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L'axamplaira fiimA fut raproduit grica i la g4n4roaitA da: l» bibliothAqua das Archivas publiquas du Canada Laa imagas suh/antas ont 4t* raproduitaa avac la plus grand soin. compta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* da l'axamplaira film*, atan conformity avac las conditions du contrat da filmaga. 1/ utes Original copias in printad papar covara ara fiimad baginning with tha front eovar and anding on tha last paga w'th a printad or illuatratad impraa- sion, or tha back covar whan appropriata. All othar original copiaa ara fiimad baginning on tha f irat paga with a printad or illuatratad impraa- sion, and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or illustratad impraaaion. Tha last racordad frama on aach microficha shall contain tha aymbol -^ (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha aymbol y (maaning "END"), whichavar appliaa. 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Tha following diagrams illuatrata tha mathod: Las cartas, planchas, tablaaux, ate, pauvant Atra filmte A das taux da rMuction diff Arants. Lorsqua la documant aat trap grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul clichi, 11 aat film* A partir da I'angia aupAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droit«. at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcassaira. Laa diagrammaa suivanta illustrant la mAthoda. by arrata lad to snt ma palura, a^on A 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 FI ^^■s •-t Ontario, Simcoe, and Huron Railroad. y FEEIGHT, f AMFF & CONDITIONS ADOPTED ro lAKK KFl'KUT ^^ROM FIRST SEPTEAJBEH, 1851 y^ 'f O K O N '\ O : FKINTED AT THK GLOBE BOOK A.NO JOH-OFFIOK. IS54. "'" V-=»'^ FE OntariOj Simcoei and Huron Bailroad. \ FMIGHT TARIFF & CONDITIONS. ADOPTED TO TAKE EFFECT FROM c FIRST SEPTEMBER, 1854. TORONTO: PRINTBD AT THE OLOBE BOOK AND JOB OrFTOB. J854. «,fA C. o FREIGHT TAEIFF MD CONDITIONS. ll"^ Enumeration and Classification of Articles. Note. — TTiis character f refers to the estimated weights, or some other particular relative to the article, under the head of Conditions. The * refers to Special Rates. FIRST CLASS. Acids mineral in glass. Baskets. Batting, cotton. Berries. Blinds, loose. ♦Books, at owner's risk of chafing. fBoots and Shoes. Broom Corn, in Bales, at the owner's risk as to fire. Brushes, Brooms. *33ufFalo Robes and Pelts. /■Cabinet Ware, boxed. Candy, in boxes. Cards for cotton or wool fChairs, packed. China Ware. Cigars. Cigar Boxes in Cases. Clocks and Clock Weights, boxed. Carpets, t Carriages and Coaches, well packed at owner's risk. tCfatlle and Calvea Demijohns and contents, at owner's risk. Drugs, in boxes. fDry Goods in boxes or bales. Fanning mills. Farming Tools. fFeathers, Furs, and Peltries, at owner's risk. fFriction Matches, not taken. fFurniture, new. Furniture, old. Game, Garden Seeds. Glass demijohns, loose, at own(U''s risk of breakage. fGlass Ware, at owner's risk. Hams, unpacked. Hair and Moss, Upholsterer's Harness and Saddles. t*Hats and Caps, in boxes. t*Hogs, in carcase. Hollow Ware. Honey, Beeswax. t*Hor8es. fLemons and Oranges. Light Iron Castings, at own- er's risk of breakage. t*Looking Glasses at owner's risk of breakage. ♦Machinery, at owner's risk of breakage. t*^T tvble, at owner's risk. Maici. Measures in tubs and nests. Medicines, at owner's risk. Musical Instruments. Muskets, and other firearms. Oysters, in kegs. Palm-leaf in bales. Paper Hanuings,in bundles. Paper and Stationary. Peaches, in baskets. *Piano Fortes, at owner's risk. *Pig8 or Hogs alike. Plaster Paris Casts, at own- er's risk of breakage. Poultry at owner's risk of weather. fPowder, not taken. Saddleiy. Scales and Scale Beams, loose. t^Sheep and Lambs. Soap, fancy and shaving. Soda Water, at owner's risk. fSIeighs, Sashes, do. Spirits Turpentine. Stationery. *Stove Furniture. ^Stores at owner's risk of breakage. Tea in quantities less than 10 boxes. Tin Ware. Trees, Shrubbery, at owner's risk. Trunks, except personal bag- gage. Umbrellas, Whips, &e., pack- ed in bales or boxes. Varnish. Veneering. Yam. Wicking. Wadding. Wagons, children's packed. Waste, in bales or bags. Wines, in boxes or baskets, breakage at risk of own- ers. Wooden Ware. Scales Scyth( tShot, Soap, I. A. SECOND CLASS. Alcohol in bbls. Ale and Beer, in casks. Ale and Poiter, in boxes. fApples, bbls. or baskets. Axletrees, Iron. Bags and Bagging, in bales. Beans and Peas, green. Bells and Cannon. Beef, fresh. *Beef, salted, in bbls. Blankets, in bales. Boilers, for Engines. Boxes and Barrels, empty. Brandy, Gin, and Bum. Bulk Meat. Burlaps or Duck. t*Butter. Candles, Canvass. fCarts and Waggons. Chair and Turned Stuff. Clover Seed. Codfish, in bundles. Coffee. Copper or Brass vessels. Copper, plate, sheet, or bolt Copper Wire, Rods or Nails. Crockery, in bbls. or boxes, at owner's risk of breakage. Currants, in bbla. and casks. Domestic Sheetings, In bales. Drugs and Dye Woods, in bbls. or bags. Dried Apples and Peaches. *Egg8, at owner's risk of breakage. *Fi8h, pickled and salted, dried or smoked. Flax or Glass Seed. fGlass, window, in boxes, at owner's risk of breakage. Glue and Gum. Groceries, general assortment Guimy Bags. Hair, saddler's and plasterer's. Hardware. fHemp and Flax, in bales or bags, at owner's risk of fire. Herrings, in boxes and kegs. ♦Hides, dry, leas tiian 100. Hops. Iron Safes. Lead, in pigs or bars. Lead, red or white ; also, Lead in sheets or pipe. ♦Leather, in rolls or boxe& Wheel Barrows. Wines, in casks. Wool. Mahogany, aud other foreign wood^ of value. Marble Slabs, unwrought at owner's risk of breakage. fNuts, in bags. ,y y Oils, at owner's risk of leak- ' age. Oil Cloths. Oysters and other Shell Fish, in shell. Paints, Dye Stuffs. ' Paper Hangings, in boxes. Paper, printer's " binder's boards. Bags and Straw Paper. Bice. Bope. Acid, Blea and Ancho Ashes, ♦Ashei Axes, ] boxc tBacor in ct t*Bari Beans tierc tBoarc Bones, *Bran t*Bric t*Cha] Cheese own( Cider, t*Clay t*Coal ./ilodfisl 'Mljoppei Cotton Crocke at 0^1 ♦Earth Enrthe t*Fire^ t»Flou TTnen lacked. ags. baskets, of awn- >:.A, Scales and Scnle Beams,boxed Scythes and Hoes. fShot, in bags. Soap, common, in bozea Stoves and Stove Platx»p, in in quantities of tuns or upwards, at owner's risk. *Stovc Plates, Itoxed. Tea. Twiuc. THIRD CLASS. 'S. ite ; also, pipe. i: boxes. ler foreign rought, at %akage. : of leak- SheU Fish, I 1 boxes. rda. aper. J } Acid, Pyroligneous, and Bleaching Powders, bbls. and casks. Anchors, Anvils. Ashes, dry house and leached. ♦Ashes, Pot and Pearl. Axes, boxed, not less than 10 boxes. fBacon, Hams, Beef and Fish, in casks or boxes. t*Bark, Tanner's. Beans and Peas, in barrels or tierces. fBoards, Plank and Scantling. Bones, Hoofs and Horns. *Bran or Feed. t*Brick and Building Stone. t*CharcoaL Cheese, in boxes and casks, at owner's risk of weather. Cider, Vinegar. t*Clay, Marl and Sand. t*Coal, mineral. .//Odfish, ia hhds. and boxes, '^^opper, Ore or Pig. Cotton, in bales. Crockery, in crates or hhds. at owner's risk of breakage. Dye Woods, in sticks. ♦Earths and Manures. Earthen or Stone Ware. t*Firewood, Posts and Rails. t*Flour, Feed, and Meal, in bags or bbls. t*Grain, of all kinds, in bugs or bbls. t*Gypsum, Plaster. Hay pressed, in bales. Hemp, Jlanilla, in bales. Jlemp, Yarn, in reels. ^Heading and Staves, at ac- tual weights. Hides and Skins, green. Hide?, Dry, in bales. Hog's Hair, in bales. *Hoops and Hoop Poles, to he loaded and unloaded by owners. *Irou Bloom Bar, scrap and pig- Iron Castmgs, not elsewhere specified, in quantities of D tons or upwards, at the risk of owner as to breakage. *Iron Ore. Joiner's Work. *Lard and Lard Oil, in bar- rels and kegs. Lath. Leather, undressed, in boxes or rolls. fLime and Cement, in bbls. or casks. t*Lumber and Timber. Mill Stones and French Burrs. Molasses, at owner's risk as to leakage. ♦Nails, Spikes and Bolts. Oakum. Oara, at owner's risk of break- ing? and splitting, to bo loaded and unloaded by owners in all cases. Oil Cake, in casks. t*l'ork and beef salted, in bbls. t*l'otatocs and similar roots. Queen's Ware, crates and hhds. Hosin, Pitch and lligging. t-"-Salt. ^ SaU))etre. *Shiiii>lo and Shingle Bolts in buiicliw, at actual weight Soda Ash. Starch, in barrels. *SteL'l, in boxes, bundles, or bars. Steel Si)riiigs. fStonc, uiiwrought Straw, in bundles. Sugar. Thv. "■•"Tallow, In bbls. *Tin Plate and Zinc. *Tol>acco, in boxes. *Tobucco, unmanufactured. *Whiskey. *Wirc. *Wood. TTnennmerated Articles, at the rates charged on analagous or similar articles- k -*. ■^f' CONDITIONS. ^ M^ 1. — Articles at the rates named in this Tariff, will be taken by the Freight Line »t Cars only, 2. — All articles, except where it is otherwise specially provided, will bo charged by weight, cither actual or estimated. 3. — To avoid error, each box, bale, bag, package and cask of merchandise, carried, must have the weight marked thereon, and errors in overweight of any article will not be corrected after removal from the Company's possession. 4. — No separate article or parcel, however small, unless forming part of an invoice, will bo taken for less than 100 lbs. This rule is found to be necessary for the security and convenience of consignees, email par- cels being liable to be stolen. 6. — Invoices not amounting to 30 cents, at regular rates, will be charged 30 cents. 6. — All Packages wifi be subject to charge for cooperage, when necessary. 7. — Articles will not be received for transportation unless properly packed in suitable cemks, boxef, bales, or packages, nor unless they are well and clearly marked, with the name of the consignee and of the station where they are to be delivered. 8. — The Company will not be responsible for any damages occasioned by delays from storms, accidents, or other causes, or by decay of perishable articles, or injury by heat or frost to such as are affected thereby. Nor will they guarantee any special despatch in the transportation or «ny article. Nor will they hold themselves liable for damages by fire, or as common carriers for any article, after its arrival at its place of destination and unloaded in the Company's ware- houses or depots. 9. — Goods in bundles will not be considered as properly packed, and this Company will not be responsible for any loss of parts or the whole of such packages. The Agents of the Company ■are instructed not to receive or forwai'd goods so put up. 10. — No allowance for deficiency of Lemons, Oranges, or other Fruit, if not securely covered^-, will be made. t' 11. — The Company will not be held responsible for any merchandise, unless the same be re- ceipted for by a duly authorized Agent. 12. — When receipts are required; duplicates ready for signing must be furnished by the •consignor, in the form of which copies may be had at the offices of the Company. 13. —When articles are designed, after transportation upon this Railroad, to be forwarded by some other Company or an individual to their final destination, the duplicate receipt furnished by the consignor, must specify the same, and the articles be marked accordingly. This Com- pany will not be responsible for such articles after they are delivered to such other Company, by whom they are to be f orwai-ded. 14. — All goods and merchandise will be at the risk of the owners thereof while in the Com- pany's Warehouses — except for such loss or ii\jury as may arise from the negligence of the Agents of the Company. 16.- twentv- chargin if they 17.— in 24 b( 18.— other «< 19.— wat*he> put in ( Ruch A) trapric first cla 20.— creted i result \ 21.- pieoen ngnor receive 22.- enrely chafing protecti 23.— eetimat 24.— eaeh. 26.- 2«.- 12001bE 27.- andclo lots of 28.- edatK ^af 29.— ^Omile the Ban 30.- 31.- 32.- betaki 38.- 34.- 36.- 36^ ifthagi ^kk ' Cars onlp. by weight, , must have rccted after >ice, will bo email par- able canka, lamc of the rom storms, t to such aH )ortation or' on carriers any'6 ware- my will not le Company ily covered^if Y ame be re- hed by the rwarded by )t furnidieil This Com- p Company, in the Com- nce cf the H I 16.— All articles will be at the risk of the ownem, at the Mvoral Way Statiom and Plat- forma where Depot buildlnj?H have not been established by the Company, from the moment such articles are delivered as directed or marked ; or until taken into the cars, a-s the caso may Iw. 16.— All articles of Freight, arriving at their place of destination must lie taken away within twentv-four hours after being unladen fVom the can — the Company reserving the right of charging storage on the same, cr placing the same in store at the risk and expense of the owner, if they see fit, after the lapse of that time. 17. — All produce and other commodities must be removed from the Company's premises with- in 24 hours after their arrival, or bo stored at the risk and expense of the owner. 18. — This Company will not receive or carry any bank billa, drafta, notea, deeda, eontraeta, or other valuable papera or ivritinga, or be responsible for their loss. 19. — ^0 ^old, or silver coin, or bullion, or manufactured artieleR of gold or silver, jetoela, toat'hea, pteturea, plated articlea, glaaa, ailka or lace, will be carried, unless such articles are put in charge of an Agent of the Company, and a memorandum in writing is also furnished such Agent, stating the character and kind of the articles and their value, in which case an ex- tra price, in proportion to their value, will be charged, such charge not being less than doable first class rates. 20. — Gun Powder and Friction Matches will not be taken on any terms, and if found se- creted among other goods will be forfeited or destroyed, and the consignor, in caso damages result from there being so secreted, will be held liable therefor. 21. — ^When an invoice covers a variety of articles, as a Lot of FcRNrruRB, &o., each separate piece must be properly marked and numbered, and a bill of particulara furnished by the con- ngnor in duplicate, one to be receipted, the other to go with the Way-bill, or they will not be received. 22. — Carriages, when not boxed, will be taken only at owner's risk ; and they must be sc- enrely protected or covered, so thet there will be no liability to injury by fire, weather, or chafing. The Agents of the Company are requhred not to receive them if they arc not thus protected, unless the owner agrees in writing to take all the risk. 23.— The weight of Carruoes, Waoqons, and Sleiohs of all kinds^when well boxed, will be estimated lOOlbs. for every 8 cubic feet of space occupied. 24. — Stage Coaches, Omnibuses, and large Wagons or Sleighs, will be rated at 40001bs. each. 26. — ^A two-horse Carriage, Hack, Wagon or Sleigh, will be rated at 20001bs. 26. — A one-horse Buggy, Chaiae, Cab, Cart, Gig, Sulk9y, or Sleigh will bo rated at I2001bs. 27. — Carriagea, Common Wagona and Carta, when sent 5 or more together, taken to pieces and closely packed, and Wood work of New Lumber Wagons or Carts not ironed, packed in lots of five or more at one time, will be taken at actual weight. 28. — Household Furniture, Baskets, Hats, Caps, and Straw goods in boxes, will be estimat- ed at lOOIbs. for every 8 cubic feet of space occupied. 29. — Horaea will be carried only at owner'a risk at three dollars for any distance less than miles, and 2^ pence per mile additional for all distances over 60 miles ; or by the car load on the same terms and conditions and at the same rate tliat other live stock is transported. 30.— Cattle [weighing less than lOOOlbs.] will be rated at 7001bs. per head. 31. — Calves, not more than three months old, at 126lbs. 32.— Heavt Cattle, weighing more than lOOOlbs., and Calvea more than three months old will be taken at actual weights. 33.—Pig8 9a6. Store Hoga will be rated at 1251b8. ; Sheep lOOlbs; Lamba 761b8. each. 34.— Beef and Pork, 320 lbs. and Salt, 300 lbs. per barrel. 36.— Packages of Butter weighing less than 60 lbs., will be rated at 50 lbs. 'i^,-~Jlppl€9 and Potatoes will be r««ed at 150 lbs. per bbl. or 60 lbs. per basket or per bushel inbags. iil I Ml to be loaded by the oumert. 8 37. — Wheat, Rye, Com, Barley, Buckwheat, and Oata, will be estimated at standard rates. The following articles of Freight will be carried at actual weights, but when they oannot bd conveniently weighed, the Freight will be computed on their estimated weight, as follows : — 38.— Charcoal in bulk, if dry, at li lbs. per cubic foot, or 22i lbs. per bushel. 39.— Firewood, Posts and Rails, if dry, at 4000 lbs., or if green, at 4500 lbs. per cord. 40.— Tanners' Bark, if dry, at 2000 lbs. per cord. 41. — ^Pine and Hemlock Boards, Planks, and Scantling, if well seasoned, at 2250 lbs., or if not well seasoned, at 2500 lbs. ; if green, at 3000 lbs. per M. feet, B. M. 42.— w4*A, Oak, Walnut, Maple and Cherry, if dry, 3500 lbs., or if not dry, 4000 lbs. per M. feet, B. M. 43. — Green Basswood boards 3500 per M. feet, B. M. 44. — Stone entirely unwrought, 4000 lbs. per cubic yard. 46.— Oak Timber, 60 lbs. per cubic foot. 46.— Pine do 40 " 47. — If the Company load either Lumber, Shinglos, Tanner's Bark, Heading, Staves or Hoop Poless nine pence per ton, or Two Shillings per cerd will be charged each for loading and un- loading. 48.-^TLe Company mil not be accountable for the breakage of Glass Ware, Looking Glasses or Marble, or for damages to the hidden contents of packages, or for breakage and bursting, by improper packing, or for loss of Nuts or Shot shipped in bags, nor for any deficiency in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, or Straw Goods, unless the packages are properly strapped and sealed, when shipped. • Live Stock will be carried by the car load imder tliC following conditions at the same rates as lumber. 49. — If shippers of Sheep and Hogs choose to put a deck in the cars at their own expense, and thereby load them double, they can do so, and have the lumber when they reach their des- tination, but in no case will over 9 tons of stock be taken in a car. 60.— Stock will be taken at the prices stated in this tariff of rates, on application to its Agents and giving reasonable notice. 61' — The Company will not assume any responsibility for iiyuries which may be received by the animals, in consequence of any of them being wild, vicious, unruly or weak, or from any de-w^ lay in reaching their destination at the usual time as per the time tables of this road, or in c car load, e of it. izpeotedto 11 damages E must be agreement being mi- SPECIAL RATES. 1. — On timber of all kinds not more than 25 feet long,— on Cooper Stuff, Tannet's Bark, Shingles, Shingle Bolts, Pot and Pearl Ashes, Lime and Cement, Pig Iron, Scrap Iron, Metallic Ores, Stone, Brick, Sand, Clay, Manures and Salt, in quantities of eighteen tons or upwards,^ sent in one consignment and loaded by the owners, a deduction of 15 per cent, will be made from the established Rates. 2. — On Grain and Flour a further charge of 15 per cent, will be added to these Bates when , Qonsignments are in less quantities than Nine Tons. ^ ^f' This charge not to apply to freight from Lake Simooet K FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD CLASS GOODS, PER IOOlbs. 1 f o 3 1 ■a § a> (4) i 1 1 o .® Beavorton. Port Jackson and Point Mara. i mj CLASS. |; Toronto. ) 2 C. M. 8 5 6 5 4 C. M. 10 8 6 5 C. M. 12 9 6 C. M. 13 10 7 C. M. 15 12 9 0. 16 13 9 M. ('. M. 17 14 10 C. M. 18 15 11 0. M. 20 17 12 c. u. 25 20 15 C. M. 37 25 20 C. M. 40 30 26 U Davenport ' ' 1 2 . 3 1 2 . 3 — 8 5 7 6 10 8 5 6 11 6 10 7 14 11 8 15 12 9 16 17 13 14 10 11 20 17 12 M ii 37 U 40 20 25 30 15 20 25 1 ThornliHI. - 7 6 6 4 9 5 7 5 10 6 9 6 12 10 7 13 11 8 14 12 9 17 20 14 15 10 11 30 26 20 36 30 26 ! Biohmond Hill < ^[ King. : 1 2 . 3 r 1 ' 2 * 3 7 5 6 4 10 8 6 11 9 6 12 10 7 13 IJ 16 11 13 8 9 10 30 14 10 30 26 20 35 30 26 8 6 5 4 9 8 6 11 9 6 12 10 7 14 U 12 9 17 14 10 3ii u 25 21 35 30 26 Aurora. [ 1 2 ' 3 8 6 4 9 10 7 8 6 6 12 u 10 7 Id V 1 20 12 1 20 8 1 16 35 U 30 26 Newmarket I 2 . 3 : 1 ' 2 . 3 8 6 4 9 7 6 11 14 9 ! 11 6 ' 7 25 20 15 36 30 26 Holland Land- ' ing ' 7 6 4 10 8 6 9 7 6 13 10 7 13 10 7 20 A 16 12 20 15 12 36 30 26 30 26 20 Bradford. ' 1 2 . 3 I 3 m LefroT or Bell j ■ ' Ewart ] 10 8 5 19 14 11 20 18 15 ■ Barrie. I 3 20 80 15 ; 26 12 2> IB Beaverton. | H^ Port Jaokiion. < ^ Point Mara. 1 ■ 1 2 3 — The Ton of Goods will, in all cases, be rated as 2000 pounds, and is so considered when referred to in these Rates and Conditions, js> 1 % «4 i II 1 '->*- t *• c o c 't euii. o 1. H. C. X. r 40 ) 30 ) 26 7 U 40 > 30 ) 25 ) 36 5 30 [) 25 ) u 36 > 30 ) 25 ) u 36 > 30 1 26 3 U 36 U ) 30 5 25 5 36 9 30 S 26 > A 35 > 30 : 26 » 30 3 26 2 20 ) 20 t 18 I 16 > 30 ) 0; 25 S 2> — — lered I when FLOUR PER BARREL, WHEAT PER BUSHEL, LIVE STOCK, STONE, BRICK, MANURE, AND LUMBER PER C.VR LOAD OF 9 TONS. "3 ca o c a a o a be 3 g o be a e a I-] -o a ei I— t •3 a 1 o n O £ • o » . .w •>- sis «L> ^^ '* .i< C '3' S O 01 a <4 o CLASS. Flour Wheat Lumber Flour Wheat Lumber Flour. ..7... Wheat Lu mber Floiir Wheat Lumber Flour Wheat Lumber Flour Wheat Lumber Flour Wheat Lumber Flour Wheat Lumber Flour Wheat Lumber Flour Wheat Lumber Flour Wheat Lumber Flour ,^ Wheat Lumber 6 2 6 6 50 8 3 5 7 60 11 4 8 50 14 4 75 10 11 4 10 18 6 5 11 22 5 75 12 23 27 6 7 12 £0 14 50 33 8 5 16 50 3» 8 16 50 40 11 , 6 • 2 6 6 6u 1 7 3 7 50 9 u 3 5 8 50 12 4 6 11 13 4 75 12 16 22 6 5 25 13 75 14 50 40 11 33 0' 10 c6 c2 6 $6 7 3 7 60 9 3 5 8 60 n 4 10 12 4 5 11 13 16 4 25 5 12 13 75 24 6 25 14 50 45 14 45~0 14 38'~0 13 r6 7 c2 6 3 $6 7 60 » 3 6 8 60 11 I 12 4 4 6 10 hi 15 , 19 I 31 5 6 10 12 13 75 I — 30 13 (.' 6 u c2 6 $6 7 •• 2 76 7 5i> C5 ic2 m 9 . 11 3 3 5 8 50 I 10_0 'e oT 7 2 2 5 7^qJ_8_6i) !c2 l$6 13 4 11 17 1 30 6 5 10 12 75 — 35 13 10 3 5 10 15 I 29 It 5 I 10 11 I — 28 6 9 6 2 7 5f> 8 3 8 50 7 3 7 50 13 1 4 5 10 r 6 o2 $6 11 4 8 50 26 9 34 13 "33" D" 12 31 12 otto o2 6 $6 II '^b U 4 8 7 50 — 30 u 10 rj 10 I 18 c 3 5 6 $ 7 50| — c25 n 8 $ - M~0 9 10 — c — ^^ Blank forms of Receipts, such as will be nigncd by the Agents of this Company, will be furnished on application to any of the Agents or Station Masters.