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" ^ / ■■'*«, •> » Stj •i.. ■-Ua-ffiKafe^ » 1 t v.* INSTRUCTIONS FOR Deputy Poft-Mafters, i'^w' >w^H . \ ' '\ ■■ j •ii -» ■■■| ■ . -1 ■ 1 ♦ 1 ^ -:•-;:■■ 5N, \' '."^^ :.J £t;«j; -w*. . ..;'.U;j^ ,-/ BIBLIOTHEQVE MINT=SVLPIGE^NTt^' 4 4 -^^ '-'""'"""■"'"i"'-""""""'^ -. if fir A " A " % f # I f f .J^ n GENERAL ".7--VV .. \ INSTRUCTIONS FOR Deputy Poft Matters. ,^U E B E C: PRINTED BY WILLIAM ft ~ Li MOORE, AT THE HERALD PRINTING OFFICEo • • • . « ■ # « « > fc ♦ • 4 • ^* ■ « 1 » « . , • t * .. • • e • • « ■ I • -• ». '■■•"'"' "« 4 [ GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE Deputy Poft-Mafter of You are to take the following Oath of Of- fice, direded by the Ad of the IX of Queen Anne, before you enter upon your em- ployment, and you are to fend it to me, by the firflPoft after. '\I do fwedr, that I ivtl! not witthigly, ijolllingly^ or knowingly open, detain^ or delay, or caufe, procure, permit , or Jiiffer to he opened, detained or delayed any Letter or Letters^ Packet or Packets^ which pall come into my hands, power, or ciifiody, by red/on of my employment in or relating to the Poft-Office-, except by the confent of the Per/on or Perfbns to whom the fame is or jhall be direBed, or by an exprefs warrant in writing UJtder the hand of one of the Principal Secretaries of State for that pur- pofe-y or except injuch cafes where the party or parties to whomfuch Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets pall be direSled, and who is or are ^ ,ir-Tr»- thargeabk [ iv ] chargeable ivith the payment of the Port or Ports thereof J J}:all refufe or negkB to pay the fame-, and except fuch Letters or Packets as Jl:aU be re- turned for ivant of true Dir colons y or ivhen the Party or Parties to whom the fame is or jhall be dire^edf cannot be found-, and that I "will not any way embezzle any fuch Letter or Letters^ Packet or Packets as aforefaid. Sworn before me the day of 17 No Deputy Poft-Mafter, or Perfon employed under him can acl until he has taken this Oath before a Juftice of the Peace for the Place where he refidcs. [ 5 ] ts he It tn ^IgO U are to keep your ofRce in a place fet &j^^ '^'^) ^P^^"t ^^^J* th^t u^<^> and not to fuffer the V^ Y *V letters to lie open in any place where per- Y^ "^y ^""^ coming to your houfe may h?ve ac^* 3|S^^'3^ cc^s; nor permit any perfon to be prefent at the time you are doing the bufinefs, except your Clerks or Affillants who have taken the oath of office, and for whofe care and fidelity you are refponfible. You are, upon the coming in of the mail, and be- fore you deliver any letters, to obferve the following di- redlions, viz. Firft, carefully tell over the Letters charg- ed to your Office twice at leaft, that you may be certain if the number and Port of the Letters you receive, an- fwer the number and port mentioned in the bill or bills fent you therewith, and if there be among them any way, or other Letters, to your ftage, not charged to you in any bill, you are to mark them according to the rates that other Letters are, or fliould be charged from the refpective places whence they came to your Office, and enter them in your book as you will find particularly directed in the precedent, m.arked C. Secondly, put the whole of the Letters, received in the Mail bclon/ing to your ftage, though they are fent from different Offices, or are Way Letters, into one heap or Parcel Thirdly, fort them alphabetically according to the Sir-nanries, and then enter them in the fame alpabetical order, into a book to be provided and kept for that pur- pofe only; and write the proper date, and names of the places from whence received, at the head of the Lifii and alfo fet the Value in Currency, of each Letter, a- gainft the refpefbive names, as you will fee done in the Specimen fent you herewith, marked A. . Fourthly, having another bool^ kept in the manner as j 1 t s r E 6 ] as dirc(5}ed by particular inftruclions fcnt you herewith, turn to the account cf Letters received into your Oflkc (fee the precedent for this account, marked C) and make the proper entries. ^ • You are, vvlien any of the bills fent to you with Let- ters are overcharged, to mark on them thofe Parts that are fo, and what they ought to iiave been; and preferve all the Bills you receive on a file, and when any Letters aie overcharged, i. e. fingle ones as double, double ones as treble, i the Deputy Poit-Mafter General, that the offender may be dealt with according to Law. The penalty is Five Pounds Sterling for each feperate offence, and One Hun- dred Pounds for every week that any offender Ihall con- tinue in the pradice of ilcgally collecting carrying and receiving, conveying and deiivcr:n;.r any Letter o?Ler- tei-s, Packet or Packets, and every difcoverer will upon conviilion of the Offender be entidcd t;jand receive one moiety of the Penalty. You ar , to do as much as in yoi] lies, to coileft dl Letters and Packets within your laid S!;age» and the Difcrias thereof, to die end that they may fc'fent in his Majefty's Mails. ^ ^ By the Aa of the V. of Geo: III. No ihir or vef- [ 10 ] 1 I I ■ 1 {t\ fhall be permitted to break bulk or make an entry in any Port in the Britifh Dominions, until aU the Letters brought in the veiTel fhall be delivered at the Pofl-Oiricc, except fuch as are excepted by the A6t of the IX of Queen Anne, under a Penalty of Twenty Pounds for every negled or refufal to deliver the faid Letters at the Poft-Office. When Letters from on fliip board are brought to your Office, you are to pay the bringer a penny fterling for each Letter or Packet delivered to you, and to take a receipt Ipecifying the names of the Cap- tain and Ship, and from whence it came j and after ftamping them with the ftamp of your OHice, with the month and day when received, and witli the fliip letter ftamp) you are to forev/ard ail fuch as are not in the de- livery of your Office by the firft Poft, taxing them one penny fterling more than the ufual rate from your Office to the place they are diredcd to; thofe for your Tov;n and delivery are to be taxed at two-pence fterling each Letter or Packet, and you are to account for it to the revenue and fuch of them as cannot be delivered, you are to lend to the General Poft-Office at at the end of the quarter, with your other dead Letters for allowance, when you are aifo to fend the original receipts for the pence you have paid, and they will be allowed in your accounts. You are until you receive other dire(51:ions from me to continue the Poft in the fame route, and obferve the fame method of conveying Letters by them, in the fe-^ veral baffs, as has been hitherto ufual from your Office. You are not to deliver back any letter put into your Office, unlefs you are fure it be to the fame Perfon who •wrote or brought the fame; and if the Per foi who brought the Letter be not die writer thereof, and fhould aftei-wards come to demand it back again, you are not to deliver it unlefs he fiiail bring you thefam.e fuperfcrip- aon^ [ II 'I tion, written with the fame hs and the hnpreflfion of the fame feal wherewith fuch L .er was fuperfcribed and fcaled. You are not to take charge of, or fend in the mail, any letters that have money, riiigs, jewels or any thing elfe of V alue, other than • paper or parchment inclofed, but if any Perfon apply to you to have fuch things fent, you muft acquaint them that they may, if they chufe to run the rifque, agree with the Poft-Rider for the fame, it being allowed him as a perquifite, to carry diofe kind of things for fuch perfons as chufe to entruft them there- with^ but that you do not in any wife undertake to be accountable for the fafe deliverance thereof. You are to permit any perfon who defires it, to pay the poftage of any Letter he may put into your Office to be fent by Poft, to any part of his Majefty's dominions on this continent where Pofts are eftablilhed j and you are .jto mark the fame as paid, with red ink diftindly in the front, and mention them as fuch in the bill or charge you fend therewith; and alfo fend from time to time in the Comptrollers bill a true and exae6t account of the amount that fhall be fo paid to you: but you are not to receive the Packet Poftage from America vo Britain: no letter for any part of the continent of Europe can be forwarded from any Office in America, it muft be put; under cover to a Correfpondent in Britain. You are upon the making up of the pfiail to obferve the following diredions, viz. Firft, carefully fort the Letters, according the feveral Stages they are dire6ted for, putting all thofe for each Stage into a feperate heap or parcel. Secondly, write or ftamp the name or mark of your ftage, the month, and day of the month the Letters are put into your Office, with the proper Rate, according to tlie Table of Rates fent you herewitli, being ftridly care- ful^ ] 1 u ful, that you, neiJier ovqr or under i;atethemj and you are to obfervethat every fingle piece of paper, however fmall, is to be taxed as a fingle Letter, every Letter, j^jll. Account, Invoice, &c. is by Law to be rated and taxed as fo many feveral and diftind Letters, though wrote on one and the fame piece of paper. Tliirdly, fort the letters of each parcel into fingle, double and treble l^ackets, paid/ and unpaid. Ship and. Inland i and then enter theni in that order, in the Bill or charge, to be fent d>erewith, and date and fign the! bill with your namp. Fourthly, then tie up the Letters of each Stage in fe- perate bundles, and enter the amount of each bill in your Book, as you will fee done in, the precedent, mar- ked letter B, fent you herewith; an^i then puttii)g die tetters ir^to their refpeftive Bags l;ie the fame, and feaj them with the Seal of your Office. Your ar^e not to fufFer any Letter or Papket to pafs in his Majeiiy's Mail Poll-Free, excepting thofe franked" fcy the perfons legally authorifed to frank die fame, viz. ^he CommiJJioners of bis Majejiys 1'reajury^ Secretaries to the Treafuryy Commijfioners and Secretaries of the Admiralty y Princhal Secretaries of State, Under Secretaries of State, Commijftcners for Trade and Plantations, cr their Se* cretary. Secretary at War ayid his Deputies^ "The Poft Mafter General, Secretary at the General Pofl-O£ice, And all perfons authorifed to Frank by the Pofl Mafler^ General, Surveyors of Poft Roads, Deputy Poft Mafter General for N, America, You are not, out of friendlhip or complement, to any I 1 I f ^3 I psrfon ^Yhat^o«ve^, to delay his Majefty^s Mail beyond th^ ufual and fixed time for its departure. You are to dired die Poft-Riders, who go from your Stage, to wind fheir horns once every five miles, and three times in every town or village, and upon the meet- ing any Paflenger on the Roadj and alfo on his arriving at, and h^lf an hour before his departure from, vour Oin/Ee. ■ You are to keep a juft and true account of all monies whatfoeyer received by you, for the Port of Letters or Packets; and at the end of each quarter, that is to fay on the f fib day of every January, Ap'ik July and 05io\ ter, you are to make out a true and exad account there« of, with your difburfements, &c, in the manner as is done in the Precedent fent you herewith, marked Letter U; apd fend the fame to the General Pofl Office ^ , , ,., with the ballance thereof, either in Vr i"^^^^^^^^^ ^f ^n good Bills of Exchange, to be allowed by me, and payable ten days after fight, at fur- thelt; for you eafe in malting out this account, you have printed forms fent you. You are ftriftly enjoined, not to take into your fervice any Rider who hath ferved any other Poll Mafler as a krvant to Ride, v/ithout a certificate figned by the Mafler whom he laft flrvcd, fignifying that he had behaved him- idt honeidy, and been diligent in the performance of h^'s duty: and taking a Rider without fuch cerdficate, you ihall be anfwerable for all faults committed by him with rcfpea to die Pofl-Office. On employing any Rider you are to caufe him to fign the bond, and take the Oath ientyou herewith ibr that purpofb; you are to be pard< cularly caretul that fuch V ider perform his duty in every refpea, and on his failure, to fue his bond, and oj-ofe- cute him for Breach of Oath, as you iliall fee caufe. You are condantly to obferve whether the bags com- inf]^ [ 14 ] ing to your OiTice for your Stage, be fealed with the re- lpe6live feals of the Offices from whence they came, and to feal with a fair impreflion of the feal of your Stage, the feveral bags which you fend from thence. By the Ad of the Vllth of his grefent Majefty, it is cnafted, That if any deputy, clerk, agent, letter-carrier, pofl-boy or rider, or any other officer or perfon whatfo- ever, employed, or hereafter to be enployed, in receiv- ing, ftamping, forting, charging, carrying, conveying, or delivering Letters or Packets, or in any other bun- nefs relating to the Poft-Office, fhall fecrete, embezzle, or deftroy any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets, Bag, or Mail of Letters, containing any bank note, bill, &c. or Ihall fteal or take out of any Letter or Packet that fhall come to his, her, or their hands or pofleflion, any fuch bank note, bill, &c. every fuch offender, or offenders, being thereof convided, fhall be deemed guilty of felony, and fhall fuffer death as a felon, without benefit of clergy. It is alfo enaded, by the aforefaid ad, that if any de- puty, clerk, agent, letter-carrier, officer, or other per- fon whatfoever employed, or hereafter to be employed in any bufinefs relating to the Pofl-Office, fliall take and receive into his, her, or their hands or pofTeffion, any Let- ter or Letters, Packet or l^ackets, to be forwarded by the Poll, and receive any fum or fums of money there- with for the Poftage thereof, fliall burn, or otiierwife de- ilroy any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets, by him, her, or them fo taken in or received, or if any fuch de- puty, clerk, agent, letter-carrier, officer, or other per- fon whatfoever fo employed, or hereafter to be (o em- ployed fliall aJ ance the rate or rates of poftage upon any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets, fent by the Poll, and fhall fecrete, and not duly account for the money received for fuch advanced Poftage, every fuch offender or 1 i J i [ ^5 J or ofTenders, being thereof convided as aforefaid,, lhall be deemed guilty of felony. And by the Ad: of the Vth of his prefent Majefty, it is cnafted, that if any poft-boy, or rider, having taken any Mail> or bag of Letters under his care fliall quit or de- fert the fame before his arrival at the next flage, or fhall fuffer any pf^rfon to ride on the horfe or carriage along therewith, or lhall loiter, or wilfully mifpend his. time on the road, or fhall not in all poflible cafes convey the mail after the rate of fix meafured miles an hour, he fhall, on convidion before one juftice of the peace, be fcnt to the houfe of correction, and confined to hard labour, for any time riot exceeding one month, nor lefs than four- teen days i And if any poft-boy, or rider, lhall, either by himfelfi or in combination with others, unlawfliUy colled, receive, convey, or caufe to be unlawfully con- veyed, any Letters, or Packets of Letters, he lhall, on conviaion before one juftice of the peace, forfeit ten fhillings, to be paid to the informer, for every Letter cr Packet fo unlawfully coUeded, conveyed, or delivered; and if the forfeitufe is not immediately paid, he lhall be fent to the houfe of corredion, there to remain at hard labour for any time not exceeding two months, nor lefs than one month. It will therefore be neceflary for you, fully and frequently, to inform all poft-boys employed in your fervice, of the penakies they will incur by tranfgref- fing, and to exert your utmoft care, not only that the riding work of your ftage, or within your obfervation, be duly performed, but that the unlawful coUec'lion and conveyance of Letters, be effeaually fupprelTed. You, and all your clerks, letter-carriers, agents, and other perfons employed under you, are to take notice of thefe feveral pains,^ and penakies^ as it is incumbent on his Majefty's f oft;tiaft?r- 111 «^„t. J;A.WfS>triT.i*n,-» >.■ -Tfi*- Tr--iiiiiMri» » ■■ ■yiww,— ^- ' INSTRUCTIONS "" F b R Deputy Poft-Mafters.