IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 1.25 !f iia iiM 12.2 i;^ m I, 40 20 1.8 U III 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation S ^^ V signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifia "FIN". t errata d to It le pelure. :on d n 32X Msps, piatea, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoaa too large to be entirely included in one exposure ara filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottcm, aa many frames aa required. The following diagrama illustrate the method: 1 2 3 Lea cartea, planches, tableeux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte A dee taux da rMuction diff^rants. Loraqua le document eat trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul ciichA, 11 est filmA A partir de I'sngia supArieur gauche, de gauche k droite, et de heut en bee, en prenent le nombre d'imegea nAcaasaira. Lee diagrammes suivants iiluatrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 4 5 6 :M SIXTH WmyaMWOtBllTEE HOGBl!Z,^0j^ V,. " MONTTIEAL: 1864. '.1 • ■ 1 1 y.^'f''-;' ■•■ :■ i '"fl 1 1 s 1 1 i* l; Prin' Sin. STANDING ORDERS or THE SIXTH BATTALION VOLUNTEER MILITIA OR V HOCHELi^GA )■ LIGHT INFANTRY. MONTREAL: rRINTEU BY OWLER & StEVEXSON, 41 St. FU5. XaVIER StREET. J 864. Ba Li the Fi Se A2 Or nu sp wl fin kttSing 4 • • » » 1. The Regiment to be called the " Sixth Battalion Volunteer Militia, or Hochelaga Light Infantry." The Badge and Device of the Battalion to be as follows : Quarterly, First, Or, a Beaver proper on a mount \ert. Second, gales a Lion passant, Or, Third, Azure, a Bngle Horn, Argent, embellished Or, strings gales, (between the strings the number VJ. in gold.) Fourth, Argent, a sprig of three maple leaves proper. The whole within a gartnr, azure buckled, and fimbriated Or. Crest, an Indian Warrior proper, holding a Bow in his dexter hand, and having a quiver of Arrows over the sinister shoulder, motto, ** Vestigia nulla retrorsumJ^^ 2. The Uniform as at present worn by the Regiment, or as may be hereafter ordered. lie nesi 3. The Officers shall be selected by the Officer commanding, to be submitted for appointment to His Excellency the Com- mander in Chief, and seniority in the re- spective ranks shall be determined by date of the commissions. Each Officer, on ap- pointment to the Battalion, shall at once pro* vide himself with a Full and Undress Suit, as also with a Winter Uniform, in accord- ance with the regulations on this subject. Any neglect in this respect on his part, after a period of two months, will subject him to be reported to the proper authorities for disr- obe dience of orders* 4, The Lieutenant-Colonel will command at all times when present, and preside over all meetings of the Officers wlien assembled together. He will be ex-officio a member of all Committees that may be appointed. To him all reports must be made, and through him must pass all correspondence of a pub- ving a 3ulder, 3rn by dered. )y the ed for Com- he re- f date n ap- e pro* Suit, Jcord- bjeet. after im to dis* over bled T of To ngh 3Ub" I lie nature connected with the duties or busi** ness of the Battalion. 5. The Majors, in the absence of the Lieutenant-Colonel, will assume, according to their seniority, the command of the Bat- talion, and perform such duties as may be lequired of them, in accordance with the Militia Act and the Standing Orders of the Battalion. They must at all times be pre- pared to render the Lieut.-Coloi.el such as- sistance as he may need in the due perform- ance of his duties and the maintenance of good order and discipline in the Battalion. 6. The Captain of each Company will have sole charge of the Company placed under his command, for the discipline and good ch^der of which he will be held strictly responsible to the Officer commanding. For his assistance in this and other matters con- nected with the well-being of his Company, he will command the assistance of his sub- altern Officers, who will render him such aid as he may require in the performance of his duties. The Captain of each Company will be held strictly responsible for the Arms, AccoU'tTements, and other public property 8 that he may Idc entnisted with for its use, of which he must be prepared at any moment when called upon to furnish correct returns, 7. The Adjutant. — This Officer will be under the immediate control of the Com- manding Officer, to whom alone he will be responsible for the due performance of the duties of his Office. These duties being of a complicated and onerous character, will necessitate on his part a due amount of care, diligence and iiidustry. He will have over- sight of all duties and matters of discipline, not eicliisively belonging to others. He will be personally present, parade and in- spect all Guards and Picquets, or other duties that may be required. He will keep the Orderly Book of the Battalion, in which he will enter such orders as may be issued by the Commanding Officer, furnishing the different Captains with copies thereof. The Staff, he will notify ot such orders as may concern them. He will keep a Duty Rosier of the Battalion, in which he will have en- tered the name in full of each Officer belong- ing to it according to his rank and seniority, and from which lie will detail Officers for Tfftlti'H.fe ts use, of 1 moment returns. f will be le Corn- will be e of the ^eing of 2r, will of care, '^e over- ^ipline, 3. He nd in- other J keep which ssued igthe The may osier e en- ong. )ri(y, s ibr duty when such may be required. He must make himself acquainted with the address of each Officer of the Battalion, whom he will duly notify, when necessary, of all par- ades and meetings of the Officers of ihe Battalion, and keep a record thereof in the Battalion Minute Book to which any of the Officers will be permitted to have access, should they require it^ as also to the Order Book. In the performance of his duties he will be assisted by the Serge ant-Major, who will be immediately under his control and subject to his orders, and who as the senior N on-Commissioned Officer of the Battalion, will exercise a general supervision over the other Non-Commissioned Officers, and will be answerable under the Adjutant for all matters of discipline not peculiarly the duty of others. The Adjutant will also perform the duties of Secretary at all the Officers' meetings. 8. The Paymaster. — This Officer will act as Treasurer to the Battalion, and will receive all dues, fines, and funds that may accrue from time to time, for which he will be accountable to the Finance Committee, 10 and make disbursements therefrom only under their direction. He will keep a regu- lar account of the Battalion funds, submit- ting the same for examination and audit at the Annual Meeting of the Officers. To assist him in the collection of dues and other matters connected with his department, he will command the assistance of the Pay- master-Sergeant, who is placed immediately under his orders, ind will aflbrd him such aid as he may require, 9. The Surgeon. — This Officer, or the Assistant-Surgeon must be present at all Parades, when firing with blank ammuni- tion takcii place ; also when any Company turns out or Ball practice, on due notice thereof. The Assistant-Surgeon is placed solely under his orders, and will render him all the assistance he may require for the due performance of his duties. The Hos- pital Sergeant is also placed immediately undei' his orders, and will obey such in- structions as he may receive from himself or the Assistant-Surgeon. 10. The Quartermaster. — This Officer will take charge of all stores, or other public efrom only eep a regu- J^j siibmit- d audit at ficers. To ^ and other ftment, he the Pay- mediateJy him such '^5 or the nt at ail ammuni- ^ompany le notice s placed ider him for the 'he Hos- sdiately uch in- liimseJf Oflicer public 11 properly handed over to him for safe keeping. He will superintend the issue and delivery of ammunition whenever the Battalion may require it. Both the Quartermaster-Sergeaiit and Armourer-Sergeant are placed under his orders, and will render him such assist- ance as he may require in the due perform- ance of his duties. - 11. Honorary Members may be elected •to the Battalion by a two-thirds vote of the Officers to that effect at any Regular Meet- ing, such Honorary Members not having a right to vote on any occasion. 12. To meet the current expenses of the Regiment, Officers shall pay monthly as follows : — Lieut.. Col, $2 ; Majors, $1.50 ; Captains, $1.00; Lieutenants, 75 cents; Ensigns, 50 'jents ; and on promotion the several Officers shall pay as follows : — Lieut.-Colonel, $20 ; Major, $10 ; Captain, $5 ; Lieutenant, $5 ; Ensign, $10 ; and the scale of fines for offences shall be as fol- lows : — Absence without leave from meet- ing. Regular or Special, 50 cents ; absence without leave from Drill, 50 cents ; absence fioni Public Parade, $2. All subscriptions ^«cl other dues tn h^ -j Officer in a„: 3 WeTttr*''^^. ^'^ -nd October, Ta, one fT'^"'-''^'-^"'^' '» be considered thl A f "^ ^" ^P^" '""«' be paid. Any f e! t cW 1' '"" '■eported to the Pavrn= 7 '"default to be -' busine. ;x ruptd- ''^ »"^"- and at any Meeti„. no O fi? ^'^''"^sion, be allowed to vote t^ 7 n ""'" "'^''^ be the order of n! J following will 'luer 01 proceedino-s at (»,„ ., '»«..-Min,„e. of ,,„ £''*•" f"'- J 4. Special Meetino-, „, , « requisition signed h™'^ ^" '""^'^ "" '--. and addrf d ti^tbTo/^" "^P" '"ending, specifyi„„ Z Ik f"" ^°'"- sucb meetina is Jl ? 7 ""'J^et for which -" "fwhich%heteet''"^°'''^ '''-"- V ^"e Commanding i 13 ^^^iy- Any months to be rders. The lymaster. uarterJy on ^priJ, JuJy, in April era! JVIcet- rs aJ] dues ^aultto be the gen^ scussion, ^ears wij] ang- wiJl se Meet- ead and ^se may 2d; JVo- ^ied on ' Cap- Com- which ^iscus- J shaJJ nding f Ofricer may at any time call the Officers together for the consideration of mutters atfecting the welfare or good order of the Battalion. Three days previous notice of all meetings, when called, mast be given. 15. Committees,— There will be a Per- manent Finance Committee, consisting of the Lieut. Colonel, one Major, one Captain, the Paymaster,and the Adjutant, which will exercise supervision and control over the Battalion funds, and order such disburse- ments as may from time to time be necess- ary. The Paymaster reporting such for ap-- proval at the quarterly meeting immediate- ly following after. Committees for special purposes may be appointed whenever found necessary. No disbursements shall be made by the Paymaster unless on the order of the Officer in command, and no account shall be paid unless the same is certified by the Chairman of the Finance Committee. 16. The Non-Commissioned Officers of each Company shall be appointed by the Captain, subject to approval by the Officer Commanding. The Sergeant-Major and 14 S^laft' Sergeants shall be appoinled by the Officer Commanding. 17. No Captain or other Officer in com- mand of a Company will call out his Com- pany for any special parade or occasion without the previous sanction of the Offi- cer Commanding to whom he must, ad- dress a request in writing stating the object he has in view. 18. No Alteration or amendment to those standing orders to be made, or amendment carried unless due notice has been given at the Quarterly Meeting immediately preced- ing that at which such change is sought to be made, 19. No Private shall be appointed as a Non-Commissioned Officer or Non-Commis- sioned Officer promoted without having shewn to a board of Officers his competency to discharge the duties of the office. 20. The Board for the examination of Candidates for Non-Commissioned Officers to be composed of Senior Major, Senior Cap- tain and Adjutant. the ;om- Jom~ -sion ad* bject 15 21. At all meetings of Officers twelve shall constitute a quorum, and all Officers attending such meetings must be in uni- form. Accepted and Confirmed at a meeting of Offi- cers, March 8 , IS6 1, THEO. LYMAN, Major Com. H. L. Infantry., Approved, j, By command, A. DeSALABERRY, Lt.-CoL, D.AsO.M L. C.