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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent §tre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3!>'V M issfonary Enterprise, AMONG THE COLOURED PEOPLE OF THE Maritime Provinces OF ^^ CANADA. T~C^^L y a I ^n ^-^ :- jp- ■ ^^ ' '^■''^^/^[^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 HHJH HHI^ElMHHiHI The Right Rev. WILLIAM B. DERRICK, D.D., Bishop of the 8th Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, and a native of Antigua, B.W.I. .■;*v .u lU » 5i - -■ V • •' , ■''>.. '• * A ^ . i ■ The Rev. HENRY B. BROWN, Elder, Secretary Treasurer and Financial Agent of the Nova Scotia Con- ference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. A native of Kingston, Jamaica, B.W.I. /I ^ ♦* God our Father:' " Man our Brother^ AN APPEAL. MISSIONARY ENTERPRISE. £5,000 Needed, For the consolidatton and extension of Mission work among the coloured people in Canada. To the People of England. The Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church of Nova Scotia— which embraces the Maritime Provinces of Canada — having through its Bishop, the Right Rev. William B. Derrick, D.D., appointed me its Financial Agent, and sent me forth to visit this country for the purpose of raising funds on behalf of our Canadian work, I hereby appeal to your generosity for such needed help. The A.M.E. Church has been for years making strenuous efforts for the moral, intellectual, and spiritual enlightenment of the coloured people in those Provinces, and has, I am glad to say, achieved much success. In order to extend these existing fields of labour, ^nd to proceed with the absolutely necessary erection of additional Churches in Districts, greatly in want ^jf such centres for spiritual reunion, a sum of fi\ne 6 thousand (^5,000} pounds will be required most urgently. I therefore, in the name of our Venerable Bishop and our Conference come to you, bearing the accom- panying epistle of authorisation, as well as letters of recommendation,* in the hcpe that you will be induced to assist in this great and good work of extending the Messiah's Kingdom amongst our coloured brethren in Jesus Christ. Yours, for Ciod and Humanity, HENRY B. BROWN, Financial Agent. N. S. Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Address Office of "The Toronto Globe," 'fjL ^^^'^^'ti^ IfiH&R Temple, 222-225, Strand, London, W.C. 30M Mavchy 1899. References kindly permitted of the Right Hon. Lord Strathcona & Mount Royal, G.C.M.G. High Commissioner for the Dominion of Canada^ 17, Victoria Street, S.W. C. A. Duff Miller, Esq., Agent General for Neze> Brunswick. 17, Leather Market Street, BERMOMDSEY. S.E. • These have been accepted by the Conference Committee of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. LETTER OF AUTHORISATION 9 From the Right Rev Wm. B. Ukrrick, D.D.. Bishop ot 8th Episcopal District of the Atrican Methodist Episcopal Church. To all whom it may concern. The bearer, the Rev. Henry B Brown, an Elder in good' and regular standing, and a person of education andi character, has been appointed as Agent to solicit assistance on behalf of the A.M.E. Churches throughout the Maritime Provinces — Churches composed of a class of worthy and industrious people of coolur,but whose material possessions are scanty and poor As this class of our population must be cared for morally and religiously, we have organised and are maintaining several congregations among them. For this object we appeal through our Agent to the Christian public wherever he may travel for assistance in money or such material as will meet the pressing needs of a worthy class of citizens ; assuring all who may assist us that all donations given will be thankfully received and promptly applied. {Signed) WILLIAM BENJAMIN DERRICK, Bishop, Nova Scotia and Bermuda Conferences. Dated St. John, N.B. August 22nd, 1898. 8 LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION From His Honour the Mayor of St. John, N.B. Mayor's Office, City of St. John, N.B. October ist, 1898. To whom it may concern- I desire to testify my respect and interest in my friend the Rev. Henry B. Brown, formerly pastor of St. Philip's •Church in this City, and who has been appointed to solicit subscriptions and ask assistance and support on behalf of the A.M.E. Churches throughout the Maritime Provinces by his Reverence Bishop William Benj. Derrick, of the Nova Scotia and Bermuda Conferences. I have every confidence in the Rev. Henry B. Brown, and commend him heartily to the favour and kindness of all friends of the Church, or of those who desire to see humanity reach a higher and better moral position in its battle 'with evil. Sincerely yours, (Signed) EDWARD SEARS, Mayor. From ex -Mayor Robertson. St. John's. N.B., September 26th, 1898. To whom it may concern. The bearer, Rev. Henry B. Brown, who was pastor in 'St. Philip's A.M.E. Church in this City for two years, has been appointed Agent by the Right Rev. Bishop Derrick to solicit assistance for the A.M.E. Church in the Maritime Provinces. The coloured population of this •City, and indeed throughout the Maritime Provinces, are deserving the kindest consideration of all Christian people, and the Rev. Mr. Brown's pastoral record here was such ^s to command respect and confidence. GEO. ROBERTSON. ; 4 9 From His Honour Judge McLeod, of the Supreme Court of AVw Brunswick. St. John, N.B. October 4^/j, 1898. To whom it may concern. The bearer, the Rev. Henry B. Brown, an Elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, has, I understand been appointed an Agent to solicit assistance on behalf of the A.M.E. Churches in the Maritime Provinces. I under- stand the object of his mission is to obtain means to assist in maintaining the Churches of his race. The Churches are domg most excellent work, and the object of the Rev. H. B. Brown's mission is a very worthy one, and I strongly recommend him to the favourable consideration of all Christian people. The Rev. Mr. Brown, I may say, is a man of CKcellent standing, who will give a correct and proper account of any and all assistance he may receive. E. McLEOD, Justice of the Supreme Court of N.B. From G. A. Knowdkll, Chairman Almshouse Commissioners. St. John, N.B. ^th October, 1898. The Reverend H. B. Brown, the bearer of this letter, is well and favourably known as a zealous worker for the African race. Having accomplished much good in our City, he is now on a Mission seeking assistance for a very worthy object, and any encouragement given him on these lines will be the means of advancing the great work in which he is engaged. Yours respectfully, GEO. A. KNOWDELL, Chairman A.H. Commissioners. I 10 From THE Afro-British League. St. John, N.B. September 28th, 1898. Resolved, that the Afro-British League, being informed that their senior Vice-President, the Rev. H. B. Brown Pastor for the last two years of St. Phillip's Churoh. has been appointed by Bishop Derrick to go abroad in the financial interest of the African Methodist Episcopal Church of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, hereby wish to express the profound regard in which they hold him both as a minister of the Gospel and a personal friend. ' A. B. WALKER, President. I). J. McINTYRE, Jnr., Vice President. JOHN JACKSON, Assistant Secretary. From His Honour Mayor Hay, 0/ Woodstock, N.B. Woodstock, N.B. October i^th, 1898. To whom it may concern. The bearer of this, the Rev. Henry B. Brown, a Clergyman in good standing in the A.M.E. Church, having been recently appointed by his Conference Financial Agent for the same will be thrown among many strangers. Knowing him to be the Christian gentleman I do, one who has for his aim the betterment ot mankind, and the up- lifting of his race. I bespeak for him the kindly offices of those with whom he may come in contact. W. W. HAY, Mayor. r 11 . From the Editor " Wesleyan." Methodist Book Room and - Wesleyan" Office. 141, Granville Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 21st, 1898. I have known the Rev. Henry B. Brown for some years During his pastorate of the A.M.E. Church of this Citv I met him frequently, and formed a good opinion of his quahties as a Christian gentleman. fie has my hearty good wishes for his success in his mission of raising funds for his Church. GEO. J. BOND, Editor " Wesleyan." From Editor " Presbyterian Witness." Halifax, Nova Scotia. November 22nd, 1898. I have known the Rev. Henry B. Brown, of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for five years. I have watched his strenuous efforts for his people here whiJp pastor of the ''Zion Church." He has the esteem and best wishes of the Christian people of this City, Presbv terians as well as others. I have enjoyed preaching in his pulpit, and I have had opportunities cf judging how faithful a worker he is. I hope he will meet with the sympathy and support he J50 richly deserves. ROBERT MURRAY, Editof *« Presbyterian Witness." i 12 From His Honour the Mayor of Halifax, N.S. Mayor's Office, Halifax, N.S. To whom it may concern. This is to certify that the bearer, tlie Rev. Henry B. Brown, is known to me as the late Pastor of " Zion Church " of this City, and a gentleman worthy of confi dence in every respect. He is deserving of your sympathy and support in the good work he has now in hand, and I wish him every success. Novcniher 22nd, i8g8. ALEX. STEPHENS, Mayor. Extracts of letter from Rev. W. Evans Darby L.L.D., Hon. Sec. : Arbitration Alliance. — Dated, 15th February, 1899, 47, New Broad Street, LONDON, EC. The work the Rev. Henry B. Brown represents has surely claims upon all British people independent of their ecclesias- tical position and sympathies. All that will tend to bring our fellow-citizens of the Dominion into closer relationship, and to bind them in closer union with the mother country, must appeal in an especial sense to true hearted subjects of the Empire, There is too a higher loyalty and it can never be said that Mission work of the Church failed to win sympathy in any section of it in Britain. I have great pleasure in commending the Rev. Henry B. Brown to the sympathies of my brethren, and wish for hinj great success in l^is Mission. ?ii » B;ii wi rT— ^^2 1 o 3 3 a 4* ) n J O D J H) L O P ff 2 CL^ 3 "• > !3- . ^ o P H £3" ^^^ f^ ^ "^ ^ c;<3 CO ' ri sr <■ Ci- - o' t« «-^ 2 p ST. cr 3 » O CD 5" o 5ter) Si o 00 o VO ffB Co cr ji. a. o 3 o P D- H> Jil, - P Q- *^ CD '— ^. P 2L 3 p P CL p O D > P CL fH p n 2 ^ <-^ CO P* < CD CO C CD ^— ti> ^• j;:^ fTJ .p :^ 2 « ^ *^ 3 o — P 2 -*> <^ 5^ o jr (D "o p ^ _^ ?r o ^ 5' p P" ^cDP-gcScpo) _ P^. 5. P P O 3 P- CD 5^ ^ 3 c^ d' -I a. CD ^ 2 3 3 J? >-« Q CD j3 O P- P p cTs-n' S Q^ P fD ^« p CL o •-*l CD Jr o r+ n Q — P- 2- ^' o CD a (D p on? CL f- so O ^ CD CD CO I' P P *u o CD 3 P CO p- CD CO P ffieL<'2.g CD .«T c;* CD o P- o < 00 CL P SO S p o p-p CL p 5 tt) CL n X cZ-O^ Cl W 3 CO O ^ O -•3 S 5*3 g^O CL O CO i^ --I- CD P (^ P- CD •-1 P B* 5? *^ <~t ^ CD !^" OQ p >• (D a 3 - tJ 2 t»lO!? > CO CO p- «v^ < 3 2 { o 3. r CO '^ c P S ;S -^ ^ CD •■ 2 r cr o «r -^ ►-. » CD ^— -I ^ r.. 3 P P i O^^ P *> c cfq H l-r^ CD V WORDS OF COMMENDATION. From the Rev Joseph Johnson, Primitive Methodist Church. Stoke . Newington, London, N. April 25th, 1899. To the Rev. Henry B. Brown. ' , My dear Brother, — • ' V I am taking an early opportunity of writing to express my apprecia- tion of the services you rendered us at our Stoke Newington Church on Sunday and last evening. The large congregations which assembled on Sunday were greatly helped by your ministry, and numerous have been the expressions of appreciation of your services. I am glad you met with a generous response to your appeal in connection with your lecture last evening, though, I am bound to say, the attendance would have been mnch larger, and the response correspondingly greater, had it not been such a fearfully wet evening. 1 will only add one other observation, and that is, wherever you go in this country for a Sunday and Monday, it will be mutually advantageous. Ycu are perfectly free to refer any Church or Minister thinking of your services, to me, for a reference. With every goc^ wish, I am yours sincerely, (Signed) Joseph Johnson. From the Rev. T. Wynne-Jones, Wesleyan Methodist Church, Great Queen Circuit, London. June 23rd, 1899. The Rev. H. B. Brown has conducted Services in all the Churches in the Great Queen Circuit, London. His pulpit ministrations as well as his advocacy of Temperance, Sunday School work, &c., have been very much appreciated, and in the homes of our people he is held in high esteem as a cultured and courteous Christian man. I have secured several engagments for him in other Circuits and he has invariably given satisfaction. (Signed) T. Wynne-Jones. From the Rev. F. B. Meyer, B.A., of Christ Church, Westminster Road, London S.E. June i6th, 1899. The Rev. H. B. Brown, of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, addressed one of our meetings recently, and I am glad to commend him and the Mission on which he is engaged to the sympathy and support of Christian people. (Signed) F. B. Meyer. From the Willesden Green Record-. — On Sunday last (25th, June), the congregations of the Primitive Methodist Church were very large. The Rev. H. B. Brown, (coloured minister of the African Methodist Episcopal Church) was the preacher both morning and evening, when he delivered two excellent sermons. The morning text was " And there was no more sea, " the main points being the sea suggested change conflict, separation, &c. The evening subject was "Self-Examination," when the reverend gentleman delivered a searching discourse. On Monday Mr. Brown delivered a very interest- ing lecture, the subject being " The story of my life. " This proved very interesting. Mr. Brown is a cultured Christian gentleman with whom it is a great pleasure to associate. This is the third time he has occupied From the Stroud Journal, loth Nov., 1899. A Lecture was given by the Rev. H. B. Brown, coloured preacher of Canada, on Wednesday evening, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Brimscombe, on "Jamaica, the Isle of Springs." The lecturer gave vivid descriptions of the island, and reference was made of colonial loyalty, and to the freedom of the slaves which England achieved. He had visited Westminster Abbey and looked with deep interest on the statues of those who had laboured and fought for freedom. The chair was taken by Mr. A. Evans, of Thrupp. Yxom the Stroud Jour i ', loth Nov., 1899. A Voice from Canada. — On Tuesday evening at Castle Street Wesleyan Chapel, Stroud, a lecture was given by the Kcv. H. S. Brown, a coloured minister from Canada, on the question *• v/hy am I in England } " Mr Brown is connected with the African Methodist Episco- pal Church of the Dominion, and has visited England for the purpose of eliciting practical sympathy for the extension of mission work among the coloured people of Canada. He bears credentials from government officials, from Bishop Derrick, from judges, and from newspaper editors, and we believe the appeal he is making is receiving considerable atten- tion in England. Mr. W. Thompson presided over the meeting on Tues- day, and referred to the visit he paid to Canada and the United States six years ago, and the impressions then made on his mind. He criticised the strong race prejudice which existed in those countries, and which, he said, appeared to have blunted the conscience of the Churches in America. He eulogised the courage of Henry Ward Beecher, who rose superior to bigotry and prejudice, and consistently claimed equal relig- ious privileges for the coloured race. The lecturer gave an interesting account of Canada, and its wonderful resources, not forgetting to mention Klohdyke. He referred to the old days of slavery, and the liberty which fugitives from the South found when once their feet pressed British soil. Instances of his own early life were given, together with the reasons which induced him to become a minister. Then he related how he came to be chosen to visit England for the work he has now in hand, and amused the audience by describing several efforts made by him to see the Queen. Thanks to Sir Arthur Bigge, he at last succeeded in seeing Her Majesty at Windsor, and when he told his coloured bretheren this fact they would be exceedingly pleased, for no people were more loyal than they. Mr. Brown spoke regretfully of the prejudice manifested against the coloured race, and elicited applause when he declared that there was no good reason why a black man should not sit side by side with a white man in church. After a collection had been taken on behalf of Mr. Brown's mission, a vote of thanks to the chairman and lecturer was carried on the motion of Mr. Revell, seconced by Mr. Kempsell. Daring the evening Mr. Blick effectively sang " The Heavenly dream," and Miss Reynolds gave pleasure by her rendering of " There is a green hill." : From the i?^z'. Aljred Farrar, Supt. Stroud (Glos.) Circuit, Wesleyan Methodist Church. _ • - . . , I, Granville Villas, Stroud. ■ ■ ' 17th November, 1899. The Rev. H. B. Brown has resided in the Stroud Circuit for some months, during which period he has rendered excellent service both in preaching and lecturing. Our people have greatly appreciated his services. Personally I have found Mr. Brown a truly Christian man. I heartily commend his work to the favourable consideration of the sr- a «Ji: oj e £; G^-^ « c = X2 3.2 ^-S o o c .o ^' ct3 *j "O w Toronto Globe's Office, Outer Temple, 222-225, Strand, London, W.C. 20th May, 7899. Dear Sir, 1 beg to enclose for your perusal a pamphlet setting forth the objects for which I am visiting England. I would earnestly appeal to your munificence and generosity for assistance, to a greater or less extent, towards that object, so that the good work being carried on among our coloured brethren within the Canadian section of our vast Empire may, not only be maintained, but also that the building and extension scheme made necessary for the spiritual and moral developenient and progress of this class of our population, be carried out to a successful issue. Hoping to have the pleasure of your early and favourable response, I remain, dear sir. Yours faithfully, H. B. BROWN, Financial Agent, N.S. Conference, A. ME. Church. ^. iWiij^J (2: AtAi. Qyctfiiy O/. ^jiO'wn, " Thk Toronto Globk," Inner Temple, iii-ii^ Strand, London, W'.C.