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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA. ii est filmA i partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut an baa. an pranant la nombrc d'images n^essaire. Las diagrammes SLivants iilustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 From the London "Free Press!' Ifrf^ '^nk\ ^M^ ^Me^ »^^ Mr^ / -saS '^r^i 'i^3i!v.d!i--•«« (Late Udlmutli College.) Closing Exercises, June 24th, 1880. The amusement hall of Dufleiiii College was crowded by an assemblage of ladies and gentlemen last night, on the occasion of a musical and dramatic entertainment in con- nection with the closing exercises of the Institution. Although the temperature of tl'C room militated against the general comfort, it must have been gratifying to the students to know that, notwithstanding this drawback, their efforts were t ost heartily appreciated. The cadets, with their hiphly decorated uni- forms, added to the alliactiveness of the scene in the auditorium, and the best of order prevailed. Shortly after 8 o'clock the follow- ing programme was carried out with credit to all who took part : — Overture Miss. Hughesdon German Recitation H. A. Thomas Song— "Twicken)iam Ferry" Kev. W. Hill Quadrille Miss Hujihesdeii and H. li. Darnell Duet—" Flight of the Swallows". . .Rev. W. Hill and L. Dickey. Instrumental .Mrs. E:schcnfeller Greek Recitation, with original metrical translation — H.A.Thomas Trio—" How Could 1 Forget You, Darling "...Dickey, Quinby and Atkinson. Valedictory Mr. Thomas Instrumental Mrs. Eschenfeher FAKCE— ''a lame EXCUSE." Samuel Stubbles. M. Atkinson Captain Feather Chisholm Dibbles Palmer Peter '^ Hawley Josephine Church Susan Fringe Bennett During the first portion of Ine programme the presentation of medals and prizes took place, Right Rev. Bishc Alford, in the ab- sence of His Lordship ine Bishop of Huron, officiating, and expressing his sincere satisfac- tion, both at the condition and prospects of the College, and the proficiency manifested by the students. After the distribution of prizes, an admir- able valedictory was read by Mr. H. A. Thomas, who, having gained the Diploma, is about to enter the Huron Divinity College, in October next. At the close of the valedictory, which was heartily applauded, Lieut. -Col. Griffiths, for several years Commandant of the College, was presented with a valuable meerschaum pipe by the students, on the eve of his separation for Nova Scotia. .A.fter the address had been read. Col. Griffiths made a suitable reply, in which he referred to the pleasant hours spent with those whom he was now forced to leave. He wished them every prosperity in the future. At the conclusion of the entertainment, re- freshments were served, for the students and their friends, in the dining room. During the evening, Kev. Principal Darnell was most assiduous in liis nttention to .ill tire- sent, and the same may be said of all con- nected with the institution. At a seasonable hour the guests took their departure, feeling grateful for the excellent evening's entertain- ment. PASS LIST, 1880. The following is the list of those who passed, in the order of merit ; those marked "P." secured first prize, while those marked " M." obtained honorable mention. DIl'LOMA. Diploma of the highest grade, English, Classics and Mathematics — H. A. Thomas. HOLY SCRIPTURES. Collegiate Department-Castle (P.), De Wolf (M.), Dunn, Aylsworth, Tanner, Bell, Hyndman, Atkinson, Hawley, Jones, Church, Chase, Kittennaster, Palmer i, (Schuler, Keayes, Saunby, Gillett). Academic Department — Dickey (P.), Quin- by (M.), Chisholm, Bennett, Merritt, Cameron, Futvoye, Hall, Selby, Sheffield, Dawson. Third Form— Darnell i (P.), Farncombe (M.), Haynes (M.), Coale, Somers, Danks, Wood, Sill, Hutchinson, Peel, Palmer ii, Guillemont i, Guillemont ii. ENGLISH. Collegiate Department — Atk inson (P.), Castle (M.), Church, Palmeri. Aylesworth, Hyndham, Bell, De Wolf, Hawley, Dunn, Jones, Tanner, Chase, Saunby, (Schuler, Keays, Gillett aqd Fisher). Academic Department — Dawson (P.), Quinby (M ), Chisholm, Hall, Dickey, Selby, Merritt, Sheffield, Cameron, Futvoye, Ben- nett. Third Form— Darnell i (P.), Farncombe (M.), Somers, Coale, Cooke, Haynes, Sill, Wood, Palmer ii, Hutchinson, Peel", Guille- mont i, Guillemont ii, (Danks). Primary Department — Darnell ii (P.), Mac- donald (M.), Burwell i. Weir, Smith. Preparatory Form — Burwell ii (P.), Dar- nell iii (M.), Zimmerman. ENGLISH COMPOSITION. An additional medal, presented by Earl Dufferin, May, i88o, was awarded, on ac- count of high attainment in English compo- sition and literature, to C. Wainwright. Hon. mention — H. Bell. Second Prize— H, W. Church, 6th Form. ELOCUTION PRIZE. Presented by Rev. W. B. Hill— M. Atkin^ son. "~ -' " CLASSICS. Silver Medal presented by Earl Dufferin — H. A. Thomas. GREEK. Collegiate Department —Dunn (P.) Bell, (M.) Hyndman, Hawley, Davis, Church, At- kinson, DeWolf, Gunne, (Keys, Schuler, Chase.) Academic department — Selby, (P.) Palmer, (M.) Tanner, Castle, Atkinson. LATIN. Collegiate Department— Gunne (P.) Davis, (M.) Dunn, (M.) Church, Ilyndman, Atkin- son, DeWulf, Fisher, llawiey, Ik'll, Chase, Palmer i, Tanner, Caslle, Saunby, Aylsworth, Kittermastcr, Chisholm, (Schuler, Keays, qillett.) Academic Department— Merritt (P.) Cam- eron, (M.) ShefTidd, Hall. Selby, Dickey, Bennett. Third Form— Darnell i, (P.), Co.ale (M). Somers, Farncomb, Wood, (M.) Haynes, Pal- mer ii, Cook, Hutchinson, Sill, Guillemont, j (M.), Guillen.ont ii, PeeJ. SCIENCE. Branches taken up during the session — Chemistiy, Zoology, Geology. . Medal, presented by Principal, H. Bell. Seniors— Palmer (P.), Castle (M.), Tones, (M.) Gunne, Chr.rch, Tanner, Hawley, Hynd- man, Aylsworth, Chase, Atkinson, DeWolf, Kittermastcr, (Davis, Schuler, Keays, Gillett, Saundy. ) Fourth Fonn— Dickey (M.). Dawson, Sel- by, Bennett, Cameron, Chisholm, Futvoye, Merritt, Hall, Quinby, Sheffield. Third Form— (Subject, Electricity)— Darn- ell (P.). Coale (M.y Cook (M.) Haynes, Sill, Somers, Palmer ii, Farncomb, Danks, Wood, Hutchinson, Guillemont i Peel Guillemont ii. MATHEMATICS. Medal presented by Earl DufTerin, H. A. Thomas. Second mathematical medal, presented by Prof. Yerex, H. Bell. MATHEMATICS AND ARITHMETIC. Collegiate department— Castle (P.), Hynd- man, (M.r, Church, Palmer i, Ayl;worth, Quinby, Shffield, Hawley, Dunn, Kittermas- tcr, Jones, Schuler, Keays, Gillett, Saunby, Fisher, Atkinson, Tanner, Davis, DeWolf, Dawson. Academic Department— Qiiinby (P.), Shef- field (M.), Hall (M.), Cameron, Merritt, Sel- by, Chisholm, Futvoye, Dickev, Bennett. Juniors— Cook (P.), Wood (M.) Guille- mont i (M ), Somers, Palmer ii, P'arnconib, Darnell i, Coale, Haynes, Danks, Hutchin- son, Peel, Guillemont ii and Sill. Primary Department— Macdonald (P.) Weir (M.)Burwell i, Darnell ;i, Smith, Bui- well ii, (M.), Darnell iii, Zimmerman. 1'EN^'ANSH1I'. Collegiate Depart: lent^ — Fisher (P.) Castle (M.), Futvoye, Bell, Dawson, Dickey, Haw- Congratiilatory Letter, London, May lotli, iS8o. To Col. Griffith, I ondoii. Mv DE.^K .SiH - ' wiis present at the Church Parade yesterday, ano ^as delighted at the splendid drill and marchinj; of the Dufferin College Cadets. I can assure you I have seen nothing like it for a long time. Allow me to congratulate you. I have the honor to be, Sir, your obi. serv't, P. H. ATTWOOD, Lt.-Col., conian'g 26 liati., Light Infantry. Icy, Cliibliulm, Palmer i, Selby, Beniiea, Merritt, Hall, Cameron, Kittermastcr, Tan- ner, Shcffiield. Ac.idemic Department — Darnell (M.)Oook Somers, Farncomb, Coale, Wood, Guille- mont i, Haynes, Sill, Palmer ii, Hutchinson, Guillemont ii. Peel. Primary Departmens — .Smith (M.) Weir, Burwell i Darnell ii, Zimmerman, Burwell ii. HOOK-KEEPING. Senior Class- Castle (P.), Hawley (M), Quinby, Jones, Chisholm, Merritt, P'utvoye. MODERN LANGUAGES. Medal, Presented by His Excellency the Marcjuis of Lome, H. A. Thomas. F RENCH^ Seniors — Atkinsoiij[P-), Merritt (M.), Da- vis, Fisher, (Keays, ScFvoler). 2nd Class — Quinby (P.). Palmer i, Jones, DeWolf, Church, Dickey, Dawson, Bennett. Juniors — Farnacnib (P.), Darnell i, Camer- on, Cook, Haynes, Hutchinson, Darnell ii, Macdonald, Sill, Smith. GERMAN. Senior Class— Castle (P.), Hyndman (M.) Atkinson, (Schuler, Keays, Gillett. Junior Class — Sheffield (M.), Chisholm, Merritt, Cuinby, Bennett, Hawley. MUSIC. Dawson (P.), Cameron (M.), Sheffield, Bennett. DRAWING. Dickey (P.), Dawson (M.), Darnell i (M.). DRILL AND MILITARY CONDUCT. First Class — Officers' medal. Sergeant Cas- tle ; hon. men., Kergt.-Maj. G. Jones. Second Cla.ss— 1st prize, C. Cameron ; hon. men., H. Merritt. Third Class — Hon. men., E. Weir. CONDUCT. Medal, presented by Lord Bishop of Hu- ron, H. Bell. ETHOGRAPH. In White Division the entire session — Thomas, Bell, Dunn, Church, Schuler, Keays, Wainwright i, Atkinson, Jones, Saunby, Gil- lett, Hyndman, DeWolf, Castle, Palmer i, Tanner, Fisher, Kittermastcr, Ayl; .\'orth, Selby, Dawson, Dickey, Chisholm, Bennett, Cameron, Wainewright ii, Darnell i, Farn- comb, (Joule, Haynes, Palmer ii, Cook, Danks, Peel, Wood, Darnell ii, Darnell iii, Zimmerman. Dufferin College— the New Commandant. We are pleased to be able to record the appointment of Major the Hon. H. Aylmer to be Commandant of Dufferin College, which position has been rendered vacant by the retirement of Lieut.-Col. Griffiths to join his family in Nova Scotia. Major Aylmer has served in Hei Majesty's regular service from 1859 to 1871, and since his retirement has held important positions in connection with the Canadian Militia, having for the last five or six years commanded a Field Battery under Col. Strange, of the Royal Artillery, and having been despatched to Kiigland in 1878 by Col. Czowski in com- mand of the Wimbledon Team. Major Aylmer comes amongst us with a high reputation, both as regards his administrative ability and his general attainments, and though personally but little known in this immediate vicinity, belongs to a family universally respected in the Lower Province, being a son of Lord Aylmer. of the Eastern Townships. ~ We congratulate Dufferin College on having secured for so important a position, one whose high character is in every respect equal to his ability.