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Tous las autres examplairas orginaux sont fiimAs 9n commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une emprainta d'impression ou d'illustration at 9n terminant par la derniAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaftra sur la darnlAre image de cheque microfiche, salon la caa: la symbole — »> signifia "A SUIVRE", le symbols ▼ signifie "FIN". Lee cartea, planches, tableaux, ate. pauvent Atra fiimte A dee taux da rMuction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour itrm reproduit en un seul cliche, il est fiimA it partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en baa, 9n prenant la nombra d'images n^cessaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrant la mtthoda. irrata to pelure, n A n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 *H: is- wM^^^MH^Hunii Hi iiHHiiiWifflim.li , K4 PROSPECTUS OF TUB NE¥-BRimS¥ICK RAILWAY, PROM THE ■*--v- €ITY OF SAINT JOHN TO THl CITY OF FREDFRICTON, AND THXNCE TO THK GRAND FALLS OF THE RIVER SAINT JOHN. SAIITT JOHir, W. B. rRIIfTSD BT HBNKY CHVBB ft CONPANT, COURIER OFFICC. 1845. ""m PROSPECTUS OF TUB NEW-BRUNSWICK RAILWAY, ■t; From the City of Saint John, in the Province of New-Brunswick, to the City of Fredericton, on the River Saint John, and from thence to the Grand Falls of the River ; toith power of estab- lishing Connecting Branches from any part of the Province, as also of plying Steam Vesstls on any part of the River Saint John or its Branches, and on such of the Lakes as the Company may deem desirable. Capital, *l,500,0OO, In 30,000 Shares of *S0 each ; Deposit, £2 per Share. Owing to the River Saint John not beinff navigabk for Steamers from the City of Fredericton to the Crrand Falls in this Province, it has been attended with enormous expence and labour in conveying merchandise to the thicltly settled country between the City of Fredericton and the Grand Falls, as well aa to a large population of British Subjects and Ame- rican Citizens above the same, and to Lumberers engaged in cutting and getting out Timber. When it is taken into con- sideration that the chief part of the Timber shipped from the Port of Saint John to the Mother Country is procured from this part of the Province, it is easy to conceive what a vast expence and labour would be saved, were a Railway estab- lished and Steam Boats put on the River above the Orand Falls, where it is navigable for Steam Vessels through a fine and improving country for about one hundred miles, settled on one side by British Subjects and on the other by American Citizens ; and indeed here it might be more advantagewis for the Company to establish a Branch of the Railway leading td the River Saint Francis, than by placing Steamers on that part of the River Saint John ; but either can be done with profit to the Company. A Steamer could also be placed aljove the Falls, to ply on the River to ike Madawaska River, and thence up the said last-mentioned River, a distance of twenly- two miles, to Lake Temisconata ; thence up the Lake, a distance of fifteen miles, to a good Road, of thirty-six miles, i /( .croM the Pottage. t» KWer da Loup, on the E.ver Saint Law- rence. which would .ecnre all Passengers from Canada. I, U only necessary to refer to the Map of that part of the country through ,.hich the contemplated Line is intended to pZ to be convinced of the importance of the project , -and thousand, of valuable settler, would resort to th« part of he coTnt^, who are now only deter.ed from so doing by the dSe. incurred in ascending the said River, and of getting thei. supplies from Saipt John, and making return, of the proctuce of the land. •!«- „K«»ri» The Town of Woodstock i, sUuated about sixty miles above the City of Fredericton, and i, now a very large Settlement, and i^^ Ae Shire Town of the County of Carle.on through which the contemplated Railway will pass, and to which Town very large quantities of Merchandise are annually transrn.tted from the City of Saint John, for the consumption of a thicWy populated country around, -and as Houlton, a ^"^'^^ Lnt in the United States, and a 8».7-»»»f*J°™ J'* extensive Barrack,, i, within twelve miles of Woodstock, it wouW with more facility obtain a supply of M-h-due f™m Saint John by mean, of the Railway, than in any '^^"'"2' At the Grand Fall, there i, already a <=»>««'"f « f '^^'«; ™ent, and at thi, place GovernmentareabooterectingB^^^^^^ for the accommodation of Troop,, where it '^'P'^'^^J. J^f rison will be stationed for the protection »f *« ~;™ .ha. part of the Province.-at this P'="=?.«^"/ "^wn detachment of soldiers constantly on guard; «»^ » *J°7° Plot has already been laid ont, there can be no question of a farge Town being built there, if the Railway be got into ""Brmean, also of the Railway the Grand Fall, may be brought within eight or nine hour,' reach of the C.Qr "f Sam JohnLone of the most flourishing Commercid seaport town^^ of British North America. The grandeur of the Falls, theler tility of .he country around, and the P'"7»«»f„„'^ '':,7„: one of the finest Rivers in America, would no *»«bt "Urac^ an immense number of visitor, annually. »»>» r*'^^^^™",^ profit must accrue to the Company; and *e ^ity o^ Frede iicton. being the Capital of the Province, '"^f • "'"'f ™J occasion a good deal of passing and re-passing on the Ban way from the country above. tLaw- of the ded to ; — and Is and of the by the fretting of the i above lement, hrough liTown smitted thickly 8 Settle- fVL with }tock, it he from ler way. 8 Settle- barracks d a Gar- ontier of I now a a Town ition of a got into may be of Saint ort towns Is, the fer- cenery of bt attract ich much of Frede- Bcessarily, I the Rail- 5 f )■■ As the River Saint John is navigable for Steam Vessels frot the City of Saint John to the City of Fredericton, and on whic there are now Steamers plying nightly and daily, the object .j Hii wfm^mf^W Company over un- 'ials that work, as the Coin- ailway. — bt cheer- the sake of their ii rough a e for the St far less ed States! in be sup- didereut this Rail- of British Lumber- e popula- on Lnm- ting their will then, from the than from nportance ; Railway :he Grand :ommence fill admits vill, at its n support ng all the latiire for no doubt ver to th« 300,000 of Laws and good go- A fair calculation of the aunual profits to be derived by t{ Company from this Railway will be seen by the Schedj hereunto annexed, and which will be increased to a g( extent, annually, after the Railway is once got into oper? tion. In the Province of New-Brunswick a large proportion of the Stock will be taken up by Capitalists, convinced as they are that it will prove a most advantageous investment of their money. SCHEDULE OP THE PROBABLE AMOUNT OF ANNUAL INCOME, As estimated for the Transportation of Merchandize, Passengers, and various Products on the proposed Railway from Fredericton to the Chrand FaUs. 10,000 Tons of Freight, from Fredericton to the Grand Falls, is considered as a moderate estimate, which now costs £4 per Ton ; but say by the Railway, 3d. per Mile, makes to the Grand FalLs, 348. per Ton, £17,000 Way Freight, at the same rate per Mile, esti'^^ated at 5,000 25,000 Passengers, at 20s. ea#h, (50s. each being the present rate,) . - . . - 25,000 Downward Freight, say not leSs than • - 7,000 Bonus from the Province, say per Year, for the first five Years, . , - - - 10,000 £64,000 Add to this what may be given for carrying the Mails, Also from Government for conveying Troops, tt?" Forms of application for Shares, and Copies of the Prospectus, with a view of the Plan, may be obtained at the Office of Messrs. Gilbert, Hooke, Street & Gutteres, So- licitors, Philpot-lane, Feuchurch-street, London, and at the Office of Messrs. Street & Wardlaw, Solicitors, in the City of Saint John, New-Brunswick. Saint John, New-Brunswick, September, 1845. a acr*|*V"e, the undersigned, do hereby certify, that we have care- rentli^ perused the foregoing Proapectna of the contemplated lr,4Bruu8wick Railway, from the City of Saint John to the Gra^d Falls of the River Saint John: and we have no hesi- tation in saying, that, in our opinion, the advantage to the Country, and to the Stockholders, set forth in the Prospectus, will be fully realited. And we do further certify, as our firm belief, that the Legislature will, by enactment, grant to the said Company the aid and assistance mentioned and set forth in the said Prospectus. JOHN S. SAUNDERS, Member of tke Exuutiteand Legialatiee Councils, and Surelarj/ of Ihe Province. THOMAS BAILLIE, Surtieyor General of the Province. GEO. SHORE, Member of the Legielative Council, and Adjutant General of the MUUia of tke Province of New-Brunswick. GEO. FRED'K. STREET, Mentber of the Executive and Legislative Coun. cils, and SoUcitor General of the Province. \y. U. ROBINSON, Member LegisUuiee Council. CHARLES SIMONDS, Member of the Executive Council, and one of the R^esentatives qf the Piople. W. B. KiNNEAR, Member qf the Ugislativc CouneU. L. DONALDSON, JIfayor of the CUy of Saint John. N. B. B. ROBINSON, Treasurer of the Province. W. H. STREET, Member of the House of Assembly. J. R. PARTELOW, M. P. P. for the County of Saint John. J. WHITE, High Sheriff of Saint^ohn. A. 8MITHERS, Manager of the Bank of British North America, St. Jolm. ALEX. BOYLE, M. D.—F. R. C. P. Edin.— Surgeon to the Forces, H. P. I. WOODWARD, ex-Member of the Assembly. JAMES TAYLOR, Member of the House of AssetiMy. EDWARD L. JARVIS, Merchant, Saint John. EDWARD ALLISON, Merchant, Saint John. T. L. NICHOLSON & CO., Merchants, Saint John. ROBERT BAYARD, M. D. and D.C.L. L. H. DEVEBER ^ SON, Merdumts, Saint John. ROBERT RANKIN & CO., Merchants, Saint John. , JOHN KERR & CO., Mercltants, Saint John. JAMES ALEXANDER, Merchant, Sflint John. CROOKSHANK & WALKER, Mercltants, Saint Jolm. THOMAS EDWARD MILLIDGE, MercAanl, Saint John. WILUAM CARVILL, Merchant, Saint John. ESTEY & BLACK, Merchants, Saint John. ADAMS & KETCHUM, Merchants, Saint John. THOMAS R. GORDON, Merehant, Saint John. . OWENS & DUNCAN, Merchants, Saint John. PARKS & HEGAN, Merchants, Saint John. DOHERTY & McTAVISH, Merchants, Saint John. "W Bive care- emplated in to the no hesi- ;e to the 3spectu8, our firm It to the set forth M CouncUs, ant General nsioick. dative Coun' rovince. d one of the ca, St. Jolm. 'ones, H, P.