IM/ TES IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 25 !ii 4 5 nil 28 32 m 40 1.4 2,5 22 2.0 1.8 1.6 f t^ 1 and \v'ho have accepted their appointments proccec faid ordinance. Provided, hov:cyi:r, , anyi >it is-refolved, that Oi>i() Y -apd-4 -H^ rrh oj* k^ by ^thb call and weft line iird to be run in faid ordinance ;^nii tlitfrrad of teri ver Ohio, bvtvccn the little i\iia\i and Indian Is extending northeiiy from tnc faKi \v cr Ohio, fo ceiTary fur locatipj:{ Waw to\vi>fti IPS, r each rano-e V, o N N E 1 Jrates^ and the furvcyors ap-' )ngrers5 palled May 20^ ^7 ^'$9 aiids in the wcliern terncorv, rocccd in the execution of the t h a t the "xi^^S^ ot— ^€4jtf^^ \^x\y a^Ki~-ee4l€4:ly by--th^-^4ner e iirli mentioned and direded jf territoi'y lying upon the ri- ian Jventucky^ inclulive^ and 0, fo lar as may be found ne- 'amie oi towniliins cxrendip.,^r Photo' r^ • Corpc I.I .25 1.4 // 2.0 1.8 1.6 Dtogmphic Sciences )rporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ■ W-U v^thb Call and \;'cll line lirlr to be run in faid ordinai'.CL' ;^nA the" tiaci ot rcri A'cr Ohio, bv'twccn n ;■ liiric Mia\i lUiJ Iiuliiin K cxtcndin:.^ noithcMy liuni tnc fa^i V\ cr Oluc;, lo cclFarv for U)cariiv'^ i'f)}]r rrnv'i;4iips,\ c^^^H ^'mic Ironi loiuii lu nunii^ be iirUr iurveyedj^ laviiig th Indians. RejoheJy Th;;t in civigin^ fT.'id territory ijii- (y had to the natuia! b.-undancs ot tow nfliii's in rhMf in a ri'od adrierenee to bines run eaiLmd veit, n(;ri ries\. uidd nianilcioy prejudice the (ales aud fi roVv'niiiips. Picjohedy Tliat as foon as mnc ran'^.;cs r/f to parrs of tovrnfliips, of laid iirfl ineniioneu umcl o to no-*ih, iliali iiave been fur\''eved ; rhv' fT-D^rrnMi- riiereof to th.e board of tread'ury^ and or ilic lei' as t!ie lame fiiai! be furveved and , f >wi as ti. and fracdonal parrs (3f t(j\;niiiips (jf ihe lail nienti \\^).\\ foinh to noiah, Hiall h.i\'>: L..\,ii ]'i!!-\( \ ..\; ; ti traniniii plus thereof to the fiid board, and of t as lotM) as i\:v\eyed. ntf.' \ 1 iiat the :[;CO';n-aphcr direJl: lour of fd in the lird: iidlnice^ in\'e\in^.>; the fn;] 1:'^^ the oriier fuiVcwjrs^ in fu.r\'evi:i^ rhe laid iiru e iirTr mentioned and dircilcd A rcniiory Unigup'onihc n- inn KtMUuclv'A , incluru'r^ :\nd :j, lo lar as may be iound ne- •aiif' <'f rowivliit-.s cxienciiiif^ lit^ the lands aiiiiined to the uo ;<)'■ -^lips, due regard be 1 dv)ie particular c.dls w here- 5 north and iourh, as bounda- id luture coi]diii(;ii (;f laul c^f town fill ps, nnd fracVional. ract oi terricurv- from loiira '. i'ai^her ih-~U rrnnfmir pi:'rs UtUie oi laid traCt as (ooii a ;- re- raniics of tovrnihi; ^ mentioned i < ^T term . % t •) 1 1 1 e i ;.* 1 V.1 ^' 's_ ^ -' / I . ; ^ ' i •■ r i i 1 . . - i i of the relidiie (.>! laid trad: ){■ laid riir\'cvoi's to ? 'ocecd. niei^rioned tr"-, ^md Ur;r mentioned truCtof tc»-