IHE HISTORY OF ENGUi IN WK Jl BY ROBERT C. ADAMS. AUTUOIJ OF " 0:N BOAliD TUK ' JiOCKET.' '* BOSTON D . LOTH R () 1^ A N I) COMPANY, :y2 FuANKLiN ►Sti{i-;i%t. 4 Copyright, by ROBERT C. ADAMS. 1880. y/i ■ ■/I -ft/ PREFACE. On a voyage at sea, 'Twas amusement to me These historical couplets to write. It is hoped that for reference Some may give them the preference Over works of more volume and weight. With the wish that this summary May assist some one's memory, In preserving its store of facts brighter, And dispel any mystery That obscures English history, It is issued in print by the writer. R. C. A. »* / THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND IN EHYME. BBITON AND ROMAN PEEIOD, B. c. 55 TO A. D. 449. — 504 years. B. c. For hundreds of years ere the Saviour appeared, The meu of Phoenicia their trading-boats steered ; , To the Islands Bretannic, to barter for tin With the Britons, who, clothed in rough garments of skin, Lived rudely and wildly in huts built of mud, And practised the Druids' religion of blood. 55. The great Julius C^sar, b. c. fifty-five, • Having conquered the Gauls, came with Britons to strive. 54. He returned the next year with more soldiers from Rome, But they fought him so well, he made peace and went home. I ^0 further attempt at invasion we see, v A. D. 43. Till the Emperor Claudius, a. d. forty-three, 6 The HUtory of Emjland in llJtyme, A. D. Reconquered the land ; but much blood wits still shed 51. By the brave British troops that Caractaeus led. 61. In the reign of fierce Nero, A. D. sixty-one, Suetonius Paulinus new forces brought on. Of his outrage and crime you can form no idea, 62. Bringing bloody revenge from Queen Boadic^a. 78. Next, Julius Agkicola, seventy-eight. Established the power of the Roman Estate. To stay the incursions of tribes from the North, 79-si. He built lines of forts from the Clyde to the Forth ; 120. But IlADEiAisr later erected a line Extending across 'twixt the Sol way and Tyne ; Another still later, constructed of stone, 2IO- Has since as the wall of Severus been known. The Romans at home having need of their men, 410. Their forces withdrew in four hundred and ten. SAXON PJEBIOD. 449 TO 1066.— 617 years. Through Saxon alliance against Picts and Scots, _„. The Britons fell prey to the Saxons' sharp plots; ' ' ' The Ilhtory of England in Mhi/me. ■s. A. D. Pqj, Hengist and IIorsa, in four forty-nine, Both routed the Scots and established their line. 542. (The famous King AiiTHUU and sixty brave knights Resisted th' invaders, and won in twelve fights.) Seven kingdoms were formed, Saxon Heptarchy called, Until eight twenty-seven the land they enthralled, 827. When Egbert of Wessex six other states gained. And thun as the first Anglo Saxon king reigned. Of the kings who succeeded him under this name 858. \ Next Ethelwolf, Etfielbald, Ethelbeut came ; 860. ) 1^- } Then Ethelred followed, then iVlfredthe Great 901- And Edward the Elder took kingly estate ; 925 ^°' 1 Next Athelstan, Edmund and Edked are reckoned, 946. J 1% I With Edwin and Edgar and Edward the Second ; 975. ) 979. Then Ethelred Second fell prey to the Dane, »oi3. Ten hundred thirteen, and the crown came to Sweyn. 1016. Canute and King Edmund then strove for his place, 1035. !- And Harold and Hardfcanute end his race. 1040. ) 1042. Next Edward, the Saxon " Confessor," well known, ,066. And Harold toe Second ascended the tlirone. 8 The History of Eiigl^nd in lihyme, A D. NOB MAN PEBIOD. 1066 TO 1154. — 88 years. 4 kings. In ten sixty-six, out of Normandy came io66. Great William the Conquerou, pressing his claim To the sceptre of England, for Edward Confessor Had made him by promise his rightful successor. Oct. 14, io66. At the Battle of Hastings, King Harold was slain, And by will of the people began William's reign. His oath to do justly quite soon he forsook, io86. Wrote forfeited lands in the Domesday Book, Had fires put out at the curfew bell's sound, 1079. And formed the New Forest his own hunting ground. The language of France was the tongue of the court. And hence with such terms English speech is now fraught. l^- j Rebellions were quelled, oaths of fealty given. And William, the First died in ten eighty-seven. Sept. 26, 1087. By William, called Rufus, his red-headed son, Another tyrannical reign was begun. 1095. The Barons' conspiracy soon he o'erthrew. And out of church properties revenues drew. The History of Enyland in Rhyme, ^' ^' So AnseliiT the Primate against him inveighs, And quarrels with clergy embitter his days. Famed Peter the Hermit now preached the Crusade, 1096. And ten ninety-six its beginning was made. In the year eleven hundred, while hunting the deer, Aug. 2, iroo. The arrow of Tyrrell closed William's career. King Henry the First, William First's youngest son, Aug. 5,1100. Then seizing the treasures, usurped the king's throne. Duke Robert of Normandy ought to liave reigned, 1106. But being by Henry o'erthrown and restrained, For twenty-eight years he was forced to abide ti34. In the Castle of Cardiff, where also he died. 1120. The Prince, with one hundred and forty m.on more, Was drowned in the sea close to Normandy's shore, And after the loss of this favorite child, King Henry is said never more to have smiled. Dec. 1, 1 135- A dinner of lampreys, of life did deprive King Henry the First, in eleven thirty-five. Matilda, his daughter, by right should have reigned, Dec. 26, 1135. But Stephen, his nephew, ascendancy gained, ^^ And seized on the crown, till eleven forty-one, •10 The History of England in RUyme, A. D. 1141.* When tlie knights of Matilda obtained her the throne. She failing to please, civil warfare eusued, "1J2; } Matilda retired, Stephen's reign was renewed, But the right of succession was finall}^ won 1153. By th' intrepid invasion of Henry her son. PLANTAGENET LINE. 1154 TO 1485. — 331 yeapwS. 14 kings. Oct. 25, 1154. King Stephen expired in eleven fifty -four, Dec. 19, 1154. And Henry the Second asserted his power. This king was the first of Plantagenet's name, His power and wisdom have won lasting fame. JJ'*; } The Irish he conquered, Scotch forces repelled, And over in France many provinces held. The catholic clergy their pockets well filled, Dec 29.1170. ^ncl Thomas d Becket was treacherously killed. ''73. His sons were rebellious, their father defied, 1186. In the midst of his plotting the eldest one died, But Richard continued his evil design, July 6, 1189. Till death made him king in eleven eighty-nine. He's called Cceur de Lion, for bravery of heart, The History of England in Wiyme. 11 1190.' In Eastern Crusades he performed a bold part \ His hist'ry is chiefly the fame of his hince, A riu'^'ii } ^^^G captured in Austria, killed wliile in France. But eight months in England, he spoke not its tongue ; In eleven ninety-nine, Pichard's decade was run. "'>9' } 'Gainst his brother Kin^^ John all the Barons combined, 1203. ) o June 15, 1215. And at Runnymede famed Magna Charta was signed. 'J"^- } He lost his French lands, the Pope's vassal became, 1203. And Arthur's foul death ever sullies his name. By all men considered base, cruel and mean, Oct. 17, 1216. King John cksed his days in twelve hundred sixteen. Oct. 28, 12x6. His son, Henry Tnmo, only aged nine years, A weak and irresolute king soon appears. The prized Magna Charta he tried to upset, May 15, 1264.) Was at Lewes dethroned ; House of Commons first met ; 1265. j Aug. 4, 1265. But the vict'ry of Evesham his power restored. And his enemy Leicester was slain by the sword. Nov. 16, 127:. Kmg Henry the Third died in twelve seventy-two ; Aug. 79, '274. His son, Edwakd First, took the crown as his due. For the wisdom with which he controlled his dominion, He justly is known as the English Justinian. . _ ^_ If The nhtory of Enrjland in Rhyme. ^283.' He conquered in Wales, named his son as its prince (The king's eldest son is so called ever since). 1290. Away from the kingdom he banished the Jews, Aug. 23. 1305. And put Wallace to death, acts that none would excuse. July;, 1307. King Edward the First died in thirteen and seven ; 1307. To his son, Edwabd SEC0i5D,the crown was then given. His fav'rite, Piers Gaveston, caused discontent, June 19, 1312. But, seized by the Nobles, to th' axe he was sent. Scotch forces were led by King Robert the Bruce, June 24, 1314. Who won Bannockbum's fight and made thirteen years' truce. ^325. The fair Queen, Isabella, deserted to France, 1326. Secured foreign troops, on the throne made advance ; 1326. Both the Spensers in hate to the gallows they bring, Sept. 21. 1327. And within Berkeley Castle they murder the king. 1327. His son, Edward Third, came the sceptre to hold. Thirteen twenty-seven, being fourteen years old. This powerful king warred with Scotland and France ; s^e;?:it'i356:} At Crecy and Poictiers, his son, the Black Prince, Gained victory and glory, but early expires, June 8, 1376. His dcatli by one year antedating his sire's. The Histcr; of England in Rhyme, , 13 A. D. To wars Edward Third by ambition was driven, june2t, 1377- Xill liis death in the year thirteen seventy-seven. July i6, 1377. Next Richard the Second, the Black Prince's son. His sad, ignominious ending brought on. 1381. Wat Tyler's rebellion he speedily quelled, 1397. And his uncle, Duke Gloucester, was secretly killed. Then Henry of Lancaster, John of Gaunt's son, 1399. Collected an army and seized on the crown. Richard Second, the eighth of Plantagenet Line, Sept. 29, 1399. w^-j^g deposed from the throne in thirteen ninety-nine. 'Tis supposed he was murdered before the next March, * March 12, 1400. For his body was publicly shown in the church. HOUSE OF LANCASTER. 1399 TO 1461.-— 62 YEARS. 3 kings. t4oo. Henry Fourth warred in Wales with brave Owen Glen- dower ; The Earl of Northumberland strove 'gainst his power ; July 23, 1403. Harry Percy, called Hotspur, at Shrewsbury was slain, And the wild Prince of Wales caused the monarch much pain. ^^ - ^ ^-^^^ _ 14 The History of England in RJiyme, MO?' William Sawtre, the Lollard, was burned for his creed, M05. And cannon were fired at Berwick on Tweed. March 20, 1413. King Henry the Fifth, brave and graceful in mien. Succeeded his father in fourteen thirteen. Oct!' l\\ I^Is'. } Both Harfleur and Agincourt glory enhance, May 21, 1420. And by treaty he's made heir and regent of France 1418. Through zeal for religion Lord Cobliam he burned, Thus dimming the fame which he otherwise earned. 1420. The French Princess Catherine he took for his bride, Aug. 31, 1422. But just in the zenith of splendor he died. * He was laid in the Abbey, fourteen twenty-two, M22. And to Henry the Sixth did the crown next accrue. He then was an infant, not yet a year old, So Bedford and Gloucester the kingdom controlled. 145?; } The French drove the English quite out of their land, '^""sof S } ^^^^ '^^^^^^ ^y J^^^^ ^f ^^^'"^ maiden hand. »4so. Jack Cade's dang'rous riot the king firmly quelled. But soon his own self as a prisoner was held By Richard of York, who his title opposes, May 23, 1455. Commencing at Albans the Wars of the Roses. Then Margaret of Anjou, King Henry's brave queen, The History of England in Rhyme, 15 AD. Dec. 23, 1460. Gained victory at Wakefield, and Richard was slain. HOUSE OF YORK, 1461 TO 1485. — 24 years. 3 kings. Mar. 3, 1461. Throiigli Warwick, the King-maker, Richard's first son Was crowned Edwakd Fourth in fourteen sixtj^-one. Cruel deeds he enacted throughout his demesne; 1464. He made Lady Grey, though a suhject, his queen. Earl Warwick rebelled, as this union he hated, 1470. And Henry from prison was then reinstated. April 14, 1471. At the battle of Barnet, Earl Warwick was slain, And Edward the FDurth then continued his reign. 'G-ainst his brotfier Duke Clarence some charges were found, 1478. 'Tis said, in the Tower in wine he was drowned. April 9, 1483. Edward Fourth ceased to breathe in fourteen eighty-three ; His son, Edward Fifth, was the next in degree, But he and his brother were killed in the Tower, 148.3. And Richard of Gloucester thus came into power. I^ng Richard the Third, base in body avd mind, Became most detested of all human kind. v He killed Rivers, and Hastings, impoverished Jane Shore, 16 The History of England in Ehyme. A. D. And Buckingham also was bathed in his gore. When only two years of his rigor were spent, Came Henry, Earl Richmond, of Tudor descent, Aug. 22, 1485. ^^ Bosworth Field's fight for the kingdom to strive, And was crowned IIenhy Seventh, fourteen eighty-five. So ended the horrible Wars of the Roses, And the history of York and of Lancaster closes. TUB TUDOES. 1485 to 1603. 118 years. 3 kings, 2 queens. Henry's peaceable reign was a little disturbed ;j^?: } By Simnel's and Warbeck's invasions, soon curbed. He sullied the glory attached to his name M99. By bringing Earl Warwick to th' scaffold with shame. Itli } Columbus and Cabot explored at this time. And Vasco de Gama in Cape of Hope's clime. April 21. .509. Henry seventh expired, fifteen hundred and nine; 1509. His son, Henry Eighth, then continued his line. The first of six wives was good Catharine of Arragon, : Who tRough twenty years of all graces the paragon. The History / England in Rhyme. 17 AD. t533- He divorced, and secured for his wife fair Anne B61eyn ; But by the fiilse charge that from virtue she'd fallen, May 19,1536. ) He had her beheaded, and took for his bride " 20, " ) Oct. 24, 1537. Jane Seymour, who bore him a son and then died. Jan. 6. X540. Hc ucxt uiadc alliauce with ph.in Anne of Cleves, But soon in displeasure this lady he leaves, July 28, 1540. And yields to th' attractions of Katherine Howard, Feb. t2,x542. Whom, for earlier sins, soon the scaffold devoured. These dreadful enormities did not debar July 12, Z543. His union with wise Lady Katherine Parr, Who, showing discretion and shrewdness, contrived Divorce to escape, and the king she survived. Wolsey flourished in splendor, but died with the sting X530. Of remorse, that he'd not served his God as his king. Queen Catharine's divorce roused the wrath of the Pope ; Henry tried with his spiritual power to cope ; So the great Reformation in England began, And rivers of blood from the scaffold then ran. '5^5. The staunch Bishop Fisher and brave Thomas More, 3 Earl Surrey and others to death were made o'er. Henry warred with the French, but took only Boulogne, IS47' 1544. 18 The History of England in Rhyme, IMS'* And in Scotland some profitless fighting was done. From Henry's bad reign there are two good things dated. The Prayer Book arranged, and the Bible translated. King Henry the Eighth then by Cranmer was shriven, Jan. 28, 1547. And the tyrant expired fifteen forty-seven. '547. King Edward the Sixth, of Jane Seymour the child, Accomplished, beloved and in manners most mild. Began his brief reign when he nine years had seen, July 6, 1553. And died of consumption, when aged sixteen. Duke Somerset held the Protector's estate. Till the Earl of Northumberland vented his hate 1552. By having him brought to the axe from the Tower, And causing himself to succeed to his power. He made the young monarch from justice to stray, And leave the succession to Lady Jane Grey. 1553. Next Bloody Queen Mary, fifteen fifty-three, Ascended the throne by the nation's decree. Northumberland's plot for the Lady Jane Grey Jilt' } She soon overthrew, and their lives took away. July 25, 1554. Contracting a marriage with Philip of Spain, He shortly, indifferent, returned home again. The History of England in Rhyme, 19 A. D. 1555- A fierce persecution 'giuiist Protestants turned ; Nearly three hundred people in three years were burned ; Rogers, Hooper and Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer, Were among the brave martyrs that died in this manner. Jan. 7. 155S. Okl Calais, the last French possession, was lost, Which Edward the Third a long conflict had cost. Queen Mary's life closed amidst loathing and hate, Nov. 17, .558. And she died of a fever, fifteen fifty-eight. 1558. Elizabeth Tudou, Anne Boleyn s sole child Was joyfully crowned ; good Queen Bess she was styled. She firmly established the Protestant cause, And promptly rescinded Queen Mary's bad laws. July, .588. The Spanish Armada was well overthrown, t599. I And the Irish Rebellion made under Tyrone. 1602. ) A few of her Nobles for treason were tried, 1572. ) Northumberland, Norfolk and Essex all died. 1601, J Feb. 8, ,587. The beheading of Mary, the fair Queen of Scots, And the Act of Supremacy are her chief blots. Both science and literature thrived while she reigned, And these most illustrious persons are named, Richard Hooker and Spenser, great Shakespeare and Bacon ; 1559- ■mbhi 20 The History of England in Rhyme. >577- Drake s round the world voyage was then undertaken. Mar. 24, 1603. Elizabeth, last of the Tudor degree, Closed her days in the year sixteen hundred and three. « STUART PERIOD. 1603 TO 1714. — 111 YEARS. 6 SOVEREIGNS. *^3. James Sixth, King of Scotland, successor then named, * As James First of England, was monarch proclaimed. This king was the son of Queen Mary the Scot; Nov. 5, 1605. j^jj, reign is now famed for the Gunpowder Plot, For Parliament's quarrels, the Bible's new version, Oct. 29, i6j8. -gj-ayg Raleigh's sad death, for th' Guiana Excursion, And American colonies beginning to thrive ; March 27, 1625. Xing James died of gout in sixteen twenty-five. 1625. His son, Charles the First, to the kingdom succeeds, And taxes the people for naval-war needs. For eleven full years not a Parliament met, «637. And the ship-money taxes were paid with regret. Nov. 3, 1640. Sixteen hundred and forty, Long Parliament came, With John Hampden and Kimbolton, Hollis and Pym, Enacted reforms, gave the king many checks, The History of England in Rhjme, 21 A. D. 1641. Impeached Strafford and Laud, brought their heads to the axe ; Jan 4, 1642. King Charles with a force at the Commons appears, And the Roundheads soon war with the king's Cavaliers. Oct 23 1642.) xi^e first battle was Edgehill, then came Marston Moor, Julya, 1644. ) o ' June 14, 1645. And the vict'ry of Naseby concluded the war. Charles, sold by the Scotch, h s opponents confine, Jan. 30, 1649. Till beheaded, at Whitehall, sixteen forty-nine. ,649. The Commonwealth period briefly ensued, Dec. 16, 1653. And Oliver Cromwell with power was endued. Jan. 1, 1651. Charles Second was crowned King of Scotland at Scone, sept.3, 1651. But, vanquished at Worcester, deserted his throne. ;^P: } Great wars undertaken with Holland and Spain, * Van Tromp they defeat and Jamaica's Isle gain. In England great Cromwell showed wisdom and vigor, But ruled both the Scotch and the Irish with rigor. ' He after five years of Protector's estate Sept. 3, 1658. Went home to his rest in sixteen fifty eight. ^ 1658. Weak KiCHARD his son, made Protector in vain, ; Mays, 1660. Sixteen hundred and sixty came Charles Second's reign. _: Religious conformity he would exacfc,v__; .^ 22 The History of England in Rhyme, A. D. 1662. By means of the harsh Uniformity Act. Sept. 15^1666. 1 London City was ravaged by plague and by liamea, 1667. DeRuyter, the Dutchman, ascended the Thames. 1678. The blood which was shed through the Gates' popish plot Has made on this reign an indelible blot ; But the fact that King Charles was so bad in his purpose May 2b, 1679. Secured the great Act of the Habeas Corpus. , \ The Whigs' Rye House Plot 'gainst the monarch was made, '^83. > ' For which Russell and Sidney their lives forfeit paid. He was called ''Merry Monarch," but never was seen A ruler so profligate, shameless and mean. Feb. 6, 1685. James Second, his brother, sixteen eighty five. Ascended the throne when King Charles ceased to live. 1685. The attacks of Argyle and of Monmouth subdued, The prompt execution of leaders ensued. 1685. The infamous Jeffreys conspirators tries ; Tliree hundred were killed in his bloody assize. 1687^. King James made some laws for the Catholics' good. But the brave seven Bishops his mandates withstood. Nov. 5, 168S. Then William of Orange, with Maby, James' daugliter. With fleet and an army came over the water ; The History of England in Rhyme, 23 ^- ^' The people approving their lofty design, Feb. 13, i68g. They Were crowned king and queen in sixteen eighty-nine. i68s. James, leaving the throne, *cross the Channel made lliglit, And the Crown changed possession without any fight. King William the Third found great use for his sword, With treachery at home and fierce warfare abroad. July 1, 1690. King James was defeated on th' banks of the Boyne, And fled to the Continent his friends to rejoin. Sept. 20, 1697. The Treaty of Ryswick concluded the war. Which gave to the English the debt they deplore. This reign will forever a dark stigma show, Feb. 13, 1692. Pqj. w^q base, cruel massacre made at Glencoe. March 8, 1702. QuEEN Anne, Called " The Good," second daughter of James, In seventeen two carried on William's aims. With Germans and Dutch she secured Grand Alliance, - For the Spanish Succession, set France at defiance, Aug. 13, 1704. Blenheim, Ramilies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet fought, May 23, 1706. s^.'iV,\?S. Which vict'ries to Marlborough celebrity brought ; But very soon after, dismissed from his place 17x1. Through intrigues at the Court, he fell into disgrace. 24 The History of England in Rhyme. ^•^^- French attempts to restore the Pretender were checked, Mar 3r, 1713. And thc War at last closed with the peace of Utrecht. French lands in America formed a rich gain ; July, 1704. Gibraltar, Minorca were taken from Spain. This reign is of letters th' Augustan Age named, Swift, Addison, Pope are the writers most famed. Mayr, 1707. Tlicu Scotlaud and England were firmly made one; Aus:. 1. 1714. In seventeen fourteen Queen Anne's reign was done. HO USE OF BB UNS WICK, 1714. 6 SOVEREIGNS. '714. George First (House of Brunswick) from James First descended. Took his seat on the throne, when Queen Anne's reign had ended. 1715. The Pretender in Scotland incited a war. Supported in arms by the great Earl of Mar. 1718 A conilict, though brief, undertaken with Spain Interrupted the quiet pervading this reign ; '^ But all classes of people endured severe trouble, iTao. Through the ruinous scheme of the South Sea Bubble. _, Ihe Ulsiory of England in Rhyme, 26 jun^i'i?;727. Seventeen twenty-seven George First passed away, And his son, Geoege the Second, took kingly array. 1739. His first undertaking was warfare with Spain, And the fleet made attacks on the fiir Spanish main. Maria Theresa, her rightful possession 1743. Received through the war of the Austrian Succession. Next, France, for the younger Pretender's support May II, 1745. The victorious battle of Foutenoy fought. Charles Edward, encouraged, to Scotland recrossed ; April 16. 1746. On the field of Culloden his fortunes were lost ; Oct., 1748. Then peace was established at Aix la Chapelle, And now for some years no more trouble befell, 1756. Till France seized Minorca, and Admiral Byng, March 4, 1757. Havlug failed in attack, was condemned by the king. French Austrian schemes Prussian lands to gain o'er, 1756. Made England engage in the Seven Years' War. X757. Lord Clive, out in India, conquered Bengal ; 1759. Brave Wolfe, 'cross the ocean, wrought Canada's fall. . Oct. 25, 1760. George Third, the king's grandson, his eminent reign In seventeen hundred and sixty began. ^ 1762. A victorious fight was with Spain made once more, 26 The UUtoru of England in Rhyme, A. D. Feb. 10,1763. And the Treaty of Paris closed Seven Years' War. I767.' ( The unpopular Stamp Act, and duties on Tea July 4, 1776. Made American Colonies declare themselves free; Encouraged or helped by France, Hollar.d and Spain, Nov. 30,1782. Seventeen eighty-two, independence they gain. 1789. The Frencli Revolution, seventeen eighty-nine, 1793. In four years, against France made the Powers combine. 1795. Then followed the wars of Napoleon the Great, June 18, X815 Till the battle of Waterloo settled his fate. oa.'2iV!S5.'} The Nile and Trafalgar gave Nelson great fame ; 1809.12. The Peninsular War advanced Wellington's name. 179S-9. Tht5 Irish rebelled, seventeen ninety-eight ; Jan. I, iSoi. Eighteen hundred and one, both the Parliaments unite ; 1812. Eighteen hundred and twelve, the American States Made war for the motto, " Free Trade, Sailors' Rights." Jan. 29, 1820. Eighteen hundred and twenty George Third disappears. Eighty-two years of age, having reigned sixty years. ^1820. George the Fourth to his father successor is seen, Causing shameful confusion to Caroline, his queen. - He helped to establish th' independence of Greece, Oct. 20, 1827. Navarino's sea-fight bringing Turkey to peace. The History of England in Rhyme, 27 AD 1829.' The Catholic Relief Bill in this reign was passed ; June 26, 1830. Eighteen hundred and thirty George Fourth breathed liis last. 1830. William Fourth, George's brother, next wore the King's crown. x83a. This reign is distinguished for Parliament's reform, 1833. And freedom, to all then in slavery, given ; June 20, 1S37. William Fourth closed his life in eighteen thirty-seven. June 20, 1837. ViCTOKiA, grandchild of George the Third, As Queen was proclaimed amidst joyous accord. 1839. Xhe Chartist rebellions were speedily stayed, IsS } And wars with Chinese and the Afghans were made ; But peace with the Chinaman did not last long, 1842. And a second attack gave tlie English Hong Kong. 1844-6. The Indian Sikhs caused the next of the wars, June 26, 1846. Then came the repeal of the famous Corn Laws. 1847- By famine the Irish were greatly distressed, 184S. But O'Brien's rebellion was quickly suppressed. 1854. In aid of the Tnrks, in eighteen fifty-four, England entered with France on the Crimean War. 1856.7. This finished, a quarrel with Persia was made. 28 The History of England in Rliyyne, A. D. 1856.* And Chinese once again for aggressions were paid. 1857. Eighteen fifty-seven came the fierce Sepoy War, With the histories of Delhi and Luckno\\ , Cawnpore. And now we record, even stranger than fable, July 28, 1866. Laying 'cross th^ Atlantic the submarine cable. ,- ,858. Then Napier's armed force Abysinnians fought ; 1873. By Wolseley Ashantees good manners were taught ; 1878, The Turkish Protectorate Beaconsfield pledged; * 1879. With Zulus and Afghans the armies engaged. Discovery, science, invention and trade, In Victoria's reign untold progress have made. Ihe History of England in Mhi/me, 29 SOVEREIGNS OF ENGLAND SINCE THE CON- , QUEST. First came William the Conqueror, William Rufus, his son, Henry, Stejjhen, Matilda, Henry, Richard and John. After Henry the Third, Edwards three, Richard Second, Henrys Fourth, Fifth and Sixth, Edwards Fourth, Fifth are reckoned. After Richard the Third, Henrys Seven and Eight, • Edward Sixth and Queen Mary, And Elizabeth date. 30 The History of England in Rhyme. James the First and Charles First ; Then with Cromwell they vary ; Charles the Second, James Second ; Then came William and Mary. Good Queen Anne wore the crown, Georges one, two, three, four, William Fourth ; and Victoria Now retains queenly power.