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The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exemplaire film6 fut reproduit grdce d la gdn^rositd de I'^tablissement prdteur suivant : Bibliothdque, Commission G6ologique du Canada Les cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour dtre reproduites en un seul clichd sont film^es d partir de Tangle supdrieure gauche, de gauche d droite et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Le diagramme suivant illustre la mdthode : 1 2 3 ■s 1 8 4 5 6 I TH Nat x-v^ ^■6f' THE NATIONAL OR GEOLOGICAL AND Natural History Survey Museum, ,^. f "•.•< a ' » ■^ ' ' ' * • .». "■■>'' a 9 9 • t » , • c . • , ; • • e • * • • « • . 9 , . 1 « , I t • • • ; . • ' • • • , • » t • « • ' • • » • • * * • ;>/•%:••:;••.:. •:•^ i iMmnM r. ;■ , L>-;n-M/ : "'I * O e q « o « « 9 •; 4a ' • e « • s o« roagBWBB-yTjsSBB^BaBa m'SB t '■'* The Looked at from a Business Standpoint. —Economic Minerals and Mining as a Part of the Wide Field Covered. [By a member of the Geological Survey staff.] lleprinted from *lie Canadian Mining Review. Recently it has fallen to my lot to glance over the fields of work occupied by the Geological Survey in the past. What led to this was the need ot grouping the reports of the Survey by provinces, and the many different branches of work performed by specialists according to their general subject, in connection with the names of the specialists whose work it was desired to trace — felt as a means of inquiring into certain exhibits in the museum. With the permission of the Director of the Survey, I have here extracted a small portion ot my notes, thus incidentally made, appi'opi-iate to the field of the Canadian Mining Review. The topic is timely on account of its sugges- tiveness in connection with the general subject of a national museum. SCOPE. I find the contents of the Geological Survey I or "National Museum" building in its present state, to be classifiable, — including all that is tliprein presented by the older to the younger generation, — the reports of the Sur- vey in the book room and libraiy, along with he exhibits in the museum, as follows;- — I. Physipgraphio Work, representing all the ii'Ovincesj embracing geplogic^l and geograpbip^J The National or Geological and Natu- | ral History Survey Museum. | f t I 2 surveys, and field work in .arloua departments more or less special. Reports, specimens, photo- grajjhs, &.C. II. Economic Minerals, min'iny and mining geology. Analysis of minerals &c. III. Biological Work, embracing — (a) ancient and extinct life as a means of under- standing the past and present world and its inhabitants, (paleontology.) (6) natural history, including animated nature as far as interesting or important to num- kind. (c) botany, including forestry, agricultural plants, &c. (tZ) ethnology, including human inhabitants of the country in the past and present. IV. Charlographic woik, embracing every- thing in all dei)artments capable of being repre- sented in graphic form, such as maps, sections and diagrams. V. Exhibits in all the above mentioned de- ])artments ; embraced in the museum and library. WEALTH ACCUMULATED. Any one familiar in the slightest degree with the operations of the Geological Survey will recoornise at once the wealth of matter that has accumuluted in each of these departments. Omitting the more general and better repre- sented departments (except to remark regarding them that they are all crammed to over-flowing j(l £^ building not fire-prgof) I will append a brief iibstract of Sub-division II, the titles re- garding minerals and raining since the Survey WHS orj^anized. It will illustrate the character of I he work done in a department not very exten- sively represented in the industries of Canada,, and servo as an index to that industry in each of the provinces so far as represented in the, museum and library. THE WEALTH UNDER THE SUKFACE. The economic minerals form the main feature of the first floor of the museum. The unangement is according to the uses to which they are adapted. A second feature of the same floor is the Scientific Collection of minerals, in wliich all the minerals represented in the Doninion are aiTanged according to their lemical ingredients and natural relationship each other. A third feature of the floor is hat of the Metals and their Ores (arranged in he flat glass cases along the centre of the room), ind remarkable for its comple*;eness and general xcellence. Though forming Class I of the *]ooi mic minerals it is on account of its mpo'-tance placed separately. The subdivisions f the Economic minerals (the balance arranged lung the walls on both sides) are : — 1. Metals and their ores. 2. Fossil fuel. •i. Minerals applicab.e to certain chemical nanufactures and their products (see also uuler 4). 4, Mineral manures (sea jvIsq iiijder 3), > 1 ' ' . 1 / "' V / . ■ ■' '' 1 t ; 1 ■ ^ ^ ' •■• >". , ' 1 1 il r ■, ■ 1 ' - . ' ■ 1 ^ 1 ! ■ .i ' ' . • "■.■*', ' ) ' y ' "'^■- ...,■■■ ^ j 1 ;•• i. : ■; ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ;^e r'''; ■; - ' 'jr,:f^'.'l' ' -_; .;.:,. .v^ ■ '■■' ■■'; '' ' ;,> *- !*■; xt' -.^,h::i^>sr: 'ti ^■■; :.M [::' . i i ..-..' ■ t, \ ■= '( '-V'-^' ■■.?', - '-''i'--- i/y^^:' ^:'i:(f' % • ■ i • ■ .,;. • ■ \ \ ; ■ 1 . i ^ i'TI-:-' ■'■-'^ -..;■_ -^'^ - ; I • ■ v'i X' , I ,.' .f ^l * ■rv>! ,■• ' /':,: ':? •''!■■! i'; . T-;f ''i -;, J ■" ■ "^? f : ' '"' ■ --- .1 ■:■:•!■•■ '■./'.'■' ' ■ " "_-■'"• '■■■ - ■ ; ■-•: "^ ■■•• .;, _£ ) i *» 5. Mineral pigments and detergents. 6. Salt brines and mineral wt 3rs. 7. Materials applicable to ootnmon and decorative construction. The onlv exhibition beside these mentioned on the first floor is that of the rocks. It is arranged in the centre according to formations ; consequently is also important to mining. Mr. Broadbent is constantly adding to the attractions of this floor, devoting all his time to it j so that every day visitors will find in one or another of its departments something new. PUBLISHED INFORMATION. It is proper to remark that the library is an important part of the museum, as containing all the published information extant, and the reports of the Geological Survey, describing the contents of the museum. It is open to the public, like the museum itself, and has in attendance a librarian who is always ready to produce any re- quired report. It is only necessary to explain that the years mentioned below are part of the titles of the reports, referring to date of field work, not of publication.* ECONOMIC MINERALS — NO*"'. SCOTIA. Logan «k Hartley, — On the Pictou coal field, 18GG-69. *Iu tho Museum the year and collector's name are often seen on the label. By this arrangement full and coioplete inforipation may at once be turned to in the Survey Reports, Other numbers on the labels refer to curatpr's catalogues, and the individual specimen js (at presept) prly traceable by personal inc^^uiry. 1 and tioned It is itions ; nining. to the time to in one new. y is an taining ,nd the ling the public, danca a any re. ain that le titles irk, not [al field, liame arc full and to in the rpfer to left is (at E. Hartley. — On coal and iron ores of Pictou County, 1866-9. Spring Hill coal field 1886-9. Map in Atlas of 1863. T. S. Hunt. — On the gold region of Nova Scotia. (Separate publication) 1868. A. R. C, Selwyn.— -Observations on gold fields, 1870-1. Acadian vein deposits, Londonderry and Colchester, 1872-3. Jas. Robb. — On coal mines of eastern or Sydney coal field of Cape Breton, 1872-3. Scott Barlow. — On Spring Hill coal field, with map, 1873-4. Survey of coal in fields Cumberland County, 1875-6. W. McOuat. — On coal in Cumberland County. 1873-4. Maps accompanying reports. Map of Acadain iron mines, 1872-3; index map of Spring Hill coal field, 1873-4; map of Sydney coal field, one inch to on* mile, 1873-4; ditto same scale, 1875-6. NEW BRUNSWICK. li. W. Ells. — Borings for coal at Newcastle bridge, 1872-3. Second report on same, 1874-5. Iron ore deposits of Carletou County, with mao, 1874-5. Maps accompanying reports. Map of Grand Lake coal field, with older rocks in Queen's and Suubury, 1863. Map showing distribution of iiou ores in Carleton County, 1874-5. Sir W. JjOgan. — On the gold of the Ohaij- Idieie region, 1950-51 1 economio noinerjils frpift ' t .1 ■f»ii.: -1 ■ '• . «■ !.t\ i ■■■" '!.T '■ "!>■•■ ■• 11' ' ■ ;v^.i:v;'i^'-!t.' iH Af.Uf:-^. *■•"■''( ,,a •! ,(!, '\, J A"i ■; ;'t- !'•«'•. Uf?^; . I ' i_i:'. 'i. (■^terr (:i;^r/ t 6 '}?{ ! ' f: i Montreal to i'ape Tourraent, 1852-53; tlio Ramsay lead mine and A.cton copper mine witli niiscellan ^ is economic minerals, 1858, B. J. Haiilngton. — On minerals of apatite bearing veins in Ottawa County, 1877-78. A. Michel. — On the gold region of Lower Canada, 1863-66. T. S, Hunt. — Mineralogy of gold veins, 1863-66 ; petroleum in Gaspe (separate publica- tion), 1865. R. Bell. — Map of Gaspe in connection with the above (separate publication), 1865. A. R. C. Selwyn. — Observations on gold fields, 1870-71. J. F. Torrance. — On apatite in Ottawa Countv, 1882-84. G. Broome. — On phosphate of lime and mica found in North and South Burgess, 1870-71. H. G. Vennor. — Plan of Dalhousie ii-on mine, 1872-73; explorations in Frontenac, Leeds and Lanark counties, 1873-74; plumbago and apatite in Templeton, Portland and Ottawa counties, 1873-74 ; explorations in Renfrew, Pontiac and Ottawa counties, with additional notes on iron, apatite, and plumbago in Ottawa County, 1876-77. C. W. Willimot.— 'On mines in Quebec, 1880-82. Maps, etc., sep. Catalogued. — Localities of copper ores in the Silurian of Lower Canada, 1858 ; on popper localities, 1863-6^6 ; ^otes on the gold region pf JJastera Cw^4«^ (reprint Qf: '1^- lea of inada, ea on various reports from 1843 to 1863 — separate publications), 1864; map of North Burgess showing the positions of apatite openings, 1870-77 ; map showing phosphate of lime in Ottawa County, 1876-77. ONTARIO. Sir W. Logan. — On the geology and economic I minerals of Lake Superior, 1846-7; on A'arious leconomic minerals, and on the Industrial Ex- Ihibition of 1851, 1851-2; on the Ramsay lead |inine and the Acton copper mine, and miscel- laneous economic minerals, 1858. T. S. Hunt. — On the Godericli salt region, |18GG-9; on the gold region of the County of Tastings (jointly with A. Michel — separate pub- lication) 1867; locations of copper ores in the [uronian rocks of Mississagui river, 1858; bn the Goderich salt region (reprinted from the -lansactions of the Canadian Institute of Mining Engineers, Vol. Y) 1876-7. H. G. Vennor. — Oq the geology of portions of Tastings, Peterborough and Frontenac counties, ^ntario, with geological map, 1 866-9. (Vicinity Belleville). Marmora gold mines, 1871-2; notes on |!onomic minerals of Ontario, 1874-5. i T. iMcFarlane. — On the geology and economic [ineiais of portions of the County of Hastings, 5G3G; Laurentian, Huronian and upper cop- ^r Ixaring works of Lake Superior; with an ^pendix on the rocks and cuopriferous beds of Vtage Lake, Michigan, 1863-6. 8 h 1! 1 ; ! i i ili HUDSON BAY AND LABRADOR. H. Bell, Professor Dittmar. — Analysis of waters from Hayes and Nelson rivers, 1878-79. MANITOBA. B. J. Harrington. — Brick clay f'*om Fort Garrv, 1872-73. G. 0. Hoffman.— On lignites, 1873-74. NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. R. W. Ells.— Borings for coal, 187 5-7G. A. R. C. Selwyn. — Borings lor coal on SourisR, 1879-80. G. M. Dawson. — On coal seams of Bow arid Belly river district, 1880-82 ; general remarks on coals and lignites, 1880-82 ; geology of Bow and Belly rivers with special reference to coal (separate publication), 1882 ; map of coals and lignites Bow and Belly river, 1880-82. G. C. Hoffman. — Analysis of coals and lignites, 1882-84. BRITISH COLUMBIA. J". Bichardson. — On the coal fields of the east coast of Vancouver Island with map, 1871-72 ; the same including Queen Charlotte Islands with map, 1872-73 ; report on the coal fields of Nanaimo, Comox, Covrtchin, Burrard Inlet, and Lovke with general map, 1876-77. T. S. Hunt. — Analysis of Richardson's coals from Vancouver Island, 1871-72. B. J. Harrington. — On (Richardson's) coals from the west coast, 1872-73; gold, silver, &,c., 1874-75 and 1876-77. 9 1-72 ; slands Inlet, coala A coala ier, &c., G. M. Dawson. — (rCiieral notes oft mir?3 and minerals of economic value in British Columbia, 187G-77; same with additions (separate report), 1883. C. O. Hoffman. — Gold and silver assays, 1875 to 1885. A. Bowman. — On Cariboo gold region, with general map ; also sundry districts with detail niajis (in hand). MIXKRALS OENERALLY RELATING TO ALL THE PROVINCES. Sir \Vm. Logan was a practical mining engineer by education and experience. He never made any geological report without doing full justice to the economic minerals of the country examined. Some of his work was ciitalogued anonymously. T. S. Hunt. — Mr. Hunt's catalogued reports began with that on mineral springs, ores, &,c., 1815-1:0 and 18t8-49, and embraced Ontario land Quebec minerals promiscuously down to 11869. He reported on various minerals and |nnneral waters, 1847-48 ; on mineral springs, 3i'es, &c., 1848-49 ; on soils, peat, asphaltum, lineral springs, kc, 1849-50; on various iiiineral waters, 1850-51 ; minerals, soils, lineral waters, &c., 1851-52 and 1852-53 ; [imchy analyses, manufacture of salts from sea ater, metallurgy of iron, 1853-56 ; on dolo- iitc8, limestones, fish manures, KKiw/^' ^^•;-''' {f-<"'- ^'-«| ' -i . c ■ ■■»■ ^:*^'^^/>. i .<■: -■% ''-■ 'ii^Oij S./ilrl-, ^1 10 1858 ; on petroleum aii'l salt, 18G3-GG ; on peat and its applicationg, 18G3GG ; on nunenilo<^y of gold veins and Tnetbod of gold working, 18G3-GG ; notes on iron ore, 18GG-G9 ; petroleum (separate report) in Gaspe, 18G5 ; ('anada: a geographical, agricultural and mineralogical sketch (separate report), 18G5. In 18G7 (separate report) h9 published a sketch of the Geology of Canada for the Paris exhibition of that year. Anonymously catalogued. — As appendices and otherwise, including maps accompanying the reports elsewhere mentioned, some titles occur in the " List of Publications " not con- nected with any authors names : Statistics of copper mining and copper smelt- ing in Great Britain, 184G-47 ; catalogues of some of the economic minerals and deposits of Canada, 1849-50; descriptive catalogue of a collection of economic minerals of Canada and of its crystalline rocks (sent to London exhibi- tion for 1862-separate report), 18G2; ditto,includ- ing stratigraphic collection sentto Philadeli)hia, 1876; ditto Paris, 1878; on the Goderich salt region (reprinted from the transactions of American Institute of Mining Engineers vol. V), 187G-77. J. R >bb. — Mining and mineral statistics, 1871-72. B. J. Harrington. — Notes on samples of brick clay from Fort Garry, analysis of serpentine, &c., 1872-73; on the iron ores of Canada and :| j 11 I peat >^y of rking, olovun ada: a logical 18G7 of the Aon of endices )anying le titles lot con- >r smelt- »2ues of posiis of rue of a i-.ula and ti exhibi- :,o,includ- adelphia, eiicli salt ctions of Engineers statistics, es of brick serpentine, Janada and there development, 1873-74; notes on a few (!anadian minerals and rocks, 1871-75 ; notes on miscellaneous rocks and minerals, 1876-77. G. C. lloffinan. — Chemical contril)utions to the Geology of Canada, 1874-75, 1875-76, 1876-77, 1877-78, 1878-79, 1879-80, 1880-82, 1882-84 and 1885; on Canadian graphite, 1876-77. L. Smith. — Observations on the history and statistics of trade and manufacture of Canadian salt, 1874-75. Prof. Dittmar. — Analysis of the waters of Hayes and Nelson rivers, 1879-80. E, Coste. — Mining laws and mining policy, 1886; in hand {assisted by Mr. Brummel) statistical report of raining operations in all the provinces. MATTER JN GEOLOGICAL REPORTS. Not catalogued as individual reports but occupying a portion of almost every geological icport issued by the survey since its organiza- tion, is the consideration of all economic min- erals encountered in the area examined. An index to those would be furnished by a similar classification of the physiographical material in subdivision 1 ; though it is not difficult to check off any desired portion Oi locality from the i^eneral list of publications of the Survey, if one liad time to read over the 300 to 400 titles. POPULAR AND PRACTICAL. The museum has a wonderful faculty of draw- ing visitors. Mr. Burke, the doorkeeper, who ..•I'; t. ^ ,/ j ^•;„.vjVi 1. >'.-t." :>^Y/.■ t'A-^J»)'' t.\ M" .rtf{./ i'i, v:;is-- V' ^' ■• ■, •'/ I..V jfVji'' •'«> , i- .-^'H^'' , *i..-T--'^ I ■.■■■-■■ '- I it >v)i,.: •1 ■„! ./^^ ^■.^■V I ......x-j; -..,(- .-'' /' I ' ■ , \ I , f liif''!- :>;J ■ r i" l!'' . • : '< ■ f. «J! ;>■• .•tir'|(t> V f , • ^ ;-), >Mi',''-< ■■■'I:;',,'., ,.-J .,' ■..-■.' .'•rn/.. *■» t 1 ': 1 : i i( hi' ill! i! U id f i !• 12 keeps a visitors recoid, informs me that the yearly average is not less than 14,000 ; monthly, 1,000; and daily in fair weather not less than 40. They seem to find something that interests them. What is it? The museum is not so at- tractive in some respects as are the mag- nificent Agassiz and Redpath museums. When one knows how imperfectly the majoritj^ comprehend what the Geological Survey Museum really is, or grasp the idea of how it may be utilized in a practical way for useful or busines purposes, the curious fact would seem to require explanation. It is observed thnt the objects on exhibition are all native, and that the animal, vegetable, and mineral worlds ia their several departments are all represented. An inkling at once asserts itself that here is accumulated a wonderful store of facts lying at the foundation of every industry in our land. No one man's travels could have won them. No single fortune could have done it, for the Geological Survey has cost, in the 25 yearn preceding confederation, $375,- 000, and in the 20 years since confederation, $1,000,000. Has it not been a good invest ment 1 What has been the " idea " of so large an investment? For no one calls it o an extravagance. CONCEPTION OF THE MUSEUM. An intelligent handling of ones resources is undoubtedly the first consideration in every business. „..^ . ^^ : H storv furmi the tinuo it po to it, tJiese Id the than 5 rests 30 at- Tiiag- When jovit> iurvey low it useful wovaH \ibitiou yetable, tvnents asserts derful every travels could las cost, , $375,- eration, invest so large it an ources is {n every le The Government performs many functions which it is created or called on to perform. It leaves all others to be taken hold of by indi- viduals. It gives attention by preference to those things which enable the peo))le to help themselves. Foremost among these is education — placing in reach of every one the necessary information to handle his resources and powers effectively. The National Museum is all the provinces in miniature. Its object is to place the necessary knowledge and facts regarding the Dominion and its resources, with their surrounding and cont»'olling natural conditions, conveniently within the reach of matured men, and legislators who are commissioned to attend to their interests. Without such knowledge collected and pre- sented conveniently to their hand, they would be compelled to skirmish individually and unaided in search thereof, just as the child would have to do without the advantages of an education . ITS GPOWTH AND "MANIFEST DESTINY." Here is an institution occupying a three story stone blcck at Ottawa (for many yeais forming a department under the direction of the Minister of Interior) which has had a con- tinuous active existence since A.D. 1843. Is it possible that what I have written in regard to it, and the matter it covers, should be read in these columns by many intelligent peojjle not 14 ill i if! '/rangers to the muaeuin with something like the freshness of news 1 The publications here referred to in the briefest manner possible, are more fully described in the price list of publica- tions of the Geological Survey (to be had gratis on application), and are sold approximately at cost, a nominal figure when the publication is separate. This is now the case with all reports and maps issued, though they are annually bound together into volumes, for libraries and reference. Has not the generation of Wm. E. Logan, of John A. McDonald and of J. W. Dawson, whose energies have been tl of the Dominion in its youth, done well presenting this foundation to the active men who are to pilot the destinies of the Dominion henceforward 1 The mining exhibit only faintly indicates the far greater wealth of the museum in physio- graphic and biological material tributary to agriculture, aii sundry arts and industries too numerous to mention. Now as it is the busi- ness of every one to look out for himself, and presumably of the statesman also, in his public not less than in his individual capacity, is it worth his whil^, on behalf of his constituents, to consider for u moment any thought which, (looking forward to the proper destinies of the Canada of the next generation), can build up within our means the noble conception of a national museum ] also ing of whi^ susta of « - '"■-(■ 15 yan, of aw son, ftiinion a this pO pilot jardl ttes the Iphysio- Lavy to |ries too [le busi- ;lf, and public One of the functions that has been acceptably performed by the Geological Survey for year^ has been the supplying and aiding in building up of local and provincial museums. Subter- ranean regions in charge of Mr. Williniot, devoted to this requirement, are seldom seen or heard of by the visitor. Several of the provinces, having special local interests, have inaugurated provincial geological surveys, supplementary to those of the Dominion, and commenced local museums of their own ; the good policy of which is apparent. Canada has its central mineral belt, the copper, silver, gold and iron belts of the Lake Superior region extending northward, and Drs. Selwynand Bell think repeating itself along the coast of Hudson's Bay. It has the cordilleran belt with all the mineral wealth that term implies in North and South America. It has also its ippalachian gold belt, which is interest- ing on a- nmt of the reported richness of some of its ledges ; and suiulry coal and iron regions, whivh iustify us in saying her capabilities of sustaining even large populations in unthought of " deserts," may be far better than we have imagined. If so her rigorous climate, during a portion of the year, may turn out to be an advantage rather than a drawback; and the aspect of probable future national developments is materiallv improved. A.B.