IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) W // / £% '^ (/x % «. 1.0 [::■■ I.I 1.25 2.8 !M 2.2 11° 111112.0 1.4 IIIIIM II ^ y] <^ /i ^/J r VJ Photographic Sciences Corporation m \\ *% V <^ <^\/^\ :^^^- ^ "•S WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y 14560 (716) 872-4503 '^mb^^M^ L^ ; CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques ^19^7 i^^^-mmA^m^ Technical and Bibliographic Notes/Notes tachnic;u«s et bib ^itretr, tlje ptar of 1812, tlje ^ebeUfan, the it. 05. goaal- i0t», the ®ler0ij ^e»er»e OJuefttlon, iqgether with AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF PAMPHLETS EMBRACING ALMOST EVERY PERIOD OF CANADIAN HISTORY. WITH OTHER CURIOUS AND VALUABLE BOOKS IMPOSSIBLE TO ENUMERATE HERE. R. W. DOUGLAS & CO., Dealers in Old and Rare Books, 250 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. ^^B^^sa^BSS^s^F^w-'^^ms^ :^^f^,- ymsm^- ^^i^Bli^^^ Besides Americana, the advertisers keep constantly in stock about 75,000 vols, of old and new miscellaneous Books, com^ prising works in every department of literature, embracing Books in fine bindings for presentation. Galleries of Enjrrav- ing, standard English Classics, and works on the Drama, Facetuz, Topography and History. Catalogues are issued frcm time to time, and are sent free to any address, f } LSewfe^/SJt-giMltlllBiaJJ R. W. DOUGLAS & CO., DEALERS IN OLD AND RARE BOOKS, 250 YONGE STREET. i-: I <») (a) Schoolcraft (Henry R.)— Information Respecting the His- tory, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States ; collected and prepcred under the Bureau of Indian AflFfirs per Act of Congress, 1847, by Henry R. Schoolcraft, LL.D., splendidly illustrated in tints and on steel by 8. Eastman, U.S.A., 5 thick vols., royal 4to, h%lf morocco ; in all respects a fine copy. ^^^- ^^ Philadelphia, 1853. ''Schoolcraft's work wae intended to be a great encyclopsedia of information relating to the American Aborigines. * * * It has indeed, performed a very important service for Indian history, in col- lecting and preserving an immense amount of historic data. Vocabu- lanes of languages, grammatical analyses, legends of various tnbes, biographies of chiefs and warriors, narratives of captivities, his- tories of Indian wars, emigration and theories of their origin, are all related and blended in an extraordinary ♦ • manner. A ve^y large number of beautiful steel engravings, representative of some pnase of ui ** bfs^nd customs, are contained in the work, but the most valu- able of its illustrations are the drawings of weapons, domestic utensils, instruments of gaming and amusement, sorceiy and medicine, objects of worship, their sculptures, paintings, and fortifications, pictograph writing, dwellings, and every form of antiquities which have been discovered. Ihe volumes contain 336 full page plates, representing thousands of the scenes and objects named. "—/jWd. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the manners and customs of the North Ameri- can Indians, with an account of the Posts situated on the River St. Lawrence, Lake Ontario, etc., to which is adde. a vocabulary of the Chippeway language, names of Furs and Skins in English and French, a list of words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawnee, and Esquimaux tongues, and a Table shewing the analogy between the AJgonkin and Chippeway Language, by J. Long. Folditiy map, 4to, board*, f9.75. London (printed for the Author), 1791. 2 R. W. Douglas , 43 Indian Life. — Traits of American Indian Life and Charac- tar, by a Fur Trader. 8vo, cloth, very scarce, $1.75. London, 1853. Not mentioned by Field. 44 ignited States and Canada. — An excursion through the United States and Canada during the years 1822-23, by an Eng- lish gentleman. 8vo, half morocco, $2.25. Loudon, 1824. 45 Lanman (C.) — Adventures in the Wilds of North Americai by Charles Lanman, edited by Charles Richard Weld, London* 1854. Also the Leipsic Campaign, by the Rev. G. R. Gleig. 2 vols- in one, 12mo, cloth, calf , good condition, $2.25. London, 1863- 46 Beecliey ((^apt F. W.) — Narrative of a voyage to the Pa- cific and Behriug's Strait, to co-operate with the Polar Expedi- tions ; performed in His Majesty's ship Blossom, under the com- mand of Capt. F. W. Beechey, R.N., in the years 1825-26-27-28. Ill titrated with maps aiid .numerous plates. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, rare, $4.50. London, 1831. The Mission Fathers which Beechey gives us particulars about, long isolated from the civilized world, had become, it seems, as severe ty- rants in their little monarchies as any of the secular class, and regii- larly recruited their subjects from the wild tribes of savages by expe- ditions against them, in which Pre and sword had more victims than the cord and the prison. 47 Franklin (J.)— Narrative of a Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, in the years 1819-20-21-22, by John Franklin, Capt. R.N., with map, 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, $2.25. London, 1824 48 Sydenliam (Lord C.)— Memoir of the Life of the Kight Hon. Charles Lord Sydenham, with a narrative of his administra- tion in Canada, edited by his brother, G. Poulett Scrope, M.P., With portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, $3.75. London, 1843. 49 Adams (A. L.)— Field and Forest Piambles, with notes and observations on the Natural History of Eastern Canada, by A. Leith Adams, M.A. With maps and iUustratuyns. Royal 8vo, cloth, $2.25. London, 1873. 50 United States and Canada.— A Glimpse at the United states of America, with the Canadas, comprising their rivers, lakes, and falls during the autumn of 1852, by Edmund Patten. With zincographed plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, $1.75. Loudon, 1853. 51 Head (Sir Francis) — Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau, by an Old Man. Post 8vo, half calf, $1.25 Bruasells, 1840. 52 Lal>rador. — Moravians in Labrador. fVith frontispiece. i8mo, cloth, $1.75. Edinburgh, 1833. 53 Hudson's Bay Company.— An examination of the Char- ter and proceedinj^s of the Hudson's Bay Company, with reference iy^!m 250 Tonge Street. 11 I 55 56 c C3 to the grant of Vancouver's Island, by .Tames Edward Fitzgerald With map. Post 8vo, cloth. Rare. ^1.75. London, 1849. 54 Rogers (Major R.)— A concise account of North America, containing their situation, extent, climate, soil, government, etc. Also an account of the several nations "nd tribes of Indians, by Major Robert Rogers. Post Bvo, cloth, calf. Veryjrare, $7.50. London, 1770. Rae (W. F.)— Columbia and Canada; Notes on the Great Republic and the New Dominion, a supplement to " Westward by Rail," by W. Fraser Rae. Bvo, cloth, #1.75. London, 1877. American Indians.— Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the manners and customs of the North American Indians, with an account cf the posts situated on the River St. Lawrence, Lake Ontario, etc. Also a vocabulary of the Chippewa language, names of furs and skins, in English and French, a list of words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawnee, and Esquimaux tongues, etc. With map. 4to, boards, ^9.75. London, 179J. 57 Tariff* Hand-book.— The Complete Tariff Hand-book for Canada and the United States, by John Maclean, 8vo, cloth, 30c. Toronto, 1880. 58 Censuses of Canada, 1870-1871. Royal Bvo, cloth, 45c. Ottawa, 1878. 59 Canadian Pacific Railway.— Report of Progress on the Explorations and Surveys of the Canadian Pacific Railway up to January. 1874. With maps. Royal Bvo, boards, 81.00. Ottawa, 1874. CO Ontario Library.— Catalogue of the Library of the Par- liament of Ontario ; with alphabetical indexes of authors and of subjects, 1881, compiled by John M. Watson. Royal Bvo, half ^'^^f' 60c. Toronto, 1881. CI Trade and Navigation.— Tables of the Trade and Navi- gation ot the Province of Canada for the year 1855. Royal Bvo, cloth, 40c. Toronto, 1856. C2 Maclienzie (A.)— Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the continent of North America, to the frozen and Pacific oceans, in the y irs 1789 and 1793, with a preliminary account of the rise, progresc,, and present state of the fur trade of that country, by Alexander Mackenzie. Illustrated with portrait and maps. 4to, calf, ^7.50. Fine copy. London, 1801. Canada Watclinian.— The Lower Canada Watchman, 24mo, boards. Very rare. $3.; 5. Kingston, C. W. , 1829. Contains valuable historical matter. 12 R. W' Douglas H™^ of Commons in the y^ar lu4, on the Bill for making more effectual provision for tli« government of the Province of Quebec Dr&wn^TJln^ H tJ aI' , r ,. , London, 1824. the Arctic Ocean by the CmDermine RivJr tL ■';' """ "'"'"« '" 88 89 90 to test the limit of human endurance Commercial Laws of Canada -Customs Excise and «•__ „„ ,„,A ;,. Toronto, 1869. M^?r »•'»'«•— History of the American Wars ; also the Miluary Heroes of the War of 1812, »ith » Narraiive of the Ww ^LTrn'm: '""'""• ^"-^'"^"^ «-'ra,«h v .k 127 Fuller m^v T \ r»k *• ^ London, 1866. cloth, *!. 26. """"'""•'. oy Rev. Iki«c Fidler. 12mo, 128 jEastw-n Townshlps—Hirtory „f the v.J1,Z''t*^' ^^, Civi, .„d De.orip!!ve, U M.Za Vd., r/l.^^T^.- lag Trip to Manitoba-Or, Roaghi„„ n „„*l°h"'T'' 'T Mar, F,.,.ibb„. .2™o, o.olh, /if "^ " ""Tol^ri'sSO^ by Daniel Cl.rk, M D 72mrcio^h 76„ "' °^^"' »"=- »'"• •32 Tourist's Culde-Guid'e.;: k of the Atialr'^d'^st tain., by SB Beckett ir^I-H ? '?""■"' "' ">» "'''''« MoSn- '"a*r'!.rs^"','xr^^ °' "■» ^onh A-t:-: ploratory trip throrX af^^/n^^^ ^^^ «'«bracing an ex- 1832, uS^er the dSL ;^ Ita^^S ^^f. ^^^'r ^. "^«"' ^^ cloth. Rare. $2 75 ^ ^- Schoolcraft. Royal Svo, Lyon, of H MS 7^; '^P''"^^.*^^ J^""°^^ ^^^ C!aptain G-. F unde; Cai^i^la^r'^'f^r/ *'^ recent voyage o^^f discovery IS2.65. ^' ^'^'' "* """^ «*"=^ i»^«^««. 8vo, half calf. 250 Yonge Street. 19 I I -9 138 FiHheries.— The Salmon Fisheries of the St. Lawrence and ita tributaries, by Richard Nettle. 12mo, cloth, *1.00. Montreal, 1857. 139 llull (Col. F.)— Colombia : Its Present State, in respect of climate, soil, productions, population, government, commerce, revenue, etc., etc., by Colonel Francis Hall. 12mo, board, 75c. Philwielphia, 1825. 140 Mc€ord (T.)— The Civil Code of Lower Canada, by Thomas McCord. post 8vo, half bound, ^1.25. Montreal, 1873. 141 Guide to the Kt. Lawrence.— Chisholm's All Round Route and Panoramic Guide of the St. Lawrence, Hudson River, Saratoga, etc., etc. With maps and illtuftrations. 12mo, cloth, 50c. Montreal, 1874. 142 Hunter (W. S.)— Panoramic Guide from Niagara Falls to Quebec, by Wm. S. Hunter, jr. Illustrated. ♦ 12mo, cloth, 45c Boston, 1857. 143 Kidd (A.)— The Huron Chief, and other Poems, by Adau^ Kidd. 12mo, boards, 75c. Montreal, 1830. 144 Dewart (E. H.)— Songs of Life ; a collectic n of poems by Edward Hartley Dewart. 12mo, cloth, 75c. Toronto, 18G9. 145 Nova Scotia.— Letters from Nova Scotia, containing sketches of a young country, by Captain W. Moorsom. With maps. 8vo, calf, gilt edge, $3.75. London, 1830. 146 Hunting.— Three months among the Moose. " A Winter's Tale " of the Northern Wilds of Canada, by a Military Chaplain. 12mo, sewed, 50c. Montreal, 1881. 147 Emigrant's Pocliet Companion —Containing : What Emjgration is, who should be emigrants, where emigrants should go, a description of British North America, especially the Canadas. by Robert Mudie. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. London, 1832. 148 Counsel for Emigrants, and interesting information from numerous sources concerning British America, the United States, and New South Wales, etc. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. Aberdeen, 1838. 149 Abolition. — Recollections and Experiences of an Aboli- tionist ; from 1855 to 1865, by A. M. Ross, M.A. With frontis- piece. Cloth, 12mo, $1.00. Toronto, An interesting account of personal experiences in Abolition days by a Canadian. 150 Caaaia.— Present condition of United Canada, as rega-ds her agriculture, trade and commerce, etc. Post 8vo, cloth, 't^j. London, Ont., 1849. 20 H. W. Douglas d: Co., "' tte'%^„^l"ii-«'j«'='"» '» ^l^^"^ •■»' Ramble. "' "^y "*"• Jameson, 12mo, doth, H.60. 152 Sutcllir m ^ Tro.,^1 • London, 1862. cfuti^iiu (K.) — 1 ravels in soroe oarts of VnrfK a .« • the years 1804. 1805 and i«n« k o u L "'^O'^" America, in 12mo. half calf $2 60 ' ^^ ^^^^""^ ^"*«"* ^""^^rolerf. 153 Peace (Mrs. M. S )-The OonvJnf Qk- ^ ^T"^"*"' ^^'^• b, Mrs. M^. S. Pea.. ^ pJs^8vt"ei::il'2'5L^' 't^eltlTS Union ot EagUnd'aSd Wafes^ W T i"^™ S* Congregational James Mathc.on, D.D mtrlu^^ i'fT ^"?J, ^•^- *°d «2.50. '^tw//w/.. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half calf, 155 Haliburtnn r\ r\ a u- . • . London, 1836.' pany during the ytan 1836 3? h^^h " "' ^'" °'"*""' "'J- C""- .«ap.» pooL. Ro^" 8t!1f„^hf/2!'r"'™*"°°L„„H^''*,tT intercourse with them America, and of incidents of personal '"' s?or L^d v^L^i^d^rrS^-^r^. t- \'r «"^'- ^^ ^- geography, and production "etf ' 1''' Jv *'aT' "1' '^•^^^^«»«' JTi^;. maps. RoyV ^vc, boa;ds,t2 25 ' ^ "^'"""^^^ ^^'^^°- 159 Russell (R.)— North A mpnVa if a • u containing o! ler J-o^sl -T! *? 7 ^fe^^^cuiture and Climate, the United States i"^dth;f8lanTofn\"°\*'"r*« ^^ C*"*'^* ^^^A n.«p. Royal 8v"o, cloth; $2.25 ' ''"''' ^^^n^^^ ^^V^^ 160 Parllaiiienta/y Reform -Parii.m. . ^'^^'l^"^'^' i«57. thenoii .,m aaaiytioal, with the text of the aS iL j*' "I"" ^^^ «« Act and the Treatise., by John G*:h^X":iC' it Ottawa, 1867.' T 250 Yonge Street. 21 among i f I 16? Educational Monthly. — The Canada Educational Monthly an I School Chronicle, edited by G. Mercer Adam. Vol. I, 1879. Royal 8vo, cloth, 91. Toronto, 1879. 163 Ro^er^H Canada.— The Rise of Canada from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation, by Charles Roger. Vol. I., 8vo, cloth. «!l.f>0. Quebec, 1856. The first volume only wan ever published of this valuable history. 164 Oxford CiJdZetteer.— The Oxford Gazetteer, containing a complete History of the County of Oxford, froui ita first settle- ment, together with a full abstract of each Census, carefully copied from the original abstracts, by Thomas S. Shenston. With por- trait and map. 8vo, cloth, ^1.60. Hamilton, C.W., 1852. One of the county histories which will be very valuable some day. 165 Strachan (Dr.)— The First Bishop of Toronto; a Review and a Study, by Henry Scadding, D.D. 8vo half-calf, $1.25. Toronto, 1868. 166 Canadian Canals —Their history and cost, with an in- quiry into the policy <)ecessary lo advance the well-being of the Province, by William Kingsford. 8vo, clo^i, 90c. Toronto, 1865. 167 iiwictteer. — Canadian Gazetteer, comprising statistical and general information respecting all parts of the Upper Province, or Canada West, by Wm. H. Smith. With map avd illustrations. 8vo, cloth, $1.76, Toronto, 1849. 168 Cana(!ian Biography.— The Last Three Bishops ap- pointed by the Crown for the Anglican Church of Canada, by Fennings Taylor. With portraits. 8vo, cloth, $1. Montreal, 1869. 169 British Cohimbia— Vancouver Island and British Colum- bia ; where they are, what they are, and what they may become ; a sketch of their history, topography, climate, resources, capabili- ties, and advantages, especiallj' as colonies for settlement, by Alexander Rattray, M. D. Illustrated, with map and coloured plates. 8vo, cloth, $2.75. London, 1862. 170 Siliiman's Tour.— Remarks made on a short tour be- teeu Hartford and Quebec in the autumn of 1819. 8vo, half-calf, 75c. Plates wanting. New Haven, 1824. 171 O'Leary (P.)— Travels and Experiences in Canada, the Red River Territory, and the United States, by Peter O'Leary. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. London, n. d. 172 Colonies.— The Story of our Colonies, with sketches of their present condition, by H. R. Fox Bourne. 8vo, cloth, $1.40. Loiidoii, 1SG9. 173 Nova Britannica.— Or, Our New Canadian Dominion Foreshadowed, being a series of lectures, speeches, and addresses, by Hon. Alex. Morris, P.O. 12mo, cloth, 75c. Toronto, 1884. 22 -R. W. Douglas ". by Kenneth F. Bel- •95 Con,te„ _A L. of the Olden Vime, by Ma'ple'w S,. 8v„ red Hoth, gilt ed«e, 76c. ' "^t^ \l^^ VVe'iten, B3a^?e,of (turioTrr^''.^ "■? ^•"*''«™ «»<> ^aHr^^'oSS °: "erat-fend'-e^^terwifhThTrf "'/"" by James B„m^ /L"™<^ „rVT *^f' *."" discovery, vols., 4to, board! nO ''"'''' ""^ ""«'■ P'"''^- 6 ino ■.„„„ /«■ T> . . London, 1803. iJS KOSS (Sir J.)_Appendix to the Narrative of th. «L j Voyage in search of a Norlh.W«,t p. . j . „ beer ad the Arctic Regions durin. »h ','S *""* °' * Residence in 1833, bylir TohnRoss C!B kTa" ^*29, 1830, 1831, 1832, and "( C^pt^J. c. Ross r'n a„^1i,t-n"'-' '""l-dinK 'he Reports Magnetic Poie. ui^tj^^S^^^Z" f^^llT^.^ "^"N?rL'^ts?tsrt- f°i R«r^ ^"^^^^^^^^ R.N.', etc. and the '^,^'',:ry''Tthe°No3;'- '"r '''"'' «°«- Second and best edition." " '^°'°^'°' ^^^O. 201 Vancouver (Capt. G >— a Vnvarr^ «p r»- North Pacific OcL and iionn^ I^w^,/. ^''^^''^^^^ *« ^^^^ North- West AmerS has beT . f ^'''■^^' '^ ^^^^^ ^^^e coast of surveyed, VrinTpZTy ^^,\'ZTf^^^^^^^^ and accurately navigable communication hlTZen ^« K^/k i>^''V'^^"*'^ ^^ ^'^^^ Atlantic Oceans, and Derformll^n fK """"'^ Pacihc and North 1793. 1794. ;.nd 7o« Pp .v .f " *^^ y^*" ^^9<>' 1791. 1792, tender «.«„„, undir the";,;;^To'f ^LpT^rg; ^^oo"Z; 250 Yonge Street. 25 ? With numerous illmtration . " "oIb., i.iio, calf, good condition, fl5. London, 1798. 202 Canadian Scenery.— Canada Illustrated. From Draw- ings by W. H. Bartlett; the literary department by N. P. Willis. 2 vola., 4to, cloth, ^7.60. London, 1842, A nice clean copy. 203 Tattle (C. R.)— Popular History of the Dominion of Canada, with Art Illustrations. From the earliest settlements of the British American Colonies to the present time ; together with portrait engravings on steel, and Biographical Sketches of the most distinguished men of the nation, by Charles R. Tuttle. Vol. I. only. Thick 4to, gilt, cloth, $3.75. Montreal, 1877. 204 Boucliette (J.)— Topographical Dictionary of the Province of Lower Canada, by Joseph Bouchette. With portrait.. 4to, half calf. $3.75. London,* 1831, 205 Confederation Debates.— Parliamentary Debates on the subject of the Confederation of the British North American Provinces, third session, Eighth Provincial Parliament of Canada. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, $3.50 Quebec, 1865. 206 Meares (J.)— Voyages, made in the years 1788 and 1789, from China to the North- West Coast of America ; to which are prefixed an introducto'-y narrative of a voyage performed in 1786 from Bengal, in the ship Nootka, Observations on the probable existence of a North- West Passage, and Some Account of the Trade between the North- West Coast of America and China and between the latter country and Great Britain, by John Meares. With numerons folding plates and maps. 4to, calf, gilt edges, fine copy, $10.50. London, 1790. 207 Paraguay.— Histoire du Paraguay, par le R P. Francois- Xavier de Charlevroix, de la Compagnie de J^sus. With maps. 3 vols., 4to, calf, good condition, $22. Paris, 1756. Best edition of this very important but rare book. 208 Partridge (J. A.)— The Making of the American Nation, or the rise and decline of Oligarchy in the West, by J. Arthur Partridge. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, $1.75. London, 1366. 209 United Stales and Canada. —An Excursion through the United States and Canada during the years 1822 and 1823, by an English Gentleman. With colored map. Royal 8vo, boards, $3.25. London, 1824. Very scarce. 210 Penn (W.)— Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn, by Thomas Clarkson, M.A. 2 vols. , royal 8vo, boards, $3.2o. London, 1813. '• To William Penn belongs the distinction, destined to brighten as 26 Jt. W. Douglda c& Co., Sumner. ''^°'^"''' '° *^« mtercourw of nations. "-CAar*^ Ohateaurieux" ifaveU in Lf F„ k'^^^S" "{ "'»»' Britain, the Holy Land, S areLv lA,, ^'".' ^"7"'' '» «"«« >nd Bowdioh'B MiMion to aS/. p"™*' Z'™"' '""»» l" England, michael'. Jo„rey ^rom^'S^'^ST'c^"'".'"'"; "''J'. Mac-' finished yoykge to BoSbav*''. » '^' °f «l«'.d. »nd hi. nearly- 211 American Literature and Manners f^Tl '"* from the earliest settlement; thli.!'' ^^»?*"e8 ; their history district, their commerce aSicultur^'.' ^^i topography of each Hugh Murray F R S F 7^ . '^^'"'^ ,^^^^"®«' etc., etc., by vols, 12mo. cbth «1 75 ^^^'"^'^"'^^ ^*^^ "^"P* a»^^^ ^^a^e..' 3 216 Ontario Boiindarv Pani.r« r. ^^''^^'sh, 1839. to the Northerly and Wesiprl^ r - •^^' '^elusive, relating Ontario. With mVLval Svo^^^r"''*"'' ^^ ^^'^ ^'°^^<^« '^^ 217 TruilllHil! a \ f Tk-^'^' \*^^ '"^'•«<'<'o, «1. Toronto, 1882. ofSr S^Trt^teTfL^^ Kemiruscence, and Letters A&nr,r- ^^ ---i"-trated 'copy fetched iTrii^f;, '''mT*^ «^^f :^?-^^^^^ ^y Horatio Hale, cloth, $3.60. ^' "'"^ ^'"^'^''J/- ^oyal 8vo, sewed, $3 \ T= a .=f,v •. Philadelnhia 188^ p«i.i; .h^s-"a„K 'v':s.^s^^i";as:'2,c^ 250 Y&nge Street 27 ,"^ aiid other ceremonies which, from the earliest period of the Confeder- acy, have composed the proceedings of their Council when a deceased Chief is lamented and his successor is installed i.i ottice. T^e funda- mental laws of the League, a list of the ancient towns, and the names of the Chiefs who composed their first Council, are also comprised in the work. It is valuable, not merely for itf historical import— which may be said to carry back the authentic histoi y of Northern America to a period fifty years earlier than the era of Columbus— but also for X J.^® "®^ "gh* which it casta upon the Indian character and social Hf life, etc. il9 Commercial Convention.— Proceedings of the Com- mercial Convention held in Detroit, July 11th, 12th, I3th, and 14th, 1865. Royal 8vo, boards, 50c. Detroit, 1865. 220 ^orth America.— History of North America, comprising a Geographical and Statistical View of the United States and of the British Canadian Possessions ; including a great variety of important information on the subject of emigrating to that coun- try. Embellished with plates and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, 03.75. Leeds, 1820. 221 King's College.- -The Origin, History, and Management of the University of King's College, Toronto. 8vo, half calf, ^^'^^- Toronto, 1844. Now very scarce. 222 Toronto— The Hand-Book of Toronto ; containing its Climate, Geology, Natural History, Educational Institutions, Courts of Law, Municipal Arrangements ; by a Member of the Iress, With frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, 81.75. Toronto, 1858. 223 Newfoundland.—History of the Islaud of Newfoundland, containing a Description of the Island, Banks, Fisheries, and Irade of Newfoundland and the Coast of Labrador, by Rev Lewis A. Anspach. With maps. 8vo, gUt top, richly bound in half morocco, $5.50. London, 1819. 224 British Colonies— Letters from an Am rican Farmer, describing certain provincial situations, manners, and customs! not genbially known, and conveying soroo idea of the late and present interior circumstances of the British Colonies in North America, by J. Hector St. John, a farmer in Pennsylvania. With maps. 8vo, half morocco, $3.75. London, 1782. 22.3 Fulton (R.)— The Life of Robert Fulton, with some aJ- count of the Inveution, Progress, and Establishment o^ Steam- boats, and <.ther objects of public utility, by Cadwallader D. Col- den. Royal 8vo, calf, 75c. New York, 1817. |26 Paine (R. T.)-The Works, in Verse and Prose, of Robert ^ Treat Paine, Jr, , with Notes ; also, Sketches of his Life, v;harac- ^ ter, and Writings. Thick royal 8vo, calf, $1. Boston, 1812 m mmtm^-sp^m 'Jf^i R. W. Douglas ik Co., Out „t print and .crce, '^'"^''' "'"^■ ^^''m",?'e!'f"r'J"!' i^.'-J''* I'"''-' G«»--ge Washington, Com- h^lf-calf, 82 75 '^ * ""*<••'»• 2 vol.., roj-al 8»o, Reflections, by Maior-Generkl Sir T ' n '^''"="7»n ''-"> boards, $1.75. j'. ^.j^^.o. ^vithmap. Royal 8vo, OQQ i*^ » ■». London, 1818 excursions arr/g the ?forth^^^^^^ ^^.^ ^^^ent 3820-21-22.23, bj JohrWest M 1 j^/. Indians m the y.ars 8vo, boards $2 75 ' ^^- ^'^^ frontispiece. Royal 9?fi n..i I n ° ™' "'"^o.*!-^"- Montreal, 1877 236 G„„|e Book—The Canadian Guide-Book Wilh -Inrl iJ^rS t"rict'*c!,^L^'SD:rltv^''^d ^' ^°«""' "■"» ""^ and Calendar, for 183^ Lmra''."'?^!.'''"' """ ^''"'"'" Toronto, U. C, 1837. .iS^S^^^i^ 250 Yonqe Street. 29 $43 244 ^45 246 247 •2 IS ^ House of Commons.— Eules, Orders, and Forms of Froceedings of the House of Commons of Canada, in French and Enghsh. 12mo, cloth. 50c. Ottawa, 1868. » Ameri'*"— There and Back, or Three Weeks in America with /oc simile letters from the Right Hon. John Bright, M.P ' by J. Fox Turner. 12mo, sewed, 2oc. London, 1883.' ' Medley (J. G.)— An Autumn Tour in the United States a.nd Canada, by Julius George Medley. 8vo, cloth, 75c. London, 1873. brant (Mrs.)— Memoirs of an American Lady, with sketches of Manners and Scenery in Amerioa, as they existed previous to the revolution, by Mrs. Grant. Scarce. 8vo, cloth, $1.25. New York, 1846 Bledsoe (A. T.)— Is Davis a Traitor? or was Secession ' Constitutional Right previous to the V/ar of 1861, by Albert Tav lor Bledsoe, A.M. 8vo, cloth, 60c. Baltimore, 1866 Monroe (J.) -A Narrative of a Tour of Observation made during the summer of 1817, by James Monroe, President of the United btates through tiie North-Eastern and North- Western de- partments of the Union, with a view to the examination of their several Military Defences, with an Appendix. 8vo, boards, $1.25. Philadelphia, 1818. Columbus.— The Vision of Columbus, a Poem in nine books, by Joel Barlow ; also, the Conspiracy of Kings, by the same author. With portrait. 8vo, sheep, $1.25. Paris, 1793. Jfl?.^'®i?.^/^^®"'""^°^-^-^ History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America, by Lieut-ool. Tarleton. Very scarce. 8vo, sheep, $4.50. - . _ Dublin, 1787. Lima Earthquake.— A True and Particular Relation of the dreadful Earthquake which happened at Lima, the capital of f eru, and the neighbouring port of Callao, on the 28th of October, 174b, with an account of everything material that passed there afterwards to the end of November following. lUustrated with maps aiid plates. Very rare. 8vo, calf, $2.75, London, 1748. United States of America— View of the Climate and A 7.'^® United States of America, also some accounts of Flo- rioa, the French Colony on the Scioto, certain Canadian Colonies, and the Savages or Natives, translated from the French of C. F Vo.nty. With map.H and plates. Thick 8vo, sheep, $2. London, 1804 =_f^^ei'SOn (T.) — Notes on the State of Virginia, by Thomas JeHerson. 8vo, boards, $1.75. Philadelphia, 1825. 30 Jt. W. Douf/las <£: Co., i«^T'^"^i^tL^Vn\^^TS,°'''°l^''}''<' Subjects, made Charlotte town, 1862. 253naekivir\ nt '^^ °™' ""' •»«. »l-76- Albany, I877. Jt . *^ C^)— Life and Liberty in America • nr ijt.t^i. Assembly in 1835 to E„ nl ^ .• ""^^^^^ti^n of the House of cation, etc. 8vo,'bo«^X%V?5"''"**^^^ "P"" *^" ^"^j«°* ^^ E<1«- 8vo, half bouSd, $1 25 ''*"''^' '^^ ""^ *l''»ft « true." 257 Tp»v<>lt. s« A . Kingston, 1856. slatrofLerica^a^o'fh?^'''" ''^^^^^ ^^ ^^« ^-^ed particularly wTthFVance^nd 0^^^''."^ '^'^l^"*'* ^^'^^ Europe, ance of the AmericaTRerdutTon to t? t"/ '^T'"/ *^« i'^P^rt' f:'& t.*^! aetuai^:;;!;^^",*:, t ^ss^.^ ,!-^^^^^^^^ Trad., Manufactures, and Population, by J. P. BrTs^ot! S-' 1 250 Yonge Street 81 states of hy Mrs. ti, «2.74. >n, 1861. exposure itimately -Field. > made Sh Sey. 1, 1862. le Pro- ing the to the rsland ; 0. , 1862. ■nold's ingg of , from r John , 1877. 3tches harleg 50 1859, eport Jpper Drs. ise of Edu- 1836. tion, loth, L873. and 100, ue." 856. ited 3pe, ort- and ard 363 264 2G5 166 i lated from the French. With life and portraU of BruuoL ami au Jppeiuitx. 2 vola., Bvo, caJf, i^.25. London, 1794. A fine copy of a scarce and valuable work. Ontario Boundaries.— An Investigation of the Un- settled Boundaries of Ontario, by Charles Lindsey. With mav. 8vo, cloth, ^1.25. Toronto, 1873. Ontario Boundaries.— A Report on the Boundaries of the Province of Ontario, by David Mills, M.P. With maps. 8vo, cloth, $1.75. Toronto, 1873. Dwijjht (T.)— MemoirB of Timothy D wight, LL.D., Presi- dent of Yale Col'-^ge, Connecticut, America. 18mo, cloth, 30c. Glasgow, 1825. Toronto— The Hand-Book of Toronto, containing its Climate, Geology, Natural History, Education .1 Institutions, Courts of Law, Municipal Arrangements, etc., by a Member of the Press. fVith map. 8vo, half morocco, $3.75. Toronto, 1858. Parry (W. E.)— Journal of a Second Voyage for the Dis- covery of a North- West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the years 1821, 1822, and 1823, in His Majesty's ships Fury and Hecla, under the orders o^' Captain William Ed- ward Parry, R. N. , F . R. S. Illustrated by numerous plates. Thick 4to, half calf, gilt, $7.50. London, 1824. Mackenzie (A.)— Voyages from Montreal, on the River St Lawrence, through the Continent of North America, to the rio.i*.' and Pacific Oceans, in the years 1789 and 1793; with a prehmmary account of the rise, progress, and present state of the * ur Trade of that country, by Alexander Mackenzie. Illustrated with portrait and maps. Thick 4to, calf, $10. London, 1801. Rocliefoucauld (Duke de la).— Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquois and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797 ; with an authentic account of Lower Canada, by Dukede la Rochefoucauld. 4to, half calf, $4.75. London, 179.. Truinbuli (J.)— M'Fingal, a modern epic poem, revised and corrected, with copious and explanatory notes, by John Trum- bull LL.D. With a memoir of the author, arid frontispiece. 8vo cloth, gilt edges, $2.75. Hartford, 1856. A poetic account of the War of the Revolution, composed in Hudi- brastic verse. "A poem which will live as long as Hudibr(U."—John Adams. Todd (A.)— Parliamentary GoverL aent in the British Colonies, by Alpheus Todd. Thick royal 8vo. cloth. $4.50. • Boston, 1880. 32 R. W. Douglas JI (W.H.)-My Diary North and South, by William Howard Russell. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, $1.50. London 1863 289 Russell ,\V.H.)-Canada; its Defences, Condition, and Kesouroea being a third and concluding volurne of " Mv Diarv North and Sot th," by VV. Howard Russell, LL.D sVj, c\o^ London, 1865. 290 Haight (C.)-Country Life in Canada Fifty Years Aeo • persuiml recollectiou8 and reminiscences of a Sexagenarian bv Canniff Uaight. WUh portrait a,ui iUustratiorl^Z, cloth OQ1 ^Vi. ' . Toronto, 1885. 291 theever (G. B.)-The Journal of the Pilgrims at Ply- mouth, m New England, in 1620. Reprinted froTn the original voume with historical and local illustrations of Providence. Principles, and Persons, by George B. Cheever. D.D. Z cS^ ono n " ,„ ^^^ York 1848. 295 M.-ickenxie(W.L.)-The Life and Ti„ee oY W^ S M.cli«nz>e »uh .n Account of the C.n«di.n EUbelUon of 7OT? .,v x^jn. ^^.«jy. HartrorU, 1852, 250 Yonge S.reet. 35 293 Stephens (J. L.)-Incidente of T^ivel in Central Amerio*. Chupas, and Yucatan, by John Lloyd Stephens. iVith numero^ engravings Revised from the latest American edition, with addi- tions, by Frederick Catherwood, thick royal, 8vo, cloth, |3.50. rp. . . . , , ., I»ndon, 1846. Oenfara' Arafrica.'* °° Monuments and Ancient Remains in 299 Prince of Wales in Canada-Relation du Voyage de 3on Altesae Royale le Prince de Galles en AmArique. V/ith F]^ravt on steel, and numerous Ulustratimis. Royal 8vo, cloth onn « . Montreal, 860! 300 Raynal (A.)— a Philosophical and Political History of the Settlement and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West In- dies with 325 pages relating to Canada, translated from the French .* ooo. Raynal, by J. Justamond, M.A. R.»yal 8vo, half- calf, »2. 26. London. .,76. 301 Charlevoix— Journal of a Voyage to North America, un- dertaken by order of the French King, containing the geographi- cal description and natural nistory of that country, particularly Canada, together with an account of the customs, characters, re- ligion, manners, and traditions of the original inhabitants in a aeries of letters, translated i.. the French of P. de Charievoix Wxthmap. Vol. L v>niy. 8vo, . If, $2. London, 1701 '. 302 Lord (J.) -A New History of the United States of Ame- rica, for the use of schools, by John Lord, A.M. Wifh maps and ^ ilbistratioris. 8vo, half-morocco, ^1.00. Phiiadolphia, 1864. 3oo Marryat (Capt.)— A Diary in America, witii r^iinarks on its Icccitutions, by Capt. Marryat, C.B. Royal 8vo, haif-moroccc, *^-25- Faris, 1839. 304 Brissot (J. p.)— New Travels in the Un-ted Statf-s of Ame- rica, performed in 1788, by J. P. Brissot de Warville. translated from the French. 8vo, calf, $2.50. London, 1792. 305 Vue de la Colonie Espa<;nole— Du Mississippi, ou des provinces de Louisiane, en I'anii^e, 1802, par un observateur r^- sidant sur les Lieux. fVith coloured map. 8vo, sewed, $]. Paris, 1803. ^06 Vernon (Vice-Admiral.)— a History of Jamaica, from the earliest accounts, to the taking of Porto Bello, by Vice-Admiral Vernon. With maps. 8vo, calf, 85.25. I mdoa, 1740. Original edition, very rare. 307 America— An account of the European Settlements in America. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, $3.25. London, 1765. A «.4..:i...*.- J *_ "oj 1 T> - 1 , "a masterly sketch." —Frof, Smyth. Comuiendud by Dugald Stewart as I would recommend the perusal of it twice." 36 R W. Douglas & Co., 308 Cabot (S.)— The Remarkable Life, Ad^rentures and Biscov- eries of Sebastian Cabot, the founder of Great Britain's man- timf power, discoverer of America, and its first colonizer, by J. *. ^^icholls. With steal porfrait. 8vo, cloth. ^2.25. London, 1869. 309 Irvini; (Wj— The Rocky Mountainn or, tScenes, Incidents, and Adventures in the f*r West, by Washington Irving. With maps. 2 vols., .^vu, cl th, 8L25. Philadelphia, 183 <. Original edition. 310 Smith (''^. vS.)— Oratio Inauguralls, also an Oration upon the Death ot Gen. George WHshington, delivered by Samuel Stanhope Smith, D D. 8vo, calf, U-OO. Trenton, 1817. 311 IWarryal (Capt.)— D.iry in America, with remarks on its iustitutiuns, by Capt. Mairyat. 12mo, boards, 75c. Hew York, 1839. 312 Hildn'tll (Rev.H.)— A view of the United States, for the use .t soUwola and tainilies. H'ith maps and engravi)igs, by Rev. H'sea Hildreth. 12.uo, boards, 25c. Boston, 1832. 313 Williams ( K.) —The NewYork Annual Register for 1834,con- taiLingai. almanac, civil and judicial list, with political, stotistical and other information, respecting the state of New York and the United States, bv Edwin Williams. With frontispiece and illus- trations. 12mo," boards, 35c. New York, 1834. 314 WashlllgfOIi - A Picture of Washington, giving a descrip- tion of all the Public Buildings, Grounds, etc. ; also, a correct map of the city, plans of tJie. floors of each House of Congress, and a C«mgre88ionai Dictionary, by George Watterston. 18mo, morocco, 50c. W^ashington, 1840. 315 €oIlimlMIK (C.)— The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, by Washington Irving. Abridged by the same. Post 8vo, calf, 50c. New York, 1833. 316 Marshall (J. T.)— The Farmer's and Emigrant's Hand- B.jok, being a complete and full guide for the Farmer and the Emi- , grant, comprisiny; the clearing of forest and prairie land, garden- ing, farming, farrier, cookery, and the prevention and cure of diseane ; with copious hints, recipes, and tables, by Josiah T. Marshall. 8vo, cloth, 50c. New York, 1845. 317 Jay (VV.)— An Inquiry into the Character and Tendency of the American ColonizAtion and American Anti-Slavery Societies, by William Jay. 12mo, calf, $1. New x\)rk, 1835. 318 Canada —Views of Canada and the Colonists; embracing the experience of an eight years' residence, views of the present state, progress, and prospects of the colony ; with detailed and practical information for intending emigrants, by Ja«. B. Brown. With map. 12mo, cloth, «1.75. Edinburgh, 1851. 250 YoTige Street 37 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 Washington.— Essay on the Character and Inflaence ot Washington in the Revolution of the United States of America by M. Guizot. Translated from the French. 12mo, cloth, 4(k:! Boston, 1851. Wansey (H.)— An Excursion to the United States of North America, in the summer of 1794, by Henry Wansey FAS 8vo, boards, 81.25. London, 1798. Ca.SWall (H.) — The American Church and the American Union, by Henry Caswall, M.A. 8vo, cloth, 75c. London, 1361. Northmore, (T.)— \Va.shington, or Liberty Restored, a poem in ten books, by Thomas Northmore. 8vo, boards, $1.00. London, 1809. Mexico and Guatemala— The Modem Traveller ; a Popular Description, Geographical, Historical, and Topographical, of Mexico and Guatemala. Illustrated laith map and steel fAates. 2 vols, 18mo, calf, 75c. London, 1825. Lord Durham's Report .—Keport on the Affairs of British Norih America from the Earl of Durham. 8vo, sewed, rare, $2.25. Toronto, 1839. The above report on the stAte of the provinces U, fn,m an historical pomt of view, of the first importance. Copies now verv rarely turn up for sale. Lanman (C.)— Adventu»^ of an Angler in Canada, Nova Scotia, and the United States, by Charles Lanman. fVith portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, ^.W. Lf^ndon, 1848. " Ever>- passage bears unmistakable e^-idence of the noan of genius, — George D. Prentiet. Gazetteer. — The American Gazetteer of the American Continent, also of the West India Islands and other islands appen- dant to the Continent, and those newly di8c<^vered in the Pacific Ocean, with a particular description of the Georgia Western Ter- ritory. The whole cotnprising upwards of 7,000 distinct articles. byJedediah Morse, D. D. iVlth seven maps. Thick 8vo, half morocco, $4.75. Boston, 1797. History of the Indies.— A Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and Weat Indies. Translated from the French by J, O. Jas- tamond^ F.RS. Wifh a nev: set of maps adapted to th^ work, a copufus xivier., awl fMjrtrait 8 vols, 8vo, calf, in good condition, t3.*75. I>^ndoD, 1783. Penn (W.)— Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn, by Thomas Clarkson, VLA. 2 vols, gilt calf, f 2.75, London, 1813. 38 R. W. Douglas A Co., 329 Volney (C F.)-A View of the Soil and Olimate of the United States of America, with supplementary remarks upon Florida, on the French Colonies, on the Mississippi and Ohio, and in Canada, and on the Aboriginal Tribes of America, by C. F. Volney. Translated, with occasional remarks, by C. B, Brown. With maps and folding plates. Royal 8vo, calf, $1.75. Philadelphia, 1804. 330 St. 'vomingo.— History of the Island of St. Domingo, from its firsi Discovery by Columbus to the present period. Royal Svo, ha J calf, gilt. $2.00. London, 1818. Now a scarce book. Published anonymously. 331 Columbus (C.)— History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, by Washington Irviug. 3 vola., royal 8vo, boards, $4.75. New York, 1828. 332 Browne (J. R.)— Resources of the Pacific Slope j a Statis- tical and Descriptive Summary of the Minei and Minerals, Cli- mate, Topography, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, and miscellaneous producti- $ of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains, with a sketch of the Settlement and Explo- ration of Lower California, by J. Ross Browne. ThicK royal 8vo half red morocco, $4.50. New York, 1869! 333 Trial.— Trial of Lieutenant Joel Abbot bv the General Na- val Court Martial, holden on board the U. S. ship Independence at the Navy Yard^ Charlestown, Massachusetts, on allegation made against him, by Captain David Porter : also an Apoendix, containmg sundry documents in relation to the management of affairs on the Boston Station. Royal Svo, boards, fi.Oo! Boston, 1822. 334 Gazetteer.— The Ohio Gazetteer, or Topographical Diction- ary, being a continuation of the work originally compiled by tho late John Kilbourn, revised and enlarged, by a Citizen of Colum- bus. With map. Rare, 16mo, morocco, 60c. Columbus, 1833. 335 Conquete du Perou.— Histoire de i Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou. Traduite de I'Espagnol f^'Vugustin De- zarate. pai S. D. C. With nnnierous folding plates. A vols., 16mo, calf, $3.25. Paris, 1774, 336 Wilson (T)— The Works of Rev. Thomas Wilson, D.D., Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man. Vol. 3 only, containing Instruc- tion for Indians, royal 8va, boards, 75c. London, 1796. 337 Histoire de I'Amerique.- With maps. 4 vols., post 8vo, calf, ei.OO. Amsterdam, 1779. 338 Raynal (A.)— The Revolution of America, by the Abbe Raynal. Post 8vo, calf, ^i. 25. Dublin, 1781. a-^rei-.-vi-^v.;.^ - ^Sii 250 Yonge Street. 39 333 Penn (W.)-A Brief Account of the Rise and Progre s of 340 Canada.-British Colonies in North America, Canada. With map. 18mo, cloth, 50c. London, 1847. 341 Canada.— Physical, Economic, and Social, by A. LiUie, D.D. 12mo, half morocco, 75c. Toronto, 1 805! 342 Palfn-y (J. G.)— a Compendious Historv of New England from the revolution of the seventeenth century to the death of Czec-ge the First, by John Gorham Palfrey. 8vo, cloth, $1. Boston, 1872. 343 Hoohelaga.-Or, England in the New World, edited by Ehot Warburton. 2 vols., 8vo, half-calf, 83.50. London, 3846. 'We are content to recommend the work most heartUv. "— iion Quar. Rev. ^ 344 Canada— The Bubbles of Canada, by the author of '' Sam Shck," " The Clockmaker." 8vo, cloth, 81.50. Philadelphia, 1839. 345 Head (Sir F. B.)— Descriptive Essays, contributed to the QiiarMy Review, by Sir Francis B. Head, Bart. 2 vols., 8vo <^'«*»»' ^1-50. London, 1857' 346 Cushing(C.)-The Treaty of .vaahington ; its negotiations, execution, and the discussion relating thereto, by Caleb Cushiui/ 8vo, cloth, $1. Pub. $1.75. New York, 1871* 347 America— An Account of the European Settlement in America, in six parts ; each part contains an accurate description of the settlements in it, their extent, climate, productions, trade, genius, and disposition of their inhabitants, the interests of the several powers of Europe with respect to those settlements, and their political and commercial views with regard to each other. With maps. 2 vols. , 8vo, half-calf, 83.25. London, 1758. 348 Mackenzie (Sir A.)— Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the continent of North America, to the Frozen P.nd Pacific Oceans, in the years 1789.93, with a pre- liminary account of the rise, progress, and present state of the fur trade of that country, by Sir Alexander Mackenzie. With portrait Map wanting. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, 83.75. Philadelphia, 1802. ■^49 Murray (Hon. C. A.)— Travels in North America during the years 1834-35 36, including a summer residence with the Pawnee Tribe of Indians, in the remote prairies of the Missouri, and a visit to Cuba and the Azore Islands by the Hon. Charles Augustus Murray. With frontispiece. 2 vols,, 8vo, half- morocco, uncut top edges, gilt, 83.50. ' London, 1839. Fine copy. 40 R. W. Douglas <& Co., 350 Steam-Boat— By the author of " Annals of the Parish," fctc. 12ni(), boards, r.-^re, SI. London. 1822. One of the rarer works of John Gait. 351 South America— The Reports on the Present State of the United Provinces of South America, drawn up by Messrs. Rodney and Graham, laia before the Congress of the United States, with their accompanying documents, occasional notes by the editor, aad an introductory discourse. With map. Royal 8vo, boards, 7oc. London, 1819. 352 Ma^l^azilie.— The British Magazine and Review, or Uni- versal Miscellany. Illustrated. Vol. 3 only. 8vo, boards, 75c. London, 1763. ContaiDEi matter relating to America. 353 Martineau (H.)— RetroFpect of Western Travel, by Har- riet Martineau. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, $1.50. New York, 1838. 354 Bishop of Montreal— The Journal of the Bishop of Montroal during a visit to the Church Missionary Society's North- West America Missiim ; also, an Appendix, giving an account of the formation of the Mission and its progress to the present time. With map and platen. 12rao, cloth, $1.50. London, 1845. 355 Guatemala ; or, the United Provinces of Central America in 1827-28; being Sketches and Memorandums made during a twelve months' resiienco in that republic, by Henry Dunn. Royal 8vo, boards, 50c. New York, 1828. 356 Red River.— Report on the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement, and be- tween the latter place and the Assiuiboine and Saskatchewan, by S. J. Dawson. Folio, half cloth, $1. Toronto, 1859. Manitoba.— Report of Progress, together winh a prelimi- nary and ge.ieral Report on the Assiuiboine and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition, made under instructions from the Provin- cial Secretary, Canada, by Henry Youle Hind, M.A. (in charge of the expedition). Illustrated with maps and plates. Folio, half roan, 81.75. Toronto, 1859. Mine.S and Mining —Statistics of Mines and Mining in the Statps and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains, by Rossi- ter VV. Raymond, With numerous illustrations. Thick royal 8vo, <'^o*^' ^'- Washington, 187o' Report— A.nnual Report of the Chief of Engineer.;? to the Secretary of War, for the vear 1874. In two parts. With maps 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, $1.50. Washington, 1874 360 ^Report —Appendix to Report on the Affairs of British America from the Earl of Durham. Prcseuted by Her 357 358 359 Kr^rt U M»je«ty. Folio, half morocoo, »r©, ¥g.75. London, 1839. 250 Yonge Street. 41 361. 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369' 370 371 Report.— Of the Commissioners appointed to consolidate and revise the Statutes of Canada. Alao Report of tha Depart- ment of Indian Affairs for the year ended Slat December, 1884 6 vols., very thic^ royal 8vo, sewed, $3.00. Ottawa, 1885. Report on Asylums, Prisons, Ac.— Fourteenth An- nual Report of the Inspector of Prisons and Public Charities for the t;rovince^of ()ntano, being for the year ending 30th Septetn- ber, 1881. Royal 8vo, cloth, 75c. Toronto, 1882. Maps ana Views.— Maps and Views to accompany Mes- sage and D)cument8 from the President of the United Stiitest to the two Honsec of Congress at the commencement of the second session of the thirty-third Congress. 4to, cloth. 50c. Washington, 18.o4. Lalces and Rivers.— Plans of various Lakes and Rivers betvyeen Lake Huron and the River Ottawa. To accompany the treological Reports for 1833-54-55-56. 4to, half morocco, $1.50. Toronto, 1857. Maps of Canada—>endix to Report of the Commis- sioner of Crown Lands. Part 2, with maps of Canada. 4to, boards, *^-""; Toronto, ]857. Hillitax Fislieries.— Record of the Proceedings of the Hahfax Fisheries Commission. With map. Thick 4to, sewed, ^'^■'^- London, 1877. North America. — Corraspondence respecting International Maritime Law, presented to both Houses of Parliament by com- mand of Her Majesty, 1862. 4to, sewed, 50c. London, 1862. iiew Brunswicit Boundary.— Papers relative to the settlement of ihe disputed boundaries between the Provinces of Canada and New Brunswick. With m^a Vo,™, r_...,„_;„i. \i___ fecotia, the Islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward, and Cape tJreton, including considerations on Land-Granting and Emigra- 44 R. W. Douglas ,ds^-!^s- ■J^^^ '^STrSi?:? ^^^^^^^^^^•■ifl 250 Tonge Street 45 397 Kane (E. K)— Biography of EUsha Kent Kane, by William Elder. With portrait and illnatrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, ^l- 00. Philadelphia, 1858. 398 Back's Journal. — Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedi- tion to the mouth of the Great Fish River, and along the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1833, '34, and "^°^, by Captain Back, R. N., commander of the expedition. Illustrated by a map and plates. Royal 8vo, cloth, $3.25. London, 1836. Clean uncut copy. 399 Mayne (P. C.) — Four Years in British Columbia and Van- couver Island, an account of their forests, rivers, coasts, gold fields, and resources, for colonization, by Commander R. U. Mayne, R.N. With maps and numerous illustrations. Rv>yal 8vo, cloth, $3.00. London, 1802. 400 JII*GregOr (J.) —^ British America, by John M'Gregor. With maps. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, $2.50. Edinburgh, 1832. 401 Religious Denominations.— An Original History of the Religious Denominations at present existing in the United States ; containing authentic accounts of their rise, progress, sta- tistics, and doctrines, written expressly for the work by eminent Theological Professors, Ministers, and Lay Members of the re- spective r nominations. Projected, compiled, and arranged by J. Daniel llupp. Thick royal 8vo, sheep, $1.50. Philadelphia, 1844. 402 Boundaries of Ontario.— Statutes, Documents, and Papers bearing on the Discussion respecting the Northern and Western Boundaries of *^« Province of Ontario, including the principal evidence supposed to be either for or against the claims of the Province. Compiled by direction of the Government of Ontario. With explanatory notes. Royal 8vo, cloth, $1.25. Toronto, 1878. 403 British North America.— The Confederation of the British North American Province?* ; their past history and future prospects ; including British Columbia and Hudson's Bay Terri- tory. With map, and suggestions in reference to the true and only practicable route from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, by Thomas Rawlings. Royal 8vo, cloth, $1.50. London, 1866. 404 Lahontan (Baron de).— Dialogues avec un Sauvagc dans I'Am^rique ; avec sea Voyages en Portugal et en Danemark, by Kathoeber; with MS. Notes by Mr. Bickford. Maps and j^tea. 12mo, treecalf, extra, $1.5. Amsterdam, 1704. A rare and curious book. This copy is a little gem. 405 New Brunswick.— A Historical and Statistical Account of New Brunswick, B.N. A-, with Advice to Emigrants, by the 46 R. W. Douglas 9. Paris, 1724. 407 Taylor (II.)— A System of the Creation of our G'.obe, of the Planets, and the Sun of our System, founded on the first chapter of Genesis ; On the Geology of the Earth, etc., as evinced by the discoveries of Lavoisier, by Henry Taylor. l2mo, boards, 35c. Montreal, 1842. 408 Historical Documents.— Third Series of Historical Documents relating to the History of Canada. Published under the auspices of the Historical Society of Quebec. 8vo, cloth, ^•25. Quebec, 1871. Now rare. Contains: *' HistoiredeMontr^l, 1640-1672;" "Reoueil de ce c"'- -'--'■ r .n • .... que dt "Journal ^. _ ^ ^ Operations de Tarmee Amdricaine. " 409 Bo'.imlury !*"*- "eiices.— Exposition of the Boundary Differenceo between Great Britain and tne United States, subse- auently to their adjustment by arbitrat.jn, by David Urquhart. With map. 8vo, sewed, 75c. Glasgow* 1840. 410 Johnston (J. F. W.)- Notes on North America, Agricul- tural, Economical, and Social, by James F. W. Johnston. With map. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, $2.75. Boston, 186]. 411 Upper Canada Proceedings.— Proceedings of the Legislative Council of Upper Canada on the Bill sent up from the House of Assembly, entitled, " An Act to amend the Jury Laws of this Province." 8vo, boards, $1.25. 1836. 412 Geograpliy of America.— The American Geography, or a view of the preeen. situation of the United States of America, by Jedidiah Morse. Thick 8vo, half bound, $1.25. London, 1792. 413 British Columbia —Vancouver Island and British Co- lumbia. Their History, Resources, and Prospects, by Matthew Macfie, F.R.G.S. With maps and frontiapiece. Royal 8vo, cloth, *2 '^- London, 1865. 414 Naclure (W.)— Opinions on various subjects. Dedicated to the industiious producers, by William Maclure. 3 vols, 8vo, rare, half bound, $3.00. New Harmony, Indiana, 1831. ^ ^ n?^**^''^'* ^^®^' ^•) — Observations on ProisBsions. Literature, Manners, and Emigration in the United States and Canada, made 250 Yonge Street. 47 during a residence there in 1832, by Rev. Isaac Fidler, 8vo, cloth, 11.26. New York, 1833. 416 Mathews (J.) — A Colonist on the Colonial Question, by Jehu Mathews. 8vo, cloth, 50c. London, 187i?. 417 lit.ndP*;*Dll (Col.) — Recollections of my Military Life, by Colonel Tiandniann. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, 8L75. London, 1864. Au account of military operation •■ in America and elflewhere. 418 tiniteil States and Canada— Notes on Public Subjects, made during a toCr in the Unitdd States and in Canada, by Hugh Seymour Tremenhure. 8vo, cloth, $1.25. London, 1852. 419 Seatcherd (T.)— Memoir of Thomas Scatcherd, M.P., by Williii.m Horton. With steel portrait. 8vo, cloth, ^l- London, Ont., 1878. 420 Responsible Government— Letters on Responsible Government, by Legion. 8vo, sewed, $2.75. Toronto, 1844. One of the most important political works ever written in Canada on Canadian politics. It id very rare. " Legion," aa is now well known, was Mr. Sullivan. 421 Canada- -Letters from Canada, written during a residence there in the years 1806, 1807, and 1808, showing the present of Canada, its productiou, . trade, commercial importanco, and political relations, illustrative of the laws, the manners of the people, and the peculiarities of the country and climate, and tne commercial importance of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Cape Breton, by Hugh Gray. 8vo, half-calf, ^.75. London, 1809. 422 Dent (John Charles) — The Last Forty Years ; Can&da since the union of 1841, by John Charles Dent. Plates. 2 thick vela., 4to, cloth, $9. Toronto, n.d. *' We have put Mr. Dent's facts to frequent and critical tests, and hive never found them wantiag. He has apprDached his work in a fine, broad, and catholic spirit. He shields no mau's fault, nor hides the blemishes in his ohara<- er. He aisaects him for the benefit of the public, and every man, no matter how high his pMition may be, must endure the test. . . . His treatment of Canadian history makes it really fascinating reading."— Q««fe c Chronicle. 423 Franklin (Sir J.)— A N;vrrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions, by Captain Mc- Clintock, R. N. With map and numerous illustratic '. 8vo, half -calf, $2.25. Londoa, 1859. 424 Loyalists of the American Revolution— Biographi- cal Sketches of Loyalists of tl e Americ tn Revolution, with an Historical Essay, by Lorenzo Sooine. 2 vols.. Royal 8vo, cloth, $5.50. Boston, 1864. 425 Hodgson (A.)— Letters from North America, written during a tour in the United States and Canada, by Adam Hodgson. With map. 2 vols.. Royal 8vo, half-calf, $2.75. London, 1824. 48 i2. W. Douglas A Co., 428 PttrJltt„H.„tary Companion Th« r """'"": ^«*« meutary Companion Hr«V "^ k "^ ^'^ Canadian Parlia- cloth, oOc. ^ °' ^"' ^''"' ^J^ ««»T^ J- Morgan. 18rno, 429 St. I.awrence-The Lower St T.« "^"'^''^ ^^''^• Halifax, da Ga«,,e and Pictr to 1 J'^""'' ' ^'' Q"^^^^'' '« deacrip.ion of the River Sa^ue kt i^f/" ""^^^^f ^'' ^'««d'» renco, country ae.its aron^ O S. J^^n"*^' ^'^ *^>« St. Law 432 Franklin /T\ \r .• , Edinburgh, 1843. in tifeta^^^ ^-^^^^^^^^^^ the Polar Seaa. 2 vols., royal 8vo, boards fc 25 ^P'-'^'^^' ^"'^^''- ^Uh map. 433 iVIetealfe ^C^~ -^^h r <•" ' j London, 1824. Lord Metcalfe, " t>y John WilhTm ^^'''^^Poodence of Charles only. 12mo, cloth, 50c ''*'" ^^^^^ '» ^'^^ ^oLi. Vol. 2 434 Hall (Cant. B.)_Travek in 1^ .u • ^°^^°' '8^8. 435 Head (Sir F B ^— Tha 1? • , Edinburgh, 1829. Bart., 8vo, half calf, $2^ *^'"^«^*"^' ^Y Sir Francis R Head, 436 Stuart (J.)-Three Yp«r« ;« xt . London, 1846. ''^?^?^V!L«;!r^i-- Sen """■ ^-f'-^'-'M'wiM, to the Canada,, a,;,! dSLVS m™,'!":'"''-:""*" '«•"■ H«l«« ■ Z't ""■•''"'<>' Lake. HSrorandW "'k'*'?''' '" ">« ""od' "-•« map,. Second edition"" S.ri;."fSf^»l.2B"°°"** ^'^■ 438 Howlson (J. ) -Sketch ot Upn.. o,„,dl r^-H™'/*^' C..n.c«„,.„ „d Practical Det£-,.;-for'Sr,'!;,r4".tw 'o/T„1' ^u^ ^^^^^^ 250 Yonge Street. 49 Kranta of every ol.« ; and some Recollections of the United States of America, by John Howison. «vo, half calf, rare, f3m i9n Wk 1 , . Kdinburgh' 1822. 439 Oomlnlon Annual Register. -Tne Dominion Annual ' Uniin 1SS5 VaZa w" ^^' ^'"fteenth year of the Canadian P L w^ ^'^"^ ^y ^^"'^ -J- Morgau. 8vo, oloth, $2.00. . .^ *?. "* Toronto, 1886. 440 Views Of the Colonies. -E-iropean Colonies, in various ^^i*f K 711*^' li"""^^ ^" *^' - *°^'*^' ™'^'-»^ »°d physical condition by John Howison. 2 vols., royal 8vo, boards, v^ y ..iT"*'!^ ,. London, W 441 Americas \* UUClns.— The Life and Voyages of Ameri- cus Vespucins, h: the L>iacovery of the New World, byC Ed- wards Lester and Andrew Foster. With sted portrait, colored jrontupice and numerous Uliistrationa. Royal 8vo, cloth, $2.25. . ^ „ New Haven, 1862. 442 Hooper (Lieut. W. H.)— Ten Months among the Tents of the ruski with incidents of an Arctic boat expedition in search of bir John Franklin, as far as the Mackenzie River and Cape Bathurst, by Lieut. \V. H. Hooper, R.N. With colored frontU- ptece, map, and illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, $2.75. London, 1853. 443 Pem^^rton (J. D.)-Fart8 and Figures lelating to Van- couver Is. .nd and British Columbia, showing what to expect and how *o get tiiere, by J. Despard Pemberton. With maps. Royal 8vo, cloth. $2.25. London, 1860. ■^^4 Lanman (C.)— Adventures in the Wilds of the United States and British American Provinces, by Charles Lanman. Il- lustrated by the Author and Oscar Bessan. In two vols. Vol 1 only. Royal 8vo, cloth, $1.25. Philadelphia, 1856. 445 Voyage au Pays des Hurons.— Le Grand Voyage au Pays des Hurons, situe en I'Amerique vers la Mer douce, ea der- niers confins de la Nouvelle France, dite Canada, avec un diction- naire de la langue Huronne par F. Gabriel Sagard Theodat. 2 vols., rare, royal 8vo, halt rod morocco, gilt, $13.50. Paris, 1865. 446 Weld (J.)— Travels through the States of North America and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1796 and !,'9'?, by Isaac Weld, Jr. Embellished with maps and plates. Rare, royal 8vo, half n.orocco, gilt, $4,26. London, 1800. 447 Three Years In Canada— An account of the actual state of the country in 1826 7-8, comprehending its resources, productions, improvements, and capabilitie!* t and including sketches of the state of society and advice to emigrants, etc., by John Mactaggart. 2 voLs., 12mo, half calf, rare, $3.75. London, 1829 50 M. W. Douglas <(; Oo., 448 Forest Life and Forest Trees.~Compri8ing Winter Camp Life among the Loggers, and Wild- wood Adventure, with descnptio ,8 of luoibermg operationa on the various rivers of uZ:Zi tlt'-^^<^^' ^y John S. Spring^r^ mus^aj. 449 Wjoming.-The Poetry and History of Wyomiog con- luS b^T'^l!'' f n"'^^' "^*^ * biographical sSrif the author, by Washington Irving ; and the History of Wyoming bv Wilhara L. Stone. IllustrateJ. 12mo, cloth, rare, $2 (K) ^' ^ Ann wr 4. . ^ ^ew York, 1841. 450 Western Adventure. -Sketches of Western Adventure, wiJiTr^ an account of the most interesting incidents connected with the set ement of the West, from 1755 to 1794, by John A M Clung. Illustrated. 12mo, sheep, rare, $1.25. "^ '''''''' ^' A^^ wj '* ^ m^ . Dayton, Ohio, 1847 t^mJjf ^ ^"'P';;« IiOyalists,-The Centennial of the Set! tC TK \^^^^l ^*"*^* ^y *^® United Empire Loyalists. 1784- }f4 Ith,"A^'^*^^'^ '' Adolphustown, To^ronto/nd Xia,^ iKo «« 1 ^ ^ . Toronto, 1886 t?Al?7 ?^ «a" and Dunifries.-Reminiscence8 of the early h.^tory and the settlement of Dumfries in the Province of Ontario, by James Young. lUusirated. 12mo, cloth, $im ^^^^w^ij^*^ Leader.-By Beverly Tuckar, secre'^p^^^^^^^^ ,1 - ( cj X i_ -_ -'^ 6w J ork, 1861. »trachan (J.)-A Letter to the Congregation of St, James • eSof IZr^ '^ ''t^^°- J"^" ^'-^^^^ publication of?he Tnwf P ®*7»J«"^g'8 observations on the 6th Chapter of St Johns Gospel, by John Strachan, D.D. 8vo, sewed, «1 25. '''Sd''sSf^\^^;i>^?^-^'^^^^«« «f Canad?In/Te rire 84 50 ' ' '"'*™ ^^^" Mackenzie. 8vo. boards, very « ^fi ¥ J /- London, 1833. ,f^®gan (^ame8)._Notes of a Journey through Canada, the 458 Travels In Columbia-Travels through the i,^ter; ?'■ - vols. , 8ru, (pit top, noaly bound in halt morocco, »i>.00. Origin.l edition. London, 1827. 250 Ycmge Street. 51 459 Columbia River.— Adventures of the First Settlers on the Oregon, or Columlna, Biver; being a narrative of the Expe- dition, fitted out by John Jacob Astor, to establish the " Pacific Fur Company," with an account of some Indian Tribes on the coast of the Pacific, by Alexander Ross. With map. 8vo, half morocco, fS.oO. Scarce. London, 1849. 460 Red River Settlement— its Rise, Progress, and Pre- sent State, with some account of the Native Races, and its general history to the present day, by Alexander Ross. With frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, $3.50. Scarce. London, 1856. 461 Miehaux (F. A.)— Travels to the Westward of the Alle- gany Mountains, in the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and return to Charlestowo through the Upper Carolinas, by F. A. Miehaux, M.D. Translated from the French by B. Lambert. 8vo, half calf, $4.00. London, 1805, 462 American Wanderer— Through various parts of Europe, by A Virginian. 8vo, calf, $1.25. London, 1783. A scarce and curious book. 463 Sketelies Ot Canadian Life, Lay and Ecclesiastical, illustrative of Canada and the Canadian Church, by a Presbyter of the diocese of Toronto. 8vo, cloth, $2.75. London, 1849. 464 Colonization- and Christianity— A Popular History of the Treatment of the Natives by the Europeans in all their colonies, by William Howitt. Largely devoted to early Canada • and United States. 8vo, cloth, $2.50. Scarce. London, 183S. A fearful indictment of European colonizers. 465 Sydenham (Lord). — Memoir of the Life of Charles, L rd Sydenham, with a narrative of his administration in Canada. Edited by his brother, G. Poulette Scrope. 12mo, cloth, $1.26. London, 1844. 466 Emigrant and Hportsnian in Canada— Some ex- pwriencos of an Old Country Settler, with sketches of Canadian life, sportins; adventures, and observations on the Forests and Fauna, by John J. Rowan. With map. I2mo, cloth, §2.50. London, 1871. 467 Shoe and Canoe, or Pictures of Travel in the Canadas, iliuittrative of their scenery and of Colonial life, by John J. Bigs- by, M.D. With numerous plates and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, cl«)th, $3.60. Very rare. London, 1850. 468 United States and Canada. -Journal of an Excursion fr« fhi» TTnitfiH Sratft." an.r? Cin.H.ii.'i in the vc-iv 1834. with hints to Emigrants, by a Citizen of Edinburgh. l8mo, cloth, $1.25. ' Edinburgh, 1836. 52 R. W. Douglas <& Co., 469 Canadian Gazetteer — Coinpnsmg Statistical and General information respecting all parts of the Upper Province, or Canada West, by W. H. Smith. With map and frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, $1.75. Toronto, 1849. 470 Almanac — The British North American Almanac and Annual Record for the year 1864 8vo, cloth, 30c. Montreal, 1864. 471 Treaties. — A Collection of Treaties between Groat Britain and other Powers, by George Chalmers, containing all the Ameri- can Treaties. 2 vols,, 8vo, half bound, $2.75. London, 1790. 472 Recollections of a visit to Great Britain and Ireland in the summer o' 1862. 8vo, cloth, 50c. Quebec, 1863. 473 Kacicenzie (E.) — Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, in the years 1789 and 1793. With an account of the Fur Tiade, by Alexander Mackenzie. 8vo, calf, $4.00. New York, 1802. 474 Fries (J.) — The Two Trials of John Fries on an indictment for Treason. 8vo, calf, rare, $1.50. Philadelphia, 1800. 475 Jefferson (T.)— The Domestic Life of Thomas JeflFerson, by Sarah N. Randolph. With portraits and frontispiece. 8vo, cloth, $1.50. New York, 1871. 476 Clianning(W. E.) — Discourses, Reviews, and Miscellanies, by William EUery Channing. First edition. Scarce. Royal 8vo, cloth, $1.50. Boston, 1830. 477 Early American Printing— Jahn's History of the He- brew Commonwealth, by Calvin E. Stowe, A.M. Thick 8vo, boards, $1. New York, 1828. 478 Bibliotlieca Canadensis ; or, a Manual of Canadian Literature, by Henry J. Morgan. Royal 8 vo, half morocco. $6.50. Ottawa, 1867. 479 Ontario — Report of the Commission of Agriculture on the Products, Manufacture, etc., of Ontario, exhibited at the Inter- national Exhibition, Pkiladelphis , 1876. Royal 8vo, cloth, 50c. Toronto, 1877. 480 Canals — Report of the Chief Engineer of Canals. H'ifh maps. Thick royal 8vo, sewed, $1.50. Ottawa, 1880. 481 New Netherland— History of New Netherland ; or, New York under the Dutch, by E. B. O'Callaghan, M.D. With movs-. Roval 8vo= sheeo^ S3. 75. New York. 1848. 482 Boundaries of Ontario— Report on the Boundaries of Ontario, Royal 8vo, sewed, $1.25, Toronto, 1877* 250 Yonge Street 53 483 Manitoba-Acts and Returns. With plans. ^Royal ^8vo. half-morocco, 75c. t>'u j 484 Richardson (MY.r)-Per,onal of Maj- R-^-d- son. Hvo, boards, ^6. i o. Author of the War of 1812. . tt a' 405 Long a.i»l JamcH' Expedition-Account of » Expedi- ttafr omPittrturg to the K-ckv Mountmn., in the year. 1819 and S nnder the command of Major Stephen H. Long compded if Edwn, .Ian,™, with vocabnUrie. of Indian tagu^»^2v,,.,, *'"• In lutl'ior" T,on.-. exploration., the natives of the temtorie. thron^h „hSh lie pr»d rec'eivedihe largest share of hi, attention.--^,eW. 486 Canadian S^aturalist^andQ^eryJ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^:o^:'':,Ji;r?:t'r7.n.'o:rrr«^'ach. Mont^ai, im. -« tMh'^Tira^^sit^-ofsiti:^^^^ is W-wierfi-tata. 2 vols., thick 4to, clot^^ST^oO.^ ^^ A mineof information on Canadian affairs. . xT tU 489 Itonchctte's C»uada.-The B^H,* Xl^L'n" ^flfe r "'"eL :; CanX'^tring coS^trl. "r irnd-granting Provinces of LanAda. ^"';3"|, , ^ ^g^bles of distances, etc.. One of the finest copies ever offered for ^^^- ion Ma-tin (K xM)— History of the Colonies of the British 490 xUartin V"^- ^;^{^ i i V^mith America North America, Asia, Empire in the West Indies, ^<*"'^*'/^*^®^'°*' JipLl records of the 401 rJonal Paper..-Fourth Se.^; of tH^Thir^.^^Hia ment of the Province of Ontario. Session io<^. J half bound, $1.50. ^ ■ ^t V\\vcix\9> ..Dr.CUrkeha.a»«erofse.«^in^.ulOecU,.^^^^^^ them almost unparalleled. *«* ™«° "»* o4t R. W. Douglas lenca, by Sir Charles Lyell, F.R.S. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, 01 75. New York. 1849. "^. .5^3. w^^m^^ 260 Yonge Street. 55 504 Canada- — Condition and Prospects of Canada in 1854, as portrayed in the despatches of the Earl of Elgin. Rbyal 8vo, half morocco, $1.90. Quebec, 1855, 505 Buckingham (J. S.)— Canada, Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick, and the other British Provinces in North America, with a plan of national colonization, by James S. Buckingham. Illus- trated with steel plates. Royal Svo, cloth, $2.75. London, 1843. 506 Chappell (Lieut. E.) — Voyage of His Majesty's ship Rosa- mond to Newf<»undland and the southern coast of Labrador, by Lieut. Edward Chappell, R N. With map and illnstrations. Royal Svo, half morocco, $2.75. London, 1818. 607 By-Laws of the Municipal Council of the county of York. Royal Svo, boards, 50c. Toronto, 1877. 508 Lake Huron- — A large Topographical plan of the north shore of Lake Huron. Folded in case, $2.50. Toronto, 1858. 509 Education. — Annual Report of the Normal, Model, Gram- mar and Common Schools, in Upper Canada, for the year 1853. Royal Svo, sewed, 75c. Quebec, 1854. 510 Cliesshyre (H. T. N.)— Canada in 1864, a Hand-book for Settlers, by Henry T. Newton Chesshyre. Post 8vo, cloth, $1.25. London, 1864. 511 Wayfaring Notes —A Holiday Jour Round the World, by way of Canada. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. Aberdeen, 1876. 512 Quebec Directory and City and Commercial Register, 1847-8, by Alfred Hawkins. 12mo, cloth, $1.25 Montreal, 1847. 513 Leprohon (Mrs.)— The Poetical Works of Mrs. Lepiohon. 12mo, cloth, gilt edge, 60c. Montreal, 1881. 514 Abrege de i'Histoin '\u Canada— Abreg^ de I'His toire Sainte, de I'Histoire d^ ^'rance, et de I'Histoire du Canada, a r Usage des CommenQants. 12mo, half morocco, rare, $2.25. Montreal, 1845. 515 Morris (Hon. R.) — Nova Britannia ; or Our New Canadian Dominion Foreshadowed, being a Series of Lecttires, Speeches, and Addresses. By the Hon. Alexander Morris. l2mo, cloth, 75c. Toronto, 1884. 516 Campbell (Rev. W. G.)— The New World; or Recent Visit to America. Together with Introductory Observations for Tourists. By Rev. W. G. Campbell. 12ino, cloth, 40c. London, 1871. 517 Taylor (A. M.)— Boyhood Hours; comprising a uoliection of simple poems, songs, and odes. By Archibald McAlpine Tay- lor. 12mo, cloth, 50c. Toronto, 1881. 56 M. W. Douglas d: Co., 1?.^J w^'*?•^,^°"^^^ the Metis Spy; a Heroine of the 1th '^o'" ''"•'"• «J^ Edmund Collins. W Uh portrait, l2u.o, niQ »1 r ,^ Toronto, 1886. T?'!^*'^';/^'''^- J)-Memorials of the Rev. John Machar. «on^ ^»'^;>-r«mt<. 12mo, cloth, 75c. Toronto, 1873. 520 Cowans (D.)- Anecdotes of a Life on the Ocean, heing a portion of the experience of twenty-seven years' service in manv parts of the world. By David Cowans. 12mo, cloth, ?5c ^ KOI c! .1 //-, V Montreal, 1871. ^^anffster (C.)- Hesperus and other Poems and Lyrics. By Charles Sangster. 12mo, cloth, 81. Montreal, 1860^ 5.2 Niagara -Table Rock Album and Sketches of the Falls and Scenery adjacent. 12mo, cloth, 90c. BuflFalo, 1859. 523 HainmoiHl (Capt. M. M.)_Memoir of Captain M M Hammond, who was stationed with his regiment in Canada With ^JT7.r- ^"'^'^^^'^•- London 1858 524 Matthews (J.)-A Colonist on the Colonial Question By Jehu Matthews, of Toronto. 8vo, cloth, 75c. Londori872' 525 Moorsom (Capt. W.)-Letters from Nova Scotia- com- prising sketches of a young country, by Captain W. Moorsom Illustrated with map and steel engravings: 8vo, boards, $2.50 Knr rm ^ « , .. London, 1830. aLT"^"! ?"?l''' Schools-Report of the Past History and Present Condition of the Common or Public Schools of the City of Toronto, from 1850 to 1805. 8vo. half bound, f I 00 KO- r" 1 mi Toronto, 1865. ••J^/ Cailll(la.-The British American Magazine ; devoted to Literature, Science, and Art. Thick 8vo, c!oth, 56c. KOQw 1 a J. m* ^ Toronto, 1863. 528 Lake St. Peter—Report of the Board of En-ineers as well as that o W. E. Logan, Provincial Geologist, up" n the Sur! vey of Lake St. Peter in October i850. 8vo, half calf, Si 35. KOQ «ac^i> J. 1 .^ Montreal, 1850, 529 M Clintock (Capt)-The Voyage of the "Fox" in the Arctic Seas ; or, a Narrative of the Discovery of the fate of Sir John Frankim and his Companions, by Captafn M'Cbntock rI With maps and %lhistrations. 8vo, half calf, extra gilt $2 25 Wants lar^e map. London, 1859. 530 BroWD (Clark). -Select Sermons on Important Subjects taken from the manuscriots of th« Rev r\lv Br- r ' f ^ Charles County, Maryland! WitJ. portrait 8vo, Wdi', 7^ '' Georgetown, D.C., 1819. 250 Yonge Street. 67 531 Jameson (Mrs/)- -Sketches in Canada, and Rambles among the Red Men, by iiLn Jameson. lUuio, half calf, $2 00. London, 1852. 532 Ojibway Nation.— The Traditional History and Charac- teristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation, by G. Copway, or Kah- ge-ga-gah-bowh, Chief of the Ojibway Nation, 12mo, cloth, $2.26. London, 1850. 533 New Connexion Church.— The Abridgement of the Discipline of the Canadiaa Wesleyan Mathodist New Connexion Church, containing the sections affecting members of society. 18mo, sheep, 50c. London, 1860. 534 Dominion Guide Book.— Guide Book to the Canadian Dominion, containing full information for the Emigrant, Tourist, Sportsman, and Small Capitalist, by Harvey J. Philpot ; with a preface by Thomas Hughes, M.P,, and map. 12mo, cloth, 60c. London, 1871. 535 Gazetteer.— The North American and the West Indian Gazetteer, containing an authentic description of the Colonies and Islands in that part of the Globe, shewing their situation, climate, soil, produce, and trade, with their former and present condition. lUustrattd with maps. 12mo, calf, $1.26. Very rare. London, 1778. 536 Russell (R.)— North America; its Agriculture and Cli- mate ; containing observations on the agriculture and climate of Canada, the United States, and the Island of Cuba, by Robert Russell. With maps, etc. 8vo, cloth, $2.76. Edinburgh, 1867. 537 Great Divide.— Travels in the Upper Yellowstone in the Slimmer of 1874, by the Earl of Dunraven. Illustrated ivith maps and numerous plates. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, $2.00 (pubUshed at g^x London, 1876. 538 Barrow (Sir J.)— Voyages of Discovery and Research within the Arctic Regions, from the years 1818 to the present time abridged and arranged from the otticial narratives, with oc- casional remarks, by Sir John Barrow, Bart.. F.R.S. With map a»d pcrtrait. Royal 8vo, cloth, $4. Londor. !-.«. 539 HaDUay (J.)— The History of Acadia, from its first dis- covery to its surrender to England by the Treaty of Pans bv James Hannay. Royal 8vo, cloth, $2.00. St. John, N.B. 1879. 540 Karl Of Stirling's Narrative.— Narrative of the Oppres- sive Law Proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British Government, and numerous private mdividuaU, to over- power the jjiari oi bUliing, auu suovurs, ma ia-.Tiui i.^ii— , tt',- by himself ; also a genealogical account of the family of Alexan- der, Earlfl of Stirling, etc, and an historical view of their here- 58 R. W. Douglas A Co,, ditary possessions in Nova Scotia, by Ephraim Lockhart. 4to, boards, 38.25. Edinburgh, 3836. 541 Portfolio. — A semi-monthly publication, containing a large quantity of literary matter, including " The Cherokee's Threat;" "Tales of an Indian Voyager," " Pierrepont and Henrietta," "The Bickwoods of Canada," "Sketches of Savage Life— Tecumseh," and supplement to Captain Ross's Narrative. \Mth frontispiece. 4to, half calf, 81.75. Philadelphia, 1836. 542 Canada — Circulating Library of Memoirs, Biography, Novels, Tales, Travels, Voya^js, etc; containing " A Subaltern's Furloui'h— descriptive of scenes in the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Sotia, during the summer and autumn of 1832," by E. T. Coke. 4to, calf, f 1,75. Philadelphia, 1833. 543 Head's IVarrative and Lord Durham's Report.— Appendix to Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, in the second year of the reit;n of Queen Victoria, being the fourth session of the thirteenth Provincial Parliament, containing a Nar- rative by Sir Francis Bond Head, Bart,, and the Report on the Affairs of British North America, from the Earl of Durham Folio, half calf. $7.50. Toronto, 1839. Scarcest and best edition. 544 Hudson's Bay Coniimny.— Report from the Select Committee on the Hudson's Bay Company, together with the pro- ceedings of the Committee, minntes of evidence, appendix, and index. Folio, sewed, $4.25. 1857^ Scarce and valuable. 545 Porriock (Capt. N.)— Voyage Round the World, but more particularly to the North-West Coast of America, performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the King George and Queen Char- lotte, Captains Portlock and Dixon, by Captain Nathaniel Port- lo'-k. With portrait, and embellished with immerom copper-plates Folio, boards, $1.7."). London, 1789 546 Indian Tribes of tlie United States— Historical and Statistical Information respecting the history, condition, and pro- spects of the Indian tribes of the United States, collected and pre- pared under the direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, per Act of Congress of March 3rd, 1847, by Henry R. Schoolcraft, LL.D. Illustrated with numerous beaitti/ully-colored plat-'s by S. Eastman, Capt. U.S.A., Part first only. Thick folio, cloth,' $7. 5o! Philadelphia, 1851. 547 General Index —To the Journals of the Legislative As- sesibly of Caiijida, in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Parliaments, lS41-ol, Alfred Todd. Folio, half-calf, ^2. Montreal, 1855. ^M^^m^^^mM!^ 250 Tonge Street 59 548 Promenade AutOUr du Monde— Pendant les Annees 1817, 1818, 1819, et 1820, sur leu corvettes du roi l'Ur*ine et la Physicienne, comoiand^es par M. Freycinet. Par Ja. Arago. Atlas Historique et Pitturesque. 4to cloth, $3. 25. Paris, 1822. 549 Nova Scotia — Memoires des Commiffaires A nglois et Fran- cois au Sujet des limites de la Nouvelle Ecoffe ou Acadie, stc. With map, 2 vols., thick 4to, calf, 815. London, 1755. 550 Parry (W. E.) — Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a Norch- West Pasastge from the Atlantic to the Pacitic, performed in the years 1819 and 1820, in his Majesty's ships Beda and Griper, under the orders of William Edward Parry, with an appendix, containing the scientific and other observations. Illustrated with folding maps and pW"-. Thick 4to, half calf, $5.50. London, 1821. 551 Weld (I.)— Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795, 1796, and 1797, by Isaac Weld, Jr. Illustrated with map and numerous plates. 4to, calf, $11.25. Londoii, 1799. Best and rarest edition. 552 Anson (Lord G.) — A Voyage Round the World, in the years 17401-2-3 4, by George Anson, compiled from his papers on Materials, by Richard Walter, M.A. Illustrated icith forty-two copper plates and maps. Thick 4to, calf, $5.50. London, 1767. 553 Dixon (Capt. G.) — A Voyage Round the World, but more particularly to the North- West Coast of America, performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, dedicated, by permission, to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., by Captain George Dixon. Illustrated with folding maps and numerous plates. Thick 4to, half -calf, $4.76. London, 1789. 554 Backwoods of Canada— Being letters from the wife of an emigrant officer. With nuKurov^ illustrations. 12rao, cloth, $1.50. * London, 1836. Assembly Report. — Appendix to the Journals of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, from the 8th day of Novem- ber, 1836, to the 4th dav of March, 1837. Folio, half calf, $1.50. Toronto, 1837. Canadian Scenery. — Eighteen beautifully colored Lith ographs of the District of Gaspe, accompanied by a map, showing Gaspe, Magdalen Islands, Prince Edward Island, and part of New Brunswick and Cape Breton. 4to, sewed, $1.50. Montreal, n.d. 557 Jamaica llsturhances.— Papers laid_ before the Royal Commission of Enquiry, by Governor tyre, bolio, sewed, ^2.75. London, 1866. 555 556 60 R. W. Douglas 1' Co., 558 Trade and Navigation.— Tables of the Trade and Nav- igation of the Province of Canada, for the year 1858. Royal 8vo, cloth, 60c. Toronto, 1859. 559 Eastern Townships.— Contributions to the History of the Eastern Townships , a work containing an account of the early settlement of St. Annand. Dunham, Sutton, Brome, Potion and Boltou, by C. Thomas. 12mo, cloth, $2.00. Montreal, 1866. 560 Drake (Sir P.)— Barrow's Life of Sir Francis Drake. 12nio, sewed, 50c. London, 1844. 561 Scadding (Rev. Dr.)— Truth's Resurrections ; a Memorial of Easter, 1865, by Rev. Dr. Scadding. 12mo, half calf, 75c. Toronto, 1865. 562 Ryan (C >— Songs of a Wanderer, by Carroll Ryan. Post 8vo, cloth, i 1.00. Ottawa, 1867. 563 Parliamentary Companion. —The Canadian Parlia- mentary Companion and Annual Register for 1877-78-79. Edited by C. H. Mackintosh. Post 8vo, cloth, 75c. each. Ottawa, n.d. 564 Chapman (E. J.) —A Song of Charity, and other Poems, by E. J. Chapman. 12mo, cloth, rare. $1.25. London, 1858. 565 Stephens (W. A.)— Hamilton, and other Poems, by Wm. Stepheus. Post 8^0, clot'a, 50c. Toronto, 1840. 566 McBride (R.)— Poems, Satirical and Sentimental, on many subjects connected with Canada ; including a complete exposure of our County Court and Division Court system. Post 8vo, cloth, 60c. London, 1869. 567 Copleston (Mrs. E.)— Canada ; Why we live in it, and Why we like it, by Mrs. Edwa'-d Copleston. Post 8vo, cloth, $1.00. London, 1801. 568 Canadian Poems.— A series of Poems, by J. A. R. Post 8vo, cloth, 25c. Montreal, 1857. 569 Oxenden ^^Rev. A.) — My first year in Canada, by Rev. Ashtou Oxenden, Bishop of Montreal. Post 8vo, cloth, 60c. London, 187 J. 570 JWctntyre (J.) — Musings on the Banks of Canadian Thames, includnig poems on local, Canadian and British subjects, and lines on the great poets, «&c. 18mo, cloth, gilt edge, 25c. Ingersoll, 1884. 571 Sam Slick — Sayings and Doings in America. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth, $1 .25. London, 1834. One of the most interesting of Judge Haliburton's works. 572 Hodgins (J. G.)— The Geography and History of British America, and of the other Colonies of the Empire, by J. George Hodgins. Illustrated, Sqr. 12rao, cloth, 75c. Toronto, 1867. 250 Yonge Street. 61 572 Bartley (E. F.)— IJHan'a Retrospect, by E. F. Bartley. 12mo, cloth, 30c. Toronto, 1877. 674 Church Kambles and Scrambles.— By a Perambu- lating Curate. 12in<>, cloth, 50c. Toronto, 1880. 675 Stewart (G.)— Evenings in the Library ; Bits of gossip about books and those who write them, by George Stewart, jr. 12mo, cloth, oOc. Toronto, 1878. 676 Toe onto Directory.— The City of Toronto and the Home District Commercial D'. "tory and Register, with Almanac and Calendar for 1837. 12nK ,cioth, 81.75. Toronto, 1837. 577 Watson (S. J.)— The Legend of the Roses : a Poem. Rav- lan • a Drama, by Samuel James Watson. 12mo, cloth, 6C:;. Toronto, 1876. 578 Blair (J.)— Poems, Serious, Sentimental, Patriotic, and Humorous, by John Blair, Jun. 12mo, cloth, 50c. • St. Catharines, 1875. 679 Traill (Mrs. C. P.)— The Canadian Settler's Guide, by Mrs. C.P.Traill. lllustraUd. 12mo, cloth, $1.75. Toronto, C.W., 1857. 580 Mick Callighin, M.P.-The Adventures of Mick Calli- Khin, M.P., a Story of Home Rule and the De Burghos. A Ko- mance, by W. R. AnchetUl. 12mo, cloth, 50c. Toronto, 1875. 681 New English Canaan of Thomas Morton, with Intro- ductory Matter and Notes by Charlea Francis Adams, Jun. Crown 4to, gilt top, richly bound in half red morocw), very rare, $16.75. »«•»*«"' ^^• A very curious book on New England, reprinted bv th.^Pnnce So- ciety fofBubscribers only. It is impossible to read tlie thirf book of the JNTew Canaan, saturated as it is with drunkennesr., nbaldry, and Scoffing! wfthout'coming to the conclusion that Don Quixote, Rabe a^ Tnd the Decameron are far more likely to have been m "quest at Morton's place, Merry Mount, than the Bible or the Book of Lommon Prayer. /-, i • l 582 Geological Survey of Ohio—Report of the ^-eolo^cal Survey ot Ohio. Volume 1, Geology and Palaeontology. ^V^th numerous plates. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, $2.50. Columbus 1873. 583 Geological Survey of Wisconsin &c -Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, and inci- dentally of a portion of Nebraska Territory^ Made »«der instruc- tions fJom the United States Treasury Department, by David Dale Owen. With numerous illustrations, fold%Jigpam, ^c. imcK ito. cloth, $5.00. Philadelphia, 18o2. jonraW dAvrnhfld to Lake Sunerior. 584 Geology of Massachusetts—Final Report on the Ge(> lo^ of Misachusetts. Vol. I. contains Economical Geology and 62 Jt. W. Douglas logieal Survey of Canada,— Report of Progress f-^r thb year, 1844. 8vo, sewed, $1.50. Montreal, 1846. 594 Geological Survey of Canada*— Geological Survey of Canada. Report of Progress for the year 1858. With maps. 8vo, half calf, 75c. Montreal, 1859. 595 Geological Investigations.— Summary Report of Geo- logical Investigations, by Alfred R. C. Selwyn. Royal 8vo, sewed, 50c. Montreal, 1£71. 596 Rocky Mountain Scenery.— Sun Pictures of Rocky Mountain Scenery, with a Description of the Geographical and Geological Features, and some Account of the Resources of the Great West, containing a,pwards ufthirty-Hve photographs, the letter- press by F. V. Haydeia, M.D. Thick 4'to, half morocco, gilt edges, a handsome volume, $18. New Yorjc, 1870. 2')0 Yonge Street 63 597 8outh America.— Travels in South America, from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlbntic Ocean, by Paul Marcoy. lUiutrated by Jive, hundred atid twenty Jive engnivings, drawn by i>. Hiuxi, and ten map» from Drawiuga hy the author. 2 large vuIb. Cloth, gilt, gilt edges, 910.75 (pub. $20.) London, 1875. " The engraviuga, their variety, their excellence, their interest have never been BurpaHsed in a book of the kind. They illustrate manners and custoniH, natural scenery, accidents of adventure, popular sxiperMti- tiona, methods of sepulture, and we have nu room t thio book, for which European science owes a deep debt of gratitude to M. Marcoy." — Lond. Standard. 598 Mexico. — The Republic of Mexico in lS/6, a political and ethnographical division of the population, character, habits, ci> <- toms, and yr':ations of its inhabitants, by Antonio Garcia Cubaa. Colored plaies. 8vo, sewed, $1. Mexico, ''876. 599 KudsOD^S Bay. — An Account of the Countries Adjoining to Uudnon's Bay, in the North- West part of America, with an ab- stract of Capt. Middleton's journal, vocabularies of the languai^es of several Indian nations adjoinin/ to Hudson's Bay. By Arthur Dobbs. tto, half calf, "ery rare, ;J7.75. London, 1744. Lacks map, and is priced low in c<,sBequence. 600 Mines and Minings. — A Series of I'eports on the Various Mines of Canada, the Charter of tht ies. &c., &c. By Charles Robb C.E. Half morocco, ^3 •• -ontreal, 1847, etc. 601 Logan. (W. E.) — Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of the Economic Minerals of Canada, and of its Crystalline Rocks, by W. E. Logan. Bound in with the above is, Notes on the Cretacious and Carboniferous R')oks of Texas and Canada, by Jules Marcou. 8vo, half-bound, $1.25. n. d. 602 Oourlay (Robert) — General Introduction to Statistical Account of Upper Canada, compiled with a vi-,w to a grand sys- tem of emigration in connection with a reform of the Poor-Laws^ by Robert Gourlay. 8vo, boards, uncut, $3.75. London, 1822. Very rare. 603 Prenttceana-— Prenticeana, or Wit and Humor in Para- graphs, by the editor of the Louisville Journal 12ino, cloth,, scarce, $1.00. New York, 1860. 604 Marvel (Ik.)— The Battle Summer; being Transcripts from rwf>.jN>nna^ fvyv|nrva.t?f>n iu Pafifi durins the year 1848, by Ik. Mar- vel. Wu^\ illttstrations. 12mo, cloth, 8(yirce,'S 1.25. New 'i^ork, 1850.. M 64 R. W. Douglas le imaginable." 611 New Brunswiclt. — Government's Reports on the Geolo- gy, the Railroads, Pro-iuce, Export and Import Trade, Coal and other combustible minerals, agriculture, economic minerals, etc. ColQr"A plans and maps. Thick Svo, half bound, a scarce collec- tion, $5.()0. Frederi ; -»n, iS66, ete. 612 Canada. — Scrap-Book, containing a great quantity of Clip- pings from Newspapers, relating to Canada, Opemng of Railroads, Speeches of Statesmen, etc. 4to, half morocco, $1.25. 613 Morgan (H^nry J.)— Sketches of Celebrated Canadians, and Persons connected with Canada, from the earliest period in the history of the Province down to the present time, by Henry J. Morgan. Thick Cvo, half morocco, fine cooy, $2.75. Quebec, 1862. 614 8cadding (Rev. I>r.)— Toronto of Old: Collections and BaooUectiuns illustrative of the eaxl^ settlement aud social life of 250 Yongc Street. 66 the Capital of Ontario, by Henry Scadding, D.D. Fine portrait of Ootemor Simcoe inserted. Thick 8vo, half maroon morocco, $3 00. Toronto, 1873. €15 Dominion Ot Canada.- -Popular History of the Domin- ion of Canada, ¥'ith Art illusirationa, from the earliest settlement of the British American C donies to the present time, together with portrait e/'^grf'.cings and biographical sketches of the most distin- guished men oj'the nation, by Charljs R. Tattle. 2 large vols., 4,^0, morocco, extra, gilt, gilt edges, i|15.00. Pub. $ J5 00. Boston, 1877. 616 loilians.— Illustrations of the Manners, Cirstoms, and Condition of the North American Indians, with letters and notes ' *;ten during ei^ht years of travel and adventure among the N est and most remark ible tribes now existing, by George Cat- lin. 2 vols., 8v in sheet? for binding, $1.50. London, 1876. • Not in ver- lean condition, and lacks all plates, but priced accordingly. 6'i7 Canadiaa Literature. -Melanges d'Hlstoire et de Lit t^-aturo. par Benjamin Suite. 4 parts, 16mo, ::«^wed, rare, »3- Ottawa, 1876. 618 America —Relation de Divers Voyages fait dans I'Afnque, dans I'Amerique, et aux Iiides Occidentales, etc., par le Sieur Dralse de Grand- Pierre. 18mo, old sheep, $1.00. Pans, 1718. 619 RevolutlOD (The)— Case of Great Britain and America, addressed to the King and both Houses of Parliament. Sec- ad and improved edition. 8vo, naif bound, $2.25. London, \i o9. One of the scarce pamphlets, called forth by the crisis existing be- tween England and her Colonies. 620 Canadian Literature — R^ leil de Chansons Canadi- ennes et Frangaises, divise en deux i«arties. 18mo, morocco, pp. 360, scarce, $2.00. Montreal, 1859. 621 Laliontau. —Suite du Voyage de I'Amerique; ou Dia- logues de Monsieur le Baron de Lahontan et d'un S luvage dans I'Amerique Conetnant une description .?xacto des M<»uri et des Couturaes de ces Peuples Sauva-es, itc, etc. FoUhiig copper plates. ISmo, calf, very rare, $'.).00. A Amsterdam, 1<04. 622 Laliontan.— Voyages du Baron deL-vhontan dans I'Ameri- que Septen*,rionale, qui Contiennent une relation des diflerents Peaples qui y habitent, etc. L'Inte Cc des Frang^is et des Anglais dans le Commerce qu'ils font avec cea Nations, etc. i.e tout enrichide cartes et de Jignres. Sec .nd and best edition, revis- ed, corrected, and augmented. 2 vols., 16mo calf, c^ean copy, «^^ gQ Amsterdam, l70i>. .. rru 1. nf T ahontaii has Qot rer jived the amount of credit to whichVt h really entitled, altbouyh written by a man ol «>«r« j'^^'J" "^, dinary learning and intelligence. .... The voyages are almost C 60 R. W. Douglas & Co., wholly devoted to a description of the manners, customs, domestic I habits, and method of warfare of the Indians of Canada." — Field. 6^3 JohDSOn (Sir William).— The Life and Times of Sir Wil- Johnson, Bart. , by William L. Stone. Portraits on steel. 2 vol?., 8vo, cloth, ^6.i!5. Albany, 1865. ' .^ . The life of the celebrated royal superintendent of Indian aff'^irs for a * ^period of forty years, beginning in 1738, is full of material for Indian uistory. 624 West Indies.— The West Indies, before and since Slave Emancipation, comprising the Windward and Seaward Islands' Military Command, by John Davy, M.D., F.R.S. Map. Thick 8vo, cloth, scarce, $2.00. London, 1854. 625 Rio De La Plata.— An Account, Historical, Political, and Statistical, of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, with an Appendix concerning the Usurpation of Monte Video by the Portuguese and Brazilian Governments. Translated from the Spanish. Folding maps. 8vo, cloth, scarce, $1.25. London, 1825. 626 Brazil— Travels in Brazil, in the years 1815, 1816, 1817, by Prince Maximilian. Illmtrated with foldiny map and fine plates. 4t<), half calf, scarce, $1.50. London, 1820. 627 Parliinsoil (Richard).- A Tour in America in 1798, 1799, and 1800, exhibiting Sketches of Society and Manners, by Rich- ard Parkinson, 2 vols. , 8vo, boards, scarce, $1.75. London, 1805. 628 Mexice.— Travels in the Interior of Mexico in 1825, 1826, 1827, and 1828, by Lieut. R. W. H. Hardy, R.N. Maps atuiplatc;^^:/:-f^Sv =}t- 68 K. W. Douglas me;:i<*an Constitutions-C. mparative View of the Bntisb and American Constitutions, with obnerva- tions on the present state of British politics. 8yo, sewed, So^. «Q« » J ^ Edinburgh, 1817. 696 Boundary Question - North- West American Water Rr/;r«'^^'iu"^^'/""'r'^.*^ the case of the Goovemment of Her Britannic Maiesty, submitted to the arbitration and awa«l of hII ouC VeaL iSF''"' n ^rS*"^' ^^ accordance with l^tic e 34 of the Treaty between Great Britain and the United States -filmed fiQ7 ** ^^^f^'^^^^' ^I^y «th, J871. 4to sewed, 31.25. London,rd Cor^ ^ Voyages. -A New, Authentic, and Complete Collection of Voyages Around the World, containing a complete ms toncal account of Capt. Cook's First, Second, ^Thlrd^Tnd lAst Voyages, successively performed in the years 1763 to 1780 - newly written by the editors from the authentic journals under' the direction of George Willian, Anderson, assisted by offic^w of per. ihick folio, half Russia, scarce, $12.00. London 1781 Captain JameV( 'oolc fi^^^^^^^^ and intellectual energies of i^n^dL ZZTa^^ Coo^e. 17 vols., 4to, handsomaly who e bound ci.lf, rebacked, very handsome library set, ^4.5. 1808-14 An invaluable collection. Pub. £37 IBs All fl,« T,»„ ' *u ' of preservation cont^oed in the fomer large ctlLtio J^ C^'rchnf are i|k«w,«e intermingled ; anu from this point of view itfs MieCXi'Tfft purchaser of th,.. woric could not procure fhe sar^e ioCion in the orf! 250 Yonge Street. 73 gin»l for less than $2,000. This tet, from its h»iidsome aUte, should find a plac.^ in a Public Library or Institution. " The moBt valuable collection of voyages extant. . . . ITtte lYtn volume contains a copious Catalogue of Books on Voya«eB and Travels, and an excellent index."— DiWin. rr , , m i ■ .. v _*v Among others the set contams, Peter Kalm's Travels mto North America ; Smith's Virginia ; Smith's New England ; Lahontan s Tra- velsin Canada ; Ulloa's Travels through South America, etc, etc. 699 Curious. — Poems, Satirical and Sentimental, on many sub- jecta connected with Canada, including a complete exposure of County Couri and Division Court aystem, in several Theatrical Acts and Dialogue*, showing how the people have been and are now ▼ictimized ; also a dissertation on the doings of the Canada Com- pany's Land-jobbing, and other matters, by Robert McBnde. Post 8vo, cloth, very scarce, ^1.25. London, U.C, 1869. Shabby copy, considerably defaced by some school boy. 700 French Treaty.— Observations upon the Treaty between the Crowns of Great Britein, France and Spain, concluded at Sev- Ule on the 9th of November, 1729. Post Svo, boards, rare, 8^25. London, 1<29. 701 Rare American Novci.— The Asylum, or Alonzo and Melissa, an American Tale, founded on Fact, by L Mitchell. Frontispiece. 2 vols., post Svo, pp. 264 and 278, original boards, 812 00 Poughkeepsie, loll. The above copy is not in the best possible condition. SiUl, it is com- plete, and the leaves being uncut, it would bind up all nght. Ihe original edition is of extreme rarity. It is not mentioned by either Lowndes, Duyckinck, or ADibone ; nor did Murphy have a copy. The fact of its being overlooked is perhaps "^"g '^ ,\fc« ^*''l°f f^J^t Ushed in a country town, where it doubtless fell still born from the pSs? Some one.lowever, reprinted it thirty or forty years ago under the title of " Alonzo and Melissa; by Daniel Jackson, Jr., and it im- mediately had a large circulation. Who I. Mitchell was or «jhe her I Mitchell and Paniel Jackson, Jr., were one and the same person, are questions that need to be investigated. The book attained sutfici- ent popularity to excuse some etforts being made to ny to the learning and labor of the geographer. The maps are finely colored by hand There are several maps on America, including a very cunous one of the country surrounding Hudson's Bay. 707 Red Kiver.— Hind's Narrative of the Canadian Red River Exploring Expedition of 1857, and of the Assiniboine and Sas- katchewan Exploring Expedition of 1858. With 20 fine colored p^tes and numerous wood engravings. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. ^•^•^^- London, 1860. Long out of print. 708 Lake Wlnnepeek— Keating's Narrative of an Expedi- hon to the source cf St. Peter's Lake (Lake Winnepeek) in 1823. J^rom the Notes by Say, Calhoun, etc. Map and plates. 2 vols. ml. 8 vo, boards, $6.50. London, 1825. «-??'^k!°^'"'^°* book is now becoming very scarce, and will shortly, no doubt, be unprocurable. 709 Hudson's Bay.— An account of Six Years' Residence in Hudson s Bay, from 1733 to 1736, and 1744 to 1747 ; containing a variety of facts tending to show the vast imporUnce of the countries about Hudson's Bay, by Jowph Robson. Maps and plans. Post 8vo, calf, $4.75. *^ LondonfmT 710 Iceland.— Travels in the Island of Iceland during the sum- mer of the year MD XCX., by Sir George S. Mackenzie. Finely ^j^^irated by highly colored engravings. 4to, brown morocco. $15.75. Second edition ; rare. Edinburgh, 711 Indian Portraits.- A series of Sixty splendid Portraits of eminent Indians, highly colored by hand, in imitation of the 250 ToTige Street. n original paintings prenerved at the Indian Department, Washing- ton : with biographical sketches and anecdotes, by Thomas L. McKenney and James Hall. 2 vols., royal folio, half calf, $30. Philadelphia, 1837. The above work embraceH about one-half of McKenney and Hall's costly aeries. The plates are large enough for framing nurposes, and are accurate and beautiful portraits of celebrated chiefs ; including Red Jacket, Little Crow, Black Hawk, Joseph Brant, John Brant, The Prophet, etc., etc., all colored with the greatest care *o faithfully represent their features and costumes. McKenney and h all's work, in its entirety, is one of the miwt costly and important ever produced on the American Indians. It is rarely, indeed, that a chance occurs to procure any of the beautiful portraits in this series. 712 Canadian Expedition.— State of Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons and verified by evidence ; with collection of authentic documents, and additions of many circumstances which were prevented fr jm appearing before the House of Parliament. Written and collected by Lieut. -Gen. Burgoyne, and dedicated to the oflficera he com- manded. Six maps. 8vo, pp. 311, boards, uncut, clean copy, $10.60. London, 1780. 713 War of 18I?J- — Letters on the late War between the United States and Great Britain, with other writings on the same subject, by William Cobbett 8vo, pp. 407, boards, uncut, fair copy, $2.25. New York, 1815. 714 Colonies —The Colonial Policy of Great Britain consid- ered with - Ution to her North American Provinces and West India Puss ions ; wherein the dangerous tendency of American Competition is developed, and the necessity of re-commencing the Colonial System on a vigorous and extensive scale exhibited and defended ; .ith plans for promotion of emigration, and stric- ture on the Treaty of Ghent, by a British Traveller. 12mo, pp. 260, $1.50. Scarce. Philadelphia, 1816. 715 Norttl America —History of North America, containing reviews of Customs and Manners of Original Inhabitants, first settlement of British Colonies, and their rise and progress from the earliest period to the time of their becoming united, free, and independent States ; with an appendix, by the Rev. Mr. Cooper. *16mo, boards, pp. 264, $2.25. Albany, 1815. 716 TeCUmsell.— Life of Tecumseh, and of his brother, The Prophet, with an historical sketch of Shawnee In iians, by Ben- jamin Drake. With illustrations. Post 8vo, cloth, $2.50. Rare. Cincinnati, 1856. •*. , . . out to Lianadians, Wii-»-o-iani-t3 wtti- ■.^■- mV" "s race, there remains the duty of perpetuating his memory. Inere is not in all ki>i3s. theE^: wi .1 Jf' ^I'^^f ""^" and Indian Settlements, the who!. »« «. Sd Russfa'sTs ^^^^"*^^'"^**^*' ^'J' G««rge Bickham. Sm. folio, T^. , *. London, 17 9. »nHll!*7?r.*u"*r^'*^^® ^ ^'^^ *° adequate account of thia curious 1«H.^ "''^"^ J'''^^. ^^^7 P"^* i« completely engraved throuXuT letter-press and all ,n an elegant manner, the full-pLe bird's eve S being e^pecmlly well-done. The illustrations are coSued thS^^^?l thJ Amencan section, and represent characteristic scenery aborSaelo! SSJ^r^Thi^vA ^^t ^""r"'^^' *he designing, a^' the e^ir>:i,i' known to u?!^ ^ ^""^ *' '^""^ '^"■^«' "^^'^ «"« »»her copy b- : ^ 722 The Rebellion-Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain : Life m the Camp and Field, by Benjamin F. Taylor. 8v^ cloth, * ' New York, 1872.' U^hlSMf *"^>^^' '*'*?/'*^^.«-^'g^'y Y^*^«' P^«gr««« of the cL^lnlth^^ Showing the various channels of industry and edu- BHtUh . ;"^^r^lf *^^ ^"^*"^ ^^*^«« P««Pl« ^a^« a"»en from a British colony to their present national importance, by eminent literary men. mth over 220 engravings. 2 vols., 8^0 $2.^0 _., _ -, New York, 1861. 724 Indians— American Tableau, No. 1 ; Sketnhp^ ..f AbnHcn. iial Lire, by Y. V. Vide. Post 8vo, cloth, fair copy, 75c." " New York, 1846. ^^ -3'=.""V*^e^*i 250 Yonge Street. 77 725 French Treaties— Memo- -s of the Marquis of Torcy, etary of State to LuuIb XIV., ooDtainins the History of the lAi ^otiations from the Treaty of Ryswick to the Peace of Utrecht, '.I unstated from the French. 2 vols., 8vo, calf, very rare, 92.60. London, 1757. ri'^' rhe Rebellion— The First Tear of the War, by Edward A. Pollard, coliected and improved ediiton. With steel portrait*. 3vo, cloth, scarce, $1.50. New York, 1803. The above is known as the Southern History of the War. 727 Washington and his Generals ; or, Legends of the Revo- lution, by George L.^pard, with a biographical sketch of the author, by 0. Chauncey, Burr. Svo, cloth, f 1. Philadelphia, 1847. Oriifinal edition. 728 New Jersey — The History of New Jersey, from its earliest settlement to the present time, edited by W. H. Carpen- ter and T. S. A.rthtir. Portrait on steel of Lewis Morrvi, and en- graved title page. Post Svo, cloth, $1. Philadelphia, 1853. 729 Kansas and Nebraska— The History, Geographical and Physic il Characteristics, and Political Position of those Ter- ritories, an account of the Emij/rant Aid Companies, and direc- tions to emigrants, by Edward E. Hale. Map. Post Svo, cloth, $1. Boston, 1854. 730 The Rebellion. — The Siege of Savannah, in December, 18G4, and the Confederate Operations in Georgia and the Thirp Military District of South Carolina during General Sherman's March from Atlanta to the Sea, by Charles C. Jones, jr. 8vo, uncut, $1.50. Albany, 1874. Privately printed for the author. 731 Florida —Wild Life in Florida, with a visit to Cuba, by F. French Townshend, B. A. With Ulustratiom. 8vo, cloth, $1.50. Scarce. London, 1876. 732 Jt^fferson {Tnomas).— Memoir C)rre3pondence, aad Mis- cellanies, from the Papt s of Thomas JeflFerson, edited by Thomaa Jefferson Randolph. Second edition, iv^i^h portrait. 4 vols., Svo, sheep, $2.7d. Boston, 1830. 733 Picturesque Canada —Our Country -. As it Was and As it Is — portrayed by the best writers and tista ; a panorama of Canadian History and Life from Jacqnes oartier's day. Edited by G. M. Grant, D,D. Hundreds of fine engravings uu iteel and wood. Royal 4to, in numbers, as issued, ^10. (Published at $21.60). Tor .nto. 1875-1879. The above work Ls by far the most expensive i.vcr issued fFom the Canadian press. 78 R. W, Douglas <£; Co., FEW SELECTED MISCELL4NEOUS BOOHS. RoussEAu;s Confessions. Translated from the French Com- plete m one volume with plates. London, 1883. Post 8vo nail morocco ' GliOHOE (Hekky). Progress and Poverty ': md luquirv into the cause of Industrial Depression., and of Incie^'^o Vv^t $4 00 2 25 90 coloured. London, 1878. With numerous plates, some Post Pvo 2 SouTHEsK (Eakl OF). Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains • a Diary and Narrative of Travel, Sport and Adventure Tr-' ing a journey through the Hudson's Bav Companv's Terr' sTclotr' .'': P;^^- -^SMaps. Edinburgh?ffi ?Sck El-Kor'an : or the Koran translated from theArabio ;' the Suria arranged m Chronological r^rder.. with Notes and ['ndex % J. M. Rodwell. London, 1870. 8vo, clotl; ^2 Chaldean Magic .; its Origin and Development ; translated from the French with considerable additions by 'the author, and w %:to^':. . .^^. ^r.^;!.!^r.-~ ^^^^-^ - Reconnoitring Central Asia: Pioneering Ad ventures "in the Region lying between Russia and India By Charles Mw- vin. London, 1885. Thick 8vo, cloth . . 2 Travels in THE Phillipines. By F. Jagor. With numerous Illu.t,ration8 and a Map. London, 1875. 8vo. cloth l 75 ^"""TpT ^ti? ^w ^^^""I North- WEST-The Field for in vest- Si A w?K^ ^^""^ i -^^^ Emigrant. By John Macoun, M.A. with maps and illustrations. London, 1883. Thick 8vo, cloth : the best work on Manitoba Pub. $5 00 . 2 60 In the Lena Delta. A Narrative of the Searoh fnr T ;-,h nl" mander DeLong and his Companions, followed by 50 2 50 50 2 25 50 uom- an Ac- 250 Ycmge Street. 79 count of the Greely Relief Expedition and a proposed Method of Reaching the North Pole. By Geoige \V. Melville. With Maps and Illustrations. London, J 885. Thick 8vo $2 25 Thk Secret Out: or, One Thousand Tricks in Drawing room Magic ; with an endless variety of entertaining experiments. Translated and edited by W. H. Cremer. Illustrated. Lon- don, no date. Post Svo., cloth 1 qq Nuttall's Standard Dictionary ; with 100,000 references, with pronunciations and etymologies, etc. New edition. London, 1886. Thick post Svo, half morocco 1 75 Same, cloth .'.,*.' 1 25 PiCTUBBs IN A Mirror. By W. Moy Thomas. London, 1883. Post Svo, cloth 1^5 Reid (Caitain Mayne). The Flag of Distress : A Story of the South Sea. London, 1885. Post Svo, cloth 1 25 Reid (Captain Mayne). The D. ath Shot ; A Story Retold. By Captain Mayne Reid. London, 1884. Post Svo, cloth . . 125 By Professor Pouchet. The Universe. Or, the Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little. A Sketch of Contrasts in Creation, and Marvels revealed and explained by Natural Science. By F. A. Pouchet, M.D. Illustrated by 273 En- gravings on wood. 9th Edition, liiedium Svo, cloth, elegant gilt edges 2 50 The object of this Work is to inspire and extend a taste for natural science. It ia not a learned treatise, but a simple study. The title adopted indicates that the author has gathered from creation at large, often contrasting the smallest of its productions with the mightiest. With Wolfe in Canada. Or, The winning of a Continent. By (J. -i. Henty, With 12 full-page illustrations by Gordon Browne. Crown Svo, cloth elegant, olivine edgec 2 00 In the present volume Mr. Henty has endeavoured to give the details of the principal events in the struggle between Britain and France for bupreraacy on the North Ameiican continent. The importance of this struggle caa scarcely be overrated, as on the issues of it