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Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthodo. irrata to pelure, n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 '1-^s J BY-LAWS OF THR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL / OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RALEIGH, From April rJ5th, IMTi, to 4i>ril '4Sth, \%Vlt, STEFHEJV WHITE, J OEM JEXKER, Reeve. Clerk. CtL^THAM: PRINTBD AT THE " BANNER" OFFICE, KING ST, '^-S)' ♦ » <1 'if i.,,.i f...- \ ;r1- J.A'^ ll)4-^U tf ^ y. ... < .. ,t * •;'■■• -* ,5" !'• • ^. I V. ^V*'v ■ • L''i n ,/ :\> '" ■' ■; •■!:'' i->- i _ •• BY-LAWS m \ / OF THI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL / # or THB TOWNSHIP OF RALEIGH, From April «5tli, 18Y1, to AprU liftth, ISYie. \^i^''-' "-'$-i\ ^\&; STEFffEJ\r WRITE, JOEJ^ JEJ^J^EB, Reeve, Clerh, ■J^-ffv CHATHAM : ** PRINTED AT THE " BANNER" OFFICE, KING ST. 1&72. # ^. .li s . J. 1 s. }i i ; «•-!■ '. 1 *r r ■» .# w y pi. -i I •% ■J ' '1 BY-LAWSv No. 211— A BY-LAW i To grant authority to th$ tru$tet» qf School Section No. 5, to borrow the «um o/$300 for thepurpote qf Erecting anno School Jlouie, Pabiid JLpril 26th, 1871. W'BERKAS, the Trnsteos of School Section No. 6, in the Township of Baleigh, ,^ haT«maiae«pplioati9n to the Municipal Council of laid Township, to grant them authority to borrow the sum of three hundred dollars for the purpose of erecting a new Setiool House. Bi it therefore enacted, by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of Raleigh, in Council assembled, under and by virtue of the Acts respeotiuK tho Municipal Institu- tions of Ontario, and Common School Acts, passed by the Legislature of Ontario. 1st That it shall and may be Lawful for the Trustees of School Section Ko. 5, in tba Township of Raleigh, to raise by way of loan and at a rate of interest not exceeding the sum of ten per cent, per annum, the sum of three hundred dollars, for the purpose of erecting a new School House, to be paid on or before the First day of January, A. D. 1872, from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advance the same. JOHN JBNNER, Clerk. , STEPEN WHITE, Rtere. *'"• No. 212— A BYLAW TV Mmend m hy-Law patted the lith day of February , 1867, eni'tled a By-law to repeal all By-lawt heretofore made in the Townthip of JXaleigh, with retpeet to the tale by retail of Spirituous Liquors tlterein. Pasbid 25th April, 1871. WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend said By-law ; Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh, assembled, under and by virtue of the Aots respecting the Municipal Institutions of Ontario. 1st. That the last clause of the before recited By-law with regard to Victualing Houses, be and the same i« hereby amended so that the pei^'tUy mentioned in said Clause of Ten Dollars should not apply and shall not he infliC -l ^'here a person only Erovided meals and lodgings for travellers and visitors stop^.£ v or calling at their ouses, stablini; or feeding horses or other animals, and does .aot sell any kind of drinks on their premises. JOHN JENNER, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITI, Rcere. No. 213— A BY-LAW ' ' ^ To amend By-law No. 186, patted 30law, contrary to thia By-law ia hereby repealed. 'JOHIfJEIfXER, CUrk. STEPHEN WBITI, Kaav*. ! Nu. 2U~A BY-LAW For Draining a certain portion qf th* TowniMp of BaUigh htninafiir deteribed. and for borrowing nonty to complete the tame. Paibid 31 Jaly, 18 il. WHEREAS, a majority of the reaident landownera of the locality to be benefitt- ed by the propoaed drainage, have petitioned the Municipal Oouaoil of the Coiporation of the Townahip of Raleigh to cause a drain to be opened ; o3mmenoing firat on or about the line between Lote No. 16 and 18 at the eaatcrly end of a Diteh already dug on the aoatherly aide of the allowance for road between the 14th and 16th uonooaaiona ; and thenoa aortheeat along the aoutherly side of said C'lno^aaion road to the eonth-weat aide of the 18 and 19 aide road. Secondly, the outlet for the above drain to commence on the line between Lota No. 16 and 17 at about level atake No. 10 of Oonceaaion Road Drain, and thence nortb-weit along the aaid line or levele to atake No. 36 ; and thence aprllierly to Broadbent'a or Bind'a creek on lot No. 17 ; and thence following the aaid O^eek with the stream to level etake No. 44. aay three chaina north-east of the line between lota No. 16 and 17, in the 13th Oonceaaion of uid Town- ahip of Raleigh. And WHsaEAB, the Council being of the opinion that it would greatly benefit tha said loealitv were the aafd drain made, instrnoted Arthur Jones, P. L. S , to make a survey of the proposed Drain, and report to the Council thereon. And Whkbear, the aaid Arthur Jenes has examined tha line of tha propoaed Drain and mide a aurvey and took the levels thereof, and made an eetioiete of the coat of cutting and making aaid ^riin, and reported the same to the Counail aa amounting to the anm of $1526, and hath apportiorad the aaid sum of $I>528 amongst the lote and part of lots and roads benefitted aa per Schedule following and forming part of thia Bylaw. The following Schedule ahowa the benefit to be derived by each lot from the drain- age to be performed under the proviaions of thia By-law :— L^or Am'taat'd ffon. p't lot. Acre*, by Bngin'r. Name. ISSBi 13 SEi 13 Si 14 14 14 14 18 IT 18 15 16 IT 18 100 $ 91 00 16 N w ns 100 91 00 50 13 00 200 95 op 200 205 00 200 205 00 200 140 00 100 5 00 John SnllivM. Nan-reBideat. do do do do do Zel or Jm't att'd Gon. p't lot. Acre*, by Engin'r. Brought forward, 9845 00 15 SBpt 18 15 NWptl« Name. 95 30 00 Jas A. Stevar. 100 110 00 William Vail. 16 W i ' 17 50 58 00 do 16 S £ i 17 100 38 00 Wm. Stover. 15 N i 17 . 50 68 00 Ja«. E. Vail. 15 N W i 18 100 109 00 do 15 S S i 18 100 40 00 $1284 00 Carried forward, $845 00 ' Tb Rottds $ 244 00 $15200 Be it therefore enacted by j th« Mid Arthiur Jobm ; aad that M Mart. Whit* «nd Jtnnar b« and ars hereby appoiated Oommiaaioatra to lat the aaid Draia to Iho lowaat biddar (not aioMding tha aalimata), and to taka aaouritjr from tba ooatraotora with two good and auf&aiaat anratiaa for tba dua parroroiaaoa of tho work ; alao to craat ordara on tha Traaanrar tbarafor, laaa twantT par cant., uatil flaally acoaptad 67 tha Englnaar, and that tha Gommiaaionara ba paid tha aum of $1.60 aaoh for atarj i»j naoaaaarily apant in latting and auparintending tha aama. 2nd. That thara ahall ba raiaad, lariad and oolleotad f^om and off tha lota and parta of lota to ba baaeflttad by raakinir aaid Drain tha aum of $1281, aa a«t forth in Mid Cchadala to be paid in mannar following : 3rd. That tha aaid ram of $1284 ahall ba dividad into two annoal payraanta, bearing intaraat natoaoaadinit tha rate of eight per oant. per annum, the flnt payment to ba made in 1871 » and continued in each year until paid. 4tb. That the Clerk ahall each year place the paymenta on the Oellaotor'a roll againat inoh Lota or part Lota aa aforeaaid, to be collaotad aad paid over over to tba Ireaaurar aa other taxea are paid over, to form a aidking fund to meat the paymenta of the Uebenturaa heieioafter mentioned, aubjeot to appeal aa by law proTided. 5th. That tha aum of 1244, aaaeaaad upon the Road allowanoaa, ahall ba paid by the Treaaurer of the Townahip out of tha general funda on (ha order of the Iteeva. 6th.' That for the purpone of raiding funds to complete the making of aaid Drain, ,it ahall ba lawful for the Council of the Corporation of the Townahip of Raleigh to raiae by way of loan, at a rate of intaroat not exceeding eight per oent. per annum, the aum of $642, for which amount the Reeve shall cause Debenturea to be made eut in sums not leaa than $100 each, and payable on the 15th day of December, 1872 ; such Debentures to be made under the seal of the Corporation and signed by the Reeve and Traasurer, and made payable at the Merchants' bank of Oanad ;, at Chatham, with coupons attached for the interest, payable yearly, at~aight per oent. per annum. 7th. That in eonaaquenoe of aome of the Lota and part Lota aasessed for said Drain* being Non-Reaident lands, the Collector may be unable to collect aaid aaaaaamenta from the lands, therefore causing a dedoiency to meet the Debenturea aa they beoolbe due, it therefore shall be lawful for the Traasui'er to pay i^om the general fands of the Township sui '\ sums as will make good suoh deflcienoy, and ha shall replace the same to the general funda ao soon aa said sums are collected from said lands. 8th. That tuis By-law shall be published in tho Chatham Banntr newspaper for lis weeks previous to the final passing thereof. JOHN JENNER, Cleik. STEPHEN WHITE, Rmt«. le drain- ram*. No 215 -A BY-LAW To raiM c«rt0in »um» of monty therein mentioned in the Townthip qf Rmleigh/er the year A. D. 1871. Pabmd 7th August, 1871. WHEREAS, by By-law by the Municpal Council of tha County of Kent, paaaed on the 17th day of June, 1871, and entitled a By-law to raise the aum of $22,- 337 00 to meet the current ezpanaea of the County of Kent. Akd Whbkxab tha Municipality of the Townahip of Raleigh, is required to raise the sum of $3,S49 92, as their portion for said year, to bA paid to the Treasurer of tha said County of Kent, without a^iy deduotioa, on or before the 21st day of Deo'r next. And Whbbbas, the apportionment gf the Legislative Seheol grant for said Town- ship of Raleigh for the year 1871, amounts to $3U8, acoerding to the appertionment of the Chief Superintendent of Common Sohoola. AvD Whekbas the Muniaipality of the Townahip of Raleigh ia required to raiaa an equal sum of money, according to law, in sush ease made and provided. Akd Whebeas, it is necessary to raise the following sums of monejr to meet the current expeases of the Corporation of the Township for the year 1871, vis : For the Salaries of Township Officers, the aum of *. $660 00 For the aapport of the poor in the Township, the sum of 160 00 For Non-resident Sdiool Accounts, the sum of 380 00 For MissellaneouB Acoeunts, the sum of 470 00 Be it therefore enacted by the Munieipil Council of tho Corporation of the Township of Raleigh in Council assembled, under end by virtue of an Act 2^h and 30th Vio- toria. Chapter 11, and the amendments thereto, passed by the Legislature ef Ontario. 1st. That there shall be raiaed. levied and coUaoted upon all tha rateable raal aad [personal property in the Townahip of Rtleigh, thAsumor rate of 6 and 8- 1 0th milU on [every toliar thereof for the aforeaaid County purposes; the sura or rate 8 and 2-10 {mills on every dollar thereof^ to meet the ozpenaea of thi Townahip of Raleigh for the «arrtnlj«tr; th« inmor ral« of on« mill on •▼•ry dollar tk«r«of for the aforeuid 8rh*oI purpoua (cxoupl on th« property nf oorUin Uomtn (Jatbolio tupporteri of S«p. •rato 8«hooI«> ; Iho ■uiu or rata'.of onu dollar upon th« ownor or harborar of every dog ; and the au'n or rate of two dolliira upon thu owner or harborer of every Bitch entered upon Ihe Aaaeiament Roll of tho Townahip for (he current year. 2nd. That if tho above nnine of monoj eo rniaed and ooltootad by the lald ratei, ahall flxoeod in any onao the amount bo rcnuirod for tha afornaaid yarpoaca raepeotive- ly, tho Trflaauriir uf this Carporation ahnll paaa anoh excena to any deHoianoy thalraay •riie to any or eithor of the nietitioned purpunea in thia 13y-law, and if no auoh delU elenuy ahall happon than all auch excoaa, if any, ahall bo kept by the Treaaurer and appropriated tu iho gonoral purpufirn of thn Township under tno direction and control of the Council thereof, t» all the mooiea are which oome into hie handa. 3rd. That the Clerk of thia Corporation ia required to levy a opeeial rata ovor and above all other ratea against the catate, real and peraonal, of any Bohool Section with- in thia munioipality on the roquaat of the Truateea, who ahall turniah hian on or be- fore the Firat day of S; pturobur, with a written atatomont aigncd by auuh Truateea, of tho amount of money to bo raiaed for Common Suhool purpoaea in auoh Sohool Sio- tiona, auuh a rata pro rata on all the rateable property in auolvSchool Section ae will amount to the aum of money required by auoh Truateea for the aforeaaid purpoeee, to- gether with the Bum of aix per oont. to defray the oxpenaes of levying and ooUeoting tha aame. 4tb. That the Collector ia hereby authorized and required to collect aooordifig to law, tha apocial ratea levied on tho freeholdera and houaeholdera of auch School Sec- tiona, the Huma of mouoy aat oppopito their rojpootivo uamoa, and to pay the amounta 80 ooUuotod (on or beforo tho l4th day of Duoumber next, after retaining the aum of eix per eent. for levying and collocting aaid ratea), to the Socretary-Troaaurer of auch School Soctiona, v hoso receipt with tho Corporate Sool attached, and deposited with the Treaaurer of thia Corporation, ahall jo hia acquittanco for the auma ao paid. 6th. It ahall be the duty of thu Collector for thia Cor|ioration to pay ovet all monoy collected hy liim to the Treaaurer ovorv two weeks, under a penalty of the forft^ituro of hia aalary , and to finally col'eot and pay ovor all monies collected by him, and muka a return to the TrcAHuror by the 14th day of December next, according to law. Fro. Tided that thia clause ahall not apply to Special School Ratea. 6th. That the Collector shall be allowed the same fejs aa ia now allowed to Bailiff of ttie Division Courts for all property seized, appraiaud, advertiaed and sold by him by virtue of hia ofBco. JOHN JENNBR, Olerk. STEPHEN WHITE, ReeT«. No. 216-A BY-LA.W For Draining certain localities in the Township of Ealtfjlf hereinafter named, and for borrowing money to complete the same. WHEREAS, a majority of the reaident Lnd owners of the localities to be bene- flt.ted by the proposed Drainage have petitioned the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Townabip of Raleigh fur the drainage of the undermentioned laoda, namely, the landa mentioned in Schedules No. 1 and 2, commencing flrat on the easterly ai^e of tho Tour Rod Road about 5 rods south-east of the end of the cul- vert mentioned in the petition, at the Ridge ; thenco running north-west along the eaaterly aide of aaid Four Rod Road a diatanoe of 240 reds tu tho rear of the Talbot Road lots — to be called the Four Rod Road Extension Drdn. 2nd Locality commencing first, on the north side of the Ridge north of Talbot Road oa the line between lots numbered 143 and 144 , thencs runninir north-westerly on the west aide of said line obout 260 rode to tho drainin the rear of the Talbot Road lots. Secondly, commencing on the south side of said Ridge on the line between lots 143 and 144, about twenty rods north-west of Bruaheb' and Sandison'a Cross Drain, and running south-east on said lino between lots 143 and 144 to said Cross Drain. Thirdly, commencing again about fifty rods south-east of aaid Cross Drain en the west side of the said lino between lots 143 and 144, and running north-west to said Cross Drain ; thence south-westerly along aaid Crose Drain to the Four Rod Road ditch— to be called the Brush and Sandison Drain. And Whereas, the Council being of opinion that it would greatly benefit the said localities were the aaid Drains made, have instructed Sherman Malcolm, P. L. S., to make a surrey &f the prupostd Drains, and report to the Council thereon. A.ND Whbrias, the said Sherman Malcolm has examined the line of 4^r^ proposed Drain, made a survey and took tho levels thereof, and made an estimnN t 'In- costs of cutting and making auid Drain!), and reported the same to the Cour.( i< ^ 'Mount- ing to the sum of 91,253 61 ; that is to say, the coat of tho Four Bod BcuU a^ion To provii fulley on |»tion of #nd widei AWD W lo|«lity vi th« aforeuld >rtert of ■•?• )f oTery dof ; Bitoh enttred h« ttld ratat, CI tMpeottT*- »noytba»ra»jr TrtMurar and )n and control 1 rata over and 1 Saotion with- him on or ba- luuh Truataaa, oh School S< 0. Hrction aa will d purpoaea, to- aud ooUeoting lot aooordiftff to Lch School Sao- ty the amounta ing the auin of oaaurar of auoh deposited with B ao paid. • oval all money if the forftiiure | y him, and mhk« ^ ig to law. Pro. It llowod to Bailiff | and aold by him } [iTB, ReeT«. I nam$d, and for itiea to be bene- Council of the undermentioned Tibneing flrat on end of the cul- ..weat along the ar of the Talbot I of Talbot Road irth-weaterly on 'albot Road lota, ne between lota \'b Oroaa Drain, roBB Drain. )EB Drain on the rth-weat to said Four Rod Road benefit the said •Im, P. L. S., to Bon. I of ♦li'" propoaed Ir.ci' ■- ""'unt- lEcutl . -ution Drain, f412 sy ; and the coat ot tba iiruah and Sandiaon Drain, S820 U?; tad hA«ap> portioned the aaid auma amonKNt the Lot* and parta of Lota and Uoad benaUtad aapar ochtdttlo foUuwlnif nnd foriiiiii); (xirt uf this liy-law. The following Schadula ahowa the benallt to be derived by oaoh lot from the Drain* ago to be performed under the proviaiona of thia fiy-law. SOHBDULE No. . OR FOUR ROD ROAD EXTENSION DRAIN. '■■"'_ Am't ai»^»»td T^XhU K K.ri, N E 1144 • 4S 00 Four Rod Road, grading, Ao., 144 30 Con. Talbot Road, do Lot or p'dot. V1H146 6 W i 144 SCHEDULE No. hy hnrfin'r $144 30 102 30 Tstal aaieiied, 2, OR BRUSH AND SAliDISUN DRAIN. 3432 90 Talbot Read, do Lot or pt tot, N H i 143 SW 1 143 Am't atmMd Talbot Road, N B | 144 236 31 />y Bnninw.' do 8 W i 144 176 00 §176 00 ] 236 31 I Total aiief ted, 9820 02 Be it therefore etuuted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Townahip of Raleigh, in Council aaio'nblod, by virtue of and under an Act entitled an Act rea- peeling the Municipal Inatitut'.ona Act of the Province uf Ontario. lat. That tba aaid Drains shall be made in acoordancu with the survey, levela and report furniahed to this Council by the said Sherman Malcolm, and that ha be and he ia hereby appointed Cominissionor to let the said Drains to the lowest bidder (not ex- ceeding the estimate) — to take security Irom the contractor, with two good and auffi- •ient auretiea for the duo perl'ormanci of the work— to gVAiit ordora on the Treaaurer therefor, less twenty per cent., until finally acoeptad by tho Engineer. 2nd. That there ahall be raised, levied and colloctod from and oil' the lofn and paits of lota to be benellttud by making the said Drains, tho sum of $1 10d.2'i, aa ( forth in aaid Schedule, to be paid in manner following, subject to appeal as by law provided. 3rd. That the aaid sum of $110.'B, bearing interest not exceeding eight per cent, per (innum ; tho first ini^talment to ba paid in 1B71, and continued in each year until fully paid. 4th. That tho Clerk shall in each year placo tho payments, with interest on the un- paid princif Buma not less than $100 each ; to bo under tho Corporate seal and si jned by the Reeve and Treasurer, and made payable at tho Merchants' Bank at Chatham, with coupons attached for the interest. 7th. That in caae any of the mentioned lands assessed for said Draina become non- resident lands, the Collector may bo unable to collect said assosamenta from the landa , thereby causing a deficiency to meet the Debentures as they become due, it ahall be lawful for the Treaeuror to pay from the general funds of the Township such auma aa will make good such deficiency, and he shall replace the same to the general funda so soon as the said sums are collected from said lands. 8th. That this By-law shall be published in the Chatham Bani%«r newspaper for six weeks previous to the final passing thereof. JOHN JENNSB, Clerk. STEPHEN WflIT£, Reere. Kg. 217-A BY-LAW To provide for enltrging the C^a/ord Dram in, the Township of Raleigh. Pahiid 7th Stpt., 187L WHEREAS a majority of the resident land owners of the locality to be benefitted by enlarging the Graford Drain in the Township of Raleigh on lot 129, to f ^«n!ley on lot 137, Talbot Road, have petitioned the Municipal Council of theCorpo- ^Mtion of the Township of Raleigh to aause the said Craford Drain to be made dsepor ' *nd wider. , And Wbxhiab, the Council being of the opinior that it would greatlv benefit th^ i lo(|ilit7 wera tho Midbrain onlarged, have passed a By-ltw iastruotingShonnanMRl- r coin, F. L. B.f to tsuniii* the Mme and rtpoit tUenon with an Mtimate of tho ootti •nd as asMitiBtBt to defrtj the espeniet of the nmo. AMD Whbbiai, the Mid Shermin Malcolm has examined the eaid Craford Drain and the lands pro^oaod to be drained ; also, lands benefitted in the township of Bar- wioh, took the leTola thereof, and made an estimate of the costs of enlariflnK the same, and reported the same tothe Ooonoil as amonnting to the son of SBIO 29; and has apportioned the said sum of $610 29 amongst the lots and parts of lots and roads to be boMfltted, as per Sohedales following and formittg a part of this By-law. SCBBDULB FOR TOWNSHIP 07 HA&WIOH. 4, W. 0. R. 4; W. 0. R. 4,W.0.R. Lot or part Lot. P«t», purl 9, Amount Aneind. Name o/partiei A$$eiHd $15 00 Joseph Ash, 86 00 John a. Main, ft 00 V Bokert Bachelor. I ^ Total aMMsed to Harwich,.-. $66 00 SCHBDULB FOR THB TOWNSHIP OF RALBMH. IC la Nawu of Lot or AnCt Au'd partiet tuo'd. Con. part lot. by Engineer. R'dlsetweenlot \SiSc 114, Ra- leiffa, TJbotR'dop. pcsitelotol86 A 136, Talbot R'd Hugh McPherion " NBp'tl29 J. fieatkeringtoB, " $95 00 20 00 Jos.Heatheringt'n ) * T. aeatheringtoa, { < Wm. Stripp, Lor. Johns, Wb|. Johns, 90, 30 00 SWn29 100,30 00 i" 130, 200 60 00 131, 190 60 00 132, 183, 60 15 00 95 30 00 Saanel Orafoid, T. R. S i do «' SWi Magnns Crafcrd i < Wm. Oraford. S < NE i 133. 95 30 00 Jonath'n Stanton, <«nwp't 80^134 64 40 00 Chos. Cantwell, ~ " NWp'tl34, 105 10 29 Thos. Pardo, Jos. Thompson, Thos. Pardo, James Craford, John Craford, John Milnii, 1: Total auesaed to Raleigh, $665 29 N E i 134, 160 45 00 BoU thtrrfore t»futed hj the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township ef Raleigh, in Coaneil assembled, under and bj virtue of an Aet respecting the Munici- pal Institutions of Ontario. 1st. That the said Drain shall be enlarged in accordanee with the Survej and levels taken bj the said Sherman Malcolm, P.L,S. ' 9nd. That there shall be raised, levied and collected on the lands aferesaid, along with the ordinary taxes for the year 1871, the sum cf 8440 29 for the purpose of paying one part of tlte oosts of said Drainage and the costs incidental thereto, subjeet to An ;%■*' appeal as by law provided. Sed. That the sum of $115, assessed on the Road allowance, ahall be paid by the Treasurer of the Corporation of Italeigh out ef the general funds of the Municipality, on the order of the CommiMioner. 4th. That the work to be performed under the provisions of this By-law shall be let by publio contract to the lowest bidder (not exceeding ihe estimate in any case), who Mail giye.good and sufficient security fer the due performance of the work contracted for. 6th. That Sherman Malcolm, P.L.f*., be and is hereby appointed Commiasioiier for^ the letting sad superintending the WT'i on the proposed Drain and that he shall re osive the sum of $18 for the same. 6th. That this By-law shall be riblished in the Chatham Bannxk newspaper for six weeks previous t* the final passug thereof. JOHN JENy^R. OUrk. STEPHEN WHITE, Reeve. f, ■ III No. 218— A BY-LA^ ' ''-" To mtJce prottUion /or Draining a e*rttin locality in th* TowmKip o/RaUight herein- t/ter ittmbei, anifor borrowing Money to complete ihe eame. Pabmd 6th N«T., 1871- WBERBAS, a minority of the resident land owners in the looality to be benefitteJ by the Drainane hereinafter described, have petitioned the Municipal Council if the Corporation of the Township of Raleigh to cause a Drain or Ditch to be epsnrJ through the following locality, vis :— Commencing on the N.W, aide of the line^ RoaA MCwf«A OoAMSsiou A aad Bight, on the Basterly side if the Centeir Road, SW i 136, 100 36 00 NB i 136, 100 35 00 156, 200 20 00 4( H 1 it (I U <( a V«A, ,te of tht ooita Craford Drtin rnihlpof Hm- ' fUlngtlieMHi*, 10 29 -, And hM >ts and roads to •lair. partiti JiitetMd. lepb Aah> m Q. Matn, b«rt Baetatlor. 131, M 15 00 I J83, 9b 30 00 ^ 183, 96 30 00 seilSi 64 40 00 p't 134, 105 10 29 i 135, 100 36 00 \ 136, 100 36 00 IM, 200 20 00 .igh, 1556 29 a of the TowniTiip looting thoMomci- » Survey and lovela is af^rosaid, along eputpoMofpaymB leroto, •ubjoet to *n All bo paid by the bf the Municipality, By-law ihall be let keinany case), whe (ho work contracted BA CommiaaioW '•>• JndthathoahaUre- ^Nua newopapor for WHITE, »••▼•• o/RaUighherein-^ lo 6th Not., 18tl. Llity to be bonefitteJ Kinnicipal Council il iDitoh to bo openfj y. lido of the line ■ ko Cosier Roao, tunaifeg K. W. to' Abo Ite* of Road botiNon OoBeeeeiona teron and A ; tbenoo N. W. along the Weaterly aide of Uio Oentor Ro«m1 to the allowaaoo for Road between Con- celaiona Sis and SeTen. And Whereat, thoy. Council being of the opinion that it would greatly benefit the aaid locality waa the sail Drain made, have inatraoted AmTiva Jon^, r.LS., to make a survoy of tho i^opoaod Drain, and report to fhe Council thereon. Ai»d Whereas, the aiid Abthob Jombs has ozanined the line of the propoied Drain, made a survey, tcjk thO l^vela thereof, and made an aakessment of tho ooata ef butting and making said Drain| atal tOporled the Same to the Council as amoanting to the sum of t870 00 ; and hath iiiportiotted the said sum of $970 00 amongst the LoU and parta of Lots and Roads bonentted, aa per Sohedule hereunto annexed, Ibid forming part of this By-law— subjeot to appeal as by law provided. Be if, Therefwe Enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town- sbip of Raleigh, asseabled under and by virtue of the Municipal Institutions Act of Ontario. let. That tho said iirain shall be made in aeoordaneo with the Sarvey and levels taken by tbe said Abthub Jonbs ; and that Robht J. MoaaisoK bo and is hereby sppointed Commiuioner to let thn said Drain to the lowest bidder (not exceeding the estimate)— to take eeeurity from the contraetors, with good and suffieient sureties for the due per.rmanoe of the work— te grant orders on the Treasurer therefor, less twenty per cent, until finally accepted by the Engineer ; and that the Commissioner bo ptid the sum of 11.60 for Overy day neoessanty spent in letting and superintending the sane. 2nd, That there shall be rbised, levied and collected from and off the iota and parta of lots to be benefitted by making the said Drain, the sum of $640, as set forth in tho said Sohedule. 3rd. That the said sum of $640 00 shall be divided into four equal annual instal- ments, bearing interest not exceeding the rate of eight per cent, per annum; tho first payment to b j made in 18T1, and continued in each year until fully paid. 4th. That the Clerk shall in eaoh year place the payments on the. Co Hector's Roll, •gainst the Lots or parts of Lots aforesaid, to be eolleoted and paid over to the Tieaa- nrer, as other taxes are ooUeoted and paid over, to form a sinking fond to meet the payments of the Debentures hereinafter mentioned. 6th. That the sum of !^230 00, assessed upon the Road allowance, shall be paid by the ITroasurer of the Township out of tho genoral funds of the Municipality, on tho order of ^he Commissioner. 6th. That, for the purpose of raising funds to complete the making of said Drain, it shall be lawful for the Council of the Corporation ot the Township of Raleigh to raise by way of loan, at a rate "f interest not exceeding eight per cent, per annum, the sum of $480 00, for which amount jthe Reeve alwll ei^use Debentures to be me . i .;. ^ . ToUl asseisad .,..9870 00 JOHN JENNER, Clark. STEPHEN W^ITK, Roore. N». 219— A BT-LAW To dtiignate the Polling placet and uppoint Returning Offieert for the Muni' cipal EleetionttH the Township of Raleigh for the year A.D. 1873. Pasaed 6th NareaW, 1871. "HEREAS, the Township of Raleigh is divided into fonr Electoral Diviaiena far the purpose of eleoting a Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and three Coanaiillori, fojr the year 1872. And Whtre'ae, it ia neeoasary to fit the Polling places and appoint Batiiraing Offleem tfarerefor. Be it there fore macted by the Ifmnieipal Oonnoil of the Corporation of' the Towaahi] > of Raleigh in Council assaaftblei, nndto and by Tirtuf of the Acta/ respeclinff thi > Municipal Institutiona of Ontario. r 1st. That James Rhodes is hereby appointed Returning Officer for tbe First Bleotora 1 Division, and that the Felling place be the School House, in Section Ha. 12. 2nd. That A. D. Shadd is hereby appointed Returning Officer for tlae Seeond Eleat* oiral Division, and that the Polling place be the School Honee, in Section No. 4. 3rd. That John Jenn«r is hereby appointed Retaming Officer for thra Third ZleotoMl Division, and that the !PelIing place be the Township Hall. 4th. That William U. Taylor is hereby appointed Returning Officer for the FottrtK Electoral Division, and that the Polling place be at the hoase of Mary Ann Far^.o^ Deal Town. JOHN JENNER, Clerk. STEPHEN WHITE, Rmt ... No 220-A BY-LAW To detach the S.E. half of Lot No, 7, in Coneeuton No. 4, from Sthm d Ses- tion No. 2, and to attach the tame to School Section No. 4, in the Townthip of I Raleigh '^ Passoi 6th November, • 1871. WHEREAS, application* has been made to this Ooancil by the petition oi ' Adolph I Myers, to detach (his land) the S.E. half of Lot No. 7, in oencession H< >. 4 from] School Section No. 2, and to attach the aame to School Section No. 4, j4n<:{ IKAeretw, the necessary noticea have been given. '*' - Be it Therefore Enacted, by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of t' he Town- . ship of Raleigh, in Council assembled, under and by Virtue of the Acts, Cil .apters 64 and 64 of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada, and the aaendmea ts there to $ passed by the Legislature of Ontario. 1st. That the S.E. half of Lot No. 7 in ooncMsion No. 4, in the Township of Raleight shall be detached from School Seetion No. 2 and the same shall be atiaekf jd to Sohool!^ Section No. 4. JOHN JENNER, Clark. STEPHEN WHITE, Ram. m \Be HM««4. : ^ ItobtW.i) . '1.. ITB, R«o^«* 11 No. 221— A BYLAW To ditae^ 'h4 S.E. ha\f of Lot No. 24 in the I3th Conetuion in th$ T«wn$hip vf Jir/ from School Section No. 8, and to attach the tatne to School Section No. 1 1 intau^ .'ownthip. \ t,. ■ of One hundred dollars per annum, in lieu of all percentage, and that he be paid that ts ' respectinfi tb« ) ^ isia from the first of January, 1871| until this By-law ia amended or repealed. - 1jOHI;J|;NNER, Olerk. .. STBFHBN WHITE, Reere. th>e First »lw*»»*^ "^'^ndBlert. I '• ' ' • " No: 223-A BY-LAW ot ion No. 4. - mTo appropriate certain lunt of money for the improvement qf Moods and lbs Third »wo M bridges in the five Rural Road Dtviiions in the Township of Raleigh. fartheFoa*^^ 1 Pniied 12 th Febrnary, 18TI- 'Mary Ann Fer^.ov* '^9|XTHEREA8, it is necessary and expedient & aoeerdance with the 88th Seet'on of ' T T the Assessment Act of 1868-'69 that the sum of 8329.40 aocming firom non-Resi- niTE B**'* •'** iS"^' Statute Labor Tax (as reported by the Clerk) fhould be appropriated as the Law And Whereas, it is necessary that an additional sum of $1,126 should be apprept ia- l S*^' n-^0 T' '^^{'^^ en. Ommp aadHaaakiahWileox In tha Second Raral lload Division— Thamaa Crackle and Uiohaal Kaaraa. In tho Third Rural Road Diviaion— John Carter and Jamaa Qilhula. In the Fonrth Rural Road Division— Andrew Pardo^ ThomaaRoe apd Wm. Marrill. In tha Fifth Rural Road Division— John P. Hughaoa and Joseph Thompaon. 7th. That the following persona ara haraby, appoiatad FoaooYiawara, tIb: In tha First Rural Road Division— Alfred Aldia, Henry Weat, Jr., and Hazakiah TilOQZ. In the iaoond Rural Road Division- Jamea Holmes, Robt. Ross and Pat. Forhan. In tha Third Aural Road Division— John Fozton, Jaa. Kin^; and Isaao Waahingion. IntheFoarth Raral Road Division— Benjamin Seaman, Jr., Joaeph Johna and [ioha'el Toomie. In the Fifth Rural Rop-i Diviaion— Wm. S. Stripp, Oaorge Ooalet and Wm. Hamlet 8th. That the appointment of the above-named persona to thaOfBeea of Auditors, Laaenor, Collector, Ini>peotor, Overseers, Poundkeapera and Fenoe Viawara, ahallaon- {inue till their sucoessors are appointed and aworn into offlco aooording to law. 9th. That the appointment of the Oolleotor and tha Inspeetor shall beiaforooaa Don as those offioars have lodged ifith the Clark of thia Corporation tho noaaaaary ^onds duly approved of by the Oounoil. 10th. That any person negleotinf or refusing to tako the Deolaration of OfSeo or Qualification within twenty days after their appointment and being notified of tho ime, shall be liabie t,o a penalty of not less than oao dollar nor mora than tan dol- krs, to be recovered in the usaal manner, en oomplaint of tlM Clerk, before any Jaa< |ce of the| Peace haying jurisdiction in the Municipality. nth That the Treasurer's Salary be Ifaa lam of $100, and half tha iataraat made on |inda depositsd in the Bank. )IIN JENNEK, Glerk. STSPHBN WHITB, Rmt«. ' Bighwaya in tho . y. m . 1 „; AUDITORS' REPORT. S. J. Harvey, in account with the Municipality of the ^„.,. Township of Baleigh, fer the Eeceipts and Expendi- ture ©t' the Township during 1871. tmssBs ^ ^-■' . ,. I .. '■ gg^mwi 1871 RECEIPTS. Dr. Jul. 1 To balance from 1870..... % 4,434 16 Fab. 3 C. O: Ofaartaris, Esq., Wild Laqd Tax 1,329 63 Jfaroh 1 B. Palrde, E. Louniberj, T. Roe, J.Qllliula, Z.Patarsaa, R.B.Parr, Mrs.Wilaoz, Mrs. Braatte, J.Labate, Tar. Lia., 180 00 Juie 17 Merchan tB Bank interest on deposit 43 61 '• Land InproTement Fund v>, 40 73 Jnly 27 Oorernment School Grant 398 00 Sept. 15 Debenture No. 11 i 892 00 16 T. Dillon, J.P., fines 100 21 Clergy Roierre Fund 190 00 Oct. S J. p. Hnghson, Pound Keeper 2 00 Not. 10 Henrj Oi ump, 6 months' Liernie 12 OO 29 Township Harwich, asselsmoak en G., If. & I. 0. Drain, 990 00 29 Town of Ohatfaam .475 60 Dec. 16, bebentuPts Nos. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 k 22, 2,973 00 16 Iff. Lowes, 5 months' License 10 00 21 M. Dillon, OoUeetor 10,260 64 P. Kearns, P.K., fot BolliDg horse 24 00 S. White, J.r., fines..... 4 00 ... '■ Total $23,249 97 1871. • EXPENDITURES. Cr. Feb. 3 Bj 0. G. Ohnrteris, Esq., Oen&tj Rate, $ 2204 19 Oot. 14 Got. School Grant, «... 398 00 Dee'r30 Salarj Aeeoant, «. 619 60 Charity 120 70 Non-resident School Rate Aocotint, 360 20 Special do do 1633 87 Miscellaaeons, 607 83 Dogsvt. Sheep 70 60^ Roads and Bridges, 2389 26 Drains Account, • 8567 27 Mnnicipal Assessnents, 398 00 Balance in Treasirer'fl hands, 6990 65 Total, ^,... $23249 97 SALARY ACCOUNT. Or. Ayr'124 BjG. Ooutts, Aniitor, $ 6 00 26 HughllcPhersoa do 6 00 J. Jenner, part Salarj,. ««,. 30 00 A. Goilett, Assessor, 75 60 Ang. 12 J. Jenner, part Salary 25 00 Sept. 9 8. White, Soleetittg Jarers, 3 60 J. Jennor, do 7 00 Not. 1 J. Jenner, part Salary 70 00 Doo'r 21 A. Oonlet, Seleotinf Jarors, 3 60 M. Dillon, Colleetar, < 60 00 22 J. DiUoa, Iis|ootar, , .*..,......., 15 00 lity of the ' L Expendi- ,u., ' • • iv k <»* An, • • • 22, • • 4 ft* Dr. 4,434 16 1,329 63 180 00 43 61 40 73 398 00 892 00 1 00 190 00 2 00 12 00 990 00 .475 eo 2,973 00 10 00 10,260 64 24 00 4 00 ...$23,249 97 Cr. ...$ 2204 19 398 00 619 60 120 70 360 20 ... 1633 87 607 83 70 60^ 2389 26 ... 8567 27 398 00 . . . 6990 66 c. $23240 97 ...$ 1 1 • I • • • • • ■ • • • « p ■ t I f • Or. 6 00 6 00 30 00 75 60 25 00 60 00 70 00 3 60 60 00 30 15 H. MaaaiBr, i* R. J. Morriira, d* O. ■. DoliM, do ». WhiU, d« J. JcBMr, teUici of S*Urj, •. S. J. Harrf J, d« .. .t....«.... ...... 28 80 84 10 39 60 36 00 , 28 80 ,. 60 00 ,•••...... 100 00 T«Ml.. $619 60 1871 CHARITY ACCOUNT. Jan. 16 Br J> Tkomai, knrial clothci for I. Baos ..:.V....$ H. Moor, ooflBa .' ... Fab. 3 K. 0. Smitb, far ohild faaad daad . «., 30 P. Labuta, aid Mra. EnoB ,. A. J. Hardan, c6ffiB far C. Ward J. W. Taylor, kaap aad fuaaral azpaaaai for Boyd J, T. Dean, " " O.Ward... April 24 O, H. Brows, aara of Wm. Taylor B. Royiter, aid Kay 29 B. Taylor, for Ura If ura. paiar*" July 20 T. Janocr, fitnaral axpaasea of A. G . Aaderion Nor. 6 H. More, cara ofWm. Taylor , — B. Taylar, for A. Urea 30 MeKeaiia Lett, aid De«. 8 M. MeNeil, fcnaral azpaases of Miis Uanry IC Geo. Ooutts, elotbiaf for Wm. Taylor j_ ToUl NO^'BES'lDKNT SCHOOL RATES. Or. 3 2 6 6 3 00 17 00 7 00 12 00 6 00 95 to 00 00 00 00 00 00 22 00 10 00 6 00 7 75 Mar. 22 By TruBteei of B. 0. S.l^. 8. .No. 4...$ flopt. S> TraatMBS-HTll.. Daa. 4 18 21 do do do da do 1. 2 •• • 12... 8... 5. . . 5 49 16 84 18 14 14 %X 24 50 24 63 101 08 Dec, 21 Trustees S.S< 7...$ 22 25 30 do do do da 6... 13... i.r.. $120 70 Cr. 46 41 39 00 15 29 38 75 16 09 Total. 1871; f^eb. MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT, Jaa'y 16 By Wm. H. Taylar, Elactiaa Expenses, $ 27J. Janacr, do do . J. Bhedes, do do 3 R. StepbensoB, Priatias, 4 Wm. Vail, Moaey Befunded, 4 R. B. Drain, J.E.Vail, do da 28 A. D. Sbadd, ElaotioB ExpaBSSS,. A. MoDoaell, Sorveyiag Boad across Goa's. 5 aad 6, ..' . J. Mbrrisb, Blank Rolls, &o., Mar'h 1 S. Sbepley, Money Befaaded, error 1868 10 00 April 1 A. Jones, P. L. S.. Oaas. Fees, Ac, Goose C. Draia, .... 16 00 15 T. Hugbsou, Assisting Surreying Talbat Boad, 25 M. B. Parde, Polling Plaea Eleetioa, J.B. Bhodes, da do 8. J. HatTey, Tarera Certifieates aad Statioaary, .... 87 00 2 00 2 00 16 00 May 6 J. Jeaner, Tavera-keeper's Bonds, Reg. Birtbg, Ace., 14 00 Wm. Storer, money refaaded, 4 R. R. Draia, ' "' S.Pike, da do 29 J. Jaaaer, Statioaery, Jnaa 10 J. Morrish, Statieaory, July 3 T. Haghson, Assisting Sarreying Taibat Boad, J. P. Hagbsaa, da do 8,Ha||i|9B, 4t d« ........ 04 29 06 44 87 62 62 ■\v * Uf 8 7 20 Avg*! 8 Oct. 13 ,0*t. 13 Mot. 6 13 29 D«0. 4 8 13 21 tl 'liVijVV* 22 > 1 ii TrutcM S. 8. N«. 4, P«ll(a^ PUm, If. PA7B«, PMUgs, , J. MarrUk, StotloMrr, &e. , , J. ft. CUbbIU, PriBtiBf, 8. MbUoIb, 8arr«7 wf li>«i b«tWMB 108 k 1C9, T. B,.. B. Maleela, BarrtjiBf Ui. Lsti 144 k 145, alio 153. 164, J. JsBBtr, B«b4 for H. Crump BadStataUi «r OaUri*,. H. Onmp, UltBriaf Or««k,. Z.Boek, do 8.Morrill, do H. boll, Bloariag crook A. McNoil, llBO rofiBdod H. KoHy. 8.L. Tax P. fltftdford J. Noll, fiao refoadod ; J. BaokkoQM do P. Hooro, 8L. Tax, rOfuodod J. R. OoBimill, adTortisiag rato By-law O. H. DoliOB, ftii for eUariag ortok Prent 0. 2ni. Coa. H. Jokaioa, 8.L. Tax rofaadod. A, Bnith ••• . do M. Ellorback do G. Hora do Oathorlao DiUoa do 8. J. Harrty, repairs and fraight ckargoi, safe lock ▲. UoFaddf a, S.L. Tax rtfaadod Wm. Barton do J. Hatoktnaon do H. Itore, arroari of tazoB rofundod J. B. Thompion....do P. D. MoKellar, ^ogisterlag Plan of Buxton village P. Koarnt, 8.L. Tax rofandsd M. Dillon, loM of mocoy, tec Wm, Brown, S.L. Tax refnndtd S. WoBt, Orornor, fiao rofaadod « J. Millor do do M. Payao, poitago J. Jonner, T. K. boado for M. Lows aad Wm. Merriil. . . J. Morrisk, blanks and statioaory R. PayBC,8. L. Tax rofundod $2 00 3 68 6 11 41 52 8 00 41 36 1 60 38 00 64 OU 149 00 30 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 3 90 6 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 9 06 3 00 00 00 94 48 00 00 3 00 1 2 2 3 2 5 6 00 00 00 31 00 11 00 1871 Total ; 1607 83 SPECIAL SCHOOL RATE. Dr. Doo. 30 To aaonat LoTitd, $U*33 8V cu. Doe. 30 By S.S.NO. l,aBitod$ 72 54, Dec. SO S.S. No. 5, S.Hous^ A\Z% 04 88. No. 5R.0..... 163 85 - - -- S.S. No. 4, R. C . . . 53 32 S. S. No. 4 266 79 8.8. 5, T. Balary, .. 286 87 a. S. No. 13 262 46 Total, $1|33 81 Fob. I- I R. R. DIVISION No. 1. Dr. 20 To Wild Land Tax, f401 71 S. L. Tax, 46 00 Do*. 30 OrordrawB 37 9 3 .Total, ...Jf484 64 Cr. Jan. 1 By Orordrawn from 1870 .^... fl i^l April 24 Wm. Johnson, work ^^ 4 52 W.SIa'errejpairing bridge 10 08 Jaly 27 B. Cramp, building.... do 19 00 R. Bowoll, f radlag 24 75 u. An^ > M,F»n, ditctjl.ni i9 do do Oe'. 2 J n|lin«, ch >;•■ i'lu &c Wia Vo.iity, y kImut 10 1 McX.im>trii, »i-n%,.T 1.0 3 00 hi 6') 10 00 10 50 33 00 13 00 I 60 11 38 6 00 19 00 6 60 14 76 11 00 24 00 21 00 23 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 1 26 b 00 27 00 27 33 II AO 1850 Iflrt* 64 Total 54G8 66 Cr. Jan. 1 Bj Orerdrawo 1870 April 24 Curtis It Knott, repHiriog bridge A. ?^y«rs, do rund. M»7 29 T. Browa, icraper S. Uurtit, bridirej B. SnDsbnr7, largf scraper July 3 T. Rice, | lotij?' ing Ac Enub Shear J >iathew9, di ching R. Harris, ditchink' H. Parson, ditching. AQg. 8 A. iMcFftdden, cbo' pinfr, &c .... J, Pointdeter, repfliriug brid, es. ., « D. Murphy, ditching A. McFadden, chopping, Ac P. Kearns, ditching 19 M. Bell, ditch ng Oct. 2 J . Collins, ehoppinsr, &c , 20 H. Stockton, e'earing read , Not. 6 T. Irwin, plongh'ng, Ac ... * , Wm. Beckwith, choppi g, &c .. . T. Ricf , diich og J. Smith, plank, &c , J. SoMtMr & Co., *wo scrapers. . . , Dtc. 4 Wm. Btekwitb, choppjog, ftc. . . ., $ * * % «••• •••» • •* ' 2'i 67 1 f)0 f) 00 CO C> <'=0 24 > It CO 13 00 6 25 25 08 28 00 3 60 2 00 13 8G 10 00 14 00 12 05 10 00 i5 50 2 00 20 00 10 'II 2 99 12 75 20 09 i \ 1# g 7. ir«HkirMl, y!Mk »...;.;.... fit M A. Mtf Add«D, rapalriig bridga 60 T. Brews, pleafhiif, 4o 30 00 do rtpMrlag colTtrt 2 •• do du bridgt, 4c 4 4S . 8 ▲. Mjtn, dttctalBg 18 72 J. RoUi, «bopplDf , Ao 20 00 21 do do 19 00 B.OurtU, dittbiRf 9 «0 P. KMrai, do 4 00 21 R. J. NerriiOD, pir ccDtagt 25 02 30 P. Kabalar, ebepplof, &o 10 00 ToUl A 9468 66 R, JU DIVISION NO. 8. Dr. Feb. 20 TowUdLftodTax.J 9 401 48 S.L.Tax... yf. 66 71 OTordwwo 70 60 Total 9628 70 Cr, Jan. 1 By overdrawn from 1870 9 94 29 Ftb. 28 A, J. I'arden, cboppiag, &o 40 00 April 24 M. McNeil, steel facing leraper 8 00 0. WattB, cleaning ditch 3 60 Mftjr 6 P, Hickio, culrert 18 00- 16 8. Hall, new scraper 6 00 29 A. Smith, repairing scrapers 4 60 JunO 10 O. W. Halter, 2 scrapers 11 00 17 J. McKean, ploughing, &c 6 00 P. Dooley, new cuUert 20 00 P. Hickie, ploaghing, &c 16 75 29 T. Qilhala, do 9 60 Julj 3 C. Watts, chopping, &c L6 00 B. Harris, building bridge Ai 00 Wm. Carter, repairing scrapers ■.. 3 60 Wm. Drew, ploughing, Ac 2 00 7 I. Wellwood do .... .... .... 9 20 P. Hickie do .... .«.• ., ' 4 75 J. Lee, clearing stunpi .... .... . . , 2 00 Aug. 8 J. Dillon, ploughing Ac ..i 7 00 J. Williams, repairing bridge .... TOO do do 2 25 12 Wb. Eraser, do .... .... 4 60 Sept 6 P. Sins, ditching... . .... .... .... 10 00 J. Williams, repairing bridgo .... .... 4 00 9 T. Gilhula, do .... .... .... 4 60 J. Lewis, ploughing, fto. .... .... Ti 00 16 P. Sims, ditching - - • • 6 00 Oct. 28 B, Brooks, coWert ... . 6 00 Nor. 18 D. W. Batter, bridge - • - - 60 00 D. Sheffield, ohoppiag, kt. • - - 40 00 Dec. 8 A. J. Harden, do - - - 16 00 P. Oleasoo, ploughing, &e, - - • 13 00 do do . . - 9 65 do do • - • 5 21 21 S. Smith, do ' - - - 10 00 Wm. Carter, repairing scraper - • 1 60 A. Smith, do - • - 1 60 J. Lewis, ploughing, &o. • • • ' 10 00 22 |C. McNeil, poreeotage - - - - 24 65 Totel .... $628 79 • •• • • • • • • fits* 60 30 00 2 to 4 45 18 72 20 00 19 00 9 «0 4 00 ... 26 02 ... 10 00 . . . $468 66 Dr. .,.% 401 48 ... 66 71 . .. 70 60 .... $628 79 ...9 94 29 .... 40 00 .... 8 00 3 60 . ... 18 00 6 00 4 11 6 60 00 00 20 00 16 75 9 60 00 00 .}? 60 00 20 75 00 00 00 25 60 10 00 00 60 00 00 00 . 60 00 40 00 . 16 00 13 00 9 65 5 25 . 10 00 1 60 1 60 10 00 ■ 24 65 . $628 79 r«k. Dae. r«b. 19 . R.R. DlVmOS NO. 4. 20 To Wiia Laal Tax B. L.Tax - Balaaea ft-on 1170 80 Orardraim > Totftl Or. 4 Bj Wb. Baaaatt, rapairiag aanpart 28 J. Barlj, rapairing bri4ga Mm. 22 J. Jobaa, work ea OonoaaaiaBa 13 Md 14 April 1 T. Evaa, chopping, k; • 16 do do 26 J. Harlj, rapairing bridga May 16 J. Johna, culrart Juae 27 0. Hagata, ploagbiag, *«. J. Aptborp, ditakiag J. larly, 2 bridgaa F. Qaurat, plaagkiag, k: 8. Drivar, ditobiag 29 P. MogaB, ploagbiag, kt. D. Wblta, do B. Broadbaat, do Higb k Flamiog, aarapar Jnly 7 Wm. Wallaea, ploughiag, 4a 27 J. Earl J, aalrart Was. E. Dawaoa, rapairiig bridge J. MoOreadj, ploagbiag, *e. A. fl. White, da Aug. 8 D. Shea, repairiag bridge 19 J. Balliran, choppiog Sept. 22 T. Barea, loggiag 23 M. Ritchie, repairing 3 bridgea Wm. Wallace, repaUing bridge Oct 20 P. Brady, ditching - 30 J. Fuce, repairing bridge - Not. 13 S. Aldia, pltnk 20 J. Qregorj,' bridge Wm. Olirar, plongbing, fte 28 B. Broadbent, chopping, kc. Dee. 21 A.J. Hardin, do 22 J^. White, per centage Total H. S, DIVISION NO. 6. Feb. 20 To Wild Land Tax S. L. Tax - Dee. 30 Overdrawn Total Jan. 1 By ererdrawn 1870 27 0. Bavin, ditching - B. Freeman, clearing road April 1 J. Freeman, chopping, kc. 16 J. Sullivan, clearing road 24 I. Flater, ploughing, ko 25 J. Miller Jane 10 J* Snllivan, clearing road 27 0. Bavin, culvert July 27 B. Freeman, clearing road Aug. 8 A. Staver, ditching J..^r«aaM, do *- Cr. $4011 96 «f 13 67 81 61 $693 65 1 1 00 4 00 1 60 12 00 18 00 2 00 18 00 01 40 8 80 18 76 24 00 7 20 16 00 47 20 16 00 7 00 41 60 S 00 4 00 34 40 32 07 6 00 IB 00 27 25 8 60 10 00 6 00 1 00 20 34 33 00 6 00 36 00 30 00 33 64 $593 66 Dr. $401 71 69 73 29 80 $491 24 $54 84 20 00 19 00 24 00 24 00 26 00 12 00 24 00 9 00 16 00 10 00 6 00 It ' !! ! / J! li 90 13 B. FfMnM, «lMrlaf roai •0 J f rMnaa, dc '^■•pt. 16 M. Ytuinani, dltflhing 23 B Ward. do Dm. 4 J. Sinpien, Up 'Irnln, L«k« bank • T. L. PaHo, -Uak Wm. Plattr. turapiklng T. RoU A. Sto?«r, dilehiHg II P. Mi\ftnia(r, ouWcrt k: ea T. RMd 31 J IrTiiff, diteblog 0. B»Tia, do 33 H. Mtanhg, p»r otaUffc 30 J. MtPbtrion, ditohlag • B. Ward, do ToUl $83 00 34 90 t 90 38 00 13 00 IH 80 19 33 10 00 IS 00 9 00 « 00 311 30 IT 68 30 00 Ii40n4 DOOS VS. SHBMP. Jm. 1 To baUnc* from 1870 Die. 80 Amouat aollceted 1871 Total Cr. Jan. 16 Bj R«T Wm Kiag, tax rafuaded II «reb I H Wilcox, )r, abaep worried ▲p.il 24 H Wilcox, icn, do 29 Wm McLaaa do 6 A Btkrr do Wm Broira do ' < 13 P. Briidj do 4 J Fraamaa, da R J IforriioB do 31 P Kearai, tax rafaadad II OIlloB do 30 HOramp do "' Balaapa Total ' Dr. $471 U 884 UD "5tt65"il $1 00 67 ra7 Nof. Dae. 01 00. 9 3S 18 17 84 14 00 3 37 1 00 3 00 1 00 784 61 $866 11 FUCE CREEK DRAOf, Cr. $8 08 9 81 Jan. 1 To balanaa from 1870 Jan. 1 By refunded to raadi Noa-Ra«ideat Landa Fcb.3 John Lawii, vnwy ra- faodad 8 87 4 J Jobna do 3 79 J Boyaa da 3 66 R Bajaa do 3 47 J Aptborp do 4 04 J Faoa da 1 61 Dr. $60 77 DaBaif,moBa7 raAiadad 2 83 Ap.15 0«.22 B J RRiaall B Raiiell B Broadbaat ■ Irring J Irriog do do do d* da do 47 47 49 74 74 82 $60 78 SnADDS DRAIN. Jan. 1 To balanaa from 1870 Cr. Jnlj 3 By A D Sfaadd, Oammiiiionera faaa Deo 30 Balaaea Total aoULETJ'B DRAIN. Jan. 1 To balance from 1870 ' ff^Yt 18 Amount Ictied 1871 Toul Dr. $ 820 96 165^51 $2,371 46 $88 00 24 00 f 90 as 00 18 60 IH 80 10 22 10 00 19 00 00 • 00 85 80 n 68 30 00 l40rji Dr. |4Tl U 384 UO 41 00 67 a 01 8 00. 9 85 15 IT S 8i 14 00 3 37 1 00 2 00 1 00 784 61 $865 11 Dr. $60 77 $60 78 Dr. $17 10 $7 80 9JI9 ■$r7 16 1 Dr. $ 820 06 155»ftl $2,371 46 Cr. J«B. 3 By ThoiBki SimpioB, work R. Nawbj, work J J«nt'«r, par MiUg* B Ward, work 91 iKo.lO $27 78 18 4 OOl 28 U 4(' Deo.4 19 08 H King do P GbftthAiB do 16 J Oarl do 27 J N«wb7 do do do do do i f Ftb. 3 20 Mn-14 An .)0 k do 55 00 Oet29 R Wilson J Carol H King, Jr 30 P Brady Geo Towl M Dilloa R Payne P Doyle J Gregory Wm Olliver No 6 Barke a Campbell do J Wagner R Barke M Forhen M Garley A Farnsworth H Crump If Dillon H Gramp DCarr H Crump M Carley M Dilloa R Payne DCarr P Brady B Shupe H Crump J Doyle J Carrol B Shupe H Crump M Dilloa 13 18 29 28 Dec 4 8 22 30 G H Dolsen, Ccm. fees, S White do J Jenner percentage do Asst'g in Sale Balance Total Jan Decc Febi for. Dr. $165 45 80 00 $345 45 $18 72 80 00 76 00 1 66 69 08 $245 45 Dr. $892 00 968 77 306 00 900 00 990 00 475 00 ^531 77 noWAMi AJTD LEWIS i>itAnr. Jan. 1 To btlaBce from 1870 Cr. F«b. 28 Bj Treaiurtr of Harwich Balance Total COLLIN'S DRAIN, j Jan 1 To balance frsm 1870 DecSO Refunded m error to non*r«8ident landa >. $319 oe $318 48 58 $319 06 Dr. $48 45 30 71 Total $79 16 Cr. Feb 3 Bj WSommerTUIe,moB- Marl4 Geo Bennett do $ 7 93 ej refunded $19 20 JnnlO C G Charterif do 30 71 G B Harris do 18 35 4 J Robinioa do 2 98 Total $79 16 1871. VAIL DRAIN. Dr. for. 18 To amount levied 1871 Assesaed to roads )ec. 15 Debenture No. 13 Total Jan 1 Byam'tOTerdr'nl870 $6 lay 6 A JoneSilerelling &c ^5 29 J Jenner, not. of appeal 1 ral20 J R Gemmill, pnbBj-law 14 $642 00 244 00 642 00 $1,528 00 Cr. 7GlNo29 Mathews & Seaman work$88 00 Lug8 R Smithson 19 30 lep 5 18 )et2 20 Iot6 do R P Pearson do do do B Brooks do J Mathews work do do do do do' do do do 8 10 8 9 14 12 20 22 12 00 75 40 00 OC 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 De 16 B Ward do B Brooks do 18 B W<»rd do 22 S White, Com fees 30 J Mathews work do do S Perry do J Jenner T^er centage do Com fees Balance 12 00 30 00 8 00 4 50 40 00 40 00 5 6 13 00 42 35 Total 1,108 82 $1,528 00 |71. CRAFORD DRAIh, 18 To amount levied 1871 Assessed to roads Dr. $440 29 115 00 iPt ic Total Cr. 3 By S Malcolm, surrey ka 9 J Jenner, notices of appeal 29 J R Gemmill, printing By-law 4 W S Stripp, work 18 G Stripp do 30 J Jenner per centage Balance Total $555 29 $17 50 2 00 13 44 18 00 18 00 4 40 481 95 $555 29 rorjR ROD ROAD EXTENSION DRAIN. Dr. 18 To amonni levied 1871 $ 41 24 Assessed to roads 144 30 30 Debentures 246 90 $453i -»*;. Total $432 44 0-. .. July 3 By S Malcolm, survey &• Ndt 29 J \i Oj'miii ll,;iri'i-M ^- By- •• BalHiicu To^r-.l $11 00 . ■ I Off 17 20 4 407 H3 « SAyiJiSO.V A^D £lit'i>II DRAIN Not Dee 18 To amount leTied 1371 30 Dobeatures July Total Cr, 3 By S Malcolii, surrey &e 8 S S>i:. iisoa. work 30 J Jenr.or, por cenUge Ealrnco Total Dr. $117 14 704 to laTTli $ 17 60 176 00 1 IT 627 6T $821 24 1871. V^EST DRAIN. Not 18 To amount levie'l 1371 Assois^d to ronda Pec 15 Debentures Nos 14, 15, and 16, Total Or. AnqB ByJTraTi3aBB';AJo90s$2 25 Dec 4 H Stockton OctlS A Jones levslling 21 75 Nov 6 R Ross work 26 00 b Zebbs do 2C 00 H Stockton do 40 00 10 R Travice do 50 00 29 J R Gemmill printing 6y- law8,50 i sheet bills & sale of work 15 95 Deo 4 A Robinson work 40 00 M Jacobs do 20 00 Total Dr. $160 00 230 00 480 00 $37U 00 work $45 00 J Trarice do 21 50 8 Wm Backwith do 25 00 A Bell do 18 00 W L Moorehead do 60 00 21 J ilaiigh do 70 00 22 E J .Morr'son, Com fees 12 25 30 J Jonner, per centage 1 60 Balance 390 70 $870 00 BALANCE SHEET 1871. 1871. Dr. 1871. Cr. Dec 30 To Doj^s vs. Sheep $ 784 61 Dec30 By overdrawn. Gculett Drain 60 16 R R DiTiaion No. 1 Flook Creek do 26 66 do 2 G. MA I.e. do 258 18 do 3 Sandisaa do 69 08 do 4 M and Lewis do 48 do 6 Vail do 1108 82 Bal. in Treasurer's hands Oraford do 481 95 4 R R Extension do 402 83 S & Brush de 627 57 West do 390 70 Sbadd's 9 29 As'd to R'ds on drains 1119 30 Bal. in Treas'r baiids uoappropria ited 874 59 Total, $6214 22 Total, 5 37 93 3 86 70 48 81 61 29 80 6990 65 $6214 22 LIABILITIES. 0. G. Charteris, County Rate - . $2,649 92 We, the undersigned Anditore, haTe examined the aboTe accounts for the 7 tar 1871, and compared the same with the Vouchers produeed, and find hem correct. GEORGB COUTTS, HUGH McP^E&SON, -J AuD:Ton8. $tl 00 # I Off . n 20 4 t07 H3 Dr. $117 U 704 10 $821 24 $ 17 60 175 00 1 17 C27 67 "g821 24 Dr. $160 00 230 00 480 00 ""$870 00 $45 00 21 60 25 00 18 00 5() 00 70 00 fees 12 25 fe 1 60 390 70 $870 00 -Vi?,V' ; V.( . " '* '•' y ■«' ■ .'. V ■.■ * I •»i- * ■=^-- •;-■■>•'• -"■f , ■■■■; $ 37 93 3 85 70 48 81 61 29 80 6990 55 $6214 22 $2,649 92 : )unta for the •d, »Bd find DDITORS. ■ , ■■■»■ "