4 A-r ,/' K U K L O S , AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE KHLATIOXSIUP OF CHRTAIN LINES. BY JUIIN HARRIS. PART FIRST. MONTREAL : PRINTFD BY JOHN LO\ELL. ST. NICHOLAS STREET. 1870. ^ (j I^UO? H3 Euiered accorJine to Act of riulinmcut ...f Cnna.ln, in il,o vcar 1870. bv Joiiv TIabris, io llie Office of tbe Minisicr of Agiiculiure. INTENDED ARRANGEMENT OF THE COMPLETE WORK. Pakt Fikst Preface. Preliinniary Argument. Introiluction. Part Second Nomenclature and Definitions. Experimental Examination. Theorems. T\ fli . nil Tk 11 Oiiiismiiiix mill h'rri'f'i. I'.i-f lit. Hh liiir '■ •■ .'nil • 2:}. i.'jth " •• -jfitii '• ;{•_'. Uottom '• •• ;!:t. !»tii in ilic Foot Niiii^ III paui^ ;il. t .Sov('r;il ermrs dceiir in the lottery of ri'l'orcnci'. From tlio 2nd to the in\t line should re.'id as lollows. ' Tiicn with coMtn; B, jmuI railius BlI, describe !in arc of 45 decrees, terminated by the line BO. Il(i is till! tangent of that iiic and Ho is the tanjrent of an arc of 22^ dcj;recs described with the same centre and radius; th;it is ...Ho = 41422, therefore (by prop. V) Up. ~ 41422 x § = 27(>l4tJ lll>. Now lit liic radius AB ^ 1... etc, etc. .!■ FiiT. , re.i d Fii:. 4. " Fi^. .i Vi'j. .-.. ■ Fijr. Fi.u'. 11. •• Pane ■• Pa!re21. '• Dose ri be BmC, Describe the cjuadrarit Bm(\ ' Detinite Arc or (circle, Detinite Arc of a Circle. ^ !^ .0? h3 / :!k. INTENDED ARRANGEMENT OF THE COMPLETE WORK. Part Fikst Preface. Prelimniary Argument. Introcluction. Part Second Nomenclature and Definitions. Experimental E.xamination. T]ieorcni8. Part Tiiihd The Problem. Part Fourth Concluding Chapter. Part Fifth '• " CONTENTS OF PART FIRST. Taoe. Preface 5 Preliminary argument 9 Introduction 35 Plate I containing Figures 1 to 7 inclusive Do II " " 8 to 13 Do III •' " 14 to 18 " Do IV •' " 19 to 24 " Do V " " 2.5 to 26 " Do VI " " 28 ". Do VII " " 29 " Do VIII " " 27 and 31 " Do IX „ , 30 to 33 " Do X " " 34 " Wi. must not unly search for an-I jToouro a groater nutiilier of cxi.criinc:its, l.ut also iiitro.I.ico a com!.letdy (liff.Tcnt mctlio.l, or.lor an-l pro-ress of continuing an>l jirotnoting experience. F.r va-uo an-l arbitrary experience i,s Us we have observe.!), mere groping in the dark, an^l ratiier astonishes than histructs. r.i.t wlien experience shall proceed regularly au.l nninternipteaiy hy a .{•■tenuinea rule, we may entertain brtter hopos of the Sciences. FkAXCIS B.At'OX. P R E F A C K The primniy and immediate snliject of the follinvin^ work is tlic Geometrical Quadrature of the Circle, viz., the solution of that problem whicli recjuires a straight line to lie drawn equal in length to the pivcn arc of a circle : or a straight line being given, rcciuires a definite arc of a circle to be described equal in length to the given straight line ; accompanied in either case with demonstration that the ref|uisitir>n has been fulfilled It is hereby asserted that the following work will bo found to contain the satisfactory solution of this problem in both forms : moaning by the word " satisfactory." that the reasoning a;.d demonstration will be conducted strictly in accordance with the method laid down and pursued in Euclid's Geometry. Ihc work will also have a more general purpose, but the explanation of this purpose will be deferred until the concluding chapter ; because any importance or value that may be attached to it, will in a great measure depend upon the reader's conviction that the above assertion has been made good— that is to say, whether or not our claim of having solved the problem is judged by him to have been substantiated. The work is published with full belief on the part of the author, that the reasoning will prove to be essentially sound, and that the substantial correctness of the demonstrations will be admitted by Mathematicians : but it will not be surprising if such faults, as a want of mathematical coherence in arrange- ment, and clumsiness in the use of geometrical expressions, should frequently manifest themselves. In reference to these, no apology is offered, but some e.xiilanation will be proper. Granting for the moment an assumption that the author has had the good fortune to find a clue which enables him to contribute something of value and importance to the general stock of mathematical knowledge— if such assumption is well founded, the cause of Science will be better served by making the nature of the contribution at once known— that is. so soon as the subject c-aii l.e jiut intf> an intelli^'il'le shape— than l>y tlelayi'ig it for the purjinse of giving more perfection and finish to the foiaiof the communication. If, on the other hand, such sujiposition is a fallacy, the communication itself would not be worth the additional labour best"wewing work. The article alluded to may be found in the number of the (London) Athcnrrnm J->urii-i>. publish.d on the 14tli October, 18(55, and is the lust of a series called " A Budget of I'aradose-V from the fion of the eminent mathematical professor, De Morgan. We give here the concluding part of the article, which appears well adapted to serve as an introduction to our argument. •■X.iw, since dozens of methods, to which dozens more might be added at pleasure, concur in giving one and the same result ; and since these methods arc declared by all who liave shown knowledge of niathematics to be demonMrahd ; it is not asking too much of a person who has just a little knowledge of the first eknients that he should learn more, and put his hand upon the error before he intrudes his assertion of the tsistcncc of error upon those who have given more time and attention to it than himself, and who are in po.ssession over and above many demonstrations, of many consequences verifyinir each other, f^f which he can know nothing. This is all that is required. Let any one square the Circle, and persuade his friends, if he and they please ; let him print, and let all read who choose. But let Lim abstain from intruding liiniself upon those who have been satisfied by existing demonstration, until ho is prepared to lay his finger on the point in which existing demonstration is wrong. Let him also s.ay what this mysterious 3.14159 really is, wliich comes in at every door and window, and down every chimney, calling itself the citcumferencc to a unit of diameter. This most impudent and successful impostor holds false title deeds in his hand-^, and invites examination ; surely those who can find out the rightful owner are equally able to detect the forgery. All the quadrators are agreed that, be the right what it may, 3.14159 is wrong. It would be well if they would put their heads together, and say what this wrong result really means. A large number of opponents unite in declaring this result wrong, and all agree in two points : first, in differing amongst themselves ; secondly, in declining to point out what that curious result really is which the mathematical methods all agree in giving." B 10 "Most of til' .luaJrators aro not aware that it has Ijeoii fa'ly 'l- iiiii-ti'atcJ tint no two numbers wllat^oev.■r can ropre-cnt tho ratio of the ilianiotor to the oiivunit'crcnce with [.orfect aceiirapy. When, therefore, w^- are toM that oiiher ^ to l'.'i or f'.-l t,, -Jdl i> tlio true rati", we know that it is no such thiuL', without the neei'!':-ity of examination. Tlio [mint tliat is left open, as not fully ilemonstratcd to be impossible, is the;,'eonietrieal ([Uaih-ature, tli; ileteniiination '^f the cireumfereiiee by the straight lii.e and eirclo, used as in Kuelil. The general run of circlesquarer.s, hearing that the quadrature is n^t pr>noMnc'd to be Jemons/idliri Ij impossibl\ imagine that the cticiil fjuadrature is opi'u to tiieir ini;enuity. Before attempting the aiithmeticil problem, tliey ought to aequire knowledge enough to read Lambert's demonstration (last given in Brewster's translation of Logendre's Geometry), and if they can. i.i refute it. Probably some have begun in this way. and h.ve caught a Tartar, wlio refuse I to let I hem go. I have never iieardofany one who, in [irodacing liis own demonstration, has laid hi* finger on tl:e faulty part of Lambert's investigation. Tiiis is the answer to those who think that tlie inatiiematicians treat the arltlmu'tieal squarers tcto liglitly, and tliat as some person may sueceed at last, a'.l attempts jhoulJ be e.Kaminel. Those wlio have .so thought, not knowing that there is demon.str.ition on the point, will jnob.ibly admit that a person who contradiets a tlieorein (jf which the demon-tration has been acknowledged for a century by all who have alluded to it as read by themselves, may reasonably be required to point out the error before he demands attention to his own result.' If the literary character of the Journal Irid admitted of such a mode of treatment. Prof. Do Morgan might perhaps by the aid of a geonietrieal diai:raui, and, by explaining the relationship of certain lines to the subject under consideration, have made the strength of his pisition still more clearly apparent, and have put tho.se against whom his argument is directed yet more hopelessly iu the wrong. As it is desirable to put the subject befon our readers in this form, we .shall venture, so far as our ability will enable us. to take the place of the professor, and endeavour to supply such a brief geometrical exposition by way of appendix to his st.itement. The reader is referred to Fig. I. From the centre A with the radius AB describe the quadrant BmC. from the point B draw the line BK at right angles to AB. Bisect the quadrant at the point m. From A tlirough m draw A D intercepting the line BK at D. -Join AC and DC From m draw the line m n at right angles to AB, and intercepting AB at n. Join m B. We have now the square ACDB. The are Bm C. containing r>0 degrees, and the lesser are B)n, containing 45 degrees. The secant AD, the shie m n, the o.-ine An, the chord Bm, and the tangent BD of the arc Bm. We have also the three triangles Amn, Am B and ADB. of which Amn and ADB arc similar triangles. Amn is part of ADB, and therefore ADB is greater than Amn, and the base of the triangle AmB is intermediate between the base of the triangle Amn and the base of the triangle ADB. To prevent confusion of lines, wo will now refer to Fig. 2, which is a repetition of Fig, 1, and iu which similar letters denote similar lines. Bisect the arc Bm at the point 0, and from A through draw Ap, intercepting BD at p. From the point 0, draw Or at right angles to AB, and inter- cepting AB at r. Join OB. We have now again three triangles Aor, AoB, and ApB, of which Aor and ApB are .similar triangles. ApB is greater than Aor, and the base of AoB is intermediate between the base of Aor and the ba>e of ApB. D is manifest that if we bisect the fractional arc Bo, b'st cut off, and draw the secant, the sine and the chord of the half of the fractional arc Bo, intercepted between B and the point of bisection, that we -ball again have three triangles, and if the fractional 11 Jirc, wliicli i.-i tlio Iiali' of Do is i\\< i bi-oc'cJ. tliroe more trian-'is, anrl finall}-. that so long as any part uf lliu arc ISiiiC reniains. if'uc bis et tliat remaining [.art (howowr sii.all that part luay Le) we ,*li:ill (il)taiii throe Iriai.irles, whi h will 1 c related to cieh other in the same manner as the three tiiantilo- lirnt > htiin d, naiiuly, the trian.Ie formed by the peeant, the tangent and tlie radius of the arc (however siii ill th'' arc may be) will br similar to and will be also greater than the trian-le formed by the radius, tiie sine and the cosine of tlu same are ; and the base of tlic tliird triangle, formed by the two radii and the chord of the same are, will b^ intermediate between the bases of the other two triaiif;ks. It is also obvious that, as the pro?css of liiscction is carried further, aud the part of the arc remaining becomes less, tlic lines forming the bases of the three triangles respectively, will continually nppr.iaeh each other, and that wlien the part of the are remaining becomes extremely small, the three lines will approximate very closely. Now, whether we take the whole arc of 4.") degrees, or any one of the fractional arcs cut oflF by the process of bisection (however small that fractional arc may be), it is manifest that the figure contained by the arc itself, together with the two radii, is k.ss than the figure contained by the tangent, tog<'ther with the secant an 1 ra lius of that arc, and grcat'jr than the figure contained by the chord, together with the two radii, ami th refore also greater than the figure, contained )iy the sine, together with the radius and cosine of that are. It tlicrefl)re follcws that, however sn?:dl the fractional are may be, the arc itself is less than the bas:' of the greatT triande, and greater than the base of either of the other two triangles. ^Ve will now suppose a very small fractional nrc remaining of only one degree * and leavitig out of consideration the intermediate triani.'le, we will confine our attention to the arc it.self, and to the two lines, one of which (the tangent to the arc), forma tlic base of the greater triangle, and the i.thur (the sine of \h>' arc) forms t!ie ba.sc of the lesser triangle ; and since these two lines, one of which is greater and the other less than the arc. approximate closely to each other, it is evident that, if we obtain the hn-jths of these two lines, we shall also obtain a close approximation to the Kngth of the are, which is intermediate betwe n them. The lengths of these lines, that is to say, the length of the tangont and of the sine of an are of one degree, h ive been long since obtained ; and it is not to bo supposed that any one will call in question the correctness of the mathematical nieasuremenf of these straight lines. The actual ler.gth of these lines, taken from an authorised table (the radius beiuL' unity) are: Tangent, 0174r>.">; ."^inc, 017402. If we multiply the first of these '(Uantities by IMO degrees, we shall get the approximate measurement of the cireuinference of the Circle, but the product so obtained will m'tntfrstlij be a little mon than the actual length of the circumference ; if wo mul'iply the ,see'ind quantity by 3(10, the product will manifestly be a little Ass than the actual length of the cireuuiferenee. To find the approximate ratio of tiie circumference to a unit of diameter, the number so obtained must be divided by two — beeau.se the diameter is twice the radius. Therefore, .017455x300 = 0.283800 and C.2S3S00 ^^ ^^^g^ 2 .017452x30(1 = 0.282720 and C.282720 „,,,„,, — = J. 141 do Note. — It is evidcut that tlie [iroceis uf bisection, if commenced with an arc of 45 degrees, will result in a sm.all arc eiilier gie.iter or U'ii tliiiu one degree ; the naUor iiiay iherefoa' suppose the prucuss to have coniiuenced with an fire of 32 degrees. An arc of 45 degrees has ' e. n taken in Ihc first instauce fur the purfose of simpli- fying the exphinition, but a little further on an arc of 52 degrees is substituted for the reasjn just referred to. 12 So that we have .'i.UinO, a fiuaiitity which must inauiiVstly bo -reatcr tlian the actual leii'rth of tlic circuuilerence, auJ wo have 3.1il3l3, a quantity whicli must manifestly bo less tliau tiio actual Icn-tb of the circumforLuee. We have supposed the process of bisection to stop at a fractional arc of one Jo!,'roo, but ihe reader, if he ] leases, can carry the process further, and cut d. wn the arc to a small fraetion of on-; degree , he will still be able to obtain the leuL'tii of the tuni;ent and of the sine, and it will be found that, however far the process may be carried, the produst of the tangent will never become less than .'!.141o',),... nor will the product of the sine ever become greator than :5.14159...a number which will be always intermediate between these products, prteisoly as the arc itself is inter- mediate between the base of the greater and the base of the lesser trianule. '■<• Now. although we hold in common with mathematicians that tlie process of which we have here endeavoured to give a brief explanation, is geometrically sound, by which we mean that the .■easoning is itself iueoutrovertiblo, and the facts upon which it is based indisputable, and that, therefore, the re- sult must be certainly correct, we find, ueven!n.lcs.s, reason to believe that the result of that process has not been hitherto wholly understood, or perhaps it would be better to say, that the meaning of the result lias not beeu fully realized, and that certain imperfect assumptions arising in conse(|uence have caused an obstacle to appear insurmountable, which obstacle can be ( vercome without any very great dilEcuhy wheu the moaning of that result is fully and correctly understood. In order to bring at once bct'jro the reader the precise nature of the ea.se, to which wo wi^h to direct his attention, we will refer again to Fig. I. and Fig. II., and again suppose that the arc Bm has been bisected, the fractional arc resulting therefrom also bisected, and so on until we again have a fractional arc oi'one degree only remaining, It appears manifest that this fractional are of one degree is the 4r)th part of the whole arc of 45 degrees, and in one sense such is undoubtedly the fact, .since it is a fraction of the wiiole arc, and consists of one divisiimal unit out of the forty-five of which the entire arc consists. It will then appear to lollow that if the fractional arc of one liegree is multiplied by 45, the product will equal the entire arc of I'orty-fivo degrees ; and again in one sense such will be undoubtodly the fact; but wo siy ihcre has been hitherto, directly or indirectly, an assumption that if the fractional arc of one degree is increased to 45 times its magnitude, it will reconstruct the original arc, or, to put it in other words, that if the fractional arc of one degree is magnified to 45 times its size, it will in its magnified condition be similar as well as equal to the entire are of forty-five degrees. If .such assumption is • We ar" aware tliut the latter part of this eximsition i?, in a scieiitilic sense, open to ot.jeclion ; inasmuch as the measurcaient of these slriiijiht Um'.'S may be s-iiJ to be a ilorivative from ami a part of the same compulation which gives the result 3.14159. . . .etc. . . .aail that therefore the fact of the part harmonizing with the whulc does not furnish a proof of the correctness of the general result. Xevertheles?. addressed to the quadrators or those who are sceptical as to the soundness of the mathematical result, the .irguraent as stated above is, we think, leRilimaie ; many of the quadrators, fur instance, hive insisted on a result cuusijernhly greater than even the product of the tangent, and others again have been equally ur.?ent iu favour of a quantity less than the product of the sine, of ore degree. The Irigonometricul prnces', based . n the cnnlinucd hisoclion of an arc, may be said to commence from tne vanishing-point at which the two lines, and the arc intermediate between ihem, terminate or originate in common, and from that point to build up the meas irement of the entire circle. Formerly the compiittttion was attended with the e.Tpendilure of very much time and labour, but more recently such com- putations hare been greatly facilitated by the contrivance of very ingenious formula", and other improvements in trigonometry 13 subiuittcd to Geometry, its fallacy will become apparent. Prop. I. It is refjuireJ to dc.'cribe an arc» similar atiJ ef|uivalent to a gi\cn a c rtilucJ tu half its magnitude. Fig. 3. Let tbe arc Bm, deseribej as in Fig. I., he the ,i;;ven arc, it is required to reduce the arc Bm to half its magnitude Bisect the radius AB at tbe p.'int L. With the centre L and the radius LB describe the quadrant Bst. Bisect Bst at the point s. B.- shall be the rcijuirtd are Because the arc Bs is half the arc Bst, and the arc Bm is half the arc .{mC, and the arcs Est and BmC arc both of them quadrants, the arc Bs is similar to the arc Bm. Becau.sc the radius LB is half the radius AB, the circle of whicli tbe arc Bst is a fractien, is half he maj.'nitude of the circle of wMch BniC is a fraction. But Bs is half of Bst, and Bm u half of BmC, therefore Bs is half the magnitude of Bui, and Bs has been shown to be a similar arc to the arc Bm. Wherefore, the arc Bs is similar and ec|uivalciit to the arc Bm, reduced to half its mairnitude, which was required. It is unnecessary here to dcmoii.stratc because it will be at oncj admitted, that the resulting arc may, by bisecting the radius LB, be reduced to half its ma<:nitude. and that the process may be so continued until the arc is reduced to any small ma^rnituJe rcjuirvd. We will now suppose u given arc of thirty-two degrees, and subject it to the process of repeated bisection, as described in our appendix to Do Morgan's statement ; at the fifth bisection we shall have a fractional arc remaining of one degree, which fractional arc we will call m. We again suppose the same given arc of thirty-two degrees, and reduce it by the process shown in Prop. L, to the thirty -second of its magnitude, and the resulting arc so obtained we wiil call n Let us now consider and compare together these two small arcs, the fractional arc m, and the reduced ;.rc n ; each of them is the one thirty-second par t of the same given arc, and they are necessarily equal in length to each other, but they differ in form ; tlie radius, the secant, the tangent, and the chord belonging to the one arc are neither equal, nor if taken together, are they similar to the radius, the tangent, and the chord of the other. The two small arcs pos.'=ess distinct and dift'ereiit geometrical properties ; they differing from each other, are, each uf them, the thirty-second part of the same thing. But tills cannot be in the same sen^e. Manifestly if the small arc n, resulting from the prncchs of rnluction, i.~ inerea.scd by rcTersinir that process to thirty-two times its magnitude, it will recinstract the orii:inal arc, from which it was reduced. But then, to what does tbe small arc m belong in the Buuie sense, and what wiii the arc m produce if .-iimilirly iucreased in magnitude. Tlie arc m, in the eanie sense, is tfo. thlrty-sewnd pnrt uf nn arc of one degne. belonying to a circle thirfi/-two times the mmpiitiide o/tht: circU to tchirh the original arc (from which it was cut off) bi lunged. And if the tmall arc of one d^grtt m, u incnased to thirty-two times its vi'ignitiide by racrsing the jyrocrss of reduction thoicn in Prop. I., it irill stdl remain an arc of only one degree, but it will have become one degree of a circle thirty-ttco timet the mugnitude (f the circle to which the original arc belonged. And the arc of one d' grif belonging to the circle of greater inagnifude will necessarily be equal in length to the original giitn arc iv.|nirLd to iKsnilf tlio »( (;oni.l ami lliiril arcs u;uju tlio .-traiL'lit lint- BT. Join BC, tlic clior.l of the (nudvunt BmC. I'rwlucc tin.- nidius BA, throu-h A, iiml iimkc J5AD twice the length of BA. AVith the centre 1) and radius 1>B dc.scrihe the arc BiiE ; of any Icn-tii). From the point D throu.di ui dr.iw ilic line Dn. iiiterecptinir tlic arc last descrihed at the point n, the arc Bii so cut otf froi.i the arc BnE, shall 1 j the second arc rcf|inred. Because the radius DAB is twice the length of the radius AB, the cird to which tlic arc BuK hclonps is douhle the magnitude of the circle to which th arc BniC belongs. Fn lu the jKjint m and at right angles to the line Dm, draw the chord Bin of the arc Bin. Bisect the arc Bm. at the point o. Join Ac perpendicular to the chord Bm, j'in also uio tmd Bo, ami pp'iluce the line Bo through o, uutil it meets the line Dn, at the point n. Bee:iuse o i.s the point of bisection of the arc Bni, the triangle Aom is similar and equal to the triangle AnB and becau-'e the line Dn is pcrfK;ndicul,ir to the line Bni, and the line Ac is" also perpendicular to the line Bm. and bec:r.i.-e the line DB is a production of the line AB, therefore the triangle DuB is al-^o .simi'ar to th" triangle AoB. but DAB, the side of the greater triangle, is twice the length of A13. the side of the lesser triangle AoB, therefore Bi'u, the base o: the greater, is likewise twice the length of Bo, the base of the lesser, and coiise(iuently o is the jioint of bisection of the line Bon. Since the triangle formed by the chord together with the two radii of the Ks.ser are Bo, is similar to the tritiiigle formed by the chord, together with the two radii of the greater arc Bn. therefore the arcs Bn and Bu form similar frictions of the cireirs to which they respectively belong. But the arc Bo is part of the rjuadrant BmC, and the arc Bn is part of the arc BiiE, and it has been 'linvn tliat the arc BnE bel' n-s to a circle of double the magnitude of the circlet'! which the arc BmC belongs, therefore the arc Bn is twice the length of the arc Bo; and ai'ain, the arc Bo is half the arc Bni, mil therefore the arc Bn is equal iu length to the arc Bm. AVheref>re, tiie second are Bn, Uescrihud uf>on the given straight line, is equal in length to the given arc Bm, and belongs to a circle twice the magnitude of the circle to which the given arc bcFongs as required. But further, produce the r.adius BD, through D, making BDF twice tiie length of BD. With the centre F, and theridiu- FB, de-cribe tlic arc BLG. and from F, througli the point n, and it right angles to the chord Bon, draw tin- line FL, intercepting the arc last described at the point L. The arc HL. so cut off from the arc BLG, .shall be the third arc required. Because the radius FDB is twice the length of the radius DB, the circle to wliich the arc. BLG belongs is double the magnitude of the circle to which the arc BnE belongs. Bisect the arc Bn at the point p. Through o join Dp. perpendicular to the chord Bon, of the arc Bn. Join np and Bp, and produce the line Bp through the point p, uutil it intercepts the line FL at the point L- liccauso p is the point of bisection of the arc Bn, the triangle Dpn is similar and equal to the triangle DpB. and because the line FL is perpendicular to tlie line Bod, and the line Dp is also perpendicular to the line Bon, and because the line BDF is a production of the line BD, therefore the greater triangle FLB is also similar to the lesser trianLde DpB, but FDB, the side of the grc iter triangle, is twice the length of DB, the similar side of the lesser triangle DpB, therefore BpL, the base of the greater, is al.«o twice the length of Bp, the bise of the lesser. .Since the triangle formed by the chonl, together with the two radii of the le-ser jirc Bp, is sim'lar to th3 trimgle firmed by the chord, together with the two radii of the greater arc BL, the arcs Bp and BL are therefore similar 15 fractious of the ciicl'sto wLlIi they rc-poclivoly li«.!on;.'. IJut tlif arc Bi) is p;irt of the arc Bj.n, and tlic ac I?L is p:rt ol" tlu; .-irc BLU ; a'l'l it has bcou shown that the arc BLG belnni^s to n circlo Jou jIo tlie maj;iiitu'le of tlio circle to which Bpn bdo'ic;-*, thcrcfiro the arc BL is twice •he lc'iij;tli of the arc Bj.. But the arc Bp is lialf tlic arc Bpn. Wherefore tlie third arc BL, described upon tlie niven straiu'ht line, is equal in lenv'th to the sceond arc Bn, de-crilicd upon the same straight line, and belongs to a circle twice the ninguitude of the circle to which the second arc belonc's, as was required. CoRnLLAiiV. — Because the chord Bm of the arc Bni is also the sine of the arc Bn, and becau.se the chord Bn of the arc Bn, is also the sine of the arc Bl, it follows that If a nuadrant, or any definite arc less than a quadrant, be given, and if a second arc be described upon the same straight line, equal in length to the given arc, and belonging to a circle double the magnitude of the circle to which the given arc belongs, — the sine of the second arc shall be the same line a^ the chord of the given arc ; and if a third arc be described upon the same straight linn, equal in length to the .second arc, and belonging to i circle double the magnitude of the circle to which llic second arc belongs, then shall the sine of the third arc be the same line a.s the chord of the scconil arc ; and so on It will be hereafter shown that if this process is continued, namely, if we continue to describe arcs upon the same straight line, each of them equal in length to the preceding arc, and belonging to a circle twice the magnitude of the circle to which the preceding arc belongs; — the eventual result will be that we shall cbmpletely unbend the given arc, and project the given arc (so to .speak ) upon the straiglit line. See Figures 24 and I>0. If, however, it were neces.sary to actually double the length of the radius, and to describe the successive arcs as specified in the foregoing proposition, a limit would be reached bef:)re the arc was completely unbent, the radius becoming of such great length that it would be impracticable to proceed further; we shall be able, however, to show that the estremitics of the successive radii ran be drawn, and the point at the extremity of each re(iuired arc can be found, without neccssarir drawing the entire radius, and without requiring to describe the arc itself. preld:inary argument. PART SECOND. Definition? and Postulates. Let BAG be any anisic contained by two lines BA aud CA With the centre A and radius AU, describe an arc lutereejitiug AC at E. Bisect the arc BE at the point D, and j"in AD. iKf. 1. — Where the exprcs-ion • bi. lart il' cur ar^iiiiKut tlio loailint; niiubitiuii miiy Le pii.-' iiicd ia the loUuwinj; t'lTin ; — (iNTLUIiOU \ riVE rilnl'. X.) An arc bi in" tlic ilciiiiitc fraclioii nf a circle', iiml .1 straight lino rnrniiiii; the tan'^'iMit In tin- arc bcini: L'ivon ; it Is ip(iuiiTil to cut iff trum llic -tiai-iit line a pnrt tlK'not'eiiual in Icngtli to tlie given arc. Pi^r. 4 — I'^niui tlie ccntif A and with the radius AB ilcscribc iho i|Uiiilr:int HinC. Bisect the (lUaJraiit BinC at tiic point lu. 'J'hnitij;ii 111 draw the (<■ tMlit AD, and draw also lliu tangent BD, of the arc Bni. Lit the arc Bni, so cut off from the (|u:idr,int bo the given an — it is roijuirod to cut off tVoni tlio straight line B[). a part thorouf 0((Ual in lonLith to the arc I'm. Produce tl.c radius HA ihrcuuli .\. and make BAE tho produclion of BA, twice the longili of BA. — 1 roni K through in dr^w El', interccpliiii,' tho line BD at f — Bisoot the radius BA at the point e, Join Do, cuttin;,' Kt', at the point y. Throui;h y, ami at right angles to BD, draw . X ; s • tliat [rop. V i.-* nvi.lily clouionfilr.iWc if the quostinn subinittcil in prop, X ciin be answered in ilio iifliriuiitivo, tliiit is, if it can be sliown tliat tho line IMI ((if pmp. X) is ('■|ii;il in li'MLflli to the iirc Mm. For, in lutli fijinres tlie I nc Kf U ;it ii;.'lit aiijjles to tlip line Bni, and nl.-o in both fi^nres the jioint _v his 'ets the lin • pll. The arc Urn of Fig, i.s rcconstrupted in Fi^;. fr'mi tlie straight line lUI, Sn'., kn. It iii:iy hi! here ol served — 1st, That the length of the line lUI niu^l evidently iippro.xiuiate some- what elosdy (if it be ii >i pijual) to the length of the arc IJni,— 2nd. That the line BlI has evidintl)- «n important rclation>hip to the other parts of that gemral tlgure whieh is the guhj.-ct id' investigation. The ijuestion whether the line IMI i/nm or iln,3 imt in /mi cipial the are I5m, we will snb:iiit to the test of letn.'il exjH'riinent by applying the proces.i of unhi(lering one of tlio dilVienlties of this subject to consist in its ex- treme coniplici tion, in such wise, thit a number of cases endeivour (so to speak") to crowd together upon the ni:itheii>alician's attention, wc will submit the three following simple propositions with the Cxpre->3 object of isolating that c ise whieh we wish here to bring under i)artieular eon-,ideration. Prop, a ( Fig, S.) —Let mC be a line drawn fmni the p"int in, and let CA be a line drawn from the point C at right angles to niC, ami let map be a lino driwn from the same point m, cutting the lino CA at a, and together with mC containing an angle of -15 degrees. It is reijuired to draw a. line from the piiint ni, which shall cut the line CA, anil shall together with the line mC, contain an angle of 22i degrees. With centre m and radius mC describe Cbd intercepting map at d, bisect Cbd and through the point of bisection b draw mbo. — nibo is manil'estly the line re(|uired. I'rop. b (Fig. VIII,) — Let mC, c\, and map be a repetition of the same lines (as prop, a). It is rt(juired to bisect the line Ca, (cut off from CA by the line map) and through the jioint ul' bisection to draw a lino which, if produc d, .shall intercept a production of the line Cm, through the point m, and -hall together with the production of Cm contain an angle of 'S2\ degrees. L^'t f be the jniint of bisection of the line Ca, From f draw a lino at right angles to map, and intercepting map at g. From fC take fh equal to fg; and from the point h draw a line at right angles to IV and intercepting map at n. From n through f draw nf'i|, nl'i) shall be the required line, Because Ig is perpendicular to ng and bec.iuse fh is perpendicul.ir to nh, and fg and fh are equal, the triangle ngf is simil.ir and equal to the triangle nlif Now ah, which is part of aC, is at right angles to hn, and nC is at right angles to Cn» ; but pain, of whicli gn is a part, together with Cm, contains an angle of 45 degrees and (since hn is parallel to Cm) gn together with Jin also contains an angle of 45 degrees; therefore (as fg and fh arc equal) qfii together with hn eontain.s an angle of 22A degrees, consequently if qfn be produced through n, and Cm be produced through ni, until the two lines so produced intercept each other, the production of qfn will together with tiie production of Cm, contain an angle of 2'2\ degrees; where- fore qfn is the line required, (Corollary — Ilencc it follows that if a straight line be drawn from h to g, nfq will bisect that line ; and also if with the centre n and radius nh an arc bo described, terminat- ing at the interception of the line iiga, nfq will bisect that arc,) (See I'rop, a). Prop, c (Fig. IX,)— Let mC, CA and map be the sanie lines (as in prop, a) repeated. It is required to draw a line from the point m whieh shall cut thj line Ca, through the point of bisection of 20 tie line Ca (i. f. i>'vill bi!«cct Ch\ Kroin ii ilrnw nH ;it ri^ht aii>;lo(( to Ca arul I'^iuul in lon};tli to Cm, pr Juce I'M tiirou^li a .mil m.iki i)iiH twiic tin- Uii^tli nf l>.i. J. in niB culling .ic at f.- ml H A\\\\\ be the line n muiil to uiC .ind <'u is at ri^:lit anj:li"!< to niC iind al.-o at ri^rlit angle* to all, and kcauM- nit is part of nit'H, the lint.' aC biHicto tlif line rniB nmi tluirlori) tlio tri- «nj:Ic niR' is >4|uare ABlH.'. the (|iiailraiil hni*', and the fecmt Ai>. I'rciin H, lhi()ii,i;h A, prodm-o the radins UA, and niaLc IJAK twice the Icnmh of BA. Fnini K. throuu-h m, draw Kf, intiTee|ilinj,' I?D, at f; join UC, ciittini; Al) at S. From BD. tlin'U.-h H. draw YSj;, at rii,'ht ■m^le'* ti BD. euttini' Kfat !>, an I intererpiin;^' AC at g. Frum b, at ri^ht anj;les (>) AB, draw biF, cutiinj,' AD at u, and iul« rceptiiii.' AB at •!. With centr- B and ra(liii> M.I, deseribi' the arc Jl> I', interc'iiiin;; BI>, at I'. Juin #11'. The le>.ser triangle BI'J is similar to the greal fwrpendieular to CB. if a line int is drawn iVoin m, int. rc< ptin.: AC at riuht anjrles, At mn.st e(|ual Si ; and since inS is cfjuul to )>.*«, and .lb ei|Ual to bv, it follows tiiat AJ is efjual to mv ; and thcr/■'.//.;/•_// Pm^K h.) Fioni P, periioudieular to BI), draw I'l, euttini; AD at \V, and inlerecpt- ing Jr at d. The liiic dJ is the base of the trimje P.Id, and du fpart of dJ ) i.s the base of the triani;!c Wud ; th'/ iKiiiit b bistots du. .I^in ED. cuttint; A(.' at l', ami j'lin al.-o \Vb , Wb is parallel to Dg. Bi'^ct dJ at p aii'l jiiiii Pp; Pp is also paralkl to \^^ ( betauje DAC, Wud and P.Jd, are .similar triangle^ and consefpn-ntly Di.', M'b, ami Pp are similar lines.) Throuuh W, at ri^ht angles to CD, draw Vo, interecptint: JP at n. The k>s.r tri.m-le PoW is similar to the irreater tri.oijile PJd, of which it is a pap. and the tri.m;_'le DWV is miMilVstly similar and eijual to the trian^;le I'OW, ED cuts dp at s. The Iriaiifxle DsP is siuijl:':- to the trianjilc DKB, (of whieh it in apart), but DA bi-.-ets EB, and therefore DW .part (if DA ■ bi^eets xP.* Fi;.;. 12 is a ri'[K;'.ition of the rudimentary Cj:ure. With centre E, and radius EB, describe the arc Bn, intercepting; the line Ef at the point n. Join I'n. With centre B, and radij- Bn, describe the ark TUK. Draw Kc, at ri-ht nicies to AB, and join cT. at right anirl's to BD. euttini; the line \D at y The Ls^ieT trianule KTB is similar to the prcater triangle ADB, of which it is a part. Throu<,'h y, at right angles to cT, draw Uyq ; intercefftini: CD at T, and intercepting KT at rj. The lesser triangle DyT is similar to the greater triangle DAB (of which it is a part), and the three triangles Dyl', DyT, and Tqy, are manifestly similar and eijual, each to each. Join ED cutting cT at x. The triangle DxT is similar to tho Vote.— The exjifrimentnl eiamination oftlie gcnenl figure will be currieJ somewtiat further at the coucln- li'jn of the ai'peudii to tlip ireliminary org' meat. (.Seepage ). 21 trion^'le DKR; but DA him'cts KB; tlnTofoic I>y bisects xT. (Bisect cK at n, and join uT ; aT is inunifi^lly piir:illfl fn i.'I>. » Sciliii.iiM. — Am tlu! circmnli'ii'iicc (pf a circlo liiis been iii.itlu'iimt!o;il!y iiiiriNUrrd, and tlio niPiiMiircinciit (>f ccrtnin of tbi- liiics bt'luiij^iti;^ to fi;^'iirc,s X and XI is hIsh known, the data obtained Irniii tiic jin 'Cecil II;.' < finiiiniitiiiii iiiiiy bo applied to iiscurtaiii ii/i/ifirnu'ifii- /ij tlio puint in tbe lino IM>, at wbicli to cut (.J a part ibcrcid' ( iiu-asuriiig (Voin tlic cxtri.inity B,) c"iual in icii;^'tli to tbc arc Bill. Tbc line BT iw tiic clioid of mi afc of 2'2\ dc^rceH and tiic loiii;tb nf wbicli ic!;itiv( ly to tlio railiiiM KB is ibcrdiiro knnwii. I'D, ( Fij;. l».'», and because tbe cbord of an arc of 2-i dcj;rec.s P((Uals tbe sine of an arc of 11^ decrees, if tbo two arcs lie of equal len'_'tb (Corollary prop. 1 i and bee.iuse tbc r.iduis KB is twice tbc lengtb of AB, tberelore "lOjO.SO x 4 'TMCJ J(.i .• tbe len^tb of tbe cbord of tl.c are BN (^of 2L'J de;:reer-r Tbe sine (niZ) of tbe arc of 45 de.irroo.s- '707107. And balf tbc fanj;ent (vZ; of tbc same arc^ Tmioimi. Ti.er.'fore PD 707107 ■• TiOdnO '•2071(»7, and BP - POOdO— ::O71()7--'7!:i2.S03. Now tbc uiatb.'iuatieal nieasureiiieiit of tbc circunifereiu'c of a seniicirele to a unit vi radius — 3'1I1.")9 and coiLseijuently tbc arc of 45 degrees ^ — = "^^'jo!'. It tberelore follow-', if we assume tbc correctness of tbese measurements, tbat tlii? requiicd point must f.!! b'tweeii tbe point P and tbe point T. and i little nearer to tbe point T tban to tbe ["■iiit P. Tbe distance of tbc point from the point P to tbe di.-tance from tbe point T being nearly in tlie proportiLn of 3.2. Tbe particular si;.'niticaiico of tbe line in ((Ueslion in.iy be lure exeniplilied by -bowing tluit we arc now in a position to answer, for instance, tbc following re(|Uisition. ( Prop. 3 a.) — 1 'poll n given straigbt line it is reijuired to de.>cribe an arc containing '121 degrees, sueh tbat tbc cbord of tbc arc ."-ball be Kjual in lengtb to tbc given .straigbt line. pig. 14. Let BT be tbe given straigbt line, it is rc(|uired to describe tbc arc upon BT. Prom tbc point B at one extremity uf tiic given straigbt line draw tbe perpendicular BK ei|U al in lengtb to BT, and fioiii T at tbe ojiposiio extremity, draw tbe jicrpendieular Tc also cijual to BT. Join Kc. Witb centre K and radiu.s KB, dc.>eribe tbe quadrant Bic. Join KT bisecting Blc at 1, and join al-o Be bisecting KT at tbc point r. Bisect tbe line Kc at tbc point p. Join pT cutting Be at q. From q draw i|t at riglit angles to cT, and intcrccptinp; cT at t, and from qt cut off qs equal to qr. From .s draw sy perpendicular to qt, and intercepting KIT at the point y. Join sr, (and join also qy bisecting sr.) From B througb I draw Blni at right angles to qy, and intercepting sy at m— produce BK and produce also BT indefinitely, and tlirou-li 1)1 (li-w a line paralkl I-:- KT. and pRidueiMt in both iliroction? iiitcrcopting th-i fcc-lacljon ufBIs. at A. anJ iiitircoj.tin^' the j.roduction of IJT at D. Witli the centre A. atij tvllt* AB de- scribe ail arc ii.terecptin-.' the liuo AmD at in. Produce the line BA throui;h A, mafcitt.' BAE twice- the lini;tli of UA. From E driw Kn tliroujli the point ni. With centre E and radiiu LB descHbe the arc Bn iiitoreoptinu' the lino E li proluced throii;_'h ni at the point n — Bu .shall be the r«ijiwi*darc. Because Bni i> an arc, contiiniiig 4-") de-pTecs, and because the radius EAB is twict! the len^«li ^■f tbe rolius A!', and Eiiin i- a pp-wjijctioa of Em tliruuyii lu. therefore the arc Bn i- an arc CJntjiLiing 22J ile^'ree-i. (Fig. 15 is a rejictition of tiiosv lines bcloDjring to Fig. 14 necessary for the democc'ii-i'ktn) Join Bn. tlie chord of the an? Bu, and produce the line Hn through n, intercepting cT at W . Froiii n at right angles to Bn draw a line, intercepting BD at c, and cutting WT at x. Join Bx. With centre B and radius B."*. describe the arc .Sabd, intercepting BD at d. l>raw tho lin* Bajbl-eel- ing the arc Sabd at a, the line Bn bLstxMing the hiif arc abd at the point b. and the line Bs !t-*rt:ng tbe fiictional arc bd. Because Bu i; a production of I'p. and BT a production oi' Bd, ari'I l»eaFii<£ j!w linj Bx bisects the arc bd. ther'.forens I? c>jual to Ts. But nx is perpendicular to Bu and Tx is ptirjiecai'fTilar to BT. and the triangle Bxn is similar to the triangle Bxt. consc.|Uently, the ratio oF thi lisii Bo to the li le Bx is equal to the ratio of the line BT to the line Bx, and two lines which have efjiajil ratios to a third line are cfjuul to each other, therefore, the line Bn is equal to the BT. Wh-^rit' ft jLe arc Bi!, containing 2'2\ degroi* h-..« bt-en de:l it hm been demonstrated that the chord of the arc Bn is ajual in length to the given straight line. wSak-ii wss required to be done. For the purpose of further illustrating the relationship of the line Ef to the g'^QcriE figoiv. we will suppose the s:ime requisition refit-ated. (I'r'p. 3, b, fig. ICi). Lot BT be the given straight line. li i.- required to df.scriW ii>e arc upon BT. From the centre B. with the radius BT, describe the quadrant TK, draw Kc ai light angles to KB. Join Tc and j lin aL?o Be, biscctiug the arc TK at I. Bisect the arc IT ai d und join Bd. Bisect the li lif arc dl at a. and biiect the half arc dT at n. Throujrh the piaijD and a. and at right angles to Bd, draw dj, produce the line BK through K and the line BT iLroui:! T, indefinitely, (see note) and produce tlie line na in both directions, intercepting the j ^lo'tskiD of BK at E. and intercepting the pr.>]uction of BT at f With the centre E and the radias EB-ieKiibe an arc intercepting the line Eanf at tlie p-Zmt n. The arc Bn shall be the required are. Bisect the radius EB at the [-oiiit A. Witli centre A and radius AB describe tte qnsulriiiii BmC, and bi.-ect the quadrant at ni. B-.rau.-H.- Bm is an arc of 45 degrees, and because the ridtos EB is twice the len;_'th of the radiu- AB. and the line En is a production of the line Em iL^jJaifc nj, therefore the arc Bn is an arc containing 22}, degrees (prop. 1). Again, because the line Bn is a radius of the same are of whi^ h the line BT is also a radius. Bu is equal to BT. Bat iLe iioe Bn is the chord of the arc Bn. Wherefore it has been demonstrated that the chord ot the art Ba b c.:iual in length to the given straight line BT, and the arc Bn has been shown to contain 224 Jejrees, and has been describetl upon the ■.'iven straight line. Q, E, D. (Note, — The construction and demonstration to this prop, may be again varied thos. Jo'a nx, cutting the line Bd at the pdnt m. From the point m, through the line Be, and at tvAt angles to 23 Be ilniw !ii.\. intfrcoptin:; tlie iToJuution of BK at A, jiikI cuttiiii.' the line Ce at .S produce na through a, iiitorcoptinir tlie proiluction nf I5K at K, ami li-oin S, thron.'h Kc, and at right angles to Ki', draw a lini- iiitcrceptin;; naK at b. With the ecntro h and radius iiS, describe the '(uadrant Soc, bisect Si-e at <>. : iid bi^x-t ^'o at the point p on the line uaH. With the centre K and r.idlus KB, describe an arc. i itcrruptinj; the line naK at the point n. Bicause the liue bo bisects the quadrant Soe, aud the lino bp bisects the arc So ; bp, tn.-i.tlier with bS contains ai> anirle of 2-h degrei'S, but bp is a part of En, and bS is parallel to EB ; thfrefore the line En, togiihcr with the line KB contains an angle of 22^ deirrccs, &c., kc. It may be also nuted, that since uiS is a part of iiiA, and bp is a part of Em, and bS is parallel to EA, the triangle bSin is similar to the triangle KAM. With centre 8 and radius .Sb, desciibe an arc intercepting the pi'int m. sfincc Sb is equal to Sin, AE is "qual to AM. But AM is a radius of the arc BJF, ol which arc AB is also a radius, therefore the radius EB is twice the length of the radius AB. ( I'rop. 4 >. Upon a given straight line it is reijuired to describe an arc cont'iining 45 degrees, fcuch that the differeucc between the sine of the arc and half the radius of the arc, shall be equ; 1 to the diflerencc between the tangent of the arc and the given straight line. Fig . Let BF bo the given stniight line. It is required to describe the arc upon Bl*. With centre B, and radius Bl*, describe the quidrant I'il-J. With centre J aud radius JB, describe t!ie qua Ir.mt Bid. Join Pd. Jd. and Bd. Bisect the quadrant Bid at I. Join Bl, and produce Bl through 1 indefinitely. BLscct the given line Bl', at h, and with centre h, and radius hP. descrilx; the ark Po, inlcrcopting the production of Bl at o. Bisect the arc Po it n. Produce BJ through J, and produce BP through P, indelinittly. Through the point n, and at right angles to the production of Bl, draw the line fuE. intercepting the pr duction of BP, at f, and i!iterc''pting tlu pr o luction '>f BJ at E. Blse'Ct BE at tlie f«:iiut A. Willi centre A, and radius AB, describe the arc BmC* BuiC shall be the re.|uired arc. i^The demonstration to this i'rop. is substantially cmitaii vd 't the preceding examination) see page EXPERIMEXTAI. Ex.^MISATKiN — it\illt!n>ial.) The lino ED. Fig. 13 is a repetition (if the rudiment uy liguie. Join F-D. The line ED bisects AC, at the point g, (Prop. c. ) The base of the triangle DAC is bisected by the line ED, at g, therefore, since the lines CD and gY are parallel to the line I'^A, the three triangles EACl, Dl'd. and gYD, are -iiuilar and equal, each to each. Bisect CD at i, and join Bl, cutting ED at k. Through k. perp^'ndieular to BD. draw ckQ, intercepting BC at c, cutting AD at y, and iutcrcopting BD at Q. From c. draw cll at right angles to AB, intercepting AB at II. Join IIQ. The triangle BeQ is similar to the triangle BCD, of which it is a part, and Bi bisects CD ; therefore Bk < part of Bi) bisects ctj. The triangle DkQ is similar to the triangle DEB, of which it is a part, and DA bisects EB; therefore Dy (^part of DA) bLsects kQ. Through y, at right angles to kQ, draw Zyp, inter- • Note. — Or oiherwise : — Tlirougb tlic point n, lU riglit tinglog lo the prdduetioo of Bl, driiw fnni, iiitercppting the productioa of BP at f: and imerccpling the pi-oduction ef lil at ra. From ni, paralKl lo I'J, draw niA, intercepting the proJuction of UJ ut A. Willi centre A, and ladiiii AH, ice. 24 cepting CD at Z, an J iiiturcoptiii<; IIQ at p. The triangle ZyD is nianifustly similar and equal to the trian^lo y [>(.}. (Beoause DQ is part of DB, and DZ part of DC, and because Qk is equal to Zp; and Dk iutcrcopts the arc BniC at k, and Qp intercepts the same arc at p ; therefore the arc Bp is equal to the arc Ck ; and the ark pin, equal to the arc km.) TiiKOttEM. — If the quadrant of any circle be bisected and the secant to tlic half-arc be drawn through tiip pfiint of bisect i iii, and the tangent to the half-arc be drawn touching the arc at tlie original point thereof. And if the original radius of the (juadrant (see drfinitions) be produced through the centre, and the radius so produced be made twice the length of the original radius, and a line bo drawn joining tlie point at the extremity of tlie radius so produced, and the cxtron)ity of the tangent to the half-arc ; then shall the sine of the are cut off Iron) the quadrant by the line so drawn have the same ratio to the tangent of the half-arc, as the ratio which four has to five ( / c 4 : 5j, Fig. 17. Let the arc Bm(J, described with the centre A, and radius AB, be the quadrant. Hi>ect BniC at the point m througli ni draw tlie secant AD, an I the tangent BU to the half are Bni. Produce the radius AB through A, and make EB twice the length of AB. Join ED, catting the quadrant at the point k. Join CD, and bisect CD at the point d, Join Bd, cutting the quadrant, and intersecting the line ED at the same point k. Tlirnugh k draw cQ perpendicular to Bl), an(l intcn-cpting BD at Q. From Q draw Qll parallel to the secant AD, and iiitereoptinir AB at H. From II, at right angles to AB. draw He, intercepting cQ. at c. Because EB is twice the length of BD, and BD twice the length of dD, the triangle BdD is similar to the triangle EDIJ. But the angles BDd and EBD are both of them right angles, theref'iro the line Bd is at right anjles to the line ED. Now since HQ is parallel to AD, and Ho parallel to AC, the line Bd bisects cQ at the point k...and the line Bk (part of Bd) has been shown to be at right angles to the line kD (part of ED) therefore tlie triangle kDQ is similar to the triangle BkQ : and as kQ is equal tu the half of BD, DQ is also necessarily equal to the half of kQ. There- fore BQ is equal to twice kQ. and kQ is equal to twice J'Q; whereiore the line BQ has the same r:.tio to tlie whole line BD as 4 5. Draw ko, the sine of the arc Bk. ke is manifestly equal to BQ. (Prop. 5 ) Upon a given .straight line it is required to describe an arc containing 45 degrees, siic'i that if the tangrnt of ihe are bo divided into five equal parts, four of these paits shall be together equal to the given straight line. Fig. 17. — Let BQ be the given straight line, it is required to describe the arc upon BQ. From the point Q, perpendicular to BQ, dr.-iw Qe, ecjual in length to BQ ; and from B, perpendicular to BQ, draw BH, also equal to BQ. Join Be and IIQ. Bisect cQ at the point k, and join Bk. Produce BQ through Q, and produce BII through H. Through k, at right angles to Bk, draw kD, intercepting the production of BQ, at D. From D, pir.dlel to QH, draw DA, intercepting the production of BU at A. With centre A. and radius AB, djscribe the arc Bm, interoepting AD at m. Bm shall be the required arc. The demonstration to this solution is substantially contained in the demonstration to the Theorem. \\'e will now submit a proposition having a more general purpose but which may, at the same time, serve to exemplify the relationship of the line ED to the general figure. Prop. 5. Let a straight line A be so related to a second straight line B, that if A be divided into five equal parts, four of such divisional parts taken together shall equal B, (that is, let A : B : ; 5 : 4) 26 and let the second line B bo so related to a third lino C, that the ratio of B to C shall be the same as the ratio of A to B, (that is, let B:C': ;A;B) and again let the ratio of C to a fourth line D be the same as the ratio of B to C and so on, (that is, let A B : : C : D ; : D ; E : : E : F, &c., &c., : ; Y : Z : : 5 ; 4.) It is required from a given straiglit line equal in length to A to cut off a part equal in length to B, and from the par. so cut off equal to B to cut off a part equal to C, and from the part equal to C, to cut off a part cqu'il to D, and so on ; and it is required to demonstrate that the process may be so continued until the part last remaining shall be of less length than can be divided. Fig. 22. Let the straight Hue AZ, drawn from the point 3, he the given straight line. It is required to divide AZ ia the manner stated above. From the point Z, and perpendicular to ZA, draw the line Za, equal in length to ZA. With the centre a, and radius aZ, describe the quadrant ZmC ; join aC and AC ; join also Aa, bisecting the are at the point m. Bisect AC at the point d. Bisect also Ca at g. Join Zd, and from g, at right angles to ZD, drav? gA, cutting ZD at the point K. From K, perpendicular to AZ, draw KB, intercepting AZ at B. The part BZ, so cut off from AZ, shall have the required ratio to the whole line AZ (that is, BZ shall be to AZ; :4:5). Bisect Ad at the point e, and join Zo. Because AC is eqtial to AZ and the point d bisects AC, the half of AZ is equal to AD, and because the point c bisects Ad, the half of the half of AZ is equal to Ao, there- fore if AZ is divided into four equal parts, each one of those parts is equal to Ae. But the lesser triangle BZK is similar to the greater triangle AZD, of which it is a part, and therefore the half of BZ is equal to BK, and the line BZE, which bisects AD, also (manifestly) bisects BK at J, there- fore if the line BK is divided into four equal parts, each of these parts is equal to BJ. And again, the lesser triangle ABJ is similar to the greater triangle AZa, of which it is a part, and since AZ is equal to aZ, A13 is also equal to BJ. But it has been shown that if BK is divided into four equal parts, BJ is equal to each one of those parts, therefore AB is also equal to each one of the four divi- sional parts of BZ, therefore the whole line ZA contains five equal divisional parts, of which parts AB is one. Wherefore the line BZ, cut off from AZ, contains four equal divisional parts, each of which is equal to each of the five equal divisional parts contained by the line AZ. Again from B draw Bb, parallel to Aa, and intercepting Za at b. With the centre b and radius bz, describe the quadrant znc bisected at n by the line Bb. Join cb and cB. Bisect cb at the point g. and join Bg. From 1, the point at which Bg cuts the quadrant znd, draw IC, perpendicular to ZB, and intercepting ZB at C. The fractional line ZC shall have the required ratio to the line ZB, from which it is cut off. From the point Z through K and also through 1 join ZD. Because the lesser triangle CZl is a part of the greater triangle BZK, and similar to BZK, and because BK, the base of the greater, is equal to half of BZ, therefore CI, the base of the lesser is equal to half of CZ. But the line ZE bisects BK, and therefore also bisects CI at G, consequently, if ZC is divided into four equal parts, CG shall be equal to each one of those parts, and since the lesser triangle BCG is similar to the greater triangle BZb, and BZ is equal to bZ; BC is also equal to CG. Wherefore CZ, cut off from BZ, contains four equal divisional parts, each one of which is equal to each of the five equal divisional parts contained by the line BZ. And again, if from C, a line parallel to Bb be drawn iuterccpting aZ at c, and with the centi'e o, and radius cZ, a third quadrant be described, and if, from C, a liue parallel to Bg be drawn and if from the point where the line so drawn cuts the quadrant a line be drawn perpendicular to CZ, and intercepting CZ at D, it follows from a parity of reasoning that DZ, the part so cut off from CZ s 26 shall have tlio same ratio to CZ, as CZ has to BZ, ami as BZ has to AZ. And that, in like manner, a part may be cut off from the lino PZ, having the same ratio to D/ that DZ has to CZ. And a^'aiii, from the part last cut off another similar fractional part may be cut off, and that the process may bo so continued in like manner so long as any such part of the line A'^ be remaining that it be still pos- sible to describe a quadrant and to draw linos parallel to the linos Aa and A'i. Wherefore the line AZhas boon divided Ac, iSio., Q. E. D. Scholium. Tiie chord ZK of the arc ZK, cut off from the quadrant ZniU by the line G A, includes the chords of ail and each of the lesser similar arcs Again, if the line AG be produced through md the line Za be produced through a, the production of Za, intercepted by the production "f -hall be twice the length of Zu, Similarly of the lines B(J and Zb, and so on"'-'. Hence... Coiiiiary. The linos belonging to an arc which contains any definite fraction of a circle have the same relationship to each other and to the arc itself, as the similar lines belonging to all other arcs which contain similar fractions of other circles, have to each other and to the arcs respectively to which they belong ; and any line bolnnging to the one arc has the same ratio to the similar line belonging to the other arc, as the one arc which contains the definite fraction of a circle has to the other arc. which contains the similar fraction of any other circle, however groat or however small the magnitude of the circles may be to which the arcs respectively belong. t Kx.VMI.VATlOX CONTINUED. The lines BD, BC, and Bm. Fig. 25. Join Bm. On the line BD, take Ba, equal in length to BS, and from the point a. perpendicular to BD draw am. Because BS is equal to Ba, and Sm is perpendicular to BS, and am perpendicular to Ba— the triangle BmS is similar and equal to the triangle Bma, and consequently the line Sm is equal to the line am. But the line BS is a part of BC, and il:o line Ba i'^ a part of BD. Again, the line Ef cuts the line B J at tlie point e, and the line Ef is perpendicular to the line Bm, therefore the triangle Bme is similar and equal to the * We woiu'i suggest tbat tbis proposition may be found of utility in applied Geometry, {i.e. for the jiurposcs of tlie mccbanical draughtsman, &c. It is, however, to its application in quanliiive arithmetic that ivo wish here to invite the reader's attention. With this view we repent the lignre wiiliont describing the arcs, nt Fig. 23 wliieh may tlais i)e con^lructi'd. Draw the iipiare nc.Vz. Bisect ac, at g ; and bisect c.\, at d. Join Aa, gz. dz, and .-Vg. Through the point where gA intersects dz, draw a line perpeudiculur to zA, inter- cepting zA at li. From li, draw lib, parallel lo Aa. I'roduce llie line i erpendicular to z.\, from li, tlirough the point of intersection of gA, and dz. From the point b, (where 15b intercepts az) draw be, at right angles to az, meeting the line produced from B, at the point c. be is bisected by the line gz. From the point of bisection, join gB parallel to gA ; and through the point of bisection, perpendicular to zA, draw cC ; and so on. The division of the line zA will then have the ratios, each to the others, shown in the prop. And evidently the other lines rad'ating from the point z will be similarly divided (i.'-. the lines Z\ zc, zg, kc. The line gz bisects each of the line.i perpendicular to Az : and so on. When the process of u 'no ding an arc has been presently ex|ilniued, it will appear that the method here shown in conjunction with thai process may furnish the means of obtaining a very gre.i' number of various lines having definite ratios, each to the others, and to a given line of known length. t This may seem much like proving a truism since every one knows, for instance, that the tangent of an arc of 45 degrees, is equal to the radius whether the figure be drawn on n large or ft small scale | but, if we are correct in supposing that no direct demonstration of the general law has been given— the omission in a Geom- etrical (Cyclometrical) S'.-nse, is not, as we opine, justifiable. 27 triangle Biuf, and the line mc U eriual to the line mf. Ilcnco, by induction, •,'onoi'ally ; if from any point on the line Bui (or production of Bm) a lins bo drawn to tlio lino BC. at riglit anu'los to BU, and from the saiuo p'jiut on tho line Bui — a line be drawn to the line BD at ri/lit an^'lcs to BD, tho two Hues must h • necessarily eijual to c ich other. And also if a line bo drawn at any point from the line BC to t!ie lit e BH, throuirh the lino Bin, and at ri;^lit an^lo.s to B.n, tlio lino sj drawn ^•lulll bu bisected by the lii-C Bin. or production of Bni.* r>F,VF.r.OI'F,MEXT (1F THE PROCESS OF UNUENDIN(i AN ARC. Fiir. -4. which is a repetition of the original figure, .shows the arc Bin unbent through tiivcc successive duplicate ni.i;_'nitude.«, by rei»eatcd duplications of the radius, ns previously shown and explained in ]irop. II. In this fii^ure the entire r.adius of each arc is drawn, and each sueces.sivo arc is described. Wo sliall now explain three methods, differing somewhat from each other, by either of which the points at the terminal extremity of eacli successive arc can be found, and the extremities of the successive radii, properly pertaining to the arcs, can be drawn without actually describing the arcs, and without drawing the entire radii. MExnon the First.— Fi(i.2G. Through the point xa, and porpondiculir to the lino BD, draw the line ma, of indefinite length, with centre m and radius ma, describe an arc, intercepting AD at a. Bisect the arc aa at R, and joiv Bin. Juin Bm, and with centre B and radius (Bm, or any pan of Bm, as) Bb, describe an arc intercepting BD at b. Bisect the arc bb at c. Produce the line Hm through ni, and ppKluce the the lino Be tlirough c, until the two lines so produced intercept each other at the pr>int n. Rn .sliall be the extremity of the first duplicated radius, and the point n shall be the point at the terminal estremity of the first arc of duplicated magnitude. Because am is perpendicular to BD, and consoi|Uently parallel to the radius AB, and because am, which is part of the secant AD, contains together with am an angle of 45 degrees, tliercfore tlie line Rn which is a production of Rm contains, together with Am. an angle of 22i degrees. Bisect the original arc of 45 degrees Bm, at the point c. Now the line Bn inter-sects the same point e, and tiie point e also bisects tlie line Bn, and since it is manifest that if the radius Ae, of the arc of 22A degrees Be, be drawn the line Ae shall be parallel to the line Rn, and becau-i-e the line Bn i.! twice the length of Be, and is intercepted by Rn, drawn through the point ni, therefore the line Bn is the chord of an arc, erjual in length to the arc Bm, and belonging to a circle double the magnitude of the circle to which the arc Biu belongs, and the point n, at the terminal extremity oftlie chord of the arc, must be necessarily the point at tl;e terminal extremity of the arc itself if the arc bo actually described. Througli the point n, and perpendicular to BD, draw na of indefinite length. Produce nR through R, and with centre n and radius na describe the arc aa. Bi>cct aa at S and join ?n. With centre B, and with (any part of the line Bn, as) Bb describe the arc bb, intercepting the line BD. Bisect the arc bb atd, and join Bd, Produce the lino Sn through n, and produce the line Bd, through d, until the two lines, so proiluecd, intercept each other at the poiut o. The line Sno shall be the extremity of the second duplicated radius, and the • The figures belonging to tlie Exi'eriniental Exdrai lation, and a\?o, a part of tbc figures belonging to the props. deJuctil from tlie Eijil. Exns. are conibincj in Fig. 25 drawn on a larger scale, with the object of defining more clearly the relative positions of the lines under consideration. poirt shall be the terminal point of the second arc of duplicate magnitude. Bisect the arc Be of 22J degrees at the point f, and join Af. Af is necessarily parallel to So. The line Bo cuts the arc at the point f, and the part Bf, cut off from Bo by the point f, is one-fourth the length of the whole lino Bo. Wherefore So is the extremity of the second duplicated radius, and Bo is the chord of an arc equal in length to the arc Bm, and belonging to a circle four times the magnitude of the circle to which tlie arc Bm belongs, and the point o must be necessarily the terminal point of the second aro of duplicate magnitude if the arc be actually described. By continuing the process in like mannen and by a parity of reasoning, it will appear that the lines Tp and Uq arc the extremities of the radii' and the points p and q the terminal points belonging to the successive arcs of duplicate magnitude. Method the Second. Fig. 27. Through the point m and at right angles to BD, draw the line amb. With centre m, and radius ma (of indefinite length), describe the arc ai, intercepting AD at i. Bisect ai at R. Join Rm and produce Rm, through m (indefinitely). With centre m and radius mb, (of indefinite length) describe the arc bb, intercepting the production of Rm at b. Bisect the arc bb at c, join cm and from the point where cm cuts RD, draw a line perpendicular to BD and intercepting the production of Rm at the point n. Rn shall be the extremity of the first duplicated radius, and n shall bfi the terminal point of the first arc of duplicate magnitude. Join Bm. Bm is perpendicular to Rm. Join Bn. Bn cuts the arc Bm at me point of bisection e. Therefore Rn is the same lino and n the same point previously obtained by the first method and shown in Fig. 26. Through the point n, and perpendicu- lar to BD, draw the line anb. produce nR, through R, and with centre n and radius na, of indefinite length) describe the arc ai, intercepting the production of nR at L Bisect aA at 8. Join Sn and produce Sn, through n indefinitely. With centre n and radius nb (of indefinite length) describe the arc bb, intercepting the production of Sn at b. Bisect the arc bb at d. Join dn, and from the point where dn cuts the line BD dr.-iw a line perpendicular to BD intercepting the production of Sn, at tho point ; So, shall be the extremity of the .second duplicated radius and o, the terminal point of the second arc of duplicated magnitude. Join Bn. Bn is perpendicular to So. Join Bo. Bo cuts the half-arc Be, at the point of bisection/. Therefore So is the same line, ando the same point previously obtained by the first method, and shown in Fig. 26. By continuing the same method and by a parity of reasoning, the remaining points and lines may be obtained, namely the points p q &c., and the lines Tp and Uq, &c., and will be found to coincide with the points and lines denoted by the same letters in Fig. 26 and previously determined by the first method. Now taking either of the figures belonging to these two methods if a line be drawn from the point n, to the line BD, jtrpendicular to BD, the line so drawn shall be equal to mn. And if a line be drawn from the point o to BD perpendicular to BD, the line so drawn shall be equal to n o. And a line from p to BD perpendicular to BD equal to op, and so on. (See experimental exami- nation, page 26). For taking Fig. 24 let nb, oc and pd be the lines drawn as directed, and join also mb, no and od, the lesser triangle mnb is manifestly similar to the greater triangle nEF, and again noc, similar to oFG, and so on, but EF is equal to En, and therefore rm is equal to nb, also FG is equal to Po, and 29 therefore on \a equal to oc and so on. Or again taking Fig. produce Bm through m and with centre B and radius Bn describe an are in both directions intercepting the production of Bni at J. uud intercepting BD at K; then because Be bisects bob, Bn bisects JnK. nm is the sine of the half- arc Jn, and D) (perpendicular to BD) the sine of the half arc nK. But the sines of equal and similar arcs art equal to each other, therefore nm is equal to nb. Similarly if an arc is described with the centre B and radius Bo intercepting the production of Bn at one extremity, and intercepting the line BD at the other extremity, then since the production of Bn is a production of Be, and BD a pro- duction of Bb, the arc described with the radius Bo (which is a production of Bd) shall be manifestly bisected at the point o, consequently no, must equal the line drawn from o, to the line BD perpendi- cular to BD, and so also, by a parity of reasoning, of the other lines drawn from the successive points p, q, r, etc., etc. Method the Thiud. Fig. 28 (a,) represents a part of the original figure on an enlarged scale. mD is part of the secant AD belonging to the arc Bm out off at the point m, bD is part of the tangent BD (belonging to the arc Bm) cut off by interception of the line mb drawn from m, and perpendicular to BD. Bisect the angle Dmb at the line mf (sec definitions). Bisect the angle fmb at the point g. From g, and perpendicular to bD, draw a line intercepting the line mf at the point n. mn shall be the extremity of the first duplicated radius, and n shall be the point at the terminal extremity of the first arc of duplicate magnitude. Bisect the angle fng at the line nh. Bisect the angle hng at the point i and from i perpendicular to bD, draw a line, intercepting the line nh at the point o. no, shall be the extremity of the second duplicated radius, and o shall be the point at the terminal extremity of the second arc of duplicate magnitude. Bisect the angle hoi at the line ok. Bisect the angle koi, at the point 1, and from 1 draw a line perpendicular to bD intercepting the line ok at the point p. The line op shall be the extremity of the third duplicated radius and p shall be the point at the terminal ex- tremity of the third arc of duplicate magnitude. Similarly by proceeding in the same manner the remaining lines and points may be obtained, namely, the lines pq, qr, &e., and the points q. r. &c., coinciding with the lines and points denoted by the same letters in Figs. 2G and 27 and determined by the two previous methods. The two following theorems may serve, perhaps, to assist the reader in examining the several cases eliminated in the development of the process. Theorem (a). If, in any right-angled triangle, one of the two sides together containing the right angle be bisected, and from the point of bisection a line be drawn to the vertex of the opposite angle, then all lines drawn between the other two sides of the triangle, if drawn perpendicular to that side which is at right angles to the side from which the first line was drawn, shall be bisected by the line first drawn. Fig. 20. Let ABC be the triangle, and let AB be bisected at e. Join eC, and between AC and BC draw any line Gf, perpendicular to BC. Then, because the triangle CGf is similar to the greater triangle CAB, and because Ce bisects AB, therefors Ce bisects Gf. Theorem (b). If, in any right-angled triangle, one of the acute angles be bisected, (see definitions) and from the point in the side of the triangle intercepted by the line of bisection, a line be drawn to the opposite side, and the line be drawn perpendicular to that side from which it is drawn, then shall the line so drawn be equal in length to that part of the opposite side cut off by interception of 33 til.' liii.' >n ,lr:.\vii, iinil coiituinoil \c:\\mi tlir vrtcx m 'li.' ;.rut.> iiuplo, wliich w;is liisrctod, mv\ tl.o p,.iiit i.t iiiici'.i ption I f ihu iiio so ilniwn,- Im-. 2 1 . i.ct A UC l>o tlic riglit-miL'li'il triiinulc, iiml let tho nciito uicie VMi Iha bisoitta iii tlio line /.■•. !• miij tlif |K.iiit o. dniw vl\ ]ior|ionilicul!ir In BC, .•nid iiit.rc.jMinj!; AC ut 1'. A' n^mU lA. U\>:';t tlv line AC at ir, iinJ jnin Qf lu'ipondicular to AC, tho tri;iii:.'lc ul'o M siiiiiliir to llii; tiiaii,i:Io ;.'I'A. Now tlu' two A'h* L't' iniil u'C «>f ilio ono iuc c'i(u;il to tlio two sides <.'!' and l'A of tlio ollior, tin'ivloro tlio tliivd sides of and t'A arc also ofjual. Or a^rain, let ABe (snmc fiauro), he the riuht-angled trianL'lc, and let the aniilo AeB he hisccled at the line eh, and from h, draw lim, perpendieiilar to AB, and intercoiiting Ae at ni, hm ei|n:ils me. Similarly, if tho an^'le eAB he bi.seetcd ut the line Ai, and from i, the line i n, jierpendicular to Bo be drawn, inter- ocptinL' Ae at n, tlic line i n, shall necessarily ef|Ual the line nA. We nr and 22i degrees, the lino xy must be equal to the line Ay. on th^ li'i ' C\. But if any otiier line as D 1, nnro dis^mt than C.\. I'roni the point B ; or Ff, loss dist.nt than CV from B, be ilrawn, also perpcndieular to AB, at any very small distance from CA; and if the points at which the socuits of the arcs cut tho lines so drawn be again called respectively x and y. then (gr.inting the assumption.) it will bo evident that the point y cannot llKixt xd on the lino Dd. Nor can y hisn-t xf on the lino Ff because (".'ranting the assumption) xy must be necessarily graiti'v than yd on the line Dd, ainl Xy must be h ss than yf on tho lino Ff. It may be ob.served that the line GIT, as drawn in the fi;;ure to prop. Y, (Fig. 5) corresponds to the line here denom- inated CA, and that therefjro the assumption now proposed, as well as the question stated in proj X, will be tested by the experiment. 31 Kxpcrliiii'i t. — V\L. Bisect tho an^le Dnib iit llic line nif (sec definitions) cuttinj; the line DL at the point y. From tiic line ml), throu.di the point y, and ])i;rp "idicul ir to tht; line bl), dr nv the lin? xyll int.reeptln,' bl) nt the point II. The line xyll so drawn corresponds to tiio line OH in the fi_'urc belonjin^ to prop. X. (Fi^. 5) Bisect tho ftn'.^lo fnib, at tho point <,', and from tho point >,', perpcndicihir to of the lino bd, draw jrn, interceptini; the line nif at the point n. n, is the point at the terminal extremity the first arc of duplicate nia;j:nitude (see IJrd method of process) jiisect the an;,do fng, at the line nil. Bisect the Hngle hnjr, at tiie point i, and from i, pcrpemiicular to bd, draw io, intercepting nil, at 0. o is the point at the tcrmin;d estromity of the second arc of duplio.ite magnitude. Bisect tho ani^le hoi, at the line ok. Bisect the air^Ie koi at the point 1, and from 1, porpendicuhir to bD, draw Ip, intercepting; ok, at p. \\ is the point at the terminal extremity of the third arc of duplicate magnitude. But it now becomes evident lliat the point p, fills bt'yond tho line xyll, and th'-roforc (because any arc is greater than its chord) the line BlI cat off from BD by interception of the line Gil in the figure belonging to prop. X, mUit be /rsn than the arc Bm, consci|uently the ((ucstioa submitted in that prop, must be an^^wered in the neLritive; and it necessarily follows that ihs arc con- structed by prop. V is greater than the given line BlI, upon which it was described. And also since the pointy bisects the line .xyll, the assumption proposed at page 30 cannot bo affirmed ; for it is now seen to be evidently impossible in the case supposed that the point y c ui bisect xA on the line CA.* t 'I'here remains a very iui[>ortant cjnsideration in the applicition of the '' unbending process " to the analysis of the general figure, to which wo have to recjuest the reader's particular attention. It has been shown (page 27t that, if wiili the centre B, and radius BC (or any part or production of BC) iin arc is described, terminated by interception of tho line BD, (or the cij livalent part ur production of BD) a production of (or part of) the line Bm shall be the central radius of that arc. Similarly if with tlie radius Bm, an are terminated by the line BD is describe 1, the line B:i shall contain the central radius, and so on with respect tci the lines Bn, Bo, Bp, etc. Now -^ince the arc Bn ol'duplicite magni- tude is, if described, eipial in length to the are Bm, it is evident that ii' a part of the line Bit be taken Kpial to the chord Bm, of the arc Bm, anl if an are similar and O'pi.d to the arc Bm be described upon the line BD, such that the part Bl), so taken, be the chord of that arc, then if the last arc so described be unbent, tho first arc of duplicate magnitude, eiiuid in length thereto, will also bo terminated by the point n. That is, the figure may be invci-ted as shown at Fig. 28 (d,) and the process may be verified by projecting the arc (so to speak ) upon the upper, as well as upon tho lower straight line. And it is evident that this uictho 1 may be also adopted with any of the intermediate lines, namely. — we may • See also Fig. 28 (a) on ciilargeil scale, in whicli tlic point y U ixljo indicated. t Tlio actual qiianlitive value of the line lill, cut oft" from BD, by interception of Gil, in the interrogative prop. X. ; may be (letunuiQcd by a simple trigonometrical computation ; thus . . . Lei Bit, Ciiual I. Then, with centre B, and radius BH, describe an arc of 4J degress Icrmiuated by tlie proJuctiou of the line liui ; Ho is the tangent of that arc, and lip is the tangent ot nn arc of 22} degrees, described with the same centre and radius ; that is Hp... ='41422, therefore (by prop. V) Up = '--i-- X 2 = '270140 = IID. Now, let tlio radius AB = I. Tlicn since AB = BD ; and AB:IJH:: 1'27014G; 1 ... .therefore 1: length of BlI:: r27GUO: 1 . ...and _L*^-_— '"B3t31...,=the length of BH, taking the length of AB=1. 1'270146 ^ .Bo 32 commcnco witli tlio line Bn, anil unbend t'.c arc ihcrcrroi) npm t'lo liiu- BD, nnJ then invert the pro- cess, and comnienco with tlie.,,uivalcnt part of BD, an I unbena tlio arc upon the production of Bn, and so on with the intermediate linos, niini'ly, tlio lines llo, Bp, etc. Ajiain, also, sinco the lino BC is the central radius (or a part of the central radius) of an arc described with the radius BA (or with a production, or a part thereof^ and terniinaied by th.; radius BD, it is evident that the half of tho quadrant, contained between the line? BA and BC, may bo divided similarly to the half of the quadrant contained between the lines BC and BD. Hence, for the purpose of analysis, wc may divide any quad- rant described between BA and BD into as many segments as may be desired, and apply tlic process dircc'ly and also iaicrstli/ to each segment. THE REQT'ISITION. Prop. A.— An arc containing the definite fraction of a circle, and a straij^ht line forming tho tangent to the arc being given, it is required to cut off from the straight lino a part thereof, equal in length to the given arc. Fig. G (is a repetition of the original Dgure.) Let Bm be the given arc; and BD the tangent to the arc Bm, be the given straight line ; it is requiri.d to cut off from BD, a part thereof, equal in length to Bm. Jcjin Bm and produce Bm, through ui, indefinitely. Through ni, perpendicular to BD, draw amb. Bisect the angle Ania, at the lino Sni, and bisect the angle niBb, at the line Be, fSco defini- tions.) Produce Sm through ni, and produce Be, through e, until the two lines so produced intercept each other at tho point n. Through n, perpendicular to BD, draw dng. Bisect the angle Snd at the line Tn, cutting the line AD at i. From i, through the production of Bm, and at right angles to Bm, draw ik, intercepting am at k, and cutting the production of Bm at 1. With centre B, and radius Bl, describe the arc h, intercepting the line BD at the point - B^ shall be tho required line. Prop. B. — It is required upon a given straight line to describe an arc such that tho arc shall bo equal in length to the given straight line, and shall contain the definite fraction of a circle of definite magnitude. Fig. 7. Lot Bt be the given straight line, it is required to describe the arc upon Bt. From B, draw BP, perpendicular to Bt, and equal in length to Bt, and from j^, draw ""c, perpendicular to B~, and equal in length to Bt. With centre F, and radius ^B, describe the quadrant Be. Join the chord Be, and bisect the quadrant at N. Join BN, and produce BN, through N, indefinitely. With centre B, and radius B", describe the arc ^, intercepting the production of BN at 1. Bisect the line ct at r, and join Br. Through 1, at right angles to Bl, draw a line intercej)ting Br at K From K draw Kb perpendicular to B-, and, cutting the production of BN at the point m. Produce BF through F, and produce Bt through t. Through the point m, and through tho lim Be, at right angles to Be, draw a line intercepting the production of BF at A, and intercepting tho production oi B" at D. With centre A and radius AB, describe BmC. BmC shall be the required urc. 88 Wo liavo iilicaily stutoij that it it not our purim-c to furnish in tliis place formal Jomnnstrations to the aliHve propusitious. If tho ' ]ir(»co!«.-i of uiibcndiu^' nn inv,' lu'rcin t'xplniiiuil, is reco^iii/uil as tlio souml c'XjHi itiiiii iif II p!oiiii'trii'al /'"•/, tho rca^lor is furnithcJ in tlmt' proces.s ' with nn infallible mcan.M of ti'Mtin: tiiu correct noH:* of tlii" nlalinnship ns<.Hii:nt^'nized and admitted tho rceo,'niiion of lln' latter must then IIiUdw as a necessary 00Mse(|iienCi'. With this object in view, wo will now onlyiiig tho theorem, may cut oti' from each produced chord a line eijual in length to e.acli of the ares. The " process" may be then inverted as already explained, by taking ri /> irl »/ l/i- tinjcnt belonging to the first arc eqitnl to the chord of the i5an>e arc, and projoeting the nnbei.t are upon the upper line: oaeli <^tage of the process may be again tested by applying the theorem. •■■ Fig. 31, drawn on alarger.sc.de, is intoiided to illustrate the theonin, and may also serve to assist the reader in examining tho .solution to pri ps. A i^ B. The dotted line in Fig. 2S (,bi, shows the arc - - described according to prop. A. Fig. oD shows a semicircle unbent upon the straight line Dd by drawing the radii and describing the successive ares of duplicate magnitude. Fig. 32 shows a semicircle unbent upon the straight line Dd, by drawing only the chords of the • According to the tlieort-m, the arc ~~ may be described with the line (if tijuiil lenglli on iiiiy one of the jirodaced cliords a^ n. radiii.s, and willi (Ac foiiit B as a centre ; and the arc ~~ shii'l tUi'u cut all the other pro- duced eliords al lh'> terminal pouts ef tl>c lines ofeijual length. E 34 • roccwsivc orc''. In each ViiX. the prooi*,^ in ciiiiiiilitcil n^'t'orlin^: to the- iilmvo .■Miluiinn tn I'riip. A. The 8cvornl arcr< in eitlicr of tho fi;,'uri's arc oijual in Ini^th cadi to i-ich, ami carli ol'thr nrcn Ik i'(|iial in lent'th to tho ntrni;.'hf lino "". . If thi' radius AB- 1 . . the «trai'.'ht line "- .'! 1 il.'i!! \e. Fif.'. '-'f' kIiiiwb th • rchifive ((uiuititive values al the lim.- Ht^ III', H" \l\\ and UT. ihe lenu'lh of the line BI> bviiii: taken aM IdO. Vij!. .'Jt refire.-'ents four seniieirdes unbent upon a "trai^ilif line (--> intcriiiedi ili' lictween tiieni ; the ctrai lit line btinj!; tangential to all the arcii. ami tuuehinj.' each are at the jioint tiTniinatin;: thu central radiu.- of eaeh. The ra'liu-< EH, brloni.'ini; to tho two ^Toater wini circles is thu duplicate of the radiu- CB, beloni;in^' to lie' lesser seniieireles. Tlio proee.-s of unbending.' tlie are is eomple'ed by application of- prop. A.' Each of the greater arcs is equiil in Icni'th to the line II II, and each of the lesser ares is equal to the line tt. The circle "tt niay be termed the circle for arc) of decomposi- tion, and cuts all the produced chords of ccjual iiiif,'th (productinn- of Hni. Bn, Bo, ttc, beliinj;inj! to the les.^er figxirc) acondiuf: tn ' tiieorem iv.' The letters D and f, on the line nil, denote the terminal piiints of the lines El> and Ef. belon^'ini: tn the ji's.-er fi:_'.irc. Wc now venture to assume that our pr. li'iiinury case is .•jufficicntly established and proceed aee.ird- inulv to the introduction. L\TIK)T)rCTTOX, What li a inagnitudc ? A m igiiituile is doiiotf.! in Euclicr^ Geometry by a straight line of (li'finite len;^tli ; aii'l a lino i.s defineil as length without hreadth. Conse'iuontly, if a given straight lino la hiseeted, one hall' the lino so eut olV j, half the magnitude of the given line, and if the half line is douhled, ur increased to twice itd size, the re■. the arc of 22i degrees) is increased to twice its size : will the original arc be recon- structed? Supposing that an orange is cut through the centre and evenly divided into two equal and similar jiarts, and one of those two jiarts is then magnified to twice its size, the part so magnified will, in its magnified condition, f'c eiputl in sizt to the whole orange, but it will evidently not /■< «i'w/7<^- thereto in/onn it will still remain a half orange, but of increased size. What then will happen if any definite arc of a circle is bisected, and if the magnitude of one-half the arc so cut oft' is doubleil ? The reader can easily submit the ijucstion to experi- ment and ascertain the actual result. Upon the correct answer to fliis iiue3tion,'the following work will be primarily based. \ \ / B D >v - .!-_ ; c c k^ D \ d"- Tiff. 7 ./ / / -1 F / / K'Ay /*■■■/ i / / B Plate 1 Ig* 1 . / \ / / / / / / ./ / / m / ^ / I D TV B Fig-. Fig. 2 Fig. 3 '^ ■-~:A ./ I B Fl^-. 6 Fi;:^ . 7 e,^ e b ^ b / / // M^^ Fis, i^. //' // Cr- - \ •■ / / vL- ..§/ A e T -. ; / /I ■L / / ---^ « M*^ J ;<, / 4 \ I X Vinv 4 . /\ -To l--^^- I ^Q -;V. / \ -•2 B Plate 2 6 I / \ ^j / Frp\ 8 O y / / ''cy / / i / / / .^ / I / Fit;-. 12 V > ' // / / / / ' / / / // / M ■ / Fig. 11 t 9 ! G v ~ ; ^ / \ d ;/ \ r- ' ' T - T / J v\ / p / 'II ^ A/ / a C I — Fig-. 10 / / / / / ./I' V / ./ ./ // / ig^ 11 / u-^ Fifi 13 /d / < / / i/ "/i "^" X::-— rJ / / \ \ \ n / / / ^/ r ^ -P \< I ■Ak -M^ J > i /■\ t / / ■Ji / 'i \ / / i y / t /\ ! / \ -»^, ~-^->^ //■ / / yq !«> 2 / \ \ \ \ t / { / Fjg II- —t'- f— — / / / \,_ / / / r >(? HE. / / / / t ¥ \ \ Plate 4^ o Fig. 2 2 \ bl (/•. 3 ■ e- n I K L tC .V '!■(,':<■ A ■/ 1 \ / / / .""^A A / / / / / j(..'-- '/ Fig.2 4- < \ \ / ( I / / / . i — t_J Fm.23 9 -^' / I / \ h I ' I \ \ FlU20 ^b / / X' \ y \ / X' y X ^:i: \ 7^ ■/ 'A- / / / \ -/■-^ I, / ./ /I ~-- / / , i / /A '■ '■ I \. // / '% -J. /. I I I I i / / I / .^.. .^- -^1 \ •J/ / // l/\l/'/mhm E G H ■A J(//¥A I K L M NOPOR ^2. KiM.2 1 / ml ; / X G c 1 Fi^'.lO X. ; A^ .W / \ \ ./ / \ ./ / / r >-i-^.._ r/! ---c --i:: / / / / Fig-2fi (ff T / / / / / 71" -r Fur.ae / \ D <■ Plate 6 f>^ i i 1 * • - i i i I I / / / / / / 1 1 i —4 *,/ / .-'^T 6 / 1/; / / / / I TP / / / I I \ I / T. ; .4 t I J I ^< / li w w 1 1 in /■ // / J\ I I I / / P I I ! II I I l\ I I I I I k\ I V \\ w \ ; riale 7 Fi{^ a» too: M / / / / / / h V\ I i // 90 / / / 60 30 ■ rf ■■ i' lifCirii'.s. Til'' iitinnfitict hire I'irrii nrv Ihf ilixUtiters if fkt p'lintx interrc/itiil liii Ihi Hiirs rrferred to, frii'i fh- ' nri'fiimi ) /toiiit Jl. Tin imasiiri infints nri- h'lntd'-' " triiSon'jnt) frir'itl f ili/i i>j Ihi sintt .t'lngenl.t, .J-r., toiarh tlf^TPr ii/'thc rirrlr , aiiil il,r i/iiiinfitii'i = ivi/ii^x tliffin !jA*»^«W III-'- ii^iiiinif'l I" >••• iiiii-i-t \ V. J H T an .i.? ^o to m H \^ K ^ *.'-*ii'* Tkf /ttH.'feftf ''/ th*- tivf Vu. ff/U.^t hi f*Hfifh h> fk- «/•'• Tim tH'f rt-mftrtm/i'/ 'ff% *l^ftr^ft. •'.V'?/' M KV Tkf tlH* -/'nil nit •hfrriti'it »tlh Ihr ritttiUM M fi (*#/«W'/J/l'/ !*■ Ikr ttim^ rirrdt >ll 1im.\ »4 jp .•■..>*■.' ■i Itf Iff liii, If :s..ttM: Ikf Ir.fllh lUt ,11- Hill. t^.l- 1 * ?•' f^B «'#- •"//J ywiiri-lmriiftit ln;i„.aiHnii jt 'iiiil »■ ll:/r 7.-I VA J/ /^' 7" 2%.fAHn Thr ^Moi-'l 'if thf II.;- /in. '■"ii/-liiiiii'i .':') itrtJii'rs -tt t "ifl tt m .^J**/*;. '*. fi't/t /'•/';/.. it Tkk ,V « fVt fkr *l*««r of tilt ttri T>>'» mnfilltm*:' C'> dtfjrf. T-i/jtj' b F>.<^ 27 >^ \ \ \ \ » si ■ a. r\ ,' --r a. \ f'V / \ >■ >- / Y. \ , ' ^>-; ' ■ i'-' v. ■; A £7 \ \ ' I I 1 i» : b « \ \ \ ft \ \. \ . \ K / I at !i ^ :t ■IT \ I \ I \ '; \ \ t;^ ^'^ -iThJl-nRi^e^' v / -/& / / v il / . / / / !T?F \ / / / \ / ■¥ I \ zttH'Ti^^ie 1 ^ ^ .<;i ,N ,r, ^ A '■ ■>-■- ^ V Jaf SI /f /■>,? .i^-