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OMM^MiJiNG Tuesday, Augvsh^ , a^TH, an'P Clo^^ikg Tue9.»av,
Commencing Tuesd/vy, August 27TH, and Closing Tuesday,
September 3RD, 1889,
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Jambs Murray & Co., Printers,
T. C. Mendenmall, of Washington.
A. Mathematics and Astronomy — R. S. Woodward, of Washington.
B. Physics — H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
C. Chemistry--\y itLiAM L. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn.
D. Mechanical Science and £ugf(«een>M/— Arthur Beardsley, of Swarth-
more. Pa. (Unable to be present.)
E. Geology and Geograph ii—Chakles^ A. White, of Washington
F. Biology — George L. Goodale, of Cambridge, Mass.
H. Anthropology— Gakhick Mallery, of Washington.
I. Economic Science and Statistics— Charles S. Hill, of Washington.
F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge, Mass. (Office : Salem, Mass.)
C. Leo Mkes, of Terre Haute, Ind.
■■'■., '■;;•':• Frank Baker, of Washington.
A. Mathematics and Astronomy— G. C. Comstock, of Madison, Wis.
B. Physics— E. L. Nichols, of Ithaca, N.Y.
C. Chemistry — Edward Hart, of Easton , Pa.
D. Mechanical Science and Eiuiineerinq — James E. Denton, of Hoboken,
"B. Geology and Geography— J ohttI C. Branner, of Little Rock, Ark. • '
F. Biology— Amos W, Butler, of Brookville, Ind. ^
H, Anthropology— W . M. Beauchamp, of Baldwinsville, N.Y.
I. Economic Science and Statistics — J. R. Dodge, of Washington.
William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Past Presidents— James D. Dana, of New Haven ; Jambs Hall, of
Albany ; J. S. Newberky, of Now York ; B. A. Ooulu, of Cambridge ;
T. Stebry Hunt, of Montreal ; Joheph Loveriito, of Cambridge ; J. E.
HiLOARit, of Washington ; Simon Newcomb, of Washington ; .O. C.
Marsh, of Now Haven ; George F. Barker, of Philadelphia ; George
J. Brush, of New Haven ; J. W Dawson, of Montreal ; C. A. Young,
of Princeton ; J. P. Lesley, of Philadelphia ; H. A. Newton, of New
Haven ; Edward S. Morse, of Salem ; 8. P. Langlev, of Washington ;
J. W. Powell, of Washington.
Vice-Presidents of the last Meetiiuf — Ormond Stone, of University of
Virginia ; A. A. Michelson, of Cleveland ; C. E. Munroe, of Newport ;
C. J. H. Woodbury, of Boston ; George H. Cook, of New Brunswick ;
C. V. Riley, of Washington ; Charles C. Abbott, i>f Trenton ; U. W.
Smiley, of Washington. , , y ,
Officers of the Present Meetinij — T C. Mendenhall, of Washington; R.
S. Woodward, of Washington ; H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor ; William
L. Dudley, of Nashville ; Arthur Beardslf.y, of Swarthmore ;
Charles A. White, of Washington ; (teorge L. (toouale, of Cam-
bridge ; Garriok Mallery, of Washington ; Charles S. Hill, of
Washington ; F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge; C. Leo Mees, of
Terre Haute; Frank Baker, of Washington ; G. C. Comstock, of
Madison ; E. L. Nichols, of Ithaca ; Edward Hart, of Easton;
James E. Denton, of Hoboken ; John C. Branner, of Little Rock;
Amos W. Butler, of Brookville; W. M. Beauohamp, of Baldwinsville ;
J- R. DoDGK, of Washingt<}n ; William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk.
From the Association, at Large — A fellow elected from each section.
(The eight fellows acting at the Cleveland Meeting hold over until the
new election.) William Habkness (A), Francis H. Smith (B), Edw.
Hart (G), Olin H. Landrbth (D), Alex. Winchell (E), J. B. Smith
(P), A. W. Butler (H), Edward Atkin.son (I).
A Meeting of the Council will be held at the Queen's Hotel on
Front Street, Toronto, at noon on Tuesday, August 27.
President, - - Charles Carpmael, M.A., F.R.A.S.
Treasurer, - - - James Bain, Jr.
Secretarij, ■ ■ Prof. James Loudon. M.A.
Hon Geo. W. Allan, Hon. J. C. Aikins, Hon J. D. Armour, M.A.,
A. A. Allan, W. T. Aikins, M.D., LL.U., G. M. Adam, T.C.L. Armstrong,
LLB., D. H. Alexander, A. B. Aylesworth, M.A,, James Austin, Prof.
Ashley, M.A., D W. Alexander.
Hon. Edward Blake, M.A , Q.C., M.P., Hem. J. A. Boyd, M.A., Hon
G. W. Burt(m. Bev. Provost Body, M.A., D.C.L., Rev. Prof. Boys, M.A.,
Prof, Baker, M.A., Hon. S. H. Blake, M.A., Q.C., G. T. Blackstock,*
Arthur Boswell, T. B. Brownmg, M.\., James Boaty, D.C.L., Walter
Barwick, M.A., C. R. W. Biggar, M.A., James Bain, Sr., David Boyle,
V/. Brodie, W. R. Brock, H. Brock, B.A , R. S. Baird, J. B. Boustead,
George S. C. Bethune, John L. Blaikie, Richard Brown, Ralph K.
Burgess, R. H. Bethune, C. Brough, E. Buchan, L. D. Brodie, G. W.
Badgerow, John Bain, Q.C.. \V. H Beatty, R Boyle, C VV. Bunting,
J. W. Bengough. P. H. Bryce, M.D., M.A., James Burns, M.D., F.W.
Babington, .John Burns, John Blevins, .1. Bruce, Hugh Blain, William
Badenach, A. Blue, P. H. Burton.
His Worship Mayor Clarke, Rev. D. Castle, T. T. Oassidy, M D.,
Rev. Dr. Caven, Prof Chapman, Rev. Prof. Clark, M.A., Rev. D.
Cushing, Dr. Carlyle, William Cooke, H. H. Cook, W. W. Copp,
E. R. C. Clarkson, R. S. Cassels, George Curry, Joseph Connolly, William
Cruikshank, Arthur Cox. Duncan Coulson H Cawthra, G. A. Cox,
G. R. R. Cockburn, M.A., M.P„ Allan Cassels, M.A., W. M. Clarke,
James Cooper, J. M. Clark, M.A., William Christie, A. H. Campbell, D.
Creighton, John Cameron. Daniel Clark, M.D, C. W. Covernton M D.,
C. T. Campbell, B. Cumberland, H. E. Clarke, R. T. Coady, S. Caldecott,
John Catto, J. B. Carlile, A. M. Cosby, A. F. Chamberlain, W. R. Calla-
way, Thomas Car oil, S. C. Duncan Clarke. . ,
Lieut. -Col. Geor e T. Denison, Lieut Col. Frederick C. Denison,
M.P., Rev. Canon Dumoulin, John 1. Davids )n, George Dickson, M.A.,
B. Homer Dixon, Frank Darling D. B. Dick, H. W. Darling T. D. Dela-
mere, M.A.,P. H. Drayton, Rev. E. H. Dewart, D.D., J. L. Davison,
M.D., H. P. Dwight, S. C. Duncan-Clarke, Daniel Defoe, R. G. Dalton
E. K. Dodda.
8 lo(;al committkk
Prof. W. H. Ellis, M.A., M.B., L. E. Embreo, M.A., J. D. Edgar,
M.P., Willium Elliott, Robert Elliott.
Hon. W. a. Falconbridgo, M.A., Hon. Thomas Ferguson, \V. H.
Fraser, M.A.,J. C. Forbes, A. T. Fulton. Major Foster, James J. Foy,
Robert I.. Fraser, Joseph Firstbrook, G. F. Frankland, E. Fisher, Kdward
Farrar, J C. Fitch, H. R. Fairclough, M.A., John Flott.
Sir Thos. Gait, Rev. Prof. Gregg, D.D., Prof. Galbraith, M.A.,
Lieut -Col. H. J. Grassott, Col. C. S. Gzowski, A.D.C. to the Queen, (Jeo.
Goodorham, William Gooderham, W. G. Gooderham, Edward Gurney,
William Grindlay, W. B. Geikie. M.D., J. E. Graham, M.D , John Gait,
A. H. Gilbert, Robert Gray, Hon. T. M. Gibson, M.A., W. H. Lockhart
Gordon .
Hon. Arthur S, Hardy, Hon. J. H. Hagarty, Sir W. P. Rowland,
Prof. Hutton, M.A., J G. Hodgins, LL.D., Thomas Hodgins, M. A., Q C,
W. Houston, M. A., Thomas Heys, J. C. Hodgson, M.A., James L. HMnhes,
A. Harvey, H. J. Hill, H. L. Hime, H. C. Hammond, C. Holland. H S.
Howland, Sr., H. S. Howland, Jr., O. E. Howland, John Hoskin, v -'
Robert Hay, James D. Henderson, W. E. Haslam, James Hedley, \v^. B.
Hamilton, R. E. Hooper, John Hallam, William Henderson, James
Henderson, Elmes Henderson, MA., W. H. Howland, \V. B. Hamilton,
J. D. Hay, John Henderson.
A. S Irving, J. D. Irwin, William Ince, M. H. Irish.
Rev. Prof. Jones, M.A., Robert Jenkins, Robert Jaffray, William R.
Johnstcm, A- J. Johnston, M.D., Andrew Jeftrey.
Rev. S.H. Kellogg, D.D., J. K. Kerr, Q.C., E. H. Kertland, R.
Kilgour, T.Kirkland, M.A., R. E. Kingsford, M.A., Warring Kennedy,
N. Kingsinill, M.A., Robert Kilgour, John Kay, D. R. Keys, M.A., W.
H. Knowlton, J. J. Kenny, (i Kennedy, LL.D. E. H. Kertland, R.
John Leys, M.P.P., E. Leadley, Thomas Lailey, J. W. Langmuir,
James Lobb, Henry Langley, W. A. Langton, E. J. Lennox, A. B. Lee,
G. W. Lillie, Charles Lindsey, George Leslie, Jr., Walter S. Lee, John
Hon. H. McMahon, Rev. Prof. McLaren, D D.. Rev. Prof. McVicar,
LL.D., Judge McDougall, J, A McLellan. LLD., Prof J. F. McCurdy,
Ph.D., W. B. McMurrich, M.A., George McMurrich, L. McFarlane.M.D.,
James McCullough, M.D., Willinm McCabe, M A., Thomas McGaw, A. B.
McCallum, M.A., Joseph McCausland, A. McMurchy, M.A., Dalton
McCarthy, Q.C., M.P., Donald McKay, Thomas McCracken. •
Attorney-General Mowat, Hon. A. Mackenzie, M.P., Hon. A. Morris,
Hon. John Macdonald, Sheriff Mowat, Rev. D. J. Macdonell, D.D.,
Judge Morgan, James Massey, E. A. Meredith, LL.D., A. Manning, A.
Marling, LL.B., J. Herbert Mason, James Mason, -T. G. Mason, J. R.
McDonald., William McDonald, M.A., Hon. Jos. Maclennan, W. E. H.
MaBsey, VV. T. Macdonoll, J. J. McLaren, D.C.L., LL.D., William
Mulock, M.A., MP., W. N Miller, Q.C., W. H. Murray, Q.C., James
Morrison, W. F. Maclean, M.A., T. M. Martin, W. C. Matthews, J. L.
Morrison, ffeorgo Musson, Hugh Miller, W. Millichamp, (leorge Michie,
John Morrison, A. Marsh, M.A., Alan Macdougall. C.E., W. H. Merritt,
C.E., W. R. Meredith, Q.C., M.P.P., Alexander Manning, W A.
F. Nicholls, J. D Nasmith, A. Nelson. H. A. Nelson, .John Notnian,
S. Nordheimer, H. Northrop, Hugh Neilson, Alexander Nairn, J. D.
Lieut. -Col. W. D Otter, Hon. F. Oaler, B. B. Osier, E. B. Oaler,
L. R. O'Brien, D. A. O'Sullivan. D.C.L., C. O'Reilly, M.D., U Ogden,
M.D., VV. Oldright, M.D., A. Ogilvy.
Hon. William Proudfoot, Prof. W. H. Pike, Rev. John Potts, D.D.,
W. Poison, E. P. Pearson, Henry Pellait, A. D. Patterson, J. A. Patterson,
M.A., R. A. Pyne, M.D., C. R. Parrish, James H Pearce.
Hon. G. VV. Rnaa, Hon. A. M. Ross, Hon. J. £. Rose, Hon. T. W.
Robertson, Rev. C. Roper, M.A., R, A. Reeve, M.D., G.M.Rose, 0.
Robinson, Q.C. , G. M^ Rae, C. Blackett Robinson, S. E. Roberts, Donald
Ridout, J. R. Robertson, G. H. Robinson, M A., J. Y. Reid, Elias
Rogers, A. M. Rosebrugh, M.D., Joeeph T. Rolph, Charles Rogers, J. H.
Rogers, G. C. Robb, T. Robertson, Dr. Ryerson.
Right Rev. Arthur Sweetman, D.D., Hon. VV. C. R. Street, John
S)nall, M.P., Prof Smyth, Rev. Principal Sheraton, Rev. Henry Scad-
ding, DD., Hon. Frank Smith, Lieut.-Col. Sweny, Goldwin Smith,
D.C.L., L VV. Smith, D.C.L, M. Sweetnam, S. C. Smoke, M.A., B.
Spencer, M.D., J. E. Berkeley Smith, J. Squair, M.A., G E. Shaw, MA,,
J. Seath, MA., James Stark, VV. G. Storm, J. E. Smith, James
Smith, Walter Strickland, H. S. Strathy, V. Sanky, B. Saunders, E. E.
Sheppard, C Sheard, M.D., A. J. Somerville, Dr. Andrew Smith, C.
Sproatt, A. M. Smith, G. B. Smith, E. B. Shuttleworth, James Scott,
Hugh Scott, W. B. Simj^son.
Rev. B. D. Thomas, D.D., Rev. J. R. Teefy, M.A., Rev. Brother
T(.bia8, J. A. Temple, M.D., Samuel Trees, C. W. Taylor, H. Thome,
James Tilt. Q.C, D. E. Thomson, James Turner, F, H. Torrington.
Rev. Father Vincent, W. H. VanderSmissen, M.A.
Sir Daniel Wilson, LL.D., Rev. Joseph Wild, D.D., David Walker,
Sheriff Widdifield, C. W. Wagner, D. R. Wilkie, B. E. Walker, F. Wyld,
Hon. S. C, Wood, R. M. Wells, M.A., William Williamson, Thomas
West, A. H Wright, M.D., Prof. R. W. Wright, M.A., J. B. WiUmott,
Sir Adam Wilson, J. E. White, M.D., R. Irving Walker.
G. W. Yarker.
Chairman — C. Carpmael, M.A.
Sexiretary — Prof. Loudon.
Assistant Secretaries —W . H. Fraser, M.A., H. H. Lanoton, B.A.
Hon. G. W, Allan, James Bain, Prof. Baker, Rev. Provost Body,
Dr. Brodie, C. W. Bunting, W. R. Callaway, Mayor E F. Clarke, Arthur
Cox, H. W. Darling, Rev. Dr. Dewarb, k\d. E. K. Dodda, H. P. Dwight,
Prof. Ellis. Prof. Galbraith, Aid. Gibbs, James Hedley, H. J. Hill, W. S.
Lee, A. MaJing, Alan Macdougall, J. H. Mason, E. A. Meredith, W.
McCulloch, Thomas McGaw, Aid. McMillan. J. H. Pearce, Rev. J. R.
Teefy, D. R. Wilkie, Sir Daniel Wilson, Prof. A. H. Wright Prof. R. R.
Wright, E. Wragge. , .
(Jhaiinnan — E. King Don ds.
ikcretary — Thos. Sanderson. ^^.iM • . •. ■
W. H. Beatty, Dr, Brj'ce, B. Cumberland, Prof. Baker, A. M. Cosby,
Dr. Davison, Prof. Ellis, Aid. (Jibbs, Dr. Hodgins, John Hoskin, Prof.
Loudon, Principal Kirkland, Wm. Macdonald, W. B. McMurrich, Dr.
Sullivan, Aid. McMillan, J. H. Pearce, Rev. J. R. Teefy, Prof. A.
H. Wright, Prof. R R. Wright, Dr. J, E. White, W. H. Vander Smissen.
Chairman — Thoms MoGaw. . , .^ • -^k-".^! ■■:.-, ,>m . ' ./V;-'-^ //;. •
Secretary— W. McCultxl-h.
D. Boyle, H. J. Hill, John Hallam, Robert Jaffray, Bernard
Saunders, David Walker, J. Wright.
Chairman — H. P. Dwight.
Secretary — G. Sweetnam, .Tr.
Arthur Cox, D. B. Dick, A. Blue, O. S. Rowland, R. E. Kingsford,
H, J^eilflon, Dr. Rosebrugh, Prof. Shutfcleworth, J. D. Irwin.
Giairman—E. Wraoor.
Secretary — W. R. Callaway. ,' , / ! \, ' ,■ ,
Hugh Blain, B. Cumberland, P. H. Drayton, H. J. Hill, H. S.
Howland, N. Kingsinill, F. Nichols, H. Merritt, Wm. Badenach, P. J.
Chairman — D. R. Wilkie.
Secretary — Jambs Bain.
Prof. Baker, W. Barwick, W. R. Brock, R. Burgess, R. W. Elliott,
R. Jenkins, W. S. Lee, J. H. Mason, G. R. R. Cockburn, Wm. Badenach,
J. H. Pearce.
Chairman — A. Marling.
Secretary — A. F. Chamberlain.
G. Dickson, F. Darling, J. L. Hughes, D. R. Keys, John Squair.
Chairman— Alan Macdolgall. '-■■^■^'' -■■
Secretary — G. Adamson. ..^U ^i '•.
Prof. Ashley, D. Boyle, J. M. Clark, W. Houston, Dr. Pyne, G. M.
Rae, G. Kennedy.
Chairman — James Hbdley.
Secretary — R. T. Lancbfield. ' ■
T. B. Browning, C. R. W. Biggar, H. Brock, D. Creighton, John
Cameron, E. Farrar, W. F. Maclean, J. R. Robertson, A. S. Irving, W.
G. Eakins, C. W. Taylor, Rev, Dr. Dewart. t. v ,< . s . , , , ,
J '. l.(
Members will please call at the office of the Permanent Secretary as
soon as possible after arrival, to receive their members' tickets. Mem-
bers will register at the table of the Local Committee and receive their
badges after obtaining their tickets.
Attention is directed to the following rule relating to members
families : .
" Every member of the Association shall have the privilege of regis-
tering members of his family, not including men over twenty-one years of
age, by paying the sum of three dollars for each person so registered, and
shall receive for th^m specific badges which will entitle the holder thereof
to such privileges as may be extended ttj the members generally by the
Local Committee for the meeting."
All assessments and admission fees must be paid at the office of the
Permanent Secretary, and the assessment for the meeting must be paid
before registering and receiving the Association badge.
Newly elected members will obtain their certificates of membership
at the office of the Permanent Se »tary, upon payment of the admission
fee of $5.00 and assessment of $J. '.
Members will please report any change of permanent address, or the
decease of other members, at the office of the Permanent Secretary.
Blanks for entering the Titles of Communications and for Rec<^m-
mendation to Membership can be obtained in the Local Committee Room.
Subscriptions for the Toronto volume of "Proceedings" will be taken
at the office of the Permanent Secretary; and subscriptions are solicited
from the friends of the Association, and from such members as wish to
obtain duplicate copies of the volume. Every person subscribing $1.60 or
more will receive a copy of the volume as soon as published.
The volumes of the "Proceedings" of the Association can be obtained
from the Permanent Secretary, at the price of $1.50 per volume ; or any
member wishing for ten or more volumes in order to complete a set, may
obtain them at $1.00 per volume. The volumes may be had bound in
cloih at the extra price of 60 cents each, or in half Morocco at the extra
price of $1.00 each. Uniform cloth covers for the volumes will be fur-
nished by mail at 30 cents each, or by express at 25 cents each. Samples
can be seen and orders given at the office. The " Memoir on Fossil
Butterflies," 4to, 1875, by S. H. Scudder, published by the donation of
Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, will be furnished at $2.00 a copy, or at #3.50
bound in half Morocco. ' ' The Transactions of the American Association
of Geologists and Naturalists," 1 vol., 8vo,, 1843, bound in cloth, can be
obtained at $3.00 a copy, or bound in half Morocco, uniform with the
"Proceedings," for $4.00.
The Cleveland Volume of Proceedings was issued in July and
has been sent from the Salem oflice to all members who paid the Cleveland-
assessment previous to August 20th. Those paying since that date, and
those who pay back assessments at the present meeting, will receive the
volumes to which they are entitled after the adjournment of this meeting.
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The Council calls attention to the following extracts from the Consti-
tution of the Association, and to the statement in relation to papers :
'••' ,' ■' ' Members, Fellows, Life Mkmbeks and Patrons.
Art. 3. Any person may become a member of the Association upon
recommendation in writing by two members or fellows, and election by
the Council. u''.'.'-;;:' ; -•■■ -^'■. ■ - :m., j ;■.... ■.,; iv ',-.i-i
(Blank forms for recommendation to meinbership can be had in the
Local Committee Room. RecommenJations should reach the Secretary
of the Council as early as possible each day. Those received after 9 a.m.
cannot he noted upon until n^xt day.)
Art. 4. Fellows shall be elected by the Council from such of the
members as are professionally engaged in science, or have by their labors
aided in advar cing science. The election of the Fellows shall be by
ballot, and a majoiit3' vote of the members of the Council at a designated
(Special blanks for the nomination of Fellows can be had of the Per-
manent Secretary.)
Art. 5. Any person paying to the Association the sum of one thou-
ssind dollars shall be classed as a Patron, and shall be entitled to all the
privileges of a member, and to all its publications.
Art. 7. The name of any member or fellow two years in arrears for
annual dues shall be erased from the list of the Association, provided that
two notices of indebtedness, at an interval of at least three months, shall
have been given ; and no such person shall be restored until he has paid
his arrears or has been re-elected.
Art. 34. The admission fee for members shall be $5.00, in addition
to the annual assessment. ^These must be paid for the meeting at which
the election is announced.) On the election of any member as a fellow
an additional fee of $200 shall be paid.
Art. 35. The annual assessment for members and fellows shall be
Art. 36. Any member or fellow who ahtill pay the sum of fifty dol-
lars to the Association, at any one time, shall become a Life Member, and
as such shall be exempt from all further assessments, and shall be entitled
to the Proceedings of the Association. AH money thus received shall be
invested as a permanent fund, the income of which, during the life of the
member, shall form a part of the general fund of the Association ; but
after his death, shall be used only to assist in original research, unless
otherwise directed by the unanin>'^>us vote of the Council. (New members
becoming Life Biembers must pay the admission fee of $5.00.)
Art. 37. All admission fees and assessments must be paid to the
Permanent Secretary (or his Assistant), who shall give proper receipts for
the same.
Art. 28. All members and fellows must forward to the Permanent
Secretary, as early as possible, and, when practicable, before the convening
of the Association, full titles of all the papers which they propose to pre-
sent during the meeting, with a statement of the time that each will
occupy in delivery, and also such abstracts of their contents as will give a
general idea of their nature ; and no title shall be referred by the Council
to the Sectional Committee until an abstract of the paper, or the paper
itself, has been received. r^;.;v.o'..i>' [,-'-! ■ i; , ,- ■• ,
Art. 31. Authors must prepare their papers or abstracts ready for
the press, and these must bo in the hands of the Secretaries of the Sec-
tions before the final adjournment of the meeting, otherwise only the
titles will appear in the printed volume. The Council shall heve power to
order the printing of any paper by abstract or title only.
Art. 25. A paper shall not be read in any section or sub-section un-
til it has been received from the Council, and placed on the programme of
the day by the Sectional Committee j j ,,n;> -. .. ; ,
\* The titles of papers will not be given out until they are put on the
programme by the Sectional Committees, and a paper will not be accepted
by the Committee unless accompanied by a proper abstract. Blank forms for
the giving titles and abstracts of papers can be had in the Local Committee
room. The Council particularly calls attention to the fact that papers can-
■)wt he received after 9 o'clock, Monday mortdng, September 3nd.
"A li't.ia •in/'V.jW .>y3g^:■■
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Tuesday, August 2'jth.
Meeting of the Council in Queen's Hotel, at noon.
Wednesday, August 28th,
Meeting of the Council at 9 o'clock in the Senate Chamber, University
Organization of the Association meeting in general session at 10
o'clock, in Convocation Hall, University building.
Meeting called to order by the retiring President, Major J. W.
Powell, of Washington.
Resignation of the Chair to the President elect, Prof. T. C. Men-
DBNH ALL, of Washington.
Addresses of welcome by the Chairman of the Local Committee, the
Minister of Education, the Senate of the University, and the Mayor of
the City.
Reply by President Mbndenhall.
Announcements by the General Secretary.
Announcements by the Permanent Secretary.
Announcements by the Local Secretary. , .
Agreement on the hours of meeting (the C»,uncil recommends that,
with the exception of Saturday, morning sessions begin at 10 and close at
12.30, and that the afternoon sessions begin at 2).
General business. ;"
Adjournment of the General Session, followed by the organization of
the Sections in their respective halls.
The attention of Ofticora of the Sections is called to the following; :
Each section will proceed at once to form the following Committees :
Election by ballot of one Fellow to the Council.
Election by ballot, after open nomination, of three Fellows who,
with the Vice-President and Secretary, shall form the Sectional Cotn-
mittee. (After organization this Committee has power to fill its vacancibH
without action of the Section).
Election of one Member or Fellow ta the Nominating Committee.
Election of three Members or Fellows to act with the Vice-President
and Secretary of the Section as the Sub-Committee to recommend to
the Nominating Committee the Vice-President and Secretary of the next
meeting. ...>„..-. ^
(In case of a vacancy in the office of a Secretary of a Sectwn, the
Section will at once fill the vacancy by nomination of a Fellow and
election by ballot. Vacancies in the office of Vice-President . i
In Hall of Section H. '' : " ' •' ' • V"' ' ''
Vice-President Mallery, before Section H.
■ ; > • . In Hall of Section' I.
' ; • * ■ ' •
Vice-President Hill, before Section I. •-* •'^
, ' In Hall of Section E. -^
/ Vice-Prcsidoiit White, bffore Section E.
In Hall of Section A.
Vice-President Woodward, before Section A.
In Hall of Section F.
Vice-President Goodale, before Section F.
In Hall of Section C.
Vice-President Dudley, before Section C.
General Session in the Pavilion, Horticultural -Gardens, at 8 o'clock.
Address of the retiring President, Major J. W, Powell, of Washing-
Reception at 9 o'clock by City Council and citizens.
The citizens of Toronto are specially invited to attend the General
Sessions in the morning and the several addresses in the afternoon and
Thursday, August 29.
Meeting of the Council at 9 o'clock.
General Session from 10 to 10:15 oclock.
Meetings of the Sections in their several halls at 10:16 o'clock.
[The daily programme will give the titles of papers to be read in each
Section]. , ; ir/ . ' "
" ■* '■■ '-■^' ■'• !:■■ . ;..)'- . . • .;• i
Afternoon. -' "^*^=' . »
Evening Promenade Concert in Horticultural Gardens, tendered by
City Council and citizens, at 8 o'clock.
, Friday, August 30.
Meeting of the Council at 9 o'clock.
General Session from 10 to 10:15 o'clock.
Meeting of the Sections at 10:15 t:f .' ur^t ^■;!I:.■ .» vfr
At 8 o'clock in the Pavilion, Horticultural Gardens, Dr. H. Carring-
ton Bolton, of New York, will deliver a lecture entitled, " Four Weeks
in the Desert of Mount Sinai," illustrated by projections of original photo-
graphs. This lecture is complimentary to the citizens of Toronto.
Meeting of the Nominating Committee at The Queen's, at 10 o'clock,
to nominate officers for next year, and to suggest time and place for the
next meeting of the .Astiociation.
Tuesday, September 3.
Meeting of the Council at 9 o'clock.
General Session at ;'0 o'clock.
Election of Officers and Agreement on time and place of Meeting for
General business.
Meeting of the Sections after the adjournment of the General Session.
Meeting of the Sections at 2 o'clock. • .
Final adjournment of the Sections. -'
Garden party in Government House grounds, from 5 to 7 o'clock
tendered by the City Council and Citizens.
General Session in Association Hall, Yonge Street, at 8 o'clock.
Concluding exercises and adjournment of the Association.
After the adjournment of the meeting there will be several excursions
particulars of which will be given in a future programme. These excur-
sions close the Thirty-eighth Meeting on September 10th.
.J .-, ■
Wm. B. Belknap, Louisville, Ky,, (29).
Samuel N. Bell, Manchester, N.H., (7). Died Feb. 8. 1889.
Michael Eugene Chevreul, Paris, France, Honorary Fellow. Died
in 1888, aged 101 years.
Wright Lewis Copfinberky, Grand Rapids, Mich., (20), Died
Mar. 26, 1889.
Ei)W. Danforth, Elmira, N.Y., (11). Died June 13, 1888.
Edward Evans, Streator, 111., (30). Died May 5, 1889.
SAMUiL Morse Felton, Philadelphia, Pa., (29). Died Jan 24, 1889.
Joseph Ficklin, Columbia, Mo.. (20). Died Sept. 6, 1887.
Herbert C. Foote, Cleveland, Ohio, (36). Died Aug 24, 1888.
Oscar Harobr, New Haven, Conn., (26). Died Nov. 6, 1887.
Edw. J. Holmes, Boston, Mass., (29). Died in July, 1889.
Edw. p. Howland, Washington, D.C., (29). Died August, 1888.
Rensselaer Leonard, Mauch Chunk, Pa. , (33). Died Oct. 26, 1888.
Edw. S. Philbrick, Brookline, Mass., (29) Died Feb. 13, 1889.
Edw. Simpson, Washington, D C. , (28). Died Dec. 1, 1888.
E. G. Squier, New York, N.Y., (18). Died 1888.
John Nicholas Tileman, Sandy, Utah, (33).. Died Sept. 4, 1888.
Henry Whitall, Camden, N.J., (33).
G. M. Wilber, Pine Plai»i8, N.Y., (19).
C. H. Wilson, Belize, British Honduras, (30).
Mrs. Mary C. V. Wilson, Mobile, Ala., (37). Died J-ine 24, 1889.
Charles Vander World. Waltham, Mass , (29). Died Dec. 29, 1888.
William Cornelius Wyckoff, New York, N. Y., (20). Died May
2,1888. .r f'. - ',!'l .;■•■•. - ;' - .ill;)-,!' •'K^.^r^.^^nu;'
[Additional arrivals will be given in the Programme for each day.]
Tuesday, Augusi 2yth.
. Number of Register and Badge. C'ty Address.
1. T. C. Mendenhall, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
2. F. W. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass Queen's Hotel.
3. Charles C. Abbott, Trenton. N.J Queen's Hotel.
4. James Loudon, Toronto '. 83 St. George St.
6. Charles Carpmael, Toronto Dale Ave.
6. James D. Dana, New Haven, Conn Queen's Hotel.
7. Sir Daniel Wilson, Toronto ' 46 St. George St.
8. C. A. White, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
9. Henrietta L. 1^. Wolcott, Dedham, Mass 467 Spadina Ave.
10. J. J. Stevenson, Univ. of City of New York.. . .Queen's Hotel.
11. Samuel Calvin, Iowa City Metropble Hotel.
12. W. M. Beauchamp, Baldwinsville, N.Y. ..... .Metropole Hotel.
13. N H Winchell, Minneapolis
14. Charles B. Gibson, Chicago 676 Church St.
15. H. D. Garrison, Chicago Walker House.
16. Herman L. Fairchild, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
17. Mrs. H. L. Fairchild, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
18. Dani<5l S. Martin, New York 29 Grange Ave.
19. A. E. Douglass, New York Rossin House.
20. Edward Hart, Easton, Pa Rossin House.
21. Mrs. Edward Hart, Easton, Pa Rossin House.
22. H. W. Wiley, Washington, D.C .Rossin House.
23. Mrs. Nellie S. Kedzie, Manhattan, Kan Queen's Hotel.
24. E. Lewis Sturtevant, South Framingham, Mass. . Queen's Hotel.
25. T. J. Burrill vJhampaign, 111 79 Shuter St. '
26. Charles H. Smith, Austin, Tex 333 Church St.
27. William Frear, State College, Pa Queen's Hotel.
28. Fred. V. Coville, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
29. Horatio N. Chute, Ann Arbor, Mich 44 Hayden St.
30. George L. English, Philadelphia, Pa 580 Church St.
31. M. A. Scovell, Lexington, Ky Rossin House.
32. Edward Goldsmith, Philadelphia, Pa Club.
33. A. VV. Vogdes, Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Har Queen's Hotel.
34. Mrs A. W. Vogdes, Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Har. .Queen's Hotel.
36. A. J. Cook, Agricultural College, Mich 31 College Ave.
3(i. Benjamin W. Snow, Ithaca, N.Y
37. A. S. Tiffany, Davenport, Iowa International Hotel.
38 John A. Myers, Morgantown, W. Va .... Rossin House.
39. H. Carrington Bolton, New York Queen's Hotel.
40. I. C. White, Morgantown, W. Va Queenis Hotel.
41. B E. Fernow, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
42. John C. Branner, Little Rock, Ark Queen's Hotel.
43. N. C. Husted, Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N.Y Walker House.
44 William H. Dall, Washington, D. C Queen's Hotel.
45. H. II. Nichols(m, Lincoln, Neb Queen's Hotel.
46. David F. Day, Buffalo, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
47. Mrs. David F. Day, Buffalo, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
48 Robert T. Hill, Austin, Tex Queen's Hotel.
49. Mrs. Robert T. Hill, Austin, Tex Queen's Hotel.
50. Elroy M. Avery, Cleveland, O Queen's Hotel.
51. William L. Dudley, Nashville, Tenn Queen's Hotel.
62 Charles G. Abbott, Trenton, N.J '.Queen's Hotel.
53. C. Leo Mees, Terre Haute. Ind Queen's Hotel.
54. Miss Ella Eaton, Northampton, Mass
65. G. Frederick Wright, Oberlin, Ohio 86 Charles St.
56 P. N. Schuyler, fiellevue, Ohio Walker House.
57 James Lewis Howe, Louisville, Kentucky 25 Murray St.
68. Miss Katie M. Dudek, New York 29 Grange Ave.
69. Jeannette "B. Greene, New York 29 Grange Ave.
60. J. C. Arthur, La Fayette, Ind
61. R. C. Kedzie, Lansing, Mich Queen's Hotel.
62. Samuel W. Very, Annapolis, Md Keachie's Hotel.
63. G. N. Merry weather, Cincinnati, O Walker House.
64. G. C. Broadhead, Columbia, Mo Walker House.
66. L. 0. Howard, Washington, D.C
67. Mrs. Esther Herrman, New York Queen's Hotel.
68. Edgar L. Larkin, Galesburg ,111 ...
69. Mrs. J. R. Dodge, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
70. J.Richards Dodge, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel. -
71. John B. Tweedale, St. Thomas, Ont
72. William Saunders, Ottawa, Ont Rossin House,
73. Walter F. Ferrier, New Brunswick, N.J 174 Carlton St.
74. William H. Seaman, Washington, D.C. .' 40 Ann St.
75 Thomas Taylor, Washington, D.C 11 Linden St.
76. D. H. Oppenheim, New York, Queen's Hotel.
77. Mrs. S. Oppenheim, New \ork Queen's Hotel.
78. W. J. Beal, Agricultural College, Mich 31 Avenue Sc.
■ 79. Mrs. W. J. Beal,. Agricultural College, Mich . ..31 Avenue St.
80. Timothy F, Allen, New York -. Queen's Hotel.
81. P. R Hoy, Racine, Wis 24 Ann St.
82. W. H. Ellis, Toronto, Ont University College.
83. G. W. Lehmaim, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
84. Mrs. G. W. Lehmann, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
85. William R. Lazenby, Columbus, O Queen's Hotel.
80. A. P. S. Stewart, Lincoln, Neb 24 Ann St.
87. Mrs. A. P. S. Stewart, Lincoln, Neb 24 Ann St
88. George C. Caldwell, Ithaca, N.Y "The Grange."
89. R. T Colburn, Elizabeth, N.Y
90. Mrs. R. T. Colburn, Elizabeth, N.Y
91. J. H Kedzie, Evanstown, 111 Queen's Hotel.
92. Mrs. J. H. Kedzie, Evanstown, 111 Queen's Hotel
• 93. O. Chanute, Chicago, 111 Queen's Hotel.
94. W. J. McGee, Washingtcm, D.C Rossin House.
95. Alexander Winchell, Ann Arbor, Mich Walker House.
90. J. F. Cowell , Buffalo, N.Y Walker House.
97. Charles E. Bessey, Lincoln, Neb Walker House.
98. F. Lamson Scribner, Knoxville, Tenn 30 King St.
99. Eugene E Fish, Buffalo, N.Y Walker House.
100. Mai^ A. Booth, Longmeadow, Mass
101. W. Le Conte Stevens, Brooklyn, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
102. Archibald Blue, Toronto, Ont 11 Linden St.
103. E. W. Hyde, Cincinnati, O Palmer House.
104. Angelo Heilprin, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin House.
105. Thomas Meehan, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
106. A. L. Arey, Rochester, N.Y 10 North St.
107. James T. B Ives, Toronto 429 Spadina Ave.
108. Mrs. A. L. Arey, Rochester, N.Y 10 North St.
109. William Jay Youmans, New York Arlington* Hotel.
110. Mrs. Celia G. Youmans, Mount Vernon, N.Y'. .Arlington Hotel
111. William R. Pedrick, Lawrence, Mass 31 Avenue St.
112. Eleanor B. Pedrick, Lawrence, Mass 31 Avenue St.
113. Martha M. Barker, Lowell, Mass 31 Avenue St
114. W. O Atwater, Middletown, Conn Queen's Hotel.
115. Amos W. Butler, Brookville, Ind Walker House.
116. Mrs. A. W. Butler, Biookville, Ind Walker House.
117. Henry S Carhart, Ann Arbor, Mich Walker House.
118. John B. Smith, New Brunswick, N.J Keachie's Hotel.
119. W. H. Walmsley, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin House.
120. Jameb N. Baxter, Brooklyn, N.Y Rossin House.
121. Mary B. Moody, New Haven, Conn
122. Arthur E. B. Moody New Haven, Conn . .
123. Bushrod W, James, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
124. .John Collett, Indianapolis, Ind Rossin House
126. Mrs John Lucas, Philadelphia, Pa " Ernesleigh."
126. Miss H. A. Kittredge, North Andover, Mass . .Queen's Hotel.
127. Miss C. A. Watson, Salem, Mass Queen's Hotel.
128. Thomas D. Robertson, Rockford, 111 Queen's Hotel.
129. Mrs. Thomas D. Robertson, Rockford 111 Queen's Hotel.
130. C. A, Hirsohfelder, Toronto
131. Geofge Lincoln Goodale, Cambridge, Mass Queen's Hotel..
132. George F. Barker, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
133. Mrs George F. Barker, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
134. Miss Clara T. Barker. Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
135. James Hall, Albany, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
137. Thomas J. Hill, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
,."1 ;/ i!^ '..>_) !;i:lii..'i ": r ■■-■■r-.-^
An^itst 27, 1889.
1. Henry C. Appleton, Publisher, 1 Bond St., New York. E I
2. Ad. F. Bandelier, Santa Fe, N. M. H
3. William D. Boardman, 38 Kenilworth St., Roxbury, Mass. E
4. Prof. Theo. Brantly, College of Montana, Deer Lodge, Mont. T. H I
5. Prof. Wm. T. Brooks, Mass. Agric. College, Amherst, Mass. C P
6. Prof. Geo ge Bryce, LL.D., Manitoba College, Winnipeg, Mani-
toba. H
7. Capt. Thos. L. Casey, U. S. Engineer, Army Building, New York,
N.Y. F
8. Alexander F. Chamberlain, 34 Arthur St., Toronto, Ont. H
». Royal Tyler Church, Turin, Lewis Co., N.Y. D F
10. William A. Croffut, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington. H I
11. Susan J. Cunningham, Prof of Mathematics and Astronomy
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. A
12. John Daniel, Instructor in Physics, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville,
Tenn. B
13. John M. Davison, 60 Oxford St , Rochester, N. Y. C
14. Luther M. Donaldson, care National Fertilizer Co., NashvilU,
Tenn. C
15. Fred. James Dorand, Chester, Vt. A I
16. W. A. Douglass, B.A , 220 Wellesley St., Toronto, Ont. I
17. Charles Red way Dryer, Assistant Indiana State Geological Survey ,
Fort Wayne, Ind. E ' '
18. Frank E. Emery, Geneva, Ontario Co., N.Y. F
19. Howard V. Frost, Prof, of Chemistry in the Brooklyn Polytechnic
Institute, Arlington, Mass. C
20. Edwin Brant Frost, Inst, in Astronomy and Physics, Dartmouth
Col., Hanover, N. H.
21. Rev Otis Allan Glazebrook, D.D., Elizabeth, N.J.
22. G. K. Greene, New Albany, Ind. E F
23. Thos. Gray, Prof. Dynamic, Engineering, Rose Polytechnic Inst. ,
Terre Haute, Ind.
24. James Cleland Hamilton, M.A., LL.B., Toronto, Ont.
25. Rev. Gottlieb C. H. Hasskarl, Syracuse, N.Y.
26. John Beazley Hastings, Mining Engineer, Ketchum ,Allatura8
Co., Idaho. E "^
27. J'jhn Blackstock Hawley, Engineer of St. Paul Water-Works, St.
Paul, Minn. B
28. Walter J. Hoflfman, M.D., Bureau of Ethnology, Washington,
D.C. H
29. Lewis E Hood, E. Somerville, Mass. F
30. Thomas Hopkins, Assistant Geological Survey of Arkansas, Little
Rock, Ark. E
31 Walter Hough, Ass't Department of Ethnology, U. S. National
Museum, Washington, D.C. H
32 .Tames T. Hoyt, Temple Court, Beekman St., New York. A H
33. Andrew F. Hunter, Barrie Ont. B H i
34. Dr. John Amory Jeffries, 91 Newbury St. , Boston, Mass. P
35. Thos. Moore Jackson, C.E., Prof. Civil Engineering, W. Va.
University, Morgantown, W. Va.
30. J. Floyd King, New York Hotel, New York, N.Y. D
37. Otto Julius Klotz, Field Astronomer, Dominion Governm't, Preston,
38 William Roscoe Livermore, Maj. of Eng., U. S. A., Newport,
R.I. C
39. Alan Macdougall, F, R. S.; Edin., Toronto, Ont. D I
40. Jos. E. McDougall, Maritime Court, 121 Carleton St., Toronto,
41. Charles E. McGowan, M.D., New London, Conn. E
42. Rev. .John McLean, M.A., Ph.D., Madeod, Alberta, Can.
43. Alexajider Chas. McKay, Mathematical Master, Upper Canada
College, Toronto.
44. Artemas Martin, Librarian and Custodian of Archives, Coast
►Survey OfHco, W^ashington, D.C. A
45. Charles C. Mellon, Vice-Pres. Iron City Microscopical Society, Pitts-
burgh, Pa. r
40. Wm Hamilton Merritt, 40 St. George street, Toronto, E I
47. Cosmos Mindelelf, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
48. Victor Mindeleff, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
49. .Tames Mooney, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
50. Frank Newton Notestein, Prof, of Mathematics and Astronomy,
The College of Montana, Deer Lodge, M.T. A F
51. George D. Olds, Prof, of Mathematics, Univ. of Rochester, Roches-
ter, N.Y. A
52. Frank Owen Payne, Teacher of Si ience, Appleton, Minn. F
53. Dr. R. A. F. Penrose, jr., Stato Geological Survey, Little Rock,
Ark. E
54. Ernest B. Perry, Ann Arbor, Mich. D "' :'- • i.-', ,:.>i ..
55. George H. Peters, Hartford, Conn. A B 'i ••.' ;• •; .•
56. Eben Putnam, Boston, Mass. HI
57. James Cochrane Quinn, Prof, of Mental and Moral Philosophy,
National Univ., Chicago, Helena, Montana. E F H I
58. Taylor Reed, Princeton, N.J. A
59. A. H. Russell, Captain of Ordnance, U.S.A., Providence. R.I, D
(K). Harris J. Ryan, Asst. Prof, of Electrical Engineering, Cornell
Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. B
()1. George S. Ryleston, GO College Ave., Toronto, Ont. F
62. Wm. H. Seaman, Prof. Analytical Chemistry, School of Mines,
Univ. of Missouri, Rolla, Mo.
63. G. N. Saegmuller, Washington, D.C. A B
64. John R. Scupham, C. & M. Engineer, Oakland, Cal. E
65. Dilman B. Shantz, Berlin, Ont. I
66. Porter W. Shimer, E.M., Easton, Pa. C
67. Frank T. Shutt, M.A., Chemist to the Dominion Experimental
Farms, Ottawa, Ont. C
68. De Cost Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y. H
69. Joseph B. Stearns, Camden, Maine. B,
70. Francis L. Stewart, Murraysville, Pa. C F
71. Henry Newlin Stokes, Ph. D., Chemical Laboratory, U.S. (ireo-
logical Survey, Washington, D.C. C E
72. Charles Stuart Street, 38 Kenilworth St., Roxbury, Mass. E C
73. Charles B. Thwing, Instructor in Physics, North- Western Univ.,
Evanston, 111. B
74. Gerritt E. H. Weaver, Instructor in Swarthmore College, Swarth-
more, Pa F
76. Miss Nellie B. West, 56 W. 55th St , New York, N.Y. E
76. Prof. T. R. White, 363 W. 57th St., New York, N.Y. H A
77. Prof. W. P. Wilson, 640 North 32nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. F
78. S. Grant Wright, Perrysville, Ind. F
79. Harrison Garman, Entomologist and Botanist, State Exper. Station,
Lexington, Ky. F
80. Prof. John W. Hartigan, W. Va. University, Morgantown, W.
Va. F
81. Chs. W. Hastings, Kansas City, Mo. B
82. Wm. Houston, Govt Library, Toronto, Ont. I
83. Walter Hough, Nat. Museum, Washington, D.C. H
84. James Gibson Hume, Univ. College, Toronto. I
85. Herbert G. Ogden, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington,
86. Frank Fitz Payne, Meteorological Office, Toronto. B
87. James H. Pearce, Toronto, Ont. F
88. John Edward White, Toronto, Ont. F
89. James G. Wilton, University College, Toronto, Ont. B
90. Prof. R. Ramsay Wright, Toronto, Ont. P
91. Prof. Chs. W. Hargitt, Oxford, Ohio.
92. John H. Means, Geological Survey, Little Reck, Ark. E
93. William Kennedy, Geological Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E H
94. Leon Stacy Jjriswold, Geol. Survey, Little Rook, Ark. E
95. Thos. Hopkins, Geol. Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E
96. Dr. Andrew C. Law^son, Ottawa, Canada. E
97. John Perrin, Mount Royal Park, Montreal. B
98. F. W. Kuhne, Fort Wayne, Ind.
99. A. Isabel Mulford, Orange, N.J. F
100. John Galbraith, Prof. Civil Engineering, Toronto. A
101. Archibald Hope Young, Upper Canada College, Toronto. H
102. Henry H. Wing, CornellUniv. Expt. Station, Ithaca, N.Y.
103. Gales P. Thruston, Nashville, Tenn H
104. Clarence M. Weed, Ohio Expt. Station, Columbus, O. P
105. William Macdonald, Toronto, Ont.
106. Thomas Shortiss, Toronto, Ont. D E
107. Peter Bryce, Secy. Board of Health, Toronto, Ont.
108. Archibald B. Macallum, University College, Toronto, Canada. .
109. W. Reynolds Singleton, Washington. H
110. Dr. Thomas J. W. Burgess, Hamilton, Ont. P
111. Asaph Hall, Jr., U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington. A
Programme for Tkuysday. Angtist 2gth
T. C. Mendenhall, of Washington.
A. Mathematics and Astronomy — R. S. Woodward, of Washington.
B. Physics — H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
C. Chtmidry — William L. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn.
D. Mechanical Science and Engi'neerinci — James E. Denton, of Hoboken,
E. OeoUxjy and Geography — Charles A. White, of Washington.
F. Bioloyy -George L. Goodale, of Cambridge, Mass.
H. Anthropology- -Gav.s,ick Mallery, of Washington.
I. Economic Science and Statistics — Charles S. Hill, of Washington.
F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge, Mass. (Office : Salem, Mass.)
C. Leo Mkeh, >>f Terre Haute, Intl.
* —
H. Carrinoton Bolton, of New York.
A. Mafhemntics and Aatronomy—O. C. Comstock, of Madison, Wis.
B. Fhyaica—E. L. Nichols, of Ithaca, N.Y.
C. Chemistry — Edward Hart, of Easton , Pa.
D. Mechanical Science aiul Emjineering — W. B. VV^arnkr, of Cleveland, ().
S. Geolo(jy and Geography— J oHi^ C. Branner, of Little Rock, Ark.
r. Biology — Amos W. Butler, of Brookville, Ind.
H. Anthropology—^ . M. Beauchamp, of Baldwinsville, N.Y.
I, Economic Science and Statistics — J. R. Dodoe, of Washington.
William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Fad /Veairfenfs— Jameh D. Dana, of Now Haven ; Jameh Hall, of
Albany ; J. S. Newherry, of New York ; B. A, Gould, of Cambridge ;
T. Sterry Hunt, of Montreal ; Joseph Loverino, of Cambridge ; J. E.
HiLOARi), of Washington ; Simon Newcomb, of Washington ; O. C. -
Marsh, of Now Haven ; George F. Barker, of Philadelphia ; George
J. Brush, of New Haven ; J. W Dawson, of Montreal ; C. A. Young,
of Princeton ; J. P. Lesley, of Philadelphia ; H. A. Newton, of New
Haven ; Edward S. Morse, of Salem ; S. P. Langley, of Washington ;
J. W. Powell, of Washington.
Vice-Prenidents of the lad Meetiiuf — Oi mond Stone, of University of
Virginia ; A. A. Micihelson, of Cleveland ; C. E. Munroe, of Newport ;
C. J. H. Woodbury, of Boston ; George H. Cook, of New Brunswick ;
C. V. Riley, of Washington ; Charles C. Abbott, of Trenton ; C. VV.
Smiley, of Washington.
Officers of the Present Meeting — T. C. Mendenhall, of Washington; R.
S. Woodward, of Washington ; H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor ; William
L. Dudley, of Nashville ; James E. Denton, of Hoboken ; Charles
A. White, of Washington ; George L. Goodale, of Cam-
bridge ; Gahrick Mallery, of Washington ; Charles S. , Hill, of
Washington ; F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge; C. Leo Mees, of
Terre Haute; H. Carbington Bolton, New York ; G. C. Comstock, of
Madison ; E, L. Nichols, of Ithaca ; Edward Hart, of Easton ;
W. R. Warner, of Cleveland ; John C. Branner, of Little Rock;
Amos W. Butler, of Brookville; W. M, Beauchamp, of Baldwinsville ;
J. R. Dodge, of Washington ; William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk.
From the Association at Large — A fellow elected from each section.
E. W. Hyde, of Cincinnati (A), W. A. Rogers, of WatervJlle (B), H. W.
Wiley, of Washington (C), Cody Stalet, of Cleveland (D), N. H.
Winchell, of Minneapolis (E), W. H. Dall, of Washington (P), J. A.
DoRSAY, of Washington (H). -■'•■- i
President, - - Charles Carpmael, M.A., F.R.A.S.
Treasurer, ■ - - James Bain, Jr.
Secretanj, • - Prof. James Loudon. M.A.
Hon Geo. VV. Allan, Hon. J. C. Aikins, Hon J. D. Armour, M.A.,
A. A. Allan, W. T. Aikins, M.D., LL.D., G. M. Adam, T.C.L. Armstrong,
LLB.,D. H. Alexander, A. B. Aylesworth, M.A., James Austin, Prof.
Ashley, M.A., D. W. Alexander.
Hon. Edward Blake, M.A., Q.C., M.P., Hon. J. A. Boyd, M.\., Hon
G. W. Burton, Rev. Provost Body, M. A., D.C.L., Rev. Prof. Boys, M. A.,
Prof. Baker, M.A., Hon. S. H. Blake, M.A., Q.C., G. T. Blackstock,
Arthur Boswell, T. B. Browning, M. A., James Beaty, D.C.L., Walter
Barwick, M.A., C. R. W. Biggar, M.A., James Bain, Sr., David Boyle,
W. Brodie, W. R. Brock, H. Brock, B.A , R. S. Baird, J. B.' Boustead,
George S. C. Bethune, John L. Blaikie, Richard Brown, Ralph K.
Burgess, R. H. Bethune, C. Brough, E. Buchan, L. D. Brodie, G. W.
Badgerow, John Bain, Q.C., W. H Beatty, R. Boyle, C. W. Bunting,
J. W. Bengough, P. H. Bryce, M.D., M.A., James Burns, M.D., F.W
Babington, John Burns, John Blevins, J. Bruce, Hugh Blain, William
Badenach, A. Blue, P. H. Burton.
His Worship Mayor Clarke, Rev. D. Castle, T. T. Cassidy, M D.,
Rev. Dr. Caven, Prof. Chapman, Rev. Prof. Clark, M.A., Rev. D.
Cushing, Dr. Carlyle, William Cooke, H. H. Cook, W. W. Copp,
E. R. C. Clarkson, R. S. Cassels, George Curry, Joseph Connolly, William
Cruikshank, Arthur Cox, Duncan Coulson, H. Cawthra, G. A. Cox,
G. R. R. Cockburn, M.A., M.P„ Allan Cassels, M.A., W. M. Clarke,
James Cooper, J. M. Clark, M.A., William Christie, A. H. Campbell, D.
Creighton, John Cameron, Daniel Clark, M.D., C. W. Covernton. M D.,
C. T. Campbell, B. Cumberland, H. E. Clarke, R. T. Ccady, S. Caldecott,
John Catto, J. B. Carlile, A. M. Cosby, A. F. Chamberlain, W. R. Calla-
way, Thomas Carroll, S. C. Duncan Clarke.
Lieut. -Col. Georee T. Denison, Lieut'. -Col. Frederick C. Denison,
M.P., Rev. Canon Dunioulin, John L Davidson, George Dickson, M.A.,
B. Homer Dixon, Frank Darlinj;; D. B. Dick, H. W. Darling T. D. Dela-
mere, M.A., P. H. Drayton, Rev. E. H. Dewart, D.D., J. L. Davison,
M.D., H. P. Dwight, S. C. Duncan-Clarke, Daniel Defoe, R. G. Dalton
E. K. Dodds.
Prof. W. H. Ellis, M.A., M.B., L. E. Embreo, M.A., J. D. Edgar,
M.P., William Elliott, Robert Elliott.
Hon. W. G.' Falcoribridge, M.A., Hon. Thoj a Ferguson, W. H.
Eraser, M. A., J. C. Forbes, A. T. Fulton, Major - oster, James J. Foy,
RobertL.Fraser,. Joseph Firstbrook, G. F. Frankland, E. Fisher, Edward
Farrar, J 0. Fitch, H. R. Fairclough, M.A., John Flett.
Sir Thos. Gait, Rev. Prof. Gregg, D.D., Prof. Galbraith, M.A.,
Lieut -Col. H. J. Grassett, Col. C. S. Gzowski, A.D.C. to the Queen, Geo.
Gooderham, William Gooderhani, W. G Gooderham, Edward Gurney,
William Grindlay, W. B. Geikie, M.D., J. E. Graham, M.D , John Gait,
A. H. Gilbert, Robert Gray, Hon. T. M. Gibson, M.A., W. H. Lockhart
Gordon .
Hon. Arthur S. Hardy, Hon. J. H. Hagarty, Sir W. P. Howland,
Prof. Button, M.A., J G. Hodgins, LL.D., Thomas Hodgins, M. A., Q C,
W. Houston, M. A., Thomas Heys, J. C. Hodgson, M.A., James L. Hughes,
A. Harvey, H. J. Hill, H. L. Hime, H. C. Hammond, C. Holland, H. S.
Howland, Sr., H. S. Howland, Jr., O. E. Howland, John Hoskia, Q.C.,
Robert Hay, James D. Henderson, W. E. Haslam, James Hedley, W. B,
Hamilton, R. E. Hooper, John Hallam, William Henderson, James
Henderson, Elmes Henderson, MA., W. H. Howland, W. B. Hamilton,
J. D. Hay, John Hondorson.
A. S. Irving, J. D. Irwin, William Ince, M. H. Irish.
Rev. Prof. Jones, M. A., Robert Jenkins, Robert JalTray, William R.
Johnston, A. J. Johnston, M.D., Andrew Jeffrey.
Rev. S. H. Kellogg, D.D., J. K. Kerr, Q.C., E. H. Kertland, R,
Kilgour, T.Kirkland, M.A.,R. E. Kingsford, M.A., Warring Kennedy,
N. Kingsmill, M.A., R.ibert Kilgour, John Kay, D. R, Keys; M.A., W.
H. Knowlton, J. J. Kenny, G. Kennedy, LL.D., E. H. Kertland, R.
John Leys, M P.P., E. Leadley, Thomas Lailey, J. \V. Langmuir,
James Lobb, Henry Langley, W. A. Langton, E. J. Lennox, A. B. Lee,
G. W. Lillie, Charles Lindsey, George Leslie, Jr., Walter S. Lee, John
Hon H. McMahon, Rev. Prof. McLaren, D D.. Rev. Prof. McVicar,
LL.D., Judge McDougall, J. A, McLellan. LL.D., Prof J. F. McCurdy,
Ph.D., W. B McMurrich,M.A., George McMurrich, L. McFarlane, M.D.,
James McCullough, M.D., William McCabe, M.A., Thomas McGaw, A. B.
McCallum, M.A., Joseph McCausland, A. McMurchy, M.A., Dalton
McCarthy, Q.C., M.P , -Donald McKay, Thon)as McCracken.
Attorney-General Mowat, Hon. A.Mackenzie, M.P.,Hon. A. Morris,
Hon. John Macdonald, Sheriff Mowat, Rev. D. J. Macdonell, D.D.,
Judge Morgan, James Massey, E. A. Meredith, LL. I)., A,. Manning. A.
Marling, LL.B., J Herbert Mason, James Mason, T G. Mason, J. R.
McDonald., William McDoiialfl, M.A., Hon. Jas. Maclennan, W. E. H.
Massey, W, T. Macdouell, J. J. McLaren, D.C.L., LL.D., William
Mulock, M.A., MP., W. N Miller, Q.C., W. H. Murray, Q.C., James
Morrison, W. F. Maclean, M.A., T. M. Martin, W. C Matthews, J, L.
Morrison, George Musson, Hugh Miller, W. Millichamj), George Michie,
John Morrison, A. Marsh, M.A., Alan Macdougall C.E., W. H. Merritt,
C.E., W. R. Meredith, Q.C., M.P.P., Alexander Manning, W. A.
F. Nicholls, J. D. Nasmith, A. Nelson, H. A. Nelson, John Notman,
S. Nordheimer, H. Northrop, Hugh Neilson, Alexander Nairn, J. D.
Lieut. -Col. W. D Otter, Hon. F. Osier, B. B. Osier, E. B. Osier,
L. R. O'Brien, D. A. O'Sullivan, D.C.L., C. O'Reilly, M.D., U Ogden,
M.D., W. Oldright, M.D., A. Ogilvy.
Hon. William Proudfoot, Prof. W. H. Pike, Rev. John Potts, D.D.,
W. Poison, E. P. Pearson, Henry Pellatt, A. D. Patterson, J. A. Patterson,
M.A., R. A. Pyne, M.D., C. R. Parrish, Janes H Pearce.
Hon. G. W. Ross, Hon. A. M. Ross, Hon. J. E. Rose, Hon. T. W.
Robertson, Rev. C. Roper, M.A., R. A. Reeve, M.D., G. M. Rose, C.
Robinson, Q.C. , G. M^ Rae, C. Blackett Robinson, S. E. Roberts, Donald
Ridout, J. R. Robertson, G, H. Robinson, M A., J. Y. Reid, Elias
Rogers, A. M. Rosebrugh, M.D., Joseph T. Rolph, Charles Rogers, J. H.
Rogers, G. C. Robb, T. Robertson, l>r. Ryerson.
Right Rev. Arthur Sweetman, D.D , Hon. W. C. R. Street. John
Small, M.P., Prof Smyth, Rev. Principal Sheraton, Rev. Henry Scad-
ding, D.D., Hon. Frank Smith, Lieut -Col. Sweny, Goldwin Smith,
D.C.L., L. W. Smith, D.C.L., M. Sweetnam, S. C. Smoke, M.A., B.
Spencer, M.D.. J, E. Berkeley Smith, J. Squair, M.A., G E. Shaw, M.A.,
J. Seath, MA., James Stark, W. G. Storm, J. E. Smith, James
Smith, Walter Strickland, H. S. Strathy, V. Sanky, B. Saunders, E. E.
Sheppard, C. Sheard, M.D., A. J. Somerville, Dr. Andrew Smith, C.
Sproatt, A. M. Smith , G. B.Smith, E. B. Shuttleworth, James Scott,
Hugh Scott, W. B. Simpson.
Rev. B. D. Thomas, D.D. , Rev. J. R. Teefy, M.A., Rev. Brother
Tobias, J. A. Temple, M.D., Samuel Trees, C. W. Taylor, H. Thorne,
James Tilt, Q.C, D. E. Thomson James Turner, F. H. Torrington.
Rev. Father Vincent, W; H. VanderSmissen, M.A.
Sir Daniel Wilson, LL.D., Rev. Joseph Wild, D.D., David Walker,
. Sheriif Widdifield, C. W. Wagner, D. R. Wilkle, B. E. Walker, F. Wyld,
,Hon. S. C. Wood, R. M. Wells, M.A., William Williamson, Thomas
'^ West, A. H. Wright, M.D., Prof R. W. Wright, M.A., J. B. Willmott,
Sir Adam .Wilson, J. E. White, M.D., R. Irving Walker."^'"^"^^ ••u'
. G. W. Yarker. ' ■ -; > ,.. . .•" i'-'
Chairman— Q. Carpmael, M.A.
Secretary — Prof. Loudon.
Assistant Secretaries— W. H. Fraser, M.A., H. H. Lanoton, B.A.
Hon. G. W. Allan, James Bain, Prof. Baker, Rev. Provost Body,
Dr. Brodie, C. W. Bunting, W. R. Callaway, Mayor E.F. Clarke, Arthur
Cox, H. W. Darling, Rev. Dr. Dewart, A.ld. E. K. Dodds, H. P. Dwight,
Prof. Ellis, Prof. Galbraith, Aid. Gibbs, James Hedley, H. J. Hill, W. S.
Lee, A. Marling, Alan Macdougall, J. H, Mason, E. A. Meredith, W.
McCuUoch, Thomas McGaw, Aid. McMillan, J. H. Pearce, Rev. J. R.
Teefy, D. R. Wilkie, Sir Daniel Wilson, Prof. A. H. Wright, Prof. R. R.
Wright, E. Wragge.
Clmirman — E. King Dodds. , :
Secretary — Thos Sanderson.
W. H. Beatty, Dr. Bryce, B. Cumberland, Prof. Baker, A. M. Cosby,
Dr. Davison, Prof. Ellis, Aid. Gibbs, Dr. Hodgins, John Hoskin, Prof,
Loudon, Principal Kirkland, Wm. Macdonald, W. B. McMurrich, Dr.
O'Sullivan, Aid. McMillan, J. H. Pearce, Rev. J. R. Teefy, i?rof. A.
H. Wright, Prof. R. R. Wright, Dr. J. E. White, W. H. Vander Smissen.
Giairman — Thoms McGaw.
Secretary— W. McCulloch.
D, Boyle, H. J. Hill, John Hallam, Robert Jaflray, Bernard
Saunders, David Walker, J. Wright.
Chairman — H. P. Dwight.
Secretary— G. Sweetnam, Jr. "•W»'^vt /;i;^l ,T ,:■.:..-.,. vu:.r.->:';
Arthur Cox, D. B. Dick, A. Blue, O. S. Howknd, R. E. Kingsfprd,
H. Neilson, Dr. Rosebrugh, Prof. Shuttleworth, J. D. Irwin. .. ; .a,ji^,cr,'v
Chairman — E. Wragge.
Secretary — W. R. Callaway.
Hugh Blain, B. Cumberland, P. H. Drayton, H. J. Hill, H. S.
Howland, N. Kingsmill, F. Nichols, H. Merritt, Wm. Badenach, P. J.
Gmirman — D. R. Wilkie.
Secretary — J^mes Bain.
Prof. Baker, W. Barwick, W. R. Brock, R. Burgess, R. W. Elliott,
R. Jenkins, W. S. Lee, J. H. Mason, G. R. R. Cockbum, Wm. Badenach,
J: H. Pearce.
Chairman — A. Marling,
Secretary — A. F. Chamberlain.
. G. Dickson, F. Darling, J. L. Hughes, D. R. Keys, John Squair,
Chairman — Alan Macdouoall.
Secretary — G. Adamson.
Prof. Ashley, D. Boyle, J. M. Clark, W. Houston, Dr. Pyne, G. M.
lUw, G. Kennedy.
Chairman — James Hedley.
Secretary-^. T. Lancefield. ' :'''^"'^ '^ .B-..o,«r.;> .;. :
.h.x^Mfi-yB^vrikrf^/'C.'Bi. W.'Bi^ii, fi. *^kv'Di.Oreighton, John
Cameron, E. JHii^*r,'W.'P.-'M46WatV, '*r. Ri Robe«iJdn, A/S; If ving, W.
G. Eakins, C. W. Taylor, Rev. Dr. Dewart.
Pre«irfenf— Charles Carpmabl, M.A., F,R.A.S.
Treasurer — James Bain, Jr.
Secretary — Prof. James Louden, M.A.
Assiotant Secretaries ~\Y. H. Eraser, H. H. Lanoton.
Mrs. G. W. Allan, Mrs. W, T. Aikina, Mrs Ashley, Mrs. E. Blake,
Mrs. J. A. Boyd, Mrs. Body, Mrs. H. Blake, Mrs. A. Boswell, Mrs. Jas.
Bain, Mrs. S. C. Bethune, Mrs. R. H. Bethune, Mrs. W. H. Beatty, Mrs.,
C. W. Bunting, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Arthur Cox, Mrs. Clarkson, Mrs. A. M.
Cosby, Mrs. D. B. Dick, Mrs. P. H. Drayton, Mrs. P. H. Drayton, Mrs.
E. K. Dodds, Mrs. W. H. Ellis, Mrs. VV. H. Eraser, Mrs. Major Foster,
Mrs. H. R. Fairclough, Mrs. Gailbraith, Mrs. Col C. S. Gzowski, Mrs. J.
E. Graliam, Mrs. Hufcton, Mrs. Thomas Hodgins, Mrs. John Hoskin, Mrs.
James Hedley, Miss May Jones, Mrs. W. H. Rowland, Mrs. Loudon, Mrs.
S. H. Kellogg, Mrs. T. Kirkland. Mrs. D. R. Keys, Mrs. Henry Langley,
Mrs. J. F. McCurdy, Mrs. L. McFarlane, Mrs. Thos. McGaw, Lady Mac-
pherson, Mn. Mowat, Mrs. E. A. Meredith, Mrs. A. Manning, Mrs. J.
Herbert Mason, Mrs. William McDonald, Mrs. James Maclennan, Mrs.
William Mulock, Mrs. A. Marsh, Miss Mickle, Miss Sallie Mickle, Mrs,
Alan Macdougall, Mrs. H. W. Merritt, Mr«. Hugh Neilson, Mrs. D. A.
O'Sullivan, Mrs. W. Oldright, Mrs. G. W. Ross, Mrs. G. M. Rae. Mrs. G.
H. Robinson, Mrs. W. C. R. Street, Mrs. Sweny, Mrs. B. Spencer, Mrs. J,
E. Berkley- Sn ,h, Mrs. G. E. Shaw, Mrs. Skae, Mrs. Jphn Taylor, Mrs. F,
H. Torringtcr, Mrs. D. Wilson, Mrs. B. E. Walker, Mrs. A. H. Wright,
Mrs. R. W. Wright.
, . . ' . ' ' ' (.-:■.■■ i.-j r/t.i ^,.'; ~r,, .;,-., ^;:,.,.v,;:
Members will please call at the office of the Permanent Secretary as
soon as possible after arrival, to receive their members' tickets. Mem-
bers will register at the table of the Local Committee and receive their
badges after obtaining their tickets.
Attention is directed to the following rule relating to members
families ;
" Every member of the Association shall have the privilege of regis-
tering members of his family, not including men over twenty-one years of
age, by paying the sum of three dollars for each person so registered, and
shall receive for them specific badges which will entitle the holder thereof
to such privileges as may be extended to the members generally by the
Local Committee for the meeting."
All assessments and admission fees must be paid at the office of the
Permanent Secretary, and the assessment for the meeting must be paid
before registering and receiving the Association badge.
Newly elected members will obtain their certificates of membership
at the office of the Permanent Secretary, upon payment of the admission
fee of $5.00 and assessment of $3,00.
Members will please report any change of permanent address, or the
decease of other members, at the office of the Permanent Secretary.
Blanks for entering the Titles of Communications and for Recom-
mendation to Membership can be obtained in the Local Committee Room.
Subscriptions for the Toronto volume of "Proceedings" will be taken
at the office of the Permanent Secretary ; and subscriptions are solicited
from the friends of the Association, and from such members as wish to
obbain duplicate copies of the volume. Every person subscribing $1.50 or
more will receive a copy of the volume as soon as published.
The volumes of the "Proceedings" of the Association can be obtained
from the Permanent Secretary, at the price of $1.60 per volume ; or any
member wishing for ten or more volumes in order to complete a set, may
obtain them at $1.00 per volume. The volumes may be had bound, in
clo!)h at the extra price of 50 cents each, or in half Morocco at the extra
price of $1.00 each. Uniform cloth covers for the volumes will be fur-
nished by mail at 30 cents each, or by express at 26 cents each. Samples
can be seen and orders given at the office. The " Memoir on Fossil
Butterflies," 4to, 1875, by S. H. Scudder, published by the donation of
Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, will be furnished at f2.00 a copy, or at #3.50
bound in half Morocco. " The Transactions of the American Association
of Geologists and Naturalists," 1 vol., 8vo., 1843, bound in cloth, can be
obtained at $3.00 a copy, or bound in half Morocco, uniform with the
"Proceedings," for |4.00.
The Cleveland Volume of Proceedings was issued in July and
has been sent from the Salem office to all members who paid the Cleveland
assessment previous to August 20th. Those paying since that date, and
those who pay back assessments at the present meeting, will receive the
volumes to which they are entitled after the adjournment of this meeting.
i tiV':
■t^t->) 'r^-'f ,,vi • .',,^,::-\:.,, -,„,
:i'^^ -
The Council calls attention to the following extracts from the Consti-
tution of the Association, and to the statement in relation to papers :
Membeeh, Fellows, Life Members and Patrons,
Art. 3. Any person may become a member of the Association upon
recommendation in writing by two members or fellows, and election by
•the Council.
(Blank forms for recommendation to membership can be had in the
Local Conmiittee Room. Recommendations should reach the Secretary
of the Council as early as possible each day. Those received after 9 a.m..
caniwt he acted upon, until next day.)
Art. 4. Fellows shall be elected by the Council from such of the
members as are professionally engaged in science, or have by their labors
aided in advancing science. The election of the Fellows shall be by
ballot, and a majority vote of the members of the Council at a designated
(Special blanks for the nomination of Fellows can be had of the Per-
manent Secretary.)
Art. 6. Any person paying to the Association the sum of one thou-
sand dollars shall be classed as a Patron, and shall be entitled U) all the
privileges of a member, and to all its publications.
Art. 7. The name of any member or fellow two years in arrears for
annual dues shall be erased from the list of the Association, provided that
two notices of indebtedness, at an interval of at lea^st three months, shall
have been given ; and no such person ' .11 be restored until he has paid
his arrears or has been re-elected.
Art. 34. The admission fee for members shall be $5.00, in addition
to the annual assessment. (^These must be paid for the meeting at which
the election is announced.) On the election of any member as a fellow
an additional fee of $200 shall be paid.
Art. 36. The annual assessment for members and fellows shall be
Art. 36. Any member or fellow who shall pay the sum of fifty dol-
lars to the Association, at any one time, shall become a Life Member, and
as such shall be exempt from all further assessments, and shall be entitled
to the Proceedings of the Association. All money thus received shall be
invested as a pQrmanent fund, the income of which, during the life of the
member, shall form a part of the general fund of the Association ; but
after his death, shall be used only to assist in original research, unless
otherwise directed by the unanimous vote of the Council. (New members
becoming Life Members must pay the admission fee of $5.00.)
Art. 37. All admission fees and assessments must be paid to the
Permanent Secretary (or his Assistant), who shall give proper receipts for
the same.
Art. 28. All members and fellows must forward to the Permanent
Secretary, as early as possible, and, when practicable, before the convening
of the Association, full titles of all the papers which they propose to pre-
sent during the meeting, with u statement of the time that each will
occupy in delivery, and also such abstracts of their contents as will give a
general idea of their nature ; and no title shall be referred by the Counci
to the Sectional Committee until an abstract of the paper, or the paper
itself, has beer, received.
Art. '/I. Authors must prepare their papers or abstracts ready for
the pre'a, and these must bo in the hands of the Secretaries of the Sec-
tions before the final adjournment of tlie meeting, otherwise only the
titles will appear in the printed volume. The Council shall have power to
order tlie printing of any paper by abstract or title only.
Art. 25. A paper shall not be read in any section or sub-section un-
til it has been received from the Council, and placed on the programme of
the day by the Sectional Committee.
*** The titles of papers will not be given out until they are put on the
programme by the Sectional Committees, and a paper will not be accepted
by the Committee unless accompanied by a proper abstract. Blank forms for
the giving cities and abstracts of papers can be had in the Local Committee
room. The Council particularly calls attention to the fact that papers can-
not be received after 9 o'clock, Monday morning, September 2nd.
• '.i' ,1
By the courtesy of the authorities the meetings of the Association
will be held in the University Buildings, the School of Practical Science,
and Association Hall.
The opening Session and all the morning General Sessions will be
held in the University Convocation Hall. The final General Session on
Tuesday evening will be held in Association Hall.
Sections A, B, D, E, H, I, will meet in the main University Building
in rooms Nos. 4, 8, 5, 7, and in Convocation Hall on the ground floor, and
room on the west end second floor.
Section C will meet in the School of Practical Science.
Section F will meet in the new Biological Building.
The Council will meet in the University Senate Chamber.
The oflices of the Permanent and Local Secretaries are in Room 2,
first door left of the entrance. University Building.
The P.O. and Telegraph Oflices are in Room 1, University Building.
The Great North Western Telegraph Co. will send free over its own
'lines, short social messages, when stamped by the Local Secretary. Such
messages to the United States will accordingly be charged half the usual
rates. ,.,,;,"';,:,,,,.
Telephone rooms will be found at the main entrance.
A writing room is provided adjacent to the Library, second floor of
the University Building. .; . . .' |
Room on ground floor, University Building.
Members of the Association, and Associates, will register at the desk
of the Local Secretary after they have obtained their assessment receipt
from the Permanent Secretary. Each member and associate will then
receive a badge stamped with the number corresponding the name printed
in the daily list of arrivals. These badges will entitle the owner to all the
privileges extended to the Association.
Special badges are prepared for the members of the Botanical and
Entomological Clubs, which may be obtained from the ofticers of those
clubs. ,
Special badges are also made for the Local Committee and its officers,
and for representatives of the Press. These may be obtained of the
Local Secretary.
The colors of the badges are as follows :
Membership — Coral.
Entomological Club— Dark Terra Cotta.
Botanical Club— Dark Green.
Local Committee — Blue.
The Prsss— Red.
A lunch, free to all wearing the above badges, will be provided daily
except on Saturday and fe uu-Xu >n the Dining Hall at the noith-west
corner of the Quadrangle, Main Building.
The Ladies' Parlor at the Queen's is placed at the disposal of the
ladies and gentlemen of the Association, and the Gentlemen'.s Parlor will
be used by Committees and for an evening office.
Two excursions have been arranged for Saturday, the 31st. for which
members must register before four o'clock to-day.
The steamer Cibola will leave Yonge street wharf at 7.00 a.m. sharp,
for Niagara-on-the-Lake, thence the excursionists will proceed to the Falls
by the Michigan Central Railway.
Retiiiiiing, the train Iojivcb the Falls at 4.30 p.m.
Lunch will be served in the rosUurant in the Queen Victoria I'ark.
The number is limited to 500.
Tickets for the Muskoka excursion will be good either on the tra'n
leaving Toronto at 11 p.m. on Friday, or that leaving at 10.10 a.m. on
Saturday. By the former the Pullman car fare is l$1.50. The tickets avM
good to any point on the lakes, and to return on Monday, reaching Tor-
onto at 4.25 p.m. Arrangements have been made with Mr. Cox, at Port
Sandlield, for hoarding the excursionists at $1.60 per day. The number
is limited to 200.
Get your railway certificates signed and stamped by the Secretary,
Mr. W. R. Callaway. Office on right hand of main entrance.
meet at the University at 3.30 p.m. Carriages will be in attendance
to drive lady members through the north-west —^^t oi the city, and out to
Erlescourt, where they will be received by Mrs ^ > jr.
Members will leave the York street wharf at 2.30 p.m. sharp, by
steamer for Scarborough Heights.
will be happy to place their rooms, in the Medical Council building,
corner of Bay and Richmond streets, at the disposal of the members of
he Association during their stay in town.
The President and members of the Granite Club, 466 Church street,
oflfer the privileges of the Club to the members of the Association during
their visit to Toronto.
The President and members of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club offer
the same privileges at their club house, on the Island.
of the Province of Ontario is ready for distribution, and can bi obtained
at the office of the Local Secretary.
MesHoiijior boys, who can be onipU.yed for any ligh^ service by pay-
inont of tlio customary fee, will lie found at the P. O. and Telegraph
All botanists, members of the Association, are retiuested to Register
lit r....m 7 ill the University lUiildini^s, as soon as practicable after their
iuriviil. Tlioy will be furnished with special bad.'es
The ordinary hour iiiootin^'s of tho Botanical Club of the Association
will be held in the room assigned to it, t.n Thursday, Friday, Monday
and Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a. 111. ■ ' .'
Tiie Kntomological Club will meet daily at 9 a. m., in roon> assigned
in the University Buildings.
The daily nowspapera of Toronto will publish full reports of the meet-
ings, the papers read, and the discussions held. If authors will kindly
provide abstracts of their papers in advance (not those sent to the
P'roriieiiaiJe Concert aiid Itecepfibii in' HbrbicuIturiEil (xardens, ten-
dered by City Council and citizens, at 8 o'clock.
Vice-President — R. S. Woodward, of WasMn^^fedA.
Secretary— G. C. Comstock^ of AfaduKin* Wii, .
\' ' V ..X«i
Meviber ij/" the Council,
E. W. Hyob, of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Members of the Sectional Oommittet,^
W. W. Bbeman, of Ann Arfaior, Mich.
Hexrt FAiWiwtfkR, <«* Wttma^on.
Member of th» Nominmting (fommittee.
Members of the Suh-committee on Nominations.
H. A. Newton, of New Haven, Ct.
William Harkness, of Washington.
' ' * '" ■ J. R. Eastman, of Washington. ' ^ i;'*' :
8. The New Dearborn Observatory.— 10 min. — By G W. Hough.
7. Astronomical Observations made with the Great Telescope of the Lick
Observatory since June, 1888. — 25 min. — By Edward S. Holden.
2. A Desideratum in the Presentation of Mathematical Truth. — 5 rain.
By Charles H. Chandler.
4. Automatic Photograghic Transits. — 15 min. — By Frank H. Bigelow.
3. A Method of Finding Factors —10 min. — By James D. Warner.
1. On the Graduation of Meridian Circles, in situ. — 10 min. — By Wm.
A. Rogers. ,,
120.^ On the Use of a Floating Mirror as an Auxiliary to a Meridian Circle,
— 12 min.— By G. C. Comstock. •:< : •' , , ■^ .
121. The Relation Between Stellar Magnitudes, Distances, and Motions. —
15 min. — By J. R. Eastman.
10. On the Proper Motions of the Stars in the Harvard College Observa-
tory Zone, between the limits 60° and 56° Declination. — 8 min. —
By Wm. A. Rogers.
102. Formula for the Probability of any Fact or Occurrence about which
any Number of Witnesses Testify. — 10 min. — By J. E. Hendrick.
SECTION* B.— PhVsics.
Vice-President — H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor, Mich,
Secrektry—E. L. NkdHOLS, of 'Jthada, N.Y.'
Member of the Council, 'i v.. •jT;
Wv A. RoQKRS, of Watj^rville, Me.
Members of the Sectional Committee.
, W. Le Conte Stevens, Brooklyn, N.Y.
A. E. DoLBEAR, College Hill, Mass.
J .. Charles Carpmael, Toronto.
Member of the Nominating Committee.
James Loudon, of Toronto.
hers oj the Sub-Committee oil Nominations.
• '■ ' • • . . . ■ . ' . ' 'i "
I .!.■' ■■.■ ,iiu. -'■• ■ ■ -:'f'.:-'j,-'j , ."'
22. Exhibition of a new Spectroscope Slit.— 3 min.— By Romyn Hitch-
cock. ■ :•'
23. Exhibition of a Thermometer with constant Zero Point.— 3 min.— By
Romyn Hitchcock. . . ■•:■>" t ~> , '." «i .) ,:•
110. The Measurement of Magnification in the Microscope. —15 min.— By
W. Le Conte Stephens.
17. Concerning Thermometers. — 20 n\in.— By Wm. A. Rogers and R. S.
18 Experimental Proof of Newton's Law of Cooling. — 8 min. — By Wm.
A. Rogers. ..;....,,,...
12, On the Partition of the Mean Kinetic Energy of a perfect gas between
the rotary and translatory motions of its molecules. -^8 min. —
H. T. Eddy.
13. Note on the Magnetic Rotation of Polarized Light according to the
Electro-magnetic Theory.— 10 ipin. — By H. T. Eddy.
Afternoon Session.
99. Researches on Sonorous Sand in the Peninsular of Sinai. (With
lantern views) — By H. Carrington Bolton.
At three o'clock the section will bo adjourned ; after that hour the
room will be occupied by Section D.)
SECTION C— Chemistry. ' •
Vice-President — William L. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn.
Secretori/— Edward Hart, of Easton, Pa.
Harvut W. Wilmy, of Wa«hington, D.C.
Members of the Sectional Committee
H. H. Nicholson, of Lincoln, Neb.
F. W. Clarke, of Washington, D.C.
Ira Bemsen, of Baltimore, Md.
Memher of the Nominating Committee.
A. JP. S. Stuart, of Lincoln, Neb.
Members qfthe Sub-committee on Nominations,
H. C. iBotTON, of N«w York Gity.
A. B. Prescott, of Ann Arbor, jMach.
W . A- K9YE8, of Terre I^aute, Ind.
33. Dynamical Theory of Albuminoid Ammonia.— 60 min.— By Robert
B. Warder.
25 Jy[ olugiram* and AColugram Litiers. — 2 juiQ. — By Clharles £. Munroe.
27. The Explosiveness of the Celluloids. - -10 mi».— By Charles E.
Muavoe. . •
29. The Action of Light on Silver Chloride. — 10 min. — By R.Hitchcock.
30. A Method of Mounting Photographic Prints on Paper.— 5 min, — By
R. Hitchcock. ^ ;.•,,?;.> ut:>cin^-:^l'^
^L Specjti^api Photog^^ifi^y.— jBy R. Hitchcodr.
32. The Chemical Composition of the Mica Group. — 40 min. — By F. W.
rj- ■ Oiarks. ■?■ ;.;' ''.''t- '•''■.■
101. New Bottle for Hydrofluoric Acid. — 5 min. — By Edward Hart,
112. Some Peculiaritieniof iBwbtw. —20 mm.— By H. W. Wiley.
113. Composition of the :Seed of Oaiacantkus Plaueus, (IHustrated). — 20
min.— H. W. Wiley.
SECTION D.- Mechanical Science and Enoin«erino.
Vice-President — James E. Denton^ of Hoboken. N.J.
Secretary— W. R. Warner, (if Cleveland, Ohio.
Memlier of the CouncU.
CaDy Staley, ofrOlevjulAnd, Ohio. .
Membti n of (he Sectxonol Oommittee.
O. Chanute, of Kansas City, Mo.
• M h. CooLEY, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
C. H. a-^iin, iiti Austin, Xexas.
Member of the Nomivativq Committee.
J. BuRKiTX Webb, of Hubokeii, N.J.
Memhfm of the Subcommittee on Nominations.
97. Results of Recent Exporiments to Deteciaiae the Resistance of Air
to Inclined Planes in Motion, with applications to the problems of
Soaring Pigeons. — 20 min — 3y Ohauuce.
34. Experimental Comparison of the Performance of Steam Injectors vs.
a Duplex Steam Pump — 35 rain —By E, B. Perry.
On the Preservation of Timber. — 15 min. — By 0. Chanute.
Thursday, Aug. 29 To be held at 3 p.m., in room assigned to Sec-
tion B.
On the Relative Economy of Modem Air Cumpressors. Illustrations
by Lantern — 40 min. — By J E.Denton.
SECTION E.— Geology and Geogkaphy.
Vice-President— CnAHLrs A. White, of Washington.
Secretary — John C. Bkanner, of Little Rock, Ark.
• Member qf the Council.
W. H. Winchell, of Minneapolis, Minn.
'Members of the Sectional Committee.
Alexander Winchell, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
H. L. Fairchild, of Rochester, N.Y.
J. C. White, of Morgantown, W, Va.
Member of the Nominating Commit'ee.
G. K. Gilbert, of Washington, D.C.
• McnihuKOJ the Suh-cominittee on NominatioiiH , ,' •.
C. D Ualcott. of Washington, D.C.
R. T. Hill, of Austin, Texas.
W. ,J. McGee, of VVashingt..n, D.C.
>;o ii eeting to-day, adjourned until Friday nuiriiing, in order to
attend tl.c meeting of the American Geologieal Society at 10:30 to-day in
the Theatre of the Normal School.
Vice-President — George L. Goodale, of Canibridije, Mass.
Seeretarii — A. W. Butler, of Brookville, fnd.
Alcml'ern of the Coiiiivi/.
W, H. Dall, of Washington, D.C.
Memlierii of the StclioncU Connnittee.
A. J. Cook, of Lansing, Mich.
T. J. BuBRiLL, of Champaign, III.
D. H. Campbell, of Bloomington, Ind.
:iv:vt -r;.'!'
■ Member of the Nominating Committee.
W. J. Beal, of Lansing, Mich.
Members of the Suh committee on Nomination <.
L. O. Howard, of Washington, D. C.
D. F. Day, of Buffalo. N. Y.
C. E. Bessey, of Lincoln, Neb.
48. On the position of the nectar glands in Echinopa. — 5 min. — By
Thomas Meehan.
49. On the Epigynous gland in Diervilla and the genesis of Lonicera and
Diervilla. — 10 min. — By Thomas Meehan.
63. On the conditions of molluscan life in the deep sea. — 30 min. — By
VV. H. Dall.
54. Some peculiarities of the antennal structure in the Deltoids — 10
min. — By John B. Smith.
56. History and migration of the American Crow in Nebraska. — 10
min. — By W. Edgar Taylor.
58 Some physiological trMts of the solid stemmed grasses and especially
of Indian Corn (maize),,-30 tnin. —By F. L, Stewart.
69. On the genus Eleocharis in America.— 10 min.— By N. L. Britton.
60. On the tropical distribution of certain sedges.— 15 min —By, N. L.
65. Alimentary apparatus of the Hpney Bee.— 13 min.- By A. J. Cook.
111. A suggestion concerning Bcientific work. — 15 min. — By Wm. A.
114. A newly imported Elu insect, -J.5 min.— By L. O. Howard.
63. Notes on seedlings of Ely m us virginicus.— 5 min.— By. W. J. Beal.
64, Notes on Bird's Eye Maple.— 15 min.— By W. J. Beal.
50. On the assumption of floral characters by axial -growths in Andro-
meda Catesbffii.— 5 min. — By Thomas Meehan,
51. On the significance of dioecism as illustrated by Pycn!\nthemum. — 10
min. — By Thomas Meehan.
52. On the higher division of the Pelecypoda. — 40 min.— By W. H.Dall.
61. On the flora of New Jersey.- 20 min.— By N. L. Britton.
Note on the Collony maple-scale parasites. — I. O. Howard.
Remarks on the characters of the gems Agestes. — Clarence M, Weed,
I. B. Smith. ■ J . .
Notes on breeding butterflies. — W. H. Edwards.
A new furniture enemy. — A. J. Cook.
A note on some Alpine butterflies. — John Macoun.
SECTION H.— Anthropology.
Vice-President — Garrick Mallery, of VV^ashington.
Secretary— \y. M. Beauohamp, of Baldwinsville, N.Y.
Member of 'the Council.
J. O. Dorsey, of Washington, D,0.
Members of the Seational Committee.
H, W. Henshaw, of Washington, D.C.
C. C. Abbott, of Trenton, N. J.
Joseph Jastrow, of Madison, Wis.
96 irttooHitiiME «oR ^uvmmMV.
itftn^MT ,fif-ikf. Xomiiittinij >CommittaA.
Wip. M. JIalb, of Albany, N. Y.
.Ifemben -of tkf Sab-oommtt«e «n iihminati«m,
A. JF. C^ASiB^LAiN, of Torpnto.
Jj. C. WuRTELB, of Acton Vale, Quebec.
G P. Thruston, of Naa[h\^ille, Tenii.
^. Ndfees on Aboriginal ^^iiie Making.— tlOfmm.-r-iBy W^altof Hoi^h.
69. Shinto, the JReligjon of the Japanese. — 30 min. — By Eomyn
88. Siouaa terms for "'Mysterious" and "Serpfnt." — 6 min. — By J.
Owen "Dorsey.
89. Gens and Sub-gens as expressed in four.Siovian languages. — 6 min.—
By J. Otw^ Donsiiy.
80. Some Principles df Evidence relating to the Antiquity of Man. — 25
mift.— Bi|y W. J. McGee.
81. On the Evolution of Ornament : the American lesson. — 25min< — By
W. H. Holmes.
71. Aboriginal Mounds of North Dakofca. — 30 min. — ^y I^nry Mont-
gomery. '
73. The Iroquois White Dog Feast. — 23 min.— By W. M. Beauchamp.
85. The Mission and Mission Indians of California, — 40 min. — By Henry
W. Henshaw.
SECTION I.— Economic Scibncb and Statistics.
Vice-President — Charles S. Hill, of Washington.
Secretary — J. R. Dodob, irf Washington.
Jfejjifter q/ Council. ,
Jpsetph CuMMi'4(a«, Et^wwaton, 111.
Members of the Sectional Con mitte.
W. O. Atwatob, Middletown, Conn.
W. R. Lazevbv, Coliynbus, Ohio,
Lester F. Ward, Washington, D.C.
Member of the ^arftViftting Con^mtiee.
Henry Fabquipr, Wfl^jngton, J).-C.
Membert of the Sub-committee on Nomination.
R. E. Fernow, \Va;»hington, D.C.
Geo. Ilbs, Toronto.
96. The Fall in the Rate of Interest.— 15 min.-By Geo. lies.
95. What shall we do about Silver.— 40 min.— S. j^Mta Hortqn.
119. Economic Notes regarding Luxury.— 40 min.— A. G. Warner.
147. Development of Trade Channels ^ an Economic. -45 min.-Bv H
C. Taylor. ' '
148. FpQ,j xnouldp theKaoe.-15 i^un.-Mra. NaUie S. Kiedsie.
Fndai;, AvgusI 30.
' ■' Morning.
Meotinjj of the Council at 9 o'clock.
General Session from 10 to 10:16 o'clock.
Meeting of the Sections at 10:16 o'clock.
Meeting of the Sections from 2 to 5 o'clock.
From 5 to 7 o'clock Mrs, W. H. Beatty, Queen's P^rk, will receive
the Members of the Association.
At 8 o'clock, in the Pavilion, Horticultural Gardens, Mr. G. K.
Gilbert, of the United States Geological Survey, will deliver a lecture on
the Geological History of Niagara River. This lecture is complimentary
to the citizen.* of Toronto.
! . .< Saturday, AuffUfd 31.
(No Sessions to-day.)
There will be two excursions given by the Local Committee to the
members of the Association, one to Niagara Falls, the other to Muskoka.
Particulars will be given in Friday's programme. Members intending to
go on either excursion muit register before Friday at noon.
Monday ^ September 2.
Meeting of the Council at 9 o'clock.
(The Special Committees must present their reports to the Council
not later than this morning, and the Council will advise the discharge of
all Committees not reporting).
General Session from 10 to 10:16 o'clock. "
Meeting of the Sections at 10:15 o'clock.
Meeting of the Sections at 2 o'clock.
At 8 o'clock in the Pavilion, Horticultural Gardens, Dr. H. Carring-
ton Bolton, of New York, will deliver a lecture entitled, " Four Weeks
in the Desert of Mount Sinai," illustrated by projections of original photo-
graphs. This lecture is complimentary to the citizens of Toronto.
Meeting of the Nominating Committee at The Queen's, at 10 o'clock,
to nominate officers for next year, and to ttuggest time and place for the
next meeting of the Association.
• Tuesday, September 3.
Morningr* f,.
Meeting of the Council at 9 o'clock.
General Session at 10 o'clock.
Election of Officers and Agreement on time and place of Meeting for
General business. ■■• ■ .i.. vi
Meeting of the Sections after the adjournment of the General Session.
-Afternoon;. ''.,.,.»:.:,;,,-.
Meeting of the Sections at 2 o'clock. :' i'
Final adjournment of the Sections. . .... , ,
Garden party in Government House grounds, from 5 to 7 o'clock,
tendered by the City Council and Citizens. ••' •• •' " ' '^ ' '"'
.; ....„..' ,. '.. ■'-' .i^^^v '■^■r'-.C'--
■• i',:- ■: ■ ' -" ■ , i'---,;'iU •..•■.•■• • •'
f Evening.
General Session in Association H^U, Yonge Street, at 8 o'clock.
Concluding exercises and adjournment of the Association.
' After the adjournment of the meeting thet-e will be several excursions,
particulars of which will be given in a future programme. These excur-
sions close the Thirty«-eighth Meeting on Sepfcembei' 10th.'
■'I I ' . i
I ■ , .■ ■ ' 'rs ' .-/••'.'!■•..' ■'■■
• ■■■"■-,
JngrtH^T, 1S89.
M • « <1
1. Henry 0. Appleton, Publisher, 1 Bcjnd St., New York. E I
2. Ad. F. Bandelier, Santa Fe, N. ST. H
3. Willi.im D. Boardman, 38 KenilWorth St., Roxbury, Mass. E
4. Prof. Theo Brantly, College of Montana, Deer Lodge, Mont. T. H I
6. Prof. Wm. T. Brooks, Mass. Agi-ic. College, Amherst, Mass. C P
6. Prof. Geo ge Bryce, LL.D., MAWitoba- dolft»gfr, WlriiiitW^, Mani'
toba. H
7. Capt. ThoB. L. Casey, U. S. Engineer, Army Building, New York,
V'.Y. P
8. Alexander F. Chamberlain, 34 Arthur St., Toronto, Ont. H
9. Royal Tyler Church, Turin, Lewis Co., N.Y. IJ^F
10. William A. Cmffut, U, S.. Oeologieat Stovvjr, Washitigteiij BP I
11. Susan J. Cunningham, Prof of Mathematics and Astronomy,
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. A
12. John Daniel, Instructor i^ PhyBicfs*, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville,
Tenn. B
13. John M. Davison, 60 Oxford St , Rochester, N. Y. C
14. Luther M. Donaldson, care National Fertilizer Co., l^ashvilU,
Tenn. O
15. Fred. James Dorand, Chester, Vt. A I
16. W. A. Douglass, B.A , 220 Wellesley St., Toronto, Ont. I
17. Charles Red way Dryer, AssistHnt Indiana State Geological Survey
Fort Wayne, Ind. E
18. Frank E Emery, Geneva, Ontario Co., N.Y. P
19. tti»>'
28. Wftltei* J. AiUnart^ »RI>?, BW«itU fif' mhnrthjgy, WWrfngton,
D.C. H
.alb. tei*iwl H^ftrtrf; E. SometViH©, Mas* F
W. TTioma* H.>ptaH»#, AsMitairtt Gl«olo(|fh»l SwrVoy ofr ArkunwMS' L't*^
Rock, Ark. B
31 Wftlter Hougk, Aas't Departtiieiit of Elhn*k)j((jrv V. Sk Naltiortri
Museom, Wasktngfeon, D.C Bt
32 .laines T. Hoyt, Temple Court, Beakniwa St., New Yvjfk. Ar H
33. Andrew F Hunter, ©flftrie Onl. B< H
34. Dr. Job* Anarory! Jeffri«», 91 Newbury St., Boston, Masa* F
36. Thos. Moore JacKson, C.E , Prof. Civji Engiiieeruig» W. Va.
. University, Morgantown^ W. Vft. ,.;
3(* .1. Pl<^ Kin(|« N-*Mr Yo«k Hotel, N'ew Yorfc, N.Y. D
37. Otto Julius Klotz, Field Astronomer^ Diiminion GovariHo't, Preston,
38 William Roscoe Livennore, Maj of Eh)(.^ U. S. A., NewxMjrt,
Rl. C
39. Alan Maodou^aU, F. R. Ss, Eddn., Toroofco, Out. i> H
40. Jos. E. McDougnll, MHvilime Court, 121 Oarleton Sb., Toronto,
41. Charles EkMo6awaH,M D., New L«)Hd(Mf, Cr>nt» "E^
42. Rev. John McLean, M.A., Pli.D., Macleod, Alberta,. Cab,
48. Alexanohw Chaa^ MaKiiy, MathenMitio^I' MtMte.r, Upper Canada
College, Toronto.
44. Arteiwas ]{I«»tin>- Librarrian" aiMl OVislMdiNM of Archkiss, Coast
Sttrvey OfKcA> Washington, D.Ci Ait
45. Charles' Ct. Mellon, Vice- Pres^ Iron' City, Micfosct^ptcal Society, Pitted
burgh, Pa. P • .V ; i, ^'J•^,io•,!\ •<. ■ , .
4®. Wm Hamilton Meti^ltt, 401 Sd George siv^efi; T«««nt9.' SI-
47. Cosmos Mindeletf, Bureau of Ethnology, Washin|i|t(>nf D.C. H
40. Victor' Miitikleff^Bureaja 'of Ethndogf,. Waa&ingbun,. D.C. K
49. James Mooney, Bureau of Ethnology, Washini^ron, D.C> H'
50. Frank Newton Notestoin, Pi^of. ot M«fchenuktioB- aad Astrottotny,
The College of MoatADa, Deev Lodge^. M. T. A F
51. George D.-Olds^ P/of . ofi MsrlieniaiM^.. Uaiv. of BiooheoBtar, Roches-
ter, N.Y. A* , . . ■,.-..(,..,■ . •
6S. Frank Ow«» Ptv^itty 'tftaiAe^ol SteieMe, Appletmi, Mbk».> F
53. Dr. R. \. F. Penrose, jr., State Geological .Sur<*ja.Lit!iUt'Rock,
Ark. Bi^ .•>i.^--f^?*;„.-J..:."f^i) tetfj*;-.:..^.^;;;;;,-;,^:^.,. .,^|"i'-.4„...
64. Ernest B. Perry,Aiin'Arlio*|f M^ l^^.vif /' •t« •
55. George H. Peters, HartftK^,.>«W>*-.,Ji(h)||(^^^^^^^^^^ .' .
56. Eben Putnam, Boston, Ma«B. Hi ., ;;^ . . :a. ■
67. James Cochrane Quinn, Prof, of Mentttl and Moral Philosophy,
'' National Univ., Chicago, Helena, Montana. E F H I
58. Taylor Reed, Princeton, N.J. A
59. A. H. Russell, Captain of Ordnance, U.S.A., Providence. R.I D
60 Harris J. Ryan, Asat. Prof, of Electrical Engineering, Cornell
Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. B
61. George S. Ryerson, M.D., 60 College Ave., Toronto Oat. F
62. Wm. H. Seaman, Prof. Analytical Chemistry, School of Mines,
Univ. of Missouri, Rolla, Mo. .. •
63. G. N. Saegmuller, Washington, D.C. A B
64. John R. Scupham, C. & M. EngineeF,,OHkland, Cal. E . '
66. Dilman B. Shantz, Berlin, Ont. I ,■ • ■
66. Porter W. Shinier, E.M., Easton, Pa. C
67. Frank T. Sliutt, M. A., Chemist to the Dominion Experimental
Farms, Ottawa, Ont. C
68. De Cost Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y. H
69. Joseph B. Stearns, Camden, Maine. B • ■ . ■ .
70. Francis L Stewart, Murraysville, Pa. C F
71. Henry Newlin Stokes, Ph. D , Chemical Laboratory, U S Geo-
logical Survey, Washington, D.C. C E
72. Charles Stuart Street, 38 Kenilworth St., Roxbury, Mass. E C
73. Charles B. Thwing, Instructor in Physics, North- Western Univ.,
Evanston, 111. B
74. Gerritt E. H. Weaver, Instructor in Swarthmore College, Swarth-
more. Pa F
76. Miss Nellie B. West, 56 W. 55th St , New York, N.Y. E
76. Prof. T. R. White, 353 W. 57th St., New York, NY. HA
77. Prof. W..P. Wilson, 640 North 32nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. F
78. S. Grant Wright, Perrysville, Ind. F
79. Harrison Gannan, Entomologist and Botanist, State Exper. Station,
Lexington^ Ky. F
80. Prof. John W. Hartigan, W. Va. Univc rsity, Morgantown, W
Va. F , ■■...:■ ,•,:.,•... .. .
SlvChB. W. Hastings, Kansas City, Mo B ' r. '•■. •' • v' ;
82. Wm. Houston, Govt Library, Toronto, Ont. I ,.,.,.
63. Walter Hough, Nat. Museum, Washington, D.C H ,• .
84. James Gibson Uume, Univ. College, Toronto. I
85. HelrbertG Ogden, U.S. Coast And Geodetic Survey, Washington,
>>'''''D.C.-. AB-i--.:^.:-hVVst'^ :'^J«j«t....s./. .
86. Frank Fitz Payne, Meteorological Office, Toronto. B v i *"
87. James H. Peaisce, Toronto, Oht) F -.ii/' ;•« ' ., .. , „ „■; ..-.•>*./( \
88. John Edward White, ^ot^ntovOftfc,. ■l^.^^l, ,i'■
, Additional arrivals will be given in the Programme for each day.]
Tuesday, Augtist 2ph.
, „ 3 City Address.
Number of Register and Badge. --. > tt 4. 1
1. T. C. Mendenhall, Washington, DC Queen s Hotel.
2. F W. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass Queen's Hotel.
3. Charles C. Abbott, Trenton. N.J Queen's Hotel.
4 James Loudon, Toronto 83 St. George St.
5. Charles Carpmael, Toronto I>»le Ave,
6. James D. Dana, New Haven, Conn .Queen's Hotel.
7. Sir Daniel Wilson, Toronto *<> St. George St.
8 C. A. White, Washington. D.C Queen's Hotel
9. Henrietta L. T. Wolcott, Dedham, Maas 467 Spadina Ave.
10. J. J. Stevenson, Univ. of City of New York ... Queen's Hotel,
11. Samuel Calvin, Iowa City Metropole Hotel.
12. W. M. Beauchamp, Baldwinsville, N.Y Metropole Hotel
13. N H Winchell, Minneftpulia •
14. Charles B. Gibson. Chicago 676 Church St
15. H. D. Garrison, Chicago Walker House.
16. Herman L. Fairchild, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
17. Mrs. H. L. Fairchild, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
18. Daniel S. Martin, I^ew YorJk 29 Grange Ave.
19. A. E. Douglass, New York Roasiu House.
20. Edward Hart, Easton, Pa Rossiu House.
21. Mrs.. Edward Hart,.Ea8tonT Pa. Rossin House., .< '
22. H.W. Wiley,. .Washington, D.Cr.,a;ijjjau;w;/y.RoB8in.Hoiji8e,i .OiJ
23. Mid NeBiai^.. Kedzie,.Manbatiiiinv'Kii).ai^^iri-.?.d(^eenVHotd4 .7>i
24. E. Le wis Sturtevan^ South Pratiilins^anrDV-lfibtaJiiQne^n'a Hotel! M
25. TiiJilB»traiyt)ChampaigxHlffi-.j'Jyi'i)is.i//. .^v>f9SWftt* a4uVl M
26. COM/AesH^tAtriith, Au8ajl^T(Wv4^UI>li^^A^.,i«{:^JJ■8K OV
27. William Frear, State College, Pa Queen's Hotel,
28. Fred. V. Covilie, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
29. Horatio N. Chute, Ann Arbor, Mich 44 Hayden St.
30. rteorge L. English, Philadelphia, Pa 580 Church St. '
31. M. A. Scovell, Lexington, Ky Rossin House.
32. Edward Goldsmith, Philadelphia. Pa Club,
33. A, W. Vogdes, Fort Hamilton, N,Y. Har Queen's Hotel.
54, Mrs A. W. Vogdcs, Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Har. .Queen's Hotel,
35. A. J. Cook, Agricultural College, Mich 31 College Ave.
36. Benjamin W. Snow, Ithaca, N.Y
37. A. S. Tiffany, Davenport, Iowa International Hotel.
38. John A. Myers, Morgantown, W. Va Rossin House,
39. H. Carrington Bolton, New York Queen's Hotel.
40. I. C, White, Morgantown, W, Va Queen's Hotel.
41. B. E. Femow, Washington, D.C Rossin House,
42. John C, Branner, Little Rock, Ark Queen's Hotel.
43. N. C. Husted, Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N.Y. ,, .Walker House,
44. William H. Dall, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel,
45. H. H, Nicholson, Lincoln, Neb Queen's Hotel.
46. David F. Day, Buflfalo, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
47. Mrs. David F. Day, Buffalo, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
48. Robert T. Hill, Austin, Tex Queen's Hotel.
49. Mrs. Robert T. Hill, Austin, Tex Queen's Hotel.
50. Elroy M, Avery, Cleveland, O Queen's Hotel,
51. William L. Dudley, Nashville, Tenn, . , Queen's Hotel.
52. D, W, Prentiss, Washington Queen's Hotel.
53. C. Leo. Mees, Terre Haute, Ind Queen's Hotel,
54. Miss Ella Eaton, Northampton, Mass
55. G. Frederick Wright, Oberlin, Ohio 86 Charles St.
56. P, N. Schuyler, Bellevue, Ohio Walker House.
57. James Lewis Howe, Louisville, Kentucky 25 Murray St.
58. Miss Katie M. Dudek, New York 29 Grange Ave.
59. Jeannette B. Greene, New York Lake View House,
60. J. C, Arthur, La Fayette, Ind
61. R. C. Kedzie, Lansing, Mich «... Queen's Hotel.
62. Samuel W. Very, Annapolis, Md Keachie's Hotel.
63. G, N, Merry weather, Cincinnati, O Walker House.
64. G. C. Broadhead, Columbia, Mo Walker House.
65. :..v,*;i..^...... ,;...,
66. Lv O- Howard,. Washington, D.© . ►cvl;vivi -J .'.''. .„7.a'i i-*'.
(*7 Mrs. Esther' Herrman,,.^dw -York; ►;iv;. ,.:i;.vi)»>.'i . QuwSa's. Hcrtel. '-
68. EdgabL,-Lackin,.^Q4te8burg,. 1U.'.\ L^\,ii.:i:iiu ,3jM-i^i'.ii>^ .-, j.u-. i . . , .V; .
69. Mnc! J. R; Dodge, Washiugfei , DlC.vii.!:
110. Mrs., Qelia G. lYoumans, MQunjt.Vernon, N. Y. , Arlijn^^^ Hotel, .fef
111. .lj^illiara,^,l?fdrick, Lawrence, ]!lJaJBa,*,j^^.ii! .»,,.3a,;^v?nuf Stv. ,-:#I
112. P^wot^. P«drick, I^iwre^ipp, MJWftv.^^.v«.^.^..814Y^»ue:$t( .OfJI
113. ^r^ha-Mi Barker, LoweU,,>Iaa*,ii. ..«mXf:«>' V • ...SlrAveniie^gft .i,;r
• ' - "•• • .'I'T ,a.'ij«'^ mvji^S ,.T.,«rjmoflT .Tb-tfl-wbri .^Zl
114. W. O Atwater, Washington, Conn Queen's Hotel.
115. Amos W. Butler, Brookville, Ind Walker House.
116. Mrs. A. W. Butler, B ookville, Ind Walker House.
117. Henry S Carhart, Ann Arbor, Mich Walker House.
118. John B. Smith, New Brunswick, N.J Keachie's Hotel.
119. W. H. Walmsley, Philadelphia, Pa Rosain House.
120. James N. Baxter, Brooklyn, N.Y Rossin House.
121. Mary B. Moody, New Haven, Conn.
122. Arthur E. B. Moody New Haven, Conn
123. Bushrod W. James, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel
124. John CoUett, Indianapolis, Ind, . . . . , Rossin HoMse
126. J E. Deuton, Hobokeii, N,J 383 Church St.
126. Miss H. A. Kittredge, North Andover, Mass . .Queen's Hotel.
127. Miss C. A. Watson, Salem, Mass Queen's Hotel.
128. Thomas D. Robertson, Rockford, 111 Queen's Hotel.
129. Mrs. Thomas D. Robertson, Rockford 111 Queen's Hotel.
130. C. A. Hirschfelder, Toronto
131. Greorse Lincoln Ooodale, Cambridge, Mrm Queen's Hotel.
132. George F. Barker, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
133. Mrs George F. Barker, Philadelphia, Pa. Queen's Hotel.
134. Miss Clara T. Barker. Philadelphia, Pa .Queen's Hotel.
135. James Hall, Albany, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
137. Charle* S. Hill, Washington, D.O Queen's Hotel.
Wednesday, Au^si 28th.
138. Qh»9 H. Chandler, Ripon, Wis ;...... .Revere Hous«. .
139. L. , W. Bailejr, Frederickton, N.B Walker House.
140. Francis l^ird Stewart, MurraysviUe, FSa Walker House.
141. Geo. 0. Coinstock, Madison, Wis. Que«n'i Hotel.
142. Al«n Maedougall, Toronto, Oat 30 Adelaide St. B.
143. Ch*rles M. Knight, Akron, O Walkw House.
144. C Oanby Balderston, Westtown, Pl^. . . ^ Walker House.
145. Frank fiv Emery, Geneva, N. Y 207 College St.
146. WoostBT Woodfuff Bemanj Ann A»l»*>*% •||leh..29 0«mge A?«. '
147. ftdlfeBtBliUrWKUMr, WashingtoO, t>.e;;./fr.'/Vv.'lH IKriAtehSfc. -■•
14a.aB|tton'f)4.«ftl«tei*^iff.'J4fo6i, Washiiigl^, -».«;--:^L .-'/I'K'W^ll^K'W**^. '-■' ''^
160. Iii«;rJ««6|»h^!t\ -Jantest WM!(lng«tW>;'1K^. riX'^I'^HMf SdlMi^. -^-
161. 'Siii^iOiimi^'^. (^•.tiAVMfslS^^ '^'^^-
152. Edward P. Thompson, Beaver Falls, Pa
153. H. T. Eddy, Cincinnati, O. Palmer House.
154. Charles B. Timing, Evanston, 111 24() Jarvis St.
155. Wm. Dawson, Montreal, Que 4G St. George St.
156. Wm. Harkneas, Washington, D.C Ros-sin House.
167. Ira Remsen, Baltimore, Md Rossin Hrmse.
158. W. A. Noyes, Terre Haute, Ind 239 Beverley St.
159. Chas. D. Walcott, Washington, D.C 429 Church St.
160. H. W. Henshaw, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
161. Douglas H. Oampbetl, Detroit, Mich Queen's Hotel.
162 E. H. Preswick, Ithaca, N.Y Albion Hotel.
163. Mrs. F. W. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass Queen's Hotel.
164. Miss Ethel A. F. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass. .Queen's Hotel.
166. Henry S. Williams, Ithaca, N.Y 429 Church St.
166. Rev. Chas. J. S. Bethune, Port Hope, Ont 184 College Ave.
167. Frank Leverett, Madison, Wis Albion Hntel.
168. F. W. Clarke, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
169. Louis C. Wurtele, Actondale, Que 96 Bellevue Ave.
170. Mrs. L. C. Wurtele, Actondale, Que 96 Bellevue Ave'
171. Edwin E. Howell, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
172. Mrs. Edwin E. How«ll, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
173. Alexander Charles McKay, Toronto
174. Andrew C. l.aw«on, Ottawa 16 Washington Ave.
175. H. A. Newton, New Haven, Conn Queen's Hotel.
176. Mrs. H. L. Smith, New York 126 Baldwin St.
177. Alexander F. Chamberlain, Toronto 26 Arthur St.
178. Andrew F. Hunter, Barrie, Ont Lucas' House,
179. R. S. Woodward, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
180. Mrs. R. S. Woodward. Washington, D.C Rossin House.
181. J. Burkitt Webb, Hoboken, N.J 283 Church St.
182. Geo. H. Williams, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
183. James H. Pearce, Toronto, Ont 226 Beverley St.
184. W^m S Rogers, Waterville, Me Queen's Hotel.
185. A. E. Dolbear, College Hill, Mass
186. S. J. Coffin, Easton, Pa Elliot House.
187. Miss E. Angle, Lewisbury; Pa , .Elliot House.
188. Mrs. W. D. Boardman, Roxbury, Mass 32 John St.
189. J. H. Chapin, Meriden, Conn. Queen's Hotel.
190. Stephen 8. Haight, New York 94 McCaul St.
191. Mrs. Stephen S. Haight, New Yt>rk. 94 McCaul St
192. Miss Mary Bvilyn Haight, New York ; 94 McCaul St.
193. Samuel Oacleton Haight, New York 94 McCaul St.
194 J. iR EafliMU^n, Washington, D. Queen's Hotel.
195. Mrs. J. R. Eaatman, Washiitgtonj D,C. ....... . Queen'« H^tel.
196. Ernest Merritt, Ithaca, NY 239 Beverley St.
197. A. R. Crandall, Lexington, Ky Rosain
198. Horace C. Hovey, Bridgeport, Conn Keachie's Hotel.
199. Homer T. Fuller, Worcester, Mass Rossin
200. Mrs. H. T. Fuller, Worcester, Mass Rossin
201. Charles S. Howe, Cleveland, Ohio Rossin House.
202. Walter Hough, Washington, D.C 26 Murray St.
203. John J. Mackenzie, Toronto, Ont 222 Sherbourne St.
204. C. H. McLeod, Montreal, Que 432 Jarvis St.
205. Miss Nellie B. West, New York Lakeview Hotel.
200. W. H. Hollinshead, Nashville Town 13 St. Patrick St.
207. Charles W. Hargill, Oxford, Ohio Walker House.
208. James Fletcher, Ottawa 178 St. Patrick St.
209. J. Owen Dorsey, Takoma Park P.O., D.C . . 26 Murray St.
210. Benjamin Lord, New York Queen's.
211. Mrs. Benjamin Lord, New York Queen's.
212. G. K. Gilbert, Washington, D.C Queen's.
213. Edmund O. Hovey, Waterbury, Conn 25 Murray St.
214. George Bryce, Winnipeg, Man The Pines, Davenp't.
215. Frank T. Shutt, Ottawa, Ont "Rosedale Cottage ''
216. P. H. Bryce, M.D., Toronto
217. E. D. Preston, Washington, D.C 3p0 King St.
218. Edward Dummor, Boston, Mass 383 Church St.
219. Mrs. Edward Dummer, Boston, Mass 383 Church St.
220. Rollin D. Salisbury, Beloit, Wis. Queen's.
221. J. Francis Williams, Salem, N.Y. Queen's.
222. H. H. Lyman, Montreal, Quebec Queen's.
223. George lies, New York Elm Avenue.
224. R. A, F. Penrose, Little Rock Ark Queen's.
225. Wm. H. Hale, Albany, New York 236 Adelaide St.
226. Harrison Garman, Lexington, Ky 31 College St.
227. Romyn Hitchcock, Washington, DO Queen's.
228. Mrs Romyn Hitchcock, Washington, D.C Queen's.
229. Mrs. G. K. Baldwin, Detroit, Mich Rossin.
230. Mrs. L. H Trowbridge, Detroit, Mich Rossin.
231. N. L. Britton, New Yoik Queen's.
232. Mrs. N. L. Britton, New York Queen's.
233. Miss H. Lousie Britton, New York Queen's.
234. Miss Mary A. Knight, New York , Queen's.
235. Miss Millie Timmerman, New York .Queen's. , ;;•: ••
236. M. B. Waite, Washington, D.C
237. B. T. Galloway, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
238. James T. Lusk, Marrietta, Ohio ...,.,...
239. Charles Schaffer, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin House.
240. Mrs. Charles Schaflfer, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin House.
241. John McLean, Moosejaw, N. W.T
242. Luther M. Donaldson, Nashville, Tenn
243. Edward W. Morley, Cleveland, Ohio Queen's Hotel
244. Albert A. Prescott, Ann Arbor, Mich Queen's Hotel.
245. Thomas Joseph Workman Burge8s,Hamilton,0nt 56 Henry St.
240. Albert S. Bickmore, New York Queen's Hotel.
247. Edward L. Nichols, Ithaca
248. Clarence M. Weed, Columbus, Ohio 31 College St.
249. J. F. Whiteaves, Ottawa, Ont 16 Grosvenor St.
250. Marcus Benjamin, New York . ". Rossin House.
261. C. H. Hitchcock, Hanover, N.ll 483 Church St.
262. Miss Maria P. Hitchcock, Hanover, N H 383 Church St.
253. A. Isabel Mulford, Orange, N.J 79 Shuter St.
254. C. A. Waldo, Terre Haute, Ind 239 Beverley St.
265. Henry H. Wing, Ithaca, N.Y Walker House
256. Thomas Gray, Terra Haute, Ind 239 Beverley St.
267. Mrs E. 0. Hovey, Waterbury, Conn 25 Murray St.
258. VVm. Doer Boardman, Roxbury, Mass 32 John St.
259. James Mills, Guelph, Ont Rossin House.
260. Edgar G. Miller, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
261.. Robert Hay, Junction City, Kan Palmer House.
262. Fr-ink Fitz Payne, Toronto, Ont
263. Charles B. Atwell, Evanston, 111 — Ann St.
264. J. M. Rice, Annapolis, Md Queen's.
265. Henry James, Toronto, Ont 204 Spadina Ave.
266. E. N. S. Ringueberg, Lockport, N.Y
267. W. R. Warner, Cleveland, Ohio Queen's.
268. Jefferson E. Kershner, Lancaster City, Pa Queen's.
269. T. H, McBride, Iowa City, la Palmer.
270. Mrs. T. H. McBride, Iowa City, la Palmer.
271. Arch. B. Macallum, Toronto
272. John Perrin, Montreal, Que
273. Cady Staley, Cleveland', O . . . Queen's.
274. Archibald Hope Young, Toronto, Onb
275. Mrs. W. A. Rogers
276. James Gayford Witton, Toronto, Ont 118 D' Arcy St.
277. Taylor Reed, Princton, N.J Queen's.
278. Joseph Cummings, Evanston, 111.. .., Queen's.
279. Henry Farquhar, Washington, D.C
280. Mrs. H. Farquhar, Washington, D.C '.
281. John Lucaa, Philadelphia, Pa ..... .*' Ernesleigh."
282. Mrs. John Lucaa, Philadelphia, Pa " Ernesloigh."
283. Fred Hoffmann, New York Queen's.
284. All?ert Lucas, Philadelphia, Pa
285. Mrs. L. E. Holden Cleveland, O Queen's.
286. Persifor Frazer, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
287. H. P. Gushing, Cleveland, O Queen's Hotel.
288. Joseph J. Walton, Philadelphia, Pa. Walker House.
289. G. W. Houyh, Evanston, 111 Queen's tiotel.
290. Edward S Morse, Salem, Mass Prof. R R. Wiiglit's.
291. G. P. Thruston, Nashville, Tenn Rossin House
292. James F. Kemp, Ithaca, N.Y 429 Church St.
293. A. V. E. Young, Evanston, 111 Walker House
294. Leon P. Kinnicott. D.Se. Worcester Poly. Inst., Rossin House.
295. Mrs. Leon. P. Kinnicott, Worcester Poly. Inst., Rossin House.
29(i. W. H. Merritt 40 St. George St,
297 Garrick Mallery, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
298. Mrs. Garrick Mallery, Washington, DC Queen's Hotel.
299. John Galbraith, Prof, of Engineering 62 St Mary's St.
300. Tho8.M.Jackson,C.E ,D.Se ,Morgantown,W.\a.,Queen's Hotel.
301. Mrs. John C. Bronner, Little Rock, Ark Queen's Hotel.
302. Albert Luf kin, Newton, Iowa 159 Simcoe St.
303. Mrs. F. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 169 Simcoe St.
304. Miss L. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 159 Si»rcoe St
305. Miss N. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 159 S.incoe St.
306. Harris J. Ry£^l, Ithaca, N.Y 239 Beverley St.
307. Prof. R. B. Fulton, University, Miss Walker House
308. W. W. Campbell, Ann Arbor, Mich 29 Grange Ave.
309. Dr. G. S. Ryerson, Toronto. 60 College Ave
310. Prof. R. R Wright, Toronto
311. Alex. Ziwet, Ann Arbor, Mich 29 Grange Ave.
312. S. F. Emmons, Washington, D.C
313. M. A. Yeeder, Lyons N.Y Rossin House.
314. E. W, Claypole, Akron, Ohio
315 Katharine B Claypole, Akron, Oh o.
316. Prof. Geo. D Olds, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange A. ve.
317. Mrs. G. D. Olds, Rochester, N.Y ?9 Grange Ave.
318. Mary Leland, Rochester, N;Y 29 Grange Ave.
319. Mrs. Albert S. Bickmore, New York Queen's Hotel.
320. Prof. E. H. S. Bailey, Lawrence, Kan ^lUiott House.
321. F. P. Leavenworth, Haverford College, Pa. . . .Albion Hotel.
322. Mrs. ¥. P Leavenworth, Haverford College, Pa. Albion Hotel.
323. Miss Esther Leavenworth,, Havenford Col, Pji. . Albion Hjutel,
324. Prof. R. H. Ward, Troy, N. Y JPalmer House.
32C. James T. Hoyt, New York The Arlington.
32G. Mrs. James T. Hoyt, New York The Arlington.
327. VV. M. Dudley Ithaca, N.Y Rossin House.
328 John W. Langley, Pittsburg, Pa
329. Mrs. J. W. Langley, Pittsburg, Pa
330. Prof. Mortimer E. Cooly, Ann Arbor, Mich
331. Mrs. M. E. Cooley, Ann Arbor, Mich
332. F. W. Kuhne, Fort Wayne, Ind 79 Shuter St.
333. Mrs F. W. Kuhne, Fort Wayne, Ind 79 Shuter St.
Pyognimme for Friday, August joth
T. C. Mendenhall, of Washington.
A. Mathematics atul Astronomy — R. S. Woodward, of Washington.
B. Physks — H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
C. Chemistry — William L. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn.
D. Mechanical Scieiice and Engineering — James E. Denton, of Hcboken,
E. Oeology and Geography — Charles A. White, of Washington.
F. Biology —George L. Goodale, of Cambridge, Mass.
H. Anthropology — Garrick Mallery, of Washington.
' I. Economic Science and Statistics — Charles S. Hill, of Wasliingtcm.
F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge, Mass. (Office : Salem, Mass.)
C. Leo Mkes, of Terre Haute, Ind.
H. Carrington Bolton, of New Y(irk.
A. Mathematics and Astronomy— G. C. Comstock, of Madisoiij Wis.
B. Physics— E. L. Nichols, of Ithaca, N.Y.
C. Cliemistry — Edward Hart, of Easton. Pa.
D. Mfichrnical Science and Engineer iuf) — W, B.Warner, of Cleveland, 0.
B. Geology and Geography — John C. Bkannee, of Little Rock, Ark.
P. Biology — Amos W. Bittler, of Brookville, Ind.
H, Anthropology — '^\ M. Beauchamp, of Baldwinsville, N.Y.
I. Economic Science and Statistics — J. R. Dodge, of Washington.
William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Fast Presidents— J AMMSi D. Dana, of New Haven ; James Hall, of
Albany ; J. S. Newberry, of New York ; B. A. Gould, of Cambridge ;
T. Sterry Hunt, of Montreal ; Joseph Lovering, of Cambridge ; J. E.
HiLGARD, of Washington ; Simon Newcomb, of Washington ; O. C.
Marsh, of New Haven ; George F. Barker, of Philadelphia ; George
J. Brush, of New Haven ; J. W Dawson, of Montreal ; C. A, Young,
of Princeton ; J. P. Lesley, of Philadelphia ; H. A. Newton, of New
Haven ; Edward S. Morse, of Salem ; S. P. Langley, of Washington ;
J. W. Powell, of Washington.
Vice-Presidents of the last Meetiwj — Ormond Stone, of University of
Virginia ; A. A. Michelson, of Clevelana ; C. E. Munroe, of Newport ;
C. J. H. Woodbury, of Boston ; George H. Cook, of New Brunswick ;
C. V. Riley, of Washington ; Charles C. Abbott, of Trenton j C. W.
Smiley, of Washington.
1 Officers of the Present Meeting — T C. Mendenhall, of Washington; R.
S. Woodward, of Washington ; H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor ; William
L. Dudlby, of Nashville ; James E. Denton, of Hoboken ; Charles
A. White, of Washington ; George L. Goodale, of Cam-
bridge ; Garrick Mallery, of Washington ; Charles S. Hill, of
Washington ; F. W. Putnam, of OV.m bridge; C. Leo Mees, of
Terre Haute; H. Carbington Eolton, New York ; G. C. Comstock, of
Madison; E. L. Nichols, of Ithaca; Edward Hart, of Easton;
W. R Warner, of Cleveland ; John C. Branner, of Little Rock;
Amos W. Butler, of Brookville; W. M. Beauchamp, of Baldwinsville ;
J. R. Dodge, of Washington ; William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk.
From the Association, at Large— A fellow elected from each section.
E. W. Hyde, of Cincinnati (1), W. A. Rogers, of Waterville (B). H. W.
Wiley, of Washington (C), Cady Staley, of Cleveland (D), N. H.
WiNCHELL, of Minneapolis (E), W, H. Dall, of Washington (F), J. A.
Dorsay, of Washington (H).
Chairman— C. Carpmael, M.A.
Treasurer — James Bain, Jk.
Secretary — Prof. Loudon.
Assistant Secretaries — W. H. Frasek, M.A., H. H. Lanoton, B.A.
Hon. G. W. Allan, James Bain, Prof. Baker, Rev. Provost Body,
Dr. Brodie, C. W. Bunting, W. R. Callaway, Mayor E.F. Clarke, Arthur
Cox, H. W. Darling, Rev. Dr. Dewart, \ld. E. K Dodds, H. P. Dwight,
Prof. Ellis, Prof. Galbraith, Aid. Gibbs, James Hedley, H. J. Hill, W. S.
Lee, A. Marling, Alan Macdougall, J. H. Mapon, E. A. Meredith, W.
McCuUoch,' Thomas McGaw, Aid. McMillan, J. H. Pearce, Rev. J. R.
Teefy, D. R. Wilkie, Sir Daniel Wilson, Prof. A. H. Wright Prof. R. R.
Wright, E. Wragge.
Chairman — E. King Dodds.
Secretary — Thos. Sanderson.
W. H. Beatty, Dr. Bryce, B. Cumberland, Prof. Baker, A. M. Cosby,
Dr. Davison, Prof. EUia, Aid. Gibbs, Dr. Hodgins, John Hoskin, Prof.
Loudon, Principal Kirkland, Wm. Macdonald, W. B. McMurrich, Dr.
O'Sullivan, Aid. McMillan, J. H. Pearce, Rev. J. R. Teefy, Prof. A.
H. Wright, Prof. R. R. Wright, Dr. J. E. White, W. H. Vander Smissen.
Chairman — Thoms McGaw.
Secretary— W. McCulloch.
D. Boyle, H. J, Hill, John Hallam, Robert Jaffray, Br lard
Saunders, David Walker, J. Wright.
Chairman — H. P. Dwight.
Secretary — G. Sweetnam, Jr.
Arthur Cox, D. B. J)ick, A. Blue, O. S. Howland, R. E. Kingsford,
H. Neilson, Dr. Rosebrugh, Prof. Shutfcleworth, J. D. Irwin.
Chairman — E. Wragge.
Secretary — W. R. Callaway.
Hugh Blain, B. Cumberland, P. H. Drayton, H. J. Hill, H. S.
Howland, 2^. Kingsmill, F. Nichols, H. Merritt, Wm. Badenach, P. J.
CJiairman — D. R. Wilkie.
Secretary — Jambs Bain.
Prof. Baker, W. Barwick, W. R. Brock, R. Burgess, R, W. Elliott,
R. Jenkins, W. S. Lee, J. H. Mason, G. R. R. Cocicbum, Wm, Badenach,
J. H. Pearce.
CJiairman — A. Marlfng.
Secretary — A. F. Chamberlain,
G. Dickson, F. Darling, J. L. Hughes, D. R. Keys, John Squair.
Cliaii-man — Alan Macdougall,
Secretary — G. Adamson,
Prof. Ashley, D. Boyle, J. M. Clark, W, Houston, Dr. Pyne, G. M.
Rae, G, Kennedy.
Chairman^J AHEa Hedley.
Secretary — R, T. Lancefiele'.
T, B. Browning, C. R. W. P-iggar, H. Brock, D. Creighton, John
Cameron, E. Farrar, W, F, Maclean, J, R. Robertson, A, S, Irving, W.
G. Eakins, C. W. Taylor, Rev. Dr. Dewart.
Mrs. G. W. Allan, Mrs. W. T, Aikins, Mrs. Ashley, Mrs. E. ilake,
Mrs. J. A. Boyd, Mrs. Body, Mrs. H. Blake, Mrs. A. Boswell, Mrs. Jas.
Bain, Mrs. S. C. Bethune, Mrs. R. H. Bethune, Mrs W. H. Beatty, Mrs.
C. W. Bunting, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Arthur Cox, Mrs. Clarkson, Mrs. A. M.
Cosby, Mrs. D. B. Dick, Mrs. P. H. Drayton, Mrs. P. H. Drayton, Mrs.
E. K. Dodds, Mrs. W. H. Ellis, Mrs W. H. Eraser. Mrs. Major Foster,
Mrs. H. R. Fairclough, Mrs. (iailbraith, Mrs. Col. C. S. Gzowski, Mrs. J.
E. Graham, Mrs. Hutton, Mrs. Thomas Hodgins, Mrs. John Hoskin, Mrs.
R. A. Hoskins, Mrs. Jas. Hedley, Miss May Jones, Mrs. W. H. Howland,
Mrs. Loudon, Mrs. S. H. Kellogg, Mrs. T. Kirkland. Mrs. D. R. Keys,
Mrs. Henry Langley, Mrs. Thomas Langton, Mrs. J. F. McCurdy, Mrs
L. McFarlane, Mrs. Thomas McGaw, Lady Macpherson, Mrs. Oliver
Mowat, Mrs. E. A. Meredith, Mrs. Alexander Manning, Mrs. J.
Herbert Mason, Mi's. William McDonald, Mrs. James Maclennan, Mrs,
William Mulock, Mrs. A. Marsh, Miss Mickle, Miss Sallie Mickle, Mrs.
Alan Macdougall, Mrs. H. W. Merritt, Mr». Hugh Neiison, Mrs. D. A.
O'Sullivan, Mrs. W. Oldright, Mrs. G. W. Ross, Mrs. G. M. Rae, Mrs. G.
H. Robinson, Mrs. W. C. R. Street, Mrs. Sweny, Mrs. B. Spencer, Mrs J.
E. Berkley-Smith, Mrs. G. E. Shaw, Mrs. Skae, Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. F
H. Torringtcn, Mrs. D. Wilson, Mrs. B. E. Walker, Mrs. A. H. Wright,
Mrs. R. \V. Wright.
Members will please call at the office of the Permanent Secretary as
soon as possible after arrival, to receive their members' tickets. Mem-
bers will register at the table of the Local Committee and receive their
badges after obtaining their tickets.
Attention is directed to the following rule relating to members
families :
" Every member of the Association shall have the privilege of regis-
tering members of his family, not including men over twenty-one years of
age, by paying the sum of three dollars for each person so registered, and
shall receive for them specific badges which will entitle the holder thereof
to such privileges as may be extended to the members generally by the
Local Committee for the meeting."
All assessments and admission fees must be paid at the office of the
Permanent Secretary, and the assessment for the meeting must be paid
before registering and receiving the Association badge.
Newly elected members will obtain their certificates of membership
at the office of the Permanent Secretary, upon payment of the admission
fee of $5.00 and assessment of $3.00.
Members will please report any change of permanent address, or the
decease of other members, at the office of the Permanent Secretary.
Blanks for entering the Titles of Communications and for Recom-
mendation to Membership can be obtained in the Local Committee Room.
Subscriptions for the Toronto volume of "Proceedings" will be taken
at the office of the Permanent Secretary; and subscriptions are solicited
from the friends of the Association, and from such members'aa wish to
obtain duplicate copies of the volume. Every person subscribing $1.50 or
more will receive a copy of the volume as soon as published.
The volumes of the "Proceedings" of the Association can be obtained
from the Permanent Secretary, at the price of $1.50 per volume ; or any
member wishing for ten or more volumes in order to complete a set, may .
obtain them at $1.00 per volume. The volumes may be had bound in
cloth at the extra price of 50 cents each, or in half Morocco at the extra
price of $1.00 each. Uniform cloth covers for the volumes will be fur-
nished by mail at 30 cents each, or by express at 25 cents each. Samples
can be seen and orders given at the office. The " Memoir on Fossil
Butterflies," 4to, 1876, by S. H. Scudder, published by the donation of
Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, will be furnished at $2.00 a copy, or at ft3.50
bound in half Morocco. ' ' The Transactions of the American Association
of Geologists and Naturalists," 1 vol., 8vo., 1843, bound in cloth, can be
obtained at $3.00 a copy, or bound in half Morocco, uniform with the
"Proceedings," for $4.00.
The Cleveland Volume of Proceedings was issued in July and
has been sent from the Salem office to all members who paid the Cleveland
assessment previous to August 20th. Those paying since that date, and
those who pay back assessments at the present meeting, will receive the
volumes to which they are entitled after the adjournment of this meeting
The Council calls attention to the following extracts from the '.Consti-
tution of the Association, and to the statement in relation to papers :
Members, Fellows, Life Membeks and Patrons.
Art. 3. Any person may become a member of the Association upon
recommendation in writing by two members or fellows, and election by
the Council.
(Blank forms for recommendation to membership can be had in the
Local Committee Room. Recommendations should reach the Secretary
of the Council as early as possible each day. Hiose received after 9 a.m.
cannot be acted upon until tcext day.)
Art. 4. Fellows shall be elected by the Council from such of the
members as are professionally engaged in science, or have by their labors
aided in advancing science. The election of the Fellows shall be by
ballot, and a majority vote of the members of the Council at a designated
(Special blanks for the nominatioi. of Fellows can be had of the Per-
manent Secretary.)
Art. 6. Any person paying to (he Association the sum of one thou-
sand dollars shall be classed as a Patron, and shall be entitled to all the
privileges of a member, and to all its publications.
Art. 7. The name of any member or fellow two years in arrears for
annual dues shall be erased from the list of the Association, provided that
two notices of indebtedness, at an interval of at least three months, shall
have been given ; and no such person shall be restored until he has paid
his arrears or has been re-elected.
Art. 34. The admission fee for members shall be $6.00, in addition
to the annual assessment. (These must be paid for the meeting at which
the election is announced.) On the election of any member as a fellow
an additional fee of $200 shall be paid.
Art. 35. The ainiual assessment for members and fellows shall be
Art. 36. Any member or fellow who shall pay the sum of fifty dol-
lars to the Association, at any one time, shall become a Life Member, and
as such shall be exempt from all further assessments, and shall be entitled
to the Proceedings of the Association. All money thus received shall be
invested as a permanent fund, the income of which, during the life of the
member, shall form a part of the general fund of the Association ; but
after his death, shall be used only to assist ia original research, unless
otherwise directed by the unanimous vote of the Council. (New members
becoming Life Members must pay the admission fee of $5.00.)
Art. 37. All admission fees and assessments must be paid to the
Permanent Secretary (or his Assistant), who shall give proper receipts for
the same.
Art. 28. All members and fellows must forward to the Permanent
Secretary, as early as possible, and, when practicable, before the convening
of the Association, full titles of all the papers which they propose to pre-
sent during the meeting, with a statement of the time that each will
occupy in delivery, aad also such abstracts of their contents as will give a
general idea of their nature ; and no title shall be referred by the Counci
to the Sectional Committee until an abstract of the paper, or the paper
itself, has been received.
Art. 31. Autliors must prepare their papers or abstracts ready for
the press, and these must be in the hands of the Secretaries of the Sec-
tions before the final adjournment of the meeting, otherwise only the
titles will appear in the printe . volume. The Council shall have power to
order the printing of any paper by abstract or title only.
Art. 25. A paper shall not be read in any section or sub-section un-
til it has been received from the Council, and placed on the programme of
the day by the Sectional Committee.
\* The titles of papers will not be given out until they are put on the
programme by the Sectional Committees, and a paper will not be accepted
by the Committee miless accompanied by a proper abstract. Blank forms for
the giving cities and abstracts of papers can be had in the Local Committee
room. The Council particularly calls attention to the fact that papers can-
not be received after 9 o'clock, Monday rnondng, September 2nd.
By the courtesy of the authorities the meetings of the Association
will be held in the University Buildings, the School of Practical Science,
and Association Hall.
The opening Session and all the morning General Sessions will be
held in the University Convocation Hall. The final General Session on
Tuesday evening will be held in Association Hall. '
Sections A, B. D, E, H, I, will meet in the main University Building
in rooms Nos. 4, 8, 5, 7, and in Convocation Hall on the ground floor, and
room on the west end second floor.
Section C will meet in the School of Practical Science.
Section F will meet in the' new Biological Building.
The Council will meet in the University Senate Chamber.
The oflSces of the Permanent and Local Secretaries are in Room 2,
first door left of the entrance, University Building.
The P.O. and Telegraph Offices are in Room 1, University Building.
The Great North Western Telegraph Co. will send free over its own
lines, short social messages, when stamped by the Local Secretary. Such
messages to the United States will accordingly be charged half the usual
Telephone rooms will be found at the main entrance.
A writing room is provided adjacent to tho Library, second floor of
the University Building.
Room on ground floor, University Building.
Members of the Association, and Associates, will register at the desk
of the Local Secretary after they have obtained their assessment receipt
from the Permanent Secretary. " Each member and associate will then
receive a badge stamped with the number corresponding the name printed
in the daily list of arrivals. These badges will entitle the owner to all the
privileges extended to the Association.
Special badges are prepared for the members of the Botanical and
Entomological Clubs, which may be obtained from the officers of those
Special badges are also made for the Local Committee and its officers,
and for representatives of the Press. These may be obtained of the
Local Secretary.
The colors of the badges are as fi>llows :
Membership — Coral.
Entomological Club— Dark Terra Cotta.
Botanical Club — Dark Green.
Local Committee — Blue.
The Press— Red.
A lunch, free to all wearing the above badges, will be provided daily
except on Saturday and Sunday in the Dining Hall at the north-west
corner of the Quadrangle, Main Building.
The Ladies' Parlor at the Queen's is placed at the disposal of the
ladies and gentlemen of the Association, and the Gentlemen's Parlor will
be used by Committees and for an evening office.
Two excursions have been arranged for Saturday, the Slst, for which
members must register before four o'clock to-day.
The steamer Cibola will leave Yonge street wharf at 7.00 a.m. sharp,
for Niagara-on-the-Lake, thence the excursionists will proceed to the Falls
by the Michigan Central Railway.
Returning, the train leaves the Falls at 4.30 p.m.
Lunch will be served in the restaurant in the Queen Victoria Park.
The number is limited to 500.
Tickets for the Muskoka excursion will be good either on the train
leaving Toronto at 11 p.m. on Friday, or that leaving at 10.10 a.m. on
Saturday. By the former the Pullman car fare is $1.50. The tickets are
good to any point on the lakes, and to return on Monday, reaching Tor-
onto at 4.26 p.m. Arrangements have been made with Mr. Cox, at Port
Sandfield, for boarding the excursionists at $1.50 per day. The number
is limited to 200.
Get your railway certificates signed and stamped by the Secretary,
Mr. W. R. Callaway. Office on right hand of main entrance.
Members and Associate Members of the Association who wish to join
in a Geological Excursion to the Huronian Country after the adjournment
of the General Session, on .Tuesday night, are requested to give their
names to the Secretary of Section E., or to Mr. W. R. Callaway of the
R. R. Committee.
will be happy to place their rooms, in the Medical Council building,
corner of Bay and Richmond streets, at the disposal of the members of
he Association during their stay in town.
The President and members of the Granite Club, 466 Church street,
oflFer the privileges of the Club to the members of the Association during
their visit to Toronto.
The President and members of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club ofier
the same privileges at their club house, on the Island. The steam launch
leaves the foot of Lome Street at the hour and half hour. Members of
the Association will be taken over on production of their membership
badge. . ,
of the Province of Ontario is ready for distribution, and can be obtained
at the office of the Local Secretary.
Messenger boys, who can be employed for any light service by pay-
ment of the customary fee, will be found at the P. O. and Telegraph
AH botanists, members of the Association, are reciuested to Register
at room 7, in the University Buildings, as soon as practicable after their
arrival. They will be furnished with special badges.
The ordinary hour meetings of the Botanical Club of the Association
will be held in the room assigned to it, on Thursday, Friday, Monday
and Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a. m.
The Rntomological Club will meet daily at 9 a. m., in room assigned
in the University Buildings.
The daily newspapers of Toronto will publish full reports of the meet-
ings, the papers read, and the discussions held. If authors will kindly
provide abstracts • of their papers in advance (not those sent to the
Council), the printing will greatly be facilitated. Such matter should be
addressed to James Hedley, Chairman of the Committee on the Press,
at office of the Local Secretary, who will hold the abstracts from publica-
tion until the papers have been read in the sections.
The Reading Room, Library and Museum of the Canadian Institute,
46 Richmond Street East, will be open *o the members, daily, from
10 a. m. to 6 p. m.
A garden party will be given by the City Council on Tuesday
afternoon, September 3rd, in the grounds of Government House, by
the kind permiseion of His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro-
Members are invited to visit the collection of industrial and agricul-
tural products of the Province of Manitoba, in the building at the corner
of York and Front street.
Will leave the Queen's Hotel, calling at the Rossin House, at 8.30, 9
and 9.30 for the University, returning between 5 and 6 ; fare for round
trip, 25 cents.
[Special programmes will be issued every morning, except Saturday
and Sunday.] ^
Programme for Friday, August jo.
Meeting of the Council at 9 o'clock.
General Session from 10 to 10:15 o'clock.
Meeting of the Sections at 10:15 o'clock.
Meeting of the Sections from 2 to 5 o'clock. %
From 5 to 7 o'clock Mrs. W. H. Beatty, Queen's Park, will receive
the Members of the Association. !^
At 8 o'clock, in the Pavilion, Horticultural Gardens, Mr. G. K,
Gilbert, of the United States Geological Survey, will deliver a lecture on
the Geological History of Niagara River. This lecture is complimentary ^
to the citizenu of Toronto. 1
SECTION A.— Mathematics and Astronomy.
Vice-President — R. S. Woodward, of Washington.
Secretary — G. C. Comstock. of Madison, Wis.
Member of the Council.
E. W. Hyde, of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Members of the Sectional Committee.
J. BuRKiTT Webb, of Hoboken, N.J.
Henry Farquhar, of W^ashington.
W.W. Beeman, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
Member of tht Nominating Committee.
Charles S. Howe, Cleveland, O.
Memhers of the Sub-committee on Nominations.
H. A. Newton, of New Haven, Ct.
William Harkness, of Washington.
J. R. Eastman, of Washington.
72. On the Solar Parallax and its Related Constants. — 30 rain. — By
Wm. Harkness.
7. Double Star Discoveries and Measures made at the Lick Observa-
tory August 1st, 1888, to August 1st, 1889. — 10 min.— By S. W.
Burn ham
1(50. A Proposed Catalogue of Declinations. — 45 min. — By Henry Far-
170. The Solar Corona, a Phenomenon in Spherical Harmonics —5 min. —
By Frank H. Bigelow.
130. On the Automatic Eclipsograph. — 15 min. — By David P. Todd.
103. Errors in Star Catalogues.— 15 min. — By E. Frisby
Vice-President — H. S. Cakhari, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
^ccreffiry—E. L. Nichols, or Ithaca, N.Y.
Member of the Council.
W. A. RouERS, of Waterville, Me.
Memherfi of the Sectioiml Committee.
\V. Le Conte Sthven.s, Brooklyn, N.Y.
A. E. Dolbear, College Hill, Mass
Charles Carpmael, Toronto
Member of the Nominatin,; Committee.
•James Loudon, of Toronto.
ManberH oj (he Sub-Covimittee cv Xondnations.
E. W. MoRf.EY, Cleveland, Ohio,
C. H. McLeod, Montreal.
T. C. Mendenhall, Washington.
12. On the Partition of the Moan Kinetic Energy of a Perfect Gas be-
tween the Rotarj' and Translatory Motions of its Molecules. —8 fj
min.— By H. J Eddy.
13. Note on the Magnetic Rotation of Polarized Light according to the
Electro Magnetic Theory. —10 min.— By H. T. Eddy.
163. Relative Merits of Dynaiuometric and Magnetic Methods of Obtain- i
ing Absolute Measurements of Electric Currents — 30 min. — By ;!
Thomas Gray. :*
19. A Quadrant Electrometer. -5 min — By Harris J. Ryan.
105. Magnectic Leakage in Dynamos. —l(t min — By H. S. Carhart.
104. An Improved Standard Clark Coll with Low Temperature Co-
efficient. — 15 min.— By H. S. Carhart. ^
107. On Globular Lightning. — By T. C. Meiidenhall.
24. A Preliminary Report on the Influence of Temperature upon tho
Color of Pigments. — 15 min.— By Edward L. Nichols and B. \V. j
Snow. I
20. The Solar Condition upon which the Aurora Dopends. — 5 min. — By |
M. A. Veeder. |
117. The Determination of the Amount of Rainfall. -12 min. — By Cleve- |
land Abbe. ^
21. The Hydro-electric Effect of Stretching Metals.- 15 min.— By Carl
Vice-President — William L. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn.
(Sfecreton/— Edward Hart, of Easton, Pa.
Member of the Council.
Hakvey W. Wiley, of Washington, D.C.
Members of the Sectional Committee.
H. H. Nicholson, of Lincoln, Neb.
F. W. Clarke, of Washington, D.C.
Ira Remsen, of Baltimore, Md.
Memier of the Nominating Gommittef.
A. P. S. Stuart, of Lincoln, Neb.
Members of the Sub-committee on Nominatio^is.
H. C. Bolton, of New York City.
A. B. Prescott, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
W. A. NoYES, of Terre Haute, Intl.
33, Dynamical Theory of Albuminoid Ammonia. — 50 min. — By Robert
B. Warder.
29. The Action of Light on Silver Chloride. — 10 min.— R. Hitchcock.
30. A Method of Mounting Photographic Prints on Paper. — 5 miris. — R.
183. Some Notes on the Estimation of Nitrogen by the Kjeldahl Method.
—10 min.— M. A. Scov. II.
166. Succinylo-succinic Acid. — 15 min. — Adolph Bayer, Munich, Ger-
many, and A. W. Noyes.
157. Estimation of Bromine in presence of Chlorine. — 10 min. — Albert
B. Prescott.
130. On the Acquisition of Atmospheric Nitrogen by Plants.— 20 min. —
W. 0. Atwater.
Discussion of the Report of Committee on the formation of a National
Chemical Society.
SECTION D.— Mechanical Science and Enoineerino.
Fice-Preaident—JAUES E. Denton, of Hoboken, N.J.
Secretary— W. R. Warner, of Cleveland, Chio.
Member of the Council.
Cady Staley, of Cleveland, Ohio.
Members of the Sectional Committee.
O. Chanutb, of Kansas City, Mo.
M. E. CooLEY, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
• C. H. Smith, of Austin, Texas.
Members of the Nominating Committee,
Members oj the Sub-committee on Nbminntions.
J. Gaubraith, Toronto.
A. E. Dolbear, College Hill, Mass.
Thomas Gray, Terre Haute, Ind.
Note on performance of a pumping engine.— 10 min.— By M. E
New device for Autographic Registry of Extension in Tension Tests
—16 min.— By Thos. Gray.
Notes on Anti-friction Construction for Revolving Mechanism for
Observatory Domes.— 10 min. —By W. R. Warner.
Note on performance of a Vibrating Piston Engine.— 10 min — Bv
M. E. Cooley. ' ^
Probable principal cause of Superior Economy of Multiple Expansion
Engmes. — 10 min.— By J. E. Denton.
Exhibition of a Novel Motor.
SECTION E.— Geology and Geography.
Vice-President — Charles A. White, of Washington.
Secretary — John C. Bhanner, of Little Rock, Ark.
Member of the Council.
W. H. WiNCHELL, of Minneapolis, Minn.
Members of thi' Sectional Committee.
Alexander Winchell, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
H. L. Fairchilu, of Rochester, N.Y.
J. C. White, of Morgantown, West Va.
Member of the Nominating Committee,
G. K. Gilbert, of Washington.
Members of the Sub-committee on Nominations.
C. D. Walcott, of Washington.
R. T. Hill, of Austin, Texas.
W. J. MuGee, of Washington.
122. Typographic Types of North-Eastern Iowa. — 25 min. — By W. J.
39. The Lake Ridges of Ohio and their Probable Relations to the Lines
of Glacial Drainage into the Valley of the Susquehanna. — 30 min.
—By G. F. Wright.
41-42. (a.) The Moraines of the Wabash — Erie region. (6.) The Ironde-
quoit Glacier — 15 min — By C. R. Dryer.
43. Glacial Phenomena of J^orthern Indiana and North-Eastern Illinois
— 20 min. — By Frank Leverett.
100. The Attractive Scenery of our own Land. — 20 min. — By A. S. Bick-
128. The Mastodon of Kent and What We Know About It. —20 min.— By
Ed. Jones, Esq.
37. On Certain Remarkable New Fossil Plants from the Erian and Car*
boniferous, and on the Characters and Affinities of the Paleozoic
Gymnosperms. — 20 min.— By Sir Wm. Dawson.
46. Mammoth Cave. — 20 min.— By H. C. Hovey.
45. The Devonian System of North and South Devonshire.— 25 min.— By
H. S. Williams.
SECTION r.— Biology.
Vice-Piesideut—GEOJiiiE L. Goodale, of Cambriui;ht of five thousand
Public School Children.— 20 rain.— Dr. G. Stirling Ryerson.
159. The Abolition of Slavery in Upper Canada— 20 min.— Wm Houston.
152. The Science of Economic Engineering.— 40 min.— Gustav Linden-
153. Industrial Education.— 15 min— By Laura Osborn Talbot.
Saturday, August 31.
(No Sessions to-day.)
There will be two excursions given by the Local Committee to the
members of the Association, one to Niagara Falls, the other to Muskoka.
Members intending to go on either excursion must register before
Friday at noon
Mrs. Sweny, Sahara, west end of the Island, will be at home to
members of the Association from 5 to 6.
Monday, September 2.
Meeting of the Council at 9 o'clock.
(The Special Committees must present their reports to the Counc il
not later than this morning, and the Council will advise the discharge of
all Committees not reporting).
General Session from 10 to 10:15 o'clock.
Meeting of the Sections at 10:15 o'clock.
Meeting of the Sections at 2 o'clock.
At 8 o'clock in tlie Pavilion, Horticultural Gardens, Dr. H. Carrin^'
ton Bolton, of New York, will deliver a lecture entitled, '* Four Weeks
in the Desert of Mount Sinai," illustrated by projections of original photo-
graphs. This lecture is complimentary to the citizens of Toronto.
Meeting of the Nominating Committee at The Queen's, at 10 (Vclock,
to nominate officers for next year, and to suggest time and place for the
next meeting of the Association.
Tfiesilaii, Seidfuibev 3.
Meeting of the Council at !) o'clock.
General Session at 10 o'clock.
Election of Officers and Agreement on time and place of Meeting for
General business .
Meeting of the Sections after the adjournment of the General Session.
Meeting of the Sections at 2 o'clock.
Final adjournment of the Sections.
Garden party in Government House grounds, from 6 to 7 o'clock,
tendered by the City Council and Citizens.
General Session in Association Hall, Yonge Street, at 8 o'clock.
Concluding exercises and adjournment of the Association.
After the adjournment of the meeting there will be several excursions,
particulars of which will be given in a future programme. These excur-
ions close the Thirty-eighth Meeting on September 10th.
JiKjnst ?5f7, 18S9.
1. Henry C. Appleton, Publisher, 1 Bond St., New York. E I
2. Ad. F. Bandelier, Santa Fe, N. M. H
3. William D. Boardman, 38 Kenilworth St., Roxbury, Mass. E
4. Prof. Theo. Brantly, College of Montana, Deer Lodge, Mont. T. H I
5. Prof. VVm. T. Brooks, Mass. Agric. College, Amherst, Mass. C F,
6. Prof. Geoge Bryce, LL.D., Manitoba College, Winnipeg, Mani-
toba. H
7. Capt. Thos. L. Casey, U. S. Engineer, Army Building, New York,
N.Y. F
8. Alexander F. Chamberlain, 34 Arthur St., Toronto, Ont. H
9. Royal Tyler Church, Turin, Lewis Co., N.Y. D F
10. William A. Croffut, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington. H I
11. Susan J. Cunningham, Prof of Mathematics and Astronomy
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore. Pa. A
12. John Daniel, Instructor in Physics, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville,
Tenn. B
13. John M. Davison, 60 Oxford St , Rochester, N. Y. C
14. Luther M. Donaldson, care National Fertilizer Co., Nashvill*,
Tenn. C
15. Fred, ./rmes Dorand, Chester, Vt. A I
16. W. A. Douglass, B.A , 220 Wellesley St., Toronto, Ont. I
17. Charles Redway Dryer, Assistant Indiana State Geological Survey
Fort Wayne, Ind. E
18. Frank E. Emery, Geneva, Ontario Co., N.Y. F
19. Howard V Frost, Prof, of Chemistry in the Brooklyn Polytechnic
Institute, Arlington, Mass. C
20 Edwin Brant Frost, Inst, in Astronomy and Physics, Dartmouth
Col., Hanover, N. H.
21. Rev Otis Allan Glazebrook, D.D., Elizabeth, N.J.
22. G. K. Greene, New Albany, Ind. E F
23. Thos. Gray, Prof Dynamic, Engineering, Rose Polytechnic Inst.,
Terre Haute, Ind.
24. James Cleland Hamilton, M.A., LL.B., Toronto, Ont.
25. Rev. Gottlieb C. H. Hasskarl, Syracuse, N.Y.
20. Jolm Beazley Hastings, Mining Engineer, Ketchum Allaturas
Co., Idaho. E
27. John Blackstock Hawley, Engineer of St. Paul Water- Works, St.
Paul, Minn. B
28. Walter J. Hoffman, M.D., Bureau of Ethnology, Washington,
D.C. H
29. Lewis E Hof)d, E. Somerville, Mass. F
30. Thomas Hopkins, Assistant Geological Survey of Arkansas, Little
Roc>, Ark. E
31 Walter Hough, Ass't Department of Ethnology, U. S. National
Museum, Washington, D.C H
32 .Tames T. Hoyt, Temj)le Court, Beekman St., New York. A H
33. Andrew F Hunter, Barrie Ont. B H
34. Dr. John Amory Jeffries, 91 Newbury St. , Boston, Mass. F
35. Thos. Moore Jackson, C.E., Prof. Civil Engineering, W. Va.
L^niversity, Morgantown, W. Va.
36. .J. Floyd King, Now York Hotel, New York, N.Y. D
37. Otto Julius Klotz, Field Astronomer, Dominion Governm't, Preston,
38 William Roscoe Livermore, Maj. of Eng., U. S. A., Newport,
39. Alan Macdougall, F. R. S., Edin., Toronto, Ont. D H
40. .Jos. E. McDougall, Maritime Court, 121 Carleton St., Toronto,
41. Charles E. McGowan, M.D., New London, Conn. E
42. Rev. John McLean, M.A., Ph.D., Macleod, Alberta, Can.
43. Alexander Chas. McKay, Mathematical Master, Upper Canada
College, Toronto.
44. Artemas Martin, Librarian and Custodian of Archives, Coast
Survey Office, Washington, D.C. A
45. Charles C. Mellon, Vice-Pros. Iron City Microscopical Society, Pitts-
burgh, Pa. F
46. Wra Hamilton Merritt, 40 St. George street, Toronto, E I
47. Cosmos Mindeletf, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
48. Victor Miudeleff, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
49. James Moone}', Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
50. Frank Newton Notestein, Prof, of Mathematics and Astronomy,
The College of Montajvi, Deer Lodge, M.T. A F
51. George D. Olds, Prof, of Iv\xthematics, Univ. of Rochester, Roches-
ter, N.Y. A
62. Frank Owen Payne, Teacher of Science, Appleton, Minn. F
53. Dr. R. A. F. Penrose, jr., State Geological Survey, Little Rock,
Ark. E
54. Ernest B. Perry, Ann Arbor, Mich. D
55. George H. Peters, Hartford, Corn. A B
56. Eben Putnam, Boston, Mass. H I
57. James Cochrane Quinn, Prof, of Mental and Moral Philosophy,
National Univ., Chicago, Helena, Montana. E F H I
58. Taylor Reed, Princeton, N.J. A
59. A. H. Russell, Captain of Ordnance, U.S.A., Providence. R.I, D
60 Harris J, Ryan, Asst. Prof, of Electrical Engineering, Cornel
Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. B
61. George S. Ryerson, M.D., 60 College Ave., Toronto. Out. F
62. Wm. H. Seaman, Prof. Analytical Chemistry, School of Mines,
Univ. of Missouri, RoUa, Mo.
63. G. N. Saegmuller, Washington, D.C. A B
64. John R. Scuphara, C. & M. Engineer, Oakland, Cal. E
66. Dilman B. Shantz, Berlin, Ont. I
66. Porter W. Shimer, E.M., Easton, Pa. C
67. Frank T. Shutt, M.A., Chemist to the Dominion Experimental
Farms, Ottawa, Ont. C
68. De Cost Smith, Skaiieateles, N.Y. H
69. Joseph B. Stearns, Camden, Maine. B
70. Francis L. Stewart, Murraysville, Pa. C F
71. Henry Newliu Stokes, Ph. D., Chemical Laboratory, U.S. Geo-
logical Survey, Washington, D.C. C E
72. Charles Stuart Street, ,38 Kenil worth St., Roxbury, Mass. E C
73. Charles B. Thwing, Instructor in Physics, North- Western Univ.,
Evanston, 111. B
74. Gerritt E. H. Weaver, Instructor in Swarthmore College, Swarth-
more, Pa F
76. Miss Nejlie B. West, 56 W. 65th St , New York, N. Y. E
76. Prof. T. R. White, 353 W. 57th St., New York, NT. H A
77. Prof. W. P. Wilso- (t40 North 32nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. F
78. S. Grant Wright, I'errysville, Ind. F
79. Harrison Garman, Entomologist and Botanist, State Exper. Station
Lexington, Ky. F
80. Prof. .John W. Hartigan, W. Va. University, Morgantown W
Va. F
81. Chs. W. Hastings, Kansas City, Mo. B
82. Wm. Houston, Govt Library, Toronto, Ont. I
83. Walter Hough, Nat. Museum, Washington, D.C. H
84. James Gibson Hume, Univ. College, Toronto. I
86. Herbert G. Ogden, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washinc/ton
D.C. AB '
86. Frank Fitz Payne, Meteorological Office, Toronto. B
87. James H. Pearce, Toronto, Ont. F
88. John Edward White, Toronto, Ont. F
89. James G. Witton, University College, Toronto, Ont. B
90. Prof. R. Ramsay Wright, Toronto, Ont. F
91. Prof. Chs. W. Hargitt, Oxff)rd,Ohio.
92. John H. Means, Gooioyical Survoy, Little Reck, Ark. E
93. William Kennedy, Geoh'gical Survey, Little Rock, Ark E H
94 Leon Stacy Griswold, Geol. Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E
05 Thos. Hopkins, Geol. Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E
96. Dr Andrew C Lawson, Ottawa, Canada. E
97. John Pevrin, Mount Royal Park, Montreal. B
98. F. \V. Kuhne, Fort Wayne, Ind.
99. A Isabel Mulford, Orange, N.J. F
100. John Galbraith, Prof. Civil Engineering, Toronto. A
101. Archibald Hope Young, Upper Canada College, Toronto. H
102. Henry H. Wing, Cornell Univ. Expt. Station, Ithaca, N.Y.
103. Gales P. 'I'hruston, Nashville, Tenn H
104. Clarence M. Weed, Ohio Expt. Station, Columbus, O. F
105. William Macdonald Toronto, Ont.
106. Thomas Shortiss, Toronto, Ont. D E
107. Peter Bryce, Sec'y Board of Health, Toronto, Ont. F H
108. Archibald B. Macallum, University College, Toronto, Canada.
109. W. Reynolds Singleton, Washington. H
110. Dr. Thomas J. W. Burgess, Hamilton, Ont F
111. Asaph Hall, Jr., U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington. A
Wednesday, August 2S.
112. Cortez Fessenden, Wapanee, Ont.
113. William Wallace Campbell, Instructor in Astronomy, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. A
114. Alexander Ziwet, Ann Arbor, Mich. A
115. W. A. Burmace, Winnipeg.
116. David Reid Keys, University College, Toronto. H
117. Prof. Thomas H. McBride, State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City. P
118. Dr. Alfred R. C. Selwyn, Director of Geological Survey of Canada,
Ottawa. E.
119. Chase Palmer, Prof, of Chemistry, Wabash College, Crawfordsville,
Ind. C
120. Prof. Samuel T. Maynard, Prof. Botany, Massachusetts Agri. Coll.,
Amherst, Mass. F
121. Curtis C. Howard, Prof, of Chemistry, Starling Medical College,
Columbus, Ohio. C
122. Eugene H. Roberts, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss.
123. Allen D. Bisteen, Hartford, Connectiout. A B D
124. Edward B, Shuttleworth, Dean of Ontario College of Pharmacy. C
125. William Knox, Architect, 13 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont.
12li. Simeon H. .Janes, M.A., Toronto, Ont. A E
127. W. R. Head, Hyde Park, Chicago, 111.
128. O. C. Creelman, Actint; Prof, of Biology, Agricultural College,
129. J. E. Graham, M.D., Toronto, Ont. F
130. W. S. Blackstock, 20 Homewood Ave., Toronto, Ont. H
131. Chas. Gibson, D.Sc, Chicago, 111. C
1:32. Wm. H. Weldon '!.D., Chicago, 111. F H
133. Orange M<'rwin, Bridgeport, Conn. E
134. Adam Capen Gill, Northampton, Mass. E
135. George Bruce Halsted, Prof, of Mathematics, Univer.sity of Texas,
Austin, Texas. A
lo*>. Marcus P. Norton, 50 Broadway, New York.
io~. AU'cander D. Anderson, Washington, D.C.
l:;S. .Folia Uri Lloyd, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Court and Plum Streets,
Cincinnati, Ohio. C F
13i». Clinton Owen Bates, Prof. Chemistry in Coe College, Cedar Rapids,
140. Mary Townseud Sharpless Schaffer, 1309 Arch St., Philadelphia,
Pa. F E
141. Jt^hn H. Talbutt, Lexington, Kentucky.
142. .James F. W. Rosa, M.D., CM., Sherbourne and Wellosley Sts.
Toronto, Ont.
143. Riiliert Allen Thompson, Mathematical Master, Hamilton College!
Institute, Hamilton, Ont. A
144. T. D. Ledyard, 4 Ontario Chambers, Toronto, Ont.
145. W. T. .Jennings, Civil Engineer, Toronto, Ont. D
140. Byion Edmund Walker, Toronto, Ont. E
147. Norman B. Wood, .Jr., 07| University St., Cleveland, Ohiu.
148. William H. .Jenks, Brookville, Pa. D
149. Andrew Smith. F. R. C V. S., Toronto, Ont. F
150. Arthur B. Willmott, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio
151. Amos R. Wells, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio.
152. A. M Ri;8eburgh, M.D., Church St., Toronto Ont.
153. (ieorge E.^iciiutt Abney, Toronto, Ont. D
154. W. E. Boustead, Toronto, Ont. C
155. .1 W. Whitney, Chief Clerk U S. Bureau of Statistics, Washinv York Queen's.
235. Miss Millie Timmerman, New York Queen's.
230. M. B. Waite, Washington, D.C._.
237. B. T. Galloway, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
238. James T. Lusk, Marrietta, Ohio
23*,>. ChiirleH SclmflFor, Philadelphia, Pa RoHsin HouHe.
240. Mru. (yharlcis Sohiiffer, Philiulolphia, Pa Rossin House.
241. John McLoivn, Mciosejaw, N. VV.T
242. Luther M. DoimUlson, Nashville, Tenti
243. Edwartl W. Morloy, Cleveland, Ohio Queen's Hotel.
244. Albert A. IVescott, Ann Arlmr, Mich Queen's Hotel.
245. Thomas .Joseph Workman Burgess, Hr,inilton,Ont f»(i Henry 8t.
240. Albert S. liickniore, New York Queen's Hotel.
247. Edward L. Nichols, Ithaca
248. Clarence M. Weed, Columbus, Ohio 31 College St.
249. J. F. Whitoaves, Ottawa, Ont 1(5 Orosvonor St.
250. Marcus TJenjamin, New York Rossin House.
251. C. H. Hitchcock, Hanover, N.H 483 Church St.
262. Miss iSIaria P. Hitchcock, Hanover, N H 383 Church St.
263, A. Isabel Mulford, Orange, N..1 70 Shutor St.
254. C. A. Waldo, Torre Haute, Ind 230 Beverley St.
255. Henry H. Wing, Ithaca, N.Y Walker House.
2.'j(>. Thomas (Jray, Terra Haute, Ind 239 Beverley St.
257. Mrs E. 0. Ilovey, Watorbury, Conn 25 Murray St.
258. Wni. Ddcr Boanlnian, Roxbury, Mass ,32 .fohn St.
250. .James Mills, (iuelph, Ont Rossin House.
200. Kd-jiiir ( ! Miller, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
2(il Robert Hay, Jiniction City, Kan Palmer House
2(i'J Frank Fitz T'^iy ue, T K. N. .S. Ringiieberg, Lockport, N.Y
2(>7. W. R Wiiriier, Cleveland, Ohio Queen's.
208. .Feiferson E. Kershner, Lancaster City, Pa Queen's.
200. T. H McBride, Iowa City, la Palmer.
270. Mrs. T. H. McBride, Iowa City, la Palmer.
271. Arch B. Macallum, Toronto
272. .John Perrin, Montreal, Que
273. Cady Staley, Cleveland, O Queen's.
274. Archiljald Hope Young, Toronto, Ont
275. Mrs W. A. Rogers .
270. .lames Cayford Wift,.n, Toronto, Ont 118 D'Arcy St.
277. Taylor Reed, Princron, N.J Queen's.
278. .Joseph Cummiiigs, Evanston, 111 Queen's.
279. Henry Farquhar, Washington, D.C •.
280. Mrs. H. Farquhar, Washington, D.C
281. John Lucas, Philadelphia, Pa " Ernesleigh."
282. Mrs. John Lucas, Thiladelphia, Pa • • ■ •" Ernesleigh."
283. Fred. Hoflfmann, New York Queen's.
284. Albert Lucas, Philadelphia, Pa
285. Mrs. L. E. Holden Clev aland, O Queen's.
286. Persifor In-azer, Philadelphia. Pa Queen's Hotel.
287. H. P. Gushing, Cleveland, () Queen's Hotel.
288. Joseph J. Walton, Philadelphia, Pa Walker House.
289. G. W. Houi;h, Evanston, 111 Queen's Hotel.
290. Edward S Morse, Salem, Mass Prof. R R. Wiight's.
291 G. P. Thvuston, Nashville, Tenn Rossin House
292. James F. Kemp, Ithaca, N. Y 429 Church St
293. A. V. E. Young, Evanston, 111 Walker House
294. Leon P. Kinnicott. D Se Worcester Poly. Inst., Rossin House
296 Mrs. Leon. P. Kinnicott, Worcester Poly. Inst., Rossin House.
290. W. H Merritt 40 St. (Jeorge St.
297 Garrick Mallery, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
298. Mrs. Garrick Mallery, Washington, DC Queen's Hot«l.
299. John (Jalbraith, Prof, of Engineering 62 St. Mary's St.
300. Thos.M.Jackson,C.E ,D.Se ,Morgantown, W \ a., Queen's Hotel.
.'{01 Mrs. John C. Branner, Little Rock, Ark Queen's Hotel.
302. Albert Lufkin. Newton, Iowa 159 Simcoe St.
303. Mrs. F. Lufkin, Newttm, Iowa 159 Simcoe St.
304. Miss L. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 159 Simcoe St
305. Miss N. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 159 Simcoe St.
30G. Harris J. Ryan, Ithaca, N.Y 239 Beverley St.
307. Prof. R. B. Fulton, University, Miss Walker House
308. W. W. Campbell, Ann Arbor, Mich 29 Grange Ave.
309. Dr. G. S. Ryerson, Toronto CO College Ave
310. Prof. R. R Wright, Toronto
311. Alex. Ziwet, Ann Arbor, Mich 29 Grange Ave.
312. S. F. Emmons, Washington, D.C
313. M. A. Veeder, Lyons N.Y Rossin House.
314. E. W. Claypole, Akron, Ohio
315 Katharine B Claypole, Akroii, Oh o
316. Prof. Geo D Olds, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
317. Mrs. G D. Olds, Rochester, N.Y 29 Orange Ave.
318. Mar. Leland, Rochester, N.Y .29 Grange Ave.
319. Mrs. Albert S. Bickmoro, New York Queen's Hotel.
320 Prof. E. H. S. Bailey, Lawrence, Kan Ellii)tt House.
321. F. P. Leavenworth, Haverford College, Pa Albion Hotel.
322. Mr*. F. P Leavenworth, Haverford College, Pa. Albion Hotel.
323. Miss Esther Leavenworth Havenford Col, Pa. .Albion Hotel.
324. Prof R. H. Ward, Troy, N. Y Palmer House.
325. James T. Hoyt, New York The Arlington.
326. Mrs. James T. Hoyt, New York The Arlington.
327. W. M. Dudley, Ithaca, N.Y Rossin House.
328 John W. Langley, Pittsburg, Pa Arlington.
3:^9. Mrs. J. W. Langley, Pittsburg, Pa Arlington.
330 Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley, Ann Arbor, Mich . .Arlington.
331. Mrs. M. E. Cooley, Ann Arbor, Mich . . . .Arlington.
332. F. W. Kahne, Fort Wayne, Ind 79 Shuter St.
3.33. Mrs F. W. Kuhne, Fort Wayne, Ind 79 Shuter St.
Thursday, August igtk.
334. Atreus Wanner, York, Pa Walker House.
.3.35. C. Fessenden, Napanee, Ont 126 Seaton St.
336. DeCost Sr ith, Skaneateles, N.Y Rossin House.
.337. Mrs. E. R. Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y Rossin House.
338 Miss C. M. Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y Rossin House.
339. Mr. E. B. Reed, London, Ont 98 St Patrick St.
340. T. Griswold Comstock, St. Louis, Mo. Queen's Hotel.
341. W. B. Clark, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
342. F. D. Adams, Montreal, Que Queen's Hotel.
343. Miss Charlotte C. Barnum, New Haven, Conn. .Queen's Hotel.
344. Mary B. Dewing, Stamford, Conn Queen's Hotel.
345. Stephen Bush, Waterford, N.Y... Palmer House.
346. Mrs. Stephen Bush, Waterford, N.Y Palmer House.,
347. T. C Chamberlin, Madison, Wis . .Queen's Hotel.
348. G. B. Halsted, Austin, Texas Rossin House.
349. Dr. A M. Rosebrugh, Toronto, Ont 131 Church St.
3.50 Charles F. Rand, M.D., Batavia, N.Y Queen s Hotel.
351. W. H. Jenk, Brookville, Pa Elliot House.
3,52. Mrs. J. G. Dolley, Albion. N.Y 128 Baldwin St.
.3.53. Emma R. McGee, Farley, Iowa St .James.
354. W. K. Moorehead, Washington, D.C 38 Rossin House.
355. .T. C Hamilton, Toronto "
."'.56. E. B. Frost, Hanover, N.H Rossin House.
;i57. E H. Roberts, Oxford, Miss Walker House.
358. D. R Keys. Toronto
359. Norman B. Wood, Cleveland, Ohio 94 Baldwin St.
360. E. B. Shuttle worth, Toronto 220 Sherbourne St.
361. J. E. McDougall, Toronto 121 Carlton St.
362. C. S. Street, Roxbury, Mass 32 .John St.
363. G. B. Abrey, Toronto 23 Beaconsfield A v.
364. Charles P. Benns, Schenectady, N.Y Walker House.
„, „ • T VT7 I.- i. T\ n fCor. Queen's Park
365. Thomas Ewing, Jr., Washington, D.C | and Joseph St
366. W. H. Bristol, Hobokcn, N.J
367. E. Renel Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y Rossin House.
368. Mrs. Geo. H AVilliams, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
369. Mrs. Jas. Lewis Howe, Louisville, Ky 25 Murray St.
370. W. S. Blackstock, Toronto 20 Homewood Ave.
371. P. J. Farnesworth, Clinton, Iowa
372. W. R. Head, Chicago, 111
373. A. C. Gill, Northampton, Mass 25 Murray St.
374. Dr. Robert Bell, Ottawa, Can 75 Peter St.
375. William Houston, Toronto Governm't Library.
376. R. A Thompson, Hamilton, Ont 112 Robert St.
377. Prof. Chas. F. Cook, Evanston, 111 Rossin House.
378. Gustav Lindenthal, Pittsburgh, Pa Walker House.
379. Wm. A. Burnian, Winnipeg, Man Continental Hotel.
380. G. C. Creelman, Mississippi lOlA Bleeker St.
381. Amos R. Wells, Yellow Springs, Ohio '
382. W. E. Boustead, Toronto 200 Jarvis St.
383. Dr. W. J. Hoffman, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
384. Mrs. W. J. Hoffman, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
385. Retta Lyons, New Orleans, La Rossin House.
386. Ella Smith, Hagerstown, Md Rossin Housn.
Programme for Monday, September 2nd
T. C. Mendenhall, of Washington.
A. Mathematm aid Astronomy — R. S. Woodward, of Washington.
B. Physics— K. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
C. Chemistry— VfiLziAU L. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn.
D. Mechanical Science and Engineering — James E. Denton, of Hoboken
E. Geology and Oeography—CHAKhES A. White, of Washington,
F. Biology -George L. Goodale, of Cambridge, Mass.
H. Anthropology- Gaurick Mallery, of Washington.
I. Economic Science and Statistics— CuAKLtis S. Hill, of Washington.
F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge, Ifass. (Office : Salem, Mass.)
C. Leo Mees, of Terre Haute, lucl.
H. Carrington Bolton, of New York.
A. Mathematics and Astronomij—Gr. C. Comstock, of MadiBon, Wis.
B. Phytdcs—E. L. Nicmols, of Ithaca, N.Y.
C. Clicmistry — Edward Hart, of Easton , Pa.
D. Mechanical Scieiice uiul Engineer huj — W. B. VVarneh, of Cleveland, ().
E. Geology and Geography— J ona C. Branner, of Little Rock, Ark.
F. Biology — Amos W. Butler, of Bro(>kville, Ind.
H, Anthropologg-W. M. Beauchamp, of Baldwinsville, N.Y.
I. Economic Scieiice ami Statistics — J R. Dooge, of \V;ishiii;j;h)n.
William Lilly, of Mauch Chiinlc, Pa.
Fad Presidents— J AMKH D. Dana, of New Haven ; James Hall, of
Albany ; J. S. Newberey, of New York ; B. A. Gould, of Cambridge ;
T. Sterry Hunt, of Montreal ; Joseph Lovering, of Cambridge ; J. E.
Hilgard, of Washington ; Simon Nbwcomb, of W-shington ; O. C.
Marsh, of Now Haven ; George F. Barker, of Philadelphia ; George
J. Brush, of New Haven ; J. W Dawson, of Montreal ; C. A. Young,
of Princeton ; J. P. Lesley, of Philadelphia ; H. A. Newton, of New
Haven ; Edward S. Morse, of Salem ; S. P. Langley, of Washington ;
J. W. Powell, of Washington.
Vice-Presidents of the last Meetlntf — Ormond Stone, of University of
Virginia ; A. A. Michelson, of Cleveland ; C. E. Munroe, of Newport ;
C. J. H. Woodbury, of Boston , George H. Cook, of New Brunswick ;
C. V. Riley, of Washington ; Charles C, Abbott, of Trenton ; C. W.
Smiley, of Washington.
Officers of the Present Meeting — T C. Mendenhall, of Washington ; R
S. Woodward, of Washington ; H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor ; William
L. Dudley, of Nashville ; James E. Denton, of Hoboken ; Charles
A. White, of Washington; George L. Goodale, of Cam-
bridge ; Garrick Mallery, of Washington ; Charles S. Hill, of
Washington ; F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge; C. Leo Mees, of
Terre Haute; H. Carbington Bolton, New York ; G. C. Comstock, of
Madison; E. L. Nichols, of Ithaca; Edward Hart, of Easton;
W, R. Warner, of Cleveland ; John C. Branner, of Little Rock;
Amos W. Butler, of Brookville; W, M. Bbauchamp, of Baldwinsville ;
J. R. Dodge, of Washington ; William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk.
From the Association at Large — A fellow elected from each section.
E. W. Hyde, of Cincinnati (A), W. A. Rocers, of Waterville (3), H. W,
Wiley, of Washington (C), Cady Staley, of Cleveland (D), N. H.
WiNCHELL, of Minneapolis (E), W. H. Dall, of Washington (F), J. O.
DoRSEY, of Washington (H).
Chairman— C. Cakpmael, M.A.
Treasurer — James Bain, Jr.
Secretary — Prop. Loudon.
Assistant Secretaries— W . H. Fraser, M.A., H. H. Lanoton, B.A.
Hon. G W. Allan, James Bain, Prof. Baker, Rev. Provost Body,
Dr. Brodie, C. W. Bunting, W. R. Callaway, Mayor E F. Clarke, Arthur
Cox, H. W. Darling, Rev. Dr. Dewart, Aid. E. K. Dodds, H. P. Dwight,
Prof, Ellis, Prof. Galbraith, Aid. Gibbs, James Hedley, H. J. Hill, W. S.
Lee, A. Marling, Alan Macdougall, J. H. Mason, E. A. Meredith, W.
McCuUoch, Thomas McGaw, Aid. McMillan, J. H. Pearce, Rev. J. R.
Teefy, D. R. Wilkie, Sir Daniel Wilson, Prof. A. H. Wrigh*;. Prof. R. R.
Wright, E. Wragge.
Cliairman — E. King Dodds.
Secretary — Thos. Sanderson.
W. H. Beatty, Dr. Bryce, B. Cumberland, Prof. Baker, A. M. Cosby,
Dr. Davison, Prof. Ellis, Aid. Gibbs, Dr. Hod^^ins, John Hoskin, Prof.
Loudon, Principal Kirkland, Wni. Macdonald, W. B. McMurrich, Dr.
O'Sullivan, Aid. McMillan, J. H. Pearce, Rev. J. R. Teefy, Prof. A.
H. Wright, Prof. R. R. Wright, Dr. J. E. White, W. H. Vander Sniissen.
Chairman — Thoms McGaw.
Secretanj—W. McCulloch.
D. Boyle, H J. Hill, John Hallam, Robert Jaffray, Bernard
Saunders, David Walker, J. Wright.
Chairman — H. P. Dvight.
Secretary — G. Sweetnam, Jr.
Arthur Cox, D. B. Dick, A. Blue, O. S. Howland, R. E. Kingsford,
H. 2^eilson, Dr. Rosebrugh, Prof. Shuttleworth, J. D. Irwin.
€Jmirman—H. Weaggk,
Secretary — W. R. Callaway.
Hugh Blain, B. Cumberland, P. H. Drayton, H. J. Hill, H. S.
Howland, N. Kingsmill, F. Nichols, H. Merritt, Wm. Badenach, P. J.
Chairman— D. R. Wilkie.
(Secre^ctri/— Jambs Bain.
Prof. Baker, W. Barwick, W. R. Brock, R. Burgess, R. W. Elliott,
R. Jenkins, W. S. Lee, J. H. Mason, G. R. R. Cockburn, Wm. Badenach,
J. H. Pearce.
Chairman — A. Marling.
Secretary — A. F. Chamberlain.
G. Dickson, F. Darling, J. L Hughes, D. R Keys, John Squair.
Chairman — Alan Macdouoall.
Secretary — G, Adamson.
Prof. Ashley, D. Boyle, J. M. Clark, W. Houston, Dr. Pyne, G. M.
Rae, G. Kennedy.
Chairman — James Hedley.
Secretary— K. T. Lancefield.
T. B. Browning, C. R. W. Biggar, H. Brock, D. Creighton, John
Cameron, E. Farrar, W. F. Maclean, J. R. Robertson, A. S. Irving, W.
G. Eakina, C, W. Taylor, Rev. Dr. Dewart.
Mrs. G. W. Allan, Mrs. W. T. Aikins, Mrs Ashley, Mrs. E. Blake,
Mrs. J. A. Boyd, Mrs. Body, Mrs. S. H. B\ake, Mrs. A. Boswell, Mrs-
Jas. Bain, Mrs. G. S. C. Betliune,Mrs. R. H. Bethune, Mrs W. H. Beatty,
Mrs. C. W. Bunting, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Arthur Cox, Mrs. Clarkson,
Mrs. A. M. Cosby, Mrs. D. B. Dick, Mrs. P. H. Drayton, Mrs-
E. K. Dodds, Mrs. W. H. Ellis, Mrs. W. H. Fraser. Mrs. Major Foster,
Mrs. H. R. Fairclough, Mrs. Gailbraith, Mrs. C. S. Gzowski, Mrs. J.
E. Graham, Mrs. Button, Mrs. Thomas Hodgins, Mrs. John Hoskin, Mrs.
R. A, Hoskins, Mrs. Jas. Hedley, Miss May Jones, Mrs. W. H. Rowland,
Mrs. Loudon, Mrs. S. H. Kellogg, Mrs. T. Kirkland. Mrs. D. R. Keys,
Mrs. Henry Langley, Mrs. Thomas Langton, Mrs. J. F. McCurdy, Mrs
L. McFarlane, Mrs. Thomas McGaw, Lady Macpherson, Mrs. Oliver
Mowat, Mrs. E. A. Meredith, Mrs. Alexander Manning, Mrs. J.
Herbert Mason, Mrs. William McDonald, Mrs. James Maclennan, Mrs.
William Mulock, Mrs. A. Marsh, Miss Mickle, Miss Sallie Mickle, Mrs.
Alan Macdougall, Mrs. H. W. Merritt, Mrs. Hugh Neilson, Mrs. D. A.
O'SuUivan, Mrs. W. Oldright, Mrs. G. W. Ross, Mrs. G. M. Rae, Mrs. G.
H. Robinson, Mrs. W. C. R. Street, Mrs. Sweny, Mrs. B. Spencer, Mrs J,
E. Berkley-Smith, Mrs. G. E. Shaw, Mrs. Skae, Mrs. John Taylor, Mrs. F.
H. Torringtcn, Miss Wilson, Mrs. B. E. Walker, Mrs. A. H. Wright,
Mrs. R. R. Wright.
IMenibeis will i)le!i.so cull at tlio oiUco of thu T'onnanoiit Socrotaiy as
Rdon a.s iiossiVilo aftor avriv;.!. to rtceivo their meuiburs' tickets. Moiii-
bt'i's will registor at tlio tabic of tlio Local ConimittiH' iiiul leceive tlioir
badges after obtaining tiiuir tickets.
Attention is directed to the following; rulo relatin<,' to Miombo.'.s
families :
" Every member of the Association shall have the priviie;,'^ of regis-
tering members of his family, not including men over twonty-onu years uf
ago, by payin;^ the sum vi three dollars for each person so registered, and
shall receive for them spocitic badges which will entitle the holder thereof
to such privileges as may be extended to the members generally by the
Local Committee for the meeting."
All assessMients and admission fees must be paid at the otlice of the
Permanent Secretary, and the assessment for the meeting must be paid
before registering and receiving the Association badge.
Newly elected members will obtain their certiticates of membership
at the othce of the Permanent Secretary, upon payn\ent of the admission
fee of ^.00 and assessment of 83.00.
Membera will please report any change of permanent address, or the
decease of other members, at the office of the Permanent Secretary.
Subscriptions for the Toronto volume of "Proceedings" will be taken
at the office of the Permanent Secretary; and subscriptions are solicited
from the friends of the Association, and from such members as wish to
obtain duplicate copies of the volume. Every person subscribing $1.50 or
more will receive a copy of the volume as soon as published.
The volumes of the "Proceedings" of the Association can be obtained
from the Permanent Secretary, at the price of ^1.50 per volume ; or any
member wishing for ten or more volumes in order to complete a set, may
obtain them at $1.00 per volume The volumes may be had bound in
cloth at the extra price of 60 cents each, or in half Morocco at the extra
price of :^1.00 each. ITniforni cloth covers for the volumes will be fur-
nislied by mail .it 30 cents each, or by express at 25 cents each. Samples
can be seen and orders yiven at the office. The "Memoir on Fossil
Butterflies," 4t<), 1875, by S. H. Scudder, published by the donation of
Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, will be furnished at 82.00 a copy, or at ft.'J.oO
bound in half Morocco. "The Transactions of the American Association
of GeoloLjists and Naturalists," 1 vol., 8vo., 1843, bound in cloth, can be
obtained at $3.00 a copy, or bound in half Morocco, uniform with the
"Proceedings," for H 00.
The CLEVEtAND Volume of Proceedings was issued in July and
has been sent from the Salem office to all members who paid the Cleveland
assessment previous to Autjust 20th. Those paying since that date, and
those who pay back assessments at the present meeting, will receive the
volumes to which they are entitled after the adjournment of this meeting
Art. 3. Any person may become a member of the Association upon
recommendation in writing by two members or fellows, and election by
the Council.
(Blank forms for recommendation to membership can be had in the
Local Conmiittee Room. Recommendations should reach the Secretary
of the Council as early as possible each day. Those received after !) a.m.
cannot be acted upon until iiext day.)
Art. 5. Any person paying to the Association the sum of one thou-
sand dollars shall be classed as a Patnm, and shall be entitled to all the
privileges of a member, and to all its publications.
Art. 34. The admission fee for members shall be ^5.00, in addition
to the annual assessment. (^These must be paid for the meeting at which
the election is announced.) On the election of any member as a fellow
an additional fee of §2. 00 shall be paid.
Art. 35. The annual assessment for members and fellows shall be
Art. 36. Any member or fellow who shall pay the sum of fifty dol-
lars to the Association, at any one time, bhall become a Life Member, and
as such shall be exempt from all further assessments, and shall be entitled
to the Proceedings of the Association. All money thus received shall be
invested as a permanent fund, the income of which, during the life of the
member, shall form a part of the general fund of the Association ; but
after his death, shall be used only to assist ia original research, unless
otherwise directed by the unanimous vote of the Council. (New members
becoming Life Members must pay the admission fee of ^5.00.)
Art. 37. AH admission fees and assessments must be paid to the
Permanent Secretary (or his Assistant), who shall give proper receipts for
the same.
Art. 31. Authors must prepare their papers or abstracts ready for
the press, and these must be in the hands of the Secretaries of the Sec-
tions before the final adjournment of the meeting, otherwise only the
titles will appear in the printed volume. The Council shall have power to
order the printing of any paper by abstract or title only.
By the couvtesy uf tht ftuthorities the niootiiiyB of the Assooiiitidn
will be held in the University Buildinga, the School of Practiciil Scionoe,
Hnd Association Hall.
The opening Session and all the morning General Sessions will be
held in tlie University Convocation Hall. The tinal General Session on
Tuesday evening will be held in Association Hall.
Sections A, B, D, E, H, I, will meet in the main University Building
in rooms Nos. 4, 8, 5, 7, and in Convocation Hall on the ground floor, and
room on the west end second floor.
Section C will meet in the School of Practical Science.
Section F will meet in the new Biological Building.
The Council will meet in the University Senate Chamber.
The ofiices oi the Permanent and Local Secretaries are in Room 2,
first door left of the entrance, University Building.
The P.O. and Telegraph Offices are in Room 1, University Building.
The Great North Western Telegraph Co. will send free over its own
lines, short social messages, when stamped by the Local Secretary. Such
messages to the United States will accordingly be charged half the usual
Telephone rooms will be found at the main entrance.
A writing room is provided adjacent to the Library, second floor of
the University Building.
Room on ground Hour, University Biiikling.
Members of the Association, nnd Associates, will register at the desk
of the Local Secretary after they have obtained their assessment receipt
from the Permanent Secretary. Each member and associate will then
receive a badge stamped with the number corresponding the name printed
in the daily list of arrivals. These badges will entitle the owner to all the
privilogoa extended to the Association.
Special badges are prepared for the members of the Botiuiical and
Entomological Clubs, which may bo obtained from the officers of those
Special badges are also made for the Locil Committee and its officers,
and for representatives of the Press. Those may be obtained of the
Local Secretary.
The colors of the badges are as follows :
Membership — Coral.
Entomological Club— Dark Terra Cotta.
Botanical Club— Dark Green.
Local Committee — Blue.
The Press— Red.
A lunch, free to all we iring the above badges, will be provided daily
except on Saturday and Sunday' in the Dining Hall at the north-west
corner of the Quadrangle, Main Building.
The Ladies' Parlor at the Queen's is placed at the disposal of the
ladies and gentlemen of the Association, and the Gentlemen's Parlor will
be used by Committees and for an evening office.
Get your railway certificates signed and stamped by the Secretary,
Mr. W. R. Callaway. Office on right hand of main entrance.
Members and Associate Members of the Association who wish to join
in a Geological Excursion to the Huronian Country after the adjournment
of the General Session, on Tuesday night, are requested to give their
names to the Secretary of Section E., or to Mr. W. R. Callaway of the
R. R. Committee.
Train will leave Toronto at 11 o'clock Tuesday night, arrive at North
Bay, 8.35 a.m. Wednesday. Breakfast at hotel. Leave for Sudbury at
9.66 a.m. Dluner on train. Arrive at Sudbury 1.12 p.m. ; devote
afternoon to vicinity. Breakfast at hotel 6.30 a.m. Thursday. Leave by
special train for Onaping at 7.30 a.m. ; examining rocks by the way, and
arriving at Onaping at 7 p.m.
Returning, leave Onaping at 7.30 p.m., Thursday ; reaching Toronto
at 7.30 p.m. Friday.
will be happy to place their rooms, in the Medical Council building,
comer of Bay and Richmond streets, at the disposal of the members of
the Association during their stay in town.
The President and members of the Granite Club, 465 Church rttreet,
offer the privileges of the Club to the members of the Association during
their visit to Toronto.
The President and members of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club offer
the same privileges at their club house, on the Island. The steam launch
leaves the foot of Lome Street at the hour and half hour. Members of
the Association will be taken over on production of their membership
of the Province of Ont«rio is ready for distribution ^ and can be o btained
ftt the office of the Local Secretary.
Messenger boys, who can be employed for any light service by pay-
ment of the customary fee, will be found at the P. 0. and Telegraph
All botanists, members of the Association, are requested to Register
at room 7, in the University Buildings, as soon as practicable after their
arrival. They will be furnished with spp« "l badges.
The ordinary hour meetings of the ^ ^nical Club of the Association
will be held in the room assigned to - on Thursday, Friday, Monday
and Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a. m.
The Reading Room, Library and Museum of the Canadian Institute,
46 Richmond Street East, will be open to the members, daily, from
10 a. m. to 6 p. m.
A garden party will be given by the City Council on Tuesday
afternoon, September 3rd, in the grounds of Government House, by
the kind permission of His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro-
Members are invited to visit the collection of industrial and agricul-
tural products of the Province of Manitoba, in the building at the corner
of York and Front street.
Will leave the Queeu's Hotel, calling at the Rossin House, at 8.30, 9
and 9.30 for the Univeisity, returning between 5 and G ; fare for round
trip, 25 cents.
[Special programmes will he issued every inorning, except Saturday
and Sunday.]
Programme for Monday, Septem.ber 2.
Meeting of the Council at 9 o'clock.
General Session from 10 to 10:15 o'clock.
Reports of Committees.
Resolutions from the Ccancil.
Meeting of the Sections at 10:15 o'clock.
Meeting of the Sections from 2 to 5 o'clock ,
At 8 o'clock in the Pavilion, Horticultural Gardens, Dr. H. Carring-
ton Bolton, of New York, will deliver a lecture entitled, " Four Weeks
in the Desert of Mount Sinai," illustrated by projections of original photo-
graphs. This lecture is complimentary to the citizens of Toronto,
Meeting of the Nominating Committee at The Queen's, at 10 o'clock,
to nomi nate officers for next year, and to suggest time and place for the
next meeting of the Association.
SECTION A.— Mathematics and Astronomy.
Vice-President — R. S. Woodward, of Washington.
Secretary — G. C. Comstock, of Madison, Wis.
Member of the Council.
E. W. Hyde, of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Members of the Sectional Committee.
J. BuRKiTT Webb, of Hoboken, N.J.
Henry Farquhar, of Waahington.
W. W. Beman, of Ann Arbor, Mich,
Member of tht Nominating Committee.
Charles S. Howe, Cleveland, O,
Members oj the Sub-committee on Nominations.
K.'A. Newton, of New Haven, Ct.
William Harkness, of Washington.
J. R. Eastman, of Washington,
!>. The Peruvian Arc— 30 min. — By E. D. Preston.
180. New Arrangement for an Astigmatic Eye-piece — 3 min. — By J. A.
181. The Jena Optical Glass — 5 min.— By J. A. Brashear.
175. The Centrifugal Catenary — 15 min. — By J. Burkitt Webb.
176. The Polar Tractrix— lOmin.— By J. Burkitt Webb.
177. A Precession Model — 10 min. — By J. Burkitt Webb.
182. The Hastings Achromatic Obiective — 5 min. — By J. A. Brashear.
193. Annual Parallax of South 503 — 4 min. — By F. P. Leavenworth.
102. Fornmla for the probability of any fact or occurrence about
which any number of Witnesses may testify — 10 min. — By J. E.
136. On the Automatic Eclipsograph — 15 min. — By David P. Todd.
3. Method of finding Factors. — 10 min. By J. D. Warner.
SECTION B.— Phy.sics.
Vice-President — H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
Secretary — E. L. Nichol.s, of Ithaca, N.Y.
Member of the Council.
W. A. RotiEKS, of Waterville, Me.
Members of the Sectional Committee.
W. Le Conte Stevbn.s, Brooklyn, N.Y.
A. E. Dolbear, College Hill, Mcm
Charles Carpmael, Toronto.
Member of the Nominating Committee.
James Loudon, of Toronto.
Members oj the Sub-Committee on Nominations,
E. W. MoELBY, Cleveland, Ohio.
C. H. McLeou, Montreal.
T. C. Mendenhali, Washington.
21. The Hj liro-electric eflFect of stretching Metals— 15 min. — By Carl
117. The detei mination of the amount of Rainfall — 12 min. — By Cleveland
18. Additional experimental proof of the constancy of the relative co-
efficients of expansion between Jessop's Steel and Bronze — between
the limits of minus 5" and QS^Fahr. — 5 min. — By Wm. A. Rogers.
139. Experiments in Duplex Telephony in 1883. — 5 min. — By A. M.
212. Recent progress in Storage Batteries. — 10 min.— By Geo. F. Barker.
170. A mode of suspension for Foucault's Pendulum. — 5 min. — By R. B.
192. A modification of the " Pascal's Vase " Experiment. — 3 min. — By
A. L. Arey.
15. Experime'- ♦s for demonstrating that the force of a detonating ex-
plosion exerted in all directions about the explosive center.— 5
min.— By C. E. Monroe.
14. Eflects of Electrostatic Discharges on Photographic Plates. — 10 min.
— By Thomas French, jr.
19G. A Mountain Study of the Spectrum of Aqueous "Vapor. — 25 min. —
By Charles S. Cook.
140. An Exhibition of Photographs, taken in 1864, of the Living Eye
(a) The retinal vessels ; {b) The retinal inverted image of an object
placed in front of the eye.— 8 min. — By A. M. Rosebrugh.
214. An exhibiticm of Photographs of the Fundus of the Eye of the cat
taken while under the influence of Chloroform.— 6 miu.— ByA. M
SECTION C— Chemistry.
Vice-President— WihhiAVi L. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn.
Secretary— Bdwavld Hart, of Easton, Pa.
Member of the Council.
Harvey W, Wiley, of Washington, D.C.
Members of the Secttonal Committee
H. H. Nicholson, of Lincoln, Neb.
F. W. Clarke, of Washington, D.C. .
Ira Remsen, of Baltimore, Md.
Member of the Nominating Committee.
A. P. S. Stuart, of Lincoln, Neb.
Members of the Sub-committee on Nominations,
H. C. Bolton, of New York City.
A. B. Prescott, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
W. A. Noyes, of Terre Haute, Ind.
30. A Method of Mounting Photographic Prints on Paper.— 5 mius.— R.
156. Succinylo-succinic Acid.— 15 niin.— Adolph Bayer, and A. W.
157. Estimation of Bromine in presence of Chlorine.— 10 rnin. — Albert
B. Prescott.
130. On the Acquisition of Atmospheric Nitrogen by Plants. — 20 miii. —
W. O. Atwater.
197. Food Preparation. — 10 min. — Fred H(jffmann.
116. The Composition of Ontario Oats. — 10 min. — C. C. James.
SECTION D. — Mechanical Science and Engineering.
Ftce-Preside«<— Jambs E. Denton, of Hoboken, N.J.
Secretary— W. R. Warner, of Cleveland, Ohio.
Member of the Council.
Cady Staley, of Cleveland, Ohio.
Members of the Sectional Committee.
0. Chanute, of Kansas City, Mo.
M. E. CooLEY, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
C. H. Smith, of Austin, Texas.
Members of the Nominating Committee.
Membera q/ the Sub -committee on Nominations.
J. Gailbraith, Toronto.
A. E. DoLBEAH, College Hill, Mass.
Thomas Gray, Terre Haute, Ind.
SECTION E.— Geology and Geography.
Vice-President— CnkUhm A. White, of Washington.
/Secretory— John C. Branner, of Little Rock, Ark.
Member of the Council.
W. H. Winchell, of Minneapolia, Minn.
Members of the Sectional Oommittee.
Alexander Winchell, of Ana Arbor, Mich.
H. L. Fairchild, of Rochester, N.Y.
I. C. White, of Morgantown, VVest Va.
Member of the Nominating Committee.
G. K. Gilbert, of Washington.
Memhfr.i of the Sub-committee on Nominatiom.
C. D. Walcott, of Washington.
R. T. Hill, of Austin, Texas.
W. J. MoGee, of Washington.
36. The Reality of a Level of no Strain in the Crust of the Earth.— 30
min.— By E. W. Claypole.
44. The Geological Position of the Ogishke Conglomerate —30 min. — By
Alexander Winchell.
38. The Origin of Gneiss and othei Primitive Rocks. — 15 min. — ByRobt.
40 Observations on the Trap Ridges of the East Haven (Conn.) Region.
- 30 min.— By E. O. Hovey. .
47. On a Possible Chemical Origin of the Iron Ores of the Kewatin in
Minnesota.— 20 min.— By N. H. Winchell and H V. Winchell.
129. Notice of some Zircon Rocks in the ArchcBan Highlands of New
Jersey.— 8 min. — By F. L. Nason and W. F. Ferrier
138. Trap Dykes in the Region about Lake Champlain and the Adiron-
dacks — 10 min. —By J. F. Kemp.
178. Field Studies of Hornblende Schist. -10 min.— By C. H. Hitchcock.
187. Remarks on the Cretaceansof Northern Mexico. — 10 min. — By C. A.
127. A Classification of the Topographic and Geoh)gic Features of Texas,
with remarks upon tlie Areal Distribution of the Geologic forma-
tions.— 20 min.— By R. T. Hill.
123. The Eagle Flats— Formation and the Basins of the Trans-Pecos or
Mountainous Region of Texas.— 6 min.— By R. T. Hill.
124. The Ancient Volcanoes of Central Texas. —6 min.— R. T. Hill and
E. T. Dumble.
125. The Geology of the Staked Plains of Texas, with a Description of the
Staked Plains Formation.— 5 min.— By R. T. Hill
186^ The Geology of the Valley of the Upper Canadian from Tascosa,
Texas, to the Tucumcarri Mountains, New Mexico, with notes
on the age of the same. — 10 min. — By R. T. Hill.
SECTION F.— Biology.
Vice-President — George L. Goodale, of Cambridtje, Mass.
Secretary — A. W. Butler, of Brookville, Ind.
Memhtra of the Council.
W. H. Dall, of Washington, D.C.
Members of the Sectional Committee.
A. J. Cook, of Lansing, Mich.
T. J. BuRRiLL, of Champaign, 111.
D. H. Campbell, of Bloomington, Ind.
Member of the Nominating Committee.
W. J. Beal, of Lansing, Mich.
Members of the Subcommittee on Nominations,
■ L. 0. Howard, of Washington, D. C.
D. F. Day, of Buffalo, N.Y.
C. E. Be8.sey, of Lincoln, Neb.
154. A bacterial disease of Carnations — 16 min. — By J. C. Arthur.
191. Revision of the United States Species of Fuirena — 10 min. Fred,
V. Coville.
111. A suggestion concerning Scientific Work — 15 min.— Wm. R. Dudley.
57. On the intentional importation of parasites and Natural Enemies
of Insects Injurious to Vegetation — 15 min. — C. V. Riley.
203. Preliminary Report on Reproductive Characteristics of Hydroid
Endendrium sp. — 5 min. — Chas. ^V. Hargitt.
204. Grasses of Roan Mountain — 8 min. — F. Lawson Scribner.
55. The relation between temperature and the number of vertebrae in
fishes. — 10 min. — By D. S. Jordan.
155. A bacterial disease of Indian Corn. — 15 min. — By T. J. Burrill.
SECTION H.— Anthropology.
Vice-President — Gakrick Mallery, of Washington.
Secretary — W. M. Beauchamp, of Baldwinsville, N.Y.
Member of the Council,
J O. DoB.SEY, of Washington.
Members of the Sectional Committee.
H. VV. Henshaw, of Washington.
C. C. Abbott, of Trenton, N. J.
Joseph Jastrow. of Madison, Wis.
Member of the Nominating Committee.
Wm. H. Hale, of Albany, N. Y.
Members of the Sub-committee on Nominations.
A. F. Chamberlain, of Toronto.
L. C. WuRTELE, of Acton Vale, Quebec.
G. P. THRU.STON, of Nashville, Tenn.
75. Algonkin Onomatology— 35 mm.— By A. F. Chamberlain.
90. Indian Personal Names— 30 min. — By J. O. Dorsey.
70. Huron— Iroquois of the St. Lawrence and Lake Region — 20 inin. —
By D. Wilson.
83— Gesture Language of Blackfoot Indians — 16 min — J. McLean.
72.— The African in Canada— 40 niin. — By J. C. Hamilton.
74.— Indian Burial in New York— 23 min.— By W. M. Beauchamp.
87. — Portrait Pipe from Central America — 16 min. — A. E. Douglas.
217. — Government of the Six Nations — 40 min. — By 0-ji-ja-tek-ha.
70. — Ancient Japanese Tombs and Burial Grounds — 30 min. — Romyn
SECTION I,— Economic Science and Statistics.
Vice-President — Charles S. Hill, of Washington.
Secretary — J. R. Dodge, of Washington.
Memher of Council,
Joseph CuMMiNGS, Evanston, 111.
Menihom of the Sectional Committee.
W. O. Atwater, Middletown.Conn.
W. R. Lazenb\, Columbus, Ohio.
Lester F. Ward, Washington, D.C.
Memher of the Nominatinq Committee.
Henry Farquhar, Washington, D.C.
Memhern of the Sub-committee on Nomination,
B. E. Fernow, W^ashington, D.C.
Geo. Iles. Toronto.
147. Development of Trade Channels. — .30 min — Henry C. Taylor.
142. Statistical Results of Eyesight of five thousand Public School
Children — 20 min. — Dr. G. Sterling Ryerson.
159. The Abolition of Slavery in Upper Canada — 20 rain. — William
218. A Plan for a Census of Fisheries — 15 min,— Chas. W, Smiley,
184, Inutility of the Desert Land Act — 12 min. — J. R. Dodge.
219. Scientific and Economic means of Protecting Life by Signal Lights —
30 min. — William Franklin Corton.
131. Agricultural Experiment Stations— 15 min.— W. 0. Atwater.
153. Industrial Education — 16 min. — Laura Osborne Talbot.
Tuesday, SeptHmher 3.
Meeting of tlio Council Jvt !) o'clock.
General Session at 10 o'clock.
Election of Officers and Ajjjreement on time and place of Meeting for
General business.
Meeting of the Sections after the adjournment of the General Session.
Meeting of the Sections at 2 o'clock.
Final adjournment of the Sections.
Garden party in Government House grounds, from 5 to 7 o'clock,
tendered by the City Council and Citizens.
General Session in Association Hall, Yonge Street, at 8 o'clock.
Concluding exercises and adjournment of the Association.
After the adjournment of the meeting there will be several excursions.
For particulars see Notices of Local Committee. These excursions close
the Thirty-eighth Meeting on September 7th.
Angmt 27, ISH'J.
1. Henry C. Appleton, Publisher, 1 Bond St., New York, E I
2. Ad. F. Biindelier, Santa Fe, N. M. H
3. VVilliiim D. Boardinan, 38 KenilwDrth St., Roxbury, Mass. E
4. Prof. Theo. Brantly, College of Montana, Doer Lodge, Mont. T. H I
5. Prof. Wm. T. Brooks, Mass. Agric. College, Amherst, Mass. C P,
(J. Prof. Geoge Bryce, LL.D., Manitoba College, Winnipeg, Mani
toba. H
7. Capt. Thos. L. Casey, U. S. Engineer, Army Building, New York,
N.Y. F
8. Alexander F. Chamberlain, 34 Arthur St., Toronto, Ont. H
9. Royal Tyler Church, Turin, Lewis Co., N.Y. D F
10. William A. Croffut, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington. H I
11. Susan J. Cunningham, Prof of . l.'tmatica and Astronomy^
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, J- A
12. John Daniel, Instructor in Physics, Vandorbilt Univ., Nashvillei
Tenn. B
13. John M. Davison, GO Oxford St , Rochester, N. Y. C
14. Luther M. Donaldson, care National Fertilizer Co., Nashville,
Tenn. C
16. Fred. .James Dorand, Chester, Vt. A I
16. W. A. Douglass, B.A , 220 Wellesley St., Toronto, Ont. I
17. Charles Redway Dryer, Assistant Indiana State Geological Survey
Fort Wayne, Ind. E
18. Frank E. Emery, Geneva, Ontario Co., N.Y. F
19. Howard V. Frost. Prof, of Chemistry in the Brooklyn Polytechnic
Institute, Arlington, Mass. CAB
20 Edwin Brant Frost, Inst, in Astronomy and Physics, Dartmouth
Col., Hanover, N. H.
21. Rev Otis Allan Glazebrook, D.D., Elizabeth, N.J.
22. G. K. Greene, New Albany, Ind. E F
23. Thos. Gray, Prof. Dynamic, Engineering, Rose Polytechnic Inst.,
Terre Haute, Ind.
24. James Cleland Hamilton, M.A., LL.B., Toronto, Ont.
25. Rev. Gottlieb C. H. Hasskarl, Syracuse, N.Y.
26. John Beazley Hastings, Mining Engineer, Ketchum Allaturas
Co., Idaho. E
27. John BlackBtock Hawley, Engineer of St. Paul Water- Works, St.
Paul, Minn. B
28. Walter J. Hoffman, M.D., Bureau of Ethnology, Washington,
D.C. H
29. Lewis E. Hood, E. Somerville, Mass. F
30. Thomas Hopkins, Assistant Geological Survey of Arkansas, Little
Rock, Ark. B
31 Walter Hough, Ass't Department of Ethnology, U. S. National
Museum, Washington, D.C H
32 James T. Hoyt, Temple Court, Beekman St., New York. A H
33. Andrew F Hunter, Barrie Ont. B H
34. Dr. John Amory Jeflfries, 91 Newbury St. , Boston, Mass F
35. Thos. Moore Jackson, C.E., Prof. Civil Engineering, W. Va.
University, Morgantown, W. Va.
3G. J. Floyd King, Now York Hotol, New York, N.Y. D
87. Otto Julius Klotz, Field Astronomer, Dominion Governm't, Preston,
38. William Roscoe Livermore, Maj. of Eng., U. S. A., Newport,
39. Alan Maodougall, F. R. S., Edin.. Toronto, Ont. D H
40. Jos. E. McDougall, Maritime Court, 121 Carleton St., Toronto,
41. Charles E. McGowan, M.D., New London, Conn. E
42. Rev. John McLean, M.A., Ph.D., Macleod, Alberta, Can.
43. Alexander Chas. McKay, Mathematical Master, Upper Canada
College, Toronto.
44. Artemas Martin, Librarian and Custodian of Archives, Coast
Survey Office, Washington, D.C. A
45. Charles C. Mellon, Vice-Pres. Iron City Microscopical Society, Pitts-
burgh, Pa. P
46. Wm Hamilton Merritt, 40 St George street, Toronto. E I
47. Cosmos M indeletf. Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
48. Victor Mindoleff, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
49. James Mooney, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
60. Frank Newton Notestein, Prof, of MathemaUcs and Astronomy,
The College of Montana, Deer Lodge, M.T. A F
61. George D. Olds, Prof, of Mathematics, Univ. of Rochester, Roches-
ter, N.Y. A
62. Frank Owen Payne, Teacher of Science, Appleton, Minn. F
63. Dr. R. A. F. Penrose, jr.. State Geological Survey, Little Rock,
Ark. E
64. Ernest B. Perry, Ann Arbor, Mich. D
66. George H. Peters, Hartford, Conn. A B
56. Eben Putnam, Boston, Mass. H I
57. Jmnes Cochrane Quinn, Prof, of Mental and Moral Philosophy,
National Univ., Chicago, Helena, Montana. E F H I
58. Taylor Reed, Princeton, N.J. A
59. A. H. Russell, Captain of Ordnance, U.S.A., Providence. R.I D
60 Harris J. Ryan, Asst. Prof, of Electrical Engineering, Cornel
Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. B
61. George S. Ryerson, M.D., GO College Ave., Toronto Ont. F
62. Wm. H. Seaman, Prof. Analytical Chemistry, School of Mines'
Univ. of Missouri, Rolla, Mo
63. G. N. Saegmuller, Wasliington, D.C. A B
64. John R. Scupham. C. & M. Engineer, Oakland, Cal. E
65. Dilman B. Shantz, Berlin, Ont. I
66. Porter W. Shimer, E.M., Easton, Pa. C
67. Frank T. Shutt, M.A., Chemist to the Dominion Experimental
Farms, Ottawa, Ont. C
68. De Cost Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y. H
69. Joseph B. Stearns, Camden, Maine. B,
70. Francis L. Stewart, Murraysville, Pa. C F
71. Henry Newlin Stokes, Ph. D., Chemical Laboratory, U.S. Geo-
logical Survey, Washing! on, D.C. C E
72. Charles Stu;irt Street, 3»^ Kenil worth St., Roxbury, Mass. E C
73. Charles B. Thwing, instructor in Physics, North- Western Univ.,
Evanston, 111. B
74. Gerritt E. H. Weaver, Instructor in Swarthmore College, Swarth-
more, Pa F
75. Miss Nellie B. West, 56 W. 55th St., New York, N.Y. E
76. Prof. T. R. White, 353 W. 57th St., New York, N.Y. H A
77. Prof. W. P. Wilson, 640 North 32nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. F
78. S. Grant Wright, Perrysville, Ind. F
79. Harrison Garman, Entomologist and Botanist, State Exper. Station,
Lexington, Ky. F
80. Prof. John W. Hartigan, W. Ya. University, Morgantown, W
Va. F
81. Chs. W. Hastings, Kansas City, Mo. B
82. Wm. Houston, Govt Library, Toronto, Ont. I
83. Walter Hough, Nat. Museum, Washington, D.C. H
84. James Gibson H ume, Univ. College, Toronto. I
85. Herbert G Ogden, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washinfi;ton,
D.C. A B
86. Frank Fitz Payne, Meteorological Office, Toronto. B
87. James H. Pearce, Toronto, Ont. F
88. John Edward White, Toronto, Ont. F
89. James G. Witton, University College, Toronto, Ont. B
90. Prof. II. Ramsay Wright, Toronto, Ont. F
91. Prof. Chs. W. Hargitt, Oxford, Ohio.
92. John H. Means, Geological Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E
93. William Kennedy, Geological Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E H
94 Leon Stacy Griswold, Geol. Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E
95 Thos. Hopkins, Geol. Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E
96. Dr Andrew C Lawson, Ottawa, Canada. E
97. John Petrin, Mount Royal Park, Montreal. B
98. F. W. Kuliiie, Fort Wayne, Ind.
99. A Isabel Mulford, Orange, N.J. F
100. John Galbraith, Prof. Civil Engineering, Torcmto. A
101. Archibald Hope Young, Upper Canada College, Toronto. H
102. Henry H. Wing, Cornell Univ. Expt. Station, Ithaca, N.Y.
103. Gates P. Thruston, Nashville, Tenn H
104. Clarence M. Weed, Ohio Expt. Station, Columbus, O. F
105. William Macdonald. Toronto, Ont.
106. Thomas Shortiss, Toronto, Ont. D E
107. Peter Bryce, Sec'y Board of Health, Toronto, Ont. F H
108. Archibald B. Macallum, University College, Toronto, Canada.
109. W. Reynolds Singleton, Washington. H
110. Dr. Thomas J. W. Burgess, Hamilton, Ont. F
111. Asaph Hall, Jr., U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington. A
Wednesday^ August 28.
112. Cortez Fessenden, Wapanee, Ont.
113. William Wallace Campbell, Instructor in Astronomy, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. A
114. Alexander Ziwet, Ann Arbor, Mich. A
115. W. A. Burmace, Winnipeg.
116. David Reid Keys, University College, Toronto. H
117. Prof. Thomas H. McBride, State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, F
118. Dr. Alfred R. C. Selwyn, Director of Geological Survey of Canada,
Ottawa. E.
119. Chase Palmer, Prof, of Chemistry, Wabash College, Crawfordsville,
Ind. C
120. Prof. Samuel T. Maynard, Prof. Botany, Massachusetts Agri. Coll.,
Amherst, Mass. F
121. Curtis C. Howard, Prof, of Chemistry, Starling Medical College,
Columbus, Ohio. C
122. Eugene H. Roberts, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss.
123. Allen D. Risteen, Hartford, Connecticut. A B D
124. Edward B. Shuttleworth, Dean of Ontario College of Pharmacy. C
125, William Knox, Architect, 13 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont.
12G. Simecm H. Janes, M.A., Toronto, Ont. A E
127. W. R. Head, Hyde Park, Chicago, 111.
128. G. C. Creelman, Actinu; Prof, of Biology, Agricultural College,
129. J. E. Graham, M.D., Toronto, Ont. F
130. W. S. Blackstock, 20Homewood Ave., Toronto, Ont. H
131. Chas. Gibson, D.Sc, Chicago, 111. C
132. Wm. H. Weldon, M.D., Chicago, 111. T H
133. Orange Merwin, Bridgeport, Conn. E
134. Adam Capen Gill, Northampton, Mass. E
135. George Bruce Halsted, Prof, of Mathematics, University of Texas,
Austin, Texas. A
136. Marcus P. Norton, 50 Broadway, New York.
137. Alexander D. Anderson, Washington, D.C.
138. John Uri Lloyd, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Court and Plum Streets,
Cincinnati, Ohio. C F
139. Clinton Owen Bates, Prof. Chemistry in Coe College, Cedar Rapids,
140. Mary Townsend Sharpless Schaffer, 1309 Arch St., Philadelphia,
Pa. F E
141. John H. Talbutt, Lexington, Kentucky.
142. James F. W. Ross, M.D., CM., Sherbourne and Wellesley Sts .
Toronto, Ont.
143. Robert Allen Thompson, Mathematical Master, Hamilton College
Institute, Hamilton, Ont. A
144. T. D. Ledyard, 4 Ontario Chambers, Toronto, Ont.
145. W. T. Jennings, Civil Engineer, Toronto, Ont. D
146. Byron Edmund Walker, Toronto, Ont. K
147. Norman B. Wood, Jr., 67i University St., Cleveland, Ohio.
148. William H. Jenks, Brook ville, Pa D
149. Andrew Smith, F. R. C V. S., Toronto, Ont. F
150. Arthur B. W^illmott, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio.
151. Amos R. Wells, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio.
152. A. M. Roseburgh, M.D., Church St., Toronto Ont.
153. George Burchult Abney, Toronto, Ont, D
154. W. E. Boustead, Toronto, Ont C
155. J N. Whitney, Chief Clerk U S. Bureau of Statistics, Washington,
156 Goldsmith B West, Birmingham, Alabama. E
167. George Bruce Halstead, Prof, of Math., Univ. of Texas, Austin,
Texas. A
lo8. Robert Bell, M.D., LL.D., Asst. Director Geological Survey of
Canada, Ottawa. F E
159. Warren K. Moorehead, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
160. C. C. Mellor, Pittsburgh, Pa. B
IGl. Charles P. Benns, Sch. nectady, N.Y. D
162 0. H Smyth, jr., Ph.B., Clinton, N.Y. E
163. E. Renel Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y.
164. Dr. George M. Dawson, Asst. Director Geological Survey of Canada,
Ottawa. E H
165. James Foster, 13 King St. West, Toronto. B
166. Malcolm MacVicar, Chancellor MacMaster University, Toronto. A
Thursday y August 2gth.
167. W. J. Ashley, Prof, of Political Economy in the University of
Toronto, Toronto. I
168. Henry Symons, 4 Howard St., Toronto.
169. Arthur G. Clement, Supt. New York State Inst, for the Blind.
170. W. Theophilus Stuart, 197 Spadina Ave., Toronto. C
171. Mrs. Helen R. Taylor, 230 Parliament St., Toronto.
172. Frank Julian, Chicago, 111. C
Friday, August joth.
173. Mungo TurnbuU, 18 Dennison Sq., Toronto. A E
174. George B. Sweetnam, 152 Carleton St., Toronto. C
175. Thos. S. Fiske, Ph. D., Columbia College, New York. A
176. L. H. Jacoby, Columbia College, New York. A
177. John Cameron, Publisher, Toronto. I
[Additional arrivals will be given in the Programme for each day.]
Tuesday^ August 2 ph.
Number of Register and Badife. Ci'V Address.
1. T. C. Mendenhall, Washin^^^ton, DC Queen's Hotel.
2. F. W. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass Queen's Hotel.
3. Charles C. Abbott, Trenton N.J Queen's Hotel.
4 James Loudon, Toronto 83 St. George St.
5. Charles Carpmael, Toronto Dale Ave.
6. James D. Dana, New Haven Conn Queen's Hotel.
7. Sir Daniel Wilson, Toronto 4() St. George St.
8 C. A. White, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel
9. Henriettii L. T. W(jlcott, Dedham, Mass 4(t7 Spadina Ave.
10. J. J. Stevenson, Univ. of City of Now York .. .Queen's Hotel
11. Samuel Calvin, Iowa City Motropole Hotel.
12. W. i\I. Boauchaiiij), J:5ii'.lwiii8ville, N.Y Metro]K)le Hotel
13. N H Wincliell, MiiU]ifai)i)li.s ....
14. Charles B. Gibson, Chicago 570 Church St
15. H. D. Giinison, Chicago Walker House.
16 Herman L. Fairchild, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
17. Mrs. H. L Fairchild, Rochester. N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
18. Daniel S. Martin, New York 29 Grange Ave.
19. A. E. Douglass, New York Rossin House.
20. Edward Hart, Easton, Pa Ro.sain House.
21. Mrs. Edward Hart, Easton, Pa Rn.ssin House.
22. H. W. Wiley, Washington, D.C Rossin H(»u8e.
23. Mrs. Nellie S. Kedzie, Manhattan, Kan Queen's Hotel.
24. E. Lewis Sturtevanc, South Framingham, Mass. .Queen's Hotel.
25. T. J. Burrill, Champaign, 111 79 Shuter St.
26. Charles H. Smith, Austin, Tex 333 Church St.
27. William Frear, State College, Pa Queen's Hotel.
28. Fred. V. Coville, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
29. Horatio N. Chute, Ann Arbor, Mich 44 Hayden St.
30. Oeorge L. English, Philadelphia, Pa 580 Church St.
31. M. A. Scovell, Lexington, Ky Rossin House.
32. Edward Goldsmith, Philadelphia, Pa Club.
33. A. W. Vogdes, Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Har Queen's Hotel.
34. Mrs A. W. Vogdes, Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Har. .Queen's Hotel.
bo. A. J. Cook, Agricultural College, Mich 31 College Ave.
3(5. Benjamin W. Snow, Ithaca, N.Y
37. A. S. Tiffany, Davenport, Iowa International Hotel.
38. John >. Myers Morgantown, W. Va Rossin House.
39. H. Carrington Bolton, New York Queen's Hotel.
40. I. C. White, Morgantown, W. Va Queen's Flotel.
41. B. E. Fernow, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
42. John C. Branner, Little Rock, Ark Queen's Hotel.
43. N. C. Husted, Tarry town-on-Hudson, N.Y Walker House.
44 William H. Dall, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel
45. H. H. Nicholson, Lincoln, Neb Queen's Hotel.
4G. David F. Day, Buffalo, N.Y Queen's Hot-^I
47. Mrs. David F. Day, Buiialo, N.Y Queen's Hotel!
48 Robert T. Hill, Austin, Tex Queen's Hotel.
49. Mrs. Robert T. Hill, Austin, Tex Queen's Hotel.
50. Elroy M. Avery, Cleveland, O Queen's Hotel.
51. William L. Dudley, Nashville, Tenn Queen's Hotel.
52. D. W. Prentiss, Washington Queen's Hotel.
53. C. Leo Mees, Terre Haute, Ind Queen's Hotel.
54. Miss Ella Eaton, Northampton, Mass
55. G. Frederick Wright, Oberlin, Ohio 80 Charles St.
60. P. N. Schuyler, Bellevue, Ohio Walker House.
57 James Lewis Howe, Louisville, Kentucky 25 Murray St.
58. Miss Katie M. Dudek, New York 29 Grancre Ave.
59. Dr Jeannette "B. Greene, New York Lake View House.
60. J. C. Arthur, La Fayette, Ind
01. R. C. Kedzie, Lansing, Mich Queen's Hotel
02. Samuel W. Very, Annapolis, Md Keachie's Hotel.
03. G. N. Merry weather. Cincinnati, Walker House
04. G. C. Broadhead, Columbia, Mo Walker House.
06. L. 0. Howard, Washington, DC
67. Mrs. T^.8ther Herrman, New York Queen's Hotel.
08. Edgar L. Larkin, Galesburj, 111
69. Mrs. J. R. Dodge, Washington, D.C ! Queen's Hotel. '
70. J. Richards Dodge, Wushingron, D.C Queen's Hotel.
• •
71. John B. Tweedale, St. Thomas, Ont
72. William Saunders, Ottawa, Ont Rossin House.
73. Walter F. Ferrier, Now Brunswick, N.J 174 Carlton St.
74. William H. Seaman, Washington, D.C 40 Ann St,
75. Thomas Taylor, Washington, D.C 11 Linden St.
76. D. H. Oppenheim, New York, Queen's Hotel.
77. Mrs. S. Oppenheim, New lork Queen's Hotel.
78. W. J. Beal, Agricultural College, Mich 31 Avenue St.
79. Mrs W. J. Beal, Agricultural College, Mich ...31 Avenue St.
80. Timothy F. Allen, New York Queen's Hotel.
81. P. R Hoy, Racine, Wis 24 Ann St.
82. W. H Ellis, Toronto, Ont University College.
83. G. W. Lehmann, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
84. Mrs. G. W. Lehmann, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
85. William R. Lazenby, Columbus, O Queen's Hotel.
86. A. P. S. Stewart, Lincoln, Neb 24 Ann St.
87. Mrs. A. P. S. Stewart, Lincoln, Neb 24 Ann St
88. George C. Caldwell, Ithaca, N.Y " The Grange."
89. R. T Colburn, Elizabeth, N.Y
90 Mrs. R, T. Colburn, Elizabeth, N. Y
91. J. H Kedzie, Evanston, 111 Queen's Hotel.
92. Mrs. J. H. Kedzie, Evanston, 111 Queen's Hotel.
93. O. Chanute, Chicago, 111 Queen's Hotel.
94. W. J. McGee, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
96. Alexander Winchell Ann Arbor, Mich Walker House.
96. J. F. Cowell, Buffalo, N.Y Walker House.
97. Charles E. Bessey, Lincoln, Nob 31 College St.
98. F. Lamson Scribner, Knoxville, Tenn 30 Kii St.
99. Eugene E. Fish, Buffalo, N.Y Walker House.
100. Mary A. Booth, Longmeadow, Mass
101. W. Le Conte Stevens, Brooklyn, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
102. Archibald Blue, Toronto, Ont 11 Linden St.
103. E. W. Hyde, Cincinnati, O Palmer House.
104. Angelo Heilprin, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin House.
105. Thomas Meohan, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
106. A. L. Arey, Rochester, N.Y 10 North St.
107. James T. B Ives, Toronto 429 Spadina Ave.
108. Mrs. A. L. Arey, Rochester, N.Y 10 North St.
109. William Jay Youmans, New York Arlington Hotel.
110. Mrs. Celia G. Youmans, Mount Vernon, N.Y'. .Arlington Hotel
111. William R. Pedrick, Lawrence, Mass. .' 31 Avenue St.
112. Eleanor B. Pedrick, Lawrence, Mass 31 Avenue St.
113. Martha M Barker, Lowell, Mass 31 Avenue St,
114. W. Atwater, Washington, D.C Queen'a Hotel.
115. Amos W. Butler, Brookville, Incl Walker House.
llfi. Mrs. A. W. Butler, B ookville, Ind Walker House.
117. Henry S Carhart, Ann Arbor, Mich Walker House.
118. John B. Smith, New Brunswick, N.J Keachie's Hotel.
Uii. W. H Walinsley, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin House.
120. James N. Baxter, Brooklyn, N.Y Rossin House.
121. Mary B. Moody , New Haven, Conn
122. Arthur E. B. Moody New Haven, Conn
123 Bushrod W .fames, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel
124. John Collott, Indianapolis, Ind Rossin House
125. J E. Denton, Hoboken, N.J 383 Church St.
12(). Miss H. A. Kittredge, North Andover, Mass . .Queen's Hotel.
127. Miss C. A Watson, Salem, Mass Queen's Hotel.
128. Thomas D. Robertson, Rockford, 111 Queen's Hotel
12!>. Mrs. Thomas D. Robertson, Rockford 111 Queen's Hotel.
130. C. A Hirschfelder, Toronto
131. George Lincoln Cioodale, Cambridge, Mass Queen's Hotel.
132. George F. Barker, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
133. Mrs George F. Barker, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
134. Miss Clara T. Barker, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
135. James Hall, Albany, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
132. Edward P. 'l'h<.>mp3on, Beaver Falls, Pa
153. H. T. Eddy, Cincinnati, O Palmor House.
154. Charles B. Thwing, Evanston, 111 24() Jarvis St.
155. Sir VVm. Dawson, Montreal, Que 4G St. fJeorge St.
156. Wm. Harkness, Washington, D.C Rossin House
167. Ira Remsen, Baltimore, Md Rossin House.
158. W. A. Noyes, Terre Haute, Ind 239 Beverley St.
159. Chas. D. Walcott, Washington, D.C 429 Church St.
160. H. W. Henshaw, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
161. Douglas H. Campbell, Detroit, Mich Queen's Hotel.
162. E. H. Preswick, Ithaca, N.Y Albion Hotel.
163. Mrs. F. W. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass Queen's Hotel.
164. Miss Ethel A. F. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass. .Queen's Hotel.
165. Henry S. Williams, Ithaca, N.Y 429 Church St.
166. Rev. Chas. J. S. Bethune, Port Hope, Ont 184 College Ave.
167. Frank I.everett, Madison, Wis Albion Hotel
168. F. W. Clarke, Washington, D.C Queen's Motel.
169. Louis C. Wurtele, Actondale, Que 96 Bellevue Ave.
170. Mrs. L. C. Wurtele, Actondale, Que 96 Bellevue Ave
171. Edwin E. Howell, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
172. Mrs. Edwin E. Howell Rochester, N.Y 29 Orange Ave.
173. Alexander Charles McKay, Toronto
174. Andrew C. i awson, Ottawa 16 Washington Ave.
176. H. A. Newton, New Haven, Conn Queen's Hotel.
176. Mrs. H. L. Smith, New York 126 Baldwin St
177. Alexander F. Chamberlain, Tonmto 36 Arthur St.
178. Andrew F. Hunter, Barrie, Ont Lucas' House
179. R. S. Woodward, Washington, DC Rossin House.
180. Mrs. R. S. Woodward Washington, D.C Rossin House
181. J. Burkitt Webb, Hoboken, N.J 283 Church St.
182. Geo. H. Williams, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel
183. .Tames H. Pearce, Toronto, Ont 226 Beverley St
184." Wm S Rogers, Waterville, Mo Queen's Hotel.
185. A. E. Dolbear, College Hill, Mass
186. S. J. Coffin, Easton, Pa Elliot House.
187. Miss E. Angle, Lowisbury. Pa Elliot Mouse
188. Mrs. W. D. Boardman, Roxbury, Mass 32 John St.
189 J. H. Chapin, Meriden, Conn Queen's Hotel.
190. Stephen S H night, New York 94 McCaul S»
191. Mrs. Stephen S. Haight, New York 94 McCaul St
192. Miss Mary Evelyn Haight, New York 94 McCaul St
193. Samuel Carleton Haight, New York 94 McCaul St
194. J. R Eastman, Washington, D.C Queeii'-s Hotel.
195. Mrs. J. R. Eastman, Washington, D.C Queen.s Hotel
196. Ernest Merrifct, Ithaca, NY 239 Beverley St.
197. A. R Crandall, Lexington, Ky Rossin
198. Horace C Hovey, Bridgeport, Conn Keachie's Hotel.
199. Homer T. Fuller, Worcester, Mass Russin
200. Mrs. H T. Fuller, Worcester, Mass Rossin
201. Charles S. Howe, Cleveland, Ohi<5 Rossin House.
202. Walter Hough, Washington, D.C 26 Murray St.
203. John J. Mackenzie, Toronto, Ont 222 Sherbourne St.
204. C H. McLcod, Montreal, Que 432 Jarvis St.
206. Miss Nellie B. West, New York • . Lakeview Hotel.
206. W. H. Hollinshead, Nashville Town 13 St. Patrick St.
207. Charles W. Hargitt, Oxford, Ohio Walker House.
208. James Fletcher Ottawa 178 St. Patrick St.
209. J. Owen Dorsey, Takoma Park P.O., D.C . 25 Murray St
210. Benjamin Lord, New York Queen's.
211. Mrs. Benjamin Lord, New York Queen's.
212. G K. Gilbert, Washington, D.C Queen's.
213. Edmund 0. Hovey, Waterbury, Conn 25 Murray St.
214. George Bryce, Winnipeg, Man The Pines, Davenp't.
215. Frank T Shutt, Ottawa, Ont "Rosedale Cottage '
216. P H. Bryce, M D., Toronto
217. E. D. Preston, Washington, D.C 360 King St.
218. Edward Dummer, Boston, Mass 383 Church St
219. Mrs. Edward Dummer, Boston, Mass 383 Church St
220. RoUin D. Salisbury, Beloit, Wis Queen's.
221. J. Francis Williams, Salem, N.Y Queen's.
222. H. H. Lyman, Montreal, Quebec Queen's.
223. George lies. New York Elm Avenue.
224 R. A. F. Penrose, Little Rock Ark Queen's.
226. Wm. H. Hale, Albany, New York 236 Adelai.le St.
226. Harrison Garman, Lexington, Ky 31 College St .
227. Romyn Hitchcock, Washington, DC Queen's.
228. Mrs Romyn Hitchcock, Washington, D.C Quein's.
229. Mrs G. K. Baldwin, Detroit, Mich Rossin.
230. Mrs. L. H Trowbridge, Detroit, Mich Rossin.
231. N. L. T^'itton, New Yoik Queen's.
232. Mrs. N . L. Britton, New York Queen's.
233. Miss H. Lousie Britton, New York Queen's.
234. Miss Mary A. Knight, New York Queen's.
235. Miss Millie Timmerman, New York Queen's.
236. M. B. Waite, Washington, D.C
237. B. T, Galloway, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
238. James T. Lusk, Marrietta, Ohio
230. Charles Schatfor, Philadelphia, Pa RoBHiii House
240. Mrs. Charles Schaffor, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin Houkc.
241. Johii McLean, Moosejaw, N. VV.T
242. Luther M. Doririldsoii, Nashville, Tenn
24U. Edward W. Motley, Cleveland, Ohio Queen's Hotel.
244. Albert A. Prescott, Ann Arl)or, Mich Queen's Hotel.
245. Thomas Joseph Workman Burgess, Hamilton, Ont 5(5 Henry St
240. Albert S. Bickmore, New Vork Queen's Hotel
247. Edward L. Nichols, Ithaca
248. Clarence M. Weed, Columbus. Ohio 31 C(>lle,i,'o St.
249. J. F. Whiteaves, Ottawa, Unt 1(5 (Trosvcnor St
250. Marcus Benjamin, New York Rossin House.
251. C. H. Hitchcock, Hanover, N.H 48;^ Church St.
252. Miss Maria P. Hitchcock, Hanover, N H 383 Church St.
253. A. Isabel Mulford, Orange, N..J ?9 Shuter St.
254. C. A. Waldo, Terre Haute, Ind 239 Beverley St
255. Henry H. Wing, Ithaca, N. Y Walker House
256. Thomaa Gray, Terra Haute, Ind 239 Boverhy St.
257. Mrs E. O. Hovey, Waterbury, Conn . . .25 Murray St.
258. Wm. Dorr Boardman, Roxbury, Mass 32 John St.
259. James Mills, Guelph, Ont Rossin House
2(50. Edgar (i Miller, Baltimore. Md Queen's Hotel
201 Robert Hay, Junction City, Kan Palmer House
202. Frank Fitz Payne, Toronto, Ont
263. Charles B. Atwell, Evanstcm, 111 21 Carlton St.
2(54. J. M. Rico, Annapolis, Md Queen's.
2(j5. Henry James, M.D., Toronto, Ont 204 Spadina Ave.
266. E. N. S. Ringueberg, Lockport, N. Y
2(i7. W. R. Warner, Cleveland, Ohi(j Queen's.
2C8. Jefferson E. Kershner, Lancaster City, Pa Queen's
269. T. H. McBride, Iowa City, la Arlington.
270. Mrs. T. H. McBride, Iowa City, la Arlington.
271. Arch B. Macallum, Toronto
272. John Perrin, Montreal, Que
273. Cady Staloy, Cleveland, O Queen's.
274. Archibald Hope Young, Toront(>, Ont
275. Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Waterville, Me Queen's.
27t. James Gayfoid Witton, Toronto, Ont 118 D'ArcySt.
277. Taylor Reed, Princton, N. J Queen's.
278. Joseph Cuniming.s, Evanston, 111 Queen's.
279. Henry Farquhar, Washington, D.C
280. Mrs. H. Fanjuhar, Washington, D.C
281. John Luca.s, Philadelphia, Pa " Ernesleigh."
282. Mrs. John Lucas, Philadelphia, Pa " Erm-sleigh."
283. Fred. Hoftniann, New York Queen a.
284. Albert Lucas, Philadelphia, Pa
28ri. Mrs. L. E. Holden Cleveland, O Queen's.
£86. Persifor Krazer, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
287. H. P. Gushing, Cleveland, O Queen's Hotel.
288. Joseph J. Walton, Philadelphia, Pa Walker House.
289. G. W. Hough, Evanston, 111 Queen's Hotel.
290. Edwards Morse, Salem, Mass Prof. R R. Wtight's.
291. G. P. Thruston, Nashville, Tenn Rossin House
292. James F. Kemp, Ithaca, N. Y 429 Church St
293. A. V. E. Young, Evanston, 111 Walker House
294. Leon P. Kinnicott. D Se Worcester Poly. Inst., Rossin House.
295. Mrs. Leon. P. Kinnicott, Worcester Poly. Inst., Rossin House.
290. W. H. Merritt 40 St. George St.
297 Garrick Mallery, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
298. Mrs. Garrick Mallery, Washington, DC Queen's Hotel.
299. John Galbraith, Prof, of Engineering. 62 St. Mary s bt.
300. Tho8.M.Jackson,C.E ,D.Sc ,Morgantown,W \a.,Queen'8 Hotel.
301. Mrs. John C. Branner, Little Rock, Ark Queen's Hotel.
302. Albert Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 159 Simcoe St.
)03. Mrs. F. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 159 Simcoe St.
304. Miss L. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa IBO Simcoe St.
305. Miss N. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa ., 159 Simcoe St.
mi Harris J. Ryan, Ithaca, N.Y 239 Beverley St.
307. Prof. R. B. Fulton, University, Miss Walker House.
308. W. W. Campbell, Ann Arbor, Mich 29 Grange Ave.
309. Dr. G 8. Ryerson, Toronto 60 College Ave
310. Prof. R. R Wright, Toronto
311. Alex. Ziwet, Ann Arbor, Mich 29 Grange Ave.
312. S. F. Emmons, Washington, D.C
313. M. A. Veeder, Lyons N.Y Rossin House.
314. E. W. Claypole, Akron, Ohio
315 Katharine B Claypole, Akron, Oh o
316. Prof. Geo D Olds, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
317. Mrs. G D. Olds, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
318. Mary Leland, Rochester, N;Y 29 Grange Ave.
319. Mrs. Albert S. Bickmore, New York Queen's Hotel.
320. Prof. E. H. S. Bailey, Lawrence, Kan Elliott House.
321. F. P. Leavenworth, Haverford College, Pa. . . .Albion Hotel.
322. Mrs. F. P. Leavenworth, Haverford College, Pa. Albion Hotel.
323. Miss Esther Leavenworth. Havenford Col, Pa. .Albion Hotel.
324. Prof R. H. Ward, Troy, NY Palmer House.
325. James T. Hoyt, New York The Arlington.
32(j. Mrs. .Iftinos T. Hoyt. New York The Arlington
327. W. M. Dudley Ithaca, N. Y Rossin House
328 John W. Langley, Pittsburg, Pa Arlington.
329. Mrs. J. W. Langley, Pittsburg, Pa Arlington.
330 Piof. Mortimer E. Cooley, Ann Arbor, Mich . .Arlington.
331. Mrs. M. E. Cooley, Ann Arbor, Mich Arlington.
332. F. W. Kulme. Fort Wayne, Ind 79 Shuter St.
333. Mrs F. W. Kuhno, Fort Wayne, Ind 79 Shuter St.
Tlmrsday^ August 2gth.
334. Atreus Wanner, York, Pa Walker Housf.
336. C. Fessenden, Napanee, (hit 126 Seaton St.
336. DeCost Smith. Skaneateles, N. Y Rossin House.
337. Mrs. E. R. Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y Rossin House.
338 Miss C. M. Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y Rossin House.
339. Mr. E. li. Reed, London, Ont 98 St Patrick St.
340. T. Griflwold Oomstock, St. Louis, Mo. . . . .Queen's Hotel.
341. W. B. Clark, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel
342. F. D. Adams, Montreal, Que Queen's Hotel.
343. Miss Charlotte C. Barnum, New Haven, Conn. .Queen's Hotel.
344. Mary B. Dewing, Stamford, Conn Queen's Hotel.
346. Stephen Bush, Watorford, N.Y. . . Palmer House.
346. Mrs. Stephen Bush, Waterford, N.Y Palmer House.
347. T. C Chamberlin, Madison, Wis .Queen's Hotel.
348. G. B. Halsted, Austin, Texas Rossin House.
349. Dr. A M. Rosebrugh, Torontc^ Ont 131 Church St.
360 Charles F. Rand, M.D., Batavia, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
361. W. H. Jenk, Brook ville. Pa Elliot House.
352. Mrs. J. G. Dolley, Albion. N.Y 128 Baldwin St.
363. Emma R. McGee, Farley, Iowa St James.
364. W. K. Moorehead, Washington, D.C 38 Rossin House.
356. J. C Hamilton, Toronto
366. E. B. Frost, Hanover, N.H Rossin House.
367. E H. Roberts, Oxford, Miss Walker House.
358. D. R Keys Toront..
359. Norman B. Wood, Cleveland, Ohio 94 Baldwin St.
360. E. B. Shuttle worth, Toronto 220 Sherbourne St.
361. J. E. McDougall, Toronto 121 Carlton St.
362. C. S. Street, Roxbury, Mass 32 John St.
363. G. B. Abrey, Toronto 23 Beaconafield Av.
3(54. Charles P. Benns, Schenectady, N. Y Walker House.
^ . . »«, 1 • i. rk rt fCor. Queen's Park
365. Thomas Ewing, Jr., Washington, D.C | and Joseph St.
3UC. W. H. Bristol, Hobokon, N.J
367. E. Renel Smith, Skaneateles, NY Rossin House.
368. Mrs. Geo. H Williams, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
369. Mrs. Jas. Lewis Howe, Louisville, Ky 25 Murray St.
370. W. S. Blackstock, Toronto 20 Homewood Ave.
371. P. J. Farnesworth, Clinton, Iowa
372. W. R. Head, Chicago, 111
373. A. C. Oill, Northampton, Mass 26 Murray St.
374. Dr. Robert Bell, Ottawa, Can 76 Peter St.
375. William Houston, Toronto Governm't Libraiy.
376. R. A Thompson, Hamilton, Ont 112 Robert St.
377. Chas. S. Cook, Evanston, 111 Rossin House.
378. Gustav Lindenthal, Pittsburgh, Pa Walker House.
379. Wm. A. Burinan, Winnipeg, Man Continental Hotel.
380. G. C. Creelnian, Mississippi lOlA Bleeker St.
381. Amos R. Wells, Yellow Springs, Ohio
382. W. E. Boustead, Toronto 200 Jarvis St.
383. Dr. W. .J. HofFiuan, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
384. Mrs. VV. J. Hoffman, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
.38.5. Retta Lyons, New Orleans, La Rossin House.
386. Ella Smith, Hagerstown, Md Rossin Housd.
Friday, An oust t,o//i.
.387. i^rof. C. (). Bates, Cedar Rapids. Iowa Queen's Hotel
388. Dr. L. Schoney, New York Rossin House.
389. John R, Bartlett, Providence, R. 1 Queen's Hotel.
390. Prof. Arthur B. Willmott, Yellow Springs, Ohio
391. Mrs. (Jeorge Bryce, Winnipeg. Man " The Pines."
392. L. E. Holden, Cleveland, Ohio
393. A. F. Holden, Salt Lake City, I'tah \\\\
394. Dr. A R. C. Selwyn, Ottawa, Can Rossin House.
395. Arthur (J. Clement, Batavia, N. Y » Queen's Hotel.
396. Dr. W. Theophilus Stuart, Toronto 197 Spadina Ave.
397. Prof. Henry B. Nason, Troy, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
398 T. D. Ledyard, Toronto 4 (Jntario Chambers.
399. Oscar C. Fox, Washington , D. C Walker House.
400. Louise II. Fox, Washington, D.C Walker House.
401. Mrs. Helen R. Taylor, Toronto 422 Jarvis St.
402. Henry C. Beadleston, New York Queen's Hotbl.
403. S. H. Janes, Toronto
404. E. B Treat, New York The Arlington.
405. Mungo TurnbuU, Toronto 18 Denison Square.
40fi. Edgar Frisby, Washington, D.C
407. B. E. Walker, Toronto 99 St. George St.
408. Chas. W. Smiley, Washington, D.C
409. Prof. W. J, Ashley, Toronto Toronto.
Programme for Tuesday, September jrd
Gbokge L. Goodale, Cambridge, Mass.
A. Mathematics and Astronomy — S. 0. Chandler, Cambridge, Mass.
B. Physics — Cleveland Abbe, Washington.
Ct Chemistry — R. B Warder, Washington.
D. Mechanical Science and Engineering — James E. Denton, Hoboken,
E. Geology and Geography — John C. Brannbb, Little Rock, Ark.
F. Biology ^C. S. Minot, Boston, Mass,
Ht Anthropology — Frank Baker, Washidgton.
I. Economic Science and Statistics — J. Richards Dodge, Washington.
F. W. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass. (OflSce : Salem, Mass.)
H. Careinoton Bolton, of New York.
James Loudon, Toronto.
A. Mathematics aiid Astrotwrny — Wooster W. Beman, Ann Arbor, Mich.
B. Physics — W. Le Conte Stevens, Brooklyn, N.Y. •
C. Chemistry — W. A. Noyes, Terre Haute, Ind.
D. Mechanical Science and Engineering — M. E. Cooley, Ann Arbor, Mich.
B. Geology and Geography — Samuel Calvin, Iowa City, Iowa.
p. Biology — John M. Coulter, Crawfordsville, Md.
H, Anthropology— 3 os^vn Jastrow, Mpi^'^on, Wis.
I, Eco^wmic 8ciei\ce and Statistics — S Dana Horton, Pomeroy, Ohio.
William Lilly, of l.I?'i'h Chunk, Pa.
Henry Wheatland, Salem, Mass.
Thomas Meehan, Philadelphia, Pa.
Fast Presidents — James D. Dana, of New Haven ; James Hall, of
Albany ; J. S. Newberey, of New York ; B. A. Gould, of Cambridge ;
T. Stebry Hunt, of Montreal ; Joseph Lovering, of Cambridge ; J. E.
HiLGARD, of Washington ; Simon Newcomb, of Washington ; O, C.
Marsh, of Now Haven ; George F. Barker, of Philadelphia ; George
J. Brush, of New Haven ; J. W. Dawson, of Montreal ; C. A. Young,
of Princeton ; J. P. Lesley, of Philadelphia ; H. A, Newton, of New
Haven ; Edward S. Morse, of Salem ; S. P. Langley, of Washington ;
J. W. Powell, of Washington.
Vice-Presidents of the last Meeting — Ormond Stone, of University of
Virginia ; A. A. Michelson, of Cleveland ; C. E. Munroe, of Newport ;
C. J. H. Woodbury, of Boston ; George H. Cook, of New Brunswick ;
C. V. Riley, of Washington ; Charles C. Abbott, of Trenton ; C. W.
Smiley, of Washington.
Officers of the Present Meeting — T. C. Mendenhall, of Washington; R,
S. Woodward, of Washington ; H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor ; William
L. Dudley, of Nashville ; James E. Denton, of Hoboken ; Charlfs
A. White, of Washington ; George L. Goodale, of Cam-
bridge ; Garrick Mallery, of Washington ; Charles S. Hill, of
Washington ; F. W. Putnam, of Cambridge; C. Leo Mees, of
Terre Haute; H. Carbington Bolton, New York ; G. C. Comstock, of
Madison; E. L. Nichols, of Ithaca; Edward Hart, of Easton;
W. R. Warner, of Cleveland ; John C. Branner, of Little Rock;
Amos W. Butler, of Brookville; W. M. Bbauchamp, of Baldwinsville ;
J. R. Dodge, of Washington ; William Lilly, of Mauch Chunk.
From the Association at Large — A fellow elected from each section.
E. W. Hyde, of Cincinnati (A), W. A. Rogers, of Waterville (B), H. W.
Wiley, of Washington (C), Cady Stalet, of Cleveland (D), N. H,
WiNCHBLL, of Minneapolis (E), W. H. Dall, of Washington (P), J. O.
DoRSEY, of Washington (H), Joseph Cumminos, of Evanstown (I;
Get your railway certificates signed and stamped by the Secretary,
Mr. W. R. Callaway. Office on right hand of main entrance of Uni-
versity. After 5 p.m. Tuesday Mr. Callaway can be seen at his office, No.
118 King St. West, (opposite the Rossin House).
Members and Associate Members of the Association who wish to join
in a Geological Excursion to the Huronian Country after the adjournment
of the General Session, on Tuesday night, are requested to give their
names to the Secretary of Section E., or to Mr. W. R. Callaway of the
R. R. Committee.
Train will le&ve Toronto at 11 o'clock Tuesday night, arrive at North
Bay, 8.35 a.m. Wednesday. Breakfast at hotel. Leave for Sudbury at
9.56 a.m. Dinner on train, Arrive at Sudbury 1.12 p.m. ; devote
afternoon to vicinity. Breakfast at hotel 6.30 a.m. Thursday. Leave by
special train for On^ping at 7.30 a.m. ; examining rocks by the way, and
arriving at Onaping at 7 p.m. Returning, leave Onaping at 7.30 p.m.,
Thursday; reaching Toronto at 7.30 p.m. Friday. Members who intend
going on this excursion will purchase their tickets to-day at the table of
the R. R. Committee, entrance hall of the University. Owing to the gen-
erous provision made by the Local Committee, the price of the tickets is
only $8, which will cover nearly all the expense of the excursion.
will be happy to place their rooms, in the Medical Council building,
comer of Bay and Richmond streets, at the disposal of the members of,
the Association during their stay in town.
The Board of Directors of the National Olub, Bay Street, near King,
offer the privileges of the Club to the Members of tb^ Associatign during
their stay in Toronto.
The President and members of the Granite Club, 465 Church street,
offer the privileges of tht Olub to the members of the Association during
their visit to Toronto.
The President and members of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club offer
the same privileges at their club house, on the Island. The steam launch
leaves the foot of Lome Street at the hour and half hour. Members of
the Association will be taken over on production of their membership
Will bold their Annual Meeting in the Biological Laboratory (room over
section F) at 11 a.m. Mr. James Fletcher, President of the Society will
deliver the Annual Address.
Will leave the Queen's Hotel, calling at the Rossin House, at 8.30, 9
and 9.30 for the University, returning between 5 and 6 ; fare for round
trip, 25 cents.
[Special programmes will Ibo issued every ;norning, excejit Saturday
and Sunday.]
Programme for Tuesday, September 3,
Meeting of the Council at 9 o'clock.
General Session at 10 o'clock.
Election of Officers and Agreement on time and place of Meeting for
General business.
Meeting of the Sections after the adjournment of the General Session.
Meeting of the Sections at||2 o'clock.
Final adjournment of the Sections.
Garden party in Government House grounds, from 5 to 7 o'clock,
tendered by the City Council and Citizens.
General Session in Association Hall, Yonge Street, at 8 o'clock.
The Yonge Street cars pass the Queen's Hotel for Association Hall.
Extra cars will leave the hotel at 7.30.
Concluding exercises and adjournment of the Association.
After the adjournment of the meeting there will be several excursions.
For particulars see Notices of Local Committee. These^ excursions close
the Thirty-eighth Meeting on September 7th.
SECTION A.— Mathematics and Astronomy.
Vice-President— R. S. Woodward, of Washington.
Secretary— G. C. Comstock. of Madison, Wis.
Member of the Council.
E. W. Hyde, of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Members of the Sectional Oommittee.
J. BuRKiTT Webb, of Hoboken, N.J.
Henry Farquhar, of Washington.
W.W. Beman, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
Member of the Nominating Committee.
Charles S. Howe, Cleveland, O.
Members oj the S-M-comvtittee on Nominations.
H. A. Nbwvon, of New Haven, Ct.
William Harkness, of Washington.
J. R. Eastman, of Washington.
SECTION B.— Physics.
Vice-President — H. S. Carhart, of Ann Arbor, Mich.
'Secretary — E. L. Nichols, of Ithaca, N.Y.
Member of the Council.
W. A. Rogers, of Wateryille, Me.
Members of the Sectional Committee.
W. Le Conte Stevens, Brooklyn, N.Y.
A. E. Dolbear, College Hill, Maw.
Charles Carpmabl, Toronto.
Member of the Nominating Committee.
Jambs Loudon, of Toronto,
MtmhtTB oj the Sub-Committee on N^ominatwn$.
E. W. MoRLEY, Cleveland, Ohio
0. H. McLeod, Montreal.
T. C. Mendenhall, Washington.
196, A mountain study of the spectrum of Aqueous Vapour. — 25 min.—
By Charles S. Cook.
219. Experimental determination of the periodic pulsations of a Ther-
mometer made of the new "Jena" glass. — ^By Wm. A. Rogers and
J. B. Webb.
140. An exhibition of Photographs taken in 1864 of the Living Eye.
(a) The retinal vessels ; (6) The retinal inverted image of an object
placed in front of the eye. — 8 min. — By A. M. Rosebrugh.
214. An exhibition of Photographs of the Fundus of the Eye of the Cat,
taken while under the influence of Chloroform. — 5 min. — By A. M.
170. A mode of suspension for Foucault's Pendulum. — 5 min. — By R. B.
SECTION C— Chemistry.
Vice-President — William L. Dudley, of Nashville, Tenn.
Secretary — Edward Hart, of Easton, Pa.
Member of the Council.
Habvey W. WiLEY,of WwhlngtcHi, D.C.
Members oJ the Sectional Committee.
H. ^. NicHorsoN, of Lincoln, Neb.
F. W. Clarke, of Washington, D.C.
Ira Remsen, of Baltimore, Md.
Men^r o/tht Nantinatinff Committee.
A. P. S. Stuart, of Lincoln, Neb.
ifetrtfcwi 6/ the 8ub'C
Member of the Nominating Committee.
WBii H. HaLb, of Alb*ny, N. Y^ .
Members of Ihk Sub-cointiMttm oh Ifominatlons,
A. F.-Cbamberlainj of Torontpi
* L. C. WuRTBLE, of Acton Vale) Quebec
t(..,., G. P. Thruston, of Nashville, Tenn.
227. Results of Explorations about the Serpent Mound of Adams Co.,
Ohio, for which a grant was made by the Association. — 20 oiin.-^
F. W. Putnam,
71. Aboriginal Monuments of North Dakota. — 30 min. — Henry Mont-
86. Little Falls Quartzes.— 20 min.— Franc E. Babbitt.
76. A Mississagua Legend. — 16 min. — A. F. Chamberlain.
92. Places of Oentes in Siouan Camping Circles. — 20 min. — J. O. Dorsey.
91. Onomatopes, Interjections, etc. — 45 min. — J. O. Dorsey.
68. Ancient Pit Dwellers of Yezo. — 15 min. — R. Hitchcock,
174. Steatite Ornaments from the Susquehanna River. — 5 min. — Atreus
213. Notes on the Eskimo of Cape Prince of Wales, Hudson's Strait, — 15
min.— F. F, Payne.
66, Contents of Children's Minds, — 10 min, — Harlan H, Ballard.
94, The Accads, — 30 min, — Virginia H, Bowers.
SECTION I.— Economic Science and Statistics,
Vice-President — Charles S. Hill, of Washington.
Secretary — J. R, Dodge, of Washington,
Member of Council.
Joseph CuMMiNGS, Evanston, 111,
Members of the Sectional Committee.
W, O. At WATER, Middletown,Conn.
W, R, Lazenbi, Columbus, Ohio,
Lester F, Ward, Washington, D.C.
Member of the Nominating Committee.
Henry Farqtjhar, Washington, D.C.
Members oj the Svb-committee on Nomination,
B, E. Fernow, Washington, D,C,
Geo. Iles, Toronto.
218. A Plan for the Census of Fisheries. — 20 min. — Chas. W. Smiley.
184. Inutility of the Desert Land Act. — 12 min. — J. R. Dodge.
223. How shall we Protect our Forests. — 20 min. — R. W. Phipps.
142. Statistical Results of Examination oi the Eyesight of Five Thousand
School Children. — 20 min. — Dr. G. Sterling Ryerson.
150. The scientific application of heat to the cooking of food. — 30 min.
— Edward Atkinson.
228. Relation of Manual Training to Body and Mind. — 40 min. — C. M.
224. Concluding Remarks upon the Economic and Sociologic Relations of
Canada and the United States. — 16 min. -Charles S. Hili.
Arey, Albert L., Rochester Free Academy, Rochester, N.Y. (35) B C
Ashley, Prof. VV. J., Toronto, Ont. (38) I
Avery, Elroy M., Cleveland, 0. {37) B
Bailey, Prof. E. H. S., University of Kansas, La wrence,| Kansas (25) B
Battle, A. B,, Director Agricultural Experimental Station, Rileiijh (33)
N. C. C
Baur, Dr. George, New Haven, Conn. (SO) F
Bell, Robert, M.D., LL.D., Assistant Director, Geol. Survey of Canada,
Ottawa (38). E
Bennett, Wra. Z., Prof. Chemistry, University of Wooster, O. (33) C
Blake, J. C, Mansfield Valley, Pa. (29) C
Bryce, George, LL.D., Manitoba College, Winnipeg, Man. (38).
Burgess, Dr. Thomas J. W., Hamilton, Ont. (38).
Calvin, Prof. Samuel, JState University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. (37)
Carpenter, Louis G., Fort Collins, Colorado (32) A B
Chute, Horatio N., Instructor of Physics, High School, Ann Arb^^. '''" o."
(34) A B
Colburn, E. M., Peoria, 111. (33) H
Cook, Chas. Sumne-, Prof, of Physics, Northwestern University , Evans-
town, 111. (30) B
Crawford, Morris B., Prof, of Physics, Weslcyan University, Middletown,
Conn. (30) B
P.^wson, Dr. George M., Assistant Director Geol. Survey, Ottawa
(38). E
Ellis, Dr. W. H., Prof, of Cheraistry, School of Practical Science, Toronto.
Ont. (38). C
Ewing Thomas, Jr., Columbia College, New York, N.Y. (36) B
Eyerman, Jjhn, Instructor in Mineralogy, Lafayette College, Easton.
Pa. (33) C
Floyd, Richard S., 120 Su'.ter Street, San Francisco, Cal. (34) A
Gaffield, Thos., Boston, Mass. (29) C
Galbraith, John, Prof, of Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto.
Ont. (38) B
Goff, Prof. E. S., Madison, Wis. (35) F
Gray, Thos., B, Sc, Prof, of Dynamic Engineering at Rose Polytechnic
Inst., Terra Haute, Ind. (38) B D
Haines, Reuben, Gerniantown, Philadelphia, Pa. (27) C
Harrington, H. H., Prof, of Chemistry at Agricultural College, College
Station, Texas (36). C
Hay, Prof. O. P , Butler University, Irvington, Ind. (37) F
Horton, I. Dana, Washington, D.C. (37) I
Howard, L. O., Asst. Entomologist, Dept. oi Agriculture, Washington,
D.C. (37) F
Jacobus, Prof. David S. Stevens' Institute, Hoboken, N.J. (37) D A
Klotz, Otto Julius, Field Astronomer, Dominion Government, Preston,
Ont. (38) A
Ladd, E. J., Agricultural Experimental Station, Geneva, N.Y. (3G) C
Lloyd, Mrs. Rachel, Ph.D., Prof, of Analytical Chemistry, Lincoln, Neb.
(34) C
Loeb, Morris, Ph. D., New York (36) C
Lowdon, Prof. J., Prof, of Physics, University of Toronto, Toxx)nto, Ont.
(38) B
Macallum, Archibald B., Lecturer on Physiology, Univereity of Toronto,
Toronto, Ont. (38) F
McCreath, A. S., Harrisburg, Pa. (33) C
Meek, Seth E. , , lUinoia (35) F
Morgan, F. H., Ithaca, N.Y. (35) C
Moser, Jeff. F., Lieut. U.S.N. Coast Survey, Washington, D.C. (28) E
Myers, Jno. A., Prof, of Chemistry, Agricultural College, Oktibbeha Co.,
Miss. (30) C
Novy, F. G., University of Michigan (36) C
Osmond, I. Thornton, Prof, of Physics, State College, Centre Co., Pa.
(33) B
Palmer Prof. Chace, Ph. D., Prof, of Chemistry, Wab* h College, Ind.
(38) O
Peters, Edward T., Agricultural Dept., Washington, D.C. (3S) I
Phillips, Francis C, Western University, Alleghany, Pa. (36) C
Preston, E. D., U. S. C. and G. Survey, Washington, D.C. (37) A E
Reid, Henry F. , Prof, of Physics, Case School of Applied Science, Cleve-
land, O. (36) B
Kobinson, T. C, Prof of Chemistry, Bowdoin College, Brunavick, Me.
(29) C
Selwyn, Alfre'.. R. C. Dr., Director of Geol. Survey of Canada, Ottawa
(38) E
Shimer, Poeter W., Easton, Pa. (38) C
Shutt, Frank T., M.A., Dominion Experimental Farms, Ottawa, Ont
(38) C
Smith, Edgar F., Ph. D., Prof, of Chemistry, University of Pa., Phila-
delphia (33) C
Snow, Benj. W., Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
Spencer, G. L., Depart, of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. (36) C
Stoddard, John T., Prof, of Chemistry, Smith College, Northampton,
Mass. (35) C
Taylor, Capt. H. O., U.S.N. (30) I
Traphagen, F. W , Ph. D., Prof, of Chemistry, College of Montana, Deer
Lodge," Mon. (35) C
Trimble, Dr. Henry, Prof, of Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, Phila-
delphia, Pa. (34) C
Vasey, George, M.D., Dept. of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. (32) F
Von Schweinitz, E. A., Ph.D., Salem, N.C. (36) C
Waldo, C. A. , Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind. (37) H
Ward, William E.. Port Chester, N.Y. (36) D
Willis, Bailey, U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D.C. (36) E
Wilson, William Powell, University of Pa., Philadelphia, Pa. (38) F
Wright, Prof R. Ramsay, Toronto, Ont. (38) F
Wright, Thos. W., Union College, Schnectady, N.Y. (36) B
Youmans, Wm. Jay, 1 Bond St , New York, N.Y. (28) C F H
Aitgust :il7, 1889.
1. Henry C. Apploton, Publisher, 1 Bond St., New York. E I
2. Ad. F. Bandelier, Santa Fe, N. M. H
3. William D. Boardman, 38 Kenilworth St., Roxbury, Mass. E
4. Prof. Theo Brantly, College of Montana, Deer Lodge, Mont. T. H I
5. Prof. Wni. T. Brooks, Mass. Agric. College, Amherst, Mass. C F
6. Prof. George Bryce, LL.D., Maiitoba College, Winnipeg, Mani
toba. H
7. Capt. Thos. L. Casey, U. S. Engineer, Army Building, N w York,
N.Y. F
8. Alexander F. Chamberlain, 34 Arthur St., Toronto, Ont. H
9. Royal Tyler Church, Turin, Lewis Co., N.Y. D F
10. William A. CroflFut, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington. H I
11. Susan J. Cunningham, Prof of Mathematics and Astronomy
Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. A
12. John Daniel, Instructor in Physics, Vanderbilt Univ., Nashvillei
Tenn. B
13. John M. Davison, GO Oxford St , Rochester, N. Y. C
14. Luther M. Donaldson, care National Fertilizer Co., Nashville,
Tenn, C
15. Fred. James Dorand, Chester, Vt. A I
16. W. A. Douglass, B.A , 220 Wellesley St., Toronto, Ont. I
17. Charles Red way Dryer, Ass'staut Indiana State Geological Survey
Fort Wayne, Ind. E
18. Frank E Emery, Geneva, Ontario Co., N.Y. F
19 Howard V Frost, Prof, of Chemistry in the Brooklyn Polytechnic
Institute, Arlino^ton, Mass. CAB
20 Edwin Branv Frost, Inst, in Astronomy and Physics, Dartmouth
Col., Hanover, N. H.
21. Rev Otis Allanirlazebrook, D.D., Elizabeth, N.J.
22. G. K. Greene, New Albany, Ind. E F
23. Thos. Gray, Prof Dynamic, Engineering, Rose Polytechnic Inst.
Terre Haute, Ind.
24. James Cleland Hamilton, M.A., LL. B., Toronto, Ont.
25. Rev. Gottlieb C H. Hasskarl, Syracuse, N.Y.
26. John Beazley Hastings, Mining Engineer, Ketchum AUaturas
Co., Idaho. E
27. John Blackfitock Hawley, Engineer of St. Paul Water- Works, St.
Paul, Minn. B
28. Walter J. Hoffman, M.D., Bureau of Ethnology, Washington,
D.C. H
29. Lewis E Hood, E. Somerville, Mass. F
30. Thomas Hopkins, Assistant Geological Survey of Arkansas, Little
Rock, Ark. E
31 Walter Hough, Ass't Department of Ethnology, U. S. National
Museum, Washington, D.C H
32 -Tames T. Hoyt, Temple Court, Beekman St., New York. A H
33. Andrew F Hunter, Barrie Ont. B H
34. Dr. John Amory Jeffries, 91 Newbury St. , Beaton, Mass. F
35. Thoa. Moore Jackson, C.E., Prof. Civil Engineering, W. Va.
University, Morgantown, W. Va.
3G. J. Floyd King, New York Hotel, New York, N.Y. D
37. Otto Julius Klotz, Field Astronomer, Dominion Governm't, Preston,
38. William Roscoe Liverniore, Maj of Eng., U. S. A., Newport,
R.l. C
39. Alan Maodougall, F. R. S., Edin., Toronto, Ont. D H
40. Jos. E. McDougall, Maritime Court, 121 Carleton St., Toronto,
41. Charles E. McGowan, M.D., New London, Conn. E
42. Rev. John McLean, M.A., Ph.D., Macleod, Alberta, Can.
43. Alexander Chas. McKay, Mathematical Master, Upper Canada
College, Toronto.
44. Artemas Martin, Librarian and Custodian of Archives, Coast
Survey Office, Washington, D.C. A
45. Charles C. Mellon, Vice-Pres. Iron City Microscopical Society, Pitts-
burgh, Pa. F
4G. Wni Hamilton Merritt, 40 St George street, Toronto, E I
47. Cosmos Mindeleff, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
48. Victor Mindeleff, Bureau oi Ethnology, Washingtdn, D.C. H
49. James Mooney, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C. H
50. Frank Newton Notestein, Prof, of Mathematics and Astronomy,
The College of Montana, Deer Lodge, M.T. A F
61. George D. Olds, Prof, of Mathematics, Univ. of Rochester, Roches-
ter, N.Y. A
52. Frank Owen Payne, Teacher of Science, Appleton, Minn. F
53. Dr. R. A. F. Panrose, jr., State Geological Survey, Little Rock ,
Ark. E
54. Ernest B. Perry, Ann Arbor, Mich. D
55. George H. Peters, Hartford, Conn. A B
56. Eben Putnam, Boston, Mass. H I
57. James Cochrane Quinii, Prof, of Ment.il and Moral Philosophy,
National Univ. , Chicago, Helena, Montana. E F H I
58. Taylor Reed, Princeton, N.J. A
59. A. H. Russell, Captain of Ordnance, U.S.A., Providence. R.I D
60 Harris J. Ryan, Asst. Prof, of Electrical Engineering, Cornel
Univ., Ithaca, N.Y. B
61. George S. Ryerson, M.D., GO College Ave., Toronto, Out. P
62. Wm. H. Seaman, Prof. Analytical Chemistry, School of Mines,
Univ. of Missouri, Rolla, Mo.
63. G. N. Saegmuller, Washington, D.C. A B
64. John R. Scupham, C. & M. Engineer, Oakland, Cal. E
65. Dilman B. Shantz, Berlin, Out. I
66. Porter W. Shimer, E.M., Easton, Pa. C
67. Frank T. Shutt, M. A., Chamist to the Dominion Experimental
Farms, Ottawa, Ont. C
68. De Cost Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y. H
69. Joseph B. Stearns, Camden, Maine. B
70. Francis L. Stewart, Murraysville, Pa. C F
71. Henry Newlin Stokes, Ph. D., Chemical Laboratory, U S. Geo-
logical Survey, Washington, DC. C E
72. Charles Stuart Street, 38 Kenihvortli St., Roxbury, Mass. E C
73. Charles B. Thwiiig, Instructor in Physics, North- Western Univ.,
Evanston, 111. B
74. Gerritt E. H. Weaver, Instructor in Swarthmore Colley;e, Swarth-
more, Pa F
75. Miss Nellie B. West, 50 W. 6.5th St , New York, N.Y. E
76. Prof. T. R. White, 353 W. 57th St., New York, N Y. H A
77. Prof. W. P. Wilson, 640 North 32nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. F
78. S. Grant Wright, Perrysville, Ind. F
79. Harrison Garman, Entomologist and Botanist, State Exper. Station,
Lexington, Ky. F
80. Prof. John W. Hartigan, W. Va. University, Morgantown, W
Va. F
81. Chs. W. Hastings, Kansas City, Mo. B
82. Wm. Houston, Govt Library, Toronto, Ont.- I
83. Walter Hough, Nat. Museum, Washington, D.C. H
84. James Gib.son Hume, Univ. College, Toronto. I
85. Herbert G Ogden, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington,
D.C. A B
86. Frank Fitz Payne, Meteorologies, Office, Toronto. B
87. James H. Pearce, Toronto, Ont. F
88. John Edward White, Toronto, Ont. F
89. James G Witton, University College, Toronto, ( )nt. B
{)0. Prof. R. Riunsfiy Wright, Toronto, Out. F
<)1. Prof. Cha. VV. Hargitt, Oxford, Ohio.
92. John H. Means, Geological Survey, Little R'ick, Ark. E
93. William Kennedy, Geological Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E H
94 Leon Stacy Griswold, (ieol. Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E
95. Thos. Hopkins, Geol. Survey, Little Rock, Ark. E
96. Dr. Andrew C. Lawson, Ottawa, Canada. E
97. John Punin, Mount Royal Park, Montreal. B
98. F. W. Kuhne, Fort Wayne, Ind.
99. A. Isabel Mulford, Orange, N.J. F
100. John Galbraith, Prof. Civil Engineering, Toronto. A
101. Archibald Hope Young, Upper Canada College, Toronto. H
102. Henry H. Wing, Cornell Univ. Expt. Station, Ithaca, N.Y.
103. Gates P. Thruston, Nashville, Tenn H
104. Clarence M. Weed, Ohio Expt. Station, Columbus, O. F
105. William Macdonald Toronto, Ont.
106. Thomas Shortiss, Toronto, Ont. D E
107. Peter Bryce, Sec'y Board of Health, Toronto, (Jnt. F H
108. Archibald B. Macallum, University College, Toronto, Canada.
109. W. Reynolds Singleton, Washington. H
110. Dr. Thomas J. W. Burgess, Hamilton, Ont F
111. Asaph Hall, Jr., U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington A
Wednesday, August 28.
112. Cortez Fessenden, Wapanee, Ont.
113. VVilliam Wallace Campbell, Instructor in Astronomy, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. A
114. Alexander Ziwet, Ann Arbor, Mich. A
116. W. A. Bur mace, Winnipeg.
116. David Reid Keys, University College, Toronto. H
117. Prof. Thomas H. McBride, State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City. F
118. Dr. Alfred R. C. Selwyn, Director of Geological Survey of Canada,
Ottawa. E.
119. Chase Palmer, Prof, of Chemistry, Wabash College, Crawfordsville,
Ind. C
120. Prof. Samuel T. Maynard, Prof. Botany, Massachusetts Agri. Coll.,
Amherst, Mass. F
121. Curtis C. Howard, Prof, of Chemistry Starling Medical College,
Columbus, Ohio. C
122. Eugene H. Roberts, University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss.
123. Allen D. Ristten, Hartford, Connecticut. A B D
124. Edward B. Shuttleworth, Dean of Ontario College of Pharmacy. C
126. William Knox, Architect, 13 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont.
120. Simecm H. Janes, M.A., Toronto, Ont. A E
127. W. R. Head, Hyde Park, Chicago, 111.
128. G. C. Creelman, Actinu; Prof, of Biology, Agricultural College,
129. J. E. Graham, M.D., Toronto, Ont. F
130. W. S. Blackstock, 20 Hoinew(Jod Ave., Toronto, Ont. H
131. Chas. Gibson, D.Sc, Chicago, 111. C
132. Wm. H. Weldon, M.D., Chicago, 111. F H
133. Orange Merwin, Bridgeport, Conn. E
134. Adam Capen Gill, Northampton, Mass. E
135. George Bruce Halsted, Prof, of Mathematics, University of Texas,
Austin, Texas. A
136. Marcus P. Norton, 50 Broadway, New York.
137. Alexander D. Anderson, Washington, D.C.
138. John Uri Lloyd, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Court and Plum Streets,
Cincinnati, Ohio. C F
139. Clinton Owen Bates, Prof. Chemistry in Coe College, Cedar Rajiids,
140. Mary Townsend Sharpless Schafier, 1309 Arch St., Philadelpliia,
Pa. F E
141. John H. Talbutt, Lexington, Kentucky.
142. James F. W. Ross, M.D., CM., Sherbonrne and Wellosley Sts •
Toronto, Ont.
143. Robert Allen Thompson, Mathematical Master, Hamilton College
Institute, Hamilton, Ont. A
144. T. D. Ledyard, 4 Ontario Chambers, Toronto, Ont.
145. W. T. Jennings, Civil Engineer, Toronto, Ont. D
146. Byron Edmund Walker, Toronto, Ont. E
147. Norman B Wood, Jr., 67i University St., Cleveland, Ohio.
148. William H. Jenks, Brookville, Pa D
149. Andrew Smith, F. R. C V. S., Toronto, Ont F
150. Arthur B. Willmott, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio
151. Amos R. Wells, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio.
152. A. M. Roseburgh, M.D., Church St., Toronto Ont,
153. George Burchutt Abnuy, Toronto, Ont D
154. W. E. Boustead, Toronto, Ont C
155. J N. Whitney, Chief Clerk U S. Bureau of Statistics, Washin^^ton,
156. Goldsmith B West, Birmingham, Alabama. E
157. George Bruce Halstead, Prof, of Math., Univ. of Texas. Austin,
Texas. A
158, Robert Bell, M.D,, LL.D., Aast. Director Geological Survey of
Canada, Ottawa. F E
169. Warren K. Moorehead, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
160. C. C. Mellor, Pittsburgh, Pa, B
161, Charles P. Benns, Schenectady, N,Y. D
162 C. H Smyth, jr., Ph.B , Clinton, N.Y. E
163. E. Renel Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y.
164. Dr. George M. Dawson, Asst. Director Geological Survey of Canada,
Ottawa. E H
165. James Foster, 13 King St. West, Toronto. B
166. Malcolm MacVicar, Chancellor MacMaster University, Toronto. A
Thursday, August 2gtk.
167. VV. J. Ashley, Prof, of Political Economy in the University of
Toronto, Toronto. I
168. Henry Symons, 4 Huward St., Toronto.
169. Arthur G. Clement, Supt. Now York State Inat, for the Blind.
170. W. Theophilus Stuart, 197 Spadina Ave., Toronto. C
171. Mrs. Helen R. Taylor, 230 Parliament St., Toronto.
172 . Frank Julian, Chicago, 111. C
Friday, Aj4.gust jotk.
173. Mungo Turnbull, 18 Denniaon Sq., Toronto. A E
174. George B. Sweetnam, 152 Carloton St.,3Toronto. C
175. Thos. S. Fiske, Ph. D., Columbia College, New York. A
176. L. H. Jacoby, Columbia College, New York. A
177. John Cameron, Publisher, Toronto £
Monday, September 2nd.
178. James Bain, jr., Toronto, Ont. H
179. N. G. Bigelow, Toronto, Ont,
180. Howard B. Gibson, Middletown, Conn. C
181. Charles D. Woods, Middletown, Conn. C
182. J. O. Miller, Bishop Ridley C(jllege, of St. Catharines, Canada H
183. Walter Lee Brown, B.S C, Evanstown, 111.
184. Herman Schmidt, Chicago, 111.
18B. David Wesson, Chicago, 111.
18(i. Joseph B. Weir, Chicago, 111. C
187. John Rogers, Port Sandfield, Ont. D
188. William A. Childs, M.D., Toronto. C H C
180. J. H. Herdon, State Geological Survey, Austin, Texas. E
190. Hon. Stephen B. Mallory, Pensacola, Florida. I
191. Hon. H. A, Brown, Saxonville, Mass. I
192. Hon. S. Y. Tupper, Charleston. S. C. I
193. Hon. Wm. Lawrence, Bellefontame, 111. I
194. Hon. R B Porter, Washington, D. C. I
195. Prof. H. G. Warner, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. I
19G. Hon. Joseph Mimmo, jr., Huntington, Long Island, N.Y. I
197. Wm. Franklin Gorton, Now York. I
198. Wm. A. Vanderbilt, Now York. I
199. W. W. Bates, Buftalo, N.Y. I
[Additional arrivals will be given in the Programme for each day.]
Tuesday y August lyth.
Number of Reuister and Badtrc. City Address.
1. T. C. Mendonhall, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
2. F. VV. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass Queen's Hotel.
3. Charles C. Abbott, Trenton. N.J Queen's Hotel.
4 James Loudon, Toronto 83 St. George St.
5. Charles Carpmael, Toronto Dale Ave.
6. James D. Dana, New Haven, Conn Queen's Hotel.
7. Sir Daniel Wilson, Toronto 46 St. George St.
8 C. A. White, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel
9. Henrietta L. T. Wolcott, Dedham, Mass 467 Spadina Ave.
10. J. J. Stevenson, Univ. of City of New York.. . .Queen's Hotel.
11. Samuel Calvin, Iowa City Metropole Hotel.
12. W. M. Beauchamp, Baldwinsville, N.Y Metropole Hotel
13. N H Winchell, Minneapolis
14. Charles B. Gibson, Chicago 57'J Church St.
15. H. D. Garrison, Chicago Walker House.
16. Herman L. Fairchild, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
17. Mrs. H. L. Fairchild, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
18. Daniel S. Martin, New York 29 Grange Ave.
19. A. E. Douglass, New York Rossin House.
20. Edward Hart, Easton, Pa Rossin House.
21. Mrs. Edward Hart, Easton, Pa Rossin House.
22. H. W. Wiley, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
23. Mrs. Nellie S. Kedzie, Manhattan, Kan Queen's Hotel.
24. E. Lewis Sturtevant, South Framingham, Mass. .Queen's Hotel.
25. T. J. Burrill, Champaign, 111 79 Shuter St.
26. Charles H. Smith, Austin, Tex 333 Church St.
27. William Frear, State College, Pa , .Queen's Hotel.
28. Fred. V. Coville, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
29. Horatio N. Chute, Ann Arbor, Mich 44 Hayden St,
30. George L. Eii. A. P. S. Stewart, Lincoln, Neb 24 Ann St.
87. Mrs. A. P. S Stewart, Lincoln, Neb 24 Ann St
88. George C. Caldwell, Ithaca, N.Y "The Grange."
89. R. T Colburn, Elizabeth, N.Y
90. Mrs. R. T. Colburn, Eli>,abeth, N. Y*.
91. J. H Kedzie, Evanston, 111 Queen's Hotel.
92. Mrs. J. H. Kedzie, Evanston, 111 Queen's Hotol.
93. O. Chanute, Chicago, 111 Queen's Hotel.
94. W. J. McGee, Washington, D.C Rossin Hou.se
95. Alexander Winchell, Ann Arbor, Mich Walker House.
9(). J. F. Cowell, Buffalo, N.Y Walker House.
97. Charles E. Bessey, Lincoln, Neb 31 College St.
98. F. Lamson Scribner, Knoxville, Tenn 30 King St.
99. Eugene E. Fish, Buffalo, N.Y Walker House.
100. Mary A. Booth, Longmeadow, Mass
101. W. Le Conte Stevens, Brooklyn, N.Y . Queen's Holel.
102. Archibald Blue, Toronto, Ont 11 Linden St.
IC ^. E. W. Hyde, Cincinnati, O Palmer House.
104. Angelo Heilprin, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin Hou.se.
106. Thomas Meehan, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
lOe. A. L. Arey, Rochester, N.Y 10 North St.
107. James T. B Ives, Toronto 429 Spadinii Ave.
108. Mrs. A. L. Arey, Rochester, N.Y 10 North St.
109. William Jay Youmans, New York Arlington Hitel.
110. Mrs. Celia G. Youmans, Mount Vernon, N.Y. .Arlington Hot.l
111. William R. Pedrick, Lawrence, Mass 31 Avenue St.
112. Eleanor B. Pedrick, Lawrence, Mass 31 Avenue St.
113. Martha M Barker, Lowell, Mass 31 Avenue St
114. W. Atwater, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
115. Amos W. Butler, Brookville, Ind Walker House.
110. Mrs. A. W. Butler, B ookville, Ind Walker House.
117 Henry S Carhart, Ann Arbor, Mich Walker House.
118 John B. Smith, New Brunswick, N.J Keachie's Hotel
11!). W. H Walmsley, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin House.
120. James N. Baxter, Brooklyn, N.Y Rossin House.
121. Mary B. Moody, New Haven, Conn
122. Arthur E. B. Moody New Haven, Conn
123 Bushrod W James, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel
124. John CoUett, Indianapolis, Ind Rossin House
125. J. E. Denton, Hoboken, N.J 383 Church St.
12G. Miss H. A. Kittredge, North Andover, Mass . .Queen's Hotel.
127. Miss C. A Watson, Salem, Mass Queen's Hotel.
128. Thomas D. Pobertson, Rcckford, 111 Queen's Hotel
129. Mrs. Thomas D. Robertsoiu Rockford 111 Queen's Hotwl.
130. C. A Hirschfelder, ToronLj
131. George Lincoln Goodale, Cambridge, Mass Queen's Flotel.
132. George F. Barker, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
133. Mrs George F. Barker, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
134. Miss Clara T. Barker, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
135. James Ha!l, Albany, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
136. Prof. Chase Palmer, Crawfordsville, Ind Rossin House
137. Charles S. Hill, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
Wednesday, August 28th.
138. Chas H. Chandler, Ripon, Wis Revere House.
139. L. W. Bailey, Frederickton, N.B Arlington.
140. Francis Laird Stewart, Murraysville, Pa Walker House.
141. Geo, C. Comstock, Madison, Wis Queen's Hotel.
142. Alan Macdougall, Toronto, Ont 30 Adelaide St. E.
143. Charles M. Knight, Akron, O Walker House.
144. C Canby Balderston, Westtown, Pa Walker House.
145. Frank E. Emery, Geneva, N.Y 207 College St.
146. Woost' r WoodruflF Beman, Ann Arbor, Mich. .29 Grange Ave.
147. Robert B. Warder, Washington, D.C 15 Division St.
148. Byron D. Halsted, New Brunswick, N.J 31 College Ave.
149. Joseph F. James, Washington, D.C Walker House.
150. Mrs. Joseph F. James, Washington, D.C Walker House.
161. Rev. Corliss B. Gardiner, Rochester, N.Y 31 Avenue St.
162. Edward P. Thompson, Beaver Falls, Pa
163. H. T. Eddy, Cincinnati, O Palnior House
154. Charles 3. Thwing, Evanston, 111 24() Jarvis St.
155. Sir Wm. Dawson, Montreal, Que 4(j St. George St.
156. Wm. Harknesa, Wpshington, D.C Rossin House.
167. Ira Remsen, Baltimore, Md Rossin House.
158. W. A. Noyes, Terre Haute, Ind 239 Beverley St.
159. Chas. D. Walcott, Washington, D.C .429 Church St.
160. H. W. Henshaw, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
161. Douglas H. Campbell, Detroit, Mich Queen's Hotel.
162. E. H. Preswick, Ithaca, N.Y Albion Hotel.
163. Mrs. F. W. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass Queen's Hotel.
164. Miss Ethel A. F. Putnam, Cambridge, Mass. .Queen's Hotel.
165. Henry S. VVilliama, Ithaca, N.Y 429 Church St.
166. Rev. Chas. J. S. Bothune, Port Hope, Ont ... .184 College Ave.
167. Frank Leverett, Madison, Wis Albion I iutel
168. F. W. Clarke, Washington, D.C Queen's i otel.
169. 'i.ouis C. Wurtele, Actondale, Que 96 BelUnue Ave.
170. Mrs. L. C. Wurtele, Actondale, Que i)(j Bellevue Ave
171. Edwin E. Howell, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
172. Mrs. Edwin E. Howell. Rochester, N.Y 29 (lirange Ave.
173. Alexander Charles McKay, Toronto
174. Andrew C. Lawson, Ottawa 16 Washington Ave.
175. H. A. Newton, New Haven, Conn Queen's Hotel.
176. Mrs. H. L. Smith, New York 126 Baldwin St
177. Alexander F. Chamberlain, Toronto 36 Arthur St.
178. Andrew F. Hunter, Barrie, Ont Lucas' House
179. R. S. Woodward, Washington, DC Rossin House.
180. Mrs. R. S. Woodw xrd Washington, D.C Rossin House
181. J. Burkitt Webb, Hoboken, N.,J 283 Church St.
182. Geo. H. Williams, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
183. James H. Pearce, Toronto, Ont 226 Beverley St
184. Wm S Rogers, Waterville, Me Queen's H./tel.
185. A. E. Dolbear, College Hill, Mass
186. S. J. Coffin, Easton, Pa Elliot House.
187. Miss E. Angle, Lewisbury, Pa Elliot Fouse.
188. Mrs. W. D. Boardman, Roxbury, Mass 32 .John St.
189 J. H. Chapin, Meriden, Conn Queen's Hotel.
190. Stephen S Haight, New York 94 McCaul St.
191. Mrs. Stephen S. Haight, New York 94 McCaul St
192. Miss Mary Evelyn Haight, New York 94 McCaul St
193. Samuel Carleton Haight, New York 94 McCaul St
194 J. R Eastman, Washington, DC Queen's Hotel.
195. Mrs. J. R. Eastman, Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel
196. Ernest Merritt, Ithaca, NY 239 Beverley St.
197. A. R. Crandall, Lexington, Ky Rossin
198. Horace C Hovey, Bridgeport, Conn Keachie'a Hotel.
199. Homer T. Fuller, Worcester, Mass Rossin
200. Mrs. H. T. Fuller, Worcester, Mass Rossin
201. Charles S. Howe, Cleveland, Ohio Rossin House.
202. Walter Houf?h, Washington, D.C 25 Murray St.
20". John J. Mackenzie, Toronto, Ont 222 Sherbourne St.
204. C H. McLeod, Montreal, Que 432 Jarvis St.
205. Miss Nellie B. West, New York Lakeview Hotel.
206. W. H. Hollinshead, Nashville Town 13 St. Patrick St.
207. Charles W. Hargitt, Oxford, Ohio Walker House.
208. James Fletcher. Ottawa 178 St. Patrick St.
209. J. Owen Dorsey, Takoma Park P.O., D.C . 25 Murray St.
210. Benjamin Lord, New York Queen's.
211. Mrs. Benjamin Lord, New York Queen's.
212. G K. Gilbert, Washington, D.C Queen's.
213. Edmund O. Hovey, Waterbury, Conn 25 Murray St.
214. George Bryce, Winnipeg, Man The Pines, Davenp't.
215. Frank T Shutt, Ottawa, Ont "Rosedale Cottage
216. P H. Bryce, M D., Toronto
217. E D. Preston, Washington, D.C 360 King St.
218. Edward Dummor, Boston, Mass 383 Church St.
219. Mrs. Edward Dummer, Boston, Mass 383 Church St
220. Rollin D. Salisbury, Beloit, Wis. Queen's.
221. J. Francis Williams, Salem, N.Y Queen's.
222. H. H Lyman, Montreal, Quebec Queen's,
223. George lies. New York Elm Avenue.
224 R. A. F. Penrose, Little Rock Ark Queen's.
225. Wm. H. Hale, Albany, New York 236 Adelaide St.
226. Harrison Garman, Lexington, Ky 31 College St.
227. Romyn Hitchcock, Washington, DC Queen's.
228. Mrs. Romyn Hitchcock, Washington, D.C Queen's.
229. Mrs. G. K. Baldwin, Detroit, Mich Rossin.
230. Mrs. L. H. Trowbridge, Detroit, Mich Rossin.
231. N. L. Britton, New Yoik Queen's, \
232. Mrs. N. L. Britton. New York Queen's.
233. Miss H. Lousie Britton, New York Queen's.
•234. Miss Mary A. Knight, New York Queen's.
235. Miss Milln Timmerman, New York Queen's.
236. M. B. Waite, Washington, D.C
237. B. T. Galloway, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
238. James T. Lusk, Marrietta, Ohio
239. Charles Schaflfer, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin House.
240. Mrs. Charles Schaffer, Philadelphia, Pa Rossin House.
241. John McLean, Moosejaw, N. W.T
242. Luther M. Donaldson, Nashville, Tenn
243. Edward W. Morley, Cleveland, Ohio Queen's Hotel.
244. Albert A. Prescott, Ann Arbor, Mich Queen's Hotel.
245. Thomas Joseph Workman Burge8s,Hamilton,Ont 56 Henry St.
246. Albert S. Bickraore, New York Queen's Hotel.
247. Edward L. Nichols, Ithaca
248. Clarence M Weed, Columbus, Ohio 31 College St.
249. J. F. Whiteaves, Ottawa, Ont 16 Grosvenor St.
260. Marcus Benjamin, New York Rossin House.
251. C. H. Hitchcock, Hanover, I^.H 483 Church St.
252. Miss Maria P. Hitchcock, Hanover, N H 383 Church St.
263. A. Isabel Mulford, Orange, N.J ?9 Shuter St.
254. C. A. Waldo, Terre Haute, Itid 239 Beverley St
255. Henry H. Wing, Ithaca, N.Y Walker House
256. Thomas Gray, Terra Haute, Ind 239 Beverley St,
257. Mrs E. O. Hovey, Waterbury, Cunn 25 Murray St.
258. VVm. Dorr Boardman, Roxbury, Mass 32 .John St.
259. Jfiiues Mills, (iruelph. Out Rossin House.
200. Edgar G Miller, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel
261 Robert Hay, Junction City, Kan ..Palmer House
262. Frank Fitz Payne, Toronto, Out
263. Charles B, Atwell, Evanston, 111 21 CarltonSt.
264. J. M Rico, Annapolis, Md Queen's.
265. Henry James, M.D., Toronto, Ont 204 Spadina Ave.
266 E. N. S. Ringueberg, Lockport, N. Y
2G7. W. R, Warner, Cleveland, Ohio Queen's.
268. Jefferson E. Kershner, Lancaster City, Pa Queen's.
269. T. H McBride, Iowa City, la Arlington.
270. Mrs. T. H. McBride, Iowa City, la Arlington.
271. Arch B. Macallum, Toronto
272. John Perrin, Montreal, Que
273. Cady Staley, Cleveland, O Queen's
274. Archibald Hope Young, Toronto, Ont.
275. Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Waterville, Me Queen's.
276. James Gayford Witton, Toronto, Ont 118 D'ArcySt.
277. Taylor Reed, Princton, N. J Queen's.
278. Joseph Cummings, Evanston, 111 Queen'i.
279. Henry Farquhar, Washington, D.C
280. Mrs. H. Farquhar, Washington, D.C
281. John Lucas, Philadelphia, Pa " Eruesleigh."
282. Mra. John Lucas, Philadelphia, Pa " Ernesleigh.''
283. Fred. Hofi'maun, New York Queen's.
284. Albert Lucas, Philadelphia, Pa
285. Mrs. L. E. Holden Cleveland, . . .Queen's.
286. Persifor Frazer, Philadelphia, Pa Queen's Hotel.
287. H. P. Gushing, Cleveland, O Queen's Hotel.
288. Joseph J. Walton, Philadelphia, Pa Walker House.
289. G. W. Hough, Evanston, 111 Queen's Hotel.
290. Edward S Morse, Salem, Mass Prof. R R. Wright's.
291. G. P. Thruston, Nashville, Tenn Rossin House
292. James F. Kemp, Ithaca, NY 429 Church St
293. A. V. E. Young, Evanston, 111 Walker House.
294. Leon P Kinriicott. D Se Worcester Poly. Inst., Rossin House.
295 Mrs Leon. P. Kinnicott, Worcester Poly. Inst,, Rossin House.
29(>. W. i: Merritt 40 St. George St.
297 Garrick Mallery. Washington, D.C Queen's Hotel.
298. iMrs. Garrick Mallery, Washington, DC Queen's Hotel.
299. John Galbraith, Prof, of Engineering. 62 St Mary's St.
300. Thcjs.M. Jackson, C.E ,D.Sc ,Morgantown,W \a.,Queen's Hotel.
301 Mrs. John C. Branner, Little Rock, Ark Queen's Hotel.
302. Albert Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 159 Simcoe St.
303. Mrs. F. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 159 Simcoe St.
304. Miss L. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 159 Simcoe St.
305. Miss N. Lufkin, Newton, Iowa 169 Simcoe St.
300. Harris J. Ryan, Ithaca, N.Y 239 Beverley St.
307. Prof. R. B. Fulton, University, Miss Walker House
308 W. W. Campbell, Ann Arbor, Mich 29 Grange Ave.
309 Dr. G S. Ryerson, Toronto 60 College Ave
310. Prof. R. R Wright, Toronto
311 Alex. Ziwet, Ann Arbor, Mich 29 Grange Ave.
312 S. F. Emmons, Washington, D.C
313. M A. Veeder, Lyons N.Y Rossin House.
314. E. W. Claypole, Akron, Ohio
315 Katharine B Claypole, Akron, Oh o
316. Prof. Geo D Olds, Rochester, N.Y 29 Grange Ave.
317. Mrs. G D. Olds, Rochester, NY 29 Grange Ave.
318. Mar Leland, Rochester, N;Y 29 Grange Ave.
319. Mrs. Albert S. Bickmore, New York Queen's Hotel.
320 Prof. E. H. S. Bailey, Lawrence, Kan Elliott House.
321. F. P. Leavenworth. Haverford College, Pa Albion Hotel.
322 Mrs. F. P Leavenworth, Haverford College, Pa.Albion Hotel.
323. Miss Esther Leavenworth Havenford Col, Pa. .Albion Hotel.
324. Prof R. H, Ward, Troy, N Y Palmer H.-use.
325. James T. Hoyt, New York .The Arlington.
326. Mrs. James T. Hoyt, New York The Arlington.
327. W. M. Dudley, Ithaca, N.Y Rossin House.
328 John W. Langley, Pittsburg, Pa Arlington.
329. Mrs. J. W. Langley, Pittsburg, Pa Arlington.
330. Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley, Ann Arbor, Mich . .Arlington.
331. Mrs. M. E. Cooley, Ann Arbor, Mich Arlington.
332. F. W. Kuhne, Fort Wayne, Ind 79 Shuter St.
333. Mrs F. W. Kuhne, Fort Wayne, Ind 79 Shuter St.
Thursday, August 2gth.
334. Atreus Wanner, York, Pa Walker House.
335. C. Fessenden, Napanee, Ont 126 Seaton St,
336. DeCost Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y Rossin House.
337. Mrs. E. R. Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y Rossin House.
338 Miss C. M. Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y Rossin House.
339. Mr. E. B. Reed, London, Ont 98 St Patrick St.
340. T. Griswold Comstock, St. Louis, Mo. . Queen's Hotel.
341. W. B. Clark, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
342. F. D. Adams, Montreal, Que Queen's Hotel.
343. Miss Charlotte C. Barnum, New Haven, Conn. .Queen's Hotel.
344. Mary B. Dewing, Stamford, Conn Queen's Hotel.
345. Stephen Bush, Waterford, N.Y Palmer House.
346. Mrs. Stephen Bush, Waterford, N.Y Palmer House.
347. T. C Chamberlin, Madison, Wis Queen's Hotel.
348. G. B. Halsted, Austin, Texas Rossin House.
349. Dr. A. M. Rosebrugh, Toronto, Ont. 131 Church St.
850. Charles F. Rand, M.D., Batavia, N.Y Queen's HoteL
351. W. H. Jenk, Brookviile, Pa EUiot House.
362. Mrs. J. G. DoUey, Albion, N.Y. 128 Baldwin St
353. Emma R. McGee, Farley, Iowa St. James.
364. W. K. Moorehead, Washington, D.C .38 Rossin House.
355. J. C Hamilton, Toronto ,
356. E. B. Frost, Hanover, N.H , . . .Rossin House.
357. E. H. Roberta, Oxford, Miss Walker House.
358. D. R Keys, Toronto ,
359. Norman B. Wood, Cleveland, Ohio 94 Baldwin St.
360. E. B. Shuttle worth, Toronto 220 Sherbourne St,
361. J. E. MoDougall, Toronto 121 Carlton St.
362. C. S. Street, Roxbury, Mass ' .32 John St,
363. G. B. Abrey, Toronto 23 Beaconsfield Av.
364. Charles P. Benna, Schenectjidy, N.Y Walker House.
365. Thomas Ewing, Jr., Washington, D.C {^''and^Joseph^"''
366. W. H. Bristol, Hobokon, N.J
367. E. Renel Smith, Skaneateles, N.Y Rossiu House.
368. Mrs. Geo. H Williams, Baltimore, Md Queen's Hotel.
369. Mrs. Jas. Lewis Howe, Louisville, Ky 26 Murray St.
370. W. S. Blackstock, Toronto 20 Homewood Ave.
371. P. J. Famesworth, Clinton, Iowa
372. W. R. Head, Chicago, 111
373. A. C. Gill, Northampton, Mass 25 Murray St.
374. Dr. Robert Bell, Ottawa, Can 75 Peter St.
375. William Houston, Toronto Governm't Library.
.376. R. A. Thompson, Hamilton, Ont 112 Robert St.
377. Chas. S. Cook, Evanston, 111 Rossin House.
378. Gustav Lindenthal, Pittsburgh, Pa Walker House.
379. Wm. A. Burman, Winnipeg, Man Continental Hotel.
380. G. C. Creelman, Mississippi 101^ Bleaker St.
381. Amos R. Wells, Yellow Springs, Ohio
382. W. E. Boustead, Toronto 200 Jarvis St.
383. Dr. W. J. Hoflfman, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
384. Mrs. W. J. Hoffman, Washington, D.C Rossin House.
385. Retta Lyons, New Orleans, La Rossin House.
386. Ella Smith, Hagerstovvn, Md Rossin House.
Friday, August T,ofh.
387. Prof. C. 0. Bates, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Queen's Hotel.
388. Dr. L. Schoney, New York Rossin House.
389. John R. Bartlett, Providence, R.I Queen's Hotel.
390. Prof. Arthur B. Willmott, Yellow Springs, Ohio
391. Mrs. George Bryce, Winnipeg. Man " The Pines."
392. L. E. Holden, Cleveland, Ohio
393. A. ^. Holden, Salt Lake City, Utah
394. Dr. A. R. C. Selwyn, Ottawa, Can Rossin House.
395. Arthur G. Clement, Batavia, N.Y Queen's Hotel.
396. Dr. W. Theophilus Stuart, Toronto 197 Spadina Ave.
397. Prof. Henry B. Nason, Troy, N.Y Queen's Hotel
398. T. D. Ledyard, Toronto 4 Ontario Chambers.
399. Oscar C. Fox, Washington, D.C Walker House.
400. Louise H. Fox, Washington, D.C Walker House.
401. Mrs. Helen R. Taylor, Toronto 422 Jarvis St.
402. Henry C. Beadleston, New York Queen's Hotel.
403. S. H. Jftnea, Toronto
404. E. B Treat, New York The Arlington.
405. Mun^o Turnbull, Toronto 18 Denison Square.
406. Edgar Frisby, Washington, D.C
407. B. E. Walker, Toronto 99 St. George St.
408. Chas. W. Smiley, Washington, D.C
409. Prof. W. J. Ashley, Toronto Toronto.
410. Geo. B. Sweetnani, Toronto 152 Carlton St.
411. Wilm Knox, Toronto 607 Sherbourne St.
412 W. T. Jennings, Toronto 20 College Ave.
413. J. A. Brashoar, Alleghany, Pa Walker House.
414. Mrs. J. A. Brashear, Alleghany, Pa "
415. Prof H Montgomery, Grand Forks, Dak Rossin House.
416. Dr. Jas. F. W. Ross, Toronto Sherbourne St.
317. Miss Kate Loudon, " 83 St. George St.
418. Miss Olive Loudon, •' " "
419. Prof. J. S. Newberry, New York Queen's Hotel.
420. Jas. Bain, jr., Toronto Public Library 90 Charles St.
421. Mrs. James Loudon, Toronto 83 St. George St.