s^. ""^f^J^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) // ^^ (maaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol V (maaning "END"), whichavar applias. Maps, platas. charts, ate. may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraly includad in ona axposura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laf t hand cornar. laft to right and top to bottom, as many framas as raquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha mathod: L'axamplaira f llmA f ut raproduit grica i la g4nAroalt4 da: Library Division Provincial Archivas of British Columbia Laa imagaa suivantas ont AtA raprodultas avac la plus grand soin, compta tanu da la condition at da la nattati da l'axamplaira film*, at an conformity avac las conditions du contrat da fllmaga. Las axamplairas originaux dont la couvortura an paplar aat ImprimAa sont filmAs 90 commandant par la pramiar plat at •n tarminant soit par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'imprc«sion ou d'lllustration. soit par la sacond plat, salon la cas Tous las autras axamplairas originaux sont filmto an commandant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'imprassion ou d'lllustration at an tarminant par la darnlAra paga qui comporta una talla amprointti. Un das symbolas suivants apparaitra sur la darnlAra imaga da chaqua microficha, salon la cas: Is symbols — ^ signifia "A SUIVRE '. la symbols y signifia "FIN". Las cartas, planchas. tablaaux. ate. pauvant Atre filmto A das taux da raduction diffArants. Lorsqua la document ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul clichA, il ast film* A partir da I'angla supAriaur gaucha. da gaucha A droits, at da haut 90 bas. an pranant la nombra d'imagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammas suivants illustrsnt la mAthoda. rrata :o pelure. 1 A □ 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ► •5* ■••. .«*» c ^7 1 iO TWO MODl'KX KNIC.IITS i:RRAXT. IIV <'.IM l< AI. JAMI S I.UWr Wll.XlN. y I A -1 IT is curious Ii<>\v impartially Uk- hirth- placLS of lliL' most illustrious actors iu the late- civil war. of whom thcrt; arc ouly two stirvivors. were liu vSton and •• Stonewall " Jackson were born in \'irj{inia : l-"arra,i;ut and I'orrcst iu Tennessee; Hancock. McClellan aud Acl- miral Porter in I'eunsyhauia : Andrew- Johnson in North, and l-reniont in .South, Carolina ; I,on'4;.street in Alabama ; I5eau- rcgard in Louisiana ; Cliasein New liami)- shire, and Adams and Sninncr in Massa- chusetts, while the Northwest jjave us the \iiun,t; na\al hero and le bean sabrenr who are the sidjects of this sketch. • .\11 history," re- m a r k s liniersou. •• resolves itself into the bioijraphies of a few stout and ear- nest persons." The fust of thesi' two stout and e.\ceeort a tobacco schooner, the tlrst ]jri/.e of the war. He was attached to the North .\tlautic blockading s(|uadrou. and re- jieatedly distin}.ruisheil himself b\- suc- cessful acts of darinj;. Cushinjj was com- missioned lieutenant in July iS()j, and in N(i\eml)er he was ordered to the ste.nuer MUis, to c.iptine Jacksonville, T'lorida, in- tercei)t the Wilminj^ton, North Carolina, 7f/v) .]/()/ )/:a'.v a\\/<;///.s aa'A'. /a/: 2>)^ mail and (Ustmx tin.' salt woiks al New aiuon^ llu' iiu>st ilariiiL; of tlu- foiii wars' Iiikl. I If i'a|>liirt(l a lai l;v mail, took two war. was tlii' (kstnu'lioii, on tlu' iii.ii;lit of C'liiiriili ralf pn/.is, ami sIkIIkI a Coiikil <)i-l()l)ir 2~. iShj, (iftliL' CoiilVikialt- iimi- ii.itt.' lamp, 1ml was imahlf lo rniss Uu- olad Alht-mark-, wliicii l'"aiiai;iil said to bar llial iii^lil. and in Uw morninj; tla- tlii' wrilcT he- dL-cnu-d llic most dannlkss .sUanur was aiJi()iin M.AN nV Till: AMll-.M AK I.I.. SIICIWINC. AMI I'lllNT Ol' ATTACK. naval dcvd c-vt-r jitTfoniU!! 1)\' any xounj^f oHu'cr of {\\u Aniciii-an naN\ . This jiow- L-i fill \L'SS(.l had siu'ccssfidly (.luoiinUiLd a stron.u tktl of I'V-diral i^unhoals and foii^lil llicni for si\(.ral liouis w itlic t siis- tainiiii;' malarial dania.uL-. Tlurf was nothing- in llic norllicrn sniiadron ahk- to cojif with her, as was the rase- with the Meiriniao, nntil Worden. with the Moni- tor, ap])eared in Hamilton Roads. Cusli- injr volunteered to destroy the Alheniarle, and with a steam launch and asm.ill erew he ascended the Roanoke ri\er, towin.^ an armed cutter. 'I'lie river was lined with ]iickets to .miard a.i^ainst just such an at- tack as this, hut the lieutenant's luck did not desert him, and he was within a hun- dred yards of the ironclad ram before he was disco\ered. Casting ofl'tlie cutter, lie firdered lur crew to attack a i)icket post nearliN. while, with a full liead of steam, he drove the launch strai<;ht at the lui.ue vessel, whose crew rushed to (juarters and at once ojieiied fire, Ciishin};- re]il\in!L;" elVectivel\" with his howit/er. A circle of heavy loj::s, hoonied well out from her side, with the very pur- - pose of ]ire\entin,u; the action " of torjiedoes, was discoxered by the younj; hero, but the boat was driven o\er them, as they had become slimy, and by the time the launch received her death wound from the eneni\"s _sruns, Cnshinj.r had cof)lly vSwuuij the torpedo boom under the .\lbe- inarle's overhann the retiuii of the latter vessel to the I lliled Stales he was ad\aniid lo the }.;rade of Conunaiidir in Jan- uary \'^~2. beitij.; the \oi;n,iiist ollicer of that rank in the Anuiican na\ \ . His iKallh diinaudin^resl and relief Imni duly 1h' w.in ailowi-d lea\e of absence. l)Ul his i-oustitulion was couipletelx' nndiiniim-d by exposure and ovir ixir- tion. and he died of bi.iin fever in Washiuylon, Disliict of Cohinil)ia, December 17, iS7.4,at the earl\ a,i;e of thirty- two, leavin> ron : • !-"aiiK' moti' lliaii iniiiiv;h In tr:uk lii- nuiiini \ . ' A \essel of our tiew navy has ])ro](eil\ and most ap])ro- ])riately been named the Cush- in^ in his honor. ( )ur other \ o u n ;.; hero, fieoriie .\rnistronj; Custei , the son of an nhio farmer, was born in Harrison countv, I)e- cember5, iS.V). He was "graduated at the I'nited States Military academy in June I.'^'>l. the lowest but one in his class, owiu^ to his loce of fun and mischief Cnstir used lan<.jhin<;ly to claim, in later years. that it re(|uired more skill to },crassessed yreat strength and was a pood as well as fearless rider, taking the hij,diest lea]) ever made at West Point, with a sinijle exce])tion, when, in 1S41, Cadet r. vS. (irant. monntecvtu feci. wm n 2uS i\\<> \/</:h\ A\/(,///s /./>■/>■ /.\/. til' \ I III > lift In I 'nil 1111.11 ■ lie \\ ..s ,l^>iu1U il In illll \ .1^ 1 null 11. 1 lit -.11 til I ll'tll iM\ ill ' .lUil |i.ii I uin.ili i| 1 ill tin \ ■ 1 \ il.iv 111 lii-- .111 1\ .i] .it tin ri.iiit ill 111.- rn-.l liiiltic lip I'll 1 11 Is I 111 111 111 1.1 1 kiMMli \ --I 1(1 lid 111 111 a-- .111 .liilr lit r.llll|i, .Illll 111 .iflrl W .IliK --rl Mil nil till -l.llt n|' < iClU r.il Willi, nil I .Sinitli In M.iN ■'-ii.' Mii'Kll.m w.is sn illlpK ■->' cl with tin- rllrlL;> 111 'li-^|>l.l\ 1 il 111 r|ii>.silli^ lllv I'llirlv.illnlllillV alnlU. ill -c.llih nf.l Inlil Inr till- ,IMI1\ tn ]i.iss n\ i. 1 . lli.il lu W.IS .i|i|iniiil( i| .liilr with llif Link • if i'.i|)l.iiii. *.'ii>ti 1 .i|i]ilii il fur jH rill i.ssi nil tn .itt.uk tin- iiuiiiy s piiktt ].n-,t. ,111(1 al il.iv lii^lit lu- siitjiiiscil till III. i-.i|itniin- jii i^oiui.'i .Illll llic llisl il.i;_;s l.iki-n li\ till ,inil\ of the I'ntnlll.ic. A III I Mrl'U-llans n-tin-iiii lit tinin cnniiii. Illll l'.i|il.iiii i'listi r Il till Illll In liis Hi^inii lit .Illll li.id sir\i(l W itJl il nlll\ .1 >llnlt tlllli- wluil ('nlUl.ll I'lcisaiitmi. in M.i\ i Si , ; , jiI.ut'1 him nil iiis ■4.111. |-nr (i. II ill-,; ■^. ill. Illll \- in .1 skiniiish .it AMii- .iinl in tin- .utimi at llr.iiiilv .slatinii, .is Will ,is in tilt- rinsitlu n|ll-iatinllS if tllc- U.i]i]).ili.miiiM. U lu- was ,i]i |")iiiltil l'iri;j.iilii-r u<-iK-ra1 nl \ (iliiiiU-i-is, il.itiii- iVnin jiiiu- iS(i;, ami assium-il In dntv as cniiim.iiiili-r nl till- >lii.'liiua" liri;4.iili. \l ( il ll\ sIiiiil; his i-a\alr\. with ihnsi.- i>\ (iri-u.u' and .Mi-lnlnsli. di.-ri.,itrd < 'nii- ( r.il Sin. Ill's i-rtnils In turn llu- li I'l ll.iiik nf .M(.-adc's aniiw l-nr this snlist.iiitial si-r\ in- lu- w.is lii(-\ I tli-il ni.ijnr ill the rei:- n!.ir.iriii\. At ^.'ulju-ix.-r Cniiil llmisi- Ciistir w.is vvoiindi-d .iiid his hnisi- kilK-d. I ii- tnnk pari in Sluiidaii's i'a\alr\ raid tnwanl RiilminiKl ill Ma\ i.Sd). ,md W.IS ln\-\(.-tti-d lii-iiU-ii.ml I'nlolU-l for Uk- lialtU- t>f W-llnw 'raM-in. In ('mural Slid i d, Ill's siinlld 111 n \- I.- Ill (-■ II I a.uainsl Uirhiiiniid tin.- Michi- gan liri.Ltadi- iiiadi- a iiinsl .^al- l.iiit li.ulil .il 'I'li-v i-llinii sta- tinn, lint sn ;;n.-al w.is Ihi-ir luril th.il the i-nlors of llu- lui- i;a(k- wi-ix- only s.i\i-d iVnni ra])luri.' 1)\' CusUr li-aiiiii^- llu-m iVniii llu- staiidanl lu-ld tiy till- ilyin.L;si.-r;4i.aiit and rniu'i-.ilin.:^' lliL-m undi-r his inat. In Sriilc-mlRT i.'^(>) Ik- was m.uU- l)ix-\i.-l rnlniK-l in lla- rnilc-d vSlalis arm\ fnr -,illaiilr\ al llu- li.iltU- nf \\ imlu-^tci . .iiid in nctnliii. .Majni--:;i ii- ii.d nf N'nlinili 1 is h.i lislur., llill 111 Si-|pliinlKi hi .i-^siiiiud i-i iiiiiii.iiid nl' tlu- 'I'liird di\ isinii nf i-.i\-,ilr\ , with wliiih lu- w.is rniit'iniili d li\ his t'nriiicr rl.issin.iti- ('niui.il Kiissii whniii Ik- s, 111 whiiliii-^ ihinii^li llu- v.illtv t'nr l\M;il\-si\ mili s r.i)itiiriii- .ill Illll mil- nf his -mis .\i i.'i d.ii iiiik lu Imiulit llu i-m-iii\ liniii llu liisl .lUack in tin- mniiiiim until llu liatlK- i-lnsiil Ilis divisimi 1 ( r.ipl 111 1 ik lii-'nii till d.i\ W.IS n\ 1 I L;nns and tkiys tli.it li.ul ln-( 11 t.ik(-ii I'mm llu- |-(-dir,il .iiiii\ i.iilii-r 111 the li.^lil tnuillur witli (.'nlllt di I .ill- 1 .lllllnll .liul i-nlnls Vll.r this l^Il-.ll \ iflnlA . t'llsli i W.I-, SI 111 t(i \\'asliiii,;lnn with llu- l/i i/'/:A\\ A'\ /'-///> AAA /A/. -"i'l iiddiv^xd tM In- ■ii\ i-mn. 'l.il"l A|>i"iiii,i! .Ilmi- N'.n'.li.iv. n.\.i ',-.-~i .1 ^mi, in \ . i tci\ r<.mlli(>ii-r, in April, lu- >.inl : ■■ I nn L.-i ,1 , .,l,,i .ni.l in \ > • 1" < 11 .1. !( .il« ■; .unl iii'^- tin- li.isl M\ iiKiiitli-. .illlmii-li ill iin-l iiwiwuli i.iinliir,: lli<- num. imh- i ii-.i-i iii-~l.iin ' ■- ii.nlniiibil 1a -miihi i. >i iiiniil" 1 - nn nl- in 'a liii li \ "ii Ii.im !m,i iic .1 inniiii \(iii lia\ I r;i|ilii|-.il iHiiii ;1um luiiis in "iM 11 mill I'.ul, in, linliii- l!n'-> nu iium .iMr li.iUli- 111 pitri's .if |"k1<1 .iilillii) . siNl>- iMttl. -..I'th. ^li. n. 111.1. mIi VMii li.i\<- ..ipt li\i' l.:iUK ll.i-s ;in.l \i|.u;ii.K .'f !.'..«". nu'l .\>i\ pi... ..f .nlill. 1 \ wlii.li llu ]iii-..n. i> ..r u.ir. iii.ln.lin- -^..A. n -iiuKil . lu nn 1i,i\c .Innl l.i ..[k n ni.i.n > .m " ^ i'V U.'/ll/.'.-V .■/ .1/" I. KSlt .r~n 1 - 1 IK -I ,l;l//l s 1 IC.'M \ rl|..l....K Mil ^oo 7 no .\/<>/>/:a'.v a.v/(,///\ aaa'. /.\ /: Ciistir was ]itisiiil at llic suminUt of CuiKial I. II'. Ill- is tlms iKsciil)t lini' 111' tiiiiis lo his hand ami onKis it to jdax' • Dixii'.' As llu- marvellous strains of iIk' Cotifitkiati' war -ony lloat in liiniid swiil iK'ss aronnd ns. wc- linak intot\nnnllnoiis I'littrin};. Ciiiural Cnstcr waves his hat and a Ihonsand .L;allanl soldiirs in Mnc (iasli tlRirrajis inlluair. Smh was< Ifn cral Cnsttr in thf prtscm-i- of a iM.ii<|ncrnl fof." In IIk- sanii.- tnonlh. April, C'listcr was ajJpoinU'd Major-^iiaral of XOlnn Uxrs. I Ic partiripatc-d in all Imt oni- of tlif important hatlks fon^jht In tin.- Ann\ of tile I'otoniac. ami had clevin hoists shot niidcr him witlioiit <.v«.r luitiji^ seri- ously woiindi'd. A fill' till' war ilose'd he led his fanions di\ ision of ravaliy for the last time on Mav 2;^. |S'>5. in the uraiKl review of the two _<;reat armies of the east andthewest hy the president and his cabi- net and (leiieral Ciratit, on whieh oeeasion Ciisler"s hij;"li-si)iriteroiid." .\fler the re\ii'W < 'uneral Custer w,is sent toTexas to command .1 division of <;ivalrv and remained on this dutv till March i.S(/>, when he was niustereil out of the \-olun- teer service. He then a]iplii(l to the War department for permission to accept from rresident Jiiare/ the jilace of chief of the Mexican c.ivalr>- in the stru.y,-,tjle a,uainst Maximilian. I lis application was re- fused, and Custer joined the Seventh ca\'- alry at port Rile\' as lieutenant-colonel, serving;' on the ])lains for three years and winninj;- the Imlian battle of Wachita. In 1S71 he was .sent with his rei;imeiil to Kentucky, remaininjr there two years. In the spriii},^ of 1S7; Cu.ster went to Dakota and accoini)anied .an expedition to the Yellowstone, fi^jhtinj; two en/>/■: AW h\/(,///s /■AA'.i.v/ •M i I Not a siiijilc soldiii isriipid lu ull llu sail W ai who alw.ivs rusr t,. tli<- < story.* TIk-v \viRiiitirui!ii|»(iii llii l.allii' lie was alua\s tvadv to imdiit fuM. wliiih ill 1S7., was iiiailc a national \ tin- Iiiiliil Statis ,l;(>\i innRiit iin IIk' s])(il w li f I c Cirster made his last stand In accKidanre with his own wish the VDiin;; hiio was hnrifil with military hotiorsat Wist I'oint, uIkiv a Ilea >i t i fii 1 nionnnaiit marks his rcstin.LT plaie, mar those of Winlield vSoott an/>/:a'.\' a\7(,///\ /.a'A'. /.\/. i m lu nilh' siKVidlnl in liis inUi|iiisis. iVnlll till fiul lll.ll llU' lUiinV lI|(lMisi(l tllill no llliill \Miiilil III' loDllliltd . rlloll^^ll Intiiihurk ill siK li li;i/,anluiis alViiiis. uIkti' Hrr- sittiufl so Hull' rliaiit'c '/f siiiirss. A \ir\ iiitinsliii^ voliiiiii.' rn.iM Ik- writ Icii on llif iiilvinliiivs of the y;illiitil Liiiilitiiiiil Ciisliiiij^f, fniiii till' litiu In iiiliH'd till' n;iv\- until liis (K;illi. dm illy; wliiili .sliml |nrii)(I he pi 1 1ninud soiiii' riinaikiililr (kids and lift a iipii lalioii iinparalliliil Tor s>i vomii; an ulli fir. •■ In many Mspirts, Ciisliiii.i; and Ciislir Will' aliki lial liss. l)ia\i' iiiiti. stiatiu'irs tn fiar, ulu) iiiMi lliniiylil lit" till' niiisii|niiiirs to lliiinsihrs in aii\ midiilakiii;^, im inaltir liiiw drspii 111 riif l\vi> nun wiTi' iiul Kiilv similar in ili.iiai'li i Iml in pirsnii ; lluir fiatiirts \vi vi- Imld. IIk' i\prcssi<>n if till' i\ts till' saiiii. and liutli pnsst ssid litlii- ri;,MiRS wliii'li siiinti] pti«>r aj;ainst r.itil^iic. Till lliini sidi' 1>> sidi and tin y wmild lia\i- jiassfd Ini liinllurs. I'liliaps naliin- fasliiuiis that kind i>( nun alikf imnlall) ami jilix sii-allx . Cirtaiii it is llial C'lisliiny- and CiisUrwiii' l\\i> nl till' most fi'aiU'Ss sjiirils ulm made lluir iitU' was 111 tlir iia\\ marks in tlic tuu luaiuliis nf llii' sii\ iii- till' iitliir was to till army -dasliini;, tvck- dniiny the Ci\il W.ii. i.itur.il 'I'l iry luvrr 1 .iiiii' iiiiilir :iiiu>iiliiiii liiit lir iliil iml wlinlly iHiapi a U'\ui\ iifMiliiliml and (liialiluil iritirlsiii in innnriliiiii willi llif I'li^lir aflair in i^ It was iiirv ilalilc lli.it lilanii' fur that Icrtililc lull inayiiinoi Til lilnmUr ^ilinnM n>t Miiniwluif, and naturally iijMin tlii' nfluir in c..iii d. wliii-L- sniiiirdinali arc Mni))osiil In tarry i ml liix inl. 'riial I'nslcv >li.inlil liavi- lillt n inl.i -mli ii ha|i wiiiild naturally rtlltcl n|>iin li i])iri( I'lii- lail- and I lit can^r ■r 111 ill mm rally kiiuwii. I'll ntral 'I't rr\ '^ t niidnt t It is )itrniilltd int' to sjitaknr tluin Inday willmnt n -i in till- inaltt r --ft nis to nw In In' tlif niiliU •-t art in lii- IMV and lIu- limst indi \ nf his iliaratit i . liisUr'' fatal iniiMint nt was in dirt it vinlatinii nf linlli virlial and writltn nrdtr- Wlitn h shnt Hid dis- iilitditnii' t tidtd ill tlu' Intal dt sirni linn nf his i inland r,tiiiial 'fi rrv withlnld tlu- fait nf tin- disnlaili- if nrdt and siifftrt'd an ini|iiUaliiii linrlfiil tn his military rtpntatinii to rtst njinn liiiiisilf ralhur than siilijt ft a Inavt- Init indiscrit t -iilMirdinalf to a iharnf of disnlinli I'mni I'linirat Strinoii, liy Ihf Kt viiind Iinilnr Tluntlnri' '1'. M\ ' Nt « IlaM n, (.'niint I lii 111. Dt tiinlii r lu. t^'j" I r j<> /!y Ci'liilciy .1/ .1//). Cnslt-r. crsTi'.R s i..\sr I'n.iii '"■•Il, wlu) IUI1(H> til llo IllJlltn- Will' IK. I ' iH'ISdll ; v|iris>j,,n ["•SSfSSuI I •ij^.iiiist ,111(1 tiny I'.rl i;i|>s til aliki lin it is tuii (iC iflf tliiir ■ s<-i\ ice (or ti mt •""111,111(1, I'l >M(.I| ,-1 known, ' tondiul i-'ii.sicrs .111(1 (lis- ii^ol.idi- K'niiliiT ■mmi, liy -■^'« ' F--,-,--»i s -^.■c r »<-i w- ■.;^^'■ .■.H' '•-4 .-.^i.r ,«.*•' t .. «--. ,* » 'i.% V '-•1:^/ :' -^^^-kl :.-. ->.»* '',.„''»i: ^; ^ . WA^ ^/•<-^^ ( f ■"-• %/^ *?-• ;,t*;'i"^*li i*.* »,•- '-• .«*.< •jf.l^;; m K^ '.T i 1-.. ?vV4'''