&^. i hin^W urges thiAi^wn^t him, but those who panvaM for Dr. Smythe or JSS'ES-"^?'^!.*^^",?"^'*?*' Protestant voters in his favor, arS^wid te ^ WOkhuig el89 than the iniquity of voting for a Papist : and Dr Smvth^ ■ iWi£>?rtlS'^*'' ^''""' *^""^^ '•'"^ ^ too^ndeCdbirforJi MrtH »2,rnrl!V'**"'^/f*/i. ?'"''y'' ^'''^^S ^"^"^ y^MiJtii up a Roman CatlioL Sn^; wt*^u^' ?««",^Ji*^'V »»d working for Protestant oandidatJiJ dLf!&n?5*V ^^''"u 9«n»«'^»tiye. I, it much that a Roman S^fcS von T^.M i^V K ^' ,'''V* " Pe""»«Jly eafc^emed and respected amo^^t &!?^P .k",'"?" ^ !^^.'*^ ^^ Protestant, notwithstanding his beSX Bom»n Catholic? Protestant as Kingston has always been f it wss^* repremited by • Roman Catholic belore Mr. Harty. I meanlh* th« T7lS[n^*»?T "' ''ho "presented Kingston in the' first Parliamen|/ k^ter the Wtn p* Upper and Lower Canada ; and Protestants got no ha *»• «.<»W»"wm. Af^er the lapse of half a pentury may not Protestai ILi S**r* J* 'f •'™^*'' «'''® * ^«™»" Oftjbholic a turn 1 Is any COn Hattv'Efn'?" i" Kingston objecting t« this, and giving the facf oi mrty Heing a Roman Catholic as a rpason for voting ajrainst hi«2 ? ^ A £SLl'S.^n— "',?•*'"«?' "^.^^ *^* ^' '« "«« •"^'^ an^4«mlt Many STatLf tw ? Kingston alwaya worked and voted for the great Conv • EnLthoL rn'^u" ^'^^T^}^ was always in alliance toS with the Roman Oathohcs of Quebec, and had at one time, and perhaps had alwavs W TX^ ""^ *^^ great majotity of the Roman Catholics of '^^Ontorio TSd JnH-nli*''f -upport ofRoman (5atholios he would not have b«en able to ^L^ff /h 'i* ''Y f K^" '""^ "^^'^ "^«- «« **» »««= o»ly supported by G^r«rS^nf A *""' ^\*?.? *Vy" ~"»«<'i»<«d with Roman Catholics in thl Government, and even held ofRoe under Roman Catholic premiers He ^S"* T r*V"^**J*^u ?»^'«' (afterwards Sir George CarTilr7'; then ^nol.rg^N^^^^^^ Tache> and then und^r s^S anothtr, Sir Narcisse Belleau. So, the first premier that he himself chose lv«?S*r ^ff "" ^"r ,^**^*'°"«' M^- J- S»"dfi«W Macdonald aid' iha^ ever thitgentlqmans faults may have been, any undue leaning to his co- K« ;i. 7? Roman Catholic gentleman was practically chosen fc.r premier by th» Oonservatives of the Parliament of Canada, and he was one of thi t^l W'?"'*''?-'"™-*^'!^^***^'^^ ^«1^ ^«««- in view oPsuch Vet. ij theit, no Conservative m Kingston can honestly use the religious obiection rfttef «***" °' *^%^*f .?'^""^" ^^'^''^''^ •" Kingston. norCnSst.™ of t^SS^r'"' ^'■"''"-' '"^J*"* *" '^"^ ratification of theXoto« MnitThOTr^f '^''- Jl*^^' ',* K"**'"''^^''y to know that the mcst sensitive or- ex9Jt«bIe Protestant has no fault to find with him porsonally He is esteemed and respected by you all He has mingled all his li^fe with Protestlnts.t b«^^ SS.i^S1^' "^.P^J'^""' rf •" every public movement. An eamert Roman Catholic, atUohed and faithful to hi. church, ho has never madi htel H r ""J***^ recount t., those of a different religious faiUiTC hjiown He has shown himself, in his intercourse with others and in iS the relation, of hfe, to be a broad-minded, independent man. an" hi aw JjL S!Jha^L~.*fT' '^'P^^^-y-i.^onfi^lenceof'the lUestant. as Tell aY 5omS 0»y di<« of K ingston He »s m > word the last man a.T*i""t whon, th» "t^ Fi>jiBi> wy ihould be itiied h«K, except a. it mi^^aiMf aga^nS^^^ 0:V w-