%. ^ nSi V^. - .0. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 11.25 " 1^ 12.2 m u 2.0 lA. 11 1.6 fe /q f^.^ <■ <^. % MP. /- f/j fA Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MSSO (716) 873-4503 fV ^ •1? 1. L.I 472.000 ' '2,4Hr,,l77 I.. lH>^^jiccor.ling to tl.« [{eport on Minerals TT^^^^^^TTTii^ -:;'-3G (o.. 8l.,5-.,3Cl, en-o,..s con-ected) wl,il,. tin- total vahu' of M,ne,a ,,.o.h,et, ou in th. (',.i,ed Srates in th. s.n.e year. aeco,..lin. to tho ii.po.t onMuuTai H...ource. by tiu, (;,,.ol.,.ieaI Surv.v of tln't country, was .f ..51),327,S88 being a proportion of about I "to .(0 Your Committee aro .n.pl.uioally of opinion tbat this ^aeat clis l>ropo'-t-" ^io.-s not exist in the n.inerai resources of the U-o coun; 4 From Table '< A," accompanying this ..port, it will , seen tl.at or the year 188 : th.. imports into Canada of n.ining an,. ...ude me ta lurg.cal products fron. the United Kingdom were $0,8.0 103 and from the Un.ted States 8 V48,77G, while the exports fron. rp "',00- ami to th JiLni"" "'T "" '""' ''' ''"'^ "'' ^^"°'^^-» ^«*-- of United States Prade Returns in order to show tho remarkable differ- ence there IS m the returns of the same article given by the two countries. •' " In each case there was a balance against us of about six millions collars, but It will be borne in mind that the tariff of the Unite" btates IS m many productions practically prohibitoiy. Again, taking Canada's exports of produce of the mine to Great Britain the United States and all other countries for the ten fiscal years 1877-1886, we have the following fig^u-es • Ykak. 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881, 1882, 1883. 1S84. is.s'j. 1S86. (iroat Britain. Uuitc.l Status. Other (VuntricH. I 1,061,201 142, .174 265,305 216,867 253,652 311,456 44.S,831 519,672 485,408 580,832 4, 289, .las 2,413,5.'5 2,472,979 2,6:<6,3.'{4 2,495,624 2,346,.')29 2,418,021 2,198,014 2,.')(t5,r)((| 2,898,518 3,lir.,fii»() 25,500,741 169,314 'MKi)'.H 181,261 I ('.4,860 167,618 284,096 329,011 221,919 25.-., CM 24.'-.,619 2,220,363 5. Rdiovinrr it would be of iiitorcst to aKccitaiii tl)o tiadc oftl.o United Kingdom and of tl.o United State.s as nvoH as that of Canada with the world at large in minerals and metal Im-j^dcal producf.s. your Committee have prepared two .sets of tal)le.s with this in vi(;w. The first set " B " take the export.s and imports for the yoiu-s 1881 to 1884 inclusive. They shew that on the average the values of exports were, from Great Britain ^ ^228 908 7'>7 The Unit(Ki States " ■ ' ;2',50o'g54 ^''""•^'' 3,3.38,231- and that the vnlues of imports were, to Great Britain 98,801,964 The United States -2 ^37 nro ^'^"^''^ 24',349'898 The second table " C " treats more fully with the detail and takes •nto consideration only the crude metallurgical products. From tliis wc g»a vnlwm of exports of Unitod Kingdom. United States. ™ ^ 5M »9,09 1 «13,770,477 Mf'tiilliMgical Product 1 7 6, f) GO,.') 94 65,202.071) ''''^^'^' 8230,709,688 e71»,0;<2,:.5(; Wliilo tilt; values of iinj)ortH were: Unitod Kingdom. United Statoa. V'*'' $33,.'-, 12,356 $ .sL Lal.Ic shows „s that th..' United Kingdom exports three times a.s much of minerals and their p'oductH us the United States, while .ihi' impoit.". on.'-third more than the United States. From the second tal.Ie we gather tliat the United Kingdom im- ports about four times us much ore matter an the United States and a little more than one-half the crude met ( 'oloiiics ( otlior tluiii ( ^HiiM'la) f) 1 ,(> 1 G 930 To other Countries j jq f)-r, .^t^^^ From /)oinl>i!(in TimU nud Nnvhjalion /{f/urns. KxruRTN, I88C. Coal, bituminous Ciold ■ ■ ■ ■ Oyii3uni Miiiunvl oil ] Autiiuoiiy ore Copjier ore Iron ore Manganese ore Silver ore [ Phospliates ]]] riunibago Salt .'..'.".'.'..;.■.■ Sand and gravel Slate ;.;.;' Stone and marble (unwrouglit). Other articles Gypsum (ground) Lime Stone and marble (wrought) . . . , Vai.uk in Domahs. To I To Uuitt'd Cnit'.'d Kingdom. States. IB ,li.'7.»J77 ,210,804 11 -'.271 27,742 3,(X)0 291,3!>7 23,03!) 13,001 25,134 0,817 26,714 23,195 4,256 59,888 159,670 18,485 18,552 15,461 «59 1,638 $3,187,163 iMPoiiis, I88r>. VaU K IN J)(>I.I.4KH. Kroiii I Uiiiti'd I Kingiloiii. Suit lia^M lino, coaMo ; l)ag8 coarso and l.iilk. ...... Iirans Tultinf,', liars, striiis, win; cl(»tH, Kcrap, xliuut and wire (Vnant Mydraiilif, hulk and liags, and I'ortland Coal - Aiitliracitf " MitiiniiniPiH Coke . <'<>Ii|n;i- liai-H, rods, scrap, pig, sliuutand wiro Kartlicnwaru ' 'liina and porcelain I run and stucl Dutiable and free, including scrap and wire Load Marble ;...'. '.'.'..'.'..'.['.'.'.'.'.'.'. Hritannia metal, type and babbit metal, pewter Awlitstos (nuuiiifaetured) Mineral .substances and ores (not otlierwiae specilied). riundiago - Kaw and manufactured Mineral oil.. I'roduets of shale, petroleum, etc (J.ypsum (manufactured) Diamonds anri I04,;V.C.' iya,f.tii o,():{7 !)'J,()(Mt| 4I.'<,'J'.'3 7(i,8r)!> 4,«2r.,841 149, M»7 3,i:js 548 118 I 2,4f)9 60,034 1,000 10. 31 2 1. '54,04!) 53,4.S4 18,090 019,971 35,100 70 From I'nited States. 14,318 l.'!»,S,!((iO I. '.,44 1 J.d'.t.'i 11(10 VJ,,VJ7,.S()7 :{7,7!lH I. •!•-', Oil .•iii,:to7 u,:iT2 1,091,980 5,4:!9 78,575 75,2i>t; 0, '.'«;{ '23,, SSL' 5,003 4'-'l,7;f0 59, .-{74 DOM l5,<..;o 2,143 25,051 S5,-,13 19(»,,529 10,584 10,558 2,809 124,849 15,440 289 0,981 22,092 8 Aa. From Commerct and Navigation Returns of tht United Statei. Exports (to Canada), 1886. Ore or Mktal. Value in Dollar,^. Coal — Antliracite ' ' — Bituminous ...'."....',,,',' Cojjper—Iiigots, bars, old, sheetBand other manufactures ' " " C.opj)er ore ' ' ' ' Kartheii and stoneware ......'.'....'...'...... Cliiiiaware [' ' [ Iron^-Pig, bar, carwheels, castings, plates an(i sheets^ railroad bars or rails, iron and steel ; wire, iron and steel iron ore. . , Lime and cement .............'.'.'.'. Marble and stone, unmanufactured ; * roofing slate an.l other manufactures ° _ Mineral oil -Naphthas, illuminating and iubricatini;'. '.'.'.'. Quicksilver " Salt , Tin, manufactures of Zinc— Pigs, bare, and manufactures of $ 2,564,340 751,895 27,030 4,680 68,310 8,145 374,182 1,122 25,047 228,639 479,576 3,666 4,873 38,893 11,439 ^4, 591,887 Impjrts (?rom Canada), 18S6. Ore or Metal. Coal — Bituminous Copper ore Gold bars and bullion Silver bullion Unspecified mineral substances Iron ore Stone, slates, etc Mineral oil Salt Phosphates Gypsum, unground Plumbago Precious stones and imitations. . Value in Dollars. $ ,014,116 332,240 687,705 1,827 3,646 26,731 92,756 15,204 53,317 6,740 115,003 2,405 65,637 12,416,327 I I 1 ' \ 9 I KXP(JRTS OF THB UnITKD KlIfODOM. Articliw. 1881. 188'-'. Cement Coals .■;;.'.' Products of coals (ex- cept (lyes) Me/aU : Iron, old Iron, pig & puddled. Iron, bar, angle, etc. Iron, railroad I Iron, wire Iron, hoops, sheets, and boiler plates. . Iron, tinned plates. .| Iruii, cast or wrou't, and all otiiernifrs. Steel, unwrought . , Steel, mf rs. of i Tek'grapli wire I Cu/i))ei\ unwroug/it : ] Ingots, cakeaorslabs, VVrouglit or prtly. w ' Brass, of all sorts. . . .j Lead, pig, sheet and pipe I Tin, unwrouglit I Zinc, wrought and un-l wrought Salt £ ' 75.S,302 8,785,950 £ 804,601 9,564,616 1883. Totals £ 925,474 10,645,919 1884. £ 871,015 10,851,130 565,693 488,04" 4, 104, 7'; '.',013,133 5,666,446 1,000,844 3,404.790 4,16.3,132 3,964,268 1,871,161 914,311 1,983,663 1,228,378 2,208,189 384,792 675,828 460,506 118,296 585,838: €45,341,4331 S220,.359,3e4' 781,412 1,017,767; 1,068,900 507, 161 i 4,962,185' 2,298,533 6,. 387, 21 9 1,. 330, 544 3,943,806 4,642,125, 4,. 549, 860 2,034,339 942,534 1,042,561 909,241 2,424.837 444, .383' 577,325 579, 557 j 125,969 568,715 49,421,523' 240,188.002' 337,995 4,077,456 2,034,667 6,014,264 926,797 3,899,774 4,705,403' ! 4,616,660 1,396,556' 580,644' 1,237,893' 1,14.3,034 2,426,439 432,033 53.3,144 524,049 98,741 645,009 48,219,718 234,347,829 223,422 2,945,223 1,942,294 4,142,063 692,607 3,693,001 4,746,923 4,580,671 1,127,481 402,380 2,509,153 1,053,135 2,51.3,894 452,998 422,178 409,210 100,356 611,537 45,419,571 220,739,115 10 1mp.)KTs of the Unitku KrNonoM. AKTirLDS. ( 'oppor ore & rc,. 388 l,0,3it,542! I 2,442,0.50 »)4(>,302 408,200! 2,170,208 I,, 3.50,083' £18,02,3,848; 20,871,846; 21,-502,197 .«!01, 009,9011 101,4.37,171' 104,702,277 3,175,000 2,.32»,175 2,114,000 1,105,048 2,093,422 1,222, .325 l.(»S9,708 2,123,799 700,154 390,1.57 1.711,313 1,244,871 19,000,598 97,008,500 B. KxrORTS OK THE UsilKD StATKS. Articles. Brass and mnfrs. of. . , Coal — Anthracite... . " — Bituminous Copper .ind mnfrs. cf Iron and steel and manufactures ot * . . Lead and mnfrs. of. Marble and stone and manufactures of. . . Mineral oils Quicksilver Salt Tin and mnfrs. of ... . Zinc and mnfre. of . . . Totals 1881. 216,057 2,091,928 7.39,532' 876,395, 16,608,707 .39,710 629,795 40,31.5,009 1,124,9.55' 14,752; 198.524; 148,2121 .1- .322,439 2,,589,8S7! 1,102,898 748,456 17,.55l,322 178,779 614,4.30 51,232,706 959,128 18,265 198,608 138, .374 $63,004,2.36, «75,655,292 1883. 1884. 287,847 .301,014 2,648,033 3,053,550 1,593,214 1,977,959 2,348,004 5,595.859 \ 140,427 ( 19,024,894 18, .369, 148 4.3,108 1?.5,156 541,5.53 503,260 44,913,079 47,103,248 1,020,827 427,219 17,321 26,007 191,947 166,810 82,490 31,107 $73,652,744 J'77,690,.346 ' Sewing machines and afcrirultural implements not included. 11 ■ iMPOKTrt OK THK UNITED Sl'ATES. AlM'ICI.RS. Hras.s aiul iniifrs. of, . . Coal and cokr.. . . i <"oi)l)LT ami imifrs. of. j lion and .stot 1 & nifra.' of (including ore). . . I I't'a.l and ninfrs. of. , MaiMc and stone and manufactuR's of., . Mftal.s and ninfrs. of, I not eiscwh'r specif'dl Minur.d oils and otherj mini'ral .sul)stance8 .! I'latinuMi I Salt ; ; .■ I Slate and ninfrs. of. , . | Tin and ninfrs. of I '/'Uxc and ninfrs. of . . .' Totals $ 494,249 2,008,9tJ7 564,923 51,4,-)4,574 163,742 749,763, 1,162,913 112,152 294,635 1,900,610 46,864, 18,685,903 26' 218 •7 668,136 2,192,689, 317,172! 5.%898,267 211,935 798,542| 1,429,91 8| 187,24s' 334,183' 1,561,132' 45,928; 21,838,2611 949,041; 570,»)66 2,084,151 191,285 40,8.37,376 170,198 819,567 1,489,445 141,5.32 .391,766 1,476,946 49,919 22,903,572 802,933 470,4.35 2,.589,958 291,603 42,917,747 92,861 950,217 2,248,814 89,154 .373,110 I,. 527, 4.55 5,482,909 251,476 ExpoRT.s oy Canwda. Ahticle.'*, 1881. 1882. 188.3. 1884. Coal $ 1,12.3,091 767,318 132,787 8 1,078,704 930,951 138,180 1,087,411 911,383 160,794 * (!old 1,201,172 (iypsuni, ground aud unground . . Lime 9.52,131 172,928 Mineral oils 631 3,921 150,412 445,707 .38,738 34,494 239,493 39,566 12,511 95,726 :$3,084,395 136 4,7.33 139,245 571,700 37,485 15,110 327,667 36,418 13,789 115,167 368 11,842 150,479 556,100 29,417 14,200 302,716 17,511 17,755 94,880 Antimony ore Copper ore 7,546 4,855 Iron ore and products of iron and steel Manganese Silver 214,044 354,667 15.851 Phosphates Salt 12,920 453. .322 Sand aud gravel Stone, marble & slate, wrought & uuwrou't 17,408 14,152 82,392 Total 13,409,285 $3,354,856 $3,504,388 12 iMroKxa Of Canada. Articles. Brass and innfrs of. . Coal Copper and mufrs of..j Gold and silver and^ mnf rs. of ] Iron and steel and] mnfrs. of * ■ Lead find mnfrs. of. . . ' Marble, slate and stone and innfrs. of i Metal, composition and. other i Oils, mineral. i Salt I Zine and mnfrs. of.. . . i Tin and mnfrs. of .... i 1881. I 276,958 4,094,294 160.329 23.3,806 12,224,180, 1P0,292 220,323 .368,967 280,638 494,633 126,469 41.3,924 Total $19,044,813 188-:. 9 362,.581 4,696,007' 222,219 333,820 16, 378, .344, 181,354 2.3e, "> 462,286, 453,250, 323,807, 99,7.36, 946,.'»22; 1883. 383,106 6,.389,804, 243,222 345,515j 18,25,3,179, 203,100 265,491, 649,236! 460,728, 422,367, 22,599 1,258,136 1884. 393,. ')44 7,503,871 235,510 230,614 13,464,742 166,804 26.-), 594 611,909 427,641 360,11)2 99.742 1,001,769 $24,606,366 $28,806,483 $24,761,932 " .Not iiKliuliiiir sewinjr iiuchinos uiul a>,'rifultur;il implements. 13 O. Okbs. KXFORTS. From United Kingdom, 1883. 1 935,404 From United States, 1886. 51,739,166 Clays, except ordinary Coal, anthracite " bituuiinoua Coke Cobalt .md nickel ore and matter Copper ore & regulus. \'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.': i 3,m,m i:;'''^ ^"•''' ; 34,160 iMlver ore I . . . . Iron pyrites, cuprous. . . . cliiefly Lead ore Manganese ore Plio.fpliates Quicksilver Halt ; ; Tin ore Zinc ore Mineral oil, ortide. . . . Marl)le and stone, im- manufactured Platinum Plumbago Aluminum Bismuth Gj'jpBum Buhr stones, unmut'd Lithographic stone . . Mica Charcoal 16,524 1,458,0(K) 219,259 29,827 !.mery . Pumice Talc '..;,.'; Mineral subs, not else- where specified Asbestos, crude Total ores. 24,951 5,859,577 159,553 Imports. To Unite: Tf t f 1 f -i I . • - • T C A. -C — -X — • '~ • I' -i « O © ■♦ ?. .■■Ti . O -C 10 f f< ft ■ o ■ 5S X r- 51 t 75 ■Ti ■ —• « I- • i.-: I - — ' «V t ifS ^■n^ . «■! . CI 11 P: I" • -^ 1 «. "t — -O 1-; 11 '71 rc M -o O 1.-5 — M ■?. :2" CI ~ -7 j£ 2 zf ^ ■ M *»^ 12 rri 51 — -< X r- 11 § 1 11 1- Xi •< 5; I- O I- rt a " a o ra ii rt r3 -M --■ 5 -« " ^5 o fl m £ 1) _g * D -a .9 .^^ 3 a ..SP1« Oh2 3 41 • 2P : 3 . -M : a ! rt • ic : a • 'a ."3< . V . a> . 2) a-s bo ^ -^ wa W ■ -o II . C5 ■ O 11 11* I- c. Si f1 1 _j '5: 4» ^ 1 a ■ a flC o a +3 p O ^ -O c« 00 -^.C s M J 72 yj • • • • -SJ : : :::::§?•• '.•':' [^ ' '• • ■ ■ . n o . : • • • . « 4) w . « aJ C 41 -S £^ o • ^ ^ '^ tij ^ '^ _ o o "O H a a i" ^--.9. 9. go o rt Ji: •S a 5 a H