<^ V] .% r '^:** ■% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I ■^ Iiii2 122 ^ L£ 12.0 L25 i 1.4 (? / Photographic Sciences Corporation k // . Rideau — Facing Parliament Houses, Ottawa. H. V. Noel, Esq., President; C. H. Carrierb, Esq., Treasurer; John Makin- 60N, Esq., Secretary. Torovio — York St., Toronto. /V. Thornton Todd, Esq., C'f«i*rman of Managing Committee ; L. Ogden, Esq., Secty. Tv.;as. ^^a.'ilton — St. James St., Hamilton. J. J. IVIason, Esq., Chairiuan of Managing Committee ; R. L. Gunn, Secty. Treas. St. James — Dorchester St., Montreal. H. S. MacDougall, Esq., Chairman of Managing Committee ; John Cassils, Esq., Treasurer. Quebec Garrison — Lieut.-Col. T. J. Duchesnay, President; Capt. C. Lindsay, Secretary. Halifax — ] 52 and 1 54 Hollis St., Halifax. Robie Uniacke, Esq., President; H. W. Johnson, Esq., Secretary. Union — Victoria, B. C. Sir M. B. Bbobie, President ; Andrew Rome, Esq., Secretary. Manitoba — Winnipeg. C. J. Brydges, Esq., President; R. J. Woods, Esq , Acting Secretary. Selkirk — Winnipeg. Lieut.-Col. Osborne Smith, C.M.G., President ; Acton Burrowes, Esq., Secty. Treas, V. 'i'wXiU of (Cgntcu'b, A Full Alphuhitiml Jufhx vHl In' ftmud o)i Umt pogix o/ The Companion. Part I. —The Queen and Royal Family ; Chief Officers of State; The Colonial Otiice ; British Minister at Wash- ington ; His Jixcellency the Governor General and Staff ; the Queen's Privy Council for the Dominion and Mem. bers of the Cabinet ; Departmental Committees and Government Commissioners ; Members of the Privy Council who are not now members of the Cabinet; High Commissioner tor Canada; Agent of the Canadian Government in British Columbia ; Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court. Part II. — Changes in the Dominion Cabinet from 1867 to 1883. Part III. — Parliamentary Procedure. Part IV. — Members of the Senate. Part V. — Members of the House of Commons. Part VT. — Counties, Districts, Citfes and Boroughs returning Members to the House of Commons, with names of Can- didates in each Constituency at last General Election, and at each subsequent Election, and the total vote polled for each Candidate, respectively, etc. Part VII. — The local Governments and Legislatures, with Electoral Votes, names of Candidates, viz : (1) Ontario, (2) Quebec, (3) Nova Scotia, (4) New Brunswick, (5) Manitoba, (6) British Columbia, (7; Prince Edward Is- land, (8) Nortli-West Territories, (9) Newfoundland. 1*art VIII. — Chairman of Standing Committees; Party " Whips ;" Minister's Residences and Private Secretaries ; Dominion Arbitrators ; Railway Commissioners. Part IX.— Deputy Heads and Chief Officers of the Civil Service, etc. Part X. — Table of Precedence for the Dominion; List of Imperial Honors borne by Canadians ; Addenda. VI. M^U to A\)\)Viex3tuticiU5» A.B. or B.A., Bachelor of Arts ; Acclam., Acclamation • Am., America or American; Apptd., Appointed ; Asso., Asso- ciation ; Atty.-Gen., Attorney General ; B., Born ; Batt., Batta- lion; B.C., Province of British Columbia; B.C.L., Bachelor of Civil Law ; C., Conservative ; Can., Canada ; Capt, Captain; C.B., Companion of the Bath; C.M.G., Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George ; C.E., Civil Engineer ; Co., County or Company; Coll., College; Commr., Commis- sioner; Dau., Daughter ; D.C.L., Doctor *ot Civil Law ; D.L.S., Dominion Land Surveyor; Dir., Director; Dist., District; Dom., Dominion ; Ed., Educated ; Eng., England ; E.ll., East Riding; Ex. Council, Executive Council; G.C.M.G., Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George : G.E., General Election ; Govt., Government ; Hon., Honorable ; I., Independent; Insu., Insurance; Irel., Ireland; J.P., Justice of the Peace ; K.C.B., Knight Commander of the Bath ; K.C. M.G., Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George; L., Liberal; L.C., Lower Canada or Legislative Council; LL.D., Doctor of Laws; Leg. Assem., Legislative Assembly; M., Married; M.A., Master of Arts; Man., Pro- vince of Manitoba; Mem, Member; M.D., Doctor of Medi- cine ; M.L.C., Member of Legislative Council ; M.P., Member of House of Commons ; N.B., Province of New Brunswick ; N, P., Notary Public ; N.R., North Biding; N.S., Province of Nova Scotia; Ont., Province of Ontario; Parlt., Parliament; P.C., Privy Council of Canada; P.L.5'., Provincial Land Sur- veyor; P.E.I., Province of Prince Edward Island; P.Q., Pro- vince of Quebec; Q.C., Queen's Counsel; Regt., Regiment; S., Son; S.R., South Riding; Secy., Secretary; Scot., Scot- land ; Soc, Society ; Sol.-Gen , Solicitor General ; Treas., Trea- surer ; JJC, Upper Canada ; U.E. Loyalists, United Empire Loyalists ; U.P., United Provinces ; Univ., University ; V.M. or Vol. Mil., Volunteer Militia ; W.R., West Riding. I ■a T H K iinm\m\ Irarliaiiieiitciro ^ompaiiiaii FOR 1888 ?hc i^\\(t\\ and the JUyjU -^amihj. Her Majesty, Ai.exandhixa Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, b. May 24, 1819; succeeded William IV., June 20, 1837; crowned June 28, 1838; ni. Feb. 10, 1840, to her cousin, II.R.H. Prince Albert of Saxe-Cobourg, who died on the 14th December, 1861. The issue of the marriage are : — , ^ , II.ll.II. Victoria Adelaide Mnry Louisa, Princess Royal, b. Xov. 21, 1840; m. Jan. 2"), 18oS, to IbR-H. Prince Frederick William, Crown Prince of Pru.ssia, and has issue, living, two sons and four daughters. H.R,H. Albert Edward, Prince oi' ^Vales, Duke of Saxony. Corn- wall, and Rothesay, Earl of Dublin, b. Nov. 1>, 1841 ; m. March 10, 1863, to II.R.H. Princess Alexandra of Denmark ; and has issue, H.R.II. Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, b. Jan. 8, 1864; H.rl.II. Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert, b. June 3, 1865; H.R.H. Princess Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagumr. b. Feb. 20, 1867; H.R.H. Princess Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary, b. July 6, 1868; and H.R.H. Princess Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria, b. Nov. 26, 1869. H.R.H. Alice Maud Mary, b. April 25, 1843 : m. Julyl, 1862, to Prince Louis of Hesse ; d. Dec. 14, 1878, leaving issue, living, one son ^nd four daughters. I' I ' I ! 1 i li-i a Chief Officers of State. H R.H. Alfred Ernest Alberi, Duke of Edinburgh, b. Aug. 6^ 1844; m Jan. 2.3, 1874. tothe(irand Duche> i THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COLONIAL OFFICE. Svcrefan/ of Stuff —T\\v, Earl of Derby, Dec- 1SH2. r/irff'/-.SVrr,Ya/tV*— l.eonard U . Courtney, M.P., (Uh Aug:, 1S«! ; Sir Robert (Jcorrfc Wyndhaiii Herbert, D.C.L., K.C.M.U., 21st May, 1871. Assintunt Uivler-SfvnUtrun — Hon. Robert H. Meade, M. A., 21st Mny, 1871; John Bramston, D.C.L., .'«)th June, 1876; Edward Wing- field, M.A., B.C.L., 19th July, 187?^. J*nvate ScvrrVtni t" thr SecreUnii of ,SVf/urt. GENERAL OFFICER COMMANDING THE IMPERIAL FORCES IN CANADA. General Sir PATRICK Lkonakd MacDougall, KJ\M.G.—B. 1819, and entered the Army 18.%. Was employed on particular service in the Crimea, acting on the Quarter- Master (icneral's staff to the Ker'ch Expedition (Medru and Clasp for Scbastopol and Turkish Medal). Is the author of the following important and valuable military works • Modern Warfare as in/tiieneed hy Modern Artil ery. The Theory of War, and The Canipaiffnn of Ilannilxil. Apptd. 21 Aug. 1878. Acted as Administrate'' of the Govt, of Can. from 19 Oct. 1878, on the departure of Lord Dutterin, until the arrival of the Marquis of Lome ; during the absence of His Excellency in England from Nov. 1881 to Jany. 1882, and again during his absence in the t'nited States, from 18 Dec. 1882 to Jany. 1SS3.-' Halifax, N S. ; United S--rvice Club, f/mdon. "i I Governor-General and Slaf. %\it (»>ovevnor 6e»evttl and ^iixit Governor General* — His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, K.T., G.C.M.G.^ P.C.. Marquis of Lome, eldest son of the eighth Duke of Argyll. B. at Stafford House, London, Eng., 6th August^ 1845. Ed. at Eton, the Univ. of St. Andrews, and Trinity Coll.> Cambridge. M., 21st March, 1871, H.R.H. Princes* Louise, fourth dau. of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Apptd. a Capt. in the London Scottish Rifle Vol., 1866. Is Lieut.- Col. of the Argyll and Bute Vol. Artillery, and Honorary Col. of 105th Lanarkshire Rifle Vol. Is the author of A Trip to the Tropics, 1867 ; Guido and Lita, a Tale of the Biviera, a poem, 1875 ; and The Book of Psalms,, literally rendered in verse, 1877. Was Private Secy, to his Father at the India Office, 18GR-71 . Sat for Argyllshire in tlie House of Com- mons, Eug., from 1868 to 1878. Apptd. Governor General of the Dominion of Canada, 14 Oct., 1878. (Salary, £10,000 sty.) London residence : Kensington, Palace, W.; Government House, Ottawa. STAFF. Savrctarif of the Governor General— Lieut.-Col. Francis W. De WiNTOX, C.M.G., 10th Brigade, Royal Aitillery. Entered the Army 1854. Served in the Crimean campaign from Jan. 1855, including the seige and fall of Sebastopol ; in the trenches with the seige train, and bombardments of 'th April, and 0th and 17th June. Was woundeu at the seige of Sebasiopol. Received medal with clasp, Knight of the Legion of Honor, and Turkish Medal- Created CM-G. 25th May, 1882. Apptd. to present office 26th Nov., 1878 (salary, $3,000.00). Government House ; Eastern DcpaHinentul Buildings, Ottawa- ♦previous governors. 1. The Right Hon. Viscount Monck. G-CM.G., from the Union^ 1867, until Nov., 1868. . „ 2. Right Hon. Lord Lisgar, G.C.M.G., from latter date until May, 1872. 3. Right Hon. Earl of Dufferin, K.P.,K.C.B.,G.C.M.G.,from May, 1872, until Nov., 1878. Governor-General and Staff. Militant Secrvtnni'— Lieut. -Col. F. W. Db Winton, R.A.. C.M.Q. Apptd. 21st Feb., 1879. Aide-de-Onnp.—Capt- The Honomhle William Baogt, Staffordshire Yeomanry. Eldest s. of Lord Bagot. B. 19 Jan., 1857. — Government House Ottawa; liideau Club ; Garrison Chib, Quebec. Aiiie-de-Camp.— Lieut. Josckline FitzRoyBagot, Grenadier Guards* Grands, of Sir Charles Bagot, who diod Governor General of Canada,. 1843. — Govrtnnient House, Ottawtt. Extra Alde-de-Camp.—Capt. RussELL STEPHENSON.— A/oft«re«^ Provineinl Aidc-de-Camp.~Lieut.-Col. Hewitt Bernard, C.M.G'.^ Major late Civil Service Kifle Volunteers. Entered Volunteer Servicef as Lieut., Nov. 1855: apptd. Deputy Judge Advocate General, 18fi0; Lieut.-Col. (unatt.), 18()5 ; extra Aide-de-Cainp to Gov. Gen. Can., Jan^ 1865; gazetted do. to Gov. Gen. of the Dominion, Oct. 3, 1808 ; apptd» by H..V1. the King of Spain a Knight Commander of the Order of '^Isabella Catolir. ^'.Z, — Yoiinffest «on ofthe lato Joliii (Jalt, Esq., the author of many well known works X)f fiction in English literature, who was for some years a(-ommissioner of the Canada Land Co. ]J. at I'helsea, Eng., (5 Sept. 1S17. Ed. in England M. , 1st, Elliot, dau. of the late John Torrance. Ksq-.of Montreal ; 2nd, Amy. sister of the above. Ls Presidt . of the (Juarantee Co. and of the Accident Insu. Co. of North America- Was for many years in the service of the liritish Aftierica Land Co., and hcldthe office of Chief Commr. of the Co. for a considerable period. Was; Presdt. of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad in 1852-58, and carried out the amalgamation of that line with the Quebec k Richmond. Atlantic .fe 7-.':S. Proposed res<»luti(tns in Parlia- ment in favour of a. Federal Union of li.N.A. Colonies. 1858, which became the basis of the policy of the Govt., which he joined that year under Sir (J. E. Cartier; and, together witli that gentleman and the lion. John Ross, i)roceeded as a delegate to P^ngland to urge before the Imperial (Jovt. the (confederal ion of BN. A., and the construction of the Intercolonial Railway, (/ailed upon to form an Adminisi ration, 1858, but declined. Was a. mem. of Ex. Council and Minisler of Finance, Can., from 7 AugusI 18.'^8 to 21 May 18(i2, when the Ministry was defeated on the Militia Bill. Held the same ollicc i second time from March 1864 to August 18(j(). when, in his capacity of leader and rcj)resentativc of the British population of L C, he resigned his office and seat in the (Jabinet ()n the educational jtolicy of the Administra- tion. Sworn of the Pr'vy Council and apptd. Minister of Finance of the Dominion, 1 July 1807, and continued to hold office until 4 Nov of that year, when he resigned his seat in the Cabinet for private reasons. Was a delegate to the Charlottetown Union Conference, 18()4; to that ai (.Quebec, same year; a mem. of 'Confederate l^'ouncil of Trade, (Quebec, 18(55 ; delegate to AVash- ington respecting the renewal of the Reciprocity Treaty, 18()(); and to the liondon (Colonial Conference, 18()()-67. Declined the C Ji. (Civil), 18(57; mission to England with Hon. Dr (now Sir Charles) Tupper, on the Nova Scotiaquestion, March 1868; and Finance Minis- tership, on resignation of Sir John Rose, 18(59. Was a mem. of the Fisheries (-ommission apptd. under the Treaty of Washington which *at at Halifax in 1877. Conducted negotiations on behalf of Canada for a commercial treaty with France and Spain, 1879. Author of Canada from 184!> tit 1859, and other jpamphlets of public interest. Created a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, 1869, and advanced to the dignity of a Knight (irand Cross, 25th May, 1878. The consolidation of the public debt, with provision for its redemption ; the encouragement of direct foreign trade ; the abolition of the canal and Lake St. Peter tolls; and the issuing of Provincial Notes as currency, are among the most noticeable features of Sir A. T. GaL's financial administration. Sat for Sherbrooke (county) in L.A-, Can., from 1849 to 1850, when he resigned his seat ; and for Sherbrooke (town) from 18^'i until the Union. Elected by acclamation at g.e. 1867. Apptd. High Commissioner for Canada in England, 1880. [Salary, $10,000.)— 9, Victoria Chambers, London, E.C.; Jiideau Club, Ottawa- Hon. William McDotroALL, C.B , Q.C-—S- of the late Daniel McDougall, Esq , of St. Marys, Out, and grands, of John McDougall, Esq., a native of Scot, and a UE. Loyalist, who served in the British Commissariat service during the Am. revolution; settled in N.S. at Privy Council. d ch da of est. St. OSS, Ision oke at ; by in at the termination ofhustilities, and siibseciuenily removed to IJ.C. B. in Toronto. 2/^ Jiin. 1822. Kd- tliero and at Victoria Univ , Cobouri?. M., l.''t,lH4f», Amelia Caroline, dan- of Josepii Flaston, Ks'i-, of Mill- bank (.'^hed...Jiin. 1S»;«)): 2nd, IH Nov.. 1H72, Mary Adelaide, daii. of John Heatty, Es(i., M.I> , formerly a professor in Victoria Univ.| Cobonrtr, Ont. Admitted asan Attorney, II. C. 1847. Called to the linr^ U ('. in Ililiiry Term. 18()2. Apptd. ji Q.C, LS August, 1881. Founded (1848) the ('fni)i((a Fm-uhr, an ii^rieultural journal, nubsequentlw merged in the ('amnHun Ai/rirnlfmist, which he publisher and edited until 1858. Founded <1850) the yortfi A)it< rinm, a Reform » ewspaper^ of which he was ehief editor, until it was merited in the Toro'Uo DmlJ W2 to 20 March \\>,H, and from 24 Nov. 18t>4 until the Union. AVns Minister of Finance from 24 May 1<62 to 15 May lst5;;: Ke- Ceiver General from latter date to 29 March 1864; Postmaster General froin 24 Nov. 1804 to .'{() August \'Mk\\ when a second time ki>ptd. Minister of Finance, which oflice he held until the I'nion fiworn of the Privy Council, 1 July. 18()7, and was Minister of Inland llevenue from that date until apptd. Lieut. Governor of Ontario, July 1868, in which office he rcmnmed until Nov. IST.'i. Created C.H. (Civil) by Her Maijesty, 1867. CreatdTl a Knijfht Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. OeorKc. 1879. Was a deloKate to Wash- ington with Mr (now Sir Alex ) , respecting Ileclprooal Trade, and to the London Colonial Conference. 1S66-7, to complete terms of Union of B.A. Provinces. Sat for West York in Can. Assem. from 1857 until the Union, and for same seat in House of Commons from that event until July, 1868. — '' S/irrn'uhnri/ buhji'^ Toronto. Hon. Adams Gkorgk Archibald, (\M.(>., Q. (\, L!< nknnntfrovrnif/r of Nova Scotia. Hon. Pktkr Mitchell, M. P. Hon. Jkan Chaulks Chai'AIS, Senator. Hon. Sir Edward Kknny, Knt. 13. in Co. Kerry, Irel., 1800. Ed. there. M. 1832, Anne, dau. of Michael Forrestell, Escj. Came to Halifax in 1824, to manage the wholesale dry goods house of James Lyons & Co., of which firm he was in 182<> admitted a partner: in 1828 ho in conjunction with his brother, established the wholesale firm of *r. &E. Kenny. Has been Mayor of Halifax: twice Prcsdt, of the Irish Soc, a dir. of the Union Bank and of the Merchant's Bank of that city; and a Commr. for signing Provincial Notes. Sat in the L. C!. of N.S. for twenty-six years, during eleven of which he was Presdt. of that body. Was sworn of the Privy Council and apptd. Receiver iGeneral of Can.,, July 1867, which office he held until ()ct. 1869, when transferred to the Presidency of the Privy Council : retired from the Cabinet in May, 1870, in being ai)ptd. Administrator of the (lovt of N.S. Created a Knt., Sept., 1870. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. Resigned 1876. ~ " Slnrwood," 190 PhuHunt St., Halifax, Halifax CMj' i ! V I' Hon- Sir John Rose, Bj:' from that date nniil iiis ri'tirement from puldic life, in IHOO. Was a tle!evra*e to Knir. uhlic life in Can.— is (Jiu , Lmofon, (S. IK.,) h'n(i/'nij"/tr>-, a Reform journal, which he e«lited for several yearn, and, in 1H44, the Mcmtreal l*ilot, also devoted to the interests of the Reform party, of which he was, for many years, chief political writer. Was a mem. of the E.x Council and Inspector (ienl. of Can., from June, 1842. to Nov., 184.3. when he retired from the Govt, with his political chiefs, Messrs. Liifontaine and Baldwin ; held the same oflRcc again: 1st from March, 1848, to Oct.. 1851, in the Cabinet of Me.s.srs. Lafontaine and Baldwin, and, 2ndly, from latter frew in the Conwnonc, Oct., 18«)!>, Vvhich he represented until the eli»se of I*)irlt, when returned for \i\u- couver, for whieh he siit until his tinal retirement at k- •'•. IHTI. — 418, St- Antomi' Mt., Motitnal ,• lir/oroi Clult, htnil«•, Town O'Connor, Q.C — I)eseen(icd from two distinct families of tho O'Coiniors, of Kerry, T)'«l., ; father and mother were both O'Connors, thouKh not related within known decrees of kindred ; they emigrated to Am. in lHi:H, and settled in lioston, Mass. H. at IJoston, Jan. 1824. (/ame to Essex with bis parents in 1S2S Kd. there. M., April 184i), Mary, eld. dan. of Uiehard Harretl, Ks(i., bile of Killarney, Irel Called to the Har, U.C., Hilary Term. lSn4. Is a mem. of tho Michigan (U.S.) Mar. Apntd. a Q.C. in IS?;? Has been Reeve of the town of Windsor. Was Warden of Kssex for three years, being twice elected by a unanimous vote of the County (^mncil ; and lor l2 years fulfdled the duties of Chairman of the Hoard of Kduc:ition of the town of Windsor Author of hftirn (uhlnHmd to t/n (I'nrrnior (inii m/, on the subject of Finvivixm (1870). Was Presdt- of the Council in Sir .loiin Macdonald's Administration from 2 July 1872 until 4 March 187.'>. IVIinistcr of Inland Revenue from 4 March until 1 .Inly, y^~'^^. and Postmaster (Jcncral from the latter date until the resignation (d'tJovt., .6 Nov. 1873. Again sworn as Presdt. of Couiutil 17 Oct. 187S, which |)Osition he held until l.*! Jan. 1880, when he resigned and became I'o.-t- tnaster (Jeneral. Apptd. Secretary of State .\ov. 8 1880, and again rostmaster Oeneral 20 May 1881. Resigned May 1882. Was an un- «uccessful candidate for Essex in L.A.,(^an., at g.e. 1801, but succeeded in 1863 in unseating the sitting member (Mr. Arthur Rankin) and obtaining a new election, when he was returned, and sat until the dissolution of Parliament in May of that year : again contested same «;eat at g.e. 1863. when a Special Return was made to the House by the Returning Officer ; both candidates petitioned to be seated, and Mr. O'Connor's petition being thrown out by the Speaker upon preli- fninary objections, Mr. Rankin was seated. Returned to Commons for tho Co. of Kssex at g.e. I8t)7 and 1872, as well as at thes|)ecial elec- tion after unseating Mr. Rankin, for Russell at the g.e. 187S.— J^^•<»^/V; JStreet, Ottawa, Oitt. i Hon. Thomas Nicholson Gihhs, Senator > Hon. Thkodore Roijitaille, M II, Lieutenant (Jovemor of Quebec. f Hon. Hugh McDonald, Q ^.—Descended from McDonald of the Keppeck, in the Highlands of Scot. B. at Antigonish, N.S., 1827. Ed. there. M., 1856, Sarah, dau. of .Toseph Smith, Esq. Called to «o the Bar, N.S., 185"^. Apptd. a Q.C 1872. Declined the Solicitor- generalship. N-S., 1862. An anti-union delegate from N.S. to Eng., with Hon. Messrs. Howe and Annaud, 186(5 Sworn of the Privy Council 14 June 1873. and was Presdt. of that body until 1 July, Avhen af>ptd. Minister of Mililia and Defence, in whicli he reninine 1 until •Elevated to the Hench of the Supreme Court of N.8.,6 Nov., same jrear. Sat for Inverness in N.S. Assem. from 1859 to 1862; and for Privy Council. 13 Antiffoni.Mh in tho rominons. from the I'nion IRfi", until hi? rotiromont in Nov. 1S7."}. — AnfifK'iiiMft, \.S. Hon. Al-KXANI»KR M.VCKKNZIK, M-P. to or- g; vy en til no 'or i Tfon. Sir AvTOiNK AiMK DoRiov, Kilt.. fj.f\ S. of the lato P. A. T)(»ri(»n. Es(|., who ropH'sunted Chjinipliiiii in tho h.!'. As-i'in., from lS,3()tolH,'W; and jrnuxls. of the lii'c P. HunMii. Ks.|.. nnnn. for St. Manrici' in tlic sanu' hody, from IX'^O to IM.M ; his hroi licr, .Iciin iliip- tistr-Kric J)orion (who d. Nov. IkCm;), 8af lor n «M»iisid«'riihU! period m tho (Jan. Asscm., and another hrother. Pierre Xere horion, sat in the (yommoiiM fromK'«', 1H7;{. until >r-e., 1h74. H. at St- Anne th- la P.irado, P.ti.,17th .Ian. IHIS. Kd. at Nieolet C(.ll. M.. 1H4H, tho daii- of the hue Dr. Trcstler. of Montreal 'shed.). Called (o the Par, li.C.Fan. 1H42. Apptd. Q.('.,lH(i;{. Created a Knight. 1S77. Was leader of tlio /I'oiifir or French Canadian Liheral party of the Province '*" (^lehec, from his entrance int<» political life until his refirement. (Jcciipieda distinfruishod position at the Par: and was Ituttniiiir of the Montreal Par for some years: and also Itnttniiii r (iiniral of the Parof th»^ I'ro- vinco ofQuehec. Declined a seat in the Can. Cal)inet. lH")!t. Was a mem. of I ho Ex. Council. Can.. I'ronj L'nd to Ith Au>r. 1H.")S: from -Ph May iStii, to 27th -Ian. lSi):5: an.';. when ho resifrnod on tho Intercolonial 11 lilw ly (|uestion : Aitorney-tJenl-, L.C., And co-leader of tho (Jovt. (with II(jji. ,I. S. Macdonald as Premier), froin May IS()8 to March iHtll. when the Ministry reiired from otlic*', owin^r to their not possessiiiK a sutlicient majitrity to eiuihle thcm^to carry (ui tho husiness (»f the country. Sworn of the Crivy Council 7th Nov. lS7.'5.ajid was Minister of . I usiice of the Dominion from thai d ilo until ai>ptd. ('hief .lusrice of tho Province of Qiiehec I'^t, .funi', 1S74. (.SV//f07/, $<).OiJ(). ) Sat in Can. Assein. as a mem- lor Aiontroiil. from lSo4 until f?-e., iSiil, when defeated, ami for llochelapa from I'^d'J until the Union. lioi»resented the same county in tho Commons from tho Union until fr.e., 1S72, when returned for Xapierville. tor which he "Continued to sit until his elevation to the Pouch. Was apptd. Ad- ministrator of th3 Province of 2, ami continued to hohl a Beat in thiit l)ody until hi.< deiith, IHla. H.,4Dec. IH.?"). M., August iHrrit, Frances, eld. dau. of the lute Col. Alex. Ljiwe, n.F.I.(!.S. A dir. of tno Canada Life Assu. Co. Was I'resdt. of the lute Commercial Bank of Can. Auth()r of a ptimplct on the Militia (juostion (1804). Sworn of the I'rivy (Council and apptd. Minister of Fimmco of Can., 7 Nov. 1873, which position he held until the rcsiKuation of Mr. Mackenzie's Administration, Oct. 1878. Proceeded to Fnprland on public business, 1874 and 1875, and axain in 1876. Sat for Lennox and AddiuKton in Ciin. A.'^sem. from 18r).'i until the Cnion. Heturnod to Commons for Ijcnnox at K.e. 18()7; aj?itin at g.c. 1872; again on his appt. to otlico, and by iicdaination at g.e. 1874. Returned for Huron. An unsuccessful canclidiite at hist g.e. on resignation of Mr. Ilorton, the sitting mem., 2 Nov. 1878. Created a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. (Joorge, 187'.).— A'/«f7 Street, King- ston, Out. : Jilik'nn Cliih. Jfon. David Laird. came to P.EI., from S. of the late Uim. Alexander Laird, who- Renfrewshire, Scot., 18l!l, and was for some years a member of the Ex. Council of the colony. IJ.at New Glasgow, p. E.I, 18;};{. Ed. at the Presb-teriau Seminary, Truro, N.S. M. 1864, Mary Louisii, dau. of the bite Thos. Owen, Es(|., Postmaster General of P.E.I. Ry nnde.^sion a journalist ; and is editor an; Council. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, PE.I., from Nov. 1872, until April 1873, and while holding that position formed a delegation to Ottawa, with Hon. R. P. Haythornc, to negotiate terms of Union with the Dominion Govt.; the basis agreed upon by the delegation was submitted to the people, and being rejected, on account of the side insues brought up, the Govt, resigned ; but a short time afterwards, the same terms, with a slight modification in two clauses, were adopted by the Legislature, and the Island entered the Dominion. Has also been a member of the Board of Works and of the Board of Education. Sworn of the Privy Council and apptd. Minister of the Interior, 7 Nov. 1873. Was apptd. in the summer of 1874 a Commissioner to treat with certain Indian tribes in the North- West for the extinguishment of their title to the soil, a mission which resulted in the conclusion of a Treaty at (iu'Appelle Lakes, by which they surrendered a tract of country containing about 75,500 square miles. Sat for Belfast in P. EI. Assera. from 1871 until the Island entered the Union, 1873, when returned to the Commons. Re-elected by acclamation on his appt. to office, and again at g. e.,- 1874. Was Minister of Interior from 1873 until the latter part of 1876, when he was appointed Lieut.-Governor of the North-West Territories- which position he held for five years. Was an unsuccessful candidate for the Commons at g. e. 1882. — Chnrlottetoton, P- E. I. /Ton. Isaac Burpee, Af. P. Hon . Donald Alexander Macdonald. S. of a Scottish Highlander and Roman Catholic, who settled in Glengarry, OntMl786; and a. I i\i Privy CoMneil, 15 younircr hr«)thor of thu late Hon. J. S. Macdonald, Q.f!., M.P., who r<'I»rc«ciifo('an.Parlt.(iurintrt)it' wliolofu'riod hcfwooii the Union ot'lH41 and thr ('ontVdiT.ition of IJ. N. A., 1S457, was Prinio Minisfrr ot t/'an. from May lHr»ii, to March iSiil : and first Prinio Minister of his native Province after Confederation. \\. nt St. llaplniel's, (JleiiKiirry.Ont. Kd- at St.Kiiphael's Coll. nndj^r tlui lato RJKht Rev. Alex. Macdonnell, 1).I). afterwards liishop of Kingston. M. iMt, 1H4.*{, Margaret Josephine, eld.dnii. of the late Diinean Mae- «lonnell,Es(|., of St. Andn-ws, ('(»rnwiill (she d 1H44): 'Jnd. Ciitherino, *t.iret, dan. of the late Joseph Homer, biS(i.,ar. li. Loyalist, and for many yeiirw •Collector (d" Customs ill harriiiKton, \.S. 15. at Harrintrtctn. 1H17. Kd. there M., 1st, 1H4I, Miss Sarah Do.ine (she d. iKtMi) : Iind, 1K71, Ado- line, dau. of the lale .lohn (Coffin, Ksq. Is an extensive mendiant, >ihipl)uilder and owner. Sworn of the Privy Council and apptd. Re- ceiver (Jeneral. 7 Nov. 1H7.'5. >J;it for Sludhurne in N-S- Assem. from 18.51 to iS'v'), and airiin from "iH.")!) until the Cnioii. R«' urned to Com- mons for same seat at >;. e., lHt)7, at >r. c, 1S72, atrain in his appoint- juent to (jflice and again at g. e., 1S74. — litinimihni, y.S. Jlni. Tklksi'uork Folm{XIi:i{, Q.C, oik ufth< JuxtlcfH a/ the Siijinine Court of (^(inndd. Hon. William Ross. S. of Mr. John Ross, wlio came to N.S. from Suthcrhindshire, Scoi. ISI('). IJ. at IJoulardine Island, Cape Breton, 1825. M , 18;")"), Eliza, younjicest dau. of Peter Moore, E.s<|., of North Sydney, Cape Breton. Is Lieut. -Col. .'Jrd Regt. Victoria Militia- Sworn of the Privy Council,? Nov., 1873, and was Minister of Militia and Defence, from that date until apptd. Collector of Customs at Halifax, Nov. 1874. [Salary .^S/lOO]. Sat for Victoria in N. S. Assem., from 185D until the Union, 18()7, and for same scat in the Commons from that time until his retirement from political life. — Jfnflfa.v. //oh. RiCH.vRi) William S(^oTT,Q.C, *SV/if/^»-. 5 1 1 Hon. Lucius Skth Funtinoton, ^.^.—Thc descendant of a New Eng. family that came there at the time of the Maf/Jioirpi; and par> ticipated in all the vicissitudes of that time. No New ^Eng. family has more distinguished itself in the Church, Fioid an Jan. 1874, and was Presdt. of that body from that time until apptd. Postmaster General 9 Oct. 1875, which position he held until resignation of Government,. Oct. 1878. Acted as Minister of Public Works during Mr, Mackenzie's absence in England, 1875. Contested SheflFord for Can. lissom. 1860, on which occasion there was no veturn, and before the Election Com- mittee to which the matter was referred could report the Parlt. had expired. At the ensuing g.e.. 1861, was elected, and he continued to represent Shefford until the Union. Sat in the Commons from g.e. 1867 tc g.e. 1882, when he was defearcd. A Liberal. — Wate'-loo, P.Q.; 1124 aSV. Catherine Stnri, Montreal ; Bolton Loche, Lake Mewphramagog, . P. Q. ; St. James' Club ; R'ulcau Club. M:ii . tJ-c Hon, Felix Geoffriox, J/.P. Hon. William Berriax Vail. M.P. Hon. Joseph Edward Caichox. Descended from a mem. of the Const il Sui^crienr, who came to Can. in 1636: a son of this gentleman,. Cauchon de Laverdiere, was a Judge of the Conr lioyale, at the Island of Orleans. S. of the late M. Joseph Ange Cauchon, by Marguerite Vallie, both of Quebec. B. at Roehs, Quebec, 31 Dec. 1816. Ed. at the Seminary of that city. M. 1st, 1843, Julie, eldest dau. of M. Charles Lemieux, of Quebec (she d. 1864); 2nd. 1866, Maria, dau. of Martin Nolan, E^q.. of the same city, (she d. Dec. 1877) ; 3rd, 1 Feb. 188C, Emma, dau. of Robert Lemoine, Esq., Clerk of the Senate. Studied ]aw with the late James G. Baird, and was called to the Bar,. L.C., 584c. Edited La Canadien newspaper from 1841 to 1842, and in the latter year founded Lc Journal de Quebec. Is Presdt. of the St. Jean Bapti?te »Socidte of Quebec. W.as Lieut.-Col. oiFthe 9th Batt. of Volunteer Militia or Char eurs de Quebec, and Mayor of Quebec for some years. One of the chief promoters of the North Shore Railway and St. Maurice Navigation Co., and its Presdt. from its organization up to 1872. Is author oi Nftt'ons Eletnentaires de Physique (Que., 1841) ? Etudes sxw V Union Projet^e des /Provinces liritannique de fAnK^riqiie du Nord. (do., 1858) : and V Union des Provinces de I'Am^rique Britannique du Nora (do., lSlarguerite Suzanne Thibaudcau, of Point Claire, a dau. of one of the expelled Acadians from N.S. B. in Montreal, 15 May 1&'27. £d. f.t St. Sulpice Coll. Unmarried. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1849. Apptd. a Q.C. ft63. Was Counsel for the Seigneurs who claimed theli indemnity in virtue of the Seignorial Act, 1857 8. Was one of the earliest members of the L.C. /^>j'fif« party ; became one of the editors of XMr<'n/?-; and was in 1847 elected Presdt. of the luMitut Canadien, Montreal, of which he was one of the founders. Has been Professor of the Law of P.dal Pro- perty in McGill Univ., from which Institution he received the hon. degree of D.C.L., 1873. Is a mem. of the Executive of the Reform Asso., of the Parti National of Montreal. Declined a Puisne Judge- ship in the Supreme Court, 1875. Sat in Parlt. for Jacques Cartier from 1872 to ^878. Sworn of the Privy Council as Minister of Inland Revenue, Nov. 1876. Retired with his colleagues, Sept. 1878. — 294 Lfiffatichdiere Street, Montreal; St. .James^ Club. Hon. Charles Alphonse Paxtalkon Prlletier, C.M.G,, B.C.L., Q.C, Senator. Hon. Wilfred Laurier, Q.C, M.P. 4» Hon. Alfred Gilpin Jones.— Paternal ancestor, Josiah Jones, emigrated from Eng. to Boston, Mass., as early as 1665; grandfather, Stephen Jones, a graduate of Harvard Coll., was an officer in the King's Americiin Dragoons, and settled in N.S. at the close of the Am. revolutionary war, where he died in 1830. i^. of the late Guy C. Jones, Esq., who held the office of Registrar of Deeds, Co. Digby, N.S. B. at Weymouth, N.S., Sept. 1824. Ed. there and at Yarmouth Academy. M., 1850. Margaret Wiseman, dnu. of the Hon. W. I. Stairs ; (she d. Feb. 1865). Is a mem. of the firm of T. C. Kinnear 'way, and the successful negotiations of '" better terras " on the colony entering the Dominion, Avere two of the achiov- ments of his Govt, Returned to the Commons Nov. 1876, upon the elevation of the then sitting mem., Hon. D. Laird, to be Lieut, (iov. of the North-West Territories. Re-elected at g.e. 1878. Sworn a mem. of the Privy Council as Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Oct. 1878. Resigned May lHH2.—J{avi'iiwood, Vfiarlottrtown, P.E.L Hon. Louis Francois Bahv, f/r,— Family, one of the oldest and most honorable in the Province of (Quebec ; the founder of it, Jacques Baby de Ranville, having been an officer in the celebrated regiment of Canpnau-S<(liif'i-('>i, that came to this country 1662. S. of the late Jos. Babv, Es(i., N.P., by Caroline, dau. of the late Hon. Louis Guy, in his lifetime King's Notary, and a L.C. for the old P. of Q., and grands, of the late Hon. Fran ois Baby^ an Ex. and L. d and Adjutant General for the P. o Q., by Marie Anne Tarieu de Lanaudidre. B. in Montreal. 26 Aug 1834. Ed. at St. Sulpice^Coll., Mont- real, and at the Coll. of Joliette. M. July, Adelaide, dau. of the late Dr. Berthelet, of Hel^ne Guy. One of the founders of the • Soc, and Secretary of the same for several years: a mem. of the Montreal Hi^l.orical and Numismatic Soc, and an honorary mem. of the Institut Canadien of Quebec. Was for several years a Clerk in the Civil Service of Can. Called to the BarofL.C. 1857. Created a Q.C. 3873. Has been several times Mayor of the town of Joliette. An un- successful candidate for Joliette at g.e. 1867. First returned to Parlt. by acclamation at g.e. 1872; re-elected at g.e. 1874: unseated on peti- tion, 28 Oct. 1874; re-elected 10 Dee. same year, and again at g.e. 1878. ^wornofthc Privy Council as Minister of Inland Revenue, 26 Oct. 1878. Apptd. a Judge of the Superior Court of the Pre v^ince of Quebec, 29 Oct. ISSO.— Montreal ; St. James' (Unh. 1873, Marie Helene Montreal, by Dame Montreal Historical Hon. Robert .Brunmrick. Duncan Wilmot, Lieutenant-Governor of New Hon. J. A. MousSEAU, Q.C, M.P.P., L*reniier, Province of Quebec. Resident Agent in British Columbia. ]r9» HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR CANADA IN ENGLAND. Hon. Sir A. T. (4alt, O'J'.M.G. {Snlary, $10,000).— f>, Vivtoria Chambers, London, E.C RESIDENT AGENT OF THE CANADIAN GOVERN- MENT IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Hon. JosKPH William Tri tch, r.M.G., F.H.G.S., Mf.C.E.—S. of the late William Trutch, Es(|., Solicitor, of Ascot, Soiuerser, Eng.». and suhHequently of St. Thomas, Island of Jamaica, where he was Clerk of the Peace, by Charlotte Hannah, only dau. of Hon. Joseph Barnes, Asst. Judge of the Supreme Court of that Colony, and for 20 years, up to hia death, in iSLli', Custos Rotulorum and Mayor of the City of Kingston. Ed. at Exeter, Devonshire, and was an articled pupil to Sir John Rennie, C.E. M. 18S5, Julia Elizabeth, dan. of Lewis Hyde, Esq., of New York. Is a mem. of the Institution of Civil En- gineers (Eng.), and a Fellow of the Royal (Jeographieal Society. Went to Pacific coast 1840, and up to 185() practised his profession in California and Oregon. Was afterwards Asst. Engineer on the Illinois and Michigan Canal and on the Illinois River improvement. Took up his residence in Victoria, 1859, and from that time until 1864 was employed in the construction of various public works in British Columbia, nota- bly of the section through the Canon of Fraser River, and of the C rand Trunk road from Yale to Cariboo, including the Alexandra Suspension Bridge over the Fraser River, built by him on terms of toll charter. Was Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor General of B.C., in succession to Cen. R. C. Moody, K.E., and a mem. ex officio of the Ex. and Leg. Councils, from 1864 until the union of the Colony with Can., 1871. Was intimately connected with ihe conduct of the negotiations for the union of B.C. with Can.,havint-^ been a delegate to Ottawa, with Hon. Messrs. Helmcken and Carrall, in 1870, to confer with the Can. Govt, as to the terras of union, and again, in 1871, to Ottaw.T and London, to settle finally the details of the arrangementa^ for union. Apptd. first Lieut. Governor of B.C. under Confederation^ 5 July, 1871. Apptd. to present position, 9 Dec. 1879. (Stdari/, $o,000.) — Victoria, fJ.C. ':\ §■ 20 Supreme Court. ®he ^upv^m^ (t^onvi of the gomitti0tt 0f (J^nnada. Chief Justice — The lion. Sir William Johnston Ritchie> Kt. S. of the late Hon. Justice Kitchie, of N.S. B. at Annapolisj N.S., 28 Oct. 1813. Ed. at Pictoii. M. 1st, Miss Stran.c:, of St. Andrews, N.B. ; 2nd, 1854, Grace Vernon, dan. of the late Thos. L. Nicholson, Esq., of St. John, and step -dan. of the late Admiral Hon. W. F.Owen, R.N., of Campohello. Studied law with his brother, the present Chief Judge in Equity for N.S., and was called to the Bar, N.B., 18:i8. Apptd. a Q.C. 1854. ' Was a raem. of the Ex. Comcii, N.B., from Oct. 1854 until apptd. a Puisnt^ Judge of the Supreme Court, N.B., 17th Aug. 1855, in which position he remained until he succeeded the late Hon. Eobert Parker as Chief Justice of N.B., 6 Dec. 1865. Apptd. a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Dominion, 8 Oct. 1875. Apptd. Chief Justice, 11 Jan. 1879. (Salarij, $8,000.) Sat for the City and County of St. John in N.B. Assem. from 1846 until 1851, when he retired, and from 1854 until his elevation to the Bench. Kniyhted by Her Majesty the Queen, 1 Nov. 1881. Was Deputy Grovernor of Canada during the absence of Lord Lome in England, from 6 July 1881 to Jan. 1882, and again from 6 Sept. to Dec. 1882. — Beechwood, Nexo Edinburgh. PUISNE JUDGES. The Ron. Samuel Henry Strong. — S. of Rev. Dr. Strong, formerly Minister of the Church of Eng. at Hull, P.Q., and afterwards of Toronto. B. in Eng. 1826. Called to the Bar, U.C, Hilary Term, 1849. Apptd. a Q.C. 1863. Apptd. a Vice-Chancellor for Ont. 27 Dec. 1860; transferred to the Court of Error and Appeal, 27 May 1874; apptd. a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court, 8 Oct. 1875. (.S'a/irr^, $7,000. )— Rideau Club, Ottawa. The Hon. Telesphore Fournier. — B. at St. Francois, Riviere du Sud, Montmagny, P.Q., 1824. Ed. at Nicolet Coll. M. 1857, Miss Defers. Called to the Bar, L C, 1846. Apptd. a Q.C. 1868. Has been Batonnier of the Quebec Bar, and Presdt. of the General Council of the Bar of the Prov. of Quebec. M' as one of the editor^ of Jje National newspaper (Quebec) 1856-57-58 Sworn ot the Privy Council, 7 Nov. 1873, and was Minister of inland Kevenu^j from that date until 8 July 1874, when apptd. to succeed Hon. Sir A. A. Supreme Court. M a. :e> is> It. Le le id )r * 4 h d <(now Chief Justice) Dorion as Minister of Justice, in which office he remained until transferred to the Post Office Depart- ment, 19 May 1875. Apptd. a Puisne Judge of the Supremo Court, 8 Oct. same year. (Salary, $7,000.; Sat for Belle- chasse in the Commons from Aug. 1870 until his elevation to the Bench, and represented Montmagny in Quebec Assem. from g.e. 1871 until 7 Nov. 1873, when he resigned on his taking office. The Supreme Court Act and the Insolvency Act, 1875, were introduced and carried through Parlt. by Mr. Fournier, as Minister of Justice. — JJaly Street, Ottawa. The lion. William Alexander Henry B. in Halifax, N.S., 30 Dec. 1816. Ed. there M. the dau. of Hugh Mc- Donald, Esq., of Antigonish, N.S. Called to the Bar, N.S. 1841. Apptd. a QC. 1849. Has been Mayor of Halifax. Became a mem. of the Ex. Council 1849, and subsequently held office as Solicitor Genl. (three times), Provl. Secy, and Atty. Genl. Was a del* gate to Eng. on public business in 1858 and 1865, and to Washington on Reciprocity Treaty, in conjunction with Hon. Messrs. Gait (now Sir A. T.), Smith (now Sir A. J.), and Hcwland (now Sir W. P.), late Lieut. Gov, ofOnt, 1866. Sat in the Charlottetown Union Confer- ence, in that at Quebec, and in the final Conference that assembled in London, 1866, to complete terms of Union of B.N. A. Provinces. Was a mem. of the N.S, Assem. for many years, from the date of his first election, 1 841. An unsuccess- ful candidate for Antigonish in the Commons at g.e. 1867, and for Richmond, in the same Chamber, March 1869. An ad hoc Judge in the trial of election cases in N.S., 1874. Apptd. to Supreme Court, 8 Oct. 1875. (Salary, $7,000.) — Rideau Cluh, Ottawa. The Hon. Henri Elzear Taschereau. — Eldest s. of the late Pierre Elzear Taschereau, Esq., a mem. of the Assem. of L.C and subsequently of that of the U.P., by Catherine Hencdine, dau. of the late Hon. Amable Dionne, M.L.C. B. at St. Mary's, Beauce, P.Q., 7 Oct. 1836. Is co-proprietor ot the Seigniory of Ste. Marie de la Beauce, conceded to his great-grandfather in 1746, Ed. at the Quebec Seminary. M. 27 Jlay 1857, a dau. of the late Hon.R. U. Harwood, M.L.C. Called to the Bar in Oct. 1857 ; apptd. a Q.C. 1807 ; practised in •Quebec with the late Wm. Duval, Esq.^ and later on with Jean Blanchet, Esq., Q.C. Sat for Beauce in Can. Assem. from, g.e. 1861, until the Union of 1867, when defeated for the Commons. Apptd. a Clerk of the Peace for the District of Quebi'c, 30 Sipt. 1 868, an offi/e he shortly afterwards re- signed. Apptd. a Puisne Judge of the Superior Court of the I) il ' i! I'l l^l 22 Supreme Court. Province of Quebec, 12 Jan., 1871 ; apptd. a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Dominion, Oct. 1878 (as succes- sor to his cousin, the Hon. J. T. Taschereau). {Salary^ $7,000.) Hon. Mr. Taschereau is author of The Criminal Law Jor the Dominion of Canada., with Notes, Commentaries^ Precedents of Indictments, etc., 2 vols. 8 vo. ; and of a Code de Procedure Civile iu Bas Canada, with Annotations. — Daly Street ; Rideau Club, Ottawa. The lion. John WeiaLington Gwynne. — B. at Castle Knock,. in the Co. of Dublin, Irel., on the 30 March 1814. S. of the late Rev. William Gwynne, D.D., and of Eliza, his wife, dau. of Rev. U. Nelson, of Dunshaughlin, Co. ofMeath. Entered Trinity Coll., Dublin, in July 1828. Came to Canada and was admitted a mem. of the Law Society at Toronto as a student of law in June 1832. Studied first in the office of the late Thomas Kirkpatrick, Esq., of Kingston, Q.C., and M.P. for Co. of Frontenac, and afterwards in that of the late Mr. Justice Hagerman and Chief Justice Draper, then practising in partnership at Toronto. Was called to the Bar in June 1837. Contested unsuccessfully the Co. of Huron at the g.e. in 1847 in the interest of the party of which the late Hon. Robert Baldwin was the leader. Was made a Q.C. in 1850. From 1845 to 1852 devoted himself to the formation and maintenance of a company, for which he obtained an Act of Incorporation in 1847, for the construction, as part of a scheme of colonization, of a railway from Toronto, westward to Lake Huron through the then waste lands of the Crown, which, after much opposition, eventuated in the Toronto and Guelph Railway Co., and was amalgamated with the Grand Trunk Railway Co. in 1853. In July 1852 m. Julia, youngest dau. of the late Dr. Durie, K.H., of Craigluscar. In Nov. 1868 was made a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas at Toronto. In May 1874 was nominated by the then Minister of Justice, the Hon. A. A. Dorion, as one of the permanent Judges of the Court of Appeal in Ontario, under a clause in the Provin- cial Statute, 37 Vic, chap. 7, providing for the appointment of three additional Judges to the Court of Appeal, of which Court he was then a mem., but was obliged to decline the appointment after accepting it in consequence of the Govt, after the retirement of Mr. Dorion, having assumed (as appeared to him in violation of all precedent) to deprive him of his precedence, conferred by the commission in virtue of which he then already was a Judge of the Court. In Jan. 1879 he was transferred from the Court of Common Pleas to- the Supreme Court, vice the Hon. William Johnston Ritchie, prom< ted to be Chief Justice of the Court. (Salary, $7^000.) — 234 Stewart Street, Ottawa. 1 Supreme Court. 23 RfOiHtmv.—V HKKT Cassels, Jr. Called to the Bar, L.C. 1864; -called to the Bar U.C. Trinity Term, 1866. Grad. as B.A. with 1st rank honors as student at Morin Coll., affiliated with Mcllill Univ. Apptd. to present office, 8 Oct. 1875. {Salary, $2,Gl)Q.)-ahapel Street, Ottan-a. Precis Writer (ind Sicrttnni to the C/iiff Juxtice anilJulpeti of the Snpniue Court of Cnnfi ^..4 , , a -o o H o IS T3 « © fl > > © o fl fl SE OF © • o C5 3 • © o U> -«-> © o -«»> Oi © -M -kj < © © © • c c 5* ^ ^ © ©• c fl ^ © s © ^. a, g; Ol c3 * o o I- I'.i— sc 00 QC-JO cc QO o; oc CO CCQCCO 1-^ .-.< .— ( l-H 1— i T-H 1-^ 1-^1^ T— I-H I-H ^ „ » * . ^ ^ ^ .V *» ^ >• >> -fi> t; -4-f >» • © >>}> o © o o y ■^ © © 3 O 1^ ^^ ^ o 1-5 « z^s?; 'A H «o ?, v:"" t* ?? -f* g^ -X l-H CO r^ 1^ l-fO x^ 1^ 1^ l-l- l-l-CO Q %o «D tCi^ '-0 'O ■r; -X o »■£ -X I- QO oc CCOD CO X) CO xco ■x>aoco l-H l-H .— l-H l-H I-H I-H 1—1 l-H r— ii-HrH S .> ^ * ^ ^ „ .. » » .■ .* o :^ >. -b^ >* ^ >> >> >> >.>.>>. £ s fl S aj 3 "s "fl 3 fl 3 3 3 •-8 1-5 Hsfs< ^ ^-5 1-5 "-t^ i-s"-:^ 1— < '-' -'?^? rH T.H l-H rHr-^ ^-i-HrH • • • • > '• • CO • • M © • • o • © . . s © • £ fl ; Fisheri er Gen- Interior 6 o E-. O o • fl O • IH O Inland Revenue Sec. State for P iPres. Privy Cou • a © Customs . Finance • © © fl 3 Marine &. Postmast Minister VINCE. o o v^-v-^ o o o : o : o • m^ © © J2 • w^ •pH t'M •-.*- O C4 PQ U c8 OQ S eq ^' ?^ .<-> © © ■w -l-> -M •^ -w- fl 3 • s S fl • fl u.* fl O c? >. cs? o o 52;o fe; o NAMES. ETC. -^'J •J' .'^-'^-^ 5tJ : « • ^cf • '«o • >: -cp • lexander T. Gait C.M.G., M.P am McDougall, B.,M.P N. P. Howland. C.M.G.. C.B., M.P is G. Archibald, M.G., M.P F. Blair, Sen. ■ Mitchell, 1st nator, 2nd M.P. . . \lex. Campbell, \ ,C.M.G,,Sen....i • o :^ .i: "^ . © .s HH ^ HH fl' -4^ O 3 s • *< Vft ■* ^ « a 11 ■n O f2 CO a CO (30 o a It- Cahivet since Confederation. a Scotia rat»»r ol [Scotia ot Novfl - w CO J it *g .200 [N.S p. Court ^ Nov nist >■ 3 1-5 -^^^ -^"j 'rrs 'i ^ O ^ O 1> V o c tf, fl r*« c g^ tltlC a. 13 . 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O u tg;o^ o' o 123 ozoc5 o H I • © ^ « : .©^ S - - - © «) 03 ed O li © _ <1 © o a • * M ►< o o ^ 3 © nt Orders. Public Bills and Ord. rs. Questions put by Members. Other Notices of Motions. From half'paHt seven o'clock^ p.m. Private Bills for the first hour. 3H 3. Speaker. — He is the presiding officer of the body. He reads all communications which come from the Queen's Re- sentative to the Commons ; lie has to present and read such addresses and petitions as are carried up to the Governor General by the Whole House, and to deliver the usual speeches, on the part of the Commons when presenting the Supply Bill, and other Bills calling for peculiar note and remark. Through him all witnesses and prisoners at the Bar of the House are examined, and he directs all arrange- ments when the House is to be addressed by counsel. It is his duty to deliver the reprimand of the House to any one wh J has incuried the penalty of receiving it; it is also his duty to issue warrants of committal or release for breach of privilege ; to communicate with any parties, when so in- structed by the House. It is his duty to closely examine the provisions of Private Bills so as to protect the public against any surprise, or undue enroachment or injury. He controls and regulates the conduct of subordinate officers of the House, and enforces the Ilules of the Hous ; he cannot join in any debate unless in Committee of the Whole House. As the presiding officer of the House, he has all the duties attached to such an office. The iSpeakcr is chosen by the members of Parliament, and holds his office until the Parlia- ment in which he is elected is dissolved. Should a member persevere in disobeing the order of the Speaker, and of the ! i'l 32 Parliamentary Procedure. House, the Speaker may " name him," a course uniformly followed, ah the term implies, by the censure of the House. In extreme cases the Speaker may order members or others into custody until the pleasure of the House be signified. On divisions, when the numbers happen to be equal, he gives the casting vote, but he never otherwise votes. Some ques- tions as to the prerogatives and duties of the Speaker will be found among Speaker^ Decisions. I I I 4. Members, Introduction of. — Members elected during the existence of Parliament will, alter taking the oath of allegiance and subscribing the roll, appear at the Bar of the House and claim their se its, the custom being an introduc- tion by other members, who announce that these require- ments have been fulfilled. A member who has been unseated and re-ekjted must again sign the roll and take the oath ; should he take his seat and vote without doing so, he incurs the penalty of £'500 sterling for every day he so sits and votes. Though his fresh introduction at the Bar is unnecessary, such is the practice, to save any re-elected member from unwittingly incurring the penalty. (During the recess of 1877, Mr. Speaker Anglin resigned his seat in the House and was re-elected. At the opening of the session of 1878, upon the Governor General directing the re-assembled House to elect a Speaker, Mr. Anglin and other re-elected members forthwith took their seats and voted on the question.) When a member is unseated by a tribunal which at the same time declares another person duly elected to the seat, the new member may (after taking the oath) without any introduc- tion, take his seat and vote, as if he had occupied it from the first. t * 5. Clerk of the House of Commons. — "The Clerk of tho Commons House of Parliament'' holds an office of great trust and importance. He, with one assistant, sits at the upper end of the table. The Crown appoints him by commission under the great seal. Ii. is his duty to make minutes, not of the arguments used in the House, but the decisions at which it arrives — in other words, to make a true and faithful record of all the proceedings in which it maybe engaged; to see that they are correctly printed and distributed to the members ; to read aloud all such documents as the House may order to be read ; to perform the duty (without taking the chair), of Parliamentary Procedure. 33 president or moderator during the choice of a Speaker, put- ting a question and directing a division in the same manner that a Speaker would do. 6. Sergeant at Arms. — This officer, although in attend- ance on the House of Commons, is appointed by the Crown. It is his duty to obey the commands of the House, to appre- hend and take into custody all those who are committed tor any offence by the House A)l the messengers and servants of the House, except the Clerks, are under his orders. He has a seat within the Bar, and directs all arrangements for the maintenance of order in the approaches thereto, and in the galleries. He is, of course, in immediate attendance upon the Speaker, from whom he takes all orders in connection with his duties. He is assisted by a Deputy. 7. Order. — By this word is meant obedience to certain rules and regulations intended to facilitate the despatch of business, and preserve that decorum necessary in all deliber- ative assemblies. The rules by which the business of Parlia- ment is conducted are of two kinds ; one kind the House possesses in common with all deliberative assemblies — another is pecuMar to its own existence and powers. For the proper applica, on of all these rules, the Speaker or Chairman's deci- sion is had, and to this decision due deference is at all times paid. The Speaker, while in the Chair, takes no part in the debate, it being his duty to regulate the mam in which business shatl be transacted ; to confine those nbers who address the House to the subject under conside'-adon ; to give his opinion in all things which relate to order ; to put the matter in dispute into the form of a question, upon which the votes of members are taken, and to declare the majority as soon as it is communicated to him by the Clerk. It is also his duty to state when the business of the House is closed, and to see that its transactions are correctly and properly recorded. After routine he calls upon the member whose motion stands first on the paper of notices, or who is other- wise entitled to precedence. A motion must be seconded or it falls to the ground ; being seconded, the motion is handed in writing to the Speaker, who has to read it before debate can be had upon it ; having been read, objections may be urged. There are several ways by which a motion may be opposed ; it may be met by a direct negative or by an amend- 34 ParHdmentary Procedure. Ilii ment, or by a motion to postpone, or by proceeding to the next order of tbo day, or by moving the previous tpiestion, or by the simple motion of tidjournment. A motion once read cannot be withdrawn without the permission of the House. Unless a speech is made objecting to a motion, neither mover nor seconder can speak a second time except in ex|)lanation. If, however, a debate does arise, in which oppositiuts the question^ and calls upon those in favor to say " Yea," and those of a contrary disposition to say <' Nay." He then declares that in his opinion the ''Yeas" or the <'Nays" (as the case may be) have it. Jf his decision is questioned, the House divides, the << Yeas " rising, and their names being taken down, the " Nays " following, tlie numbers are counted from the record and declared. Should a member, when the voice oi the House is called for, say "Aye,' and should he afterwards, on division, vote '< Nay,"' and attention be called to the fact, his vote •will be recorded " Aye." The simply calling for a Division, when the Sj)eaker has declared that "the Ayes have it," ■would not, however, require the record of his vote adversely as « Nay," the Canadian rule differing herein from the English. When an amendment has been moved, the vote is taken on the amendment, and then on the original question. Should the amendment be adopted, it then becomes the sub- stantive motion, and may be amended in the same way that the original motion was amended. Thus a number of successive amendments to the original motion may be disposed ot. Any member is at liberty to interrupt another by " rising to order," which means that he rises in his place and calls the attention of the Chair and the House to a breach of order then being committed. In debate it is contrary to order to mention any member by name ; the same rule prevails in fjommittee of the Whole, except as regards the Chairman, who is sometimes called by his name, and not Mr. Chairman. ^ Stkanoehs. — If any member shall take notice that stran- gers are present. Air, Speaker, or the Chaiiman, (as the case may be), shall forthwith put the question that strangers be ordered to withdraw, without permitting any debate or amend- ment ; provided tluit Mr, Speaker, or the Chairman, may, whenever he thinks proper, order the withdrawal of strangers. Parliamentary Procedure. .55 8. Committees — Are, first, those of the Whole House, which may l)e to consider certain resolutions, as to the nature of which considerable latitude prevails; or the House itself resolves into such Committee to consi'icr the details of a liill^ the principle of which may be discussed at any or all of its other stages ; or there may be Committees for financial pur- poses, ae those of" Supply,'' or " Ways and Means," (which see). Secondly, there are Select Committees, chosen by bal- lot or otherwise, for some specific purpose. The number composing such bodies seldom exceeds fifteen members, ex- cept by permission of the House. Dining the session of )87Y an imporUmt discussion took place, involving both the com- position and powers of Select Committees. Thirdly, Com- mittees on Private hdh (which see). When the whole House is in Comnlittee, the Speaker vacates the chair, the Mace is placed under the table, and some member is called to preside, who sits in the seat of the Clerk of the House. 9. Petitions. — The following rules respecting Pttltions should be carefully observed, as deviation therefrom will in- volve rejection : (1.) Petitions involving public expenditure, such as grants of money or lands, claims tor arrears of pay or for remuneration for public service rendered, or other demands imposing a burthen upon the people, cannot be received by the House, which has not the power of initiating such im- position. A petition which only e^-pressed a hope for a grant was excluded in session of 1878. In 1877, however, a petition for imposition of duty or for bounty on coal was received. !^ Petitions of this nature should be addressed to " His Ex- cellency the Governor General in Council.'' The correct form is to forward tluim to the Secretary of State, who will then, " by command," refer them to the Ministers of the Crown to whose Dejjartments their subjects respectively re- late ; and they will thereafter be dealt with Departmental ly, in the same manner as any otticial letter or communication received direct from the parties interested. In point of fact, however, the forwarding of such petitions by Members of Parliament, with covering letter, direct to the Department com-erned, at any time and without waiting for the session, is practically the best course. In this way, petitions may be u Parliamentary Procedure. brought l)efore the executive in ample lime for consideration before the meeting of Parliament, when the representative can, if desired, biing on a liscussion upon the merits of the case. Although such petitions may not be presented to the House, which has not the power of granting them, it is quite in order (c;fter proceeding as above) to ])ring them under the cognizance ot Parliament by moving an Address to His Ex- cellency for them, and any other papers connected with them in the Depaitments, to be brought down ; and the Govern- ment, upon its responsibility to Parliament, can then be brought to account for the exercise or non-exercise of the power vested in it of granting the pecuniary or other relief prayed for. (2.) It has been decided that Aliens, non-residents of the Dominion of Canada, have not the right of petitioning this Parliament. An exception to this rule was made during session of 1878. (3.) Petitions may be either written or printed ; pro- vided always that the signatures of at least three Petitioners are subscribed on the sheet containing the prayer of the pe- tition. (4.) Signatures to Petitions must be original ; no agent should sign a Petition to Parliament for any purpose. No chairman can sign for a public meeting, but the common seal of a corporation is received as the petition of the whole body. (5 ) All petitions must be in respectful and temperate language, and must not contain any matter in breach of the Privileges of the House, such as animadversion upon the con- duct of Parliament, or reference to any subject under debate, or to a motion in course of preparation. (6.) Petitions to the House of Commons should be ad- dressed : '' To the Honourable the Commons of Canada, in Par- liament assembled;''^ the statement of grievance or cause of complaint should be clearly and succinctly set forth ; and they must close with a specific prayer, thus : " Whirejorc your petitioner prays that,''^ etc., setting forth the redress and relief that is sought. (7.) The member presenting a petition should endorse his name thereon, and present it in his place in the House, Parliamentary Procedure. 87 confining himself, when doing so, to a statement of the par- ties from whom it comes, the number of signatures attached to it, and the material allegations it contains. He is respon- sibls that it does not contain impertinent or improper matter. (8.) After a lapse of two days for scrutiny by the Speaker and Clerk of the House, every petition which proves to be properly receivable is {Rule 86) " brought to the Table by direction of the Speaker, who cannot allow any debate, or any member to speak upon or in relation to, such Petition ; but it may be read by the Clerk at the Table if required ; or if it complain of some present personal grievance, requiring an immediate remedy, the matter contained therein may be brought into immediate discussion. In ordinary course, it may, upon motion, be referred to a committee, or Resolutions may be based upon it," etc 10. Bills (Money). — All Bills relating to public income and expenditure, and all Bills usually called Money Bills, must originate in the Commons and be introduced by the Ooveinment. \i h e 11. Bills (Public). — A Bill is the draft or skeleton of a Statute. Any Bill which the Senate can ojiginate may be introduced and laid on the table by an individual Senator, without the previous permission of the House ; but in the Commons no Bill can be brought in unless a motion for leave be previously agreed to. Permission having been granted, a Committee is appointed to prepare the Bill. It is then brought in and read the first time, without amendment or debate, and a day is appointed for the second reading, pre- vious to which it is printed, and a copy furnished to each member. The Bill, a^*er the second reading, is ref^irred to a Committee of the Whole House, at the sittings of which its details are considered, as its principles were at each of its several readings. Members are at liberty to discuss its prin- ciples at any of its stages, but no one is considered to have declared decisively in favor or its principles unless by his vote he supports its second reading, in Committee, the Bill is debated clause by clause ; the blanks left for amount of pen- alties, salaries or grants, etc., ere filled up, and sometimes the Bill is entirely remodelled. The blanks, as* they are called, which are usually filled up in italics, are agreed to without a question being put, unless a member should propose to alter Parliamenta ry Procedur i. I them. Tlie next proceeding is, that the Chairman of the- Committee should make a report to the House of the changes that the Bill has undergone, which ne does hy presenting it to the Speiker in its altered form. The report of the Com- mittee is agreed to without discussion, thi; Bill is ordered to be printed, a id it is tht'U read the third time, when any fur- ther amenr'nicnts can be made. If a new clause be added it is called a rider. The last jpiestion but one is that the '< Bill do pass ;" after this nothing remains except to determine its title, which used to be a general one for all the Acts passed in the session, but in modern times distinct titles are iT^ed for each Statute. During the progress of the Bill, the House 7«(/y divide on the following questions: 1st, on the second reading; 2nd, that it be committed ; 3rd, on the consideration of report of Committee, in case of amendment; 4th, or that the Bill be re-committed ; 5th, that it be read the third time • 6th, that it do pass ; 7th, the title of the Bill. These are quite exclusive of any division in the Committee, or any amendments, or of any clauses added to or expunged from the measure, in or out of the committee. Alterations are not usually proposed in a Bill until after its principle has been disposed of on the second reading. Immediately after the passing of a Bill, it is taken to the Bar of the Senate, desiring their concurrence, where it passes through the same forms as in the Commons. If the Bill be rejected, no further proceed- ings ensue. When the Senate agrees with the Commons in the principle of the measure, but differ on matters ot detail^ a conference usually follows between members deputed from each House, who generally succeed in adjusting the differ- ence ; but if both Houses remaiEi inflexible, the Bill is drop- ped. The same proceedings are adopted, mutatis mutandis^ when the Bill originates in the Upper House. The Bill, having thus passed both Houses, remains with the Senate, ex- cept in the case of a Bill of Supply, which is sent back to the Commons, to be by them presented at the Bar of the Senate to the Representatives of the Sovereign. The assent ot the Crown is the final proceeding which converts a Bill into an Act of Parliament. 12. Bills (Private) — Private Bills are chiefly introduced to enable individuals or bodies corporate to undertake works of public utility at their own risk and chiefly for their own emolument and benefit; but there are other Private Bills rarliamentary Procedure, n which frequently come before Parliament, such as Hills for adjuKting claims to property l)etween individual claimants, and Bills relating to divorre, naturalization, ct<'., etc. The expenses of legislaiion in such matters must be paid by the parties seeking the ri^lief ; and a deposit of $200 must bo made immediately after the second reading of the liill. After the second reading, if all tin; rules of the House have been complied with, Private Bills go to the Committee, and it is before this Committee that proper uttention must be given t»y the parties interested. Individuals or companies may appear by Parliamentary Agents. f 141 . 1 13. Pawliamentauv Agents. — In .ugland all the busi- ness for private corporations and individuals is transacted by Parliamentary Agents, who conduce to the interests of their clients, as well as to the convenience of Committees and Members, through their familiarity with Parliamentary prac- tice. Their employment is sanctioned in Canada, every agent being {Rule 72) personally responsible to the House and to the Speaker for the observance of the rules, orders and prac- tice of Parliament, and for the payment of all fees and charges ; and all agents must have received the express sanction and authority of the Speaker. 14. AvomANCE OF A Decision. — When a motion has been made upon which the House is unwilling to come to a vote, there are certain formal modes of avoiding a decision, amongst which "are passing of the orders of the day," or moving « the previous question." The former means that the House should — casting aside and taking no notice of the matter then before it — proceed to the other business appointed for that day ; the latter, that a vote be previousl} taken as to the expediency of coming to any decision on the question raised. If " the previous question " be negatived as a matter of expediency, the motion to which it referred is only gotten rid of tor the time, whereas a direct negative to the motion itself would be a proscription of it for the remainder of the session, as well as a denial of its principle. With respect to a Bill, moving that it <'be read this day six months," or " this day three months," is a mode of throwing it out with- out coming to an express declaration against the principle of the measure. 40 Parliameutary Procedure, »i 15. Royal Assent. — The Act by which the Crown agrees t(> a Bill i8 called the Royal Assent; this assent is usually given at the end of a session, unless there is urgent necessity for the Act becoming law without loss of time, in which case the Governor General, or the person administering the Government, comes down to the Upper House, and there, in the presence of both Houses, gives his assent. His Excellency s>r>ecially manifests his assent to the Supply Bill. Billb ta which the Royal Assent is not given are pronounced to bo reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure thereon, and are mentioned in tLe O^cial Gazette as having been re- served for Her Majesty's consideration. Unless a reserve is made in the Act itself, so soon as the Royal Assent is given the Act becomes a Law, and can be proceeded on before any competent Court. 16. Privileges of Parliament. — Amongst the privileges which the Commons claim are : — The power of committing individuals to prison — the power of publishing matters which, if not issuing from such high authority, might become the subject of proceedings in a court of law — the power of directing the Law Officers of the Crown to prosecute persons accused of offences against the laws or iffectingthe privileges of Parliament — and finally^ of doing anything not directly contravening an existing Act of Parliament, which may be necessary for the vindication acd protection of its own rights, in the exercise of its consti- tutional functions. Questions of privilege take precedence of all other proceedings, and are always in order. The privileges claimed by individual members are, freedom of speech and person, including freedom from legal arrest and. seizure under process from the Courts of Law and Equity. This does not extend to indictable offences, or to actual con- tempts of the Courts of Justice. Members of Parliament are exempt from all duties the performance of which might interfere with their prompt attendance to their Parliamentary calls. Privilege of Parliament, such as it is, continues for a con- venient time after prorogation and dissolution. 17. Committals. — In common with Courts of Law and Equity the Houses of Parliament can punish all contempt of Partiamentary Procedure. 41 their authority, or disoljedioncc of thuir maiuiutoK. Karli House is armed with power to repreKs any aggreHKioii com- mitted upon its rights, or any interference with its i)rivileges ; but in the case of the Commons, the operation of this power is limited to the session of I'arliament. committals hy that Hoii.ie being invalidated by a prorogation. Kither House can delegate to a committee the power of sending for papers and records, and of enforcing the attendan«:e of necessary wit- nesses. I 18. CoNFEHENCE. — Tliis is a species of negotiation between the two Houses of Parliament, conducted by managers ap- pointed on both sides, for the purpose of producing concur- rence, in cases where mutual consent is necessary ; or for the purpose of reconciling differences which may have arisen. If the conference be upon the subject of a Bill depending between the two Houses, it may be demanded by that House which is in possession of the Bill at the time of asking the conference. It is the sole privilege of the Senate to name the time and place tor holding a conference, no matter by which House it may have been demanded. Reasons in writ- ing for the course resolved to be taken are usually furnished ■to the managers on both sides, in which case it is simply called " a conference." Should this proceeding fail, " a free conference" must be held, which gives an opportunity for the managers individually, and unrestrained by any precise form of agreement, to urge such reasons as, in their judg- ment, may best tend to influence the House to which they are addressed. A free conference is usually demanded after two conferences have been holden without effect. After one free conference, none other but free conferences can be held touching the same subject. 19. Supply. — All proceedings which relate to the public income or expenditure must originate with the Commons, and must be begun by resolution moved in Committee of Supply, which is always a Committee of the Whole House. In the course of the session, estimates are submitted to a Committee of Supply, and resolutions moved thereon, grant- ing to the Crown the sums requisite for the management of the various departments of the Government, and the support of various public and private institutions. Such as are con- firmed by the Committee of Supply are reported to the m 1M :i 'i l*i I 4IB> Parliamentary J'rocedure. House, where they are Again re-considered, and adopted or rejected, an the case may be. Upon these a Bill is passed, and this Supply Bill furnishes authority to tha Government for disbursing the various sums apprcpriated. The Upper House may reject this or any other Mon< y Bill, but they can- not alter or amend the substance of a Supply or Money Bill ; such a course would be regarded as an invasion of the privileges of the Lower House. Before any Bill can be introduced au- thorizing the expenditure of any public money, resolutions must be moved in Committee of Supply, agreed to there, re- ported and confirmed by the House. 20. Ways and Means. — As the Committee of. Supply re- lates to the expenditure of the country, so the functions and duties of a Committee of Ways and Means have reference to the funds by which such expenditure is to be met. Loans, duties, taxes, excise and revenue of every description, are sub- mitted to the Committee of Ways and Means. The propo- sitions of Government on this subject are reduced to resolu- tions, submitted, considered, and decided on, and such as are agreed to are reported to the House. The series of resolu- tions in com., when reported, is read the first time, pro forma ; then the second time, en bloc, (not the first resolution the second time, as formerly the practice in Canada) at which place general discussion of the subject takes place. The resolutions are then read singly, when discussion is confined to the subject matter of each. Those which may be adopted are embodied in a Bill or Bills, and in due course and form become the law of the land. As in the case of Supply Bills, the Upper House may reject these Bills, but cannot amend them, nor can the Upper House insert a pecuniary penalty in any Bill. 21. Adjournment, Prorogation and Dissolution. — Adjourn- ment is a postponement of the sittings or proceedings of the House, from one time to another specified for the re-assem- blage. When the sittings of both Houses are interrupted by Hoyal authority, it is called prorogation. Dissolution put» an end to the representative character of the individuals who^ at the time, compose the House of Commons, and Parliament cannot therefore assemble until after a new election, except in cases hereinafter mentioned. The power of adjournment is a right belonging to each House, and there are no restric- tions to this power. Parliamentary Procedure. 43 The Hou8e of ComnumH can interrupt or postpono any •debate, deter the consideration of any meanure, or altogether adjourn I^h sitting;, but the practice ih always to adjourn •to some stated time ; and we thinly there can be no PC < S3 O) c o a * o o '^ r/2 a ^ ll ® -^ :^ © « be •'' O JS O O © 'O o .S -a ijr^ »i O 2. Qj 4, 3. <6 — 'J5l-t-iM rH r— r— < .-- rl to Cully, ark. Dickey. Armand. bertson- O u I^Mf^i^ h-'PP^H^Hj o » . . • • o = d a fi c o o o ; c o m « M .CCS < . Allan icoste. Benson, acfaria . Girar 2. Qj 4, 3. o • • • • • 15H c fl a s *^ 00000 Bttsaa M . • • Ires ved zl%% a '^-=; '^<^'^< *<^ 1—1 'X) t^ 1^ 5^ I— 1 1-H I-H i-H 1— 1 • 4J "?.jO^'S — 1) « 2. 3 l^-.^lfe^i^^l «dO w to -H H-i T— ( 1— if— 1 -H r-- Ol r-H (M •JBQJ^ 00 00 00 CO QO 1 1— t r-t 1— 1 1— 1 1— 1 fi4 73 O I ! t1 c9 *» S r— 1 S5 • d . c3 4> 'O M (M 1873 1st 1873 2nd 46 Thf> Sf>nii(t>. I i 0! ^S 4> c ;6 C 'C r-< C> I— t J3 1^ 00 c« 4) C c c 4) {« i a- c a. M 4! 4) C >^ c «a ft o Ai p-^ oi c c o c c a a 4) <4 :-- ^ 4) 3 0, 4) cC 4) a le w Q < 04 c o c c c c c c ffl C S c a w: . ^ 2. 4.^ u >- ^ _^ ^^ ,*\ T? l* ^. V V 4) a —J * Ph ^ a^ U. <5; ^ li"^ -f *— . r-^ r- 1 4> ^ tau .^ *^ 2» .^ •.te* ^ JQ 4) 4> 4) 4) tb 3 ^ •^ '^ oc I- kM^ •■^ ^-» '^^ •«»' uf tr 1- oc il5.»\ 'o? fe flO " f- " •^^ " r^ Qu g ja » (J >, t*'. •m u, t9 •rj x> 4) •V 4) 4) U^ Um t^ Uh or •T' t^ U. a P^ C^ M o o rH *-^ r-< ^ j2 o -C 4) 4> 4) 4> Pm P^ Q (^ M -M ■3-. Ci r^ Oft i; O or 00 06 00 ab f—l 1— c r-i r-^ d ;tt (Omcinl^ of the Jfcuutc. Sfipdkrr qf ihr. Scmtc.* — Unu. I). \i. MAn-MKUHoN. ( Apidtl. 10 Frh. IHHO.) i'h'vk n/ thr Snnifr am/ i,l ihr I'arlini.niitH —V)\mv s\\.U AuHWW fiANUliviN. Koiiilli M. mC tlifUiifr .Ifiiri Ijiiiiiri'vin, M-ii.. (i( IIm- (!it,v ol' tiiicbcc. iind M l>in(ln>r of Mi-* liOiflsliip llic |{isli(»|i id' IMinoimki, immI of 11(111. Sir Il(>(^((.r li liiiiiK«n ill. K^'.iVl (i. 15. in (/imIm.- in IM"..', I'M. JitMu' QiMil»«M' Snnimir.v M.. lH77. Miiii<' (!|i(iil»»tf<> l';ii/,>il»»'lli,,muw»n«| (lull, nl' lion. .) limes A niiHt rniiK. < '.ivI.U., hi.lc ('lii«-rJiiylirc oCSi. liin-id, iind ToliHiro, WthI ImlirM. Ailmiflcfl im ii Ndfiiiv, \,.V,,,''> F>ef. lHr.H,,|„,| wiiH for Home yciirH ii. iimmii. of IIk* 'MniinlM^r of iVolnricw for tlic disf.. of Qii(>Ih>c. Scrvcil iiH )i. voliiiilcfr ollircr f|iirin« (lie "Trfnl, " (iddir. lu'cniiic Miijor oI'IIh' iltli I5ii.lt. Vol. Mil., or \'iil.h'i/i nrmh (^ii^Jnr, nwi r«'lirr<| rctaininjr riMik, iH(ir), A|»|»ltl. Olcrk oflhc (Vown in (''hiirifiery, Oiiii., I .lull. lW»r> ; (o Hiiiiu' «»fll('c f»»rf.li<' honiiiiioii.ri .Inly IHCY J Ilepiify KctfiMtriir (Jcnernl. 1 .1 " July. IHV.'I Appl'l H< ('Icrk oltlK' Scmi I'urliuini'iit l/oiiHt I ., I .riMi. iniM ; III rrnl, 1 .Inly iHCiS; Under Sci-n-tiiry oT Stiuo ot (!iiri., Clerk of the Semi! (>, 'jr. .Jiiti of I lie (/ivil Service Moiird IKTO- Ai»j»f,d. . !HH;{. (,SV/A<,7/, ,i;:5,|(K».)-l7 Slmcr StnH; (tnifhiiiiin (Jn/irr >f'' t/ir /{fill/,- ffotl —liKSk Kl>W A\i.\> KtMV.KR. \i. InTliree lUverM, IVQ..24 .Inn. IHIC. M.. ". Nov 1K7!>, lioniHe, widow of tlu^ liile II. (). HiirriM,, Kho , of Ottnwn. (nlie d). (jjilled f,o Mie I'wir, li.C, 1H(17: to Mmi of (!.(!. m Kaster 'I'erin \Hi\'.) \ iipptd. tr» |>re»ent oHice (on Mie rcMireimuifofliiH fill her), I .June IH7''). {Sidurn, $ I ..'W) . )— {^nlnr'N fi'iHi'ifi iiff, I'lir/ifinit III IIihihi-, #cnHtot;&. Alkxandku, Ifon. Okoikjb. ( Woodatock.) B. in P.jinrt'Hhlro, Scot., 21 May 18U. K<1. at Aberdeen Univ. M., 184 7, th(5 yonngoHt ]. A. W. Light, of ir. M'K2r>th Kegt. of Foot (" King'Hown llordererH.") Was J'reHdt. of th Nov. lHr,7 until 20 .July 1H72. 2. /Am. p. .1. 0. Chauvoau, OJ'.. hCL-, from 2l Feb. W^i until K.I an. 1H74. ."{. /Am. David (Christie, from 10 .Inn. 1874 until 10 Oct. 1878. 4- /Am. R. D Wilmot, from 8 Nov. 1878 until 10 Feb- 1880. Ill Ill 48 The Senate. 1858 until the Union. Called to the Senate, 30 May 1873. A Conservative. — Rokewood, Woodstock^ Ont. Allan, Hon. George William, D.C.L., F.R.G.S., F.Z.S. (York.) 6. of the late Hon. William Allan, of Moss Park, Toronto — for many years a mem, of the L.C. of U.C, and of the Ex. Council of the same Province during the Governments of Sir F. B. Head and Sir Geo. Arthur — by Leah Tyrer, fourth dau. of the late Dr. John Gamble, surgeon of the "Queen's Rangers,*' a U. E. loyalist B. in Toronto, 9 Jan. 1822. Ed. at U. C. Coll. M., 1st, 1846, Louisa Maud, third dau. of the late Hon. Sir J. B. Robinson, Bart C. B., Chief Justice of U. C. (she d. at Rome, 1852) ; 2nd Adelaide Harriet, third dau, of the Rev. T. Schrieber, formerly of Bradwell Lodge, Essex, Eng. Called to the Bar, IT.C, Hilary Term, 1846. Is Chief Commr. of the Canada Co., and Presdt. of the Western Canada Loan and Savings Co Is Lieut. Col. of the Regimental Division of East Toronto ; Chancellor of the Univ. of Trinity Coll., Toronto and a D.C.L. of the same Institution. Is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Soc, and of the Zoological So^., (Erg). Is Presdt. the U. C. Bible Soc. Was Mayor of Toronio in 1855. Was returned and sat tor York Division in L.C. of Can. from 1858 until Confederation, and was Chair- man of the Private Bill Committee of that House, a position to which he was again elected in the Senate, on the first meeting of the Dominion Parlt., 1867. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. A Conservative. — Moss Park^ Toronto ; Strathallan, Lake Simcoe ; Conservative Club, London, Eng. ; Rideau Club, Ottawa. Almon, WilliamJohnston, M.D. {Halifax.') S of the Hon. Wm. Bruce Almon, M.D., mem. of the L. C. of N. S., and grands, of Wm. James Almon, surgeon, who was apptd. Asst. Surgeon to the Royal Artillery in New York in June 1776, and, having served in the army m Am. till the close of the war, he then entered into the practice of his pro- fession in Halifax, N.S., when he married Miss Rebecca By lee, grand-dau. of the Rev. Mather Byles, of Boston, Mass. Dr. Byles was descended on the maternal side from the Rev. John Cotton, who emigrated in 1633 from Boston, Eng., to Boston, Mass. B. in Halifax in 1816. Ed. at King's Coll., Windsor, where he took the degree of B.A. in 1834. Studied medicine at the Univs. of Edinburgh and Glasgow, and received the degree of M.D. at the latter in 1838. M., in 1840, Elizabeth Lichtenstein, dau. of the late Judge Ritchie, of Annapolis, The Senate. m i N.S. Is a Trustee of the N.S. Building Soc, a Governor of King's Coll., Windsor, and Consulting Physician to the Halifax Hospital and Dispensary. He has filled the offices of Presdt. of the St. George's Soc; Presdt. of the Halifax Club, and Surgeon of the Halifax Field Battery of Artillery. Returned attheg. e. in 1873, mem. in the Commons for the Co. of Halifax. Called to Senate, 1879. A Conservative, and in favour of perpetuating and strengthening our connection with the Mother Country.— 107 Hollis Street.. Halifax^ and Eosebank, Halifax. Archibald, Hon. Thomas Dickson. {North Sydney.) S. of the late David Archibald. Esq., of Onslow, N.S. B. at Onslow, 1813. Ed. at Pictou Academy. M., Ist, Susan, dau. of Wm. Corbett, Esq. ; 2nd, Elizabeth, dau. of George Hughes, Esq., of Boston, U.S. ; 3rd, June 1874, Maria Louisa, relict of the late John Burnyeat, Esq. (she d. Feb. 1875). A mem. of the firm of Archibald & Co., merchants. Is Consular Agent for the U.S. at Sydney, and Presdt. of the Gowrie Coal Mining Co. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, N.S., from 1860 to 1863. Sat in L.C. of N.S. from 1856 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclam'»tion, May 1867. ALiheva].— North Sydney, C.B. ; Halifax Club. Armand, Lieut. Col. Hon. Joseph Francois. (Repentigny.) Of French descent, his grandfather a Royalist, having emigrated from Normandy during the French Revolution of 1793. S. of the late Lieut. Col. Francois Armand, by Marie Louise Vincent. B. at Riviere des Prairies, P.Q., 1820. Ed. at St. Hyacinthe Coll. M., 1855, Alphonsine, dau. of the late Amable Simard, Esq., M.D. Is Lieut. Col. 16th Batt. Montreal Militia. Represented Alma Division in the L.C. Can., from 1858 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. A Conservative — Rivieres des Prairies. P.Q. Baillargeon, Hon. Pierre, M.D. (Stadacona.) Descended from a French family that emigrated to Can. from Londigny, France. S, of the late M. FraDf;ois Baillar- geon, by Marie Louise Langlois, of St. Laurent. B. at Crane Island, P. Q., 8 Nov. 1812. Ed. at Nicolet Coll. M., 1842, the dau. ol the late Joseph Pinchaud, M.D., of Quebec. Is a brother of the late Rt. Rev. C. F. Baillargeon, D.D., Arch- bishop of Quebec. Received degree of M.D. from Harvard ti ^ }H IN 50 The Senate, i ' 1 1: I Univ. Is a mem. of the Boston Medical Asso., and one of the visiting physicians to the Qnel)ec (jeneral Hospital. ;» Presdt. of the Dental Asgo. of the Province of Quebec. Called to the Senate. 26 March 1874. A Liberal. — 17 St. Vrsule Street^ Quebec. Bellerose, Lieut. Col. Jloti. Joseph Hyacintiib, J.P, {De La Naudiire. ) S. of the late M. H. BoUorose, Esq., merchant, Three Rivers, P.Q., by Sophia Le Maitre de Lottinville. B. at Three Rivers, 1820. Kd. at the Coll. of Nicolet and St. Hyacinthe. M., 184'r, Heurietta, dan. of Lieut. Col. Armand, and sister of Hon. J. V. Armand, Senator. Is Vice-Presdt. of the Sovereign Fire Insu. Co., and Mayor of his Municipality. Has been a Commr. under 2 Vict. c. 29., Stat. L.C., and Presdt. of the Union Navigation Co. Has been long and prominently con- nected with the Volunteer Milicia movement in L.C.,and iu 1859 was Commandant of the whole V. Force in Military District Xo. 8. Is now Lieut. Col. commanding Laval Reserve Militia. In 1858, H.M. the Queen, being desirous of showing her estimation of his military services, charged Sir E. W. Head, then Gov. General, to offer him a captaincy in the 100th or "Prince of Wales Royal Can. Regiment," then being organized, a position he accepted, but subsequently, for private reasons, resigned, notwithstanding that he had passed the necessary examinations therefor. On two occa- sions declined important appts. under Govt., and after the death of Sir G. E. Cartier refused a seat in the Cabinet owing to the unsettled policy of Govt, on Man. Amnesty and N.B. School questions, but principally on account of Pacific Rail- way charges then pending. Sat for Laval in Can. Assem. from g.e. 186^ until the Union, and for same seat in Ho. of Commons from that event up to his elevation to the Senate, 7 Oct. 1873. Represented Laval in Quebec Assem. from the Union until g.e. 1875, when he retired, and was, during the whole of that time. Chairman of the Contingent Committee,, and as such eft'ected great reductions in the House expenditure. A Conservative. — St. Vincent de Paul, P.Q. Benson, Hon. James Re a. (. {Mon- tarville.) Descended from Lieut. Gen. Pierre Boucher, Sieur de Grobois, Governor of Three Rivers in 1653, and founder of ti.»/, -..t. The Senate. '9ft the Seigniory of Boucherviile. S. of tlie lute Hon. P. Boucher (le Boucherviile, a member of the Ii.C.,Can., by Amelie, sister of the Hon. C. C, S. de Bleiiry. B. at Boucherviile, P.Q., 1820. Ed. at St. Sulpice Coll., Montreal. Conducted his medical studies at Paris, where he graduated. M., Ist, Susane, dau. of R. L. Morrogh, Esq., advocate, of Mont^'al ; 2nd, Miss C. Lussier, of Varennes. Was a mem. of Ex. Council and Speaker of the L.C., P.Q., from July 1hg7 to Feb. 187;{. En- trusted with the formation of a new Cabinet on the resigna- tion of Mr. Ouimet, a duty he successtully accomplished, 22nd Sept. 1874, when he and his Ministers were sworn into oftice, he (Mr. De B.) taking the portfolio of Secy., and Registrar and Minister of Public Instruction ; transferred to Depart- ment of Agriculture and Public Works, 27 Jan. 1876. Dis- missed b/ Lieut.Gov. Letellier de St. Justin March, 1878. Sat for Chambly in Can. Assem , from g e. 1861 until the Union. Called to L.C., P.Q., July 1867. Called to Senate, 12th Feb. 1879. A Conservative. — Quebec; Boucherviile. De Blois, Hor.. Pierre Antoine. {La Salle.) Is engaged in farming. Was formerly in business iik Quebec as a merchant. Has been Mayor of the Parish of Beauport. Is an uncle of Hon. A. P. Caron, Minister of Militia. Called to the Senate 8th Feb, 1883, in the room of Hon. L. Fabre, resigned. A Conservative. — Beauport^ P.Q. Dever, Hon. James. {St. John ) B. at Ballyshannon, Ireland, 2 May 1825. Came to this country early in life, and was ed. at St. John. M., Nov. 1853, Miss Margaret Morris. A merchant. Called to the Senate,. 14 March 1868. A Liberal.— 5 Chipman'a Hill, St. John, N.B. Dickey, Hon. Robert Barry, QC. {Amherst.) S. of the late R. M. Dickey, Esq. B. at Amherst, N.S.,. 10 Nov. 1812. Ed. at Windsor Academy. M., Oct. 1854, Mary Blair, third, dau. of the late Hon. Alex. Stewart, C.B. Called to the Bar, N.S., .Jan. 1834, and to that of N.B. 1835. Apptd. a Q.C., 1863. Is a dir. of the N S. Electric Telegraph Co., and Consular Agent for the United States at Amherct. Was a delegate from N.S. Govt, to Eng. on the subject of Interco- lonial Railway, 1858 ; and to the Quebec Union Conference, 1864. Was a mem. of the L.C. of N.S. before the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. A Conserv- ative. — Amherst, NS. ; Halifax Cluo ; Rideau Club. I b I a Ij i The Senate. i DiCKHON, Lieut. Col. Hon. Wai.tku Hamilton. {Niagara.) Of ScottlHh descent. 8. of the late Hon. Wni. DickMon, a mem. of the L.C. of U.C. B. in U.C. 1H05. M., 1st, MIks Augustus Maria (leale ; 2nd, Mrs. Armstrong. Called to the Bar, U.C, Hilary Term, 1830. Sat for Niagara in ('an, Assem. from 1844 to 1851. Was a life mt m. of tlio L.C, Can., from Feb. ISoS until the Union. Called to the Senate by Uoyal rroclamation, May 1HG7. A Conservative. — Woodlawn^ Nia- gara, Ont. ■f FER(;uaoN, Lieut. Col. John. (Dathurst.) Descended from the family of Ferguaon of Auchentiber, Ayrshire, Scot. B. in Ayrshire, Scot., 1813. Ed. there. Settled in Bathurst, N.B., 183G. M., 1847, Mary, youngest dan. of the late Hugh Monroe, Esq , of Somerstvale, Bathurst. Has been for mai y years a partner in the firm of Ferguson, Rankin & Co., a branch of the extensive firm of Pollock, Gilmour & Co., of Glasgow. Is Lieut. Col. 1st Batt. Gloucester Co. Militia, and H mem. of the Council of the Dominion Rifle Asso. Sat in L.C. of N.B. from Sept. 1864 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 18G7. A Conserva- tive. — bathurst, N.B. Feurier, Lieut. Col. lion. James (Shawinegan.) B. in Scot. 1800. Ed. in Fifeshire. Came to Can. in 1821, and up to 1836 was actively engaged in mercantile pursuits. Became a mem. of the Corporation of the City of Montreal in 1841, Mayor in 1847, and Lieut. Col. of the First Battalion of Montreal Militia same year. Projected the Mon- treal and Lachine Railway, of which be was Presdt. for some years. Apptd. a mem. of the Board of the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, 1845, ot which he subse- quently became Presdt. Has been a director of the Can, Board of the Bank of British North America since it was first -(established. "Was Presdt. of the Montreal Assu, Co. for six years ; of the St. Andrew's Soc , Montreal, upon several occasions ; and a mcni. of the Council Victoria Coll., Co- bourg. Is Chairman Can. Board of the Grand Trunk Railway Co., including the Montreal and Champlain and the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Cos ; Presdt. of the Quebec Tem- perance and Prohibitory League ; of the Montreal Temper- ance Vigilance Asso. ; and of the Montreal Auxiliary Bible Soc. ; Vice-Presdt. of the Sabbath School Asso. ot Can, ; and of the French Can. Missionary Soc; Supt. of the Wesleyan Tiie Senate. 5t Central Sunday Scliool, St James Street, Montreal ; and n. (lir. of tho International Bridgt; Co. Was a lite mem. of the L.C., Can., from 27 May 1847 until tho Union. Called to the Senate by Uoyal Proclamation, May 18<57. Apptd. mem. for Victoria in the L.C., Quebec, 18H7. A Conservative. — 100 St. Alexander Street, Montreal ; St. Jamea' Club. Flint, Hon. Billa. {Trent.) B. in Elizabethtown, Leeds, Ont., 9 Feb. IBOf). Ed. there. M., Sept. 1H27, Phoebe Sawyer, 2nd dau. of the late P. Clements, Escj., of Brockville. A merchant. Apptd. a J.P. 1836. Was first Prcsdt. of the Board of Police, Belleville; Reeve of Belleville ; Mayor of that town, 1806 ; and Keevo of Elzevir for 21 years up to 1879; and Warden of Hai:tings, 1873. Sat for Hastings in Can. Assem., from 1847 to 1851^ when defeated, and for South Hastings from 1854 to 1857. An unsuccessful candidate for Trent Division, L.C., Can., 1861. Represented that division from 1863 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. A Liberal. — Belleville, Ont. GiBBS, Hon. Thomas Nicholson. P. C. {S'ewmarket.) S. of the late Mr. Thomas Gibbs, who came to Can. from Kingsbridge, Devonshire, Eng , in 1819, .settled at Terrebonne, P.Q., and in 1832 remove to Oshawa, Ont., then part of the Township of Whitby. Is cousin of F. W. Gibbs, P^sq., C B., formerly tutor to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales. B. at Terre- bonne, 11 March, 1821. Ed. in Eng. M., Aug , 1843, Almira, youngest dau. of the late Joseph Ash, Esq., of Cobourg, Ont, Head of the firm of Gibbs k Brother, produce dealers and proprietors of the Oshawa Mills. Is a dir. of the Confedera- tion Life Asso., and Presdt. of the Standard Bank ; Chairman in Can. of the English and Scottish Investment Co. of Canada; Presdt. of the Oshawa Cabinet Company ; Presdt. of the Oshawa Harbour Company ; Presdt, of the Ontario Loan and Savings Co. of Oshawa. Was the first Reeve elected for Oshawa, 1850; and the first Warden elected for the Co. of Ontario in 1854. Sworn of the Privy Council, 14 June 1873, and was Secy, of State for the Provinces from that date until 1 July, when transferred to Inland Revenue Dept., where he remained until the resignation of the Govt., 5 Nov., same year. Contested North Ontario unsuccessfully at g. e. 1854» Sat for South Ontario in Can. Assem. for Jan. 1865 until the Union, when returned to Commons, where he continued to represent South Ontario until g e. 1874, when defeated. Upon } I \ i\ 11 ill ffjl The Senate. death (1 June 1876) of sitting member (Hon. M. Cameron) again returned lor South Ontano, continuing to represent that constituency until 1878. Called to the Senate 3 April 1880. A Liberal Con^servative.— '< Ellesmere Hali^^^ Oshawa, Ont. GiRARD, jyow. Marc Amablb, N.P. (^St. Boniface.) S. of the late M. Amable Girard, of Varennes, P.Q., by Josephte Daunais. B. at Varennes, 25 April 1822. Ed. there. M., 1878, dau. of A. N. Lamothe, Varennes, P.Q., and widow of Alfred Versailles, Mottreal. A Notary. Called to the Bar of Manitoba, 1871. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, and Treasurer of Manitoba, from Sept. 1870 until March 1872, when he resigned ; and Premier of the Province, with tbe office of Prov. Secy., from 8 July to 2 Dec. 1873, when he and his Government retired. On the reconstruction of the Nor- quay Government, in Dec. 1879, took the office of Prov. Secy., which he held until Jan. 1883. Apptd. a member of the Ex. Council for North-West Territories, Dec. 1872. Is Vice- Piesdt. of the Selkirk Agricultural Soc, and Preedt. of the St. Jean-Baptiste Soc. ot Manitoba. An unsuccessful candidate for MontPiville in L. C, Can., 1858, and for Hoche.^ga in Can. Assem,, 1862. Represented St. Boniface in Manitoba Assem., for which he was first returned by acclamation, Dec. 1870. Elected by acclamation for Bale St. Paul at the g. e. 1879. Called to the Senate, on Manitoba entering the Dominion, 13 Dec. 1871. A Conservative. — St. Boniface ; Manitoba Club, Winnipeg. Glazier, Hon. John. (Sttnbury.) A lumber merchant. A dir. of the Fredericton Railway Co. Sat for Sunbury in N . B . Assem. for some years prior and ixp to the Union, and afterwards, until apptd. to the Senate, 14 Mareh 1868. A Liberal. — Lincoln, Sunbu.y, N.B. >Grant, Hon. Robert Patteksoi.. J. P. {Pictou.) S. of the late Lewis Grant, Bookseller and Publisher, Inverness, Scot. B. there, 1814. Ed. at the Inverness Royal Academy. Came to Can. 1833. Went to N.S. in 1835. M. 1840, Annie, dau. of the late James Carjaich-i-el, of New- Glasgow. Is Attorney for the Underwriters of the Home Marine Insu. Asso, of Pictou, and Presdt. of the Pictou Bank. Attended the Detroit Con^-c ition (made celebrated by the memorable speecL of the la^e Hon. Joseph Howe) as The Senate. m a delegate from the Halifax Board of Trade, Is, and has been for the past twenty years, Chairman of the Incorporated Board of Education of the Prcbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces of B .N . A , (now incorporated with the Presbyterian Church in Canada.) Contested four elections in the Liberftl interest, in only one of which was successful ; on that occa- sion he was elected to the N.S.Assem. from the N.R. of Pictou, which seat he held from 1859 to 1863. Has always been a Liberal, but differed from his political friends on ona question — the question of Confederation which he favoured. Apptd. to the 8enate 2 Feb. 1877, on the death of Hon. John Holmes. — Sea Bank, Fictou, JV.S. GuEVREMENT, fl'on. Jean Baptiste. (Sorel.) B. in P.Q. Sat for Richelieu in Can. Assem., from 1854 tog.e.l856, when defeated. Represented Sorel in L. C, Can., from 1858 until the Union. An unsuccessful candidate for Richelieu in Quebec Assem. at g.e. 1867. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. A Conservative. — Charlotte Street, Sorel, P.Q, ] ! I Hamilton, Hon. John. (Inkerman.) A member of the family of Hamilton of Hamwood, Co.. Meath, Irel. The family claims descent from Hugh Hamilton, a son of Sir James Hamilton, of Evandale, in the Kingdom of Scot., who settle in Irel. 1616. (See Burke's Landed Gentry.) Third s. of the latT Col. George Hamilton, of Hawkesbury, Can., who died in 1837, by Lucy Craigie. B. near Quebec in J 827. Ed. in Montreal. M., 1st, Rebecca L., dau. of the Rev. John Lewis, B.A., of Cork, Irel.; 2nd, Ellen Marion, dau. of Wm. Wood, Esq., of Scale Lodge, Surrey, Eng. (she d. Jan. 1872) ; 3rd, June 1873, Jeannie, relict of the late John Major, Esq., and dau. of the late Charles^ Cambie, Esq., formerly of Castletown, Tinperary, Irel. Is- a member of the extensive and long established lumber firm of Hamilton Bos.; proprietor of the Hawesbury Mills, Ont.;. of the Coldbrook Rolling Mills Co.; and.dir. of the Ottawa Union Forwarding Co.; of the Canada Investment and. Agency Co.; and Vice-Presdt. of the Reliance Mutual Life Assu. Soc. of London ; and Presdt. of the Canada Timber and Lumber Asso. Has been Presdt. of the Merchant's Bank of Canada. Was Reeve of Hawkesbury for four years and Warden of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell for three years. Sat for Inkerman in L.C., Can., from 1860 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclama- m The Senate. tion, May 1867. A Conservative. — Evandale House, Hawkes- hury, Ont.; Tyrella House, Sherbrooke Street^ Montreal ; St. dames' Club ; Rideau Club. 9 Haythoune, //o«. Robert Poore. {Queens Co) Descended from a family of merchants and bankers be- longing to Bristol, Eng. S. of the late Aid. T^aythorne, four times elected Mayor of Bristol, who was largely en- gaged in the Spanish wool trade, and subsequently owned landed property in Gloucestershire, by Miss Curtis, of Mar- <3yke, Bristtl. B. at Clifton, Bristol, 1815. Ed. there. M., 1861, in P.E.I., Elizabeth Radcliffe, eld. dau. of Thomas Scott, Esq., Belfast, Irel. Is a Magistrate, and a Governor of Prince of Wales Coll. Entered the Ex. Council, 1867, as a mem. of the late Hon. G. Cole's Administration ; after his retirement continued to sit in the Administration of Hon. Joseph Hensley, and, on his elevation to the Bench, suc- ceeded him as Presdt. of the Council and leader of the Govt., in which he continued until his resignation in 1870. On 2 April 1872, four days before the meeting of Parlt., was entrusted with the formation of a new Govt., a duty in which he was successtul ; and in Feb. 1872, he, with his colleague, Hon, D. Laird, formed a delegation to Ottawa on the subject •of the union of P.E.I, with Can., on the result of which mis- sion his Govt, went to the Country, but not being sustained he accordingly resigned, 18 April 1873. Sat in the L.C. of P.E.I, from 1866 to 1874. Called to the Senate on the ad- mission of P.E.I, as a Province of the Dominion, 18 Oct. 1873. A Liberal. — Marshfield, Charlottetown, P.E.I. HowLAx, Hon. George "William. {Alberton.) B, in Waterford, Irel., 19 May 1835. Emigrated with his parents to P.E.I., 1839. Ed. at the Central Academy there. M., Ist. Oct., 1866, Mifs Olson, of St. John, N.B. (she d. in April 1876) ; 2nd, 1881, Miss Hickey of Kingston, Ont. A merchant and shipowner, and largely engaged in the fish trade. Is Vice-Presdt. of the Dominion Board of Trade, and a Governor of Prince of Wales Coll. Consular Agent for the U.S., and Vice-Consul for Sweden, E jnmark and Norway. Entered Ex, Council of P.E.I. 1866, and remained a mem. of the Gov., a part of the time being co-leader, almost unin- terruptedly up to 30 June 1873. Was a delegate to Wash- ington on trade matters, 1869, and to Ottawa, with Hon. Messrs. Pope and Haviland, May 1873, to settle terms of Union with Can., which terms were adopted unanimously -"^ ■•'- The Senate. ii by both Houses of the Legislature. Sat for Prince (1st Dist.) in Provl. Assem., from 1862 until June 18V3, when apptd. Collector of Customs at Charlottetown, which office he re- signed in Sept. following, in order to contest Prince for the Commons, and was defeated. Was in Provl. Assom. a strenuous advocate of the building of P.E.I. Railway. Called to the Senate, on P.E.I, entering the Dominion, 18 Oct. 1873. Resigning in 1880, he was re-apptd. 5th Jan. 1881. A Liberal. — Alberton, P.E.I. Kaulbach, Lieut. Col Hon. Henry Adolphus Newman, LL.B., Q.C., {Lunenburg.) Of German descent, of lineage with Wilhelm Von Kaul- bach, Officer of the Legion of Honour, the Dir. of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts at Munich, who in 1846 painted for Louis I., of Bavaria, "The Destruction of Jerusalem.'' Great grands, of Martin Von Kaulbach, Esq., an original grantee and settler of Lunenburg, N. S., in 1752. Grands, of Henry Kaulbach, Esq , who was apptd. High Sheriff of the same Co. by Gov. Wentworth, in 1798, and held that office, with others of distinction, until 1828, when he resigned the office of High Sheriff in favour of his son, Lieut. Col. John Henry Kaulbach, who held it to his death in 1879. Eldest s. of last named High Sheriff, by Sophia Fredericka, dau. of Adolphus Newman, Esq. B. at Lunenburg, N. S., 1830. Ed. there at Grammar School, and in classics under tutorship of Rev.J.C. Cochrane, D. C. L., and in Harvard Univ., Cambridge, U. S., where he graduated LL.B. Studied law first with his uncle, Hon. John Crc'ghton, sr., Q.C., M.P.P., and mem. of the Ex. Council of N. S., afterwards Presdt. of the L.C., and subse- quently, with Hon. Wm. Young, then leader of the N. S. Govt., now Kt., late Chief Justice of N. S. Called to the N. S. Bar, 1855. Apptd. Q.C. 1873. Continues to practice as a Barrister. Is an extensive land proprietor and shipowner. M., 1st. 1858, Eunice Sophie only child of the late John Harris, Esq., of Thornhill, Kings, N.S., (shed. 1879); 2nd, J^ept. 1880, Sophia Anne, dau. of H. G. Ryland, Registrar, of Montreal. Apptd. Lieut. Col. 1st Regiment Lunenburg Co. Militia and Volunteer Artillery in 1859. Contested Lunen- burg Co. at g.e. 1863, against the late Hon. Joseph Howe, then leader of the Govt., N. S.; returned by a large majority and held that seat for the Co. in N. S. Assem. until the Union of the Provinces. During the time he was M.P.P. he was a mem. of the N.S. Central Board of Agriculture, and an ard- ent advocate of the Federal Union of all the I'rovinces of of British North America, and of free schools by direct tax- I 1 62 The Senate. ation. The Acts of Ucion and Free Schools being accom- plished, he again contested his Co. at g.e. 1867; was de- feated by the opposition to free school)? and the Union. Called to the Senate 2 7 March 1872. A Conservative— i?e3«rfe«cc ; Medway Hall, Lunenburg^ JV.S. Leonard, Hon. Elijah. (London.) B. 10 Sept. 1815, near Syracuse, State of New York^ moved to Can. in 1830, and became largely interosted in manufacturing. Has been Mayor of London, Ont , fmd a dir. of the London and Port Stanley railway. An unsuccessful candidate for London in Can. Assem. at g.e. 1854. Repres- ented Malahide division in L C. C«n. from 1862 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May^, 1867. A Liberal. — Talbot Street, London, Ont. Lewin, Hon. James Davies. (Lancaster.) n: Descended from the Lewins of Womaston, Radnorshire, Wales, a family of private country gentlemen. B, at Wom- arjtcn, Radnorshire, in 1812. Ed. at Kingston Grammar School. In early life entered the Civil Service of the British Govt., and in that service came to N.B. in 1830, and con- tinued thus for twenty years, when upon the abolition of the Dept. with which he was connected, was elected in 1855- Presdt. of the Bank of N.B., maintaining that position ever since. Called to the Senate, 1876, to fill the vacancy created by the death of the "Jon. John Robertson. — St. John, N.B. Macdonald, Hon. William John. (Victoria City.) Descended from Somerled, Thane cf Argyll and Lord of the Isles. Third s. of the late Major Alexander Macdonald, of Valley, North Uist, andGlendale, Isle of Skye. B. in Co. of Inverness, Scot., 1832. Ed. there. Came to B.C. in 1851. M., 17 March 1867, Catharine, second dau. of Capt. J. M. Reed, of Hon. H.B.Co's service. Is Presdt. B.C. Rifle Asso. Was for eight years in the Hudson's Bay Co's service, during which time he acted as Capt. of Militia and Collector of Customs. Elected Mayor of the city of Victoria 1866, and again in 1871. Served as a mem. of first Board of Edu- cation ; mem. Govt. Tax Court of Revision and Appeal ; Road Commr., etc. Sat for Sooke in V. I. Assem. from 1859 for several years, and was also a mem. of the L. C. of B. C. Apptd^ The Senate. 63 to the Senate on B. C. entering the Dominion, 13 Dec. 1871. A Liberal. — Gordon Street^ Victoria; Union Cluh^ Victoria, B.C. Macfarlane, Hon. Alexander, Q. C. ( Wallace.) Of Scottish descent. S. of the late Hon. Donald Mac- farlane. B. at Wallace, N. S., June 1H17. M. Anne, dau. of Amos Seaman, Esq., of Minudie, N.S. Called to the Bar of N.S. Dec. 1844. Apptd. Q. C. June 1867. Is a Surrogate of Vice- Admiral ity ; and Presdt. of the Spring Hill Mining Co. Sat for Cumberland in N.S. Assem. from 1856 until the Onion. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council of N. S. from 1865 to time of Union, and holds rank and precedence as such by patent from the Queen. Was one of the delegates from N. S. to the Colonial Conference in London, to complete terms of Union, 1866-67. Called to the Senate, 10 Oct. 1870. A Con- fiervative. — Wallace, N.S.: Halifax Club. MacMaster, Hon. William. {Midland.) S. of the late Mr. William MacMaster, linen merchant, of Co. Tyrone, north of Ireland. B. 1811. Came to Can. 1833, M., 1st, 1841, Miss Mary Henderson, of N. Y. (she d. 1868) ; 2nd, 1871, Susan Molton, relict of the late James Fraser, Esq., of Newburgh, N.Y. Was for many years head of the firm of W. McMaster & Nephews, wholesale dry goods merchants, Toronto. Is a mem. of the Senate of the Univ. of Toronto : Presdt. of the Canadian Bank of Commerct. : and of the Free- hold Permanent Building and Savings So*^. Vice-Presdt. of tjie Confederation Life Asso. ; a dir. of the Great Western Railway of Can. and of the Canada Landed Credit Co. ; of the Toronto General Trusts Co.; and of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway. Held for several years the office of Chairman of the Can. Board of the Great Western Railway Co. Repre- sented Midland Division in L.C., Can., from 1862 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Projlamation, May 1867. A Liberal. — Rattiuelly, Davenport Road, Toronto; Bloor Street, Yorkville^ Toronto; Toronto Club. Macpherson, Hen. David Lewis, P.C. {Saugeen.) B. in Scot. 12 Sept. 1818. Ed. at the Inverness Royal Academy. Came to Can. 1835. M., June 1844, Elizabeth Sarah, eld. dau of William Molson, Esq., of Montreal, and grand-dau. of Hon. John Molson, in his lifetime a mem. of the Ex. Council of L . J . , and Presdt of the Bank of Montreal. Is a mem. of the firm of Gzowski & Co., contractors, who have ■J 1 II !■ tt4 The Senate. constructed several branches of Can. Railways and other im- portant works ; a mem. of the Corporation of Hellmuth Col- lege, London, Ont ; a dir. of Molson's Bank; of the Western Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Co., ana of the Guarantee Co. of North America. Elected Presdt. of tne Inter-oceanic Railway Co., incorporated for the purpose of constructing a railway across the continent tc British Columbia, 1872. Was Arbitrator for the Province of Ontario under the B.N. A. Act, '« for the division and adjustment of the debts, credits, liabi- lities and properties of U.C. an L.C.," 1868. Has been Vice-Prcsdt. of the Montreal Board of Trade, and Presdt. of the St. Andrew's Soc. of Toronto. Author of a pamphlet on Banking and Currency, (Toronto, 1869), and also of several pamphlets, between 1877 and 1882, dealing wi'h the public expenditure, etc. Representt^d Saugeen Division in L.C., Can., from Oct. 1864 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. Apptd. Speaker of the Senate and a mem. of the Cabinet, without portfolio, 10th Feb. 1880. Was acting Minister of the Interior during the absence of Sir John A Macdonald in England, 1881. A Con- servative. — Chestnut Park^ Toronto; Toronto Club; Rideau Club; St James Club. Masson, Lifut.mCol. (^Mille'hles.) Hon. Louis Francois Roderick, P. (7, Fourth s. of the late Hon. Joseph Masson, and brother of the late Hon. Edouard Masson, M.L.C. B. at Terrebonne, P.Q., 7 Nov. 1833. Ed. at the Jesuit Coll., Georgetown, and at Worcester, U.S.., and completed his classical studies at the Coll. of St. Hyacinthe, P.Q. M., 1856, Louisa Rachel, eld. dau. of the late Lt.-Col. Alexander Mackenzie, and grand- dau. of the Hon. Roderick Mackenzie, an Ex. Councillor of L.C. and a partner in the North- West Fur Co. (shed. 24 July 1880 ) Called to the Bar, L.C, Nov. 1859. Has held a commission in the Can. Vol. Militia Force since Oct. 1862, and was apptd. Brigade Major 8th Military Dist., L.C, 21 Aug. 1863, which he resigned Jan. 1868. Served on the frontier during the first Fenian raid, March 1866, and was on active service during the second raid, in the same year ; pro- moted to present rank 1867. Elected Mayor of Terrebonne 1874. First returned to Parlt. for Terrebonne by acclama- tion atg.e. 1867, re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1872, atg.e. 1874, and again at g.e. 1878. Sworn ameur. ofthe Privy Council as Minister of Militia and Defence, Oct. 1878. Acting upon the strict injunctions of his medical adviser, resigned his position as Minister of Militia, 15 Jan. 1880, and The Senate. 65 accepted portfolio of Piesdt. of the Council, which position he was compelled to resign through continued ill health, 8 Nov. 1880. Called to the Senate 30 Sept. 1882. A Con- servative. Is in favor of a Reciprocity Treaty with the U.S. on fair and equal terms, and *of a moderately protective tariff. — Terrebonne^ P.Q. ; Rideau Club. McClelan, Hon. Abner Reid (IlopeiveU.) B. at Hopewell, N.B., 1831. Ed. at Mount Allison Wes- leyan Academy. Was one of the Governors of Mount Allison Wesleyan Coll. Sackville, N.B., and Vice-Presdt. of the Alumni Sou. of the Academy and Coll. of that name. Was a mem. of Ex. Council and a Commr. of the Board of Works, N.B., from April 1866, until the Union. Sat for Albert in N.B. Assem., from 1854 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. A Liberal. — Riverside, Hopewell, N.B. McInnes, Hon. Donald. (Burlington.) M., 30th April, 1863, Mary Amelia, fourth dau. of the late Hon. Sir J. B. Robinson, Bart. Has long been one of the lead- ing merchants and manufacturers of Canada. Is Presdt. of the Bank of Hamilton, of the Canada Cotton Co. of Cornwall, and of the South Saskatchewan Valley Railway Co. ; and a dir. of the Canada Life Insu. Co. Was chairamn of the Royal Commission, apptd. 16 June 1880, to inquire into the organiza- tion of the Civil Service of Canada. Called to the Senate, 24 Dec. 1881. A Liberal Conservative. — "Z>Mn6?Mrn," Hamil- ton ; Rideau Club ; Toronto Club ; St. James Club ; Manitoba Club. McInnes, Hon, Thomas Robert, 31. D., CM. (Ashcro/t.) Fourth s. of the late John McInnes, Esq., formerly of Inverness, Scot., and latterly of Lake Ainslie, N . S, by Mary, third dau. of Capt. Edward Hamilton, of Paisley, Scot. B. at Lake Ainslie, N.S., 5 Nov. 1840. Ed. at Normal School, Truro, N.S., and Harvard Univ., Boston, U.S. M., 26 Oct. 1865, Mrs. Webster, relict of the late Geo. M. Webster, Esq., of Dresden, Ont. Elected by acclamation Reeve of Dresden, Ont., Jan. 1874. Was Mayor of the City of New Westminster, B.C., from Jan. 1876 to Jan. 1878. Physician and Surgeon to the Royal Columbia Hospital since May 1874. Apptd. Medical Superintendent of British Columbia Lunatic Asylum, July 1878. Sat for Ashcroft in the Commons from 26 March 1878, 3 ^ ! « m! K 66 The Senate. 'f :! until apptd. to the Senate, 24th Dec. 1881. Thoroughly independent in politics. Favours compulsory voting, equitable reciprocity with the U.S. and consolidation of the Dominion by the immediate construction of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way. — Mary Street^ New Westminster, B.C. McKay, Hon. Thomas. {Londonderry.) , Of Scottish descent. B. in Co. Pictou, N.S., 8 Jan. 1839. Ed. there. M., Nov. 1868, Miss Jessie Blair, of Truro. A merchant. First returned to Parlt., for Colchester, at g.e. 1874. Unseated on petiHon U N'ov. 1874; re-elected 17 Dec. IP 74, and again at g. Id. Kesigned June 1881, and apptd. to the Senate, 24 i>^tv. ""^1. A Liberal Conservative. — Truro, N.S. Miller, Hon. William, Q.C. (Richmond.) Descended from a family that emigrated to N. S. at the early settlement of the Province. B. at Antigonish, N.S., 12th Feb. 1835. Ed. at the Grammar School, St. Andrews, and the Antigonish Academy. M., Oct. 1871, Annie, daughter of the late Hon. James Cochrane, of Halifax, N.S. Called to the Bar, N. S., May 1860. Apptd. Q.C, 1872. Sat in N.S. Assem. from g.e. 1863 until the Union, and while in that House rendered important assistance to the Union cause. Being opposed to the financial conditions and other details of the Quebec scheme of Union, it was on his suggestion that the Govt, delegation to England was appointed in order to effect, under the auspices of the Imperial authorities, such modifications of that scheme as would render it more ac- ceptable to the people of N.S. Was nominated as a delegate to the London Colonial Conference of 1866-67, but declined the appointment. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, 1867. A Liberal. — Halifax ; Arichat, NS. Montgomery, Hon. Donald {Park Corner.) Sixth s. of the late Daniel Montgomery, Esq., who emigra- ted from Argyllshire, Scotland, to P.E.I, upwards of a century ago, and for more than thirty-five years represented Prince County in the Provl. Assem., by Miss Penman, of New Eng. B. in Princetcwn, P.E.I., 19 Jan. 1808. Ed. there. M., 1st, 1835, Miss Ann Murray (she d. April, 1858) ; 2nd, May 1831, Louisa, relict of the late Lawrence W. Gall, Esq. Sat for Princetown in the Provl. Assem., of which he was Speaker for four years, from 1838 until 1862, when the L.C. being made elective, he ! The Senate. tr was returned to that body and became Speaker, an office he continued to hold until March, 1874. Called to the Senate on P. E. I. entering the Union, 13 Oct. 1873. A moderate Con- servative. — Park Corner, P. E. . MuiRHEAD. Hon. William. (^Chatham.) S. of the late John Muirhead, Esq., a native of Dumfries- shire, Scot., who came toN.S. 18 i 7, and for some years carried on business as a merchant and nhip-builder, at Pictou, N.8. B. in town of Pictou, 4 April, 1819. Ed. at Miramichi, M., Miss Annie Gray. A merchant, shipper, shipbuilder, ship and mill owner. Is a director of the Maritime Bank of the Dominion ; of the Coldbrook Rolling Mills Co. ; of the Northern Western P'ilway ; Presdt. of the Miramichi Ship-building Co., and the laaritime Warehousing and Dock Co. Sat in the L.C if N. B. from 1868 until called to the Senate, 4 Jan. 1873. * L\ ^ral. — Chatham^ N.B. ; Rideau Club. Nelson, Hon. Hugh. (Barkerville.) S. of Robert Nelson, Esq., of Shore Cottii ^ Maghera- morne, Antrim, Irel., by Frances Quiiin. Boi . tt Lame, North of Irel., 25 May, 1830 Ed, there. Is a lumber mer- chant. Represented New "Westminster in B.C. Legislature from Nov. 1870, until its dissolution, 1871. Returned to Com- mons for Bame constituency, Nov. 1871, on the admission of B.C. into the Dominion; re-elected by acclamation at g,e. 1873. Called to Senate, 12th Dec. 1879. A Liberal Conservative. — Burrard Inlet, B. C., Union Club, Victoria, B. C. ; Rideau Club. NoRTHWOOD, Hon. John. (Larnbton.) A native of Irel. Came to Can. 1832, and settled in Chat- ham, Ont., 1833. Took part ia the election of 1834, in the Conservative interest, and has been active in all political con- tests in the Co. up to the present time. Unsuccessfully con- tested Kent against the Hon. Archibald McKeller in 1864. Has been actively engaged in commercial and manufacturing pursuits until a few years ago. Apptd. to the Senate, 1880, to fill the vacancy created by the death of the Hon. George Brown. A Liberal Conservative. — Chatham, Ont. n Odell, Hon. William Hunter. (Rockwood.) S. of the late Hon. William Franklin Odell, who held the office of Provl. Secy, of N.B; for 32 years ; and grauds. of The Senate. .* lit' r Hon. Jonathan Odell, a zealous Royalist. B. in N.B. Ed. at^ King's Coll., Fredeiicton, where he graduated B.A., 1832 M., the eld, dau. of the late Hon. Mr. Justice Bliss, of Halifax^ Called to theBar, N.B., 1838. Apptd. Clerk of the Supreme Court, N.B., wbich office he subsequently resigned. Apptd. Deputy Provl. Secy., Registrar and Clerk of the Ex. Council, N.B., 1838, and subsequently, in 1844, filled the latter positioa on its being constituted a separate and distinct office. A Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1847, and a member of the L.C. of N.B., by Royal Warrant, 1880, where he sat until the Union. Was a member of the Ex. Council, and Postmaster General, N.B., from 1365 until the resignation of the Govt, the following year. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May, 1867. A Conservative. — Rockwood, F.-edericton, N.B. O'DoNOHOB, Hon. John, Q C. Descended from the anciv^nt family of his name, having- their chief seat at Glenfiesh, Kerry, Irel. Born at Tuam, in Galway, 1824, and ed. at St. Jarlath's Coll. there. Arrived in Toronto in 1839, and has continued to reside there ever since. M., 1 848, Charlotte Josephine, dau. of Dr. Bradley, of Toronto, (she d. 1854). Was engaged in commercial pursuits for some years. Called to the Bar, Ont., Hilary Term, 1869. Apptd. Q.C. 4th Oct. 1880. Is a Captain in the Militia. Sat as an Alderman in the City Council of Toronto, 1857, and again iu 1859, and on those occasions was Chairman of the Finance Committee, and represented the corporation at the Board of Governors of Toronto General Hospital. Was Sec'y of the St. Patrick's Benevolent Soc. during the Presidency of the late Hon. Ptobert Baldwin, and held the office of Presdt, for many years after Mr. Baldwin's retirement. Was County Crown Attorney of the County of York and City of Toronto,from 1872 to Jan. 1874, when he resigned in order to become a candi- date for Parlt. Elected Presdt. of the " Ontario Catholic League," 3rd April, 1871. Was an unsuccessful candidate for East Peterboro* in Ont. Assem. at g.e., 1871, and for Toronto- East in the Commons at g.e., 1872. First returned to Parlt. for East Toronto at g. e. 1874. Being unseated on peti- tion, 26th Nov., 1874, he was again an unsuccessful candidate for the same seat. Called to the Senate 10th June, 1882. Was a supporter of the MacKenzie Govt, when in the Commons. A Liberal Conservative, and a supporter of the National Policy. Jarvis St., Toronto. Ogilvie, Lieut, 'CoL Hon. Alexander Walker, J.P. (Alma.y Descended from a younger brother of Gilchrist, Earl of The Senate. . li Angus, a valiant soldier, who, in thr 1 3th Century, was re- warded with the lands of Ogilvie in Banftshire, Scot, and assumed the name of the estate. The familj* is celebrated in history for having long preserved ihe Crown and Sceptre of Scot, from tlie hands of Cromwell. Parents came to Can., 1800, where his father served during the war of 1812 and during the rebellion of 1837 as a volunteer cavalry officer. B. at St Michel, near Montreal, 7th May, 1829. Ed. in Mont- real. M. Sarah, dau. of William Louey, Esq. In 1854, founded the firm of A. W. Ogilvie & Co., hirgely engaged in the grain trade and proprietors of the Glenora Mills, Montreal. Retired from the firm in 1874. Is a Lieut.-Col. of Montreal Cavalry (retired list) ; Vice-Presdt. of the Exchange Bank, and of the Montreal Loan and Mortgage Co. ; Presdt, of the St. Michel Road Co. ; Chairman of the Montreal Turnpike Trust, and of the Montreal Board of Directors of the London (Eng.) Ouarantee Co.; a dir. of the Sun Life Insu. Co., the Edwardsburg Starch Co., The Lindsay Paper Mills Co., The Corriveau Silk Co., The Cochrane Ranche Co., and of the Dominion Ranche and Cattle Co., Texa«<. Has been an Alderman for the City of Montreal ; Presdt. of the Working- man's Widow and Orphans' Benefit Soc, and of the St. Andrew's Soc. Sat for Montreal West in Leg. Assem., P.Q., from g.e. 1867, when returned by acclamation, until g.e. 1871, when he declined re-nomination. Re-elected at g.e. 1876, and sat until g.e. 1878, when he again declined re- nomination. Called to the Senate 24 Dec. 1881. A Conser- vative pure and simple. — Edgehill Avenue^ 11 GO Dorchester St , Montreal; Rideau Club. Paquet, Hon. Anselme Homere, M.D. {De la Vallihre.) S. of the late Timothee Paquet, Esq., by Marie F. Rob- illard, both of the parish of St. Cuthbert, P. Q. B. at St Cuthbert, 27 Sept, 1830. Ed. at the Coll. of L Assomption, M., at L'Assomption, Sept, 1854, Delle Marie A. H. Gariepy. Is a Licentiate of Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, L. C. Professor of Hygiene and Public Health at the Montreal School of Health and Surgery, and of the Medical Faculty of Victoria Univ. Presdt. of the Permanent Building Soc. of the Co. of Bertbier ; Manager of the agt^ncy of the Ville Marie Bank at St Cuthbert. An unsuccessful candidate for De La Naudiere, L. C, 1863. Sat for Berthier in Can. Assem. from 1863 until the Union, and for same seat in the Com- mons from that event until 9 Feb. 1875, when elevated to 4he Senate. A Liberal — St. Cuthbert, P. Q. TO 7'Af Sfnatt. l*RM,KTiKn !hn. ruAni.KM Aipiionhr Pantai.kon, C.MAi.y U.C.L., Q.t\, r.C. {(irnthiriUe.) 8. of .1. M. r<>lIfti(M", ti TiKTrliimi hiuI furtiuM-, hy .liilitr rain* hand, HiKtor of liito Kov.!*. K raiiicliniMl, foniidci.- of i\\o Coll. of St. Anno. \\ g. Horn iit \i\\v\ Oiu'llo, I'. Q., JJiul .Inn. lH:t7. Kd. a1 St. .Vhuc'h ('oil. und iit l,Hval Univ., from whiih ]w obtainoti (U-^rcc of HC.L., 15 Sept. 1858. M. 1st, 1S()I, SauHUuno, dau. of the lato iloii ('has. K. (*aHf(rain, M.L.O. («h«Ml. 1M()'2); 'Jnd. N'iiKiida A., Nocond dan. of tho lato Hon. M. 1\ OcSah*!* I.a ToniiMc, M.|).. who Hat in tho rarlt. oi L. (\ and af(i>i wards in that of llnitod Can. (bailed' to tho Har, L.C., ISC.o. .\pptd. QV. by tho (}ovt. of (,J!U(«h(!o 2Ut .Ian. 187J>. lias Im'om Syndic of tho Quohor Har, and was olcotfd thivo tinu's I'n'Hdt. of tho Soi-. do St. .h-an HaptiHto, (.^uohor. Was for several y«'arH Major lUh Matt., or V(dtigourH. do (.>>uoIhm\ VVa« in oonnnand (»f that hatt. durlnj; tho Fon- ian raid ii» 1H(;«; ; rotiro«l retaining; hiH rank, in IHiw;. WaH a candidate for KaniouraKka at g. e. 1HI>7, whon npocial ro- turn waH matlo and tho ct)n»tituonoy was diafranchiHod for some months. First returned for that seat Fob. 18(>".>; re- elected at ^. e. 18T'2, ami again, by acclamation, at ^. o. 1874. Sat for (.^)uoberEast in (.Quebec Assem. from Feb- 1 873 to .Ian. 1 874 when, in consequence of the operation of the Act .espoctinit; (lual representation, he resigned hia seat in that body, in order to remain in the Commons, and in which he continuod" (representing Kamouraska) up to 1877. Sworn of tho Privy Council, in .Ian. 1877, as Minister of Agriculture, which of- tice he held until Oct. 1878, when he resigned with his col- leagues. Was Tresdt. of tho ("anadian Commission for the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1878, lor which service lie was created a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, (20 Oct. 1878). (^alled to the Senate in 1877- A Lib- eral. — Cor. St. Vrsule and St. J.ouis Streets, Quebec; Qarrison Chtb, Quebec. Plumb Hon. Josiah Burr, S. of an Episcopal clergyman, of Eng descent on. both sides. H. in his fathers parish. East Haven, Conn., r.S,181C. ^I., in 1848, tho youngest dau. of the late Hon. Samuel Street, of Niagara Falls (she d ) First returned to Parlt. for Niagara at g. e. 1874. Unseated on petition, 2'1 Oct. 187 4; re-elected 19 Dec. 1874. Was a candidate at g. e; 1878. when his opponent was declared elected by a majority^ of two vo^es. Subsequently that gentleman was disquali- fiedj and. four votes having been struck off hU list fou . Thf Striate. 71 J hrilicry, tint Hciii witw Awunlrd to iiirn. An uriHiircttHMfiil ('Hii(|i(lHt. in I H«;<;. [Jnmanicd. Wan admit- ted to the Itar in l)<'(M!nil>y the IIouho. Whh actively en>^^af(. at Pres- rott, 24 Feb. 1825. Ed. at Pres, ott. M. Mary Ann, dau. of the late John lliM'on, Ksc]. of Ottawa, Calhid to tlio Bar of U.C., Kaster Term, 1848. Apptd. a Q.C. 18G7. WaH Mayor of Ottawa 1852. Kleeted Speaker of the Ont. AsBem. T Dee. 18T1, but resigned on being appM. a mem. of the Ex. Council and Connnr. of Crown Lands for that Prov. oii 21 same nuuitli, in which oilice he remained until 7 Nov. 1873, when sworn of the Queim's Privy (Council. Was Sec. of State from \) Jan. 1874 until Oct. 1878. Acted as Minis- ter of Finance during the absence of Mr. Cartwright in Eng. 1874, andaga'.n in 1875 ; acted as Ministerof Inland Revenue during illness of Mr. GcolVrion. 1875-7G : and as Minister of -lustice during Mr. Blakes absence in England in 187G. Sat for Ottawa in Can. Assem. from 1857 to 1803, when defeated ; and for same seat in Ont. Assem. from g. e. 18G7 until Nov. 1873, whcji he resigned. Mr. Scott's principal legislative achievement is the Separate School Law of Ont., which he prepared and carried in 1 803, as a private member, a mea- sure which was the means of removing a vexed question! from the political arena, and of allaying much public irrita- tion. The Canada Temperance Act v/as framed by him, and carried through Parlt. chiafly owing to his exer- tions. Was present, ofldcially, at the U. S. Centennial, ?87G. Called to the Senate, 13 March 1874. A Liberal.— 274 Daljf St, ; Rideau Club, Ottawa. SiMPSox. Hon. Jou\. (Boivmanville.) Family came to Can. from Scot, and settled on the " Scotch Line.' Perth,1816 ; afterwards removed to Brockville. B at Rothes, near Elgin, Scot., May 1812. Ed in Can. En- tered mercantile life, 1825, as a clerk, at Darlington, Ont. Opened a branch of Bank of Montreal at Bowmanville, 1848, and subsequently another at Whitby. Assisted in founding the Ontario Baidv, 1857. of which he became Presdt. Re- presented Queen's division in L.C. Can, from 1856 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. A Liberal. — Howmanvillc^ Ont. Skkad, Hon. James. {Rio'eau.) Of Scottish descent. B. near Moresby Hall, parish of Moresby, Cumberland, Eng. Ed. there. M. Miss Mackay. A The Senate. 75 retired lumber mnrchant and maiiufucturer. Is Prcsdt. of the Ottawa Hoard of Trade, of the City of Ottawa Agricultural Hoc, of tho Ottawa Liberal CoiiHervative Akso. Han been Presdt. of the Ottawa Agrl. fnsur. Co., and of tho Upper Ot- tawa Steamboat Co. Ih I'rf^sdt. of the dominion Board of Trade; a dir. ot the Ottawa Ahko. of Lumber Manu- facturers) of the MadawasUa River Improvemeut Co., and of the Caughnawaga Ship Canal Co. Has been Vice-Presdt. of the (Canada Central Railway Co., and of the Montreal and Ottawa City Junction Railway. Elected Presdt. of the Liberal Conservative Conv«!ntion which met in To- ronto, 23 Sept. 1874. Has been a member of the Corpora- tion of the City of Ottawa ; Presdt. of thj Agricultural and Arts Asso. of Ont., and of the Ottawa St. George's Soc. by which he was (1870) presented with a handsome gold cross of St. Georg .ipri' 1838. Ed at Nicolet Coll. M., April 1864, Marie Zofc Aimee, dau. of the late Hon. Louis Renaud, Senator f( r i)'>^u'abe"ry Division. Jailed to the Bar L.C., Dec. 1861. ^'^p^■^. I Q 0. 11 Oct. 1880. Was editor of £a Minerve M-jhixv^]) for a short time, 1860. One of the The Senate, n authors of the Programme Catholiqhe (1871) and has written largely in the French Canadian periodicals of the day. Has been for several years Presdt. of the " Cercle Literaire " and of the " Union Catholique," of Montreal. Sat for Champlain in Quebec Assem. from g, e. 1871 until g. e. 1875. Called to the Senate 31 Oct. 1873. A Conservative. — 265 Sherbrocke Street, Montreal. ViDAL, Lieut. Col. Hon. Alexander, P.L.S. (Sarnia.) Family originally from Spain. Removed to Eng. in l7th century. Eld. surviving s. of the late Capt. R. E. Vi- dal, R. N. B. in Berkshire, Eng., 4 Aug. 1819. Ed. at the Royal Mathematical School, Christ's Hospital, London, Eng. Accompanied his father to Canada, 1834, and settled in Sar- nia following year. M., Dec. 1847, Catherine eld. dau. of the late Capt. W. E. Wright, R. N., of Moore, Lambton. A P.L S., and practiced his profession from 1843 to 1852. Is Lieut. Col. Lambton Reserve Militia ; County Treasurer of Lambton, and Vice-Presdt. Y.M.C.A., Sarnia. Was manager of Sarnia branch of late Bank of U.C., from 1852 until the failure of that institution, 1866, and held same position in service of Bank of Montreal from that time until 1875, when he resigned. Elected Chairman of the Dominion Prohibi- tory Convention, Montreal, Sept. 1875, Is Presdt. of the Dominion Alliance for Total Suppression of the Liquor Traffic, and Presdt. of the English Loan Co., of London, Ont. An unsuccessful candidate for the Commons at g. e. 1872. Sat for St. Claire Division in L. C. Can , from Sept. 1863, un- til the Union. Called to the Senate, 15 Jan. 1873. A Con- servative. — Sarnia, Ont. ^ Wark, Hon. David. (Fredericton.) Descended by both parents from Scotch families that settled in Ulster in the 17th Century. B. near ' mdonderry, Irel., 1804. Came to N. B. 1825. M, Annie Ei.zabeth, dau. of Isaac Burpee, Esq , of Sanbury, N, B. A merchant. Is a member of the Senate of the Univ. of N B. Was a mem- ber of the Ex, Council, N.B., from 1858 to 1862, and Receiver Gent^ral for a few months, 1867. Sat for Kent in N.B. Assem. from 1845 to 1851, when apptd. to L.C. of that Province, where he remained until the Union. Called, to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. a. Liberal. — Water Street, Richibiicto, N.B. 1 I 78 ! > < Ok ♦ o 0) c c O oo 3 o Ol I S » ti-r- « ■S3 cs 5.1 CO Cs| M r-i T-l 1-1 O C. ixi OJ ^ IC -^ (M ?D KJ >M pj*; ■-3 o n u "s^ < 4) -" :4-i C S, O u esaul ton. iver. Kirk rter. s o o a. c/j ft^*-^^H ».! 0) t pO a s Ol bo > 3 o <: 12; CO t- I— 1 • ^3 . a> ^ -^^ o P. ^ o e3 ■TS ^ eS -*-> i-H o I-H ;?; Ol « »-< 13 • -r! ■^ 9 . Cm o Ol > o n. C. Eishe M. Simpsf W. Savary Lacerte. Nathan. s ''►.• • >^ • W^<5ftW "Jl . • • Addles Moved 00X1 t^^W . 1 -W 1 (> • i< ^• '^0 '-C l^ r-H •H riT— li— ( rH . t-OOrHIM to tot- r-- 1- «i X)C;CC00 00 0) r— f— 1 rH (—( ri tH o s h4 M >- o •o a> o u O CO CO,- 00 0300 £3 I-' I— (i-H 3Q Ci I— 1 r-< 'M I— I Ci rH 53 6C 3 O u 'tJ s P3 !:^ O W fe a; u ft W h4 6 0) s 3 -^ m o t- t- 1^ OO CO QO I- I- QO r/3 be o O -«^ GO t- 00 QO K E- Us • >% h 03 • >> 3 >> S5 «S « :^ S S 'C I- I— I 1- '" (M 1—1 • c> • >i V ^ ">-. ^M \- id fm* 3 S 3 (m ■* a; h -2 :; J2 J^ a< OS Pm .=) Pm i^ t- o ^ <— 1 !— < i—i ii cc 6 • n c3 ja 3 3 "1" A o 93 "3 ID O • • a i-s P^ fi^ ^ fl 0) ^ « • a; pq K >i ^^ 41 be s Ol o CJ « P3 • -t-i s m 1^ CQ ^ rjl Ph 0) ft K Ol a • • 1^' u5 S-5 . . >> >. r^ s a 3 ^ ■m o &H -Q w -C o a> a> \M O Sm \.-~ M o 1— ( I— 1 1-H rH : • 1 • • , >» %^ >i 1 h ^ ^ « ^ S3 3 _ 3 3 ;« ^ ^ u> ^ O f^ « 0) Ij Ph fl fe 00 'N a: ■^j r-^ ^ ■^i ^ o 0^1 1- 55 x; ao OO 00 QC OO (— I r^ r^ T— 1 I 80 House of Commons. (Officials! 0f the Diauise of (!!0mmattj8(. * Speaker of the House. — Jlon. George Airey Kirkpatrick^ Q.C. (Elected 8th Feb., IS83.) C%rk of thf Iloiisi. — John (ifmrck "Bourtnot. Eld. son of Hon. J. Bourinot, Senator; and grands, of Jiuigc Marshall, of N.S. B. at Sydney, N.S.. 24 Oct. 1837. Ed. under tutorship of Rev. W. Y. Porter, auvl at Trinity Coll., Toronto, where ho took AVellington and other Scholarships. Was subsequently connected with the newspH)>er press of Canada as Parliamentary Keporter and Editor. Estaolishcd the Hulii'ax Jtcportn- in IH6(), and was its chief editor for years. He has been for years a contributor to leading British, American and Can- adian periodicals, and is author ot several works on various historical and political questions. A Fellow of the H. Colonial Institute, to the proceedings of which he has contributed : also Fellow of the Statistical Soc. ; Honorary Secretary of the Royal Soc (»f Canada. Was Chief Officiu Rei)orter of the N. S. Assem. from 1801 to the eve of Confederation. Ai)ptd. to the Senate as short hand writer, etc., 1868, where he remained until apptd. Second Clerk Asst., April 1873. Apptd. First Clerk Asst., Feb. 1879 : 'Jhief Clerk of the House of Com- mons 1 Dec. 1880. A Commr, p»'V DmlmuH PoteMatent, {Sulary,. $3,400.) — 445 Albert Street ; Home of Commons. Clerk Axfu'atdiit.—YRAScois FoRTuxAT Rouleau, li. C.L. S. of Lieut. Col. Francois Rouleau, N.P., Registrar of Dorchester, by Luce Labont^. B. at Ste. Claire, P. Q., 4 July 1849. Ed. at the Laval Normal School, Quebec, and at the Laval Univ., where he ob- ined the degree of B.C.L., 1870. M., 8 May 1878, M. J. J. Ali)honsine» W. Peachy, Esq., Customs Department, Ottawa. Cal *. Q.,1870. Represented Dorchester in the Commons Called to from dau. of J. the Bar, P. k^., irnu. xveprescnied j^oruiit;si.t;i- iii iiiu \^uiuiiiuiia iiuii g.e. 1874, until 24 May 1882, when sippointed to present position [Suldry a^2,400.J House of Commons. Accountunt.^UEHHY Hartney. B. at York, U. C, 10 Aug. 1822. Ed. at UC- Coll. Entered Public Service in the office of the TJ.C Assem. 1838. Api)td. A 'st. Office Clerk to Can. Assem. 1854 ; Clerkto Joint Committee of boti Houses on the Printing of Parlt., 1862: Chief Office Clerk, 1864; an As.^t. Clerk House of Commons, Jan. 187.3; and Deputy to Clerk of the same House, June 1873, until 1 Dec. 1880. Is also a Commr. to administer the oath of allegiance to members of the Commons. [Sabui/ $2,800.]— 390 Sparks Street ; House of Commons. Seryeant at .4rm^.— Doxald William Macponell. B. at CornwalU Ont., 1824. Commanded the 4th Stormont Militia for many years and retired with the nmk of Lieut. Col., 1864. Apptd. Sergt- at Arms to the Leg. Assem. of the late Province of Can., 14 June 1854 , to same office for the House of Commons of the Dominion, 2 Nov. 1867. A Commr, per Dedimus P^te^nium to adminisif r the oath of allegiance to members. (Salary, $2,400.) — Sergeant at Arms' Residence, Parlia- ment Building. •PREVIOUS SPEAKERS. (1.) Hon. James Cockbffirn, Q.C. from 16 Nov. 1867 until dissolution of the Second Parliament. Jan. 1874. (2.) Hon. Tim<»thy Warren Anglin.from 16 March 1874 imtil 28 April 1877. and fr-.m 7 Feb. 1878 until the dissolution of the Third Parliament, 187>*. (3.) Hon. Joseph Goderic Blanchet, M.D., from 13 ^eb. 1879 until the dissolution of the Fourth Parliament 1882. Jfou&e of Commons. 81 Prmbctsf of the |lau,$c af (TommoM^?^ Ahhott, lieut. Col. Hon. John Joskph Caldwfll, D.C.L., Q.C. {Ar[//>.nteml.) p]ldest s. of the late Rev. Joseph Abtiott, first Anglican, Incumbent of St. Andrews, Argenteuil, well known as the author of Philip Musf/rave, or the Adventures of a Missionary in Canada^ by Harriet, dau. of the llev. Richard Bradford, first Rector of Chatham, same county. B. at St. Andrew's, 12 March 1821. Ed. there, and at the Univ. of McGill Coll., Montreal. M., 1849, Mary, dau. of the Very Rev. .T. Bethune, D.D., Dean of Montreal. Called to the Bar, L.C. Oct. 1847. Apptd. Q.C., 1862. Is Dean of the Faculty of Law in Univ. of McGill Coll. ; 80licitor|and standing counsel of Canadian Pacific Railway Co. ; Lieut. Col. of the 1 Ith Bat. or " Argenteuil Rangers," raised by him during the '• Trent " difficulty; Presdt. of the Fraser Insti- tute, 01 Free Public Library of Montreal ; author of The Insol- vent Act of 1864, with notes, etc., (Que. 1864), a measure which he introduced and carried through the Can. Parlt. Was a member of the Ex. Council and Solicitor General L. C, from 24 May 1862, to 14 May 186.S. Was elected for present seat in Can. Assem. at g.e. 1857, but not returned, and only seated after an arduous contest ; continued to represent the Co. in that House until the Union. First returned to Commons at g.e. 1867, and re-elected at g.e. 1872 and 1874. Unseated Oct. 1874. Was a candidate at g.e. 1878 and was defeated, but re-elected Feb. 1880 on sitting mem , Dr. Christie, being unseated. Un- seated on petition, 1881, but re-elected by an increased major- ity. Re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. Was associated with Hon. Sir H. Langevin on the Letellier mission to Eng- land, in April, 1879. His legislation includes, in addition to the Insolvent Act, the Jury Law Consoldation Act for Lower Can. and the measure for collecting judical and registration fees by stamps, and many less important measures. A Liberal Conservative ; supports the present administration. — 916 Sherbrooke Street; St. James' Club, Montreal; ^^ Boisbriant,''^ Ste. Anne's, Que. ; Rideau Club . Allen, Benjamin. {North Grey.) S. o*" William Allen, a descendant of Richard Allen, an Englishman who settled in Sligo, Irel., in 1670. B. in Sligo 1830, and came to Can. in 1850. Went to Australia in 1852 and returned in 1856. M., in 1857, May, eldest dau. of J. Crotliers, * The sessional allowance is $1,000 and mileage. 4 •a House of Cofumons. Esq , of Banbridge, Irel . Is a merchant. Has been a member of the Owen Sound T<^wn Council several times and was License Commr. from 1870 to 1882. First returned to i'arlt. at last g.e. A Liberal and supports Hon. Edward Blake. — Owen Sound, Out. Allison, William Henry. (IJants.) Family originally from Donegal, Irel. S. of the late James W. Allison, Esq., J 1'., who represented Newport in N.S. Assem. for some years. B. in Newpoit, June, 1838. Ed. at Sackville, N.B. I'nmarried. Is a Trustee of School Lands, and a Captain Reserve IMilitia. Sat for Hants in the Leg. Assam., N.S., from g.e. 1871, until Jan. 1874, when he resigned to contest the constituency for the Commons, in which he was itinsuccessful. Again returned to the Leg. Asfem. in Dec. 1874. First returned to Commons at g.e. 1878. Re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — Mantua, Newport, N.S. Amyot, Lieut. Col. Guillaume. (Bellecha-sse.) Belongs to one of the oldest French families in Can., descending directly from Philip Amyot, who with his wife Ann Convent, came to Can. from Chaiires, France, in 1635. S. of the late Guillaume Amyot, by Louise, dau. of the late Major Jean Gosselin. B. at St. Gervais, Co. of Bellechasse, 10th Dec. 3 843. Ed. at the Coll. of St. Anne de Lapocatiere. M. at Que- bec, 27th Apiil, 1874, Marguerite Alice Gertrude, dau. of Arthur Pennie, Esq., of Loudon, Eng., formerly solicitor of the Supreme Court, India, and of Georgiana Maiy Ward, of North wood Park, Isle of Wight, Eng. Called to the Bar, P.Q. Sept. 1867. Is a mem. of the law firm of Blanchet, Amyot and Pelletier, Advocates, Quebec, and represents the Crown at the Court of Queen's Bench, Ci-minal Side, Was Editor of L'Orqane de la 3Iilice, and of Le Courner du Canada. Is a Brevet Lieut. Col. and is acting Senior Major of the 9th Batt. Volti- geurs de Quebec, to which corps he has belonged since 1863. An unsuccessful candidate for Lotbiniere in the Leg. Assem. P.Q. at g.e. 1875 and 1878. An unsuccessful candidate for present seat in the Commons at g.e. 1878. First returned to Parlt. March, 1881 on the unseating and disqualification of the sitting mem. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conser- vative ; favors connection with the mother country, confedera- tion with equal protection to each Province, the National Policy, the widening of canals, deepening of Rivers, and Sir John A. Macdonald's policy for the construction of the Cana- dian Pacific Railwav. — 2 Collins St., Quebec, P Q. l i.'.JMBl!«*"! ll » l i 'M m ^r, P.Q. House of Commons. .Armstrong, James, /. /*. (S.R.Middlesex.) S. of Thomas Armstntug, from Roxburghshire, S( ot., by Agnes Murray, from the same place. B. in Queensbury, Co. of York, N.B. Iwt Marcli 1830. Ed. in Middlesex, Ont. M. 1st., 23rd March, 185H, Jane, dau. of the late IMaJor Fraser, of West- minster, Ont. ; 2nd 3()th April, 1873, Annie, dau. of D. McCall. Esq., of the fc>:'.'Tie place. A farmer. Is Tresdt. of the London Mutual Fire Insu. Co., and a dir. of the Canadian Saving and L( Co. Was seven years Sup(;rintendent of Schools ; four y». ^-s Township clerk, and eleven years Reeve of the Township \. Westminster. Was Warden of the Co. of Middlesex for two years First retuned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal and a Nationalist, and intends to support measures, not men. — Pond Mills, Ont. Auger, Michel. {Shefford.) Parents were among the first settlers in the Co. ol Bagot. B. 18th Nov. 1830, at St. Pie, P.Q. Ed. at Grand Ligne Mis- sion School, and at Hamilton Academy, Hamilton, N.Y. M. at St. Pie, 4th Oct. 1856, Priscilla Nicol. Is a farmer and mill- owner. Is Mayor of the Parish of Ste. Pudentienne, and has filled that position for five years. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. An Independent Liberal. — Roxion Pond, P.Q. Bain, Thomas. (North Wentworth.) S. of the late Mr. Walter Bain, of Denny, Stirlingshire, Scot., who came to Can. in 1837 , and settled in West Flam- boro', Ont. B. in parish of Denny, 14 Dec, 1834. Ed. in Can. M. 25th June, 1874, Helen, second dau. of John Weir, Esq., of West Flamboro'. A farmer. Was for several years Reeve of the township of West Flamboro', and in 1870 Warden of Went- worth. First returned to Parlt. at g e. 1872 ; again by accla- mation at g.e. 1874, re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Reformer. — Strabane, Ont. Baker, Edgar Crow. (Victoria, B.C.) Descended from an old English family, which traces its %^ > i H House of Commons. Bebington, Cheshire, Fiances Mary, eldest dau. of Captaiik Richard Jones, of Halifax, N.S. Entered the Royal Navy lltb Sept. 1860; obtained first Commission 11th Sept 1865, and Lieutenant's Commission, 9th August 1870. Was Navigating Lieutenant of H. M. S. " Niobe." Retired, with the relative- rank of Major in the Army, 22nd Sept. 1878. Is an account- ant, notary, and conveyancer. Was accountant in the Provl. Treasury, B.C. Is secretary to the Board of Pilot Comrars.and Superintendent of Pilots ; secretary of the B.C. Board of Trade ;. secretary of the Victoria and Esquimau!^ Telephone Co., and Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons. First returned to Parlt. at last g e. A Conservative. — Laurel Puintf Victoria; Union Club, Victoria, £.C, ; Rideau Club. •V. Baker, Hon. George Bernard, M.A.Q.C. {Missisquoi.) Third s. of the late William Baker, Esq., who represented Missisquoi in the L.C. Assem. from 1834 until the suspension of the constitution of that Province in 1837 ; and nephew of Stevens Baker, Esq., who represented the County in the same bodv from 1830 to 1834 ; grandfather was a U. E. Loyalist. B. at Dunham, P.Q., 29th Jan. 1834. Ed. at the Univ. of Bishop's Coll., Lennoxville, where he graduated in 1855. M., 1860, Jane Percival, eldest dau. of Peter Cowan, Esq., of Cowansville, Sheriff of the Dist. of Bedford. Called to the Bar, L.C, same year. Apptd. a Q.C 1876. Is a Trustee of the Univ. of Bishop's Coll. Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Council and Sol. Gen., in Quebec Legislature, 27 Jan. 1876. Sat for Miss- isquoi in the Commons from June, 1870, until g.e. 1874, when he retired. Elected to Quebec Leg. Assem. by acclamation at g.e. 1875, and again on his appointment to office. Re-elected to Commons at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. Siveetsburgh, P.Q. Barnard, Francis Jones. (Yale.) Descended from a U. E. Loyalist family, who originally came from England, and settled in Massachusetts. S, of the late Isaac Barnard, of Quebec, P.Q. B. in the City of Quebec. Ed. there. M., 6 July 1853, Ellen, youngest dau. of Richard Stillman, formerly of Quebec. Was a mem. of the L.C. of British Columbia, for the District of Yale, from 1866 to the date of Union, 1871. First returned to Parlt. on appointment of sitting member as Indian Commr. Re-elected at last g. e. A Conservative. — Union Club, Victoria, B.C. ; Rideau Club. House of Commons. Bkaty, James, Jr., Q.C, D.C.L. {West Toronto.) 85 S. of the late Mr. John Beaty, who emigrated from the Co. Cavan, Irel., to Canada, and engaged in agriculture, residing at Ashdale Farm for over fifty yearn. His mother was Elizabeth Stewart, who early in the present century came with her father, Geo, Stewart, from 13undoran, Irel., to New York. Mr. Stewart accumulated considerable property there, but during the war of 1812 left the landed portion of it to be confiscated and came to Canada, in consequence of his attachment to British rule. Ed. at the common and gram- mar schools, Palermo, Trafalgar, and by private tuition. M., 10 Nov. 1858, to Miss Fanny Beaty. Called to the Bar, 1855. Apptd. Q.C., 1872. Is a Bencher of the Law Society of Ont. Is head of the legal firm of Beaty, Hamilton k Oassels. The business of the firm has continued in succes- sion from Dr. William Warren Baldwin, through Hon. Robert Baldwin, Hon. R. B. Sullivan, John Hector, Q.C., Mr. Adam Wilson (now Chief Justice), and Mr. C. S. Patterson, at present one of the Justices of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, for over fiifty years. Has been an Alderman and twice Mayor of the City of Toronto. Is a Dir. and one of the founders of the Confederation Life Asso., a Dir. of the Baild- ing and Loan Asso., and a Dir. of the Scarborough Heights Hotel Co. First returned to Parlt, Aug. 28 1880, on appt. of sitting member Lieut.-Qovernor of Ontario, and re-elected at last g. e. — Conservative. — Toronto, Ont. IBbchard, J/djyor Francois. {Iberville.) S. of the late M. Fran. Bechard, of Mount Johnson, P.Q., by Clemence Gozette. B. in Quebec. Ed. at St. Hyacinthe Coll. Resided for some years in Illinois, where he m. Mary Eliza, dau. of William Townsend, Esq., of Chicago. A farmer. Is Major in Iberville Reserve Militia. Has been Mayor of St. Gregoire. First returned to Parlt. at g. e. 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation at g. e. 1872, and again at g. e. 1874 ; re-elect- ed at g. e. 1878, and again by acclamation at last g. e. A Liberal and opposed to the present Government. — Mount Johnson, P.Q. . Bell, John William, /. P. {Addingion.) Grandfather was a Scotch officer in the British army and i,ook part in the war of 1812. Father was a volunteer in 1837. B. in the Co. of Addington, 18 March 1838, and ed. at vthe Grammar School, Newburg. M, 5th Dec. 1869, to Julia, n 88 House of Commons* ouly dan. of Dr. Francis Purcell. Is a farmer. Was a mem. of the Council of the Township of Camden, for nine years,, and was Warden of the United Co's of Lennox and Adding- ton in 1879. First returned to Parlt. at lastg.e. A Conser- vative.— -Owmono?, Ont. Benoit, Pierre Basile, J. P. {Chamhly.) A mem. of a long established family in Quebec. S. of the late Laurent Benoit, £sq. B. in 1837 at Longueuil, Que. Educated at St. Hyacinthe Coll. M. Dlle. Josephine Sicotte,. of Boucherville. A farmer. A mem. of the Agricultural Council of Quebec. Has been Presdt. of the Cbambly Agri- cultural Soc. for several years, and an active promoter of local agricultural and industrial exhibitions. Contributes largely to the press on agricultural and Public matters. An unsuccessful canditate for Chambly in Leg. Assem., P.Q., at g.e. 1871, and for same seat in Commons in Jan. and Deo. 1874. Sat for Chambly in the Commons from g.e. 1867, until g.e. 1874, when defeated. Again returned, 7 Jan. 1876. on sitting mem. being unseated and disqualified ; re-elected, at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Conservative. — St. Hubert, P.Q. I Benson, William Thomas. (South Grenville.) Third s. of Robert Benson, Esq.,-of Kendal, Lancashire,. Eng. B. at Parkside, Westmoreland, Eng., in 1828, and ed. at school in Kendal, and afterwards by private tutor. M. 1 4th July, 1858, to Helen Wilson, of Acton Grange, Cheshire, Eng. Is Vice-Presdt. and Managing Dir. of the Edwardsburg Starch Co. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — Cardinal, Ont. Bergeron, Joseph Gideon Horace, B.C.L. (Beauharnois.) S. of T. R. Bergeron, Esq., Notary Public, of Rigaud, by Leveadie Caroline Delphine Coursol, dau. of Gideon Coursol, Esq., Notary Public of St. Andrew's, uncle of C. J. Coursol, Esq , MP. for Montreal East. B. 13 Oct., 1854. Ed. at Jesuits' Coll., Montreal. Unmarried. Is a member of the firm of Major & Bergeron, Advocates, Montreal. First return- ed to Parlt. 9 Jan. 1879,in the room of M. Cayley, Esq deceased, re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. A Conservative. — 114^ St. Hubert Street and 61 St. Gabriel Street^ Montreal. House of Commons. Beroin, Lieut-Col. Darby, M.D. (Cornwall and S(ormont.) 87 Eld. 8. of the late William Beigin, Esq., C.E., who came from King's Co., Irel., to Canada, 1820, and for some years carried on a mercantile business in Toronto, by the dau. of the late John Flanagan, Esq., of Charlottenburgh, Glengarry, Ont. B. in Toronto, 7 Sept. 1826. Ed. at. U. C. Coll. Un- married. Grad. as M.D. at Univ. of McGill Coll. 1847. Is one of the examiners in Ont. Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons and a Trustee of Cornwall High School. Entered Volunteer Militia Service, as Captain of a Company raised by him dur- ing Trent difficulty, 1861 ; became Major 1866, and promoted Lt.-Col. 59th Stormont and Glengarry Batt., V.I. 1859, a command he still holds. First returned to Parlt. for Corn- wall, by acclamation, at g.e. 1871. Again returned at 1878 g. e. Unseated on petition, and re-elected 27 Jan. 1880. Elected for present seat at last g.e. A Conservative. — Corn' wall, Ont. Bernier Michel Edras, J. P. {St. Ilyacinthe.) Ancestors came from Cape St. Ignace, below Quebec. Youngest s. of the late Etienne Bernier, farmer, St. Hya- cinthe, by his wife, JuHe Lussier. B. there 28th Sept. 1841, and ed. at the St. Hyacinthe Seminary. M. 28th Nov. 1865, Adila, dau. of the late Simeon Marchesseault, one of the chiefs in the Rebellion of 1837, and who was afterwards ex- iled to the Bermudas. Admitted to practice as a notary, 15tn June 1867, and is also engaged in farming. Elected Presdt. of the Notarial Board, P.Q., 1882. Has been Secy.-Treas. of the Council of the Co. of St. Hyacinthe, since 1864, and of the Council and School Commissioners of the Parish of St. Hya- cinthe. Was Official Assignee of the Dist. from 1868 to 1880. Is a dir. of the Bank of St. Hyacinthe ; of the St. Hyacinthe Manufacturing Co., and of the St. Hyacinthe Abel Hosiery Co., and is a mem. of the firm of C. Ledoux k Co., extensive grain and flour dealers and proprietors of the St. Hyacinthe Woollen, Grist and Carding Mills. First return- ed to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal and favors commercial independence and all measures calculated to dcvelope the resources of the country — St. Hyacinthe^ P.Q. Billy, Louis Adolphb. (Rimouski.) His ancestors, Jean Francois de Billy, and Catherine de Lamarre, came from Paris, France, in 1674, to the Parish of Champlain, District of Three Rivers, and removed thence to MMMMM 88 Home qf f^ommora. I Gentilly, Co. of > icolet. S. of Solomon Billy, farmer and trader in Gentilly, P. Q , by Theotiste Beaufort dite Driinelle. B. in Gentilly, 13th Oct. 1834. and ed. at Nicolet Coll. M. 4th July 1804, Adele, dau of the late Peter (iauvreau, Notary, Rimouski. Called to the Bar, L.C., 7th Dec 1859. Was MagiKtrate for the District of Rimouki from 20th Feb. 1873, until he resigned to run for present seat. Was Presdt. of the Rimouski St. Jean Baptiste 8oc. in 1880, and was its delegate to the Convention Naiionale of Quebec in 1880. First returned to Parlt. at last g. e. A Conservaiive. — Rimouski^ P.Q. Blake, Hon. Pw)Ward, M.A., Q.C., P.C. {West Durham.) £Id. s. ofthe late Hon. Willinm Hume Blake, a distin- guished jurist of U.C., who sat in the Can. Assem. from 1847 to 1849 ; was Solicitor Genl. for U.C. for a short time in the Lafontaine-Baldwin Administration, and subsequently Chan- ceUor of that Prov., by Catharine Hume, grand-dau. of Wil- liam Hume, Esq., of Humewood, M.P. for Wicklow in the British House of Commons; and grand-s. of the late Hev. Dominick Edward Blake (of the family of Blake of Castle- grove, Galway), Rector of the Kiltegan and of Loughbrick- land, and Rural Dean, by Anne Margaret Hume, ot Hume- wood. B. in Tp. of Adelaide, Middlesex, Ont., 13 Oct. 1833. Ed. at Univ. of Toronto, where he took first class honours in classics and received the dcKree of M.A., 1858. M., Margaret, dau. of the late Right Rev. B. Crony n, Lord Bishop of Huron. Called to t}ie Bar U. C. in Michaelmas Term, 1856 ; Apptd. Q.C. 1864. Is ex-officio a Bencher of the Law Soc. of Ont. and is Treasurer of that body. Senior partner in the extensive law firm of Blake, Kerr k Cassels, Toronto. Was for a short time one of the examiners in, and lecturers on. Equity Law for the U.C. Law Soc. Presdt. of the Toronto General Trusts Co. Elected Chancellor of Toronto Univ., 1876. Returned for South Bruce in Ontario Assem. at g.e. 1867, and was leader of the Opposition in that body from 1868 until 20 Dec. 1871, when called upon to form a Govt, for Ontario, which he succeeded in doing, accepting for himself the position of Presdt. of the Ex. Council in the same (with- out salary) ; resigned the Premiership of Ontario and seat in Local House, 25 Oct. 1872. Returned for South Bruce and for West Durham in Local Assem. at g.e. 1871 (elected to sit for former plac§). First returned to the Commons for West Durham at g.e. 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation, and also returned for South Bruce at g.e. 1872 (elected to sit for last named seat), for which he was again returned at g.e. 1874 ; re-elected by acclamation on his being apptd. to ofiice, 2 House of Conmons. 89 and elle. M. tary, Was 873, fthe gate rned June 1875. Sworn of the Privy Council, 7 Nov. 1873^and was a mem. of Mr. Mackenzie's Administnition (without office and without salary) from that date until Feb. is74, when he resigned. Declined the Chancellorship of Ontario, Dec. 1860, and the Chief Justicesliip of tlie Supreme Court of the Dominion, Ma> I87r). Appld. Minister of Justice, 19 May 1876. designed, Sept. 1877. and exchanged to the port- folio of Presdt. of Council. Resigned Presidency of Council, 31 Jan. 1878, in consetpience of continued ill healtli. Visited Lngland on public business, 1876. Was a candidate for South Bruce at g.e, 1678, when he was defeated. Elected to present seat, on resignation of sitting member Mr. Burk, 17 Nov. 1879. Be-elected at last g.e. Elected leader of the Opposition, 1880. The following statement of Mr. Blake's political views is suiumarized from his speeches as a private member : '• An Independent Liberal ; bt- lieves that the basis of the franchise should be widened, and that efficiency instead of influence should be the passport to the public service ; thinks political progress essential to political vitality, and advocates the fullest freedom of discussion on all topics affect- ing the public interests; supports the adoption of a system of proportional representation, whereby, among other im- provements, tbe streDgth of the various opinions held by the people may be more nearly represented in Parliament ; con- siders that, as the franchise is not merely a right, but a trust, the wilful neglect to vote should be followed by temporary disfranchisement ; is opposed to tlie appointment of Senators for life by the Administration, and desires their selection for a term of years by the Provinces ; thinks that the future of Canada depends very largely on the development of the great North- West ; advocates the construction, as rapidly as the resources of the country will permit, of the sections of the Pacific Kailway necessary for communication between that country and our interior seaboard, in conjunction with an extensive scheme of exploration and colonization ; believes that the cultivation of a national spirit is requisite to the success of the Union ; that the present form of connection between England and Canada does not possess the element of permanence ; that, as the child grows into the man, so the State will come to maturity, and that (^noth withstanding the enormous difficulties which surround the scheme) there is a possibility and hope of reorganizing the Emi){re on a Federal basis, so as to reconcile British connection with British free- dom." 84 Orosvenor Street, Toronto / Toronto Cluh. Blanchet, Zieu^ Co/. //o/?. Joseph GoDERic, M.D. {Levis.) Family one of the first established in La Nouvelle France. to House qf Commons. I I N S. of Mr. Louis Blanchet, of St. Pierre, Riviere du Sud. B. at St. Pierre, 7 June 1829. Ed. at the Quebec Seminary, and at the Ste. Anne Coll. M., Aug, 1850, Kmelie, dau of M. O. D. Balzaretti, of Milan, Italy. A physician. Was Mayor of the Town of Levis for six years. Is Lieut. Col. of the 17th Batt. Volunteer Infantry, which he raised in 1863. Elected Hon. Presdt. of the Cercle de Quebec, 1871 ; Presdt. of the Levis and Kennebec Railway, 1872; and apptd. a mem. of the Catholic section ol the Council of Public Instruction for the Prov. of Quebec, 1873. Commanded the 3rd Administra- tive Batt. on frontier service during the St. Alban's Raid, 1865 ; and was in command of the Act'.ve Militia Force on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, Quebec Dist., during the Fenian Raid in 1866 and again in 1»70. Was Speaker of the House of Assem. of the Prov. of Quebec from the meeting of the first Parlt after the Union in 1867, until the dissolution of the second Parlt. 1875. An unsuccessful candidate for Levis in Can. Assem. at g.e. 1857. Sat for Levis in Can. Assem. from g.e. 1861 until the Union, when returned by acclamation to the Commons, where he continued to sit until g.e. 1874. Then, in consequence of the operation of the Act respecting dual representation, he resigned his seat in that body in order to remain in the Quebec Assem., to whicV> >e v.as first returned at g.e. 1867, and in which he corrir; ied (representing Levis) up to g.e. 1875, when defeated. R^'uined for Bellechasse, in the Commons, 23 Nov. 1875, to fill the v^: noy caused by the elevation of the sitting mem. to the Su. ' me Court of the Dominion. Re-elected for Levis at g.e. 1878, and again last g.e. Was Speaker of the House of Commons during the whole of last Parlt. A Liberal Con- servative, — St. Joseph Streety JJvis. Blondeau, Charles Bruno. (Kamouraska.) Father was a merchant in St. Paschal. B. 16th March 1835. Ed. in St. Paschal, and at Ste. Ann's Cell. M. 21st May 1860, Adelaide Patry, sister of Rev. P. Patry, Parish Priest of 6t. Paschal. Is a Contractor. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — St. Paschal, P.Q. BoLDUC, Joseph. {Beauce.) S. of the late Captain Augustin Bolduc, who was one of the earliest settlers in the parish. B. on 22 June 1846. Ed. in Ste. Marie. M., at St. Frangois de la Beauce, 12 Oct. 1873, M. A. G. Mathier, dau. of Jean Mathier, Esq. Is a notary, and largely engaged in agricultural pursuits. Is Route of Commona. tl Mayor of the parish in whi<^h he resides, and Warden of the Co.; also a Dir. of the Co. Agricultural -Asso. Was elected, June 1876, a mem. of the Prov. Board of Notaries for Prov. of Quebec. First returned to Parlt. on 18 Oct. 1876. lie- elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last ^.e. In politics- "National."— 5«. Victor dt Tring, Co. Beauce, P.Q. BoBsl:, JoDEPH William, Q.C. {Quebec Centre.) Descended from an old French family. Eldest s. of J. N. Bcsse, Q.C, who was elected to the L. C. of Canada in 1864, called to the Senate at the Union, and apptd. a Judge of the Superior Court, Quebec 1868, by Lucy Ann, dau. of Wm. Hullett, Esq., Bath., Eng. Called to the Bar, L.C. 1860, and apptd. a Q.C. 28 Feb. 1873. Was BAtonnier General for the Province of Quebec in 1868. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — QueUc. BouRASSA, Francois, Jr. {St. Johns.) Eldest 8. of Capt. Frantjois Bourassa, farmer, of Montebel« lo, P.Q. ; and brother of M. Napoleon Bourassa, the well known Can. writer and painter. B. at Lacadie, June, 1813. Ed. there. M., Feb. 18.32, Dlle. Sophia Trahan. A farmer. An unsuc. cessful candidate for De Lorimier in L.C, Can., 1862. Sat for present seat in Can. Assem. from 1854 until the Union, when' returned to Commons ; re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1872 j again at g.e. 1874, re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Liberal. — Lacadie, P.Q. Bourbeau, DisiRl: Olivier. {Drummond and Arthahaaka.) S. of L. Bourbeau, Esq., of St. Pierre les Besquets, by Jessie^ Gauveseau. B. 21 Sept. 1854, at St. Pierre les Besquets. M. Miss M. B. Bouchard, of Victoriaville. A merchant. Is a J.P. ; Mayor of Victoriaville ; Dir. of the Arthabaska Building Soc. ; Dir. of the Arthabaska Agricultural Soc , and Chairman of the Board of School Commissioners. First returned to Parlt. 27 Oct. 1877 : re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Conservative, and in favour of the National Policy. — Victoria- viUcj P.Q. Bowell, Hon. Lieut. Col. Mackenzie, J.P.,P.C. {North Has- tings.) B. at Rickinghall, Suffolk, Eng., 27 Dec. 1823. Came to Can. with his parents, 1833. M., Dec. 1857, Harriet Louisa, 92 House of Commons. I , eld. (lau. of the late Jacob (>. Moore, Esq , of Belleville. Waa a Major 49tli Batt. of Volunteer HifleH, nod (served upon the Frontier during the American War of 1864, and in 18G6, dur- iug the Fenian troubles ; was Vice-Presdt. of the Dominion Editors' and Reporters' Asso. ; and Vice-l'resdt. of the Agri- cultural and Arts Ahso of Ontario. Was editor and proprietor of the Belleville Daily and Wefkff/ Intelligencer newspaper for a lengthened period ; and has also beenPresdt. of the Onta- rio Press Asso Held the Chairmanship of the Board of School Trustees, Belleville, for eleven years ; and was for eight years Grand Master of the Provl. Orange (irand Lodge of Ontario East. Elected Most Worshipful Grand Master and Sovereign of the Orange Asso. of B. A., 1870, an office he continued to hold until he resigned in 1878. Was Presdt. of the Tri-Annual Council of the World Moved the resolution for the expulsion of Louis Kiel from the Commons, which was carried 16th April 1874. Sworn of the Privy Council and apptd. Minister of Customs, 19 Oct. 1878. First returned to Parliament at g.e. 1867 ; re-elected at g.e. 1872 , at g.e. 1874, at g.e. 1878, and at last g.e. A Conservative. — William Street, Belleville ; Rideau Club. Bryson, John. (Pontiac.) S. of the Hon. George Bryson, M.L.C., P.Q., [whom see]. fi. in Can. in 1849. M. Mary, dau. of the late Thomas Bryson, Esq. (who died in 1881), mem. in Leg. Assem., P.Q., for Pon- tiac. Is a lumber merchant. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — Fort Coulonge^ P.Q. BuRNHAM, John. {East Peterborough.) S. of Rev. Mark Burnham. B. at St. Thomas, Ont. 3 Dec. 1842. Ed. at the Grammar Schools of Peterborough and Gait. M. 11 Feb. 1868, Maria dau. of R. D. Rogers, Esq , Ashburn- ham. Called to the BarU C, Hilary Term, 1865, and practices in Peterborough. Is Capt. and Paymaster 57th Batt. Volunteer Militia. Was Warden of the Co. of Peterborough from 1877 to 1881. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878 and re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — Ashburnham, Ont. Burns, Kennedy Francis. J. P. {Gloucester.) B. at Thomastown, Tipperary, Irel. 8 Jan. 1842. Ed. at Halifax and St. John. M. 24 Sept., 1864, at Bathurst, Harriet, dau. of John McEenna. Esq. A merchant and millowner. Served in the Volunteer Militia Force for a number of years ; IJou^e of Commons. 03 retired with rank of Captain, in 1874. Sat for present seat in Leg. AHHeni., N.H., from i874 to 1878. First returned to the CuminonH at laHtK-c A Liberal ConHervatlve. — /iathurst, NM. BcRPBi:, Charlks. {Sunbur!/.) Family removed to N.B. from MasRathusettR, 1763, am! were amelected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Liberal ; opposed to the present Govt. — Ooderich, Ont. C'amphkll, Lieut.-Col. //on. Charles Ja.mes, J. P. (Victoria, N.S.) Fifth 8. of Capt. John Campbell, of Duntulm, Isle of 8kye, Scot., a descendant and a cadet of the noble House of Breadalbine, and Glen Orchy, by Isabella, dau. of Itev. John McRae, of Kintail, Ross-shire, Scot., and a grand-d. of McRae •of Inveruiente, chief of the Clan McRae. B. at Duntulm, Inverness-shire, Scot, 6th Nov. 1819, came to N.S. in 1831. M. 1843, Eliza Jane, 2nd dau. of the late Styles Ingraham, Esq., of fiaddeck . Was in business as a merchant, and pro- prietor of the New Campbell Coal Mines. Is a Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute, London. Apptd. a Coroner for €ape Breton, 1857, and a J. P. for the same Co., 1851. Was Lieut.-Col. of Ist Regt. Victoria Militia for some years pre- vious to Confederation ; apptd. Lieut.-Col. Victoria Reserve Militia, 1868. Has held a number of Municipal appoint- ments at different times. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, N.S., from 1856 to 1859. First returned to Provl. Parlt. for Victoria, 1851, but unseated on petition. Again returned 1853, and sat until 1859, when defeated on the Protestant alliance cry. Again returned 1860 ; unseated on petition, 1861 ; returned 1863 and sat until 1867, when again de*^eated on the Confederation question, of which he was in favour, Again returned at g.e. 1871, and sat until called to L.C.ofN.S., 2 May 1873, where he sat until Dec. 1874, when returned to Commons for present seat. An unsuccessful candidate for Victoria, in Commons, Dec. 1873 and g. e 1878. Re-elected at last g. e. A Liberal Conservative. Advocates protection to home industries and the maintenance of British connec- tion. "Z)wn-olcotod Ht g.o. 1878, and again at laHtg.e. A Liberal in tho truo l^iiiglish kcmiho ; favourH I'oliticiil IndoponfeHK'. (Napicrville.) • AnccBtors betongod to tho Dopartniont of La Vondoe, Franco, and being expelled by order of Nai)oloon IU>naparto, came to Can. in ISO^ S. of TouiBNuint Catudal, Mayor of Napiervillo, and Warden of tlie Co. of Napiorville for twenty years, by Mareeline PoiRKant. B. nt Napiorville, 24 Nov. I8r)(>. Kd. at the Montreal Coll. Unmarried. Is the agent of La Banqno do St. Joan, in Napiorville. Was See.- Trcas. of the Napiorville liiiilding ^Soc. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — yainermlle, J*-Q' » CiiAi'LEAr, lion. .loHKPir Anor.iMiK, Q.C., P.C. {Terrebonne). Ancestors came from France and wore early settlers in the Seigniory ox Terrebonne. IV at Ste. Therese de Blain- ville, Terrebonne, P.Q , 9 Nov. 1840. Ed. at the Coll. of Terrebonne. M. 25 Nov. 1874, Marie Louise, dan. of Lieut.- Col. King, Brigade Major, Shorbrooke. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1861. Created Q.C. 1873. Created an Officer of the Legion of Honor (France), 10 Nov. 1882, and an Officer of the Order of St. Gregory the Great (Roman). A dir. of the Laurentides Railway Co., and of Le Credit Fonder du Jicu Canada. Is a Professor of tlie Laval Univ. (criminal juris- prudence) in the section established in Montreal. Was a mem. df the Ex. Council and Solicitor General from 27 Feb. 1873 until 8 Sept. 1874, when he resigned with his chief, Mr. Ouimet Apptd. Prov. Secy, and Registrar, 27 Jan. 1876, which position he hell -until the dismissal of Govt, by Letellier de St. Just, 1878. Became leader of the Conserva- tive Opposition, and was called upon to form the present Local Govt, when Mr. Joly resigned, on the 30tn Oct. 1879. Was Premier and Miri^ter of Agriculture and Public Works, until his resignation. Sworn of the Privy Council and apptd. Secy, of State of Can., in succession to Hon. J. A. Mougseau, who succeeded him as Premier of P.Q., 29 July 188? Unsuccessfully contested Vercheres for House of Com- mons at g.e. 1872. First returned to Parlt. for Terrebonne, by acclamation, at g.e. 1867; re-elected by acclamation at f I \ 1' Ifoute of V.ommom. •• g.e. 1871, and again on IiIh appi. to oflicu. Again roiurnod at g.o. 1876, and by acclamation, on hiH Hccond appt. to otHco In the DoJiouchiTvlllo Govt. Uc-clcctcd at g.c 1878, on accepting prcHont ofll(;c, and again at g.c 1881. !f«le<;tc(l for Toriclionne in the Hoiihc of CoinniunK, 23 Angt 1882. A Con- norvativc Windnor llolel^ Montreal; St. James ( Huh ; (Quebec (Jarriion Ciuh ; Ottawa. "CiiAHi/roN, John. {N'orth Norfolk.) DcHcendod from tlio ('liarltonn, of Northumberland, England. Father camo from Northnmlxuland, 1824. H.ncar Caledonia, N.Y., 3 Feb. 1829. Ed. in N.Y. Came to Can. with hiH family 1 849, from CattaranguH Co., N.Y. Engaged in buHincKH at L} iHHloch, Co. Norfollt, in 18.53, and has con- tinued to reHide there. M., Nov. 1854, in Can., MisH lOlla Gray. A timber dealer, and engaged in buRincHH in Can. and Michigan. First returned t-: Parlt. for preHcnt Hcat at g.e. 1872 ; re-elected at g.e. 1874, and g.e. 1878, and again at laMt g.e. A Liberal. — Lymdoch^ (Jnt. •CiMON, Simon Xavikr. (Charlevoix.) Third s. of the late Hubert Cimon, Enq., Merchant, Mur- ray Bay, P.Q. B. there 3rd Doc. i829. Ed. in Quebec. M., 9th Nov. 1848, Marie Claire, dau. of the late Pierre Garon, Esq., M.P., of Riviere Ouelle. A Contractor, and built the Provl. Parlt. Buildings in Quebec and c ther workH. First returned to Parlt. for present seat at g.e 1867, defeated at g.e. 1872. An unsuccesKful candidate for Hame neat in Leg. Assem. P.Q., at g.e. 1875, and again in 1879 on the death of the sitting m^m., Mr. P. A. Trembiay. Elected 19 March 1881, on Mr. Perrault being unseated by the judgment of the Supreme Court. He-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — Murray Bay, P.Q. <;ocHRANE, Edward, J.P. (Fast Northumberland.) S. of James Cochrane, a native of Yorkshire, Eng., by Mary Davis, a native of Wexford, Irel., who both settled in the Township of Cramahe, Out., in 1821. B. there 1 .Jan. 1834. Ed. at Colborno, Ont. M., 1st, 5 Aug. 1856, Miss Mary Hicks, (sho d. 3 July 1872); 2ndly, 26 .Vpril 1876, Ellen Louisa, da^. of Stephen Thome, Esq. Is a farmer. Has filled all me Municipal positions in the Township of Cra- mahe, and was Warden of the United Counties of Northum- berland and Durham in 1880. First returned to Parlt. at 100 HouM qf Commont. last g.e. A Conservative, and a supporter of the National Policy, which he thinks has been of great benefit to the- country. Believes it to be our best interest to maintain th& connection that so happily exists between Can. and the Mother Country. — Brighton, Ont. CocKBURN, Alexander Peter. {North Ontario.) Of Scottish parentage. B. in Finch, Storaoont, Ont., T April 1837. Ed. there. M., Sept. 1864, Miss Mary Helen Proctor, of Beaverton, Ont . A merchant and forwarder. Has been Reeve of Eldon. Has labored successfully to promote a vigorous policy for the development of the great northern districts by the construction < f railways and colonization roads, in connection with a liberal land policy for actual settlers. He has written largely on the subject from 1865- up to the present time, A Few Weeks in the North (for which he was specially complimented by the late Hon. T. D. McGee); the Settler's Guide (1858); and the TouritVs Guide (1868), being amuDgst his productions. Was Presdt. of the Muskoka Settler's Asso., which he founded 18o7 ; and is now Genl. Manager of the Muskoka and Nipissing Navigation Co. Sat for North Victoria in Ont. Assem. from g.e. 1867, until g.e. 1871, when he declined again offering, being satisfied with having aided, while there, in the development of a com- paratively liberal land and railway policy for the Province, and also because he was not fully in accord with the leader of either of the two parties in the Assem. Ejected for Mus- koka in the Commons at g.e. 1872, but not returned until writ was amended by resolution of the House, March 1873 \ re-elected at g.e. 1874, at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Liberal. — Gravenhursi and Beaverton, Ont. Colby, Charles Carroll. (Stanstead.) Paternal ancestors emigrated from Chester, Eng., to New Hampshire, before the Am. revolutionary war. S. of the late Dr. F. M. Colby, a well known medical practitioner, who came to Staustead, 18::{2, and represented that county in L.C. Assem. from 1834 until the suspension of the Constitution, 1837. B. at Derby, Vt , 10 Dec 1827. Came to Can. with his parents, 1832 . Graduated at Dartmouth Coll., N.H., J uly 1847. M., Dec. 1858, Miss Harriet Child, of Waybridge, Vt. Called 1* the Bar, L.C, 1855. A dir. of ihe Mastwp^ippi Rail- way; ot the Crown Mining Co.; and of the Waterloo and Magog Railway. Was a Vice-Presdt. of Quebec Temperance and Prohibitory League, 1872. First returned to Parlt. at Houu qf Commom. 101 n' \ -g.e. 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1H72, and again at g.e. 1874 ; re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Liberal -Conservative. — Stamtead, P.Q. Cook, Hermon Henry. {East Simcoe.) Fifth 8. of the late Capt. George Cook, a U.E. Loyalist ; nephew of Capt. John Cook, who represented Dundas in the U.C. Assem. from 1829 until responsible government was obtained, when he resigned ; brother of J . W . Cook, Esq., who represented Dundas in the Can. Assem. from 1857 until 1861 ; and brother of S . 8. Cook, Esq., who lately represented the same CO. in the Ont. Assem. B, in Tp. of Williams- burg, Dundas, Ont . , 1838 . Ed . at Iroquois Grammar School . M., 1861, Miss White. A lumber merchant. An unsuccess- ful candidate for North Simcoe in Local Assem. at g.e. 1871 . First returned to Commons for North Simcoe at g.e. 1872 ; re-elected at g.e. 1874. Unseated on petition, 1 1 Nov. 1874; re-elected 26 Dec. same year. Elected for East Simcoe in Local Assem. at g.e. 1879, but resigned 1882, and elected for present seat in the Commons at last g.e. A Reformer.-^ 506 King Street West, Toronto. 'CoaTiGAn, Bon. Jonn, J.P.J P.C. Victoriaf N.B. B. at St. Nicholas, P.Q., I Feb. 1835. Ed. at Ste. Ann's •Coll. M., 1855, Miss Ryan, of Victoria N.B. Has been Registrar of Deeds for Victoria, and Judge of the Superior Court of Common Pleas, N.B. Sat for present seat in N.B. Assem. from 1861 to 1866, when defeated. Returned to Commons at the [Jnion; re-elected at g.e. 1872; again at g. e. 1874; again at g. e. 1878; and again by acclamation at last g.e. Sworn of the Privy Council and apptd. Minister of Inland Revenue, 23 May 1882. Moved an address, 20 May 1872, praying His Excellency to disallow the N.B. School Act, on the ground " that said law is unjust, and causes much uneasiness among the Roman Catholic population"; and on 14 May 1873, "that the Govt, should advise His Excellency to disallow the Acts passed by the N.B. Legislature," which was carried. On 6 May 1874, moved for an address to Her Majesty, praying to cause an Act to be passed amending the B. N. A. Act, 1867, by providing that every religious denomination in N. B. shall continue to .possess and enjoy all such rights with regard to their schools as they possessed and enjoyed at the time of the passage of the said Act, etc., which motion was subsequently withdrawn. On 8 March 1875, moved resolution praying for the passage I 11 102 HouBt qf Commons. of an Act amonding the N. B. A . Act, bj proyiding that the* Roman Oiitholic inhnhitantH of N. B. Hhall have the 8am(r rightH, privilcgo8, etc., us to Hcparato and diKRcntial echoolM, etc., as arc enjoyed and poRHCHHed by the Uoman Catholic minority of Ontario mh\ the Protentant minority of Qnebec, which, after amendment, was curried. In seRsion 1877 moved for an inquiry into the cane of Prof O'Donoghnc, charged with having aicied in the North- West Rebellion. A Con- Bervative. — Grand Falhy iV. li. ; Ottawa. C(STf: alias FnfcciuTiR, Louis Ihuarl, ,/./*. (Megantic.) Descended fron» an old French family, early settlers in the country. B. u. St. Ferdinand in 1848. Fid. at the elementary schools. M. IMiss Lcda Bernier. A merchant. Has been Postmaster «n., Co. lluron^ Ont. CouRSOL, Michel Joseph Chaulbs, Q.C. (Montreal East.) S. of the late M. Michel Coursol, an Oilicer of the Hud- son's Bay Co., by Marie M61anie, dau. of M. Joseph Quesnel, the well known Canadian poet and dramatist. B. at Am- herstburg. Out., 3 Oct. 181&. Ed. at the Montreal Coll. M. the daughter of the late Hon. Sir Etienne Tache, who was on two occasions Prime Minister of Canada. Studied law with C. S. Cherrier, Esq., Q.C, who subsequently became his step-father, and was called to the Bar, 1841 ; apptd. a Q.C.,. 1873 ; apptd. Joint Coroner for the Dist. of Montreal, 30 June 1848 ; Inspector and Superintendent of Police tor City of. Montreal. 2 Feb. 1856 ; Judge of the Sessions of the Peace ( IlouH of Common t. 103 for Montreal, 1H70 ; ft Comtnr. undtT 31 Vic, ch. 94, 23 Nov. 1869; unci Coram r. of Police for the Dominion, Humedate. Was a Conimr. apptd. to imiuire Into the state of the Montreal Kegistry Office, 2:{ April 1R50 ; and haK hehl the otHcu of Mayoi of Montreal. Created a K night of the Order of CharleH III. of Spain, I (72. l{e»lKndlcalR and newspaper prcHS. llnsuccesKfiilly contested Hhefford for the Commons at g.e. 1874. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — Montreal. \r i t CuTHBBHT, Edward Octavian. (BertUer.) Descended from the Cuthberts of Castle Hill, Inverness- shire, Scot. Only surviving son of the lat' Hon. James Cuthbert, a mem. of the Special Council of Ti.C, by Louise A. Cairns his wife. B. at the Manor House, Berthier, (en haut), P.Q., 3 Dec. 1826. Ed. at Chambly Coll. M., 1 Dec. 185.% Mary eldest dau. of the late Augustus Bostwick, Esq., Q.C, of Three Rivers. Is Seignior of Berthier. Has been Mayor of the town of Berthier, and Presdt. of the County Agricultural Soc. An unsuccessful candidate for Berthier in Quebec Assem. at g.e. 1857. First returned to Parlt. 27 Feb. 1875, on the elevation of sitting member to the Senate. Ile-elected at g e. 1878 and again at last g.e. An Independent Conser- vative. — Berthier, (en haut), P. Q. Daly, Malachy Bowes. (Ilali/ax.) ' S. of Sir Dominic Daly, who belonged to an old Irish family, Co. Gal way, and who was afterwards, for 25 years, Colonial Secretary and represented Megantic in the Can. Legislature ; also Lieut. Gov. of Tobago, and subsequently of 104 Home qf Commonn. P.E.I., and Gov. iu Chief of S. Australia, hy Carolinu Maria, dau. of Col. Gore, of Barrowniount, Co. Kilkenny, Irol. B. at Marchmount, near Quttbeo, Feb. 1830. Kd. at St. Mary's Coll., OHcott, near Uirniingham, Kn^. M. at Hulifitx, 4 July, 1859, to .loanna, Kecond dau. of Sir Edward Kenny, of Halifax, formerly u member of Sir John A. Macilonald'H MiniHtry. Is a Barrister at Law. Was Trivato Secy, to Sir D. Daly, Gov. of P.E.I., for Hix years; also, Private Secy, to Sir U. O. Mac- donnell. Gov. of N. S., and Sir HastingH Doyle; alHO, Provl. A.D.C. to Sir W. Fenwick Williams, Gov. of N.8. Was for two successive years Presdt. of the Charitable Irish Soc. of Halifax, and is at present Presdt. of the General ('ouncil of the Soc. of St. Vincent de Paul of Halifax. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878. and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Con- servative. — 18 Kent Slreet, llaltfiu^ N.S.; Rideau Club. Daoust, Jean Baptists. (Two Mountains.) S. of J. B. Daoust, Esq., by L. St. Germain. B. 1 8 Jan. 1817, at St. Eustachc. M. Miss Z. St. Maurice, dau. of J. St. Maurice, Esq., of St. Laurent. Apptd. Magistrate and Com- missioner of Small Causes, and has held various municipal offices. Elected by acclamation in 1854 for Two Mountains to the old Parlt. of Canada., which seat he held from that date until the Confederation of B.N. A. Provinces, in 1867, when he was elect< d to the Commons by acclamation, and continued to hold the seat until 1872, when he retired a short time from political life. Held the position of Warden of Penitentiaries of the Prov. of Quebec for three years. Re- elected to the Commons, li March 1876, by acclamation on the resignation of Mr. Globensky, the sitting member. Re- elected at g.e. 1878 and again re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. A Conservative St. Eustache. Davies, Louis Henry, Q.C. {Queen's, P.E.I.) S. of Hon. Benjamin Davies, M.P.P., and grands, of Nathan Davies, Esq., who came to P.E.I, about 1812. B. in Charlottetown, P.E.I., 4th May 1845. Ed. at the Central Academy and Prince of Wales Coll. M. at St. Eleanors, P.E.I., July, 1872, Susan, fourth dau. of the late Dr. A.V.G. Wiggins. Called to the Bar, P E.T., 1866, and apptd. a Q.C, 26th Nov. 1880. Is a dir. of the Merchant's Bank of P.E.I. Was Coun- sel for the Tenantry before the P.E.I. Land Commission pre- sided over by the Right Hon. H.C.E. Childers, and was coun- sel to represent P.E.I, before the International Fishery Com- mission, 1875. Was Solicitor Genl., P.E.I., 1869, and again ! Ifouse of Commom. 106 ' .^n 1872-73. Was leader of tiie OppuHJtion in the LeK AsHem. until railed on to form a Govt., Sept. 1876, wliieh he did succcHBfulIy, aHBUtning t!ie poHilion f)f Premier and Attorney GcnI. Hie AdininiHtration reHi^ned on 7th March, 187(). Hat in Leg. Assem., P.K.I., from November 1872 until g.e. 1879, when he was . {OaspS.) S . of the late Mr . Fortin, of Laprairie, by Julie Duver- nay. Descended from a family of Normandy, on father's «ide, and from a family of Britanny, France, on mother's side. B. at Verch^res, P.Q., Dec. 1823. Received his classical education at Montreal Seminary ; studied medicine at McGill Coll. where he took his degree of M.D. 1845. Unmarried. Served as a iSurgeon at Quarantine, Grosse Isle, during 1847 ominit)n when our railway system through Canadian territory is completed to the North-West. — /Iraehead, Montreal ; Smnmer Residence : liockcI{fVi 'i', Cacouna. Geoffuiox, Hon. Felix, P.O. {Verchcres.) 8. of M. Felix. Geoffrion, by the lai^; Catherine Brodeur. P. at Varennos. P.Q., 4 Oct. 1832. M., Oct. 185G, Almaide, the youngest dau. ♦" Lieut. Col. Joseph Dansereau, of Vcrcheres. Is a Notary. Was Registrar for Verchcres from 1854 to 1863. Has been Presdt. of the Montreal, Chambly and Sorel Railway. Moved for select Committee. 1874, to inquire into causes of the difiiculties existing in he N.W. Territory, 1869-70, of which Committee he became Chairman, and prepared report submitted to Parlt. Sworn of the Privy Council, and apptd. Minister of Inland Revenue, 8 J 'ly 1 874 . Sat for present seat in Can. Assem. from 1863 until the union, when returned to Home of ('ornmons. 115 urray lebor. Quay, 1804. d ap- Mac- ler, of flOUKC, May, Bank ;o Co. ; of the ^v. Co-, anager gent of ) Insur. int Soc. or very Harrison Captain, last g.c. ustries ; g of the arifcy for anadiaii ^ontreal / Brodeur. aide, the crchcres. to 1863. Railway, causes of 69-70, of ed report id apptd. 3sent scat burned to CornmonH, Uc-clectod by acclaniation on his appointment to otlico. IlcHigfHMl portfolio in conHeqiiencc of HcrioiiM illncRK, Doc. 1870, rotairiiiig his Heat in Parlt. Ho-olrctcd at g.e. 1878 hikI again at last g.e. A Liheral. — Verchercs^ r.(^. ilKiAVLT, OKorifiK AuuuHTE. (RouvWe.) S. of i'ierrr the Prov. of Queber. Was Mayor of Ht, (JcBaire from Jan. 1875 to Jan. 1878. WaK PoRtraaHter of Ht. CeRainr from Deo. 1870 to Vvh. 1874. While Mayor was inHtriimcntal in hav. ing waterworks built in St, Cosaire. FirHt returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878, and re-ele(;t(!d at last g.«'. A ConHcrvative, and in favor of a Protective TarilF. — St. Cesnire, I'.Q. OiLLMOR, /foH. Arthur HrLL. {Charlotte.) S. of Daniel (iillraor, Esq., J. P., of St. George, N.B., iind grandM. of Arthur Hill Gillmor, of HillHhoroiigh, Co, Down, frel. B. at St. George. Ed. there. M., 1846, Miss Howe of Maine, U.S. A mill owner. Sat for Charlotte in N.B. AsHcm. from 1854 until 1866, when defeated on Con- federation question. Was Provl . Secy, in Mr. A.J. Smith's Anti-Confederation Government, 1865 Contested Charlotte unsuccessfully for Commons at g.e. 1872. First retiirned y acclammation, 10 Jan. 1875. lie-elected at g.e. 1878, and again at hvHtg.e. A Lilteral Conservative. — St. /wn, I\Q. I.N.NKS, JANfKS. (South WelUngtoji.) S ot Alex. Tnnes, of Huntley, Aberdeenshire, "Scot. B. there 1 Feb. 18:53. M., 30 Sept. 1873, in London, Eng., Helen Gerrard, of the Parish of Forgne, Aberdeenshire, Scot. Was a School Teacher in Scot, for five years. On coming to Can. in 1853 he becaine a Reporter and Journalist, and has edited and publ shed the Guelph J/«rcMry since 1862. Has been a High School Trustee for a number of years. Is Chair- man of the Guelph Board of Education, and is a dir. of the Guelph Building and Savings Soc. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Guelph, Ont. ^ Irvine, Daviii. (Carleton, N.B.) S. of Robert Irvine, formerly of Crimland, Co. of Fer- managh, Irel., by Mary, dau. of the late John Ellis ofPettigo, Irel. B. in Crimland, Irel., 26th Nov. 1831. Is a farmer. First returned to Parlt. for preFent seat in May 1881, on the death of Mr. Connell, the sitting mem. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. — Centreville^ N. B. IvES, William Bullock, Q.C., {Richmond and Wolfe.) S. of Eli Ives and Artemissa Bullock ; of English extrfic- tion. First settled in Connecticut ; moved to the Co. of Stan- stead among the first settlers on Lake Memphremagog. B. in the Township of Compton, Co. Compton, 17 Nov. 1841' Self educated, after taking course in Compton Academy. M., 18 Nov. 1869, at Cookshire, Co. of Compton, Elizabeth E., only dau. of the Hon.J.H. Pope, M.P., Minister of Agri- culture. Called to the Bar, P.Q., 1867. Apptd. Q.C., llth Oct., 1880. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878 ; re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. Conservative. — Sherbrooke, P.Q. Jackson, Joseph. {South Norfolk.) Of Irish descent. B. in the Co. of Norfolk, Ont., April 1831. M., Ist, Miss Malinda Dowling, (she d. Sept. 1878) j IhuM of Commons. 12$ he fit. id \n\ 2nd, MiH. llobcrt Jnckgon, dan. of Rev. Martin W. fiivinKston, of Simcoe. Is a IinnbortT. First relurnt'd to Piirlt. at lu>t g.e. A Liberal. — Simcoe, Ont. Jamik.sox, .To.MKiMr. (N'orth Lanark.) 8. of the late William Jamieson, who cam*' from (Jettys- towo, Co. of Londonderry, Ire I., in 1H18, and nettled in Perth Ont., where he was one ot the first settlers. B. in Sher- brooke, Co. of Lanark, 16tli March, 1839. Ed. at Perth Orammar School. M., 2 Nov. 1865, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Robt. CarsH, Kscj., of Fit> roy, Co. of Carleton. Called to the Bar, Ont, 1869. Ha8l)een Reeve of Almonte and Warden of the Co. of Lanark. Is Chairman of the Board of License Commrs. for N. Lanark. An unsuccessful candidate for X. Lanark at g.e. IKTK, and again 22 Jan., 1880, on the death of the sitting mem., Mr. D. Galbraith. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and a supporter of the National Policy — Almonte, Ont, Jenkins, John Tiieopiiilus, Id.D., M.R.C.S., (Eng.) (Queen^s, P.E.I.) S. of Rev J. 0. Jenkins, D.C.L., for thirty years Rector oi Charlottetown, and Ecclesiastical Commissary ; and grands, of Theophilus Des Brisay, the first Recto-, by the dau. of the late Chief JuFtice Stewart. B in Charlottetown, 1 Jan., 1829. Ed. there and in Eng. M. Jessie E. C, second dau. of the Hon. Stephen Rice, late of the 7th Hussars, and the Royal Newfoundland Veteran Battalion. A physician and a mem. of the Royal College of Surgeons, (Eng.) Coroner and Health Officer. Apptd., 1876, a Commr. for the settlement of the Land Question, P.E.I. Served as a Surgeon in the Turk- ish army during the Crimean War, for which he holds the British and Turkish mtdalp. An unsuccessful candidate for Queen's in the Commons, Sept. 1873. Sat for Charlottetown in Leg. Assem. P.E.L, from 1873 to g.e 1876, First returned to the Commons at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Char- lottetown. Keefler, Thomas Tvvinixc;. {Lunenburg.) ^ . Grands, of a native of Austria, v.ho settled in N.S. B. at Halifax, 26th March, 1824, and ed, at the Grammar School there. M., at Milton, N. S., 13th Sept., 1870, Lydia Sophia, dau. of Nathan Tupper, Esq. Is a merchant. Has filled several municipal offices. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal, and in favor of an elective senate. — Bridgewdter, N.S. 1 124 Hotise of Commons. KiLVERT, Francis Edwin. {Hamilton.) Oulys. of the late Richard Kilvert, of Bath, England. B. 27 Dec. 1838 in the Township of Hamilton, Co. of Nor- thumberland, Ont. Ed. at the Cobourg Grammar School. M., 6 June, 1863, Nanny Young, fourth dau. of Benjamin S. Cory, Esq., M.D., Waukegan, 111., formerly of Wellington, Prince Edward Co. Called to the Bar U.C. Easter term, 1867. Was Aid. of the City of Hamilton for the years 1874, 1875, and 1876, and Mayor of the same place for the years 1877 and 1878. First returned to Parlt. at g.e- 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative and Protectionist. — Hamilton, Ont. King, George Gerald. {Queen's, N.B.) Eldest s. of the late Malcolm King, of the Town of Fin- try, Scot., by Elizabeth, dau . of Edward Hickson of Mil- town, Irel. B. 11 Dec. 1830, at Springfield, King's Co., N.B. Ed. at Springfield Public School. M. at Chipman, Q. v'^n's Co., 23 Oct. 1860, Esther, dau. of Ebenezer Briggs. A "^aerchant. Filled the oflfice of Warden of Queen's Co. for eg term. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878, and re- <5!ccted at last g.e. A Liberal. — Chipman, Queen's Co.^ N.B» Kinney, Joseph RoiSBiNS. (Yarmout/i.) Descended from a New England family who came to this country early in the present century . B. at Annapolis, N.S., 1839. M., 1st. at Yarmouth, in 1860, Ada E. dau of Andrew Ritchie, of Annapolis, (shed. 1878); 2nd, Mary B., dau. of William Dakin, Esq., Digby, N. S. Is a mem. of the firm of Hatfield, Kinny & Co., dealers in fishing outfits . Is Consu- lar Agent for the U.S. A Notary Public. Sat for present seat in Leg. Assem., N.S., from 1878 until dissolution. First returnea 1c Commons at last g e. Believes that the country would be better governed if the Local Governments were abolishe*^, and, also, that the general Government should own all railroads and telegraph lines. A Liberal, and a believer in Free Trade. — Vermouth, N. S. ; Rideau Club Kirk, Lieui.-Col. John Angus, J.P. (Guysborough.) Grands, of William Kirk, a native of Dunfermline, Scot., formerly in the British Army, who served during the Ame- rican Revolutionary war, and afterwards settled in N. S. S. of Angus Kirk, Esq., J.P. B. at Glenelg, N.S., Ist March r-^^ House of Commons. li " 125 1837, and Ed. there. M., 1864, Sarah Susannah, dau. of Timothy McLean, Esq . , St. Mary's. Is a farmer and was Lieut.-Ool. 5th Guysborough Regt. of Militia. Held the office of Gustos Rotulorum for the Dist. of St. Mary's, until the incorporation of the counties in 1880. Has been a Coun- cillor and Warden of the Municipality of St. Mary's since 1880. Was a Commr. with Messrs. Annand and Allison to inquire into the system of managing Inebriate Asylums in the United States and neighboring Provinces in 1873. Carried through Leg. Assem. N.S., 1868, a measure greatly restrict- ing the granting of Licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors in N.S. First returned to Parlt. for present seat in Leg. Assem. N.S, at g.e. 1867; re-elected at g.e. 1871, but resigned in March 1874 to run for Commons. Elected for Commons at g.e. 1874 ; defeated at g.e. 1878 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and in favor of a revenue tariff. Believes the present tariff burdensome to the farmer, aud the masses of the people, and against the interests of the Maritime Pro- vinces generally. — Cross Eoadsy St. Mary^s, Guysborough Co., N.S. I \ I KiRKPATRiCK, Lieut.-Col. Hon. George Airby, LL,B., Q.C, {Frontenac.) Fourth 8. of the late Thomas Kirkpatrick, Esq., Q.C., a native of Coolmine, near Dublin, who represented Frontenac in ;he Commons from the Union until his death, March 1870, by the dau. of the late Alex. Fisher, Esq., Judge of the Mid- land District. B. in Kingston, 13 Sept. 1841. Ed. at King- ston Grammar School, at High School, St. John's, P.Q., and at Trinity Coll., Dublin ; graduated at latter institution as Moderator and Silver Medalist, Dec. 1861, and received the degree of B.A. and LL.B. M., Oct. 1865, Frances Jane, dau. of the late Hon. John Macaulay ; (she d. 20 Jan. 1877.) Called to the Bar, U.C, Hilary Term, 1865. Apptd. a Q.C. 11 Oct. 1880. Is Presdt. of the Kingston Waterworks Co. ; Lieut. Col. Commanding the 47th "Frontenac" Batt. V. I. ; Vice-President of the Kingston Rifle Ahso. ; and dir. of the Kingston and Pembroke Railway. Commanded the Wimble- don Rifle Team, 1876. First returned to Parlt., April 1870, on death of his father, the sitting mem. ; re-elected y ac- clamation at g.e. 1872 ; again returned at g.e. 1874 ; re-elected at g.e. 1878, and by acclamation at last g.e. Elected Speaker of the House of Commons, 8 Feb. 1883 . A Liberal Conserva- tive. — King Street^ Kingston^ Ont. ; Toronto Club ; Eideait Club. I 126 House of Commons. Kraxz, Hugo, J.P. {North Waterloo.) Descendant of an old Heesian family. Only s. of the late Charles Kranz, of Berlin, Ont., merchant, with whom he came to America in 1851, and settled in Berlin, Ont., in 1855. B. 13 June 1834, in Lehrbach, Grand Duchy of Hesse Darm- stadt. Ed. at the Polytechnic School at Darmstadt. M., 1865, Catherine Seip, dau. of the late George Seip, brewer, of Berlin, Out. Has held the municipal offices of Town Clerk, Reeve and Mayor for many years. Trustee and Treasurer of Berlin High School since 1871. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. A National Conservative. — Berlin, Ont. Labrosse, Simon, J.P. (Prescoit.) 8. of Pierre Labrosse, who founded St. Eugene, Ont. in 1854. B. at St. Benoit, Co. of Two Mountains, P.Q., 1836. Ed. there. M. Miss M. Ethier of St. Joseph, Co. of Two Mountains. Is a merchant. Has been a Councillor, Deputy Reeve and Reeve of the Township of East Hawkesbury. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — St. Euglne, Ont. Landerkin, Georcje, M.D. {South Grey.) S. of late Mr. James Landerkin, a native of N.S., who settled in Co. Simcoe, Ont., 1824. E. at West Gwillimbury, Simcoe, 1839. Ed. at Victoria Coll., Cobourg, where he graduated M.D, 1862. M., 1870, Miss M. Kirkendall of Elora, Ont. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1872 ; re-elected at g.e. 1874 ; defeated at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, — Hanover^ Ont. Landry, Auguste Charles Philippe Robert, A.B., J. P., M. C.A. {Montmagny.) S, of the well known Surgeon of Quebec, J. E. Landry, by the late Caroline E. Lclievre. B. at Quebec, 15 Jan. 1846. Ed. at the Quebec Seminary, where he obtained the degree of B.A., and at St. Anne Agricultural Coll. M., 6 Oct. 1868, Wilhelmina, dau. of the*latc Etienne Couture, of St. Gervais. A farmer, Mem. of the Council of Agriculture of the Prov. of Quebec, to which position he was called after having ob- tained the first prize and gold medal for the best Treatise on Agriculture. Presdt. of the Montmagny Agricultural Soc. ; Vice-Presdt. of the Union Agricole Nationale of the Prov. of ii f*H!r House of Commons. 127 ti J Vuebec. Secretary of the Montmagny No. 3 Colonization Soc. ; mem. of the Entomological Soc, Can. Senior Major of the 61st Batt. of Montmagny and L'Islet. Author of Traits' Populaire d* Agriculture theorique et pratique ; Les Boissons alcoO' liques et leurs fahifications ; Oil est la disgrace, and other scientific, literary and political pamphlets. Was an unsuc- cessful candidate in 1813, for the Local House, First returned to the Quebec Leg. Assem. for the Co. of Montmagny at g.e . 1875. Unseated 29 May 1876, by judgment of the Superior Court. Returned to the Commons for present seat at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative and Protectionist. — Land Villa, Co. Montmagny, F.Q. / Langevin, Hon. ^SiV Hector Louis, K.C.M.G., C.B., Q.C.j P.C., {Three Rivers.^ S. of the late Jean Langevin, Esq., formerly Asst. Civil Secy, under the Earl of Gosford and Lord Sydenham, during the periods those noblemen held the office of Governor General, by the late Sophie Scholastique La Force, whose father, Major La Force, went witli his militia men to the frontier in the war of 1812, and whose grandfather was Acting Commodore of the British fleet on Lake Ontario during the Am. K evolutionary war ; and brother of His Lordship the Right Rev. Jean Langevin, Bishop of St. Germain de Ri- mouski. B. in the city of Quebec, 25 Aug. ^826. Ed. at the Seminary of that city. M., 1854, Justine, eldest dau. of the late Lieut. Col. Charles H. Tetu, J. P. (she d. 30 Oct. 1882). Studied law rst with the late Hon. A.N. Morin, and after- wards with thv3 late Hon. Sir Geo. E. Jartier, and was called to the Bar, L.C., Oct. 1850. Appti. Q.C., 30 March 1864. Was editor of the Melanges Religieux (Montreal) from 1847 to 1349, and also of the Journal d'' Agriculture (saiifie city) ; and at a later period (1857) of the Courrier du Canada (Quebec). Sat as a mem. of the City Council, Quebec, for some years, and was Chairman of the Waterworks Committee. Was Secy. Treas. and afterwards Vice-Presdt. of the North Shore Rail- way Co. ; Mayor of Quebec from Jan. 1858 to Jan. 1861, and during his incumbeccy visited England on mr.tters affecting the city finances, etc. ; for two years, 1861 and 1362, Presdt. of St. Jean Baptiste Society (Quebec); and 1863 and 1864 Presdt. of the Institut Canadien, same city. Author of Le Canada, ses Institutions, etc., a prize essay (Quebec, 1855), and of Droit Administratif, ou Manuel des Paroisses et Fabriques (Quebec, 1862), second edition, being published by him in 1878. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, Can., from 30 March 1864 until the Union ; and held the offices of Solicitor i I .i 128 House qf Commons. General, L.C., from 30 March 1864, to Nov. 1865 ; and Post- matter General from latter period until the Union. "Was sworn of the Privy Council, 1 July 1867, when appointed Secretary of State of Canada, in which office he remained until transferred to the Public Works Department, 8 Dec. 1869. Was, while at the State Department, ex officio Registrar General of Canada, and Supdt. Genl. of Indian Affairs. Was a Commr. to assist Mr. Speaker in the management of the interior economy of the House of Commons ; also, Chairman of the Railway Committee of the Privy Council . Created a Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (Civil) by Her Majesty, 1868 ; Knight Commander of the Roman Order of Pope ^t. Gregory the Great, IS'^o ; Knight Com- mander of the most distinguished Order oi St. Michael and St. George, 24 May 1881 . Was a delegate to the Charlotte- town Union Conference, 1864 ; to that in Quebec in same year ; and to the London Colonial Conference, 1866-67, to complete terms of Union of B.N. A. Provinces. In 1871, at the desire of the Privy Council, visited British Columbia with a view of acquiring a knowledge of that new Province in relation to the Pacific Railway and its western terminus, and also of studying the requirements of the Province, and as- certaining personally what public works were necessary for it. On his return he published a report containing much information about British Columbia, and making known its present position and immense wealth and resources (Ottawa, 1872). Acted as leader of the L.C. Conservatives in the session of 1873, during the absence in England of Sir George Cartier, and was elected by the Conservative members, after Sir George Cartier's funeral in Montreal, June 1873, as the Conservative leader in the Province of Quebec. Sat for the Co. of Dorchester in the Can. Assem. from g.e. 1857 until the Union. Returned to Commons by same constituency from the Union until 1874, when he retired . He had ceased to be a Cabinet Minister, with his colleagues, in Nov. 1873. He also represented Dorchester in Local House from g.e. 1867 to g.e. 1871, when returned for Quebec Centre by acclama- tion ; retired Jan. 1874, Elected for Charlevoix, Jan. 1876 ; again returned for same constituency, April 1877, after being unseated on petition. Contested Rimouski unsuccessfully at g.e. 1878. Sworn as Postmaster General, 19 Oct. 1878, Apptd. Minister of Public Works, 20 May 1879. Elected by acclamation for the City of Three Rivers, 17 Nov. 1878, on resignation of the sitting mem. Re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. Is a mem. of the Railway Committee of the Privy Council. On 5 April 1879 was chosen by the Governor General in Council to proceed to England and lay before the r^WL ■III II '111 Houst of Commons. 129 Imperial Government the views of the Can. Ministry in con- nection with the proposed dismissal of M. Letellier de St, Just, the Lieut. Gov. of the Province of Quebec ; the result of sucli mission being the recognition by the Imperial Government of the constitutional rights of the Canadian Government to remove Lieut. Governors for proper cause. During his absence in England, 20 May 1879, was apptd. Minister of Public Works. A Conservative. — Corner of St Louis and St, Ursule Streets, Quebec; 45 Slater Street, Ottawa; Rideau Club, Lauiuer, Hon. Wilfred, B.C.L,, Q.C, P.O. {Quebec East.) Family among the first established in La Nouvelle France. S. of the late M. Caro/is Laurier, P.L.S. B. at St. Lin, L'Assomption, P.Q., 20 Nov. 1841. Ed. at L'Assomp- tion Coll. M., 13 May 1868, Miss Lafontaine. Obtained decree of B.C.L. at McCJill Univ. 1864. Studied law with Hon. R. Latiamme, Q.C., and was called to the Ear, L.C , 1865. Apptd. Q.C., 11 Oct. 1880. A dir. of the Royal Mutual Life Ins. Co. Edited Z(? i>«/r«cAfi?■ SffltSiiiaSa: — i,i. House of Conmons. 131 f O' Ed. at Royal Grammar School, Kingston, under Dr. Wilson, a Fellow of Oxford Univ. M., Ist, Isabella, dau. of the late Alexander Clark, Esq., of Dalnavert, Inverness-shire, Scot., /she d. 1856) ; 2nd, 1867, Susan Agnes, dau. of the late Hon. T. J. Bernard, a mem. ol Her Majesty's Privy Council of the Island of Jamaica. Studied law with the late Mr. George Mackenzie, and was called to the Bar, U.C., Hilary Term, 1836. Apptd. a Q.C. 1846. A Bencher, ex-officio, of the Law •Society of Ontario. Is the grand representative in Can. of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Eng., and holds the rank of a Past Grand Senior Warden of the Freemasons of Can. Was a mem . of the Ex. Council of Can. from' 11 May 1847 to 10 March 1848 (in the Adminis- tration of the late Hon. Mr. Morris) ; from 11 Sept. 1854 to 29 July 1858 (in the McNab-Morin, the Tache-Macdonald and the Macdonald-Cartier Administrations) ; from 6 Aug. same year, to 23 May 1862 (in the Cartier-Macdonald Admin- istration) ; from 30 March 1864 until the Uuion (in the Tach6 -Macdouald and the Belleau-Macdonald Administra- tions) ; and was, during these several periods. Receiver General from 21 May to 7 Dec. 1847; Com. of Crown Lands from latter date to 10 March 1848 ; Attorney General for U.C. from 11 September 1854 to 29 July 1858, when as Prime Minister he and his Cabinet resigned, being defeated on the seat of Government question. Returned to office 6 August same year, as Postmaster General, a position he resign )d the following day, on his re-appointment as Attorney G ineral, U.C. which he continued to hold until the defeat of the Administration on the Militia Bill, May 1862, when he and his colleagues again retired from office. The late Sir George E. Cartier and he led the Opposition in the Assem. until the defeat of the Sandfield Macdonald-Dorion Govt., when the Tache-Macdonald Govt, was formed, 30 Mar. 1864, and he returned to bis old office of Attorney General, and was '#ovt. leader in the Assem. from that time until the Union of the B.A. Provinces, 1867. Held the office of Minister of Militia Affairs jointly with that of Attorney General, from Jan. to May 1862, and from Aug. 1865, until the Union. Was requested to take the place of Sir E. P. Tache as Prime Minister, on the death of that gentlempn in 1865, but waived hi.-', claim in favour of Sir N. F. Belleau. Has been a delegate to England and other countries on public business on many occasions, and was a delegate to the Conference in Charlottetown in 1864, which had been convened for the purpose of effecting a Union of the Maritime Provinces, to that which succeeded it in Que- bec, same year, toj, arrange basis of Union of all B . A . Col- li I y 132 House of Commons. V I ories ; and was Chairman of the London Colonial Confer- ence, 1866-67, when the Act of Union, known an the- " British North America Act," was passed by the Imperial Parlt. On 1 July 1867, when the new constitution came into force, was called upon to form the first Govt, for the New Dominion, and was sworn of the Privy Council and was apptd. Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Can , an office he continued to fill until he and his Ministry resigned on the Pacific Rail^/ay charges, 6 Nov. 1873. In 1871 was apptd. one of Her Majesty's Joint High Commissioners and Plenipotentiaries, together with Earl de Gray (now Mar- quis of Ripon) Sir Stafford Northcote, Sir Edward Thoronton, and Right Hon. Montague Bernard, to act in connection with five commissioners named by the President of the United States, for the settlement of the Alabama claims, and of mat- ters in dispute between Great Britain and the United States, the labours of which Joint Hi^'h Commission resulted in the Treaty of Washington, signed at Washington, U.S., on 8 May 1871. Received degree of D.C.L. (hon.) from Oxford Univ., 1865. Is also LL.D. of Queen's Univ. Kingston, and a D.C.L. of Univ.. of Trinity Coll., Toronto. Created K.C.B. (civil) by Her Majesty, July 1867. Created a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order oi Isabel la Calolica (of Spain), Jan. 1872. Nominated a mem. of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, July 1872, and sworn in Aug. 1879. Ui»animously elected leader of the Can. Liberal ConFervative Opposition, & Nov. 1873. Sat for Kingston in Can. Assem. from Nov. 1844, until the Union. Returned for same seat in Commons at g.e. 1867 ; at g.e. 1872, and at g.e. 1874. Unseated on petition^ Jl Nov. 1874; re-elected 29 Dec. 1874. Contested the city of Kingston at last g.e., when he was defeated . Immedi- ately afterwards was elected by acclamation for Marquette^ Can., which he vacated — by having accepted office as Pre- mier and Minister of the Interior, on 17 Oct. 1878, which position he now holds. Was then elected for Victoria, B.C. Elected for Carleton arid Lennox at last g.e. The following are among the principal measures which have been carried through Parlt. by the Right Hon. Knight, viz: — The sec- ularization of the clergy reserves ; the improvement of the criminal laws ; the promotion of public instruction ; the con- ijolidation of the statutes ; the extension of the mur icipal system ; the reorganization of the militia ; the settlement of the seat of Government question ; the establishment of direct steam mail communications with Europe ; the establishment of additional penitentiaries, criminal lunatic asylums and refor- matory prisons, and providing for the inspection thereof; the providing for the internal economy for the House of Com- -i ■ -•V«v^'r^"»' i i' i tfr^\'mt-"nm^'ri 2nd, 17 June, 1853, Jane, eld- est dau. of the late Mr. Robert Sym, of Perthshire, Scot. In youth learned the business of a builder and architect, and • after arrival in Can. became a contractor. For some years edited the Lambton Shield, a Reform journal . Is Presdt, of the Sovereign Fire Ins. Co., also of the North American Life Ins. Co., and a dir. of the Building and Loan Asso. Was Major 27th Lambton Batt. of V. I, for some years, up to Oct. 1874, when he resigned. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council and Treas. of Ont. (in Mr. Blake's Administration), from 21 Dec. 1871 ULtil Oct. 1872, when he retired with Mr. Blake for the purpose of confining them- selves entirely to Dominion politics. Declined a seat in the Car. Cabinet on the occasion of the retirement of Mr. Brown, 1865. Was leader of Ontario Reform Opposition in House ot Commons from the Union until 1873, ^'/hen elected leader of the whole Opposition party, and continued in that position until 5 Nov. 1873, when, owing to the resigaatiou 1*1} ^m 134 JlfiUie of Commons. of Sir John Macdonald, he waH called on to form a new Ad- ministration, a duty he Kiicceoded in accomplishicgon the 7th of the same month, when he and his colleagues were 8wori> of the Privy (/ouncil, he (Mr.M,) taking the office ot Jlinister of Public Works, which he held until he resigned, with the other members of the Ministry, Oct. 1878. Proceeded to the Mother Country in .lune 1875, and while there was presented with the Freedom of Irvine, Dundee and Perth, and visited Her Majesty at Windsor Castle. During a visit to Scotland, 1881, for tlie benefit of his health, was presented with the Freedom of Inverness. Sat for present seat in Can. Assem. from 1861 until the Union. Returned to Commons at g.e. 18G7, and atg.e. 1872 ; again at g.e. 1874 ; re-elected by ac- clamation on his appt. to office: and again at g.e. 1878. Elected for present seat at last g.e. Represented West Mid- dlesex in Local House from g.e. 1871 until Oct. 1872, when he- resigned. Several important measures owe their existence to Mr. M. as a private member, viz : the Act amending, the Assessment Act of U.C. (1863); that consolidating and amending the Acts relating to the A«!sessment of Property, U.C. (1866;; and the highly useful measure for providing means of egress from Public Buildings (1866). As Chair- man ot Committee on Municipal and Assessment Laws- (1866), wrote and framed the greater part of the General Act. on Municipal corporations, etc. All the measures of his Government, including the enactment of a stringent election law, with the trial of election petitions by judges, and vote by baPot ; the abolition of the real estate qualification of members ; the inspection of produce and weights and meas- ures ; the better adn'ni strati on of penitentiaries ; the enact- ment of the Marine Telegraph Law, which virtually abolished the monopoly of the Cable Company; the establishment of a Dominion Military College, and the improvement of the militia system ; the enlargement of the canals ; the perman- ent organization of the Civil Service ; the establishment of a. Supreme Court for the Dominion ; the reduction of postage to and from the U.S. ; the free delivery of postal matter in cities and towns ; the opening of direct mail communication with the West Indies ; the construction of a trans-continental telegraph line ; the better administration of Government Railways; an improved copyright law; the adoption of a. final route for the Pacific Railway ; the opening of negotia- tions, conducted on our behalf by our own delegate in person, between Can. and the U.S., for the establishment of an equit- able Reciprocity Treaty between the two countries ; a new insolvent law ; and the establishment of a Territorial Govern- ment for the great North- West, have all been more or less- : Vn^"-?fr^lnSi , v^W-fr-^'i'-r-;inwfvp?tr-,^ '•flrmnr i rr--^ffB « wmi-)— rTnfrmi''»n'^ iX, IfoHse of Commons. 135 moulded and directed by him. In addition, two very im- portiint questions which for some time agit»ited the public mind and tlireatened the gravcKt complications — tlie Mani- toba amnesty and the New Brunswick school questions — were satisfactorily adjusted during Mr. M's administration. A Liberal ; and '' has always held those political principles — which by some in England may be considered peculiar — of the univ<'rsjil brotherhood of man, no matter in what rank of life he may have taken his origin. Has believed, and now believes, in the extinction of all class legislation, and of all legislation that tends to promote any body of men, or class of men, tor the mere fact of their belonging to a body or class, to a higher position politically than any other class in the country. In our great colonics, while no fault is found with the political organization of the Mother Country, or of any other country, we take our stand simply and completely on the ground that every man is equal in the eye of the law, and has the same opportunity, by exercising the talents with which God has blessed him, of rising in the world, in confi- dence ot his fellow citizens- one man quite as much as an- other. Believes thoroughly in party government, and that it is utterly impossible to conduct the government of a new country without it. While an earnest advocate and upholder of the present connection with the Mother Country, he will always endeavour to maintain Canadian rights and to bring Canada into prominence in the eyes of the world." — Toronto, OnL; Rideau Club; Toronto Club. Mackintosh, Charles Herbert. {City of Ottawa.) S. of Capt. William Mackintosh, of Wicklow, Irel., who came to Canada as an attache of the ordnance branch of the British army, and afterwards Co. Engineer of Middlesex, Ont. ; related to Sir James Mackintosh, the essayist and historian. B. in London, Ont., 1843. Ed. at Gait Grammar School and Caradoc Academy. M., 7 April 1868, Gertrude, dau. of T. Cooke, Esq., J. P., of Strathroy. Wrote " Welcome to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales," (1860) which was presented at the time of his visit to Canada. Wrote (1862) ^^Hurry-Graphs " under the nom de plume of Fat Contri utor, for the London Free Press, and became City Editor ot that journal, giving up the study of law. Became City Editor Hamilton Times 1864, and in 1865 published Strathroy Dispatch until 1874, when he sold out. Wrote and published (1871) The Chicago Fire; wrote (1873) 'TAe Financial Panic in U.S.j and its Causes.'^ Was managing editor Chicago Journal of Commerce, 1873, having taken that position in order to study the Pro- IT! r- j. S4^ir^)i «^^k' ^ ^L&m3dM.\ SMmj^m^'4LmMm i "Z J 136 House of ('ominous. I . • tectiou qncfition. In 1874 hecaine Kditor Ottawa Daify CitW'n. K,' 142 House qf Commom. Mitchell, Hon. Peter, P.O. {Northumherland, N.B.) ^ Parents came from Scot, to N. B., and settled on the Miramichi, in that Province, 1818. B. in Newcastle, Miramichi, 1824. Ed. at the Grammar School there. M., 185^, Mrs. Goiigh, of St. John. Called to the Bar, N.B., 1848. Has been an extensive shipbuilder. Author of A Jieview qf President Grants Recent Message to the Umited States Congress Relative to the Canadian Fisheries^ and the Navigation of the St. Lawrence River. (Ottawa 1870.) Sworn of the Privy Council, July 1867, and was Minister of Marine and Fisheries from that date until 5 Mov. 1874, when he retired from office with his Chie<', Sir John A. Macdonald. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council. N.B., from 1858 to March 1865, when his party was defeated on an appeal to the people in the scheme for the Confederation of B. N. A, In April 1866, after the resignation of the Smith Cabinet, was called upon to form a Government, in conjunction with the Hon. R. D. Wilmot, which he did, holding the office of President of Ex. Council from that date until the Union. Was a delegate to Quebec in 1861, and again in 1862, on the sub- ject of the Intercolonial Railway : to the Union Conference in same city, 186-; and to the London Colonial Conference to complete terms of Union of B.N. A. Provinces, 1866. Sat for NorthumberJaad in N.B. Assem. from 1856 to 1860, when apptd. to L.C., same Province, where he remained until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867 ; continued to sit in that House until g.e. 1872, when he resigned, and was returned for Northumberland in the House of Commons by acclamation. Re-elected at g e. 1874 ; defeated at g e. 1878; re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Montreal; Rideau Club; St. James Club, Montreal. Moffat, Robirt. {Restigouche.) S. of the late Geo. Moffat, Esq., M.P. for Restigouche. B. at Campbellton, Co. of Restigouche, 5 March 1844. Ed. at the Academy, Annan, Dumfries-shire, Scot. M., 20 Oct. 1876, Margaret, youngest dau. of David Sadler, Esq., Deputy Crown Land Surveyor. Is a merchant. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — Dalhousie, N.B.; Rideau Club. ' y MoNTPLAisiR, Hypolite. (Champlain.) S. of Mr. Paschal Montplaisir, by Victoire Crevier. B . at 1i il Qig ' . '! HMH: mBh Houie of Commom. 143 €ap de la Madelaine, P.Q., 7 March 1839. Ed. at Three Rivers. A iarmer. Has ])een Secretary and Treasurer of Schools, and Mayor of the parish. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1874; re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A liberal. — Cup de la Madelaine^ P.Q. MuLOCK, William, M.A. (North York.) Second s. of the late Thomas H. Mulock, M.l)., T. CD., a native of Dublin, Irel., by his wife Mary, dan. of the late John Cawthra, formerly of Yorkshire, Eng., who settled in Newmarket, and vas elected as Reform member in the Leg. Assem. of U.C. for Simcoe in 1829. B. at Bond Head, Township of West Gwillimbury, Co. of Simcoe, 19 Jan. 1843. Ed. at Newmarket Grammar School and Univ. of Toronto, where he was Gold Medallist in Modern Languages, and graduated in Arts in 1863. Called to the Bar of Ontario in 1868 . For four years was one of the Examiners in and Lecturer on Equity for the Law Soc. Elected a mem. of the Senate of the Univ. of Toronto in 1873 and 1878. elected Vice-Chancellor of the Univ. in 1881 and 1882. Is Presdt. of the Farmers' Loan and Savings Co., and the Victoria Rolling Stock Co. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — 68 Avenue Road, Vorkville ; Toronto Club; Rideau Club. *0'Brien, Lieut. Col. William Edward. (Muakoka.) Eldest 8. of Edward G. O'Brien, from the Co. of Clare, Ire., one of the first settlers in the Co. of Simcoe, Ont. B. at Thornhill, Ont , and Ed. at U.C. Coll., Toronto. M., in 1864, the only dau. of the late Col. Irving, Toronto. Called to the Bar, Ont., 1874. Is engagod in farming. Is Lieut. Col. commanding 35th Batt. (Simcoe Forresters) Vol Militia. Was an unsuccessful candidate for present seat at g.e. 1878. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — Tne Woods, Shanty Bay, Ont. ? Obton, George Turner, M.D., M.R.C.S. (Eng.) (Centre Wellington.) S. of the late Dr. Henry Orton, who came to this country from Leicestershire, Eng., and settled at Guelph, Ont., 1835. B. in Guelph, 1837. Ed. for the medical profession at Coll. of Surgeons, Dublin, and at the Univ. of St. Andrews, Scot., where he graduated M.D. 1860. Is a mem. of the Royal Coll. of Surgeons of Eng.; and Surgeon 30th Batt. Wellington Rifle ■\ ■m I II Wr I I i 144 House of Comuons. Volunteers. M. Annie, dan. of William Farmer, Esq., late of Sutton-Maddock, Shropshire, Eng. An unsuccessful candi* date for present seat atg.e. 1872 ; first returned at g.e. 1874. Unseated on petition, 3 Nov. 1874 ; re-elected 13 Dec. 1874, and again at g.e. 1878. A recount of votes being held, he was confirmed in his seat. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative ; in favour of British Connecfion ; the con- solidation of the Dominion, and equitable reciprocity with U.S. — St. Davis Street, Fergus, Ont. OuiMET, Joseph Alderic LL,B., Q.C. {Laval.) Family one of the oldest in the Dist. of Montreal. S. of M. Michel Ouimet, J. P. B. at St. Kcse, P.Q., 20 May 1848. Ed. at the Seminary of St. Therese de Blainvilie ; graduated! as LL.B. at Victoria Coll., Cobourg, 1869. M., 30 July 1874, Theresa, dau. of Alfred La Roc que, Esq, of Montreal, by Dame Emelie Berthelet. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1870, apptd. a Q.C. ^ 1 Oct. 1880. Is a mem. of the law firm of Desnoyers, Ou:met & Ouimet, Montreal. Appted. a mem. of Board of R.C\ School Commrs. for Montreal, 1874. Isnowadir. of Montreal City and District Savings Bank. Lieut. Col. of the 65th Batt. Volunteer Rifles (Mount Royal.) First returned to Parlt. Nov. 1873; re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1874, and 1878, and again at last g.e„ A Liberal Conservative, and was first returned as an independent sup- porter of Sir John Macdonald. Is strongly in favour of British connection, and the carrying out of the Confederation scheme in its entirety. Supports a protective tariff'; and any well devised scheme for the improvement of the country. — Montreal . ; if J ! II ■ 5 ■ Paint, Henry Nicholas, J P. {Richmond.) Family is of Norman origin, and settled in the Island of Guernsey about 1212. Its members have been landed pro- prietors there from that year until the present day. Young- est s. of Nicholas Paint, Junr. Esq., J. P. for the whole Island of Cape Breton, by his wife Mary Le Mesurier of Guernsey. He came to Arichat, N.S. in 1816. B. 10 April, 1830, at Belle Vue, Strait of Canso, Cape Breton, and ed. at the; Grammar School, Guernsey, and at Wolfville Coll. N. S. M., 17 Mar. 1856, at Halifax, Christina St. Clair, youngest dau. of the late Donald McVean, Esq., ol Islay, Scot. Is a com- mission and insurance agent. Was a Lieut, and Capt. in tho Militia from 1853 to 1868. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative; favors the policy of Sir J. A. Mao- m iii r i Vi y ,,1,^ ^IM House of Commons, 145 donald, and desires universal suffrage for males in a modified sense.— Halifax, N.S. Paterson, William. (^South Brant.) S. of James Paterson, Esq., of Aberdeen, Scot., who came to Can. 1836 ; and grand-s. of Rev. Mr. Paterson, of Midmar, Scot. B. in Hamilton, Ont., 19 Se^t. 1839. Ed. there and in Caledonia by Dr. Ferrier. M., Sept. 1863. Lucy Clive, third dau. of T. C. Davies, Esq., of Brantford, A cigar manu- facturer, and proprietor of th : Brantford Steam Contectionery and Biscuit Works. Elected a mem. of Town Council of Brantford, 1868; was Deputy Reeve, 1869-70-71, and Mayor 1872. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1872; re-elected at g.e. 1874, a*; g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Liberal. — Charlotte /Street, Brantford, Ont. Patterson James Colebrooke. (North Essex.) S. of the late Rev. James Patterson, formerly of King- ston, near Dublin. Called to the Bar of Ontario, 1876. Is Warden of Essex. Has been Reeve of Windsor for several years. First returned to Parlt. for the North Riding of Essex in the Local Legislature of Ont. at the g.e Jan. 1875. Resigned his seat in the Local House to contest the county for the Commons at g.e . 1878. Re-elected xor present seat at last g.e. A Conservative. — Windsor Avenue, Windsor, Ont. ii 'II ' 8 i'i il :.n i PiCKARD, John. (York, N.B.) ' ... Descended from a Loyalist family that came from Mas- sachusetts to N.B. after the American Revolution, and were amongst the first settlers on the River St. John. S. of Mr. David Pickard, mill-owner, Douglas, York, N.B. B. in Douglas. Ed. there. M., Oct. 1851, Mary, dau. of Daniel Yerxa, Esq., of Douglas. A lumber merchant. Is R. W. Grand Master of the Orange Grand Lodge of N.B. ; a dir. of the N.B. Railway Co. ; and Vice-Presdt. of the York Agri- cultural Soc. Sat for York in N. B. Assem. from Oct. 1868 until following year, when he resigned, and was returned by acclamation to Commons upon the resignation of the sitting mem. Re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1872 ; at g.e. 1874 ; at g.e. 1878, and again returned at last g.e. A Liberal ; " was previously opposed to Confederation, but, it having been accepted by the people, he will do his best to render it suc- cessful. Occupies an independent position, and will support 8 It* 146 House of Commons. i or oppose the Government according to- its acta." — Regent Street^ Fredericion, N. B. PiNsoNNEAULT, Lt. Col. ALFRED, J. P. (Loprairie.) B. in Province of Quebec. A farmer. Is Lieut. Col. 7th Batt. Huntingdon Militia. Sat for present seat in Can. Assem. from 1863 until the Union. Returned to Commons at g e. 1867 ; re-elected at g.e. 1872 ; returned by aoclumation at g.e. 1874; re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative — St. Jacques Le Mineur^ P. ^. Platt, John Milton, M.D. {Prince Edward.) Grand-parents came from Duchess Co., State of New York, about 1790, and settled in Hallowell, Co. of Prince Edward, when that district was in a state of nature. B. in the Township of Athol, Co. of Prince Edward, in 1840. Ed. at Fort Edward Institute, New York State, the Normal School, Toronto, and Victoria Coll., Cobourg, at the last of which he graduated M.D. M. 1872, at Hallowell, a dau. of the late Arthur Branscombe, Esq., whose parents came from N.B. Was a Public School Inspector Jcr ten years, is a graduate of the Military School, Toronto, (1866), and is Surgeon to the 16th Batt. V. M. Was the first editor and publisher of the Picton New Nation, which subsequently, merged into the Times. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. Is not a supporter of the National Policy but is anxious to have it tried during a period of depression. — Picton, Ont, Pope, Hon. John Henry, P.O. (Compton.) B. in Eastern Townships, F.Q. Is Presdt. of the Inter- national Railway, of Maine, and of the Compton Coloniza- tion Soc ; one of the Trustees of the Si. Francis Coll., Rich- mond, P.Q. ; and a dir. of the Eastern Townships Bank. Commanc'^d *he Cookshire Volunteer Cavalry for many years, and retired, retaining his rank as Major, 1862. Sworn of the Privy Council, and was Minister of Agriculture from 25 Oct. 1871 until 5 Nov. 1873, when he retired with his chief, Sir John A. Macdonald, on the Pacific Railway ques- tion. Apptd. Minister of Agriculture 17 Oct. 1878. Sat for present seat in Can. Assem. from 1857 until the Union. Was an unsuccessful candidate for same seat at g.e. 1854. Returned to Commons by acclamation at g.e. 1867, on his appt. to office, at g.e. in 1872 ; at g.e. 1874 ; and again at 1 (I -$ House of Commons. 147 vpeni 7th Can. ions lation led at New 'rince B. in Ed. formal last of (au. of from ■g.e. 1878. Re-elected at last g.e. During the summer of 1880 visited F-'o'land in Company with Sir John A. Mao- donald and Sir Ctaaiaes. Tupper, and took an active part in •the negotiations which led to the Pacific Railway contract since ratified by Parlt. A Liberal Conservative. — Cookshire^ P.Q. ; Rideau Club. Hay, Lieut.-Col. William Hallett. {Annapolis.) Descended from a Royalist family that came to N.8. from Long Island, N.Y. B. at Clements, Annapolis, N.S., 25 May 1825. Ed. there. M., 1848, Henrietta, dau. of Isaac Ditmars, Esq., of Clements. Is a farmer. Is Lieut.- •Col. of Ist Regt. Annapolis Co. Militia. Apptd. Custos of the Co. of Annapolis in 1876. Sat for present seat in N.S. Assem. from Feb. 1864 until the Union, when returned to <-ommon8. Re-elected at g.e., 1872, and 1874. Defeated at g.e. 1878 but re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal — Clements- port, N.S. Reid, James. (Cariboo.) Third son of James Reid, by Ann, youngest daughter of Thomas Maxwell, whose father came from Scotland and settled in the north of Ireland, 1770. Parents emigrated to Canada 1832, and settled in the Township of Hull, P.Q. Born in the Township of Hull, 1 August 1839. Ed. at the Com- mon Schools. Went to British Columbia in 1862. Engaged in mining and mercantile pursuits. A member of the firm of Reid & Hudson, Quesnelle. Presdt. of the Quesnelle Quartz Mining Co., Cariboo. First returned to Parlt. 31 March 1881, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. J.'^ S. Thompson. Re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative . Favours protection to native indus- tries, and in order to encourage emigration to new districts main roads and other facilities of ingress should be projected ahead of settlement. — Quesnelle, B C. RiCHEY, Matthew HE^RY, Q,C. {Halifax,) Eldest s. of the Rev. Matthew Richey, D.D., at one time Presdt. of Victoria Coll., Cobourg, for some years Presdt. of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference in Can , and subse- quently of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference of Eastern British America. B. at Windsor, N S., 10 June, 1828. Ed. at Collegiate School, Windsor ; U.C. Academy, Cobourg ; U.C. Coll., Toronto ; and Queen's Coll., Kingston. Called to 148 House of Commom. SI Barof N.8. 1860. Apptd. a Q C. 1873. M., 22 June 1854^ Sarah Lavinia, dau. of the late Hon. John Hawkins Anderson,. Senator. Mayor of Halifax three consecutive ynare, 1864-67, and three, 1875-78. A mem, of the Senate of the Uuiv. of Halifax. Prendt. of the Nova Scotia S. P. C.A. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878 and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Halifax] JV.S. RiNFRET, Come Isaie, M.D. {Lotbiniere.) S. of F. J. Rinfret, Esq., merchant, by C. Thibaudeau, a sister of the Hon. Isidore Thibaudeau. B.*at Cape Sante, Co» Portneuf, Ed. at tbe Seminary of Quebec. M. Miss N. T-nliberte, at St. Croix, in 1873. First returned to Parlt. ati fc.e. 1878 and re-elected at last g e. A Liberal. — St. Croixy Co. Lotbiniere^P.Q. RioPEL, Louis Joseph, LL.B. (Bonaventure.) Family among the first established in La Nouvelle- France. S. of Louis Riopel, Esq., and Julie Mercure, of St. Jacques I'Achigan, Co. of Montcalm. B. there, 11th Nov. 1843. Ed. at L'Assomption Coll. and Laval Univ. where he graduated LL.B., July, 1880. M, 24th Nov. 1875, Marie Louise, dau. of the late L. A. Robitaille, Esq. of Varennes, and sister of His Honor the present Lieut.-Governor of the Province of Quebec . Admitted as a Notary, Oct. 1865, and practised as such until July, 1880, when he was called to the Bar, P.Q. Was Superintendent of Colonization Works for the Co. of Bonaventure, from 1869 to 1873 and Crown Lands and Timber Agent from May 1873 to Nov. 1881. First returned to Parlt. for present seat in the Leg. Assem. of Quebec at g.e. 1881. Resigned his seat in June 1882 to become a candidate for the Commons. Elected at last g.e., by acclamation. A Conservative. — New Carlisle^ P.Q., and 50 Couillard St., Upper Town., Quebec ; Rideau Club. Robertson, Alexander. (West Hastinga.') A descendant of the Robertsons of Strowan, "who were noted for their bravery and fine physique." S. of William Robertson, a native of Glenelg, Inverness-shire, Scot., who came to Can. in 1827, and settling at Trenton, Ont., engaged extensively in lumbering. His mother was Jane Simmons, of Mun-ay, Ont., a dau, of a U.E. Loyalist. B. at Trenton, Ont., 5th Dec. 1838. Ed. at the Grammar School, Belleville. M. 16 June 1870, Mary Georgina, dau. of Robert Stewart, Home of Commons. 149 i, of St. th Nov. rhere he 5, Marie arennes, r of the 165, and i to the brks for [ Crown . 1881. Assem. 1882 to last g.e.^ °.§., and ?ho were William ;ot., who engaged 5immons, Trenton, lelleville. Stewart, . M ift^4^ Called to the elected Mayor m J; ^^^ '^878 and was re-electc H^^^^ '"'I'-^nTn^ I « Kuiglit Templa._^»f the M»» ,^,^ s^. mationinl8.9- i J jimes been rre^u U|j_ ^l rbe irrCr 0»\ JOM— seat ,^^ ,^.^^ ';as subsequently "^ Jan 1880 Resigned >»« ;-^„^, •rot a^i^f £-«•:• rio=^e"-:^«x.- for present seat at last g.e. Bo.a.so..J.M.sK,>w.,.r.P. <^'"^" ^^"Z;^^^^^ , „, ■ Beseended.o»tbeBo..t-^^^ re:Kr^rS\v. at^M'^^arUn^oK *at g.e. 1879. Kf-^tf;,? ^eUned to the Common^ at la«t ,EoB.a.soK, THOMAS, «.C. (.HaniUon.) Bldest s. of the late ---t Krrous'of'f -n rrete'^^-^t-V/W^^^^ B. .5 Jan, 18«. 150 Home of Commons. Ancaster, Ont. Ed. at the London and Huron Districi Orammar SchoolR and the Univ. of Toronto ; studied law under the late Hon. John Hillyard Cameron; hecame an^ Attorney in 1849 ; wan called to the Bar in 1852 ; became a Q.C. in 1873, and a Bencher of Law Soc. of Ont. in 1874. M. in June 1850, Frances Louisa, youngest dau. of the late Theodore Reed. Esq., one of the earliest pioneers of the " Huron Tract." Was the first Crown Attorney for Wont- worth, and remained such until 1863. when he was super- seded by the appointment by Mr. Sandfield Macdonald of the late Mr. 8. B. Freeman, Q C, to the Clerkship of the Peace, whereby he became also ex officio Crown Attorney. An unsuccessful candidate for South Wentworth at g.e. 1867. First returned to Pari t. at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative and a supporter of the National Policy. He is also in favour of compulsory voting, which he suggested as a desirable amendment of the law, both through the press and in letters to Mr. Edward Blake and; other persons, so long ago as 1870. — Hamilton^ Ont. Robertson, Thomas. (Shelburne.) S. of Hon. Robert Robertson, ex-Commr. of Mines and- Public Works, N.S., who represented Shelburne in N. 8 Leg. from 1855 to 1878, by Sarah, dau. of the late \Vm. Richan, of Yarmoi'th. Grand-s. of the late William Robertson, U.E. Loyalist, who removed from New York to Shelburne in 1783. B. 13 Sept. 1852. Ed. at Barrington. Unmarried. A farmer. Was apptd. to Civil Service of N.S. in 1868, and retired by resignation in 1877. Filled important positions in Mines- and Works and Provl. Secy's Depts., also in connection with the Immigration Dept. Is a prominent member of Inde- pendent Order of Oddfellows. Historiographer of Grand Lodge of the Lower Provinces of B.N. A., and was repre- sentative of that body in Grand Lodge of the United States for the years 1876-77. Author of the History of the Co. of Shelburne, N.S. (an essay) and History of the Co. of Digby (prize essay. King's Coll, Windsor, N.S.) First returned* to Parlt. at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. Unsuccess- ful candidate for Local Legislature at special election held in> Jan. 1878. A Liberal, and favours Free Trade and advanced temperance legislation. — Barrington, N.S. ?.oss, Arthur Wellington, £.A. {Lisgar.) Eldest s. of Donald Ross, Esq., of East Williams, Co. of' Middlesex, Ont., who was the eldest s. of Arthur Ross, late ofi I. House of Commons. 151 the 78th Highlanders, and one of the first settlers in the Township of Adelaide. B. 25 March lft4t>, in the Township of East Williams. Ed. at Nairn Villa^'e School, Toronto Normal Hchool, and graduated at Toronto Tniv. M., 30 July 1873, at Ljikk^'^i Co. of Glengarry, Ont., .Jessie Flora, dau. of Donald Cattiinach, Esq. Is a Barrister at law of Manitoba. Was Inspector of Public Schools for the Co. of (Jlengarry, from Sept. 1871 until Nov. 1874. First returned to Parlt. for Springfield in Leg. Assem.. Man., at g.e. 1878, and re- elected at g.e. 1879. Resigned to run for present seat in the Commons. Elected at last g.e. A Liberal. — Winnipeg ; Mani' toba Club, Winnipeg. Ross, Georoe William. ( West Middlesex ) Of Celtic origin. Family came to Can. from Ross-shire, Scot, 1832 B. in the County Middlesex, Ont . 18 Sept. 1841. Ed. there, and at the Provl. Normal School, Toronto. M., Christina, fourth dau. o( Duncan Campbell, Esq., of Middle- sex (shed, Aug. l«72; ; 2nd, 1875, Miss Boston, of Lobo, Co. Middlesex. Has been for many years a leader in the Temperance and Prohibitory movements in Can., and has rendered most important services in connection therewith, having succeeded in obtaining the appt. of the late commis- sion to the United States. Is Inspector of Public Schools for Co. of Lambton ; one of the proprietors of the Ontario Teacher; a Vice-Presdt. of the Ontario Temperance and Pro- hibitory League; and a P.G.W.P. of Grand Division Sons of Temperance of Oct. Has been editor of the Strathroy Age, and of the Seaforth Expositor, both Reform journals. First returned to Parlt. at ge. 1872, re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1874, re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again returned at last g.e. A thorough Reformer. — Strathroy Ont. Royal, flon. Joseph, ZZ. Z). (Provencher.) B. at Repftntigny, P.Q., 7 May 1837. Ed. at the Jesuits' Coll., Montreal. Called to the Bar L.C., 1864, and to the Bar of Manitoba, 1871. As an advocate, has been retained in many important causes, the most notable of which were those of the Queen vs. Ambroise Lepine, and the Qu^en vs. Naud, tried at the Manitoba Criminal Assizes, Oct. 1874, for the execution of Thomas Scott, under the Provisional Govt, of Louis Riel, and in which he was associated with Hon. J. A. Chapleau, Q.C., as a Counsel for the defence. Was for some years one of the Asst. French Translators to the Can. Assem. Has been a prominent writer on the French Can. I I! t; ? 152 House of Commons. newspaper and periodical press for a lengthened period. Edited the Montreal Minerve from 1857 until 1859, when he established VOrdre, which he conducted until 1860. Was one of the founders of La Revue Canndienne 1864, to which lie contributed many valuable and interesting papers. ^ In 1867, founded, with others, Le Nouveau Monde (Montreal), of which he became chief ealtor. In 1871, shortly after his removal to Manitoba, established Le Metis, of which he still remains editor and proprietor. Is leader of the Metis and French Canadians of Manitoba. Author of Vie Politique de Sir Louis H. Lajontaine (1864), and of many other important contributions to French Canadian literature. Was one of the Secretaries to the Montreal Central Committee, and took an active part in organizing the Papal Zouaves who were sent to the assistance of the Holy Father, 1868. Elected First Vice-Chancellor of the Univ. of Mj'isitoba, in 1877, and re-elected 1878. Apptd. a Commr. for the Consolidation of the Statutes of the Province, in May 1877, together with Chief Justice Wood. Elected Speaker for the first Leg. Assem. of Manitoba 1871, an office he vacated March 1872, on be'.ng apptd. a member of Ex. Council, and Provl. Secy. of the Province ; resigned with the Govt. 8 July 1874. Re- apptd. to the Cabinet, with the offices of Provl. Secy, and Minister of Public Works, 3 Dec. 1874. Resigned offce of Public Works, tnd accepted that of Atty. Genl , May i876, which he heM until resignation of Govt , when he was offered and accepted portfolio of Min. of Public Works in the new Administration, 1878. Early in 1878, a difference of opinion having arisen between the Premier and Mr. Royal, the latter resigned. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council for the North-West Territories, 1873. Was the first Supt. of Education (apptd. 1871) for Manitoba, and as such exerted himself in having the law explained and carried oui; m every locality ; resigned March, 1872, on his appt. to office. Obtained the command of a cavalry troop, composed of natives, at the time of the Fenian raid, Oct. 1871, and was detailed on nn important scouting expedition in th^ south- west of the Province. Discharged the administrative duties of Atty. Genl. from 3 Dec. 1874 until 187o, and personally supervised the important legislation of 1875-76, introduced by the Davis-Iioyal Govt., which included the County Muni- cipalities Act; the Administration of Justice Act ; the Elec- toral Law ; the Act respecting the trial of Controverted Elections, and the Act for the abolition of Leg. Council. Is also the author of the School Law 3 873 ; of ♦he system of registration of deeds, and of the mode of establishing and collecting vital statistics. Has been a delegate to Ottawa on i House of Commons. 153 several occasions on the subject of " Better Terms," and the enlargement of the boundaries of Manitoba. In Oct. 1875, was successful, with Mr. Davis, in securing a readjustment of the financial arrangements of Manitoba with the Dominion. First returned to the Leg. Assem., Manitoba for St. I'''ran(joi8 Xavier West by acclamation, Dec. 1870, on the erection of Manitoba into a Province of the Dominion ; re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 18-75, and again at g.e. 1878. Elected for present seat on appt. of Mr. Dubuc, the sitting mem., as Puisne Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench, Manitoba, Dec. 1879 Re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. A Conservative. An advocate of extension, so as to make Manitoba a Maritime Province, with a port on Lake Superior and on the Hudson Bay. A firm believer in the great destiny ot the Far West, and will labour zealously towards its accomplishment. — Provencher Avenue, St. Boniface ; Winnipeg ; Manitoba Club. Rykbrt, John Charles, Q.C. (Lincoln.) German descent ; s. of George Rykert, who formerly represented Lincoln in the old Upper Can. Parlt. B. at St. Catharines, 10 March 18ri2 Ed. at Upper Can. Coll. M., 19 Oct. 1854, to Miss Hawley, dau. of Col. Sheldon Hawlsy, of Trento .i, Co. Hastings. A Barrister and Attorney at Law. Apptd. a Q.C. 13 Aug. 1881. Reeve of Township of Grant- ham and St. Catharines for 20 years continuously. Warden five times. Presdt. of the Agricultural and Arts Asso. of Ont. in 1865, and has since that time been a mem. of the Council '^f the same Asso. Chairman St. Catharines Colle- giate Tr.8titute Board. First returned to Parlt. in 1860, and a^rtin in 1861 by acclamation. Sat in Parlt. until the fall of 1863. Elected by acclamation at time of Confederation for the Local House; again by acclamation in 1871. Elected again in 1876. Was defeated in 1875 by Capt. Neelin for the Local, but unseated and disqualified him for bribery, and was elected over him in 1876, his disqualification being rtmoAed by the Movvat (irovt. Returned to Commons at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — St. Catha- rines, Ont. Scott, Lieut. Col. Thomas. (Selkirk.) Parents emigrated to Can. from Armagh, Irel., in 1836. B. in the County of Lanark, Ont., 1841. Eg. at Perth High School. M. in 1863, at Perth, second dau. of Robert Kellock, Esq. Commenced the publication of the Perth Expositor news- paper, in the Conservaiive interest, in the year 1861, and con- i If 1 i 1 1 ■ ''^ 1 ' \ 154 House of Commons, ducted it until 1873, when he removed to Manitoba. Was Capt. of a volunteer corps at Perth, and was on frontier duty at Brock ville and Prescott for three mouths in 1866 ; gazetted Major of the 42nd Batt., same year, and Bt. Lieut. Col. in 1871 \ received command of a company in the Ontario Rifles in 1870, forming part of the Red River Expeditionary Force, under Col. (now Lord) Wolselev; returned to Ontario, winter of 18 70 71, and when the i enians invaded Manitoba in the Fall of 1871, again offered his services to the Govt., and was appoint- ed to the command of the second expedition, which, after undergoing severe hardships, arrived safely at Fort Garry on the 18 Nov. 1871. Elected Mayor of the City of Winnipeg in 1877 by a majority of votes, and in 1878 by acclamation. First returned to the Leg. Assem., Manitoba, at g.e. 1878; re- elected at g.e. 1879. Resigned to contest Selkirk for the Commons, Sept. 1880, when he was elected. Re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — Winnipeg, Man. ScRivER, Julius. {Huntingdon.) Descendel from U. E. Loyalists, who came to Can. from Dutchess Co mty, N.Y., at the close of the revolution. B. at Hemmingford, P.Q., 26 Feb. 1826. Ed. at tho Univ. of Ver- mont. M. Miss Frances A. Stevens, of Potsdam, N.Y. Is Presdt. of the Quebec Frontier Railway. Sat for Huntingdon in Quebec Assem. from the Union until Sept. 1869, when he resigned and was returned to Commons by acclamation. Re- elected by acclamation at g.e. 1872 ; and again returned at g.e. 1874. Re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1878. and re-elected at laat g.e. A Liberal. — Bemmingford, P.Q. Shakespeare. Noah. (Victoria, B.C.) S. of Noah Shakespeare, Esq., of Brierley Hill, Stafford- shire, Eng. B. in 1839, and ed. there. M. there in 1859, Miss Elizabeth Pearson. Is a general agent. Served in the Municipal Co. of Victoria for four years, and was elected Mayor oi the city of Victoria, B.C , in Jan. 1882. Is Presdt. of the Mechanics' Institute. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and streni. usly opposed to Chinese immigration to any part of the Dominion. — Victoria, B.C. Small, John. (East Toronto.) Eldest s. of the late Charles Coxwell Small, Clerk of the Crown and Pleas for U. C. and grands, of the late Major Small House of Commons. 155 who came to Can. as Clerk of the Crown and Pleas and Clerk of the Executive Council, from Cirencester, Eng,, with Gover- nor Simcoe in 1797. B. 8 Oct. 1831 in the Town8hip-«f York,^ Ont., and ed. at the Home Dist. Grammar School, and U . C. Coll. M., 15 May, 1856, Susan Margaret, eldest dau. of James Boultou, Esq., Barrister, Toronto. Was Taxing Officer of the Court of Queen's Bench, for twenty-five years ; resigned ta run for present seat. Was a member of the Toronto City Council in 1877, 78, 79. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — Toronto ; Toronto Rowing Club. m Smyth, Henry, (Kent, Ont.) S. of William B, Smyth, a native of Wicklow, Irel. B. at Chatham, Ont. 15 Jan. 1841. Ed. at Chatham Grammar School and at Caradoc Academy. M. 24 Nov. 1862 Miss Julia O'Brien, Chatham. Has filled the offices of School Trustee, Town Councillor, Deputy Reeve, and Reeve. Was Mayor of the Town of Chatham, Ont., in 1869, 1870 and 1816. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative, and an earnest supporter of the National Policy. — Chatham, Ont. SoMERviLi*; James. (North Brant.) Family came from Fifeshire, Scot, in 1833 and settled in Dundas, Ont. B. in Dundas, 7th June, 1834. Ed. at the Common and Grammar Schools there. M., 1858, Janette,^ dau. of Mr. Alex. Rodgers of So. Dumfries, Ont. Is editor and proprietor of +he Dundas True Banner, (Reform), which he established in 1858, previous to which he was editor and proprietor of the Ayr Observer, (Reform), which he established in 1854 ^nd disposed of in 1858 on "his removing to Dundas. Has filled every municipal office and has been Warden of the Co. of Wentworth, and Mayor of Dundas. First returned to the Commons at last g.e. A Liberal. — Dundas, Ont. SoMERViLLE, James. (West Bruce.) S. of Robert Somerville, of Dundas, Ont. B. in Dun- fermline, Fifeshire, Scot., 31 Jan. 1826. Ed. at Dundas High School. M. 23 Sept. 1849, Mary, dau. of Hugh Bennet,^ Esq , , Dundas. Founded the Village of Lucknow, Ont., in which he erected saw, grist and carding mills, which he has since disposed of. Is a Notary Public and Conveyancer. Has sat in the Township Councils of Wawanosh and Kinloss, and has been a Magistrate since 1854. An UDSuccessful candidate for North Huron in Commons at g.e., 1872. First Sv 1^' 1 .! -l ■%\ 5 156 House of Commons. tt- returned to Parlt. for present seat at last g.e. A Reformer.— Lucknow, Out. Springer, Louis. (So. Wentworth.) Grandfather was a U. E. Loyalist, who with hit* wife, settled in Can. during the American Rebellion of iTTt. B. in Hamilton, Out., in 1835 and ed. at Victoria Co '", €obourg. Married in the U. S. Is a farmer. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Township of Barton, near Hamilton, Ont. Sproule, Thomas Simpson, M.D. (East Grey.) S. of James and Jane Sproule, natives of Tyrone, Irel. who came to Canada in 1836, and settled in the Township •of Kings, Co. York, as farmers. Remained there until 1850, when they moved to the Co. Grey. B. in the Co. York, 1843. Ed. in the Univ. of Victoria and Univ. of Michigan. Graduated, 1867, as M.D., since which time has been practising his profession. Unmarried. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878 and re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative., — Markdale .P. 0., Ont. , ^ Sutherland, Hugh McKay. (Selkirk.) Family emigrated from Sutherlandshire, S^ot., to P. E. I., in 1816, and removed to the Co. of Oxford, Ont., in 1849. B. 22nd Feb. 1843, in New London, P. E. I., and ed in the Co. of Oxford, Ont. M., 1st, 10 Feb. 1864, Mary, dau. of Alex. Dickie, of Brant, (she died 11 Oct. 1875); 2nd, 10 Dec. 1878, May, only dau. of Hon. T. Banks, of Baltimore, U.S. Settled in Winnipeg in 1878 and is extensively engaged in lumber- ing. Was Superintendent of Public Works in the North- West Territories from 1874 to 1878. During his absence was an unsuccessful candidate for East Simcoe in Leg. Assem., Ont., at g.e. 1875. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e A Liberal. — Winnipeg Man. ; Manitoba Club ; Rideau Club. Sutherland, James. (North Oxford.) S. of the late Alexander Sutherland, who came to Canada in 1841 from Caithness-shire, Scotland. Settled in the Town- ship of Ancaster, Co. of Wentworth, afterwards moved to the Township of East Zona, Co. of Oxford, in 1855, by his wife Allison, dau. of the late John Rentou, of Ancaster. B., 17 July 1849, in the Township of Ancaster, Co. of Wentworth. i House of Commons. 15T Ed. at the Grammar School, Woodstock. Unmarried. Is a member of the Municipal Council of Woodstock. Was Reeve for 1878-79, and Mayor for 1880. A member of the High School Board. Senior member of the firm of Jas. Sutherland & Co., Ontario Vinegar Works, Hamilton, Ont. First returned to Parlt., 9 Dec. 1880, on death of the late member^ Mr. Thomas Oliver, and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. — Woodstock^ Ont. ; Rideau Club. Taylor George. (South Leeds.) Second s. of the late William Taylor, Esq., by his wife Ann Graham, who emigrated with their parents from the Co. of Wexford, Irel., and settled in the Co. of Leed.s, Ont. in 1818. B. in the Township of Lansdown, Co. of Leeds, 31st March, 1840. Ed. in the Common School there. M. at Gananoque, 10th Sept. 1863, Miss Margaret Latimer. Is a merchant. Was Keeve of Gananoque for five years, and Warden of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, in 1879. Apptd. County Auditor for 1881 and 1882. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative ; believes pro- tection of industries is and will be a necessity in Canada for many years. — Gananoque, Ont. Tasse, Joseph. (City o/ Ottawa.) B. in Montreal, 23 Oct. 1848. Ed. at Bourget's College^ Rigaud, Co. of Vaudreuil. M., Aug. 1870, Marie ^\ exandrine Victoire Georgiana, dau. of J. P.M. LeCourt, Esq , Architect. Is a mem. of the Royal Soc. of Can. Edited Le Canada, a tri-weekly Ottawa paper, in 1867-68. Acted as joint editor of the Montreal Minerve, the leading French Conservative organ of Quebec, from 1869 to March 1872, and as dir. of Le Reiiie Canadienne, a monthly review, to which he has contri- buted many essays on literature, history ant political economy. Was then apptd. Asst. French Translator of the House of Commons. In 1873 visited England, Belgium, % France, Switzerland and Italy, and published a detailed account of his extensive tour. Was elected Presdt. of the French Canadian Institute of Ottawa in 1872 and 1873. Elected Presdt. of the St. Jean Baptiste Society, Ottawa, in 1875 and 1876. One of the founders and dirs. of the Ottawa French Canadian Building Society. Has been a frequent lecturer before national and literary societies here and in the TTnited States, and has published several works of import ance, among others : Philemon Wright, ou Colonisation et Commerce de Bois (1871), an essay on the establishment and 158 House qf Commons. the development of the Ottawa region ; Zy ar«'lamation at K'«- 1HT4 ; re-elected at ^.o. IhTm, and again returned at last g.o. A Liberal. .Strai/ord, (hit. _ TUPPKK, /Ion. Sir Cmwu.kh, K.C M.G., (\D., l\C. (Cumher- land.) Family originally from Hesse Cassel ; went to Guernsey^ thence to Virginia, and subsequently, at the termination of the American revolution, removed to N S. with other loyalists; it la connected with tli ♦air , of the late Major Genl . Sir Isai ' Brock, K.B., the h i 'neenstovvn. S. of the late Kev. Chas. Tupper, D.U., o. /^ • 'ord, N.S. B. at Amherst. N.S., 2nd July 1821 . Is an l.A. Acadia Coll., N.8. Took degree of M.D. at Kdinburgh, and « btained the diploma (»f tin; Royal College of Sin-geons, same city, 1H43. M., Oct. 1H4(;, Miss Frances Morse, of Amherst. Is Governor of Dalhousie Coll., Halifax (apptd. by Act of Parlt, 1862). Was Presdt. of the Can. Medical Asso. from its formation, 18G7, until 1870, when he declined re-election. Was a mem. of the Kx. Council and Provl. Secy., N.S., from 1857 to 1860 and from 18(3:^ to .'^O June 1867 ; and Prime Minister of that Prov. from 1864 until he retired from office with his Govt, on the Union Act coming into force, 1 July 1867. Was a delegate to England on public business from the N.S. Govt, 185S and 1865; from the Dominion Govt, (with re8i)ect to the N S. difficulty) March 1868 ; leader of the delegation from N.S. to the Union Conference at Charlottetown, 1864 ; to that in Quebec in same year, and to the final Colonial Conference in London to complete terms of Union, 1866-67. Holds- patent of rank and precedence from Her Majesty as an Ex. Councillor, N.S. Created C.B. (civil) by Her' Majesty, 1867, and K . C . :M . (i . , 24 Mav 1879 . Author of A Letter to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon on the Union Question (London, 1866). Declined a seat in the Can, Cabinet, 1867, and the Chairmanship of Intercolonial Railway Board, 1868. Sworn. of the Privy Council June 1870, and was Presdt. of that Imdy from that date until 1 July 1872, when he was transferred to the Inland Revenue Dept., and there remained until 22 Feb. 1873, when apptd. Minister of Customs; resigned office with Sir John Macdonald, 5 Nov. 1873. Sat for present seat in N.?i. Assem. from 1855 until the Union, when returned to Commons ; re-elected by acclamation on his accepting office in 1870, again returned at g.e. 1872, again at g.e. 1874, and mm ! il Jfoun; of (>ommom. 161 «Kiiln lit g.o. 1878; ro-olecttMl on accc^pting «»frKo of Minister of rn]>lic VVoikH Hjuno year, and ii(-«0(m ted by acclamation at luHt K-^-'-, niiikinj^ twclvf timcH that hv. hwn been tilccti'd in big iiativo county. Sworn aw Minister 't Public VVorkH, 7 Oct. 1878, and aw MiniHtcr of UailwayK and CanaJH, 20 May 1879. Tbc followinir arc some of tbc nKiasiircH wlii(;b wi^rt; intro- duced and rarricd tbrougb tbc Lc^iHlatiur of N.S. by tho hon. nicni. : Tbc Jury \a\.\\ ; Kducntion Act, providing free HchoolH ; Equity .Judge Act ; Windsor and Annapoliw Ilailway Act; IJill providing for a Quarantine Station aiitl Hospital; RcprcHentHtio!! Bill ; Executive and liCgisbitive DisabilitieH Act; tbc; fuHt Act paHsed by any of ibe I'rovinccs |irobil)iting dual leprcHentation ; an Act rcdu( itig tbe number of luemH, in tbe A88em. irom 55 to :{8 on entering tlie Union, anci an Act relative; to certain public officers and tbcir saiarieH, wbicb abolisbci' tbo office of Kinnncial 8ecy. and Solicitor Gen' and largely reduced tbe expenditure for salaries; be also 4 - augnrated tbe movement and uiovcmI tbe resolution for *be Union of tbe Maritime Provinces, 18G4, under wbich *i'j.v • gates were sent to (Jliarlottetown in tbat year; and tbc lo-'o- Intiun autborizing debigates to be sent to Lon(b)n to ar.an,^j tbe terras for the Union of N.S. and N.B. witb Can "fiP Visited England in tbe summer of 1880 in company wk.i ]ir Jobn A. Macdonald and Hon. .J. H. I'ope for tbt! purpose of negt)tiating for the constructi(»n of tbe Canadian Pacific Kail- way, tbe result being tbe contract ratified by Parlt. A Libera! Conservative. — Chfjfiside, Ottawa; Rideaa Club; Halifax Club. \ \ * \ \ TUPPER, CiiARLKs H., LL.B. (Pictou.) Second s. of tbe Hon. Sir Cliarles Tupper, (whom sec). B. at Amherst, N.S., 3rd Aug. 1855. Ed. at McGill Coll., and Harvard Univ. M., Sept. 1879, Janet, dau. of Hon. James McDonald, Chief Justice of N.S. Called to the Bar, N.S., 1878. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — ^^ Armdale,^ Halifax; Halifax Club; Hileau Chih. II Ti'RWHiTT, Lieut. Col. Ricmako. (South Simcoe.) S. of William Tyrwhitt, and grands, of liicbard Tyrwbitt, Esq.^ Recorder of Chester, Eng. B. in tbe Co. of Simcoe, Out., 20 Nov. 1844. Ed by private tutors, and at Dinan and Rouen, France. M., 26 April 1870, Emma, second dau. of the late Rev. G. Whitaker, Provost, Trinity Coll. Toronto. Is a farmer and Major with the brevet rank of Lieut. Col. of the 30th Batt. V. M. First returned to Parlt. for present seat 16 9 162 House of Commons. Feb. 1882, on the death of the sitting mem., Mr. W. C. Little. Ko-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — Farmcote^ Bradford^ Ont. Vail, Lieut. Col. Hon. William Berrian. P.C. {Dighy.) Descended from John .J. Vail, of Westchester, N.Y. 8. of the late John C. Vail, Esq., of Sussex, N.B., who was Judge of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and a mem. for Kings in the N.B. Assem. for upwards of 25 years, by Charlotte H,, dau. of Klv. Oliver Arnold, formerly of Conn., U.S., and afterwards Rector of Sussex ; and grands, of Robert Vail, a loyalist, whe came to N.B. at the close of the Am. revolution. B. at Sussex Vale, N.B., 1823. Ed. there. M., Charlotte Leslie, eldest dau. of Charles Jones, Esq., of Weymouth, N.S. Is Lieut. Col. 2nd Regt. Digby Militia. Was a mem. of the Ex. CouLcil and Provl. Secy. N.S. (in the Annand Administration), from Nov. 1867 until 30 Sept. 1874, when sworn of the Privy Coun- cil, and apptd. Minister of Militia and Defence. Sat tor Digby in the N.S. Assem. from 1867 until his appt. to office in the Dominion Govt., when returned for same County in the Com- mons. Was not a candidate at g.e. 1878. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. — Hahfay:., N .S. Valin, Pierre Vincent. {Montmorency.) Family emigrated from France. B. at Chateau Richer^ Co. Montmorency. Ed. at Quebec. M. Marie Angelique Tabot^ a descendant of the Campbell family, of Glasgow, Scot. A shipowner. Was a mem. of the City Council of Quebec for two years. Was elected to Local Leg. of Quebec in 1874. First returned to Commons at g e. 1878. Unseated on petition^ 14 Jan. 1880. Re-elected. Again returned at last g.e. A Conservative. — St. Eochs, Quebec. Vanasse, Fabien. (Yamaska.) Youngest s. of Francois Xavier Vanasse, farmer of the Parish of St. David, Co. of Yamaska, and of Angelique Dupuis^ his wife. B. at St. David, 6 Nov. 1849. Ed. at Nicolet Semi- nary, and admitted to the Bar at Montreal, 12 Jan. 1875. M. Miss Mary Claire Elmire Deseve, youngest dau. of Alexander Deseve, Esq., Advocate, Montreal, 17 Jan. 1877. Was Presidt. of the L'Institut Legal of Montreal, 1873 ; Secy, of the Club Cartier, 1874 to 1875, and Vice-Presdt. of the same institution from 1877 to 1879. Is one of the collaborators of the journal Jj Opinion Publique. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, ■fw House of Commons. 163 7 July 1879 in place of the f'itting morn., C. L. Gill, Esq., appt(l. Judge. Ke-eleoted at last g.e. hlecled as a "National Conservative." — 3G4 SL Ilenrji ami 212 Notre Dime streeU^ Montreal. Wallace, John, {J. P.) Albert. Grandparents came to N.B. from the north of Irel. B. at Hillfiborouglj, 18 Nov., 1812. Ed. there. M., Ist, 1846, Eleanor, dau. of Mr. George Hussoll, of Hopewell, N.B. (she d. 1858); 2ndly, 1859, Miss Cyniintha Foss, of New Hampshire, N.S. (she d. 1865). Has been Presdt. of the Albert Agricul- tural iSoc. First returned to Parlt. for present seat at g.e., 1867 ; re-elected at g.e. 1872; at g.e. 1874; defeated at g e. 1878; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. — Hillsborough, N.B. Wallace, Nathaniel Clarke. (^West York.) Third 8, of Capt. Nathaniel Wallace, of Woodbridge, who came to Canada from Sligo, Irel. in 1334. B. in Wood- bridge, Co. of York, 21 May, 1844. Ed. at the public school there, and for a short time in 1863 at Weston Grammar School. M., 7 June 1877, in the City of Ottawa, to Delinda, youngest dau. of the late James Gilmour, of Ottawa. A mer- chant. For several years Deputy Reeve of the Township of Vaughan, and has been Warden of the Co . of York. Taught publi'' school from 1864 to 1869, when he went into mer- cantile business with his brother, under the firm of Wallace Bros. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. Believes in the National Policy, and opening up of the North- West as far as our means will permit. — Woodbridge, Out. Watson, Robert. {Marquette.) Father, the late George Watson, came to Can. from Edin- burgh, Scot., in 1847 and settled in Elora, Ont. Mother, a native of Inverness-shire, Scot. B. in Elora, 30th April, 1853, and ed. at the Common School, Salem, Co. of Welling- ton. M., 15th July, 1880, Isabel, dau. of Duncan Brown, Esq., of Lobo, Ont. Is a millwright by trade. Is now en- gaged in the grain trade, land breaking and railroad con- tracting. Went to Manitoba in 1876. Has been in the municipal council of Portage la Prairie for two years. First returned to Pailt. at last g.e. A Liberal and opposed to the policy of Sir J. A. Macdonald. — Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. 164 House of Commons. Weldon, Chahles Wesley, A.M., Q.C. (St. John.) Eldest son of Hon. John W. Weldon, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of N.B., by Frances Chandler (who died in 1844), youngt-st dau. of Hon Judge Uphani, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of N.JJ. at its first organiza- tion. Judge Upham was a Massaeliusetts Loyalist, and took part in the Kcvolutionary War as a Colonel of Dragoons. B. at Richilmcto, N.B., 27 Feb. 1880. Kd. at Academy and King's Coll., Windsor, N.S, ; graduated 1847. Called to the Bar of N.B, 185J. Apptd. Q.C, 1873. Presdt. of the N.B. Electric Telegraph Co. M., at St. John, N.B., March 1860, to Annie, only dau. of John Tucker, Esq. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878 and re-elected at last g.e. Was strongly opposed to the Confederation of the Provinces and was a supporter of the (fov. of which Hon. Mr. Mackenzie was the head. Opposed to the National Policy and the present Govt.— .S7. John, N.B.; Rideau Club. Well.s, RrPERT Me ARSE, ^.(7. {East Bruce.) Of Eng. descent. S. of the late James Pendleton Wells, Esq., Sheriff of the United Counties of Prescott and Itusgell. B. in Co. of Prescott, 1835. Ed. at Toronto Univ , whei3 he was Jameson Medallist and silver medallist in ethics, and graduated B.A. 1854. Unmairied. Called to the Bar, U.C, Trinity Term. 1857. Apptd. a Q.C. by the Ont. Govt., March 1876. Was associated in business with Hon. Edward Blake from 1860 to 1870, but is now a mem. of the firm of Wells & Gordon . Held the Co. Attorneyship of York from 30 March to 14 Sept. 1872, when he resigned in order to become a can- didate for South Bruce, and was returned. Re-elected at g.e. 1875, and again at g.e 1879. Elected Speaker of the Ont. Assem. on the resignation of tlie Hon. J. G. Currie, 7 Jan. 1873; re-elected 23 Nov. 1875, and held the office until Jan. 1880. Resigned his seat in Ont. Assem. 1882 and elected to present seat in Commons at last g.e. A Reformer. — 125 Wellington Street^ West, Ihronto; Toronto Club; Rideau Club. Wheler, George, 7.P. {North Ontario .) Eldest s. of Edward Wheler, J. P., Ex-Reeve of the Township of Whitchurch, Co. of York, Ont., now Reeve of Stouflfville, Co. of York, who came to Canada in 1832, from DevonsLire, Eng., by Anna Maria, third dau. of Peter Reesor, one of the first settlers in the Township of Markham, Co. of York, who emigrated from Pennsylvania, U.S., about the year I Houte of Commont. 1G5 1800. B. at Markham, 2 Sept. 183G. Ed. at Toronto and Victoria Coll., Cobiirg. M. at Uxbridgo, Supt, 1801, Harriet, only dan. of William Hamilton, Esq., of UxbridRe. Has filled the powition of Ueevo of Uxbridge, anon 1490 \X. H. Merriff ^.. 1364 No. of voters 3757 HALIFAX. M. B. Daly 2811 M. H. Ritchie 2" A. (r. Joiiev 1^ i H. H. Fuller - i H ALTON. GASPE. Hon . P. Fortin Acclamation. ^- ^f'>ore iSo. 01 voters. GLENGARRY. I ... 7866 D. Macmaster 1490! *Given an additional Member in J). A. McDonald 1276 ' 1872. l«l ^ 1 ii^ i] I 172 Rouii * of Commons. W. H. Allien,, JCi«.««..:::::::;;::.:^l« "« fk^sr.":".: '736 S':f°^"'*'^-'7.'m'''' J707 r"'- I^- Foster . H^BO^f. EAST (M82). ^Vo. of^Jje^^:::; ' ' -Mcif "23 '^'i|?.-^fcir"' iror 1357 HUKo>7, SOUTH. J- ''cMillan IP i irr''*^' -^•^•^- (18"3). ^- ^:Tl^'''";!*«^>'^ • • ?Sm J. E, RohLliZ' T ; ' * : •. Borden. S^^' ^E.L (1873). ^0. of voters ^-^^'^ ^^24 | a . n' S^^^.^'^^on \ 'dmh} IBERVILLE. TT, J8/io.ot voters q 3996 1062 ^TACQUES CARTIEH. •J- ->.'. Lisicr .... Pon 1.' 889 797 1652 13U Pop. 21725 1734 1569 i I House of LANARK, NORTH. J. Jamif =on 1382 D. G. McDonell 1313 Pop 19855 No. of voters 3686 LANARK, SOUTH. J. G. Haggart Acclamation . LAPrlAIRIE. A. Pinsonneault 675 J ■ E' Rohidoitx 572 L'ASSOMPTION. *H. Hurteau 1019 J. Guuth ier 852 LAV^AL. J. A. Ouimet Acclamation. LEEDS AND GRENVILLE. C. F i^'erguson 1048 /: i^'. Fro>it 762 LEEDS, SOUTH. O. Taylor 1993 C.E.Brittun 1716 Pop 22000 No. of voters 4806 LENNOX (1867). Rt. Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald- 1492 D. W. Allison 1292 LEVIS. Hon. J. G. Blanchet, M.D. . . 1935 X. //. Frechette 1528 LINCOLN k NIAGARA (1882). J.C.Rykert 1826 Jaa. Morris 1731 LISGAR (1871). A.W.Ross 760 J. aSchulfz 720 No. of voters 4914 LTSLET. P. B.Casgrain 545 jr. J. J. Ghouinard 480 Jo8. Dufovr 244 LONDON. Hon. J. Carling 1485 J. Camphell , 12aS Commons, 173 LOTBINIERE. C.J. Rinfret 1025 A.D. liox^i 812 LUNENBURG. T. F. Keefler 1169 C. E.KnulUtch 1032 Pop 29r»00 No. of voters 4175 MARQUETTE. R. Watson 1074 E. McDonald 886 MASKINONGE. F. Houde 1084 Geo. Curon 765 MEv c OTTAWA CITY.* Ul^^^VSOUNBC.U Mackintosh 20000 "^^"^ ^VAPIERVILLE L, ^^^TAWA, COUNTY. M.Catudal ' ^ ^lonzo Wright Acclam«f ^S'. C'mtud 765 acclamation Pop.'... .:.■.■;:. wi^.- ^isj oxford, north ^^o. of voters.. ::::%«g r^^Suthenand ,,,, NEW-WESTMINSTER I '^- ^">W/;V.\\\\\---' •••■•• 1044 J-A.^RHomer. ...Acclamation ^ 170U0 OXFORD, SOUTH. A. Harlev ..• J tv..-' ■ 999 ^ICOLET. 1 .• ^. ,SX/««;;. 1831 KX.O.Methot... Accl-,..... v^^'i-- ••'••" •••^.■.'•"'^^OOO ^^^^ .XORFOTT.' ■ '''""*^*^^"' ^^^-f voters f^ •J- Char] to /I . .^EEL. ^ O. Sinclair. 1?40 Jas. Fieniinff . Iq^2\I{. Barher 1430 NORFOLK, SOUTH. ' ^""^ ^^ ^oVeVs:: WW W'sYqs ^^^^ "^^/^mfc ^560 I PERTH, NORTH. Pop 'W' ;a-.- 1534 8.R.H( 19039 ^' Jones esson 1934 1682 jOnmvUBEHLANi,, NB Hon. P. Mitchell. . . . Acchuuat'io'n | , ^^^^""^ «^^™- HORTHUMRERLAND(ONT.)r ^^^^^-^WW ???? g-Guillet • I'^l^ W. ICerr 1298 * (iir-^^ 1293 I in 1873. "" ^» »«*ditional Member House of Commons. 175 11 PETERBOROUGH, EAST. J. Burnham 1417 W. E RoxhoroHuh 1224 No. of voters 3715 PETERBOROUGH, WEST. Geo.Hillinrd 1035 J, J. Lumly 875 PICTON. J. McDonald 2700 Chs. H. Tuppor 26H1 Jos, C/un'niic/uui 2397 J. A. Dawson 2320 Pop 36000 No. of voters 5322 PONTIAC. J. Bryson 1047 N. 3/c Ciiai(/ i>;U W. Soiiurvillc 2il3 PORTNEUF. J. E- A. De St. Georges 1491 R. P. VnlUr 1459 Pop 24000 No. of voters 2075 PRESCOTT. S. Labrosse 1322 F.MoHthier 1021 Pop 18898 No. of voters 3400 PRINCE, (1873). Jas. Yeo 2388 Edwd. Hackett 2325 S.F.Perry 2178 B.Rogers 2134 PRINCE EDWARD. J.M. Piatt 1944 Jas. McCuaig ■ •• • 1925 Pop 23000 No. of voters 5200 PROVENCHER, (1871). Joseph Royal Aoolnmation . QUEBd]C CENTRE. J.G.Boss6 966 J. Malouin 855 QUEBEC, EAST. Hon. W. Laurier 1750 J. P. Rheaume 1283 QUEBEC, WEST. Hon. T. McGreevy. C. E. Humphrey..., 612 444 QUEBEC, COUNTY. Hon. A. P. Caron 143? ./. /;. lieiOo'd 869 QUEEN'S, N.B. G. G. King S. L. Peters. QUEEN'S, N.S. 1084 886 ,T. F. Forbes 692 ./. .V. Freeman ■ • 560 No. of voters 1617 QUEEN'S, P.E.I. L. H. Davies 3164 J. T. Jenkin.-s 8122 F. (h St. Croic lireeL-en 3120 D. lAiird 2759 On appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, Mr. Jen- kins was unseated and Mr. Breckcn awarded the seat, 27 Feb., 188.3. RENFREW, NORTH. P.White nil Thos. Murray 968 Pop 20C00 RENFREW, SOUTH. Robt. Campbell 913 Wm. Banner man 759 RISTIGOUCHE. R. Moffatt 452 /. McAl/Mer 181 Geo. Haddow 135 P. Ritchie 88 Pop 7500 No. of voters 1356 RICHELIEU. L. H. Massue G. /. Barthe 1205 927 RICHMOND, N.S. H.N.Paint 525 E.P.Flynn 461 Pop 150f'0 No. of voters 1613 RICHMOND & WOLFE, P.Q W. B. Ives Acclamation. '• I \- \ I 176 House of Commons. RIMUUSKI. L. A.Billy 1G48 J.Ji. li. Finrt 1540 Pop aiooo No. of voters 4810 ROUVILLE. a A. OiKiiult 1100 E. L'xreni' 1045 RUSSELL. M. K. Dickinson • • • • 1^44 W. C. Efhcnnh 1335 ST. JIYACINTHE. M. E. Bernier 1336 Louis nnur rj02 Pop 20631 No. of voters 3448 ST. JOHNS, P. Q. r. Bourassii 892 Chaa. A)'i)in 747 No. of voters 2208 ST. JOHN CITY AND COUNTY. lion. L Burpee 2450 Chf*. Weldon 2225 C. A. Everett 1025 W. H. Tack 1864 ST. JOHN CITY. Sir S. L. Tilley 1288 Geo. McLeod 1151 ST. MAURICE. L. L. D^Paulnicrs 842 p. Lamy 446 SELKIRK, (1871). H. Sutherland 1487 S.Mulvey 1064 SHEFFORD. M. Auger 1581 Jlon. L. S. Huntington 1446 No. of voters 4556 SHELBURNE. Thos. Robertson 012 N' W. White...'. 775 SHERBROOKE. R. N. Hall Acclamation. Pop 12221 SIMCOE, NORTH. D'AIton McCarthy 1761 Chu. JJniry 1511 SIMCOE, SOUTH. Col. R. Tyrwhitt 1441 B. Dunn I4;i5 Poi 22000 No. of voters 4201 SIMCOE, East (1882). H. ILCook urn J. Qninn 1330 SOULAX(^ES. J. P. Lantier 761 G. R. S. JJr Benujeu 675 Upon the death of Mr. Lan- tier, new writ 6tli Oct., '82. G. R. S. Do Beaujeu 748 /. ir. JJtdn 745 STANSTEAD. Chs. C.Colby 1308 H.M.Ridn- 1013 No. of voters 3460 SUNBURY. Chs. Burpee 618 W.D. J'erley 537 No. of voters 1436 TEMISCOUATA. P. E. Grandbois Acclamation. TERREBONNE. G. A. Nantel 1593 A.E.Poirier- 836 On acceptance of an office of emolument und r the crown by Mr. Nantei, new writ 4th August '82. Hon. J. A. Chaploau. Acclamation. THREE RIVERS. Sir H. L. Langevin.. Acclamation. TORONTO, CENTRE, (1872). Robt. Hay 1620 J.D. Edgar 1422 No. of voters 5194 TORONTO, EAST. John Small 1992 T. Thompson 1496 ^ i Tlouae of Commons. 177 TORONTO. WEST. Jm. Beaty, jr.- 2714 W. B. McMurruk 2*8c{ TWO MOUNTAINS. J. B. Daoust Acoliiiuation . VANCOUVER, (1871). WATERLOO. SOUTH. D . W. Gordon 4oo Arthur Bunsttr 300 Pop 60^ No. of voters li VAUDREUIL. H. McMillan 522 F. X. Archil tiifMiult 418 7f. A. DenroHiera 10 A. JMpotnte 490 No. of voters 2356 VERCIIERES. Hon. F. Geoffrion M. E. Ducharme No. of voters 215«i 885 866 VICTORIA, B.C., (1871). E.C.Baker 441 N. Shakespear 400 A' De Cosmos .'308 C.Booth 241 Jm.Fell 139 John Boyd • • 89 Pop 7000 No. of voters 1211 VICTORIA, N.B. Hon. J. Costigan — Acclamation. VICTORIA, N.S. C.J.Campbell 857 Dr. J. £• Beth line 544 Pop 12000 No. of voters 1700 VICTORIA. ONT., NORTH(1867). H. Cameron 1063 G.G.Keith 773 VICTORIA, ONT., SOUTH, (1867). J.R. Dundas 1577 W. Needier. 1517 Pop 19032 No. of voters 3300 WATERLOO, NORTH. H. Kranz 1459 Dr. D. S. Boiolby 1402 Jas. Living.xton 1580 S. Afemn- 1372 No. of voters 4044 WELL AND. .John Fergu.-^on Ift65 B. B. Oiler lb;j;i Pop 27000 No. o f vote r.«< 5797 WELLIN(JTOX, CENTRE. G. T.Orton 2208 Sir It. ./. C'irtirriithf 2056 WELLINGTON. NORTH. Ja.'^. McMullen 1911 /. B. Pl,n„h 1891 No. of voters .5S17 WELLINGTON, SOUTH- Ja.'.Innes 1700 Jm. (Joldie 1672 WENTWORTH, NORTH. Thos. Bain-... 1295 li. MrKrchnv 1292 No. of voters .'3588 WENTWORTH, SOUTH. Lewis Springer 1253 B.B. Waddell 1205 No. of voters 3000 WESTMORELAND. ' Josiah Wood 2620 Sir A , J. Smith 2188 Pop .37717 No. of voters 5860 WINNIPEG, (1882). Thos. Scott 491 E. (}. Conklin 385 W.O.Smith 73 No. of voters 2830 YALE. F. J. Barnard 266 Jas. Jiohinson 109 Geo. F. Vernon 78 YAM ASK A. F. Vanasse 1049 V. Gladu 978 10 1 «i 1 1 1 ! i » ^ I -Tf IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) fe •<>..♦*« X is K^ ^A <$ ^ ^ 1.0 1.1 Itt lU 12.2 iit ast u 140 U£ IPii4l^ < 6" ► •^, ^l <^ y » FhotogFaphic Sdences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 145SO (716) 172-4503 178 House of Commons. YARMOUTH. J. R. Kinney 12(W F.Killam » 903 No. of voters 3102 YORK, N.B. J. Pickard .... 2350 j.J.Fither 1442 YORK, EAST. Hon. A. Mackenzie 1857 A, BmiUbee 174» YORK, NORTH. Wm.Mulock 1830 Jiis. Anderson 1721 YORK, WEST. N.C.Wallace 1561 Thod, Bodgins 1324 t* 49- 21 m 24 PART VII. t ONTARIO. {Entered Confederation, \8t July, 1867.) The Lieutfuant Governor.-^Hin IIot}?. John Beverley Rohinhon. Second s. of the late Sir Joliii Bever- ley Robinson, Bart., C.B., for many years Chief Justice of Upper Canada, and representative of York and Toronto in Parlt. Decende^l from a Yorkshire family, among the most prominent of whom may ])e mentioned Chris- topher Robinson, Secy, of the Colony of Virjiinia, the first of the family to come to Am., KKiO, and elder brother of Dr. John Robinson, Bishop of Bristol and of London. Among the direct descendants of Christo})her Robinson were John Robinson, Presdt. of the ( »iHicil of Virginia, and for nearly 30 years Si)eaker of the House of Burgesses there in old colonial times; Col. Beverley RoViinson, a well known Loyalist officer in the Am. Revolutionary war, who raised a regt. in defence of the Cn^wn, and whose name (and residence, Beverley House, on the Hudson River) was intimately associated with that of Andre; Gen. Sir Frederick Robinson, G.C.B., Commander-in- Chief and Provisional Governor of U. C, and afterwards Governor of Tobago ; Christopher Robinson, who during the Revolutionary w^ar served as an officer of the " Queen's Rangers," under command of Gen. Simcoe, first Grov. of U.C. After the close of the war ha was appointed Inspector of the Reserves of the Crown in U.C., finally settled in York, and in 1796 represented the Counties of Lennox and Addington in theAssem. He was the father * PREVIOUS UEUTENANT-GOVERXORS. 1. Lieut. Genl. Henry William Stisted, C. B., from 1 July 1867 until 14 July J868. Died 10 Dec 1875. 2. Hon. William Pearce Howland, C.B«, from 14 July 1868 until 5 Nov. 1872. 3. Hon. John Willoughby Crawford, Q.C., from 5 Nov. 1872 until his death, 13 May, 1875. 4. Hon. Donald Alexandar Macdonald. P. C, from 18 May 1875, until 29 June 1880. I 180 Ontario. of the late Chief Justice Sir John Beverley Robinson, Bart, who, in addition to his other services' to his country, fought as a volunteer under Gen. Brock in the war of 1812, and was present at the capture of Detroit and at the battle of Queenstown Heights. B. at Beverley House, Toronto, 21 Feb. 1821. Ed. at U.C. Coll. M., 30 June 1847, Mary Jane, second dau. of the late Hon. Mr. Justice Hagerman. Called to the Bar, U.C, Easter Term 1844. Elected for several years as one of the Aldermen of Toronto ; also Presdt. of the City Council and afterwards Mayor of the city. Was Presdt. of St. Greorge's Society, and for 15 years Solicitor for the Corix)ration. AVas a mem. of the Ex. Council, Can., and Presdt. of that body in the Cartier-Macdonald Administration, from 27 March to 21 May 1802. Returned for Algoma to the Coi-mions at g.e. 1872, and sat until the dissolution, 1874. Had seven elections in the interests of the Conservative party for the City of Toronto, and returned five times to the Commons by large majorities, the greatest (670) l)eing Exiled at the g.e. 1878. Resigned seat on accepting the ieutenant Governorship of Ontario, 30th June, 1880. {Salary, $10,000.) — Gorermnent House, Toronto. Aid€'de-Camp. — Ca2)t. Gamble Gbddbs. (*S'«/ary,$1200.) , ^ EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. (Apptd. 25 Oct. 1872.) Attorney Gen. (Premier), Hon. OlivbrMowat, Q.C, ($5000.) Minister of Education, Hon. Adam Crooks, Q.C, D.C.L. ($4000.) Commissioner of Public Works, Hon. C. F. Eraser, Q.C ($4000.) Commissioner of Crown Lands, Hon. T. B. Pardee, Q.C ($4000.) Secretanf and Provincial Pegistar, Hon. A. S. Hardy, Q.C. ($4000.) Commissioner of Agriculture and Provincial D'easurer, Hon. S. C. Wood. ($4000.) Clerk of the Executive Council, J. G. Scott, Q.C. (Apptd. 1870.) Ontario. 181 rt. of le Ice 'of a (Elected 5 June 1879. Term expires 1883.) Speakfr^—llo^. C. Clarkpj. [Ehcted Oth Jast ten years, and is now Warden of the County. First returned to Parlt. on resignation of sitting member, 5 Oct. 1873 ; re-elected at g.e. 1875, and again at last g.e. A P.jj< nner, and a supporter of Mr. Mowat— ffay, Ont, Blezard, Thomas. {East Peterhoro\) B. in Township of Otonabee, Co. Peterboro', 24 Nov. 1838. Ed. in the common school. M., 9 Dec. 1865, Mary Meikle. Sat nine years in Township Council, and eight in Co. Council. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Villiers, P.O., Ont. BoNFiBLD, James. {South Renfrew.) S. of John Bonfield, of Gartmore, Tipperary, Irel., by Elizabeth O'Meara. B. at Gartmore, 1825. Ed. there. M., in Ottawa, 1855, Miss Tracy. A lumber i erchant. First returned to Parlt. by acclamation at g.e. 1875 ; re- elected at last g.e. A Reformer, and a supporter of Mr- Mowat. — EganviUe, Ont. \ii ; Ontario. 185 Boulter^ Lieut. Col, Gborgb Hbxrv, M.D., J.P.y {North Hastings.) S. of Georjje Boulter, Ewq., of Belleville, Ont. B. in Co. Prince Edward, Ont., 17 July 1825. Ed. at Victoria Coll., Cobour^, and McGill Coll., Montreal, at the latter of which he graduated ^l.I>. in 1S52. M., 1853, I)elx»rah, second dau. of R. E. Grans, Es(i., of Sidney, Co. Hautin^, Ont. Is a Trustee of QmM'sn's Univ., Kin^jston ; was for several years Chairman of the North Hastings Board of Public Instruction ; a dir. and Vice-Presdt. of the Grand Junction Railway Co., and Major in the 4i>th Batt. Hast- ings Rifles, Active Militia. AVas Rwive of the Village of Sterling from 18()2 to 1808, and Warden of the Co. of Hastings for the year 18()7. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1807, and re-elected 1871, 1875 and 1879. A Con- servative, and opi)osed to the present Government. — Sterling, Ont. Brbrbton, Charles Herbert, ^f.D. {East Durham.) S. of Cloudesley Shovell Brereton, a native of Norfolk, Eng., by a dau. of John Fislier. B. at West Gwillimbury, Ont., 8 Jan. 1845. Ed. at Bradford Grammar School, and Victoria Coll., Cobourg. M. 24th ^lay 187G, to Miss E. L. Proctor of West Gwillimbury. First returned to Parlt., 29th June 1881, on the death'of the sitting mem. A Con- servative. — Bethany, Ont. Brodbr, Andrew. {Dundas.) S. of Wm. Broder, a native Kilfree, Co. of Sligo, IreL Mother, a native of Belfast. B. in Franklin, Co. of Hunt- ingdon, P.Q., in 1845. Ed. there and at the Academy, Malone, N.Y. Unmarried. Is a merchant, and is W. M. of Dundas Co., Orange Lodge. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1875. Unseated on petition and re-elected Oct. 1875. Re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — West Winchester t Ont. Caldwell, Willl\m Clyde, B.A. {North lAnutrk.) B. at Lanark, Ont, 14th May 1843. Ed. there, and graduated at Queen's L^niv., Kingston, 1865. Is exten- sively engaged in lumbering. First returned to Parlt. in 1872. An unsuccessful candidate at g.e. 1875; again returned at last g.e. A Liberal. — Lanark, Ont. I 186 Ovtnrio. ill Calvin, I>kmn<> Dhxtbr. {Froutmnr.) B. In tlui Stato «>f Now York, at comnKMiciMiiont of pnistrnt rontury. M. Miss Wilkinson, of Kin^^ston. A nitmi. of tlm t^xtcmsivo tlrin of Calvin iS: Co., (rardon Island, lun»lHM' nionliants, forwarders and sliij>ownor8. Has IxHMi Hiiiivo of (iardon Island an. A^ain returned in Parlt. u|M»n jlecease of sitting' mem., Mr. (iraliam, Feb. 1H77; re-eleited at last g.e. A Conservative. — KingstoUf Out. Cascadbx, John, .V.7>. (W'tut Ehji)>.) Fourth s. of David and Mary A. Cascaden, of Bally- shannon, (o. I>onejj:al, Irel., who emijrrated to Can. in 1852, eventually sett lin«r in Co. Bruce, Ont. B. in Bally- shannon, Co. l>onejial. Irel., '^ Dec. lS4fK Kd. in Toronto and London, Kn^. M., 1st, Catherine, dan. of James Ferguson, SouthwoKI, ()nt., 20 Nov. 18()0; 2nd, H. Catherine, dan. of Daniel Deacon, Es(j., lona, 13 Nov. 1872. Received the gree of Doctor of Medicine from Toronto T'niv. in 18()o ; enrolled a mem. of the Royal Coll. of Surgeons, Eng., in 1S()7; IxH^ame a Licentiate of the Royal C'oll. of Physicians, London, Eng., and of the Royali'oll. of Physicians, Edinburgh, in the same year. Held the otlice of Coroner until his nomination for Parlt. AVas Presdt. of the West Elgin Reform Asso. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. CHISHOLM, KEXNFmi. ( Pt'fl. ) A Lil)eral. — lona, Ont. Descended from an oM Highland family, originally from Inverness-shire. B. and ed. in the Co. of Peel. A merchant. Held the Wardenship of the Co. for three years in succession, and is now Reeve of Brampton. First returned to Parlt., for jn'esent seat, 10 Feb. 1873, on death of the sitting mem. ; re-elected at g.e. 1875. L^nseated on petition, 14 June 1875, but judgment subsequentlv reversed on api)eal. Re-elected at last g.e. A Lil)eral, and supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Ahierka, Bramj>ton, Ont, Clarke, Lieut. Col. Hon. Charles, J. P. {Wellington Centre.) B. in Lincoln, Eng., 28 Nov. 1826. Ed. at Wadding- Outnrio. 187 ton, Lincolnshire, nnrvr»< B«m»1o, nft<(>, and t!io linrkinnnhnmn (Klorn)for somt^ yc^ars. Was H«H^V(M^f Klora for several years. \\i\^ the anthorof a seri«(), \vhi<'h a«lvocat«Ml atlvanetMl LiU^ral prineiples, an«l wen* widely <'opie<| by the ]{eforn> press. ('ontril»nt«'«l the '* IManks of the Plat- form" laid down in the A'f>/7A Annrinm, (^onj.'nll. Acted as Permanent Chairman of ( omnnttiH'is of the Whole House in Ontario Ass(Mn., and a^ain at ^'.e. in lH7tJ after a C'ont<^Ht. Kl(ut(«l SfKiaker of the House, i\ .Ian. IHMO. A Kofonnor, and a sui)iM>rter of Mr. Mowat. — Eloni, Out. Crbhihton, D.wii). (X.'). M., IT) (.)ct. 1873, Miss Jane Klizabeth Kramer. Has In-icn cMlitf»r and nublishor of th(< Owen Sound T'niun n<>wspa]H'r since 18<)4. Virst returned to Parlt., for i>res«int s(uit, )>0 Oct. l.S7.'j, on Bitting mem. beiny: unseattwl and dis0, and afterwards pro- ceeded to M.A. and JJ^.I). M., 4 Dec. 1S.')(), Emily, younjiest dau. of the late (General Thomas Evans, C.B. (she d. 5 ^'ov. 18()8). Called to the Bar, U.C., Trinity Term, 1851. Apptd. Q.C., 18():{. Is r.r ojfirlit a Bencher of the Law Soc. of Ont. Is a mem. of the Corpf>ration of Hellmuth Coll. London. AVas one of the Examiners in and Ijecturers on Commercial Law, for Law Soc. of Ont. ; and Vice-Choncellor of L'niv. of Toronto for some years. Author of Characteristics of the Canadian Community, s 188 Outario, (TranH. Royal Colonial TiiHtituto.) Apptd. a mem. of Ex. rouncii. ann, when first creattvl a i»ov. Department, 1870. Ai)i)oint('Kl, 1877, Minister of Education, on the Heparatiou of the Educational and Treasury iH^partments. Con- testtnl Tc»ront(» West unsuc«<*ssfully at jr.e. 18()7, and Toronto East at last >r.i. Sat for Toronto West from >?.e. 1871 until last ju'.e. Returned for present seat l\) Sept. 1875. R(w^lecte. First rt-^turned to Parlt. at g.e. 1871 ; re-elected at g.e. 1875, and again at last g.e. A Liberal and a supporter of ^Ir. Mowat. — Napanee, Ont. Drury, Charles Alfred. (East Simcoe.) 8. of Richard Drury, a native of Kenilworth, War- wickshire, Eng., who came to Can. in 1819, and was one of the first settlers in the Co. of Simcoe. B. 4th Sept. 1844, in the Township of Oro, Co. of Simcoe, and ed. at the Public School and Barrie High School. M. at Barrie, 12th April 1877, Marian, youngest dau. of John Varley, London, Eng., (she d. 1877.) Is a farmer. Has been Reeve of the Townshio of Oro since 1877; a mem. of the Council of the Agricultural and Arts Asso. of Ont. since 1878 and was Presdt. of that body in 1882, and a dir. of the Ont. Fruit Growers Asso. AVas an unsuccessful candidate for North Simcoe in the Commons at g.e. 1882. First returned to Parlt. for present seat on resignation of sitting mem. 18th Oct. 1882. A Liberal. — Croivn Hill, Touiiship of Oro, Ont. Drydbn John. {ISouth Ontario.) Father emigrated from Sunderland, Eng., in 1820, and settled in Whitby, where he has since resided. B.^ 1840, in the Township of Whitby, Co. Ontario. Ed. at the I Otttnrin. 189 HiKh Srliool, Whit))y. M., Fob. 18«7, to Mary Lydia Holnian, of New York. Wan Uch^vo aiwl Doimty Kt'ievo for Mix -j, *< First rotiiriUMl to Parlt. at fast g.o. A Lil)eral — hr<^<>k1>ni, Out. Fhruih. Jamfx Makhhall, J.P. iJCost Xortlnuiibirland,) Family wtttliMl aftor tlit^ f 'romwolliaii war at Floronco Court, Fermaiia^li, Inil. S. of tho lato Matthow Forrin, by MiHM Marshall, of I'o. Tvrone. B. in Co. Ferinanavjh, 1828. K(l. tli(w. Camo to Tan. 18.50. M. 1807, Cathorino, socoinldan. of tlui lato Jacob Fralick, Es(|., of Siinted Commissioner of Public Works. An unsuccessful candidate for Brockville in present House at g.e. 1867, and for South Grenville at g.e. 1871. First returned for South Grenville, Man^h 1872, on death of sitting mem., but unseated on petition. Again Ir I I 1 i^tl ! ' ! 190 Ontario. returned on new eleotioi*, Oct. 1872, and by acelama*^ tion on his appt. to office; re-elected at g.e. 1875. Wa» elected for Brock ville at lant g.e., being defeated in South Grenville, where lie was alsf> a candidate. A Liberal. — Jiosg'm Houffe, Toronto; BrockvUle, Ottt. Freeman, Johx B. {North Norfolk.) Paternal grandfather was an £*"-;'lishman, and was one of the first ^Methodist ministers tliat settled in the Long Point country. Father occupied several important offices in the ('o. of Norfolk. B. in the Township of Windham, Co. of Norfolk, 22 Aug. 18.35. Ed. at the Co. Grammar School. M. in 18(il, Jane Scatcherd, of Wyton, Co. Middlesex. Is still living on the same farm where both his father and grandfather lived and died. Is a mem. of the Council of Windham and Presdt. of the Co. Agricultural Soc. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — W'mdham, Out. French, Fredeiuck John. {South Grenville.) S. of John Strachan French, merchant, of Burritt's Rapids. Descended from an Eng. family (of Manchester) who had granted to them the land on which the CJity of Manchester, N. H., is built. At the American Revolution they elected to remain British subjects, and as U. E. Loyalists were granted lands in Can. The homestead still remains in the family, near Cornwall. Great grand- father, Jeremiah French, represented the Eastern Dis- trict in the first Parlt. held in U.C, 14 Oct. 1792. B. at Burritt's Rapids, 18 Jan. 1847. Ed. at Ottawa. Admitted as Attorney, May 18G8, and as Barrister, May, 1870. M. Miss Gordon, of Stratford, Out., 28 April 1875. Has repre- sented East Ward in Town Council of Prescott. Presdt.. of Conservative Asso. of South Grenville. First i oturned to Parlt. at last g.e. Conservative. — Prescott, Ont. Gibson, Lieut. Col. John Mol son. {Hamilton.) S. of the late William Gibson, of Toronto Township^ farmer, who came to this country in 1827 from Glamis, Forfarshire, Scot., and who married Mary Sinclair, whose family belonged to the Township of Nelson, in the Co. of Halton. Cousin of *he late David Gibson, of Yonge street, who formerly represented North York in the old Parlt. of Can., and who was prominently associated with the late W, Ontario. 19i \ Lyon Mackenzie in the troubles of 183 7. B. 1 Jan. 1842, iR the Township of Toronto, in the CV). of York. Ed. at Central School, in Hamilton, and Univ. Coll., Toronto. Took the degree of B. A., 18t>3, carrying off the Prince's prize of that year, together with the silver medals in classics and modern languages, and the prize in Oriental languages. Called to the Bar, Michaelmas Term, 18()7. Entered the law course at the Univ. cf Toronto, receiving the degree of LL.B., and the gold medal of that faculty, in Mav 1869. M., 1st, 26 Oct. 1869, Emily Annie, dau. of the lato*^Ralph Birrell, merchant, of London, Ont., (she d. 3 June 1874); 2nd, 2(> Sept. 187(), Caroline, dau. of the late Senator, Hon. Adam Hope, of Hamilton, who also died 9 Oct. 1877. M. 3rdly, 1881, Eliza, dau. of the late Judge Malloch, of Brock- ville, Ont. A member of Board of Education, Hamilton, of which he was Chairman tvo years. Elected mem. of ^enate of Toronto Univ., 1S73 and 1878. An active mem. of the Volunteer Force since 1860. Was with his regt. (13th Batt.) at Ridge v* ay in 1866. Holds a first class Military School Certificate. Has a very high reputation as a marksman, having been a member of the Canadian WimbledoL\ Teams in 1874, 1875 and 1879, winning prizes^ on all these occasions. In 1879 he won the Prince of Wales' prize (a badge and £100). Was also a member of the Canadian team at Creedmoor, in 1876. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Hamilton ; Hamilton Club; National Club, Toronto. Gibson, Thomas. {East Huron.) S. of Mr. Thomas Gibson. B. at Greenlaw, Berwick- shire, Scot, 8 Jan. 1825. Ed. there. M. 1st, 1854, Miss Elizabeth Hudson, (she d.); 2nd, Sarah, eld. dau. of Richard Young, Eqs., of Lakelet. Was Reeve of Howick for seven years. An unsuccessful candidate at g.e. 1867. First returned at g.e. 1871; re-elected at g.e. 1875 and again at last g e. A Liberal and a supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Wroxeier, Ont. Graham, Peter, /.P. {East LarnUon.) '^ S. of Mr. Thomas Graham, of Kirkoswald, Cumber- land, Eng., who emigrated to Can. 1832. B. and ed. at Kirkoswald. Has held the office Oi^ Councilor, Deputy Reeve, and Ree ve of Warwick, in succession ; and has also been Presdt. of ihe Lambt jn Agricultural Soc. First re- turned to Parlt at g.e. 1875; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Mow^at. — Waridck. 5, ltd I *' aMMBMHMai '! I 192 (hifnrith Amvstors (Mni^rntiMl rn>in 1sn^lan«l to MnssnchnHotlH Viofon^ (lio Amorirnn Hovolution. S. of A)>nor llnirnr, .I.R, num'luint, M«>ntn>«l. who .s<»tthMl in PlMn1nir»>not, Out, ISLM) hv llnnnnlt P. HarkiM, of St. .lolnishury, Vorin.»nt, IV in l*lnnta>ron(>t, IS'JT. VA. at IV^nchain AradiMiiy, Vt. VnmarritMi. A ranuor, morrhnnl. hrnbor nionliant, ^riwi and f*aAv mill ownor. A (nptain in tlui Militia. lia>* Ihmmi liooal Sn|H>rinto'ulont of Srhoolw, Koovo of North Plan- ta);iMU>t. jnwl Wanlon of Pn^srott an«l KnssoU. Uoturn-olort(Ml for sanu^ .sont hy arclaniation at ir.o. ISVJ, an«l a^iain at >{.o. 1S74, First n>trnuvl to Ontario \,o^. for sanio soat 1S81 on doath of l»r. Ilarkin. tlu> sitting !n(MnlH>r. A LilnMal, and a snpportor of tlu> Mowat Administration. — lVn}i1aqii\ct, Out. \\\\n\n\n, KuMiAun. .^^..1. {Monck.) Thinl s. of Mii'haol 11 arconrt. who was twice oUu^od or llaldintand Co. in tlu> oKl. Parlt. »>f Can. P. in Town- hip of St>ni>oa, llaldinmnd Co. 1S41K (Iradnato and nuvlaiiist -^f Toronto Pniv. ^1., lS7t>, An^nsta 11., r>. Apptd. i\ Q.C. 1S7<>. Is a IkMu^her of the Law Soc, Ont. First re- tnnuxi to Parlt., for pn^sent seat, A}>ril 1873, on resigun- tion of sittinvi mem. KeH>lected hy a.'clammation at g.e. 1875. Aprt I. Provl. St>cy. and Ke>:istrar, March 1877, and re-elected by acdammation. Again retnrned at last g.e. A Lilx>ral. — Brantfoni ; Toronto^ T'oroito Clvb. Hawley, Ge)orge Di>rGLAs. {Li'muxv.) Besceuded from a U.E. Loyalist. B. iu Township of Oiitnrln. U)3 KrcMlorickNlmrjr, To. litiirii(Ml to I'urll. at Innt \[a\ A LilMTai.— //"/A, Out. H*Y, David I)Avii»H«.N, ././'. {Xorlh J'rrfh.) Faniilv from VorfnrHliin', Srcd. U. in Dmulcd, Sc(»t. 1H28. lM|.l\vprivai(^Hiitioii. M., ISM», Mins Jaiio IJoui'Tw.ii, of Co. Siinro(\ Out. I Ins Ihmmi I^■^^v(< ni' Klinn, ninl of tll«^ vilia^(< of LiHt<»vvoi. .Sirvr*! ns l'!iii iteration rfniiinr. to Scot, for Out. l.S7I{-74, wiuMi a|»|»t«l. (M^icral Kminratiori ^\jjr. Kd, at the (irarn- nmr S<'hool, (uwlerich, and at tl.C. Coll. M., ()ct. IHd.'I, Kate, Vfnin^rc^st dan. of Alex. Mle8 of responsible government. — Beaverton,, Ont. Master, Isaac. {South Waterloo.) Of German descent. Father, John Master, came to Can. from Pennsvlvania, about 1819. B. in the Township of Wilmot, Co. of AVaterloo, Ont., 19th March, 1835, and ed. there. ]M., 28th April, ISST^Lydia, second dau. of Saml. Fried, late of Blenheim, Co. of Oxford. Is a farmer^ Has been Deputy Reeve of the Township of AVilmot for several years. First returned to Parlt. for present seat^ March, 1878, to till vacancy created by the death of the sitting mem. Again returned for present seat, 18th Oct.^ 1882, to fill vacancy created by resignation of J. Living- ston elected to the Commons. A Reformer. — Washington^ Ont. McAllister, AVilliam Balmbr. [North Renfrew.) B. in the Township of Eardley, Co. of Ottawa, P.Q.^ and ed. at the Common School there. M. at Aylmer, Q, Miss Maria Stewart. Is a miller and lumber merchant- Has served in the Municipal Council and on the School Board for fifteen years. First returned to Parlt. on 18th Oct. 1882, by acclamation, the sitting mem. having resigned. A Conservative, but elected to give Mr- Mowat's Govt, a fair support. — Pembroke, Ont. McCranby, Daniel. {East Kent.) S. of the late Hiram McCraney, Esq., of the Town- ship of Trafalgar, Co. of Halton. B. in Trafalgar, 1 July 1834. Ed. at the Oakville Grammar School. M., at Oakville, 1806, Janet, eld. dau. of the late George Ewan, Esq. Called to the Bar of Ontario, Michaelmas Term^ 1871. Was Mayor of Bothwell from 1868 to 1873. "First returned to Parlt., 16 Sept. 1875, to fill the vacancy caused by resignation of Hon. A. McKellar ; again returned at g.e. 1879. A Liberal. — Bothivell, Ont. MgKiM, Robert, J.P. { West Wellington.) B., 1828, in Sligo, Irel. and ed. there. M. 1852, Miss Margaret Shannon. Is a general merchant, a J.P., and Reeve of the Township of Peel. First returned to Parlt* Ontario. 197 for North Wellinjjton at g.e. 18r>7 ; re-elected at jj.e. 1871 ; defeated at g.a 1875. Returned for preBeut seat at last g.e. A Liberal. — Parker, Out. McLaughi.in, Jambs Wellington, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S, {]V, t Durham.) Parents removed from the North of lirl. in 1829 and settled in the Township of Cavan, in East Ourham, and in 1843 in the Township of Darlinjj, West L jirham. B., 24 Aug. 1840, in the Township of ( 'avan. Ed. at the Univ. of Toronto, where he graduated in LS()4, taking the gold medal. Graduated in Edinburgh in 1872. M., 17 July, 1866, Ida Ella Gross, grand dau. of tlie late. Dr. Gross, of Brighton. Has occupied for several years the position of Examiner for the Univ. of Toronto, also for the Medical Council of Ontario. Has been for several years the Re- presentative of the Senate of the Univ. of Toronto in the Medical Council of Ontario. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Bmvmamille, Out. McMahon, Jambs, M.D. {North Wentimrth.) S. of Hugh McMahon, P.L.S., a native of Cavan, Irel. B. at Dandas, Out., 1 July 1830. Ed. at Toronto Univ., where he graduated M.D. M., Jan. 1858, Julia, dau. of Wm. Ball, Esq., of Niagara. Is Presdt of the North Wentworth Reform Asso. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, 29 Oct. 1875, on sitting mem. l^eing unseated and disqualified on i^etition. Re-eiected at last g.e. A Liberal, and a supporter of Mr. Mow at. — Dundas. Meredith, William Ralph, ZZ.J5., Q.C. (London.) S. of late John Cooke Meredith, Esq., a native of Dublin, Irel. B. in Westminster, Middlesex, Out., 31 March, 1840. Ed. at London Grammar School and at Toronto Univ., where he obtained degree of LL.B., 1872. M., 26 June 1862, Mary, dau. of Marcus Holmes, Esq., of London. Called to the Bar U.C, in Trinitv Term, 1861. Apptd. Q.C. by the Govt, of Out., 11th March 1876, and by the Dominion Govt. 11th Oct. 1880. Elected a Bencher of the Law Soc, Ont., 1871. Is a dir. of the Ontario Invest- ment Asso. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, Aug. 1872, on resignation of sitting member; re-elected at g.e. 1875, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to the present Government. Favours compulsory "Voting. — Albert Street, London, Ont. ; Toronto Club. 198 Ontario. Merrick, Henry. {North Leeds and Gremille.) S. of Stephen Merrick, and grandson of William* Merrick who settled on site of i)resent Village of Merrick- ville, Avhere ho erected mills. B. there. A woollen manu- facturer. ElecttHl a Dejmty G.M. of the Grand Orange Lodge of B. A., 1875. Has been a Deputy G.M. of the Grand Black Chapter of Orangemen of B.A. Has been Mayor of Merrickville. First returned to Parlt. at g.e.. 1871 ; re-elected at g.e. 1875, and at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to the present Government. — Merrickville f Out. Metcalfe, James Henry. {Kingston.) S. of John Metcalfe; grandfather, James Metcalfe,, resided in the Village of Bainbridge, Yorkshire, Eng. B. in Kingston, Ont., 8 January 1848. Ed. at the Riblic School and Collegiate Institute. M., at Kingston, 5 Aug. 1809, to Margaret Jane, second daughter of Frazer Clute, Esq., of South Fredericksburgh. At present head master of the Queen Street Public School in Kingston. AVas head master of Wellington Street Public School for seven years. . A member of the Citv Council for six vears. First re- turned o Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — Kingston,, Ont. Monk, George William. {Carleton.) Yongest s. of the late Capt. John Benning Monk, H.. M. 97th Regt. of Foot; grandson of the late Hon. G. H. Monk, who, originally a midshipman under Admiral Boscawen, entered the army and became Major of the Royal Fusiliers, but retired, and was admitted to the Bar, and finally attained a seat on the Bench in N.S., and great grandson of Sir James Monk, Atty. Gen. of N.S. ; who claimed descent from George Monk, Duke of Albe- marle. B. 10 Sept. 1838. Ed. at Bytown (now Ottawa), and Potsdam, N.Y. M., Jan. 1863, Emily Blanch, dau. of the late Lieut. Col. Dyer, formerly of the 37th Regt. of Foot. Was a Deputy G.M. of the Grand Black Chapter of Orangemen of B.A. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1871, but unseated on petition; re-elected Jan. 1872; re- turned by acclamation at g.e. 1875; re-elected at last g.e.. A Liberal Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt- — South March, Ont. I ,11 OtU<(rio. Morgan, William. {iSouth Xorfofk.) 199 Only H. of the late John Dwvor ^lor^an, of Walsin^- ham, Ont., a native of Cflanior, and lield the Oitice of Minister of Inland lievenuo from that date until 2 July 1.S72, when apiK)inted Chief Justice of Court of QutHjn's Bench of Manitooa, heinjjt the first Chief Justice and Judjie of that Court. Apj)t Au^. I8r)8 ; Postmaster (Jenl. (in the 8andfield Mcdonald- 1 )orion Administration) fron. May lHii:\ until ^larch 18«>4; held the same otlice (in the Coali- tion Govt.) from June 1864 until 14 Nov, same year, when a])ptd. Vice-Chancellor of \J.i\, an ottice he resigned 25 Oct. 1872, on bein>:r called ui)on to form a new Adminis- tration in (int. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Cnuncil, and Attorney Genl., lU Oct. 1872. (Salnr>i, S.5,(MKr.y As Vice- rt upon Estate Bills in the Ont. Assem. Sat for South Ontario in Can. Assem. from 1857 until he retire4. An unsuccessful candidate for Kingston, 1861. Keturned for present seat, by acclamation, Nov. 1872, and again at ^.e. 1875. ; re-elected at lasfg.e. A Reformer — 181-183 Simcoe Street, Toronto ; Toronto Cluh. I Nairn, Thomas Macixtvre. [EoM Elgin.) S. of James Nairn and Agnes Macintyre Nairn, of Bonhill, Dumbartonshire, Scot. The former was a native of Renfrewshire and the latter of Argyllshire. B., 16 June 1830, at Balloch, in the Parish of Bonhill, Dumbar- tonshire. Ed. at public schools in said parish until nearly 14 years of age. Emigrated to St. John, N.B., in 1850, and removed to Aylmer, Ont., in Nov., 1851. M., Sept. 1854, Delphine dau. of tlie late John Van Patter, one of the first settlers on Talbot Road, in the Townshii) of Mala- hide. Has been a INIunicipal Councillor for 21 years, and 8 years a mem. of the Co. Council of the Co. of Elgin. AVas Warden of the Co. of Elgin for 6 years in succession, and for the past 7 years has been Chairman of the Aylmer High School Board. AVas prominently identified with the promotion of the railroad interests of the country, and held seats in the Provisional Boards of Directors of the Canada Southern and Canada Air Line railway com- panies. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Lil)eral. — Aylmer, Ont. I il t ■ r 202 " Ontario. Near, Dambl, .7.P. (]|V//(tm/.) B. in Township f»f I Imulwrstono, 1.^2'). Ed. at com- mon scliools. M., 1st, IHol, Klizalxith Cronniillur (sho d. 1854); 2n(l, laV), Mary W. llarwisch. A Coniinr. B. U. Was Kdcivi^ ofllundK^rstdnoHvoyciars and ("nuncillor four. First rtiturnod to I*arlt. at last g.e. A LilH3ral. — Humbcr' siotu', Out. Nbblon, Sylvrstbh. {Lincoln.) Is a sliii>-o\vnor, capitalist, and i)roi>rietor of tlio riupnix Flour Mills. Has Ix^cin a nuun. of the St. Cath- arine Town C'oinicii. First returned to Parlt. at ^r.e., 1875, but su}»se(iuently unseated. Re-elected at last g.o. A Liberal. — St Cutlmrimn, Out. O'Connor, Hamilton Parke. {South Brucv.) Grandfather, James Blijrh O'Connor, late Captain in H.M. IMith Ke^t., came to Can. in 18IJ<) and settled in the CV). of Middlesex. S. of Hamilton Bli^di O'Connor, Clerk of the Division Court at Tees water, Out. B. 10th Nov. 1844, in London Out., and ed. at Ofwlerich Grammar School and at j)rivate schools. M., 1875, Jane Watkins, fourth dan. of Allan N. McLean, Esq., Toronto. Admitted as an attorney. Out., 18()7 and called to the Bar 1878. Mayor of Walkertown, 1880 and 1881. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, 18th Oct., 1882, to fill vacancy caused by rc^si^niation of Mr. R. M. Wells, elected to the Commons. A Liberal. — Walhrton, Out. Pardee, Hon. Timothy Blair, Q.C. {Wes^t Lamhton.) S. of A. B. Pardee Es(j., Co. Grenville, Ont. B. in Grenville, 11 \^^^^^. 1830. ¥a\ there. :M. the dan. of J. K. Forsvth, Es(j., of Sombra, Lambton, Ont. Called to the Bar, Ont., Hilary Term, 18()1. Created a Q.C, by the Govt, of Out., 11 ^larch, 1879. Elected a Bencher of the Law Soc. of Ont. 1871. Was County Attorney of Lamb- ton for some years ; resi<;ned 18(57. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council, 25 Oct. 1872, and was Provl. Secy, from that date until 4th Dec. 1873, when Apptd. Commr. of Crown Lands, in which office he still remains. {Salary, $4,000) First returned to Parlt. for present seat at g.e. 18G7. Re- elected by acclamation at g.e. 1871 ; again returned at g.e. OnUtrio, 20a , !• 1875, and at last >r.o. A Liltoral.— 125 Williuyton Street, WeM, Toronto ; Toronto Cluh] Sornia. Parkhill, William J., ././'., {Stnith SImcoe.) B. in Co. Tyrone, Irol., 27 Nov. lH.^t». Kd. thoro. C'anio to Canada, 25 June, 1S5»). M. Mihs Crosslcv, dan. of N.P. Cross ley, Es(i., of Kin^', Out., 'M) Oct. 1H()2. Is (rrand Master of the Loyal Oran^'e Lod^'e of Ontario AV^est, and D.G. Master (»f the (Jrand I^Kl^'e of H.A., and !>.(?. Afastor ofR(»val HIackofH.A. Was Depntv Ueove of Mnlinnr for the years 1874-75 and elected Keeve in 187<), each tiino by acclamation. Presdt. of the Mnlniur branch of tho Conservative Ass Oct., 187S, on the resignation of Hon. Win. Mo Dougall,C.B. Ke-elected at last^'.e. A Lil)eral Conserva- tive, and opi)f»sed to the present CTOvernment.— /^^f><(/tnV7t P.O., Ont. Patterson, Petei{. {Went Yorl.) Ancestors came from Co. Antrim, Irel., to New Hamp- shire in Am., \T.M\. There many members of the family — .-^ — , _ ...^.^, ...... ^, ...^ — „- . J subsequently distinguished themselves in the service of the country as judges, legislators and governors, S. of the late Col. Robert Patterson, of Perry, N.Y., a mem. of the ■i-KPrtu, iTx., k:!c>^ii. j.o»j.', ^»xi:^3 r\., xv. xxauy , \ji x ^jiif^o k:7i,icoii. An agricultural imi>lement manufacturer. AVas Reeve of Vaughan from 18()8 to 1871, when elected Warden of the Co. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1871 ; re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1875, and again returned at last g.e. A Liberal, and supporter of Mr. Mowat. — Patterson, Chit*. Pec'K, Samuel Stanley. {Xorth Victoria.) one S. of James Peck, who is a grandson of James Peck^ of the U.E.Loyalists, who settled in the Co. of Prince Edward in the year 18(»0, having previously resided some time in N.S. B. Township of Andiertsburg, Co. Prince Edward, Nov. 20, 1829. Ed. at Common School there. M., 1st, Sarah Ann, dau. of Richard Harder, Esq., of the Township of Sidney, Co. Hastings, 17 July 1857 ; (she d. 1 Nov. 1875); 2nd, Susan dau. of William Vardervoot, of Sidney, Co. Hastings, 19 Dee. 1870. Was Reeve 15 years ! < 204 Ontario. and Warden of Co. Peterboro 3 years. Stipendiary Magis- trate and Judge of Division Courts of Provisional Co. of Haliburton, and Registrar of Deeds from same County from its organization in 1874 to May 1879. Is now Co. Clerk and Treasurer of same County, which jxjsition he has also held since 1874. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Minden, Oi}t. Raysidb, Jambs. {Glengarry.) • . Married a dau. of David McDougall, Esq. Is an ex- tensive saw-mill proprietor, and has been Reeve of the Township of Charlcjttenburg. Was an unsuccessful can- didate at g.e. 1878. First returned to Parlt., 18 Oct., 1882, on resignation of the sitting mem., Mr. Macmaster, to run for the Commons. A Liberal. — South Lancaster. Richardson, William. [South Leeds.) Is a farmer. Has been a School Trustee and Reeve of the Township of Leeds. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A C^onservative. — Seeley^s Bay, Ont. Robertson, Dwid, M.D , CM. [Halton.) S. of the late Ale.:ander Robertson, a native of Perth- 8hire,Scot. B. in Township of Esquesing, Co. Halton, 9 July 1841. Ed. at Connnon School and McGill Coll., where he graduated M.D. 18(^4. M., Jan. 1867, Miss Jennie S. Morse, dau. of the late Samuel Morse, of Milton. Was Mayor of Milton four years and Treasurer of the Board of Educa- tion eight years. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Milton, Ont. Robinson, Charles, 3£.D. {Cardivell.) Paternal side of his family came from Lincolnshire, England, and the maternal from Inverness, Scotland, in 1831, settling in the Township of Chinguacousy. B. in Chinguacousy in 1836. Ed. at Toronto School of Medi- cine and Jefferson Medical Coll. M. in 1869 to Miss Helen Standing. Has held position of Coroner eight years. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Claude, Ont. , ] Ontario. Robinson, Edward, B.A. {West Kent.) 205 B. in the Co. Rojscomnion, Irel., in 1829. Ed. at Trinity Coll., Dublin. Came to Can. in 1857 to take charge of the mathematical department of the Toronto Grammar School. Admitted as an A+i ')rney, U.C. in 18(>3, and he- came partner of the Hon. Walter ^loCrea, now Judge of Algoma. M. in 18()4 to Miss C^harlotte E. Miller, of To- ronto. Has been Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Chatham High School for several years. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Chatham, Oat. Rose, Baltis. {West Hast In ys.) Is a farmer. Has been a Municipal Councillor and Reeve of the Township of Sidney for many years. Has been Warden of the Co. of Hastings. First returned to Parlt. on the resignation of the sitting mem., ^Ir, Robert- son, to run for the Commons. A Conservative. — Frank- ford, Out, Ross, Lieut. Col. Alexander McLac.an. {West Huron.) B. in Dundee, Scot., 20 April 1828. Came to Can. and settled at Goderich, 1834. Ed. there. M. Nov. 1852, Agnes, dau. of Thos. Kydd, Esq., Postmaster of Goderich. Was clerk in Bank of U.C. from 1849 to 1856, and pay- master on Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway from latter date to 1858, when he was appointetl Treasurer of the united counties of Huron and Bruce, which position he held until separation' of the counties in 1866. Has been Treasurer of the Co. Huron since that time. Has been Manager of the Can. Bank of Commerce, at Goderich, since 1870. At the time of the Trent aflair he organized an Artillery Co. at Goderich, and was appointed its Cap- tain. Was on service on the frontier during the Fenian raid in 1866. On the organization of the volunteer force into batallions in 1866, was appointed Lieut. Col. of the 33rd, which position he still holds. First returned to Parlt. in Jan. 1875. A Liberal, and supporter of Mr. Mow at. — Goderich, Ont. Sinclair, Donald. {North Bruce.) B. in Island of Islay, Scot. Ed. at Bowmore School. Came to Can. June 1851. M., 1»71, Isabella, dau. of Thomas Adair, Esq., of Southampton, Ont. A merchant.^ 206 0}Uario. First rQtnrnod to Parlt. by acclamation, at j?.e. 1807 ; re- elected by acclainmation at jj.e. 1871, a^aiii returned at g.e. 1875, and re-elected at last a.e. A Liberal, and a sup- ix)rter of Mr. Mowat. — Paisley, (hu. Snidbk, Elias Werkr Binueman. {Xorth JVatirloo.) Grandfather, Jacob C. Snider, of Swiss descent, emi- grated with his father in 180<) from Pennsylvania to the Co. of Waterloo, l^ldest s. (^f Elias Snider. B. at Water- loo, Ont., 11) .fune 1S42, and ed. at the Ibmmon School there. IVL, 10 A])ril 1S()4, at Preston, Ont., Miss Nancy Weber. Is a rieen Reeve of Picton and Warden of Prince Edward. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1871, bat unseated on jxitition; new election Jan. 1872, when his opponent, IVIr. J. S. McCuaig, was returned, but was unseated, and Mr. Striker r Fe-el in Leg. Assm. Ont., Dec. 1873. Was first elected to Parlt., in Oct. 1878 for North Essex. Was offered but declined nomination for tlie Commons for tiie Co. of l\».el in Jan. 1874, and was also nominated for the same constituency for the Legislature in Jan. 1875, ])ut declined, and was again nominated for tlie same county for the Lot^al House in May 1878, for the g.e., but since his election for Essex, declined. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Windsor, Ont. WiDDiFiBLD, J. Henry, M.I)., M.R.C.S, (Eng.); L.B.C.P. (Edin.) {North York.) Family came originally from Eng. S. of Charles Ellis \^> 208 Ontario. Widdifielcl, Esq., of !Maple Grove Farm, Whitechiircli, Ont., and grand-s. of the late Henry Widdiefield, a U.E. Loyalist, who came to AVhitchurch, 1801, and was one of the earliest settlers in North York. B. at Maple Grove Farm 12 June 1845. Ed. at Newmarket High School and Victoria Univ. Unmarried, Studied for his profession at Victoria Medical Coll., Toronto, and at St. Thomas' Hospital, Medical and Surgical Coll., London, England, Is a graduate in ^Medicine and Surgery of the Koyal Coll- of Surgeons of England, the Eoyal Coll. of Physicians of Edinburgh, Victoria Univ., Can., and the Coll. of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ont. Has been a Coroner for York, and is now a J.P. for the same Co. Holds first class cer- tificates from the Toronto School of ^lilitary Instruction and the Toronto School of Gunnery. Recei^'ed the Re- form nomination for the Commons in 1874, but declined it. First returned to Parlt. at g.o. 1875 ; re-elected at last g.e. Moved the Address in reply to the Speech from the Throne at the session of 1875. A Liberal, and was elected as an independent supporter of the Mowat Administra- tion. — Frc^pfct Cottage, Neunmrkd, Ont. Wood, Hon. Samuel Casey, {South Victoria.) B. in the Village of Bath, Ont., 27 Dec. 1830. Ed. there. Was for some years a public school teacher, and subsequently followed mercantile pursuits. AVas Official Assignee for Victoria, and County Clerk and Treasurer from 1800 until his appointment to office, when he re- signed. Is Chairman of Board of High and Public Schools, Lindsay. Elected a member of the Council of Public Instruction (to represent the School Inspectors), 1874; resigned July 1875. Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Council and Commr. of Agriculture, and Provl. Sec. and Regis- trar 24 July 1875. {Salari/, $4,000.) Apptd., 1877, Commr. of Agriculture and Provl. Treasurer. First returned to Parlt. for i)resent seat at g.e. 1871 ; re-elected at g.e. 1875, and on his appt. to office; again returned at last g.e. A Liberal. — Toronto; Lindsay, Out. Young, Jambs. ( ^orth Brant.) Eld. s. of the late John Young, Esq., of Gait, Ont., formerly of Roxburghshire, Scotland, who came to Can. in 1834. B. at Gait, 24 May 1 35. Ed. there. M., Feb. 1858, Margaret, second dau. of John McNaught, Esq., of Brantford. A member of the Honorary Council, Ont. Ontario. 209 School of Agriculture; a ineniber of the A<;ricultnral and Arts Council; a dir. of the Confederation Life Assu. Co.; of the Canada Landed Credit Co. ; and of the (lore Dis- trict Mutual Fire Insu. Co. ; and Presdt. of the Asso. of Mechanics' Institutes, Ont. Has been Presdt. of the Provincial Sabbath School Convention of Ontario, and is now Vice-Presdt. of the Sal)bath School Asso. of Canada. Was for several vears a member of Board of Public School Trustees and the Collegiate Institute; six years a member of Gait Council, and once I)e})Uty Reeve. Owned and edited the Dumfries Rcfornur (Gait), from IH.')!) to 1863. Author of two prize essays: Tlw Agricultural Re- murces of Canada, ami the induce mnds theif offer to British Labourers to settle in Canada, and Tlie Beriprocitt/ Treaty. First returned to represent South Waterloo in the Com- mons at g.e. 1867; re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1872, and at g.e. 1874. An unsuccessful candidate for same seat at g.e. 1878. Elected for present seat in Leg. Assem. Ont., at last g.e. AVhile in the Commons he pro- posed the abolition of the otfice of Queen's Printer, and letting all Departmental printing by tender, which has greatly reduced the annual expenses; in 1871 the House adopted his bill confirming the naturalization of all aliens who had taken the oaths of allegiance and residence prior to Confederation ; in 1873 submitted a bill in favour of the ballot ; in 1873, and again in 1875, carried addresses to Her Mlijesty, praying that the Imj)erial Government might take steps to confer on Germans and other aliens naturalized in Canada the same rights in all parts of the world as British born subjects ; and in 1874 proposed a committee and report which resulted in the publication of the " Hansard," containing the House of Commons debates. A Liberal. — '^ Ihornhill,''' Gait, Ont, 12 210 Ovfario. DEPT'TY HEADS ANDCIIIEF OFFICERS OF THE OXTAlllO CIVIL 8EKVICE. Dcpnti/ Afforveif Gemnd. — J. G. Scott, Q.C. [SaJari/, $2,S00.) Ihpiift/ Mi)iisfn' of Education. — J. Gkorge Hodcjins. {Said r If, S;')/KiO.) Srcnffirif of Edncafinn. — Alkx. MAUl.iXfi. Sdlnri/t $2,000.) A>/, $1,000.) Architect and CIrief Officer of the Department of Public irofA-.s.— KiVAS TuLLY, C.'E. {Salary, $2,200.) Secretan/ of Public Works. — \V. Edwards. {Salary, $1,750.) " - , , Queen^s Printer. — John Notm'an. {Salary, $1,200.) Librarian. — Rev. W. Inglis. {Salary, $1,400.) Laiv Clerk. — J. R. Cartwrigut. {Salary, $1,000.) " <\' General Elections have been hold as follows : Sept., 1867 ; March, 1871 ; Jan., 1875 ; June, 1879. Names of candidates and the total number of votes polled by each at the General Election, June 1879, together with the population of each constituency. The names of the unsuccessful candidates are in Italic^, ADDINGTON. H. M. Deroche 1503 — Jjenison 1459 Pop 21.312 ALGOMA. R. A. Lyon 1081 — Macdonald 926 Pop 5007 BRANT, NORTH. Jas . Young 9i)0 — Laird 050 Pop 11493 BRANT, SOUTH. Hon. A. S. Hardy 1022 — Wilson 1230 Pop 207(30 BROCK VILLE. Hon C. F. Fraser 1379 — Mansell 1200 Pop. 10475 BRUCE, NORTH. D.Sinclair 1080 — Biggar 1284 J Pop 17183 BRUCE, SOUTH. Hon. R. M. Wells 2805 — Baird 21% Mr. Wells having resigned to run fortheCommons.anew Election, 18 Oct. 1882: H.P. O'Connor 2441 JCEckford 1936 Pop 31332 CARDWELL. C. Robinson 1201 Joh), rOHhir 12.31 Pop 17248 CARLETOX. G. W. Monk 2074 C. ChriHtiun 527 Pop 21739 CORNWALL. W. Mack Acclamation. Pop 7114 DUFFERIN- Dr. Barr. 1357 R. McGce 1096 Dr. Barr being unseated on petition, new election, 9 Jan. 1880 : W. Jelly 1207 T. Jnll 775 R. McGer 445 Pop lf.508 DUNDAS. Andrew Broder 1074 — Chmnhciiain 1593 Pop 18777 DURHAM, EAST. John Rosevear 1292 — LoH'den 1092 — Quinl'tii 85 Pop 190«)4 On the deatli of Mr. Rosevear. June 1881, new writ: C H. Brereton 1471 W.H Rimell 1241 hi .1 .'i II i U-' I !4I i I 212 DURHAM, WEST. J. W. McLaughlin — ColvUle Pop 18316 ELGIN, EAST. T. M.Nairn — JJny • Pop 20870 ELGIN, WEST. J. Cascaden TWCi-other Pop 127% ESSEX, :noiith. S, White — (lipniac Pop 17988 ESSEX, SOUTH. Lewis Wigle — Balfonr Mr. Wigle having resigned to run for the Commons, a new election held, 18 Oct. 1882 : W. D. Balfour Peter Wright Pop U709 FRONTENAC. D. D. Calvin — Daxoson — Vanlnven — Strachan Pop 16310 GLENGARRY. D- Macmaster JaS' Rnyside Mr. Macmaster having re- signed to run for the Com- mons, a new election held 18 Oct. 1882: Jafi. Rjiyside — Mc Arthur Pop 20524 GRENVILLE, SOUTH. F, J. French C. J' Fraser Pop 13197 GREY, EAST. A. W. Lauder — Mylea — JRorke Pop 18425 Ontario. 1467 1319 2275 2143 1257 1246 1062 833 1418 1261 1469 1397 710 506 193 149 1331 1291 1295 1325 1205 1068 1294 728 301 GREY. NORTH. *l D. Creighton 1660 — Doyle 1642 Pop 20305 GREY, SOUTH. J. H. Hunter 1694 James H. Fahey 1061 Pop 18622 HALDIMAND. Dr. Baxter 1612 — Thompnou 154& Pop 19042 HALTON. D. Robertson 1765 W. a Beatty (Milton) 173a Pop 22606 HAMILTON. J.M.Gibson 2240 ^ Murray 217S Pop 26716 HASTINGS, EAST. N.S.Appleby .1204 — Gordon 1133 Pop 17392 HASTINGS, NORTH. Dr. Boulter 1081 — Vankleek 1024 Pop 15231 * HASTINGS. WEST. A. Robertson — 1402 H.Holden 1705 On petition, Mr. Robertson was unseated ; new election, 20 Jan. 1880 : A.Robertson 13C6 jD.Sills 1157 Mr. Robertson having resigned to run for the Commons, a new election held, 18 Oct. 1882: B.Rose 1008 — Lee 748 Pop 14365 HURON, EAST. Thomas Gibson 1924 — Holmes 1868 Pop 23912 Ontario. 213 t HURON, WEST. laeut.-Col. Ross 2064 F Kelly lt)50 Pop 21306 HURON, SOUTH. ' A. Bishop 1893 ■— Jackton 1<33 Pop 24563 KENT, EAST. D. McCraney 1774 — Trerine 1457 Pop 19772 KENT, WEST. E. Robinson 1.343 Alex.Coum 1206 Pop 28062 KINGSTON. J. H. Metcalfe 9,55 W' Robinson 756 Pop 12407 LAMBTON, EAST. Peter Graham 1840 George Shirley (Brooke) 1776 Pop 19289 LAMBTON, WEST. Hon. T. B. Pardee 1759 J. B. McGarvev 1531 Pop.... 19608 LANARK, NORTH. "Wm. Clyde Caldwell 1309 Dr. Mostyn 1027 Pop 15035 LANARK. SOUTH. W.Lees 907 J. Elliott 854 — Brooke 56 W,F. Code 10 Pop 17985 LEEDS AND GRENVILLE, NORTH. H- Merrick 1084 — Mikle..^ 737 Por 13530 LEEDS. SOUTH. W. Richardson 136? — Green' 1031 Pop 17254 LENNOX. G. D.HawIey 1231 -Kerr 1221 Pop.... 16396 LINCOLN. Sylvester Neelon 2222 — MvCarthv •■•• 2153 Pop 24765 LONDON. W.R. Meredith 1578 — Maoee 1131 Pop 15826 MIDDLESEX, EA^r. R.Tooley.. 2546 — Moekenz ie 2363 Pop 25055 MIDDLESEX, NORTH. J. Waters 1917 ./. McDougall 1685 Pop 21519 MIDDLESEX, WEST. J. Watterworth. 1575 — Richardson 1524 Pop 20195 MONCK. J. Harcourt E. KingDf>odds. Pop 1486 l;3;37 16179 MUSKOKA & PARRY SOUND. J. C. Miller 1704 — Boys 1235 Mr. Miller havinR resigned, a new election held .30th Oct., 1882. J. W. Bettes 1882 Edward Proicse 1467 Pop 6919 NORFOLK, NOPTH. J. B. Freeman 1490 — Wilson 1369 Pop 15.390 ■'1 214 Ontario. NORFOLK. SOUTH. I PKKTH. NORTH. W. Morjrim l.W. [).l>. ]|„v '2^mV — Austin V.W^ — Mrlhrmoit W{>- . I i»(.p ... 2iivn • \ PEKTir. SOUTH. 1*<'I» • • 1 '»2"0 Tli()inii.< nallimtvno 175a — lirxitwi- 1431) NORTIirMnKllLANI), EAST. I 1N»p 21145 Tlio ploctinn Wii.«» contest (><1, Itiit, iil'tcr lu'iiriiijf, the \w\\- tioii wa.s (li.xini,«si'4 Roljert Kincaid Acclamation. ,, . ,. 4-M Tj . Pop 12«>48 On resiKiiationot Mr. Paxton, new writ: »• I PRESCOTT- F. Madill 2IV,3! _ ,. ,_, — nifirfoic 2()4l !>>•. Harkin 900 Pop -'■>it67 ;-'/"/"» §?2 , >. JollllHOU ... iO^ ONTARIO, SOUTH. | ~ ^'"«/"'"'^'"' '^6 ; On death of Dr. Harkin, new J. Pryden 1721 writ : ^''«' ^''-•'^•^ I S. LnhroHHr 950 — L*r 119 OTTAWA CITY — liuttrrMil 115 Pop 17647 PRINCE EDWARD. P. Ba.«kerAille WA (hoMmi 1000 I DJ. O'DonogJiue 60t)! Pop 21545 iO. Striker 1894 Rohni ( 'lapp (Milford) 1859 OXFORD, NORTH. Pop..:: 20336 RENFREW, NORTH. Hon.O. Mowat r.'U .V. Ciirrli' 574 Pop 24559 : Thomas Murray 1066- ' \T. Dravon 9H2 OXFORD, SOUTH. : y^^ Murray having resigned Hon. Adam Crooks,LL.D. , Q.C 1775 I to run for Commons, a new _ Bi'oirn 835 ! election held 18th Oct., 1882: — Markhaiii 5o I W.B. McAllister — Acclamation. Pop 23078 Pop 13875 PEEL- RENFREW, SOUTH. K.Chi.sholm 1519 ] James Bonfield 83T — McCuUn 1304 E. Harrington 705- Pop 16309 ' Pop 14099 \ 1 •l Ontario. 215 RrsSKLT.. 9:m 1<)78 i)4« H7H 1.37 000 622 232 . 136 •I A.T Baker 721 /. Mnrwii, m\ Niil MrCnil L'7!» .lanirn Tiithr 222 Mr- Ar<1 ill three siih- ilivisiims rejeeteil as heitiK marked so as t«» ihiee 225<» pop. ;{122;: VrCTOIllA, XOKTH. S.S. Peck 1217 -- hVII 943 Pop 1.3l(i7 VrCTOiaA.SOlTH. Hon. S.C.Wood 1B14 — liiiHMill, 1.529 Pop 19244 WATEKLOO, NORTH. M. Sprinjrer 1.351 -- W'llhr 1184 On resignation (»1" Mr. Sprin- ger, new writ : E.W. Snider 1517 — \Vi>lh,' 1219 Pop 192.5() WATERLOO, SOUTH. J. Livingston 1600 — rini, 1262 Mr. Living.'?ton having resign- ed to run for the Common.*', a new election heldi 18th Oct., 1822: Isaac Master 1469 — Itntz IIUI Poi) 20{>95 WELLAND. D. Near 1906 I[f„i . J. <}. Cun-H 1891 Pop 20572 WELLINGTON, CENTRE. * Lt.Col.Clarke 149.5 — /foUrts, 745 Pop 184.3.5 WELLIN(JTON, SOUTH. Robert McKim 2026 J. MrG'o>caa 1592 Pop 20769 ffl III 1 'I I 21G Ontario. WELLINGTON, NORTH. J- Lftidlaw 1430 W. /'. Sict'tttiHin 1312 Pop. 161a') WENTWORTH, NORTH. Dr. McMahon 1223 — McMonuH 209 Pop 16245 WENTWORTH, SOUTH F. M. Carpenter 1231 A'. Awrey 1230 On a .sorutinj' of vote? Mr. Awrey was declared elect- ed by 9 majority- Pop \\(m YORK. EAST 0. W. Badgerow 1825 — Itohinaon . . 1581 Pop 193fiO YORK. NORTH. Dr.Widdifield 2200 — Munthy 1601 Pop 24265 YORK, WEST. p. Patterson 1268 — Tun-dl 1208 Pop 16260 / t .. 1825 .. 1581 !60 .. 2200 . 1Q)1 65 .. 1268 . 1208 60 1 QUEBEC. (Entered Confederation 1 July 1867) Ijinitennuf Gorernor.* — Ifis Hortour the JtovonrrOdc TiiHonoRE RoniTAiM.H, r.C. l)o.S('(ui(lo(l from ono of tho oldoKt French families in Canada; one of his ^rand- uneleH, Mos.sire Kohitaille, was cliaplain to tlie Active Militia Force of L.C\ durinj; the war of 1H12, in which all the family took an active part on the loyal side ; a second grand-uncle, the Rev. Louis Brodeur, aft(^r sjKinding seven years as a missionary in N.B., was a|)i)td. curate to the parish of St. Roche des Aulnets, where lie died, bequeathing his wealth to the Ste. Anne Coll. of which he was one of the foun.a J. Archambeault, Lieut. Col. Hon. Louis, N.P. {Repentigny.} Descended from a family that came from France and settled at Longue Pointe, P.Q-t 1618. B. at Lon^ue Pointe, 7 Nov. 1817. Ed. there. Admitted as a Notary,, 1836. Practised at St. Roch L'Achijran until 1855, when he removed to L'Assomption, Avhere he has since resided. Maire of St. Rochs and Presdt. of Scliool Commrs. ; and was Maire of the Co. Leinster from 1850 to 1855. Became Registrar of same Co. 1843. Has been a mem. of the Board of Notaries of ^lontreal since 1848, and in 1800 was elected Presdt. of the Chamber of Notaries for the Pro- vince. AVas a mem. of Ex. Council and Commr. of Public Works from July 1807 until the retirement of the Ouimet Govt. 8 Sept. 1874. Sat for L'Assomption in Can. Assem. from g.e. 1857 until g.e. 18()1, when defeated ; and again from g.e. 1803 until the Union; and for same seat in the Commons from g.e. 18(57 until g.e. 1874, when he retired^ Apptd. to L. C. 18()7. A Conservative. — UAssomption. / -.* ♦PREVIOUS SPEAKERS. 1. Hon. Charles Boucher de Boucherville, from July 1867 to Feb. 1873. 2. Hon. John J. Ross, M.D.. from 27 Feb. 1873 to 7 Auk. 1874. 3. Hon. Felix H. Lemaire, X.P., from 22 Sept. 1874 to Jan. 1876. 4. Hon. John J. Ross, from Jan. 1870 until 8 March 1878. 5. Hon. Henry Starnes, from 8 March 1878 until 3f) Oct. 1879. 6. Hon. John Ross, from 31 Oct. 1879 until dissolution. I* dMa r 220 Quebec, BiOAt'DKY, //"o>;. .Trax LortH, /./^ (Afmn.) Familv <\amo from Franco in KifJO. \\. at Aniuvs doH riainos. 1\'q. 27 Mar. ISOt). M. l.S2r>, MiKsTliorcVo ValU'50. Was a luorchaiit in Mnntroal until 1S«;2. Was a Wardon of Trinity ITonso, Montroal, for 2S yoars ; Prosdt. of La Banquo Jaiviuos (artior ; and Major* 1st Montroal (-ontre Kosorvo Militia. Mavor of tlmt ntv fr«>ni 1S()2 to 18()(>, and front 1S77 to lS7l»,a.irain Mayor issi-82-8a. I'rosdt. of tlio Mutual I'iro Assn. Co. Contostod ISIontroal uusuoih^hh- fuUy for Can. Assimu. at jz.o. ]sr>4, and in lsr>S. (^allod to \j. (\ 1S()7. A (onsorvativo. — .'H Jh'ummotnl iStrcii, Moniirai Bkyson, //(»>>. (tRokok. .f./*. {rtd'rrnin}).) Of Xon..an dostvnt. 1^. at Paisley, Scot., 1() Dec. 18l;i Can\o to (\\n. IS'Jl, and settled in Ramsay, Lanark, Ont. INI. in Ottawa, March 1845, Miss Rohina Oohb. A luml-K>r merchant, and a 8. Was Mayor of Mansfield for a lengthened period, and Warden of the Co. for four suc- cessive t(>rms. Called to L.C. 18()7. A moderate Reformer. — Fort Couloiigc, I\Q. 8. of lirnace (\^uture. a cari)enter in Levis, P.Q. B. there 18th Jan. 1824. and ed. at the Common School. M., 1st, at St. diaries, (X Bellechasse, ^larie Roy ; 2nd, at liOvis. ]\[arie Cn>nevieve Gilly, relict of Pierre St. Hilaire dit IMchet. Is a mem. of the tirui of Geo. and Ed. Couturt>, treneral merchants, in Levis. Was elected ISIayor of the Town of Levis, in 1871, an otiice he still holds. Was apptd. 13 Oct. 18(U, Presdt. of the Govt. Commission on Road Boundaries on the South Shore. Called to L.C. 28th April 1881. A Conservative. —A^o. 59 €6tc dfd Marchau(iii, I^ris, P.Q. DeBoucuervillb, //o». C. B. {}fontarvil!e.) See Senate, u, ^ Quebec. ProNNio, Iftni. VjiA'/.m. {(inivilnllr.) 001 H. olthc^ Intn Hon. Aiiinl.hi Dic.niHs M.L.C, of L.C. IJ. at KniiinurnKkn. K lato .1. 1*\ Tc^tii, Ms(j., N.I*., liciristrar of St. llyacintlM'.. ('allcMJ to tlu^ liar, !..('., Oct. IH.M. Sworn of th(^ Kx. Coinicil ami ai>|)t. VimuiK EiHTAciM). ,/./'. { Ih' La Xaudkre.) S. of F. E. Dostalor, a veteran Militia ofliccr. J>. lOdi May 1S0<), ^nd od. at Jiortliicr. M. 2Stli Fc)*. 18^2, Donioist^llo Ticnovicve dan. of F. A. MonHscan, Kmo., for many years M.IM*. for Bertliicr. Ih a farmer and lias been TreHdt. of the A^ricnltnral Soc. of the Co. of Berth ier, and a mem. of the Chamber of Agricnlture for five years. Sat for Bertbier in Can. Assem. from \f.(\ bS,')4 to^'.e. 1H.57, when defeated, and from \i.V: 18(11 to g.e. IHO.'J wlien a^ain defeated. Called to the L.C. 1807. A Conservative!. — Berthicr, en-haitt, P. Q. Fbkribr, Hon. Jambs. {Victoria.) See Senate. Gerin, Hon. Elzear. {Kenmhec.) Descended from Jean Gerin, a native of the Parish of Leb Echelles, near Grenoble, France, who came to ^ I ♦ )00 Quehrc. Cnn.'Kln with <»n(> nf tlio last l''r(M»<'li nyiinontH, nnd mar- ri(vl in 17(>I^Mt ^*J^nl!^^lli(•lH^ MM(lolin(> (iroiiior. sixtoiMitli i'lnld ot* M!ij«>r Antoin«» ( M»riii-Ljij<»io, l»y AniMl»!(^ < irlinas. U. at Yaiua('in<'lu\ I ttli Nov. ISi;{, and (Ml.at the ('hristian Urothtu's School th(M-o. and at tlM» Ni('ol(>t S(\niinary. M. I Ith (><'t. 1S7:^. Mario Airatho, «iaM. nj' |). |)nlV(>Nn(\ ^/St)., Tiuvo KMvors. ('allo.l to tho Uar of th(> 1\(^ .Inly, 1S7:{, and practises in Thnn^ liiviMs. H(\uaii to write (or the pn^ss as early as 1S()'J. and jMihlisJuMl in 1S(U an historical pant|)hl in (i(i:rtt( th (^hidur. Was associati^ ixlitor of /,r ./(»)/r»^^ in the latter c statr ofthe Joiirnn/ (), was |>nt in (diari>t' r ot theJionse of Ass(Me... ( anada. tor assanltinii om*. of its nu^nd.ers. Mr. .1. }\. V.vw Uorion. Was an nnsn<'C(»sst'nl candidate for St. Manrice. in tlu^ ('t>nnnons in lS(iS. Ml(>cted lor that constitn(M\cy in l.eii. AssiMn. I\(^. at ,u.e. 1S71, and sat loi- one Tarlt. Apptd.tothe L(\ij:. Co., 2 1st Auut. 1SS2. A (.\ms(>rvativ(\ — T/nui Rinrs, r.(J. GlNl^KAS. 111})). .IkaN V.\.\K. {J.ntDYHfifh'H.) An (Extensive shijibnildi^r. A Warden of Trinity H(Mise. Que. Has hevn a uump, of Corporation of that city. Sat iov Stadaeona in i..(\. (an., from 1S()4 until the I'nion. Api>td. to pn^sent position 1S()7. A Conservative. — St. Si>td. to L.C. A (\^nservati\L>.— 40^ Gro)id .!//<', .V. LfXiia J\i>ae. {Boiigemont.) IVscended from Pieriv Binielier de Bouehervillc, at one time (rovernor (^f Tliree Bivers. S. of Pierre Boucher BaBruere. physii'ian, and DUc. ]SI. H. Boueher de La- Broquerie. In possession of two Hags given to the \ QhcJk>c. \ bnttalinh of Ills ^ziniKirnllMT, Uciw' l». (h^ L}il'»nirn',«lin injj; \\\{\ war ni' 1S|L'-III, l>y I'rinrcss ( 'lunlottr, (»!' I'lnj/hiii'I, miuI <»f thn iikmIhI of" Cliiilrniijznny, ^iv('H tn Ii'ih vrrjiiKlfjillMir l»y l^iHHWi N'iclnrin. I*, nt St. II vii( iiillic. ."» .Inlv Ih:;7. VA. at tho Villn^M'. of St. Ilynriiillic M., .hm." I>^U, Dllc. Mario N'iclnriixi Alice liCflrrc I'oiiiK^i'ly I'lotlioiiotjiry <»!' \\u\ SiiiM'tior (niirt j'nr tlic. I>istrirt of S). I lyarintlM'.. Kosij/ncii III l-S7."» j(t IxTninc flu' <(iitnr of the ('imrriir 'Ir /Sy. /Ii;i!cinflir. Aiitlmr of |>jiini>lil<'ts ciilillcii Li ('nimtln Hn>i>t hi iltnii'nniiii))! Amjhi'iHi^^ \\\\i\ l/iufnri/ '>l SI. Ih/ticintlK. < ailed to tlic L.< '.,( )<•!. 1^77. Sworn of (lie. \]\. ( oiincii ami a|>|»t. in JioueluM-vilie, ■ l^<^, "iL'tli .Ian. 1X42, and ed. at St. lIya(•intll(^ (oil. and La\al I'niv., (^nehe.e. M. in Montreal, rothe.r of .Jnd<:<'. I'x-.da.rd. Ls Se.i}_'nor of tlio Sei^Miory of Sherrington, Co. of Xapierville. WaK Census Connnr. in iSfJfl and 1H70; Warden of the Co. of Napierville ; Alayor, .histiee of the. Teare ;iiid a Conirnr. for the snnimarv trial of small (fms(^s ; a dir. of the Mon- treal and Chainplaiii Railway, and a Lieut. Col. in the. Militia for over twenty years. Aj>i>td. to L.C. in 1H7<). A Conservative. — 1>2 >S7. llvhn-f Slrnt, Motitmil. Panet, Lieut. Col. JLm. Lolis. (Iai Snlb.) \i ^ I M S. of the late Hon. J. A. Panet, for manv vears i ; 224 Quebec. S|Hmk(^r of (lui T..('. Assoni., and nfto'WMnls a mumm. of ilio L.(\of tlus sanu^ l*ro\iiU'i». B. in (^iu^Ihh'. M. tIu^ dan. (.. Dr. (>livn.«»f St. Thomas, I^(^ A Notary Public. Ih Liout. (ol. in the Militin. Si . as a Lif(^ mi^nilu^r of Ii.(\ Canailn. from 1S.MI until tho I'nioii. Sat in tlu^ S(Miat(^ from Foltruary 1S71 to March \S7\, whi^n h(^ r(>si^nopoint(> St. I.iiii >f Strrtt, (Jih ln<'. Vnovi.s, Hon. ,]\]\\ Hactisti: (tio(iH(;i:. ././'. {I>r la Val- lihr.) I>cscim\«UmI fr(»m an old FrcMich fjimiiv, which scttltMl at Thrco UivtMs nhout 1(>IH), nnd removed to Nicolct. in 1725. h. at Nicolct, 2:5 April IS(«>, and cd. at the (\)11. th.crc. M.. 2() .Ian. lS.".r>. ,Inlia, dan. of l>r. Alexander. Jh a farnjcr. a .1.1*. an7. A Conservative. — Codau St. I'icnr, St. Hniri di' MiUitnaL r.(J. Kemii.lako, Jlou. EnoiAUi). [De la DunuUaye.) S. of the late Adrien Kemillard, in his lifetime of the Parish (^f Saint Ciervais, Co. of Bellechasse, V.Q., and of Hame Marguerite Boucher. B. in the Parish of Saint Gervais, 9 .Ian. lS;n. Ed. at Quebec Seminary. M. at Quel)i>c, 12 .lune, IStJO, to Miss ^lalvina Evanturel, sister of the Hon. Franyois Evanturel, of Quebec. Called to the Bar of L.C., Hist, of Quebec, 5 starch 1850. Ex. Presdt. of the L'Institut Canadien de (Quebec; of St. Jean Baptiste S<^>ciety of Quelx^c, and Ex-Syndic of the Bar, Dist. of Quebec, Has practiced his profession as advocate, first with the Hon. F. Lemieux, deceased ; then with Hon. Judge Gauthier, decx?ased ; subsequently with the Hon. L. B. Caron, J.S.C., and now with Hon. E. J. Flynn, LL.D. Quel} ec. 225 T'irHi n^iiirnrd to tlu^ I'tirlt. nf'Cjui. for <'<>. of nclNMliasHo, the 1H( ).». Sat V.il.f at ^;.o. l8(}l,Hn(| a hocoiuI tiim^ at, vj.(^ (luring two ParliaiiiHiits ('onM^M•llti^^^Iy. ('nlhwl to tlid ^J\ (iuolMM', 27 May 1H7H. Lilx^nil.— ^^'''''"•'- /'/V//, If/yprr Toini. UoHH, lloH. .lollN .loNKH, M.l>. {Sliilfri tuf/o ti.) S. of'(i. .Mrliitosli UosM, Ks(|., of St. AuHiH, forinrrly a AV(. Thomas, ,/./'. iGo/J'r.) Of Knjilish descent. B. in the Island of Jersey, lO ;Sept. 18(18. Ed. there. M. at Berthier {rn hnut), P.Q., April 1847, Mdle. Julie Lalibert^*. A merchant and ship- owner. Is a Major in the Militia. Unsu(;cessfu]ly (;on- tested GasjH' for ('an. Assem. ^.e. ]8()l). A[)j)td. to L.(J., 19 Nov. 1873. A Conservative. — (Jape Corr, (]las/>e. Starnbs, I/wut. Col. IIoiK Henkv, J.1\ {Ih'Sdldhcrnj.) Grand-s. (/fa U.E. Loyalist, of English descent, who .settled in Can. at tlie cl(»se of the American revolution. Father married a French Canadian lady. B. at Kingston, 'Ont. Ed. at the Montreal i.\)\\. and the Revd. Mr. Esson's .Academy. Is Lieut. Col. 1st Montreal (Centre Reser\e Militia. Was for some vears a mem of the firm of Lesli(\ 13 il n »« i (M ! I i 226 Quebec. Starnes & Co., wholesale merchants, Montreal. Has been, a dir. of La Banqiw du Peuple ; a Warden of Trinity House ; Vice-I^resdt. of the Board of Trade ; and for many years Manager in Montreal of the Ontario Bank. Chair- man of the Can. Board of dir. of the Liverpool, and London and Globe Insn. Co. Sat for Chateanguay in Can. Assem. from g.e. 18.'^'/ to g.e. 18()l), when he retired. Unsuccess- fully contested Montreal at g.e. 1857. Declined a seat in the Quebec ('abinet, 18(>7. Apptd. to L.C., 18()7. Sworn of the Ex. Council 8 March 1878. Was Speaker of the Legislative C'ouncil Oct. 1879. Was acting Commr. of Agriculture and Public Works during the absence on public business of Hon. H. G. Joly. Apptd. Commr^ of Railwavs, ol Julv 1882. A Liberal Conservative. — 104 aSY. Alexander Street, Mmtreal ; St. James' Clidi. Webb, Hoy). William Hoste, Q.C. {Wellington.) Eld. s. of the late Commander Edward Webb, R.N., who came to Can. and settled at Hoste Farm, Brompton, Que., in the year 188(). M. Isabella, dau.of the late Lieut. W. Morris, of the 97th Regt., and of Parks wood, near Lennoxville, Que. Apptd. a Q.C. in 1867. Is Mayor of the Muncij)aiity of Melbourne. Was the first Warden of the Co. of Richmond, Que., and has, since its foundation, been a Trustee of St. Francis Coll., Richmond, Que. Has been for 17 years a mem. of the Assem. of Can. and of the Cbmmons. Apptd. a mem. of the L.C. of Quebec in 1875. A Conservative. — ^^Maple Hlll,^^ Melbourne, Que. Wood, i/bw. Thomas, /.P. {Bedford.) Ancestors came from England and settled in present U.S., whence his parents, Thomas Wood and Mary Skeele, (iame to Can. B. at Village of Dunham, P.Q., 7 March 1815. Ed. there. M., 1st, Ann Jane, dau. of Capt. N. Stephens (she d. 1841) ; 2nd, 1845, Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Wm. B. Seeley. A merchant. Has been Mayor of the Village of Dunham ; Chairman of the Trustees of Dun- liam Academy ; Presdt. M^ssisquoi Junction Railway Co. ; Mayor of the Township of Dunham ; Presdt. of the Agri- t^ultural Soc, and of the Dist. of Bedford Rifle Asso., and Warden of the Co. An unsuccessful candidate for Miss- isquoi in Can. Assem. at g.e. 1861. Apptd. to L.C. 1867. A Conservative. — Dunhann, P.Q. i» h Quebec. 227 I (Elected 9 December, 1S81 ; term expires 1885.) Speaker*. — Mon. Louis Oliver Taillox, Q.C. {Salaryf $2,000.) CJerl: — Loiis Deloiwip. S. of Pit^rre Delorme, Esq., of ^lontreal, ]>v ICliza])etlj, dan. of Patrick Burke. P>. at Montreal, 29 iVec. 1H24. Ed. at St. Sui)lice Coll., Montreal, and Coll. of St. Hyaeinthe. M., 1st, Marie, Julie Anna, dau. of K.T. Fortier, M.I)., of Ste. ^larie, Nouvelle Beauce, P.Q. (she d. 18()4); 2nd, 1.S71, Flora, dau. of F. X. Paradis, Es(i., of Quebec. Called to the Bar, L.C. 29 Dec. 1S47, but left law practice for farniinjr. TN presented St. Hya- cinthe in the Commons from 1870 .til 1878. Was the first to propose 'the estal)lishmeni of the money order system between Canada and the United States, which idea was taken up by lion. Jud^e Fournier when Post- master General. Apptd. to pr<-*., LL.I). {Rhnomki.) S. of the late Louis Asselin, by Marie Lai)erriere, of St. Francois, Island of Orleans, Co. of Montmorency, P.C^ B. there, 21 July, 1850. Ed. at Quel^ec; Seminary, where he j;raduated B.A., Sej)t. 1871. Received the Decree of LL.D. from Laval Univ. 1874. M., at Riniouski, 21) May 187(), U. L. M., (lau. of the late F. M. Derome, Eso. ('alleth An«r. ISTs, .Icanit^ dan. of (icMuiral S. Soy- nionr, of Alhanv, State. Finj^intMir of tlui JStatci of Now York. ( 'all(Ml to tlu>. Bar L.( '. :{rd ( ). [Maakinonfj^.) S. of Francois Caron and Henriette Coulombe. Des- cended from a family who immigrated from Normandy when the Colony was first settle **!'» m •■■ 1 1 i^l .:■■ I m ,1 234 Quebec. 1 * Bdtonnier and Presdt. o^ the Quarter Sessions, by Her- mine, dau. of the late Francois Rientord. His father was also Mayor of Three Rivers for some years, and repre- sented that constituency in Parlt. at different periods. B. in Three Rivers, in 1829, and ed. at Nicolet Coll., P.Q., and at the Jesuits' Coll., Fordham, N.Y. M. 1st, 23 Sept. 1862, Fannie, dau. of the late Samuel Macaulay, Esq., (she d. 24th Feb. 1875), 2nd, 5th July, 1877, Elizabeth, dau. of the late John Broster, Esq. Called to the Bar, L.C., May, 1852, and has been twice elected Batonnier or Presdt. of the Law Assoc, for the District of Three Rivers. Was Manager of the Bank of Upj^r Canada in Three Rivers, from 1856 to 1863. Is Presdt. of the Sch. Commrs., and })erforms the duties of Recorder and Police Magistrate for the District. Has been three times Presdt. of the St. Jean Baptiste Soc. ; is Presdt. of tlie Three Rivers Building Soc, and of the Board for the relief of the Indigent Sick ; a mem. of the Commission for the erection of Churches, and a dir. of the Three Rivers Gas Co. Has been three times an Alderman and seven times Mayor of the City of Three Rivers, and still occupies the latter office. In 1868, was elected by acclamation for Three Rivers in the Leg. Assem., P.Q., but resigned the following year on appointment as Sheriff of th*:* District of Three Rivers. Resigned the Shrievalty in Nov. 1881, to oppose at the g.e. the Hon. Mr. Turcotte, Speaker of Leg. Assem., P.Q., whom he defeated by a majority of 51 votes. A Conser- vative. — Three Rivers, P.Q. Faucher db Saint Maurice, Narcissb Henri Edouard. {Bellechasse.) S. of N. C. Faucher de Saint Maurice, Advocate and Seigneur of Beaumont, Yincennes, and Mont-a-peine, and of Catherine H. Mercier, both belonging to old French families. B. at Quebec, 18th April, 1844. Ed. at the Seminary there and at the Coll. of Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere. M. in 1868, Miss Josephine Berthelot D'Artigny, niece of tlie late Sir Louis H. Lafontaine, Bart. Went to Mexico in 1864 and became a Capt. in the 4th Mexican Sharpshooters, and subsequently A.D.C. to Gen. Viscount Courtois Rousse d'Hurbal. Served through the war and was in eleven battles, thirty-two engage- ments, was twice wounded and had one horse killed under him. Returned to Can. in 1866, and was for four- teen years, Clerk of Private Bills, L.C., P.Q. Has contri- buted largely to the newspai)er press in France, Canada '•< Quebec. 235 and the States, rnd is the author of several military and historical works in the French language. Was for some time Librarian and a mem. of the Council of the Literary and Historical Soc. of Quebec. Is a mem. of Ln SorietS des gens de lettres de France. Was Commr. 'from the P.Q. at the International ExiX)sition of Geography at Venice in 1881. Is Vice-Prj.sdt. of the French Literary section of the Royal Soc. of Can. Created a Knight of the Imperial Order of Guadaloupe l)y the Mexican Emperor, and received the ]Medal of the Mexican Campaign from Napoleon III., and the Military Medal for valor and integrity given by the late Emperor Maximilian. Created a Chevalier or Knight of the Legion of Honor, France, 26th July, 1881, for exceptional services rendered to France in the Canadian press. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — 19 Julia St. ; The Garrison Club, Quebec. ; » *S Flynn, ^07?. Edmund James, LL.D. {Gafq)S.) S. of James Flynn, trader and farmer, who was of Irish descent, but born in Gaspe. Mother's name Eliza- beth Fortevin ; family came from Guernsey. B. 16 Nov. 1847, in Perce, Shiretown of the Co. of Gasi)e. Ed. in the Quebec Seminary. Held from 1867 to 1869 the positions of Deputy Registrar, Deputy Prothonotary, Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court, of the Crown and of the Peace for the Co. of Gaspe, conjointlv with that of Secretarv Treasurer of Perc^ Municipality. M., 11 May 187o, Mathilde Augustine Cote, dau. of Augu.stin Cote, Esq., editor of Le Journal de Quebec. Graduated with distinction at Laval Univ., 30 June 1873. Called to the Bar, 15 Sept. 1873. Received title of LL.D. from Laval L^niv., 15 May 1878. Has been Professor of Roman Law in the Laval Univ. since 1874. Has l)een practising attorney before the Quebec Bar since his admission to the Bar. Returned to Parlt. l^y acclamation, 29 April 1878. Had been a candidate in 1874, 1875 and 1877. Supported the policy of the late Joly Government u]) to 28 Oct. 1879, when he seconded a motion for conciliation and coalition, by which the Joly Govt., was overthrown. Was sworn in as mem. of the F^x. Council and ( ommissioner of Crown Lands, in the Chapleau Government, 31 Oct. 1879. Resigned his i)ortifolio, 31 July 1882. Re-elected, by acclamation, 6 Dec. 1879, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Quebec. i'; a II. 236 Quebec. « FRBCiBAU, Ikidorr, 3/./). {Sh[fonJ.) Parents wero French Canadians and engaged in farming. B. at Ste. Pi^s Co. of St. Hyacinthe, \) Dec. 1833, and ed. at tlie Coll. there, where he graduated M.D. M., 11 May 18()1, Miss Caroline T. Ducharnie. Has been Mavor of the Municii>alitv of North Htirklev for ten years. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conserva- tive. — Loirrinciril/r, J\ Q. Gagnon, Charlj^s Antoine Ernest. {Kammtraska.) S. of Antoine Gagnon, merchant, Riviere Quelle, and of the late Julie vVdele Pelletier, sister of the ex-Minister of Agriculture in the Mackenzie Govt. The family originally came from Vendee, France, and is one of the oldest French Canadian families, having settled in Canada in 1(133. B. at Riviere Ouelle, 4 Dec. 184(5. Ed. at St. Anne's (oil. jM. at Riviere Ouelle, 14 June 1870, Marie Malvina, third dau. of Francois Gagnon, farmer. AVas vai\jator on the Intercolonial Railwav (St. Lawrence Dist.) fr(.:ii Dec. 18(13 to Mim-h 1878. Receiver of Wreck for Dist. of Kamouraska from June 1874 to March 1878. Apptd. Notary Public, 2 :March 18()9. Is Secy, of the Municii)ality ; Secy, of the School Commrs., and Treasurer of the Fabri(|ue ; Commr. to receive affidavits in the Supreme Court. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878, and again re-elected at last g.e. The election being contested ne was unseated, and re-elected Jan. 1883. A National Liberal; in favour of a revenue tariff; opposed to pro- hibitive Protection. Moved, with Mr. Nelson, M.P.P. for Montreal Centre, the answer to the Speech from the Throne at the momorable session of 4 June 1878. — Rim^re Ovdh',I\Q. Garnbau, Pierre. {Qxwhec Count ij.) Ancestors came from France, 1700. B. at Cap Sante, P.Q., 8 May 1823. Ed. there. M., Sept. 1857, Cecile, dau. of Edward Burroughs, Esq., formerly Prothonotary at Quebec. A merchant ; a dir. of the Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Co. ; Vice-Presdt. of the Stadacona Bank; and Presdt. of tiie (^lebec Street Railway Co., and mem. of the Quebec Board of Trade. Was a Govt. dir. of the North Shore Railway. AVas Mayor of the City of Quebec from 1870 to 1873 ; and was a mem. of the Canal Com- mission, 1870. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council and 1: in 838, ■)een ten rva- \ Quebec. 237 i'ommi.ssioner Garrison Cluh ; Qvehcc. )rmerly Professor of Commercial Law in Morrin Coll. Was Chancellor of the Univ. of Lennoxville, from which he received the lion, degree of D.C.L., in 1875. Has been Batonnier of the Quebec Bar, and is Vice-Presdt. of the Union Bank of L.C. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council, July 18()7, and was Solicitor General from that date until 27 Feb. 1873, when he was apptd. Attorney General, which position he held until July 1874, when lie resigned. Sat for present seat in Can. Assem. from g.e. 1863 until Confederation, when he was returned to the Commons, where he continued to re})re- sent the Co. until g.e. 1872, when he declined re-election. Represented Megantic in the present House from the i ;t?' 'i :■(■ 238 Quebec. Union until Jan. 1870, Avhen he resigned on being apptd one of the Railway C/ommrs. for the Province, which office he resigned in 1878, in order to present himself for re-election, as a snpj)orter of Mr. Joly's Administration, at the g.e., when he was again returned ; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Quebec; St. Janus Cluhy Montreal ; The Garrison Cluh, Qitehec. JoLY, Hon. Henry Gvstavb, Q.C. {Lothinibr.) S. of the late Gaspard Pierre Gustave Joly, Esq.^ Seignetir de Lothhuere, by Julia Christin, dau. of the late Hon. M.E.(J.A. Chartier de Lotbiniere, Si)eaker of the Quebec Asseni. from 1794 until May 1797, and afterwards a mem. of the L.C\ of same Province. B. in France, 5 Dec. 1829. Ed. at Paris. ]M. the dau. of Hammond (lowan, Esq., of Quebec. Called to the Bar, L.C., March 1855. Apptd. a Q.C, 9 March 1878. Is Presdt. of the Keform Asso. of the Parti National of Quebec; of the Lotbini^^re Agricultural Soc, No. 2; of the Quebec and Crosford Pailwav Co. ; and of the Soc. for the Promotion of Canadian Industry ; and Vice- Presdt. of the Royal Humane Soc. of B.X,A. ; and of the Soc. for the re-wooding of the Province of (Quebec. Was Presdt. of the Agricul- tural Soc. of Quebec for some years. Declined a Senator- ship, 1874. Sat for the present seat in Can. Assem. from g.e. 18()1, until the Union, when elected by acclamation to both the Commons and the Assem. Continued to sit in both Houses until g.e. 1874, when he retired from the Commons in order to confine himself to the Assem. Re- elected at g.e. 1871, at g.e. 1875, at g.e. 1878, and at last g.e. Ofiered a portfolio in the Dominion Cabinet as Minister of Agriculture, and elevation to the Senate, Jan.. 1877, but declined. On the dismissal of the DeBoucher- ville Cabinet by Lieut. Gov. Letellier de St. Just, in March 1878, was called upon to form a new Ministry, which he succeeded in doing, assuming himself, as Premier, the portfolio of Public AVorks. Resigned, with his Ministrv, Oct. 1879. Was leader of the C)pposition from 1879 to 1883. A Liberal and a Nationalist.— 12 ISt. Denis Street, Cape, Quebec. Labijrge, Edouard, 3/.A {Chateaugiiay.) S. of M. Frangois Laberge, of Chateauguay, P.Q., and grand-s. of M. Charles Laberge, formerly of L'Ange Gardien, P.Q. Born in Chateauguay, 22 Aug. 1829. Ed. Quebec. 239 at Montreal Coll. Graduated as M.D. at !McGill Univ., 1856. M., Oct. 18()2, Mdle. Nathalie Poiilin, sister of Rev, M. Poiilin, cure of St. Philoniene. First returned to Park, at g.e. 18()7; re-elected at ^'.e. 1871, return » 1 by acclamation at ^'.e. 1875, re-elected at ^.e. 1878, and u^ain at last g.e. A Liberal, or Nationalist. — >^t. PhUoinhie,. RQ. . Lavalleb, Vincent Paul, M.D., J. P. [JoVutte.) S. of M. Paul Lavallee, bv Marie Laferrieri\ B. at Berthier, fH hunt, P.Q., 1839.' Ed. there. M., 1st, Dlle. Henriette Ghalnt; 2nd, 1870, Marie Josephine Elia, dau. oi M. Crepeau, N.P., of 8t. Felix. A physician. Is a Conimr. of Small Causes. First returned t Sorel. First returned to Parlt. for present seat at last g.e. A Conservative. — Sorel, P.Q. Lynch, Hon. William Warren, B.C.L., Q.C. {Brome.) Of Irish parentage. B. in Bedford, P.Q., 30 Sep- tember 1845. Educated at Stanbridge Academy, Ver- mont University and at McGill I^'niversity, at which latter institution he took the Elizabeth Torrance gold medal for proficiency in Roman law, and graduated B.C.L. in 1868. M., 25 May 1874, Ellen Florence, eldest ' 'I •';• 4 240 Quebec. dau. of J. C. Pettes, Esq., of Knowlton. Called to the Bar, L.C., June 1868. Q.C. by the Govt, of C^lel^(^ 11 Sept. 1879. Mayor of the Township of Brome, and Warden of the Co. of Bronie. Was editor of the Ofm>rrer (Cowans- ville) for a short jx^riod and has lield the Presidency of the Provl. Asso. of Protestant Teachers of Qiielx3C. Sworn of the Ex. Council and api)td. Solicitor General, 30 Oct. 1870. On the abolition of that office, 31 July 1882, apptd. Commissioner of Crown Lands. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, by acclamation at g.e. 1871 ; re-electea ])y acclamation at g.e. 1875 ; again returned g.e. 1878, again in Nov. 1870, on his being apj)ointed Solicitor General, and at last g.e. A Conservative.— A^/to^r/^on, F.Q.; The Garrison Club, Quebec. Marciiand, Lieut. Col. Hon. Felix Gabriel, F. P. {St. Johns.) A Notary Public ; Lieut. Col. commanding 21st Batt. Richelieu Light Infantry. Editor and proprietor Le Franco-Caimdien newspaper. Elected a mem. of the Exe- cutive of the Reform Asso. of the Parti National of Mon- treal, 1875. Is author of UErreur n^est pas compte (Quebec 1873), and of other dramatic pieces. Sworn of the Ex. Council and api)td. Provl. Secy. 8 March 1878, which office he held until apptd. Commissioner of Crown Lands, 10 March 1870. Resigned 30 Oct. 1870. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1867 ; re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1871 ; again returned at g.e. 1875, at g.e. 1878, by acclamation, and at last g.e. bv acclaiiiation. A Liberal. — St. Johns, P.Q. Marcotte, Charles. {IJIski.) S. of Felix Marcotte and Marie Del age. B. 1st Nov. 1845, in the Parish of Cap Sante, P.Q., and ed. at the Seminary, Quebec. M., 5 June 1876, Celine Frenette. Admitted to practice as Notary 7 Sept. 1860. Is Secy, for the Board of Magistrates for St. Eugene and has been Secy, of the Municipal School Board of L'Islet. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — L^ Islet, P.Q. Marion, Joseph. (L^Assomption.) S. of Joseph Marion, farmer, bv Marie Louise Brous- seau. B. in St. Paul L'Ermit^, P.QI, 3 Dec. 1837. Ed. at L'Assomption Coll. M. Miss Luce Archambault. Ad- 1- (.S^. Nov. the lette. y. for Secy, arned Quebec. 241 initted lu p4 actice as a Notary, 15 Oct. 18(v>. Has l)oon Postmaster, Mayor, and Secy.-Treas. of vSt. Paul L'Eriiiit<5. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, 4 June 1880, on the deatli of the sitting mem. Ke-eleeted ])y acclamation at last g.e. A Conservative. — >St. Paul VEnniti, I\Q. Martbl, Michael Dositheb Stanislas, }f.D., J.P. {Cham- hhj.) Descended from a lonj; established family in Quel)ec, who came from Normandy about 1700. S. of the late Jean Martel, Esq. B. at Vercheres, P.Q., il Jan. 1838. Ed. at Montreal Coll. M. Dlle. Marie Rose-de-Lima Senecal, of St. Hubert, 24 Sei)t. 18()8. Received degree of M.D. from Victoria Univ., Montreal, 18()5. Has been a Councillor of Chambly since 18()9, and Mtiyor. Is a J.P. ; Capt. V.M., and Presdt. of the St. Jean Baptiste Society, First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878 ; unseated on ^xitition and defeated. Re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — Chambly Basin, P.Q. Martin, Henri JosxE, 3/./>. {Bonavcntun:) Third s. of the late Edward Martin, formerly a merchant in St. Germain, Co. of Rimouski, and of Catherine Lepage, a mem. of one of the oldest families in that Co. B, in Rimouski, 23 March 1843, and ed. at the Quebec Semin- ary. M., 1 Sept. 1809, Emilie Jane, dan. of the late Joseph N. Verge, formerly Crown Lands Agent for the Co. of Bonaventure. Graduated IM.D. at the Laval Univ., Quebec. Was a mem. of the Board of Examiners and Registrar of the Second Division of the Co. of Bonaven- ture. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, by ac- clamation 31 Oct. 1882, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of the sitting mem. aIio ran for the Com- mons. A Conservative. — Carleton, Co. of Bonaventure^ P.Q. Mbrcibr, Hon. Honore. (.SY. IL/acinthc.) Family came from France to Dist. of Montmagny ; thence removed to Dist. of Iberville. S. of M. J. B. Mercier, of St. Athanase, P.Q., by Marie Catherine La- fiamme. B. at St. Athanase, 15 Oct. 1840. Ed. at St. Mary's (Jesuit) Coll., Montreal. M., 1st, 29 May 1860, Dlle. Leopoldine Boivin, of St. Hyacinthe ; 2nd, 9 May 8,711 Dlle. Virginie St. Denis, of same citv. ^ 'ailed to the 14 ilr t."'^ 242 Quebec. Bar, LC\, 18()7. One f»f tlio directors of tlic J'arti Natiovalr Jan. 1872. Autlior of Ijllcrohmc and lu l^itric, two lec- I'.iieH (St. Hyacintho, ISdo). AV'as editor of Z< Conrrit r de St. Hyuc'nitht' from 18()2 to iS()4, and for a few months in 18(U). First returned to ParJt. for the Commons for Roii- ville at ^'.e. 1872,mnd represented tl^at Co. until tlie g.e. 1874. Keturned to Leg. Assem., Quebec, as Solicitor General in the Joly CJovt., to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. P. Bachand, May 187*J, a jMjsition he held until the resignation of the Govt, in Oct. 1879. Elected leader of the Liberal and Opposition, Jan. 1883. Ke-elected at la.st g.e. by acclamation. A Liberal. — St. Hifocifithc, PQ. McShanb, James, Jk., J. P. {Montreal ]Vt:st.) S. of James MoShane and Ellen Quinn, who came from the Go. Armagh, Irl., but who have lived in Mon- treal for over 45 vears. Father carried on the business as cattle dealer, packer and exporter of meats to England and the U.S., but has retired from business for the last IS years. B. in St. Joseph's, Montreal. Ed. there by the iate Daniel Mahoney, school teacher, and finished course of studies at St. Sulpician Coll., Montreal. M., 1803^ Elizabeth Jane Danaugh, of Montreal, who died 26 June 1867; again in Plattsbnrgh, N.Y. to Josephine Katheline Meron, 8 Jan. 18(')8. Merchant and exporter of live cattle to all parts of England. Was the first to buy and ship cattle from Canada to England, in 1874 — a branch of trade which has grown to large proportions. Was made a J. P., in 1864. Elected Councillor and Alderman for St. Ann's Ward for 11 years, and is now an Alderman. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878, and at last g.e. A Liberal. Wishes to carry out the railway policy and reduce taxa- tion. Is determined to vote for legislation tending to re- trenchment and economy. Will encourage emigration^ and endeavour to do all he can for bettering the con- dition of the i:)oor and working classes. — Sunny Bank Cot^ tage, Lower Lachhie Poadj and 94 Foundling Street, MoU" treat. MoussBAr, Hon. Joseph Cartier.) Alfred, Q. C, P. C. {Jacques S. of M. Louis Mousseau, of Berthier, P.Q., by Sophie Duteau de Grandpre, and grandson of M. Louis Mousseau, who sat for W^arwick in the Quebec Assem. for a consider- Quebec. LMU que 8 ablo m^riod. B. .Tulv 1S88. Ed. at tlio BiTtliior Aradomv. M. Mario Louise Hersclio, <»ld. daii. of LcopsiM 1 )i>sHosiors, Escj., N.R, of Bcrthior, ))y Mario Louist^ I)ouairi' Hoiidy. Stiidiod law with tlio Hon. L. A. (now Justice) Olivier, »ubse()uently with Mr. T. K. (now Hon. Justice) Kanisay, and finally with the Hon. L. T. (late Jut^ticc) Drunnnond, and Mr. L. (now Hon. Justice) Belan*:(^r. Called to the Bar, L.('., 18()(h Created a Q.C. lH7o. Well known as a writer for the i)eriodical i)ress. Was one of the founders of Le (Jolonimtivr newspai)er, 1S(>2, and of L'(Jj>'nil(ni Puhllqnt'^l'tMi). Author of a pamphlet in defenceof Con- federation against the attacks of the then ()])position, 18G7, and of another hrwjU4t,l irtiincs de 1837-38." Sworn of the Privv Council and apptd. Presdt. of the Council Nov., 188(). Apptd. Secretarv of State 20 May 1881. First returned to I'arlt., for Ba^ot, at j?.e. 1874 ; re-elected at ^'.e. 1878. Ke-elected by acclama- tion on appointment to office, and ajiain at last ^'.e. Ko- signed his seat 29th July 1882 to become Premier of the P.Q. in places of Hon. J. A. Chapleau, who then entered the Dominion Govt., and was ai)ptd. Secretary of State. Sworn of the Ex. Council and api)td. Attornev (Jeneral, 31 July 1882. Elected for present seat, 2()th AiV't. 1882. A Conservative, and " as in the past, will constantly labour to have British North America erei'ted into a grand empire, under the auspices and with the institutions of the Mother Country." — ^^te. Geneineve St., Quebec ; Rideuu Club, Ottawa. Nantel, Gun AUME Alpiionsb. [Terrebonne.) Descended from an old French family of Navigators from Dieppe. S. of Guillaume Nantel, one of the first settlers in St. Jerome, P.Q., bv Adelaide Desjardins of Ste. Therese de Blainville. B. in St. Jerome, P.(i., 4 Nov. 1852. Ed. at the Seminary, Ste Therese de Blainville. Un- married. Studied Law under Mr. Justice Belanger and Mr. J. A. Qui met, M.P., with whom he subsequently prac- ticed in partnership for three years. Called to the Bar, P.Q., 1875. Is a practising Advocate and Editor of " Le Nord,^^ a colonization journal, published at St. Jerome. Has been Assist.-Editor of " La Minerve." Is a dir. of the Montreal Colonization Railway Co. First returned to Commons for present seat at g.e. 1882. Resigned to make way for Hon. J. A. Chapleau, who w^as elected and be- came Secretary of State in the Dominion Cabinet. Elected for present seat in Leg. Assem., P.Q., 30th Augt. li: '^2. A Conservative, and in favor of a strong protective Tariff. — St. Jerome, P. Q, ' 'I I (\ I !' ^f 244 Quebec. If e- I \ Ml ! • ' ' I OWHNH, WiLMAM, ././'. {AnjiDtniH.) ^" S. of Owen Owens, of Ih^ibi^li, Wales, ])y Charlotte LindUn' of Brantford, Kn^. R at Stom^tield, ( 'o. of Arvjen- tenil, in l.H4(>. Is a widowt^r. Is a liieut. in the Active Mihtia. lias })een P<)stniast<^r, and Mavor of the Town- Hhi|) of Cliathani. First n^urned to Parlt. at last g.o. A Conservative. — Sfmiijidd, J*.Q. Taqukt, //^r>y<. Etibnnk TiiEoDoifK, xV./^ {Leris.) B. at St. Nicholas, Levis, P.Q., S Jan. 185(1. ¥a\. at the QuelxM* Siiniinary, at Fordhani Coll., N.Y., and at Laval Univ. ITnnmrried. Vice-Presdt. of the C/uh CiDtadifti, Qiiel)ec. A])])td. Provl. Secy. 'M Oct. 1S7U. Resigned his portfolio 'M July 1.SH2. First returned to Parlt. at g.o. 1875, at g.e. 1878, on ai)pt. to ottice, 187i), and at last g.e. A Nationalist. — *S7. Xiculas, P.Q. ; Tlw Garrison Cluh^ Quebec. Paradis, Francois Xavier. {Nnpierville.) Descended from an old French Acadien family. S. of Capt. Paradis, J.P. B. at St. Remi, Co. of Napierville, 9th Feb. 1844 and ed. at St. Michel de Napierville and Hem- mingford, P.Q. M., 1st, Oct. 1803, Basilice Robert; 2nd, Sept. 1880, Marie Renaud. Is a farmer and dealer in produce. Has been a Councillor and Mayor of St. Michel de Napierville. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. An Indei)e.ndent Conservative, and in favor of the policy of present Govt. — ^St. Michel de Najnerinlle, P.Q. PiCARD, Lient. Col. Jacques, X.P., J.P. [Richmond and Wolfe.) S. of M. Jacques Picard, by Th^rese LeBeau, both of St. Thomas, Dist. of Joliette, P.Q. B. there, 2 July 1828. Ed. at Colleges of L'Assoinption and Joliette. M., Jan. 1873, Orpha, dan. of the late E. A. Generaux, Esq., for some years in the Crown Lands Dept., Can. A Notary Public. Apptd. Registrar of Wolfe, Dec. 1861. Elected" Presdt. of Wolfe Agxicultural Soc. 18til. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1867. Re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1871, and again at g.e. 1875. Re-elected 1878, and again at last g.e. A. Conservative. — Wotton, P.Q. ■ /I Quebec. 245 Pori-iN, Ktihnne. {Honrilh.) IV at St(». Marits ilo MoiuiDir, LM>th June Ih:)"), and od. at tho Coll. of St. Hyacinthc. M. :*)r(l Oct. lsri4, Marcc^lino Taupicr. Is a fanner. Has lu'cn Mayor of tlio l*arish and Prt'fct .of tho ( o. of Houville, also Prcsdt. of the School (V)nnnrs. First nitiirncd to I'arlt. at last g.c. A Conser- vative. — tSk. Marif de Monnoir, J\(J. PouF'oRE, WiLMAM Joseph. (Pontiar.) Ik of Nornian-Frencli descent. P. on All^lnett(^ Is- land, P.i^., in 1847. Kd. there iind in Ottawa Coll. M. in 1870, Fileanore, second dan. of John I'onpore, Fsq., ^firni- erly M.P. for Pontiac. Is a Mill owner, Contractor and farmer. Was flavor of Chichester from 1S72 to 1882; Warden of the Co.'of Pontiac from 1881 to 1882 and Chair- man of the School Commrs. of Ci.ichester, from 18715 to 1881. First retnrned to Parlt. for ])r(^seiit seat in March 1882, on the death of ]\Ir. T. M. Bryson, the sittin*; mem. A Conservative. — Chicheskr, PJJ. RiciiAiu), Jn\x Baptistb Tkeffi.e. [Minifcahn.) S. of Simon Richard. B. at St. Li<;uor?, P.f^., in 1857. Ed. at Coll. of L'AsHomption, P.Q. l^nmarried. A farmer. First returned to Parlt. at last ^^eneral election. A Con- servative, but voted against the (lovt. on the ({uestion of the sale of the North Shore Railway. — St. Liyuori, J\Q. RiNFRET, (lit Malouin, Remi F^brdinand, .V.D. {C^'hec Centre.) ' B. at Quebec, 5 June 1818. Ed. at the Seminary of that city ; pursued his medical studies at (iue))ec and at Harvard Univ.,where he graduated ]M.I). 1845. Has been an Alderman of Quebec since 1862. First returned to Parlt., April 1874 ; re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Liberal. — 19 Diguillon Street, Quebec. Robertson, Hon. Joseph Gibb. {Sherhrooke.) S. of the late Rev. James Robertson, for 30 years pastor of the Congregational Church at Stuartsfield, Aberdeenshire, Scot., and subsequently of Sherbrooke, P.Q. B. at Stuartsfield and educated in Can. M., 1870, Mary J., eldest dau. of A. G. Woodward, Esq., of Sher- I ! I I! II 246 Qurbec. ^ s i I 1 ! brooke. Is Presdt. of the Quebec Central Railway Co. ; of the Sherbrooke Mutual Insurance Co., and of the 8her- brooke Agricultural Soc Was Secy.-Treas. of the Co. of Sherbrooke from the establishment of County Councils till the ])resent system of Township Councils came into operation. Was T>Iayor of Sherbrooke for nearly 20 years, and Presdt. of the Temjierance League in 1870-71. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council 25 Oct. 1869, and was Provl. Treas. of (Quebec from that time until Sept. 1974, when he retired from the Govt, on the Land Swap case, jtle-apptd. Treas. in ]\Ir. DeBoucherville's Administration, 22 Sept. 1874, and continued as such until 20 July 1876, when he resigned. Was a delegate to Eng. on public business in 1874. First returned to Parlt., at g.e, 1867. Re-elected by acclamation on his appt. to office, again at the general election of 1876, and again in 1878. Apptd. Treas. of the Province in Mr. Chapleau's Adininistration, 31 Oct. 1879, and re-elected in Nov. of that year. Returned at last g.e. by acclamation. Resigned Treasurership 1882. A Liberal Conservative. — Sherbrooke. RoBiLLARD. Joseph. (Berthier.) Is a i'armer and a grain merchant. First returned to Parlt., at g.e. 1878, again elected at last g.e. A Conserva- tive. — Lanoraie, P.Q. Sawyer, William, /.P. {Co7npton.) Ancestors early settlers in Mas^^achusetts. Grand- father came to Can. 1796, and obtained grant of present Township of Eaton, Co. of Compton. S. of late John Sawyer, Esq., of Eaton. B. there, 25 Nov. 1815. M., Sept. 1£39, Julia, dau. of late J. B. Smith, Esq., of Eaton, and grand-dau. of Rev. N. Smith, of Gilmantor, New Hampshire. Is Mayor of Eaton, and Warden of Compton. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1871 ; re-elected by accla- mation at g.e. 1875, re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again returned at last g.e. A Conservative. — Sawyersiille, P. Q. Saint Hilaire, EiTib, J. P. {Chicoutimi and Saguenay.) Groat grandfather emigrated from Brittany in France, to St. Joachim, Co. of Montmorency, and removed thence to St. Joseph, Co. of Bcauc: P.Q. B. at Quebec, 30tli Jan. 1889, and ed. «»vthe Stu hiar> ihere. Married 21st July 1862. Stud od law fo. two years, and was y Quebec. f?4: subsequently a Sch. Teacher at Beauport, P.Q. Has been Sec. Treas. of the Co. of Chicoutimi and of the Agricul- tural Soc. there. First returned to Parlt at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and in favor of the Govt, making the Valley of Lake St. John the principal place of Colonization for the Province. Desires connection between the district and Quebec by means of a railA\ ay. — St. Prime, P.Q. . 1:< Shbhyn, Joseph, /.P. {Quebec East.) Of Irish and French Canadian parentage. B. in the City of Quebec, 1829. Ed. at the Quebec Seminary. M., 16 Aug. 1858, Mario Zoe Virginie, eldest dai. of M. Ambroise Verret, of Quebec. A meml^er of the firm of McCall, Shehyn & Co., wholesale dry goods merchants. Is a Dir. of the Stadacona Bank ; President of the Quebec Board of Trade ; and a member of the Quebec Harbour Commission. First returned to Parlt., at g.e. 1875, re- elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e., by acclamation. A Liberal. — Grand Allie, Quebec. Spencer, Elijah Edmund. [Missisquoi.) Of English and Welsh descent, but his immediate ancestors were U.E. Loyalists. S. of the late Ambrose S. Spencer, Esq., by Mary, dau. of the late Major P. Thomas. B. at St. Armand, East, 19th April 1846. Ed. at the Grammar School, Frelighsburg, and at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. M. June, 187^, Frances S., dau, of the late R. L. Galer, Esq., Dunham. A farmer. Has been a Councillor ; Presdt. of the Missisq^uoi Co. Agricultural Soc, and Sec, Treas. of the Municipal Council and of the School Commrs. of St. Armand, East. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative in Dominion and an Independent in Provincial politics. — Frelighsburg, P.Q. '•$. I h Stephens, George Centre.) Washington, B, C» L, {Montreal S. of the late Harrison Stephens of IMontreal. B. in Montreal. Ed. there at the High School and McGill Coll. Called to the Bar, Q.C., Nov. 1863. Was an Alder- man of the City of Montreal for thirteen years, and has been acting Mayor. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal and a National, and believes that a little more ■m 248 Quebec. old-fasliioned honesty amongst our public men would improye our Government. — 711 Dorchester St., Montreal. Taillon, Hon. Loris Olivier, Q.C. {Montreal East.) , B. at Terrebonne, P.Q., 2(i Sept. 1840. Ed. at Masson Coll. M., J;.ly 1875, Marie Lonise Georgina, dau. .^^ the late Hon. P. U. Archambault, for several vears a M.L.CV of Canada (she d. 24 Jan. 1870.) Called to'the Bar, L.C., 1865. Apptd. Q.C. 20 Jan. 1882. AVas one of the origina- tors of the great French Canadian national demonstration which took place in Montreal on the festival of St. Jean Baptiste, 1874. Apptd. Sj)eaker of Leg. As ^m., P.Q. First returned to Farlt. at g.e. 1875, again at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Conservative. — Dorchester St., near Si. Hubert Street, Montreal. Thornton, John, J.P. {Staustead.) Of English parentage. Familv came from the town of Tho-nton, N.H., 1.3. B. in Derby, Yt., U.S. Ed. at the I)i -strict School, (/ame to Can., 1841. M. 1847, Miss Lucy Baldwin, of Barnston, P.Q. A merchant and farmer. Has been a Municipal Councillor for Barnston, and for Coaticook, INIayor of Coaticook, and Warden of Stanstead. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1875 ; defeated at g.e. 1878, re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — Coaticook, P.Q. Trudel, Rot^ert. {Champlain.) S. of Major David Trudel, by his wife Marguerite? TrottierHoussard. B. at Ste. Genevieve de Batlscan, 21st Feb. 1821, and ed. at the Seminary, Nicolet. M., 29th Sept. 1845, Dame Marie Anne Duguay. Admitted to practise as a Notary, 25th Sept. 184o. Has been Mayor of Ste. Genevieve de Batiscan ; Prefet of the Co. of Champlain; Se/y.-Treas. of his Parish and Co. and of the Agricultural' Soc. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e., by acclamation. A Conservative. — Ste. Genevieve de Batiscany P'Q- Watts, W^illia:\[ John, B.A., B.C.L. {Drummond and Arthahaska.) S. of the late P. N. Watts, Esq., who represented Drummond in Can. Assem. from 1841 to 1851. Ed. at 1 Quebec. 24ir J) McGill Univ., where he took degree of B.A., 1866, and thatofB.C.L., 1869. Called to the Bar of Quebec, 1869. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, Feb. 1874, on resignation of sitting mem. Re-elected at g.e. 1875, at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Liberal. — Drummond. WuRTBLE, Hon. Jonathan Saxton Campbell, Q.C, B.C.L. {Yamaska.) Family comes from Strumpfelbach, near Stuttgart, Wurtemburg, South Germany, and can be traced back to 1559 in the parish registers. S. of the late Jonatlian Wurtele, Esq., Seignior of liiver David. B. in the City of Quebec, 27 Jan. 1828. Grand-s. of Josias Wurtele, who emigrated from Germany in 1780. Ed. at Quebec High School, and by private tuition. M., 1st, 7 Jan. 1854, Julia, dau. of the late Dr. Wolfred Nelson, of Montreal ; 2nd, 1 June 1875, Mrs. Sarah O'Brien, dau. of Thomas Braniflf, Esq., of New Brighton, Staten Island, N.Y. Called lo the Bar, L.C., 1850 ; received degree of B.C.L. from McGill Univ., 1870. Apptd. a QX\ 1873. Is Professor of Com- mercial Law in McGill Univ., a dir. of the Credit Foncier of L.C. ; and Hon. Counsel of the German Soc. of Mon- treal; has been Chief Clerk of the Seigniorial Commission, Montreal ; Mayor of St. David ; Presdt. of School Commrs., St. David ; Presdt. of Agricultural Soc. of Yamaska, and Solicitor for many years of the Trust and Loan Co. of Canada for Quebec. Created an Officer of the Legion of Honor, Fra^ 'e, Nov. 1882. First returned to Parlt., at g.e. 1875, re-elected at g.e. 1878 ; again elected at last g.e. Re-elected by acclamation on acceptance of portfolio of Provincial Treasurer, Feb. 1882. A Liberal Conservative. Has deivoted much attention to legislation affecting civil and municipal law. — 416 St. Antoine Street, Montreal; River David, F.Q. I .i: 250 Quebec. THE DEPUTY HEADS AND CHIEF OFFICERS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE OF QUEBEC. Asmstant Secretart/ of the Province. — Ph;llippb J. JoLic(EUR, Q.C. Apptci. 25 July 1867. (Salary, $2,'%.) Assistant to the Law Officers of the Crovn. — Joseph At,bxandbr Dbfoy, Advocate. Apptd. 2 March 1868. {Salary, $2,^00.) Auditor of the Province. — Gaspard Drolet. Apptd. 25 Oct. 1867. {Salary, $3,000.) Assistant Treasurer. — Henry Turner Machin. Apptd. 9 Nov. 1974. {Salary, $2,800.) Assistant Commissioner of Crovm Lands. — EuoiiNB Tache, C.K, P.L.S. Apptd. 25 Sept. 1869. {Salary, $2,400.) Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture and Public Works. — Simeon Lbsagb, Advocate. Apptd. 2 Nov. 1867. {Salary, %2,^m.) Superintendent of Dejmrtment of Public Instruction. — Hon. G. OuiMBT. Salary, $4,000.) Catholic Secretary of the Department of Public Instruc- tion.— Oscar Dunn. Apptd. 29 March 1882, {Salary, $2,000.) Protestant Secretary of the Department of Publec Instruc- tion. — E. I. Rexford. {Salary, $2,000.) Ckrk of the Crown in Chancery.— L. H. Huot. {Salary, $800.) 'Quebec. QUEBEC ASSEMBLY. 251 Names of candidates, with number of votes polled for each one respectively at general election, 2 December 1881, and at each casual election since held. The names of the unsuccessful candidates are in Italics : ARGENTEUIL. W.Owens 889 F. E. Gilman 689 Mo. of voters 2451 BAGOT. A. Oasavant 1186 N. Blais 1019 No. of voters 3432 BEAUCE. J. Blanchet Acclamation. BEAUHARNOIS. C. Bergevin 975 P. F. DeBoucherville 340 No. of voters 2562 BELLECHASE. N. Faucher de St. Maurice . . 992 p. Boutin 962 No. of voters 2624 BERTHIER. J. Robilliard 1077 L.PeUand 913 No. of voters 3205 BON A VENTURE. L. J.Riopel 1337 C*. Jjt kjVT ...••• boo Mr. Riopel having resigned to run for the Commons, a new writ • H. J. Martin Acclamation . No. of voters.... • 2700 BROME. Hon. W. W. Lynch 1097 W. Warne 1081 No. of voters 3305 CHAMBtY. Dr.S. Martel 780 R. Prifontame 671 No. of voters 2123 CHi^MPLAIN. R. Trudel Acclamation . CHARLEVOIX. 0. Gauthier 1033 M. Chouinard 716 No. of voters 2432 CHATEAUGUAY. Ed.LaBerge 795 A. N. Lepailleitr 5136 No. of voter? 2507 CHICOUTIMI & SAGUENAY. E. St. Hilaire 1254 RH.Dumais 1182 No.ofvot-^f 3609 COMrTON. W. Sawyer 1411 .4. McMaster 904 No. of voters. . . . 4151 DORCHESTER. N. Audat 920 L. N. Larochelle 691 No. of voters 2727 DRUMMOND & ARTHABASK A. W.J. Watts 1751 F' Prefontaine 1652 No. of voters 5595 GASPE. Hon. E. J. Flynn . • .Acclamation. HOCHELAGA. Hon. L. Beaubien .Acclamation. m 1 ■r ti> 252 Quebec. \\ 1 ' HUNTINGDON. A. Cameron, M.D... Acclamation. IBERVILLE. A. L. Demers 834 A. JV. Chnrlnnil 332 No. of voters 2527 JACQUES CARTIER. N. M. Lecavalier. . -Acclamation. On the resignation of Mr. Le- cavalier, a new writ : Hon. J. A. Mousseau 860 J. A. Decury. 449 JOLIETTE. V. P. Lavallde 797 A. Gnilhmdt. . 709 E. ihiilhault 517 No. of voters 3156 KAxMOURASKA. E. Gagnon 1089 G. Ruhard 1088 A new election being held Jan. 1883: C.E. Gagnon ..» 1205 G. Hichard 1144 No. of voters... "'.... 3031 LAPRAIRIE. L- B. A. Charlebois 624 S. A. Longtln 448 No. of voters 1-540 L'ASSOMPTION. J. Marion Acclamation. LAVAL. Hon. L. 0. Loranger. .Acclamation Mr. Loranger being appointed Judge, a new election held 30th Oct. 1882 : P. E. Le Blanc 675 B. Bmticn ... . 467 LEVIS. Hon. E. T. Paciuet 1547 J. JV. licUemi 1488 No. of voters 4830 L'ISLET. C. Marcotte 831 J B Dupuifi 563 No. of voters 2211 LOTBINIERE. Hon. II. G. Joly Acclamation MASKINONGE. Ed. Caron lOaS J. Marchund 412 No. of voters 2371 MEGANTIC. Hon. G. Irvine 1230 E. J. Hemming 786 No. of voters 3404 MISSISQUOL E. E Spencer 916 Dr. Briffham 545? E. Rucicot 593 No. of voters 3781 MONTCALM. .L B . Tr^ffl6 Richard 933 0. Maamni 715 No. of voters 2773 MONTMAGNY. L. N. Fortin. 740 JV. Bematchez 736 On election being protested, judgment was given in Jan. 1883, unseating Mr. Fortin, and declaring Mr. Bernat- chez elected. No. of voters 2222 MONTMORENCY. L. G. Desjardins 792 C Langdier 758 No. of voters 1817 MONTREAL, CENTRE. G. W. Stephens 854 C' P. Bfa'idson 756 No. of voters 2698 MONTREAL, EAST. L. 0. Taillon •/. X, Perraidt No. of voters. 10838 2953 2229 MONTREAL, WEST. J. McShane 2714 C. J. DoherW 2616 No. of voters 12509 Quebec. 253 NAPIERVILLE. F. X. Paradis. Z. D, Lafontaine No. of voters 1983 662 500 NICOLET. C. E. Houde 1305 L. T. JJorais- 1294 On Mr. Houde being unseated, a new writ : L. T. Dorais 557 €. E. Houde 316 No. of voters 4002 OTTAWA, COUNTY. L. Duhamel 1888 <7. Devlin 1265 No. of voters 7417 PONTIAC. T. Bryson 1057 \ JV. McCuaig 776 | On the death of Mr. Bryson, a new writ : W. J. Poupore 669 N. McCuaio 619 ■J- 0. Roney 458 No. of voters 3419 PORTNEUF. RICHMOND AND WOLFE. J. Picard 1503 W. 'heemh ieldn 937 No . of voters 4686 RIMOUSKI. L.N. Asselin 1463 ./. Parent 1391 No. of voters 4957 ROUVILLE. F.Poulin 847 /; G liouthilier 757 No. of voters 3t35 SHEFFORD. J. Fr^geau 1353 T. B. (k Groshois 1229 No. of voters 4375 SHERBROOKE. Hon. J- G. Robertson .. Acclam. SOULANGES. W. Duckett 656 G. R. de Bemijeu 580 No. of voters 1865 STAN8TEAD. J.Thornton 1205 H. Lovell 953 No. of votv^rs 3359 J. j). Brousseau 1519 I „ „ ,, Hon. F. lArnoelier 1250 i Hon . H . Mercier No. of voters 3469 ST. HYACINTHE. Acclamation. QUEBEC, CENTRE. R. F. Rinfret 853 J. F. Peachy 732 No. of voters 2604 QUEBEC, EAST. J, Shehyn Acclamation. QUEBEC, WEST. Felix Carbray 692 Oioen Mwvhy 601 No. of voters 2117 QUEBEC, COUNTY. Hon. P. Garneau. . .Acclamation. RICHELIEU. L. Leduc 1105 L. Morasse 824 No. of voters 3283 ST. JOHNS. Hon. F. G. Marchand. . . .Acclam. ST. MAURICE. F. S. L. Desaulniers 801 ./. Reminoton 691 JNo. of voters 2002 TEMISCOUATA. G. H. Deschesne • . . Acclamation . TERREBONNE. Hon. J. A. Chapleau ••••Acclam. Mr. Chapleau having resigned to enter the Commons, a new election held, 30 Aug. 1882: G. A. Nantel Acclamation. THREE RIVERS. S. Dumoulin 452 Hon. A. Turcotte 401 No. of voters 1087 ' '1 '; ti • 1 \ ' J '« 1 .1- I f 5tn I m pi I ^1 254 Quebec- TWO MOUNTAINS. C. L. Champagne 802 /?. Jifduchamp 710 The election being contested, Mr. Champagne was un- seated, and a new election held Oct. 1882: B. Beauchamp 1037 C. L. Cfuniipao'ic 861 No. of voters 2559 VAUDREUIL. B. Lalonde Acclamation . Mr- Lalonde havingbeen un- seated, a new election held 30 Oct. 1882: F. X. / rcharabault i^ JJr. Jjiloade ' '• John McCabe i , VERCHERES. A. Bernard 756 ./. J{. Bnllon 746 No. of voters 2144 YAMASKA. .1. S. C. Wurtele 1206 It. (Undu 960 On accei)tance of office of Pro- vincial Treasurer, Feb. 1882, ncv writ: ' i. J. S. C. Wurtele. . . .Acclam. \o. of voters 3282 »' 756 746 NOVA SCOTIA. I20e 960 [im. {Entircd Covfidtratioii, 1 Jidff, 18G7.) L'unttnant Governor* — His Jfouor Hon, Adams Gkorgb Archibald, C.M.G., Q.C, M.P. S. of Samuel Archibald, Esq., and grand h, of tlie late James Archibald, Es(j[., Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, N.S. B. at Truro, N.S., 18 Mav 1814. Ed. at Pictou Academy, under the late Rev. Dr. McCulloch. M., 1 June 1843, 'Elizabeth A., only dau. of the late Rev. John Burnveat. Called to the Bar of P.E.I., 1838 ; and to that of N.S.', 1839. Is a (Queen's Counsel; and Presdt. of the Acadia Provident Asso. Was a i .em. of Ex. Council, N.S.,lst, as Solicitor Generp^ from 14 Aug. 1850, until the resignation of the (Joverni ^iv 14 Feb. 1857; secondly, as Attorney General, from 10 b. 1860 until 11 June 1803. Was a delegate to Eng'u.- 1 \> uh the late Hon. J. W. Johnstone, to arrange terir . f settle- ment with British Government and General MiuiL , A sso. in respect to N.S. Mines, and to ascertain vi ws of the British Government on the question of the I'. ) ^ of the Provinces^ 1857 ; to Quebec, on subject of Intercolonial Railway, 1801 ; to Charlottetown Union Conference, 1804 ; to Quebec Conference, same year ; and to the final Con- ference in London to complete terms of Union, 180(5-07. Took a prominent part in local legislation ; carried Bills for regulating Municipal Assessments ; in reference to the Gold Fields ; restricting Election Franchise, previously universal, to ratepayers ; and assisted in maturing meas- ures in reference to Education. Sworn of the Privy Coun- cil, 1 July 1807, and was Secretary of State for the Pro- vinces from that date until early in 1808, when he resigned. AVas Lieut. Governor of Manitoba and the North- West Territories from 20 May 1870 until May 1873, when he resigned ; and Judge in Equity of Nova Scotia from 24 June 1873 until 4 July same year, when he was appointed Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia, on the death of Hon. Joseph Howe. {iSalanj, $9,000.) Was one of the ♦PREVIOUS LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS. 1. Lieut. Gen. Sir Fenwick Williams, K.C.B., 1st July to l8th Oct. 1867. 2. Major Gen. Sir C. Hastings Doyle, K.C.M.G., 1867 to 1873. 3. Sir Edward Kenny, (Administrator) 1870. 4. Hon. Joseph Howe, 1st May 1873, to July 1873. KP .;!. *,* I :i I 256 Nova Scotin. dirs. of the Can. Pacific Railway, under 8ii Hii^h Allan. 1872. Created a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, 1873. Sat for (^olchester in N.S. A.sseni. from 1851 to 1851>, when, county^ l^eing divided, was re- turned for South Colchester, which he represented until the Union. Sat for Colchester in the Commons from Sept. 18(>9 until aj)ptd. Lieut. Governor of Manitoba, in May 1H70.—Govt. House, Ha I if a j^ ; The Cottage, Truro, N.S.; Halifax Club. Private Secretart/. — Lieut. Col. H. W. Clerkb, N. S. M. {Salary, $l,2ri0.)— Halifax, N. S. Provl. Aides-de-Camj)'. — J/wut. Col. Holt Waring Clbrke, N.S.M., (Apptd. 1 Aug. 1873.) — Lieut. Col. Ciias. J. Stewart, 1st Cumberland Batt., (Apptd. 1 Aug. 1874.) EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. (ApptdSAug. 1S82.) Premier {without office,) Hon. Wm. T. Pipes. Provl. Sec— Hon. C. E. C^hurcii. ($2400) ^ Attorney-Gen.— Hon. A. T. White. ($2000.) Commr. of Works and Mines. — Hon. A. Gayton. ($2000.) Members w ithout otiice. Hon. Thos. Johnson. " A. M. Cochran. " T. F. Morrison. " W. S. Fielding. " Isidore LeBlanc. Clerk. — Hon. C. E. Church. Retired Members of Council retaining their rank and prece- dence by esp»'cial permission of Her Majesty. Hon. Sir William Young, LL.D., late Chief Justice of Nova Scotia. Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, A'^. C. M. G., C. B., M. D., M.P. Nova Scotia. 257 Hon. Adams G. Archibald, C.yfJi., Lieut, dor. of Nova Scotia. Hon. W. A. Henry, Q.C, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Dominion , Hon. Jambs McDonald, Q.C, Chief Justice of the Su^ preme Court of Nova Scotia. Hon. S. L. Shannon, Q.C. " Alex. Macfarlanb, Q.C, Senator. President.* — Ho7h Robert P^ ak. {Aputd. Feb. 1879.) Clerk. — John G. Halliburton. Called to the Bar, N.S., 1829. Was Deputy Clerk to the L.C. from 1820 to 16 Jan. 1838, when apptd. Clerk. — Halifax. Gentleman Usher of the Black Bod. — Robert Ronans {Apptd. 11 March 1874.) Baker, Hon, Loran Ellis. B. at Yarmouth, N.S., 13 May 1831. Ed. there. M., 1st, 1857, Mary E., dau. of Col. B. Bond, M.D., of Yar- mouth, N.S. (she d.); 2nd, 1870, Frances J., dau. of H. G. Farnish, Esq., M.D., of Yarmouth (she d.); 3rd, 1873, Mary J., dau. of George B. Creighton, Esq., of Dart- mouth, Halifax N.S. Is Presdt. of the Bank of Yarmouth and Marine Railway ; Vice-Prosdt. of the Yarmouth Ag- ricultural Soc, Mountain Cemetery Co. and Yarmouth Marine Insu. Co. Called to the L. C. 18 Feb. 1878. A Liberal. — Yarmouth, N.S. ^1 ♦PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS. 1. Hon. Alexander Keith, from 28 June 1869 until his death, 14 Dec. 1873. 2. Eon. Stay ley Brown, from 11 March 1874 until 19 Jan. 1875, when he resigned on his appt. as Provl. Treas. 3. Hon. John Creighton, from March 1875 until 1878. 15 258 iSova Srofin. Black, //o//. TfiUAM, J.P. S. of Mr. .Tosliua Black, who.so jjrandfathor came to N.S. from lIii(lper Stewiacke, N.S., i9 Nov. 1808. Ed. there. M., 18:'>4, :Miss Elizabi'tii Elliott Ellis. Is Presdt. of the N. S. Temperance Alliances and Vice-Presdt. of the Y.M.C. Asso. for the Maritime Provinces. Has been G.W.P. of the Grand Division Sons of Temi)erance, N.S. Was Financial Secrcitarv and a mem. of the Ex. Council, N.S., from 1851 until 18.5'(>; Chief Gold Commissioner from 1802 until 18(k); and a second time a member of the Govt, for a few months in 18<)7. Sworn of the Ex. Council 22 Oct. 1878, and apptd. Commr. of Public W^orks and Mines. Resigned with his Colleagues June 1882. Sat for Colchester in N.S. Assem. from 1847 to 1851, and for South Colchester from latter date until 1855, when defeated. Apjitd. to L.C., 1802, but resigned .same year on his ai)pt. as Gold Commissioner. Re- appointed to L.C, 1807. A Liberal Conservative. — Round- hill, Upper Stewiacke. Dickie, Hon. Charles. Grandfather emigrated from North of Ireland and settled in N.S., 1770. S. of the late David Dickie, Esq., by Miss Clart B. in N.S., 1800. Ed. there. M., 1820, Miss Tupper. Sat in the L.C. from 1801 to 18r)4, when he re- tired. Re-apotd. 1871. A Liberal. — Canning. Dickie, Hon. John B. Of Scotch-Irish parentage. Ancestors came to N.S. from Londonderry, Irel, about 1700, and were aiiK ng the earliest settlers in Cornwallis after the removal of the French Acadians. Many members of the family have at ' »j 1 : I »!, 'A: % 260 Nova iScotia. H i various times Jield soats in Parlt. and other prominent positions. Eld. s. of the latu Isaa(' P. Dickie, Esq., of Cornwallis, by Kebecca Barnhill, of Onslow. B. at Canard, 30 March 1.S29. Ed. at Horton, Sackville and Hahfax. M., 1st, Oct. lrm« erly of Birmingliam, Eng. A merchant. Sat for Digby, in House of Commons, from ij.e. 1874 until called to the L.C, Oct. 1874. A Uhi^ral—Lighy, N.K Owen, T/o/j. William H., Q.C. Called to the Bar, X.S., 1865. Apptd. a Q.C. Sept. 1877. Is largely engaged in the shipping trade. Called to the L.C. April 1881. A Liberal Conservative. — Bridge- water, Co. Lunenburg. Parkbk, Hon Daniel 'McNeil, M.A., M.D., L.B.C.S.. {Edin.) S. of Francis Parker, Esq. B. at Windsor, N.S., 28' April 1822. Ed. at Windsor and Horton. Took degree of M.D. and L.R.(\S. at Edinburgh Univ. and Royal Coll. of Suigeons. M., 1st, Eliza Ritchie, dau. of the late Hon.. Mr. Justice Johnstone, of N.S. (she d.); 2nd, Fanny H., dau. of the late Hon. AV. A. Black, M.L.C., of N.S. A Governor of Acadia Coll. ; Presdt. of the Deaf and Dumb Institution, Halifax ; the Inebriates' Home, Dartmouth^ and the Halifax and Dartmouth Steamboat Co. A dir. of the Halifax Gas Co., and of the X.S. Benefit Building Soc. Has been Presdt. of the Canadian Medical Assoc.,,. the Provincial Medical Asso. of N.S., and the Halifax Mechanics' Institute ; also Chairman of the Commrs. of the Hospital for the Insane; a Commr. of the Provincial, and City Hospital, and the Halifax Poor Asylum, and a dir. of the Windsor c^ Annapolis Railway. Called to L.C.,, 1867. A Liberal Conservative. — Mount Hope Road, Dart- raouth, and Halifax, N.S.; Halifax Club. \i \ Nova Scotia. 263 Whitman, Hon. George. S. of EliiathanWliitman,who represented Annapolis, in Leg. Asseni., N.S., from 183<) to 1840. B. in 1S23 in Rosette, Annapolis Co., and ed. tliere. M., in 1851, Cle- ments Mary Arabella, dan. of Capt. Peter Boice. Is a farmer. Was Otticial Assignee for Annapolis Co., from 1869 to 1875. Sat for Annapolis in Leg. Assem., N.S., from 1863 to g.e. 1867, when he was defeated. Called to L.C. 25th Augt. 1881. A Liberal Conservative. — Bound Hill, Annapolis Co., N.S. ■:l "i of ax of ial. 1 a (Elected June 1S82.) * Speaker. — Hon. Angus McGillivray. (Elected 8 Feb. 1883. Salari/, $800.) C/^rA\— Henry C. D. Twining. {Salary, $1,200.) Bell, Adam Carr. {Pictou.) S. of Basil Bell, Esn'. M., 'J(> .Ian. 1S(>4. Harriet, dan. of Samncl .lanu's l>lair. A farmer. Is a .1.1'., and LiiMit. (\)1. commanding: ~^{\\ I>att. lli.iildand(»rs, ( 'olclu^stt^r, JIants and Ticton Militia. ( liairman of tlio Ajiricnllnral Exhibition ( "ominit1(M\ and Prcsdt. of tlu». Onslow Aijri- cnltnral Sor. First ri'tnrn(»d to Parlt. at li'.o. 1S7S, and rtw^liM'tod at last ix.v. A Lihoral ('onscrvativt>. — (>}is/i)v\ Co. Colrin ><(( r, A'.X. BrciiANAN, William. {('^. Assenh, N.S., 1S()7, and retained seat until 1S71. Re-elected at \x.v.. 1878, and again at last g.e. A liberal Conservative, ''.ii'n'es that our indnstries shonld be i)rotected, and is lUipt al of the N.P. ])eing a decided improvement. — Willow Bank, Strath- Lorn, Inverness Co., Cape Jircfon. CiirRCH, Hon. Charles Edward. {Lunenburg.) Of Enjz. an(i German descent. Ancestors came to Am., 1()22 with the Pilgrim Fathers. Great-iirandfather, Charles Church, a loyalist, removed from U.S. to N.S. during Am. revolution; grandfather, Charles Lot Cliurch, represent. -.4 1 Lunenburg in X.S. Assem. B. at Tancook Island, Luiioi'l u'g, X.S., 1835. Ed. at Chester and Truro. Unmarried. ,\. merciiant. Has held high rank in the Grand Lod;e '^ ll-itish Templar;- and in the Grand Di- vision of Son!^ of' 7 ; mpe ; c. nee, N.S. Sat in the Commons for presen: - a! iroin g.e. 1872 until g.e. 1878, when he ' •) Nora Scot in. 205 was y Jicclaina- tion on takin«r otlico, 22 Angt. 1882. A I.ihcral.— ^Vu-.v///-, " «) <'00K, .ToSKIMI lIlONUY, /. /'. iQv<'ill\s.) Of Scotcl) and Knjriisli dcscont. S. of tlio late I'ciija- niin ( V)ok, formerly !i larjrc landcMl propricior in y his wife, Lucy Maria Cook. V>. in tlio VjO. of (Truysboron^'li, 11 Nov. 182i), an,. there, 11th April, 1842. Ed. at Acadia Coll., Wolfeville, N. S., and graduated B.A., CAh June 18()5. M., 25th Aug. 1880, Jane Alden, dan. of .lohn Baxter, Escp, Yarmouth. ('alle(l to the Bar KS., IMh Oct. 18()9. First returned to I^arlt. at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Yarmouth, N. K DoixiB, Thomas Lewis. {Ki7)g\'i.) B. and ed. in King's (V). M., 1st, in 1843, to ^ rah W. Harrington, and 2nd, in 18)(), to Harriet A. Ha dton, of Sackville, N.S. Is a merchant and Treasurer i-.r King's Co, A Liberal. — Krvfrillc, N.S. Fielding, Hon. William Stevens. {Halifax.) Of English \\ ':>! ' n 266 Nova Scotia, offer of seat in it. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Halifax, N. ;S. Frasbr, James A. {Gni/ahorongh.) Is of Scotch Highland descent. B. at Brookville, Co. of l^ctou, N. S., 27th July, 1843, and ed. there. M., 18th Oct. 1871, Charlotte 31., second dan. of Andrew Fisher, of Picton. Is a miner. AVas elected to the ]Municipal Coun- cil of St. ]\Iary's Dist. in 1879. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal and " Nova Scotia First " man. Be- lieves the ])rotective policy of the Dominion Govt, to be exceedingly oppressive to the i>eople of N.S., and tliat the union of N. S. with the upper provinces has worked against the best interests of the province. — Goldenvllley N, S. Gayton, .//o??. Albert. [Yarmouth.) VA(\. s. of James Gayton, Esq., by Miriam, dau. of the late Vdn. Hamilton, Esq., and giandson of Thomas Gay- ton, Esq., a native of Irel.; other ancestors were U. E. Loyalists. B. at Argyll, N.S., 30 Dec. 1840. F:d. there and at Truro. M., '? Dec. 1862, Helen, dan of Samuel Hamiltoii, Escj., of Kemptville. A merchant. Held the oiMce of Commissioner of Public Works and Mines for Xova Scotia, and was a member of the Government of that Province from 15 Dec. 1877 to 22 Oct. 1878, when that Government, led by the Hon. P. C. Hill, resigned. First returned to Legislature for V)resent seat at g.e. 1871 ; re- elected at g.e. 1874, and 1878, and again at last g.e. Apptd. Commr. of Alines 3 Aug. 1882, and re-elected by acclamation, on acceptance of othce, 22 Augt. 1882. A Relormer. — Lower ArijtjlL X. IS. Hale^ , Allen, D.ihS. [Jlavifn.) B. at Yarmouth, 2^ ^' , .':ist Jan., 1844, and ed. there. Graduated at the Pi liiadv^ljii. ia Coll. of Dental Surgery. Al. 2()th May, 1879, Annie -i., ;ia\i. of Bennet Smith, Esq., of AVindsor, N.S. Is Secre\ try oi the Shipowners Marine Insu. Co. )f Winds ;ir. Has been Probate Registrar of Haxjls Co. and a iiem. of the Town Council of AVindsor. First returned tc Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Windsor ^ N. S. V. . yora Scotia. Harrington, W. D. [Ihdifax.) 267 Is a grocer. First returned, to Parlt. at p.e. 1S78, and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — IlalifaXy N. S. Harris, Thomas Kees, J. P. iKiiKjfi.) Descended from a Dutch faniilv of Lovalists who im- migrated to N.S. during the Am. Kevolution. S. of Elisha D. Harris by Elizabeth Ann, dau. of Thomas Roes^ who came from Eng. to Liveri)ool, N.S. B. at Avlesford N.S., 24th March, 183(5. Ed. at the (V)mniun School there. M., 7 Jan., 1864, Miss Annie J. Fanscarth. Is a (apt. in the 68th Batt. Militia. Has been a School CV»mmr. and a Municipal Councillor for Kings, ^^'as Senior Grand War- den of the Grand Lodge of Free Masons, N.S. in 1881. Was Postmaster of Avlesford from 1864 until he resigned to contest present seat. First returned to Parlt. "* ^ast g.e A Conservative, and favors the National Poi.cy. — Aylesford, N. S. HocKiN, Robert. {Pictoii.) Youngest s. of Daniel Hockin, a native of Devonshire, Eng., who v.as the first Warden, and Custos Botulorum of the Co. of Pictou, N.S. for iwentv vears, bv Elizabeth Milnes, dau. of James Milnes, Esq., of Hull, Eng. B. in Pictou 1846, and ed. at the Academy there. ]M. in 1873 to Jean, youngest dau. of Andrew McKinlay, Esq., Custom Rotulorum of the Co., and ex-mayor of the City of Halifax, N.S. In 1876, was a mem. of the City (ouncil, Pictou. Is a Past Grand ^Master of I. O. ( )dd FelioAvs and attended a session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the world in Bal- timore, LT.S., in 1878, as a representative from the Lower Provinces. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Fictou, y,S. Johnston, Hon. Thomas. {SheHurite.) S. of Thomas Johnson, Esq. B. at Shelburne, N. S. Ed. there. M., 1866, Jerusha, relict of the late (^apt.R.D. Todd. Is a merchant. Was Sheriff of Shelburne for seven years. Sworn of the Ex. Council, 3rd Aug. 1882. First re- turned to Parlt. for present seat, by acclamation, at g. e. 1867 ; re-elected at g.e. 1871 ; V)y acclamation at g.e. 1874,^ and re-elected at last g.e. A Reformer. — Lockqjort, N.S. m 11 i- i- ■ i {l 1 .J .t Ml 2G8 Nova Scotia, LbBlanc, Ho)}. Isidore, J. P. (Richmond.) Descemlod from French parents. B. in Arichat, N.S. 30tb Nov. 1837. Ed. there. M., ftaraphine, dan. of Simon Bol)inp;, Esc]., .T.P. Is a general merchant, com- mission mercliant, and ship liroker. Is also a Notary PuhH{^ and At^ent for Underwriters and Sliippinjjj Insu. Co.'s. Sworn a mem. of the Executive Council, Fel). 1883. Was an unsuccessful candidate for present seat in Leg. Assem. at g.e. 1871. First returned to Parlt. at ^.e. 187y. Ke-elected at last jjj.e. A Lil)eral and an advocate of a railway in Cape Breton. — AricJiat, N.S. LoNGLEY, J ''ViLiJEKFORCB, M.A. {AiniajwUs.) Paternal <»;reat-grandf. was a U.E. Loyalist who set- tled in Annapolis Co. Maternal prandf., Rev. James Maiming, was b. in Irel., and was one of the pioneer Baptist Ministers of N.S. B. at Paradise, N.S., 4th Jan. 1849. Ed. at Acadia Coll., N.S. where he graduated M.A., June, 1871. INI. 3rd Sept. 1877, Miss Annie Brown, of Paradise. Called to the Bar, N.S., 10th Sept. 1875. Apptd. i.i Sept. 1882, a Commr. for revising and consolidating the Statutes of the Province. Has been on the editorial staff of the Acadia Recorder, Halifax, and has been a fre- quent contri])utor to magazines and other literary I)eriodicals. First returned to Leg. Assem. N.S. at last g.e. A Liberal of pronounced views. In Dominion politic^ implicity fo'^ows IVIr. Blake. Believes in a Union ot the Maritime Pros hices; the abolition of the Legisla- tive Councils, and that the Senate is a needless feature in our institutions. — Halifax, N.S. Mack, Jason Miller. [Queen^s.) Descended on the father's side from Saml. Mack, of whom More in his history of Queen's County says ^' Samuel Mack, a gentleman of considerable means, came there (to Mil' Village) from Connecticut in 1764." The Millers, his mother's familv, ^^ere U.E. Loyalists. B. in Mill Village, Queen's Co., N.S., 17th March, 1843. Ed. at the common ^*.4KX>ls, ihe Normal School and at King's VoM. Windsor. N.S. ^L, 2anl. Kellaher. merchant, Liverpool, N.S. Called to the Bar, N.S., 1809. On the establishment of County Municipalities in N..S., was elected the first Warden of Queen's Co. Was for some years Stipendiary .eg. I yova ^Scotia. 26t> Magistrate for the Liverpool Police Dist., N.S. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — lAnrpool, A^.aS'. McC'oY, William Frbdkhick, Q.C. {ShtlfyuDw.) B. at Lysrian, in the Co. of Longford, Irel., loth May, 1840, and came to N.8. \vhen eight vears of age. Ed. at Saekville Academy, N.B. M., 14 July, 1S()S, to Maud L., dau. of Robert P. Woodill, Es(j[., merchant, Shelburne. Called to the Bar, N.S., in 18()4, and apptd. a (^.C. by the Bom. Gov. 1881. Practised his profession in Shelburne for nine years, when he removed to Halifax, where he now practises. Was elected an Alderman for the City of Halifax in 1881. Offered the position of Attorney General in the Liberal Govt., formed ord Aug. 1882, but declined^ considering that his colleague had a prior claim. An unsuccessful candidate for present seat in Leg. Assem. at g.e. 1878. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal,, and opposed to the National Policy. — Halifax, N.S. Macoillivray, Hon. Ancjus. [Antigonish.) Grandf., Angus jVIacgillivray, emigrated from Ari- saig, Inverness-shire, Scot. B. at Bailey's Brook, Pictou Co., N.S., 1842, but removed with parents when quite young to Antigonish. Ed. at St. Francois Xavier Coll., N.S. Called to the Bar of N.S., 22 July 1874. Ls junior partner of the law firm of Mclsaac c^ Macgillivray. M., 5 Feb. 1878, Maggie, dau. of the late Alexander Mcintosh, Esq., Antigonish (she d. 8 Sept. 1879). First returned to Parlt. by acclamation at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. Elected Speaker of the House, 8 Feb., 1883. A Liberal. — Antigonish, N.S. McCuRDY, W. F. {Victoria.) S. of Hon. David McCurdy, M.L.C., of Baddeck, Cape Breton. B. at Onslow, 5 Dec! 1844. Ed. in Truro, N.S. M., Miss Randick, of tlie city of Halfax, (3 Nov. 1877. A merchant. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878, and re- elected at last g.e. A Liberal. — Baddccl', C.B. McDo>:ald, John Archibald. {Victoria.) Parents came from Uigg, Isle of Skye, Scot. Second s. of Lauchlin McDonald, North East Margaree, N.S. B. there 25th Feb. 1851. Ed. at Horton Academy and Acadia Coll., Wolfville, N.S. Was one of the Ex. Com- If. n i 270 Kora Scot in. ft /, ! mittco of the f'ai)e Broton Kxlnl)ition in 1.S80. Is a Trusteo f)f tlio BaddiM'k Acadoniy, and lia.s })oon Clork to tlio Mnnifipality of Victoria. First rctnrnod to Tarlt. at lant ^.0. A Consiirvativo. Favors a |)roto('tivo policy, tho Nova Scotia Syndicate, and tlu^ oponinj; np of tho North West by Colonization Conipaniew. — Baddeek, N.S. McLennan Ax(ius, 3/./). (//>»/•/>(%«».) An nnsuccossful candi>/.) Great «rranay, Co. of Digbv, 15 June 1829, and ed. at the Common School. M., 1st, at Barton, N.S., 25 Dec. 1852, Ann Eliza, dan. of Wm. Thomas, Esq., (she d. 1st Oct. 18()i)) ; 2nd, at Bloomfield, N.S., 24th Jan. 1870, Alice Maria, second dan. of Edwin Jones, Esq. Is a merchant, a J. P., Co. Treasurer, and a Stipendiary Magistrate. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — BarUm, N.S. McRae, Murdoch. [Richmond.) Descended from the IVIcRae's of Loch Alsh, Koss- shire, Scot. Father, Donald McKae, immigrated to Cape Breton in 1820. B. at Nest Bav, Richmond, N.S., 4th Nov. 1840. Ed. there. M. 15 Feb. 1872, Mary i:uphemia, dan. of Lachlin INIcDougall, Esq., of Dunally House, Whycocomah, N.S., (she d. 28th IMarch 1874). is a mer- chant. Is a mem. of the Municipal Council of Richmond Co. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1871 ; re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1874 ; and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. Will support the Govt, or party that will pledge itself to secure the construction of a rail- way across the Island of Cai)e Breton, from Canso to Louisburg.— /S'^ Peter's, N.iS. Nora Scot in, 271 MuNRo, Ctiarlks TTknry, M.JJ. {Pirfov.) A aoHcendant of tho jNIunro's of Fouli.s, Koss-sliiro, Bcot. S. of William Munro by Ilcloii, dau. of tl»o lato • William llimdc^rson, ]M.l). B. at Wtist Hivor, Co. of IMctoii, N.S., Isth Nov. 1S:)7. Kd. at Harvard Univ., whore ho ^radnati^l ^I.D. M., Sept. iSdl, Miss Aiiiiio Hamilton, of Jirooklicid, X,S. First rctnriUMl lo l*arlt. at la.st }X.e. A Lihcral Consorvativo. Supports the National Policy ^'onorally 'hmhuso at j>ri>s('.nt, it is a nocossity ; at hoart is a helicN in low taritfs and Froo Trade. — \\'>sf River ^ N.S. Munro, Hknrv ]M. {A}niti})olifi.) Groat-jjcrandfathor, Colonel Knnis Munro, came from Cromartv, Scot., and sottlcd in N.S. about 17")0. B. in Kin}>'s (V)., N.S., 17th May 1.S40. Solf-oducated. M., 21st April 1 Dec. 18()9, Bessie, youngest dau. of Wm. Cami)bell, F^sq., late Col- lector of Customs at Tatamagouche. A lumber merchant. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1874 ; re-ele(;ted at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Tatama- gouche, N. K Pipes, Jlon. AVilliam Thomas. {CumbcrhnxL) Paternal ancestors came from Eng. IMaternal ances- tors were U. Fl Loyalists. His family have resided in Cumberland, N.S., for more than a hundred years, and were engaged in farming and ship-building. B. in Am- herst, N . S . , 15tli April, 1850 . Ed . at Amherst, Academy and Acadia Coll . M. at Amherst, 23rd Nov., 1876, to a dau. of David McElmon, Esq. Called to the Bar, N. S., 1875, and is in practice at Amherst, N.S. Unsuccessfully opposed Sir Charles Tupper, in Cumberland for the Com- IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. 1.0 I.I 11.25 Ui|2£ lU |J0 ^^" ■■■ lU 110 12.0 HA '/] "^ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation •ss \ :\ 23 WiST MAIN STREET WSiSTBR.N.Y. MSM (716) S73-4S03 272 Nova Scotia. ■ mons, at g.e. 1878. First returned to Leg. Assem. at last g.e. Sworn of the Ex. Council, and became President of the Council and Premier or Leader of the Govt., 3rd Aug., 1882. Declined the office of Atty-Gen. A Liberal. — Jm- herst, N. K PowEK, Michael Joseph, J.P. {Halifax.) S. of Michael Power and Ann Lonergan, both from Waterford, Irel. B. in Halifax, N.S., 23rd Feb. 1834, and ed. at the tJnion Academy there. M. 20th Nov. 1H60, Ann Sophia, dau. of the late Patrick Kent, merchant, Halifax. Is the Imi)erial Govt. Contractor for Land transport. Was an Alderman of the City of Halifax for six years ; Chair- man of the City Board of Works for one term ; Chairman of the Halifax Fire l)ept. for eight years ; Vice-Chairman of the Board of School Commrs. for two years j and Presdt. of the charitable Irish Soc. Is a Capt. of Militia on the retired list, and a J. P. for the Co. of Halifax. Was an unsuccessful candidate for present seat at g.e. 1878. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal, and opposed to the interference of the Federal Govt, with the legislation of the several Provincial Parliaments. — 75 Buckingham St., Halifaj', N. S* RoBicHPAU, Henri M. [Dighy.) Descended from the original French settlers in N.S» or Acadia ; ancestors among those who returned to N. S» aftor their exile, in 1755- S. of M. Bonaventure Robicheau, of Metaghan. B. theie, 12 Sept. 1838. Ed. in Clare. M., 1st, 27 August 1866, Mdle. Madeline Leblanc, of Metaghan. (shed. April 1875); 2nd, 8 August 1875, Mdle. Chantal Kobi?heau, of CapeSt. Mary. Is a Capt in the Militia. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1874, re-elected at g.e. 1878,, and again at last g.e. A Liberal. — Metaghariy N. S. Koss, George An(. i:s. {Lunenburg.) S. of William Ross who came from Scot, about 1827,. by Rosina Ross, a descendant of original German settlers in Lunenburg. B. in Lunenburg in 1854, and ed. at the Academy there. Is unmarried. Called to the Bar, N. S., in 1875. Is a Capt. in 75th Lunenburg Vol. Batt. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Lunenburg^, N. S. ■ ?. Nova Scot in. 273 'I Spbn'cb, Nathaniel David. (Ifa)}ts.) Paternal ancestors from Soot, and maternal from Em?. S. of Andrew J. Sjience by his wife Margaret Smith. B. at St'Croix, N.S., 1st Jan. 1834, and ed. at tlie ( 'Ommon and Grammar Schools there. ]M., 20tli Sept 1851), Mary Ann, dau. of James ('ochren, Escj., J. P. of St. Croix. Is a farmer and engaged in lumljering oix^ations. Has occn- pied various positions in the nuinicinal government of the Co. of Hants. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878 and re- elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — 'St. th-oix, N.S, TowxsiiBXD, Hon. Charles Jambs, Q.C. {Cumhrhnrl.) Descended from the Townshends of Norfolk, Eng. S. of the Rev. Canon Townslieml, Rector of Amherst, N.S., and grand-8. of the late Hon. Alexander Stewart, Master of the Rolls, and Judge of the Court of Vice- Admiralty at Halifax. B. at Amherst, N.S., 22 March 1844. Ed. at the Collegiate School ami at King's Coll . , AVindsor, N.S.; graduated with honours, June 1802; degrees of H. A. in 1862, and B.C.L. in 1808. Called to the Bar in April 180(i. Apptd. a Q.C. Oct. 1880. M., 23 April 1877 at Amherst, , Laura, fourth dau. of J. D. Kinnear, Esq. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council of N.S. 22 Oct. 1878. Resigned with his colleagues, June 1882- First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878. and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Con- servative. Favourable to the policy of Protection, as enunciated and advocated by Sir John A. Macdonald and his colleagues, and to the National Policv. — Amfurnt, N.S. Weeks, Otto S., Q.C. {Gut/sborowjh.) S. of the late Rev, Otto Weeks, a clergyman of the Church of Eng. B. in N.S. anded. there-. Called to theBar, N.S., 1854. Apptd. a Q.< '., May 1870. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council ami Atty-GcMi., 20 Nov., 1875, and held office until Jan . 1877, when he resigned. Apptd. 13 Sept. 1882, a Commr. for revising and coiisoliVA SCOTIA ASSEMBLY. General EloctioiiH have lx3en held as follows : 1867 ; May, 1H71; Dec, 1874; Sept., 1878; June, 1882. Names of Candidates and nund^er of votes polled at General Elec- tion of 20 June, 1882. The names of the inisuccessful Candidates are in Italics : ANNAPOLIS. J. W. Longley 1S40 llonry Munro 1329 C. W.Shufnrr 1261 W. JJ. Trooi, 1212 ANTIGONISH J. S. D Thompson 1167 Adruh McGillivray 1()&4 Jom-ph AfrDiHinhl 544 On ru!4ifrnation of Mr-Thonip- Kon, new election, 21> Aug. C. B. Whiddcn 1026 C, C. Gregtn-y 685 CAPE BRETON. AlonzoJ. White 1600 Wm . Buchanan 1579 E. Tilton MoHrhy 1192 Colin Ch isholiit 1178 On acceptance of ottice of At- torney-Qenl. byMr White, tt new election, 29 Aug. 1882: Hon. A- J. White 1711 C. Chinholw 948 COLCHESTER. Win. M.Blair 1522 W. A. Ptttteifon 1493 S. 1) MvUHhu 1385 W.H.Uuihl 1237 S. Rettie 486 CUMBERLAND. W. T. Pipes 1875 C.J. Townshend , •• 1690 Charles Smith 1682 Edward I 'ivkery 1519 DIGBY. Henry M. Robicheau 1052 JohnS. McNeil 990 Geo. Toulor-... 75i Urhain DoticetU 664 Wm. Lent 92 OUYSBORO'. OttoS. Weeks 871 James A. Eraser 812 Ahr. McDonald 516 Jmtith W.Hadhv 614 HALIFAX Wm. D. Harrington. 2737 M. J. Power 2591 W. S. Fielding 2554 .lamen G . t outer 2.'>43 .lohnl*uoh 2508 Johnathan Parsons 2475 HANTS. Allen Haley 1329 Nathaniel Spence — 1312 /'. S. Creefman 1304 Archibald Frame 1280 INVERNESS. Alex. Campbell 1233 Duncan J. Campbell 1182 A nous Mc/jen nan • . . . 1 173 John McKinnon 1085 On the death of Mr. Duncan J.Campbell, a new writ • Dr McLennan 1330 S. Macdonnell, Q. C 1207 KINGS. Thos. L. Dodge 1437 Thos. R. Harris 1345 Wm. C. ItiU.- 1267 Clement li. Dickey 1 198 James Lyons 318 LUNENBURG. Charles E. Church 1539 Geo. A.Ross 1436 Charles A- Smith 1195 Wm. R. Calder 1075 On Mr. Church's acceptance of office, a new election, 22 Aug. 1882: Hon. C- E. Church, Acclamation. 871 812 516 514 . 1329 . 1312 . 1304 . 1280 : Nora Scotut, 277 PICTOU. Robert Hockin .. C. H. Munro . . . . AclamC. Bell ... Jfd^rfi/ Mr Call ' J. /^ McnmoUU Cornelitm Ihoyre- QUEENS. Jafnon M. Mack. . Joseph H. Cook- Jamca C. fturtliiiff Leander S- lord RICHMOND. • • • • • Isidore LeBlanc • Murdoch McRiie Joaeph MuiheHon' Alex, McCninh... Neil L. McNeil.. 2492 2489 2473 2411 2250 2200 694 689 555 548 .538 407 354 326 150 SHELBURNE. Thomas J(»hn8on 947 W. F. McCoy... 938 N. It. McO'my 692 John Allen 547 VICTORIA. J. A. McDonald W. F. McCurdy John Morrition Jf ■ J- MfLfod John Munrti 874 639 522 4d8 159 YARMOUTH. Albert Gnyton 1344 Thos. E. Oorning 1016 ThoH. B Flint 883 On Mr. Gayton's acceptance of office, a new election. 22 Aug. 1882: Hon. A- Gay ton Acclamation NE\V BRUNSWICK. (Entered Confederntion, 1 July 1867.) Limtennnt (iorcrnor.* — Win Ifornnir thr llouovmhle* Robert Dincan Wilmot, P.C. S. of John W. Wilniot, Esq., who sat for St. John Co. in N.H. Assoni. for many years, by Susan Harriot, to 1857, again in his own Govt, in 1865, and again in 18H6 until the Union ; held office of Surveyor General from 1851 to 1854 ; and that of Provl. Secy., from 185() to 1857. Was Mayor of St. John, 1849 : a delegate to Confederate Council of Trade, Quebec, 1861^ and to the Colonial Conference to the Union of the M^lSu) ■> Colonies, London, 1806-67. Was apptd. a Commr. o^ ^lehalf of Can. to the Philadelphia Exnibition, 1875. Holds 8 ^?tent of rank and precedence from Her Majesty, as an '■-< Councillor, N.B. Sat for St. John (city and county) in N.B. Assem., from 1846 until 1861, and from 1865 until the Union. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. Sworn a mem. of the Privy Council, without portfolio, 8 Nov. 1878. Apptd. Speaker of the Senate, 8 Nov. 1878, which position he resigned 10 Feb. 1880, on his apix)intment as Lieut. Governor of New Brunswick, nee the Hon. E. B. Chandler, deceased. {Salary y $9,000.) — Belmont ^ Sunbury / Fredericton, N.B. • PREVIOUS LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS. !• Lieut. Gen. Sir Charles Hastings Doyle, K.C.M.G., from 1 July to 18 Oct. 1867. 2. Lieut. Col. Francis Pym Harding, C.B.,H.M.'s Foot, from latter date until 14 July 1868. 3. Hon. Lemuel Allen Wilmot, Q.C., D.C.L., from latter date until 5 Nov. 1873. 4. Hon. Sir S. L. Tilley, K.C.M.G., C-B., P.C, from latter date un- til July 1878. 5. Hon. Edward Barron Chandler, from latter date until his death 6 Feb. 1880. New Brv»i*mrk. 279 Private »SV'crf'/..— Hbshy Wilmot, Esq. (Apptrlni Hamilton, a nativo of Kind's CrosH^ iKlaml of Arran, Scot., who waj^ tlio tirnt wttlor and tho first niercliantin Dalliousio, N.B., that town having; Ixxm first nanuMl " Now HamiUon," after him. B. at Kin^f'* Cro88, Arran, in IHll. C'amo to Canada in 1824. M., 1839, Jane, oldest dan. of .]ose^>h !>r(Kwon, Esq., of P.E.I. She died in 1880. Is a retire Od'uinl AssivriuM* in lMnikiu|»t»\v for < 'harlot to Co. IVmuj is until .hn»o IS7S. lioturnod fn>nj ('l)nrlott«> to Koy:. Am^imm.. N.U.. in IH. nt tin* lM>n«i of tho |>oll. on nnti-rnnfo> hon ConfoMora- tion was rarrio«l. Ixotnrnod t-» Lou:. Assoni., N.li., for Charlofto. at ^ro. 1S7S. A|>pt«l. U^ \J\ 2MU May, 1.S.S2. A LilH^ral— .V. S(rf)lii}i, A'./». ,ToNF>*, tfot). Thomas Ixosknki.k. Vaniily anionji tlu» oailiost s(>ttlors in N.B., and on niatornal si«lt» W(>n> Loyalists. S. oftho lato .lohn .loncw, Ksq., of St. .l«»hn. N.H. H. aiul oonoy. Ksq.. of .lolniston, N.H. A wholosal(> iafanrook Kollin^ Mills Co. Has Ihhmi Trixsilt. of tho St. John lV>ard of Traiio, and an Aldornum of St. John. Was a mom. of tho Kx. (onnoil and Prosdt. of tliat ho^iy, from 2:MMAh. to 2 .luno 1S71. Callod \o L.C. V2 .Ian. \m). A LilH>ral. — hy/iot 7^).» , St. Joht). LmviH, Hou. Jonx, J.P. Rcn\oto an(H>stors omi>rratod fmm Walos to Now York al>ont \7'M\ (irandfathor and fathor. Ivith of wlxmi wore U.E. l>«nalists, ramo to N.H. at tho oloso of tho Amorioan revolution. H. at Monoton, N.H., Aujj;. 1S04. E<1. there and at Halifax, N.S. M., 1 June 182!>, Miss Lavinia Taylor (shed. lS<>:i); 2nd, Mary, nxlirt of the late Capt. William Ikinnett. Is l*n^sdt. of the Allx^rt Co. Railway Co. Sat for AII)ert in X.B. Assem. from Jan. LH,'>2 almost nninterrui>teral. — milnlhirom, »»/f;/j. McIXHRXEY, //(r)»). OWEX. S. of Frank Molnernev, who came from the Co. of Ix>njifonl,Irel. to Chatham,* X.B. in 182t). B. in the Co of Ixjngford, in 182(>. ^f!, 1st, Mary, dau. of David Mc. Auley, of Buctouche, N.B., 2nd, Jane, dau. of James- Burns, J.P. of Weldford, N.B. Is a merchant. Apptd. a Captain in the First Batt., Kent Co. Militia in 1865. Sat for Kent in Leg. Assem., X.B., from 1800 until 12 Jan. \i ir UriniHiiirli. L'SIJ IHIIU, wImMI H|»|>t«l In \J\ WnHllll llllslUrrMHflll riinili'lntr for Hflino Hoiit . ' 'iiiiHiHK lit iiA^ |Hii7. A LilKTiil. — RiniAiiT), Tfmt. Amiukhhh P., ///../?. Of FnMi(!li Acadian (liwiuit. S.of I)avit. Dnnstan'M Coll., Charlntt(. Call(Ml to tlio liar, N.H., 2'.] Jnno 1H71>. llnnianiiHl. Wan <^I(M!t(wl to tho Mnnicipal Conn<*ilof Wiwtnion^land, Co. of Dorrlic^Htor, 25 Oct. 1871), and lian Imhmi a(*oniriir. in and for tim (U). of WoHtnion^land und<^r cli. .'W and 4.'{ (V>n. Ht., N.H. Apptd. a niondw of tho L.C., 20 May 1882, lH3in^ tlio lirHt of liiH nationality yot ap])td. A Lilxjral Consorvati vo. — Dorchfn' teVf N.Ji. RoniNSoN, Hoi}. RonKRT. B. in Irol. Ih cmjjragod in Inmlx^ring. Has lwM3n a railroad contractor, and waw a dir. of tho Consolidated European and North American Railway, Western Kxten- 8ion. Has lieen Warden of Yoii». Sat in Leg. AsHeni., N.B., from g.e. 1870 until called to L.C., 23 Oct. 1878. A Conservative. — St. AmlrcwH. Ryan, Hon. Jampm, J. P. S. of Mr. Matthew Ryan, who served in tho British army for many years, was present at Waterlcx), and d. in N.B. in 1870, when within six weeks of being 100 years old. B. in Kings, N.B., 15 March 1821. Ed. in N.B. M., 1848, Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob Frites, Esq. First returned 'i I i 284 Neiv Brunsiricf\ to Leg. Assera. at g.e. 1870 ; re-elected at g.e. 1874. Un- Heated on petition, 17 July 1875 ; re-elected 28 Aug. 1875. Called to L.C., 3 May 1878. A LW^Qml— Middle Coverdale, Woods, Ifon. Francis, J.P. Eldest s. of Anthony and Elizabeth Woods, who came to N.B. from Irel. about" 1820. B. in Co. Fermai^ro^h, Irel., 1819. Ed. in N.B. M., Jan. 1852, Jane Eliza, dau. of John Armstrong, Esq., of Peters ville. Is Presdt. of Gagetown and Petersville Railway. Sat in Leg. Assem. N.B., for Queen's, from g.e. 1874 until dissolution in 1882. Apptd. to L.C. 25 May 1882. A Liberal.— nVeYon?, N.B. YouN(}, Hon. Robert, J.P. Eldest s. of the late James Young, Esq., of Tracadie, Gloucester, N.B. B. there, 11 Nov. 1833. Ed. at ( •hat- ham, N.B. M., Dec. 1857, Sarah, second dau. of William Hubbard, Esq., J.P., of Tignish, P.E.I. A merchant. Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Council and Presdt. of that body, 17 July 1872. Sat for Gloucester in N.B. Assem. from July 1861 until the Union. Called to L.C. Sept. 1807. A Con- servative. — FredcHcton; Caraquette. < it Iff . -«.■■ .? [i (Elected June 1882 ; term Expires 1886.) t Speaker. — Hon. James E. Lyxott. (Elected 22 Feb. 1883.) Clerk. — George Johnston Bliss. Was previously r.' ?rk of the L.C. Apptd. to present office, 19 March 1873. [Salary, $1,000.) — Fredericton. *The members' sessional allowance is S300 each, and 10 cents per mile. t PREVIOUS SPEAKERS. ' 1. Hon. Botsford Bliss, 1867 to 1871. 2. Hon. E. A Vail, M.D., 16 Feb. 1871 to 1874- 3. Hon. W . Wedderbiirn, Q.C., 18 Feb. 1875 to 1878. 4. Hon. R. B. Stevenson, 26 Feb. 1878 to 1882. Nev: Brimmnck. Adams, Hon. Michael. {Northumberland.) 2a5 .i Of Irish parentage. B. in Douglastown, Parish of Newcastle, N.R, and ed. there. M. 1st, in 1879, Miss Catherine L. Patterson ; 2nd, 29 Nov. 1882, Miss Neahs. Called to the Bar, KB., 14 Oct. 1888. Apptd. a mem of the Ex. Council and Surveyor Genl., 13 July 1878. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e. 1870; defeated at g.e. 1874, on the School Law question ; re-elected*at g.e. 1878 ; re-elected by acclamation on acceptance of office, and re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — Newcastle, N.B. Barbbrie, Joseph Cunard. {Restigouche.) Grandfather on father's side was a Colonel in the English army, and one of the Loyalists who settled in St. John, N.B. Father, the late Andrew Barberie, repre- sented the Co. of Restigouche for twenty years prior to Confederation, and held the office of Clerk of the Crown for N.B., and other important offices in the Co. B. in Dalhousie 1 Feb. 1835. Ed. at Dalhousie Grammar School. M., in Bathurst, N.B., 7 June 1866, EUzabeth, dau. of the late John Phillips, Esq., ex- M. P. P. Has been Clerk of the Peace, Registrar of Probates, and Captain in Resti- gouche Militia. Is now Clerk of the Municipality of Res- tigouche. First returned to Leg. at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. — DalhovMe, N.B. Black, Charles Augustus, J/. Z). {Westmoreland.) S. of Samuel F. Black, Esq., of Sackville, N.B , whose ancestors emigrated to U.S. from Huddersfield, Eng., in the latter part of the last century. B. in Sackville, N.B., in 1837, and ed. at the Mount Allison Wecleyan Academy there, and at Lower Horton Seminary, N.S. M. in 1860 at Baie Verte, Elizabeth, dau. of Mr. Jacob Silliker. Gradu- ated M.D. at the L^niv. of Pennsylvania in 1859. His been a Councillor for the Muncipality of Westmoreland since 1877, and has been elected Warden of the Co. of Wentmoreland by acclamation annually, for the last four years. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. —Baie Verte, N.B. Blair, Andrew Gborg A {York.) Family of Scotch extraction. B. in Fredericton, N.B., 286 New Brunsidck. 7 March 1844. M., 31 Oct. ;8()6, Annie E., eld. dau. of George Thompson, Esq., Education Department, Frederic- ton. Ed» at tiie Collegiate School, Fredericton. Called to the Bar, April 1866. First returned to Leg. at g.e. 1878. Kesigned seat on petition being fyled against his return, and on the if due of a new writ was re-elected, 14 Nov. 1878. K^elected at last g.e. A Liberal. — Fredericton, N.B. BuRCHiLL, John Pbrcival. {Northumberland.) ±j. at Miramichi, N.B., in 1855. Is a mem. of the firm of George Burchill & Sons, merchants there. First retd. to Park, at last g.e. A Lil>eral. — Nelson, Miramiehi,. N.B, Colter, ffon. George Johnson. ( IVrA'.) Of Irish descent. Son of Alexander Colter. B. in Sheffield, N.B., 1840. M., 19 Oct. 1875, Miss Slipp. Is a faimer. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council, and Chief Commr. of Public Works, and Presdt. of the Provl. Board of Agriculture, 25 May 1882. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conserva- tive. — Fredericton ; Douglas, York Co., N.B. Elder, Wm., A.M. {St. John County.) B. at Malin, Co. Donegal, Irel., 22 July 1822. Ed. at Belfast College, at the Univ. of Glasgow and Edinburgh, and at New College, of latter City, at all of which he greatly distinguished himself. Studied Theology^ and we.s for some years a clergyman in the Presbyterian church. Well known as a public writer and speaker. Formerly editor of the Colonial Presbyterian, subse- quently of the Morning Jmirnal, both published in St. John, N.B. ; now Editor and Proprietor of the St. John Daily Telegraph. A dir. of the Grammar School Board, and St. John Beard of Trade. An unsuccessful candidate for St. John at the g.e. for the Commons in 1872. First returned to Local Leg., for present seat, 6 Nov. 1875 ; re- elected at g.e. 18'"G, and again at last g.e. A Liberal. — Princess Street, St. John. Ellis, John Valentine. {St. John City.) Of Irish descent. S. of Michael and Margaret Ellis. B. at Halifax, N.S., 1835. M., at Fredericton, N.B., 1864, New Britnsvick. 287 Mary Caroline, eldest dau. of the late Saml. Babbitt, Esq, Is editor of the St. John DaUij Globe. Was Postmaster of St. John for a short period. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — St. John, N.B. Flbwelling, Gabriel HiDsoN. {Kings.) S. of the late Hon. W. P. Flewelling. B. at Clifton, N.B., 13th May 1842 M., Kith Sept. 18()3, at Lon^' Reach, N.B., Miss Augusta Wheepley. Is a shipbuilder and mer- chant. Is a Capt. in Reserve Militia, and Auditor for the Municipality of King's Co. An unsuccessful candidate for present seat in Leg. Assem. in N.B., at g.e. 1878. First returned to Parlt. 27th Sept. 1882, on death of the sitting mem., Hon. J. H. Crawford, A Liberal Conservative. — Clifton, N.B. Gillespie, Lt. Col. Thomas F. {Northumberland.) B. near Mallow, Cork, Ireland, 15 Dec. 1828. Ed. at Rathkeal, Co. Limerick. M.,. Elizabeth, eld. dau. of Alex. Cormack, Esq.,'.of Chatham. Is Proprietor of the Chatham Iron Foundry. Capt. Chatham Battery Garrison Artil- lery. An unsuccessful candidate for present seat in Com- mons at g.e. 18(57 ; for Local, same year, and again 1869. First returned at g.e. 1870. Defeated on School Question in 1874. Re-elected at g.e. 1878 and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Chatham, N.B. Hanington, Hon. Daniel L., Q.C. {Westmoreland.) Of English and Royalist descent. S. of Hon. Daniel Hanington, M.L.C., and grand-s. of Wm. Hanington, Esq., of London, Eng., who settled at Shediac in 1784, and was the first English resident there, and of Wm. Peters, Esq., M.P.P., of Queen's Co., gentleman. B. at Shediac, 27 June 1835. M., Oct. 1861, Emily Myers, dau. of T. R. Westmore, Esq., Barrister at Law, of Gagetown, N.B. Called to the Bar of N.B. 1861. Apptd. Q.C, 11th Nov. 1881. Was Clerk of Circuits and of the County Court for Westmoreland from 1867 to 1870, when he resigned fco con- test the election of that year. Was first returned to Leg. Dec. 1870 for the Co. of Westmoreland. Sat therein until the eummer of 1874. Was then defeated on the " Bible and religious instruction in common schools " question, which he advocated. Was again elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. Sworn of the Ex. Council 13th July ^1 288 ^'etr Brvnmick, 1878, and l^ecame Premier 25th May 1882. Is a Liberal of the old N.B. school and supix)rt8 the Liberal Conserva- tive Government of Can. Is a member of the Lilwral Conservative Asso. of Westmoreland and took an active part in the election of the supiK)rters of the present Cana- dian Ministry. — Dorchester, nestrnoreland Co., N.B. Hbtiibrinoton, Thomas, /.jP. {Queens.) S. of Richard Hetherington, from Cumberland, Eng. B. in Johnston, Queen's Co., N.B. M., 28th March 1860, Violet I). Thorne. Is a merchant and a farmer ; a J.P. and a Parish Court Commr. A Liberal of the old school and favors Inde^^endence and Free Trade. — Thorne Toxm, Johnston, N.B. HiBBARD, George Franklin. (Charlotte.) t S. of the late Hon. Francis Hibbard, who represented Charlotte Co. in the Leg. Assem., N.B. for several years and was subsequently appointed a mcin. of the L.C., which ix)sition he held at the time of his death in 1874. B. in St. George, N.B., 17tli April 1848. Ed. at the Gram- mar School there. M. 30th April 1878, Miss Julia Etta Breed, of Charlestown, Mass., U.S. Is a mem. of the firm of Greo. F. Hibbard & Bro-, general merchants, St. George. Has been a Co. Couiicillorof the Municipality of Charlotte for two years. Is Past Master of St. G+^orge Lodge, No. 12, F. & A. M., and is Worshipful Master of the Lodge for 1882. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. An Indepen- dent. — St. George, N.B. Humphrey, J*^OHN A. {Westmoreland.) Is an extensive saw-mill and woolen mill owner. First returned to Parlt., Feb. 1872, and re-elected at g.e. 1874 ; an unsuccessful candidate at g.e. 1878, re-elected at g.e. 1882. The election being contested he resigned, and was re-elected. A Liberal Conservative. — Moncton, N.B. LaBillois, Charles H. {Restigouche.) Paternal ancestors were natives of Brittany, in France. Gra idfather was a surgeon under Napoleon Bonaparte, and came to America in 1816. Was'in medical charge at the Lazaretto, Tracadie, N.B. Maternal ancestors came from Dublin, Irel., during the Rebellion. S. of Joseph H. New Brunswick. 289 LaBillois, for many years a mercliant and Postmaster in Dalhousie, N.B. B. in Dalhousie, N.B. 18 Dec. 1856. Ed. at the Model School, Carleton, Co. of Bonaventure, P.Q. Unmarried. Is a general merchant. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. Is in favor of main- taining the Leg. Co. in N.B. — Dalhousie, N.B. LbBlanc, Oliver J., /.P. {Kent.) Forefathers came from Normandy and settled in Acadie, where they remained until 1755. After the dis- j)ersion they returned and settled at Memramck, N.B. S. of Joseph LeBlanc, farmer there, by his wife Victorie B. Oirouard. B. at Momramcook, 27th Nov. 1830. Is self- educated. M., 17th Nov. 1851, Olive J. Cormier, of Buc- touche, N.B., of Acadian descent. Is a farmer. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A protest ])eing entered he resigned his seat and was re-elected Sept. 1882. A Con- servative. — Saint Mar 1/^8, N.B. Landry, ifon. Pierre A., Q.C. {Westmoreland.) Of Acadian descent. S. of A. Landry, Esq., who sat for Westmoreland in N.B.Assem. from 1840, almost unin- terruptedly, up to 1870, when he retired from public life, by mss Pelagi Casey. B. in Dorchester, N. B., 1 May 1846. Ed. at St. Joseph's College, Memramcook. Called to the Bar, N.B. 1870. Apptd. Q.C. 11 Nov. 1881. First returned to Leg. at g.e. 1870. Defeated at g.e. 1874. Re- elected at g.e. 1878 and again at last g.e. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council and Chief Commr. of Public Works, 13 July, 1878. Resigned with his colleagues 25 May 1882. Apptd. Provl. Secretary, 25th May 1882. {Salartf, $2,400.) A Liberal Conservative. — Fredericton*; Dorchester, N. B. Lewis, Hon. William Jambs, M.D. {Albert.) Of Welsh descent. S. of Hon. John Lewis, M.L.C., N.B. B. at Hillsborough, N.B., 18.30. Ed. there and at Sackville, N.B. M., 1877, Melissa Steaves, dan. of Richard E. Steaves, Esq., of Hillsborough, N.B. A doctor of Med- icine of the Univ. of Glasgow, and mem. of the Royal Col- lege of Surgeons, Edinburgh, Scot., at which institution he graduated, 1855. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council 5 July 1882. First returned to Leg. at g.e. 1878 and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Hillsborough, N.B. 17 • I I , 290 Nem Bnmftvick, LBIC4HT0N, John Stewart. {Carleton.) Of English descent. B. in Charlotte Co., N.B., 8th Nov. 1835. Ed. at the Common School. M. 17 Nov. 18(>4, Miss A.M. Collins, (she died 1874.) Is a farmer, lum- berer, and a mertrliant. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1874, re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. A liberal. — WotKlHock, X.B^ Lynott Hoii. Jambs E., J.P. {Charlotte.) S. of Edward Lynott, a native of the Co. of Leitrim, Irel.,and Mary Leddy, a native of the Co. of Cavan, Irel. B. at St. George, Charlotte Co., N.B., 20 June 1839. Ed. there. M. 4 May 1863, to Kathleen A., third dau. of Daniel Sullivan, Eso.. of St. Stephen. Has been a magis- trate since 1855. AVas Presdt. of the St. George and Pen- field Agricultural Soc. for ten years ; of the St. George Catholic Total Abstinence Soc. for two years ; Sec. of the Grand Southern Railwav Co. for three vears ; Secv. of the Board of School Trustees, St. George, since 1872 ; County Councillor for Charlotte, from organization of the muni- cipality until elected to the Local House. Has held vari- ous parish offices. Was a candidate for Cliarlotte Co. for the Local Leg. at g.e. 1870, when he was defeated. Elected at g.e. 1878 and again at last g.e. Elected Speaker of the House, 22nd Feb. 1883. A Uheml—St. George, Charlotte, Co., N. B. McAdam, Hon. John. {Charlotte.) B. in Scot. An extensive lumber merchant. Wa& member of Ex. Council from Sept. 1867, until Oct. 1870, holding office first as Commr. of Public Works, and after- wards as Presdt. of the Ex. Council. Sat for present seat from 1854 to g.e. 1865, when defeated. Re-elected at g.e. 1866 and g.e. 1870 ; defeated at g.e. 1873; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Milltown,N.B. McLbllan, David. {St. John County.) Father was a ship-builder from Dumfries, Scot. B. in Portland, N.B., 20 Jan., 1839. Ed. in St. John. M. in Dec. 1865, Fannie B., dau. of Henry Richards, of St. John. Is a Diem, of the firm of McLellan & Hally, Dealers in Lumber. First returned to Parlt at g.e. 1878, and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. — Portland, N.B. Neiv Brun»}ncl\ 291 McLeod, J/o». Ezbkibl, LL.B., Q.C. {St., John City.) B. in Kin^''H Co., ^^H. Called to the Bar, N.B., lOth Oct. 18()8. Appti. FiNNBMORB E. {Kings.) Called to the Bar N. B., 13 Oct. 1865, and apptd. Q.C, 12 Oct. 1882. Sworn of the Executive Council and apptd. Solicitor-General 6 Sept. 1882. First returned to Leg. at g.e. 1878, -^nd re-elected at last g.e. Re-elected on appoint- ment to office. A Liberal. — Sussex ^ N.B, i ' 202 Ki'ir nnnn^trirk. Nadrat. Matiiias, ././'. {MtulauaHka.) VatluM", a «U>s<'on«lnnt of a tnniily wliirli oini^rattMl from tlio Proviiiro of QuoImm' ;>vas ono of tlio first sottliM'H in \h\\ l*arisli of St. llilainv Co. nf Madawaska. H. in St. Ililains LMst Vol). is;vs. 1 resignation of tlu^ nH>nioUM't. A ( onsorvativc. — Mi I'lv Loyalists. H. at llampstoar(». M. at *St. John, 2<)th March 1S<>.S, Miss Sholoa A. Dnrean- Is a trador, and has hccn Wardon of (.^njHm's Co. First rcturnod to I'arlt. at last g-c A Liboral. — Ilowpatiuuf, X.H. 1*AKK, Wii.i.iAM A. {Xovthuwhrrfnnd.) KMest >. of Wilham Park, FiSq.,nuMvhant, Nmvcastlo, N.B. H. 27th Jnno lS.">:i. Ed. in Co. of Northnnduirland, N.B. CnmarritMl. Admitted as an Attorney, N.R, 2'M\\ Anril lS7r>, and <'allod to tlio Bar, N.B., 24th April 1.S7H. Was Warden of the Co. of NorthnmlH>rland in 1S77. First retnrned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Lilxiral Conservative, — Xcuvastlr, X.Ii. Perley, //o)>. "William E. {Svnhnnf.) Was a mein. of Kx. Connril, without othee, from 18(>2 to ISGo. Again apptd. to same position, 28 Oet. 1S74. Sat for present seat from 18.">4 until 1870, when defeated ; again ^turned at g.e. 1874. An unsuccessful candidate for Sunhury in House of Cominons at g.e. 18()7, and again elected at g.e. 1874. Ke-t>lected to Leg. at g.e. 1878 and again at last g.e. Apptd. mem. of Ex. Council, June 1878. A Liberal Conservative. — BUssvUle. QriXTOX, William A. {St. John Covnty.) Is a farmer. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Fa i rville , X. B. New JiruuMirlck: KiTCMin, KouKHT J. (St. J(thn (\mntii.) 21 >3 CuIIimI to tlio Har, N.H., HI Ort. lH}iu, y.Ji. JiYAN, rATIMCK < iKOHOK, ,7. 7*. {(ilitnCfKitr.) ParontH horn in Ircl. IJ. at Batlmrnt, N. P.., 1»tli May, JHMS, and (m1. tlioro. M., 2r> Jan. isii'j, Mar^'arot, dan. of Mr. .fohnMnrpliy. Isa loatluir niannfaj'tnrcr. IIaHV)(<(Mi a Mnni('i|»nl Conncillor for ('ara<|n(^t; Wanlcn of tlio Mnniclpality of (doncc^stc^r, a <1 ("luurnian of tlic< I'ilota^o ( omniiHsion for tlMwlist. of ('ara(|n(it. First n^tnrnod to I'arlt. iM^h. l.S7<»; rci-nUM'tdd at \ia\ 1S7H, and a^ain at labt ^^.(^ A LilxM'al. — Ofnn/iut^ \.J{. f HxEKMNCi, Gi-xnuJH Akc'iiihali). {Sunbury.) Grandfather, C'apt. Jolin Sterling, dnrin^ the Am. Kovohitionary War sorvtMl on the side of tlie British in a regiment called the Mary lan. 8. of George H. Sterling, who lived in St. Marv's, York Co. B. at St. Mary's, 2r)th Get. imi. Ed. in the country schools of the district. M. in 185H, Caroline, dau. of Charles Tilley, Esq. Is a farmer. Has been a mem. of the Provl. Board of Agriculture at different iiericKls and is nf>w Vice-Presdt. of that body. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Upper Miiugerville^ N.B. TiBBiTs, Richard White Longmvir, J.P. ( Victoria.) S. of James Tibbits of (Quebec, who formerly repre- sented Victoria in Leg. Assm. N.B. for many years. B. in Quebec in 1840. Ed. at the High School there and at Lennoxville Coll. M. in 1874, at Andover, N.B., Miss Sarah A. Clark. AVas for seven years an Engrossing Clerk in I^eg. Co. N.B. Is an Insu. Agent ; a J.P., and Secretarv-Treas. of the Co. of Victoria, N.B. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — Andover^ N.B- 2\H Ni'H' Jirtnisirirk, I » 11 TiioMPHON, VuvA). ViMwvAirns. ( I'orA.) JS. of Al("ixamUM* Tlionip.son^inill nwnor, Pou^Irm, York Co.. N.H. n.. lS4«i, n1 l>nuvilas. Kd. tlioro tin lato Ki^v. .lolm Snowball, Wt'.slovan Ministi^r. Is a nuMulHM- of tho firnj of M<'1''nrlan(>, 'll\on»i)son iV: AnrH of a}j:ri;ust in ronsci- (puMU'oofa |Hitition fyliMl by Dr. Dow, on(M)f tbo (U^fiMitiMl Aiig. 1H7vvn, and Kinvt'M Coll., FnMh^r'Hton, at \vlii«li institution lio gra11o<1 by each, at Cionoral Eloction of Juno 1SK2. The nanioH of tho unKUccoHHful CandidatoH aro in Itallrn: ^y, ry, ALBERT. W.J.LcwiB 1217 «. 8. Tumor 1184 W.A.Went 491 liobt. I'lfiilor 503 Jnme*> Clevclaml 29 CARLETON. llil^lSnl AoeI.ma.i.,.. CHARLOTTE. Hon. John Mc Adam 1273 J.E.Lvnott 1165 James Mitchell 915 aF.Hibbard 849 Win. Dnuglaa 779 L.A. Milh 772 Jnmefi KxiMfidl 708 Thofi.Cotterell 636 F,M. Gordon 524 J. S. Magee 478 Joseph Donald 258 J)avid Johnson 216 A. W.Snnth 137 James Ihmsmore 97 GLOUCESTER. F.J. McManus 1044 P.E-Paulin 510 J. Blanchard 348 KENT. Wm.Wheton 1571 O.J.LeBlanc 1299 CJSayre 986 •"—Johnston 659 Lnndry 286 Messrs. Wheton and LeBlanc having resigned, a new elec- tion held. 0. J. LeBlanc 1802 Wm. Wheton 1796 Riclntnl 392 C. J. Suyre 553 KINCJS. Hon. F. E. Morton. 1065 Hon. .1. H. Crawford >«92 Dr. Vail 973 — — Shniot 643 Wh,l,>hii 419 /'H/7/r 317 On the death of Mr. Crawford and acceptance of office by Mr. Morton, a new election held. Hon. F. E. Morton 2307 (1. H. Flewelling 1992 Geo. L Tnylor 1354 a. It. Price 402 MADAWASKA. P. Lynott 543 L. Thrundt 642 M.iWndfmi 294 Mr. Lynott having resigned his seat, a new election neld 29 Sept. 1882. Mathias Nadeau Acclamation NORTHUMBERLAND. Hon. M.Adams 1856 Wm.A.Park 1701 Thos. F. Gillespie 1076 J. P.Burchill 893 E. Hutch inson 864 T.M. Troy 415 QUEEN'S. F. H. Hetherington 1072 Albert Palmer 1026 j r. H.Pearson 753 Reid Slipp. 562 RESTIGOUCHE. J. C. Barberie 546 C. H.Labillois 379 Roht. Connocher.,* 378 298 New Brunmick. I ST. JOHN, CITY. J.V.Ellis 1215 Hon. E. McLeod 1118 A. Alwwfi 1060 Jiobt. Marshall 1030 ST. JOHN, COUNTY. David McLell&K 2349 Wm. Elder 22U E. J.Ritchie 2186 "W. A. Quinton 1897 Jannett Rovrke 1711 J. A. Gl Hh-y 1708 Edward Willis ■. 1652 J. A. Clarke 1597 STJNBURY. Hon, "\V. E. Perley 597 Geo. A. Stirling 56S A. Glaishier 542 J.S. White 457 VICTORIA. R. W. L. Tibbits 420 G. F.Baird 318 J. E Porter 166 WESTMORELAND. Hon. P. A. Landry 2743 Chas. A. Black 2585 Hon. D. L. Hanington 2545 J. A. Humphrey 2544 A E.KUlam ... 2U23 A. McQueen 1829 The election being protested the members elect resigned, and a new election held 11 Jan. 1883. Hon. P. A. Landry 2625 J. A. Humphrey 2512 C. A. Black 2492 Hon. D. L. Hanington 2481 A. E.KUlam 2C82 Anderson 1889 Robinson 1781 McManus 1755 YORK. Hon. G. J. Colter 2555 E. L. Wetmore 1987 A. G. Blair 18es F.P.Thompson 1665 W.Wilson 1479 L. Estabrook 1158 Hiram Dote 606 G.F.Ficher 597 ■' I rr MANITOBA. (Entered Confederation 15 July 1870.) Lievtenant Governor* — Ilis Honor th<' Honourable Jambs Cox Aikins, P. C Family from Monaghan, Irel. Eld. 6. of the late James Aikins, Esq. B. in Tp. of Toronto, Peel, Ont., 30 March, 1823. Ed. at T^niv. of Victoria Coll., Cobourg. ]M., 1845, Miss Mary Elizabeth Jane Somerset. Is iSIajor 3rd Batt. Peel Militia. Chair- man of the Man. and North AVest Loan Co. ; Prr^dt. of the Union Fire Insur. Co.; a dir. of the National Investment Co. of Can., Limited, and of the Guarantee Co. of North America. Sat for Peel in Can. Assem. from 1854 until g.e. 1861, when defeated. Was mem. for the Home Division, L. C, Can., from 1862 until the Union. Sworn of the Privy Council, 9 Dec. 1869, and was Secy, of State of Can. and as such framed and carried through Parlt. the Public Lands Act of 1872, and subsequently organized the Dominion Lands Bureau — (now the Department of the Interior) from that date to the resignation of the Macdonald Govt., 5 Nov. 1873. Apptd. Sec. of State a second time, 19 Oct. 1878, and Minister of Inland Revenue, 8 Nov. 1880. Resigned 23 May 1882. Called to the Senate by Royal Proclamation, May 1867. Apptd. Lieut.-Governor of the Provinces of Manitoba and Keewatin, 22 Sept. 1882, from 2 Dec. 1882.- {Salary, $10,000.) — Wellesley Street, Toronto ; Eichview, Ont.; Rideau Club; Government House, Winnipeg. Private Secretary and A.D.C. — Walter T. Kirbv. {Salary, $600.) * PREVIOUS LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS. 1. Hon. Adams freorge Archibald, CM.G., from 20 May 1870 to 1872. 2. Hon. Alex. Morris, D.C.L., from 2 October 1872 until Dec 1877. 3. Hon. Joseph Cauchon, from 2 Oct. 1877 until Dec. 1882. i \\ m m m 300 Manitoba. EXECrTIVE COUNCIL. (Apptd. June 1870.) Hon. J. NoRQUAY, Premier and Provincial Treasurer* (Salary $3,000.) Hon. M. A. GiRARD, Minister of Agriculture and Pre- sident of the Council. {Salary, $2,500.) Hon. A. M. Sutherland, Attorney General. (Apptd- 2 Sept. 1882.) {Salary $3,000-) Hon. C. p. Brown, Minister of Ptiblic Works. {Salary, $3,000.) Ho7i. A. A. C. Larivierb, Provl Sec. (Apptd- 1881.) {Salary $3,000.) Clerk— HicB M Howard. r(Apptd. 17 Feb. 1879.) {Salary, $1,S00-) (Elected 23 Jan. 1883 ; term expires 1887.) ^*9j|^f«Z:('r.— Not elected. {Salary, $800) CZ£T^^— Thomas Spencb. Apptd. 1878. {Salary, $7^0.) Allan, John Berbsford. {St. Clement s-) Descended from the Allans of Berwick on Tweed, a Border family, manv of whom died in the service of the king. B. in Armagh, Irel , 28 Nov. 1840. Ed. in Dublin and Montreal. M., 3 June 1871, a dau. of the late Thos. ♦PREVIOUS SPEAKERS. Hon. C. J. Bird, -5 Feb. 1873 to Dec. 1874. Hon. Joseph Dubuc, 31 Mar. 1875 to Dec. 1878. Hon. J. W. Sifton, Jan. 1879 to Dec. 1879. Hon. G. McMicken, Jan. 1880 to Dec. 1882. er. re- t* 1-) 9.) 0.) , a lin* OS. Manitoba. 301 Sinclair, of St. Andrews, Man. Has been engaged in cattle ranching. Joined the 3rd Batt. Victoria Ri^flcs, Mont- real, in 1862, and was on active service with that corps as an ensign, during the Frontier troubles of 1863-4, and 1866 ; served as Lieut, in the Red River Expeditionary Force of 1870, and continued with it until 1874, including ser- vice with the Qu'Api^elle Exj^edition- Mentioned in des- patches by Col. (now Lord) VVolseley. Holds first-class certificates from the Infantry and Artillery Schools of Instruction. An unsuccessful candidate for St. Andrews, at g. e. 1877. First returned to Parlt. at last g. e. A Con- servative and a Ministerialist. — St. Andrews ; Winni2yeg ; Selkirk Club, Winnipeg^ Bell, John Headingly. {Springfield. ) Descended from an old family resident in Northum- berland, Eng. Grandfather came to Can. in 1834 and settled in London Township, Middlesex, Ont. Father, James Bell, was deputy Reeve of that Township for many years. B. in the Township of London, Sept. 6, 1840, and ed. at the common and High Schools. M., in 1862, Miss Margaret Scott of London. Was for some years a teacher in the London Commercial Coll. Re- moved to Man. in May 1871, and is now engaged in farm- ing. Has been Grand Secy., and is now Grand Master of the Manitoba Free Masons. Is Warden of KiMonan. An Independent Liberal. — Kildonan East, Winnipeg. Brown, Hon. Corydon Partlow, D.L.S. [Gladstone.) Grandfather, an officer in the British army, settled in N. B. at close of Am. revolutionary war. S. of W, Brown, Esq. B. at Southampton, N. B., 15 Nov. 1848. Ed. there and in Fredericton. ^I., 21 Feb. 1874, Emma, el Oct. 1878; and Minister of Public Works, 19 Nov. 1879. First returned to Leg. for Westl^oiirne, at g. e. 1 874, re- elected at g. e. 1878, and returned for present seat at g. e. 1879, and again at last g. e. by acclamation. Has carried through the Legislature an act to divide the Province into counties, an Act resi)ecting county municipalities, (municipal organization) and others less important.— Winnipeg) Manitoba Club, Winnipeg, Man. •I I 302 Manitoba. U BiiRNHAM, Frederick Ernest. [Emerson.) S. of Elias Biirnham, of Peterboro', Ont., Barrister, and a nephew of Judge Burnham, of Whitby, Ont. B. at Peterboro', 13 Dec. 1847. Ed. at the Collegiate Institute there, and by private tuition. M., 8 Oct. 18G9, Ellen, second dau. of W. Cluxton, Esq., Peterboro'. Called to the Bar, Ont., 1868, and practiced in Peterboro'. Is a Barrister of the Manitolir. Bar. Is Presdt. of the Liberal Asso. of the Co. of Manchester, and Solicitor for the Town of Emerson, and several banking and money lending institutions. An unsuccessful candidate at g.e. 1879. A Liberal, and opposed to the Disallowance of Local Rail- wav Charters. — Emerson. •i i-i 4; CoNKLiN, Elias George. {Winnipeg, Xorih.) Father originally from the State of New York, being- a relative of Senator Roscoe Conklin. Mother from Roxboroughshire, Scot. B. at Keglane, near Paris, Co. of Brant, Ont., 10 Augt. 1845. Ed. at the Paris Grammar School. M., at Dundas, Jeanette Craig, eldest dau. of James Seott, Esq., of Dundas, Ont. Is a real estate broker. Was Reeve of Forest, Ont., 1873-74; four years an alder- man of the City of Winnipeg, and jMayor of the City in 1881. Has been Presdt. of the St. Andrew's Soc, and of the ]SIan. Ritie Asso., and Deputy Gran^l Master of the Free ]Masons. An unsuccessful candidate for Winnipeg in the Commons at g.e. 1882. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal, and opposed to the Norquay Govt — Winnipeg. Crawford, William, D.X.aS'. " {Hi ejh Bluff .) S. of Lieut. John Crawford of South Leeds, Ont. B. there 28 Augt. 1847, and received a High School education. Unmarried. Admitted a Dominion Land Surveyor, 17 June 1875. AVas employed by the Dominion Govt, in 1877-78 as a valuator and surveyor for the C.P.R. right of way. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative, and a Millisterialib^ — Winnipeg. Davidson, John Andrew. {Dauphin.) S. of Isaac and Chrystann Davidson, formerly of the Co. of Oxford, Ont., but now residing in Gladstone, Man. B. at Thamesford, Co. of Oxford, 19 Vugt. 1852. Removed Manitoba. 30$ to Manitoba in 1872. M., in Palestine, Westbourne^ Man., 20 March 1878, Sophia Ellen, dan. of Joseph Hamilton, of Beantifnl Plains, formerly of the Co. of Perth, Ont. Is a mill owner and general merchant. First returned to Parlt. 2 Nov. 1S81, on the extension of the boundaries of Man. Re-elected by acclamation at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and a Ministerialist — Neepawa Man. Fairbanks, Edward Lewis. {Bale St. Paul.) Descended from Samuel Fairbanks, Lieut. Col. in the 5th Massachusetts Regt. in 1777, and >[ary Rogers, only dau. of Sir \Vm. Rogers, Governor of Philadelphia. Second s. of Lewis Fairbanks, of St. Scholastique, P.Q., merchant, by Hariette Major. B., 8 Feb. 1850, in Belle River, and ed. at the Carillon Academy, P.Q. M., 1 Feb. 1873 Marie, second dau. of Fabien Poitras, of Belle River. Is a mer- chant, and was Postmaster of Bale St. Paul from 1873 to 1883. Is Warden of the Muncipality of Belcourt, and a mem. of the Board of Agriculture and Statistics for Man. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e., by acclamation. A Conservative and a Ministerialist. — Bate St. Paul, Man. GiGOT, Edward Francis. {St Francis Xarier.) Is the s. of a merchant in Mavenuce, Germanv. Came to Can. in 1870, and was employed for a time on Govt, surveys. AVas subsequently six years in the employment of the Hudson's Bay Co. Is now a merchant. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative and a Ministerialist.— *S'^ Francis Xarier. GouLBT, Maximb. {La feraridrye.) Grand-s. of the late Jacques Goulet, a French Canadian from Lower Canada, who marriied Genevieve Beignoit, a French half-breed of the N.W.T. Third s. of Alexis Goulet, of St. Boniface, by Josephte Seiveright, dau. of the late John Seiveright, of Edinburgh, Scot., who was a chief Factor of the Hudson's Bav Co., bv Louise Rous- Sin, French half-breed of Lake Superior. B. in St. Boniface, 28 Jan. 1855, and ed. at the Coll. there. M., 1 July 1873, to Elise Genthon, dau. of the late Joseph Genthon, Esq., J. P., St. Boniface. Was five years in the service of the Hudson's Bay Co. Apptd. Jan. 1880, a mem. of the Ex. Council of Manitoba, and Minister of Agriculture, from which he retired 1881. First returned to Parlt. for St. Vital, at g.e. 1878. Elected for present seat at g.e. 1879,. •x^- 304 Manitoba. V\ if M ■ ■ te and by ar«'lnination on \\\h anpoiiitinmit to officii. I^o- HigiiOKH) Juno 1SS2, on liis appnintniont as Ko^jiHtrar (►f Lorotlo. El(M'ti>(l at last g.o. An In(l(>|)iin?OJ^^/^.) Kldost s. of tlu> lato Thos. Groonway, Ksii., fonnorly of Cornwall, Kn^i., and lattorly of Stophon, Co. llnr«»n. li. in ('ornwall, Imijj:., isns. Canio to Can. 1.S44, wlioro ho was cd. ISr., ]r> .Ian. l.S(»0, Afiss Annio Hicks, (sbo d. Mav 1875.) Was Uw\\\ of the Township of Stophon, Ont., for ton yoars. An nnsncoossful oandiclato for Sonth Hnron. in tho Commons, at ji.o. 1.S72, and at^.o. 1.S74. llotnrnoa to Connnons for that constitnonoy, (on sitting; mom. boinj; nnsoatod), 11 Voh. 1S75, and hold tho soat for tho ivst of tho torm. Wont to IMan. 1S7S. Kotnrnod for prosont soat at g.o. 1S71>, and nvolootod at last g.o. Is loador of the Opposition, and a Lihoral. — Crysftof 07//, ^fo)K i Hakkihon, David IIowAKi), J/./>. {Minnethmi.) Formorly of 8t. Mary's, Ont. Camo to Manitoba oarly in 18S2, npon rotirinjj from tho practioo of his pro- fossion. Is a largo land ownor in tho ( onnty, and carrios on oxtonsivo farming oi>orations. First rotnrnod to Parlt. at last ^.i\ A Li]>oral Conservative, and a Ministorialist. Nctvdale, Man. Hay, Cii.xRLEs, J. /\ {Xorfolk.) Fonrth s. of .lamos and Barbara Hay. B. 28 Got, 184'^, in Flatta, Orkney, 8cot., and od. there in tho school of wliich his father was Principal for forty-tive years. M., at Portage la Prairie, 21 Jan. 18(51), Anno, dan. of Geo. Wild, formerlv an officer in the British armv. Settled in Manitoba in 1862. Is a J. P., and a mem. of the tirm of C^ampbell, Hay c^ Bixldy, merchants. Has boon Post- master of Portage la Prairie, and a Conncillor for tho Co, of Portage. First i\>tnrnod t(^ Parlt. at last g.e. An Indei^endent. — Portagv la Prairie. Jackson, Samuel Jacob. {Rochrood.) S. of Samnel Jackson, who came from Hacketstown, Co. of Carlow, Irel., and settled in Brampton, Ont., in Manitoha. wm list. in of ost- Co. All 1850, l)v hin wifo Klizalx^tli HutrliHo, n nntivo f.f tlioCo. Wirkldw, Irol. W. ' \ Strnndont, and oi>i»ok(m1 to tbo Norquay (lovt. — Stone- v'dll. KiLLAM, Albbrt Clbmenth, B.A, ( Wntnl/fcg, South.) S. of tbe lato Cf(H)rgo Klllani, ¥jH<{., of Yarmontb, N.S., and grand-s. of tbo late T1k»s. Killani, Escj., M.F., wbo reprosontod tbo (V>. of YarnK)ntb in tbo Lo*;- Af^som., N.8., for twonty years prior to (Vmfedoration, and in tbo Com- mons for one year tberoaftor. B. at Yarmontb, N.8., 18 Sept. 1840, and od. tbero and at. Univ. Coll., Toronto. Graduated B.A. .June 1872, taking tbo Prince of Wales prize for tbat year, and silver medals in Matbematics and Modern Languages. M., at Windsor, Ont., Minnie, voungest dau. of tbo late R. A. Wbyte, Esq. Called to the Bar, Ont., 1876, and practiced in VVindsor, Ont., until Feb. 1879, wben be removed to Winnit^eg, wbere be bas since pra^'tised. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal, and opposed to tbe Norquay Govt. — Winnipeg. Kittson, Alexander. {Ste. Agathe.) ^. of Norman W^ilfred Kittson, Esq., of St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S-, a native of Sorel, P.Q., who was Mayor of St. Paul and General INlanager of Kittson's Line of Red River Transportation Co., by Elise Marion, dau. of Nar- cisse Marion, Esq., J.P., a native of St. Jacques de I'Acbigan, P.Q., by Marie Bouchard, a native of York Factorv, N.W.T. B. 26 Feb. 185:5, at North Pembina (now West Lynne), Man. Ed. at St. Boniface Coll. M., 8 July 1875, to Elise, dau. of tbe late Antoine Gingras, a native of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., an extensive trader of St. Joseph, Dakota Territory, by Scholastique Trottier, a native of St. Francois Xavier, Man. A mem. of the Board of 18 I- I I 306 Manitoba. 71 ;i if Education for the Prov. of Man. A Vico-Presdt. of JJAfimci(ififn) St. Jcav Jitiptii^tt' dr Mfnntohn. UnsuccosHful in contestinj; the scat for 8t. Vital at ji.o. 1H7S. First returnod to Parlt., for prosont soat, at ^.o. lS7t>, and re- elected by acclamation at last ^.e. A Lil)erttU 'onwrvative, and a Mini.steriali.st. — I'roraicluy Avnme, St. Bonifoci'. LaRimerk, Ifoi). Am'iionsb Alfred Cl^jmbnt. {St. Bonifitct.) Third 8. of the late A]>raliani C. liaRivicre, of Mon- treal, P.Q., 1)V Adelaide Marcil, of Lon^ueuil, P.Q. B. in the City of Montreal, P.Q., 24 July 1842. Ed. at Jacoues ('artier Normal School, and at St. Mary's Coll., of Mon- treal, P.Q. M., 4 Fel). 1S()7, to Marie Melvina Bourdeau, dau. of the late Gcdeon Bourdeau, of Laprairie, P.Q. A real estate and insurance agent. Grajluated at the Montreal School of Military Instruction, 2nri class, 1S(>5, and 1st class, 18()0 ; apptd. Ensign in the Reserve ISIilitia, ^Military District of Hochelaga, P.Q., 1S(){), and Caj/tain for the Military District of Man., 1871. Apptd. jointly with the Hon. H. G. Joly, Presdt. of the Joint Committee of the Board of Agriculture and the Board of Arts and Manufactures, to organize a General Exhibition i;i Quebec, 1871. Received an appointment in the Dominion Lands Office, "Winnii^g, when coming to Man., Oct. 1871, which he held till 1875. Founded the Asso. St. Jean Baptiste de Manito])a (national) 1872, and elected Pi-esdt. 1875; founded La Society de Colonization de Manitoba (philanthropic) 1874, and elected first Presdt. Apptd. a J. P. for Co. of Selkirk, 1874. Was Sui)erintendent of Catholic Schools, and Joint Secretary of Board of Educa- tion, Manitoba 10 May 1870. Contested Ste. Anne unsuc- cessfully at g.e. 1874. Elected by acclamation at g.e. 1878 for St. Boniface. Re-elected at g.e. 1879. Apptd. Provl. Secy., 1881, on which occasion returned by acclamation. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Corner of Provencher and TachS Avenue.^, St. Boniface, Manitoba. Leacock, Edward Philip, B.A., J. P. {Birtle.) Descended from Ela Lacock, Countess of Salisbury, who married William Longsword, temp. Crusades, whose second s. Hugh, to whom descended Lacock Abbey and Estate, was the founder of the family of Lacock — subse- quently Leacock — of whom were two branches : Lacock, Wiston, Co. Notts, and Leacock, St. Helen's, Isle of W ight. Manitoba. 307 it. of issfiil FiiHt (1 re- Eitivo, {St. Mon- B. in iroues Moii- rdeaii, Q. A it the , 1805, lilitia. ai;tain jointly niittee ts and ion i;i uinion t. 1871, . Jean Presdt. mitoba pptd. a ent of iduca- unsuc- e. 1878 Provl. nation. Corner mtoba. isbury, whose ey and -subse- acock, Wight, Youngest h. of Thoma.s Murdoch Loaroci^, Esq., of 8t. IIolon'H, Lsle of Wight, J.l*. for the Co. of Hants, Eng. B. at St. Helen's, 28 Dec. IS."):}, Ed. at Old Hall, Herts, and at the Univ. of (Geneva, Switzerland, where ho j/raduated B.A. in 1873. Came to Canada in 1878, and settled in Manitoba in June l87t). M., 5 Augt. 1881, Georgiana Eliza, eldest dau. of J«)hn J. Vickers, Esq., Toronto, and grand-dau. of the late Sln^ritt' Morxlie, of Belleville, Out. Is a lunilxir nj^chant; VV^arden of Kildonan; Vice-Prosdt. of the Birtle Farming Co. ; a dir. and Secretary of the Portage, Westlmurne and North Western Railway Co. ; a J. P. for Man. ; a Commr. ptr drd. p()t., and a Commr. for taking Athdavits in the Queen's Bench. Was an unsuccessful candidate for present seat in Leg. Assem., Man., at g.e. 1879. ElectiMl 1st Sept. 1882, on the resignation of the sitting mem. Ue-elected at Kst g.e. A Conservative and a supporter of the (iovt. of Hon. Mr. Norquay. — Kildonan IIourc, Winnipeg ; " The Wll'^ Birtle, Man. ; Manitoba Club; Selkirk Club; Rideav Club. Lbcomtb, JosBi'ii J. {Car tier.) Of French parentage. S. of the late J. B. Jjecomte, of St. Sebastien, Co. of Iberville, P.Q.,by Marguerite, dan. of the late Capt. Luc Fortin. B. at St. Georges Henry ville, Co. of Iberville, 29 Dec. 1850. Ed. at St. Hyacinthe Coll., and at the Univ. of St. Joseph, (Ottawa. M., at St. Norbert, 15 July 1875, Marie Vitaline Anna, eldest dau. of Louis Payment, formerly of Ottawa. Served in the Pai)al Zouaves, and was present with them at the seige of Rome 20 Sept. 1870. Was apptd. Registrar for Provencher, Man. in 1873, and resigned Jan. 1883. Has Ix^en Presdt. of the Agricultural Soc. of Cartier and Laverandrye, and Warden of the Munici2)ality of Cartier. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative, and a Ministerialist. — " Villa Anna" St. Norbert, Man. Martin, Joseph. {Portage la Prairie.) Grandfather came to Can. in 1820, and settled at Mil- ton, Co. of Halton, Ont. Father, Edward Martin, carried on business there with John White, M. P., for some years. B. in Milton, Ont,, 24 Sept. 1852, and ed. at the Normal School and Univ., Toronto. Was a teacher in the com- mon school, New Edinburgh, Ont., for three years, and holds a first-class certificate as a public school teacher. M., at Ottawii, Sept. 2, 1881, Mrs. G. W. Eaton. Settled in \ I nns }fitnffnfnt. k ■*; IMnnitnbn. 1m'I». IMH'J. iiihI nvhh rallt««l to Iho linr, Anj;. IHS'/ I'iiNt n»hinnMl In I'inll. nt IhnI ^.o. A liihom), niul op- pMMiMl tn 1|m« Nnit|nuy (invf — I'nrtoijr t.n I'niirii: M \ WHIN MOV, Ihmmi. [ liiirnHi , Aliox \N«»iou. {Aaninihtiin.) Only H. of tliolntc* Mr. .liinu>H Mnrrny, wIm» cMino to K(m1 Uiv(»r tVoni SntluMlnndHlnns Scot., with Lonl S(^lkirk, Mn«l nt. I'.li/iilu'tli, r. .1. IV llolnioM, nn (Mninont Ithvsiritnt of l.nn«lon, Imi^:. I^ in Kiltlnnnn, Uod l{iv(M*, April IS is:l!>. K,|. at St. .lohnV (oil. (nndcM' IUhIh.i. An- «U»rson) whoro hv took n srholnrnhlp, lsr>7. !M., IMUl, liOtitin. »ln\i. «>r Uvw (um». VIott, ot'Oknnow^ Minnion, Man. Im a «lir. of tlu^ Mnnitoha lUmk. Has boon a. I. P. and a in\n\iripal roinirilloj. I'irst rotnrnod to I'arlt. for St. Chnrli^s at g. o. 1S74. and roM'lortod at >^.o. 1M7M. VaratcMl soat on ai>pt. as Poliro Magistrates fortlio Co. of Kast Mnr- «motto. Kosi|j;ninp; shortly aftorwards was apiin ro-olm't- cd. l'!l(M'tod for p' >s(>nt soat at ^. o. 1S7t> anoa^iainat last g. c. A l.ihoral Consorvativo and h^Oiincs tins Kaihvay poliov of this Poniinion (Jovt. to ho in tho intorost of tho rrovlnivof Man.— ".U»uT(»// //(?//," St. (%irlrH J\0., .)fan. Nom^iAY, //(»». Jonx. [St. Atiihrva.) StMH>nd s. of tho lato Mr. John Xonjnav, a nativo of \Uh\ Kivor. K S May 1S41. Kd. at St. J(»hn's Aradomy nndor Uishop Anderson, whoro lui took a s«'holarshii> ^^^4. M...hn\o 1S(>L\ Klizahoth. socontl dan. of (Joorf^o St>ttor. jr., Ks(i. Is a nu>ni. of tho Hoard of Iloaltii and of t])o ni>ard (st Kdnoation for Man. Was a mom. of tho ox-(\nnuMl and MinisttM* of P\d>lio AVorks and A^;rionl- tnnx for Man. \\\n\\ 14 1Hm\ 1S71 nntil S Jnly 1874, whoii ho ivsiiinovl witli his iloa.irni^s. Ko-apptd. to now Uovt. Maroh 1875. Sworn a nuMn of tho V'xoontivo as Ministor of r\)blio Works. May lS7(i. In (Vt. 1S7S formod a now (.Ti>\t, in oonjnnotion with Hon. Mr Koyal, in whioh ho hoUl ortiiv of IVniior and Provl. Tixnisnror. In Mav 1879 a dirt\>ivn<\> of opinion having arisou boitwoon ^lossrs. Norqnay antl Koyal; tho latter n^^signod, with Mr. IX>lorme. # Mnnilnhn. 'M) MiiiiHtrr of Ai^ririiltiiro. Mr. N«»n(U«y Hiil»H until SI. w, 1H7I, wlion rntinnod lor |»roMont Hojit. I{o-«'.lo<*t- v .I«tto Marlmtli, nrcond dan. of tlio Into .lolm Nfa«lM'.tli, IOs(|., ono of tlio oarlv Selkirk roloni.Hts, who canio to thin ronntry Cn.ni Scotland in IH1:J. 15. :{I Ore |Hl<>, at Point Don^Ia.M, now tho city of Winiii|M^^. Kd. at Kiidonaii nuhlic Hcliool, St. .lohil'.M Coll., Manitoha( oil-, and Tonnito thiiv., wlu^ro \n\ ^radnattMl an IJ.A. in .funo \H7i\. Is a HarriHtt^r at l^aw of Manitoha. Sworn a in<^fn. of tho Kx, (Vnnwil, and a|>ptd. Attorn(\v (JcnI. 2 S(^j»t. 1HH2. First ni- tnrnod at K« «^- 1<^7M; r(wrd Ro^. lU., 1st, at London, Out., Miss Kcxuian ; 2nd, (ith So^pt., l. A Conservative, an8(in.. B., 15 S(^pt. ISL'O, at (irulM>w<», on tU^ hankKof tho Vintula. Ed. at Hrozlun, I*«)s(W, Miss AdiOlioid FonncT, of Ohhowo, Poson, IVussin. Is a. I. P., a honiinion Land Snrvoyor^ and a mom. of thc^ I'x^ard of Kxaminors for IVovincnal Land Snr\(^yors, Man. Ih a mem. of tho ( ioo^rapldcal 8o(\ of Tamohio, (iormany. In ISJiO, was scmt to (lorniany^ by tlio ( anadian (iovt., to jtromoto (Mni^ration, and i^mainod tlum^ thnn^ yoars. Is tho anthor of stivcraL nami>]d(^ts in Canada and tiu^ North- Wost, which have boon printed in (iorman in thc^ intc^rosts of omi^ration* First n^tnrnod to Parlt. at last ^r.o. A Libcnral Consorva- tivo and a Ministerialist. — Ossomt ; MunititUa Cluh, Wiu' vipaj. AViLsoN, David 1Ikxi{y, J/./A {Dufcrln.) Yonnjyost (<. of Thomas Wilson, who emijxrat^d from Irol. about is;i5 and settled in tho Township of lluntloyy Co. of Carleton, Ont., by his wife Sarah MeOaniel. B. at Huntley in 185(> and od. at the Common Sohoolthere and the Pakenham Hijjh School. Graduated IM.I). at Trinity Medical Coll., Toronto Cniv. 1»S78, and \n as Medallist of that year. Is a mem. of the Coll. of Physicians and Sur- «' ft geons, Out., and Man. ; Coroner for the Co. of Marquette^ and Secy.-Troas. of the North Dufierin Agricultural Assoc. First returned to Parlt., 1st Augt. 1881, on the re. ignation of the sitting mem. Re-elected bv acclamation a>. i^ist g.e. A Conservative and a Ministerialist. — Nelson, Man. AViNRAM, William. {South Ihiffer hi.) B. in the Co. Lancaster, England, 8 Jan. 1838. Came to Canada twenty years ago and settled in the Co.- Sim- coe. Out., where he resided until May 1878, when he went to Manitoba. First returned to Parlt. by acclamation at g.e. 1879 and re-elected at last g.e. A Reformer. — Stod' dertriHc, Man. WooDWORTii, Joseph Edward. {Brandon.) \- Forefathers were U.E. Loyalists. S. of B. B. Wood- worth, Esq., of Canning, N.S. B. in King's Co., N.S.^ 26th April, 1837, and ed. there. M., 3rd April, 1859; Mnnitohd, 311 Nancy W. Cnx. WaH formorly a s]iii>lMiiM(^r in X.S. Is now ill husinc^sK as a nuirchant an«l nuil t^statc^ broker. First r(^t^r^(Ml to Parlt. at last ^'.u. A Conservativoanda Ministerialist.— ///•(< /i./o//, M(ni. YouNc;, FiNLAY McN.\r(JiiTON. [Turtlt' Monntdhi.) Kli)OS(«l t(» tlio Noniuay (iovt. — Wnkopa. ' 'I if DEPUTY HEADS AND CHIEF OFFICERS OF THE MANITOBA CIVIL SERVICE. Deputif Attorneif Gen. — W. D. ARDAfJii. {Salary^ 12,000.) Deputy Minister of Ayriculture and Statistics, Inspector of Vital Statistics and Sccy.-Tn'as. of the Board of Ayrlcid" ture, — Acton Bukrows. {Salary, $2,000 ) Deputy Provl, Treasurer. — A. S. Wasiiburx. {Salary, $1,500.) JVor/. J?wZ<7or.— W. R. NuRSEY. 0SV/7«/-//, $1,200.) Deputy Provl. Secy. — Geo. Roy. {Salary, $1,500.) DeptUif Minister of Pithlic Works. — Tiios. A. Wade. (Salary, $1,500.) 312 Manitoba. MANITOBA ASSEMBLY. 'MU General Elections have been held aw follows: Dec, 1870; Dec. 1874; 18 Dec, 1878; 10 Dec 1879; 23 Jan. 1S83. Names of the Candidates with total number of votes i)olled ])y each, at General Election of 23 Jan. 1883. The ntimes of the unsuccessful Candidates are in Italics : i ii (I ;! lii I i ! ASSINIBOIA. Alex. Murray 95 J. Cunningham 37 BAIE ST. PAUL. E. L. Fah'banks Acclamation BIRTLE. E. P. Leacock 251 R. Nelson 242 BRANDON. J. E. Woodworth 859 J, W.Sifton 651 BURNSIDE. Isaiah Mawhinney 185 John Smith 124 CARTIER. Joseph Lecomte 153 John Hargrave 67 J.W.Parker 15 DAUPHIN. J. A. Davidson Acclamation DUFFERIN, NORTH. Dr. Wilson 304 ff. Lunderkin 201 DUFFERIN, SOUTH. Wm.Winnra 155 JohnSteioo.f 112 EMERSON. F. E. Burnhara 178 B. S. Chalmers 168 HIGH BLUFF. William Crawford 68 H.J. F. Rose m KILDONAN. Hon. A. M. Sutherland 100 Joh n Sutherland 75 LA VERANDRYE. M. Goulet 181 L. A. Pnidhomme 173 MINNEDOSA. Dr. Harrison 495 David GlaH8,Q. C. 428 MORRIS. Henry Tennant 204 F.A.Manin 138 G. C. Wilde 134 MOUNTAIN. Thos. Greenwfty 330 Hon. J- Norquay 244 N0RF01.K. Charles Hay .' 110 W. R.RoHs 65 PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE. Joseph Martin 315 W. R.Black 804 E.H. 0. G.Hay 2 ROCK WOOD. S. J. Jackson 250 /. A. Miller.. 74 SPRINGFIELD. J.H.Bell 169 C.B. Edie 162 STE. AGATHE. Alex. Kittson Acclamation ST. ANDREWS. Hon. J. Norquay Acclamation ST. BONIFACE. Manitoba. 313 VARENNES. * Hon. A. C. La Riviere 97 i Election to take place later. £. Richard 44 i^o ! ST. CLEMENTS. Capt. Allan 74 J^ohn Gunn 78 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER. E.F.Gigot 72 D. Carey 36 TURTLE MOUNTAIN. F.M.Young 232 J, P. Alexander 145 WESTBOURNE. Hon. C. P. Brown. .. .Acclamation WINNIPEG, NORTH. E. a. Conklin 290 A. Monknmn 218 WINNIPEG, SOUTH. A. C. Killara (7.7?. Tiittle'. WOODLANDS. 259 196 W. Wagner 136 F. W. Lipsett 37 \h\ 1' '■■ 'A i ' •^CflB*-/ I I BRITISH COLUMBIA. (Entered Confederation 20 July 1871.) Lieutenant Governor.*— -His Honour the Honourable Clement Francis Cornwall, B.A. S. of Kev. Allan Gardner Corn- wall, Rector of Newington, Bagpath and Beverstone, Glou- cestershire, Eng., and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty, by Caroline, his wife, dan. of Thos. Kingscote, Esq., of Kingscote Park, Gloucestershire. The ancient English family of 'Cornwall is descended in an unbroken line from a son of King John of Eng., who was created Earl of Cornwall ; the Kingscotes of Kingscote have lived on the lands they now hold from a period antecedent to the Conquest. B. in England 1836. Ed. at a private school, and at Trinity Coll., Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. M., 1871, Charlotte, third dau. of Rev. Arthur Gore Pemberton, Rector of Kensal Green^ London, Eng. Called to the Bar of the Inner Temple, Eng., 27 Jan. 1862. Is a magistrate for B.C. Sat for Yale-Lytton in L.C. of B.C. during sessions 1864-65 and again during session of 1871, when terms of Union with Can. were agreed upon. Called to the Senate, on B.C. entering the Dominion, 13 Dec. 1871. Apptd. Lieut. Governor of B.C. 1881, on the expiry of the term of Mr. Richards. (Salary, $9000.) — Oovernment House, Victoria^ B.C. A.D.C. and Private Secretary. — Capt. George Richard Layton, Provincial A. D. C. to the Governor-General. (Apptd. 20 July 1870. Salary, $900.) ♦PREVIOUS LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS. His Honour J. W. Trutch, who was apptd. first Lieut. Governor under Confederation, 5 July 1871. ■ His Honour A.N. Richards, apptd. 1876. Brlthh Columbia. 315 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. (Apptd. 26 Jan., 1883.) Chief Commr. of Lands and Works (^Premier.) — Hon, William Smithb. ($3000.) . Attorney General — Hon. A.E.B. Davie. ($3000.) Provincial Secretary, and Minister ofMineSj and Minister of Finance and Agriculture.— -Hon. John Robson, ($^000.) President of the Council. — Hon. M. W. Tyrwhitt Drake . Deputy Clerk of the Executive Council. — Thos. Elwyn, Esq.; apptd. 16 Sept., 1882. v I Elected July 1882 ; term expires 1886. * Speaker. — Hon. John Andrew Mara. (Elected 25 Jan. 1883.) Clerk. — Thornton Fell. {Salary, $450.) The Members' Sessional Allowance is $400 each. V! <§ Allen, Edward. (Lillooet.) B. at Nottingham, Eng. Self taught. M. in Eng., 27 July, 1848, Jane, onlydau. of Geo. Payzer, Esq. Is a farmer. Was Assessor and Collector for Lillooet District from 1876 to 1879. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative and a Ministerialist. — Grave Creek, Clinton P.O., B.C. Armstrong, William James, JP. {New Westminster District.) S. of William Armstrong, J.P., for some years a mem. of the Municipal Council, Dist. of Newcastle, N. C. B. at Peterborough, Ont., 1826. Ed. there. M., 1861, at Victoria, V.I., Miss Honor Chanhalls Ladner. Was Presdt. of the Municipal Council of the City of New Westminster from 1866 to 1867, and from 1869 to 1871. Was a mem. of the ♦PREVIOUS SPEAKERS. Hon. James Trimble, M.D., from 1872 until 1S78. Hon. F.W. Williams, from 1878 until 1882. i.t i 316 Jh'ifiiih ( 'oltntifii'i. Ex. Council from 23 Dec , 187i, until Jan., 187G, and held the office of Minister of Finance and Agriculture from 28 Feb., 1873, until the resignation of the Govt., 27 Jan., 1876. Apptd. Provl. Secty. and Minister of Mines, 23 Aug. 1882. First returned to Parlt., for present seat on B. C. heing admitted into the Dominion, Dec, 1871. Re-elected at g.e. 1875. Defeated at g.e. 1H78. Re elected by acclamation at last g.e. Re-elected 6 Sept., 1882, on acceptance of office. Resigned with his colleagues, 27th Jan 1883. A Liberal Conservative and opposed to present Govt. — Mart/ St., Netu Westminster, Beaven, Rohert. (Victoria City.) S. of the late Rev. Prof. Beaven, of Toronto. B. and ed. there. M. the dau. of the Rev. William Ritchie, of Georgina, Ont. A merchant. Apptd. a Gold Commr. May 1873. Was a mem. of Ex. Council and Chief Commr. of Lands and Works front 23 December 1872 until the resignation of the Walkem Govt, 26 Jan. 1877. Apptd. Minister of Finance on resignation of Elliott Administration, 1878 . Became Premier on the elevation of the leader of the Govt., Hon. Mr. Walkem, to the Bench of B.C., in 1882, a position he held until he resigned with Lis colleagues on 26th Jan. 1883. First re- turned to Leg. for present seat atg e. 1871 ; re-elected at g.e. 1875 and 1878, and again at last g.e. A Conservative, and leader of the opposition. — Government Street, Victoria. Cowan, George. (Cariboo.) A miner. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878 ; re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative and opposed to the present Govt. — Barkerville . Davie, Hon. Alexander Edmund Batson. (Lillooet.) B.in Somersetshire, Eng., Nov., 1846. Ed. at Silcoate's School, near Wakefield, Yorkshire. M., 3 Dec, 1874, Con- stance Longford, third dau. of T. S. Skinner, Esq., of " Farleigh," near Maple Bay, V.I. Admitted as an Attorney of B.C., 1868. Called to the Bar of same Province, 1873. Is one of the Benchers of the Law Soc. ; and has been employed as Crown Counsel on the Mainland Circuit. Was Law Clerk to the B C. Assem. from 1872 to 1874. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council and Provl. Secy., 1877. Became Attorney Gen. in the Administration of Hon. Wm. Smythe, 26tii Jan. 1883. First returned to Parlt. for Cariboo at g.e. 1875. Defeated on Pritinh Othdnhia. 317 offering for re-election on hi8 appt. t<» office in 1877. Was not a candidate at g.e. 1H78. Re-elected for present seat at last g.e., and re-elected on appointment to office. A Conser- vative. — Victoria; Union Cluh^ Victoria^ B.C. Davie, Theodore. {Victoria City.) S. of John Chapman Davie, Esq., formerly of Lyme RegiK, Dorset, Eng., Surgeon, and M.R.C.S., Kng., who came to B C in 1862 and was at the time of his death, May 1869, a mom. of the Leg. Assem. B.C. Is a brother of Hon. A. E. B. Davie. B., 22 March 1852, at Brixton, Surrey, Eng. Ed. at a private school. Unmarried. Admitted to practise as an AttorD(y, 16 April 1873. and called to the Bar, B.C., 16 April 1877. First returned to Pari t. at last g.e. A Conservative^, and a Ministerialist. — Victoria, B.C. Dingwall, Wilt lAM MuNRo. {Comox.) Forf fathers were small farmers, resident near the town of Dingwall, Ross-shire, Scot. B. near Dingwall, Scot, 2nd March, 1851, and ed. there. M. at Comox, B.C., Barbara, only child of Oliver Duncan, Esq., of Comox. Came to London, Got., in 1872, and four years later settled in B.C. Is a general merchant, and Postmaster of Comox. Has been a Govt. Agent, Assessor and Tax-collector. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative and a Ministerial- ist. — Comox, B.C. Drake, Hon. Montague William Tvrwhitt. (Victoria City.) Descended from the old English family, Tyrwhitt-Drake of Shardelves, Bucks. B. at King's Walden, Hertfordshire, Eng. M. Miss Tolmie, of Ardersin, Inverness-shire, Scot. Ed. at the Charter House School. Admitted as a Solicitor and Attorney-at-Law to the Superior Courts in Eng. in 1851. Called to the Bar, B.C , 1877, and is a Bencher of the B.C. Law Soc. Was Mayor of Victoria, in 1877, and a mem. of the Board of Education for B.C. from 1872 to 1879. Apptd. a mem. of the Executive Council and Presdt. of the body, 26th Jan. 1883. Sat in L.C., B.C., Irom 1866 to 1869. Elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — Point £llice, Victoria, B C. ; Union Club, Victoria. Duck, Simeon. ( Victoria City.) Parents were amongsi the earliest settlers at St. Catharines, Ont. B. at St. Catharines. Ed. there. M. Mrs. * ^ ' . i 318 British Columhio, Sarah Miller, of Victoria. Is a carriage-maker. Has been Qrand Senior Warden of the Grand Lod^e of Free Masons ot B/^. First returned to Parit., tor present seat, Oct., 1871. An unsuccessful candidate at g.o. 18"5. Was not a candidate at g.e. 1878. Re-elected at last g.e. Opposed to the present Qo\i.— Victoria, B.C. DuNSMuiR, KonEUT, J, P. {Naiiaimo.) Grandfather and father were Coal Masters in Ayrshire, Scot. B. in Hurlforti, Ayrshire, Scot., in i825. Ed. at Kilmarnock Academy. M., in Kilmarnock, Scot., in 1847, Joanna, dau. of Mr. Alex. White. Is an extensive Colliery proprietor, and a J. P. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative and a Ministerialist. Nanaimo; Union Cluh^ Victoria, B.C. .' Galbraith, Rouert Leslie Thomas. {Kootenay.) Descended from a family of that name, formerly residents of Inverness, Scot. Third s. of Prof. Qalbraith, Koyal Coll., Kaphoe, and grand-s. of Capt. Thompson, J. P., The Close, Raphoe, Co. Donegal, Iiel. B. there in 1841, and ed. at the Royal Coll. under the Rev. Dr. Steele. Unmarried. Is a merchant. Was Chairman of Committee of Ways and Means and Supply in Leg. Assem. for four years. First returned to Parlt. in 1876, re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e., by acclamation. A Liberal Conservative and opposed, to the present Govt. Joseph's Prairie, Kootenay, B.C. Grant, John. (C)s.siar. A merchant and contractor. First returned to Parlt at last g.e. A Conservative and opposed to present Govt. — Douglas St., Victoria, B.C. Helgesen, Hans. (Esquimault.) A farmer. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1878, and re- elected at last g.e. a Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Metchosen, B.C. John, Robert Franklin. (Victoria Dist.) Of Welsh descent. B. in Glamorganshire, Wales, in Jan. 1851, and ed. principally in "Victoria, B.C. M., in Feb. Britiffh Cohimhia. 319 1882, Miss Rose Ella V. Dean. Is a farmer. Was Asses- sor and Collector for Victoria ami PiSquimault Districts for two years, under the Elliott Administration, and has been elected several times Secy, and Treas. of the Saanich Agricultural Soc. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative, and a Ministerialist. — South Saanich, B.C. Maha, lion. John Andrew. (Vafe.) B. in Toronto. Ed. there. M. a dau. of F, J. Barnard, Esq., M.P. Sat for Kootenay from g.e. 1871 until g.e. 1875, , when returned for present seat. Re-elected at g.e. 1878, and again at last g.e. Elected Speaker of the House, 25 Jan. 1883. A Conservative. — Kamloops; Union Club; Victoria^ B.C. Martin, George B. {Yale.) A farmer. First returned to Parlt. at election held 13 Oct. 1882, to fill vacancy created by the death of the mem. elect, Mr. Preston Bennett. A Conservative, and a Ministerialist. — South Thompson^ Kamloops P.O., B.C. McLeese, Robert, {Cariboo.) Descended from a brancli of the MacCallu:n Mores, of Cantire, Scot., which settled in the Co. of Antr m, Irel. B. near Coleraine, Irl., in 1828, and ed. at one of the Kildare Street (Dublin) educational schools. M., Sept. 1873, in Renfrew, Ont.. Mary Sinclair, grand-dau. of Colonel Mc- Laren, of Renfrew, Scot. Is a farmer, stock-raiser, general merchant and steamboat owner. Was Asst. and Chief En- gineer of New Westminster Fire Dept. in 1862, and is now Postmaster of Soda Creek. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative, and opposed to the present Govt. — Soda Creek, B.C. McTavish, George Ar hibald. (Victoria Dist.) Forefathers were clergymen for several generations in the Island of Islay, Scot. Only s. of D. A. McTavish, Esq., Manager of the Bank of British North America, New York, and nephew of Rev. John McTavish, late of Woodstock, Ont. B. in New York, 14 Dec. 1856, and ed. there. Settled in B.C. when about 16 years of age. M., 4 Dec. 1877, C. A., dau. of Hon. Dr. Helmeken, and grand dau. of the late Sir Jas. Douglas, K.C.B. Is a Seed-grower and Florist, and ill n i\ 320 British Columbia, breeder of thorough-bred stock. Has been Presdt. of the Agricultural Soc, B.C. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and a Ministerialist. — North Saanich B.C. S" K I ^i! ill i , I Orr, James. {New Westminster Dist.) Youngest « of the Rev. Dean Orr, and grand-s. of John Orr, of Toxtethe Park, Liverpool, Eng. B. in Liverpool 23 April 1826, and was brought to America when about six years of age. Ed. in the U.S. and in Ontario. Un- married. Is Clerk Assessor and Collector, and Clerk of the Police Court for New Westminster. Made explorations for the Crown Colony Govt, in 1865, and was the first to report on the fitness of the North 'I'hompson and Eraser River Valleys for a railway. Was a Deputy Paymaster of the C.P.R. for three seasons, and was for a time in charge of a Fishery on Queen Charlotte Island. Served in the L.C. of B.C. in 1863 and 1864. Was ati unsuccessful candidate for present seat at g.e. 1878. Elected at last g.e. Aa Independent. — New WeHminster, B.C. PooLEY, Charles Edward. (Esquimault.) » Is a Barrister-at-Law, and practices in Victoria. First returned to Parlt at last g.e. A Conservative, and a Min- isterialist. — ^^Fernhill,^^ Esquimault; Union. Club. Raybould, William, J. P. (Nanaimo.) Is a merchant. First returned, to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative, and a Ministerialist. — Front Street^ Nanaimo. RoBsoN, Hon. John, J.P. (New Westminster Dist.) S. of the late Mr. John Robson, of Sarnia, Ont., a native of Scot., who emigrated to Can., 1820, and settled in Lanark^ Ont., by Euphemia Richardson. B. at Perth, Ont., 14 March 1824. Ed. at the Grammar School there. M., April 1854, Susan, fourth dau. of Capt. John Longworth, of Goderich, Ont. Is Editor and Publisher of the ^^ British Columbian^* newspaper. A Lieutenant in the "Home Guards," Rifle Volunteers, and a J.P. for B.C. Was Mayor of New West- minster in 1866. Was Paymaster of the Canadian Pacific Railway in B.C. from 1875 to 1879, when the position wa& abolished. Sat for New Westminster Dist., in L.C. of B.C. from 1866 to 1870 and for Nanaimo from 1871 to 1875. Being ^ British Colnmhki, 321 '^ ^k a Legislative Councillor at the time of the Union the title of Hon. was confirmed to him for life. Became Provl, Secy, and Minister of Mines and Minister of Finance and Agriculture in the Administration of Hon. Wm. Smithe, 26 Jan. 1S83. Elected for present seat at last g.e., and re-elected on appoint- ment to office, A Conservative. — New Westminster^ B.C. Semlin, Charles Augustus. (Yale.) Descended from U.E. Loyalists. B. in Ont., in 1836. Unmarried. Is a farmer and stock-raiser. Was Postmaster and a School Trustee for Cache Creek for some years. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1871 , an unsuccessful candidate at g.es. 1875 and 1878; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Con- servative and a Ministerialist. — Cache Creek, B.C. Smitue, /^on. William, J. P. (Cowichan.) Family has lived on the borders of Eng. and Scot, for centuries. B. at Matfen, Northumberland Co., Eng., 30th June 1842, and ed. at Whittington . M., 3rd July 1873, Martha, fourth dau. of A. R. Kier, Esq. Was in business as a merchant in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng. before coming to B.C. Is a farmer and a J. P. Was Road Commr. under Crown Colony Govt, before Confederation. Was leader of the Opposition upon the meeting of the Ist session of 2nd Parlt. after Confederation ; upon the defeat of the Walkem adminis- tration, resigned the leadership in lavor of Hon. A. C. Elliott, who then formed a new administration. Held the pofeition of Minister of Finance and Agriculture until resignation of the Elliott Govt, in 1878, when he was again elected leader of the Opposition, a position he held until 26 Jan. 1883,when he was called upon to form a Govt, upon the resignation of the Beaven Administration. He then became Premier and Chief Commr. of Lands and Works in the Province. Intro- duced and carried the Free Land Act, 1874 ; the Line fence and Water Course Act, 1876; the Sheep pasturage protection Act, 1877, and other Acts of miner importance. First returned to Pailt. at g.e. 1871 ; re-elected at g.e. 1875; atd again by acclamation, 10 Augt. 1876 upon acceptance of office ; re- elected at g.e. 1878 and again at last g.e. A Conservative.^ Somenos, B.C. Wilson, Charles. (Cariboo.) B. in the City of Westminster, B.C. and ed. there. M. in 1876, Miss Parker. Is an Accountant. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative and a Ministerialist. — Barkerville, B.C. 19 ; iiH r i;; li' ' I' ' w 322 British Columbia, DEPUTY HEADS, AND OFFICERS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Deputy Provincial Secretary. — T. Elwyn. (Salary, 800.) Solicitor, in Attorney General's Office. — Eli Harrison, Jr. (Salary, $1,800.) Registrar General of Titles. — H. B. W. Aik^an. (Salarj% $2,000.) Surveyor General.—W. ^. GovL¥,. (Salary, $1,800.) Clerk of Records. ^1 . o . A.\]^Ti^. (Salary, $1,320.) Draughtsman. — F, G. Richards, Jr. (Salary, $1,500.) - Deputy Minister of Finance. — J, Judson Young. (Salary, $1,800.) Auditor. — J. McB. Smith. (Salary, $1,800.) < t VIL r, Je. lary, a.) lary, British Columbia. BRITISH COLUMBIA ASSEMBLY. 323 General Elections have l^eeii held as follows : Jan., 1872; Sept., 1875 ; May, 1878; July 1882. Names of Can- didates and number of votes polled at Oeneral Election of July, 1882. The names of the unsuccessful candidates are in Italics : CARIBOO- «. Cowan 217 Charles Wilson 195 Robt. McLeese 169 ■O . Ferguson 117 Samuel Walker 107 Donald McKay ^2 Pop 2500 No. of voters 550 CASSIAR. John Grant 39 W. V. Brown 18 No. of voters \% COMOX. W.M.Dingwall 67 A.. B» Crawford 14 Tho8- Rohaon 2 Pop 400 No. of Voters 99 COWICHAN. W. Smithe 102 F. Foord 41 ESQUIMALT. H. Helgeson 77 C.E.Pooley 72 J.R-HeU 71 J. Child 61 The official returns shewed 74 for Mr. Hett, and 73 for MrPooley. On a scrutiny the figures were changed as above. Pop 800 KOOTENAY. R. L. T. Galbraith.. Acclamation LILOOET. A.E.B. Davie 69 E. Allen -^ 55 Wm. Morrison 45 €• N' McLellan 40 W.M.Broion 28 NANAIMO. Robt. Dunsmuir 229 Wm. Raybould 185 Edward Quennell 167 Wm. Hinksman 152 J. G. Bamston '. .... 37 NEW WESTMINSTER, CITY. Hon. W. J. Armstrong — Aocla. On ai>p()intment as Provl- Sec, a new election, 4 Sept. 1882. Hci. W.J. Armstrong 103 1). W. Ferris 49 Pop 2500 No. of voters 312 NEW WESTMINSTER, DIST. John llobson 262 James Orr 168 HJ. Kirklund 127 W. Lndner 76 H. Dawson 60 W. Inane 15 Pop 1600 No. of voters 800 VICTORIA, CITY. Hon . R . Beaven 459 Theo. Davie 899 Simeon Duck — 368 M. W.T.Drake 361 A. Wilson 321 W. Wilson 281 Dr. Trimble 280 J. W. Williams 237 James Dnnnmond 105 Pop 6000 No. of voters 1214 VICTORIA, DIST. G. A. McTavish 113 R.F.John 110 T. B . Humphreys 100 T. J. Mcllmoyl 66 YALE. CA.Semlin 254 J. A. Mara 240 P.Bennett 194 H.D.O. Armytage 98 J. Pearson 78 G. Sproat 68 — . McGirr 60 Mr. Bennett having died a new election held 13 Oct. 1882. Geo. B.Martin 244 T. B. Humphreys 157 :11 I y i Ill PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, (Entered Confederation 1 July 1873.) Lieutenant Governor* — His Honour the Honourable Thomast. Heath Haviland, Q.C. 8. of the late Hon. Thomas Heath Haviland, formerly of Gloucestershire, England, who was for many years before the introduction of Responsible Govt.,. 1851, a mem. of the Ex. and Leg. Councils and Colonial Sec. of P.E.I. B. at Charlottetown, 13 Nov. 1822. Ed. at Brus- sels, Belgium. M., 1847, Annie Elizabeth, dau. of John Grubbe, Esq., late of Horsenden House, Bucks, Eng. Called to the Bar, P.E.I., 1846. Created a Q.C, 1865. A Colonel in the Volunteer Militia. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, P.E.I, from April 1859 till Nov. 1862 ; for a short period, 1865 ; from 1866 to 1861 ; and from Sept. 1870 until April 1872, during which several periods he held the office of Colonial Secy, almost constantly, except in 1865, when he was Solicitor General. Was Speaker of the Provl. Assem. from 1863 to 1864, and Leader of the Opposition in that Chamber from 1867 until the g.e. 1870. Entered Local Cabinet again, 13 April 1873, and held office of Provincial Secretary, which he resigned in 1876, Was a delegate to the Quebec Union Conference, 1864 ; and to Ottawa, with Hon. Messrs. Pope and Howlan, May 1873, to arrange final terms upon which P.E.I, was admitted as a Province of the Dominion. Has sat for Georgetown in Provl. Assem. since 1846. Called to the Sen- ate on P.E.I, entering the Union, 18 Oct. 1873. Apptd. Lieut. Governor of P.E.I., 14 July 1879. (Salary, $1000.)— Govern- ment House, Charlottetown. Private Secretary/ — Eustace H. Haviland. Apptd. lytb July, 1879. {Salary, $325.) Provisional Aide de Camp. — J/ayor James Peakb. (Apptd. 22 July, 1879.) ♦PREVIOUS LIEUTENANT QOVERNOKS. Sir W. C. F. Robinson, K-CM-G-, from 1870 to 1874. Sir Robert Hodgson, Kt., from 1874 until July 1879. Prince Etfunrd hlai^^l. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. 325 On the 6th March 1879 the then existing Government was defeated by a vote of 19 to 10 in tlie House of Asseni. The Ministry resigned next day, and His Honour the Lieut. Gov. called upon the Hon. Wilfred Sullivan, then leader of the Opposition to form a new Administration, in which duty he succeeaed; and the Executive Council, as now consti- tuted, is as follows: — Attorney General, {Premier). — //o/t, W. VV. Sullivan, Q. C. ($1300.) Provl. Secty., Treas. and Commr.qf Public Lands. — Hon. Donald Ferguson. ($1300.) iJommr. qf Public Works. — Hon. Wm. Campfjell. ($1300.) m\ Without portfolio Hon. Neif- McLeod. • " ISaml. Prowse. " J.O. Arsenault, " John Lbfurgv. " Peter Gavin. <}lerk and Provl. Auditor. — Robt. F. DeBlois. (Apptd. 10 April, 1882. (Salary, $1200.) (Elected Oct. 1878 ; and Nov. 1882. ) * President. — Not elected. Clerk. — John Ball. — First apptd. April 1867 ; re-apptd. -April 1879. PREVIOUS SPEAKERS. 1. Hon. Herbert Bell, from March 1874 to 1876. 2. Hon. John Balderston, from March 1877 to 1882- ■j5Sb»**-— ■ |i ill I n h I::! 1: : I i' !^i 326 Prince Edward Island, Annear, Hon. Thomas, J. P. {King's^ 2nd District.) Youngest s. of Capt. Wm. Annear. Dir. of Mines in the? Co. Cornwall, Eng. Emigrated to Can. in the year 1840. B.. in the Parish of St. Austle, Co. Cornwall. M., at Montague^ P.E.I., 14 March 1842, Janet McFarlane. First returned ta' L. C. Nov. 1878, A Conservative. — Montague Bridge,. P.U.I. Balderston, Hon. John. ( Queen^s 1st District.) Eldest s. of the late Benjamin Balderston, who was a mill owner and machinist in Lincolnshire, Eng., and who emigrated to P.E.I. 1822. Mother's maiden name. Miss Elizabeth Deacon, of Wexford, Irel. B. at Little York, P. E.I. ,1831. Ed. there. M. 1862, to Miss Sarah L. Weeks. Has been a Commr. or Judge ox the Small Debt Court. First returned to Parlt. forprcKent seat 1866 ; re-elected 1874, and" again at election, Nov. 1882. Apptd. Presdt. 1877; re- appointed after g.e. 1879. A Liberal. — Fountain Farm, North Wiltshire, P.E.I. B(JRK,4, ^on. Stewart. (Prince, 2nd Dist.) Is a farmer. First returned to Parlt. at election held- Nov .1878. A Conservative . — Freetown, P.E.I. Clow, Son. James, J. P. (Queens, 2nd Dist.) B . in 1 837 . Is a merchant and farmer, and a J . P . First returned to Parlt. at election held Nov. 1882. A Conser-- vative. — Murray Harbor, P.E.I. DoDD, Hon. Thomas Walker. (Charlottetown and Royalty. y Is head of the extensive fiim of Doddand Rogers, Hardware Meichants. First returned to Parlt. in 1872, on resignation, of the sitting mem,, Hon.T.H. Haviland. In 1878, apptd. Provl. Secy, in the Davies administration. Re-elected at g.e., 1878. Resigned with his colleagues in Feb. 1879. A. Liberal. — Charlottetown, P.E.I. Fraser, ^on. James William, J/./?. (Kings, 1st Dist.) Of Highlard Scotch descent. B. at Pictou, N.S., 1850. Ed. at the Academy there and at Harvard Univ., Mass., where he graduated M.D. in i87l. M., Dec. 1875, Tollo Marie^ Prince Edward Island. 327 dau. of the late J. F. Newbery, Esq., of Charlottetown. SettledatSt. Peter's, in 1871, where he has since continued to practise his profession. Is a mem. of the firm of McCalluiL. & Fraser, fish and meat packers. First returned to Parit. for present .seat at Election held 15th Nov. 1882. A Liberal. — St. Peter's Bay, King's Co., P.E.I, KiCKHAM, Hon. Lawrence. {Kings, \st Dist.) Of Irish origin. S. of Edward Kickham, who for some years was a mem. of the Leg. Assem. Is a merchant. First returned to Parlt. at Election held in 1878. A Liberal, but a supporter of the Sullivan Administration. — Souris East, P.E.L Mackenzie, ^on. Angus Bruce. {Queens, \st Oist.) Descended from the MacKenzies of Ross-shire. Fifth s. of the late Mr. John MacKenzie, of Hartsville, Strathalbyn, who came from Inverness-shire, Scot, in 1840, by Catherine, dau. of Geo. McLeod, of Toran, Eaasay. B. in Scot. Ed. at Hartsville School and the Central Academy, Charlottetown. Is a merchant. First returned to L.C. lor present seat, Nov. 1876; re-elected, Nov. 1878, for a term of eight years. A Liberal. — Charlottetown, P.E.I. MacNutt, Hon. Peter. (Prince, 2nd District.) Youngest s. of the late Hon. Peter MacNutt, of Darnley, P.E.L, who was the second s. of the late James MacNutt, Esq., who came to the Island as Private Secretary to Gover- nor Patterson, in 1770. B. at Darnley, P.E.L, 5th April 1834, and ed. there and at the Central Academy, Charlotte- town. M., 30th Jpn. 1861, Anna Stewart MacNutt, of Malpeque, P.E.L Is a merchant and a farmer. Was a Commr. of Small Debts until the County Courts were estab- lished ; has been a Coroner for Prince Co, since 1863, and was High Sheriff of that Co. in 1875-6 and 1876-7- First returned for present seat in the L.C. at a Bye-election in June 1882 ; re-elected at the g.e , 15th Nov. 1882. A Liberal. — DarnUy, Prince Co. ; Malpeque, P.O., P.E.I. McMillan, Hon. Laughlin, J. P. {Queens, 2nd District.) Second s. of the late Eweu McMillan, Esq., who came to Western Covehead, P.E.L, with his parents and family from Argyllshire, Scot., in June 1806, by Eleanor Bell, who •■m 328 lYince Edimrd Island. emigrated' from Colonsay, Argyllshire, with her parents, in 1808. B. at Western Co/ehead 6 June 1828. Ed. at district school of same place. M. Mary Jane, sixth dan. of the late James Mutch, Esq., of Township No. 48. A J.P. since 1860. Elected to L.C, 7 Nov. 1878. A Liberal Conservative. — Woburn, Township No. 33, r .E.r. MuRiMiYj Hon. Joseph. (Prince^ 1st Dist.) B. in Prince Co., 11th April, 1827, and ed. in the mon Schools there. M., 18th Oct. 1847, Mary Bulger. Corn- Is a farmer. Was a Commr. of Highways for tifteen years, and has been on the Commission of the Peace. Parlt. at election held 15 Nov. 1882. oprosed to the abolition of theL.C— 7>o< No. 11, Prince P.E.I. First returned to A Liberal and Co., Nicholson, Hon. J.>mes. (Queen's, 2nd Dist.) S. of Samuel Nicholson, who emigrated to P.E.I, in 1803, from the Isle of Skye, Scot., by Flora McLeod. B. at Belfast, P.E.I., 16 Oct. 1827, and ed. at the District School there. M. 15 Sept. 1855, at County Harbour, N'S , Mary Jane Munroe. A farmer. First returned to Leg. Assem., 7 Nov. 1878, by acclamation; re-elected at g.e., 1878, defeated at g.e., 1882. Elected to L.C. Nov. 1882. A Liberal Conser- vative, and a supporter of the Sullivan Govt. — Mdon, Belfast, P.EJ, Rogers, Hon. Benjamin, J.P. (Prince, \st Dist.) Parents emigrated to P.E.I, from Wales, soTue 50 years ago. B.at Bedeque, P.E.I., 7 Aug. 1837. Ed. at Bedeque. M., 20 Feb. 1862, at Tignish, P.E.I., to Susannah Abell, 3rd. dau. of Capt. Wm . Hubbard. A Commr. of small debts, and a J.P. First returned to L.C. Nov. 1878. A Liberal.— Alberton, P.E.L h l! f Prince Edimrd hlnnd. (Elected June 1882 ; Expires 1880.) 320 t Speaker. Clerk. — Arciuhald McNeill. First appointed April 1873. Re-appointed March 1877; again re-appoiated 24 April 1879. (^Salary ^ $650.) Sergt. at Arms. — (Leg.Assem.) D. McKbnzie. ($200.) AiiSENAULT, Hon. Joseph Octave, J"./*. {Princej 3rd Dist.) Of Acadian descent. B. in P.E.I., 5 Augt.^ 1828. Ed. there. M., April 1861, Miss Gaudet, also of Acadian descent. Was a member of the Ex. Council, 25 July 1873 to 1879. Again called to Ex. Council, 11 March 1879. First returned to Parlt. 1867 ; re-elcfcted in 1870, 1872, 1873, 1876, 1879, and 1882, A Conservative. — Wellington Station, P.E.I. Bkntley, George Wiiitefield Wheelock. (Prince, 4th Dist.) S. of Thomas Bentley, who emigrated from England. B. at Margate, P.E.I., 21 Dec. 1842. Ed. there. M., 9 Feb. 1870, Emma Jane, dau. of William Dennis, Esq. A merchant and farmer. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1879, and re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. — Kensington, P.U.I. Campbell, Lieut. Col. lion. William. (Queen's, 1st Dist.) Descended from the Argyll Campbells, and on mater- nal side from the Camerons of Lochiel. B. at New London, P.E.I., 12 Jan. 1836. Ed. there. M., 1 March 1863, Miss E. McLeod; 2nd, Jan. 1874, Miss Elizabeth Sutherland. Is Lieut. Col. Queen's Militia. Called to Ex. Council, March 1879. First returned to Parlt. for present seat, 14 Oct. 1873, on resignation of sitting mem. Again at g.e. 1876, 1879, and 1882. A Conservative. — Charlottetown. * The sessional allowance is $172 and mileage- t PREVIOUS SPEAKERS. 1. Hon. Cornelius Howat, from 1874 to 1876. 2. Hon. Henry Beer, from March 1877 to 1879. 3. Hon. John A. Macdonald, from 24 April 1879 to 1882. %,^- >:.\l m IN i;i 330 Prince Edward Island, Beer, Lieut. Col. Henry, J. P. {Queen! s^ 3rd Dist.) Second s. of the late Hon. George Beer, who emigrated from Barnstaple, Devonshire; Eng., to P.E.I, in 1832, and sat in the Leg. Assem. for several years. On the L.C. becoming elective he was returned for Queen's, 2nd Dist., which he continued to represent up to the time of his death in Jan. 1872. B. in Charlottetown, 7 June 1835, and ed. at the Central Academy there. M., at Pownal, 3 Augt. 1857, Miss Ann Jugs. Is a merchant, a J. P., and Lieut. Col. of 82nd Batt. Vol. Militia. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council in the Haythorne-Sinclair Administration in 1872, and re- signed his seat at the Council Board on the appointment of a Delegation to Ottawa to negotiate terms of Union. Elected Speaker of Leg. Assem. 17 March 1877. First returned to Parlt., for present seat, at g.e. 1870; re-elected at g.e. 1872, 1873, and 1876. Defeated at g.e. 1879, but re-elected al last g.e. A Liberal. — Charlottetown, P .E.I. Blake, Patrick. {Charlottetown.) S. cf >ohn Blake, p native of the Co. of Tipperary, IreL B. at Chailottetown, P.E.I. , 8 March 1846. Ed. at public schools. M., 20 Feb. 1870, Miss Annie Bell Inman. Is senior partner of the firm of Blake Brothers, wholesale mer- chants and exporters of cattle to Great Britain. Elected a mem. of the Municipal Co. of Charlottetown, Jan. 1880, and re-elected for two years in Jan. 1881. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e, A Liberal Conservative, and in accord with the general policy of the present Govt, of P.E.I. — Charlottetown^ P . E . I . Farquharson, Donald, J.P . {Queen's Co.., 2nd Dist.) B. in Queen's Co., P.E.I., 27 Jirly, 1834, and ed. at the Central Academy, Charlottetown. M., 1st, March 1860, Miss D. E. M. Smith, of Pownal ; 2nd, Oct. 1870, Miss Sarah Moore, of Charlottetown. Is a merchant, and a J.P. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, P.E I., for a short time in 1878-79. First returned to Parlt. for seat at g.e. 1876 ; re-elected at g.e. 1879, and again at last g.e. A Liberal. — Charlottetown^ P.E.I. Ferguson, ^0/?. Donald. {Queen^s Co. 3rd Dist) Grandparents emigrated from Blair, in Athol, Perthshire, Scot., and settled near Charlottetown in 1807. B. at East Prince Edward Island. 331 River, P.E.I,, 7 March 1839. M., 26 March 1873, Elizabeth, dau. of John Scott, Charlottetown. Is a Commr. for the maDagement of the Government Stock Farm at Falconwood ; Trustee of the Hospital for the Insane at Falconwood, and Commr. for the management of the Govt. Poor House, Char- lottetown. Political writer for the J s land Argus in 1869 and 1870, and Collector of Inland Revenue for Charlottetown for a short time in 1873. A farmer. Contested 1st Electoral Division of Queen's Co. for L.C. unsuccessfully in 1873, and same constituency in 1874, and was again defeated for the Fort Augustus District for the House of Assem. in 1876. Re- turned for King's, 3rd Dist., by acclamation, in June 1878, on resignation of the sitting mem. On the defeat of the Davies Ministry in March 1879, he was invited by the Hon. W. W. Sullivan to take a seat in his Cabinet as Commr. of Public Works, and accepted. Again elected by acclamation at the g,e. of the same year. Apptd. March 1880 Provl. Secy, and Commr. Crown Lands. Re-elected for present seat at last g.e. A Conservative ; one of the earliest advocates of Confedera- tion in P.E.I., and a supporter of the Hon. J. C. Pope's Rail- way Policy. — Tulloch, near Charlottetown, P.E.I. II - ('* GiLLis, John F., J/.Z)., C7.3/. (Prince, 5th Disf.) Family came from the Western Islands, Scot., and settled on the north shore of Richmond Bay, P.E.I. Fifth s. of John P. Gillis, an extensive farmer in the settlement of Mis- couche, P.E.I. B. there 21st Oct. 1846. Ed at St. Dun^ Stan's Coll., Charlottetown, and at McGill Coll., Montreal,, where he graduated with honors in 1877. M., 26 Sept. 1882, Regina, dau. of Thomas Doyle, Esq., Prince Co. First re- turned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative. — Summerside^ P.E.I. Gordon, Daniel. (Georgetown.) Parents came from Scot. B. at Brudenell River, P.E.I.,. 1821. Ed. at the County Grammar School. M. June 1854, Bridget, dau. of John Kearney, Esq., Georgetown, P.E. I. Is a merchant and shipbuilder. Was a Comr. under the Insol- vency Laws of the Province previous to entering Confedera- tion. Elected to L.C. for 4th Dist. King's 1866. First re- turned to Leg. Assem. at g.e. 1876, and apptd. to Ex. Council upon formation of a new Govt. Resigned his seat at Council 1878. Re-elected at g.e. 1879, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Georgetown. I « if;i:'' my . , ! 'h: 332 Prince Edimrd Maud. Holland, Augustus Edward Crevier, J. P. {Prince, Ath Dist.) S. of the late Major Frederick B. Holland, and grands, of the well-known Major, Hon. Samuel Holland, R.A., for many years Surveyor Genl. of L.C, and p mem. of the Ex. and Legislative Councils of that Province, who was present with Wolfe at Louisbourg and Quebec, and is mentioned in that great hero's will. B. at Try on, P.E. I., and ed. there. M., in 1858, the relict of Hon. James H. Conroy, M. D. Com- manded for some years a Volunteer Rifle Co. Apptd. a mem. of the Board of Works, 1873. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1873; defeated at g.e. 1876; re-elected at g.e. 1879 and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Centreville, P.EJ. Hooper, William, /.P. {Kings, 2nd District.) S. of Joseph Hooper, of Northleigh, near Honiton, Devon- shire, Eng. B. at Northleigh, 23 July 1824. Ed. in Honiton. Received an at ' Bermuda M., at Bermuda, 1847, Louisa Maria Esperanca. appointment in Her Majesty's Commissariat 1847; resigned it in 1850 to settle in P.E.I. Was Chairman of the Board of Railway Appraisers in 1872-73. First leturned to Parlt. in 1870 ; re-elected in 1872, 1879, and again at last g.e. A Liberal. — Marie Bridge, P.E.I. Lefcrgy, Hon. Johii. {Prince, 5th District.) Descended from Loyalists. S . of the late William Le- furgy, Esq. B. at Bedeque, P.E.I. Ed. there. M., Doretha, dau. of the late Ephriam Reid, Esq., of N.B. A merchant and shipbuilder. Apptd. a mem. of Ex. Council 1873. First returned to Parlt., July 1870, and has since been five times re-elected. Apptd. to Ex. Council in 1876, upon formation of Hon. L . H. Davies' Govt. Resigned his seat in Ex. Council 1878. Recalled to Ex. Council,~March 1879. A Conserva- tive, and was in favour of Confederation ; assisted in carrying the Railway Bill, and the Purification of Parlt. and Election Bills. — Summerside, P.E.L /. ' Macdonald, Archibald John, J.P. {Georgetown.) Second s. of Hugh Macdonald, Esq., of Panmure, who «at in the P.E.I. Assem. for many years, and held the office of Collector of Customs and Comptroller of Navigation Laws for Three Rivers, and Sheriff of King's Co., by Catherine, dau. of Archibald Macdonald, Esq., of Rhue and Lochshiel, Inver- Prince Edward Island. 335 ness-shire, Scot., find grands, of Andrew Macdonald, Esq., late of Island Thona, Inverness-shire and Panmure, P.E.I. B. at Panmure, P.E.I. , 10 Oct. 1834. Ed. at Georgetown and Charlottetown. M., 1 July 1873 at Charlottetown, JVurion, eld. dau. of D. Murphy, Esq., of London, and formerly of Hythe, Kent, Eng. Was CoD-^ntor of Customs for (leorge- to^n several years, and Consular Agent of the United States. ^A J.P. A Chairman of King's Co. Industrial Exhibition. Filled the position of Chairman of Public Accounts in the House of Assem. First returned to Parlt., March 1872; re- elected by acclamation in 1873. Was a mem. of the Ex. Coun. from July 1873 until September 1876, when he was defeated on the Education question owing to several of his colleagues in the Govt, having joined the Opposition before resigning, and dividing the Conservative vote. Re-elected at g.e. 1879, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Georgetown, P.E.I. Macdonald, John Alexander, J.P. {Prince, 3rd Dist.) S . of late Angus McDonald, Esq., J.P., of Bedeque and nephew of the late Right ttev. B. D. McDonald, Bishop of Charlottetown. B. at Bedeque, P.E.I., 22nd Occ. 1838, and ed. there. M., June 1875, Annie C, dau. of the late Robt. McKelvie, Esq., J.P. of Indian River. Is a farmer, and a J. P. Was Chairman of the Board of Railway Appraisers from 1873 to 1876, and is a Governor and Trustee of Prince of Wales' Coll. Was Speaker of the Leg. Assem. P.E.I from the first session after g.e. 1876 until the dissolution in 1882. First returned to Parlt. in 1870 and was re-elected at g.e. 1872, 1873, 1876, 1879 and at last g.e. A Liberal Conserva- tive.— /nc?jan River, Lot 18, P.EJ. MacDougall, John. {Kings, 'ird Dist.) M i! B. at Orwell, P.E.I. 28th Feb. 1832. Is a shipbuilder. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Dundas, P.E.I. Martin, Donald Charles. {Queens, Uh Dist.) Ancestors emigrated to P.E.I, from Inverness-shire, Scot., in 1803. B. in Belfast, P.E.I, 1850. Ed. at Prince of Wales' Coll., Charlottetown, and Dalhousie Coll., Halifax. Called to the Bar, P.E.I , 1879. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Charlottetown, P.E.I. 334 Prince Edivard Island. III il iU liP! Mathbson, John- Archibald, J.P,, (Prince, lat Dist.) S. of John Matheson, who came to P.E.I, from Ross- shire, Scot, and carried on shipbuilding and farming for many years at Black River, P.E.I., by hi§ wife Ann Matheson, who came from Argyleshire, Sco*^. B. at Black River, Queen's Co., 3rd Sept. 1844. Ed. t lere and in Charlotte- town. M., in Boston, Mass., 20th July 1881, Emily M. Olowser, formerly of London, Eng. Is a merchant and a J. P. Has held the office of Postmaster. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Campbreton, Lot 4, P.E.I. McFaydbn, Malcolm, J. P. {Kings^ Uh Dist.) Grandfather, Donald McFayden, was a soldier in the •73rd Highlanders, who married Flora Campbell, '^idow of Hugh McLean, of the 42nd Highlanders. They came from Argyleshire, Scot, to N.S. early in the present century and lived for a few years in the Co. of Pictou, from which place they went to Lake Ainslie, Cape Breton, where their only son, Edward, was m. to Catherine McKinnon, a native of the Isle of Muck. B. at Lake Ainslie, 9th June 1838, and went to P.E.I, in Augt. 1854. Ed. at the Central Academy, Charlottetown. Unmarried. Was a school teacher for nine years ; is now a farmer and general merchant. Was an unsuccessful candidate for Kings in the Commons at g.e. 1878, and has twice unsuccessfully contested Kings, 4tb Dist. in the Leg. Assem. P.E.I. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Murray Harbour^ P.E.I. McKay, Donald, J. P. (Queen^s, 2nd Dist.) Eldest s. of Donald McKay, Esq., who emigrated with his parents from Sutherlandshire, Scot., in 1815, and settled in P.E.I B. at New London, P.E.I., 13th Jan. 1836, and ed. there. M., 21 Feb. 1861, Jane, eldest dau. of John Matheson, Esq., ofWheatly River, P.E.I, Is a merchant and a J.P. Has been a mem. of the Board of Railway Commissioners for P.E.I. First returned to Parlt. at g.e. 1876 ; re-elected at g.e. 1879 and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and in favor of the abolition of the L.C. of P.E.I. — Rustieo, Oyster Bed Bridge, P.E.I McLaren, Peter, M.D., L.R.C.S.^P. {Edin.) (Kings, Zrd Dist.) Grandfather emigrated from Perth-shire, Scot, in 1803. fi. at New Perth, P.E.I., in 1841. Ed. at Prince of Wales' r. i Pri})rr Eihiiard Mand. 335 ^ t Coll., Charlottetown, P.E.I. Graduated at McGill Coll., Montreal, in 1869, and received L.R.C.S. & P., Edinburgh, in 1879. Unmarried. First returned to Parlt, at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Brudenell Mills; Neic Perth, P.E.I. ji McLean James, /?. (King^s, Ist Dist.) Grandfather, Charles McLean, emigrated from North of Scot, about 1800, lived for a short time at Charlottetown, but finally settled at East Point, 1805. B. at East Point, 9 April 1842. Ed. in P.E.I. M., Nov. 1870, Mary Armstrong, dau. of Hon. Joseph Wightman, M.L.C. A merchant. Has been a Governor of Prince of Wales' Coll. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council 1872-3, and sat at the Board of Works and at the Board of Education. An unsuccessful candiuate for Kings in Commons, Sept. 1873. First returned to Parlt. 1869 and continued to represent 1st Dist. of Kings until g.e. 1879, when he was defeated. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. — JSouris. m M McLean, John. {King's, lit Diit.) Of Highland Scotch descent. A mem. of the iirm of Matthew McLean & Co., general merchants, Souris East. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Conservative, and a «upporter of the Sullivan administration. ^>S^oMr/a East, P.E.I. McLeod, Hon, Neil, M.A. * {Charlottetown and Royalty.) Of Scottish parentage. B. in P.E.I., 15 Dec. 1842. Ed. at Wolfville, N.S., and is a graduate of Acadia College, N.S. M., June 1877, Adelia, dau. of James Hayden, Esq , of Vernon River, P.E.I. Called to the Bar, P.E.I., 1872 First returned to Parlt., for present seat at g.e. 1879. Sworn of the Ex. Council Provl. Secretary and Treasurer 11 March 1879, which oflBce he resigned in 1880. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Charlottetown, P.E.I. 3rd McMillan, Augus D (Queen's, Ath Dist) Ancestors emigrated from Colonsay, Scot., in 1803. B. at Wood Islands, P.E.I., in 1839, and ed. there. M., 1871, Clara S. Janes. Is a merchant. First returned to Parlt. at last g.e. A Liberal. — Wood Islands, P.E.I. oo' r> Pr'n)ce Edward Ifhixd. f I I i I Pehry, Stanihlaus Francis. (Prince, 1st Di^t) Descended from a French-Acadian family. B. at Tignish^ P.E.I., 1823. Ed. at St. Andrew's College, P.E.I. M.^ 1847, MisH Margaret Carroll. Represented Prince District in the P. P^, I. Asscm. from 1854 almost uninterruptedly until Jan. 1874, and was Speaker of the Assem. from 1873 until 1874. Has also sat in the Ex. Council of P.E.I. An un- successful candidate for Prince in House of Commons Sept. 1873. Ileturned to Commons lit g.e. 1874; defeated at g . e . 1878. Elected foi present seat in Leg. AsFem. 1879, and re- elected at last g.e A Liberal, — Tignish, P.E.I. xitowsE, y/on. Samuel . {Kings, 4th Dist.) S. of the late Mr. Wm. Prowse, of Charlottetown Royalty, who came to P.E.I, in 1823, from Devonshire, Eng. B. in the Royalty of Charlottetown, '28 Au.'. 1835. Ed. there. A J. P. A mem. of the Ex. Council. First returned to Leg. Assem. at g.e. 1867 for Kings, 4th Dist. Contested the same district in 1873, and was defeated on the question of Confederation. Returned for present seat in 1876, and ac- cepted a seat in the Coalition Govt, on the School question. Resigned the seat in the Govt, in Aug. 1878. Again returned at g.e. 1879, and acepted a seat in a Liberal Conservative Government Re-elected 31 July 1882. A Liberal Conserva- tive. — Murray Barbour, P .E.I. Sinclair, Peter. (Queen's, 1st Dist.) S. of the late Peter Sinclair,. Esq., by Mary Crawford^ both of Argyleshi-e, Scot. B. and ed. there. M., Feb. 1879, Margaret, dau. of A. McMurdo, of New Annan. A farmer. First returned to Parlt. in P.E.I., 1867. Was apptd. a mem. of the Board of Education, 1868. Was a mem of Ex. Council from 1869 to 1871, when the Govt, resigned; and again in 1872, in the Haythorne Liberal Administration, when he acted as Govt. Leader in the Assembly, and was a mem of the Board of Works. On the admission of P.E.I. into the Dominion, returned to Commons for Queen's, Sept. 1873, re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1874, and defeated at g.e. 1878. Elected to Leg. Assem. P. E. I. at last g.e. A Liberal, and in favour of reciprocal trade with the U.S. — Summerfield, P.E.I. Richard, James William. {Prince, 2nd Dist.) '. B. at Swansea, in Wales, 31 May 1850. Ed. at Prince of Wales' and St. Dunstan's Coll., Chaiiottetown. Unmarried. Prince Edward Idand. 337 First retiirnt'd to Parlt. Oct. ISTD, on resignation <>f sitting member. Ile-electod by atchimatiou 1870 ; re-elected at ^.o. 187*J, and again by ucchimatiou at last g.e. A Conservative. —Bide/ord, BuLLiVAN, Hon. William Wilfred, Q.C. {lun^s, 2nd />^v^) ford,. 1879, irmer. )td. a )f Ex. and [ation, '^as a E.I. Sept. Ded at A .S.— ice of rried . Descended from an Irish family. B. at New Lomlon, P.E.I., G Dec. 1843. Ed. at Central Academy and at St. Dunstan's Coll. M., at Charlottetown, 13 Aiij?. 187J, Alice Maud Mary, third dan. of John Fenton Newbury, Esq. (B.A., of Oxford Univ.), formerly of London, Eng., and of Siena, Italy. Has been a writer for the press. Was one of the editors of the Charlottetown Herald when it was tounded in 1864, and for some time subsequently. Called to the Bar of P.E.I., Trinity Term, 18G7. Created a Q.C. by the Govt, of P.E.I., June 1876, and by His E.xcellency the Governor General, under Letters Patent, 19 May 1879. Wis one of the counsel for the Provincial Govt., in the interest of the tenants, before the Land Commissioners' Court, under •' The Land Purchase Act, 1875.' Is a Surrogate in the Admiralty Court ; Presdt. of the Board of Education, and a Trustee of the P.E.I. Hospital for the Imane. Was a metn. of the Ex. Council from 22 April to June 1872, when he resigned. Re- appointed to the Ex. Council, with the office of Solicitor . General, on the formation of the Pope Administration, 18 April, 1873. Resigned his seat in the Ex. Council upon the resignation ot the Conservative Government, 4 Sept. 1876. Was unanimously elected leader of the Opposition at the meeting of the Leg., 14 March 1877. On 1 March 1879, moved, in the House, a resolution of non-confidence in the Government, which, after a long debate, was carried on 6 March, and the Administration resigned on the follow- ing day. Was immediately invited by the Lieut. Gov. Sir Robert Hodgson, to form a new Government. Suc- ceeded in forming an Administration, which was sworn in on 11 March 1879. Was elected leader of the Government by the unanimous vote of his party in both branches of the Leg., and was appointed Attorney General and Presdt. of the Ex. Council on the formation of the Administration. The House of Assem. was dissolved, and a g.e. held 9 April 18 i9, when the Government was sustained by a ma- jority of 26 to 4, being the largest support ever accorded to any administration in P.E.I. First returnef* to P*^ It. for Kings, Ist Dist., April 1872 ; returned for present seat at g.e. April 1873; by acclamation in May 1873, on his 20 338 Prilirr f'jihrnrtl hlomf. appointment to ottice. Ue-elected at g.e. 1876 and 1879, and again at hiHt g.e. A Liberal Conservative. — Biighlon Villa, Charlotfetown, J\E.I. Yeo, John. (Prince, 2nd /Mat.) • • B. at Porthill, P.E.I., 29 June 1837. Kd. at Uxbridgc, Eng. Unmarried. A mercliant and a shipowner. Elected M. W. Grand Master of the Free Ma.son.s of P.K.I., June 1875. Wa8 a member of the Ex. Council 1870, and Speaker of the Assem. 1871. Again appointed to Ex. Council, 27 Sept. 1873. Apptd. to Ex. Couucil 1876. Resigned March 1879. Re-elected at last g.e. Has sat for present seat since 1858. A Liberal.— A)r//i///, F.E.I. DEPUTY HEADS AND CHIEF OFFICERS OF THE P.E.I. CIVIL SERVICE. Asst. Provl. Secy, and Treas. — Arthur Newbery. (Salary, $1,000.) Registrar of Deeds. — Benj. DesBrisay. (Salary, $1,000.) Provl. Auditor.— R. F. DeBlois. (Salary, $1,200.) !ti Secy. Board of Works.-— J. W. Morrison. (Salary, $1,000.) i! Asst. Commr. Crown Lands. — Robt. G. Strong. (Salary, $800.) P)'i))rf Kftiirn'ff InffituJ. 830 1879, ighton bridge, •Elected e 1875. iker of cil, 27 I^Iarch Qt seat F THE (Salary, LEGISLA11VK COUNCIL. » Gi^ncral Elortions Imvo ]>con hvl\ as follows: Ot., 1870; Oct., 1874; Oct., 187S; Nov., 1882. Names of tho <'an«li(laU's and tho total nnniher of votos poUod by each. Tho names of tho unsiuM-essful ciindidates are given in Jfiilirs : — {Eltrfuw 14 Xnr. 1S7S.) KINGS COUNTY. ht Dint. liftwrence Kiekhaiii 279 James A. Betttun 22G James Dingicell Hi! 2nd Dint. j I Thomas Annear 248 JJitn id McDonald 181 PRINCE COUNTY. \Ht Diat. Benjamin Rogers 403 James Barclay .'i4S Charles McCarthy 115 2iul Dint. Stewart Burns 22fi \Villiam ii. Strong l'^7 QUEEN'S COUNTY. Int Dilf. AnjrM.i B. McKenzic .{14 WiiUun, S. MrXrUl 21'.> A. /'. Sjtenrt; 18 2nd Dist. Lauchlin McMillan 2.').3 ./. r. Uhh 200 3r(/ Dint. (Chailottetown and Hoy ally-) Hon. Thomas ♦V. Dodil 251 Henry Lonyworf/i 2.30 1,000.) 00.) $1,000.) (Salary, {Election Nov., 1882.) KINGS COUNTY'. Ut Dist. J. W. Eraser, M.D 615 Simon Bolger 415 2nd List. James Clow 471 Daniel Maedonahl 450 PRINCE COUNTY. \st Diet. Joseph Murphy 308 R.B.Reid 281 J. F. White 210 C.R.O'Leory 88 2nd Dist. Peter McNutt... J). H. McDonald. 601 3()7 QUEEN'S COUNTY. ht Dist. John Balderston. Jidtyi tfolniHon. . . . 2nd Dist. James Nicholson. Roderick Munn... 5t)9 478 572 472 • ti*.* • •■# 340 Prince Edward Island. LEGISLATIVE 'ASSEMBLY. General Elections have been held as follows : Aprils 1873; Aujrt., ISTO; April, 1879; May, 1882. Names of Candidates and number of votes polled by each at Gene- ral Election 8th Mav 1882. The names of the unsuc- cessfnl Candidates are in Italicfi : — t h KING'S COUNTY. 1st JDist. John MacLean James D. McLean Acclamation 2,1(1 Dlst. William Hooper 599 Hon. W. W. Sullivan 569 P. R, Bowirn 481 J. C. Umlerhay 400 iiobt, Mooneii. 49 ^rd Dist. John McDf ugall 527 Peter McLaren, M. D 512 Geo.F. fJweii...^ 489 Peter MucCourt , 450 4^/; Dist. Malcolm McFayclen 625 J . E. Robertson, M . I) 596 Sdvmcl Proirnc 530 WilUmn A. Puob 451 Dr. Robertson having resign- ed his seat, a new election was held 31 July, 1882. Samuel Prowse Elected GEORGETOWN & ROYALTY. A. J. Macdonald 186 Daniel Gordon 170 Malcolm Mmdoiudd 133 QUEEN'S COUNTY. Ist Dist. William Campbell Peter Sinclair W. IK Stftrart James Johnston Donald Cameron 857 733 720 571 240 2nd List. Donald Friu aharson . . Donald McKay Wni. Laird A.C.Shaw 3rd Dist. Henry Beer 794 Donald Fe rguson 757 DaviJ E{/rd Dist. John A . Macdonald 812 J. 0. Arsenault-... 606 James McDongall 434 ith Dist. G. W. Bentley 691 A. E. C. Holland 598 Alex. Im iru ...... 652 Wm. C.Lea 519 5^^ Dist. 87-^ Jo.nF. Gillis,M.D 440 8i4 J Oiiii L''»i S. of the late Capt. J. M. McLeod, 25th Regt. B. 183^. Ed. at U.C. Coll., and at Queen's Univ. Kingston, where he graduated B. A. Is a Barrister-at-Law of Ont. M., 1876, Mary Isabel, dau. of Wm. Drever, Esq., of Fort Garry. Entered the Militia in 1856 and became Major and Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1867. Served as Brigade Major of Militia with the Red River Expedition in 1870, and was mentioned in the despatches of Sir Garnet (now Lord) Wolseley. Created C.M.G. for his services. Apptd. Capt. in North West Mounted Police, 1873 ; Assistant Commr., 1874 ; Stipiendiary Magistrate for N.W.T. ; Commr. in command of *he Force, and a mem. of the N. W. Council, Oct. 7, 1876. Appt. 1880, Stipendiary Magistrate with jurisdiction extending over all cases, both Criminal and Civil. Is ez-officio a mem of the Council.— Fori McLeod, N.W.T. * Brelaxd, Paschal. It a French Half-Breed. Is a trader and does an exten- sive business throughout the North West Territories. Apptd. by the Crown, a mem. of the Council, 1877. — White Horse Plains. Irvine, Lieut,-Col. Aitcheson Gosford. S. of the late Lieut-Col. J.G Irvine, Principal A.D.C. to the Gov. Gen. of Canada. Served in the Red River Expedition under Sir Garnet (now Lord) Wolseley in 1870, as Major of the 2nd Batt. Quebec Rifles, and afterwards commanded the Provisional Batt. of Infantry on Service in Manitoba. On the formation of the North West Mounted Police was apptd. Asst. Commr. and became Commr. 1st Nov. 1880. Apptd. a Mem. of the N. W. Council, April, 1882.— Regina, N.W.T.; Manitoba Ctub, Winnipeg ; Rideau Club, Ottawa. Reed Haytbr. T - Served as Adjutant in the Provisional Batt. of Infantry,, on service in Manitoba. Was for a time in the outside ser- vice of the Dept. of the Interior, and is now Indian Agent for Battleford Dist. Apptd. a mem. of the N. W. Council, April,, 1882. —Battleford, N W. T. 11! North West Territories. ♦Clarke, Lawrence, J. P. 343 i Is a Chief Factor in the service of the Hudson's Bay Co.; a notary public, and a J. P. Elected for the district of Lome, March 25, 1881, being the first person elected to the N. W. Council.— i^orf Carleton, N. W. T. Clerk of the N. W, Council. — AmedIie E. Forget. Eegina, N. iV. T. ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. Stipendiary Magistrates. Lieut.'Col. Hugh Richardson. — Battleford^ N. W, T. Lteut.-Col. James F. McLeod. — Fort McLeod, N. W.T. Clerks of Courts. Saskatchewan District Court. Division JVo' 1.— H. Richardson, Jr.— Battleford. " No. 2.— J. FiNLAYSON.— Prmce Albert- No. 3.— L. J. yLv^RQ.— Edmonton. ♦« Qu'Appelle District Court. Dixie Watso^ —QxCAppdle. Bow River District Court. Division No. \.— Inspector T. Bowling.— iTiri McLeod. " No. 2.— Inspector FRA^iK ^OR}ixy.— Fort Walsh. Registrars. William J. Scott, General Registrar. — Battleford. Lieut.'Col. Alex. Sproat. — Prince Albert. *Under 38 Vict. cap. 49, sec. 13, authority is given the Lieut.-Gov., upon proof that any district or portion of the North West Territories, not exceeding an area of one thousand square miles, contains a popu- lation of not less than one thousand inhabitants of adult age, exclusive of aliens or unenfranchised Indians, to proclaim such district or por- tion into an electoral district, and entitled to elect a member of the Council ■ 344 North Wmt Territories^. NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE. Commissioner. — Litut.-Col. A. <>. Irvine. Sujierintemtfnf nnd Adjutant. — Copt. John Cctton. Superiiite7ule)iti- — Major J. M. Walsh. Major F. Croziek. I- Major W. M. Herchmkr. ^ Ca2)t. A. ShuRTLIFF. J. H. M( Illree. Impecforfi. —.J(tHN French, Severe Gaonon, FrtANcis J. Dickens, Arthir H. Ciriesbach, W. D. ANTRor>us, Percy R. Neale, S. B. Steele, Alex. R. Macdonell, Thos. Dowllvg. Ayles- WORTH B. Perry, H. B. Prevost, Frank Norman. Surgeon.— Aviii'STi'S Jukes, M.D. • Asst. SurgeouS' — 'RoBT. Miller. M.D. Geo. a. K.-nnedy, M.D. i INDIAN SUPERINTENDENCY. Commissioner. — Hon. E. Dewdney. — Regina. Assista7it Commissioner. — E. T. Galt. — Winnipeg. Liipectors of Farming Agencim. —T. P. WadswoRth, and J. J. McHuGH, {Asaintant.) Indian Agents.— J. M. Rae. Carleton ; A. McDonald, Qti^Appelh; W. J. Anderson, AW»*ou^>» ; Hayter Reed, BattJ^iford; C- E. Denny, Fort McLeod ; W. Pocklington, (Sub-Agent) Cal- gary- t SI >i Dominion Lands, Manitoba and N. V/,T. Land Commissioner. — Aquila Walsh. Winnipeg. Inepector of Agencies . — William Pearce, Wiiunprg. Inspector of Colonization Componirs. — Rufl'S Stephenson, Ottawa. Crown Timber Agents.— "E,. F. Stephenson, Winnipeg^ and Thomas Anderson, Edmonton. Land Agents.— A. H. Whitcher, Winnipeg : Major James Allen, NelaonviUe ; A, E. Fisher, Odanah ; h. W. Pentland, Birtle; G. F. Newcombe, Turtle Mountain; E. C.Smith, Brandon; J. McD. Gordon, Regina ; Geo. Duck. Prince Albert. ; Ij KENS, KALE, A'LES- NE"W^FOUNDLAND. (^Although Newfoundla7id has not yet entered the Dominion, it has been considered that a list of the Members of the Legislature -. of the Colony would be useful for purposes of reference.) Governor, Commander in Chief and Vice-Admiral. — Lieut, Col. Sir Henry Fitzhardinge Berkeley Maxse, K.C.M.G. {Salary, $12,000.)— >S'^ John's. Administrator. — Sir Fredeeick B. T. Carter, K.C.M.G. Private Secretary. — Thomas Kough. Colonial Aide de Camp. — Alexander Murray, ^sj., C.M.G. J. J. e; W. C- E. t) Cal- mca . Thomas Allen, Birth ; don ; J' EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. (Appointed 1878.) Sir W. V. Whiteway, K.C.M.G., Attorney General {Pre- mier). $2,400. Hon. W.J. S. Donnelly, Receiver General. $2,400. '« E. D. Shea, Colonial Secretary. $2,400. " Alex. Mackay. " Edward White. " James S. Winter, Q.C . Clerk of the Council. — Hon. E. D. Shea. tmmm nt ! ( i li §( t 346 Neirfoundland. $cfiii$lativiJ (JHottttcil. Hon. Edward Morris, President. {Salary, $240.) « Edward White, Apptd. 7 May 1861. <' Peter G. Tessieu, '• <* <' John Winter, » 15 April 1865. « Edward D. Shea, " 25 Jan. 1866. " Aug. W. Harvey, « I Feb. 1870. " Robt. Thorburn, '' Thomas Talbot, " John H. Warren, " James Fox, '* Charles R. Ayer, , " 3 May 1870. 13 Jan. 1879. <( (( (( u Acting C7grA;.— Hugh F. Carter. (Salary, $600.) Acting Master in Chancery. — Thos. J. Kough. (Salary $600.) Usher of the Black Rod.—W. F. Rennie. {Salary, $600.) (Elected 1S82.) Speaker.— Hon. R. I. Kent, Q.C. Elected Feb. 15, 1883. {Salary, $924.) Clerk. — John Stuart. {Salary, $1,260.) Acting Clerk. — Richard Holden. {Salary^ $Q00) alary 1600.) 1883. Neivfoundland. 347 Conception Bay. Port de Grave Div....3o\in'QMi\tit. Tj 1 /-T r»- r //ow. Ambrose Shea. Barbour Grace Dw.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Carbonear Div A.Penny. Bay de Verd Div Levi Garland. cSir Wm. V. Whiteway, K.C.M.G. Trinity Bay \ Robert Bond. ( Joseph Boyd. r Hon. W. J. S. Donnelly. PlacbntiaandSt. Mary's -I Albert Bradshaw. ( Michael Tobin. f Smith, McKay. TWILLINGSGATE and FOGO. - R.P. Rlce. [Jabez P. Thompson. T,,^ „ • f //on. James Spearman Winter, O.C. ^^'"^ jjohn E.P.Peters. Fortune Bay James 0. Fraser. BuRGEo AND La Polle Alex. M. McKay. ( Robert J. Kent, Q.C. St. Johns, East 4 J. J. Dearin. ( Robert J. Parson. ( Patrick J. Scott. St. Johns, West .... J Philip D White. ( James J. Callanan. Ferryland I Daniel Joseph Green. \ Augustus F. Goodndge. Conception Bay. r, , ,- . ,-,. f /?on. Joseph J. Little.O.C Harbour Mam Div..^ ^.^^^ Macdonnell. ! f i PART VIII. CHAIRMEN OF SELECT STANDING COMMITTEES HOUSE OF COMMONS, 1883. Standing Orders. — James Be atv, Esq., ^. C. Expiring Laws. — Edward Hackett, Esq. Railways, Canals and Telegraph Lines.'^Hon. Sir PI. Langevin. Public Accounts. — J. C. Rykert, Esq Q.C. Banking id Commerce. — Hon -^ J . A.»hott, Q.C, Privileges and Elections. — Hon. , , i'l . I \nchet. Miscellaneous Private Bills. — W. i h,-£,^. Fsq., Q.C. Joint Committee on Printing. — Hon. John Sim/son. Immigration and Colonization. — Peter White, Esq. PARTY "VVHIPPERS IN" FOR SESSION OF 1883. Ministerial. A. T. H. Williams, {East Durham.) L. H. Massue, {Richelieu.) ^ M. B. Daly, (Halifax.) Opposition. James Trow, (South Perth.) C. J. Rixfret, (Lotbiniere.) G. G. King, (Queen's, N.B.) Thos. Robertson, ((SMiwrwe.) RESIDENCES OF MINISTERS IN OTTAWA. Eight Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, Stadacona Hall. Sir Leonard Til ley, Brunswick Place, Metcalfe St. Sir Alexander Campbell, 233 Metcalfe St. Sir Hector L. Langevin, 45 Slater St. Sir Charles Tupper, Cliff side, 22 Vittoria St. John Henry Pope, Russell House. Mackenzie Bowell, 41 Gloucester St.; Rideau Club. A. P. Caron, 271 Daly St. A.W.McLelan, 119 Daly St John Carling, Russell House. John Costigan, Russell House Frank Smith, Russell House . J. A. Chapleau, Russell House. D. L. Macpherson, Speakers Chambers,The Senate. M9 :es N. PRIVATE SECRETARIES TO MINISTERS. Premier and Minister of the Interior. — Mr, Joseph Pope. Minister of Finn nee. — Mr. (J ^.Crookshank. Postmaster General. — Mr. A. L. Jarvis. Minister of Agriculture. — Mr. J. E. W. Currier. Minister of Justice. — Mr. H. G. Ilopkirk. Minister 0/ Militi'i. — Mr. F. E. P. Aid rich. Minister of Marine and Fisheries. — Mr. T. E. McLelan. Minister 0/ Customs. — Mr. E. L. Sander!^. Minister 0/ Inland Revenue. — Mr. M. F. Walsh. Speaker of the Senate. — Mr.L. C. Pereira. * Minister of Railways and Canals. — Mr. C. C. Chipman. Minister of Public Works. — f Englixh. — Mr. F. J.^Mackay. \ French. — Mr. E. Ro'y. 33. DOMINION ARBITRATORS. ^ James Cowan Gait. Hon. Isaac Buchanan HamiW, '- Joseph Simard Montreal. W. Compton Halifax. Secretary, Charles Thibault, Ottawa, fe St. Club. mate. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS. His Honor Judge Clark .... Cohourg. F. Broughton, Esq. Hamilton. LiEUT.-CoL. D'Arcy Boulton. Cohourg, Secretary, L. K. Jones, Ottawa. rV^v ■MHI PART IX. it.i '!|l THE DEPUTY HEADS AND CHIEF OFFICERS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE, DOMINION OF CANADA. Librarian of ParHament Alphei's Todd, CJf.O., LL. D. S. of the late Henry Cooke Todd, Esi}., of London, Eng. B. 1821. Emigrated to Can. in 18:^3. M., 1845, dau. of the late Capt. St. John, H.M, 9th Regt. Apptd. Assist. Librairian to the Assem. of U.C, 1836, and Principal Librarian of the Assem. of Can. (after the Union of Upper and Lower Can.), 1855, r taining the same ofhce after the Confederation of B.N. A., 1867. Is honorary LL.D, of Univ. of Queen's Coll. Kingston, Ont. Created a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, 1881. Is the author of a Manuel of l*(irli(iment(iry Practice, for Colonial use, (1840) ; Ptirlinmentary Government in Englund, 2 vols. (London 1867-9); Parlia- mentary Government in the British Colonies, (1880), and of various pamphlets. S'lhtry^ $3,200.) 403 Albert St. Deputy of the Minister of Justice. — GEORfJE Wheelock BuRBiDGE, Jf.J. — B. at Canning, Cornwallis, N.B., 6th Feb., 1847. Ed. at Mount Allison, Weshyan Coll. M. Miss Alice E. Maxv/ell, of St. John, N.B. Called to the Bar N. B., 22 June 1872. Practised his profession at St. John, as a mem. of the firm of Harriton k Burbridge . Was. Secy, of the Com- mrs. for Consolidating the Laws of N.B. Apptd. to present position, 23rd May, 1882. (Salary, $3,600.)— 276 Metcalfe St.', Rideau Club. \ . ill! I Chief Clerk. Department of Justice. — Augustus Power, B.C.L. B. at Quebec, Dec. 1847. Admitted to the Bar, Que., July 1869. Practised his profession at Montreal. Entered Dept. Justice, Dec. 1864. Apptd. Chief Clerk, Jan. 1879. (Salary, $2,'^00.) — Daly St., Ottawa, Eastern Departmental Building. Inspector of Penitentiaries. — James George Moylan, S. of the late Michael Moylan, Esq., by Mary, third dau. of G ,o. Thomas Bird, Esq., of Little Haywood, Staffordshire, Eng. B. nearMaynoth, Co. Kildare, Irel., 11th Jan., 1826. Ed. at St. Jarlath's Coll., Tuam., and at the Royal Coll. of Maynooth. M.Bessie, fifth dau. of the late Daniel Markham, Esq., Co, Ch*il Service OJinrif. 351 THE ,L. D. r. B. e late ian to of the Can.)> ion of B Coll. of St. nuel of lenUiry Pitrliii- md of EELOCK h Feb., s Alice B., 22 a mem. le Com- jreseiit alfe St.\ Power, ar. Que., Entered [1. 1879. irtmental .AN. S. 0(0 .0. Eng. B. d. at St. aynooth. sq., Co. Clare, and niece of " The O'Gorman,'' of the Causeway Ennis, who was also uncle of Colonel The O'Gorma.i Mahon, M.l'., Senior member of the English H< 'ise of (Jomraons, and of Major C'Gorman, ex-M.P. for Watcnford. Emigrated to Phil- adelphia, IS.'il, where, immediately after arriving, he pro- ceeded to \Vashingt(m, and became attached to the Chilian Legation under Count de Carvallo, then Minister Plenipoten- tiary. Upon the recall ot the Envoy, in 18.52, formed his first connection with the press by becoming correspondent of the N.Y. Times, and several other loadingjournalsinthe Northern and Southern States, and subsequently joined the staff of the N.Y. Times, on which he remained imtil 1856, when he came to Canada at the earnest BolicitHtitm of the Superior o1 the Jesuit Mission at Guelph. as professor of Classics and English Literature in the College just then completed. Owing to the financial depression then prevailing the euterpri.se was abandoned, and he became Principal of what may l)e re- garded as the first R. C. High School of Upper Canada. Urged by the late Hon. T. D'Arcy McGee, and a large number of prominent Roman Catholics, he consciled to resume his con- nection witli the press, and established at Toronto, in 1858, the Canadian Freeman, which he continued to edit and pub- lish until 1873. Meanwhile, the Premier of the day — Sir .John Macdonald— and Hon. J. C. Chapais, deeming it advisable that some efi'ort should be made to encourage and direct em- igration from Ireland to Canada, induced Mr. Moylan to ac- r pt the post of Commissioner, at Dublin, for the Dominion, in order to promote the policy of the Government in this re- spect. Here he remained till March, 1872. On his return to Can. was apptd. on the Board of Penitentiary Directors. In 1875, when the Board was abolished, pursuant to the Pen- itentiary Act of that year, he was retained as Acting Inspec- tor, and some months afterward he was nominated Inspec- tor — (-Salary, $2,700.) 154 Daley St. Ottawa; Eastern Depart- mental Building. Deputy of the Minister of Militia and Defence.- -Lieut. Col. Hon. Charles Eugene Panet. B. in the City ol Quebec, 17 Nov. 1830. Ed. at Quebec Seminary. M. 1st, Miss Dionne (she d.) ; 2nd, the dau. of the late Hon. R. U, Harwood (she wis- ,real . .833. ifice; yards rown 1855, ,200.> "esterii ronto,, 1846, nierly orated ed the id has Is a Apptd^ Eastern . in the lat city chaids, public n., from I. Isaac erred to B. Mac- pptd. to- aoted to- an.) Oct. .r of the the ist e Bar of ne year. s through Sketches. of Celebrated Canafharts, etc., (Quebec, 1862) ; The Place British Americans have Won in History, a lecture (Ottawa, 1865); The Bibliothrca Canadensis, or a Manual of Canadian Ltteralure (Ottawa, 1867) ; The Canadian Lefjal IHrerdory, a Gaide to the Bench and Bar of Canada (Toronto, 187H). In 1862 estab- liKhed The Canadian i'arliawtmtary Companion, which he continued to publish and edii annually up to 1876. Edited The Speeches and Addresses of lion. Thos. IfArcy Mcdee^ in Javour of British American Union (London, 1865). He is also Etlitor of The Dominion Annual Register and Review, established by him in 1878. Is a corresponding mem. of the Manitoba Historical Soc, of the Buffalo Historical Soc, of the Literary and Historical Sec. of Quebec, of the New York Historical Hoc, and of the American Geographical Soc, a Fellow of the Royal Soc. of Northern Antiquaries of Denmark, and one of seven Honorary Fellows of the Royal Colonial Institute of England. — Bank Street Road; E istern Departmental Building. Queen's Printer.^JAeut. Col. Brown Chamherlin, C.M.G.^ D.C.L.,V>. 26 March 1827. Ed. at McGill Univ. M., 1870, the relict of Charles Fitzgibbon, Esq., of Toronto. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1850. Was for many years one of the conduc- tors of the Montreal Gazette ; Secy, to the Board of Arts and Manufactures, L.C., from 1857 to 1862 ; Pn^sdt. of that body from latter date to 1865 ; a Commr. on behalf of Can. to the London Universal Exhibition, 1862. Sat for MissiRqiioi in the Commons from the Union until apptd. Queen's Printer, 7 June, 1870. Has been Co!, of the 60th Batt. (Missisquoi Volunteers) Light Infantry, and a Fellow of McGill Univ., from which he obtained a degree of D.C.L. 1867. Created by the Queen, in Sept. 1870, a Companion of the Most Dii-ting- uished Order of St. Michael and St. George, for his services in repelling Fenian invaders at Eccles' Hill, May same year. (*S'a^«rv.?>2,300.) — McKay St., New Edinburgh ; Eastern Depart- mental Building. Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. — Richard Pope. B in Toronto, 19 Oct. 1827. M. Miss Barnes, of St. Hyacinthe, P.Q. Called to the Bar, L.C., 1855. Asst. Editor L. C. Law Reports, 1855 to 1861. Govt. Gold Mining Commr. foi the Chaudiere (Quebec) Gold Mining Division, 1865 to 1871 ; Presdt. of the Chaudiere Gold Mining Asso., 1866 to 1871. Clerk in Corresponding Branch Dept. of Public Works, and Private Secy. t<> Minister, 1872 until 21 Oct. 1873, when apptd. to present office. A Major in the Militia. Organized Quebec Volunteer Rifle Asso. at the time of the " Trent '* affair. Won first prize medal of Literary and Historical So- ■ i" I u.nrmVmtusmmim Civil ^Strrie})uly of the Minister of the Interior. — Lindsay Kimhrm,, l>. L.S.. C . K. Eldost s. ot A. J. KusHt!ll, Es(|.. many ytiaiH Crown Tiinl)or Agent. H. in 1839. M., Haiiiet, oldt'sl dun. o{ the lato l)anl. McLaehlan, Esq., I\I.1\, ol Arnpiior, Ont. First <'nipU)y«Ml in the public seivire iu 185«) as an aHKlstint on the sinvry o» the Ottawa and Freneh Kiver canals, ron- duetod liy Mr. Walter Shanly, r.E. Tlienee tratisl'erred in 1857 to t!ie t'Xploratory e\pediti«)n tt> the North-West Ter- ritories (which lasted three years), under Mr. ^S. .). Dawson, O.E. JSubseqr.ently, and until IHOi), engaged on exploratory surveys in connection with the Crown liands of ('anada, principally those ot Quebec, and as a smveyor antd. Surveyor (Jeneral of Dominion Lands. Aii^td. Deputy of the .^linister of the Interior Ist January, 1882. (Sa ary $3,200.) Cooper St.; Eastern Departmental Biiii'iinii. ml mi Secretary of the ikpnrtment ofthc Interior. — A. M. Bckokss. 13. in Strathspey, Inverness-shire, Scot., Oct. 21, 1850. Came to Cau. in 1871. and was for some years on the stafli' of the Toronto Glohe and Ottawa Timei^. Under his direction the reports of the debates of the House of Commons were, for the first time published otHcially m 1875. In Oct. 1870, entered the public service as Private Secretary to Hon. David Mills, then Minister of the Interior. Promoted to present position, Feb. 1882. (Salary, S2,200.) — lioseacre, Uichmouil Road; Eastern Departmental Building. Director of the Canadian Geological Survey. — Alfiied RicHAun Cecil Sklwyn, /'.6\*S'., F.R.S., LL.D. B. in Eug. 1824. Youngest s. of the Rev. Townsliend Selwyn, Canon of Gloucester Cathedral, by Charlotte Sophia, dau. of Lord George Murray, Bishop «f St. David's, and grand-dau. of in IS rmci' (fjh in I'P. 357 '.ntal John, fourth Dnkc of Afhol. Ey thr Sec y. of St(it«^ for the ( 'oIoniiu\n\ the I)ir<'( tor of tho Siirvoy, to iinny of Victoria, AnHtralia. In IHRiand I Hr>i», rcspcctivr. ly, hy Hpocial rh»nl<^R ; apptd. (»rje of the Vieutrian ComniiKKionerH of Mines in IHT)*) ; mem. ef the lioard of Sclenee and (»f the I'roHpectin^ Hoard in 1P5H; (?ommr. for the Vi« toria Inter- national Kxhihition, IHOl. Was alwo a mem. ;>f the (Jovt. Tender Board, and mem. of the CoimmmIm <»f tli(! lioard of Agriculture, of the Royal Society, and iti the Acclimatization Society, npto 1HG9, when he left AtiHtralia for fan , to suc- ceed SirW. E, Lo^an in the superintendence of the (leolo- gical Survey of the Dominion. Han hcen over thirty y^arn in tho Public Service of I'.ritain and the C.'olonies. {Sal,ary\ $4,000.)-^ (teoloffical Museum, Sussfx Sf.; Cooper St,, Otiarva. Deptty of the Superinifnf Indian Affairn. — Lawurnck Vankoihhtnkt. S. on the late ffon. P. Vankough- net, M.L.C!., of Cornwall, Ont. li. in Ont., 7 Oct., 18.50. Ed. at Cornv.all (Jrammar School and at Trinity Coll., Toronto. M. the dau. of the late Dr. Grant, of (ilengarry, and sister of Dr. J . A . (Jrant, P\ R . (} . S, of Otinwa. Entered the Civil Service us a junior chnk in the Imlian Ofifice, 13 Feh. 1861. Promoted to be Deputy of the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs. 13 May 1880. (Sahny $3,200.)— Daly ^t , Odmva ; Eastern Departmental limhiivy. Indian Commissioner. Hon. Oovernor, North'West Territories. EixjAU Dewdney, Lieut. A.vnvA) Chief Clerk, Indian /department. — Ro[!Ert oiNCf.AfH. B. at Edinburgh, Scot., 1 5 Feh , 1H29. Ed. there. M., July 1860, Elizabeth, eld. dau. of D. Tolville, M.D., of the Hon. East India Compiny's Service Entered public service, April 1850. Apptd. Accountant Indian Branch, Dept. of Interior, 1873. (.'hief Clerk Indian Department, 1 July 1881. (Salary, $2,050.) 381 Daly St., Ottawa ; Eantern Departmental liuitding . Comptroller of the North- W'-st Mounted I'oJice Force. — FuEDEiiicK White. B. in Eng. 16 Feb. 1847. Ed. there. M. the eld. dau. of the late R. W. Cruice, Esq., of Ottawa. Entered the Canadian Civil Service as clerk in the Depart- ment of Justice, 1 March 1869. I'ransferred to the Depart- iUto 3r.S Cirif Strriri' (^ffinri*. meiit <>r State, as clerk in charge of Mounted Policp I^ranch, April 187(! ; promoted to l»e a ( liief clerk, 2 '. St^pt. 1H7h Transfeired to Department ot tho Interior, with title of C.'oniptr»)ll<'r. N«»v. .same year Was Private Secretary to th. .\pptd. 2 Auja", 1878, under U Vic., c. 7, to he Deputy Ministei of Fiiumce ; is ra--o//r>/f) Deputy Receiver General and Secy, of the Treasurer lioard. Is a Dir. of the Civil Service l^nildint; and Savings So. (Si/dii/ $4,200.)— 245 Theodore *S^, (it taw a ; Eastern Departmental Building. Accountant of Contingencies. — /i?>?//.-(7o/. Thomas Ross. B. in Montreal, 8 July 1821. Ed. at the High School, Montreal. M., 1st, Maria S, dau. of the late George Macaulay, Escj., Barrister, of Bath. Out.; 2nd, I'^mma Eliza, dau. of the late Captjiin Ogden Creighton, H.M s 70th Regt. l<eeu the means of effecting a very considerable yearly saving to the public revenue. Is Lieut. - Col. commanding 1st Batt. Governor General's Foot Guards, Ottawa. (^V//(7/•^, $2,400.)— 188 Stewart St., Ottawa ; Eastern Departmental Budding. Compt idler of Dominion Currency. Fueo. Tollkr. B.in Eng., 21 Jin'3 1341. Ed. there. M., 11 July 1872, Annie, third dau. ot z •Jhii'man, St. Stephen, N.B. Entered the public servi'^e c*0 Sept. 1871, as senior 2nd class clerk. Pro- moted to \fX ':li?ijs, ; July 1873 Was Private Secretary to Minister of '■'"'iop; cc frVii 1 Jau. 187l> to 30 June 1881 Apptd. Co.'ufjirolle' of Dominion Currency, 1 July 18S1. Is a Captain Govi^vm*;- Goneral's Foot Guards. {Salary ^ $2,250 ) — Devon Villa corn 1 vha'pel and Daly Sts., Ottawa; Eastern Departmental Bu..id%riQ, 'I ('iri/ ^Srrrin' ()()iri rx. 155!) B. Financial Tmpecfor. — Thomah Dillon Timh. V>. iiiCtistlo Pollard, Irel., Jan. 182r). KngaK^'d f<»r many yoaiH in com- inercial purHuitB. Kritoiod (Mvil Service! in 1858 aw Ist claHs clerk in audit brancli of InHpoctor (jlcn . D(!pt.; \H(\() to IHGG, chiefly employtMl upon Inspiution duty, an. S. of the late J. L. McDougall, who sat for Uenfrew in Can. Assem. for a •short i)eriod in 1858, when he resigned. B. in Renfrew, G Nov. 18:'.8. Ed. at High School, Montreal, and at Toronto Univ., where he took gold medal in Mathematics, silver inedal in Modern Languages, and graduated B.A. 1859. M., Sept. 1870, Miss Marion E. Mori is, of Ottawa. Ha'- been Warden of Renfrew and Presdt. of the South Renfrc Agri- cultural Soc. Sat for South Renfrew in Ont. Asst i from g.e. 18G7 until g.e, 1871, and in the Commons fr(»iu Sept. 18G9 until g.e. 1872, when defeated; again electe-' at g.e. 1873. Unseated on petition, 9th Sept. 1874; re-ciccted by acclamation 24 Oct. 1874. Again unseated on p tition, 21 Jan. 1875, re-elected 20 Feb. 1875, and resigned he seat on being apptd. to present ofiice, 2 Aug. 1878. (Salary, $3,200.) Richmond Road ; Eastern Deparlmentl Building. Assistant Auditor General. — James Patterson. B. in -Belfast, Irel ,15 Dec. 1831. M. the dau. of the late Joseph •Elliott, Assistant Treasurer of the Province of Quebec. Entered the Civil Service in 1855, when the Audit diice was first formed, and has remained with it continuously since. 'MM) ( VjjV »Vf rrity' Of^iofrn. 1 377 /M/t/ ^r, Oltivra : Koftnn 1'>fportvuntol ftuiUtrif;. (^ornmif!sion/'7- of ('»/.»^)t».V!»s lu ro\iuTimlUitn r(>mplov. 1S(!0. whrn uppt. Cliiof (M, inui npptH. AntlHor <««'nl. 1S(>(>, whirh ortir<» h«» ivHigiiod Nov. 1H({T, tt> nroopi (ho Assist, ('oiinnissioiu'ruhip ol rustonvs at Ottawu. Ton jointly with tho Atiriitor (ionernlshii^, \\o\i\ (ho ollioos ol AHHist. rvovll . Sorv. ;m«i h'og'sdat of (ho H(>(M>nis of N \\ . Was \U(»vi«M»s io <'n(iMing (iiov( . siMviio Mayor of Moii«'(on. VVmh Ao(ing (\>lloo(oi o( Tort of S(. .lohn, N.H., lor sonio nuni(hH 18T2. App(*l. v'omnir of ('nK(oins 1 .Ian. IHTf*. {Solory, $4,0(^0.) 381 Ihrlp St.. ahiifni ; H>5/fr*j Dqhnimenl.il fUiihi- Dfpult, Miuntfv and Convrtt.*s>onfr oi ln}shftwa, Ont. Kniorod Civil !f>ovvioo. l'''T<\ Apptd. A8Pis(ant romniissionor of Inland Uovon\u\ IJ^72. Attondo}>td. tvv prosout olMoo 2(Uh .Ian. 1883. (.N'<7/ Cooler St.: Uidrou C/iih ; K'istcrn Depart^ meutal BuihUng. Deputy of ihe Miniftier of K'uhvat/s and Cunnls. — TorssAiNT- T«r\>VAV C.K. iV in Lowor Canada. 28 Sopt. 182(>. M. tho dan. 'f tho l;jto l.onis ForrMnlt. Esq., of IMontroal. Apptd. Dep'5*y <^t tho Ministor vi rnhlio Works, May 1868. Was pri Vionsly. for a short pi viod. 8oorot«ry to tho Hopartmont of Pnblio n^nks. Can.: iiy C« mniittoo of Tvivy Oonnoil. Apptd. to prosont position, 2(' May 1879. (Saf artj, $4,100. )— Diilv St.. OttauM : Wfslfirn /hi rti >ntal JSm/diti(/. Chif*' En^incf:' o/ ]hpiiri-i.,rni qf Raihcay$ and Canah. — - .loHN VAt;K, C K. B. in Scotland, 181. '>. sinvod nndor the lato Kobort Stophonson. as Enitine<'r o.' tho Northorn Light- hon so Board. Canio to tli<^ T.S, 1838. and was ongagod on tlie Erie Canal until 1842, whon ho ontorod the sorvico of ( Vr»7 Si vvin (ff^in rif. :m Cfttj. (Jovt. on Mk' W(>I1(iihI <'niial. /\pp<«l (Ihinf I'^MKinnor of l)<•p^iitm»'nt, IHO.'l. hcclliifMl lli«> hopiity MluJHtfiHhlp ul Pnblic WorhH, 1 RC.'i. (S,t/„ty, $.4,50(1.)— /^»f*«f'// y/f)>i/»r', ry«f/t»v/ / H't'jt^frrj iffparfrnpnt'if ihit/ihn;/. (^hief Rtufhirfr of 'iorernmenl Ifnthcot/^ titir atn^lrficiion. — (!oi,MN(nv(M)i> Hniiii(!ini.,H, C.F,. M. it» CnlrhrHtiT, I'lHwrx, Rii^., Dor. I I, IHJll . ( 'niiM' to ( '(ihfulfi in IHTu!. WftH «>n^nK»'«l upon tin* MntjIniM'vinK SInfVof Hi«i llnfiiiltoii Hn of tho NoitlM'in ItMllwny of (InnHda in ronnoction with tho lOHtomtion of IIm' uorkR upon ihnt lino, rciirinK »»pon tho completion of ihf wchUh In IHC.M, whon he rntor»Ml tho Hrrvi<:o of the N.S. (Jovf. in tin' lUpMcjiy of IHviHion Kn^incer of fho FMrton llnilwny, ftfnl < onfinn»'il in ( Iihij^o of tho workn nnt.il thoir coniplction in IHOT. In IHCH npptd. hy tho Dominion (lovt. to tnko cluuKo <»f tho Hin vcyH in contnction vviti* 'i Intonolonial Hallway of tho ronlo vin Ikui(! BAiMMiuni;, C K. W. in guohoo, 16 Oct. 1H?,4. Kldost s. of the lnt(fTh6ophilo HaillRiKc, AHsiHtantHiavoyor and Knginoor of Queb(K', hy Charlotte Zanvrin, of Shorrol, IhIo of Wijuht, dan. of tho lato Lieut. Hichard Hcuslcy, of tho Hoyal Navy, who sorv<'d under Nelson on hoard tin; Victorji at the hattlf! of Trafalgar. Ed. hy the late Lii Kingston, 1 May 1835 ; apptd. Secretary (jf Post Office Department on its transfer to Provincial control, 1851 ; Deputy Postmaster Genl., Can., 12 June 1857 ; Deputy Postmaster General of the Do- minion, 30 May 1868. Apptd. a Commissioner for the re- organization of the Civil Service, 1868. Was also a mem. of the Civil Service Commission, 1862. Has been a mem. of the Board of Audit since its first establishment, 1858, and of the Board of Customs, Excise and Stamps, since 1864. Ne- gotiated the Postal Convention with the U.S. 1875. Is Vice- President of the Civil Service Building and Savings Soc, and Chairman of the Civil Service Board. (Salary, $3,600.)— 300 Sparks St., Ottawa ; Western Depn. Was Commr. on Can. . {Salaryy Building ' OWE . B. tff Officer, Cifil Service Oncers. 3(55 July 18*70. Apptd. Secretary of the Department of Agricul- ture, 21 F '.1871. V/ciN reporter and aBst. editor Montreal (iazetle from 1848 to 1851; editor ot Toronto f'olo7iiat from 1851 to 185;^; joint editor and proprietor Montreal Gazette trom JH53 to 1870. I8 author of fioveral ntatifstical and other l)ublications. (Sa/>iry, $2,500.) Inkerman Cottage^ Rideau Canal 'j Western />epar(men'al Building. Deputy of the Mi 'er of Marine and Fisheries. — William Smith. B. 12 June 18i Entered the service of Customs in the I'nited Kingdom in . 40 ; apptd. second clerk Imperial Customs, St. John, N.li., in 1842; Surveyor of Shii)piDg in 1850 ; Comptroller of Customs and navigation, and Registrar of Shipping, IC'' ; Receiver Gei^eral of Admirality droits 1858 ; <'ommr. to investigate complaints against Police Department of St. John, N.B., in 1862 ; mem. of the West Indian Trade Commission for B.N. A., in 1865, repre.senting New Bruns- wick in the Commission ; Secretary uf the Department of Marine and Fisheries of the Dominion of Canada in 1867; Deputy of the Minister ot Marine and Fisheries of Canada, also a member of the Audit Board and T'ivil Service Board of Canada, on 29 May, 1868; member of the Civil Service Commission for tin; purpose of re-organizing the (Jivil Service of Canada, on 22 June 1868; in 1875, while in England on public business for the Govt, of (Janada, he was directed by that Govt, to confer with Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies, and the officers of the Board of Trade, on the subject of Imperial Merchant Shipping legislation, which was then under consideration of Parlt. with the view of protecting the interests of Canadian shipowners, who strongly objected to such proposed legislation; in 1876, when Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies requested the Canadian Govt, to send a representative to London, to confer again with Her Majesty's Govt., on behalt of Canada, on the subject ot proposed Imperial legislation relating to shipping, then before Parliament, he was apptd. for this purpose by the Can- adian Govt., and remained in London in conference with the Imperial Govt, till the close of the session of Parliament, when the Merchant Shipping Bill of 1876 became law ; when on this mission he succeeded in procuring a number of alter- ations in the Bill, which rendered it much more acceptable to the marine interests of Canada than it formerly was, and since then all agitation on the subject among Canadian ship- owners has ceased. (Salary, $3,200.) 162 Daly St. Ottawa ; Western Departmental Building. A V^r-^ y^ Sir ^v9^ Ssi IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^- fe ^ ^ %° II I.I 11.25 ■10 ^^ lu 11,2 z m lU u u 140 25 2.2 2.0 U 11.6 HiotDgraphic _Sciences Corporation ^ ^ a>' A \\ i\ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. UStO (716) arausos i.*l»ii 366 Civil St trice Officers. Commissioner of Fisheries — William Frederick Whitcher. B. 16 Augt., 1828. Entered public service Oct. 1846. Man- aged Fisheries business, then a branch of Crown Lands Dept.^ up to Confederation (1 867). Since Department of Marine and Fisheries was organized, has conducted the duties as Com- missioner of Fisheries. Fisheries of all the Provinces of the Dominion are now under charge of this Department ; Fishery Laws being now extended to them all, and outside services organized. (Salary, $2,400) Rideau Bank^ 199 East Wurtem-' burg St., Ottawa. SB. nn- tb& ery Ices PART X. ^Mt of ^xtuAtntt aithin the §0mmion of 1. The Governor General or Officer Administering the Government. 2. The Senior Officer commanding Her Majesty's Troops within the Dominion, if of the rank of a General, and the officer commanding Her Majesty's Naval forces on the B.N.A. Station, if of the ranlc of an Admiral. Their own relative rank to be determined by the Queen'd Regulations on the sabject. 3. The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. »« " Quebec, tt « Nova Scotia. " " New Brunswick.* Archbishops and Bishops, according to seniority. Members of the Cabinet, according to seniority. The Speaker of the Senate. The Chief Judges of the Courts of Law and Equity,, according to seniority . 11. Members of the Privy Council, not of the Cabinet. 12. General Officers of Her Majesty's Army serving in the Dominion, and Officers of the rank of Admiral in the Royal Navy, serving on the B.N.A. Station, not being in the chief command . The relative rank of such officers to be deter- mined by the Queen's Regulations. 13. The Officer commanding Her Majesty's Troops in the Dominion, if of the rank of Colonel or inferior rank, and the Officer commanding Her Majesty's Naval Forces on the B.N.A. Station, if of equivalent rank. The relative rank to be ascer- tained by the Queen's Regulations. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 'Manitoba (1870), British Columbia (1871), and Prince Edward Island (1873), have all been admitted to the Union, but there is no authoritative arrangement as regards precedence. The North- West Territories have also (1875) been or^nizedt with a Lieutenant Qover- nor and an Executive Council appointed by the Crown. 368 Lht of Titles. li lSsH:S:K."=----- Srrx'=& f TABLE OF TITLES. 1 nf Canada to be styled //*a^^c««^'»^y- Ooveinor General of Canaaa ^ *' '"*■ , .tried Honourabk, but only • «-r at r««rno^torcoutinued afterwards. during office, ana w ^ Legislative councillors in tbe P^^J^-^^tUtive Coun- & flono»r««e for We. ^^^^^.^_ ^_^ The title, though "'thout prec mo^ ap. -Srf^rriorrheen Councillors. ^^_^_ By a mere tap«^ P">r^Xf^n otu^onr^e heUe- the title to him.] •i^' Jnijit I'lol IfoiKnii'y. 3(39 LIST OF IMPERIAL HONORS BOUNK P.Y CANADIANS NOW LIVING. I'lUVY COrXClLLOH. The Right Hon. Sir John Al. x. Macclonakl, K (.'.P., M.P. lUHONETS. Sir William Geo. Johnson, 4th Bart, created 1755. Sir Charles Stuart, 2n(l Bart., created 1840. Sir James Liikin Robinson, 2nd Bart., created 1854. Sir John Rose, G.C.M.(i., Ist Bart., created 1875. KMCHTS HACIIELORS. SirNarcisse Belleaii, K.C.M.O., 1860. Sir William Young, 18G9. Sir Hugh Wni. Hoyles, 1869. Sir Robt. Hodgson,* 1869. Sir Edward Kenny, 1870. Sir Matthew Begbie, 1875. Sir William Buell Richards. 187T. Sir Antoine Aime Dorion, 1877. Sir William Johnston Richie, 1881. ORDER OF THE BATH. Second Class or Knight Commander. Right Hon Sir J. A. Macdonald, P.O., 1867. Third Class or Companions. Sir Francis Hincks, K.C.M.G., 1862. Sir William P. Howland, K.C.M.G., 1867. Hon. William McDougall, 1867. Sir Charles Tupper, K.C.M.G., 1867. Sir S. Leonard Til ley, K.C.M.G., 1867. Sir Hector L. Langevin, K.C.M.G., 1868. Commissary General Irvine, C.M.G , 1874. Arthur L. Haliburton, 1881. 1 370 ImjHrial Jlonoun. ORHER OF ST. MICHAEL AND ST. UEORnB. First Cfass or Knights Grand Cross. Sir Alex. T. Gait. 1878. Sir John Rose, 1878. Si'coni Class or Knights Commanders. Sir Francis Hincks, C.B., 186t>. Sir Albert Snvth, 1878. Sir N. F. Belleau, Knt., 1879 Sir W. P. Howland, C.B., 1879. Sir Charles Tupper, C.B., 1879. Sirs. L. Tilley, C.B., 1879. Sir Alex. Campbell, 1879. Sir R.J. Cartwright, 1879. Sir H. L. Laugevin, C.B., 1881. Third Class or Companion. Lieut -Col. VV. Osborne Smith, 1870. Licut.-Col. Archibald MacEachren, 1870. Lieut-Col. Brown Chamberlain, 1870. Lieut.-Col. Join Fletcher, 1870. Commissary General M. B. Irvine, C.B., 1870. Major General S. P. Jarvis, 1870. Lieut.-Col. J.F. Macleod, 1870. Colonel John U. Gray, 1871. Adams Geor»ie Archibald, 1872. Lieut.-Col. H«!witt Bernard, 1872. Colonel John Dvde. 1875. Joseph William* Trutch, 1877. Alexander Murray, 1877. Sandford Fleming, 1877. Hon. C. A. P. Pelletier, 1878. Thomas C. Keefer, C.E., 1878. Major H.G.Elliott, 1879. James Armstrong, 1879. Major J. G. Dartnull, 1881. John W. Dawson, LL.D., 1881. Alpheus Todd, LL.D., 1881. Alfred Patiick, 1882. Lieut.-Col. J. S. Dennis, 1882. im Imperinf Jfnnourn. 371 HONORARV A.D.C. TO THE QUEEN. Colonel John Dyde, CM. G. Lieut. -Col. C. S. Ozowj^kf. CANADIAN PEER. The undarmcntionod Foudiil Hjirony is the only Ciinndian Here- ditary Title existing. The Patent of nobility siRiied ])y Jjouis XIV-, ffrinting this title to Charles le Moyne for distinKui.Mhcd serviies, is remarkablo as creating not only a Territorial Barony, but also con- ferring a title of honor upon himself and his descendants, whether male or female. The cession of Canada to England bv the Treaty of Parre in itGii, made no change in the legal right to hold honors : since this period each successive head of the family has, by assumption of right, used the title; but it was not othcially recognized by the British iiovernment i ntil Dec- 4, 1880. Charles CoLMOR Ohant, Ith Baron df^ LrmgueuiL B. 13 Feb. 1844 ; KUcceeded his father, 1879. M., 1878, Mary, third dau. of the late Thomas Wayne, Esq., of Glandare, Aberdare, Eng.— 13 South St., Park Lane, London, W. England. 372 Affth infn. AMcmXn. HorSK OF COMMONS. Ui ! II li 1 ■'fe m At page 92 take in the following : BuECKEN, Fhederick De St. Croix, (^.C. (Queen^s P.E.I.) S. of the Hon. John Brecken, who wa8 a mem. of the Ex, and L.C. of P.E.I, for many yearK before the introduction of Bf j.onsible (»ovt. B. at Charlottetown, 9 Dec. 1828. Ed. at ti'.o Jentral Academy. M. Sept. 1858, at St. John, N B., Titjien Leith Boyd Emslie, dau. of the late Capt. Emeilie, 83rd Reg. <''alled to the Bar, P.E.I., June, 1852. Apptd. a Q.C., 1875. ^ as Attornay and Advocate-General from April 1850 to Jan. 1863 ; and from Sept. 1870 to April 1872 was a mem. of the Ex. -Council and Atty.-Gen. Re-apptd. April 1873, and held office till Aug. 1876. First returned to the Provl. Legis- lature, P.E.I., for the City of Charlottetown, in 1863 ; was re- electeduntil Aug. 1876. Returned to Commons at g.e. 1878. Was a candidate for present seat at last g.e., and declared elected. On an application for a re-count the presiding JudgQ, adjudged the seat to his opponent, Mr. Jenkins. On appeal to the Supreme Court of P.E.I. , this judgment was reversed. Mr. Jenkins then appealed to the Supreme Court ot Canada, which gave judgment in Feb. 27, 1883, awarding the seat to Mr. Brecken, who duly took the same. A Conservative. — King Street, Charlottetown, P.E.T. Athhnt^n. 373 \ OXTARH> ASSEMBLY /.) the Ex. L'tion of \\\. at n, N B., lie, 83rd .a Q.C, )ril 1850 a mem. 873, and rl. LegiB- j was re- 4.0. 1878. declared ing Judge, )n appeal reversed. t Canada, he seat to Tvative.— During the progress of the Pahliamentary Companion through the press, a (icnernl Election tooiv place in Ontario on the 27th Feb. 1883. The following return shows the con-* stituency, the the name of the number elected, his politics and majority. Tliose marked thus \^*) are new members; the others served in the last Parliament and will be found noticed on page 181 and sequitur. CONSTITUENCY. AddiiiRton Algonia Brant, N Brant, S Brockvllle Bruce, N Bruce, S Canlwell Carleton Cornwall Dnlfcrin Dundas Durham, E.... Durham, W Elgin, E Elgin, W Essex, N Essex, S Froutenac Glengarry Grenville, S Grey, E Grey, N Grey.S Haldimantl Halton Hamilton Hastings, E Hastings, N Hastings, W Huron, E. Huron, W Huroi), S Kent.E MEMBKH ELECTED. ♦Dennison, George Election not completed Young, James Hardy, Hon. A. S Frasor. ILtn. C. S *GiI!ics,.Tohn 0'Co!in«»r. H. P i*nammil,J ' lV1onk,G. W •Ro>s, A. P •McGhce, R I Broder, A. ! Brcreton, C H i McLaurrhlin, J. W j*Ermatirigcr, C Carscaien, J ! White, S I Balfour. W. D |*\Vilmot,H Raiyside, J ; French, F;, I. t Lander, A. W i Creightou, D '•BlythcJ I Baxter, J.. i*Kearn.*, W I Gibson,. L M •Hudson, Wni ;*Wood.A. F l*Sill.''. Ei)hriam — I Gibson. T Ross, A.M Bishop, A McCranoy,D at C date L L L L L C C C C C c L C L C L C L C c c c L C L Majority. 18.3 Acchim. .550 '.m 120 Acclam. :;5 829 42 369 152 214 148 90 t)4 324 34 170 lU .St 107 lo;3 178 61 154 155 (J c 20S L 23 L 41 L 167 L 132 L 193 ,mtm wsm 111 iim I 874 ONTABIO AS8EMBLY.-(C«n1. , Mohnstone, A l MiiMlesex, W •;;••. Uareourt, R. ••;; -pieced at date- Monck. Klection not compieieu, ^ Muskoka-. . Freeman, J- ** •• | g C C l c l Nortolk.N. Morijan. W. L Norlolk, b. • • • •; V Ferns, J. M > n Northumberlan ,*-• ♦j^uiholland. NorthumberlancW. ^ ^ j j C L Ontario, N. •••;;;;; ; DoVien , J • * p •••;••.:'.'. 1 c Ontario, fc. , BaskerviUe, i • • • . ;, L Ottawa ••• .... Mowat, Hon. U.. • , l Oxford.^ ... Crooks. //"«. A l Oxford, S.. ^^, Clu9bolm,K • ^ c Peel- ^_ '. ... ♦Hess.H. -^ i L Perth, N Ballantyne, 1 l Perth,b", -,4 ; . Blezanl, li ;.. C Peterboro » -^; • ' ' * . ♦Carnegie , J ' 1 L PetcrV)oro , W . • '• Hagar, A I Prescott • • • • • • *Hart, J-' *" L Prince Edward • • • • .j^urray , T^ • ' ' . j, L 427 109 113 370 193 29 Tie. 286 173 Acclani. Acclam. 85 36 H7 131 "■■428 ^ 29 84 60 24 200 528 A.cclam. 231 83 228 208 120 Prince- Renfrew, J^ ♦Dowling, Dr- Renfrew, S *Robillard,H ; l Russell • ■ ■ , . Drury, C. * * ', J C Simcoe,|. .... ♦McKay, G- i l uh. •• «phelp8, 0. J •• G Simcoei &. ■ ■ ■ , «Phelp9 . Simcoe, W. •• j^^rr. Jii*-*; "..1 C Stormont.. ... 1 Morris, Hon. A q Toronto, i^- «Clarke, H. 1^- C Toronto, W. • • • ; ; ♦ pell, John. • • • • • ' L Victoria,:N . . . . Mclntyre, D. J L Victoria,b^ .... 1 Snider, E ;" L Waterloo, ^.•- _ Master. I. •••* I L Waterloo,b. Morin,Col. •' l Welland ••••• '... l Clarke, Col l Wellington, t^- McKim, R L Wellington, W. Laidlaw.J .•• ;•;; L Wellington, b. McMahon, Dr l Wentworth,:N •! Awrey, N.-- — • •• ;;;; L Wentworth, b. 1 Radgerow, Q.- >X* L York,E " 1 Widdifield, J. H \ q York,N. ; Giay.Major York,W 86 39 38 16& 100 322 45 168 35 2'j3 124 206 253 36 730 73 86 518 469 52 150 28^ 24a 934 5$ Aihfenda. 'M'y NEW L.IUNSWICK. DEFEAT OF THE GOVERNMENT. 428 29 84 60 24 200 528 cclam. 231 83 228 208 120 86 9» 38 169 100 322 4& 16ft 2U IS 2^ 36 730 73 86 518 469 52 150 28 24a 934 5$ On 26lh Feb. 1883, the Addre88 in reply to the Speech from the Throne was moved by Mr. Flewelling. Mr. Blair, Leader of the Opposition, moved in amendment: "V/e feel conPtrained thu? enrly to inform Your Honour rao!«t respectfully tbat Your IlonourV udvi-xer."* do not pogi^eHs the eontidence of thip House." The amendment was carried on the following vote : Yeas— Blair, Elder, Ouinton, Ritchie, Mitchell. Thompson, Hether- inKton, Turner, Ellis, Laoellois. (lillespie, Ryan. Sterling, McAdams, Vail, White, McClellan, McManu.«, Hibbard, Burchill, Barbarle, Palmer— 22. Nays- Hannington, McLeod, Landry, Adams. Colter, Morton, Perley, Lewis, Wetmore, Nadeau, Ijcblanc, Wheten, Lei^hton, Park, Tibbitts, Dr. Black, Humphrey, Flewelling- ^S. The Hannington Administration subsequently resigned, and Mr. Blair was called upon to form a Government. This he succeeded in doing, and on 3rd March 1883 he announced the members of his Administration as follows : Attorney General {Premier.)— lion. A. G. Blair. Provincial Secretary. — Hon. Wm. Elder. Chief Commr. of the Board of Works — Hon. P. G. Ryav. Surveyor General. — Hon. James Mitchell, Solicitor General. — Hon. R. J. Ritchie. President of the Council. — Hon. T. F. Gillespie. /- Hon. E. A. Vail, M.D. \ Without Office. \ Hon. G. S. Turner. Hon. A. Harrison, M.L.C. Mr. E, L. Wetmore, Q.C., was appointed Leader of the Opposition. -^■^imtmmmmmiaiiiHittim ,)»y^ya(Bp^v PART XI. 1 \ I . i '\ \if I3SriDE53C- <^'''''"''?iX!::.rc;m;n;;.;f::::v.::::v.::::".*..:;;;; z oUlfi'ivf AHM'inMy ... 219 Ontmuo, Y^^^ N>unoil . . 227 xr V . Scot A Legislative Couiuil 263 Kova8uirtlative Council 284 5,w BUVN..-K. Y^s. Assembly ' ' ' ' 3,0 BuiT.sH Com MuiA l;;^;;^^^'Yslativc Council f ^ NoRTH->^ E^T ^ " edslatlvo Council .... 346 NE>vFoi Ni>i.AM>. Legi.lalivc Assembly A vi AunuEviAT.oNs, Key to ;:::::::;;:;: ^;| Adpenda Vi.-Jtu F N.W.T 6 i;^r Ho^ C^i^:ut..Gov. Manitoba ...... .. .;;;;; r::^;^:..Donjini^^^^^^ 2.5 ARCHIBALD, Hon. A. G. l-i^"^ B 5 BA«0T, Lieut. Joscel5«e 1! . • • • ■ • • • ; ; ; ; " _•. ] • l ; l W.. 5 BAGOT, Capt. Hon. W.^ • • • -^j.^^.^^^,, p„,,uc Works ...... «1 Babosets n Index. 377 self, 45 , 78 . n'.» . '2iy . 'ir^ . 257 263 .. 2rt0 .. 2«4 .. 300 .. 315 , 325 . 32^ . 341 . 34G . 34G ... VI ... 372 ... 343 .... 5 .... 299 .... 349 .... 255 5 5 361 369 Bkhnahh. M(Mit.-Col., C.M.f}.. A hi) 5 Hi.iHH, (J .1 , ( l.rk ' AHM'm.. N M 2H4 HoTHHUM), (i., « Ink i,. , . t'o, N.n 2H0 HoriiiNoT. J. G., Olcrk, ('oininonH Ro HiiiTisii Coi.i MiiiA, l'rn\ iii<(« ot :il4 Liriitfiinnt Oovfiiior WW KxrniHvt! CiniiKJI :ilft li<*f{iNlutiv<> AHH«ii)li|y :)IS V(»t«'H |M>ll<(i luHt t'l«'( tlon 323 HitiTisii MiniMti'i- at WiiKliingtoii 3 Bi iimnuK, (]. W., hrpnty MiiilHtrr Ml'.lui4ti(<' 350 BimJKHs. A. M., So( v., Drpt. of Intnioi 350 C rAHINKTH OK C'ANAhA. sln(«5 ('«»nf«Ml«'rHt|oh 24 Caiunkt ok Ohka r Hiiitain 2 Canadian Pkkii 371 Cakhki.s, U., Uc^iHtiar SiipPim* Court 23 CiiAiHMKN of Suli'ct Stjiixlin^' ( 'oiiimittef'M ol (,'oiiimons . . :mh CiiAMiiKULiN, Lieut. -Col., C Si. (J., Quim'u'h riintrr. ... ... ;jr)5 CiiUHcM, H«»n. C. E., (;l. ik Kx. Council, N S 257 Civil Skuvick, < ►f!iL('rK of, Cjiim'fu 35u Ontario 21 o Quc'lu( 250 Nova Srotia 275 N«'W Hiuuswick *. . . . '1\H\ Manitoba :;l I niitihli Columbia :{22 Prinoo Hdward iHland 328 Noith-VVcHt TrrritoritH :H3 Clehkk, Lit'Ut.-Col. H. W., A.D(J., Liuut.-Oov. N.S 250 Clehk of the Queen's Privy* 'ouncil 6 Crown in Chatuery 355 Senate 47 Commons 8o Cluhs i,\ Canada iv Colonial Office 3 CoMMissioNKHs tor the Management of Interior Economy, House of Commons 7 Committee of Privy Council named under the Itaiiway Act 7 Commons, House of 78 Speaker 80 Clerk 80 Sergeant-at-Arms 80 Accountant 80 Assistant Clerk 80 mmtmm^ lit . V^ \ Index. 378 .... 78 ^ll^&eL.s, summary of . . • • .••;•;. 369 C0MPAm0NBOFTHEBATH,&C..........;; ^^^ CoNTKNTB . . . ^ . . . . — • • •^i^i.ter of Finance • • • • COURTNEY, X M ., I>^P";y^ieut.-aOV. B. Cornwall, Hon. i^. r ., ^ , 325 x> c rMt^ik Ex. Council, r.ti.i- ••••••• ^19 De Bloib, R. F , CleiK, r. ^^^ Council, Que ^^^ DE BOUCHERVILLE G 1^, ^^^^ ^^^ Q^, ^^^ DEFOY, J. A., t erK, ^g.^^^^iy, Que ..... • • • • • 350 Delorme. L., ClerK, -^eg- ^ ^f the Civil Service D„,MM0ND, Vjctor AW., b^^^^^ ^,„„,, Duval, u., rreci& B .. 169 E.EOT.ON K.T.H.% summary, Commons^^.^-^ -••;.: . ^^^ Quebec " 276 Nova Scotia '« .•^- 297 • -Sew Brunswick Legisiaiu ^^^ Manitoba 323 British Columbia ^^ ^^^ p. E. Island 3g3 314 ritHorUe Q .... 8 Galt, Hon. Sir A. T ^^^^ieut-Gov., Ont . . . • • • • • - - 3 GEDDE8, Capt., ^■^■^^^J^l^rr Impeml Troops in CanaxJa. GENL.AL OFFICER command g^ t Ont • • ;« GiLMOR, Lieut^Col. C.J^;^^ t-Arms, Ont ; ^ Glackmeyer, F- ^;' ^^'feVious 4 Governor-Generals, previo GOVERNOR-GENERAL, the Index. 37^ 78 81 L69 369 V 368 314 325 219 218 227 350 341 . 371 . 4 . 3 . 23 Govbrnor-Gbneral, Staflf of 4 Griffin, W. H., Deputy Postmaster-General 363 GwYNNE, Hon. Justice 22 Kaliburton, J. G., Clerk, Leg. Council, N S 256 Hartney, Henry, Accountant, Commons 80 Henry, Hon. Justice 21 High Commissioner in England 1& Holbech. Major W. H., A.D.C '353 Howard, R. M., Clerk, Ex. Council, Man 300 Imperial Honors in Canada 360 Indian* Commissioner 344 Indian Superintendency 344 Intercolonial Railway Commissioners 349 Irvine, Lieut. Col. A. G., Commr. Police N.W.T 344 169 211 . 251 . 276 ure 297 312 323 339 .. 363 .... 314 .... 343 .... 20 ..... ^8^ !anada. 3 .. 181 '*'.. 131 " . 4 Johnson, James, Commissioner of Customs 360 Kbewatin, Lieutenant Governor 299 Kimber, R. E., Gent. Usher Black Rod 80 Knights 369 Kirkpatrick, Hon. G. A., Speaker House of Commons.. 80 Langevin, E. J., Clerk of Senate 47 Larocque, G., Sergeant at Arms Leg. Assem., Quebec. . . 227 Librarian, Parlt. of Canada 350 Lowe, John, Sec. Dept. Agriculture 364 LuARD, General R. G. A., Commanding Militia 355 M Manitoba, Province of 299 Lieutenant Governor 299 Executive Counoil 300 Legislative Asseably 300 Votes polled at last General Election 312 Dominion Lands Officials 344 Indian Superini^endency 344 _ '^ r— ^Cj ; y T^^cg r-^-T-v-^ 380 80 ^,, T) WM^evgeantat Arms .Y.-.---^--*^^^^,e 352 Macdonell, D. vn m ^ . ^^ stores, ^^^^^*f„^^^.,7enue . . 360 MiALL, En;, I>«PJ^^^^,^^^ding the ; 6 Militia, ^^^f'^^ crown ... 348 u^^^^-^^^^^:::.... :;;;;:;•;;..... 349 Private Secretaries 3 Jf%:;^-S- ---••■■■•■■• ■:■■.% Mour.AN, H. J., ^^^P^^\^, of renitentianes Mc 359 T T Auditor General " , g McDouoALL, J . i^.. Council ; • • ' • ' W w T . 343 McGEE, J. J. Clerk Puy} ^ ^^^^^^,5. Magistmte N.W.i.. McLEOi): Lieut, ^o- J" 4^; Assembly, P.E.I McNeill, ARCHD.,aeiki^eg 278 5e^v Brunswick, I;^^;;;^^^ Govern 01^ of 1 1 1 ' ; ; ^^9 Executive Council of ' ' ' 28O Legislative Council o. 284 T naifilative Assembly • • • . . 297 SJon Returns, nummary of...... 3^^ PnUmv of . . 345 "NEWFOUNDLAND; ^OlOliy u jSE\% t w^ Governor ot • • • „ 34D Executive Council of. 345 Legislative Council of • 346 ^^^^"p1.^r»r and Officers. . . • • f^ ^torth-West Mounted ^f ['•"' V^^^^^ of ^4^ KouTH-WEST Territories, Li^euten^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ . . . . „ . 9 a Officials ' . 255 Kov. Scoru, ^-^:^do^^^^^- ■ ' • ' " • ' '•.:■.•■. Z. : \ 256 Executive Counc.l of ■ • 257 Legislative Conncil of 263 ft^i^ative Assembly of .....•••■• • 275 Bern y Heads of CivU Service . . 276 lle'cSn Eeturns, summary of , H Chief Clerk and Accountant MiUtia Bept 352 0'MBARA,C.H.,Cluei v^ Ontario, Province of Index. 381 52 60 ;53 6 548 349 3 354 350 359 6 343 329 .. 278 . 278 .. 279 280 ;; 284 ... 297 ... 345 ... 345 .. 345 .. 345 .. 346 ,.. 344 ... 341 ... sa ... 343 ... 255 . 255 * .. 256 ".. 257 .263 " .. 275 ■* .. 276 Dept. 352 .. 179 Ontario, Lieutenant Governor of 179 Executive Council of 180 Legislative Assembly of '. 181 Deputy Heads and Chief Ofticers oi Civil Service 210 Flection Iieturns, summary of 211 P Page, John, Chief Engineer of Raiiwa} s and Canals 360 Panet, Lieut. Col. Hon. C. E., Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence 351 Parliamentary Procedure 29 Party '< Whippers In," House of Commons, 1883 348 Patterson, J., Asst. Auditor General 359 Peake, Major Jas., A. DC. Lieut. Governor P.E.I 324 Perley, h! F., Chief Engineer Public Works 362 Pope, R., Clerk of Qxow n in Chancery :{55 Powell, Col. Walker, Adjutant General 353 Powell, Grant, Under Secretary of State 354 Power, Augustus, Chief Clerk Department of Justice. . . . 350 Precedence for the Dominion, Table of 367 Preface iii Prince Edward Island 324 Lieutenant Governor 324 Executive Council 325 Legislative Council 325 Legislative Assembly 329 Number of votes at last General Election for Council and Assem- bly 339 Private Residi^nces of Ministers 348 Private Secretaries of Ministers 349 Privy Council of Canada, The Queens 6 Members of, who are not mem- bers of Cabinet. .. . 8 Members of, who are commis- sioners for the management of the Internal Economy of the House of Ccmmins .... 7 Committee of, under Railway Act 7 Members of, forming Treasury Board 7 Clerk cf 6 Q Quebec, Province of 217 1 I li Index. 382 217 T o^Ulative Council 227 QUEES and Royal Fan"'*' ^ 348 -I Q BE3IDEMT AOENT oi ^ j^ utrate, etc , N .W.l ^0 B.TCHiE, Hon. Ch'«f''"f'^t Governor Optano ^ , B0B.NSON, Hon. J. B . L.eu . « ^^ q ,,ee • • • • ; • ; ^^5, B0B.TA1.-1.E, Hon. Theo ^u ^j^^j^ j^^^ jj s ^ EoNiNS, EOBEBT^ <^f°^„„atant of Contingencies ^•. • • BOSSELL, LlNDSAi, 1- r EoVAi. Family ..- f Fn« of Govt. Railways in Operation . 361 8cHRE.BEa Chief Engr^ 0^ « ^^.,_ out \\\:...^*3 Scott, J G., ^"-"^^ .'^.„, « w. Territories 355 Soott; W J^R?' DirecforOeological Survey .....•••• ,5 Selwyn, A. B. i.-.. »." 45 Senate of G'^'"'°''^^;.;tiom of tlie Sessions •••;••;;•. '. '. 47 Speaker of .-•• ' 47 Speak*". P'«"""' *7 ?,':her-orthVmackRX..-.-;;;^ % Members of, i" f 'P^^^^^ec ^IS SHEPABP, Capt., A^O^C^ *o .^rinS ^a^— " " ;: fel SiNCLAiB, Kof "• ^Si'^'ister of Marine ....■•• . 300 SMITH, W., »«P"^,h Ler^ssembly, «««' "^» ' '^-w T. 343 Spenoe, Thos, Clerk Leg^^^^^^^ p_..^^^ ^,bert, N.W 1 ^^^ 8PBOAT, Lt;^^;,^:^ if House of Commons ••••;;;... 5 «^^;ifMtreDomiaior;ib;buief.ustic^ ,„ Supreme Ooubt ui »- andOfficersof Index. 383 117 118 J18 227 250 251 1 348 19 343 20 179 217 256 . 358 . 356 . 361 180 '. 343 . 356 ".. 45 .. 45 ... 47 ... 47 . 47 • 47 ". 47 • • • .... 218 .... 357 .. 365 *.'.. 300 V.T.. 343 348 5 Dept. 364 l^.S.. 256 . 279 "* . 279 !.".'... 20 uetices . . 20 Tache, Dr. J. C., Deputy Minister of Agriculture 364 Taschereau, Hon Justice 21 Tims, T. D., Financial Inspector 359 Titles, Table of 368 ToDi), Alpheus, Librarian of Parlt. of Canada 350 Toller, F., Comptroller of Currency 358 Treasury Board, Members and Officers of 7 Trudbau, T., Deputy Minister Railways and Canals .... 360 Trutch, Hon. .J. W., Resident Agent of Canada in British Columbia 19 Twining, H. C. D., Clerk Legislative Assembly 263 Vankoughnet, L., Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs. . . . 357 W West, Hon. Sackville, Minister at Washington 3 Whitcher, W. F., Commr. Fisheries 366 White, Fred., Comptroller N. W. Mounted Police 357 White, Lieut. Col. W., Sec. P. 0. Dept 364 Wicksteed, H. a., Accountant P O. Dept 363 Wilmot, Hon. R. D., Lieut. Governor N.B 278 Wilmot, Henry, Private Secy, to Gov. of N.B 279 Wright, W. R., Chief Clerk Adjutant General's Office. . . 354