IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /, V >.«-!< ^/ ** t^A^ 1.0 I.I ^ l£g 1 20 IM^HS |I.25|U|,.6 ^ 6" ► P; /i^, Miss O. Robson " M. Wklch Miss E. Wii.uams " R. Edge Miss L. Mathews • t 4 '-a (Tenor anD JSaee. Mr. H I^. DeBeck Mr. J. B. Rushton - Mr. Gideon Hicks Orcbcdtra. //' . t •\ .' I'i'.t t •A'-. Piano, Organ, - Violin, ist. Violin, 2nd, Cello, D. Bass, Claironei, Mrr. PftAkSON Mrs. Welsh - C. E. Robson, W. C^^amberun - . H. Latham F. Dyke F. Pearson ----- S. Peele C<7r«^/, - . ^^^^^5^ ,^.^, ^^^.^^ ^^, J. Ru^TON f - . Vocal Solo, Vocal 9oLo, KKCITATiONv 'Piano DtTfeT, ii. t-"^, ^pv ^"-^^ -*^ ■*»*^ Villa Hall Pra'nk Major ■':\^' ■ V ROS« McMVLLAN «/ ^ Cemtir WIills AND'VrctA Hac^ .-•*^-.;- iirSi>S :i?^^ — 2 — The p. 1^ A. U a Perfect Fitting Coreet. For Sale at tke Globe Houie, lire. Wm. 9«e. ^s-^msimmtmamm JESUS OF NAZARETH. A CANTATA. No. I. SiNFONIA— InSTRUMENTAI,. THE EARLY LIFE OF JESUS. m No. 2. Chorus— How Beautifui, His Childhood. How beautiful his childhood, how calm and how serene — Where'er His presence lighted, wh^t glpry filled the scene ! A child — and yet in wisdom so far beyond his years, That ever in the Infant Divinity appears, That even in the Infant Divinity appears. Chorus. (To each verse.) O meek and blessed Master, we raise our earnest plea, That beautiful and stainless, like Thine our youth may be. 'Twas in th^ Holy City Our Lord was missed and lost ; His i^areute sought him vainly, their hearts with anguish tossed. They foynd hin? in the temple, where doctors of the law Heard all the Child's ripe wisdom with wonderment and awe, Heard all the Child's ripe wisdom with wonderment and awe. And Mary asked him meekly, "My Child, why thus depart? Thou kpowe^t we should seek Thee with trembling, aching heart." Then came the touching answer, "Why wert thou seeking Me ? About My Father's business knowest not that I must be? About My Father's business knowest not that I must be ? " JESUS THE CARPENTER. No. 3. Solo— Hk vScorned Not Toil to Earn His Bread. He scorned not to toil to earn His bread, but tho' He labored low, The time w(is drawing near when He must human work forego : For God's gr?ind work was He designed — To save all sinful, lost mankind. — 3- The Latest Styles in Anerican Blomes and Grass Glotb Skirts, at tbe Globe House. JOHN THE BAPTIST. m No. 4. RiiCiTATivK— Now John the Baptist Roused the Land. Now Johu the Baptist roused the laud, "Repeut ; God's kiugdom is at hand ! " And sinners flocked from far and near the tidings of great joy to hear. No. 5. Quartette— Young and Fair, and Oi.d and Gray. Young and fair, and old and gray, came to hear him day by day — To be by him baptized free from all their past impurity, from all their past impurity ; And with the rest came Jesus, too, His heavenly Father's will to do. No. 6. Chor'jS— To Spread the Light the Saviour Comes. To spread the light the Saviour comes — a task from heaven divinely blest— To bring hope to a thousand homes, to help the weary and distressed. He comes, the Friend of friendless folk, the One who cheers when all may spurn, Who for the weary bears the yoke, and pours the balm for which we yearn ; Who for the weary bears the yoke, and pours the balm for which we yearn. No. 7. I»astorai,e— Instrument A I.. # # THE BAPTISM OF JESUS. No. 8. Duet— The Sacred Rite at Length is O'er. The sacred rite at length is o'er, and on the silvery Jordan gleam Bright rays of more than earthly light, while Jesus rises from the stream ; The heavens open, from above down floateth the celestial dove, It is God's Spirit that descends upon our Lord and glory lends ; From heaven there is heard a voice : " Oh, my beloved son is this, In whom I am well pleased ; " and then o'er all comes perfect peace and bliss ! — 4— Tweed Suitings, Lustres, and Henrietta Cloth, at the Globe House, Mrs. Wm. Rae. THE TEMPTATION. No. 9. Chorus— And Satan Now Hath Tried to Tempt. And Satan now hath tried to tempt, hath tried to tempt God's Sou, but essayed all in vain, essayed all in vain ; And Satan now hath tried to tempt, etc., etc. From every grosser thought exempt, Christ hurls temptation back again, Christ hurls temptation back again ; And from the fierce ordeal free, comes forth to shape man's destiny, man's destiny. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. No. 10. Regit.— Upon the Mount the Saviour Stood. Upon the mount the Saviour stood, and bade them ever cleave to good. I I No. u. Duet, Soi,o.s, Chorus— Bi,est, Said Jesus, Are the HUMBl,E. Blest, aid Jesus, are the humble; favoured are the ones that mourn. For the Lord shell send ther* '"'-'ifort when they are the most forlorn. Gentle heart that sheds swet icy mercy also shall obtain ; Blessed are of peace the mal. . as God's children they shall reign. Chorus. (To each verse.) Words of treasure, words of treasure, oh, how precious ever- more Were the accents of the Master, gracious Lord, whom we adore ! Love the euemy who hates you ; cherish all who ill have wrought ; Love not him alone who loves you, surely such a love were nought. Alms bestow, but in thy giving ever modest, secret, be ; Pray, but make no signs of praying : Quiet worship God would see. If for sins you pray forgiveness, others' tresspass you'll forgive ; Man cannot serve God and Mammon, so for life eternal live ; Judge not, that ye be not judged ; ask, for he no prayer will mock ; When you pass the gates of heaven, they will open if you knock. CHRIST STILLS THE TEMPEST. No. 12. S01.0 AND Chorus — O'er the Deep Bi,ue Waters. O'er the deep blue waters of fair Galilee Swept the angry tempest, raging mightily. Tossed upon the billows, Christ lay wrapped in sleep. All amid the tumult sweeping o'er the deep ! I I I I — 5— Blouse Silks in Fancy Patterns and Shot Effects, at the Globe House, Mrs. Wm. Rae. Chorus. Calm and still ! Calm and still ! Christ lav sleeping calm and still ! Calm and still ! Calm and still ! Christ lay sleeping calm and still ! Calm and still ! Then His servants' crying roused Him from His sleep— " Save us, Lord, we perish in the foaming deep ! " At his voice the waters sank to perfect rest — All was calm and peaceful o'er tha lake's dark breast ! Chorus. Calm and still ! Calm and still ! All was hushed beneath His will ! Calm and still ! Calm and still ! All was hushed beneath his will ' Calm and still ! « « CHRIST CHOOSES HIS DISCIPLES. I I No. 13. Soi.o— His Loved Disciples Then Hk Chose. His loved disciples then he chose to aid the holy task, And 'twas not of the rich, but poor, that our dear Lord did ask. He chose them froni the lowly men — the toiler, the down-trod ; For these he knew were fitted best to do the work of God, the work of God ! He bade them proach the Gospel true to all in darkness here. To point the way to bliss above, although this life be drear. He bade them labor in the field to save the souls oppressed, Aad on their mission so divine by Christ was each one blessed, was each one blessed No. 14. Chorus— Prayer. Gracious Saviour, tender Shephard, watching a'er Thy wandering sheep ; From the seed which Thou hast sown may God a plenteous harvest reap, From the seed which Thou hast sown may God a plenteous harvest reap. Gracious Saviour, tender Shepherd, etc., etc. No. 15. — Chorus oe Disciples. From the cares of the world He called us, His Father's work to do ; Glad tidings of salvation through us He sends to you. The Lord is the sinner's refuge, where His sheep can safety find ; Ok, seek the peaceful pastures of Jesus — loving, kind ! Lace CvrUiM, lUdrM, and Coin 8pM Matlini, at tlM Globe Boom, lire. Wm. lae. From the world He would wean His children, unto a higher Hfe; Where free from grosser trammels they need not fear the strife. We come from the Lord to help you ; oh. do not he vveak and blind ! Come, come to the sinner's haven of Jesus— loving, kind ! No. i6.— Chorus of Converts. God-sent Teacher ! guide us, lead us, thro' life's journey here below ; Let not earthly sin impede us, for to God we long to go. Should we wander from the pathway, oh, restore ue to Thy fold ! Jesus, help Thy new-found servant*, in Thy train are we enrolled. Too long plunged in darkness fearful have we been, but gloom hath fled? , ,. , . t 1 At Thy coir.iug radiance cheerful breaks the night, and li^ht is shed. Keep us, Jesus, gracious Master, from all error, from all sin ; With Thy Spirit now endow ns, and the goal we then must win. No. 17.— Chorus of Hebrbw Women. Weary, despairing, before Thee we kneel ; wretched, and crushed by the world's iron heel ; But Thou wilt list to our earnest appeal— grant us peace. Master, let troubles cease! Should we e'er falter or fail in the fray, droop in the heat and the toil of the day, Do not rebuke us, but lighten onr way— be Thou our Pilot, our Hope, and oui; Stay ! Gui W •-i.H ^a.V .■*- 'V — 8— Table DadiaW and Nfti^im, iSheettegs, I411ow€ottotnv hemstitched Sheets and Pillow Cases, at the Globe House. } v; ^'4 No. 22. Chorus— And as It Had Been Prophesied. -'" '^rA?5 \ Abd aa it had }>een proplhesfecl, at'Mst it cam*; to pass, He rode into Jerusalorti iii triumph on an ass ; The shouts of thousand voices sing to swell the Saviour's praise, And as in victory Ht came, there shone round him God's rays. Once more in triumph he shall come, to judge the quick and dead ; And Satan's poWer will in that hour for evermore have fled. Chorus — For Female Voices. Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to the Son of God ! No. 23. Triumphal March— Insturmental. V ' ^ ^ • ^ V... ^ PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING. No. 24.V Chorus— A]fci. Praise to the Almighty. Oh, praises to Almighty God, Who sends His Son on earth to-day ; Jerusalem, with joy and pride, its rev'reut homage now would pay ! Oh, welcome, gracious Lord and F'riend, the hop« of all by sin op- pressed ; To aid Thy sheep the Lord doth send His well-loved Son to make us bless'd. Honor, glory to the Saviour, Who to save us hath come down ; For the work of our redemption will His holy presence crown. No. 25. Choral March— Hosanna to the Son of God. Hosanna, Hosanna to the Son of God ! Kiosanpa, Hosanna, Hosanna! Happy are they in .His paths \>'hd ha|\'e trod.^iosanna, H9sanfia, Ho^niia! ; ■ 1 . v I i ! Raise high your voices in triumphant song, Hosanna, Hosanaa, Hosanna; 1 ;-: v^ » ^ . Loud o'er the shouts of the gathering throng, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna ! Fair youth nud manhood and snow-crowned age march 'neath the heavenly banner, 1 ,' '; ,u Singing Hosanna to the Son of God, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna^ Hosanna to ^h^ Son q( Qod ! U^sa4;i^nt|tji I^osanmi,. ,^-M '•"V /ilotsan^a to tk9-&o9.xyf!^Godyw^''i^--}^'rj^.^.J^T:i^^^ if*.'' HOTEL. DOUGl-KS iSMMIldllaRfeeR. m m ^ RAZORS KEEN ^HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, SHAMPOOING.^ POMPADOR HAIR CUTTING A SP€CIALTY. v^ TOWELS CLEAN ."^ Vf OmZB l3A£nL.K6R. PROPRIETOR; CAIJv AND SKE OUR NEW STOCK OF W/^ a-. r.BKFORK PrRCHASING KI.SEWHERK. TTT-EIjCH,^ BaxLte; of B. C Sloofe. H. MOREY St CO., I UP - TO - DATE STATIONERS, f Full stock of Toys, Dolls, Fancy Goods, etc., always on hand. ARMSTRONG-YOUNG BLOCK, NKW WEST.MINSTER, B. C. T. S. ANNANDALE WHOLEHALE AND RETAIL Grocer and Provision Dealer. Agent for O. K. PI-0\JR, best all-round Flour on the market DUPONT BLOCK, NEW WESTMINSTER. €€€€€€€€€€€$€€€€€$€€ vx