IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. fc 1.0 ^BS 1^ I.I l'^ ^ 1.8 11.25 IIIIII.4 IIII1I.6 V] <^ ^ /2 A 7 -f^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 '716) 872-4503 ...- ' ,M ;?';.'-.;-,i"rV-. l/(. V , is <• ■ .' •* . ■./( n-' ^:"a:.::-\;I'V' viv;^:-r ;*' .JiAaiitu.jg-^a / I THE SENATE or THK University of Halifax, /tv/ AMD ^ ■***.■. •''•: THE UNIVERSITY ACT, 1876. ■^.JA h HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. PRINTED BY JAMES BOWES & SONS, BEDFORD ROW. 1876. fc tv!- / I .MtUtL... ■"-l'-rT"" ■ •-""-■ '--"-f- - ' '^- i i| - | W i Yl1-'- -||- T'^rt i l l T -n- r ^— "■'■■■■ -- • ' ^ .-rf^^^-^w^-Wt-t -■,'■■-,■ fcrifiiii'ltfiiAifei-aftMln-frfV l tdm''- m.f.'jy-— ■y-i :^.'V. ^.-.^ ■aaIj:. xmMtmimvM.'. \ C 1< -1>(o ?~ £>3 i w\ I I V . »'{ii_'iji;,.-rt,i ■■^^^ AN ACT TO ESTADLI9H A PROVINCIAL UNIVERSITY. (raxied the 4th day Of April, A. D. 1876.) Skction. I'reaniblc. 1. Incorporation. !i. Corpiiriifioii may huM jimprrty. a. C'oriiorution to coiiMJst of (Jliancellor, Vice-Cliancellor, I'V-llowu uiiil driiJ- uatea. I Senate. 5. Appointmpiit of Chaneollor. li. V'ici> Cliauui'llor, &o. 7. Teliowg. S. Appuintment of Fellow* U. Ditto. 10. KlHction of Ki'llows. 11. Convocation. 12. KoniHtcr, io. 13. Visitor. 14 I'owi-rs and Duties of.SonRto. 15. MiijorityofSunatet' (loeidn, guorum. 11). Senuli' to apiioint t'.viiniincrs, &c. 17. I'owcrs of Convocation. 18. Mt'«'tin;.'s of Convocation. VJ. Iv'itraordinnry niL'cti. >;,'.< of Convoca- tion, rroviso. 20. Senate to provide placpfor meetings of Convocation. 21. Nutici* uf 8uch incetin''^, &o. Section. 2'i. rhnirmnn of Convocation to be choson by incnibcrj. 2'i. To hold olliio for three ye*r.>J, 4c. 24. Chair. nan pro tt'tn. 2."). .Majority of Convocation to docide. 2i>. Quorum of Convocation. 27. Adjournment-^. 25. KxaminatioDM for degrees. 29. Defjroes. ;j(i. institutions in connexion with Univer- Bity. 31. CuDdidntei for Matriculation, (fc. J2. Cnndidates fur decrees in nicdioine and •'urpory. 3.3. Senate may examine for and confer dejjrees. 34, Certificate of degree, Ac. IJo. ./(/ h'umlfm deprees, &c. .'!ti. Certitlcates of prollcienoy, Ac. 3". lees, accounts, etc. as, live-lawa ami refulations. 3i). I 'netructionof this Act. 40. 1<. ;iort by senate. 41. Kxpi'nses of organization?, etc. 42. Act— how to be cited. AVlierca.'*, it is desirable til ostahlisli one univei>ity fur the PreamaMe. whole of Xova Scotia, on the model of'the University of London, for tlic i)iir[)ose of raisinji; the standard of higher education in the IVoviiice, and of enabling all denominations and (;hisses, in- cluding those [lersons whose circumstances preclude them from following a regular course of study in any of the existing col- leges or universities, to obtain academical degrees : He it therefore enacted by the tJovernor, Council and Assem- bly, as foll(jws : 1. A Chancellor, Vice-Chaiicallur, and twenty-four Fellows, lucorpcraiioj. to be appointed as soon as conveniently may be after the passing of tliis Act, by the Governor in Council, and all the persons who may hereafter be appointed to be Chancellor or Fellows as liQceinafter mentioned ; all the persons on whom respectively 1 6 Corporation mav hold pro perty. Corporation to coiiHidt ofCliau- oellor. Viec- Clianccllor. Fellows ami GraJuatfs. .Sonata Appoint mpnt t'hnni't'llor Vii-t' Clianccl lor, &e. any of the institutions foUovving conferred any degrees in any branch of knowledge other than theology, that is to say : King's College, at Windsor, in the County of Hants ; Acadia College, at Wolfville, in the County of Kings ; Dalhousie College and Saint Mary's College, in the City of Halifax ; Saint Francis Xavicr's College, at Antigonishe, and Mount Allison Wesleyan College, at Saekville, New Brunswick ; and all the persons on whom respectively the University hereby created may hereafter confer any degree, are hereby declared and constituted a body politic and corporate by the name of the " University of Halifax." 2. The Corporation may purchase, take and hold real and personal estate not exceeding the annual value of thirty thousand dollars ; such annual value to be calculated and ascertained at the period of taking, purchasing or acquiring the same ; and may grant, sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of the same, as may be deemed expedient for the interests of the University. 3. The Corporation shull consist of a Chancellor, Vice-Chan- cellor, Fellows and Graduates ; and there shall be twenty-four Fellows, exclusive of the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor for the time being. The Fellows shall be such persons as tlie Governor in Council shall from time to time appoint as Fellows, and as shall be appointed as Fellows by the members of the Senate under the power hereinafter contained ; and the Graduates shall be the persons on whom resi)ectively any of the institutions mentioned in the first section conferred any degrees, and the persons on whom respectively the University hereby created shall heieaftor confer deirrees. 4. The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Fellows for time being shall constitute the Senate of the University. 5. Whenever a vacancy shall occiu* in the office of Cliancel- lor of such University, either l)y death, resignation or otherwise, the Governor in Council shall nominate and a|)point a fit fjid proper person to be Chancellor instead of the Chancellor occa- sioning such vacancy ; and in the meantime the duties of the Chancellor shall be jjcrformed by the Vice-Chancellor or Fellow performing the duties of Vice-Chancellor under the provision hereinafter contained ; and the Vice-(,'hancellor or Fellow so performing the duties of Vice-Chancellor and Fellows, siiall have all such powers as are herel)y given t(j the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, and Fellows, or to the Senate. (5. The office of \'ice-Chancellor of the University shall be an annual office ; and the first Vice-Chancellor hereinbefore provided for shall go out of office on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy -seven, and the members of the Senate shall, at a sitting to be held by them for that purpose. iii- !t.i^,Jmimimiii imO^iiVKMIU&jk, L y i-. ' '■ 'fv-. » .mmmsm 10 Quorum. Sonato to ap- point Kxam- iaum &c. Townr* of Con vocation. ii MpotingfB of Ciuvofatiou. Kxtriiordinary Mi'ctiiijifR of <'oiivocation. S'roviso. collor and five Fellows, or, in tlic absence of the Chancellor and Vice-ChanccUor, unless six Fellows at the least, shall be pre- * sent at the time of such decision. At every meeting of the Senate, the Chancellor, or in his absence the Vice-Chancellor, shall jirosidc as Chairman ; or in the absence of both, a Chair- man shivll be chosen by the members present, or the major part of them. 16. The Senate for the time being of the University shall have full power from time to time to appoint, and, as they shall see occassiun, to remove, all Examiners, officers and servants of such University. 17. The Convocation of the University shall have the powers following (that is to say), — The power of nominating three per* sons for every Fellow to be appointed in the manner herein- before mentioned from a List nominated by the Convocation, as provided by this Act ; with power to the Convocation, if it shall think fit, to enable absent members of the Convocation to vote on such nominations of Lists by Voting-Papers, in such form or to such effect, and to bo signed, transmitted verified and recorded in such manner, and subject to such regulations and provisions, as the Convocation may from time to time determine, but not so to vote on any other matter : — The power of discussing any matter whatsoever relating to the L^nivcrsity, and of declaring the opinion of Convocation in an}' such matter : The power of deciding as to the recognition, upon such terms as the Senate shall propose, of any Degree to be hereafter conferred under this Act, other than Degrees in Arts, Laws, Science and Medi- cine, as a qualification for admission to Convocation. The power of deciding on the mode of conducting and registering tlic proceedings of Convocation. The power of appointing and removing a Clerk of Convocation, and of prescribing his duties. Except as expressly hereby provided, the Convocation shall not be entitled to interfere in, or have any control over the affairs of the University. 18. Once at least in every year, and as often as they may i, think fit, the Senate shall convene a mcetinir of Convocation. L' IS'. If fifteen or more members of Convocation shall by writ- ing under their hands, require the chairman for the time being of Convocation, to be appointed as hereinafter prescribed, to convene an extraordinary meeting of Convocation, and such re- (jnifiition shall express the object of the meeting required to be called, it shall be lawful for ilie chairman to convene a meeting of Convocation ; provided always, that after the first of euch extraordinary meetings no such extraordinary meeting shall be so convened until the expiration of three calendar months from the last of such extraordinary meetings ; and provided also that ■m&i^ms ' i-msmammmm. 1 1 11 no mutter shall be iliJicussod nt any sufli cxtraonllnnrv meeting, except tlie matter for the (lit^ciission whorcof it \vi\» eonvcned. lin. The Senate .shall provide a !)roi)i'i' i)Iace for the mectinu;s sefuit.- to pro- n /•, .■ 1 .1 1- (• ,• !• /^ ' villi" pIllCP for ot Lonvocatioii ; aiul the proceed in;i8 ot any meetni^ ot l/on- imMtlnuHiof vocation shall he tfansmitted to the Senate at the next following; ^''""■'""'"'""' mcctinj' of the Senate. 21. Notice of the inT>etinirs of Convocation shall he "■ivcn Notir.- of otioh '^ llU'CtlllgH, 40. hy advertisement, or in such other manner as the Senate shall from time to time dttcrmino. Whenever the Provincial Secre- tary for the time hein;,' of this Province shall notify to the Senate that the i,'overnor in ('oimcil is desirous of appointin.a; a Fellow or a number of Fellows and of havinjr submitted to such Governor in Council a list of persons from which to selc*. sueh Fellow or Fellows, then the Senate sh '.1, as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, convene a meeting of Convocation ; and such meeting shall nominate three persons not being Fellows if one Fellow is to be appointed, or three times as many persons not being Fellows as there shall be Fellows to be so appointed, if there shall be more than one Fellow to be appointed. 22. A person shall be appointed by the Senate to preside at cimirman of tlie hist meeting ot Convocation ; ami at such meetuig a standing (.eciiosfn by Chairman of Convocation shall be chosen by the members pre- '"'''"^'■"*- sent, or the major part of them. 23. The ufjicc of Chairman of Convocati(m shall be an office , held for the term of three years, unless sooner determined by for three years, death, resignation or otherwise ; but the Cliairman shall be eligible *'^" for re-election. Within theyear preceding the expiration of every term of such officer, or in case of the death or resignation of the chairman or any vacancy of such office, the members of Convoca- tion present at any meeting duly convened or the major part of them, shall elect a chairman, who, if elected during the term of office of any chairmau, shall hold office three years after the expiration of the tenure of office of such chairman, and if elected during a vacancy, then till the expiration of the third year after the commencement of such vacancy. If from any cause no chairman is elected to succeed any chairman for the time being, then such last mentioned chairiuan shall continue in office until his successor is ajipointcd. 24. If the Chairman shall be absent at the time of the cimirmiiu pro meeting of Convocation, or if there shall be a vacancy in the '^'°' office, then, before proceeding to business, the members of Convocation then present, or the major part of them, shall elect a Chairman, win; shall hold office during such meeting only. 2r>. All questions which shall come before Convocation shall, coXocatiou to subject to the provisions, hereinbefore contained with respect to *'*^'='''^- nominations of lists of Fellows, be decided by the majority of ■!l ,-:m,- ■Mm-^-yjti.^t^iAtmUl^M^. .. saw Quorum of Con Tocntlon. Adjournment. KxaminHtlonR for di'b'ruti). Depffcet. 12 tlio momberfl prcent exclusive of the chairman ; but the chnir- miin, at any nioetinij thereof shall, in case of an equality of votes, have a casting vote. 2ti. No question shall he ilccidcd nt any meetinf^ of Convo- cation, unless twenty metnhcrs at least shall he present. 27. Any meeting of Convocation simll have power to adjourn to a future day. 28. Once at least in every year the Senate of the University shall cau*c to he held an examination of candidates for degrees ; and on every such (ixaniination the can^