IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 £f Itf 12.0 Im lll!i?!IIIIilJ4 «l 6" ► Hiotographic Sciences Corporation r■!:■ i AND RULES or ORDER -Skc;'^ •».-''v;i OF THE Soitario y toi^ai^i Sis^cietj . INSTITUTED DECEMBER, IS56. tffc# ^.-... IXCORPORATRD MAY, ISCv). ■^1^- S ..■■■: "yr.' -M "*'*f>^^\^^ 04^*****^ #r v TORONTO, 17th APRIL: Painted at the ' leadku' steam-pkkss, king stkebt east, I860. \'k'^' ■ vm I '^^^ ^ iW fe'^ia iife ^&'^^ S tf''^* ^ $ r \, RU rtt f - \, L ■ J c Q^STlTUn^^ BY-LAWS AND RULES OF ORDER OF THE §atar&([> ILiteicary Society. Mr-*-'- ""'■'"""■'' IKSTIT0TE1) B£C£K££B, 1866. Ikcorporatsd Mat, 1S60. •s^ - - i ->«»'<»»^^ 4 TORONTO, Itth APRIL: MIKTXI) AT TBS * UUPBR* 8TEAM-PRBSS, KING aXBIMt MAMt, '\ '. ; . ■ ■ ■ ■' ^-' I860. ■ ' ""'■' -'^^ '' -'"-^ I' III: OFFICE BEARERS, 18C0. (g President: THOMAS MOSS, M. A. Ist Vioe-President: JAMES MORRIS. 2nd Vice-President: WARREN ROOK. m i ' This Treasurer: DANIEL SPRY. LlTEItA Secretarv * CHRISTOPHER W.* BUNTING. Corresponding Secretary: WILLIAM A. FOSTER, LL. B. Assistant Secretary: JOHN H. GORDON. Librarian : J. D. EDGAR. K'*. Members of Committee : F. A. RATTRAY. I W. L. McGILLIVBAY. A. W. LAWDER. | JOHN G. SCOTT. Past Presidents: F. A. RATTRAY. ROBERT SMITH. WM. L. McGILLIVRAY. WILLIAM ANNIS. DANIEL S. EASTWOOD. DANIEL SPRY. /Si 3 ^3 This Literati ' Sec. CoiTesj Sec. propose occupa at the being : Sec 1st. an Corree ! I #ntana f tUrarji .Soiirti). CONSTITUTION. •/ ART. I. This Society shall be known as the <^ QaiasAino" LiT£KA«Y Society. 'V. • ART. II. Tills Society has for its object the cultivation of Literature and Public Speaking. ART. III. ' Sec. 1. This Society shall consist of Honorary, Corresponding, and Ordinary Members. Sec 2. All Candidates for membership shall be proposed by a Member in writing, stating name, occupation and residence ; and shall be ballotted for at the next ordinary meeting, a three-rfourth vote being requisite to constitute an election. ART. IV. Sec 1. The Officers shall consist of a President, 1st. and 2nd. Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Libra- i t' , 4 CONSTITUTION. rian and four Members of Committee, who shall be. elected by ballot semi-f nnuaPy> at the last ordinar)i meetings in Jmie and December; pnd in case of a vacancy occurring* in aay office, the Society shall proceed to an immediate election to fill the same. Sec 2. All the Candida*es for office shall be nominated at the first ordinary meetng preceding the time of election. } Sec 3. It shall be the duty of the Pres'dent, or in his absence, of one of the Vice-Presidents^ to preside at all meetings of the Society, ond to preserve order and decorum. In their abseace a Chairman shall be chosen by the meeting. At the first meeting after the sentii-annual general meetin^^, an intro- ductory address shall be delivered by the President elect. Sec 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect all monies due ; pay all bills ordered lo be paid by the Society ; keep an account of all monies received and expended; and at the last regular meeting in June and December, present a Report of the financial condition of the Society. ^^ Sec 5. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the minutes of the Society ; notify Members of meetings, when instructed so to do ; and perform such other duties pertaining to his office, as the Society meeting of the g Sec Secretai Society, Sec' Secreta their el give all or Rea stating pected Commi and p( office s Sec take cl " ol" the ilive 01 keep a they a duties requir the S andD his ch i CONSTITUTION. shall ba ordinary| ase of a ty shall same. 1 ihall be eceding \ >nt, or in > preside e order an shall meeting n intro- resident surer to d to be monies regular teport of 3tary to ibers of perform as the J Society may require of him ; and at the last regular meeting in June and December, present a Report of the general condition of the Sociely. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to conduct all the Correspondence of the Society. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Secretary to notify Candidates for membership of their election ; register the name of the Members ; give all Members appointed as Debaters, Essayists or Readers, notice of their appointment as such, stating the subject and the time when they are ex- pected to be present ; call meetings of the Managing Committee when instructed so to do by the President ; and perform such other duties pertaining to his office as the Society may require of him. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to take charge of all books, papers and other property of the Society handei to him for safe keeping ; to give out books to the Members when required ; to keep a correct list of all books so given out ; see that they are properly returned ; and perform such other duties pertaining to his office as the Society may require of him. He shall also present a Report to the Society at the last regular meetings in June and December, of the condition of the library under his charge. a2 0ON8TITUTIOK. Sec. 9. Any Officer absenting himself for three consecutive meetings, without giving to the Society a good and sufficient reason, either verbally or in writing, shall vacate his office. ART. V. No alterations, additions, or amendments, shall be made to this Constitution, nor any part thereof sus- pended, or repealed, except at the semi-annual meetings of the Society, of which three- weeks notice shall have been previously given in writing, and subject to a majority of votes of the members then present. "• f* K or three Society lly or in [•( shall be eof sus- i-annual e-week II. The following shall be the order of business, except at Public Meetings. 1. Roll of O^ewFS called. 2. Reading of Minutes. - 3. Reading Communications. * 4. Report of Committees. 5. Balloting for Candidates. 6. Introduction of Members. 7. Propositions for Membership. 8. Officers Semi-annual Reports. 9. Election of Officers. 10. Essay. 1.1. Readings. 12. Debate. 13. New business. 14. Adjournment. Ic, or: RUitBS OF OBDEA. 13 t V, '•A- iecorura ; 3 conduct edy and business, ^ 111, The followixig shall be the wdex of JbiueiaeM «t Public meetings. 1st. Essay. 2nd. Readings. 3rd. Debate. 4th. Adjoarnment. IV. The Society may at any time by a majority of votes, aher the order of business for that evening. V. On a point of order being raised while a membor is speaking, the member speaking stiall at onoe take his seat ; the point of order shall then be stated by the member objecting ; and the Chairman shall without further debate decide thereupon, stating the rule applicable to the case without argument or comment. VI. No motion shall be putifrom the chair, unless sub- mitted in writing, except a motion to adjourn, to lay on the table, or the. previous question. No Member shall speak unless a motion is before the Society, without permission being given. No Men^ber «hiUl spenk to any motion until it has % I 14 RULES OF ORDEFt. been delivered to the Chairman in writing, with the names of the mover and seconder ; thereon the mover shall have the first, and the seconder the seconcl', right of speaking to such motion. No amendment to a motion can "be received, after an amendment to an amendment, nor any motion unless for the previous qu*3stion, to lay on the table, or to adjourn simply. X. 0^ A motion to adjourn simply shall take precedence of all motions and amendments ; a motion to lay on the table of all except to adjourn ; a motion for the previous question of all except to adjourn, or to lay on the table. .. , ^^l The yeas and nays upon any question shall b« recorded on the minutes when called for by t Members. • '.^^ ^ .^-' • ■ • -' . XII When a Member intends to speak or submit a motion, he shall rise in his place, and respectfully addressing the chair, confine himself to the ques- tion, and avoid personalities. • XIII. Should more than one Member rise to speak at the same time, the chairman shall at once (and ■^m m kb i u a Th( •^ Sha: carriel shall put ThI 1st. x\ the it" the over jonci) after iotion table^ denoe ay on for the to lay lall be by tw» bmit a 3ctfuHy 3 ques- >#^ peak &t ce (and RULES OF ORDER. 15 n without appeal) determine who is entitled to the floor. XIV. Members shall have the privilege of speaking twice on any question, but not oftener without the consent of the Society, and no Member shall speak more than once, until every Member wishing ii speak shall have done so. XV. If any Member shall feel aggrieved by the decis- ion of the chair, he may (except as provided in Rule 13,) appeal from such decision to the Society ; the President shall thereupon put the question, thus — " Shall the decision of the chair be sustained ?" XVI. All questions, unless otherwise provided for, shall be determined by a majotity of votes. XVII. The previous question shall be put in this form : ** Shall the main question be now pui ?" It this is carried, no further motions, amendments, or debates shall be permitted, but the main question shall be put without delay. XVIII. The following motions shall not be debateable : 1st. to adjourn simply, 2nd. to lay on the table, 3rd. the previous question. I —_-. -»r^ .;-■"-, -w' :zt.-t I« HULKS or ORI^EIt. XfX. •^ i f. No amendment to the minutes Hhall be allovrM after their adoption, and no resolution to expunge any part of them shall have any other effect than the erasure of the record, nor shall any motion te expunge be in order until after their adoption. "^'* XX. ^ A motion to adjourn simply, shall always be in order except — 1st. when a Member is in possession of the floor ; 2nd. when Members are voting ; 3rd. when an adjournment was the last preceding motion ; 4th. or when it has been decided the previous question shall be put. '^* XXI. No alterations shall be made to these Kules ex- cept at the semi-snnual meetings, two weeks' no- tice in writing having been given, bat a Rule may be suspended for the evening only. XXII. The Rules of Order shall also, as far as possibiO) ftpply in committee of the whole. ; ^ tun i t f ll v4 Ontario Literary Sooiety. « ♦ LIST QF KEMBBB8. li '' I \ HONORARY. R. A. Harrison, Esq., B. C. L. James Beaty, Esq., Barrister. E. Wiman, Esq., PrMS. Alderman James E. Smith, Merchant, Toronto. Wm. H. Wlthrow, Esq., " Henry Alexander, Esq., Qutbec. CORRESPONDING. Geo. F. Belling, Esq., D. D. S., London^ Englan^. M. Swec^nam, Esq., P. O. Inspector, Kingston. James J. Hunter, Esq., M. D., Ifeiomurket. David MoKlnnon, Esq., Student at Law, Hamilton. W. A. Oastleman, Esq., M. A., M. D., AuUwitte>. Thos. C. Walton, Esq., Montreal. P. Osier, Esq., Barrister, Dundaa. Daniel S. Eastwood, Esq., Banker, Belleville. J. E. Farewell, Esq., Barrie. John Walker, Esq., London^ England. C. W. Allen, Esq., " II ] 18 LIST OF MEMBERS. OROINART. Andenon.W. Archer, W. H. Allen, John Beregford, W. H. Bunting, 0. W. Burrough, J. Boat wick, A. W. Blaln, D., LL. B. Bond, John M. Bird, Robert Brown, Thomas Belford, Charles Beatty, W H. Boucher, W. M, Coulson, Duncan Coldwell, Morgan Carrol, R. Cameron, W. H. Cameron, James. Cannlfif, Wm., M. D., M. C. S., England. Clark, Wilton G. Carlyle James Coates, C. W. Carter, W. R. Cross, J. F. Douglas, William Disher, J. 0. Dobble, P. Douglas, Geo. Byng Edgar, J. D. Foster, AV. A., LL. B, Forsyth, John. Gordon, John H. Fornerl, Cosford Graham, Alexander Ilarcourt, Charles Hetherington, J. P. Halley, William. HodsoD, William: Holcoumb, J. W,, B. Af R. >■■ ■:»(■ Howard, W. P. . i James, G. D. Lawder, A. W. Langley, Bei\jamtn Livingston, J., LL. B. Litton, L. J., M. A. Logan, M. Munro, Alexander M« Moss. Thomas, M. A. Morris, James Mason, Alexander MussoB, George W. Macgillivray, W. L, McGiUivray, E. K. McGreger, Alexander MoKinnon, D. C. McCurry, P. McLennan, D. Proveaux, Jno. L. Rattray, F. A. Rattray, W. J., Bi A. Rigby, W. O. Rock, Warren Radsnhurst, W. H. Spry, Daniel. Sale, Julian. Sampson, W. A. Simpson, David Stevenson, J. McLean Scott, W. H. j^ Spencer, James Scott, John G. Shaw, Henry Sampson, D. Ashe, LL. B. Smith, F. J. D. Sellar, Thomas '^' Treahey, Patrick Vale, Jr., Charles Wright, James Wadsworth, J. *• Wright, Joseph oT. Young, John -^, ,^ !< B. :.iv=i a