• ^\ I 1 1 u ^ \y ■i FRSE SEATS IN OM CHnKCHBS. i ,S n H A SERMON PREACHED IN THE Jj i| Ckrcb of ^. lames t^c Jpostlr, OH \\ SUNDAY, JANUARY ir», 1870. ;; ■ i; * i: PUBLISHED BY REQUEST- r •I ) lace of worship. Tiie Church Avas allowing the masses to fall away into practical heathenism. In former days persecution only nerved her energies ; mar- tyrdom could not extinguish her ; but what neither could do, exclusiveness was well nigh effecting — she nearly died of respectal>ility. Of course, during this period of abuse, we look in vain for missionary cttbrt. The heart was paralyzed, and so the extremities were not warmed into activity. Charity had not begun at home, and so was not to bo expected abroad. The sarcasm Avas almost literally true, " the Church of England was as local an institution as the Court of Common Pleas." In that great revival of j)ractical religion, that began about thirty years ago, it became evident to the load- ing actors in the movement, that those hindrances which prevented the masses from worshipj»ing must be removed. 9 The evil was traced to its true source, and accordingly, never did Puritans labour more zealously to break down with axes and hammers tlic carved work of our Sanctuaries, tlian did Churchmen to level the deformities that disfigured and emptied our Churches. The truth flashed on carnest-miudcd men, that they were bound as Christians " to look not on their own things, -but also on those of others." They dis- covered that the uneducated and poor members of the Church have yet a strong vein of common sense, which they arc not slow to use Avhen they can expose the absurdities of their l)ettcrs. The mechanic and labouring man might sec selfish monopolizers of more room in God's House than they needed, giving their money to circulate the Bible, and thus circula- ting their own condemnation. They read of Ilim, who once " made a scourge of small cords," and who has granted a dispensation to no one for making " His Father's House a house of merchandize." Churchmen woke up to see all thisj and the result is that they came to the conclusion that the act of consecration gave the Church to God and not to pew- owners, and that a joint proprietorship with Him was not only blasphemous in tlieory, but ruinous in policy. Hence, the wonder-working spirit of Church-building, now so prevalent. Hence, the establishment of a society for promoting freedom of worship, and restoring the Church to the people ; and hence, blessed bo God, that catholic spirit of sympathy for the [)Oor at home, and the spiritually destitute abroad, so that the Church is now a witness, and a faithful one, to the truths of the Gospel in India and in Africa, and to the uttermost parts of the earth. And now, brethren, what is our immediate concern with this subject ? It is this : since experience has proved that a fatal defect has been found and a remedy ap})Iied iu the Church at home, let us be wise in time, and allow the light to beam upon our own path. In proportion to our population, the abuse of the pew system has been as destructive to the 10 best interests of the Churcli in Canada, as it has been in England. Let me tell you the case of many an immigrant Churchman from the Old Country. He lands in Canada, and feels, perhaps, on landing, a greater love for the Church than he ever felt before, because he fears that he has been severed from her ministrations. He seeks for the House of God, and instead of meeting with a welcome, and a seat, and a kind look, he too often finds discouragement and a frown. He feels that he is an intruder ; he meets with the bye-word, im- mortalized by S. James, " Stand thou there," and he goes away sorrowful, and never returns. Thousands have aban- done«l our communion, not because they disbelieved our doctrines or disliked our ritual, but because they found no sympathy where they had a right to expect it. Their defec- tion is directly traceable to the freezing effect of the pew system. And who is to blame ? The Clergy, it will be said ; perhaps so, because they did not labour for the true remedy, but the main fault rests with the laity. The Clergy will in vain expostulate with the profaner of the Lord's day, or invite the absentee to the Lord's House. They are met with the reply, where shall we sit ? We do not wish to be eyed as intruders, or frowned upon as interlopers. We may avail ourselves of a friend's invitation once or twice, but we cannot permanently occupy his pew. There are a large number of us, young men, unmarried, and we cannot afford to pay pew rent, and if we could it is absurd to appropriate a pew to an individual. To such language, and much more like it, a faithful minister has no reply ; his mouth is shut, and he returns home sad to find that his labours must be considered as thrown away. His Church is as full as it ever can hope to be, that. is, it is half empty. Every pew is taken, more apparently for the purpose of keeping people out than inducing them to come in, and thus the maximum of success is attained, and measured more by the renting than the filling of the pews. What, then, is the remedy ? Why, of course. 11 such services as the present. If we cannot have Free Clinrches let us have the next best thmg, free services once on Sunday. Until God puts it into the heart of the wealthy to 1)uild free churches, and so become benefactors of their race, let us utilize the churches we have by holding free services in ad- dition to the conventional ones. It will entail more work upon the clergy, but in these days when all work is done at high pressure, let not the children of light bo less wise in their generation than the children of this world. Agitate the question whether the mighty may not consent to -' be put down from their seats " once each Lord's Day, and allow " them of low degree to be exalLod." Even if pew-owners attend such services they will find by experience that habitual attendants will not be much incommoded by such freedom of worship. There will be the same courtesy in the Church, it is to be hoped, which is found in the concert- room, or drawing-room. The great point gained will lie that instead of the assertion of exclusive rights, and hindrances to attendance on God's worship, we shall extend a welcome to all, and thus deprive absentees of all excuse. There will be no loss in revenue, and there will be great gain in popu- larity. Many will come to church from curiosity, but some of them coming to scoff, may remain to pray. Oh, I know not a more melancholy exhibit of strong delusion stujiifying the faculties of Churchmen than was presented to view in theatres crowded with worshippers in the neighbourhood of empty Churches — the one was ./Vrf, the other was larred. Theatres and concert-rooms taught Cathedrals their duty, and who, that has long witnessed the effect of free services in those grand buildings, could imagine that the same service he was enjoying had proved for ages unattractive, if not repul- sive, till the talisman of ivi'lconw sanctified the services, and filled to over-flowing the Temples of the Lord. Can we, brethren, hope for similar fruits ? I know not, but it is our duty to test the matter. I am (|uito ctmtent to be considered 12 an cntliusiast, because no one ever accomplished much for either man's good or God's honour, who did not feel strongly, and no one ever felt strongly v.itliout being an enthusiast ; and my heart and conscience persuade mc to believe that so long as a property qualification is retjuired from Church worshippers, it will be in vain to attempt to quicken the brotherhood feeling in the Church, to give anything like a true expression to Church-membership, or to exhibit the beauties of common prayer. A property qualification may suit a House of Commons, but not the House of God. Let public worship, then, bo open to the public once at least on Sunday. Let us see the clfect of forgetting in God's House the petty distinctions of time and earth. They are right in their place, but the Church is a great leveller. She deals with the soul, and as all are immortal, all arc alike. Li the Church, rich and poor should meet together, God is the maker of them all ; in the church-yard they must lie together, God will be the judge of all. Study your obligations, then, brethren, in the full light of Scripture, and uncontradicted experience, so that "the word of God may have free course and be glorified." Consider that isolation is no characteristic of that heart which is daily renewed by the Holy Sfiirit ; such a heart em1)races all for whom Christ died ; its motive power is love to all men for Christ's sake. The Christian, Avho, in the earthly temple, would prefer to worship alone when he might induce others to accompany him, is like one who w'ould Avish to go to Heaven alone, but such shall never go there. It is inconceivable that it would have gratified them that asked the (piestion : "Arc there few that be saved ? " if our Lord had replied in the afiirmative, and blessed be God, the glimpse we have got of Heaven, gives us reason to hope that the number of the redeemed will be innumerable, a host that no man can number. " In the House not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens," we shall for ever enjoy that Communion of Saints for which the Church is now 13 educating hor faithful members ; then let our life and conduct illustrate the aspirations of the man after God's own heart, whose most exalted idea of friendship was " walking in the House of God, as friends ;" whose enjoyment of holy worship was increased by its being shared by others ; whose psalms are both an expression of praise and an affectionate invitation to all to unite with'him in the happy service of the sanctuary. Strive to realize the po^Ycr of united hearty worship, to kindle devotion, to quicken our aspirations, and to enlarge our sympathies. There is a depth of affection unknown to the world springing from common prayer to our common Lord. Never is the wound caused by the removal of a loved mem- ber of a family so painfully re-opened as when we revisit the place where we knelt together and poured forth our united supplications ; but such grief has the truest of all consola- tions, for, , , The Saints on earth, and tliosc above But one communion make, Joined to their Lord in bonds of love, All of His grace partake. One family we dwell in Him One Church above, beneath, Tho' now divided by the stream, The narrow stream of death. Assimilate, then, your earthly worship to that celestial em- ployment which wUl be ours for ever, in proportion as we realize here on earth the Communion of Saints, and prepare ourselves for the society of the just, made perfect, by doing good unto all men, but specially to them that are of the household of faith— lovhig your fellow-meu for Christ's sake. AMEN.