#0. .0 .. \^^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) i , with reference (as far as they may be applicable) to each, separately ? 2. —When was it established ? 3. — How often in the week is it published ; in what Language ; and on what Terms, — distinguishing 1)etween the price of the journal itself, and the charge you make on account of Postage, to those subscribers who receive 't by Mail ? 4.— What is iu Size ? 5.— How many copies of eacli Number do you forward by Mail to subscribers, within the British Provinces and Islandi ill North America ? 6. — How many, to subscribers in the United States ? 7. — How many copies do you send free of Postage, to Post-Masters T 0. — How many " Exchange copies" do you send by Post, within the Provinces ? 9. — How many, to the United States ? 10. — How many copies do you forward to Eurojie, by Her Majesty's Packets viA HalifuS j and how many, w'li the United Slates ? 11. — How many " Exchange papca" iln you receive by Mail from within the Pro'inces 1 12. — How many, from the United States ? 13. — Will you have the goodness to statn at what rate you pay the Deputy Post-Master General for the transmission of your journal ; and nlso the niodc of payment, whctlier quarterly or otherwise, and whether in advance, or after the sen'ico has been performed 1 H. — What Postage, if any, is paid by you upon " Exchange copies" mailed within the Province*; and what for your " Exchange pajicrs" received from the United Slates ? Are you aware wiiether the Postage charged on the latter is an Ame- rican or a Provincial charge 1 15. — For how long a period have you paid at the present rate for the transmission of your journal ; and have you ever paid for the service at any other rate or in any other mode than the present 1 16. — Do you disapprove of the existing arrangements for the transmission o( yourjournal, either as to the amount or aji to the mode of the payment required ? If so, will you have the goodness to state your oliji^cimns, and to suggest such im- provements in the system as may occur to you ; having reference as well to the iransmisaion of Miifia/iiii's, Roviews and Pamphlets generally, as lo that of Newspapers? 17. — Are you of opinion that the Proprietors of Newspapers or other Periodicals i:i Hiiiir-Ii Noith America havo a reasonable claim on the public service for the transmission of the same freeof Postage ? If so, will yen be ^o good as to state the grounds upon which you entertain such opinion ? 18. — Are you acquainted with the usages which prevail in any foreign Ciuiutries, with respect to the transmission through the Post of Newspapers and other Periodicals ; and if so, will you be pleased to state what th'y are ? ■I