spain, Natural Philosophy, 154 to 156 157 to 153 Arithmetic, - - - - 159 Astronomy, - - - - 160 Mochanics, 161 Opiics, - - - 162 Heat, ... 163 Chemistry, . - - 164 Hydrostatics, - - 165 Probabilities, 166 Domestic Economy, - - - 167 to 168 Silk Manufacture, . - - 169 Metals, , - - - 170 to 172 Porcelain, - - - 173 Natural History, - - 174 Geology, - . - . 175 to 176 Botany, - - . - 177 Animals, 178 Quadrupeds, - - - 179 Birds, - - : • - 180 to 181 Menageries, - ':■•■■,. 182 Fishes, - - ^ - 183 Edinburgh Cauimbt Libbabt, viz : 184 to 207 Discovery of Polar Seas, 184 Discovery of Africa, 186 Egypt, 186 Palestme, - - 187 Lives and Voyages, 188 British India, - ;• 189 to 191 North America, - . 192 Humboldt's Travels, 193 Life of Rawleigh, - - - 194 Nubia ' Vbyssinia, 195 Arabia, 196 to 197 Persia, .... 198 Zoologists, - - ■ - 199 (7) Barbary Stales, - - • No. 200 China, 201 to 203 Gircumnavisrntioii of tho Globe, - 204 Henry th6 Eiijhtli, ... 205 Scandanavia, - • - 206 to 207 Tytler's UnivcrBal History, • • 208 to 213 Tales of My Grandfailicr, vizi 214 to 226 Prance, - - - - 214 to 216 Scotland, .... 217 to 225 Natural Magic, ... 226 Brunton on Meclinnica, - - 227 Nichols' Archiiecturu <»(' liie Heavens, 228 Nichols' Phenomena of the Solnr Systenii 229 Hutlon's MathKinniK^iil Dictionary,* 230 to 231 Matthews on Gis Liizhiiiig, - 232 Matthews on Hvilrnulics, - - 233 Matthews on Mill Sliifts, - - 234 Webster's Hvdroatniies, - - 236 O'Halloran's History of Ireland, - 236 Ure'a Philosophy of Manufactures, - 237 Memoirs of the American Academy, 238 Report on the Geology of Massachusetts, 239 Plates illustrating the Geology and Sce- nery of Massachusetts, - • 240 Report on tho Geology of Maine, - 241 Raton's Text Book of Geology, - 242 Wood on Rail-Roads, - - 243 Wood's Mechanics & Vance's Hydrostatics, 244 Vance's Astronomy, ... 246 Smith's Wealth of Nations, - 246 to 260 fiillineton'a Architectural Director, - 251 to 263 Blunt's Essay on Mechanical Drawing, 264 Essay en the Oonstruction of Machines, 266 Shakspeare's Plays, - - 256 to 267 Memoirs of Eminent Persons, • > 268 Moore's History of Ireland, - 259 New-York Pearl, - - - 260 to 261 New-York Mirror, - 262 Fanning's Voyages, - - - 263 Mechanic, - - - 264 Gowper's Poems, - . . 266 The Man of the World, - - 266 Beauties of Nature, ... 267 Life of Mungo Park, - - 268 Campbell's Travels, - • 269 Pinnock's Guide to Knowledge, - 270 to 273 Norie's Practical Navigation, - - 275 Goldsmith's Animated Nature, - 276 Paley's Natural Theology, - - 277 Milton's Poetical Works, - - 278 . A Subaltern's Furlough, - - 279 to 280 Snarleyyow, - - - 281 to 282 Coelebs m search of a Wife, - - 283 Popular Tales or Legends of Ireland, 284 (8) R(!(l Rover, • • • Pilot, - - - - The London Mirror, The Emporium, ... Remarks on the Oeology and Mineral ogy of Nova-Scoiia, First Report on the Oeology of New Brunswick, ... Second Report on the Ooology of New Brunswick, ... Bvron'B Works, Canterbury Tales, Chalmers' Discourses on the application of Christianity to the commercial and ordinary affairs of Life, Muller's Artillery, Muller's Attack and Defence, Bdgeworth's Comic Dramas, • Maclaurin's Algebra, Saturday Magazine, Stnith's Wealth of Nations, Anatomy of the Human Body, Josephus, .... History of Florence, Parks' Chemistry, - . - ^refforv's Economy of Nature, World Explained, - - . Wild's Surveying, Arts and Trades, - - . - Chapone's Miscellany, Pioneers, . . - - Indian Wars, ... Orimshaw's United States, History of Scotland, Scott's Edition of Swift, - , Penny M«chanic, Pictorial Illustrations, Polynesian Researches, Robertson's Works, Mechanics' Magazine, Life of Frederic the Great, History of Charlemagne, Sketches of Venetian History, Life of Cromwell, Lander's Niger, .. - _ Life of Sir Isaac Newton, Life of Alexander the Great, Life of Peter the Great, Life of Mahomet, Gait's Life of Byron, Journal of Health, The Mechanic, Smollett's Works, Constable's Miscellany, Campaign in Prance, - r Literary and Pictorial Magazine, No. 285 287 to 291 292 to 295 206 297 296 299 to 302 303 to 304 30S 306 307 SOB 309 31t) 311 312 31S 314 to 315 316 317 to 319 3^0 321 to 326 327 328 329 to 330 331 332 332 to 334 335to3S2 363 to 354 36S to 367 358 to 361 362 to 364 365 to 369 370 to 371 372 to 373 374 to 377 378 to 379 360 to 381 382 383 384 to 387 388 389 to 393 394 to 396 396 to 397 39eto4M 402 to 404 405 to 407 408 ■1? (9) . f. Book of Indians, .... Scrap Book, ailbrrt'fc Wonders of the World, - Continental Tourist, Emmerson's Mechanic, Lardncr's Heat. Stuart's Three Years in Aintirica, - Life of Ma' y Queen of Scots, History of the Uible, Tyller 8 Discovery of America, Painters and Sculptorn, Philosophy of Moral Feeling, Lives of Eminent Writers, History of Greece, Perii)dical Library, Stephen's Central Americn, Life of Curran, Claims nf Mechanics Institutus, Annual Mechanic, Natural Philosophy, Optics, ..... History of Rome, . . • - Ooneral History, Agricultural Chemistry, Mechanics, - - . Oeometry, Penny Mechanic, Mechanic and Chemist, Edinburgh Review, • - . Westminster Review, Quarterly Review, Foreign Q.uf»rtcrlv Review, North American Review, Mechanic, Mechanics' Magazine, London Polytechnic Magazine, Journal of Science, - Guide to Social Happiness, Sermons, by th€ Rev. Sydney Smith, The Emigrant, Evenings at Homn. Schiller's Thirty Vcars' War, Shetland and the Shotlanders, Life of Mozart, by Holmes, Mrs. Ellis's Family Monitor, Schiller's Revolt of the Nothcrlands, Subaltern's Furlough, Fidler's Canada and the United States, Darwin's Voyage of a Naturalist, - Nicholson'^ Mechanics' Companion, Library of Choice Reading, Body and Mind, Modern British Plutarch, Connexion of the Physical Sciences, Voyaffps in the Arctic Regions, B«U's Life of Canning, No. 400 410 411 412 413 4l4to4ir, 4llito417 418to41t) 420 to 421 422 423 to 42.'S 426 to 4m 431 432 433 to 434 435 to 43« 437 to 43s< 431) 440 441 442 443 444 44.'> 446 447 .44«< 449 tS 452 453 to 45.5 456 to 458 4.59 to 4fiO 47 4«?9 490 491 492 493 494 495 to 496 497 498 to 499 500 .501 502 603 504 505 506 (10) 607 608 609 610 511 513 613 614 616 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 524 to 525 526 to 527 528 to 529 530 Expedition to Borneo, - . No Philosophy of Mystery, - . - TfUe Practical Astronomer, Attraction of Language, Eminent Mechanics, Merchant's Manual, New American Gardener, Art of Painting, Great Events, by Great Historians, Beecher's Lectuies to Young Men, Sketches of D&vid Crocket, Frere's Valley of the Meuse, John Bull ana Brother Jonathan, Memoir of Mrs. Hemans, Wayland's Political Economy, Millard's Arabia Petrse, and the Holy Land, Parrot's Journey to Arrarat, The Useful Arts, Whewell's Elements of Morality, - Philosophy of Magic, Mechanic's Own Book, Prairie Land, ... Education and Knowledge, • 832 Science and the Arts of Industry, > 633 Tbles of the Ocean, - - 634 Literary Studies, - - - 636 The Dog and the Sportsman, - 636 Leisure Hours, - - - 637 My Wife, ... 638 Gleanings from a Gathered Harvest, - 639 Young Man's Guide, - - 6^ Counsels to Young Men, - - 641 Walker's Manly Exercises, - - 642 Renwick's Natural Philosophy, - 543 The Young Mechanic, - - 644 Panorama, - - - 545 School District Library : History of the Fine Arts, - -. - 646 Scenery of the Heavens, - - 647 The American Forest, - r - 648 Johnson's Economy of Health, - 649 Natural History, - - - 660 Uncle Sam on Phrenology, - 581 Family Library : Painters and Sculptors, - - 552 to 554 Barrow's Life of Peter the Great, - 555 Women in America, - - - ' 556 History of British India, ■ - 557 to 559 Croly's Life of George the Fourth, -■ 660 Lives of Jay and Hamilton, - 661 Life of DeWitt Clinton, - -. 662 Southey's Life of Nelson, - - 663 Perilous Adventures, ... 664 Advantages of Science, - - 668 (11) Life Before the Mast, Philosophy of Singing, Vegetable Substances for the Food of Man, Memoirs of Josephine, Leiber's Labour and Property, Abercrombie on the Intellectual Powers, Humbold's Travels and Researches, Court and Gamp of Bonaparte, Polar Seas and Regions, Monteommery's Lectures on Literature, Mudie^s Guide to the Study of Nature, Lives of Eminent Men, Franklin's Life and Works, Lander's Travels in Africa, History of Insects, ... Lewis and Clarke's Travels— Oregon, Life of Washmgton, Euler's Letters on Philosophy, American Courage and Entbipvise, Lives of Celebrated' Travellers, Life in the New World, History of the Popes, The Subaltern, - - - - No. 566 567 268 669 570 671 572 573 574 575 576 B77 to 578 579 to 680 581 to 582 683 to 684 585 to 686 587 to 588 589 to 590 591 to 592 593 to 594 595 596 597 WiLiT AMD Pctnam's Libbabv OF Choice Readino : LifeofCondy, .... 598 to 599 The French in Algiers, ... 600 Bubbles from the Brunnen, - 601 Eothen, .... 602 Sketches from Life, by Laman Blanchard, 603 to 604 Diary of Lady Willou{Thby, - 605 Headlong Hall and Nightman Abbey, 606 Spaniards and their Country, - - 607 to 603 Theodaulph, .... 609 to 610 Papers on Literature and Art, - - 611 to 612 Papers from an Old Manse, - 613 to 614 Residence in the Marquesas, - - 615 Poe's Tales, ... 616 Big Abel, 617 Journey from Cornhiil to Cairo, - 618 Sartor Resartus, byCarlyle, - - 619 Genius and Character of Burns, - 620 The Crock of Gold, ... 621 Memoirs and Essavs, ... 622 Scenes and Tliougnta in Europe, • 623 Letters from lUly, - - - 624 Wildarnesa and War-path, - - 625 The Alps and the Rhine, - - 626 Journal'of an African Cruiser, - 627 The Wigwam and the Cabin, - 628 Western Clearines, ... 629 Wanderings of a Pilgrim on Mont Blaac, 630 Mysteries of Tobacco, - - 631 Responses on the Use of Tobacco, - 632 Alice Gordon, - - - 633 The Genius, . - . ' . 634 (12) %v.-^ Arthur Martin, - - * - - 63S The Lawyer's Daughter, - - 636 Lady Sale's Journal, ... 637 Ireland, - . - . 638 Afghanistan; .... 639 Verpianck's Lectures, > . 640 American House Carpenter, • • 641 The Crescent and the Cross, - 642 to 643 Spirit of the Magazines, - - 644 to 647 Nautical Almanac, ... 648 Elizabeth Allen, ... 649 Sentimental Journey thro' France and Italy, 660 Tlie World, - - - - 651 to 654 Home as Found, • ■ - 655 to 656 Basque Provinces, ... 657 to 658 A Year at Harileburg, - . - 659 to 660 The Heathen's Wall, • - 661 to 663 The Denounced, ... 664 to 666 Lives of Eminent Englishmen, - 667 to 682 The Sailor's Magazine, . • 683 New- York Mirror, - - - 684 to 686 Allison's History of Europe, - - 687 to 690 Engineer's and Mechanic's Assistant, 691 to 692 Mechanic and Engineer's Mai;a7,iiic, - 693 to 696 Athenaeum for 1845, - 697 to 698 Sharpe's Elegant Extracts, - - 699 to 703 The Bouquet. - - - 704 The Souvenir, - - . - 705 The Amulet. - - . . 706 The Sacred Iria, . - - 707 The Victoria Scrap Book, - - 708 The Ma 'net, - ~ . - 709 TheChri«tinn Tributi?, - - 710 Festivals, G lines and Amusements, - 711 Life of Cnrrnn. - - - ^ 712 to 713 Billow an' iluRtck, - - - 714 Political S.-i(.iice, ... 715 French Cla'^sicai Drama,/ ^;,«^-S .« ^^^ Spanish Di nmn, - , ^ r»^: ^^^ - 717 Bubbles of Caradfi, ' ' .- f''\ v - 718 A Mannnl for M 'f'lanics' Institutions, 719 Scientific American, ' - - 720 Modern Jiidmsm, - - - 721 The Appreniii-ed LnboMicr's Manual, 722 Gesner'a History of N.^iv-Brunswick, - 728 Allison 01' Tastf, - - - 724 Brown's Eri"lish Sviitasctpe, > - 725 Arctic VoyajiPS nf Discovery, - 726 Fairman on Funds, . - - 727 Pursuit of Knuvvlcdffp under difficulties, 728 to 729 The EnfjlisbwornaJiin Ei'ypt, - 730 Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, - - "12 7018. Ameirican Journal of Science, - 9 ,| jOeo'logy of the State of Mnme, - - In Oeologicnl Survey of Now-Brunswick, 3 „ Frtser's Magazine, - , - - 3 ^