/ THE CANADIAN ELECTRIC LIGHT o o 3^ r> .A. 3snr AND The Future of Electric Lighting IN CANADA. GAZETTE PRINTING COMPANY "1S83. liTTS Umi ^^ t^ ■ ■ ,#**,- THE CANADIAN ELECTRIC LIGHT c o is^ ip -A. ]snr AND The Future of Electric Liohting; IN CANADA. • • * • .*• t*-. • ' , 1 ' ...... • ... • • • . • . • • " •/ . • . • • • . • ••... •••••. • •• . . .. «••..• .*. ... iWontvcal: GAZETTE PRINTING COMPANY 1882. r » • • - . • *• • • • • ' • -" • • • • 4 iisr THE MSXIM INCINDESCENT LIGHT RECULATOK. 53075 -/ THE MAXIM INCANDESCENT LAMP. THE ELECTRIC Light illumination UPON THE SYSTL j KNOWN AS Gramme, "^AT^e&ton, Maxim, Nichols, Etc. Under Proprietary Rights for the Dominion of Canada, OF THE CANADIAN ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. No. 17 PLACE D'ARMES, MONTREAL. GOLD MEDAL awarded to the Maxim System at the Electrical Exhibition held in Paris, September 1881, AND GOLD MEDAL awarded to the different Systems exhibited by the Canadian Electric Light Co. at the last Exhibition held in Montreal, September 1881. The Canadian Electric Light Company has acquired the latest and the most complete patent rights bearing upon the sub- ject of illumination by electricity. These proprietary rights extend ev'en to discoveries that may be made in the future, and which shall come under the control of the great Electric Light Company of the United States, doing business in New-York, and which has a vast amount of capital at its disposal. The production of electricity has now become simply an indus- trial problem ; it is more easily controlled and regulated than steam. Thanks to the new machines, it is no longer dependent upon the glass friction-wheel, the zinc-and-copper battery, or the Voltaic pile soeti in laboratories. A simple iron drum with a copper wire coil, turning cylinder-like between (but without touching) two blocks of iron which are also covered with coils of copper wire — such is the complete mechanism. There is no fric- tion even ; it is simply a matter of vibration; and if this drum be made to vibrate during the whole year, it will produce electri- city all the year round without the least interruption. No ingre- 2 dient enters into the production of the mysterious current, which, from this very cause, is iuoxhaustible and unlimited. To set the machine .i^oing, all that is required is a motive power. The above is a brief exphination in popuhir hui^uage of the generator known as the dynamo-cloetric machine, which is capable of producing currents of liie greatest power; in fact, so intense is the current produced by one of these machines above, when driven by a steam engine of tifty horse j)Ower, that it will give a light eijual in brilliancy to a hundred thousand candles. lender conditions such as these, it may be said without fear of contradiction that electricity lias now entered into the tield of industry, since the production of the current is, henceforth, de- pendent upon a mere mechanical eti'ect. The instrument, once adjusted, requires no attention; and any mechanic of ordinary intelligence may draw at will light oi- motive power from this machine with the same facility as he draws light or power from his furnace. Nor is this apparatus liable to work capriciously, because it is simplicity itself The bearings supporting the shaft of the revolving drum arc the only friction points ; this gives an absolute assurance of the stability of the current. It is not intended to give in these notes a full account of the various industrial uses to which this machine may be put ; we would call attention, however, to the vast interests in the utili- zation of our natural water-powers. The transmission of the hydraulic powor by means of electricity is a problem which has received a full solution. In causing a drum or bobbin to revolve between two magnets, as explained above, an electric current is pnxluced ; but if a current is sent from another place to a machine which is at re.st, the drum or bobbin of this machine will imme- diately begin to revolve with a force proportioned to the intensify of the current. Now, if, to the shaft, or axle of this bobbin a pulley bo attached, on which a bolt may be adjusted, this pulley will answer all the purposes of a main shaft, or drum, revolving by steam powei", by communicating the motion to the machinery of the work-shop. A motivc-]»ower may be obtained front one of these machines alone of from one to twenty-five horses, by in- creasing the number of machines, which cover a surface of about two square feet each, you can have any amount of power ; and this power will be as constant, as powerful, and as useful as a steam-power itself. 3 The importance of this transformation of electricity into mo- tive-power is very apparent as regards great centres. Imagine a water-power of any kind at a few miles distant from a city ; it is possible, by means of a simple wire, to transmit from an elec- trical engine-room, situated at the water-power, to a thousand work-shops in the city all the motive-power which they may require. The loss of power which occurs in such transmission has even been ascertained. It is fount! that if a machine receives an impulsion equal to fifty horse-power, at the ;irtiug point, only a power of twenty- five horses will be transmitted to the point of delivery ; thus, if the water-power be of 40,000 horses, a motive-fiower of 20,000 horses may be distributed over a few copper wires to all parts of the city, according to the requirements of each consumer. Engines and boilers are dispensed with ; and neither coal nor water is required to make steam ; no engine-driver nor stoker is wanted ; no extra insurance against fire ; no costly moving into the premises and fitting up ; no \ asto of valuable space. An apparatus two feet square, and weighing three hundred pounds or less, ])laced in a corner of the factory, in a cellar, or in a garret, will answer to every requirement of a motive-power; and after deducting the geneial expense of a dam, and the first outlay, this motive-power of 20,000 horses will cost no more than the millions of gallons of water which run and are lost in the river. As to the electric light, the problem has been solved quite as advantageously to the consumer. Without going into details, we shall offer an explanation of the two systems already in existence. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. All the different kinds of apparatus by electric energy trans- formed into light may be ari-anged into two leading classes, namely; Ist. The Voltaic arc, or great light. 2nd. The incandescent or divided light, for use in the interior of houses. This general classification nevertheless admits of some systems which may properly be classed between the Voltaic arc and the incandescent light, as they are related to each of these. THE VOLTAIC LIGHT. The apparatus lo produce the Voltaic arc are of two kinde, namely : ,. ^ • ■_ _ iBt. Carbons placed in prolongation one over the other ; these are the lamps or requlators. 2nd. Carbons placed y)ara/te/ to each other ; these are the candles. Candles such as Jablockoff' s arc not much in fashion. The name of rerfukitor is jjjiven to all systems employing more or less complicated mechanism to keep the carbon points apart at their normal distance from each other. A distinction might be drawn between regulators fed by continuous currents and those fed by alternating currents ; this, however, is relatively a secondary feature, and it is better to look to the light itself to establish subdi- visions. An important characteristic, which establishes a well marked division, is the number of lights fed by one machine on the same circuit. The following are distinguished, namely : (a.) Voltaic arc monophoiic regulators, that is to say, those which admit of only one apparatus being placed on the circnit. (b.) polypkotic regulators, or, as they are often called, dividing regulators, with which 2. 3, 4 and even 50 lights may be placed on the same circuit. It may be observed in passing that a divid- ing regulator may be used an a raonophotic regulator, by placing one light on a cii'cuit of appropriate power, but that a mono- photic regulator cannot be used reciprocally. These work poorly, or not at all, when several are placed on the same circuit. The light of the Voltaic arc is best adapted for exterior illumi- nation, because the rays of the electric lamp are identical with those of the sun. A solar ray, falling ujion a given space, is equi- valent to 5,T74 candles at the distance of one toot ; an electric lamp emits precisely one half of this light ; and it is a singular fact that the electricians of Europe have applied the electric light with the greatest success to promote vegetation during the night. The celebrated Dr. Siemens, a relative to the firm of that name who manufacture all the Transatlantic cables and l)y whom an electric railway has just been tipened near Berlin, has demonstrated the fact that plants and fruit exposed to the action of the electric light continuously during the night arrive at maturity sooner. The electric light haw the same effect as the sun in promoting the decom- position of carbonic acid in vegetables and in arresting the inju- rious effect on the plant of radiation from the earth during the uight. THE INCANDESCENT LIGHT. The incandescent light, invented quite recently', is of far greater importance than the light of the Voltaic arc, and is des- tined to play an important part in the interior illumination of houses. From the moment that it is found possible to divide the electric current at will the matter no longer offers any great difficulty. The leading inventors of this system, Maxim and Edison, have kept lights constantly burning at New York for six months past which have not failed one minute during all that time. The light has been tried at Montreal, particularly at the St. Lawrence Hall with the same satisfactor}' results. This system of illumination is very simple. Electricity, as every body knows, follows a conducting wire ; if the currents meets on the way a body less accommodating than the copper wire, a struggle imme- diately ensues. If this botly is not a conductor of electricity at all, the current is beaten and its career is ended; but if this bod}* is merely an imperfect conductor, one through which the current can pass with some difficulty, heat results from the struggle and the obstructing body is set on fire. In the open atmosphere, the struggle would be over in half a second, and the resisting metal or body would be melted or consumed almost immediately ; by confining the warring elements within a hermeticallj' sealed glass globe however, about the size of a pear, and from which the air has been exti-acted, the inconvenience that would lesult from the destruction of the resisting is avoided. The resisting body which the current has to encounter in the globe is a small piece of card, reduced to carbon and cut and bent in the form of an M with rounded angles. It is, of course, within the globe that the struggle takes place. The piece of card, a bad conductor of elec- tricity, takes fire, and remains in an incandescent state as long as the current passes through it; it may be a whole night, a whole week, or during thiee months if the generator is kept in motion 80 long, because the combustion of the card cannot take place in a vacuum. This incandescence produces a soft, golden light, exactlj^ similar to a gas jet ; it is neither stronger nor weaker than gas, but it possesses three advantages over gas. 1st. It is perfectly steady, differing in this respect fi-om gas, which flickers continu- ally. 2nd. As it burns in a vacuum, it does not consume, like gas, the oxygen we breathe, nor does it give off the carbonic acid which is- injurious to silver- ware, gilding and oil paintings. Nor does it heat the atmosphere. 3i*d. Lastly it cannot set tire to the pre- mises, nor cause suffocation, because, if the globe should break the light would be extinguished instantly' on the first fissure appearing in the glass. This sj'stem is now working perfectly ; in- geniously constructed apparatus provide for everything, and the lights maj' be distributed throughout the house in the same manner as gas lights and may bo lighted and extinguished at pleasure. When a hundred lights are burning, it is possible to extinguish ninety-nine without thereby increasing the current that is being transmitted to the only remaining light ; and all the lights in the house or only a portion of them, may be lighted at pleasure by simply turning a key in one place. But, it will be asked. What about the cost ? The following data may serve as a basis for more complete estimates : If electri- city is supplied by water-power, the cost is almost nil, as, in that case, it is in reality the motion of the water in the river that is being changed into light, Avhich maj' be kept burning night and day without making any one poorer, as no material is con- sumed. If steam-power is required, the estimate may be based on the fact that one hoi-se of steam-power will su))ply eight house lights. With a steam-engine having the recent improvements two pounds of coal per hour are consumed for each horse-power, or J of a pound of coal to each light. A light kept burning six hours eveiy day during the whole 3'ear, will require 547 pounds of coal, or about 80 cents worth. A gas jet consuming six feet per hour will, in the same space of time, require 13,140 feet of gas, to produce which 2943 pounds of coal will be necessary or $4.50, one ton of coal being used in the manufacture of 10,000 feet of gas. Allowing 70 per cent, for the '-esale of coke, breeze, coal tar and ammonia, there is an amouut left of $1.35 against 80 cents as the comparative cost of production. This is about the cost price. But if we consider the figures charged to consumers, $2.00 per 1000 feet, we find that the margin between 80 cents, cost price of the electric light and $2(5.00 amount of gas bill, is about $25.00 to cover all the incidental and administrative expenses. The systems of illumination by incandescence are far less nume- rous than those dependent upon the Voltaic arc ; consequently their classification is not so complex. The incandescent systems are divided into two classes, namely : Ist. Incandescent lamps with combustion. 2nd. Lamps purely incandescent. The class of incafuieseent lamps with combustion is represented by the apparatus invcnlod by Eeynier, Werderman (Napoii patentee,) Joel and Tomraasi. All these lumps are constructed with a carbon point resting lightly upon a block of carbon or of metal and thus producing an imperfect contact. The purely incanilescent lamp is repi-esented by four ditferent systems, that of Edison, Maxim, Swan, and Lane Fox. All these lamps are of incandescent carbon. The nature of the current is almost a matter of indifterence in the case of incandescent lamps ; they operate with either a con- tinuous or alternating current. Incandescent lamps with combus- tion require a large volume of the current and are worked with tension ; while purely incandescent lamps require a small volume and are worked generally with quantity. SCIENTIFIC OPINIONS. The following opinions upon the systems of Maxim and Weston are taken from the highest authorities in matters of electrical science : THE MAXIM LIGHT, AS PRODUCED BY THE UNITED STATES ELECTBrC LIOHTING COMPANY. {From the New York Oraphie,May 5th, 1881.) The rapid advance made in the application of the electric force to the uses of common life is one of the mai-vels of the age. Inge- nious inventors and keen-witted discoverers in all parts of the civilized world have bent their energies to the task of wrestling from Nature the .secrets she has held. Repeated experiment, repeated failure, and tinal success mark the pi-ogress of the inves- tigation Rivalries have but stimulated invention ; one scientist has trodden close upon another's heels, one company of capitalists has gone a step further than its competitor in developing newly-found resources, and the general public is the gainer by all that has been produced. From the Atlantic Cable of 1858 to the electric light of 1881 is a long stretch, representing incessant labor, high ambitions, manifold applications of scientific skill, wonderful displays of profound learning. What the next quarter of a century will produce may reasonably be inferred from what has already been accomplished. Readers of current literature are aware, not only of the progress of discovery in reference of the application of the electric light to 8 practical uses, but are cognizant of the respective claims put forth by rival inventors, some of whom have promised, honestly enough, , but mistakenly, to do more than they could perform, being, so to speak, the victims of circumstances beyond their control. Others, achieving partial success, have won reputation and profit. From time to time our newspapers and magazines have described the newest efforts, and the appetite of the public has been whetthed accordingly but ha.s never until now been wholl}' satisfied, and for a very sufficient reason. For, although great stoi-es and ware- houses have beeti brilliantly lighted up by electric light, streets illuminated and steamships equipped with machines whose rays can pierce dense fogs, two problems have been left unsolved until now. One of these problems was the discovery of the best method of controlling and regulating — the light, the other was the question of cost — a consideration to householders, especially, who suffer under the exactions and impositions of the gas com- panies. Both of these problems are now satisfactorily solved. The Maxim light, which is illustrated in this issue of The Graphic, is found, by a long series of severe tests, to contain several invaluable qualities not possessed by any other electric light in existence. It is produced at a cost much less than gas, and gives more than twice the light that gas furnishes ; it creates no appre- ciable heat ; it is adjustable by the ordinary gas stop cock ; its carbon burner, instead of wearing out speedily, repairs itself and lasts for many months, and its flame is pure and steady. The United States Electric Light Company, of which Mr. Charles R. Flint is President, holds the Maxim patent, and Mr. Maxim is himself one of the consulting electricians of the Company, among whose advisers are also professor Mortor., Professor Baker, of Philadelphia ; Pi-ofessor Moses G. Farmer, of the United States Torpedo Service, and other distinguished scientists. The com- pany owns altogether about one hundred patents, and business is flowing in upon it in a steady stream, necessitating the erection of a new factor}', which is now in process of construction on Avenue B and Seventeenth street. OXm IliliUSTRATIONS : show two interiors illuminated by this light. One of the views represents the elegant drug store of Caswell, Hazard & Co., under the Fifth Avenue Hotel, as viewed from outside, showing the con- venient arrangement and the extreme brilliancy of the electric 9 lights, the other is a view of the art gallery of the Union League Club on Fifth avenue, into which these lights were introduced last week, with singularly beautiful effects, A representation of the lamp used for this light is also given. The peculiar advantages of the United States electric light are: (1) its perfect steadiness ; (2) its brilliancy — each lamp giving a light of twenty-four candle power ; (3) its cheapness as compared either with gas or other electric lights ; (4) its adapta- bility for household and private use; and (5) the absence of heat. The company has not sought newspaper publicity, preferring to perfect its process and to make the light it furnishes satisfac- tory to its customers by constant improvement and watchfulness ; but now, satisfied that the desired result has been attained, it challenges the attention of the public, and defines its future pur- poses in the following statement by its President, Mj\ Flint, which we copy from the Evening Post of Saturday last. " Six months ago we bought the six story building at Seven- teenth street and Avenue B, and immediately ordered an immense quantity of machinery. Owing to the revival of manufactures all machinits have been fur behind their orders for the last year, and we are only now getting what we ordered. The boiler and some of the engines are in, bes'des the shafting and belting throughout the whole building. In six weeks we expect to have our machi- nery in, and at least one thousand men at work turning out dj-na- mos, lamps and motors. " At present we have three factories actively at work supply- ing such material as we need in order to extend our business at a slow rate — say of one machine a day. In twenty-fifth street we have a small shop, in Twenty-seventh street another, and on Sixth avenue one that has been running for a year and a half. The building on Sixth avenue is six stories high and will probably be the station for one of our up-town districts. We ai-e already light- ing from it several shops, Caswell & Hazard's drug store, the card rooms of the Union Club, and some of the appartments in the Cumberland building, at Twenty-second street and Broadway. The Union Club members are so well pleased with the light in their card rooms that we expect to put electric lights all over the building, The Evening Post spoke of the success of the lights at the Union League Club reception ; not an hour's trial was necessary to demonstrate their superiority to gas. In the same way we use a part of the basement of the Equitable building as a 10 miniature station in order to furnish light to the Equitable build- ing and such oflSces in the neighborhood as may desire the light. For more than a year we have lighted the Post-oflfice atone-thinl of the cost of gas, and for the last six months parts of the Equitable building, the banking offices of Fisk & Hatch, JIatch& Foote, and two banks have been lighted up by our lamps. Last week we put the light into the new vault of the Stock Exchange; tomorrow the Maritime Exchange in Beaver street and the offices of W. T. Hatch will be lighted with them ; on Saturday the offices of Phleps & Stokes and W. E. Grace will be added to the list. But the real beginning will be made w^hen we get our Seventeenth street building going and organize a down-town station. " At first we do not intend to charge less for our light than the price of gas. The competition will cause the gas companies to lower their prices, and then we shall follow them down, and end by making prices Imcer than they can manufacture gas for. Within a year gas will be worth no more than $1 per 1,000 feet; our stand- ing offer to every householder will be to give electric light at the same price as he has been paying for gas. As the light is pleas- anter, steadier, healthier and safer than gas, and there being absolutely no danger from fire, we expect the public to take our light in preference to gas at the same or even a slighly lower price. In three months we expect to be able to make that otter to every person needing light. Each house or office will be supplied with a certain number of extra lamps, so that if one of those in use gives out a new one can be put on with no more trouble than replacing the chimney of an oil lamp. We find that the incan- descent lamp will be used entirely in the interior of buildings, the arc being too strong and too unsteady ; it gives an immense quantity of light, and is just suited to the street, but quality is what is wanted for houses.'' The light of the future seems at last to have been secured after much travail and tribulation. The success which has attended the efforts of the skilful electricians and the enterprising capi- talists whose services have for a long time been unremittingly but quietly devoted to the interest of the United States Company, proves beyond question that the desideratum of getting a brilliant electi'ic light at a price less than that of gas, and better adapted for household use than gas, has been attained. A new era begins with the introduction of the light to which The Graphic to-day invites the attention of its readers. It is to be remembered, more- 11 over, that this is no untried experiment. On the contrary, the Maxim light is in constant and satisfactory operation at the fol- lowing named places among others : Caswell, Hazard & Co.'s drug store, Fifth Avenue Hotel. Union League Club Art gallery, Fifth Avenue and Thirty-ninth street. Union Club, Fifth Avenue and Twenty-second street. Equitable Building, No. 120 Broadway. Mercantile Tru.st Company, No. 120 Broadway. New York Stock Exchange. New York Post OflSce. The Tribune Building. Fisk & Hatch's banking house. Hatch & Foote's banking house. The Maritime Exchange. (Cumberland Building, Broadway and Twenty-.second Street. THE MAXIM ELECTRIC LIGHT. {From the Lmdon Times, May ^\st, 1881.) Among a few ^j-stems of electric lighting which have occasion- ally been heard of, but which hitherto have not been seen in this country, is that of Mr. Maxim, of the United States, in which country the light is stated to be in considerable use and in good repute. A successul demonstration of this system took place on Friday evening last in the presence of a number of scientific gen- tlemen who assembled in the Albany Works, 374, Euston-road, London. It is an incandescent sj-stem, and comprises a generator, a regulator, and a burn'^r or lamp. The prime generator is a small dynamo-electro machine which is driven at about 200 revo- lutions per minute. In this machine a current of electricity is generated, which is conducted to a second machine of similar construction, but of larger size. The current from the first machine is caused to circulate in the electro-magnets of the second, thus exciting the magnetic field of the latter. The .small m.tchine, or exciter, is provided with an ingenious device for con- trolling the supply of electricity and regulating the current, in order to meet the requirements of the number of lights burning, which may be constantly varied, without either detriment to the machine or alteration in the other lights. This is called the Maxim 12 regulator, and consists of an arrangement of electro-magnets. The brushes collecting the current generated by the exciter, together with the brush holders, are made to move around the axis of the machine, and are automatically set to any position between the ma.r.imum and the neutral points. Two pairs of elec- tro-magnets at the top receive a proportion of the current of the large and small machines respectively, one pair operating the regulating movement and the other a shunt. The regulator is operated by means of an armature attracted with forces varying according to the number of lights in circuit. When the supply of current becomes insufficient bj' reason of additional lamps being lighted, the armature being released in one direction and attracted in the other, by means of a .spring, a pawl, which is suspended from this armature causes the brush holders to revolve, !/n intei'mediary system of gearing being brought into play, thus supplying a greater volume of current. When the current becomes too great in consequence of the removal of some of the lamps from the circuit, the opposite phenomenon occurs. The electro-magnets forming the second pair are so con- structed and adjusted that they only act upon their armature when a large increase of the current passing through them takes place, such as would happen if a main wire were broken, or if any other accident occurred. In such an event this armature is strongly attracted, and overcoming the tension of the spring brings it free and in contact with a platinum point, thereby cut- ting the field magnets of the exciting machine out of the circuit and stopping the generation of the current until the accident is remedied. There is thus a complete safeguard against injury to either the machine or the lamj)s. The large machine consits of two distinct parts built into one on the same frame and spindle. They are coupled together, and an ingenious and simple contri- vance is provided at the top of the machine by means of which the currents supplied by each of the two machines can instantly be disconnected or coupled either in quantity or tension as required. This machine is driven at a speed of about 900 revolutions per minute. It is claimed that this machine will maintain 85 Maxim lights of 25 candle-powei- each, making an aggregate light of 2,125 candles. The machine is said to be capable of giving a single arc light of 20,000 candle power. A second machine of the same power as the one just described was also used, and was driven at the same speed. 13 These machines supplied the current which fed 120 lamps placed in various rooms from the basement to the 8th floor of the build- ing, and including the passages and staircases. The lamps are arranged in multiple circuit, each burner being independent of the other. The current is conveyed through a main leading wire with its branches, Nul>branches, and lamp wires to the burnei-s. All these wires arc arranged similarly to the ordinary gas main and branch pipes. The gas fittings, when available, are used as a return wire ; any other pipes, however, such as water pipes, can be used for this purpose. The burner consists of a carbon fila- ment made from cardlx>ard, and having the form of a double loop. It is contained in a small hermetically-scaled glass globe or bulb, in which, it is stated, there is un atmosphere of gasoline, which prevents the deterioration of the carbon tilament. By this means a kind of renovating process is said to be constantly taking place. The two ends of the Hlamcnts are connected with the twt) poles of machines, and the light is, the tap actuating a switch arrange- ment. The life of the lamp has not yet been ascertained, but it is stated that it will last from 600 to l»00 hours. The lamps can be taken out of and replaced in their fittings with ease. They can be fixed to any existing gas fittings, some being so fitted at the Albany Works. The great bulk, however, were fitted in elegant chandeliers of various types, which have Ijeen lent by Messrs. Hulett & Co., of High Holborn, for use during the exhibition of the Maxim system, which it is intended shall be continued to the end of June. On the ground-floor ot the buflding some of the suspended lamps were burning in globes containing water, thus illustrating the ada])tability of the system tor submarine work or exposure to wet. The arrangements generally were such as to illustrate the suitability of the system for use in lighting dwelling- houses, all the various details of the lamps being such as could easily be understood and controlled. Assuming that a central station existed ibr the pi-oduction of the current, it was shown that the lighting of a whole house could be intantly effected. In the same way the whole number of lights in a room or any portion of them can be as easily turned on or otf. In fact, nothing can exceed the simplicity and ease of the manipulation. The machines wore driven by a semi-fixed steam-engine of 20 hoi-ses power nominal, supplied by Messrs. Ransones, Head and Jefferies, of the Orwell Works, Ipswich, and similar to the one which has so successfully driven the electric lighting machinery on the Thames Embankment for the past two years and a half. The demonstration took place under the auspices of Mr. N. de Kabath, and during the evening the various advantages of the light were full}^ shown, and the sensibility of the governing ma- chinery' was exemplitied by Mr. Lockwood. The light produced is softer and more agreeable to the eyes than any we have yet seen, and it is the tirst demonstration we have attended without experiencing a painful contrast upon either quitting or re-enter- ing the gas-lighted streets. There was really a great surplus of light exhibited, the volume being magnificent, but not intensely bright and dazzling. Altogether the demonstration was a tho- rough success, and showed that the latest addition to the list of systems for interior illumination would prove a worthy compe- titor for honours. THE MAXIM ELECTRIC LIGHT. (From the London Draper, June, 10 1881.) We received an invitation to be present on Friday week at the .Albany Works, 347 Euston-road, London, to witness a series of experiments in electric ligthing by incandescence on Maxim's system, where a number of scientific and literary gentlemen were assembled. The experiments are of considerable importance to drapers, as a clear, inexpensive light of 25 candle power, without heat, will be a boon indeed to our crowded business establishments, and the general adoption of one form^or other of the electric light in our lai'ge houses has now become but a matter of time. The injury done to delicate fabrics, too, by the smoke and vapours arising from the burning of gas will make any system of electric light which is easy and simple of application doubly welcome. This the Maxim system promises. While the public have been waiting for Mr. Edison to perfect his invention, two incandescent systems have been introduced — the Swan and the Maxim. It is the latter which we now describe, the technical portion of the report taken from the Times. THE WESTON SYSTEM. [From the Official Catalogue of the Paris Exposition, p. 179.] The Weston system, which has had so great a development in America, is a dynamo-electro machine with continuous currents to which the inventor has made it his aim to give special quali- ^- - ■'-;-"'■■- . 15 . ■ "- V;-^.--'- - ties not possessed by other machines. Thus, to avoid the heating of the I'ing, Mr. Weston formed a large number of disks of super- posed iron, separatefl by wide intervals, the coils are rolled in longitudinal grooves and bound to a collector with oblique plates. Owing to this arrangement, the ring acts exactly as a centri- fugal ventilator and remains always cool in conse(|uence of the r.'ipid circulation of the air. The oblique plates of the collector assure perfect regularitj' in the current, as the brushes are al- ways in contact with the two plates and thus there is no interrup- tion of the circuit. The lamp is based on the differential principle which allows of the arrangement of an indetinite number of foci on the same circuit. Ten fod of 2000 tapers are supplied by a single machine. The Weston lamp is exceedingly simple and its easy working is thus assured. There are really only two moveable pieces — the armature and the upper carbon-holder, without any clock-work. it also gives a remarkably steady light, such as other systems may perhaps attain but which they can certainly not surpass. The reputation of the Weston Machines is already made in America, there being actuall}' more than a thousand in use for galvanoplastic purposes. They are also beginning to be largely employed in England. As for the Weston lamps, they are at ^iresent used in the electric lighting of a part of the City of London. ELIICTBIC IiIGHTINQ BY INCANDESCIINCE-THi: MAXIM SYSTEM. : ., , {From the Official Cnlalogue of the Exponition, p. 182.) Among the numerous systems of electric lighting by incandes- cence, we have observed that of M. Maxim, which appears to solve completely the problem of domestic lighting. This remark- able system, by which the great hall of honour of the first storey is lighted, comprises a larger number of separate foci elegantly grouped side-by-side and forming a beautiful luminous ceiling. The electric light obtained is perfectly steady, as it is produced by the incandescence of a very small carbon conductor contained in a little glass globe. It impresses the eye agreeably, and it is not inconvenienced by intermittent and irregular radiation, which is so annoying and so fatiguing. M. Maxim's system of electric lighting is carried on by an important American Company, the United States Electric Lighting Co., which has already had a great success in both the United States and England. This com- pany will soon set up their light in several parts of the capital. Even now the visitor to the Exposition of Electricity may see and form a judgment of its results in the large hall on the first storey. The luminous ceiling, as the visitor may ascertain for himself, shines with extraordinary lustre, and the brackets with which the wall is fm-uished rival in brightness the light that radi- ates from the upper part of the hall. The incandescense lamp of the Maxim sj'stem presents great advantages. It is lighted and exinguished at pleasure and instan- taneously. By the manipulation of a simple commuter, its power may be easily graduated from that of a simple night light to the greatest lustre of which it is capable. The light is perfectly steady'. Finally, the pure incandesceuce realizes the almost in- definite division of the electric light. The Maxim System is already adopted by several English and American estt blishments. The ITnion League Club of New York have used it for several months to light their picture galleiy and the results obtained leave nothing to be desired. This tine sj^stem of lighting is now complete with its special machines, its lamp, its regulator, and nothing stands in the way of its futui-e career. The Maxim system was first presented to the English public on 28th of Ma}-, 1881, by Mr. Kabath, of New York, who organized at the exposition the formation of the United States Electric Company. The Maxim mode of lighting by incandescence forms to-day a system entirely complete, comprising four distinct di- visions carefully studied out, and working wherever it had been tried with entire success. These four divisions are: (1) the generating machine which feeds the foci; (2) the exciting machine which feeds the inductors of the generating machines ; (3) the regulator, and (4) the incandescence lamp. It is the dynamo-electric machines of the Maxim sj-stem which produces the current necessary to feed the numerous foci which give light at the exposition. The exciting machine, has, in its upper portion, an extremely ingenious and sensitive mechanism for the regulation automati- cally of the current furnished by the generating machines, ac- cording to the light requii'ed, that is, according to the number of VT foci lighted. This result is obtained in the following manner : An electro-magnet of fine wire placed on the machine, deviating over the principal current, attracts with a force varying with the power of the current an armature to which is suspended a catch with two opposing teeth, which receives, by a transmis- sion imported from the axis of the machine, a backwards and for- wards motion. This catch moves between two toothed wheels which it does not touch when the current has its normal value. But if the current becomes deminished in consequence of new foci being lit, the armature, less strongly attached and drawn by an antagonistic force, recedes, raising the catch, of which the upper tooth fastens in the cog of the upper wheel ; this motion is then transmitted by means of wheels, to the brash-holders which are arranged so as to turn around the collector, and so that the brushes may approach or recede from the maxima or neutre point; when the brushes approach the maxima points, the inten- sity of the current of the exciting machine is increased in propor- tion to the intensity ol' the current generated ; if, on the contrary, the current is too intense, owing to the extinction of a certain number of foci, the armature, being more strongly attached, descends with the catch attached to it, and the lower tooth of the latter, fixing itself in the cog of the lower wheel, set in motion, by means of the gear already men- tioned, the brush holders and brushes in an opposite direction, being then nearer the neutre and away from the maxima points. The force of the current of the exciter diminishes, and conse- quently the intensity of the current produced. The maxim regulator is perfectly sensitive, as is demonstrated when the 60/oci, which one machine will supply, are in motion ; these foci have been successively extinguished till only one re- mained, the remaining foci, during this progressive extinction, continuing always at the same intensity. The maxim lamp is composed of a filament of carbon obtained from calcinced card-board in the form an M with rounded angles; it is contained in a glass globe of about 5 centimetres in diametre, and in which a vacuum is made anew and in succession until a vacuum almost perfect has been obtained with a very slight quantity of gazoline, the presence of which does net exceed the one hundred thousanth of one atmosphere. A very ingenious commuter, attached to each lamp, can he used to light or extinguish it. The duration of a lamp varies 2 18 . from 600 to 900 hours. When a lamp is worn otit, it can be taken from its support and rephiced at< easily as one can put a candle in a candlestick or remove it therefrom. Even then it has still a certain value. The new lamp costs at present 7 fr. 50, but, when done with, it can be sold for from 1 fr. 50 to 2 fr., still leaving a certain jirofit. All the lamps are so made that each one is perfectly independ- ent of the rest. The whole arrangement works with regularity in the Palais de rindiistries, and without doubt constitutes one of the most remarkable and most complete of the systems of electric lighting yet invented. Its success at Paris may be regarded a assured. EIiECTRIC LiaHTING BY INCANDESOENCE - THE MAXIM UYSTEM. (From the Paris Eleetricten, Jdly Ist.) Pure incandescence (we designate it thus to distinguish it from incandescence with combustion, as represented in France by the system Keynier Werdermann), has its detraction. Accoi'ding to the standpoint from which they are regarded, both systems are right. The pure incandescence lamp is still more simple than the Jablochkoff candle, whose simplicity, its chief, if not only merit, was the cause of its success. The incandescence lamp is lighted and extinguished at pleasure and instantaneously, by means of a simple commuter, and its power may be easily gradu.ited fron* that of an ordinary night light to its maximum lustre. The light is perfectly steady. Finally, pure incandescence realizes the al- most indefinite division of the electric light. Those are the quali- ties for which its advocates, with good reason, give it the prefer- ence. Its detractors object, with equal reason, that the duration of the lamp is not indefinite, that it must be frequently replaced, that there is no means of knowing when it may suddenly go out, and finally that its yield is far from high, or in other words, that this light demands, for an equal power of illumination, a motive force much greater than the voltaic arc. When the pros and cons are fairly weighed, we must come to the conclusion that the Voltaic arc, and pure incandescence con- te two methods of electric lighting as distinct in their appli- 19 cation as in their principles. The first is adapted to illumination of great power where economy is an object ; the second, when what is especially required is a beautiful, steady and extremely distributable light. France, in which couutry, since the first exhibition of the Jablochkoff candle in 1876, there has been a rapid development of electric lighting by the Voltaic arc, has been much less favored with regard to pure incandescence and hitherto there has only been a few isolated experiments, without practical application. The International Exhibition just about to be opened, will be the point of departure for this new method of lighting, as it is already its rallying point. Unless we are mistaken, half a dozen systems of pure incandescence are about to figure there, those of Edison, Lane Fox, Maxim, Noaillon, Eeyuier and Swan, and perhaps, as many more. We now propose to pass these systems in review and to point out their peculiarities. We will begin to- States Electric LuiiiTixr. Company, 120 Broadway, New Ycu'k : Gentlemen — The ten-light Weston machine and lamps that you put in for us some weeks ago are running to our complete satisfaction. Having had experience heretofore in various Electric Lamps, knowing the power consumed and care required in keeping them in order, we feel confident that we have by far the best system in existence for Electric Lighting. The machine was put up at a very short notice, and is driven from the ordi- nary engine on tlie premises, and was turned over to our engineer within a few days from sfcirtiug, since which time wo have had no difficulty whatever in maintaining the llglits without interruption. One of the tcn-liirhts I experimentally had suspended from the ceiling of our main parlor, one of the largest in the country, and the result is past all con- ception. It hiis displaced VI five-feet burners (gas), giviuif a far .steadier, more powerful and brighter light than we have ever had in the same room. We find the color is not at all objectionable to the ladies, the complexion raniaining the same in the light, unlike all other Electric Lights that we know -JSi, thut give a blue, ghastly appearance. _^.^ 3 34 ■■ ■ " --' Regarding the relative cost as compared with that of givs, a point 1 liave hitherto been unable to ascertjiin, I can now give coirectly, viz. : six of tlie ten lights now save me thirty-five thousand feet of gas per week, which at the price I pay for gas, viz., $3. JO per thousand, ecjuals a saving of $122 per week, less the cost of running the entire ten lights, which is $40 per week, showing a net saving of $82 per week, with four lights to spare. I am very respectially yours, " 0. G. BURNAP. Manager of the Rockaicay Beach Hotel. Hall's Safe and Lock Company, Mfrs. of Hall's Patent Safes and Bank Locks, Ci.vciNNATi, Sept. 22d, 1881. The Westo.v Electric Light Company, 120 Broadway, New York : Gentlemen — We have been using four of your ten light machines for nearly one year and find them to work in the most satisfactory manner. We find the lights not only powerful, but steady, the color perfectly white, which makes it very agreeable to our emplo, jes. We find it particularly adapted to our work of all classes, machine rooms, foundries, paint and orna- mental room, as also for office use. In fact we would not be without them. Another great point about them to be considered is, the machines can be ope- rated by the same engines in conjunction with other machinery. We are very truly yours, HALL SAFE AND LOCK COMPANY. RICHARD F. PULLEN, Secretary. , Office of the Portek Mf'i;. Co., (Limited). SvRAcrsK, N. Y., April 20. 1881. To whom it may concern : At the request of Mr. Teall we cheerfully make the following statement as to our experience with the Electric Light : llir. <;i>ilils and myself were appointed by the " Board of Directors '' to go to New York and examine the different Electric Lights. We did so. and in our opinion tlie Weston Light was a whiter liprht than the Brush. The bluish tinge, which is characteristic of the Brush Light, seemed to be absent from the Weston Light. The power seemed to be much less per light with the Weston than it did with the Brush, from the indicator cards that were taken from engines running Electric Lights of both manufacturers. We have been running the Weston Light for about two months, and it has been running very satisfactorily, and has not caased any trouble. And we think the LStimate of three-fifths i.f a horse power to a light, of a so called 2,000 tiindle power, would not be out of tlie way as a fair estimate of the actual power when in common use. Yours truly, , The PORTER MF'G. CO., (Limited). G. A. PORTER, Treasurer. Albany, N. Y. July 28, 1881. To whoever it may concern : This is to certify that we have used the Weston Electric Light Machine in our stores for the pa>t seven months and believe it to be the best machine for lighting purposes yet produced. This light takes only about one half as much power to each light, as the Brush or any other machine we know of. We were running the Brush sixteen light machine for Messrs. W. M_ Whitney & Co., lust fall, and as near as we could ascertain, it took over twenty horse power, while the Weston would not take over ten horse power for the same number of lights. We also find the Weston lights are much more powerful, and of a much better color, and steadier. Yours respectfully, R. STRICKLAND & CO. Office of the Congress and Empire Spring Co., Saratoga Springs, N. To ThK WkSTOX ElKI T1!IC LifiHT COMPAXV, 120 Broadway, New York : Gents — The two ten light machines, with twenty lamps, you furnished us in June last, tor our Park and Spring Pavillions, we used regularly without inter- ruption during our business season, from July 1 st to September 18th inclusive, and have given us entire satisfaction The lights have been greatly admired by our visitors and guests, wlio generally pronounced them superior to all others in the steady, white, diffusive character of the light. C. SHEEHAN, Vice Pres. C. & E. S. Co. OflBce of Hadlky Co., ManufiEicturers of Spool Cottons, Fine Yarns, Warps, Harness and Seine Twine, Ac., &c., HoLYOKE. Mass., March 9th, 1881. J. H. Alley, Esq. : Dear Sir — Replying to your inquiry about the Weston Electric Lights at the Hadley Company's Works, I have the pleasure of saying that, so far, we have been much pleased with them. In fact, I may say that they have given us entire satisfaction in every respect. Yours truly, ... ..... . ^ ...... . .•/. ..... WJI- GROVER, Agt. Have now ordere«l'ft)rt)''i»ddilipn&l Ji^fel . • • ! ; ! . :.•:;..;..; ... ; : :;..•.;.•.'./:.. :.-. /. ::.:•:• ..••.: ;: :•.; .•.:•• "•'••■•«• •••••-• •• ••'•• «• • ••••••••• • • • • . t • ". •