IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) vQ <^ /a '/a 'e: ^. ei ^^ ,-' o 7 /A 1.0 I.I 1.25 IIIIIM IIIIU m [1,4 1.4 Photographic Sciences Corporation IIM 2.0 1.6 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 :n*yon c3 0f»c»r»i30 \tx '"1 /^ C^^-(^c. Ur>iv^^ nt ENEI\AL l^tatM AND ACADIA COLLEGE >OOOOGC3GOOOOOC3000000QOOOC3C30acKSQOOOCWOeJOCMOOOfJ ^*^' .1 #:1 ' •' 'I. \ i I ^ M. i^i - * ji V, •kiviimfaEjfmai ■v*a»ss»iiK»sMi»i;sa ' - f{ ISTORICAL HeCOPvDS y AKO k^'.° ■I«^ fm. tv'^ OF ACADIA COLLEGE, AUGUST, 1888. HALIFAX, N. S., S. SELDEN, 71 GRANVILLE STREET, 1888. riiosi'ECTrs. HISTORICAL. The Nova Scotia Baptist Education Society. An As'soeiatiou of the Baptist Churches in Ndva Scotia and New Brunswick was constituted in Granville, N. 8., ^ in June, ISOO. In \^'2'2 this Association was divided, and the Nova Scotia Association held its first nieetin^i'il Up iViilU liliU' tii time MlllDllj; iiH siyli lor till' ini'.iiis (if nu' iin|iioV('iuciit. iiml lliux powcrlnlly <'i:iiiii tlir Miti'iitiiiii of all fririuls of tli«' (ios|i('l in fiivor of this oltjict, its one to wliicli I'lovidi'iicc seems to ilircct their l.ihois. The M'collil i.liji'Ct. of V;l-t illl|iolt;iliee ill il-elf, illid, ill tin presellt .state of the eoiiiitiy. essential to the nttainnieMt of the iirst, is to e^tal)lisli a :j;oo'1 Seminary for thejrencral iiislriietioii of yoiitli, sositii- ated asfoaU'ovd as nnieli facility of ('(/niiniinieatioii with tiie various .seetiuiis of the riuviiiee a.- jjo'^sihle ; aim win rein tiie coiirsi! of instnieliiii), and the e.NpeiiMs of iioariliiiLj and tuition, sliall he adapted til the >tate of soeiety and till" eondilioii of the people in general: tlnit thus the ad var.ta<,'es of edncation may no*, ii.x has hitherto III ell t ften the ease, lie conlined toihe wealthy, nor the time of the youth oeeiipied with pinsiiits liut little calculated to lit them for the .>itatirns of life whicli tiiey have the [U'ospect of lilliii)^. For the purpose of lompassinf; these ohjects // in iiritpoxfii : 1. That a .-neiety he formed, to he calh-d The Nova Scotia liap- tist Edncation KSociety. 2. Tliat ail persons payinj; an animal anhscriptior. of twenty shillings ivnd iipwanl.s, or making; a donation, of t*jn pounds or up- wards, sliall he inemliir'rs of the Siw-iety. 3. Tliiit the funds of the Society will ho appro|iiiated to two main olijeets : Iirst, to estahlish a siiilahle .seminary of learninLT ; and secondly, to aUnrd pecuniary a.ssisl.ance to indit^ent ynnm men called to preach the Uofipel. for tlie of enal>iin{; them to ohtain in.^triiciiuii, 4. That :i .L'eiieral n:eetin,<: of tlie Society he h.e.ld ainiually. -. Tliat there he appointed a I'resident, two \'ice-l'residonts, two Secreta lies and a Treasurer, a lV)ard of Directors, and a Com- mittee of Manaueincnt. 6. That tlu> Hoard of nirectov.s he chosen at tho annual meeting of file Society; and tiie ( HIicers and Committee of ^Lmagement ho chosen hy the IJoard of Directors. 7. That of the Board of l>irectors ten, at l(>a,st, shall he ordained Baptist ISIinisters, and two-thirds of the whole ntiniher. at least, regular meinliers of Haptist Churchfs in connection with the Nova Scotia JJaptist Association. 8. tiie Conunittee of Management shall consist of, at, seven, iuul not more than twelve, memher.s, of whom more than half sliall he regular memhcr.s of Bajttist churches in connection, with the Nova Scotia Baptist Association. 9. That the Board of Direclora shall hold, at least, one meeting, rn«'»sTKrTrs. uioeting', •ovory ycfir, to coiisiilt on ihv !iir;iir> of tlic Stiridy, nsooiljiin mikI rcpdrt its stiitt' ;iiiil |)iti;;rfss, review llu* iiruc»'t'iliii^>* iiinl nilrs ol' llic <'(iiiiinitti <■, iiiiil iiiitUf tiiiclt m-iMTuI rcmjliiticHi." as nuiy lie I'lniml piiijK r lor the i\(l\ iinccnuiit of llio oliji'cls of tlit.- Soi-itty, mikI (lie jio\t'riiiiicnt of tin' < 'uinmitfco. ID. 'I'liiit its .-(loii fis ini'tiiis KIT flitiiiiifil Ibc Soricly will c^lnl)- lisli iiiid ii'iiiiitaiii a .S'lpinury I'ov r(liir:itioii at Hoiloii, niuliT |Ik> ioii and control of tlie Hoard of Dinrtors. 11. That a |'iinci|ial o'o'p't-t to lie oliscrvccl in tli(» inanagcnuuit of tilt' rnstilution hcinu; to adajit tlif conisf- of smdy to the statt of •society and tlic wants of the people, and to place the nieans of instruction as ninch as possihjo \vithiiA tlie reach of all persons, it h considered primarily necessary lo aU<'nd to those luaneln's of ethication which are of more yentMal n>e, at tlie same lime that a %vider ian>_M' of literary ac(|nircm<'nl< sliall he oixMi to tltose who may liave tlie ahilily to seek them, or to v\lioee i)rospects in life they may he more siiitahly «(hi])lcd. It is also considered desiral>l<> that as far Jis may he jiraeiiculile jiersons wishinu l()(|nalify themselve^ for tlie various calling's of life should liavf op|iort unity to recei\e instruction nt tluir leisure seasons in the year, ir. the particular hranchcs of study more immediately reiinisite for tlieir resju'ctivc^ olijecls. With these principles in view, it is ]jropose(l that thi> Institution shall atforil thy means of instruction in the usual hranches of Enj^lisli IJleraturo, and of sfcientilic, classical and otiier studiets, which usuallv comprise the course of education at an Academy and Colletre. It will, however, he the hnsiness of the ('ommittiM^ to exercise their discre and Board of Directors that part who shall he meniliersof Baptist Clin. dies in connection with tlie !Nova Scotia A.^sociation .shali iiave the sole regulation of the Theological Dipartmei.t in the Seminary. 13. It shall he tlie care of the Committee to provide eHicient teachers for this Seminary, to wlujse moral and religious character special regard will be had ; and it is considered an ohjeet in every dejiartment under the inthience of the Society, never to he lost sight of, tl.iat the sciiohus and students, while acquiring information to lit them for their various stations in life, sliouM be led to a kiiow- Jeiige uf the true relation of man to his Cieator, and of that faith in 6 rnospKf'TUS. ''I )>i tlic Lml Jisns Christ wliicli nlono ran furnish n sure pledge of their good cdiKhict in this world and tlieir liap|)in(>sH in (>terni' . 14. Tliat tlic Sirniimry bi! open to cliiidren and persons of any religions denomination. I V Tliat til till' attainnKUif of the ohjeets of tiie Institution it is e.'^Ticnliiiliy rcqui'^ili.- that the whole system sliould he coudueted upon a prineiple of tlie most strict and simple economy, and no distinc- tions amoni; tlie scholars and students, arising from wealtli or external ciicumstances, perniitteil to ajipear; the scliolais will as soon as [iiaetiealile he Ixiarded at the Institution; and it is tliou"lit atlvisahle to connect with tlie estalilishment a farm, under tli(! caro of some respectalile person, for the snpjily of articles of jjrovision for the usi- of the school, and for allordiiig an opporuuiity of employing tlie lioy.i liiiring a i)ortion of their leisure time in health- ful lalinur, liy whieli they may ohtain exercise, aequiie a haiiit of iuihistry, and l)e lessexi)osed to the inegularities which result from misemployed seasons of leisure. The diet and dress of the scholars to lie of the jilaiuest kind, and to he regulated l)y the Committee, and made known as part of the terms of the school, to be conformed to without exception. 16. The terms of Tuition and Board to be fixed at as low a rate as possible. 17. The funds for purchase of land, erection of buildings, and the various expenses incident to the commencement of the uniler- taking, as well as those which may attend its annual 6Uj)port, to be obtained l)y donations and annual contributiijns. iS. The Sul)scriplion Lists to be divided into several columns, by which the annual contributions may be kept separate from the donations; and persons making donations may distinguish the par- tieulur object to which they wish the ilonation to be exclusively api)lied ; the annual contributions and donations not expressly limited to be apiM'opriatcd by the Committee as it shall see most fit for the general atlvancement of the objects of the Society. Odiccrs of the Society for the present year, as chosen by the Association and by the Committee, under the sanction of the Asso- ciation : Prcsiilenl, — Rev. Edward Manning. Vice-Presidents,— lXc\ , Chas. Tupper and J. W. Nutting, Esq. TrraHitrer, — Simon Fitch, Esq. ISeoetaiies,— Edmund A. Crawley and Wni. Chipman, Esqrs. PROVISIONAL DinECTORS. c;c of tlieir ns of any tution it is ictcd upon lo (listinc- wc'iilth or us will as » tllOtll'llt ■ tho care provision innity of in liralth- i liahit of isult iVoni ; scluilars )niniittoe, onl'ormed ow a rate lings, and lie undor- jrt, tu be columns, I'ronv the tlie par- iclusivoly expressly '■ most fit 1 by the he Asso- BoAUn OP DlRKCTORS Named hi/ 1. (^ommittee, and who it is hoped will accept the office. !-sq. qrs. I Rov. Mr. Muiu'o, Rev. Mr. Manning, Rev. Mr. Tupper, Rev. Mr. Caswell, Rev. .los. Dimock, Rev. Mr. Klder, Rev. Mr. Ansley, Rev Mr. ITanling, Rev. Mr. Burton, Rev. 11. CliipMian, Rev. .Tos. Craiulal, Rev. Mr. McLearn, Rev. Geo. Diinoek, Deacon I'ettingall, W. 15. Kinnear, Esq., C. Twining, Escp, J. R. Lovett, Esq., J. W. Johnston, Esq., J. W. Nutting, Esq., Ed Crawley, Esq., S. Fitch, Esq., W. Chipman, Ef»q.| Mr. Jolni Pry or, Mr. Ferguson, D. W. Cran.lal, Esq., Dr. Johnston, Dr. iranhng, Dr. D. IaikIs, Major Cmuiingham, Mr. Major Chipman, Mr. Holmes Cliipinan, Mr. Zeeliariah Cliipman, Mr. Janu's Lent, James I). Harris, Esq., S. Bisliop, Escj., W. A. Chipman, Esq., Mr. Wm. Johnson. Managing Committee. Dr. Lewis Johnston, J. W. Nutting, Esq., J. W. Johnston, Esq., Mr. Wni. Johnson, E. A. Crawley, Esq., Simon Fiteh, Esq., Wm. Chipnum, Esq. The Directors proceeded at once to carry the decision of the Education Society into effect. Wolfville was selected as the seat of the School. Sixty-five acres of land were purchased ; and in March, lS2f), the Academy was opened in a small buildini; which stood near the north-cast corner of the present Colleg'e lot. Academy Hall was completed 1831 at a cost of S4000. The ori<,nnal portion of the Old Boarding House, costing about SoOOO was erected in 1835. The success of the Academy soon created a demand for enlarged courses of study. The Managing Committee of the Society, in their report in 183G, declared their convic- tion that the Society should broaden their plans so that the School under their charjie could meet the wants of more advanced students and " deserve the immunities of u chart- ,4\ti> V .t * ' ' i } ! ' C-l/ 8 Af'ADKMY SUCCESSFUL. nretl institution." Tlioy rocomnicndcd tlio appointniont of ii.Mitioiial tuacliors for lii,<;li<'r classes. The general senti- ment amonj^f tlie i)eoj)le of the Province in re<;iird to educa- tion had ))re])ared the way tor this development. A special niet'tintf of the Society was held in Wolfville in Novendier, IS.SS, to take into consideration the (piestion of foundini,^ a colle<;e. The followinu^ extracts from tho llecords of the Directors will show what wi-re tlu' spirit anil puri)oses of the men wdio met at that time to decitle this great (juestion. At a General Meeting of tho Nova Scotia Baptist Education Society at thr lloitoti Academy, on Tliur.sday, the 15th day of November, 1838 : The rre,s'uU'nt of the Society, the Kev. Edward Maiming, is called to the chair, and opcins the meeting with prayer. J. W. Nutting, Ksq., the Aeting Secretary of the Society, reads to the meeting' letters from the Kev. John Dyer, the Secretary of tlie English Foreign Baptist Missionary Soeiety, and from Mr. Butter- worth, a student at the Baj)tist Theological Seminary at Bristol, England, relative to his hi'ing engaged as a Mathematical Teacher i: the Academy ; and also a letter from Mr. Isaac Cliipman, now at Waterville. The meeting proceed to deliberate on the subject of adopting measures to estaljlish a College at Ilorton in connection witli the Academy. After various observations from dilferent gentlemen, the meeting is adjourned for twenty minutes. The meeting having been resumed, is ojiened by prayer by the Eev. Joseph Dimock, and it is Resolved, on motion of the Hon. J. W. Johnston, H. M. Solicitor Gen- eral, Tlutt if it xImII he found pntcticatile in a jxruniari/ point of view, it ia highly dfsiniblc this Society slundd now follow up the 0rigin.1l design in its institution by furnishing the means of a more extended education ; »nd that for tliis purpose it is proper and expedient to establish and sup- [xirt a College, in addition to the Acailemy, that by means of the two establishments a complete course of instruction may be alforded, and the young men educated at the Academy be under no inducement to seek in a foreign country the advantages of a Collegiate education. Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting a sum not exceeding seven hundred and fifty pounds per annum will be adecpuate to support the College with two I'rofessors, and the Acailemy with two Teachers ; that to meet this expense the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds would arise frotn rent of the dwelling house and tuition feesof the two Institutions ; that tnis INrEI»TION f)F COLLEOE. 9 mads 8)11)1. t():,'<'tlicr witli the rmviiici.'il grant, tlio continnaiico nr iiu'i-casc of wliii'li. it is ii';is(>ii!il)lu ti> Ciileulate U|">ii, wmild leave tiio sum ol' two hiiiiilrcil iKiiiinls til i;" raiscl l)y private sul'seri|itii«iis per anmiin. ti'^etlier witli tlio Slim of one liiiii'lred pi>unoration giving to the College, under the name of The (Queen's College, tlie power of conferring ilegreea and all othei nec.'cssai'y (,'ollegiate jtrivileges. and also to solicit an iiici'ease in the U.sual Provincial grant at the next se-sion for aiding tiie iin'S(;iit oliject. /{(■solnd, That a i)crmanent agent he ajipointed to ohtain collections and siilisciiiitions for these olijects, under the denomination of Financial Secretary i>i the Kducation Society. lii.^olri'il, That the 1^'v. Mr. Hill he rcpiestcd te resolutions of the Education Society this day passed have devolved upon the Conunit- tee ; for carrying those resolutions into eil'ect Resolved, That Mr. Johnston, Mr. Crawley, Mr. Pryor, and Mr. Nut- ting be such Sub-Committee. Resolved, That the Petition to the Legislature be signed by all the Managing Connnittee, and that the Secretary be authorized to sign the names of such of the Connnittee as may be absent. Resolved, That a salary of two hundred and fifty pounds per annum be attached to each of the Professorships. Resolved, That the Academy continue to be conducted by a Principal and Assistant as heretofore, and that for the present the Principal of the Academy receive the salary of one hundred and fifty pounds per annum. Resolved, That the Rev. Edmund A. Crawley. A.M., and the Rev. John Pryor, A.M., be requested to accept the Professorships in the College. Resolved, That forty shillings per week and his travelling expenses be allowed the agent of the Society. Resolved, That the Sub-Committee do take immediate measures to obtain a Principal for the Academy, and also that they do request the Rev. Mr. McLearn to undertake the charge of the Hoarding lk)UHe, or take such other measures as may be necessary to supply the office of Steward. The meeting was then adjourned. Announcements were made on the seventh of December tliat classes would be formed in Queen's College on the 20th of the following month. Rov. J. Pryor, M.A., and Rev. E. PETITION TO LEGTSLATrRE. 11 )ptecl by the )f that body "]) the Gri- lle means of r 'ind expe- adeiny, and tps for car- inents, it ia •ate depart" tution and )i Incorpo- :islature at resolutions e Conimit- Mr. Nut- >y all the sign the mnum be Principal 3.1 of the nnum. ev. John ege. 3nses be urea to he Rev. or take teward. mber 20th iv. E. A. Cmwloy, il.A., were appointed Professors. On the 21st of Januai-y, 1>S-S!), the College Avas formally opened, twenty matrieulated students being in attendance. In February of the same year a bill was presented in the House of Assembly to incorporate the College with the powers of a University. This bill was rejecte»l on its second reading by a majority of one. At its regulai- meet- ing in June the Education Society adopted another memo- rial to the Legislature on the subject of a charter, and recommended that it be signed by the ministers and mes- sengers of the Association. A iietition to the Legislature was prepared by the Hon. J. W. Johnston, then Solicitor- General of the Province, which was signed by the ministers and delegates of the Association at its meeting in Wilmot. As this document contains many things of genei'.il and permanent interest, it is introduced here, that it may be preserved among the records of the College, with the names of the siu'uers : To THE H0N0R.\BLE THE HoUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, &C., &C., &C. The Petition of the undersigned niiiiisters and messengers of Baptist Cliurchos assembled at the annual Nova Scotia Baptist Asso- ciation, held for the present year at Wilmot, in the County of Annapolis, Respedfulhi aJieweth, — That in the early history of this country, when many of the first settlers of the wilderness were shut out from the l)enefits of society and the public privileges of religion, the Baptist ministers willingly encountered the toils and privations of a missionary life, carrying with persevering zeal to the scattered and secluded homes of the inhabitants throughout a large extent of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick the knowledge and consolations of the Gospel. These labourers in tlie liold of Christian benevolence were not the less fitted for this work of usefulness, but of liardshij), among an unlettered people, because they were themselves ungifted Avith secular learning. Extensive sviccess crowned their labors, and they were honored as the instruments of diifusing moral and religious truth through the wilderness that overspread their country. When in subse(iuent years the state of the country and the con- i 12 PETITION TO LEOIST.ATURE. '^r' (lition of t'l iioo|)lo luiil liocdiiK- {ircntly a'tcrrd, it was felt to be iicccssiuy tliat tlio (leiiominatioii should ninkt' sdiuc cll'nit in the cause (»r lMnci>ti(iu corn'spoiidinf^witli tlic j'dvanciiij; state of society. Tliey met tht; euuM'jjjencv. Diiliculties indeed o|i])(ised of no trivial :i])tists it is otherwise. They can ohlain I'or tlieir ministers iis well as i'or their youth in general the means of a liheral education only through their own exertions, and the assistance of their i)rovitieial govern iniMit. Hut, in fact, the heiielits of the institution at Hortnn are designed and ealeulated )iot to lie limited to any particular class, iait to he open and applieahle to tlie wliole comnnnuty. Tlie olije<'t of the Society in tliese institutions is to alford tlie means ot a practical and lii)eral education, under a disciiiline favoiahle to sound morality and religion, Imt free from denominational hias, in a manner suited to the teelings and means of the people in general. And your peti- tioners can coididently assert that as far as they have as yet pro- ceeded tliis oiiject has heen strictly adhered to and successfully cariied out in practice. On the second ground of claim, your pietitioners (notwitlistanding the importance and usefulness of the oliject in view) should feel they had but small claim to public assistance had tlie Baptists of Is'ova Scotia failed in any exertions witliin their own power. But such is not the case. They have themselves liist put tlK'ir shoulder, earnestly, perseveringly and eiiectively, to the work, as your Hono- rable House is Avell aware; and when what they have done in the cause of education is compared witli their circum.stances and habits your petitioners feel entitled to claim on their behalf every aid your IIont»ralile House can witli projiriety grant. Some objections have been urged which it is respectful and proper to notice. It has been said that the Baptist Edncation Society should have been satisfied with the Academy they had founded, without seeking the estalilishment of a Collige. In reply, your petitioners beg to remind your Honorable House that the provision of 'aomc appropriate means for perfecting the education of the youth taught at the Academy was necessary to carry out the object for which the undertaking was at lirst engaged in, and towartls which the Academy, although a requisite step, was obviously not tlie only means. Ik'forc tlie College was aitempted this necessity had been in fact strongly brought into notice. Scholars ha ostiiMit^liinont of the Xovn Scotia Unptist P^dnoitiiin Society was a worlliy or Icjiitiiiiiitc olijcct, it cannot he ri'iipniialdc to conliiic it witliin hniiis which of iK^ccssity must fall sliort of iiiccliii^ tli(> extent of tlio clelicicncics sought to ho supplied, or of the lienetits to he ohtained. But it hiis l)een further ohjccted that tlutse ends ini;Jit havcheon ohtainee true that a few of the friends and manfijiers of the Baptist Education Society, not entertaininj^ any hojie of the estab- lishment of a Collegiate institution at Horton, and not aware of the extent to which the objections in relation to a College in Halifax were entertaiiKnl in the country, looked to Dalliousie College as ollering tlie only means of supplying in any degree the deficiencies labored inider at Horton. But it is equally true, and your petitioners hesitate not to assert it in the most unqualified terms, that the sen- timent was not entertained iiniong the denomination in the country tliat Dalliousie College could meet their educational wants. On the contrary, your petitioners believe that whenever th(! subject has been considered an opinion entirely opposite was entertained. It is, therefore, due no less to your Honorrdile House than to themselves that your petitioners should unreservedly declare that however enlarged the trusts of Dalliousie College may be r ule, and whatever the usefulness to which it may be destined, it answers not, and it cannot .answer, the main objects for which the Baptists of Kova Scotia have laboured, that to withhold the assistance neces- sary to render the institutions at Horton effective on the ground that Dalliousie College affords what they need, would bo but to deny their request, while affecting to grant it; and that in such a denial is involved the probable destruction of all their jiast labors and expemlitures by limiting them within bounds inadequate to the attainment of their object. It has been urged as a further objection against your petitioners' claims that the general interest will be better suited by the support of one College than of many. In reply, your petitioners would respectfully remind your Hono- rable House that public institutions to be extensively useful must be framed in conformity with the condition of the country tfiey are designed to benefit. Some reasons have already been given why a College situated at Halifax must fail to extend its benefits to the larger portion of the inhabitants of the country. There are also ptjsitive advantages in favor of the erection of educational institutions in the country among the people thcmselvea and under the care of particular classes of the eouiuuuiity. 16 PETITION TO LF/nSLATURE. ^U^. ;?»• , i »/-* * .% 1 (!^ t'v" '* -J? ii i ^ 1 ii 1 ^ *^ '^ ^ 4. ^ ^- , t •4 ' t Pit'' " It IP tlui« tlint a spnjso of tlio value of ctlticaf ion and of tbo duty of siippoitinir its iiislitiUiiiiiH can heHt, and piolmMy i-an ahnic, he bionulit Imnii' to tlic iiui.plc, and extensively circulated. If general opinion mid the example of other countries are adduced on oneside, your petitioners. turning to facts an they niijy have heen f(Mn.d in Nova Scotia, may, with some miasure of con!idenc(j jxanttotiie inlluencc and elfects in the.-e respects which liave resulted from the labors of the Kducation Society, and the institutions at Morton. Had no other f^ood been ell'eetiil by the Society than the feeding extensively created tbrouid' its exertions in *'avor of eilucation lliut were public benefit snllieieiit, n,« petitioners respectfully urge, to entitle it io the support of the l.i-gislature ; a beiielit Avbo^e mag- nitude can only l»e fully apjireciated by calling to niind that Nova Scotia is occupied by tlu" owners of the .soil ; that from itc population in general, and without distinction, are called those who fullil the various duties of society in all its relation?, and that tne highest rewards which can be gained by ability and exertion are alike open to all whom natUiC or education may qualify for usefulness among their fellow sul>ject.s. That a Provincial College at Halifax, arousing the sympathies of no class in particular, could have effected the removal of prejudices against education or indiirerence to its advantages, or have enlisted the support of imlividuals. or have alhnx'd to its instruction the youth of the country in the manner which has heen ellected by the institutions at Horton, will hardly he a.sserted by any who are ac(iuaii:ted with the habits and feelings of the jjcople. One College in Halifax sustained by the jjublic revenue m.ay indeed .serve the purposes of the wealthy and of the inhabitants of the town; but tlie wants and interests of the population of the country in these particulars will be better suited, as your petitieners believe, by insti- tutions among themselves adapted to tlieir habits, and enlisting in their origin and sujiport their own energies and feelings. Your petitioners here meet the objection that the erection of several Colleges will lower the scale of literary attainment, and therefore one alone should absorb all the means available for that object. If the objection wore capable of no exception or qualification its just results would have been to repress all other institutions that King's College, the first in point of time, might alone flourish. But, giving to it all possible weight, it nuist have already received a suilicient answer, provided your petitioners have succeeded in shewing that establishments such as that they are advocating are required iov the effectual advance of education in the country, for it would seem unjust to put down tlie institutions necessary for the il^ .£■ " rKTIT[ON TO LEOISLATl-RE. 17 of tlip duty in (iloup, ])Q If fJCIKM-JlI on uiicsido, ii.d in Nova 10 inflticnco labors of I'toM. the feoling v-iation t/iat I'lilly uviic, iliorft' niiig- tluit Nova population 1 fullil tlio no In' iliko o{)on ws among pathics of prejudices i enlisted etion the I'd l>y tliG who are e College =iorvo tiio )M'n; l)ut in tiiese l>y insti- isting in iction of ent, and for that ation ita 3ns that ■eccived oded in ing are try, for for the pood of the country that one at Halifax may he raised to tlie liighcst l)()ssii)le eminence. Yoiu' pelitii.iK IS, liowever, cannot admit that a College supported by so large a body of as is engaged in favor of (Queen's Col- h'ge may not uilh a fair sliare of jmblic aid sustain tlie professors adequate to give it a respectal)Ie characler. Two professors of binb standing and reputation are now engaged at (Ju(>en's Cnlicgo. jmd it is hoped before h^ng to add aiiotlier. Your jietitioners b(>lieve the professors at King's College have never exceed(>d three, and during the greater part of its existence llie number lias been confuied, as is tlie case at the pri'sent time, to two. In conchnion, your petitioners would present thems(!lves to your Ilonorablo liduse with all tlie earnestness the importance of tlie sub- ject and their deei) interest in it is calculated to arouse,— tliey would encourage ;ill the contidcnee wliicli a deep sense of the justice of tlieir re(iucsts and of the liberality of your Honorable House is entitled to cr(>atc. They would point to the past, exhibiting Nova Scotia in its infancy, and the membeis af tluir denomination, although poor and obscure, yt t s(C(iiid to nciie in sinading through its wildcrnos settlements the light of religious truth. They would turn to recent times, and shew the same people, increased in numbers and influ- encc, foremost in their personal exertions and sacrilices, for advanc- ing the cause of education and dilfiising instru(;tion. And in virtue, and on the jiledge of these services, they would, on belialf of tiio Education Society and its friends, ask for aid— aid not to increase their present comforts, or to enhance tlieir properties— but aid towards conferring on their sons the ) onelits of intellectual cultiva- tion, and giving lo their country men (jualilied to sustain and advance its honour and welfare, and to till with credit and advantage the important duties of society. Your petitioners, therefore, most earnestly, ))Ut at tlie same time most respectfully, pray that your JloiKU-ablo House would be pleased to ))ass an .\ct for incorp(»ratiiig the (Queen's College with power to confer degrees, and to grant to the Baptist Education Society sucJi pecuniary aid, with such permanency as shall appear to be reason- ably reciuired, for tlie encouragement of tlie object. T. S. Harding, MiHkrutnr. W. Chipmax, Clerk of the Association. Metisengprs. N. ViDiTo, Minister, from the Wilmot Church. A. Mausiiai.l, " A. Sandeiw, « 18 PETITION TO LE(JISLATUUE. H, II r., from the Wilmot Clmrch. S. .I.\(KM)N, ll.Ciii>i.i;v, " E. STiioNAt II, .mnixtfr, 2iul Aylcsfonl Cluirch. (). I'akki:!!, T. Tnri-it, J. Ni'.\V( t)Mii, Stcwiiickc Cluirch. K. Hamii.ton', W. Ciiii'MAN, Mlnii^tcr, 2ml Corinviillis Church. A. rAllKKK, Dii. .1. .1. VanBiukkn, B. Skinnku, W. .TacksoN, MhiUrr, Brior and Lonj; Island Church. F. Vin-ivM, " " II. Iln.i., .Vinixln; Manchostor. J. B. Bahxahy, Westchester Church A. KrsHToN, " J. I)iM(i<'K, Minister, Chester Church. 1). DiMoCK, '■' 1). W. C. DlMfKK, " W. DoNKiN', Anilierst Clnircli. Dn. E. F. llAHDiNii, Windsor Church. S. T. liANi), Minister, Liverpool Church. J. C()Iil5, " J. Sti;vi:ns, Minister, Falmouth Church. T. S. llAHDiNci, Minister, llui'ton Church. I. K. Bii.i,, Minister, Wihnot Church. S. Taylou, \V. Kandai.l, " A. M. (ilDNKY, " C. SitAKNKU, " T. Bisiioi', " C. Kandai.i,, Minister, Sissiboo Church. R. IIankinson, " C. Sahkax, " G. DiMiKic, Minister, Newport Church. F. rAKKKU, Dr. I). B. Lyxds, Onslow Church. W. BuiJTox, Minister, ist Yarmouth, Tuskct and Argyle Church. Z. Cllll-MAX, " « T. Flint, .TixH., " « A. V. Di.Mcx'K, Minister, 2nd Yarmouth Church. W. Hakius, Junr., " A. CKOsriY, " J. PArri: N, " « I! t T'F.TITIOM TO I.Ef.ISF.ATrRE. 1!) « (I i( ti u J. roNUKi.i., Wnishi; Lower Cninvillc Church. .1. ,1. W'nohwonrii, " "l!.(,iriv, '< T. l)i:i.()N-(!, Mht'D^tcr, Brookfiold Church. .r. Kkvitox, " Z. Fiii:i;M.\N-, " H. CiiiPM AN, 1st CIcinoMts Church. A. ClIUTK, " J. E. C.uiswKi.i,, MimMcr, Parrshorouyh and liivor Philip Church, T. \Vi:.\Tiii:ni!Y. " « T. ir. r()i!Ti:i;, Mluntrr, I',, it Mcdwny Cliuich. K. ^fAL'sTKits, .]fuuyo; i.-t AykslonI Chinch. K. \\'o(iI)I!i;ui;y, A. CociSWKLK, S., \\'. \\'i:i.T(j.v, Z. IkdAcir, G. Wi:sr, T. r.owKY, [ ppcr Granville Chuicli. .1. UuiNToNT, " F. Fi.'KKMAN, \Vc']liii<,'t()n Church. •f. CiiAsi:, Minister, Bridgetown Church. S. MoKsic, " M. Cllll'.MAN, " B. T. Fr:i,iA)WS, " i\I. I'AuivKu, Miimter, Bridgewater Cliurch. T. liinc, " T. ^Faydar, " \\, Nkwcomb, " E. Maxninu, Minister, 1st Cornwallis Church. H. ClIU'MAX, " A. Stkonach, Minister, 3rd Cornwallis Church. A. 8TI!0N"(J, Juxi!., •• W. D. Paki!-'s Ofi'ici';, llalirax, 25tli July, 1840. Gentlrnien : I liiivc it ill Cdniiiiiiiul from Ills Kxccllcncy the Licu(ciiiiiit-(J()V- rnior to IriiiiiMiiit to yoti the cncioi^cd c:jtr!ict of u despatch IVdm Lord .loliii Uiis.'^cll in rcforciicc to tlic Act for iiicorp()rjitiii,<.c the TnL-tccs of Queen's ('olle^'c, and to tlic petition of the ('(iiiunittec of tilt' N. S. IJ. K. .Society, prayin;,' Her .Majesty to assent to thai Act, 1 have the honor to he, .Sir, Your most olicdicnt JIuml)lc scrvaii'v, JiLl'KUT OKOI^OE. Tlio IIonMc. J. \\. .ToitN'sTON', J. W. Nl TTINO, KS(;., JlaHfax, Eitracl of a i^eHpittrh from Lord John TimRell to ^Ir Colin Cavqihdl, ddtfd iCitlt Juiip, 1840. " I have the honor to ncknowlcduc the receipt of your despatch, No. 27, of the 14th April last, transniittiu;; a joint address from l)oth llc^nsca to Her Majesty prayini.? the IJoyal assent to the Act No. 2045, for granlin;.? a drawback on forcij^n wheat flour in certain cases, and also an address from tlio Kxcculiv(^ Committee of the Novii .S('(jtia IJaptist Kducation Society, i)raying Her iVfajesty's assent to the Act No. 2042, for incorporating the Trustees of Queen's College at Hnrton. •I have laid these addrceacB before Her Majesty. fiovRRNoKS OF rnr.T,F/;E. SI of 1S4(), tlm !;(' lmy's dcsimtcli, No. 6, of llio 22ii(l MmicIi, i.S;,(;, with tlm olijccfidiis ciiti rtiiiiicil to llic lillc of ' (^iiccn'.s ' ('»»lli'gt( l>y wliii'li tho JJiiptist Collf^'c ill lloiloii irt il('.si;;iiiitc(l. I ciilcilaiii (lie Hiiinc olpj<'c(ionH to tlmt title wliich my jnide- cesyor did, Imt, iih llie delinls Act ;in' iiiic.\cc|iti((niiliie, 1 am niiw iiliii,y; to iidviHe its diHidlovvanee on that ae(!ouiit, * You will tlici'efore a.-ieeitiiiM wlictlicr tlie Coiiiicil iii\(l Asscndily Would 1)(! di!»|ioHcd to iihieiid (he Act in tliis i(s|iccl, on tlir iindiT- staiidiii;,' tiiMt, in tliut event, the Act would reeeivt- Ilir Majchty'tf eontirniaticjii." July, 1S40. Mitonant-Crov- ci^patcli from i'|)()ratin.i( tho (lonnnittee of to tliat Act. Tli(! follovviuir wei'o the original (ioVKliNOHS of tlio T Qkouok, oHn Canqihdl, nir y of tlu'ir nj)i)oiiit.iiU'nt ; Hon. Jimirp W. Jdliiiston, f/. '73. IIoii. \\'iili;un li. Kinnear, (/. '68, T{<'v. In^nihiiru E. Hill. Hcv. Williiini Burton, d. '67. \U'\. S. Tioliinson, (L '66. fi'cv. riKirlcs SpiirdcMi. (/. '76. Ixcv. Cliiirlcp TuiiiMT, (/. '81. Krv. ALrnliam S. Ifuiit, . a(H'I(-y,Es(i..(/. '82. V\v\. James I'aikcr, (/. '76. J!ov. Samuel N. ISentlcy, d. '59. llvw (Jeoru;!; .\rmstront,', d. '86. liev. Edwin ("lay, d. '84. Ixt'V. A. 1). Thoiiisoii, (^ '70. Kev. Stcj.hen W. Dc^Blois, o(l(avn. Rand,I).('.L. Brenton II. Eaton, Es(i., (^ C, Rev. S. Bradl'onl Kenqiton. Charles F. (1ineh, Ks(|. Rev. .fames W. jManninu^. R(>v. Thomas A. lIi;a.t,Mns. Ahel ('. R(ih})ins, Esc], Herhert (\ Creed, M.A. Edwin D., Q.C. Silas Ahvard, D.C.L. Rev. AtW()o2S-'3o *Siiii(in Fitch, Fx]. iS3(>-'37 *.I. W. Nuttini:, Fx]. 1S37- *Wilii:mi A. ("hiiiuian, llsq. 184c;- *K..'V. Secretary of Education Society, •J. W. Nutting, Esq. Treasurers of Acadia College. iS;i-'53 *]iov. .1. Clias(>. '•^Sj-'SS i^inion Fitch, M.D. 1 8? 5- J. W. Baiss, Fs(i. . i856-'59 *J{cv. .1. Chase. i85c-'63 J. ]{. Fitcli, M.D. i863-'68 J. W. r.aiss, E.s(i. i867-'8i A. l)c\V. Baiss, ALD. 1881- X. Z. Chi|iiiiaii, Fi<(i. Secretaries of the Board of Governors. i855-'84 *ra'v. S. W. DcP.lois, D.I). 1884- Kcv. T. A. lliggiii!<, D.D. 'i ; 't 24 OFFICERS OF IXSTRUC'TION. Officers of InstPvUCTIon. *jt Presidents. i847-'5o lUy. .loliii Pryor, iSf.A. i8;i- 3J niiv. .lolui Mockott Cramp, D.D. i5^53-'55 JJ''V. Etlnuiiid Alhern Cvawlry, D.D. 1859-69 *Kev. Jolin Mncki'tt Cnuiip, D.D. 1869- licv. Aitoinas Wynian Sawyer, D.D. Principals of the Theological Department. 1^53-55 *Kev. John Mockett Cramp, D.D. i869-'83 liov. Edimiiul Alborn Crawley, D.D. Members of the Senate. (Cigan.i::ed. ieS2.) FKIJ.OW.S. Theodore 11. Eand, D.C.L. Silas Alward, Esq., M.A. llov. S. IJiadi'ord Kt'iupton, M.A. Hon. James W. Johnston, M.A. Rev. Edward M. Saunders, D.D. Kev. D. Allan Steele, M.A. Rev. George Armstrong, D.D. H. Harding Bligh, M. A., Q.C. Rev. John E. Hopper, D. D. Rev. S. McCulIy Black, M.A. Rev. David Freeman, ]M.A. SCHOLArvS. Rev. Atwood Cohoon, M.A. Jonathan Parsons, B.A. *Rev. George 0. (iates, M.A. HerhertC. Creed, M.A. Hon. Neil ^leLeod, B.A. John Y. Payzant, M.A. W. Mortimer McVicar, M.A. Wallace N. Graham, B.A., (^.C. Rev. Frederic D. Crawley, B.A. James Hall, Ph.D. Adoniram J. Denton, B. A. Frank H. Eaton, M.A. Thomas E. Corning, B.A. Edwin D. King, M.A., (^.C. Rev. John E. lIopiK>r, D.D. Rev. William H. Warren, M.A. *Rev. Jaf(.l) A. Durkee, M.A. John F. Tnlts, M.A. Leander S. i\[orse, B.A. William F. Parker, B.A. T. Sherman Rogers, B.A. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION. 25 Professors, Instructors and Tutors. i838-'47 Rev. Jolm I'lyor, M.A., Prolcssor of Clas.sics ami Natural l'hilo80})liy. i838-'46 Rev. Ednuind A. Crawley, M.A., Trofessor of Logic, IVIen- tal Philosophy, Rhetoric and ]\ratheniatic.s, i839-'52 *Isaac L. Chipinan, R.A., Assistant Professor of Natural Philosophy and Mathei cs. i846-'47 Rev. Edmund A. Crawley, \)A)., Professor of Theology. i847-'5o Rev, John Pryor, M.A., Professor of Theology. i847-'49 A. P. S. Stuart, B.A., Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy. i85o-'5i Charles D. Randall, M.A., Tutor in Classics. i85i-'69 *Rev. John M. Cramp, D.D., Professor of Mental and Moral l'hilosoi)hy, and Theology. 1852-53 Thomas A. lliggins. Tutor in Classics. i852-'53 ^Jlenry W. Johnston, B.A., Tutor in Mathematics. I ^"^53-55 l^^cv. Ednunid A. Crawley, D.D., Professor of Theology. iS53-'58 A. P. S. Stuart, M.A., Professor of Mathematics and Nat- ural Science. iS55-'6o Rev. A. Wyman Sawyer, B.A., Professor of Classics. i858-'59 Daniel M. Welton, B.A., Tutor in English. i858-'59 Alfred Chipinan, B.A., Tutor in Mathematics. i859-'6o *'IIenry Vaughan, B.A., Tutor in Mathematics. i859-'6o Rohert L. Weatherbe, B.A.,Tutor, i86o-'6i D. Francis Higgins, B.A., Tutor in Mathematics. i86o-'6i Brenton II. Eaton, B. A., Tutor in Classics. 1861- D. Francis lliggins, M.A., Professor of Mathematics. i86i-'64 *Jaines DeMill, M.A., Professor of Classics. i862-'63 Rev. John I'ryor, D.D., Professor of Belles Lettrcs. i863-'64 Robert V. Jones, M.A., Tutor in Belles Lettres. 1864- Robert V. Jones, M.A., Professor of Classics. i865-'66 Rev. Robert Somerville, Tutor in English, 1866- Rev. Edmund A. Crawley, D.D., Professor of English and Theology. 1869- Rev. A. \\'yman Sawyer, D.B., Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy. i869-'72 William Elder, M.A., Professor of Natural Science. i872-'73 Andrew deW. Barss, M.D., Lecturer on Anatomy. i874-'8o George T. Kennedy, M.A., Professor of Natural Science. lX f , ■ <- a 20 OFFICERS OF INSTHUCTION. 1874-83 Joliti F. Tufts, :\[.A., Professor of History and Political E(?onoiiiy. i874-'78 TJov. Diuiiol M. Welton, :\r.A., Professor of Rhetoric. i876-'77 Fnuik 11. Eiiton, M. A., Tutor in Classics. i88o-'82 J. (Jould Scliui'inan, I). Sc, Professor of English Literature ami Mental Philosophy. i88i-'83 All)(-rt Coldwell, M. A., Instructor in Natural Science. 1S82- Eev. E. ^Miles Keirstead, M.A., Professor of English Lite- rature and Logic. i883-'84 Everett W. Sawyer, B. A., Tutor in History and Political Economy. i8S3-'85 Theodore H. liand, D.C.L., Professor of Education and History. i885-'S6 Everett \V. Sawyer, B.A., Tutor in History. i886-'SS John F. Tufts, M.A., Instructor in History and Political Economy. 1887- Luther E. Wortman, M.A., Professor of Modern Languages and History. Principals of Horton Academy. i828-'3o *Asahel Chapin, B.A. i83o-'39 Kev. J. Pryor, M.A. i^j9-'43 Edward Blanchard, Esq. i843-'5i Charles 1). Randall, M.A. i85i-'6i *Jarvis W. Harlt, M.A. i86i-'74 Rev. T. A. Higgins.M.A. 1874-81 J. F. Tufts, M.A. i88i-'83 A. W. Armstrong, B.A. l883-'88 J. r. Tufts, M. A. _ -.t \'« SENATE. 2r f and Political Rlioturic. lish Literature I Soionco. i'nglish Litc- antl P(jli(.iciil Education and and rolitical '11 Languages Senate in i FELLOWS. Vacating office 1S91. Snas Alward, D.CL., ^l.V.V., ITnn. James W. Jolmston, D.C.L., Kcv. John E. Hopper, D.D. Vacating office ISD4. Rev. D. Allan Steele, M.A., Ttcv. S. jMeCully lilaek, M.A., Eev. David Freeman, M^V. Vacating office 1S07. Eev. S. Bradford Kenipton,]M.A., Eev, Edward M. Saunders, D.D.^ II. ILirding Bligh, M.A., (^.C. SCHOLARS. Vacating office ISO!. Edwin D. King, IM.A., Q.C. Eev. Willinm II. Warren. M.A., Eev. Frederic D. Crawley, B.A., W. Mortimer McViear, M.A. Vacating office ISD/f. John F. Tufts, :\r.A., Eev. George O. Gates, M.A., Wallace ]S\ Graham, B.A., Q.C, Ilerhert C. Creed, M.A. Vacating office 1SD7. Jnmes B. Hall, Fh.I)., Adoniram J. Denton, B.A., William F. Barker, B.A., T. Sherman Eogers, B.A. Faculty in 1888. Eev. A. Wyman Sawyer, D.D., President, and Piofessor of Morat Philosophy and Evidences of Christianity. Eev. Ednumd A. Crawley, D.D., D.C.L., Piofessor Emeritus. D. Francis Higgins, Ph D., Professor of Mathematics. Eohert V. Jones, Ph.D., Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages. Eev. E. Miles Kierstead, M.A., Professor of English Literature, Logic and Psycliology. Alhert E. Coldwell, M.A., Professor of the Natural Sciences. Luther E. Wortman, M.A., Professor of Modern Languages and History, 28 GRADUATES. Graduates. :-i1 '■■1 1 Tluise wild li;ivo diiil arc marked *. Class ok 184.1. •Jolin L. liislioj), M.A., 18(i'J ; ( I radu.ite .Jefferson Medical College ; nutlior History of Ainericau Manufactures; Surgeon U. S. A., 18'U ()4 ; Ciiiof of Division of Bureau Statistics, Washington. 18G5-G8 ; died 18(iS. .James W. .Johnston, D.C.L., ISSC); La\\-j'er, 1840-70; Q.C, 18V1 ; Judge County Court, Halifax, 1870; Senator Acadia, 18S2 ; resides at Iiartinoutli, N. S. Lewis .Toll n stun, M.D. University Pennsylvania, 1840; practised since at Stcllartoii, N. S. *Amos Shari), M.D. ; in-actiswl at Hopewell, N. B., and Carleton, N. B. ; died .it Hampton, N. B., April 10, ISo'i. Class of 1844, ♦George Armstrong, ^J.A., KS.ll ; D.D., 1S81 ; ordained Dec. .31, 1848; pastor at l.ridgetown iov 18 years ; editor and puhlishcr Cliiintian for some years.; pastor at Kentvil'le, N. S., 1880 80 ; Senator Acadia, 1882; (iovernor Acadia for many years; pastor at Port Hawkesbury, C. B., 1880 ; died at Port Hawkesbury, June 7, 1880. *Richard E. Burpe, M.A., 18.51 ; Missionary to IJurmah, 1845 50 ; died Feb. 23, 1S5.S, at Jacksonville, Florida. •Samuel Elder, M.A., 1851 ; pastor ai Fredericton, K, B. ; died May 23, 18.13. *Abrahain S. Hunt, M.A., 1851 ; ordained at Dartmouth, N. S., Nov. 10, 1844; pastor of First Cornwallis Church for many years; Superin- tendent of iMlucation for Xova Scotia, 1S70 77 ; Governor of Acadia for many years ; died Oct. 23, 1877. AVilliam F. Stubbert, D. D., 1870; joastor at Maiden, Mass.; resides at Eli/abethtown, X. J. *George K. Wilby, went to Calcutta; assistant editor Friend t)/ India j died at Calcutta, 1808. Class of 1845. *\Villiani A. Johnston, lawjer, 1.S49-78 ; Q.C, 1870; died at Windsor, N. S., 1878. 'Samuel Richardson, M.A., 1804; Newton Tlieol. Inst., 1S.")4 ; ordained pastor of church in Mass. ; pastor at Clements, N. S. ; pastor at Westport, N. S. ; in mercantile establishment St. John, N. B. ; died at Cnrleton, N. B., July 18, 1809. James Whitman, lawyer; j^'actised iu Halifax; insurance agent ; jour- nalist ; n. sides iu New York. E1. *»v*a rf 1 GRADUATES. 2D College ; fuitlior '• A., IS'il (14; , lcSUo-G8; (lied • > 1871 ; Judge iS2; resides at ctised since at irleton, N, B. ; >ec. 3J, 1848; •-^licr Christian 80 ; Senator 'Ji.stor at I'ort Jiuie 7, 1880. S45-50; died lied May 23, •S.. Nov. 10, I's ; .Sii|)erin- lor of Acadia ; resides at 1 «/■ India ; ■t Windsor, ; ordained ; pastor at ^. B. ; ,lied jent ; jour- C'l.Ass OK 1846. Edward Andcr.«on, M.A., 1S.")4 ; D. I)., Kalamazoo Coll.; graduated at Newton Theol. Inst., 184il; rresidint Kalamazoo CoUeg'', Mich. ; jiastor at Mcdfmd, Mass. ; Mariiuette, C'iuuula ; Livcriionl, N. 8. ; IJrailfcird, .Mass. ; Portland, Oregon. *Asa]icl I Jill did 1847. •Stephen W. DePdois, M.A., 18r)7 ; D.D., ISSl ; law student, 1F40 49 j Teacher Norton Academy and Acadia College, 184'.» ."0 ; Newton Theol. Inst., KSa.S ; ordained at Chester, 18.")4: pastoral Wolfvij .-, (lovernor of Acadia and See'y. Board of (Governors lK.")r)S4 ; died Feb. 4, 1SS4. Lewis Johnston, M.D., L.Il.C.S., Ed., 18.")"); practises at lilock House Mines, C. 15. James S. Morse, taught for a time ; merchant, Wolfville, N. S. Class of 1848. •Harris 0. McLatchy, M.A., 1802; M.D. JelTerson Med. Coll., 1854; practised at Wolfville, N. S. ; died at Wolfville, 1887. John Moser, M.A., I80I ; Newton Theol. Inst., 1853; has folbwr^d teaching. Class of 1849. *Arthur R. R. Crawley. M.A., 1854; Newton Theol. Inst., 1852; ordained at Wolfville, Aug. 17, 1853 ; Missionary to Burmah, 1853-70 ; died at Liveriiool, Eng., Oct. i), 1870. *Henry T. Crawley, law student at Harvard ; Professor in Mount Auburn .Seniiuaiy, Cincinnati, 0. ; died Cincinnati, 0., 1855. *Eli.sha B. DeMill, M.A., 1854 ; M.A., Brown Univ. ; studied at Newton Theol. Inst. ; ordained at Andierst, N. S/"; pastor at Andierst ; pas- tor Leinster St. Church, St. John, N. B. ; died St. John, N. B., 1803. Class of 1850. Thomas W. Crawley, Newton Theol. Inst., 1854 ; ordained at Chester, N.S., May 14, 1850 ; pastor at New Minas, N. S. ; Amcnia, N. Y. ; Read- ing, Mass. ; St. Andrews, N. B. ; resides in Cambridge, Mass. David Freeman, M.A., 1802; Newton Theol. Inst., 1853; studied at Rochester, N. Y. ; ordained at Halifax, Aug. 1, 1855 ; pastor (Iran- ville St. Church, Halifax, N. S. ; pastor at Canning, N. 8. ; Home Missionary, Kings Co., N. S. ; resides at Canning, N. S. Class of 1851. Henry W. Johnston, M. A., Brown Univ., 1854 ; Teacher Horton Academy ; studied law ; admitted to bar Nov. 21, 1800 ; Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries for NoVa Scotia ; resides at Halifax, At 30 Tliom Class or J,S."4, ^■'K. :«), J,S.-57 : p,,,to,. ai t".-;' '"''''''''""'' ''^^^^'^-^'H^ool X «; Class of IS")",. """I'. A. S., >,,,v. Ifi l.sijo., . Jiist. ; ordained at r* 1» 111-, "^""-/U; Sydnov f 7i it—-. . ' ''^''•><>,> ; J- f- 'S-4; H..d,,^,„, ,. ,, J ,^: '.J^-' '^'"-M'ortIIauk,.sI,„ry '««.'. Ski.,,,.,, ..M.,..; Cl^rT""" ^■'""«- '^■■'^ ^ N. B., ]S7.. ; "u" ,' "''•"' ' t-'>o.ster, N S , V, 'o ' '"-^'"^ i>SS(,-.S, ; Try,,,,, p. ,., J ^'^ Ji^Sl-SC ; Bedecjuc, I> y t Isaiah Wallace, M A ]s-,0 , ' P-tor of var,;;;l;„:;;^'":^^;^«-tehW„,N.B.,ApnM ,SV ;f-^ ^>'- Acadia cC^ ^^z ;^'"-->^ -.■ ordained at ^- >S.. IcS(;;}.(j,-i . JT;iukcsI)„ry, • I^M IS7S-S] ;' , K H. ^ ''•>;■'>; Jiastor ^J-7J'; Alma, "c. P. K. I., Pn'l 3, 1 85(5 ; ova So„tia ,- )' I'esides at > 1878 ; oj.. 'r, ]8o7-74; fj'erniany, '•) 1oro:>to practised ; engaged J Li'nen- lastor at County, ept. 19, AJilton, FuncJ, ", N.S. Class of 1S")8. Charles H. Corey, AI.A., ISC] ; D.D., Riclniiond Coll., llaylorTniv., 18,81 ; M.A., ]). 1>., fid funilnn, Toronto Collci^'o, 18S4 ; New ton Tlieol. Inst., ISOl ; ordained Sept. 18, lS(il, at Seabronk, X. II. ; pastor jit Seabrook, X. 11., 18(11.(54; U. S. Christian f\,n.niission, ]8()4-(ir); Homo Jli.ssionary in South Carolina, KSIm-C; ; I'residert Augusta Institute, 18()7-r>8 ; President Kichniond Theol. Inst, since 1808 ; resides at Richmond, Va. George f! Sanderson, for 12 years Sec'y. Commercial Marine Tns. Co.; now ,4 marine and fire insurance agent ; resides at Yarmouth, X. S, Edward Manning Saunders, ]\r.A., 1863; D.D., 1S82; studied at Xewton Thef)l. Inst. ; ordained at West Conuvallis, X. S., Dec. 15, 1858; pastor at IJeruiek, X. S., lS58-(i7 ; pastor Granville St. Church,' Halifax, 1867-81 ; joint editcr and proprietor of Chnstian Visitor for a time ; Senator of Acadia, 1882; Governor of Acadia; resides at Halifax, X. S. *Henry Vaughan, M.A,, 1804 ; Xewton Thcol. Inst., 1858 ; ordained Jan. 10, IS58, at Lake George, X. 15. ; pastor Germain St. Church, St. John, X. B., 1S0.3-C4 ; died at St. John, X. P>., Aug., 1804. Simon Vaughan, and commission merchant, Liverpool, Eng., until 18S2 ; resides at Wolfville, X. S. Robert L. Weatherbe, M. A., ISOl ; D. C. L., 188.-}; teacher Horton Academy; lawyer, lS(J.3-78 ; Q.C., 1870; Justice of Supreme Court, X. S., 1878 ; resides at Halifax, X.S. Class of 1S59. Andrew deW. Barss, M.A., 1802 ; M.D., Edin., 1804 ; practised at Wolf- ville, X. S ; Treasurer of Acadia, 1807-81 ; agent of the People's Bank of Halifax, Wolfville, X. S. Brenton H. Eaton, M.A., 18(54; Tutor in Classics at Acadia, 1800-61; admitted to bar, 1804; Q. C, 1883; Governor of Acadia; practises at Halifax, X. S. U. Francis Higgins, M.A., 1801 ; Ph.D., 1882; Tutor in Mathematica at Acadia, 1800-01 ; Prof. Mathematics at Acadia since 1861. *Dugald Thomson, teacher at St. Stephen, X. B. ; mercantile pursuits; died at St. Stephen, X''. B., 1874. Clasis of 1800. Silas Alward, M.A., 1803 ; D.C.L., 1883 ; M.A., adeundem, Brown Univ., 1809 ; studied law ; lawyer, since 1800 ; practises and resides at St. John, X. B. William A. Chase, agent and manager of Pacific Marine Ins. Co. at Yar- mouth, X. S. ; now agent Y'armouth S. S. Co. ; resides at Y'ar- mouth, X. S. Alfred H. DeMille, M.A., 1864; lawyer; practises at St. John, X. B. 32 *r< nnADl-ATES. "' '"" •'.•"„.„■„, .M,,,,.h IS, i,s7s. ^' '"■"'''- '>^""--S; liiod ••-'■I- at Carl-.t,,,., X. IJ. ''■' ^'^'-^"i <'ovc.n.or of Aca-liai *Am, \i ,, ,, «o.«,.tv.., ,,m! ,';.ri,rr '''■'•'' '■'^'■ •'"i." V. i.„v.,M, ', V ' 1;."°'' "' •"'■'■"■''• 'x-"-". "" '" llieo,loro H. /;,,,„,_ ^, ^ ^^^..^ N"I'ennteM,l,.„t ,.f K,,.,,at,on ..V ' « ' '•■'"'••' ^^- •^•' '■^""■W • ;'-'t "f '•;.ln..t,o„ ,., X.„ :,, ^^^''-•"'■■■^> ''^"1-70; SupeWnt „' I story at Acadia. ISS.S-S.V |.,,'f ^ T"'' ' * '''^f- J'^'Incatio,. ,,n. \ "^- f '"--t-an Kthics. Toronto I J: ^ .^ """f ^*« ^-titutc, ,^7 ; James K. Wulls, \r A ksq P '''^'■'* ^""•. I'S^8. ' • Toronto 6-/.^. ; „,i,,„. J -l^ ( oll..„to Jn.t. ; e.litonal ^t.uJ t'L.lSS OF ]S(il. William H. Porter, MA i^ri ;:;;;.;:;,,!'t:r''Ht;"" '■'■• v™,;:, ■■»; ri:-;-/"'"'- Class of ]S62 Amasa Fisk, teacher • A„ . . '°' ^- .S. •' ^^^'J practises at Augustus Freeman, teacher- I„ i. ^ es at at Isaac's Harl.or N ' « ", ' '"'^'•^'^'•^"t ; teacher 1 S'T so , i8S0.83; pastor ;?■ " '''' • ^^t"'' ^^t .\dvo c. L p ,' "'■''''^'■"^^' , i>^-siui at Aownort AT e • '"""uice Harbor AT , Out. es at Hali- .Se])t. T), Jamaica, pastor •'cliustcr, ; pastor N. S. tises at 'rdained , N. S., Mnyimrd P. Freeman, ordaim'cl at l}('iU«(|Ui', P. K. I,, July T), lS(i.'?; jia^tnr lit Nictivux, N. S., !St)i»-7;<; pastor at (ireat Villa;,'o, N. S., 1S7:{SI; jtaiHtor at fiaspiTcaux, X. S., sinci! 1SS4; rivtiiles at Wolfxillc, N. S. 'Charles K. Hanis, M.j). ; dieil at New York. John K. Moj>, M.A.. Is7(»; I>.I>., Mor^jan Park Tliool. Sem., 1.S<'2; Htndii'd at H«-i;ent"8 P.irk Coll., Lciudon, Isnj,'. ; Principal Haptist Semiuary, Fiedericton. N. 11., I'^fi.'i-dK ; jiastor at St. Stephen, N. H., i.S(l!t-7-; Jiastor at pMirlinu'ton, lowa. 1 ^7--78 ; editor ami imhlislier Clirisliiiii Visitor, lS7S-Sr>; jja-tor Brussels St. Church, St. .lohn, N.Pi. , 1SS()-S7; Senator of AcaAia, ISS'J; pastor at Sacramento, Cal., ISSS.'ph V. Kcmpton, ordained at Mira, C. IV, .Tune 5, 180t; i)astor at Mira, C. B., ISGl-tJ."); Marj:aree, C. H.. 1S(m-70; Billtown, N, S., lS70-7:<; Sussex, \. P.., lS7r)-77; Parrshoro'. X. S,, I'^78SO; Freo- port, X. S., 1881-83; Chester, X. S., 1883-87; llillsborouijh, X. 13., since 18"i7. S. Bradford Kcmpton, M.A., 1^70; onlained at Xew Minaa, N. S., Sept. Hi, lS(i3; pastor at Xew .Miuas, X. S., i S(i:?-(;,S ; First Cornwallis Cliiueh, Canard, X. S., since ISCiS; .Senator of i^cadia, 188l'; (lov- ernor of Acadia fur many yeai's. J. Melliouriie Parker, ordaineil at Sjiiinjrfielil, X. S., Oct. 5, ISIi.j; ]iastor at Sprinirtield, N. S., 1 sfM-HO ; Wilmot Mountain, N. S., 18()0-7O; Port Medway. X. S., 1S70-72; Dii,d.y, X, S., 1872-74; Ciumuuts, N. S., 1874-85; Salishury, X. P.., since 1885. Enoch J. Stronach, merchant ; resides at Xictaux, X. S. Class of 1«()3. Israel A. P)lair, M.A., 1S()G; M.l>., Uarvurd, 1875; resides at Boston, Mas.s. Edwin D. Kinc,', M.A., 18(5(5; ailmitted to bar, 18(57; Q.C, ; Senator of Acadia, 1882; Governor of Acailia. Class of 1SG4. n. Hardini,',s,'h, M.A., 1S()7,- admitted to the bar, 1808; practised at Halifax, N. S., 18(5-;-8l ; removed to Antigonish, X. S., 1881 ; l^.C, 1884; Senator Acadia, 18s7; Senator Toronto Baptist College. Edward M. C. Rand, teacher ; resides in Unitod States. Class of 18(55. Charles T. Andrews, M.D., Harvard, 18(58; Inspector of Schools for Queens Co., N. S., 1874-80; practises at Caledonia, N. S, Eliakim X. Archibald, ordained at Xorth Kiver, P. E. I., Jan. 7, 18G(5 ; pastor at X'orth River, 18(5G-70 ,■ Shelburne, X. S., 1874-78 ; Bede(jue, P. E. I., 1879-83; O'Leary Road, P. E. I., J8S3-SG; Clements, X. S., since 1886. 34 fiUADL'ATKS. n- Tlmriias A. T.I.i'U.'ulii', (inlainiil Si-pt. .', ISI'm, at l';irr-il>ori)'. X. S. ; jKistor at rn>!\\ ;isli, N. S., l^(i(;(ill; (Jnat \ill;i«r, N. S., IMill-7(); Haivi'y, N. IJ., IHTOSI ; ('aK;.lniii;i, N.I'.., lSMl-8'2; Muui,'iuvillis N. IJ., iss'js.'i; .Maciiaciiiiiuk, N. IJ., .Hiiicf ISS.'i. William II. I!m..'.,m, M.A.. |S7J ; ..plaiiicl at Sy.lncy, C. R, Sopt. 21, isr.."> ; pa.slorat .■^yaiiiy, ('. 15., ISOrt-TD; r..illaiiil, \. I*.., JSTl -71 ; .Suf'y. Fi)rfij;ii MisH. Mcianl, 1S7H-71; .\IiHrtial Comity Aoadeiny, Syilncy, ('.15. ; ISCi.'i Ci'.l ,• I'lincipal .Sfiiiiiiary, Variiioutli, X. S, l.S(il)-7'i; l'riin'i|ial lOii^lish lii-li .Sciiuol, iMfdtTictoii, X. H., l.>>7'2-7.'t i I'lol'. .Matlii!- niaticM Trov. Xorm. Soli., l''rcdorict(in, N. IJ., siiiuu 15*7''J ; Senator Acadia, i>S'_', SihiM M. .\Iai\aiic, IJ. A., Ifarva-rd, KSV.'J; clcik in Kducation Ollici;, Hali- fax, X. S., l,S(i."i-7(); Htinlind at IJorlin, 1.S70-7I ; Instructor ll(i.\l)iiry Latin Suliool, l.S7;J-7r); Instructor in lli.story and rolitioal iCconomy at ll;ir\afd, ]S7.')-Sl' ,• Assistant I'rof. of Ili.'^tory at Harvard, 1SS-J-.S7; since 1SS7 I'rof. of History at Harvard. Jcsepli Muiiay, .M.A., 1S7'2; ordained at ( liiyslxirouj^li, 1^. S., (lot., 18(15;. jiastoi' at ( Jnyslioi'ou;,']!, N. S., ISdo-OS; I'u^wasli, N. S., 1 ^(i,S-70 ; llantsport, X. S., l870-7">; Sninnu'rside, 1*. J'!. I., IS7.j-7<); Cani- Iirid-v, X. S., 1«77-S1 ; Falniuutli, X. S., 18S1-SG; Sjirini; Hill, N. S., since ISSO. *Suth I), Sliaw, studied law at Cliarlottetown, P. K. I. ; removed to Nevada, U. S. ; died in Xevada. D. Allan Steele, M.A., 18(18; ordaine.l at WolCville, N. S., Juno '20, ISC') ; jcistor at Canso, X. S., IH(i,")-()7;, N. S., since l'-(!7; incni- ber of For. Miss, IJoard since 1871 ; Senator Acadia,, 188'J, Ci.As.s OF 18(i(;. Obadiah K. Cox, studied at Newton Tlieol. Inst. ; oi'dained at West Yar- mouth, Dec., 18(>7; pastor at West Varniouthj South Amesbury, Mas.s. ; New iJedford, Mass.; IJrooklyn, N. Y. Albert .1. Hill, M.A., 18()'.I; Teacher Horton Academy, l8(i(i-()8; Civil KnL;incer; assisted in locating various railways in Xova Scotia and N»;u IJrunswick; manager of Lorway and Kmery Collieries for two years; Cmnberland colliery for one yea,r ; l)oin. (Jovt. Survey; Nova Sc'ttia Ci'own Land Surveyor; now in Columbia engaged in his prcpfession. Thonnis S. McLean, Principal County Academy, Baddeck, C, B. ; Insjjec- tor of Scho(ils for N'ictoria Co., ('. IJ. Leander S. Morse, adinittiMl to bar, July!), 1S70; iiracti«ed at Bridge- town, N. S. ; Inspector of Schook for Annapolis Co., N. S., i s :li - ^■::.-..4^^:^^fe>^-4.^-^;. (iltADI'ATKM. 85 1S71-S1 ; Inspector of Schools District No. 4 siiico ISSI , Senator Aciuliii, ISM.'), James F. Muit..u, M.A. Bn.wn I'liiv., 1S77; i.a>*t\\>y Aoiul.. N''w I""'- .1,111, N. H., lH7(!-7'.); litcmry (MJilor Wnlrlnihiu, Boston, Mass., ISSO; rriiidl);il Lolaii.l l.'niviTsity, X.'W Orl.aiis, La., IHHi-.S'i; Instn.ctnrN. 'I'. Kx.K"'«i«. N<^"ton Thml. Inst., 1sm:J; Ml.ranau Newton Tiieol. Inst. Hincc 1S83; rcMides at .Newton Ccntiv, .Mass. George K. Tnfts, Assistant I'rincipal IJiiptist Seminary, JMclericton, N. U. ; l'riii(i|.al irii,'Ii Selio.,1, St. Stcplicn. N. 15. ; Newton Tlieol. Inst, 1S71); j.astnrat West Waterville, Maine, 1^7y-S0; Ottuinwa, Iowa, 18H0-8I ; UelfaHt, Me., since 1881. Class ok 1807. WilbertD. Dimoek, Trineipal IIiL,'li Seiiool, Xortli Sydney, ('. 1?., l.%7-74; I'lineipal .Model Sciiool, 'I'niro, 1S74-S1 ; Civil Service at Ottawa, since l^.S'2. Wallace N. Craliani, admitted to bar 1S71 ; ].ractised at Ticton, N. S., 1871-7:$; Halifax, N. S., .since KS7:J ; ^,».C., I8S1 ; Senator Acadia, ISS.'i. James W. Manning, ordained at Tort llawUesl.tiry, C. 15., March 31, l.'^OS; Newton 'I'iieol. Inst., 1872, pastor at St. Stephen, N. H., lH7'2-7'); North Churcli, Halifax, N. S., since 1H7.">; (iovernor of Acadia. Jonathan V. h. I'ar.Hons, Trincipal I'uhlic Scliool. Halifax; Inspector of Schools for Halifax; studied law; practises in Halifax ; Senator of Acadia, 1SS2. Class ok ISOS. Lewis Hunt, M.A., ISS!?; M.lJ. MclJill Coll. ; piactised at Halifax, N. S. ; studied at Kdinhurgh; practises at Shcilichl, Kng. ♦William A. 1). MacKinlay, Minn, and Ccd. in search of health; died at Bridgetown, N. S., Nov. 11, 187i). *John McDonald, ordained Aug. 1, ISGO, at Ui;jg, l*. K. 1.; pastor at Fremont, Neb., two years ; Creelcy, Col. ; died in Nebiaska, Juno 15, 1874. JohnF. Tufts, B.A., Harvard, 1872; M.A., H.arvard, 1874; Teacher in Horton Academy, 18()S-()1); I'rincipal Horton Academy, l.S74-«l ; Prof, of History, Acadia, 18Sl-8:{; Principal Horton Academy, 18S:J-S8 ; resides at Wolfville, N. S. ^ James W. Johns(m, L.L.B., Harvard, 1874; admitted to Nova Scotia bar, 1874; practised at Bridgewatcr, N. S., and Halifax, N. S. ; now in the Western States. *Daniel Ilaton, studied at Commercial College, Boston, Mass. ; died at Boston,, Aug. II, 18G8. 30 GHADrATES. Enoch ('. Si)iiincy, D.D. Univ. Iowa, ISSl ; or(liiiner of lys- Ics at pi'ida -81 ; unil Murray r.iver, P. E. 1., 1881-82; Billtown, N. S., 1SS2-SG ; Anti- goiiisli, \. S., since 188(5. Atwood Cohooii, M.A., 187(> ; ordainetl at Paradise, X. S., July 11, 1872 ; pastor at Paradise, N. S., 1872-77; Hebron, N. S., since 1877; <'«'r. Sec'y. Home Miss. Board Mar. Prov ; Governor of Acadia; .Senator of Acadia, 1882. J. Wilberforce Longley, M.A., 1877; admitted to bar, 187o; editor Aca- dian Recorder; M.P.P. Ann. (,"o., N. S., 1882; Attorney General N. 8. since 188(3 ; resides at Halifax, N. S. Charles H. Masters, M.A., 1870; admitted to N. B. bar, 1870; practises in St. John, N. P.. John B. Mills, M.A., 1877; studied at Harvard School; admitterl to bar, 187") ; practises at Annapolis, N. S. ; M.P. for Ann. Co., N. S., 1887. Horatio E. Morrow, ordained at Sackville, N. B., Nov. 8, 1871 ; graduated at Newton 'J'heol. Inst. ; Missioiiaiy under Am. Bap. For. Miss. Board at Tavoy, Burmali, since 1877. *S. Johnston Neily, M.A., 1870; ordained at North Sydney, C. B., Sept. 10, 1S71 ; pastor at North vSydney, C. B. ; Canning, N. S., 1875-77 ; died at Tremont, N. S.. Aug. 12, 1878. Ingram B. Oakes, M.A., 1883; teacher at Ilantsport, N. S; Principal of Academy at Newcastle, N. B. ; Inspector of Schools for Charlotte Co., N. B. ; Inspector of High Schools for New Brunswick. William A. Spinney, B. A. Harvard, 1878; Principal High School, Ames- bury, Mass. ; Principal Adams High Scliool, Newton, Mass. John R. Stubbert, graduated at Newton 'I'licol. Inst. ; ordained atSufiield, Conn. ; pastor at Suffielil, Conn. ; now at Putnam, Conn. William H. Warren. .M.A., 1S74; or.lained at Cavendish, P. E. I., Feb. 8, 1872; pastor at Cavendish, P. E. 1., 1N72-74; Milton Cliurch, Yar- mouth, X. S., 1874-78; Bridgetown, N. S., since 1878; Senator of Acadia, 1882. • C[..\ss OF 1872. William L. Barss L.L.B. Harvard, 187(5; admitted to bar, 1870 ; practises at Halifax. N. S. ; resides at Dartmouth, N. S. Seymour E. (jourley, admitted to bar, 1874 ; practises at Truro, N, S. W. Mortimer McN'icar, M.A., 1870 ; Principal of Liverpool Academy ; Vice-Principal Horton Academy ; Principal Model ScIkjoI, Truio, N. S. ; Principal New Brunswick Baptist Acailemy ; Principal Annajtolis ('o. Academy. Robert (J. Munro, studi(igby, N. S. L. Mortimer Smith, merchant, (firm of A. & W. Smith); resides at Hal- ifax, N. 8. Class of 1873. Humphrey Bishop, teaciier ; merchant. Port Williams, N. S. James F. Covey, M.A., 1878; M.D. Bellevue College, 1882; Principal High Sciiool, St. Andrews, N. B. ; practises at Moucton, N, B. 38 GRADUATES. ^ ' '% , A *Jacob A. r,urkec, :M.A., JSTT ; onliunod at Milton, N. S,, Oct. 23, 1873 ; pastor iit -Milton, N. S., LS73-7() ; studied at Nesvt.m Thool. Inst. ; pastor at Paradise, N. S. ; (iuelph, Ont. ; Lockeport, N. S., 1881-83 ; Senator of Acadia, 18S2; died at IHgby, N. S., Feb. 15, 1884. Adonirani J. Katon, M.A.. 1878; 15. A. Harvard, 187« ; Principal Andierst Academy; studied at Licpzig ; Principal Woonsocket, R. I., High School. Frank II. Eaton, M.A., 1876 ; r,.A. Harvard, 1875 ; Teacher Hortnn Acad- emy, 1875-77 ; Princijial Andierst A.cademy, 1877-7'.l ; Pi'of. of Matiiematics Prov. Norm. Sch., Truro, N. 8., since I87'J ; Senator of Acadia, 1882. George 0. Gates, M.A., 1877 ; ordained at Liverpool, K. S., Oct. 22, 1873 ; pastor at Liverpool, N. S., 1873-71); Moncton, N. P. , 187!l-8(); Ger- main St. Church, St. .John, N. B., since 188C ; Senator of Acadia, 1882. James P.. Hall, M.A., 1877; Ph.D. Boston Univ., 1877; private school, Lawrencetown, N. S., 1877-79; Vice-Principal Horton Academy, 1870; Prof, of English Prov. Norm. Sch., since l&7y ; Senator of Acadia, 1888. Henry W. Rand, M.A., 1877; teacher; M.D., Bellevue Med. Coll. ; prac- tises in New York. Joseph H. Robbins, M.A., 1887; ordained at Rawdon, N. S., Aug. 29, 1873; pastor at Cand)ridge, N. S., 1875-7() ; Hillsburg, N. S., 1878-7!); Middleton, N. S., 187'J-84; now pastor at Olaremont, N. H. Isaac R. Skinner, ordained at Andover, N. B., July 20, 1870; pastor at River Hebeit, N. S., since 1878. *Geoige W. Thomas, ordained at Canso, N. S., May 13, 187-t; graduated at Newton Theol. Inst. ; pastor of church in Mass. ; died at Corn- wallis, N. S., Oct., 1882. Theodore H. Thomas, teacher at Port Hawkesbury, N. S. ; Port Mulgrave, N. S. J Tusket, N. S. ; since 1880 in Western States. Class of 1874. S. McCully Black, M.A., 18^5; B.A. Harvard, 1S7C; ordained at Berwick, N. S., Jan. 3, 1878; pastor at Berwick, N. S., 1878-80; Liverpool, N. S., KS8()-8.S ; Westport, N. S., 1883-85; Kentville, N. S., since 1885; Senator of Acadia, 1887. *George F. Curry, M.A., 1885 ; ordained at Andover, N. P>., July, 1874 ; graduated at Newton Theol. Inst. ; Missionary to Iiulia uniler Mis- sion Board of Ont. and Que. ; died at Tuni, India, July 31, 188(5. James J. DeWolf, M.A., 1881 ; ordained at Uigg, P. E. I., Dec. 4, 187i ; studied at Newton Theol. Inst. ; pastor at Milton, N. S., 187'J-82 ; ]5caver River, N. S., since 1882. John C. Spurr, teaclier in Hoi'ton Academy, 1874-75 ; studied at Newton Theol, Inst, and Harvard ; ordained at Cow Bay, C, B., 187!) ; pastor at Cow Bay, C. B., 1879-85 ; Cavendish, P. E. I., since 1885. .1 ' ik^ CiRADUATES. 89 -S3; lerst |li«h sa.l- itoi' her- Cl.ASS (IF 1S7<'). Howard Barss, niercliant, Liverpool, J'^iig., 1S75-S7 ; rcisides now in ^Volf- ville, N. S. George K. Goo.l, ^r.A., 1S78 ; Newiou Tliuol. Tnst., 1S78 ; onlainL-d at Saekville, X. 15., 1S78 ; pastor at Sackville, X. 15., 187S-S'2 ; Anna- polis, N. S., ISS2-84, Hampton, N. li, 1S84-8G ; St. (iuor^Lje, N. 15., since ISSli. Israel Longley, Principal Annapolis County Atsadeniy for .several ycar:s.; resides at I'aradise, X. S. 'William 'r, I'ar.^on.s, I'rinciiial tiny.shorougli Academy ; Prini'ljial Kentville Academy ; studied law ; atlmiLtcil to 1j;u', 1880 ; practises at ^lid- dleton, N. S. Benjamin Rand, M.A., 187!); B.A. Harvard, KS70 ; M.A. Harvard, 18«50 ; I'll. I), Harvard, 18i,') ; studied at Xewton Tlieol. Inst., 1880-82; studied in (jermauy on Walker Fellowsliip from Harvard, 188285 ; resides at Cambridge, Mass. ^Adoniram J. Stevens, ordained at Kentville, N. S., Oct. 13, 187'> ; jiastor at Kentville, X'. 8., 1875-70 ; .studied at X'l^wton Theol. Inst., 1S70-7S ; pa.stor at Frederietou, N. 13., 1878-80; died at Frederic- ton, X\ B., March 15, 1880. Class of 1870. Maynard W. Brown, ordained at, X^. S., July 21, 1870 ; pastor at Ellcrsliouse, X. S. , 1870 7!'; Xew (iermany, X. S., since 187!'. Frederic D. Crawley, ordained at I'leanantviilc, N. S., 1877; Xtwton TheoL Inst, 1880; pastor at Fredcricton, N, 15., since 1.S80 ; Sena- tor of Acadia, 1S8S. Elias W. Kelly, ordained at Windsor, N. S., 1870 ; pastor at Windsor, X. y., 18V0-77 ; Xewton Tlie(d. Inst., 1880; pastor Ltjnster St. Church, St. .John, N. B., 1881-82 ; Mi.ssionary to Burmah under Am. Baji. For. Miss. Board since 18S2 ; resides at Mandalay, Upper BiLiinah. J. Otis Redden, Crozier Thecd. Inst., 1882 ; ordained at Alexandria, P. E. I., 1882 ; pastor at Alexandria, P. E. I., 1882-85 ; CalLf'uinia since 1880 ; now pastor of church at Lompoc, Cal. William H. Robinson, M.A., 1881 ; P.. A., Harvard, 1881 ; studied at X'ew- tou 'J'hcol. Inst. ; Teacher Ilorton .Acadcmj', 1S78-7!* ; ordaine(l at Port Hawkesbury, C. B. , 1882 ; pastor at Port Hawkesbury, C. B., 1882-84 ; Canning, X'^. S. , IS'-t-SO ; resides in Riverside, Cal. Douglas H. Simpson, ordained at Montague, P. E. I., Oct. 1, 1870 ; pastor at Alberton, P. K. I., 1.S70-78 ; studied at X'^ew ton 'i'heid. Inst. ; Morgan Park, 1882 ; pastor at Williamsville, X". Y. ; Stillwater, Minn., 1885-87 ; Hantsport, N. S., since 1887. p, ordained at Brookfield, N. S., IS70 ; pastor at Brookflel'd, N. S., ]87!>-S'J; Port :\Ied\vay, N. S., 188'2-83 ; Freeport, N. S., lSS.S-87 ; East Point, P. K. L, since 1887. C. Trueinai) IJisliop, ordained at Jolicnre, N. B., 1871); pastor at Trjon, P. K. I., 1871I-80; Crozier Tlieol. Lust., 18!>2 ; pjistor at Hauniior.- toi), N. J., 1882-84 ; Isaac's Harbor, N. S., since ISb'o. J. Alfred Faulkner, B.D. Drew Tlicol. Seni., 18bl ; studied at Andover ; jiastor at Beech Pond, Penn. Burton W. Lockhart, M.A., 1S8.S ; Newton Thcol. Inst., 1J82 ; pastor at Suflield, Conn., since 1882. Matthew R. Tuttle, teacher in vaiious places in Nova vScotia. Willard O. Wright, teacher at Hopewell, N, B.. ; County Treasurer, Albert Co., N. B. ; resides at Hopewell, N. B. Class of 1879. Arthur \V. Armstrong, teacher at Port Hawkes))nry, C. B ., 1870-80 ; Hor- ton Academy, 1>8()-81 ; Principal Hortou Academy, 1881-83 ; studi admitted to bar, Nov. 2G, 1883 ; practises in Halifax, N^ S. Adoniram .]. Denton, Principal (Jrammar School, Shediac, N. B., 1879-81 ;. Principal Keutville Academy, 1881-83 ; Prof. Natural Science, Hal- ifax High School, since 1883; Senator of Acadia, 188S. Eupert C Haley, lK)okkeeper, Yarmouth, N. S., 1879-81; manufacturer, St. John, N. B., since 1881. G. Ormond Forsythe, teacher at Canning, N. S. ; Principal at Port Hawkes- bury, C. B., 1881-8."); Prineijial at Hantsport, N. S., 188,"); la.w student Chipman & Shatlner, Kentville, N. S., since 188.").. Charles K. Harrington, student at Newton The^l. Inst,, 1880-81 ; Morgan Park, 18S2; Missionary to Japan under Am. Bap, For. Miss. Board since lti8(). Granville B. Healcy, admitted to Iowa bar, 1881 ; practises at Sioux City, Iowa. Frederick A. Ilobart, mercantile business, Sonierside, N. S. Ralph M. Hunt, Newton Theol. Inst., 1883 ; pastor at St. Stc[)hen, N. D:, 1882-88; now pastor Jamaica Plain Church, Bostoij, Mass.. HHBSaB!- GRADUATES, 41 ry of jilton, h on, IDoi:- at Cbarlcs D. Puand, tonclicr at Salt Spring Island, B. C, 18S0-S1 ; Victoria, B. ('., 18>Sl-,S-2; Principal PuJ.lic Scliool, New Westminster, B. C, 18S2-8.3 ; real estate agent since 1884 j resiilcs at Victoria, B. C. Henry li. Ruggles, admitted to bar, Jan. 9, 18?5 ; practises at Bridge- town, N. S. Willard P. Shaffner, Principal Public School at Wolfvillc, N. S., lS7'.)-82 j law student ('liij)inan & Newconib, at Kentville, N. .S. ; admitted tu bar, May 2.'?, 188.1 ; practises at Kentville, N. S. *il. Albert Sj>cncer, pi'caclied at Dartmouth, N. S., 1870-80; Newbm Theol. Inst., 1882; ordained at Milfonl, Mass., 1882; pastor at Milford, Mass., 1882-87 ; died at Milford, Mass., Nov. 12, 1887. Class of 1880. Isaac C. Archibald, M.A., 1883; studied «t Newton Theol. lust. ; Mission- ary to the Teloogoos since 1882; resides at Chicacole, Madras Pres., India. Walter foraa, M.A., 18 4; editi>r and proprietor of Siar, Wdlfville, N. S.> 1880-81; Rochester Theol. Seiu., 1884; Home Missionary under Am. Bap. Home Miss. Board to British Columbia, 1884-87; now pastor at Hoosick, N. Y. Samuel N. Bentley, teacher at Medfiehl, Mass., 1880-81 ; Mount Pleasaut, Penn. ; studied medicine ; i)ractises in Western States, Howa.rd Cl»anibors, resides at Truro, N. S, G. Wilbert Cox, teacher at Upper Stewiacke, N. S., 1880-81; farmer; merchant, Londonderry, N. S. George E. Croscup, teacher at Antigonish, X. S., 1880-81 ; Principal Mod'.-l School, Fredericton, N. B., 1881-83; insurauce agent; resides at Jersey City, N. J. Caleb R. B. Dodge, M.A., 188."); Morgan Park, KSS.S; ordained, 1883 j pastor at Milton N. S., 1883-8(5; Bridgewater, N. S., since 1887. Clarence E, Griffin, teacher at Grand Pr(', N.-S., Ohio, N. S., 1880-81; studied at Harvard ; Principal High School, Medfiehl, Ma-^s., 1882-83 ; studied law ; ailmitted to bar, 1S8G ; practises at Franklia, Mass. Edward J. Morse, farmer ; resides at Paradise, N. S, Everett W. Sawyer, B.A. Harvard, 1883; teacher at Port Hawkesbury, C. B. , ajid Port Williams, N. S., 1880-81 ; teacher Hortou Academy since 1883. L. Richmon T. Sherman Rogers, .^amitte.l to bar. 1883 , practises ai Senator of Acailia, 1888. _ C. 0*..n.oT,nn-, IU..S., Univ. I.e.,,., ISSo , M.D., U,.,v. Ic„„„.b86, practises at Amherst, N. S. Gates I S. Wallace, studiea at Newton ; oraained Ja. 28, 188,., at Lau- rence, Mass. ; p.astor at Lawrence, Mass., smce 188... Herbert R. Welton, studied law ; admitted to Ont. Bar. 1887 ; resides at *D. Sp^^'wh!;.«an, stu.lied law ; admitted to Ma. Bar ; practised at Winnipeg, Man. ; died in Calitori.ia, May 18, 1888. Charles W. Williams, Toronto Baptist College, 1880 ; pastor at St. An- drews, N. B., since 1880. Class of 1884. H. Bert Ellis, M.D., Univ. Cal., 1888 ; resides .at Los Angeles Cal. Frank R. Haley, B. A.. Harvard, 1SSJ5; teacher HortonAcademy. 1834- 8.5 ; Freehold Academy, Freehold. N. J., since 1880. .. , >r T 11 \r \ 1SS7 • PriuciDalSunbury Grammar School. JN.L>., Benj JrA",*. tcaCor St Jol.,,', Mi,i.»y A».c„,y, H.aJ.H.ficUl, N J., 1883.37 1 Dall,»u»io tov .School s,i,oe lb8,. Cla» B. M.„l,»ll. t« Aca,.u. Sc,„i,.»y 1884-80 : to Kvolyn W Ravmond of New York. Dec. 29. 1880. E,.o«h 1.: S,vLt o„.ai,>oa .88.2 ,,- at,,, N'. S., .88-.-80 : now in United States. Class of 18S5. , 4. 1 „f «Mfli Henrv. Ritchie and Weston, Selden W. Cummings, law student AMtli nenry, Htilifax. N. S. „ • 1 + Wrvlfville Alice M. Fitch, teacher Horton Academy, 1885-SG ; resides at ^^ olfMlle. N. S. 44 OllADUATES. s... ■'■y John A. Ford, ordained 1885 ; pastor at Milton, Yarmouth, N. S., 1885-88; now at Carlcton, N. 15. Howard S. Fri'cman, rrincipal Baddeck Academy, 188o-87 ; now Trincipal Amherst Academy ; resides at Amiierst, N. S. Henry T. Ross, teaclier at Freeport, N. S., 1885 80; law student with Eaton, Pf rsons ifc Beikwitli, Halifax, N. S., since 18':i7. James W. Tingloy, ordained at Middleton, N. S., 188G; pastor at Middleton, N. S., 1880 87 ; at North Middleboro', Mass., since 1887. Smitli L. Walker, McGill Med. School, 1885-87 ; now in Truro, N. S. Class of 1880. Irving S. Balcom, M.D. Boston, 1887 ; practises at North Greenwich, Conn. Frank H. Beals, ordained 18S7 ; pastor at Billtown, N. S., since 1887. M. Blanche Bishop, resides at Wolfville. John W. Brown, ordained 1886 ; pastor at Falmouth, N. S., since 188G. Charles II. Dny, B.A. Brown Univ., 1888 ; teacher Horton Academy, 188(J-87. Austen K. DeBlois, M.A. Brown Univ., 1888. Foster F. Eaton, studied at Med. Sell., Mich. Univ., 1880-87; since 1887 resided at Parrsboro', N. S. Harry II. Hall, student at Newton Theol. Inst. Walter V. Iliggins, student at Rochester Theol, Inst. William B Hutchinson, student at Toronto Baptist College. Frank II. Knapp, student at Dalhousie Law Scl.ool. Harry A. Lovett, studied at Law Sciiool Mich. Univ., 1886-87; law student with Graham, Borden & Parker, Halifax, N. S., since 1887. Vernon F. Masters, student at Cornell Univ. Mark B. Shaw, ordained 1883 ; pastor at Cow Bay, C. B., 1886-83; now at Milton Church, Yarmoutli, N. S. Hibbert B. Smith, ordained 1887 ; pastor at Canso, N. S. Clas-s of 1SS7. William E. Boggs, student at Toronto Baptist College. Colman W. Corey, assistant pastor, Amherst, N. S. Stephen W. Cornwall, resides in Digby, N. S. Robie W. Ford, teacher at Freeport, N. S. Ernest M. Freeman, taacher at Lompoc, Cal. Thaddeus S. K. Freeman, student Newton Theol. Inst. Edwin L. Gates, student Newton Theol. Inst. Charles H Miller, student Halifax Med. Coll Oliver S. IMiller, law student at Bridgetown, N. S, John B. Morgan, teacher Woodstock Baptist College. GRADUATES. 45 m-88 ; lincipal [Eaton, lleton, IConn. lemy, 1887 icJent i^ at Ernpst T?. iNforsp, teacher (Tortoii Academy. Israel W. I'orter, ordained Auj;. ol, 1887; pastor at Parrsboro', N. S. Jesse T. Prescott, student of medicine Univ. of New York. J. Allan Sliarpe, Jeweller, St. John, N. B. Samuel K. Smith, student CoUejte Pliys., New York. Henry Vauglian, student Columbia Lnw School. George U. White, ordained Au)^. 9, 18H7 ; pastor at .Tacksonville, N. B., 1887-88; now at Temple Church, Yarmoutii, N. S. George E A. Whitman, law student, Boston, Mass. Class of 1888. James W. Armstrong, Kingston, N. S. Oliver II. Cogswell, Morristown, N. S. Carmel L. Davidson, Gaspereau, N. S. Horace L. Day, Yarmouth, N. S. Charles W. Eaton, Lower Canard, N. S. Herbert (). Iliirrisi, Canning, N. S. Morley D. Ilemmeon, Wolfville, N. S. John R. Hutchinson, New York, Lewis J. Lovett, Kentville, N. S. Lewis D. Morse, Nictaux, N, S. Alfred E. Shaw, Avonport, N. S. Harry S. Shaw, Berwick, N. S. Walter B. Wallace, West Gore, N. S. Harry II. Wickwire, Canning, N. S. GRADUATES OF THE THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, Class of 1881. Christopher Ilaverstock, ordained at N. E. Margaree, C. B., 1882 ; pastor at N, E Margaree, C. B., 1882 87 ; at Economy, N. S., since 1887. Malcolm P. King, ordained at Cambridge, N. B., 1882 ; pastor at Cambridge, N. B., since 1882. Class of 1883. Joseph L. Brown, ordained at Digby, N. S., 1883 ; pastor at Digby,, N. S. since 1883. ; •*'i»«1lTMflr. - - - iS'), Miiniiinu:, .Imiics W. - - - i*^^>7 Miiisliiill, ("liirii n. - - - 1HS4 Minti-ll, Cliiirics ir. - - - 1S76 MiiKtors, (1 null's II. - - - 1H71 MiotfTs, Vernon F. - - - 1SS6 •McDoniild, .Idlin - - - - 1868 *MrL;itcliy, lliinis ( ). - - I.S4S McLwin, TliuniasS. - - - 1866 McI-CDil, Neil 18^)9 McViciir, W. Mortimer - - 1S72 *.M('ssonji;('r, JlcilMit C. - iSr,8 Miller, Cluirles II. - - - - 18S7 Miller. Olivers. - - - - 1KS7 Mills, Jolm n. 1S71 Moore, llerhert W. - - - 1SS2 Mor-aii, Jolm 15. - - - - 1SH7 Morrow, Horatio K. - - - 1S71 !Moise, Edward .1. - - - - iS.Sc IVIorse, Ernest It. - - - - 1887 Morse, .lames S. - - - - 1846 Morse, 1-eaiider S. - - - - 1866 Morse, J.owis D. - - - - 18S8 Morton, .Iam(!s F. - - - - 1866 ]\Ioser, .lolm 1848 ^lunro, Roi)ert G. - - - - 1872 *Munr()e, Hector E.- - - 1868 Mnrniy, Joseph 1865 Myers, Charks F. - - - 186.; *Neily, S. Johnson - - - 1871 Newcomli, William A. - - 1870 Oakcs, Ingram B. - - - - 1871 Parker, ,T. Melhonrne - - 1S62 Tarker, William F. - - - 188 1 Parsons, Jonathan F. L. - 1867 Parsons, William G. - - - 1875 Pattillo, Thomas Jl. - - - 1856 Payzanl.-lnhn Y. - - - - lS'')0 Phili., K'.J.crl 1;. - - - - 185^, Pin.'o, Alhert J.- . - - - 1S81 Porter, Israel W. - - - - 1887 Porler, I{ol.ert !).---- 1857 I'orter, William H. - - - J861 Powell, Ahsalom L. - • - 1S83 Prcscott, Jcsso T. - - - - 1887 l\ai)d, neiijiimin ... - 1875 {{and, Charles I).- - - - 1879 l{and, Edward M. C. - - - 1864 I{and, Henry W. - - - - 1873 Hand, Theodore II. - - - 186(3 Ifedden, J. Otis - - - - 1876 •Kichardson, Samnel - - - 1845 liolihins, .I(ise|ih H. - - - 187-5 Pohinson, W illiam H. - - 1876 I{oj;<'rs, T. Sherman - - - 1883 Koss, Henry T. 1885 lluggles, Henry P.- - - 1879 Sanderson, George (J. - - - 1858 Sanl'ord, Hnfns - - - . 1869 SaniKlers, Edward M. - - 1858 Sawyer, Everett W. - - - 18S0 Seholill, F. Howan' - - - 1882 Shafner, Hernard P. - - - 1877 Shai'ntM', Frederic L. - - - 18S2 Shal'ner, L. Hichmond - - 1880 Shafner. Willard P. - - - 1879 *Shari), AiiKts 1843 Sharpe, Jami's A. - - - - 1887 Shaw, Alfred E. - - - - 1888 Shaw, Harry S. 1888 Shaw, Mark P. - - . - ,886 *Shaw, Seth 1). 1865 Simpson, Penjamin F. - - 1880 Simpson, Douglas II, - - 1876 Skiimer, Isaac! .r. - - - - 1855 Skinner, Isaac K. - - - - 1873 Smith, Hihiant P. - - - 1886 Smith, L. Mortimer - - - 1872 Smith, Samuul K. - - - 1887 GUAIJIATIX 4<) •Sponccr, IT. Alltort - SpimicN , Kiiocli ('. - Spiiinry, Williiuu A. - S|inir, John ('. • - - Steele, D. Alliiii- - - Slrvciis, A«lniiii;\niJ. Stroimcli, Knocli J. - Stuliliert, Ji>lm K. - HUil)lH'it, \Villi;im F. ■ Swciit, Kiutcli 11. - - Thnnids, fleorRo W. Tlioinas/riuMMloro II. Tlioiiisoii, Dii.^iilil - Tiiinley.-liiiiie.s W. - Troop, Aitlnir(}. - Tufts, (ieorge 10. - - Tufts, .lohu F. - - Tuiiper, < '. Osliorno - Tuttlo, Mathow R. - VauKliau, Henry - Yaui^hiui, lleiu-y - Yaughiin, Siuiuu - iHi,) \V;ille, ll'iliert L. - ,871, I'MlMUlul I). - - 1844 Wells, .lanii's K. - - - 1SS4 Wi'ltou, Daniel M. - - Woltoli, llerlieit U. - - . 1873 Weltoli, Horatio 11. 1873 Wfltoii, Sydney - - ■ - 1859 White, U.. I. Coulter - 1885 White, Cieor-^e K. - • - 1SS2 Whitman, D. Spurgeon \^(>C) Whitman, (ieorge A. - 1S68 Wliilman, .lames - - 1883 Wiekwire, Harry H. - - 1878 Wiekwire, William N. - Will.y. tioorjie llohhius - 1S58 Williiims, Charlert W. - - 1SS7 Wright, Willard O. - - 1858 1885 1855 i8r.8 1883 18S8 1871 .85S 1881 1860 IS55 1883 18S1 . 1881 1880 - 1887 1883 - 1887 1845 . i8S8 1860 - 1844 ■ i»«3 - 1878 The following names were ace )rcparing the above alphabetical list : lliivurstock, CliristopliDr King, Mulcoin I'. . . - ■ Browu, Joscpli L. . - - - •eidentally ouiitted in 1881 18H1 1883 hsr 50 DEGREES CONFERRED, DEEREES GElNFEHHEn, ceusa hnnnris. 1848. *Charle3 DeWiilf, Charles D. Randall. 1851. *Charlea Spurdoii. 1^56. *Jarvi8 W. Hart. 1859. *Samuel ^. Bentley. 186?. Simon Fitoh, Daniel ^IcXeil Parker, Charles Tupper. 1865. William F. Jones!. 1869. William Elder. Masters of Arts. 1870. John B. Calkin, *John Davis, Calvin Good.speed. 1872. David W. C. Diniock, Charles Duff. 1882. Colin W. Eoscoe. 1884. Lnther E. Wortnian, John P. Chipnian. 1885. John March. 1886. Alfred C. Smith. Doctors of Civil Law. 1874. Theodore H. Kand. 1S82. Daniel McNeil Parker, Sir Charles Tapper. 1883. Silas Alward, Kobert L. Weathcrbe. 1885. George E. Foster. 1886. J. W. Johnston. Doctors of Divinity. 1848. *John M. Cramp. John Pryor. 1857. *Charlea Tupper. 1861. *Charles Spurden. 1862. ^Charles De Wolfe. 1864. Robert J. Wilson. 1870. William F. Stubbert. 1875. John Crawford. 1881. *George Armstrong, Ingraham E. Bill, *Stephen W. DeBlois. 1882. Edward M. Saunders. 1884. Daniel M. Welton. 1885, George E. Day, Thomas A. Higgins. 1886. Joseph McLeod, SiluB T. Kand. MATRICULATED STUDENTS. 51 List OF Matriculated Students, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. N. R. -The date is that of the signini; of the Matriculation Udok Alwaril. Silas - - - - - - - - 1S56 Anderson, Edward - - - 1842 Anderson, John - - - - 1S3S Andrews, Charles T. - - - 1861 Andrews, Frank - - - - 1S77 Andrews, George - - - - 1S78 Angell, Henry - - - - 1S51 Areliihald, Eliakini N. - - 1861 Arehil)ald, Isaac C. - - - 1871 Areliihald, William A. - - 1842 Arnistroiiir, Arthur W. - 1S75 Armstrong, Ernest H. - - 1883 Armstrong, George - - - 1838 Arm'-'trong, James W. - - 18S5 Armstrong, Joint E. - - - 1876 Armstrong. William F. - 1868 Baker, James D. - - - - 1873 Baker, Charles K. - - - 18S0 Balcom, Artliiu' C - - - 1883 Baleom, Irvin S. - - - - 18S2 Baleom, James K. . - - 1856 Ballantyne, (iedrge - - - 1849 Ballentiue, George >>. - - 1869 Bancrolt, Jamts W. - - - 1866 Barnahy, Arthur C. - - - 18S6 Barss, Andrew deW. - - 1855 Barss, Howard 1871 Barss, J. Edmund - - - 1887 Barss, Walter 1876 Barss, William L. - - - 1868 Beals, Frank H. - - - - 1SS2 Beckwith, Albert - - - 1S46 Beckwitli, Burpe - - - - 1803 Beckwitli, Horace L. - - 1875 Bell, Samuel 1861 Belyea, James G. X. ~ - 1876 Bent, KuperL F. - - - - 1855 Bent ley, Byron H. - - Bentley, Henry D. - Bentley, Sanniel X. - - Bentl(>y, Sanuiel N. - Borryman, Daniel E. - Bigelow, Osborne - - Bill, Asahel - - - - Bill, Caleb R. - - - Bill. Edward M. - - - Bill, Edward M. - - Bisho]>, C. Trueman Bisliop, Charles W. - Bishop, Humi)hit}y - ■ Bishop, Jolm L. - - l?ishop, ^[. Blanche- - Bishop, T. Raleigh H. Black, S. McCuliy - - Black, Walter S. - - Blackadar, (Jeorge D. ■ Blackadar, Hugii S. - Blackailar, Tliomas A. Blair, Israel A. - - - Bligh, H. Harding - • Bogart, John B. - - Boggs, William B. - Boggs, William E.- - Bordt n, Eddie H. - Bowles, E. Terry - - Bradshaw, Clarence W. Bradshaw, Fred J. - Bradsliaw, William B. Brown, Harry W. Brown, John W. - - Brown, Maynard W. - Brnvn, Samuel D. - Budd, George B. - - Burnaby, Sidney A. - Burnett. William B. - - 1886 - 1H77 1842 - 1876 . 1868 - 1849 • 1842 - 1849 - 1849 - 1886 ■ 1874 - 1875 - 1864 - 1838 - 1H81 - 1874 - 1869 - 1885 - 1887 - 1886 - 1861 - 1856 - i860 - 1 878 - 1861 - 1883 - 1886 - 1867 - 1876 - 1885 - 1867 - 1884 - 1883 - 1872 - 1840 - 1872 - '873 . 1887 m --.>.i>»*-«*,-*«. 62 MATRICULATED STUDENTS. Buipo, Kdniund L. Bnrpc, Kicliiinl E. BurUtii, David - - 1 J ! f — 1 Cain, !>aniu('l II. - - - Calhoui), .Vrthuv L. - . Calkin, Barry H. - - Caniplii'll, Potcr - - - Chase, Daniel - - - - Chase, Isaac C - - - - Chase, .1. A. - - - - Cliase William A. - - - Chase William II. - - Chesley, Eghcrt M. - - Chi]iman, .MtVed - - - Chipman, K. Edgar - - Chipniaii C. W. - - - Chipman, G. lamest - - Chipman, James - - - Chi[)nian, .Tohn^P. - - - Chipman, Walter- - - Christoplier, 15. Kenneth Chute, Arthnr C. - - - Chute, G. Rettio - - - Chute, Lyman H. - - Clarke, Willard G. - - Clinch, l^dward G. - - Clinch, Fred S. - - - - Coldwell, ^[arsden - - Cobb, Charles P. - - - Cogswell, Oliver H. - - Cogswell, William M. - Cohoon, At wood - - Coldwell, Albert - - - Coldw(>ll, E. Pryor - - Cook, Charles A. - - - Cook, iSnow P. - - - Coombs, .John - - - - Corey, Charles H, - - Corey, Colman W. - - Corey Ernest A. - - - Corey, II. Y. - - - - Corey, I. Wallace - - Corning, Tluimas E. - - Cornwall, Stephen H. - Covey, James E. - - - 1 868 Co.x, A. Beech er - - - - 1879 1840 Co.x, Abram J. . - - - 1863 1847 Cox, G. Wilbert - - - - 1876 Cox, .T. Howe - - - - - 1885 1881 Cox,01iadiah E. - - - - 1862 1879 Crawley, Artlnu- R. E. - - 1844 1880 Crawley, E. Sidney - - - 1868 1H73 Crawley, Frederick D. - - 1872 1851 Crawley, Henry T. - - - 1844 1868 CraAvley, R. Bernal - - - 1871 1855 Crawley, Thomas W. - - 1846 1855 Crawley, WillVed B. - - - 1886 1868 Creed, Herbert C. - - - 1861 1866 Crombie, Isaac - - - - - 1887 1851 Ci'oscombe, J. P. - - - - 1838 1887 Cummings, Selden W. - - 1881 1842 Cunnal)ell, William W. - 1869 1887 Currie, G. Frederic - - - 1870 1849 Curry, Edward R. - - - 1877 1865 Cutten, John - - - - - 1844 1885 1870 Daniels, Caswell R. - - - 1865 1877 Daniels, Orlando. T. - - - 1877 1879 Daniels, S. N. - - - - - 1878 1878 Davie ■!, Charles S. - - - - 1875 1875 Davidson, Carmel L. - - 1883 1868 Davison, Adonirani J. - - 1872 1880 Day, Cliarles H. - - - - 1883 1854 Day, George E. - - - - 1851 1876 Day, George E.- - - - - 1887 1879 Day, Horace L. - - - - 1884 1855 DeBlois, Austen K. - - - 1882 1867 DeBUjis, Stephen W. - - 1842 i860 DcxMille, Alfred H. - - - 1856 1871 DeMille, E. Budd - - - 1846 1873 DeMillo, James - - - - 1849 1878 DcMille, William - - - 1847 1862 Denton, Adoniram J. - 1875 1854 Dewis, John W. - - - - 1884 1884 DeWoIf, James I. - - - - 1870 1878 De Wolfe, E. - - - - - 1868 1887 De Wolfe, F. - 1863 1880 De Wolfe, Harry T. - - - 1885 1861 De Wolfe, Stephen - - - - 1838 1877 De Wolfe, W. F. - - - - 1844 1869 Dill, William H. - - - - 1838 MATRICTLATED STI'DENIS. 63 Dimnck, David W. C. - - 1838 Filrh, Alien M. D. - - - 1881 Dinioolc, Knocli T. - - ■ 1861 Fitcii, Jiiinos N. - - - - 1858 Diniock, Wilhcrt D. - - - 1863 Fit(;li, Jolm F. 1873 Dodd, Archibald - - - - 1843 Forlx-s, Frcdcrirk F. - - 1875 I)(i(ld, ]\rarcns 1862 Ford, John A. 1883 I)f)d-(>, Cnlel) R. B. - - - 1876 Ford, Kohic W. - - - - 1SS4 Dodj^o, linport W. - - - 1878 J'orrcst, .)ohn 1870 Donaldwjii, John - - - - 1877 Forsyth, G. Orniond - - 1875 Donaldson, Lfwis J. - - 1881 Fosliay, llcrhcrt J. - - - 1875 Dougla.s, D. Wilbert - - - 1868 Foster, Arcliil.ald W. - - 1885 Don^das, Kohort E. - - - 1864 Foster, I'aoli K, - - - - 1864 Duko, Charles W. - - - -1887 Freeman, All'red W. - - 1842 Duncanson, D()n,<,da8 - - 1886 Freeniiin, Andr(nv P. - - - 1862 Dunranson, Lewis E. - - 1884 Freeman, An<,Mistu.s - - 1861 Dunham, Whitelield O. - 1884 Freeman. Charles J3. - - - iS86 Durkee, Jacob A. - - - - 1870 Freeman, David - - - - 1844 Freeman, Edward A. - - 1875 Eaton, Adoniram J. - - - 1869 Freeman, Ernest M. - - 1879 Eaton, Albert E. - - - - 1878 Freeman, George S. - - - 1873 Eaton, Brenton H. - - - 1H55 Fre(.'m,ni, Howard S. - - 1883 Eaton, Charles L. - - - - 1877 Freeman, Ingram B. - - 1850 J]aton, Charles W. - - - 1884 Frteman, Joslma - - - - 1856 Eaton, Daniel 1864 Freeman, ^laynard P. - - 1858 Eaton, Foster F. - - - - 1882 Freeman, Robert W. - - -1852 Eaton, Frank H. - - - -1869 Freeman, Tliaddeus S. K. - 1884 Eaton, Harry 11. - - - - 1876 Freeman, Zenas S. - - - i''^53 Eaton, John E. 1886 Fuller, James N. - - - - 18C4 Eaton, Lewis F. - - - - 1885 Eaton, Otis 1855 Gates, Elbert E. - - - - 1887 Eat(ai, Ralph S. - - - - 1876 Gates, E. Lewis - - - - 1S83 Eaton, Rul'us W. - - - - 1877 Gates, George O. - - - - 1S69 Elder, Samuel 1840 Gates, George W. - - - 1877 Elder, William 1872 George, William - - - - 1868 Elliot, Leonard W. - - - 1868 Godfrey, John F. - - - i860 Ellis, H. Bert - - - - 1882 Good, George E. - - - -1871 Ells, James D. 1879 Goodwin, Joshua - - - - 1873 Ells, Robert W, - - - -1866 GoueluT, Walter R. - - - 1851 Estabrook, Horace G. - - 1887 Goueher, William C. - - 1879 Evans, Walter S. - - - - 18S5 (Jourley, Seymour E. - - 1869 Graham, Wallace N. - - - 1861 Grant, William E. - - - 1851 Fash, Zenas L. - - - - 1887 Greenwood, James T. - - 1842 Faulkner, J. All)crt - - - 1875 Greenwood, John V. - - 1838 Fielding, George H. - - - 1872 (irillin. Clarence E. - - - 1875 risk, Amasa 1858 Fisk, JSamuol 1861 Hale, Frederick L. - - - 1868 *•!« «>«e»#(ls r)4 MATRICULATED STUDENTS. il ."!' ¥■'■'< Iliiloy, Frank R. - - - lliik'V, .J. i.uoiii.s - - - Hiilcy, Ivupcrt G. - - • lliilljlaiiy JI. - - - Hall, Katie R. - - - - Hall, William - - - - Hall, William E. - - - Holloway, W. - - - - Hamiltdn, 1'. S. - - - llaidiii};, Holnat - - - nai'low, Zinas T. - - - HaiTiii<;t()n, Cliarlos K. Hairiii,i;t(-n, Frodcric G. Harris, Arthur - - - Hai ris, Charles E. - - - Harris, Hcrhcrt 0. - - Harris, T. William F. - Hartl(>y, Fred. C. - - Hartt, Charles F. - - - Ilealey, Granville B. Hemeou, Fred C. - - - Hemnioon, A. M^ran - Henimeon, Doncjlas B. ■ Hemmeon, Morley D. - Hicksun, Edward - - - Hi'ewcomb, James . . - . [888 McLatcliy, ^Vitliiu' C. ■ 1886 JS'cwcomb, William A. - \ ii)66 ; 3- -.'.*^***)M«i»,i 56 MATRICULATED STUDENTS. Nixon, Joseph Xoiul, W'illiiun Oakes, Ingram B. , . 0"J51l'iiu^, Thomas H. Page, David ('. , . . Vaint, iriilui (1. . . . PahiiLT, Lcander A. . Parker, Kdwanl F. Parker, J. .Folniston . . Parker, .1. Melliourne . Parker, Leander . . , Paikei-, S, Chipman Parker, ^\". K. . . , Parker, William F. Pariy, Hoiatio N. Parsons, .Jonathan F. L. Parsons, William G. Pattillo, Thomas K. . Payzant, Elias N. . . Payzant. John Y. . . Peek, Joseph P.. . . . Plialen, Anthony E. . Phil]), Robert . . . , Pineo, Alhert J. . . Pipes, Pviifus . . . . Pipes, \\'illiam T. , . Porter, Israel W. . , Porter, Lewis S. . . Porter, Robert D. Porter, Theodore H. . Porter, Theodore H. Porter, William H. Powell, Absalom L. . , Presoott, Jesse T. . . Pryor, John E. , , Rand Benjamin . . Rand, Benjamin . , Hand, Charles D. Rand, Edward M. C. B,and, Frederick C. Rand, Henry . . Rand, Stephen . . Rand, Theodore H. Randall, Chai'les D. ■Randall, William A. Raymond, G. Percy 1841 ISGC) I8'i8 LS39 ISOS 188,-) ]8(i2 isti: If" 58 18.-)1 1878 18(i3 1877 187o 18()3 1870 ]84ert, William F. . Sweet, Enoch H. . . Thomas, George W'. . Thomas, Theodore H. Thomson, Dugald . Thorp, Aaron . . . Tinor, James E. . Tingley, James W. , Titus, George B. . . Tremain, AVilliam Tremaine, Barclay E. S. Troop, Arthur G. Tufts, George E. . . Tufts, John F. . , Tupper, C. Osborne Tuttle, Mathew R. . Upham, Henry C. 57 1887 ISO!) 18;".! 1874 18.") 1873 1 883 1843 1808 1883 1875 1804 1807 1842 1 808 1887 1801 1887 1801 1801 1871 18H5 1874 ISoS 1804 1838 1883 1800 18(i9 185a 1853 1887 1881 1875 1853 187!) 1878 18G0 1802 187!.t 1874 1S4I \'aughan, Henry . . . . . 18.54 A'aughan, Meni'y . . . . 1884 Vauglian, Lorenzo il, . . . 1807 Vaugiian, Simon .... . 18.54 Vaughan, Thomas . . . . 1854 Walker, Harry T. . . . . 18S{J Walker, Smitli L. ... . 1881 Wallace, Isaiah .... . 1852 Wallace, James D. . . . . 1877 Wallace, John W. . . . . 1804 Wallace, Gates C. S. . . . 1880 Wallace, ^^'alter B. . . . 1SS3 Wallace, William W. B. . . 1880 Waring, Harry F. . . . . 1880 ^\'arren, William H. . . . P-07 Weatherbe, Robert L. . . . 18.54 Webber, Charles A. . . . . 1861 ^Vebber, iMlnnuul D. . . . 1877 Weeks, Fred D . 1872 Wells, James E . 1850 Welton, Daniel M. . . . . 1851 Welton, Herbert R. . . . 1878 \\'eltorge 1\. Wilhy, James Greenwood, John Pry or, Jr., Thomas Hyslop, Stephen DeWoIf, J. L. Bishop, Charles Spurr, William Kandall, Ohed Chute, Alex. McDonald, Stephen DeBlois, Malcom Ross, Samuel Ricliardson, David C. Dimock. SCHEDULE OF CLASSES IN IIOUTOX ACADEMY, 1841. Gl Schedule of Classes in IIouton Academy in the year 1841 :— GREEK. Classes in Greek Grammar and Exercises. " Greek Testament. " Homer. LATIN. Classes in Latin Grammar and Exercises. " Ca\sar. " Virgil. " Horace. ' ENGLISH. Classes in Surveying. (( Mensuration. (( Algebra. « Natural Philosophy. (( Aritlunetic, (( History of England. « English Grammar. i( Geography. Reading. Composition, Speaking, Writing, &c. ^ i^fm 62 COITHSK OF STUDY IN ACADIA COLLEGE, 1S41. C(k;use of Stidiks in Acadia C'(>llk(;k in 1841 : — FIJ{ST YLAR. Clamc8,—Xen()\)]Hm, f'uripiilcs, Ancient Googniphy. Cicoro, Viigil'H CJcoigics, Livy, Archiuology, Latin & Greek. Lnijii', — Wiifitciy. 6't'w»id;7/,— Wlintely Declamation. SECOND YEA It. C/fl-Wrs,— Eurii)i(lo8, Tiivy, Arclm^ology, Ancient niofrrnpliy. Rhetoric,— 11\mv, Composition, Tlic Trlneiples of Elocution. Declamation. Alijchrn, — Nat. iV(//o»oj>/y)/,— Statics and Dynamics. Mineralogy and Geology. THIRD YEAR. C/awiV.s,— Sophocles, Livy, Tacitus, Latin and Greek, Literature. ii'^/(((,'8,— Wayland, (;icero, I'aley. lihetoric, — CoMi])osition and Declamation. r/vV/otiof/if/n/— with Applications. JVdt. iV(//o.so2>//^,— Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. Clwmitflry, — FOURTH YEAR. CfctssiV.s,— Sophocles, Longinns, Thucydides, Tacitus. Juvenal, Latin and Greek Literature. Men ta I Pit iUmqih i/, — Political I'Jconoiiii/, — /i//e/or/(',— Composition and Declamation. Astronomy, — Nat. Philosophy—Optics, Electricity and Magnetism. Evidences of Christianity,— Hebrew, — Mkmo.— The Greek Testament is read every morning and evening throughout the Course. There is a Class in French twice every week. CONTENTS. Paiftf. Prospectus of N. S. Raptint Eilucation Society 'i Puicliase of lanil for Collci,'e 7 Collof^c conimoiiccd 10 Petition to Le^'islature II Dcspiitch ffoiri Lord lliiHsell 20 List of ( Jovernors 22 OHiccfs of Instniction 24 HeiKite 27 Annals of Graduates 28 Graduates in Theology 44 Alpiialit'tical list of (Jraduates 4fl Honorary Degrees (^inferred 50 List of Matriculated Students 51 Students in Academy, 1S41 58 Students in ( 'oliege in 1841 W) Studies in Academy in 1841 •>! Studies in College, 1841 t52 -,-i-i m .^T7^i«Lii\'. j^'-«a*)ra«p»c^ n ■.^mri^MJ'fiK^.