•fc, w. v^. - "O- w. e^v^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ///// / s V^^^f 1.0 I.I IIIIIM lif 1^ 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ■* 6" ► ,%. * V] /. V O-^M /A fliotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 « \ V ^4cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ii7 eb*^ THE RAFTS CASES. »■« .•> BIBLIOTHEgUE I)K M.LABBE VERREAU ,]^o. __ Clas.se Jyvisf'ofi Ser/'e f / THE RAFTS CASES. Four ciiscs ul' coii.-^iduiablc! impuitaiico to tlio luiiibcriucii immI to tlie ripanan propriotors nlow^ tlic St. Lawroneo and tlm Ottawa Rivers have jii-t Itr.n diciili-d )>y tlic FTarbonr rmii- inissioner.s ot Montreal. The statute of the hite Province of Canada, 12 Vict. c. IIT, sect. 7, declares that three members of the Trinity Ilou.se of Montreal sliall have jurisdiction "to hear and determine all ^•matters and things rclatuig to anc or other prominent place on the " raft, so a«! to be easily di^coriiibl(\ under a penalty not exceed- in,:^' ten pniii|(l . ;■(•;. lint lli: uwncr, m.i.ster oi )irv,('ii in diargc llu.'RMir." 8i,rtinii S (,)■ j;\ lau,-: 111' I Mil) ; — •• That all aii'l (Virv the iter- .■•OU or lirr-ulii who ah-ill ( ili'uinfjcr the imrijalih jmrt oj tin h'l'id- Sf. Lnrrrnn. (lie W'wcY Uichclicii, the Jlivcr Yaujafcka, tho }> i.<.s.ii:t' falltil tin' Doro, llio CMkuhuI dii M(Hiio, or oth< r ii'in'tjiihii' iritf, J- ir'iiltiii ilic fliiii/s tif llii jnrisihidvii. <>/ '/"- Tn'in'/i/ /fni'sc !>/ Mniitnal, or any oi' the lnrb(»urs, erocks, in- lets "//'/ liid.rlnti ii-it/iin (III s till limifti, III- ill iiuij fill/ ithsiniil till u'liijnfiiju /Itcirn/, witli stoiics, lillh, riil,»bi>li, timber, lo.^s, ^■ll:^rs, I'liJ'ts (if cn'hs, wrecks ul' .steamers or other vessels, shall incur a poiialty iw»t ixeceilini; ten pounds I'or eacli and cviry ortonee, and a I'lirther like jieiialty, for nodccting or rel'iisini^' to remove or e iu>e to bo removed any sueli ineumbrjiuces or obstructions within ti'u days al'ter bein<; ae(|Uircd so to do by the ll(\i:,istrar or otlur (jUleer iu tlic sorviee or cmpUiyiucnt oi' tlio Trinity House oi' Montreal, and u lurther like penalty Ibi- every subsequent ten days sueh ineumbrautjos or obstructious shall not be removed/' iSoctiou 5 of the Hiatule oi' l.SIJl. — -'The Trinity House oi' Montreal shall have powui', ai'ler the expiration of ten days from the time at which any timber, logs, spars, rajh or trlhf. wrecks of steamers or other vessels, or the cargoes of such steamers or other vessels, or oilier drscripllon of ohstructhni wkalsocccr, ni'ii/ he placed or olJicricitiC lutjipcit to be in tin iiacigable part of the Jiurr St. Laicrencc, or in any other pail of the rivers or waters generally, or on ani/ of the hcaehcf. shores or wharves, within the limits of the jurisdiction of the s;tid Trinity House of Montreal, to remove, or cause to he removed, such timber, log«, spars, rafts or erihs, wrecks of steamers or other vessels, or cargoes of such steamers or vessel--, or other description of obstruction as aforesaid, either by rais- ing or blowing up the same, or in such other manner as the said Trinity House of Montreal may deem advisable, and to sell, in such manner as the said Trinity House of Montreal ni ly think propei-. sueh porrion of such timber, logs, spars, rafts or cribs, wrecks oi' sie:iiners or other vessels, or cargoes of such steamers or vesseN, or other deseri)ption of obstruction a> aforesaid, as m ly nof li;; entirely de.-troyed in the removal thereof as aforesaid, and uj apply the proceed., of i.ueh ::ile l.i wards dt- flay in '2 the (Sprunv; ^\]|^ 1| lUe '.lid Trinity [I'iii' MM}' iiKMir MP cnu.'*; tn lir iiirnrrril in jiii'l abmit tlie n luoval of " t^ucli ttb^trui'tiiii Not I IIIIL IS as aioresaii lli'l'l'lll (•(iilt:illM lull III aiiv w.iv a flee t III fni/jl/lfi/ iij ilnij Jii fsnii nr jii'i'Siiiis ir/,r, ■i/in// cinil III/)' f till' Sill'f/ '• inirnjilhli III- (if/ff iri/ifs. nr H i,j/ "/' //n Sd u/ /» ulii s, slwn.H III' '' ii'h'irriKy Jiir nm/ jhhhIiii i,r ininil/iis nciuii'iililr luii/n' mii/ '■ lii/-l'nrs. nnl.Ts. niK's aiiJ fcmiktiuus ufilio said Trinity lloiiso '• of 3Iuiitrt;:il. wliicli ]\v\\ presently or at any time lifrcal'trr Ixi '• in force." The thinl eisi,- rest> ii|inii the a|iiilicatii)ii of secli(.iii "J, art, lil, sect. .') ami s-'et. S uf the Statute ol' Canada, IJlst \'ut. v.. .'jS, lS(i8; '' AilT. 21. — Ivij'la wliili' drifliii;^ nr nt nur/inr nn mn/ inirlii- '• iihli ir>ifrr sliiill h'li-r ii hrlijlit jii< l,-ij,t /iiiriiiiHj t/ii rioih j'runi '•Kiuisil til sinin'si ; \vh.;iu;ver any imI'i is liuin^' in the same '• dil'octidii as another wliieli is ahead, the one sliall not he so " iiaviviated as to coniL' within twentv vurds ol' the other; and '' every vessel ni'eliii!:' or overtaking a ral't shall kee[» out of the •• \va^- thereol'." '• ,).— ■ A/I iin'iii I's, iinsfi rs^ unJ jinr.-Kins in I'h-irijr "j'onil ship, '• vessel or I'd/l, ah'ill nhi ij ihc ral'js pnsrn'luii />i/ /Ills Arf, and '' shall not carry and exhibit anv other li-jlits nor use anv other '• i'og signals than such as are rcijuired by the said rules; and in Clue of n'llj'nl ih'j'ii tilt siirh ninstn- or inrsmi in rli'U'fji-. nr smii owner, if it iijipi'irs f/i if In was infm/t. sli ill. /'or iinli orr"x- ion in nliiili iiinj nfthr smd rules is infrimjid. inriir n pi nnl/i/ not e.rirriliiiij tiro httndi'td (lol/iirs nor l< ss tli ■innti/ dollars.' '• S. — Except as hert'inbefore provided, all p. salties incurred under this Act, nviy be recovered in the name of Iler Majesty, by any Inspjctor of Steamboats, or Iiy any party augrieved by tiny act, neglect, or wilful omission by wliieh the penalty is in- curred, before any two Justices of i he Peace', on the evidence of one credible witness; and in drf.iult of p lyment of such pnKilt\% such .rustices may eomiiiit the olVnider to ga(d ibr any ■period not exeeediiii:' three months: and. e.\eept as liereinaiti*r • provided, all penalties recovered under this Act shall be paid • over to the l{eceiver treiicial. and shall be by him plac 'd al the credit, and shall i'orm part of •• Tho Steamboat Tnspec- ■ tloii l'\i:id ; ' e\i-'pt aUv;iy>. that all pma/liis inrnrrid for on'i ■ ili-r oiiiiit.^l this Art sJidl, if snch oj/'iin'r in- fOiilJll' lUd iritliiii /// / '/ ,■ lii- " illition tin oji'mir l.s rniinniU'il.' Mr. (jiruiutril on brliuH'ol' tlir prusiciilioii .•iiiid; — If the raft ill nuc'stidii irt liL'lrr.>io/(.s' irlin nlmll cncumJirr the voLUjaUc part of the, liiver St. Lniifcnri' .... or ain/ of thclcachca, etc., ahAX incur a penalty, etc. The statute of 18-10, creating the Trinity llo ise of Montreal, also declares that they shall have jurisdic- tion to hear all ninftcrs and thlncjH coni'.ectcd with the beach of the River St. Lawrence or of any other navigable river as far as the Provincial line. 1'lie point at issue is, therefore, what con- stitutes an obstruction or encumbrance of a portion of a navig- able river or of its banks ; in other words, what use may be made ol' said river and beach by the j^ublic and riparian propiietors. It is an utidenial)le fact that lor the last fifteen or twenty years lumber merchants, notwithsta)iding tin; protests of tlie adjoining residents, h.ave been in the habit of mooring their raits for months and months along and on the bt^'ieh of the Kiver St. Lawrence, from Lachiuc to St. Anns and upwaids, in some eases seriously obstructing the navigation of tli<' river, in some others using the trees ol' the banks, even dejniving the inhabi- tants of the use of the water for household purposes, exposing ihe life of children to const. int d.niger and being in all instances a common and public nuisance. The object of the present [Moseeutinii is to determine whetlu'r these gentl(>men have the ri'j,lit tes Coiirs d'eaux. No. 71; (iarnier, ami Its si Keginie il In iCii';lanil. tin eaiix, (iS. ...verei'vii has aKo llie dominion over public r,:nl :< n- •fix- raft the ouy; red o a III*; n.ivi-iil.lc wMt. Is, liitt niil_y a,> far a:^ the Ilnwiri;^ aii. li;{, L't ; Aiij:('ll on WatricMiurscs. >j .'>.'!,■). >5.")ir>. Tins rule li cnnini'Wi l.iu \\i> \tn\\ iTcoL;niz(.'roprietors., being owners of the stream, would also own the sliore which is a mere aeeesstiry oi" the river. " The banks of rivers," says Wtiolryeh. j). -II. •■ ti>gi'tlier with the frees belong to the owner of the soil adjoining."' Callis, on vSewers, pp. 73, 115. What eonstituti's the liaiik of a navigable river is a piilnt npnn which commentntorB do not agree. Aecordin?: to the bert .! ,ih'i] Itii'-^^ I'l! FiTMice 1 divi'inn Tnii-t lie drn?:n "hetvrccn Irlcli u iiii'l Imu \\.ii' inr'ti'ii ii.iir I till h.iiiK i>ii^|H I fl' tlif ii\rr and ImImmu- Io iIw Ciowii, aii, II, <;,niiicr, vol. I. Xn. 7:1. lOU: vol. 2, No. 177; ain't do UuiU'ii, Ul .Lr. 1S12, S. l.'}, 2, I0!»; Pavi.'l, vol. 1. No. UI ; Isanilieit, Do la Voiiio, No. 127. It is luiiinport lilt to tlio di'tcrniitiation o|' thi> c.i^^o toexaiuino at any lonirtli this (jUi>>tiiiii ol' j)i(t)irirtor>liip of iiavii^aljlo rivi'is and of their bank". JJolh tho Kiiglish and tlic Frcnoh law have iiraily tho sanio loyiiLitinns cnncerniin.' flio iiso that can be made of thoso thing.**. Woolrioh, p. K', says; "Waters flnwin;^' in l.ind whore the '■jiubiic liavt' been usrd to exorcise a free riyht of passage '• from time uhoroof tin; memory of man is not to the oontrnry, "or ])y Nirtiio of l(>.;isl;ilive enact monts, are pnblie navigable " rivers."' By use and by legislative onactment.s tho Hiver St. Lawrence is a public navigable river, and it is immaterial whether the channel, which i.s entirely or partly filled up by the rafts, in used f«)r steamboat or heavy transport:ition, or only barges and boats. Navigable rivers, says again Woolryoh, p. 1, are cmisidercd in l.iw as " highways. " Kvon at common law any oncroaohment upon a public stream was considered to be jturpresture, that is to siy, the making of that several and private which ought to bo common to all. Woolryeli, 10(!, IDD, 2r>7. Tlie pnblie, paid Lord Chief Justice Abliott, has a right to all the <'nn\ fiiionce of the former statt' of the river. Jii.r v. Lord (irasroior, 2 Stark 511. Ttisnoexfuseth.it the obstruction is beneficial to the iniblic. Woolrycli 2ns. A floitiie/ dfick in ;i I'lililic river is a imi^anee, altlinii'jh liciuHci.-il f'nr repairing ships. . Id. 2()0. To I'oiislniet ;ind iiMHir a Uniting slurchoiise nr vessel, lor the receiv- ing and di'li\('i'y ol'goods. is an tilVi'iico indictiblo as a public niiisaiiee. Aiigell. v^ "j,")!!. There is no common law right to bathe in a liver. NVooiiyeh, p. 2, (J ot se(|. ; lUniuhJl v. Catfc- i-'ill. .') I!. ,\: A. 2il>^. No right exists at common law to tow on tlie |i ink< nl'navig.ible rivers ; it depends on usage ; Ball v. Ila- hrr>. :; T. 1!. 2i;i ; h'inlnrh v. Xrrllr, G M. i^ W. 794; Wool- rycli, i>, Itil; Angell, § ')7)\. (The French and Canadian law is ditVereiit in this respect.) The Diotiruig of barges in an Incoii- iriiitiif iirnniir has boon deemed an obstructi on. Wool rvcii, 2U(I, 20[; A'.A,v V. Miks; t M. .^ S. 101. No length of tini< 7 ^mII l<';;iliiii.i(r. ,i |.ii)ili.' mii. .Hm <•, m» tlmt tin' afijuii-M'^icCi'itr fwcnJy yoai-s will rml divt^l tlii> v'\<^]\\< nf dir |Mililir, \\'o|»oju\s (lint, ill corhiiii I'li-rs (lie ob.-tiiK lidii niii) bo iciiiuvotl without any jiKlit'iiil pidci -^. In a ca.-e of ll//((/ v, Tltii::lil tit'ypass for (nitliii;_'a ropo bekn^iiij; to his har^v, l>y which the lopp was .-puiliil atul tht- bargo sot adi'il't. The dofoiulaiit iTpliod that lie was pn,ssc^'SlHl (•(" ii whiirrtind that the rope was injuriously fastcuod \\iih(»ut hi.s leave. He was condeniuod, but only bocausc it was provod that " the cujtom ol' " moorin;:; barges at low watm* Ufov uiuj title at the piU's in the " front ol" the wharf, and If there (tir no pihs, tin lusloni ihus " not olloir till' liin'ij''s to moor at llni vhurf, nnlrxs tlnrinih ilis- "/rm." Woolrych, 201. In AnnuhJl v. McCulliuh, the de- fondant out down and removed a bridi^o built over n publie river without authority from the Govornnient, and the Court declared it to be clear " that when ani/ pnUir inii/ Ik unhinfolhj ,iostntctci(, "any individuid who has occasion to use it in a lawful way, may " roinove the dbstructioii." 10 Mass. 70; Mni/or of Cohhcstu- V. Hrooh; 7 A. & E. (X.S.) :!:'.!>. S.e also Dlnus v. Pithj/. VJ li. J. Q. B. 4.'..']; Woolrych, p. ID!*. 2(lO, note a ; Jhnt w.Vni/or of Allan I/, I) Wend, 071. The regulations of the l-nj:lisli law arc plain ( iiouyli ; iho.-'e of the French la^y, which are in fnice here, are not less explicit. Article GIO of the Code Napoknu says : " Lcs servitudes ^tnblics " par la hii out pour nbjet rutilite publir|ue on comiuunale "oil I'utiiite des particulicrs," Articled')!) " Celles ^tublies " pour I'utilite publiquc on cnnuiiunale nnt pour objet le raarcJie •' pied le Ion;:; des rivieres iiavi '•' et aux pecbeurs. Ccux ci mCnie ne peuvcnt s'en servir (|ne ••■ pour trainer leurs filets, non j^oui' les secher cf hs dejtosir." Daviel, vol. 1, p. 80, No. 7G. In Louisiana, vbero tlic same principles prevail, it lias be< it decided that any work or ('>tablisbmpnt Avbieh obstructs the I'k '■ use of roads and banks of a river, is a nuisance, and may be al)ated by tbt^ police anliH.) iti.s d' lln' j.jaee. or jxrliaps even a private indlviduiil. Ilim' ,>ni, v.Jhn/nr, '.', L. add ; iV■ ;(l-o Jf,nisn;t v, LSli( itjiiid y. MitjiitHiji Xu. Thirr, G E. o4[). Sfc .■iiM) M flat V, Cn-'inl 1 A. :i(> ; Carrnl/fuu A'. C'>. v. Wliilhi»j> r> A. nc. 'rill' liiiubi r iin TL-liiiiits liiiM' pliu'l'd lli.il tlicy liavc no utlivr |il;uc \vluit' tlicy t-au iiioor tli(.'ir raits. I ilu nut kuow tluit ^ucli i.s the ( a.-i; ; in lact it litis been proved that thoy coukl be luoorcil ill (Iriiiidi J//.vr or /.v/r 1*1 ii'oL without any iueonvenienec to tlie jiiiblie; but it is alleged thit thefc phices arc out of the way. W'liMtevrr tliis iu:iy be, the plea o[' the defendants cannot be a iioiid answer to the eoniplaints made. The law is precise and must be respeeted. Lunibcrnicn, like other boatmen, should buy or le;ise the necessiiiy i^round to re(!eivc their goods. If the < •uveinment does not 'live them publie booms, they ought to eon- ^t!•llL•t I'vivate ui.'tc, as is done uear Quebec, and ask permis- . \i>u i'vum ilir prnprr authorities to keep their rafts in moorage alung their own banks. No more than ordinary importers, have they a right t;) trespass on the property of their neiglibours or I'C the pulilie. ;nid exjicct that others should provide them with ilie pri>[)er storagi'. If the 1>ay at Tpper Laeliine is the only rnW: phicc where rails ean be nmored, they tmglit to buy I hi; priipi'ily adjniniiig. No one lias the right to Ibreibly lake the land of his neighbour and earry on his trade there, liecause it is tin? most suitable, AVhat w(ndd one of the honor- able cimmissioncrs do if one morning he was finding a herd of e. it tie fastened on to his trees along the land publie highway ? I vents, if vn one can abate a nuisance on a piil)]ie highway without the inter- I'lvention of courts ol' ju>tice. that intervention ought to be reailily granteil in lavour orciti/ins wiio merely demand justice, 1 lie pcacealtle and full eiijoymeiil mI'iIicIi- pi-o|ieiiv and liuhts and I In' enforcement of llu^ laws of the cormtiv. Mr. (JarttM-, in reply, ;irgued that the r;il'l, lia\iiig arrived at ii-.' de tin.Ttioii, there w.is no longer :,nv uece.'.'^lty for nny light 1/ 'iiC: shown or the nnme of the owiei l-elici alfised to fhecibin. liny l)».:liii;; i)\\\y iiijuui.'l wliilo tli'.' ral't i« ill traubit. ^^ illi n:- '-:iru ;iml defence, and having deli])erateil. and eonsidei'ln;.'. tli.it all or every the ])ei'son or persons wlio sh;il] encnmber the naviL'able part tif the jtiver 8t Lawrcnc(^ or the navigable wattM's within the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Harbour (.'ommi.s.^iniu'rs of ."Nfontrcd, or any ot the harbours, creeks, inlets and lieaches within the said limits, or in any way obstruct till" navigation therenf with slmies, filth, rubbish or cribs, wrecks of ste.'imeis or oilier vessids, sh;ill incur a penalty not exceeding L'Ht Cor lacli and every oflence, ;uid a I'lirtlier like penalty ior neglect iiig or rel'u.-iiig to remove or c.iu-e to bo re- moved any smdi eiiciiiiilu'aiice.s or ob.-truction, within ten days after being legally notiil(d so to do, and a further like penalty l(ir every ten days such encumbrances shall not \w removed : ami also considering that it h.ith bc( ii s.itisfactorily jiroveii l)er(ire u< that nt the timeortlie l;i\iii'.>' id' the iurnruialinn in (his m.itter Code viL'ilblo •liorc, If^, nnd i*tituto 'C flH> riUiic 11 ;iiii| (iT'l) iiiiuicisiuli ul'llnj oIlVlM.'c lln li ill jiUc;;;'"!, llir .'.ild <1'- rriidants, ,hn fJritT and IJruck (Jricr. wric tlio owners «{' a cortain rail, wliich ruft obstructod a navij:ablo part uf tlic Puvcr St Lawrence in the upper part uC llii' Parit^li ui' Jiacliiuc, witliin the jnri.^diotion of tlic Cnrpoiatiuii oi' tiie llarbuur ConiiniH^ioners of Montreal, which said r.d't has, as has Ijeen proven before up, ob. struoted the inside channel of navijiation on that part of said liver hereinbefore described, and also prevented access to the bench of said river b}' the proprietors thereof, and by said raft lying partly in the navigable part of said river, and also on its beach and on that part of it hereinbefore described, the said de. iVndants are by us adjudged and condemned to pay for their said oft'ence a fine of $20 to the said Harbour Coniniissionersj together with the costs of the present prosecution, and it is by us further ordered and adjudged that tlie said defendants, John (irier and Iirock Gricr, be forthwith required by the Secretary- Treasurer of this Corporation or some other of its officers in that behall' duly authorized, to notify the defendants to remove or cause to be removed the obstruction and incumbrance complained of in and by the said information, and further, that if said removiil of said obstruction be not eft'ected in 10 days after being required ,>-o to do, then it is by us further ordered and adjudged that saiil defendants be condonuicd to pay to the Corporation of Ifarltour Commissioners of Montreal a further penalty of jLT) for every subseqiient 10 days the said obstruction and incumbrance sliall not be removed after said notification ; and also considering that the other defendant, W. Murphy, is not liable in manner and form as set forth in said information, the present complaint, in so far as it afieots him, is hereby dismissed without eosts. John Yotnu, Chairman. Andrew Ari.w. A, Kov, Alkxis BiU'NKT, complainant, rx. J.vo. (iHii:n, it nl., de- i'endants. — The undersigned, three ( f the Harbour Commissioners ol' Montreal, having heard the complaint of the said Alexis Brunei against the said deiendants. asset forth in his information in the matter fyled, and having also heard the several witnesses who were duly sworn and examined by and before us touching the eharsie and accusation contained in the said information, and the arnumont of counsel on behalf of the prosecution anil dofeneo, .ind 12 liavhig maturely dolibcrutiMl, aud coubklciiiig that under the law owners or porsoiis in charge of rafts witliin the jurisdiction of (lie corporation of said Harbour Coniuiissioncrs are not oblig(!d (o keep a l)riglit tiro or any lire burning tlioroon from .«unset to sunrise, unless said rafts are drifting or at anchor on any navig- able water, and considering also that the prosecutor has I'ailed to establish the material allegations of his informatioD, to wit: That the raft complained of was, while drifting or anchored on any navigable river, without a bright light burning thereon ; and also considering that it hath been satisfactorily proven before us tliat said raft was not at time of the laying of said information or of the et)mmissiou of the ollenco therein alleged drifting or anchored on any na\ iguble water which imposed upon the said defendants the obligitiou of keeping a bright fire burning thereon from sunset to sunrise, or any fire, but. on the contrary was anchored to a beaidi in the parish of Lachine, within the juris- diction of said corporation and at a {dice which exempted defen- dants IVom tbe oliligation of keeping a fire on said raft. It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the ecnnplaint and informa- tion of the said Alexis I'onret be, and the same is hereby dismissed witli costs, .loiIN YoLNC. A. Allan. A. Roy. Pierre IOtienne Normandeai', informant and prosecutor. rs. John Grier cf al, defendants. — The undersigned, throe of the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, having hoard the coni- ]ilaint of said informant and prosecutor against the said deCen dantSj as set forth in the information of said Pierre Etienne NOr- mandeau in this matter, produced and fyled, and having .■il>o hoard the several witnesses jiroduced upon the trial of said eau'-c, and who were duly sworn and examined before us touching tlH> charge and accusation contained in the said information, and having heard the arguments on behalf of the prosecutor and de. fendants, and having maluicly deliberated, con^sidcring that by law all rafts navigating tin' waters witliin the limits of the jiiri-- dietion of llie ('orporation u[' the ITarbiMii (.'omniissiiinev- "f .Montreal, sli.ill Iirivo the numo of the ouru r. or owrnis Hm in.t'. legibly palntvd ni lettovri not le.^.?i than eiglitecn inelir lnn ■ ..,i both f-idop of a board, not lops than five foot In hoi-luli. lu i, • lu li.\chic(; on the laltj no a^ tu be easily <.li.-- CLTuiblo, under a peually nut (.x'ecilin^i; ten jtounds against tin' nwner, master or jm rsuu in cliarL^e tlicreui'; and, considering that at tlie time of the hiyini;; ul' the inrnnualiun iu tliis matter, and of tlio comnussiun of the ofteneo therein alleged, tlie raft coni- plained of in and by th(i s lid information was being navigated through the waters of the St. Lawrence, in the Parish of Lacliine, ii! the County ofJaeijues Cartier, within the jurisdiction of the s.iid Corporation of the said Harbour Commissioners; and also considering tliat it hath been satisfactorily provid before us that the defendants, John Cirier and Brock Grier, are the owners of the said raft and were such at the time af the offence complained (if, and that they had not, as alleged in the said information, the unme of the owner or owners of the said raft painted on the Cahanc or any other prominent place on the said raft, as by law reriuircd; we adjudge and condemn the said John tJricr and I'rock Grier to pay for their said offence to the Corporation of the Harbour Commissioners the sum of five pounds currency money of the Dominion of Canada, to wit, twenty dollars, witii also the cost of the present prosecution. And further, consider- ing that the said William IMurphy, the said other defendant, is not liable in the manner and form, as set forth in said informa- tion, the present complaint, in so far as it concerns him, is dis- missed without costs. John Voinc. A. At.ian. A. TU.v. Hon. John Young, after delivering the judgments of the Board said: "In giving this judgment, which the Commissioncis '• believe is ciuitc in accordance with the rules and bj'-laws oi' '• the Harbour Comniissioners, they cannot give it without '• stating that the hunber trade of Montreal and of the Ottawa is " so large in its character and of so much interest to the whole ''community, that although this is the law according to our •• opinion, yet some steps should be taken by the lumber niorchanis '> whereby provision should be made for the accommodation of ■• their trade. No commmiication whatever has l)een made either •' to the late Trinity Board or to the Harbour (Commissioners. •' No attempt, no ro(iuest lias ever been made by the lumber '' trade of tlie country for any provision by which they could n i , 11 •nbtuiii iimiilc iiicaii.s I'm' its aciioftimutlatioii without iufriuyin;; • upon the ii;^lits «tl' private parties. Webcliovo that the ri.i^ht.s • of private parties have hccn iiiCrinj^cd, and wo liuvc j;,iveii judg- ' incut iiccordiiiiily. "I bolicve I ^pcak ihc uiiaiiiiiious opinion of the Conimission- ■ ers \\lien I ,y booms or in some • other way. "I deem it my duly to make these remarks in giving tliis • judgniiiit, in order that the [)ublic may understand that while • the Commi^ifcioners have no alternative but to carry out the • law, yet they are iierfeetly sensible to tlic requirements of tlie • lumber and timb -r trade of the count rv." Theric deei.^iuus were received by the lu:i;bcrmcn uith appa- rent surprise. On the 2(>th August, according to announcement in the newspapers, a meeting of gentlemen interested in the lumber and limber trades was held in Mr. Stanton's office, St. .lames Street. ^Ir. J. K. Ward was c died to the chair, and 3Ir. Brown officiated as Seeretarv. The Ciiaiuma.v said that the meeting had been called ;it a very short notice, but it had "been thought desirable to lay tlie views of the lumbermen before the Harbour Commissioners, who met to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon. To this end a delega- tion shou.d be appointed to wait on the Board and represent to them the troubles and grievances under which the trade suffi'red by the recent decision of the Commissioners, and which deprived them of their riglits on the river. They could not till, by the decision of the Jjo.ird, what rights they did po.ssess. (lle.ir.) I'^or over forty years the 3Iontreal timber trade had been undis- turbed, and now suddenly their acconimodation was taken .-iw.iy from them, and they had no safety for their rafts. The tratle liad previously understood that the Board of Public Works had control of the river: but if the Harbour Board had the control, it was their duty only to protect the navigation of the river, and not the rights of ])rivate persons. After further discussion. ^Ir. John Tuelver moved, seconded by My. J. G. Dunning: " That iu view of the unexpected and sudden position takin;' with ivjvnrd t.i the inooiina of r;ift-- on tlie nhore of tlo Si 15 Lawitiiir ,it au'l abos'c Lachiin', uinkT tlic now aii[iiii\'iit jnii.-- "liclioii (if lliL' Doaril of Harbour CouiuiissiuiRiv, tho foUuwiiij;- uciitlonioii iiiosL'iit bo a (.Uputatioii lu wait on tliu .said Uoard to it.*lii'os(.iit tilt' K'rious uriovance that cxi>>^t.s uinlur such suildtjii rhaiiL:o ol' ;ill';iirs tVoiu tlic practico horctoloro oiijoyril lor ovor liirly years, and to rt'i(ue.>t that no furtlicr action or iutcrl'ciciicc !-hall be t ikcn until tlio c isc is rcprcKcnIod to tlio <:;oYcnnncut' c-pccially as it is unddstiHid that the Harbour CouimisKioucrr* ar»! ih'l at ])rcirt(ir Messrs. J. K. Ward, Jas. Shearer, (i. (!. Dunniiip-, .1. W, 3Iel !,iu\ ran and ij. (Jrier. The uieetini;' then adjourned. At a re«:ular nieetiiii;- ul' the Ilaibour Cuuiini.-sioucrs hekl ou the 27th ol" the same month, a deputation consisting of Messrs. .r. AV. McGauvraii, J. G. Dunning-, J. K. Ward, James Shearer and B. (Jricr were admitted. Mr. Youii"' thought that an elVort sliould be made to aeeom- modate the lumber trade of 31ontreal, and if a moderate ex- penditure would aecoiniilish tliis, he would be in favor of it. He had received a letter stating tliat there was a place at Isle I'cr- rault wliere the trade could be aecommodatod, but on enquiry he liad received inform itioii that the place was not sutficiently large. Mr. iMcGauvran, on their behalf, stated the grievances of tho trade on account of the position recently taken by the Board. Mr. Dunning said that they had large (juantities of kunber for sale, but much of it had to be kept moored above Lachinc until !-uch time as a s.ile should be eiFocted. In Lacliinc the space for their accommodation was so small that no more than a tenth of the demand could be kept there, 'riuy asked the Board to use (heir aid to enable tliem to keep their rafts above Lachinc until waiiteil. The interest of the trade was so large that in eompar- i-(in with it the annoyance to those p:utics who had brought com- plaints against them were nothiii;;. Mr. Cramp said tliere could b' no double authority in this ni liter. Either the Government should I'urnish all the accom- liiodatioii needed or else they should give the Harbour Couimis- >iniiu\;iii Mild lie must piolcht iiyiiiiiht lliu Uoi; in tliC inuiiyvr i»rocTcdiii,i:s ul^^^unie ol' tlio land owihts h\>ovc Lacliiiu.'. Tlio iiitcn'sts of the tr;ido verc too iniportiiiit to bft obstructod by a few city uTiillenicii wlio li.id bmiiilit s^imiinr'r ivf^idoiiccs on the banks of the St. T fjumber Trade, to the depait- ment of Publii- Works woubl snee.H^d in securin<:,' the required aid. He Would move that Mr Vounu;, Mr Cramp and Mr 3Ic- Lennan be a deput;it!oM to act with a similar nnndjer from the lumber interest. 3Ir. Voiin^ said lie found thai by law tlu; l>oard had no power to expend inoney (ui improvements outside the harbour. Wa snpjiorted the inotion for a deleg.ation. i^fr. Donovan's n.ime was sulistituted for Mr .Meriennan's, 'l'h(> lumbermen ap]iointed Messrs ^\^•lrd. ^Meilnuvran and Shenrer as their Committee, These j)roecedinus adracled considerable attention from the Jiress. '.I'he Monlre.d \V!liii.«Sj 'JTtli Au,<;ust, said: .K.M'Ts ON Till', Sr. f-AWRKNcH.—The luml»ermen have sud- deidy diseoveref eon- Ill tliO iacliiiK;. itriict>(l IK'CS Oil slid IV l<';iderod the tith; deeds of their est ite. Tlie habit of moorinu; rafts to the shores of tho St. Lawrence above liaehino had been practiced for so long a time that the people wlio owned the adjacent land, as well as tlio lumbermen, began to look upon this as an undoubted right. Latterly a good many persons from the city have bought land and erected houses on these shores. These persons having bought their places at a high price, on account of their proximity (o the river, looked on the presence of rafts and raftsmen as any- thing but agreeable, as they were then-by shut off from free access to the river, on account of which they had paid so much for their land, and consecjucntly complained of the rafts as being a nuisance. The lumbormeu replied to all their complaints by saying that the custom of mooring rafts to these shores is much older than the title of the present proprietors of tlie adjacent land; consequently when these persons bought their land, they bought them subject to the raft nuisance. The latter have discovered tliat whatever privileges the lum liermen may claim to using the beach or channel of the river while their timber is being brought to market, they have no right to make a public market of these places, and consequently have taken proceedings to compel the owners to remove their rafts. Tho lumbermen find themselves in a disagreeable predicaiaont ; they are ordered to remove their rafts, but there is no place pro- vided where they can move them to, so they have got to remain — except as has been done in some instances, they are cut adrift, and allowed to go over the rapids. They arc about applying to the Harbour Commissioners for redress, but these latter cannot change the law, nor can they legislate away the rights of the land owners to free access to the river; nor yet can they furnish accommodation at present for the rafts elsewhere. It is quite evident that all parties will have to exercise considerable forbearance until suitable places be .secur- ed for keeping rafts at while waiting for sale. There is a suitable bay above Pointe Claire where rafts might be kept, were it not for the swells caused bv a westerly storn) in 18 liiike St. Louis. A cou-itlfialjlc .vuiii wouUl be rcnuiieil to ticft pic'ih iintl booms to jiiotict tbe lalts were tliey lelt licic. There is ul.-o u bay a hliort distance below the mouth of the Chateau- jj,uay river, on the south side, whieh would be very suitable i'or lieci)in<^' ral'ts in ; and the shore being in a state of nature tlie |iresence ol' rafts at that place could not of the writer, for years. They destroy trees; be- liav(f indecently — J'or instance, strip and bathe within a few yards ol the road — and when remonstrated with, residents are met with all kind:i of in'.ulty. One or two owner? plead tliat they know lift llicrc |cau- I'or t]i(> lint us 19 nothiii" of the law Tlic.ic very ;^( ii+Kiucii Imvr prninif,e(l re- peatedly to iiiovo their rails, Homo of whitsh have bcfu ohstruct iuu8 for months past. Not oiip in Ijl'ty over hiiH the name of thr owner, or u li-ht, whieh it is w.U known to tlie Inide they !.honlui- missaircs du Havre a ordounr aux eommcr<;ants dc bois de ne pas amarrer Icurs eages dans le haut dc Liehiue. liCs hunlnnv n s'en eont alarmes ct ils dtmaudent I'intcrvention du gouverne- ment. II c.^;t clair (ju'il n'y a <(ue le I'arlement <(ui pui.^se changer la loi sur la nwitit'-re et il y a tout lieu dc entire (ju'avant dc pcrmettre Tamarrage des cages dans des ccutrcs aussi import ants que Laehine, Ste. Anne et Vaudreuil, on fera eonstater par des sondagcs ou autrement s'il n'y a pas d'endroit ]i\\.\i' avanta. gcux et pour le public et pour les commeryauts de boi>. L'amarragc des cages a 8te. Amie, Vaudreuil et Jiaeliine a ete uu vdritable ineonvenieut depuis plusieurs annees. Ii('.s liommes de cage ne sc geueut pas dc .sc baigueravee indi'eeiu'f eu face tlr> habitations et eu plein jtnir. lis disposent les cages de telle faron dans le flcuve (juc les proprietaires riverains uc p uveiit ])ui,sei- I'eau ndcessairc k Tu-sage de la famille ou de la I'orme, et encore ccllc qu'ils vont chereher au large eu pa.ssant sur les plan(;ons n'est guere potable. Encore, si cela ne dovait durcr cpie (juel(|ues jours; mais cet etat de choscs continue peiubint des mois, durant toute la belle saisou de I'ete et nieiuc I'o liiver. Les cages ar- rivent pendant la crue des caux du printcmps pour ne part/r <(iie vers la flu de rautomnc et memo parfois le printemps suivant. Ajouti'z (jn'aux eaux basses cos cnges restent :\ see. eon~t;Mu- to njcut k lii p'»rt«Jo d'.s enfauu, et loo comj>rcuJru iaciUmcnt lc» euDuib tit Ic trouble de» propriur tout Ic luoiid*.-. CVttc paitio do I'llc Pcrrot par hu pruxiiiiitt' de Ste. Auiie ct du ehemiu de fer du Grand Troiic, est u fjiu'hjU's tijiuut'!* si.'ul"motit dc di-tauc' dc Moiitri^.il. /,'/ Minn-L< , ;jl.,l Au;jU>t : li'AMARUAOi: DE.s TKAiNs DE DOirf. — Ut-pui.i prc.s d"uuc vin.- tiiiuc d'auiJt'eM, Ics luanliaud.-) de \)^)U ont eu riiiibitude d'uiuarrcr, pendant des inoi.s ' iitiers, leurs ca^'es le lonj^ d'.-s i.'reve.«, a Lachini! et a .''tc. Anne, uialgre Ks proprictaires riverains. Ccs deruii.rr4 C'peudant, jii.squ'u cette annee, ."-o bornercut in fairc de Himjjles protestations. Xo.s bon.s habitants erai_'naut rintlutiiee des riehcs lumbermen n'osaieut pas f'aire valoir leurs droits. Mais depuis une aiiuee ou deux, Laehine et Ste. Anne sont devenus des lieux du rendez-vous I'ashionnables pour la soeiett' de Muntiiial, plu- hleurs eitoyens de cette derniire ville y ont achete des terrains, bati des residences d'ete, et les dominates et ennuis re.-ultant dc la ppj^cnce des cages devinrent si iiitolerables qu'en juillet dernier ils poiterent leur jtlainte devaut la Commission du Iliivrc de 3Ioutreal fjui a juridietiou sur les rivieres navigables ct leurs p,revo.s. M. Girouard, tant eu son nom qu'en celui des autres propria taires du haut de Laeliino, aecusa J. et B. Gricr de violer ; lo. I'u article do rt-glement do la Triuite de 18G1, en n'ayant pas d'ciiseiune sur la cabane de hi caue ; lio. l,'u slatut de 18G8 qui cxigc que les cayvs portent uu leu depuis Ic soleil couehant jus([u'au soleil levant; ."Jo. Un rej:lement de la Trinite de 18G0 ct uu statut de 18Gi (jui pnjhibent robstruction dune riviere navigable ou dc ses •jrcvc^, en tout ou en partie. Nonibrc de tumoins fureut entendus, et, il y a quelques juurs, trois des Commi.ssaires du Havre, M3I. Young, A. Allan ct A. Hoy, eoudamnerent les propriotniivs de e.tgos sur hi premiere ct troisiemo accusation, cL en ni'Junnei'eiib rcMlrveuuiut sous peine dc cin(( louis d'anieude )Kir chaque dix jours. II ^\■>x, inutile de (lire ([lie Ics liuiibci-iu ii qui. jn.-qu'iri, av.ii< nt joui en niattrcs .•ibsolus (111 lliiiv' (•( di! SOS Lii'rvt's en si' nuKniant ks cas du danger,) pour y aiuurrer dcs cages d'uue uianierc per- uiaueute ct de fa(;ou a gener la navigation du fleuvc ct la eireul:i- tiou do la rive. On invotjue au eoutrairc uu usage ou une eon tuuie dc 30 ou lt> ans: mais n'esLee jjas uu principe ekniciitaiic (|Uo Ton DC preterit pas coutre la Courouue, et (jue, dailleur.-, via a-vis dcs partieuliers ujcujcs, Ks servitudes nc ^'acquirrjni point par lu prescription, menie centenaire. A'oila la laus tous les e;is, il est pcu probable (juc k Parlement Federal ou Local intervicnnc eu cette matiere, car cette intervention serait une violation dcs droits acquis dcs partieuliers, ct provoquerait des deniaudes d'iudcninitd coutre k gouveruemcnt. A Laeliiuo et a 8te. Anno, la vakur dc la propriete s'est accrue considera- blera'^nK ft 'l''j>iiij? inemc que lo pul)lic a appris que It^s conini'r cauti do boii u out ju., lu diuit d y amaricr kuri ca;^eL ct qu'ih les ont eulovt'cs, il .s'l-sL I'iiit -X Dorval plubicurs vciitcs a 5 ct 10 • HMitiiis lo pied earn', ct il x\\>l piis doutcux (juc Ic iLtour dis *y.\'j;cs aurait pour clVrl dc (h'tcriorir la pr(»pri('l('- ft d'cii diiiiiniK r l:i vidcur. riu.sicur^ (.•oii>iduatii)ii.s d uiilile pubrnnu', >-iu(jit ilc iit'ccs'^ili'. cxiritc coutn; raiii;in;i;jt; do^ c;i,;^l'.s, daii^s los criitrr.s prr.s do lu <.'il(' lie Moiitr('aI. IjCS caux sajri's mmii iii,u:fc>,silj!e& a uit j:l'aiid iiuiiibn; dc yv .-uiiiics jiuur diHVrciiU'.- (•,ill.•^c^, iillaircfi, |.^uut.s uii autios rai;soiis ct il cbt iuili^^pcu.viljlr "jiu; Ic.-^ ^raudcs avcuui-;^ <|ui euviruiincnt Moutrcal suiciit paii'aiUiiiciit librcs ct ouvcrtcd ii la [xjpulaliuii. N'obt-co pas a, caufrc dc I'u mar rage dcs ciigcs (jui cucuiiibrciil liiichiuc ((uc rccciinucnt uuus avious a dcplorcr ruccidint (jui ciilcvait a iiuc famillc bicii cuuuuc, uu lils uiii(|Ui'. On a mciut lieu dc o'donucr iiKdlicui u'.^ .uicut pa . plus frequent.; cu ccl cndroit oil dcK (.c itaitic. dc c,i!.yj3 passcut tout Tetu Sana aucuiic garde, ui prolcelioii, ct il c.~t [iicsqu' incoin- prchcusiblc quo Lacliiiie, avcc sa ])opulatiuii tuiijourrf crois>sautc, ii'ait pas eucoro pri^ Ics luosurea ncoessaircs pour I'airc disparaitro cettc ubbtructiou prcriquciiticrc do kuu port ct uu ctat dc clioi^cH qui porto prejudice a, tuub ct surtout a cettc partic do hi vlUo i'orccc do veuir pui-cr I'eau croupic ct niil^ainc qui cut'nirG Ics cagc!<. Eutiu I'auiarrai'C dcs ca. c,s a Jjacliiiic ii ulVic aucuuc riircli'. Tout) Ics au.5 iiuU:> cu vcvous [ilu^iours bri.yjcs ct c^iiiporlees daiifi les rapidos par les gros vcuiii ([ui soufHeut sur le lac St. liuui.-. La baisf.sc dc^^ caux met i-;ouvcut a sec duraiit i'cte dcs cagc^ arrivce.s au eouiuieucemcnt du priutemps ct di^vieuneiit uiic fcourco ceutiiiuelle do dangers puur les lamillcs cu\irouuaut:.'S d dc depouacb puur Ics proprictaircs ^i'ils veulaut les I'airc eiilever a rautomue. Tout bieu cuii.sidere, il imu,- seuible que I'amarrago dc.s cages dovrait so I'airc dans uu cndroit oil tous ces (b'savantagcs ue sc toraiont pas sentir. A Quebec, Ics eommercauts do bois ont lours booms privcs, ab^oluuieut eomuie les ni'g les eas, >"il laut que Ic Parle- mcnt autorisc dos />'^(///rv publics, ils dovrai aii iVr- pla-'t's dans un endroit ou i)crsunne u'cn >outiViraii. On dit que ji-' «iid do I'lle Permr vi> a vis Ste. Anne jjosscile 2.T !;, „„•?':" '■': '""■' ^'-""^ ''« ""™i- 'J»"»erait lieu 4 peu