^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 L£|I28 no y6 us us IX 140 2.5 2.2 li II 1.8 U IIIIII.6 / >:> Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14980 (716) •72-4903 «l^ '^i>%^ >>^ ^ o^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Instiiut Canadian de microreproductions histG.C)7Q).\4- ALl WORK GUARANTEED THE FINEST IN THE DOMINION. THOMAS CREAN, LIBRARY Wl^^K (Late Master Tailor to H. M. 16th Regiment Foot.) filaster Tailor to the Queen's 0wn Rifles 95 YONGE ST., TORONTO. X*rlce I-iist ss3n.t oan. .A-pplicatioan.. Sporting Guns and Rifles, . M. COOPER, 23 Front Street West, TORONTO, Sole Canadian Agenf ^ « ■ ^ '../ •' ...-^>=;FOR THK MANUFACTUPxES O F!^.- * '' ' \ "' ' '.. GEO. GIBBS & CO., Bristol, Eng. '' '■ "' «H»>''fc«*'- .'^^'•'♦•Tr.t >••;... TI^OMj^S turner, Birmingham, Eijg.'V'i I'l^i' W. & C. SCOTT & SONS, Birmingham, Eng. WILLIAMS & POWELL, Liverpool, Eng. W. W. GREENER, Birmingljam, Eng. l^K-Snider, Mstrtihi-Henry and Match Rifles always on hand, together with a full assort- ment of Guns of the above manufactures. Illustrated Catalogue, reissued every three months, Freo on Application* - • I !': THE GUIDE Manual for the Canadian Militia. (INFANTRY) EMBRACING .. / . ' ' : .'ill THE INTERIOR ECONOMY, DUTIES, DISCIPLINE, DRESS, BOOKS AND COR- RESPONDENCE OF A REGIMENT IN BARRACKS, CAMP, OR AT HOME, WITH BUGLE CALLS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRANSPORT, PITCHING TENTS, ETC. COMPILED BY LIEUT.-COL. W. D. OTTER, Commanding the "Queen's Own Rifles," 2nd Battalion Active Militia of Canada. TORONTO: Willing & Williamson, 1880. ^ A ^ ^*3T I m I PREFACE. In submitting "The Guide" to the kind consideration of the Canadian Militia, I am led to hope that it may, to a certain extent, fill the place of that excellent Manual of Interior Ecoutjmy, by Major F. E. Dixon, now out of print. I have endeavoured to put in a concise and handy form such information as will, I think, be generally useful in the working of a Regiment, not only in Barracks or Camp, but also during the ordinary drills at Head Quarters. For the latter purpose it may be said that very little know- ledge or method is needed, but I hold the contrary opinion, and consider that the same discipline, regularity and order are required at home as on service, and moreover, that the best time to acquire and practise soldierly habits is when quietly parading for weekly drills. I do not, of course, suppose that opportunities will ofier on these occasions for the practice of every detail here provided for, but a vast deal can be done towards increas- ing the efficiency of the Militia by a rigid adherence to the system and principles advocated. The Guide has been compiled from the following authorities, viz., Queen's Regulations, 1873, Army Discip- line and Regulation Acts, 1879, Militia Regulations and Orders, 1879, Sir Garnet Wolseley's Soldier's Pocket Bock, Colonel Anderson's Manual of Military Usages, tlie Standing Orders of Her Majesty's i6th, 17th, 6oth, (j7th Regiments of Foot and the Rifle Brigade, to which I have added my own experience of nearly twenty years in the Active Militia of Canada, fifteen having been in the posi- tions of Adjutant and Commanding Officer. f Table of contents. I : II Part I. — Interior Economy. Section I. — Private Soldiers. //. — Non-commissioned Officers. " ///.—Officers. IV. — Regimental Organization. •• V. — Drills and Parades. Part II.— Duties. Section I. — Roster of Duties. //.— Guards, Sentries, Picquets and Es- corts. ///.—Orderly Duties. Part III. — Discipline. Section I. — Courts Martial, Courts of Inquiry and Boards. //. — Powers of a Commanding Officer. " ///.—Crime. IV. — Complaints. 7.— Defaulters. Part IV. — Dress. Section /.— Officers. //. — Non-commissioned Officers, Part V. — Books and Correspondence. Section I. — Regimental Books. //. — Company Books. ///. — Individual Books. " IV. — Correspondence. Part VI. — Marches and Encampment. Section I. — Marches. " //. — Encampment. Part VII. — Forms. PartVIII.— Bugle Calls. is- nd PARTI. INTERIOR ECONOMY. SECTION I. Private Soldiers. The Active Militia being her first line of defence, Can- ada has to depend upon it for the suppression of all internal disorders, and, in case of sudden invasion or war, must look, for a time at least, to that force alone for protection. Under these circumstances the Militiaman, whatever may be his motives for enrolling, whether they be founded in patriotism, military ardour, a passion for display, or a desire for recreation, should bear in mind that from the moment he is attested he becomes a soldier and a servant of the state, and as such, parts for a time with the priv- ileges of citizenship, having no will of his own, no liberty of action, no unrestrained freedom of speech. This is, no doubt, a severe trial to begin with, but it must be endured, for rigid discipline and perfect steadiness are indispensable in the ranks, and these can only be assured through the prompt resignation on the part of the soldier of all the license he may have enjoyed before entering the force. He should understand that subordination, in the most exact signification of the term, is his first and greatest ob- ligation, as, without it he is more dangerous and vexatious to his friends than to his enemies ; he degenerates into a brigand, and controverts the fundamental principles that gave him professional existence — the peace and safety of the commonwealth. By subordination, as by a universal intelligence, parts apparently the most diverse and discor- dant are operated on and combined in the strictest unison, with ease and advantage. The submission of the indi- I I i il i ! CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. vicinal will produce uniformity and energy in the whole, and enable the directing power to work for the public benefit, P>y, and under, this beneticial influence immense bodies of undisciplined soldiers have been overthrown and destroyed by comparatively insignificant bodies of better instructed men, and surely none but the most infatuated can feel repugnance at obeying instructions calculated to ensure at once safety and conque.i Obedience is the first duty of a soldier, and should be rendered unhesitatingly ; orders should not be questioned, nor the advisability of instant compliance with them be made a subject for discussion. The action of obedience should be mechanical in the quickness with which it fol- lows the order received, although in carrying it out the soldier can prove that he is something more than a mere machine by the intelligence he displays in executing it. Soldiers should be obedient and respectful to all Officers and Non-commissioned Officers, attentive to their drill, silent when in the ranks, clean in their persons, and keep their arms and accoutrements in good order. No soldier should speak slightingly or disrespectfully in any way of an Officer or Non-commissioned Officer, nor should he ever reply when in ranks if checked for neglect or irregularity. His thinking himself aggrieved will by no means excuse disobedience or disrespect, but his complaint, if made afterwards in a regular and respectful manner, will be attended to. (See " Complaints," Part III., Sec. 4). Cursing and swearing and the use of blasphemous and indecent language should be strictly prohibited. None but the most depraved minds can find pleasure in the use of brutal expressions. Drunkenness is a most serious crime and renders a soldier unfit to be trusted. Those bearing such a chaiac- ter should be debarred from all indulgences, and receive severe punishment. i xoN-(:oMMissi<)Xi:i) oI'1'ICi;ks. I SECTION II. Non-commissioned Officers. The accurate execution of the greater part of the duties of a Regiment is in a great measure depnulent upon the alertness ind skill of th*^ Non-commissioned Ollicers The requisites for a good Non-commissioned Officer are sobriety, activ'ty and zeal, in the performance of duty, itrict attention to the execution of, and obedience to every order which may be given, vigilance and undeviating exactness in requiring from his juniors and the men the full and perfect performance of all duties pe'taining to them. He should be particular in his dress and ^ constant observer of passing occurrences, thai he may obtain a knowledge of the customs and rules of the service, and be thereby enabled to act with certainty and decision when placed in situations of charge and responsibility. He re quires to be a good drill, able to write orders distinctly, and make out all returns and states correctly. Non-commissioned Officers should consider themselves upon duty at all times when in uniform, and maintain a constant supervision over the men, particularly of their own companies and squads ; they should assist the recruits, tell them the best men to associate with, and prompt, by their influence and example, the steady men and old sol- diers to treat the recruits kindly, set forth to them the con- sequences of misbehaviour, teach them military habits, punctuality at all parades and duties, and the necessity of obedience to orders, and impress on then- minds the max- im, that, right or wrong, soldiers should first obey, and if aggrieved, complain afterwards. A Non-commissioned Officer should never under any circumstances speak to, or argue with a soldier under the influence of liquor, but at once take steps to have him confined. 8 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. fU (1 I > ft! A Non-commissioned Officer should never permit even in j)ke indecent or blasphemous language to be used in his presence by any soldier, much less offend in this respect himself; he should endeavour to preserve good order and correct behaviour among the men at all times. Non-commissioned Officers should not connive at or conceal irregularities. Non-commissioned Officers should not refuse to take a soldier before an (Officer when asked, unless the Non- commissioned Officer is on duty or the soldier is guilty of some offence for which he should be confined. The moment Non-commissioned Officers become care- less and negligent in the discharge of their duty, however irreproachable their characters may be in other respects, they become unworthy of their rank and an injury to their corps. Promotion should depend entirely upon merit, and al- though length of service may give claim for consideration, it should give no claim whatever for advancement to posi- tions for which the individuals are not otherwise qualified. Such men, therefore, as render themselves most conspicu- ous by their zeal and ability, should always be promoted in preference to those who, although of older standing, do not display an equal degree of merit ; seniority should only be considered where other qualifications are apparent. Frequent catechetical examinations of the Non-com- missjoned Officers should be made by the "Adjutant, and a nominal list kept in the Orderly Room, on which should be marked the result of each examination, so that those Non-commissioned Officers who are best qualified, may be selected for promotion. Non-commissioned Officers should never be employed personally on any duty of fatigue, nor be seen holding or leading a horse, carrying a bundle, basket, &c., nor appear in any position beneath the dignity of their rank. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. at or 15^ Class Staff Sergeants. 2nd Class Staff Sergeants. The Non-commissioned Officers take rank and prece- dence in a Regiment as follows : ist. — Sergeant Major, \ *2nd. — Bandmaster. I 3rd. — Quarter-Master Sergeant. *" *4th. — Sergeant Instructor of Musketrv. j 5th. — Paymaster's Clerk. ^ *6th. — Armourer Sergeant. 7th. — Hospital Sergeant. I 8t1i.— Orderly Room Clerk. '^- *9th. — Dnim, Pipe or Bugle Major. j *ioth. — Sergeant Cook. *iith. — Pioneer Sergeant. / i2th. — Colour Sergeants, who rank with 2nd Class Staff Sergeants, and take precedence according to date of appointment. 13th. — Sergeants, according to date of appointment. 14th. — Corporals, do do Lance Sergeants'and Lance Corporals, where the duty is heavy, may be appointed, who will rank after Sergeants and Corporals respectively. SERGEANT MAJOR. The Sergeant Major takes precedence of all other Non-commissioned Officers. His position being one of the gicatest responsibility and importance, he should be treated with every possible respect, and never be address- ed by the Non-commissioned Officers and privates without the appellation of " Sir.'' When speaking to Non- commissioned Officers or privates, they should stand at attention. He is the assistant to the Adjutant, under whose immediate orders he acts, and it should be his '^laly and pleasure to render every assistance in his power to iiiin, voluntarily, without being called upon. He should conduct himself so as to merit the respect of every individual in his Regiment, and must be particu- larly correct in his personal appearance and dress. *No provision as to jay in the Militia Regulations. 10 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. 1 . Hi ! I I II As the well being of a Regiment depends so much upon his conduct, he should be a man of sound sense and judgment, of a good temper, and kind, but firm in the execution of his duty; he should, of course, endeavour to possess a knowledge of the characters and capabilities of all the Non-commissioned Officers and men ; he should also watch over their general conduct, dress and carriage, and never conceal the least irregularity from the Adjutant. He keeps the rosters of all duties for the Non-com- missioned Officers ; he gives out to the Orderly Ser- geants of Companies the orders and detail of duties for the following day ; he parades all Guards, picquets and escorts for the inspection of the Adjutant, and at tattoo he parades the Orderly Sergeants of Companies and collects their tattoo reports, reporting to the Orderly Officer on duty ; he also attends at the Orderly room with prisoners. In detailing duties he should be guided by the strength of the different Companies, which can be learned from the Duty States. Thus, a Company of sixty duty men of course furnishes more men at a time for any duty than one with only forty. In detailing Fatigue parties, he names those first that are likely to be first wanted. Thus, a party required at 7 a.m., should be given out before one not required till 9 a.m. The Sergeant Major is entitled to a servant. An Assistant or Second Sergeant Major may be ap- pointed when the duties are very heavy, to assist the Sergeant Major, ranking immediately after him. BAND MASTER. The Band Master is considered the sole instructor of the Band, subject only to the directions of the Command- ing Officer and Band Committee ; no others should interfere either in the practice or public playi: of the iJand. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. II nuch upon sense and irm in the leavour to abilities of he should d carriage, t Adjutant. Non-com- derly Ser- duties for ;quets and it tattoo he id collects Officer on I prisoners, e strength trned from duty men any duty ; first that required at quired till nay be ap- assist the structor of Command- ers should ^i: of the He has charge of the clothing, appointments, music and instruments, being responsible to the Committee for their safe keeping. He should inspect the instruments at regular periods, reporting to the President whenever an instrument is broken or out of order, and be particular in the care of the music, not permitting any copies of it to be taken without the special sanction of the Commanding Officer. He should make such suggestions to the President of the Band Committee as he may consider beneficial to the Band, with a view of their being forwarded to the Com- manding Officer. He should be treated with becoming and due respect by Non-commissioned Officers and men. QUARTER MASTER SERGEANT. The Quarter Master Sergeant is the immediate assistant of the Quarter Master in all his various duties, and should as well as the Sergeant Major, be a model of good conduct and respectability. He should be present at the issue of all Regimental stores, rations, fuel and ammunition; and should superin- tend the removal of the same when necessary ; also attend to the cleaning of Barracks or Camp ground. He should daily visit the Barrack rooms. Cook houses, or trenches and workshops, reporting any irregular- ity to the Quarter Master ; also attend Barrack or Camp Inspections to see that no improper charges are made against his Regiment. The Pioneers are under his orders. SERGEANT INSTRUCTOR OF MUSKETRY. The Sergeant Instructor of Musketry takes rank next to the Quarter Master Sergeant. His duty is to assist the Officer Instructor, under whose immediate orders he is placed, in all his duties in the ! I tv I i! 12 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. Rifle instruction of the Regiment, to which he is to confine himself exclusively during the season. He is not subject to the orders of any Non-commissioned Officer, except as regards discipline, and is exempt from all Garrison, Regimental and Barrack duties unless when not actually required for the performance of duties appertaining to his appointment, when he may be em. ployed in any manner suitable to his rank as a Staff Sergeant at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. paymaster's clerk. The Paymaster's Clerk is under the orders of the Pay- master, whom he generally assists. HOSPITAL SERGEANT. The Hospital Sergeant is under the direct orders of the Medical Officers, to whom he reports any irregularity or deviation from the Standing Orders connected with his department which may come under his notice. (For further duties see "Hospital," Part I., Sec. 4). ARMOURER SERGEANT. The Armourer Sergeant is under the immediate orders of the Quarter Master, and is responsible for the care of all tools in his shop, a duplicate inventory of which should be in the possession of the Quarter Master. He should instruct the Non-commissioned Officers and men in taking off and cleaning the locks of their rifles, as well as repair and keep in a serviceable state the arms of the Regiment. « ORDERLY ROOM CLERK. The Orderly Room Clerk is placed under the special charge and control of the Adjutant ; he has a general superintendence of the assistant clerks, and everything connected with the Orderly Room. i NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 13 ich he is to ommissioned exempt from uties unless ice of duties nay be em. ik as a Staff g Officer. of the Pay- Drders of the regularity or ted with his Sec. 4). ediate orders for the care ory of which aster. Officers and heir rifles, as e the arms of r the special as a general i everything He should never speak of any business which may be transacted in the Orderly Room, to any one, except the Adjutant or Sergeant Major, nor allow the clerks under him to do so. As the supply of stationery is a heavy charge, the Orderly Room Clerk should take especial care that no im- proper or useless consumption thereof be permitted, and that every article of a durable kind be used so long as it is serviceable. DRUM, BUGLE, OR PIPE MAJOR. The Drum, Bugle, or Pipe Major is under the imme- diate orders of the Adjutant; and responsible that the drummers, buglers or pipers, are instructed in e- ery part of their duty, that their instruments are kept in good order, that they practise daily under his superinten- dence, and that each is capable of performing his duty as a drummer, fifer, or bugler. He is also answerable for their conduct and general appearance. He should not permit drums to be beaten, or bugles or pipes to be sounded, except by orders from the Com- manding Officer, Adjutant or Sergeant Major. On parade he should take charge of both Band and Buglers, so far as relates to their movements during manoeuvres, and in case of danger through frightened horses, or at the instance of the Commanding Officer, should stop the music. SERGEANT COOK. The Sergeant Cook has the superintendence of the Company Cooks, the cook houses and utensils, and is ;e- sponcible that the soldiers' meals are properly and regu- larly cooked. He should be a steady and trustworthy Non-commic- sioned Officer, able to write with accuracy and quickr.ess:. H CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. with a knowledge of the first four rules of arithmetic and simple proportion. Sergeant Cooks are usually classed with Staff Ser- geants. PIONEER SERGEANT. The Pioneer Sergeant is in charge of the pioneers, and should be, if possible, a carpenter by trade. He should have a thorough knowledge of his own as well as a good idea of other trades. He is usually classed with Staff Sergeants. COLOUR SERGEANTS. Colour Sergeants who stand in the position of Company Sergeants Major, should remember that to render them- selves deserving of the honourable distinction conferred upon them, they are bound to be irreproachable in their conduct, zealous and attentive in the performance of their duties, taking a pride in the cleanliness, soldierlike bearing and dress of the men of their Companies, and attentive to the good order of their barrack rooms or tents. Colour Sergeants (being also Pay Sergeants) should report direct to their Captains upon all subjects connected with the payment and general discipline of their Companies. They are responsible that the Duty rosters of their Companies are kept with the greatest exactness, and for the charge of all spare arms and accoutrements. They should keep the accounts between the men and the Captain, and attend at the taking or giving over of bar- racks to be occupied or vacated by their Companies, the drawing or exchanging of bedding or barrack utensils, also at all barrack inspections. On these occasions they should note all damages or deficiencies in the different rooms, so that when the bill for barrack damages is presented against the Company, they may be able to charge each individual with his fair sh^re. « NON-COMMISSIONED OI FICERS. 15 metic and Staff Ser- neers, and Eie should as a good Company ider them- conferred e in their ce of their soldierlike anies, and s or tents, luld report :cted with ipanies. s of their 58, and for men and ver of bar- anies, the msils.also ley should rooms, so cd against individual The following rolls should be ke})t by Pay Sergeants to assist them in the discharge of their duties : — 1. A daily account of rations drawn for the Company kept in a tabular form in a book. All charges or casual- ties should be carefully noted down in the column for remarks. In the same book should be kept a roll of men admitted to and discharged from Hospital or in con- finement, with the dates of admission and discharge ; also the total number ot days in Hospital. 2. An alphabetical roll of the Company, showing date of each man's enlistment, age at original enlistment, country, religion, trade, and present height. 3. A Company clothing roll, showing what articles have been issued to each man. 4. An alphabetical roll of the Company (including attached men) for muster parade, with the cause of absence from parade marked in ink opposite the man's name. 5. A roll showing the number of arms, accoutrements, &c., in each man's possession. In the column of remarks should be entered all damages to the arms,&c., which have been noted at any inspection, and to whom these are chargeable. 6. A miscellaneous book in which should be entered an account of the distribution of the Company's bedding, showing the number of sets in each man's possession. 7. A distribution of the washing for the men. 8. An account of necessaries drawn from Regimental store, giving the date of drawing, and the price of each article. 9. A casualty state of the Company, carefully noting in the column of remarks all changes that may take place in its strength. 10. A list of men sleeping out of barracks. 11. A roll of Non-commissioned Ofticers, with the dates of their [iromotions. i6 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. i! I ii § .1 \ ■ NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS IN CHARGE OF ROOMS, TENTS, OR SQUADS. The Non-commissioned Officer in charge of a room, tent, or squad, should keep the Roster for the Orderly men of his room and be held responsible that the room or tent be thoroughly cleaned, swept, and ventilated, the beds pro- perly folded, and everything in order within half an hour after rouse sounding. He should inspect each man's berth on these occasions, and see that the accoutrements and clothing are all arranged according to orders. He should see that a correct roll of the men of his room is suspend- ed at all times behind the barrack room door and that the men sit down to their meals properly dressed. He should see every man in bed, the water can filled with water, and every precaution taken against fire by^the time " lights out " is sounded. He should be responsible for the good order of his men's appointments and know the condition of every man's kit, what part of a man's necessaries are old and what new ; also what articles require repair, and that such things as .may be marked for repair, at any inspec- tion, are repaired accordingly. If a man have any of his appointments out of order or not properly cleaned, he should set him to work at them after parade, and should not permit him to quit the barrack room, except on duty, until the;y are in a proper state. When at home parades the Non-commissioned Officer of a squad should keep a roll containing the names, resi- dence, and business address of the men in his squad, and be responsible that they are warned for parades and other duties, as well as having a general supervision over them as already described. The Non-corhmissioned Officer in charge of a squad should report every occurrence to the Officer of the squad, or in his absence to the Captain. OFFICERS. 17 S, TENTS, oom, tent, y men of ar tent be beds pro- If an hour an's berth nents and ^e should ; suspend- and that 3sed. He illed with y'^the time order of idjtion of es are old , and that ly inspec- any of his eaned, he id should t on duty, ed Officer mes, resi- quad, and and other 5ver them i a squad the squad, '■■« SECTION III. Officers. Sir Garnet Wolseley says, "an inefficient Officer is a swindle upon the public." It is of more importance in the Militia force than in the Regular Army that Officers .should possess a high standard of professional knowledge : for, in the Regular Service, where all ranks are well grounded in their work, the shortcomings of one inefficient Officer are counterbalanced by the general knowledge possessed by those around him, and the machine being in daily use is in such good order that it runs smoothly. It is different, however, with a Militia Regiment, which is only worked for short spells and at great intervals of time ; the profes- sional knowledge possessed by their Officers is also more theoretical than practical'. To compensate for these disadvantages their theoretical knowledge should be of a superior class. Drill an Officer must learn practically on parade, but he can acquire a vast amount of military knowledge by study. In order, therefore, that he should really deserve the respect of those under his command, he must take care that his professional knowledge is of a high order, and his men, feeling that he knows his work thoroughly, will look up to him, and in moments af doubt or danger turn to him for guidance. It is necessary that an Officer should be well informed in the responsible part he has to perform. The first step a young Officer must take towards quali- fying himself for command is to learn to obey, and to yield readily to the knowledge and experience of his supe- riors ; he will then, from them, his own observation, and the many excellent works which have been written on the subject, find ample means of making himselt a good and efficient soldier. i8 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. ji ! I I! ■1 1 1 I ii'i ' 1 . 1 Example is a duty of high importance in every degree of life ; in none of more utility and consequence than in the military profession. This consideration is earnestly recommended to all oflScers on whom many eyes are fixed. It is their example that regulates and determines the behaviour of the Non-commissioned Officers and men. Officers should always encourage and promote as much as possible healthful amusements amongst the men, and they cannot take too much pains to instil into their com- panies a degree of emulation and pride peculiar to each respectively, encouraging their men to take immediate cognizance themselves of irregularities reflecting on all. By encouraging such a spirit much will be done towards increasing the efficiency of the force. Officers should at all times hear patiently any com- plaint which may be made in a respectful and proper manner by any of their men, and, if possible, apply a remedy, or, in more serious cases, report to the Captain, who, if necessary, will report to the Commanding Officer. A soldier must be always made to feel that his complaint, when well founded, will not be made in vain. Officers however, are not to permit groundless and malicious reports to pass uncensured ; where malice is apparent, particularly when the complaint is against a Non-com- missioned Officer, the person making it, together with his aiders and abettors, must invariably be punished. Officers to whom any complaints are made should sift the matter strictly. Officers should endeavour to procure for themselves the confidence of the soldier in every respect. This is only attainable by attention to his real wants, by studying his character and treating him accordingly, by preserving a regular and steady discipline, by the dispensation of rewards and punishments with certainty and impartiality, and by showing a decisiveness and fixed rule of action in li ^ Ji ^ OFFICERS. 19 y degree than in samestly eyes are termines md men. as much len, and leir com- r to each imediate g on all. towards my corn- proper apply a Captain, I Officer. >mplaint, Officers nalicious ipparent, lon-com- with his Officers e matter elves the s is only lying his ;erving a ation of artiality, iction in every matter. Inconsistency and indecision can never command the respect and confidence of the men. An Officer should never discourage a well-behaved man from at any time seeking his friendly counsel and advice. Such terms between a superior and a subordinate, who from his good conduct is entitled to respect, is unlikely to lead to abuse, but rather to a feeling of confidence and the good of the service. Officers should at all times be anxious to preserve and uphold, by every means in their power, the authority and respectability of the Non-commissioned Officers ; no good can ever result in lessening them in their own or the men's ^ estimation ; rather than subject them to severe and public reprimands they should be reduced to the ranks, for a Non-commissioned Officer who will not be attentive to his Officer's admonition, nor be guided in his conduct by the advice of his superior, is unworthy of his situation, and the sooner he is removed from it the better for the service. The most scrupulous punctuality as to time and place is required from every one concerned in any military duty. They should consider it a material point of duty to pay strict attention to the appearance and conduct of the Non-commissioned Officers and men, as well oflf as on duty. Officers are at all times to take notice of any slovenli- ness they may observe in guards, picquets, reliefs, fatigue parties, or sentries. They are not to make a practice of ordering sentries to walk about without paying the com- pliment, as this occasions it being done in a slovenly manner when received. They should never permit any man to appear improperly dressed, or dirty in his person, or awkward or slovenly in the street, whether of their own or another company, without noticing it, nor should they ever permit a soldier to pass without saluting, or allow a i; f 20 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL 11 I Non-commissioned Officer or private, when talking to thorn, to stand in a lounging or unsoldier-like manner. Officers should at all times endeavour to make each individual do his own duty. No sergeant is ever to be reqnired to perform any duty which ought to be done by an Officer ; neither is an Officer to allow a serge,. 'it to put his duty on a corporal ; each must do his own. The chain of responsibility should never be broken. Officers should be very careful not to reprimand or even speak to a man in liquor more than is necessary in con- fining him, because it can have no good effect. A man in that situation is often led to a reply and insolence of behaviour which it becomes impossible to overlook. Officers are never to suffer an answer to be made to an observation made upon the parade or when under arms. The soldier who behaves in so unmilitary a manner should be immediately confined. They are especially enjoined to avoid making remarks on any military order or regimental topic within the hearing of Non-commissioned Officers, soldiers, or ser- vants, a practice which is at all times injurious to good order and military discipline. The Senior Officer present on parade, at mess, at all times, and in all places, is held responsible that no irre- gularity or impropriety passes unnoticed by him ; on the contrary, he must immediately take proper steps to check 'or correct any such conduct. It is to be considered the duty of every Officer to see the Garrison and Regimental Orders daily, and Vd send for the Order Book, if not brought to him at the usual hour, as no plea is allowed for ignorance of orders. If the character or conduct of an Officer should be publicly impugned, he is bound within a reasonable time to submit the case to the Commanding Officer, or to other competent military authority, for investigation. ^s* OFFICERS. 21 Iking to manner. ike each er to be done by ge.i'it to lis own. en. I or even ■ in con- A man )lence of 3k. de to an er arms. iv should remarks thin the , or ser- to good ss, at all no irre- ; on the to check ;r to see I send for lal hour, tiould be ble time • to other Officers going on temporary leave ot absence should leave their address at the Orderly Room, as also the nnme of the Officer they have arranged to take their duty during their absence. Any Officer who has been absent from the regiment, is immediately on his return to make him self acquainted with all orders that may have been issued during his absence. Whenever an Officer joins or returns to the regiment, he should, before he appears anywhere in public, wait on the Commanding Officer. All applications for leave from parade should be made the day before, in wnting, through the Adjutant, for the Commanding Officer's permission. No Officer should exchange any duty without the per- mission of the Commanding Officer, which is to be made in writing through the Adjutant ; and this application must be made before the|name of either party has appeared in orders. No Officer should ever apply to a Barrack Master for extra acconmodation, or exchange his quarters without the Commanding Officer's sanction (obtained through the Quarter Master.) Any Officer who may be prevented by illness from doing duty or attending parade, should immediately send an inti- mation of it to the Adjutant and Surgeon, or Assistant- Surgeon, who will report to the Commanding Officer. He should do the same on recovery. During the con- tinuance of sickness he should confine himself strictly to the precints of barracks or quarters, unless he goes out for exercise by the advice of the Surgeon. Durmg such sickness and consequent absence from parade, he should, of course abstain from going to parties and entertainments. Officers should at all times appear dressed in accordance mth the order of the station or garrison in which the regiment may be serving ; an Officer cannot be too p.5tj.tif.y.lar in his dress. 22 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. COMMANDING OFFICER. I ill i\ An Officer entrusted with the command of a regiment is invested with authority which renders him responsible to his Sovereign and his country for the maintenance of discipline, order, and a proper system of economy in his corps ; he is to exact from Officers and men the most implicit obedience to regulations, and he is not only to enforce by command, but to encourage by example, the energetic discharge of duty, and the steady endurance of the difficulties and privations which are inseparable from military service. A Commanding Officer's authority is paramount, whether on the parade, at the mess, or in any other situa- tion ; he should give his best attention to promote a good understanding amongst the Officers, by advice to the young and inexperienced, by timely interference to pre- vent disputes, and by taking immediate notice of any conduct likely to interrupt the harmony of the corps ; he should explain to the Officers in the most forcible manner, the consequences of allowing themselves to be misled by erroneous notions and false principles of honour, and he should encourage them, in the event of any dispute or difference arising, to make him the arbiter, as the person more immediately responsible for maintaining unblemish- ed the honour and character of the corps ; and his decision and disposal of the question should be considered as final. Courtesy among military men is indispensable to discipline. Commanding Officers should not only bear this in mind, but they should inculcate the principle in those under their command. Whenever it becomes necessary, in order to check carelessness or neglect of duty, admonition or reproof (unless the occasion demands public example) should be conveyed privately, and when- ever it is desirable to reward the zealous and the worthy. .,1^ OFFICERS. 23 regiment sponsible nance of my in his the most t only to nple, the irance of ible from ramount, her situa- te a good e to the :e to pre- e of any ;orps ; he ; manner, nisled by , and he ispute or le person iblemish- 5 decision i as final, sable to mly bear ticiple in becomes Jglect of demands id when- worthy, the fitting acknowledgment or praise should be bestowed in public. The Commanding Ofi&cer should take frequent opportu- nities of personally examining the Officers — more particu- larly the Subalterns — upon every point connected with their duties in the field ; the Militia Regulations and Orders, the Field and Rifle Exercises, and the interior economy of a Company. He should see that Officers are practically instructed in the duties of picquets and outposts ; in the mode of con- ducting patrols, and. as far as may be practicable, in the construction of field-works. He will, at his discretion, direct the Field Officers and the Captains to take command of the parade, and in his presence to exercise the regiment or battalion. The instruction and improvement of his men also form a most essential part of the supervision of a Commanding Officer. Commanding Officers are responsible and accountable for all public stores of whatever description, belonging or appertaining to the regiments under their command ; the duties of detail with which Officers commanding com- panies, or quarter-masters are charged, being performed under the Commanding Officer's control and supervision. An Officer in the temporary command of a Regiment should not give out any standing orders, or alter those issued by the Lieutenant-Colonel commanding, without a reference to him or to the Officer under whose im- mediate command the corps may be placed; on the other hand, the Lieutenant-Colonel commanding, when absent from his corps, is not justified in issuing Regi- mental orders. Commanding Officers are to cause every order and circular issued for general information and guidance either to be republished in regimental orders, or otherwise cir- culated throughout the corps ; and they are to afford all I MM mum 24 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL i i t i ■ :*M Officers under their command every facility for becoming acquainted with current changes in the regulations and orders. Ignorance of published orders will never be ad- mitted as an excuse for their non-observance. Whenever armed parties are called out for the perform- ance of any unusual duties, Commanding Officers are personally to ascertain that the Officers in charge are fully acquainted with all orders and directions that bear on the service they may be called upon to perform. MAJORS. Nothing more essentially tends to the maintenance of regularity and good order than that system or chain of responsibility which should extend from the highest to the lowest grade. With this view, a regiment is to be formed into half battalions, and the companies composing them respectively placed under the immediate superinten- dence of a Field Officer, who is to report to the Com- manding Officer as to their state and condition. The duty of these Officers is to enforce every order issued by the Commanding Officer, to assist him by every means in their power in establishing good order in every department, in maintaining the discipline of the Regiment, and in..::ediately correcting any deviations from the Regu- lations and Orders, and the Standing Orders of the Regiment. They will see that Ihe Officers on daily Regimental duty thoroughly perform what is required of them, and will immediately make known to the Commanding Officer any irregularity which may come under their notice, and of which he ought to become acquainted. It is of importance that the Regimental Field Officers should at all times make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the professional abilities of the whole of the officers placed under their charge, so as to assist Commanding I 41 ■»> OFFICERS. 25 becoming tions and 'er be ad- ; perform- ficers are harge are that bear rm. tenance of r chain of highest to t is to be :omposing [iperinten- the Com- 'ery order 1 by every ir in every Regiment, the Regu- rs of the egimental them, and ng Officer otice, and d Officers cquainted he officers nmanding I Officers in the appreciation of the military acquirements of those under their command. The special duties of the Majors are as follows : 1. To maintain a general superintendence of the Regi- ment by Half Battalions, the senior the right, the junior the left. 2. To check immediately any deviation from or neglect of orders. 3. To superintend all drills and enforce a rigid adherence on the part of every one to the " Field Exercise." 4. To observe whether Officers adhere to regulation in their dress and appointments. 5. To visit the barracks occassionally, seeing whether the rules as to the order and cleanliness of the rooms, passages, barrack-yard, etc., are being observed. 6. To visit the hospital at least once a week. They will also take under their especial guidance and instruction, all young Officers who may belong to their portion of the Regiment, and will extend to them such advice and encouragement as they may seem to require. ADJUTANT. The Adjutant should generally assist the Commanding Officer in his duties. He is to be considered as the "mouthpiece" of ihe Commanding Officer, and orders given by him, to any Officer of whatever regimental rank, or seniority, under the Commanding Officer's authority, are to be obeyed with the same alertness as though delivered by that Officer in person. He will be answerable for all the orderly room work, books, returns, and orders. He will have under his especial direction the Sergeant Major, the Orderly Room Clerk, and Drum, Pipe, or Bugle Major. He is to regulate Rosters, the Officers' Duty Roster being under his especial care. 26 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. I IMl He will command at all the regimental drills ; but only Officers who are his juniors in the Regiment will fall in under him. Should it be necessary for an Officer senior to the Adjutant to fall in at his drills for instruction, the Captain of the day or other senior Officer must be present, but will not take part in the drill. The drill of all recruits and young Officers is under his special direction. He should report to the second in command of the Regiment when he considers any recruits fit to join. The Adjutant should pay particular attention to the in- struction of the Non-commissioned Officers ; he should also inspect them together with the band and buglers before every Commanding Officer's parade. He should enter into the characters and dispositions of the Non-commissioned Officers and men of the regiment, so as to be able to assist them with advice and informa- tion when he p^jrceives defects ; and that he may be qualified to recommend the most deserving to the notice which they appear to merit. He should be the first to set an example to Officers and men in dress, obedience to orders, punctual attendance at parades, alacrity, alertness, and unceasing attention to all the duties of a soldier. It is his duty to be constantly vigilant and careful that the orders of the Regiment are attended to and obeyed, with the most scrupulous exactness. He must be active and persevering, never taking for granted that anything is right, but constantly seeing that it is so ; informing the Commanding Officer when he finds neglects or irregulari- ties which it is not in his power to correct. The dress, appearance and "carriage of the men both on and off duty, are to be particularly attended to by him. He should parade and inspect guards, and armed parties OFFICERS. 27 but only all fall in :er senior ction, the e present, under his d of the oin. to the in- le should d buglers sitions of regiment, informa- 3 may be he notice ficers and ndance at ention to reful that i obeyed, be active nything is •ming the rregulari- the men ded to by 2d parties proceeding on duty, which will then be handed over to the charge of the proper officer. When an armed escort returns to Barracks, the Non- commissioned Officer in charge will not dismiss his men until he has reported his return to the Adjutant, or in his absence to the Orderly Officer. He should be present during the sitting of all Regimental Courts Martial, and be prepared, if necessary, to answer to the character of the prisoner, or any other particulars which may be required, taking care that the prisoners and evidence have been previously warned, and that everything is regular, so as to prevent any unnecessary delay. He should also be present at all Courts of Inquiry and regimental investigations of that nature. Although the Adjutant is not to interfere in the interior arrangement of companies, he is to take notice of all deviations from the Standing Orders of the Regiment, and any other irregularities he may observe on the part of the Non-commissioned Officers or soldiers. There is no circumstance in which the discipline of the Regiment can in any way be concerned, which the Adju- tant should think foreign to his department, and its general appearance will best evince his zeal and ability. When the Adjutant is on leave, another Officer should be put in regimental orders to take his duty, but when he is only temporarily absent his duty is to be performed by the Orderly-Officer. In corps not having an Adjutant, an Orderly-Officer of the day (or week) is to be detailed in orders to perform Adjutant's duty : such Officer is to sign all orders, adver- tisements, etc., by order, before issue. MEDICAL OFFICERS. The general charge and management of the Hospital and sick of the Regiment is under the direction of the ' 'i i I lit 1; « 1 . fi ;' 'l : 1 1 J ' ill ! IP I 28 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. Medical Officers. They should visit the barracks and married men's rooms frequently, and the prisoners in the regimental cells daily ; communicating personally with the Commanding Officer on all pcints connected witij the general health of the Regiment. The Surgeon will, when on actual service or oat for actual training, send a daily report of the sick to the Orderly Room ; he will also inspect every man once a week,, and in the event of any man dying, or accident happening,, be will make an immediate written report of it. A Medical Officer should attend all parades for target practice and field-days with blank cartridge. Whenever a soldier is reported too ill to be taken or sent to Hospital, he is to be instantly visited by one of the Medical Officers. The Surgeon or his Assistant will attend the Barrack- Master at the inspection of the Hospital, and be prepared to attest by his signature the list of damages or losses proposed to be assessed in it, and in the outhouses attached to it. Upon the receipt of a route for the march of the Regiment, the Surgeon is immediately to send to the Orderly Room the names of such men as it will be necessary to leave behind on account of illness, also a nominal return of those for whom carriage will be required. See also " Militia R. & O., 1879," para. 440, etc. The Surgeon should examine all recruits on their joining the corps, and report to the Lieut.-Colonel his opinion of them. Medical Officeis are exempted from sitting as president or vice-president at the regimental mess. For the position of Medical Officers on parade see " Field Exercise." When the Regiment manoeuvres, Medical Officers at once fall out and keep in rear of the formations. OFFICERS. 29 arracks and oners in the onally with ;ed witii the at for actual he Orderly a weeky and. ppening,, he s for target be taken or y one of the lie Barrack- De prepared es or losses outhouses g Regiment, derly Room ary to leave il return of See also ;heir joining his opinion IS president parade see Officers at They do not march past, and never draw their swords on parade. During a march past they will place themselves at the saluting point, in rear of the reviewing Officer. When troops are on the march, the post of Medical Officers is in rear of their respective Regiments. PAYMASTER. The duties of a Paymaster (on actual service), are laid down in the " Militia Regulations and Orders, 1879," para. 706, etc. When drill is performed at headquarters, very little is demanded of him, except calling the roll at muster parades, and checking and certifying to the correctness of the pay rolls as made up by the Officers commanding companies, before they are forwarded to the Commanding Officer. Paymasters holding the rank of Lieutenant are allowed a choice of quarters next after the Captains without refer- ence to their commissions as Subaltern Officers. For duties on parade see " Medical Officers." QUARTER MASTER. The appointment of Quarter Master is one of at least as great importance to the comfort and health of the soldier as that of Surgeon. The services of the latter are only required in exceptional cases, to repair health which has been injured. The labours of the former concern every man in the Regiment, and are directed to maintaining him in health and vigour ; and his duties require a clear head and untiring assiduity. Commanding Officers should therefore be most careful in the selec- tion they make for the post of Quarter Master. He will take charge of all stores of every description belonging to the corps, and issue them on the requisitions of Cnptains of Companies, as may be authorized and required. 30 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. I I'l I; ' r JiJ He is to receive and issue all ammunition, also camp equipage. He is responsible for the cleanliness of the Camp or Barracks. He has the superintendence of the conveyance of the baggage of his corps when on the march, and will attend to the loading of it. One fatigue man per company, with the Quarter Master Sergeant and a Corporal should, if necessary, be placed under his orders to enable him to execute his charge. Upon the receipt of a route for the march of the Regiment, or a detachment, he is imme- diately to give notice to the proper authorities, and procure waggons, or other conveyance for the baggage ; the regulation of which, both previous to and during the march, demands his particular attention. He is to superintend the issue of all provisions, forage- supplies, &c. ; and during the period of annual training in camp he is to afford the Commanding Officer every assistance in the procuring of rations and supplies. He will give timely intimation to the Commanding Officer, when a supply of necessaries is required for the Regiment, in order that the regimental committee (a Field Officer and the Officers commanding companies) may be assem- bled to estimate the probable quantity of each description of articles required. He must keep in a guard book copies of all circulars. &c., connected with his department, which may be re- ceived from time to time, a letter book containing an impression of all letters written by him, also a stores book shewing an account of clothing, arms, accoutrements, am- munition,fuel,provisions,etc.,and the manner in which they are distributed. This book should be divided into three parts, viz., an account with the Militia Department, another with the Regiment in general, and the third with the several Companies. All articles issued 'should be by OFFICERS. 31 , also camp ;he Camp or yraiice of the will attend mpany, with il should, if able him to Dute fcr the he is imme- orities, and he baggage; [ during the ions, forage- d training in )fficer every ipplies. He ling Officer, le Regiment, neld Officer y be assem- 1 description all circulars, may be re- antaining an I stores book rements, am- n which they id into three Department, e third with hould be by requisition, signed by Officers commanding Companies countersigned by the Commanding Officer, and for stores returned a receipt should be given or taken as the case may be. For duties on parade, see "Medical Officers." CAPTAINS. Every Officer commanding a company is charged with the arms, accoutrements, ammunition, clothing, and other public stores, belonging or appertaining to the force under his command, for which he is accountable to his Commanding Officer in case of their being lost, spoiled, or damaged, not by unavoidable accident, or actual ser- vice. He is in like manner responsible that the men's messes and necessaries are properly provided as well as for their military conduct and appearance. He is to receive all moneys on account of the subsistence of his company ; to take special care that such moneys are expended in strict conformity to regulations, and with a due regard to the interests of the soldier. In the absence of the Captain these duties devolve upon the Subaltern Officer appointed to the temporary command. Officers commanding companies are bound to take charge oi all public money received from paymasters, or others, on account of their companies, which is only to be issued to the Pay Sergeants, as required for the subsistence of the Non-commissioned Officers and men ; and no charge can be preferred against them for the embezzlement or fraudulent application of any sum beyond the amount actually required for the purpose. The utmost attention is required from the Officers commanding companies to the cleanliness of the men as to their clothing, arms, and accoutrements, and also as to the state of their barracks or quarters. Strict ad- herence to this essential point of discipline will tend to n 32 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. il ; I '. II the health and comfort of the soldier, and at the same time promote the credit of the service. They are frequently to visit their companies' quarters, and part'cularly to attend to their messing, as they cannot too often make themselves acquainted with the situation of their men, nor too intimately know their conduct. Every Captain present with the regiment must pav his own company. They are to attend rifle practice with their companies, and to make themselves equally acquainted with the instruction of musketry 'as with battalion and company drill. Recommendations for promotion and indulgence of every kind, must come through Officers commanding companies to the Commanding Officer. Officers commanding companies are never to award a soldier any punishment, merely on the recommendation of a Non-commissioned Officer. They are to enquire into the case, and dispose of it in the presence of the man. Officers commanding companies are enjoined to instruct all young Officers appointed to their companies in all the details for the interior management of the company ; they are expected to be acquainted with the name, character, and all particulars respecting every man of their company. When one Officer takes over the command of a company, he should satisfy himself that the arms, stores, etc., are correct and a certificate is to be sent in to the orderly room stating that the company has been correctly delivered over. . The books to be in the possession of each are specified in Part V., Sec. 2. They should be produced at the orderly room at every inspection, tied together with string, and the Officer's name (usually his card) attached to them. Any books that may be provided for the Officers at I ■ OFriCKRS. 33 his the Government expense are invariably to be returnefl to the Commanding Officer by any Officer on retirement from the service, or exchanging his corps, etc. All returns or states required from companies are to be signed by the Officer commanding the company, who is responsible for the accuracy of the "Parade States," Returns, and Reports, etc., for the Commanding Officer. SUBALTERNS. In order to establish that chain of responsibility so much enjoined in the Queen's Regulations, and to assign to each Officer an object to which his attention is more particularly to be directed, each company should be divided into four squads, forming two half companies, under the Subaltern Officers, the senior having charge of the right,, the junior of the left ; if a company is very strong and there are more than two Subalterns, it should be divided into as many parts as there are Subalterns ; or if there only be one Subaltern with a company he will take charge of the whole company, under the direction of the Captain. The Officers to whom half companies are entrusted, are responsible for the cleanliness of the men as regards their persons, clothing, arms, accoutrements, and quarters. Subalterns in charge of half companies should be in possession of a roll of the same, containing the names of the men, their respective employments, addresses when on home service ; also the number of each man's arms, great coat, etc. A Subaltern appointed to the command of a company- becomes charged immediately with the whole of the responsibility which devolved upon the Captain. at 34 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. I \ \ ^ 1 i j 1 • ill 1 i.n ■ 1 III SECTION IV. Regimental Organization. A Regiment should be divided into Half Battalions, the Senior Major having charge of the right, the Junior of the left, who should Fuperintendthe Companies of their respec- tive Half Battalions, reporting to the Commanding Officer. The Staff Officers, viz., Adjutant, Medical Officer, Pay-master, and Quarter Master, report to the Command- ing Officer alone. The Sergeant Major, Band Master (for discipline only). Drum, Pipe or Bugle Major, and Orderly Room Clerk are under the immediate orders of the Adjutant. The Sergeant Instructor of Musketry is under the orders of the Officer Instructor. The Paymaster Sergeant and Quarter Master Sergeant are under the orders of their respective superiors. The Armourer Sergeant and Pioneer Srrgeant are under the orders of the Quarter Master, the Hospital Sergeant, the senior Medical Officer, Officers commanding Companies should first report to the Major commanding their Half Battalions upon any subject of importance connected with their Companies. Every officer, upon taking charge of a Company, should send to the Commanding Officer a report that he has had the arms, accoutrements, company's stores, men's accounts, &c., given over to him in a regular and satisfactory manner. The Officer who gives over the Company will report, in writing, his having done so, and in the event of any deficiency or irregularity he will mention the circum- stance and explain the cause. The statement of arms, accoutrements, and all public property will be sent to the Quarter Master for comparison with his books, and will be signed by him as to their correctness or otherwise. All arms on transfer should be minutely inspected by the armourer. REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 35 All applications or reports from Companies should be made through the Captain or the Officer commanding in his absence ; no Non-commissioned officer or soldier is ever to be sent to make his application in person to the Commanding Officer. The only exception permitted is \vhen the complaint or report is -against tlie Ca\ ta.n or Officer commanding the Company, or when a soldier , iiot satisfied with his Captain's decision upon his compl: The several companies of a Regiment should (for the purposes of interior economy) be known and designated by letters. During drill in Battalion, they should be called by their numbers, as told off. The flank companies on parade need not necessarily be those occupying such positions by the natural order of their letters or the seniority of their captains, but rather those selected by the Commanding Officer for their steadiness at drill. Each Company should be divided into two half com- panies, each half company into two squads, under the charge of the Subalterns, who are responsible to the captain for the condition of their respective half com- panies. A sergeant should be told off to each squad, who is again responsible for its condition to the subaltern. Cor- porals will be allotted in proportion, to assist the sergeants in the execution of their duty. In Barracks, Camp, or at Headquarters, the sergeants of squads should be answerable (together with the com- pany orderly sergeant) for the discipline, arrangement cleanliness, and r^ularity of the tents or barrack rooms, regular and punctual attendance at drill, the condition of the arms, accoutrements, the general state of the clothing and appointments, and their proper adjustment. Thus the general chain of responsibility, beginning at the highest, is extended to the junior ranks. 36 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. 11 MJ, \ 1 i ' f I Non-commissioned Officers in charge of squads are to be in possession of a roll of their squads, containing the names of the men, their respective employments, resi- dences, &c. (when at home), also the number of each man's arms, great coat, etc. In the absence of any Non-commis- sioned officer, his place and duty will be taken by the next in seniority. Nothing in this system, it should be understood, is to pre- vent a senior Officer or Non-commissioned Officer interfer- ing with or giving orders to any person not belonging to his squad, it being an established axiom of military service that the senior present is at all times in general charge. Subalterns should be equally divided among the Com- panies, and if it be necessary for a Subaltern to do dtity temporarily with another Company, he should always return to his own at the earliest opportunity. Colour Sergeants report to the Officer commanding their Companies. Sergeants report, and are responsible to the Colour Sergeant of their Company, as well as to the Subalterns. Corporals report, and are responsible to the Sergeants of their several squads. ENROLMENT. By the Militia Act those under the age of eighteen are not eligible for enrolment, and great care should be taken that none but well conducted and healthy men are accepted. Where the several Companies are all at Head Quarters the following will be found a good plan for enrolling : — A Board of Officers, consisting of a Field Officer, a Medical Officer, and the Adjutant, should be appointed, before whom all recruits should be brought for examina- tion as to their qualification bv the Officer commanding the company they desire to join. Ou being passed by the 11^ t)^ REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 37 i Board the recruit is brought before the Commanding Officer, who will attest him and witness his signature to the service roll of the Regiment, at the head of which should be set out plainly, the usual conditions of ser- vice, together ■ with any special regulations peculiar to the Regiment. In order to obtain full particulars of the recruit an attestation paper (Form i) will be found con- venient ; this should be filled up and presented to the Board, and left in the Orderly Room. The recruit should then be put in orders as having been taken on the strength, and posted to his Company with the date of his attestation, he should then be sent to the recruits' class, and not dismissed therefrom until the Adjutant is satisfied that he is fit for duty. On the Adjutant's certificate to that effect, he is served with uniform. In rural corps it may not be possible to carr>' out this system, but it can be modified to suit circumstances. Officers, on being gazetted, should be attested and sign the Standing Orders of the Regiment, agreeing to be bound by thfc -ame. DISCHARGE OR TRANSFER. On completing his term of service, a Non-commissioned Officer or man is entitled to a discharge (Form 2), but there is no provision in the Militia Act whereby a man can claim it as a right until he has fulfilled the terms of his service. In the case of a transfer to another corps, a certificate of service, stating length of the same, should be given, ara vhenever a man leaves his corps, either through death, disability, discharge, or transfer, his name shculd be put in orders as being struck off the strength. BAND AND BUGLERS. The band, etc., should be regularly enrolled and taught squad drill; they are under the orders of the Adjutant with IP •■; ^I^% ! .1. ( : 38 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL respect to their discipline, and under the direction and control of the Band Committee and Band Master, as musicians. Bands should be dressed in clothing of the same colour as that worn by their Regiments, with the additions noted under " Dress " of Non-commissioned Officers and men. Whenever the Band is dirf.cted to play at the Mess or any public assembly, they should l>e properly dressed. No Bandsman should engage himself to play in uniform without the consent of the President of the Band Com- mittee, and the Band should not play any^vhere without the sanction of the Commanding Officer, Any Bandsman habitually misbehaving should be sent to his duty in the ranks, as the Band should always be composed ol the best conducted men. Each man should be held responsible for the instru- ment entrusted to him, which should never be taken fp -n the Band room unless required for duty 01 by special permission. It is essential that the band, bugle, drams r-^d fifes, when playing or beating for military purpo.-^^, particu- larly for the marches, should adhere st ictly to the time, which will allow, within the minute, the exact num- ber of steps prescribed in the "Field Exercise." For this purpose the music for the different cadences should be practised under the direction of the Band Master, with the plummet, until the prescribed c ■■ lence has been ac- quired. The band and the drums ?1 rrid be frequently practised together, in order that, when relieving each other in the quick march, the cadence may be preserved uni- formly and uni ;:fcrrupt=wdiv. The following books of instruction, published by author ity, should be strictiy adhered to by the corps to which they appertain, without addition or alteration, either as regards the soundings or their application : — The " Infantry REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 39 The m Bugle Sounds," "Instructions for the Fife," and Art of Beating the Drum." Bands are upon no account to take part in any political , religious or party procession. The system so prevalent in the Militia force, of engaging as Regimental Bands, those of Lodges, Associations, or private enterprise, should be discountenanced ; the Band of every corps should be absolutely under the control of its officers. - • PIONEERS. The Pioneers are a small corps of Regimental artificers, competent to repair barracks, furniture, utensils, etc., or do other mechanical work in a regiment or garrison, and if need be instruct others in the same. They should be selected mainly on account of proficiency in their trades- and good character; they may also be employed in the quarter master's store or other duty pertaining to that department. Each company should have one pioneer, and the dis- tribution of trades in a Regiment of ten companies as follows : Three Carpenters ; two Bricklayers (one able to plaster, the other to slate) ; one Smith (able to shoe horses'); one Stone Mason ; one Painter and Glariier ; two Plumb- ers and Gas Fitters. A proper outfit of tools such as picks, spades, shovels, axes, augers, a saw, chisel, crowbar, etc., should be in their possession. A Sergeant (a carpenter if possible j should have immedi- ate charge, the whole corps being under the direction of the Quarter Master. DAILY ROUTINE. In all garrisons and camps the hours for the "Reveille," " Retreat," and " Tattoo," throughout the year are regu- lated as follows : — 40 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. 1 iil: REVEILLE. Varying from 5 A.M. in Summer to 6:30 A.M. in Winter. RETREAT. TATTOO (LAST POST). At Sunset. Varying from 9 P.M. in Winter to 10 P.M. in Summer. The time for sounding these calls is to be taken from the main or other gua^d — to be named in garrison orders — or from the firing of the station gun, where there is one. Daily duties commence at Reveille ; weekly duties at same time on Mondays. All daily and weekly reports and returns should be sent into the Orderly Room by 9 a.m. On reveille being sounded the Non-Commissioned Officers and men rise and dress, and the roll is called by the Orderly Sergeant of the Company who notes men absent or reported sick. An hour after reivelle sounding every man should have his bed made up ; the rooms or tents should be swept and cleaned, windows opened, or tent cur- tains rolled up, unless in rainy weather, and the urine tubs emptied, and placed at the appointed spot with clean water in them. The Regimental Orderly Sergeant should visit the Companies' rooms to see that this order has been obeyed. At a quarter before seven all men off duty should parade, and drill for one hour ; men attending instruction drill, and recruits, should also parade for drill at this hour. Orderly Sergeants should attend at the falling in. A Fatigue should also parade at this hour, and clean all drains, urinals, &c., before breakfast. At seven the rations of bread and meat should be issued, when the Regimental Orderly Sergeant should see that the Orderly Corporals and Orderly men of Companies are properly dressed in fatigue clothing and report to the Orderly Officers of the day, who attend, together with the ii REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 41 Quarter-Master, and remain until all are issued ; any complaints respecting the rations should be made at their issue through the Orderly Corporals of Companies to the Orderly Officers. Vegetables and groceries may be drawn at the same time, or if more convenient at a later hour, The Non-commissioned Officer drawing meat for the Company should be held responsible that it is at once taken to the Cook-houses from the meat store, and not to the barrack rooms. At 7:45 the Regimental Orderly Sergeant should order the warning or quarter bugle to sound for breakfast. At eight the breakfast bugle should sound, when the men sit down to breakfast. During breakfast they should be visited by the Orderly Officers. Immediately after breakfast the rooms or tents should be arranged, the mess things removed, washed, and put in their places by the Orderly men. At nine o'clock, the Company Orderly Corporals, with the men who have reported themselves sick, should parade with their kits and be marched to the Hospital by the Regimental Orderly Corporal, or Non-commissioned Officer detailed for that duty, who should take with him Sick Reports, and march back those men who may not be admitted, together with those discharged from Hospital. The Defaulters should also parade at nine o'clock and be inspected by the Regimental Orderly Sergeant, and also by the Non-commissioned Officers on Gate and Canteen duty, that they may be identified by them. Fatigue men should again parade at this hour and thoroughly clean the barrack yard or camp, drains, urinals, latrines, &c. At the same hour the Commanding Officer should attend the Orderly Room for the trial of prisoners and other business. I i i i 3! m i I i 42 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. At 9:30 the Regimental Guard should be inspected and marched off by the Adjutant or one of the Orderly- Officers. At 9:40 the " Dress " for parade should sound, and at ten the Staff parade should be formed, to be immediately followed by the Regimental parade, The recruits and defaulters should parade at a quarter to twelve o'clock, and drill until a quarter to one o'clock, at which time the warning bugle for dinner should sound. The hour for dinner should be one o'clock. The Regimental Orderly Sergeant and Corporal should precede the Orderly Officers a few paces on their visiting: the messes, and command " attention." At 2 the rooms should be visited by the Regimental Orderly Sergeant, to see that everything is again in order, mess utensils washed, and set in their proper places^ rooms swept, &c. At 2:30 afternoon parade ; first class men may be ex- empted from this parade. At 4 the defaulters should again parade, and drill for an hour. The tea bugle should sound at five, after which the Regimental Orderly Sergeant inspects the Cookhouses to see that they have been properly cleaned, and the fires extinguished, and after locking them should hand over the keys and those of the wash-houses to the Sergeant of the Guard. " Retreat " should be sounded at sundown, the Picquet being then inspected by the Subaltern of the day. First Post should be sounded at 9:30 p.m., in the sum- mer, and at 8:30 in the winter. Last Post at 10 p.m. in the summer, and at 9 in the winter, when the Subaltern of the day should attend at the collection of the Tkttoo reports from the Orderly Sergeants, and again inspects the Picquet, and also the Defaulters; the Regimental I REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 43 ted and Orderly and at jdiately quarter o'clock, sound. should visiting iraental 3 order, places, ^ be ex- id drill ich the :houses nd the 1 hand to the *icquet 3 sum- .m. in •altern rkttoo spects lental Orderly Sergeant and Corporal, and Non-commissioned Officers on Gate and Canteen duty, attend this parade. The Subaltern should then remain until lights are reported out by the JRegimentai Orderly Sergeant, 15 minutes after last post sounding. Between tattoo and reveille no bugle should be sounded, or drum beaten, with the exception of the call "lights out," the "fire-alarm" or other signal in case of a turn out of the troops. In cases of sudden alarm by day or night, and the •' assemble " sounding a Regiment should instantly fall in with arms and accoutrements. In the event of fire, or any serious distubance taking place at any time in the \.'cinity of their quarters, the Officers and men of a regiment should immediately repair to the parade ground and there await orders. On an alarm of fire, the Guard should fall in ; the Picquet should also fall in, and march under the Subaltern of the day to the fire ; on its arrival there, should the Officer receive no orders, he will form a cordon round the fire, keep a clear space, and preserve order and silence. The fire party (for which a Company should be detailed monthly) should fall in in fatigue clothing, and act as directed. The Regiment should remain quietly in Bar- racks and await orders. When a fire engine is in barracks, the Quarter Master should have charge 01 it. It should be exercised by the Fire Picquet every Saturday at noon, under the Subaltern of the day. BARRACKS, OR CAMPS. Commanding Officers should prohibit the indiscriminate admission of strangers into the barracks or camps, and take measures to prevent any but persons of respectable character from gaining access thereto. The men should rise by five o'clock in the summer, and not /■S Ui 44 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. il later than 6.30 in the winter. The beds should be turned up, and the rooms swept, and made thoroughly clean in half an hour from rising; and as ever>' man should be sent to the regimental hospital, who, from sickness, is obliged to keep his bed ; no bed should be made down before " retreat " is sounded. Each man should be answerable for the clean- liness of his own berth ; the orderly men responsible for the cleanliness of the tables, mess tins, plates, dishes, and the room generally ; also the berths of such men as may be on duty. The windows should be kept frequently open. In camp, the curtains of tents are to be rolled up if the weather be fine, and in any case the leeward side should be raised. The men should not use the barrack sheets, blankets, or utensils, for any other purpose than for which they are intended. No washing of persons or clothes, or smoking in the barrack room, should be permitted. No clothing, arras, or anything whatever, should be allowed to lie about, but everything should be in its proper place and regular. Every Barrack Room or Tent should hav^e posted in a conspicuous place a small and neat label (Form 3), and on the inside a nominal roll of the men occupying it. When a passage or flight of stairs leads to more rooms than one, the men of each room should take their turns weekly, to keep it clean. No water, dirt, or filth, should be thrown opposite the Barrack doors, in the passage or stairs, or out of the win" dows, but should be carried to the proper sinks for water, and the receptacles for dirt. No man should make water except at the places set apart for that purpose. Any man fo'rad after tattoo in a Barrack room or Tent, to which he Goes not belong, should be confined by the Non-Commissioned Officer in charge. Hi i^0 REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 45 )e turned saninhalf ienttothe d to keep itreat" is he clean- isible for ihes, and as may itlyopen. p if the e should blankets, ich they g in the lould be ts proper ted in a I, and on e rooms ir turns site the he win" ■ water, e water r Tent, by the All lights should be put out immediately on the bugle sounding for that purpose after tattoo. In quartering the Non-Commissioned Officers and men in a Barrack room or Tent, great care should be taken that the arrangement is by squads. Should it be necessary to break up any portion of the squads, as many squads must be kept as complete as possible, instead of detaching a portion from each. Comrades should be as little sep- arated as possible in Quarters. The men should sit down regularly to meals, cleanly dressed, with tunics or serges buttoned up. No man should be allowed to take his dinner away from the table. The corporals dining at the tables should be responsible for the decent behaviour of every man of their several messes. Saturday should be appropriated to a thorough cleaning of rooms, windows, passages, etc., by all hands, when the tables, forms and utensils of every description, should be scrubbed as white as they can possibly be made. The bedding should be placed outside to air at reveille on Saturday, and be taken in again at twelve, noon, "While this thorough cleaning is going on, no men should leave the Barracks or lines. The following rules respecting the men's rooms should be strictly attended to, in order to ensure uniformity throughout a Regiment. The bedsteads should be turned up, (if of iron) every morning immediately after reveille sounding, and removed about one foot from the wall, which will bring them in a line. The palliasses should then be rolled up in a circular form, with nothing but the pillow inside, and placed on the bedstead two inches from the head with the outward end to the front ; if attention has been paid to fill all the beds with the same quantity of straw, placed crossways in the palliasses, the requisite uniformity will be obtained. The « I :ii 46 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. '! 1 If 'I sheets folded in three, and the blankets in four, wrapped neatly rou'id and placed on the top, the whole to be bound round the centre by a strap ; the rug placed on the extreme end of tlie bedsteads, so as to admit of soldiers sitting thereon during the day, or folded round the blankets oi such beds as may not be in use. Each man's name and company should be written on a card and hung on the front of his bed clothes. — (Form 4.) The men's necessaries should always be kept in their knapsacks, with the exception of one pair of trowsers. a tunic, jacket, forage cap, towel, one pair of boots, and the clothes and shoe brushes, which should be disposed of as follows ; The trowsers should be folded in two, and placed out- side on the top of the beds, red seam to the front, the tunic and jacket neatly folded, will be laid on the top of the trowsers, waistband of trowsers and collar of tunic to the right, jacket collar to the left, and the forage cap over all, with the number to the front. The towel should be placed under the trowsers ready or use, the end falling over the back of the bed to drj-. The boots, well polished, should be arranged under the fore part of the bed-cot, toes to the front. The shoe brushes, closed together, should be placed in front of the boots, with the blacking on the top. The knapsacks should be placed on the shelves, over the centre of each man's bed, flat without straps, but with the great coats neatly folded on the top, the busby or hel- met on the right; and the mess tin covers, with or without the mess tin on the left of the knapsacks, flat part to the knapsack. In tents, all necessaries should be placed in the knapsacks, which should be arranged in a circle, six inches from the curtain pegs, with the great coat and blanket folded on top, the head dress over all. The rifles should stand in the arms' racks or hoops, locks outward, the muzzle stoppers in at all times. REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 47 wrapped 3e bound ! extreme sitting .nkets oi ten on a Form 4.) in their wsers. a and the sed of as iced out- ont, the e top of tunic to cap over rs ready 3 dr>-. nder the )laced in ves, over but with Y or hel- r without rt to the ilaced in ircle, six :oat and r hoops, Every man (when there are racks for arms) should have his rifle in one particular place, on which his name should be put ; the arms should never be taken from the rack except when the men are using or cleaning them ; when there are no racks the rifles are to be slung on a peg at each man's berth, or in camp round the tent pole confined at the muzzles in a hoop. ORDERS. Regimental orders, when issued by the Commanding Officer of a Regiment, should be promulgated on the evening of the day before that to which they refer. The Adjutant prepares the orders under the direction of the Commanding Officer; and will sign them "by order" before tlieir issue. The orders should contain — first, detail of duties called for by superior authority ; second, of Officers or Non-commissioned Officers, for regimental duties, then parades, or anything that has to be generally notified ; and last of all, appoinments and promotions. Any general, divisional, or brigade orders should be republished, with t'l- egimental orders, for the informa- tion of all concerned. At the hour named for issue, the Sergeant Major should cause " Orders " to be sounded, when the Orderly Sergeants of Companies attend with their companies' order books, in which they write the orders from the Sergeant Major's dictation. All orders, general as well as regimental, should be read at evening roll call by the Orderly Sergeant, also by an Ofl&cer of each Company on the first parade after they are issued ; the Orderly Sergeant being responsible that every man upon duty or otherwise absent, is niad^ acquainted with them as soon as circumstances ^dmit. Any order concerning Officers only, or such ai it might 48 CANADIA ilLITIA MANUAL. ?i 'I ill be inexpedient to publish to Non-commissioned Officers and men, should be sent round by the Adjutant to the different Officers to be initialed and returned. LETTERS. Under regulations of the Post Office Department letters for or from Non-commissioned Officers and men of the Active Militia, when on active service, can be forwarded between Post Offices in Canada on prepayment of two cents for each letter un half an ounce in weight. Such letters must refer solc._, . private affairs, certified to by the Commanding Officer, and in accordance with Forms. CRYING DOWN CREDIT. The Commanding Officer of a corps should, upon coming to any place where it is to remain in quarters, cause public proclamation to be made, that if the land- lords or other inhabitants suffer the soldiers to contract debts, such debts will not be discharged. The usual mode of crying down credit is by means of two Sergeants, accompanied by a drummer and fifer or bugler, who halt in conspicuous places, and proclaim the following : — " This is to give notice that the Officer commanding the Regiment does not hold himself responsible for any debts contracted by the Non-commissioned Officers or men of the Regiment under his command. God save the Queen." THE HOSPITAL AND SICK REGULATIONS. The Hospital is in every respect under the entire direc- tion of the Medical Officers, who issue such orders as may be necessary for its government. When a man reports himself sick, the Orderly Sergeant of the Company should acquaint the Colour Sergeant, who should inspect the man's kit, and furnish the Orderly If! REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 49 Corporal with a list of the necessaries, &c., in the man's possession, which, in the event of his being admitted into Hospital, should be handed over to the Hospital Sergeant, who is responsible for the safety of every article therein specified. The Regimental Orderly Corporal or Non-commissioned Officer detailed for duty should receive a Company Sick Report from the Orderly Sergeants of Companies (Form 6). which he delivers to the Surgeon. In the column headed " Surgeon's Remarks," should the Surgeon insert the word "duty " only, it will be understood that the man is immediately available for any duty that may be required of him, but is to be confined to barracks for the day. Should "duty to-morrow" or "attend" be inserted, he is not available for duty on that day, but should be confined to Barracks. Should the Surgeon insert the remark "Medi- cine to do duty," the man should not be allowed to enter the Canteen during the day. The utmost neatness should be observed throughout the Hospital ; all Non-commissioned Officers, when in Hospital, and not prevented by extreme illness, should be held responsible for the maintenance of discipline in their respective wards. The Hospital Sergeant should cause all men, under medical treatment, to be made aware of the regulations to which they become subject when in Hospital, and he should visit the wards frequently during the day, to see that these regulations are in no respect infringed, and that all the directions given by the Surgeon are duly complied with. The Hospital Sergeant, under the directions of the Surgeon, should be responsible for the property of such men as are in Hospital ; the moment a man is admitted he should take an account of his necessaries, clothing, &c. ; 4 I V .*: I 'I .^^v lUc c \o CANADIAN MILITIA MANU\L. V if he has money, he will also take possession of it, return- ing it when the man is discharged from Hospital. Gaming of every description should be strictly pro- hibited. Any patient who is guilty of disorderly conduct, swearing, insolence to the attendants, or any other impropriety, should be most severely punished. Should the patients have any complaints to make of their treatment, accommodation, &c., they should state them to the Captain or Subaltern of the day, when those Officers visit the Hospital. The patients who are not confined to their beds should be attentive to the cleanliness of their persons ; any reported for irregularity in this respect by the Orderly Officers should be punished. No soldier, or soldier's wife, should be permitted to have any communication with a man in hospital, except by the special permission of the Surgeon, and in presence of the Hospital Sergeant. Convalescents, on coming out of the Hospital, should not be put on duty till the Surgeon certifies to the Adjutant that they are perfectly recovered ; for which purpose the Surgeon, or Assistant Surgeon, should daily make a particular inspection of these men at morning parade, to prevent any of them remaining exempted from duty longer than absolutely necessary-. On a march, when circumstances will permit, the packs of such convalescents as have not yet received certificates of being fit for duty should be carried for them, The Surgeon should send a return (Form 7) of the sick to the orderly room every morning for the Command- ing Officer's information, and a nominal list (Form 7) of sick is likewise to be transmitted to the orderly room ^very Saturday morning. He should also keep an admis- .^n and discharge book (See Part V, Sec. i). at' REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 51 The Surgeon, or his Assistant, should make a minute inspection of the whole of the Non-commissioned Officers and men of the Regiment once a week, on such day and at such hour as may be appointed by the Commanding Officer, for the purpose of ascertaining whether any latent disease exists ; if so, he should personally report to the Commanding Officer. On these occ. jions the parade should be in bare feet, trousers turned up to the knee, jackets and stocks off. The Surgeon should frequently visit the barracks and messes of the men. He should report as soon as possible to the Commanding Officer any accident, or circumstance, which may occur connected with his department, and whatever appears to him as bein^ either detrimental to the general health of the men, or likely to be beneficial to it. He should examine the black holes, and other places of confinement, to see that they are kept in a healthy state for prisoners. All prisoners should be medically inspected by 9:30 a.m. When a prisoner under sentence of, or awaiting a Court Martial, is admitted into or discharged from Hospital, the word " Prisoner " should be inserted oppo- site his name. A guard should be constantly furnished to the Hospital, and the Surgeon should signify to the Commanding Officer the particular orders which he wishes to be given. DIVINE SERVICE. The strictest attention should be given by all ranks to the attendance at Divine Service on Sundays, and the greatest respect paid during the performance of this im- portant duty, r.s nothing furnishes so sure a protection against the allurements of the world, and diffuses so healthful a sentiment, as a serious observance of the Sabbath day. 'I 'Ml -■. 1 1 i 52 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. Commanding Officers should afford every facility for the wives and families of the men to attend public worship, and induce them by every means in their power to attend regularly. All Officers should attend Church Parade, those only excepted w^ho have the special leave of the Commanding Officer. On entering any Church or Chapel all should be rever- ential and orderly in their behaviour, the Officers com- manding companies which first go in being responsible that their men proceed at once to the places allotted them with regularity and without noise. Each company should be seated as nearly together as possible, with their Non- commissioned Officers amongst them, to check and report any irregularity. After Divine Service no one should move out of his place, touch his belt or headdress, or make the slightest noise, until the Commanding Officer rises, nor attempt to put on his heaJdress until he gets out of the first door of the Church. Soldiers of the Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, or Metho- dist persuasion should be regularly marched to and from their own places of public worship under the command of an Officer if their number exceed twenty, and in charge of a Sergeant if not exceeding that number ; and the Officer or Sergeant should remain with them during the service. If there is no officer of the Roman Catholic or Presby- terian or other denomination to march parties of those persuasions to church, an Officer should be detailed for the purpose. In cases where there is no clergyman, the senior Officer, whether on shore or at sea, should read prayers to the men. ^ Church parade should invariably be considered a 'ill REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION, ■ ■:! " general parade." Staff-sergeants and all regimentally employed men should be present. officers' mess. Every Officer should be a member of the Mess, and to direct that establishment a committee should be selected, consisting of three Officers, the President being a Field Officer or Captain. The Committee should arrange such a system of economical messing as will enable every Officer to belong to the Mess without inconvenience, extravagant or un- necessary entertainments being at all times discouraged by the Commanding Officer, Although Officers meet at Mess on a footing of social equality, it nevertheless ought to be distinctly understood that Mess is a parade, and that Officers attending thereat are under the same military discipline, and as much under the orders of their senior Officers as though they were on a parade under arms. The senior combatant Officer present is always in charge ; being responsible for all that takes place at table, and in the ante-room, both before and after dinner, and should any individual persist in disobeying orders, he should at once order the person so offending into arrest. Two Officers should be detailed weekly to act as Presi- dent and Vice-president. Medical Officers are not, owing to the calls which may be made on them, available for this duty. The President should be responsible for the corre t carrying out of every detail connected with service of the table ; and has power to order any Officer, irrespective of rank, to desist from doing anything contrary to rule. He should, if necessary, report on the ensuing day any Officer violating rules. The Vice-president should in every way assist the 11. ill r 1 ; .. 54 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. President in the execution of his duty, and will sit at that end of the table which is nearest the point of entrance for servants, etc. All servants attending Mess should be under the immediate orders of the President and Vice-president. Should any improper occurrence take place at the table, unobserved by the senior Officer, the President, or Vice- president through the President, should at once bring it to that Officer's notice. When the band play at Mess, it should not begin before the joints are placed on the table. No letters should be opened, or notes written, at table, without the leave of the senior Officer present, the Presi- dent, or Vice-President. After dinner smoking at table may be permitted with the consent of the senior Officer present, but this should never occur until the wine has been round at least twice. No spirits should be placed on the table during dinner, and only after dinner when there is no ante-room. The practice of Officers taking wine with one another has become obsolete at Mess. No Officer (unless on the Mess committee) should on any account enter the Mess-room before dinner is an- nounced. No smoking should be permitted in the ante-room for a space of one hour before dinner. On the first bugle sounding (half-an-hour before dinner) any Officers who may happen to be in the ante-room in plain clothes should at once leave. After the sounding of the first bugle, or after dinner, no Officer in plain clothes should on any pretext whatsoever enter the ante-room without special leave from the senior Officer present. No Officer entering the ante-room before dinner {i.e.^ ■}if. L REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. OD after the sounding of the first bugle), and after dinner, should wear his head-dress. Both on entering and on leaving the ante-room for the night all Officers bow to the senior Officer. On dinner being announced, the Officers enter the Mess- room without regard to precedence, except that the senior combatant Officer enters first. Except as above specified, no places are reserved for any Officers at the table, neither do they sit according to rank. The senior Officer present should sit at the centre of the table, right-hand side, the second senior Officer generally sitting opposite to him. On a guest night {i.e., on a night when guests are entertained at the Mess), the senior guest usually sits at the right hand of the senior Officer, this place being considered the seat of honour. When, at the conclusion of the dinner, the table shall have been cleared and the wine placed before the President, the Vice-president (and before the senior officer and the officer sitting opposite to him, if the table be long), on a signal from the President, the wine should be passed from right to left until each set of decanters reach thv? next point from which the other set started. As soon as the wine, as above detailed, shall have made the tour of the table, the President should say " Mr. Vice, the Queen !" when, and not before, Officers should take their wine, but not standing, unless on special or extra- ordinary occasions, saying aloud " The Queen." As Her Majesty's Health is proposed, the Mess-butler should give a signal for the band to play a few bars of " God save the Queen." It is in no way obligatory for Officers to take wine after dinner when Her Majesty's health is proposed. The wine will be passed round the table as often as the President sees fit ; time for passing the decanters to be taken by the '!' . I i PI '< i i ' 'il- 56 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. senior Officer, the Officer opposite to him, and the Vice- president from him. No Officer should be at liberty to leave the table before the wine has been thus passed round twice without asking leave from the President. When the Officer commanding the forces dines at a Mess, all Officers should rise when he leaves the table after dinner, but it is in no way necessary for them to follow him therefrom. The Vice-president should not leave his place before the President does so. It is not customary for any Officer during dinner to change or leave his place, on any pretence whatever, without first obtaining leave to do so from the President. One Sergeant, three rank and file, with an occasional assistant, (when applied for by the President of the Com- mittee,) may be allowed to be taken off the duty roster, for the purpose of attending the Officer's mess, and every other facility should be given by the Commanding Officer to support the respectability of an establishment, in which the general comfort of the Officers, is so materially con- cerned. sergeants' mess. Whenever possible a Sergeants' Mess should be form- ed under the regulations below named. The Sergeant-major should be held responsible for the general regularity and respectability of the Mess ; if not a bachelor, he should frequently visit the Mess ; any irreg- ularity he may observe he should at once report to the Adjutant for the Commanding Officer's information. A Committee consisting of one Staff or Colour, and two stripe Sergeants, should be appointed quarterly, who should be responsible for all funds and general manage- ment of the Mess, and should produce, for the inspection of the Commanding Officer, each month, the Mess accounts, .1 REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 57 Vice- )efore at a table |em to leave I closed up to end of previous month. The Caterer, who should be a Sergeant, should produce his Messing accounts on every Monday morning, with the vouchers for receipts and disbursements. The rate of subscription on promotion or appointment, as also monthly subscriptions, should be fixed from time to time by the Commanding Officer. A statement of accounts signed by the President, should be submitted to the Quarterly Mess Meeting for audit and approval, and be subsequently laid before the Commanding Officer. All Stores, Liquors, &c., purchased for the Mess should be approved by the Committee, and paid for on purchase ; the President should receive all subscriptions and mess- ing bills weekly ; and with his monthly accounts produce vouchers for all payments ; he should pay over to the Crterer the messing money required for the ensuing week. All liquors should be paid for to the Caterer, when sup- plied; he should hand over the amount received, daily, to the President of the Committee. The Messing bills should be paid weekly ; any neglect of this order should be at once reported to the Adjutant for the Commanding Officer's information. The Sergeants' Mess should be closed one hour after tattoo, and the key of the Mess-room and liquor store handed over by the Caierer to the Sergeant-major. The Sergeants of the regiment should be most particular as to what civilians they introduce to their Mess. CANTEENS. Canteens, where established in quarters, are for the exclusive use and accommodation of the troops, and for the ready supply to the soldiers of such liquors or other provisions as could not be easily procured otherwise, 58 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. ^ and for which it would not be consistent with discipline or the obHgaticns of duty, that soldiers should at all times and indiscriminately be permitted to resort to the markets or to shops more or less remote from their quarters. The Regimental Canteen should be managed by a standing Committee of three Officers, of whom the Presi- dent shall not be under the rank of Captain, who should be selected by and be under thedirection and control of the Commanding Officer. Quarter-Masters should not be appointed members of the Committee. A subordinate Committee of three Non-commissioned Officers may be appointed by the Commanding Officer, to act under the superintendence of the first-named Committee for the more immediate internal management of the Can- teen, but this Committee should have no concern in any money payments or contracts. The selection of a Non-commissioned Officer for the appointment of permanent Canteen-sergeant, for which any Staff or other Sergeant is eligible, rests with the Commanding Officers of the corps. He should be under the orders of the Committee of Officers. His position should be that of steward or salesman, not of contractor, and he should not be permitted to have any interest whatever in the profits of the Canteen. The proceeds of the sale of articles should be handed over daily by the Canteen-sergeant to the Committee of Officers, which amount should be lodged in the hands of the Regimental Paymaster, or be otherwii^e placed in security, as the Committee, with the concurrence of the Commanding Officer, may arrange. The Canteen-sergeant should keep regular hours in the opening and closing of the Canteen, and obey all orders and regulations which the Commanding Officer may from time to time think proper to issue, in respect to the open- ing or closing of the same. )J! REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 59 by a Presi- shoukl 3lofthe not be ssioned icer, to imittee le Can- in any or the which th the Jer the should md he ver in anded tee of ids of ed in )f the in the rders from 3pen- The Canteen-sergeant should sell only such articles as are approved by the Officer inspecting the Canteen, the Commanding Officer, or his representative, and the articles should be of such quality, and be sold at such prices as shall be approved by the officer aforesaid. Schedules of the articles sold, and of their prices should be affixed in conspicuous places in and about the Canteen ; these schedules should be revised from time to time by one of the Committee; and visits should also be made periodi- cally to the Canteen, to see that the schedules are such as have been approved, and that the articles sold are of good quality. The Canteen-sergeant should at all times prevent, as far as lies in his power, rioting or disorderly behaviour in the Canteen; and not sufier any gaming, cards, or gaming tables to be introduced ; and further, he should not give credit or trust to, or receive any pledges or pawns from, any Non-commissioned Officer or man. No civilians or others should be permitted to frequent, or in any way make use of the Canteen, without the knowledge, permission or sanction of the Commanding Officer. In the event of any complaint being preferred against the Canteen-sergeant, which upon investigation, should prove to be well founded, he is liable to removal from his appointment. He should then revert to the rank of Ser- geant, or take that of his successor, at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. Soldiers should not be compelled to purchase from Canteens, but be allowed to buy goods from private trades- men if they prefer doing so. Should it be necessary that licences be taken out by the Canteen-sergeants ; the cost of such should be charged against the Canteen fund. 6o CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. I i CHOICE OF QUARTERS. It being an acknowledged principle of the military ser- vice that seniority of rank gives priority of selection of quarters, an Officer put in possession of quarters by proper authority should not be dispossessed by an Officer of corresponding rank, viz. ; A Commanding Officer of a Regiment by a Command- ing Officer. A Field Officer by a Field Offxcer. A Captain by a Captain, or A Subaltern by a Subaltern. But in all cases a Captain may claim a priority of choice over a Subaltern, notwithstanding such Subaltern shall have been in previous possession of the better quarters. Officers should be quartered as near as possible to the men, and in as large a proportion as circumstances will admit. No Officer should under any circumstances be permitted to establish a right to a military quarter he does not occupy, nor should he at any time transfer his quarters, or any part thereof, to any other Officer, except with the special permission of the Commanding Officer. When Officers are detached on duty, or when they re- ceive leave of absence for a period not exceeding one month, they are to retain their rooms in barracks; but, when the Officer shall be absent from his barrack rooms, on duty or otherwise, for any period extending beyond that time, the rooms should be given over to the charge of the Barrack Master. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. The Adjutant being responsible for the correct keeping of the duty roster and all orderly-room returns, it is im- perative that he should be acquainted with an Officer's obtaining leave even from parade. REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 6r ;ary ser- ction of y proper fficer of mmand- f choice ■n shall irters. 2 to the :es will jrmitted oes not uarters, nth the hey re- ng one s; but, rooms, beyond charge eeping is im- fficer's All applications for leave of absence, or leave from parades from the Subalterns, should be made (in writing) to their respective Captains, who forward the same to the Adjutant, for the Commanding Officer's approval, writing "recommended," (if not, stating the reason); and they await the reply to their applications before absenting themselves. Officers above the rank of Subalterns, wishing for leave of absence, should apply in writing to the Commanding Officer, (through the Adjutant) on the day previous to their requiring it. In cases of emergency, only, personal application may be made to the Commanding Officer. Applications for a prolongation of leave should be made in a similar manner. In all applications for leave, the reasons for which solicited, whether a member of a General or a District Court Martial, their address while absent, and the name of the Officer taking their duties when absent should be stated. Officers going on leave of absence should settle every regimental account previous to their departure. So long as Officers remain in barracks, they should attend all parades and perform all duties, notwithstanding their leave of absence may have commenced. Officers who receive leave of absence should be present with the Regiment on the day on which their leave ter- minates. They should report themselves personally on their arrival to the Commanding Officer, and give notice in person or in writing to the Adjutant. They should also make themselves acquainted with all orders issued during their absence. Officers on temporary leave should make good missed during their absence. It is only when on general leave they are exempt from this. 62 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. PASSES AND FURLOUGHS. No sDlfiier should be recommended for these indulg- ences unless he has been clear of a Court Martial six months; the Regimental Defaulters' Book, three months; the Company, two months ; punishment by Captain, one month ; and care should be taken that men are not allowed to make a habit of applying for passes too frequently. Men obtaining a pass should have it recommended by the Officer Commanding the Company. The passes of men employed should be recommended by their respective superiors. Bandsmen and Buglers by the Adjutant ; Servants' passes by their masters ; and those of Mess servants by the President, as well as by the Officer com- manding the Company to which they belong, previous to obtaining the signature of the Commanding Officer. Not more than five passes, not including Non-com- missioned Officers, should be sent in from any one company at a time, and except for very particular reasons, which must be explained personally to the Commanding Officer), they should no be om mended for a longer period than twe^^"" "-ock the same night. All Passes (F j) should b mi printed forms, which should be kept in the C vour Sergeant's possession and filled in by him, from tine to time, as required. Should the Commanding Officer or Captain refuse ^o grant a pass, it is to be destroyed and not given to the soldier. Soldiers, on returning to quarters, should leave their passes with the Sergeant of the Guard, who should enter on the face of them, whether drunk oi sober, and the hour received. Passes should be sent to the Orderly Room with the Guard reports daily. All passes for a later hour than tattoo should be signed by the Commanding Officer. KiiGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 63 Leave from tea roll-call may be granted by Ofticers Cjmmanding Companies to ten per cent, of the strength of their Companies, except on Sundays, when double that number of leaves may be granted. A list of men to whom this indulgence has been granted, signed by the Officer Commanding the Company, should be given in with the evening parade state. Any soldier who commits himself when on pass, should forfeit the like indulgence for double the above qualifying periods. Soldiers with passes granted for forty-eight hours and upwards, should be treated in the same manner as men proceeding on furlough. Men absent on furlough or pass, for less than fifteen days, should make up their duties. In case of a man being prevented from rejoining his Regiment before the expiration of his pass or furlough, through unavoidable delay of trains or steamboats, he should bring with him a written statement from the Station-Master, or Captain of the boat, of the cause of the delay, or be punished as an absentee. Before any man can obtain a furlough he should be dis- missed his drills, his kit should be complete, and he should be out of debt. Soldiers should be allowed to take their great coats on furlough, which should be inspected before going, and on returning, by the Officer Commanding the Company, but should not be permitted to take their arms or accoutre- ments. In the event of a soldier continuing absent on account of sickness beyond three months, the Commanding Officer should require a special medical report on the case, SERVANTS. Every Regimental Officer should be allowed to have one 64 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. I soldier to attend him, and Field Officers, the Surgeon, and Adjutant permitted to have two. All servants (those of Field and Staff Officers excepted) should be men of th>. same Company as the Officer whom they attend. Th^v should be of established good character, perfect in drill, and have acquired a complete knowledge of the duties of a soldier. No man should be taken as a servant without the sanction of the Commanding Officer ; application in the first instance having been made to the Officer commanding the company to which he belongs. Soldiers who are likely to make eligible Non-commissioned Officers should not be taken. Whenever an Officer dismisses his servant, he should inform the Adjutant in writing with his reason for so doing, for the Commanding Officer's information. A Register should be kept in the Orderly Room of all men who have been dismissed for misconduct, to prevent their being employed as servants afterwards. When a servant is once turned away from his master- on account of misconduct, he should not be employed again, unless he has conducted himself, for a period of not less than six months after his return to duty, to the entire safsfaction of the Officer in command of the com- pany to which he belongs. Every Officer should supply his servant with a suit of Regimental Mess livery. No soldier should ever be permitted to work in any pa^t of his regimental clothing, neither should he ever appear partly dressed in uniform and partly in livery. Officers' servants should answer their names at tattoo. Officers having occasion to send their servants out of Barracks after tattoo, should always furnish them with a pass. Unmarried servants should sleep in the barrack rooms and mess with their companies, and all servants REGIMENTAL ORGANIZATION. 65 should return to their duty when their masters are on leave of absence for more than three days. All servants, vrith the exception of mounted Officers, batmen, should attend all general parades ; they should mount guard with the Officer they attend, and perform their share of duty ; there should be special drill for them at least one day in the week. If an Officer is ill, his servant should be excused from all parades as long as he is on the sick list. No general pass should be given to an Officer's servant unless it be signed by the Commanding Officer. Officers' servants should keep their arms, appointments, and clothing in good order, and be ready to turn out, like other soldiers, at any moment. SECTION V. Drills and Parades. Drill is the discipline ot the body, but tends also materially to discipline the mind, and as the discipline of the mind is a hundred fold more important to the effici- ency of the soldier, the constant practice of drill, in which all ranks have to render instantaneous and silent obedience to the commands of their superiors, is absolutely necessary. The efficiency of a Regiment is estimated in a great degree from the manner in which it drills ; if there is talking in the ranks it is a sure sign that its discipline is of a low order. Complete silence when on parade or at drill is a matter to be particularly attended to ; no matter what, in the soldier's opinion, may be going w-rong, he must keep the opinion to himself; if he expresses it some one is sure to answer, talking becomes general and disorder is thus created, that, under fire would certainly lead to disaster. In all moments of confusion remember that the 66 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. first step towards the re-establishment of order is the hushing of all voices. When the weather permits, a Regiment should be practised in manoeuvres by the senior Officer present on parade, but no deviation from the established regulations should be permitted. The Captains of the Regiment should be frequently called on for this duty, and the junior Subalterns to command companies. Drill instruction should be under the charge of the Adjutant and Sergeant Major, to assist whom instructors may be appointed, who should do no other duty, when they can be conveniently spared from it. In order to prevent the thoroughly drilled soldier being unnecessarily harassed, a Regiment should be divided into classes. All applications for advancement from one class to another, should be made by the Officer commanding the Company, through the Adjutant to the Commanding Officer. c The greatest exactness should be required from first- class men : any unsteadiness or awkwardness in the ranks, on sentry, or walking in the street, should subject them to removal to a lower class. When a soldier is awkw ard at any exercise or parade he should beorderedto " Instruction Drill," which should not be held in the light of a punishment, but only as a matter of instruction ; he should not, however, on that account, be exempt from guards or other duties. All men returning to their duty from prison, hospital, or furlough, should attend instruction drill until qualified to act in the ranks. Servants, tailors, shoemakers, etc., should attend one drill, by themselves, once a week. Companies in succession should be kept off duty daily for exercise by the Adjutant and Sergeant Major. At DRILLS AXD PARADES. 67 thes-e Drills, the greatest attention should be paid to the setting up of the men, their exact carriage, and squareness of position, with and without arms. The Companies on these occasions, should be practised also in saluting — in their duties as sentinels by day and night — in receiving rounds or patrol, extended order, etc. When circumstances permit, the Non-commissioned Officers should be practised by the Adjutant in the duties of Markers, Commanders of guards, and reliefs, etc. When the weather does not allow of the Non-commis- sioned Officers being exercised outside, they should be assembled at the Orderly Room for the purpose of being questioned by the Adjutant on different subjects con- nected with drill and interior economy, and the duties they have to perform on guard, picquet, &c. Officers and Non-commissioned Officers should take care, under all circumstances of parade, that the same exactness which is insisted on in the drill squad, as to position, smartness, silence and steadiness, is ever to be maintained. They should bear in mind that, if the soldier is permittted to indulge under their eye, an idle and slovenly habit in the ranks, the best exertions of the Drill Sergeants will never accomplish the end required; and the instruction of the men will never have ai\y termina- tion; for, even with the oldest soldier, his labour must, in some cases, be resumed, and rendered almost perpetual. No Non-commissioned officer or soldier should be allowed out of barracks before the parade is dismissed, or on days when there is no parade, before 11 a, m., except on duty. FORMING PARADES. Drill parades should be formed as follows: five minutes to the hour named for the parade, the "Non- commissioned Officers' call " should be sounded for the Torar 68 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. Staff parade, which all Sergeants, Corporals, Band , Buglers, and Drummers attend. The parade should be formed in column of companies, the Band and Buglers being in front, in a manner similar to that described below; and after the rolls are called, should be wheeled into line by the Sergeant-Major, the ranks opened and inspected by the Adjutant or Orderly Officer and dismissed. The Buglers, who, immediately after the Staff parade, should fall in at twenty paces from the centre of the directing dank of the parade ground, facing the column, will then sound for "Orderly Sergeants." The Orderly Sergeants should fall in on the directing flank at the "Advance" or "Shoulder,'' under the charge of the Sergeant-Major, who, after dressing them, gives the command, "Take up — distance from No. i," "Outwards Turn," "Quick march." The Sergeants turn outward and move off to their respective distances, and take up their dressing with arms at "the recover." When dressed, the Sergeant-Major gives the command, " Steady," when they "shoulder" or "advance." Buglers should then sound * Fall in," when the men smartly and quietly move on to the parade ground with shouldered arms, and fall in at ♦• the order," one pace in rear of and on the right of their Orderly Sergeants. The Band should fall in at lo paces from the reverse flank of the leading Company, in line with it, and, if the parade be formed in the open air, they should play during the formation. The Sergeant-Major gives the command, "Parade, by the Lefl, Dress up," when the Orderly Sergeants turn to the r;^ht, dress their Companies, and give the command, •■ Eyes front." The Companies being dressed, the Sergeant-Major gives the command, "Call your rolls," when the Orderly P DRILLS AND PARADES. 69 Sergeants move to the front of their Companies and call their rolls, and then open the ranks for inspection. The *' Officers' call ' should now sound, and Orderly Sergeants report their Companies present or otherwise to the senior Officer of the Company. The Sergeant-Major hands the parade over to the Adjutant, and Officers inspect their Companies as laid down in the " Rifle Exercises. " The Adjutant having received the orders of the Com- manding Officer, as to into how many companies the parade is to be equalized, should communicate them to the Sergeant-Major, and while the inspection of the Companies is going on, the Sergeant-Major will inquire the number of files that each Company stands on parade ; and then, knowing into how many Companies the parade is to be formed, makes his calculation as to the number of files up to which each Company is to be made. In the army the Companies under the command of the junior Officers on parade are always broken up. In the Militia Force this point should be left to the discretion of the Officer in command ; but it should generally be the weakest Company, or the weaker ones alternately. The Sergeant-major now calls for Orderly Sergeants, who fall in opposite the centre of the reverse flank of the column, and the Sergeant-Major informs them of how many files they are to get, and from what Companies they are to get them. The Orderly Sergeants should at once double to those Companies from which they are to obtain the required files. Should an Officer be in charge of a Company from which fil«;s are to be obtained, an Orderly Sergeant should ask permission before taking the files away. These files should be marched in double time by the reverse flank of the column, to the reverse flank of the Companies into which they are to be placed. Officers whose Companies are broken up place themselves on the 70 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. reverse flank of the column, and the Adjutant should inf(^rm them of the Companies they are to join, Ser- geants being posted by the Sergeant-Major. An Officer now proceeds to size and prove each Com- pany, which should be done quietly and without worry; if a man cannot drill he should be marked down for instruction afterwards. Whilst the Companies are being proved, the Adjutant goes to the head of the column, and calls out the left markers of Companies, who mark with arms at the " re- cover " where the left of their respective Companies will rest " in column by the left;" the marker of the leading Company placing himself wherever he is directed ; the remainder covering on him. The Adjutant when they are dressed gives the command, " Steady," the markers coming to the " shoulder." The " Advance " should now be sounded, on which the Officers draw their swords, and fall in with the Companies, marching them on to their respective markers, who fall to the rear on the words " Eyes front " from the left guides who should dress their Companies from the left. Each Captain should now order his Company to " stand at-ease." The Adjutant then reports the parade as ready, the Commanding Officer takes command, and calls the parade to attention, ordering the reports to be collected. The Adjutant gallops down the directing flank of the column, and each Captain should hand him his parade state (Form lo) as he passes. Having passed the directing flank of the rear company, the Adjutant rides up to the Commanding Officer, makes his repoii, ^:v\ places him- self in his proper place in column. If the Adjutant be on foot he should march in quick time, as above described. At inspections a field state (Form ii) should be ready Ij ■^TFPl n DRILLS AND PARADES. 71 made out, and be handed to the Inspecting Officer immediately after the salute has been given. The collection of reports may be dispensed with, in which case the parade states should be sent to the orderly room before the parade is formed. The parade state should be signed by the Senior Officer of the Company present on parade, who should never affix his signature to it without having previously made himself acquainted \yith the correctness of the state- ments, and thereby enabling him to answer any question the Commanding Office, may put to him respecting the distribution of his men. On Sundays a church parade state is required (Form 12). Officers should consider exactness of time at all parades and posts of assembly as an essential principle of military duty. They should understand that the warning bugle is for them as much as for the men. Officeis should not collect in groups or quit their com- panies on parade. It should be the particular duty of the Majors to see that these orders are attended to. On all extraordinary occasions the bugle should sound the Regimental call, followed by the " Assemble." This implies the necessity of the utmost haste, when the whole should fall in with arms, by companies, as rapidly as possible ; eight minutes should be enough at any hour, day or night, from the first sounding of the assembly for a Regiment to be formed. MUSTER PARADES. On the last day of each month, when on permanent service, or at the completion of the annual drill, there should be a muster parade, which all Officers and men, except such as are on guard or sick, must attend and answer to their names. The parade should be in fatigue dress, and the roll is !] ; 72 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. called by companies by the Paymaster from a special form, to be made out alphabetically by the Colour Sergeants (Form 13). The Inspecting or Commanding Officer stands by the Paymaster, and as each Officer or man's name is called, he moves out from his company, answering : " Here, sir, " salutes and passes before him, the companies being re-formed on another part of the parade ground. DUTY "ARADES. Guards should fall in on the Regimental parade ground for the inspection of the Adjutant previous to marching to their repective posts. They parade in "marching order, " without mess tins which are left with thei. messes for their meals to be sent to them in. The knapsacks being taken oft by the first relief, when going out, and by the remainder when turned in after mounting. They should be worn again when the Guard dismounts. The parade should fall in by Guards in column, by the left, under the Sergeant-Major. The Sergeants of the Guards taking up the marking, while the Orderly Ser- geants fall in on the directing fiank of the parade, turning inwards. The waiting men should be formed by them- selves in rear of the column. On the command, " Call your rolls," the Sergeants should number their Guards, and the Sergeant-Major, who of course knows the strength of each Guard, then calls in succession thus: " Main Guard," "Hospital Guard," &c., in answer to which the senior Non-commissioned Ofticer of each says, " One Sergeant, two Corporals, one Bugler and fifteen men, present, sir," and so on until all have an- swered. The Sergeant-Major then wheels the Guards into line, no points being necessary, opens the ranks and the Adjutant inspects, after which column is formed by him, he delivers DRIiJ- AND PARADES. 73 the countersign (if there is one) to the Commander, and Officers fall in. Should there be no Officer on parade, senior to the Adjutant he will march them off, giving the command, Fours, right, to your respective Guards — Quick march. • When roads are ver>' dirty. Guards may be marched to their posts as follows: Form the Guard in file in the road, and give the word "ranks — outwards half-turn," or "wheel;"' this forms the Guard into two single ranks, one on each side of the road. If there be two present, a Non- commissioned Officer will lead each rank, which will march down the outer edge of the pavement ; the leading man of the rear rank will be kept opposite the leading man of the front rank. When turning into streets at right angles, one rank has, of course, to move much further round than the other, which must wait for it before moving on. The Commander, in this formation, is in rear. Before arriv- ing at its destination the ranks of the Guards should be closed again on each other. The hour for Guards to mount is generally named as from 9 to lo a. m. or 2 p.m. The proportion of men to be furnished to each post is three ; thus, for a guard with five posts, fifteen privates would be required. The Picquet should parade with the Guard, and be in- spected with it, being dismissed when the latter marches off. DISMISSING PARADES. Before being dismissed a parade should be formed in " column by the left ' on the same ground upon which it fell in previous to the drill. On the Commanding Officer calling " Officers," at the end of a parade, they should all proceed towards him. saluting with their swords as they come up, and then re- turning them. After receiving his instructions, they 74 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. should salute with the hand and leave the parade. The parade, if a Commanding Officer's, should be handed to the Adjutant ; or, if the Adjutant's, to the Sergeant- Major, who should dismiss it as a whole, the men leaving the parade quietly, with arms at the " shoulder " or "advance." When not in barracks or camp, the Officers, on being dismissed, return to their Companies, who should be marched to their armouries in small parties, and there deposit their arms, falling in again to hear the orders read, and then be dismissed ; Officers being careful that no noise is made on leaving the parade. Officers, when called out by the Commanding Officer during a parade, should salute with their swords, both on approaching and leaving him, coming to the "carry" in the interval. No Regiment, company or party should be either dis- missed or marched off a ground without permission being first asked by the person in command thereof of the senior Officer present, without respect to the branch of the service to which such senior Officer may belong. DRAWING SWORDS ON PARADE. Swords should not be drawn in a slovenly manner, but according to the instructions laid down in the "Infantry Sword Exercise." All Officers, except as below specified, should draw their swords on parade, when the " advance" sounds, or on the command, " march on your markers," without further orders. The senior Officer in command of a parade (except a Guard) does not draw his sword, neither do Medical Officers, Paymasters, Quarter-Masters or Staff Sergeants, except the Sergeant-Major, and he only when the Colours are trooped. No Staff-officers, or Officers acting on the divisional •! I or brigade staff, should ever draw their swords on parade ; but Officers actinj^ as brigadiers do, should there be any senior Officer acting as General present. When men parade without arms (as when the Royalty, etc., visits a camp, or with side arms only, as on Church parade), no Officer should draw his sword. Officers on falling out when the sword is not drawn salute with the hand. BANDS ON I'AKADE. Each Regiment should have its own tunes for marching past — viz.: — (i.) For marching past in column. (2.) For marching past in quarter-column. {3.) For marching past in double time. Xo Regiment, except when ordered to the contrary, should march past to any other tune than its own. The airs fixed upon should be published in orders, and strictly adhered to until ( fficially changed. Whilst a Regiment is parading in the open air the band should play after the " OfUcers' call" has sounded, and continue to do so — the necessary intervals for rest of course excepted— until the "Advance " sounds. At these times the band uusally moves from the reverse flank and forms a circle at about fifteen paces from the left of the leading Company of the column. When the Adjutant collects the reports, the band plays a " galop " if he be mounted, and a " quickstep " if he be on foot, from the time he starts until he reports to the Commanding Officer. On a signal being given, the band should then and there instantly cease playing, no matter at what part ot a. bar, or musical period. When marching out, the Drum-major should be atten- tive to keep the band at the proper distance from the I I 76 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. head of the column (twelve paces), and to accom- modate the length of pace to that of the Sergeant-major, who, marching at the head of the column, regulates the length of pace of all. When there is no advance guard, the Drum-major or Pioneer Sergeant should be informed of the route to be followed. When marching in fours, the leading Company of the column should always follow the band ; no word of com- mand is necessary if the head of the column wheels at a cross road. No band, when marching by itself and unaccompanied by troops, should play on any account. When a brigade marches past and the bands are brigaded, the particular air belonging to each Regiment is plajed as it passes the saluting point ; during the inter- vals between successive Regiments, the drums only beat for a short time a flourish, dividing as it were the tunes, except during the interval before and after Rifle Regiments when the bugles usually sound " la casquette." :;! ' MANNER OF ADDRESSING OFFICERS. On any parade or duty, v/hether under arms or not, all Officers addressing their seniors, whether of like or superior rank, should apply to them the title of " Sir." Officers, both on and off duty, when speaking to a General (or Officer acting as such), or to the Officer com- manding their Regiment, should address hmi as " Sir." This rule should especially be observed by Staff Officers towards the superior Officer to whose staff they are attached. \ Lieutenant-colonel may be addressed by Officers of senior rank, or by those with whom he is familiar, as " Colonel," the word " Lieutenant" being, when speaking to or of such an officer, omitted. H I DRILLS AND PARADES. 77 Majors are called " Sir" by the Oflicers of their own Kegiinents. In conversation they may, when spoken to or of, be called by their rank only. Thus : " Do you think so, Major ? " " Take this to the Major. " When addressing a Captain (if his rank is mentioned), he should invariably be called both by rank and name. Thus: "Good morning, Captain Nash," not "Good morning. Captain." In like manner, when speaking of these ollicers to inferiors, their name and rank will be mentioned : "Tell Captain Foster." etc. Lieutenants should never be addressed or spoken of by their rank, either on parade, duty, or otherwise, except under grave circumstances, as when an officer is arraigned for trial, or is being rebuked by his Commanding Officer, or when put in orders for duty. They are to be addressed, cr spoken of, as " Mr." : " Fall in, Mr. Close." " Take that to Mr. Hodgins." Non-commissioned officers and men should, in like manner, always apply the title of " Mr." to Lieutenants. Officers holding brevet commissions, when addressed or spoken of, whether on (garrison or regimental) duty or not, should be called by their senior rank, the word *' Brevet " being omitted. Thus: " March off your Com- pany. Major Miller," etc. ; not" Brevet Major Miller." i m FIRING A " FEU-DE-JOIE. In most instances a " feu-de-joie " is spoiled from the left-hand rear-rank men of Regiments (that have practised this exercise singly) firing immediately after their front- rank men have delivered their fire, and thus not waiting for the fire to run down the rest of the front rank of the brigade and up its rear rank to them. This error inev al)ly spoils a "feu-de-joie," as the remainder of the rea» rank on their right surely fire after them. 78 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL To obviate this, it will be found a good plan, when corps are practising singly, to extend several files at intervnls, according to the ground, to represent the remainder of the lirigade. The rear-rank men of the extended files to cover their front-rank men two paces in rear of them (as at open order). The front rank men should take up the fire after the left- hand front-rank man of the corps has fired ; the rear rank extended men will run the fire from left to right until it reaches the left hand rear-rank man of the corps. EXAMINATION OF ARMS. After a field day, etc., on arriving on its private parade, the arms and pouches of a Regiment should be examined. Each Captain examines the arms of his own Company. The Regiment will, for this purpose, be formed in column or half-column. Each Captain should report to the Field Ollicer of his half-battalion that all the arms of his Company are un- loaded and pouches emptied, and the Field Officers then report to the Commanding Officer of the Regiment. When arms, etc., are to be examined by the Inspecting Officer (should space admit) the corps should wheel or break into column, after giving the prescribed salute, and proceed as in Part III., Field Ex. SALUTES, COMPLIMENTS, ETC. By the peculiar organization of the Militia Force, it may frequently occur that Officers have relatives and per- sonal friends serving as Non-commissioned Officers, pri- vates, etc. Whatever may be the relations existing between Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, etc., in private life, it should be distinctly understood and appreciated by all concerned that, when in uniform, the relative military p.tsitions of the ; .tvf.'.is should— in the interests of dis- ,' 1 DRILLS AND PARADES. 79 cipline and example — be strictly maintained, and the customary observances of the service from subordinate towards superior in all respects carried out. Non-commissioned OfHcers and men addressing the Sergf •'iU-Major apply to him the title of " Sir. " A soldier, desirous of speaking to an Officer should be accompanied by a Non-commissioned Officer. Non-commissioned Officers and men should salute all Officers in uniform, whether of their own corps or any other, so long as they can fairly distinguish them. If standing still when an Officer passes, they should turn towards him, come to attention, and salute at four paces distance ; when walking, they salute as they pass. When approaching to speak to an Officer, they salute and halt at two paces. When a private, accompanied by a Non-commissioned Officer, comes up to speak to an Officer, the Non-com«iissioned Officer should halt him by word of com.m.and. When appearing before an Officer, in a room, a salute should be given, but the head-dress not removed, unless in a case of a prisoner, or summoned for misconduct, in which case no salute is required, or in places of worship, civil courts, or in the presence ci a magistrate. A man without his head-dress, or who is carrying anything which prevents his saluting properly, should, if standing still, come to attention as an Officer passes ; if walking !-,e will turn his head slightly towards the Officer in passing. When individuals meet troops on the inarch they should salute the Commanding Officer and colours. Men with rifles should never salute by raising the hand, but come to the " Shoulder," or " Advance," and bring the left arm across the centre of the body, hand (ncr the sling. When an Officer comes into a room, the first that sees him should call "Attention," when all present rise and remain at attention while he is presei.^t. 8o CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. A salute made to two or more Officers should only be returned by the senior. When a salute e.t reviews is given, all Officers on the ground in uniform as spectators, should turn toward the saluting point, and salute with the hand. Officers attending reviews in uniform, as spectators, during the march past should place themselves in rear of the saluting point. At all inspections or reviews a general salute should only be given to such Officers as are by Regulations en- titled to the compliment ; other Officers vaU be received at the "shoulder." When a corps is inspected in line, the Commanding Officer only accompanies the Inspecting Officer down the ranks. The manner in which compliments are paid and re- turned by armed and unarmed parties is laid down in Part VI., Field Exercise. A party marching under the command of an Officer should only pay compliments as follows : To Royalty and General Officers, the Officer commanding the district in which the party is serving, the Field Officers of its own Regiment. When a Commissioned Officer proceeds as above, he should, as he passes the person saluted, raise his hand to his head dress ; should his sword be drawn (as in the case of a Commander of a Guard), he will salute with the svv-ord. It is customary for Officers to salute with the hand all members of the Royal Family, all General Officers, Gov- ernors, and Commandants of places, their own Command- ing Officers, the corpse at all military funerals, r-.vid the colours of Regiments. When any Officer makes a report or delivers an official message to another, he salutes. Officers meeting an Officer in command of a party should DRILL AND PARADES. Si salute him as they pass, always pnnided that his rank be not inferior to their own. All Officers, whether in uniform or not, salute (or how to) the Commanding Officer, and the Field Officers of their Regiments, and all General Officers. Officers in uniform when bowing to an acquaintance, should never raise their head dresses from their heads. Mounted Officers in the Field, or otherwise, when pass- mg Royalty, a General (or any Officer acting as such), at a trot or gaiiop. should rein up to a walk, and salute ; after passing, the original pace may be resumed. This rule should be observed towards the Officer commanding the district in which the parties are serving. The above is not, however, applicable to Staff-Officers when actually engaged in carrying an order ; at such times the salute should be given wit!;out checking the pace. A Non-commissioned Officer in charge of a party should, on meeting an Officer, pay him the prescribed compliments. When a General Officer visits the men at their meals, on "attention" being called, they should stand up, until directed to the contrary ; when visited by any other Officer they sit at attention ; at any other time no soldier is ever to be off the position of attention, or to continue silting, when met or visited in his quarters by an Officer ; nor should any soldier continue talking or cleaning his arms or accoutrements while an Officer is present, until directed to the contrary. Part II.— Duties. SECTION I. Roster of Duties. In all duties, whether v ith or without arms, and whether performed by corps or by individual Officers, the roster should commence with the senior. Duties are thus classified : 1. Guards, ist of the Sovereign ; 2nd of Members of the Royal Family; 3rd, of Viceroys; 4th. of the Captain General, or Governor of a colony ; 5th, of the Commander in Chief at home or abroad. 2. Divisional duties under arms. 3. Brigade or garrison duties under arms. 4. Regimental duties under arms. 5. Courts Martial, ist, General ; 2nd, District ; 3rd, Regimental. C. Boards or Courts of Inquiry, ist, Divisional ; 2nd, Brigade ; 3rd, Regimental. 7. Working parties. b. Fatigue duties. These are divided Regimentally into duties for Ollicers. and for Non-commissioned Ollicers and men. 3- 4' OFFICERS. Guards, ist, Outlymg picquet ; 2nd, Guard. Courts Martial, ist. General ; 2nd, District, Boards, ist, Divisional ; 2nd, Brigade Oderly. ROSTFR or DUTIES 83 5. Courts Martial (Regimental). 6. Boards (Regimental). 7. Working parties. 8. Fatigue parties. The Officers' Roster (Form 14) is kept by the Adjutant who should have one for Garrison and another for Regi- mental duties, the former taking precedence of the latter. When an Officer's tour for more than one duty comes round on the same date, he should be detailed for that duty only which has the precedence in the classification already given and should receive an overslaugh for any other duties. When an Officer is actually in the perform- ance of one duty, and his tour for another dut}' occurs, he should not make good that other duty, but his tour is to pass him. An Officer detailed as "in waiting " is not entitled to count a tour of duty. No overslaugh should be allowed for one of two duties which come round on the same date, when such occur through an Officer having exchanged duties, or when he is making up duties at the end of the roster. In pressing cases an Officer on Regimental duty may also take his tour as a member of a Regimental Court Martial. Attendance at a Court Martial, the members of which shall have been assembled and sworn, should be reckoned a duty, though the Court should be dissolved without trying any person. On any day on which a Court Martial is not actually sitting, its members are, without further orders, to be considered available for parades or other duties ; they should not, however, quit the station without the authority of the General or other Officer commanding, until the Court shall have been dissolved. This rule is also applicable to Courts of Inquiry and Hoards. A Brevet Officer should })erform all Regimental duties according to his Regimental rank — ^Garrison duties accord- ing to his Militia rank. 84 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. Guards of Honour should be furnished regimentally. When an Officer returns from short leave of absence, and h.'ts to make up duties, he should make up one at the end of each roster. When an Oflicer has to make up duties, he should only make up as many duties of each kind as any individual OlVicer has done of that kind during the period of his leave. A Regiment, detachment, guard, picquet, or fatigue party, is only entitled to count a tour of duty when it has marched off the ground where it may have been ordered to parade. An Officer detailed in orders should not exchange his duty with another without the permission of the authority by whom he was detailed. The Officers on duty, and those in waiting as next for duty, who are always to be mentioned in the orders of the day, should remain in quarters. No armed party, consisting of more than twenty men, should bo allowed to proceed (^n any duty unaccompanied bv an Ollicer. NON-COMMISSIONi:i) OFFICERS AND MEN. I St. — Guards. 2nd. — Escorts. 3rd. — Pictpiets. 4th. — Onlerly. 5th. — Cooks. Oth. — Regimental fatigues detailed from Orderly room. 7th. — Company fatigues, orderly men of rooms, stairs and passage orderly, rations carriers, etc. The Sergeant-Major keeps the Duty Roster of the Non- commissioned Ollicers ami men (I'onn 15) detailing the former by name, and giving the number of men retpiired fmm each Company according to its duty state (l'\)rni 16) which is sent into the Orderly Room weekly. ROSTER OF DUTIES. 85 The Orderly Sergeants keep their Companies' Rosters (Form 17), and should have their Orderly Corporals present as witnesses when they warn the men individually for their several duties, which should be done at evening parade, or at the tea hour. In detailing fatigue parties the Sergeant-Major names those first which are liable to be first wanted. When more than one description of duty or fatigue is detailed from the Orderly room, the men should be taken off the Company Roster in the same order as the fatigues ; i.e. the first men for duty will be for that fatigue first named by the Sergeant-Major. If after the issue of the usual detail for the day follow- ing, a fatigue party should be unexpectedly called for, the men first on the Roster for Regimental fatigue should be taken, e\en though they should have been previously warned for another fatigue. Excej)t in cases of necessity men should not be taken for fatigue within a shorter interval than two hours after guard, or one hour after meals. Men on guard should not be allowed to claim exemption from a fatigue because whilst on guard it may have passed their turn. As a general rule, the Cook of a Company, Non-com- missioned Officers and men on Escort, on giving evidence before a Court Maitial, should not make good any Guards picquets, or fatigues, when it has passed their turn in the roster. An assistant cook should be exempt from Escort, picquet, or fatigue during his occupation as such. Non-commissioned Officers and men on duty or " in waiting" should not be permitted to leave their quarters. .,11 : 16) RELIEVING GUARIX Guanls will be relieved with all ordered forms as found in the Field Exercise, Part VII. 86 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. SECTION II. Guards, Sentries, Picquets and Escorts. There is no situation in which soldiers are so conspicu- ously placed as when upon Guard ; they are then exposed to constant observation, and the honour and character of the corps becomes, in consequence, more than ever in the keeping of every individual, be his rank ever so humble. Every man is aware of the impression made upon his mind when he sees in a strange Regiment reliefs marching irregularly, sentries lounging lazily upon their posts, the men of a Guard lying about upon their benches, their tunics but half buttoned, their accoutrementsdisarranged, and their caps carelessly put on ; he never expects to find that such slovens and unsoldierlike characters belong to a Regiment in a good state of discipline. DUTIES ON GUARD. An Orderly bugler should always be warned, and parade with the Regimental Guard. Commanders of Guards shoald make themselves ac- quainted with the orders of the Guard, as also with those which each sentinel ought to have on his post. They should inspect all reliefs both on going out to their posts and returning from them, and should particularly ascer- tain that the Corporals themselves are well informed with respect to the orders they are to deliver to the several sentinels, whom they should frequently visit, to be assured that they know their duty and have received the proper instruction, taking with them a file of the Guard as escort and specifying in their Guartl report the particular hour at which they performed these duties. In the reports of all Guards should likewise be mentioned the hours when visited by Oflicers or rounds of any description. They should maintain a proper authority, and be responsible CA'ARDS, SENTRIKS, iiTC. 87 tli.lt no drinking, swearing or K''iniblinK is allowed in the Guard room, takinj^ care that all are exact in the per- f(jrmance of their di'^y, and that no species of irregularity is permitted anions the men. When an Ollicer visits sentries, he shonld l)e accom- panied by a Non-commissioned Oflicer of the j^uard, and when a Non-commissioned Officer visits his sentries he should take a file of men, marchin},' six paces in front ( f them. Neither Officers or soldiers should on any account take off their clothes or accoutrements while they are on guard, except when cleaning themselves after reveille in the morning, and then (jnly one relief should do so at a time; they should shave, wash, and clean themselves, and the men on sentry at the time should do so as soon as relieved. No man of the Guard should ever be seen smoking out- side the guard room, or appea;' outside with a forage cap on. Commanders of Guards should remain constantly with their Guards, except while visiting their sentries, and they should not enter any public house or place of entertainment ; when obliged to leave the Guard, they should inform the second in command of the reason of their absence and the probable time of return. In the absence of Non-commissioned Ollicers - as for instance on a Corporal's Ciuard or party, — if anything should liaj>pen *.o the Corporal, the oldest soldier, whether drummer or private, becomes answerable for the Ciuard or party until a Non-commissioned Ollicer joins it. The roll should be called at uncertam hours to see that no man is absent without permission. They should patrol round the (juarters at uncertain hours during the night, to see that all is correct, and that no lights but those authorized are burning. i \ 88 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. They shoijlrl receive all passes from men coming into fjuarters after hours, and enter on the same the time that each individual came in, also, whether drunk or sober: these passes should be sent with the Guard report to the Orderly room. They should report all Non-commissioned Officers and men coming into (juarters after tatto(j, who are not (jn duty or pass ; if they are drunk they should be detained as prisoners. They should be responsible that no one but the Guard and the prisoners are permitted to remain in the Guard house, and should give orders to the sentry on the dofir not to admi* any one except the (Officer of the day, or those with rations or clothing, which latter should be ex- amined previous to its being handed to the men. Should a man be taken ill on guard a report is im- mediately to be sent to the Adjutant or Sergeant-Major, who should see that one of the waiting men is sent to relieve him without delay, In case of fire or other alarm, it should be reported at f)nce to the Adjutant or Orderly Officer, and the Guard should at once turn out and remain under orders. Commanders of Guards receive such [prisoners as are made over to them by an Officer or Non-commissioned Officer. A written charge or crime should in all cases be retjuired with each ; but the Commander of a Guard should not refuse to receive a prisoner on the ground that a written charge or crime is not given him with the prisoner. It is sufficient for him to know that the prisoner is amen- able to military law, and that the person confining him is known and responsible. If no charge is received against a prisoner by the Com- mander of a Guard, he should report the prisoner and the person confining him, stating that no crime had been received, to the visiting Officer, and enter his name in the Guard report. U i GUARDS, SENTRIES. ETC. 89 The Coinmaiuler of a (iuanl should on no account rehiase a prisoner committed to his charge, without proper authority. Commandersof Guards should minutely inspect prisoners before they are placed in confinement, and take from them any implement with which they can injure themselves or others, or that can be used in any way to facilitate their escape. Any article found on prisoners should be delivered to Colour Serj,'eants. The Commander of a (iuard should see that the j)ris- oners under his charge shave and wash and are inspected by the Surgeon, before being brought before the Command- ing Officer. He should likewise be careful that none of them are brought up except they are perfectly sober. The Commander of a (iuard should direct the (Orderly lUigler to sound the "reveille" at the j)roiK'r hour; also for defaulteis at uncertain times, and on a general average of once an hour, between reveille and tattoo. The first call should not be earlier than half an hour after reveille, and the last at first post. Defaulters should not be called at a time when they are supposed to be in their quarters, at meals, &c. He should of course, have a list of defaulters and men on pass, furnished him by the Regimental Orderly Sergeant. The name of every prisoner confined during the period on duty should be inserted in the (iuard report, and men- tion made of authority on which any prisoner may have been released. The Commander of the new Guard, before receiving over the prisoners, should fall them in, call over their names from the duplicate Guard report, inspect them, and also the several articles in charge of the Guard. Prisoners in the Guard Room should not have their great coats durinp the day in the summer months, but they should be brougia to them at tattoo, and taken away m ! Ill B IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V / {/ O .^ Mr 1.0 I.I ys ■so vx ii4 Hf U^ 12.0 2.2 m L25 IIU ■l.6_ "m ^V-' ^^^.^^^ '^ >' Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ 4^^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716)872-4503 'V' 4 k ^ I I 90 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. at reveille. Prisoners in the Regimental cells un- dergoing imprisonment by order of the Commanding Officer should be allowed great coats and rugs or blankets for the night. Corporals of Reliefs should always count and hand over the prisoners to the new sentry, when in the act of re- lieving. If a prisoner, or a soldier of the Guard, is found to be in liquor, the Commander of the Guard should be held accountable for it, as no such occurrence can take place if he does his duty. The Corporal should assist the Commander in the per- formance of his duties, and check all irregularities that may come under his notice ; he should post the sentries properly, and see that all is correct about and near their posts, and read and explain the orders to those who cannot read. Although guards may mount in great coats in con- sequence of wet weather, it is not intended that they should be worn during the day after the rain has ceased. No soldier should be employed in holding a horse, or in any other way unconnected with the orders of his guard. The meals of all on guard should be brought to them, or if at too great a distance should be taken and cooked on guard. Commanders of Guards should make out a report (Form 18), stating the hours at which they visited their sentries, the hours they were visited by the Orderly Officers, with a list of the prisoners under their charge, a list of the articles in the guard house received from the last guard. Anything unusual occurring during the tour of duty should instantly be reported to the Officer of the day. Every man's name, the number of the post on which he does sentry, and the hours during which he is posted, GUARDS, SENTRIES, ETC, m- ng 91 should be entered in the report ; men should not be changed on the several posts. A Commander of a Guard should be held responsible for the furniture, etc., that betakes over, and should be par- ticular to notify damages in his report. Guards turn out at Reveille, Retreat, and Tattoo, and should be inspected by the Officers or Non-commissioned Officers commanding. Guards on being relieved should march to their Regi- mental parades and be dismissed, the Commander first reporting his guard to the Adjutant. li^ GUARDS PAYING COMPLIMENTS. Guards should be under arms at all times when armed parties approach their posts ; and when such parties are commanded by Officers they present arms and beat a ruffle or sound a flourish. Officers saluting, but they should not pay compliments nor turn out as a mai.tf^r of compliment afterthe " Retreat " has been sounded. Guards should " stand to" their arms while unarmed parties com- manded by Officers pass their posts. The manner in which guards turn out, pay compliments, and sentries salute, is laid down in the " Field Exercises," Part VII. To the Governor-General all Guards should turn out with presented arms, and beat a ruffle or sound a flourish. Guards should turn out and pay the compliments to General Officers in uniform. General Officers meeting Guards on the march are also entitled to the usual salute in passing. When such Officers pass Guards while in the act of relieving, both guards should salute, receiving the word of command from the senior Officer present with them. The colours of a Regiment, passing a Guard, should be saluted with the utmost respect, bugles or trumpets sound- ing, and the drums beating the march. 92 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. To Lieutenant-Colonels the Guards of their own Regi- ments should turn out, and "present arms '' once a day, after which they turn out to him with shouldered arms. To Majors their own Guards should turn out with shouldered arms once a day ; at other times they are to "stand to" their arms. When the command of a Regiment devolves on a Major or Captain, his own Guards should pay him the same com- pliment as is ordered for the Lieutenant-Colonel. When Garrison or other guards proceeding to or from their posts meet the Field Ofl&cer of the day, they should salute him in passing. No Officer, who is not dressed in uniform, is entitled to the compliment of a guard turning out. The several members of the Royal Family and His Excellency the Governor-General are excepted from this rule. Whenever the turning out of the Guard is dispensed with by the person entitled to the compliment, the Com- mander of the guard should remain outside until he has passed. RELIEFS. The manner of relieving and posting sentries is laid down in the " Field Exercise," Part VIL Reliefs marching in line should move at right angles to the front of the sentry to be relieved. A Relief in line should stand as follows : — No. i right- hand man front rank covered by No. 2, No. 3 next to No. I , covered by No. 4, and so on— f 1 1 As each man in succession moves out to go on sentry, the remainder of the men of the Relief should move so as to bring the man for the next post on the right of the front rank ; and also so as to make a vacant place for the relieved sentry to occupy on the left of the rear rank. A relieved sentry when joining a Relief should move into his place round the left flank. ■'I' GUARDS, SENTRIES, ETC. 93 The following is a detailed description of the manner in which men in a relief move, as alternate men move out, to go on sentry : — At No. I Post. — No. I steps out to relieve old sentry, his rear-rank man, No. 2, steps up into the front rank and occupies his place, the remainder of the rear rank covering off 24 inches to the right ; by these movements No. 2 is ready on the right of the front rank to step out at the next post, and a vacant space is left on the left of the rear rank for the relieved sentry to occupy. At No. 2 Post. — No. 2 (right-hand front-rank man) steps out, and in order to bring No, 3 (the man for next post) on the right of front rank, the remainder of the front rank cover off 24 inches to their right, the left-hand rear-rank man steps up into the front rank, thus leaving the required vacant space on the le:t of the rear rank for the relieved sentry ; and so on. SENTRIES. For Instructions in paying compliments and challenging see " Field Exercise," Part VII. A Sentry is a Soldier placed in such a position as to be able to watch the approach of the enemy, to prevent surprises, to protect property, to stop any person who en- deavours to pass his post without an order, and without stating who he is. Sentries should be placed before the arms of all Guards, at the quarters of General and C. i- manding Officers, or over any person or property to be guarded. They should be vigilant at their posts, not sing or smoke, nor suffer any noise to be made near them. They shouid at all times be provided with a written or printed order, detailing ^he special duty they are to dis- charge. Sentries should be relieved every, two hours ; in very severe weather they may be relieved every hour ; but a sentry should not on any account leave his post until M. i 94 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. regularly relieved. In case of illness he should pass the Avord to the Commander of the Guard, whose duty it will be to relieve him. If a fire breaks out, or other alarm occurs, he should immediately pass the intelligence to the Commander of the Guard. Sentries posted near Barrack cells should not be per- mitted to communicate with prisoners, or have anything to do with their discipline. They should call the attention of the Commander of the Guard to any irregularity, and apprise him if a prisoner desires to see him. A Sentry should never stand to speak to any one while on his post ; but, if spoken to will answer civilly and walk on ; and if any civilian is doing anything contrary to the orders of his post, he should tell him to desist in a quiet and respectful tone, which, if of no effect, he should call for the Commander of the Guard. Hospital Sentries should not admit any person except the Medical Officer, Chaplain, Officers of the Regiment, persons employed in the Hospital, and visitors at the fixed visiting hours ; the latter should be provided with passes from the Medical Officer. They should prevent liquor or any other axticle being carried into the Hospital without the Surgeon's permission, and not allow any patient to go beyond the prescribed boundaries without a leave ticket. They should also stop Orderlies carrying bundles from Hospital without a pass. Sentries mounted over the quarters of a General Officer, should be instructed to pay the compliment of " presenting arms ' to General Officers only; to Officers below that rank Sentries should stand with shouldered arms ; in all cases, however, they should pay the prescribed compliment to armed parties passing their posts. The Sentry at the Guard room door should take charge of the prisoners confined in the Guard room and the arms GUARDS, SENTRIES, ETC. 95 of the Guard. He should turn out the Guard on the approach of armed parties or the Commanding Officer ; also to grand and visiting " rounds." A Sentry should always take charge of government property within his view, and never, upon any account, give up or allow his arms to be taken from him. All orders to sentries should be given through an Officer or Non-commissioned Officer of the Guard, and a Sentry should never give over his orders to any one except the Commanding Officer, unless in the presence of an Officer •or Non-commissioned Officer of the Guard. !^! ; li ESCORTS. Officers, or Non-Commissioned Officers, commanding Escorts, should be held strictly responsible for their conduct and appearance, the safe custody of their prisoners, and the security of the stores entrusted to their charge, and should invariably demand a receipt from the person to whom they deliver over the same. The subsistence of men proceeding on detached duties should be given to the Officer, or Non-Commissioned Offi- cer, commanding the party, by whom it should be issued daily to the men, care being taken that no claims of land- lords or other inhabitants are left unsettled. Escorts under charge of Non-Commissioned Officers should, immediately upon arrival at a military station, be marched to the parade ground, for the purpose of being inspected by the Orderly Officer. On the return of an Escort, or detachment, to Head Quarters, the Commander should report in person, (if an Officer to the Commanding Officer, and if a Non-Commis- sioned Officer to the Adjutant,) before dismissing his party in order that the same may be inspected without delay. The Commanders of Escorts should march immediately in rear of their party, which will enable them to have a full view of each individual. 96 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. When Escorts have loaded arms care should be taken on the return of the party, that the cartridges are drawn- and returned to the Quarter Master, before the men are dismissed. Escorts of prisoners proceeding by rail, should not load until they have quitted the train, but the prisoners should be handcuffed, PICQUETS. The Picquet should parade daily at Guard mounting, and remain in quarters ready to turn out when required ; they fall in at Retreat, and at Tattoo, and receive from the Orderly Officer the necessary instructions relative to send- ing out patrols. When Picquets parade for patrolling, they should wear side arms only. Patrols should consist at least of one Non-Commissioned Officer and eight privates, and should make prisoners of all soldiers found drunk, or disorderly, in the streets, or public houses, or men out of barracks or camp after hours without a pass. The Patrol should not enter a public house unless the street door is open, and on no account examine any other part of the house than the bar room, except accompanied by a constable. The Patrol should not on any account interfere with the inhabitants, nor take others than soldiers into custody. When the alarm sounds, the inlying Picquet should immediately get under arms, and the fire Picquet fall in as rapidly as possible, in fatigue dress, and wait for instruc- tions. The Officers on Regimental duty should join the Picquet. Should the Regimental call and the " Assemble " sound, the whole will turn out with arms. No man of the Picquet should be allowed to enter the GUARDS, SEN'TKIES', ETC. 97 i Canteen from the time he mounts until he is dismissed at night. POLICE. With a view to maintain order and regularity within the lines of a Regiment, every corps should detail two or three steady soldiers to act as regimental police, under the superintendence of the Provost-sergeant, whom they should assist in the performance of the police duties above speci- fied. The number of men for this special service should vary according to circumstances, but in ordinary cases three men in an enclosed barrack ought to sufl&ce. The number should never exceed six. A Sergeant specially selected from the regiments in garri- son or camp, with a view to his fitness for the office, should be appointed to perform the duties of Provost- sergeant for each Provost-prison; unless the strength of the garrison is under two companies. In the latter case the cells, whatever the number of them may be, are to be placed under charge of the Non-commissioned Officer commanding the Guard. The Provost-sergeant should be allowed such a number of Sergeants or Corporals under him as assistants, as may be deemed necessary, and a private soldier as cook. He should be specially employed under the Officer com- manding the garrison (or regiment, if the cells are appro- priated exclusively to a particular regiment) , in taking charge of the cells, and is to be held responsible for the safe custody of the prisoners, and for carrying into effect their sentences according to the rules laid down for that purpose. It should be also a part of the duty of the Provost-ser- geant to perform the police duties of the Barracks, or camp, or of that part of the garrison in or near which the Provost- prison may be situated. He should frequently visit the canteens in the neighbourhood, and interfere to prevent drunkermess or riot ; using his authority to repress all irreg- 7 1 i 98 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. ularity ; and to clear the quarters of any loose or dis- orderly characters. In the course of these duties he should, at all times, be extremely careful to avoid any personal collision with soldiers. He should be allowed such assist- ance in making his rounds as may be deemed necessary by the Officer commanding the garrison or camp. He should, without reference to other authority, receive into his charge, to the extent of the accommodation, as well as release prisoners, on requisitions in the prescribed form, signed by Commanding Officers of corps ; who should ascertain at the brigade or other staff office, what number of unoccupied cells are disposable, before requiring the Provost-sergeant to take their prisoners in charge. i SECTION III. Orderly Duties. Each Regiment should daily detail a Captain, Subaltern, Sergeant, and Corporal of the day, besides Non-commis- sioned Officers for Canteen, Gate duty, &c. Each Com- pany an Orderly Sergeant and Orderly Corporal weekly, and Orderly men daily, CAPTAIN OF THE DAY. The duties of the Captain of the day commence at reveille and last for twenty-four hours or until he is relieved. He should be held so strictly responsible for the clean- liness and regularity of the barracks or camp and answer- able for the manner in which all parts of the daily duties are executed by every individual, that he must ascertain that the duties reported have been actually performed, which he can only be enabled to do satisfactorily by attend- ing in person, and seeing that those concerned are really Tf ORDERLY DUTIES. 99 engaged in the execution of the duty required of them. He should be assisted in the performance of his duties by the Subaltern of the day, who will be under his orders. He should be present at the issue of the rations to the Regiment, and see that the bread and meat are of the proper weight and quality, and in all respects according to contract. If the Officers of the day consider the rations inferior, they immediately report to the Commanding Officer. He visits such portions of the quarters as he may think fit (directing the Subaltern of the day to take the remainder) at the breakfast and dinner hours, and ascertains if the men are all present, if there are any complaints, and that the quarters are clean. He visits and turns out the Guard by day, sees the prisoners, enquires if they have any complaints to make, and ascertains that the Guard room is clean and everything regular, and the sentries acquainted with their orders; also visits the Hospital, observes the state of the wards, the regularity of the messing, and the cleanliness of the men. Should anything extraordinary have occurred during the period of the Captain's duty, he should personally report the same to the Commanding Officer, exclusive of making the necessary allusion to it in his written report. He makes a report, as per Form 19, to the Commanding Officer the following morning, stating that he has per- formed his several duties, with any remarks he may think necessary, and encloses the report of the Subaltern of the day with it. Should there not be sufficient Officers present with a corps, to furnish both a Captain and a Subaltern of the day, one Officer may be detailed for both duties. SUBALTERN OF THE DAY. The Subaltern of the day comes on duty at reveille an d assists the Captain of the day in his various duties, re- porting himself in person to receive his orders. ]\^ !i I i 100 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. He is present at the issue of the rations to the Regi- ment, and ascertains that they are in all respects equal to the requirements of the contract, and that they are of proper weight. He then attends at the issue of the rations to the messes by the Quarter-master. . He visits the barracks or such portions of them as may be directed by the Captain of the day, at meal hours, ascertains that the men are all present, that the messes are regular, and that the men have no complaints to make concerning them. If any complaint is made of any mess, he will, after making every enquiry himself, report the matter to the Captain of the day, with as little de- lay as possible. That the quarters are clean and the beds neatly folded ; that the clothing, necessaries, arms and accoutrements are arranged according to order, that plenty of fresh air is admitted, and the men properly dressed and all reported present. If any men should be absent, a written report containing the names of the absentees will be given him by the Orderly Sergeant, and he will enter their names in his own report. He is present at Guard-mounting, and in the absence of the Adjutant it will be his duty to inspect the Guard, unless some other Officer has been appointed in his place. He visits the Guard, once by day and once by night, at such hours as may be directed by the Captain of the day. He inspects the men under arms, ascertaining that all are present, sober, and alert ; visits the Guard room and prisoners, and sees that everything is correct and regular,. enquires if the prisoners have any complaints, and sees that the sentries are acquainted with and understand the orders of their posts. If a sentry should be unacquainted ^^..MdXh or misunderstand his orders, he will see that he is / T^p/<^j>ddy instructed at once, and find out whether the ».? ignor^lice of the sentry was the result of neglect of duty 9 on tli^j part of the Corporal who posted him. While S^^ ORDERLY DUTIES. lOI visiting the sentries he should be accompanied by the Corporal of the guard. He sees that the meals for the men on guard are carried to the Guard by their comrades or the orderly men of room who will be paraded with the mess tins containing the meals in their hands, by the Regimental Orderly Ser;oant, for tho inspection of the Orderly Officer, five minutes befor j the meal hour of the Regiment. It is his duty to nspect the old Guard after it is relieved, to examine the arms, and if loaded, have the cartridges drawn under his own superintendence. Should there be a senior Officer present on the parade, he reports the old Guard, and obtains permission to dismiss it. He visits the Hospital, Cells, Cookhouses and Canteen ; also the Library, School, and Tailor's and Shoemaker's shops, if any, and sees that everywhere there is cleanliness, order, regularity, and strict observance of the Command- ing Officer's orders. He ascertains if the sick in hospital, or the prisoners in the cells have any complaint to make and sees thatthe wards areclean, and the messing regular. At the canteen, he should see the Non-commissioned Officer on duty, ascertain if any complaints have been made to him, and receive his report as to the good order of all in his charge. At the cookhouses he should inspect the coppers or kettles, while the meals are being cooked, and afterwards see that they are thoroughly cleaned when the meals have been removed. At retreat he inspects the Picquet and sees that the men are all present and sober. At tatteo collects the reports, inspects the picquet, and sees that the canteen is cleared. At lights out, he ascertains that the lights and fires in •every room occupied by the Non-commissioned Officers, privates and married people, with the exception of the Sergeants' Mess, in which gas may be burnt half an hour later, have been extinguished. 102 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. He will send in to the Captain of the day, before 9, a.m., the following day, a written report (Form 20), of the performance of all ordinary duties. If it be necessary to report anything extraordinary, the report should be made verbally and at once. If any portion of an Orderly Officer's duty should be omitted it should be distinctly so stated in the body of the report. When the omission has been unavoidable, no more need be said. If otherwise, the report should be accompanied by a written explanation, to be laid before the Commanding Officer by the Captain of the day. If an Orderly Officer should be relieved before the expiration of his tour of duty, on account of illness or any other cause, he should make over his duties regularly to the Officer who relieves him ; and it is the duty of the relieving Officer to report that he has received over every* thing regularly. Orderly Officers should not leave barracks, camp, or cantonment. Should they be stationed out of barracks they must confine themselves to their quarters when not actually out on duty. They should remain in uniform, and attend all parades and drills with their Companies, unless specially ordered. REGIMENTAL ORDERLY SERGEANT. The Regimental Orderly Sergeant is appointed daily, for the purpose of superintending the good order of the barracks or camp, and his term of duty lasts from reveille to reveille. He parades the Orderly Sergeants of companies half an houi after reveille, and receives their reports ; ascertains from them that the men are all present, that nothing extraordinary has occurred, or smoking been allowed during the night, and what men are going sick. One hour after reveille, he will go round and see that the rooms or tents are in proper order. r \: ORDERLY DUTIES. 103 t '.]: He parades the Orderly Corporals and men for rations, and marches them to place of issue. He parades the defaulters at the hours specified, collect- ing the reports from the Orderly Sergeants, handing the defaulters over to the Non-commissioned Officer detailed to drill them, with a report of same (Form 21). He parades the Non-commissioned Officers for gate and canteen duty ; sees that the prisoners' necessaries are sent to the guard room, and gets a list of men reported absent. He parades the Orderly men with the meals for the men on guard and prisoners five minutes before the second bugle for meals, for the inspection of the Orderly Officer. He accompanies and assists the Orderly Officer in his visits to the barrack rooms at his inspection of rations. He parades the sick and sees them marched to Hospital. He parades the Orderly Sergeants and evidences, so as to be ready in time for the examination of prisoners by the Commanding Officer. He makes out a list of defaulters (Form 22), which he hands to the Ncn-commissioned Officers on gate and canteen duty. He visits the cook-houses a quarter of an hour before meal hours, to see that the meals are being prepared, and parades the Orderly Corporals and men and marches them to the cook-houses. Visits the cook-houses after tea, and sees that they are all clean and the fires extinguished, then locks them up and hands the keys over to the Sergeant of the regimental guard. He visits the canteen frequently, and reports any irregu- larity. Visits the Non-commissioned Officers on gate duty, and sees that the names of defaulters are on the gate and canteen boards. He makes out a list of passes for the Sergeant of the guard, and delivers the passes to the Orderly Sergeants of companies, and shows the orders to the Staff Officers. 1! li III! 1,1! •'■■■i m ,n I04 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. He parades the Picquet at retreat and tattoo for the inspection of the Subaltern of the day. He sees the lights out and dampers closed at the proper time. He attends at tattoo, and gets a list of men reported absent, which he sends to the Subaltern of the day in time for his report the following morning (Form 23). He will not on any account leave the barracks during his tour of duty. ' He should send in a written report (Form 24) to the Sergeant-Major, stating that he has performed his various duties. REGIMENTAL ORDERLY CORPORAL. The Regimental Orderly Corporal's tour of duty lasts from reveille to reveille, and he assists the Regimental Orderly Sergeant. He accompanies the Captain or Subaltern ot the day, during their tour of duty. When no Non-commissioned Officer is detailed to march the sick to hospital he should do so. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER DETAILED FOR THE SICK. The Non-commissioned Officer detailed for the sick is also warned daily, and takes his duty from reveille to reveille ; attends the Regimental Orderly Sergeant, and receives over from him all men reported sick, with their kits. Marches the men to hospital, and remains there until the Surgeon makes his morning visit. He hands the sick report to the Surgeon, who will mark opposite their names how the men are disposed of. He will then return to barracks, and report to the Orderly Sergeants of Companies to which the sick men belong, whether they have been admitted to hospital or otherwise. This report will be handed to the Sergeant-Major. He accompanies the Medical Officer, if called upon, in his visits to those who may be reported sick in quarters. Again visits the hospital at such hour as ORDERLY DUTIES. 105 r ^'i rted in may be named by the Medical Officer, and marches all men discharged from hospital into barracks, delivering them over to the Orderly-Sergeants of Companies. He will not, on any account, leave barracks, or camp except in the performance of his duty. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER DETAILED FOR DEFAULTERS. The Non-commissioned Officer detailed for drilling defaulters will parade and drill them at the hours fixed for such drill, or employ them on any fatigue if so ordered, taking his instructions from the Regimental Orderly Ser- geant. His tour of duty should last for one week. :' NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ON GATE DUTY. Two Non-commissioned Officers should be detailed daily for barrack gate duty, who should be responsible that no Non-commissioned Officer or soldier passes out of the barrack gate, unless dressed strictly according to regimental order, and that no one enters the barracks ex- cept those duly authorized. Men coming into barracks drunk, whether by day or night, should at once be con- fined. Men proceeding out of barracks on fatigue should be passed out or marched by a Non-commissioned Officer. No bundles are to be taken out of barracks, except passed by a Non-commissioned Officer. The Non-commissioned Offi- cers at the gate should attend to such local orders as may be given them, and relieve each other every two hours, re- porting to the Sergeant-Major at tattoo. ! I: 1 NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ON CANTEEN DUTY. Two Non-commissioned Officers should be detailed daily for Canteen duty, who will relieve each other every two hours, the duty to commence on the opening of the canteen in the morning, and continue until tattoo. They io6 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL, should be responsible that no soldier enters the canteen, before morning parade or guard mounting, or any other hour that may be ordered from time to time; that no defaulter is permitted in the canteen, and no man- having the appearance of being in liquor is allowed to re- main there, and attend to such other local orders as may- be given them. Should any riot or disturbance take place in the canteen, the Non-commissioned Officer in charge should send to the guard and have the offenders confined. They parade at tattoo and report to the Sergeant-Major next morning, (Form 25). COOK-HOUSE ORDERLY. Where there is no Sergeant-Cook, and the number of Non-commissioned Officers admits of it, a Non-commis- sioned Officer should be detailed daily to superintend the cooking of the men's meals ; he should begin his duty at such an hour as may be necessary to light the fires. He should be held strictly responsible that no part of the provisions are made away with, that no person whatever enters the cook-house, except those on duty. At the first sound of the bugle for breakfast or dinner, the orderly men should receive the rations ; and, after dinner, the Cook-house Orderly should see that the cook-houses, cop- pers, and cooking utensils are thoroughly cleaned, and then lock up the cook-houses, and hand the key to the Regimental Orderly Sergeant. ORDERLIES. When a General Officer visits a Regiment, a Sergeant should be detailed as his Orderly. A private should be detailed as Orderly to the Com- manding Officer, and another as Orderly Room Orderly. These should be selected daily from the cleanest men parading for guard. H( ORDERLY DUTIES. 107 COMPANY ORDERLY SERGEANT. The Orderly Sergeant's term of duty should last for one week, beginning on Mondays. The duty is taken by the Sergeants in rotation. He calls the roll at reveille, also at the quarter bugle for meals, and the first post for tattoo. Should any man be absent, he makes out a report (Form 26), and gives it to the Orderly Officer when he visits the Barrack rooms. Whenever a man is absent without leave for twenty- four hours, his kit should be immediately inspected by the Orderly Sergeant and Orderly Corporal of the Com- pany, and a list of deficiencies sent to the Colour Sergeant On calling the roll of his Company at reveille in the different rooms, he should take down the names of all reporting themselves sick, and make out a report, (Form 6) and another for those too ill to attend hospital. He is responsible that men going to hospital take their kits with them. He should, therefore, make out a list of necessa is for each man, sign the same, and deliver it, together with the sick reports, to the Regimental Orderly Sergeant. If a man going sick is too ill to carry his kit, he should warn another to carry it for him. He sees the arms and ac- coutrements of all men going sick handed over to the Pay Sergeant. Nothing should prevent a man in case of sudden illness being taken at once to hospital, either by night or day. In these cases the sick report and the man's kit will be attended to after his admission into hospital. He answers to the Regimental Orderly Sergeant half-an- hour after reveille, that the men are all present or otherwise- He should parade the defaulters of his company, and attend when the Sergeant of the Guard calls the roll for the first time in the morning, and account for any of his defaulters who may be absent. He does the same the first time they are called after guard mounting. i« io8 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. He makes out the parade state, which he should have signed by the Captain of his company. As many of the returns sent from the Orderly room depend upon the accuracy of the parade states, it is of the utmost import- ance that they should be carefully made out. All passes and daily reports should be sent to the Orderly room by 9 o'clock in the morning. He attends at the Orderly room at 9 a.m., or office hour, lias the evidences warned, and if he has prisoners, should see that they are clean. He makes out the crimes (Form 27) of all men confined, and shows them to the Pay Sergeant before they are ■brought to the Captain for signature. In the event of any other person than himself confining a man of his Company, he should receive from that individual, either verbally or in writing, a statement of the offence, with the names of the evidences. On prisoners of his Com- pany being brought before the Captain or Commanding Officer, he should attend, whether he is evidence or not, and is responsible that all evidences against any man confined are warned that they are such. He parades the Company and calls the roll at all parades, also parades all parties for duty. He parades and inspects the men for guard, and marches them to the general guard mounting parade, remaining till dismissed. When guards are mounted beyond the precincts of the barracks, he sees that the men's meals are ready to be sent off at the proper time, which should always be by the second bugle sounding. A private may be sent with these meals unaccompanied by a Non-commissioned Officer, unless he happen to be a defaulter, but the man should invariably report his return to the Company orderly. He attends the Orderly room at the hour appointed for ( H have the the 5ort- the ORDERLY DUTIES. 109 issuing regimental orders and the detail of his Company for the following day, after which he should lose no time in warning personally all men for duty. When warning men for duty it should never be done in a familiar manner, nor should any freedom either in conversation or behaviour be allowed. Any man not in barracks at the time should be warned at tattoo, or if on pass, at reveille next morning. If he has any men for guard he should also be careful to warn a waiting man, who parades with the guard, and remains in barracks to be ready to take, the place of any man on guard who may be taken sick. He reads to the Company all orders of a public nature received from the Orderly room. The Company order book should be taken by him to the morning parade, that the orders of the preceding day may be read out by the; Officer commanding the comnany. He is responsible that the servants, and other casualties of his Company, are made acquainted with such orders as concern them, and attend all parades required of them.. He calls upon the Pay Sergeant at an appointed hour for all documents requiring the Captain's signature. On his, visit to the Captain for this purpose, he should report to him anything concerning the Company which may have- occurred during the day. When the Officer in command of a Company is quartered out of barracks, there should be a Corporal warned on fatigue for the day, to take all crimes and passes to him for signature ; but this Non- commissioned Officer should not be called upon to perform any part of the Orderly Sergeant's duties within the bar- racks. He should submit to the Pay Sergeant the names; of all men either admitted to or discharged from hospital or confinement, also every circumstance affecting the pay or rations of the men of the Company, and should assist the Pay Sergeant when exchanging or drawing barrack, bedding or utensils from the barrack stores. i ! : i 1 1 li i ; ! no CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. He attends the tattoo parade, and reports to the Sergeant Major (Form 26) the men absent from evening roll call. He sees that lights are out and stove dampers closed at the proper hour. In all his duties he should be assisted by the Orderly Corporal. He should not on any account leave the quarters during his tour of duty, unless by permission of the Captain of his company. In such case, he should make the Sergeant Major and Pay Sergeant acquainted with the fact, and with the name of the Non-commissioned Officer who will answer for him in his absence. Sergeants and Corporals holding permanent situations should be exempt from taking the duties of Company Orderlies. On all occasions of the bugle sounding for Company Orderlies, he should immediately repair to the regimental parade ground, and the orders he may receive there should be immediately communicated to all concerned. He alone should be responsible for the correct keeping of the Company duty roster, and consequently no other man should be allowed to make any entries in it. At the close of his term of duty he should take the duty roster to the Colour Sergeant, by whom it will be checked and made over to the next Sergeant for duty. It should frequently be inspected by the Captain, who is responsible for its accuracy. As there is no necessity for every Orderly Sergeant having a clear roster when he commences his duties, but at the same time it being desirable to prevent disputes, the Sergeant who happens to be Orderly on the morning of the last day of each month should be the one to make out the new duty roster of his Company, the same to be taken into use on the day following. He should be provided with a small detail book, of which a fresh page should be used every day, in which ORDERLY DUTIES. Ill "n are entered the names of all Non-commissioned Officers and men for any duty, and the duty which they are for. COMPANY ORDERLY CORPORAL. The Orderly Corporal should assist the Orderly Sergeant and is to be present as a witness when the duties are warned or rolls called. His term of duty lasts one week, beginning on Monday. He parades the sick in the morning with their kits, necessaries, &c., and hands them over to the Regimental Orderly Sergeant. When no contracts for delivery have been made he receives daily from the Pay Sergeant the mess money, and parades the market party, consisting of the orderly men of rooms, with the cook and assistant cook, to be marched oft by the Regimental Orderly Sergeant for the purchase of groceries, vegetables, &c., for his company. The mess book should be signed daily by the Captain of the Company and the Mess Corporal. He parades the defaulters and orderly men with pris- oners' and guards' meals, answering to the Regimental Orderly Sergeant whether they are present or not, also sees that the prisoners' cleaning necessaries are sent them with the orderly men. He shows the orders to the Officers of his Company. He attends upon the Pay Sergeant for the ration return (Form 28) at the hour appointed for the issuing of the rations, and makes himself acquainted with the quantity and quality of the issue of bread and beef. Should he be dissatisfied with either, he should respectfully bring it to the notice of the Orderly Officer, but this must be done before removal from the place of issue. He receives over from the Quarter Master the Com- pany's allowance of wood on issuing days, and divides the same to the different rooms. He should also f'l^ I M 112 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. attend at the Quarter Master's stoie on the day appointed^ and draw the weekly allowance of oil or lights for his Company. He attends all parades of his company, and does not leave the barracks except in the performance of his duty^ being at all times properly dressed. COMPANY COOKS. There should be a Cook and Assistant Cook for each company. The former may be changed only at long in- tervals, or for misconduct; the latter weekly, or oftener if necessary. The Cook should be held responsible that the meals ar& ready to be removed from the cook-house by the first bugle sounding. Care should betaken by him not to have- them ready too soon ; this is a fault as great as the meals being too late. He should be particular in having the kettles cleaned thoroughly, both before and after the cook- ing of each meal. When a sufficient number of kettles can be had, one should be set apart for soups or stewsr another for tea and coffee, and another for potatoes. He should pay the utmost attention to the cleanliness of the cook-house, and to his manner of cooking the rations. He should accompany the Orderly Corporal of the Company at his purchase of groceries for the Company's- messing, and is responsible, as well as the Corporal, for the proper expending of the mess money, and the articles furnished being of good quality. The barrack utensils, as enumerated on the board of inventory in the cook-house, should be under his special charge, and on the completion of his term of duty, should there be any deficiencies or damages, a memorandum of the same should be given by the Orderly Sergeant to the Pay Sergeant, so that at the barrack inspection the charges, may be made against the proper individual If^ ORDERLY DL'TIES. 113 The refuse of meat, &c., should be sold under contract made by the Commanding Officer, the proceeds being divided among the companies, and carried to the credit oi messing. The Assistant Cook should assist the Cook to wash the potatoes, clean and cut up vegetables, carry in water, empty slops, and assist in cutting wood for cooking purposes. He should be in charge of the cook-house when the Cook may be at any time temporarily absent. :|i|ji ORDERLY MEN OF ROOMS OR TENTS. There should be one or two (according to the number of the men) Orderly Men to each room or tent, their duties continuing from reveille to reveille. Except for parade purposes, they should not leave the barracks or camp the day they are on duty. They should be held responsible for the general cleanliness of that part of the barrack room common to all, or of their tent, also the cleanliness and completeness of the furniture and utensils, reporting all deficiencies and damages to the Non-commissioned Officer in charge, within one hour after they come on duty. They carry out all slops, remove sweepings, and keep the quarters at all times well supplied with fresh water. They light the fires, and remove the urine tub to the place appointed for it, and partly fill it with water, within one hour after reveille sounding. They prepare the tables for the different meals, attend the cook- house at the warning bugle, and receive from the Com- pany's Cook the rations for tne men of the room. They divide the meals into single messes, and have everything ready for their comrades to take their seats by the time the second bugle sounds. They are responsible that the meals of the men on guard are ready to be handed over to those appointed to carry them by the second bugle sound- After meals they wash the dishes or mess tins, and 8 ing. 114 Canadian militia manual. put them away in proper order. They attend at the place appointed for the issue of rations, and should consider it their duty, if they think them not of proper quality, to bring the same respectfully to the notice of the Orderly Officer, through the Orderly Corporal. They convey back the urine tubs to the barrack room by retreat sound- ing. They are responsible that the damper of the stove (in winter time) is shut at lights out, and at all times during the day should have a watchful eye towards the stove, to prevent accidents by fire. They attend upon the Orderly Corporal for the allowance of light for the room, and also assist in dividing the company's allowance of wood by rooms. Orderly men of rooms should be avail- able for all general parades and drills, except during the season when fuel is used, when one man should always be left to guard against accidents by fire. ■ri PART ill. DISCIPLINE. Discipline means obedience to orders, which is the first principle and duty of all soldiers. The best disciplined soldier is he who most implicitly obeys, not only in the letter, but in the spirit, all orders which he may receive. Without discipline there can be no real bond of confidence between Ofl&cers and men, or even between men them- selves, and without it no great results can ever be attained. Life in a highly disciplined corps is always more pleasant than in one where order and regularity are not strictly maintained. ' Respectful obedience is the only true basis upon which sound discipline can rest. It must not hare its origin in fear or dread of punishment, but should be rendered from the conviction that the orders emanate from a superior not only in rank but in knowledge. Officers and men of the Militia when called out for actual service, the annual drill, or for any parade or drill, or when in uniform, are subject to the " Army Discipline and Regulations Act," and all other laws applicable to Her Majesty's troops in Canada as are not inconsistent with the Militia Act. SECTION I. Courts Martial, Courts of Inquiry, and Boards. The regulations for the composition of Militia Courts Martial, Courts of Inquiry and Boards, with the modes of procedure and powers thereof, are the same as 1 1 » > $ i' i I ■ 1 t 1 w l*i i^ I ii6 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. the regulations which may at the time be in force for Her Majesty's regular army, and which are not incon- sistent with the Militia Act. No Officer or man of the Militia can be sentenced to death by any Court Martial, except for mutiny, desertion to the enemy, or traitorously giving up a garrison, fortress, post or guard, or traitorous correspondence with the enemy ; and no sentence of any General Court Martial can be car- ried into effect until approved of by Her Majesty. Among the offences expressly laid down as liable to trial by Court Martial in the Militia are the following : — 1 . Being absent without leave for more than seven days, when called out for actual service. 2. Refusing or neglecting to parade when properly warned for actual service. 3. Claiming pay for drills not performed. Claiming pay for men not enrolled and attested. Claiming pay for drill performed in other corps. Signing false pay sheets or returns. Retaining pay belonging to others. 4. 5- 6. 7- COURTS MARTIAL. By the Army Discipline and Regulation Acts of 1879, the degrees of Court Martial are classed thus : 1. General. 2. District. 3. Field General. 4. Regimental. A General Court Martial can only be convened by Her Majesty, or by an Officer deriving authority to do so from Her Majesty ; it should not consist of less than nine Officers, unless, in the opinion of the convening Officer, that number is not available, when it may consist of not less than five Officers. Each of the members should have held a commission during the three years preceding the ! 1 1-; : i COURTS MARTIAL, ETC. 11-7 day of assembly of the Court Martial, and for the trial of a Field Officer none of the members should be below the rank of Captain. It has power to sentence to death, penal servitude, corporal punishment, dismissal, discharge with ignominy, or imprisonment, &c. A District Court Martial can only be convened by an Officer authorized to convene General Courts Martial, or by an Officer deriving authority to do so from him. It should not consist of less than seven Officers, except where impracticable to obtain that number, when it may be reduced to five, or even to three. It has not power to try an Officer, nor award the punishment of death or penal servitude, its limit being imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding two years. A Field General Court Martial is for the trial of offenders against the property or person of inhabitants or residents of a country beyond the seas, which cannot practicably be tried by an ordinary General Court Martial, and may be convened by the Officer in command of the detachment or portion of troops to which the offender belongs, although he may not be autnorized to convene any other kind of Court Martial. It should consist of not less than three members, and the convening Officer may preside if he cannot obtain another, but he should not be under the rank of Captain. Its powers are those of a General Court Martial. A Regimental Court Martial may be convened by any Officer authorized to convene General or District Courts Martial, or any Commanding Officer not below the rank of Captain, or, on board a ship not commissioned by Her Majesty, a Commanding Officer of any rank. It should consist of five but lot less than three Officers, the President not being under the rank of Captain, if possible. It cannot try an Officer, nor award death, penal servitude, or. discharge with ignominy, its limits being forty-two !^?'/s' imprisonment. ■ ii8 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. COURTS OF INQUIRY AND BOARDS. A Court of Inquiry may be assembled by any Officer in command, to assist him in arriving at a correct conclu- sion on any subject on which it may be expedient for him to be thoroughly informed. With this object in view, such Court may be directed to investigate and report upon any matters that may be brought before it ; but it has no power (except when convened to record the illegal absence of soldiers, as provided for in the Discipline Act) to administer an oath, nor to compel the attendance of witnesses not military. A Court of Inquiry is not to be considered in any light as a judicial body. It may be employed, at the discretion of the convening Officer, to collect and record information only ; or it may be required to give an opinion also on any proposed question, or as to the origin or cause of certain existing facts or circumstances. Specific instruc- tions on these points are, however, always to be given to the Court. The proceedings are to be recorded in writing, as far as practicable in the form prescribed for Courts Martial, signed by each member, and forwarded to the convening authority by the President. The foregoing applies equally to a Board of Officers assembled by a Commanding Officer. A Court of Inquiry or Board of Officers may consist of any number of members, but the composition of such Courts or Boards must be regulated, at the discretion of the convening Officer, by the circumstances under which they are assembled. Three members, the senior acting as president, will in ordinary cases be found sufficient. Medical Officers are exempted fron serving as members of Courts of Inquiry or BoLrds, except medical boards. Should a medical opinion be required by a military board, reference is to be made to the medical Officer detailed to fl COURTS MARTIAL, ETC. 119 attend it, who will furnish his report in writing, or give evidence in person if considered necessary. Courts of Inquiry, as a general rule, sit with closed doors, but they may be either open or closed according to the nature of the investigation, or as may be directed by the convening Officer. The accused party should be present and may either answer or refuse to answer any question put to him, or may avail himself of the opportunity to explain any particular act, or any part of his conduct on which an imputation prejudicial to him may have arisen. He cannot claim permission to ask any question, to pro- duce any testimony nor has he any right to insist on the attendance of counsel. It is not usual to permit the pres- ence of a professional adviser before Courts of Inquiry. The rank of the Officers comprising the Court should be equal or superior to that of the Officer whose conduct or character may be implicated in the investigation. If the members cannot agree on an opinion collectively, any dissenting member should state in writing the nature and extent oi the difference, or give his opinion in writing to the President for transmission with the proceedings. CIVIL COURTS. The undernamed offences are punishable by Civil Courts : 1. Failing to keep Arms, &c., in order. 2. Refusing to deliver up Arms, &c. 3. Unlawfully disposing of Arms, &c. 4. Refusing to attend Drill. 5. Disobeying Orders. 6. Disorderly behaviour. 7. Refusing to aid the Civil power when lawfully called upon. 8. Personating another on Parade. 9. Refusing to give information, or giving false,inlbrjna- tion. /t-^^/c ■f. ' C5 I ■I It ;•! \ \ i 720 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. SECTION II. Powp:rs of A Commanding Officer. A Commanding Officer cannot award summarily more than seven days' imprisonment, with or without hard labour, except in case of absence without leave, when he may award twenty-one days as a maximum ; but if the award is for more than seven days, it must not exceed the number which the offender was absent. He may order deductions of pay for absence without leave, loss or damage to equipment, &c., and fines for drunkenness; in the case of absence without leave, deductions to the amount of all the offender's ordinary pay may be made, except one penny per day, and the fine for drunken- ness cannot exceed ten shillings sterling in addition to imprisonment. He may award confinement to barracks for any period not exceeding twenty-eight days, which carries with it punishment drill to the extent of fourteen days, the taking of all duties in regular turn, attending parades, and being further liable to be employed in duties of fatigue. Extra Guards or Picquets may also be ordered, but only for minor offences or irregularities when on or parading for these duties. SECTION III. Crime. A Commanding Officer cannot pay too much attention to the prevention of crime, but he should bear in mind that the positive absence of crime, and not its screened existence, is the criterion of a well-established discipline. In all first offences, not of an aggravated character, mild TTB CRIME. 121 reproof and admonition should be tried, and punishment not resorted to until a repetition of the offence shall have shown that the milder treatment has not been productive of the desired effect. Commanding Officers should use their utmost vigilance to prevent the Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and men publishing information relative to the numbers, movements, or operations of troops, or any military de- tails ; nor should they permit any letters of complaint to be published, or memorials or requisitions to be made without their consent ; any Officer or soldier should be held personally responsible for reports of this kind which he may make without special permission, or for placing the information beyond his control, so that it finds its way into unauthorized hands. Officers and soldiers should be forbidden to give publicity to their individual opinions, in any manner tending to prejudge questions that may at the time be undergoing official investigation by the authorities. No assemblage of Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, or men should ever take place for the purpose of deliber- ating on any military matter without the consent of the Commanding Officer. Neither Officers nor men should be permitted to take part in any political, religious, or party demonstration. Commanding Officers may, at their option, delegate to Officers commanding companies the power of awarding punishments to soldiers for minor offences, not exceeding seven days' confinement to barracks or camp ; such pun- ishments in all instances to be brought under the notice of the Commanding Officer, and approved of by him. Officers should avoid reproving Non-commissioned Offi- cers for any irregularity, neglect of duty, or awkwardness, in the presence or hearing of the privates, lest they should weaken their authority and lessen their self-respect — unless it be necessary for the benefit of example that the reproof be public. n ,Wi, i 'r n £^'U ftjiiji,?',* 122 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. An Officer under close arrest should not be allowed to leave his quarters, If he be in arrest at large he may be permitted by superior authority to take exercise within defined limits, viz.; not beyond the barracks, or if in camp, not beyond the quarter guard, and then only at stated periods ; but he should not be allowed to dine at his own or any other mess, nor to appear at any place of amusement or public resort, and on no pretext to quit his room or tent dressed otherwise than in uniform, without his sash, pouch belt, or sword. Non-commissioned Officers should not be subjected to minor punishments; when it is necessary to confine them for any offence, they should be placed under arrest, and not sent as prisoners to the guard-room, except in extreme cases, when it is necessary to ensure their safe custody; nor should they be allowed by resigning to escape trial by Court Martial, except by the special sanction of the General Officer commanding. Soldiers committing minor otfences, such as absence from tattoo and other roll-calls, overstaying a pass, or slight irregularities in quarters, should not be lodged in the guard room before their cases are disposed of by the Commanding Officer. If returning sober after tattoo, they may be allowed to proceed to their rooms, but their names and the exact hour of their return to quarters should be noted in the Guard or Orderly Officer's report and a report made to the Officer commanding their com- pany. They should not, however, be allowed out of the quarters until their cases have been disposed of, and should attend all parades, but not be detailed for any duty. If a soldier refuse to obey an order distinctly given, or resist the authority of a Non-commissioned Officer, he should be confined without altercation, and immediately reported to the Officer commanding his company or to the Adjutant, When a Non-commissioned Officer has CRIME. 123 lowed tO' may be e within or if in only at dine at place of > quit his without ected to ne them 'est, and extreme custody; ; trial by General absence pass, or 3dged in " by the tattoo, at their [uarters ' report ir com- of the should • ^en, or :er, he diately or to jr has occasion to confine a soldier for any offence, he should invariably obtain the assistance of one or more privates ta conduct the offender to the guard-room, and should him- self avoid in any way coming in contact with him— except under unavoidable circumstances. There is no case in which Ofl&cers should be more par- ticular than in their treatment of men when under the influence of liquor, and they should also be most particular with their Non-commissioned Officers on the same point. Men observed in a state of drunkenness should be imme- diately confined. Soldiers in a state of drunkenness should, if possible, be confined alone, in the prisoners' room or cells, until sober — not in the guard-room, where they may be often provoked to acts of violence and insubordination ; they should be visited at least every two hours by a Non- commissioned Officer of the guard and an escort, in order that their condition may be ascertained. Should any symptoms of serious illness be observed, a medical officer is forthwith to be sent for. Soldiers suspected of being drunk should not be put through any drill exercise, or otherwise tested, for the purpose of ascertaining their condition. In cases of drunkenness the offender should be released by the Commanding Officer only. When a soldier, either before the investigation of an offence, or whilst undergoing punishment, has been de- prived of his arms, they should not be restored to him without an order from the Captain of his company, or other superior Officer. No Non-commissioned Officer or soldier who has been placed in arrest or confinement should be permitted to perform any duty (except carrying his own arms and accoutrements in marching) until his case is disposed of. If, however, by error, such an offender has been permitted I ■;!' '): I SI,; i I ^ ' 124 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. to perform any duty, he should not thereby be absolved from liability to punishment for his offence, but may, if the proper authority shall think fit, be-summarily punished, or be brought to trial before a Court Martial, according to the circumstances of the case. -• Defaulters should not be required to undergo any por- tion of their punishment which may have lapsed by reason of their being in hospital or employed on duty. All gambling in quarters shoul'd be strictly forbidden. Non-commissioned Officers have authority to confine a soldier in the Guard room for an offence, but an immediate report should be made by them to the Officer commanding his company ; they have no power or authority to order any punishment whatever. Should the nature of the crime be such as to allow the Captain to deal with it, he will write the punishment awarded on the Crime report (Form 27), which should then be given to th " Commander of the Guard, in order that he may enter both crime and punishment in the Guard report. In case the Captain does not award punishment himself, the report should at once be sent to the Commander of the Guard as his authority for detciining the prisoner ; but the absence of a Crime report does not authorize Com- manders of Guards refusing to receive prisoners nor to release them without competent authority. Notice of a man's being confined should also be reported to the Orderly Sergeant of his company, either verbally or in writing, without delay, stating the nature of the crime, and the names of evidences in support of the charge. When a prisoner is brought bisfore the Commanding Officer, the Officer commanding his company should attend with the Defaulters sheet, being ready to speak as to character ; the Pay and Orderly Sergeants of his CRIME. 125 company should also be present, whether they are evidence or not, to answer for his kit, &c. The Adjutant should attend the investigation of all crimes or complaints by the Commanding Officer. All prisoners previous to being brought before the Commanding Officer, should be taken to Hospital at the morning visit of the Surgeon, who should certify their state of health (Form 29). This report should be made out by the Non-commissioned Officer in charge of the Guard, who should also have the prisoners marched to hospital under sufficient escort. The report should be sent to the Orderly room, after the performance of the duty. The punishment awarded to men who have been con- fined and are brought before the Commanding Officer should be entered on the back of the copy of the Crime in his own hand-writing ; also, entries should be made by him in the Regimental Defaulter book. The reversion of Colour-Sergeants to the rank of Sergeant, by award of the Commanding Officer, or the deprivation of Lance- Sergeants or Lance-Corporals of their acting rank, are not circumstances of themselves to be recorded in the Regimental Defaulter book, but should be entered in the Company Defaulter book. Prisoners should not be kept in confinement for a longer period than forty-eight hours, without having their cases disposed of, unless it be preparatory to bringing them before a Court Martial. Whenever a prisoner has been in the Guard room three days, he should have two. hours walking exercise daily. The greatest regularity and respectful demeanour should be observed by Officers and others whilst the Commanding Officer is administering justice in the Orderly room. When a Non-commissioned Officer is brought in a fi'm 125 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. prisoner before the Commanding Officer, men of inferior rank to him should withdraw. Non-commissioned Officers should invariably take the soldiers they may have to complain of before the Officer of the company, and never on any account make a report of a man behind his back ; nor should an Officer ever award a punishment, however trifling, without having inquired into the complaint. And although every exer- tion should be used to enforce the greatest respect and obedience to the Non-commissioned Officers, they should not be encouraged in making frivolous complaints against the men, which will sometimes occur from private pique or dislike. Colour or Pay Sergeants should, on the return of a deserter, or man absent without leave, immediately pro- ceed to the Guard room, and minutely inspect the clothing he has in wear, and ascertain if any portion is regimental- Also, when a man is confined for being drunk, his kit should be inspected by the Pay Sergeant and Orderly Sergeant of his company previous to his crime being made out ; and in the event of any article being deficient, the same should form part of the charge against him. Guard room cells are for the temporary custody of prisoners who should be kept alone. When a soldier is confined for being drunk or riotous, he should be con- veyed direct to the cells, the Non-commissioned Officer of the Guard being called to receive him in charge. The practice of sending a file of the Guard to take a prisoner from his quarters to the Guard room, should not be resorted to, except when there are no other men nearer at hand available for the purpose. The cells should be cleaned out by the prisoners every morning. Great coats for prisoners should be sent at retreat, by the Corporal of the squad to which the prisoner belongs, to the Guard room, and removed after reveille the following I n CRIME. 127 iferior morning. He should also have shaving and cleaning materials sent as well as meals p.nd a change of clothes in the morning, for a prisoner of his squad. Prisoners should not be allowed to have their new clothing in the Guard room, but only their oldest fatigue dress, and but one suit at a time ; they should not be allowed to have money or tobacco. Every care should be taken that no one holds communication with them, except on duty ; the men of the Guard and the sentries should particularly be enjoined not to enter into conversation with them, nor should anything be given to them, even meals or clothes, except in the presence of a Non-commis- :sioned Ofl&cer of the Guard. A prisoner can only be released from the Guard room by the Officer commanding his Company, or by the Adjutant. The reason for the prisoner being released should be sent to the Orderly Room, in writing, before parade the next morning. Whenever a soldier appears in a Civil Court, either as a prosecutor or prisoner, an Officer of his company should invariably attend during the proceedings. Mil SECTION IV. Complaints. If Officers, Non-commissioned Officers or men, whether 'On actual service or otherwise, have any complaint or accusation to bring against a superior or other Officer, such complaint should be forwarded through the com- plainant's Commanding Officer, who should transmit the same with his remarks through the Deputy- Adjutant- General commanding the District, for consideration at Headquarters, if necessary. They are not permitted to .bring accusations against superior Officers or comrades 128 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. before the tribunal of public opinion, either by speeches or letters inserted in any newspaper ; such a proceeding is a glaring violation of the rules of military discipline, and contempt of authority. One of the fundamental and most necessary rules of military discipline is to forbid anything bearing the appear- ance of combination, to obtain redress of grievances, among individuals composing a military force. If Officers or men, whether on actual service or otherwise, have any grievance, their complaint should be laid before their Commanding Officer in respectful language, each indi- vidual speaking for himself alone. Appeals for redress by "round robins," or by means ot any document bearing the signature of more than one complainant, are strictly forbidden. A Non-commissioned Officer or soldier having a com- plaint should make it to the Officer in charge of his Company. The proper course is for the soldier to apply to the Colour Sergeant, who may either accompany the man himself to his Officer, or direct the Orderly Sergeant to do so. The same rule should be observed when there is a favour to ask. This course does not prevent a soldier from asking the privilege of speaking privately with the Officer when brought before him. It is the duty of all Officers when receiving complaints for transmission for the consideration of superior authority, to point out to the parties concerned any irregularity in the means they employ in seeking redress, and to refuse to forward any representations that may be subversive of, or contrary to, the general rules by which all military bodies are governed. In hearing complaints or statements, etc., of Non-com- missioned Officers or men, Officers should invariably have another Officer present as a witness to all that passes. Complai should not allowed to and men Officer CO unable to Command in the .;^.at declares h he may th Command recourse a be forwar pany to t higher au A sold under the of tempci any purp< A soldi duty may Officer; can be n and after No ap the civil the Com tion. A No be kept all Def 1 COMPLAINTS. 129 Complaints, etc., of Non-commissioned Officers or men should not, except in cases of unavoidable necessity, be allowed to be put in writing ; Non-commissioned Officers and men should make their statements verbally to the Officer commanding their Company, who, should he be unable to deal with the matter, will lay it before the Commanding Officer; or, if a Captain declines to decide in the .:-.atter of complaint brought before him, or a soldier declares himself dissatisfied with the Officer's judgment, he may then request his case to be brought before the Commanding Officer. If still dissatisfied, he then has recourse as above stated ; but his appeal must invariably be forwarded through the Officer commanding his Com- pany to the Commanding Officer, for transmission to any higher authority. A soldier having the slightest appearance of being under the influence of liquor, or seeming excited or out of temper, should never be taken before an Officer for any purpose whatever. A soldier who considers himself improperly warned for duty may respectfully remark so to the Non-commissioned Officer ; but if the latter still adheres to his warning, there can be no further altercation ; the duty should be done, and afterwards reported by the aggrieved party. No application or complaint should ever be made to the civil power in any regimental matter, except through the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, or by his sanc- tion. SECTION V. Defaulters. A Non-commissioned Officer should, if hecan be spared, be kept off duty for the week to take charge of and drill all Defaulters; otherwise the Regimental Orderly Sergeant 9 ^ r- m I k I 130 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. or Corporal must do it. He should be held strictly re- sponsible that they attend such drills as are ordered, that they turn out clean and regular in every respect, and that the drill is conducted as correctly as if under the Adjutant or Sergeant-Major. The Non-commissioned Officers in charge of the Defaulters should inspect the necessaries of the Defaulters at every drill previous to dismissal, re- porting all irregularities to the Sergeant Major. He should admit no Defaulter into his squad, whose name (as such) he has not received from the Regimental Orderly Sergeant. The Sergeant of the Guard should direct the Orderly Bugler to sound for Defaulters at uncertain times, and on a general average of once an hour,, between reveille and tattoo. The first call should not be earlier than half an hour after reveille, and the last at the warning bugle for tattoo. Defaulters should not be called at a time when they are supposed to be in their Barrack rooms, such as about meal hours, etc. On all occasions of Defaulters answering their names, they should be clean and properly dressed in fatigue ■dress. Orderly men of rooms and Company cooks, if confined to Barracks as a punishment, should be exempt from answering their names at Defaulters' roll call, except between retreat and tattoo. When not on fatigue or parade they turn out for punishment drill in " Marching Order." At other parades they should be dressed the same as the rest of the men. Men with disfigured faces or black eyes should be con- fined to quarters till they are perfectly recovered. Punishment drill, which consists of marching only, and not of instruction drill, should not exceed one hotir at a time, exclusive of the inspection of necessaries before and after, nor more than four hours in th«; same day. Part IV.— Dress SECTION I. Officers. Officers must, by the Militia regulations, provide their own uniforms, arms, and accoutrements, within three months after the date of their appointment or promotion) and in the case of mounted Officers, suitable saddlery for their horses in addition. Medical Officers having the relative rank of Field Officer are to provide themselves with chargers and horse furniture, and to be mounted when required to attend parade. Commanding Officers of corps are strictly forbidden to introduce or sanction any unauthorized embroidery, or ornament, or the ?.ddition to or increase in the descrip- tion or width of lace or ot'"^r deviation from the approved patterns. The rank of Officers in the Militia is indicated by the lace and badges on their cuffs, collars, &c., &c., as laid down in the " Dress Regulations." All Regimental Badges and devices, and other peculiar distinctions, which may have been granted under special authority to different corps, are to be strictly preserved. Officers in uniform, when in mouruing or attendii.^. funerals, are to wear . p see of black crape round the Itft arm above the elbow : no other sign of mourning is to be worn at any time, unlei:: otherwise specially ordered. Officers assumirs^ prf^minent positions at military reviews, and upon all occasions of State or ceremony, should appear in the full dress of their rank. They are 132 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. not to appear mounted unless entitled to do so by reason of their rank or position. Brevet Field Officers, doing duty with their corps as Captains, are to wear uniforms according to their rank in the Militia ; in the Infantry, however, such Officers will not wear spurs on parade, except when doing duty as Field Officers. The following general rules are to be observe I as to the manner and times of wearing certain articles of uniform, viz : — a. The Sash is to be worn diagonally over the left shoulder and over the sword belt, with the tunic only. b. The Pouch-belt is to be worn diagonally over the left shoulder. c. The Sword-belt will be worn as follows, viz. :— Over the tunic by Officers of Infantry, under the tunic by Officers of Rifle Regiments, and under all jackets. d. When the Sword-belt is worn over the tunic, and the sword is hooked up, the edge mus**- be turned to the rear, and the back of the sword to the iront. Swords are to be hooked up during parade, and at Levees and Drawing- rooms, by Officers who wear the waist-belt over the tuni''., sword-knots to be twisted round the hilt. The sword-belt is never worn without the sword. e. When Officers dismounted draw their swords, the scabbards are to be hooked up by Officers who wear the waist-belt over the tunic, but carried in the left hanc': by all other Officers. /. The Sabretache is to be worn on mounted duties o'llv. In the field the Sabretache may be worr. on the belt or attached to the saddle, by monr^^^d Officers of Infantry and Rifles. g. Steel spurs, both fixed and with straps and buckles, are to be worn with the Wellington and high-boot respectively, by all mounted Officers, except those entitled DRESS OF OFFICERS. 133 Jason >s as ik in will fty as by to wear brass scabbards, who will have brass spurs. Dress spurs (of brass) are to be worn by all mounted Officers — except Adjutants and Musketry-instructors of Infantry and Officers of Rifle regiments —at Levees and in evening dress. h. Whenever spurs are worn with trousers, straps are to be worn also. . i. The sleeves of the tunic and jacket are not to be of excessive width. k. Watch-chains and trinkets are not to be worn outside the uniform. /. Shirt collars are on no account to be worn, either in dress or undress, except when shell jackets are worn open. m. The dress sash, trousers, and sword-belt are appointed to be worn at Levees, Drawing-rooms, Balls, &c., but not on any parade unless especially ordered. The following orders of dress for parade should be observed by Officers : — Review Order. — To be worn when the Sovereign or Her representative is present, for Royal Escorts and Guards of honour, at all State ceremonies, and otherwise when specially ordered — Full dress ; horse-furniture for mounted Officers, complete. Marching Order. — To be worn on the line of march, at route marching, in the field and on other occasions when specially ordered — Same as in " Review Order " ; horse-furniture for mounted Officers, without saddle-cloth or shabraque. Field-day Order. — Used generally for field-days, divisi*. lal and brigade drills, and on other occasions when specially ordered — Same as " Marching Order." Drill Order. — To be used at ordinary drills — Undress (patrol jacket) ; horse-furniture — Same as " Marching Order." Mess Order. — To be worn at mess on all ordinary occa- iii ,. ( ! 134 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. sions when not on duty — Shell-jacket, waistcoat, and red- stripe trousers. Officers who wear mess waistcoats open in front should wear white collars and black neck-ties; Mounted Officers to wear spurs, the Orderly Officers v ' "le jacket hooked up (with pouch belt in Rifle Re^ tits) and swords. Divine Service Order. — Same as " Review Order." Officers should appear in " Review Order " on Guards^ General and District Courts Martiil ; in " Drill Order" on Regimental Courts Martial, Courts of Inquiry and Boards, and Orderly duty. Collar-chains to be carried by mounted Officers in all orders of parade. On active service and when encamped ^ head-ropes should be carried. SECTION II. Non-commissioned Officers and Men. Nothing has a more unmilitary appearance, or shows more an utter want of attention to the first rules of mili- tary service, than for Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, or men, to smoke, when in uniform, in the streets or other public places. The only times at which smoking in uniform should be permitted, is when marching at ease on the line of march ; at field-days, when regiments break off for rest and refresh- ment ; when on rifle ranges; or when travelling by trains, steamers, etc. The dress and appearance as well as the demeanour of soldiers should on all occasions, and in all situations, be such as to create a respect for the military service. Offi- cers of all grades cannot too forcibly point out to those under their command the great impropriety of appearing in the streets or other public places partially dressed in ? DRESS OF NON-COM'D OFFICERS AND MEN. 135 i :i uniform and partially in plain clothes. All ranks should be strictly prohibited from appearing in public otherwise than properly and completely dressed in uniform or entirely in plain clothes. Officers should take care that this be explained to, and forcibly impressed on, all under their command, as this most unmilitary of habits is calcu- lated in the extreme to bring discredit on, and lower the respectability, of the Militia. Military great-coats should never to be worn when in plain clothes. No soldier should ever be seen beyond the precincts of his barracks, or camp, improperly dressed; any man so seen should be immediately confined. The ordinary dress worn out of quarters should be cloth or serge tunic, forage cap and waistbelt. Helmets or busbies should be worn on Sundays. Staff sergeants should wear their swords when walking out, at other times their sword-belt only. Sergeants only should be permitted to wear side-arms off duty. Non-commissioned Officers and men on duty wear side- arms, save men on fatigue. Non-commissioned Officers and men should sit down to meals with tunics buttoned. The carrying of bundles or baskets in the streets should not be allowed, otherwise than in fatigue dress. Plain clothes should only be allowed to be worn by men employed at the Officers' mess, and by Officers' ser- vants. The helmets or busbies should not be worn on one side but be placed even on the men's heads, and brought well down on the forehead. The chin strap should be under the chin, and not hooked up, except when marching at ease. Cap-covers should not be worn on ordinary parades, but may be worn on guard, or on the march, in wet weather, and during night duties, at the discretion of the Commanding Officer. i 136 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. The Water-bottle should hang over the left shoulder, restinf^ on the right hip. The Haversack should be worn slung across the right shoulder. When empty it should be neatly rolled up, and hang over the bayonet, resting on the left hip. The ]3ayonet should hang on the left hip, not too far to the front. The large Pouch should hang about four fingers below .he rlbow; the small pouch or ball bag is worn in front, on the right side. Leggings should be worn on parade in wet weather, but not when the men are off duty. Plumes should be worn on parade at all times when the Officers wear them. The plume cases are for the preser- vation of the plumes when not in use. The Great-coat should be folded at the back of the knapsack, the top in a line with the collar of the tunic. Width of the great-coat to be sixteen inches, depth eleven inches. Space between straps from the outside of each to be six inches. The upper edge of the Knapsack should be on a level with the lower seam of the collar of the tunic, and the straps worn over the shoulder straps. Sergeants' sashes should be doubled longitudinally, and passed over the right shoulder under the shoulder strap; the runner to be level with the belt ; the ends of the tassels level, and not to hang below the tunic. Accoutrements should not be cleaned with jet or any substance with a brittle surface, but with ordinary blacking. No Non-commissioned Officer or man should alter any part of his clothing or accoutrements without permis- sion, or put any private mark upon the same, on his arms, clothing, or equipment. By doing so he renders himself liable to punishment, or make good the article so injured. No alteration of clothing or accoutrements should be permitted, except by a competent mechanic. All distinc- DRESS OF NON-COM'D OFFICERS AND MEN. 137 ilder. the •oiled hip. o far ttions, whether of rank or good conduct, should be put on by the Regimental Tailor, under the supervision of the Quarter Master. Non-commissioned Officers are disi'mguishedhy chevrons. Guards, Fusileer, Light Infantry, and Rifle Corps wear them on both arms , other Infantry Corps on the right arm only. With tunics the chevrons are worn above the elbow by all Non-commissioned Officers ; with great-coats and mndress uniform Staff Sergeants wear them inverted just above the wrist. Pioneers are distinguished by crossed axes worn on the upper axm, the Non-commissioned Officer in charge wearing them above his chevrons. The Band wear wings or shells on the shoulders of alternate stripes of the colours of uniform and facings. Buglers wear a twisted cord on the back and sleeve seams, also wings on the shoulders. The chevrons and distinctive badges worn by the several ranks are as follows : — Lance Corporals — One stripe. Corporals — Two stripes. Sergeants — Three stripes. Colour Sergeants of Infantry — Crossed Swords and Colours, surmounted with a Crown. Colour Sergeants of Rifles — Crossed Swords, surmounted with a Crown within a wreath on right arm and three stripes on left. Orderly Room Clerk, Armourer Sergeant, Hospital Sergeant, Paymaster's Clerk, Drum Major — Four stripes and Drum. Bugle Major — Four stripes and Crossed Bugles. Sergeant Instructor of Musketry — Four stripes and Crossed Rifles. Three stripes. J II : I HI 1 li f ■ I 138 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. Quarter Master Sergeant — Four stripes. Band Master — Four stripes and Lyre. Sergeant Major — Four stripes and Crown. The chevrons of Infantry should be of white, on a ground same colour as facings ; for Staff Sergeants, silver; Rifles, of black, on a ground same colour as facings, each stripe being one inch wide. The following are the orders of dress for Non-commis- sioned Officers and men, viz. : — Review Order — Tunic, Helmet or Busby ; no packs or valises unless specially ordered. Marching Order — Tunic or Serge frock, Helmet or Busby ; packs or valises ; complete kit and equipment. Field Day Order — Tunic or Serge frock, Helmet or Busby ; no packs or valises unless specially ordered. Drill Order — Serge frock, Forage cap. Divine Service Order — Same as Review order, without Crossbelts for rank and file. I' ! I or PART V. BOOKS & CORRESPONDENCE. SECTION I. Regimental Books. The books to be kept in a Regiment, as laid down by the Queen's Regulations, are only necessary when perma- nently embodied for lengthened service. It will be seen in describing them that such only as will be most useful to the Militia, in their ordinary duties at home or in camp, are noted. The entries made in them should be carefully examined periodically by the Commanding Officer, and the books produced at every inspection, and at such other times as the Commanding Officer may think proper to call for them. GENERAL ORDER BOOK. All General Orders, Regulations and Circular Letters received from the Militia Department should be posted as they are received, in the first instance, into a guard book ; these documents are printed on sheets of uniform size, with a margin, so as to admit of their being bound from time to time in volumes of convenient size ; the volumes being numbered, and having each an index, the original orders and regulations received will form the regimental records under this head, instead of manuscript copies. An ordinary guard book of foolscap size will be found sufficient to contain the General Orders of a Militia Regi- ment for three or four years. REGIMENTAL ORDER BOOK. This book should consist of two parts, viz.; ?li 1: 5 J I If 1 1 . 1 j '■i 1 i ?, i I 1 k. 140 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. Part I. — Of Temporary orders. Part 2. — Of f Permanent orders. In Part i, all General orders affecting the Regiment, and orders issued by the Commanding Officer of the District, Station, Brigade, etc., or by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, should be entered as they are issued. At the commencement of each year these entries should be reviewed, and such of the orders (including the number and date) as shall appear to the Commanding Officer necessary to be retained should be transcribed into Part 2 ; after these extracts have been made. Part i may be destroyed in a few months. The Permanent Book should have an index, containing the date and purport of each order, the name of the Officer by whom issued, and the page at which it is entered. It may be considered as the "Standing Orders" of the Regiment. RECORD OF officers' SERVICES. This should contain the names of the Officers of each rank in the Regiment, showing the dates of their appointments- their age, country, calling, date of their commissions, their certificates of qualification, date of retirement, with par- ticulars of their services (Form 30). The Record of Officers' Services and Digest of the Ser- vices of the Regiment may in the Militia be placed in the one book, and in most corps will form a very interestmg record. DIGEST OF SERVICES OF THE REGIMENT, An historical account should be kept in every corps of its services, etc., stating the period and circumstances of the original formation, the means by which it has from time to time been recruited, the stations at which it has been employed, and the period of its arrival at and depar- ture from such stations. It should specify the military REGIMENTAL BOOKS. 141 .m\ ent, the ding they hese Irders |o the d be been The the ficer It ■ the operations in which the Regiment has been engaged, and record any achievement it may have performed, and contain the names of any Officer, Non-commissioned Officer, or private who may, in a peculiar manner, have distinguished himself in action, or who may have been killed or wounded by the enemy. The badges and devices which the Regiment may have been permitted to bear, and the causes on account of which such badges and devices, or any other marks of distinction, were granted, should be stated, and the dates of such permission being granted. Any particular alteration in the clothing, arms, accoutre- ments, colours, horse furniture, etc., should be recorded, and a reference made to the dates of the orders under which such alterations were made. The various altera- tions which may be made iu the establishment, either by augmentation or reduction, should also be stated in this book. The entries should be made under the immediate inspection of the Commanding Officer. This record, as already suggested, may be placed under the same cover with the Record of Officers' Services. i:M it : I sr PORTFOLIO OF ATTESTATIONS. In the regular service the attestatici; i^i deposited with the Paymaster of the Regiment (or of the Brigade Depot for Infantry of the line), and filed in the Portfolio of Attestations, in numerical order, an alphabetical index of the men's names being kept in each volume. In place of the above it is recommended that a " Service Book" be substituted for home service, being an alpha- betical roll showing the name, age, height, calling, date of enrolment, and date of discharge, with a column of remarks giving promotions, services and character of each man enrolled. The attestation form (No. i), referred to under Enrolment, should be filed in the Orc'erly room for reference. • ... 142 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. LETTER BOOK Should contain the entry of all official letters written by the Commanding Officer, or under his direction, to the Public departments, and to individuals on regimental business, and contain an alphabetical index, with a separ- ate index for the public departments. It need not be preserved beyond three years after it is completed, care being taken to keep copies of such letters as may be likely to be required for reference. A foolscap book for press cojiying of 500 p will be found to last years, under ordinary circumstances, in the Militia service. Such a book is absolutely necessary in ever> well regulated corps. RETUKN BOOK Is for copies of all monthly and other returns transmitted to Departments, or to the General Officers commanding. They are to be kept together in a guard book, and may be destroyed after the expiration of three years, with the exception of such as the Commanding Officer may deem it proper to retain. REGISTER OF FURLOUGHS. This is a register of all leaves of absence granted to Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and men ; the Officers' names being kept separate from the Non-commissioned Officers' and privates'. The entries should be made in alphabetical order, and show the name of the person to whom leave of absence is granted, the period for which it is granted, the particular place to which he has been permitted to go, and to which any orders necessary to be sent to him during his absence may be addressed ; the date of his returning to duty, and a column for remarks. DESCRIPTION OF DESERTERS. As accurate an account as possible of the deserters REGIMENTAL BOOKS. H3 should be preserved, in order that they may be readily identified when apprehended. DEFAULTER HOOK. This contains a sheet for every Non-commissioned Oflicer and soldier, with his number and name at the head of each sheet (Form 31), and the following punishments should be entered therein, viz. : — a. Every conviction by Court Martial or by a Court of ordinary criminal jurisdiction, or by a Magistrate (involv- ing imprisonment, or a fine in lieu thereof). b. Every case of reduction of a Non-commissioned Ofticer to the ranks for a crime — not^for inefficiency. c. Every award of imprisonment ^by the Commanding Officer. d. Every award of deprivation of pay, fine for drunken- ness, for any period exceeding seven days. e. Confinement to barracks, exceeding seven days ; but, when awarded for concealment of disease, the entry is to be discretionary with the Commanding Oflicer. A half-sheet, or two pages, should be allotted to every man, the whole secured together in a guard book in alphabetical order, but not bound in sheets, so that when a soldier becomes non-effective by death, the record of his misconduct, if any, may be destroyed. If the man be transferred or removed to another Regiment, it is invariably to be transferred with him (in blank if there are no entries). If he be discharged as an invalid, it is to be forwarded with his discharge documents. If he be discharged for any other cause, it is to be preserved for the full period within which such jsoldier on re-engaging or re-enlisting is allowed to reckon former service. officers' court martial book. A guard book should be kept as a confidential document 144 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. by the Commanding Officer of every Regiment, to contain certified copies of all charges which may have been prosecuted before Courts Martial on any of the Officers therein serving, together with the finding and sentence In each case, and minutes of the execution or remission of all or any parts of such sentence. COURT MARTIAL BOOK. The Court Martial Book should contain copies of the charges, findings and sentences of all Courts Martial; such copies to be verified by the signature of the Com- manding Officer. The original proceedings, signed by the President and countersigned by the Commanding Officer, should be kept by corps for one year after the date of the prisoner's release from imprisonment, or, if no imprisonment be awarded, from the date of trial. DIARY OF PARADES. A record of each parade, with details of the drill, number present, etc. CASUALTY BOOK. A book is kept in the regular service at the head-quarters of every Regiment in which all changes in the soldier's service are inserted daily. For all ordinary purposes in the Militia the " Service Book '.' will be found to answer as a Casualty Book. CRIME BOOK Should contain the names of all men brought up before the Commanding Officer, the crimes they have committed, V ith the dates thereof, the names of the evidences against them, and the punishment awarded. HOSPITAL BOOK. The Surgeon of each Regiment should keep an Admis- sion and Discharge Book of all cases taken into Hospital (Form 32;. REGIMENTAL BOOKS. 145 QUARTER MASTER S BOOKS. In the Quarter-Master's branch the following mode has been found to work very well in our Militia, and by it one book can be made to answer for all ordinary purposes ; in barracks or camp an account for rations, fuel, etc., should also be kept, as well as a Letter Book at all times. The Quarter-Master should keep an account with the Department (Form 33), one with the Regiment (Form 34), and another with each of the Companies, band, buglers, pioneers, and staff-sergeants. All " Issues " from the Quarter-Master's store should be on requisitions from Officers commanding companies (Form 35), countersigned by the Commanding Officer ; and for all " Returns " a receipt should be given by the Quarter-Master. ^51' V :( :* ■■ in it; SECTION IL Company Books. Ill 111 ORDER BOOK. This book should contain a copy of all Regimental and other orders particularly affecting the Company, which are to be read to the men. Such a book should be in possession of every Company, and the orders regularly copied into it from the Regimental Order Book. ROLL BOOK Contains the names of the Non-commissioned Officers and men of the Company, with columns ruled in which their attendance at parades, and dates thereof, should be carefully recorded in ink. LEDGER. On home or camp service a book should be Kept in 10 146 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. place of the Ledger, containing a list of those receiving drill or other pay, with the date, amount, and particulars of the service DEFAULTER BO K. In the Company Defaulter book, all offences of what- ever shade or denomination which a soldier may commit, with the punishment awarded, should be regularly re- corded in the handwriting of the Officer comn;ianding the Company. It should be made with a screw back and moveable leaves, and invariably be in possession of the Officer commanding the Company, except on the line of march, when it should be carried by the Colour Sergeant. In the column for remarks should be written the station where the offence was committed. The Com. pany Defaulter book should be taken to the Orderly room and checked over with the Regimental Defaultsr book in the beginning of every month. STORES BOOi: Each Company should keep a Stores book, in which all " Issues" from the Quarter-Master's store or " Returns" thereto should be entered at once, with the date and any particulars connected therewith. In this Book two accounts should be kept : one with the Regimental store (Form 36), the other with the individual men of the Company (Form 37). A page should be given to each man, and each " Issue" made to him signed for and the date given ; when " Returns" are made, the Officer or Non-commissioned Officer receiving should sign for vhem in the presence of the man returning them. When Rifles, Swords, Knap- sacks, Haversacks, Great coats, &(.., are issued or returned, the Regimental number of each '-hould be marked in their respective columns. INDIVIDUAL BOOKS. H7 \ : '»,:! SECTION III. Individual Books. Every Officer and Non-commissioned Officer shuuld have in his possession the latest editions of the following books : — I ield Exercise. Rifle Exercises. Militia Regulations and Orders. Soldier's Pocket Book for Field Service. (Wolseley's). Standing Orders of the Regiment. SECTION IV. Correspondence. OFFICIAL. All communications on matters in any way connected with duty should be official. Semi-official letters are applicable only to certain cases of correspondence between superior military authorities ; they are not considered confidential unless so marked. Official correspondence and returns, intended for sub- mission to the Adjutant General should be transmitted by Deputy Adjutants General commanding Districts; and not addressed by p(jrsonal name, but as follows : — The idjutant General of Militia, Head Quarters, Ottawa. Official letters and reports made to Deputy Adjutants General and Brigade Majors, by Commanding Officers of Corps, or other Officers within their respective districts, should be addressed in like manner : — The Deputy Adjutant General of Militia, Military District No. 2, Toronto. Or, The Brigade Major of Militia. 148 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. Officers, in affixing their names to official documents, should specify under their signatures, which must be legibly written, their rank, with the corps or department to which they belong, and should be careful to maintain the proper channel of communication in correspondence with the Deputy Adjutant General in command of their District, or with Head Quarters, whether in the actual performance of duty or not, except under special circum- stances where a direct reference may be necessary. Any Officer who, on his own responsibility, transmits docu- ments otherwise than through the proper channel, should fully explain the causes which induce him to do so, and, at the same time, forward copies for the information of the authority through whom they should have passed in regular course. Letters should be addressed to the Brigade-Major of the Division to which the corps may belong, for the informa- tion of the Deputy Adjutant General of the District, by whom, if necessary, they are to be transmitted to the Adjutant General. Officers not in command of corps, or subalterns, should forward all their communications on Militia matters to the Commanding Officer of their corps. Official letters should contain full information of all particulars upon the subject to which they relate ; each letter should refer to one subject only, and be written on foolscap paper, with a convenient {i.e., from half to quarter) margin ; the margin to be left on the inner side of each page. The paragraphs should be numbered, and the enclosures (if any) described in the margin, or on a separate schedule. As a general rule, when the letter extends beyond one page, or is accompanied by enclosures, it should be written on a whole sheet. The transmission of unnecessary enclosures should be avoided ; and when additional papers are forwarded, all blank fly leaves should be removed from them. CORRESPONDENCE. 149 W\ Mere covering letters should not be used, as they add to the bulk of documents without conveying any additional ii/ 'lation. I emoranda may, whenever practicable, be substituted L- letters. The half sheet of foolscap on which they are written should be folded in four divisions, as is the custom. On the back of these divisions a second memorandum can be written by the recipient in answer to it, or on forwarding it on to some other Department. A sheet thus folded has places for four memoranda on the back ; so that if it has to go to that number of people, all they have to say on the subject is on the one half sheet of foolscap. Superior Officers and other intermediate authorities are responsible for the correctness of what is set forth in documents submitted by them. It is their duty to endeavour to adjust all matters that come within the scope of their authority; and, in transmitting applications or correspond- ence to Headquarters, they should invariably state their concurrence, or otherwise, adding such additional observa- tions, based on local knowledge, as may be necessary to enable the authorities to come to a final decision on the question without further reference and correspondence. Letters addressed to and received from Headquarters, Ottawa, pass free from any charge for postage. The following are forms of an application and a report : Toronto, * * * i8 From Captain Allan, ♦ * * Regiment, To the * * * Sir, ~I have the honour to request that you will be pleased to submit * * * . * * this my application « ♦ ♦ / have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, D. H. ALLAN, Captain, The Officer Commanding * * Regiment. * * Regiment, Toronto. :i1 it. if ' f ]l> ' w ill I50 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. Toronto, * * * i8 . From Lieut. -Col. Arthurs, Commanding * * RegimnU. To the * * Sir, — / have the honour to report for the information of the I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, WILLIAM ARTHURS, Lieut.-Col, Commanding * * Regiment. The Adjutant-General of Militia, Ottawa. Military correspondence should never be addressed to an Officer by name, but to the designation of the function he fulfils, thus : — To the Officer Commanding Regiment. NOT To Lieut.-Col. Arthurs, Commanding * * Regiment. Officers holding Brevet commissions should sign official documents as under : — SALTER M. JARVIS. Major and Bt. Lt.-Col., * * Regiment. In all communications these Officers should be addressed and described by their regimental rank and their rank in force, thus : — Major and Bt. Lieut.-Col. Jarvis. The word Brevet is usually abbreviated thus: — " Bt." PRIVATE. Private letters, etc., if addressed to Officers in their military capacities, should be addressed as under : — To Lieut. -Colonels, Brevet) » /-« i ^ r^u CORRESPONDENCE. 151 To Majors. Brevet and Hon-, As Major Lee. ^ ^^^^^ orary Majors ' * To Captains and Honorary, •■ Captain Hammon^^^^ Captains ' * Lieutenants, Quartermasters.' Medical Officers (other than those of the degree of M. D). Hy.Kersteman, Esq., * * Regiment. M ■I ,f-'. \ PART VI. MARCHES AND ENCAMPMENT SECT ION I. Marches. There is no occasion on which the discipline of a Regi- ment is more conspicuous, nor on which the attention and vigilance of every Officer in maintaining order and regu- larity are more especially requisite, than upon the line of march. Officers of all ranks should be sensible of the import- ance of preserving the compact order of a column of march, by not allowing irregular intervals, straggling, or falling out, except during periodical halts; these should be frequent, and at a distance from public houses. It is most important that all marches should commence as early in the morning as practicable. As a rule, troops should move at day-break, and, in sultry weather, even before day-break. The march need not then be hurried, the proper halts may be observed, and the heat of the day avoided. Troops should begin with short marches, say six miles, and then work up to thirteen miles per day, which should not be exceeded unless a forced march be required ; two and a half miles an hour can be accomplished by troops without distress. Advance and rear guards should always be formed ; the latter is to bring up any man who may have fallen out, and, if such soldier be unable to march, he should be given in charge of a Corporal or steady man of the Com- pany to which he belongs. The Commander of the rear MARCHES. 15^ T guard should make a report of all occurrences to the Commander of the column at the end of each day's march. Men falling out for a short time should leave their arms to be carried by the section to which they belong, and straggling should be avoided, as it upsets all calculation as to time. A Regiment should move with as broad a front as the ground will admit, as men suffer in warm weather from dust and want of air when in close formation, and when marching in fours, a column of tired men is indefinitely lengthened. On arriving at a bad piece of road, Officers should pre- vent men from defiling individually. On reaching a brook or bad piece of road, the front should be increased for crossing. Defiles, or narrow passes, should be crossed at the double, to prevent the rear being retarded. Music and singing should be kept up as much as possi- ble, and when the band ceases playing the drums should beat the cadence. On the line of march an opportunity of washing the feet should never be lost, and, when possible, name the period of the halt ; if the feet are sore, bathe in tepid water with alum at night ; if blistered, do not tear them, but run needles through them with worsted thread, and leave the thread in and cut off ends, and next day, before marching, apply grease or soft soap. A lotion of whiskey or rum and water is a good preventative of sore feet. Loose the boot-laces at night when your boots cannot be taken oft. Never allow men to be idle, but let them see the work they are doing is for their own good. Want of food and exhaustion predispose to sunstroke ; B i 1 if ';?: 154 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. in such a case, open the coat and throat, and keep a stream of water on the patient's head till he is conscious. Discourage men from drinking water largely on the march, though the idea that danger may result therefrom is obsolete, but the more you drink when hot the more thirst will be felt. Take men into camp cool, and advise them not to take oflF their coats for half an hour, unless to bathe at once, before getting cool. BIVOUAC. Troops encumbered with tents and baggage cannot move with the rapidity required in modern warfare, and in the case of pursuits and retreats, when no shelter can be found, when near the enemy, and about to engage, they must bivouac. On arriving on the ground, a Corps should be shown the position it is to occupy, and informed of the duties it is to furnish. Column is then formed, arms piled, the duties fur- nished, and meals and shelter prepared ; the greater the regularity and division of labour, the sooner the hour of rest arrives. Latrines should be made, as they are absolutely neces- sary for the cleanliness of a camp, even for one day. Fires are more necessary in a bivouac than in a camp, and when allowed should generally occupy the position of tents when camping. A few logs of wood, sods of grass or turf, or stones piled up to windward, afford a fair shelter ; or, if there be time and material, make a shelter by driving forked sticks 4 or 6 feet long into the ground ; rest a pole between them ; lay branches to windward, at the angle of 45 "^ , end of branches upwards. When lying on the ground, unless on soft sand, always scrape out a hole for the hip-bone to rest in, and it will be MARCHES. 555 Stream fomnd a good plan to club blankets, so that there may be ©cue above and one below ; under any circumstances, dry bashes, fern, grass, etc., should be cut to lie upon. Always contrive something for a pillow; even a stone is better than nothing. Men should sleep in squads in rear of their arms. On waking in the chill dawn, take a sharp run. Hot tea or coffee and a biscuit at daylight should be served without waiting for breakfast. Working parties should never be left without Officers ; for wnless men see their Officers interested in their labour they become dispirited ; and, of all duties, soldiers most dislike "fatigue" work. Every facility consistent with safety should be given to men to wash all over with cold water, and, if a bath cannot be had, take off the clothing and shake it ; this alone will give refreshment. m BAGGAGE. Each Regiment should furnish its own Baggage Guard en the line of march, and be responsible for the safety of its baggage. The guard in a weak Regiment should not exceed one Sergeant, one Corporal and ten privates ; it acts under the orders of the Officer in charge of regimental transport, by whom it is distributed along the column of waggons as he may consider mo st advisable ; he makes them accountable that nothing is taken off. The men of the guard should never put their arms on the waggons, but inarch by the sides with bayonets fixed. In the case of hived transport, the Officer should be responsible that the drivers and horses are not ill-used, and that nothing is required of them to which they are not bound by law or previous agreement. At night, when the baggage is not unloaded, the waggons should be parked, so as to occupy , If" 'I I, '■ 156 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. as little space as possible, and placed under the charge of sentries. As a rule, the Officer's place is with the rear waggon. The pace for all transport is a walk, even with empty waggons ; if a waggon falls behind, it should regain its proper position at the walk during the next halt. If a load falls off, or a waggon breaks down, the whole of the baggage should draw up on the near side of the road, and the guard then repack the load or distribute it amongst the others. The articles which compose the baggage should be so arranged that the weight of any one package in no case exceeds 3 cwt.; that being the weight which four men can load and unload without risk of sustaining personal injury. The size of packages should not exceed 3 feet 6 inches in length, 2 feet in width, and 2 feet 3 inches in depth. Every chest, trunk, bale, or other article of public bag- gage, belonging to the Regimental Store, Orderly Room, Band, Officers' Mess, or the Hospital, should be distinctly numbered and marked with paint ; and every article of baggage belonging to individuals should ha^ • the rank, name and corps of the owner legibb na^ :ed upon it. TOLLS. All troops, on duty or on the march, w th their horses and baggage, all recruits marching by route, all prisoners under military escort, and all carriages and horses belonging to Her Majesty, or employed in her service, when conveying any such persons as aforesaid, or their baggage, or returning from conveying the same, are exempted from payment of any duties and tolls on em- barking or disembarking from or upon any pier, wharf, quay, or landing place, or in passing along or over any turnpike or other roads or bridges. MARCHES. 157 [charge of Jaggon. |th empty pgain its. Je whole [e of the fribute it d be so no case nen can I injury. iches in 1. ^lic bag- Room, stinctly tide of e rank, it. Worses Joners lorses rvice, their are em- harf, any TRANSPORT OFFICER. On the line of march, a Subaltern should be placed in charge of the Regimental baggage, baggage guard, and transport equipment, whose duty it should be to see that the waggons are correctly loaded, under the superintend- ence of the Quarter Master, that the horses are harnessed and hooked in, and ready for marching at the proper time, that the order of march is strictly carried out, that no unauthorized loads are placed on the waggons, and that stragglers do not mount them ; reporting both before and at the end of the march to the Commanding Officer, that everything is regular or otherwise. He should also see that a list of stores is in each waggon. TRANSPORT SERGEANT. On the line of march a Sergeant should be appointed to assist the Transport Officer, being selected for his trustworthiness and general smartness in duty matters ; he should be a fair horseman, and form part of a company's establishment. RAILWAY TRANSPORT. A Regiment moving by railway should, on arriving at the station, be halted, and the Companies told off according to the number each car will contain, a proportion of Non- commissioned Officers being allottef! to each party. Pouches, bayonets, haversacks, &c., should l>e shifted to the front of the body, and the companies then be marched into their respective cars, at once taking their seats, and holding their rifles between their knees, the Officers remaining with their men, the Majors looking after their respective Half Battalions, and the Adjutant the Band, Buglers, and Pioneers. When all is ready to start, the " advance " should be sounded. No shouting, cheering, or playing on band t i 158 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. instruments should be permitted whilst the train is leaving or arriving at stations. When away from the station the men should be allowed to take off their accoutrements, &c., and make themselves comfortable ; as soon as all ar .' in order the Oflficers cast then be permitted to go to their own car. Kifles should not be placed on the floor, but secorelj fastened in an upright position. Orderly Officers should be detailed whose duty it should be to pass continually through the train to see that the train orders are carried out. At stations they should remain on the platform during the stoppage. Bayonet sentries should be placed at each door wills orders not to allow men to stand on the platform, nor lea\« the train unless permitted to do so; during stoppages two or more sentries should be placed outside each car ta prevent liquor from being passed into the train. If a long journey, the men .should, if piossible, be occa- sionally allowed out of the trair to stretch their limbs; ojt returning to the train rolls should be called and the Companies reported as present or otherwise. When nearing the destination the Officers should joiic their companies ; on arrival the markers should first be thrown out, but until the "fall in" is sounded neither Officers nor men should be permitted to leave the train. When a Corps leaves its own headquarters the Com- manding Officer should send a " Marching out " State ta the Staff Office' of his District and at the end of its journey a " Marching in " State (Form 38). This forns can be altered to suit both cases. WATER TRANSPORT. In moving by water, the Regiment should, if possibla move on the steamer without halting (the Band ceasjiijj playing on reaching the wharf), and the companies aJ MARCHES. 159 leaving 'lowed iseJves -rs cajt icnvelj once directed to their several stations, where they should remain standing at ease until the steatner leaves the dock. The Majors should specially superintend the embarka- tion of their Half Battalions, the Adjutant, if not re- quired by the Commanding Officer, looking after the Band, etc. On the steamer getting well away from the dock, arms and accoutrements should be put carefully away, each Company's being separate and distinct, and the men then allowed to move about. Orderly Officers and Non-commissioned Officers should be detailed. Regimental and Company alarm posts named, and all duties carried out as regularly as if on shore. The Officers should constantly go among the men during the journey, to attend to their wants and to enforce orderly behaviour; during night journeys at least one Officer per Company should always be up, in addition to the Officer detailed for duty, and visit the men frequently. The men should not be allowed to get off the steamer at intermediate landing places, except by special permission. On nearing its destination the Regiment should be accoutred and fall in by Companies, and on arrival, after the markers are thrown out, each Company marched off the steamer on its markers. The baggage should be placed under a guard, and sent down before the Regiment, being put on the steamer in advance of it, but not taken off until after it has disem- barked. SECTION II. Encampment. A camp should be on dry ground, accessible from a main road, with a good supply of water and fuel in its vicinity, and within easy reach of all necessary supplies. li \'. I li ! 1 i i6o C/NADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. The means of passing freely through the camp with a large front should bfe maintained. The camp should be as compactly arranged as the above considerations permit. The tents, bivouacs, or huts, should be disposed with a view to the greatest amount of order, cleanliness, ventila- tion and salubrity. The tents of a Regiment should never be arranged in a double line ; short single lines are best. The tents in line should be separated from each other by a space at the very least equal to a diameter and a half of a tent, and the farther the lines can be conveniently placed from each other the better ; if troops are at a distance from an enemy, and are to remain some time in camp, and ground is avail- able, the camp should be formed at double intervals. Whenever troops remain in camp more than three days, tents should be struck every two days. All arms, straw and blankets should be removed from the ground covered by the tents, and the ground swept clean with a broom, or branches of trees, and left exposed to the sun and wind. Blankets, clothes, etc., should be spread out to air, and the tents roughly pitched in the intervals of the camp with slack ropes, and the fly loose to allow it to be well blown about. Tents should never be pitched for a night in the intervals, as men invariably urinate around them, and consequently pollute the ground. Every morning, except when it rains, the sides of the tents should be rolled up, and, previous to retiring for the night, all the tent ropes should be slacked off a little, as the rain or dew will tighten them enough to draw the pegs, and strain, if not tear, the canvas. As a rule, the doors of the tents should face the head of the column, but this rule should never prevent their bemg turned away from the prevailing wind. Trenches should be dug round tents, and a drain should connect these trenches, so that the water may not lodge in E.N'CAMPMENT. I6l them, but may run freely off. The first wet day after the camp is formed Officers commanding Companies should personally examine the ground on which their Companies are encamped, and should see that the proper drains are constructed ; half an hour's work on a wet day, when the natural run of the water can be seen, w^ill do more to keep the camp healthy than a day's labour in dry weather. In encamping large bodies of troops, it is very desirable that a sketch of the ground, no matter how rough, showing the place to be occupied by each Corps, should be prepared beforehand ; by this means the Officer charged with form- ing the Encampment can, in a few minutes, place the whole of the camp-colour men, so that when the Regiments arrive they may proceed at once to the position assigned to them. PITCHING TENTS. Whenever the nature of the ground will admit, the fol- lowing mode will be observed in the formation of camps by all Infantry Corps : The front of each camp to be the same as the front of a Regiment when in line. When a Regiment marches on to its ground, a portion of the Advanced Guard, previously warned, immediately takes possession of the spot where the Quarter Guard tent is to be erected, and where a small camp colour should have been already placed by the Quarter Master, with the approval of the Commanding Officer ; and the necessary number of sentries to cover the front of the camp are then thrown out. At the same time a Rear Guard, similarly warned, marches to the spot where the camp Rear Guard is to be located. The Regiment should be in column by the left, so that each Company stands on the parade opposite the ground previously marked off for its tents, by the Quarter Master. The leading Company being at wheeling distance in rear n 'A if ■ i/ l52 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. i of the colour, the tents should be pitched in column, to the reverse flank of each Company as it stands, and are deposited near the several Companies. A Regiment on the march should have all the men warned for their several duties at the last halting place before entering the camp ground. Until the tents are pitched the Officers should not leave their Companies, nor employ men for their own convenience. The following parties should then be told off and paraded by the Adjutant : Cooking party — Two men per Company, under the Sergeant Cook. Latrine party — All the Pioneers who carry pick-axes and shovels, and one man per Company. Water party— One Non-commissioned Officer and two men per Company, under a Sergeant. Ration party — A Non-commissioned Officer and two men per Company, or more if the Company is strong, under the Quarter Master Sergeant. Wood party — Two men, or more if requisite, and a Non-commissioned Officer per Company. The Sergeant Cook should select the place for the kitchen, within the space marked out by the camp colours, and make the kitchen as soon as the tools can be procured. As will be seen by the diagram, (page 164) Company cooking trenches should be dug between the Officers' and men's tents. The Corporal of Pioneers should at once begin the latrines, it being essential that the ground be not fouled. The Ration party, under the Quarter Master Sergeant, vill go to the depot and receive the rations. The Wood party will, if no fuel is issued, seek for and bring it to the kitchens. Each Company should then be told off in squads to occupy the tents. The usual uumber is ten men and one . ENCAMPMENT. 163 Sergeant. The squad is subdivided as follows : Six tent men, of which one is pole man, one bagman and remainder peg men. The Regiment now piles arms, takes off accoutrements, etc., which are placed in ro\vs on the ground or hung on the piles of arms. Each Company should proceed as follows (say the Com- pany is sixty men, and that six tents are required for it) : The Captain gives the word, " Out, pole men." The men told off as "pole men" to each tent fall in, in single rank, so that the left-hand man rests on the alignment of the pegs driven by the Quarter Master. The command, " From the left — paces extend, " when the pole men extend to — paces from each other ; each man, except the left-hand man, turning towards the reverse flank of the Company. The Senior Major should then dress the left-hand pole men from the left-hand man of the pole men of the leading Company, so that they stand exactly on the alignment of the colour placed by the Quarter Master, and give the word " Steady," on which the Captain of each Company will dress his own row of pole men from the left-hand man (who has already been covere<:l by the Senior Major) Pegs should then be driven exactly on the spots on which the extended pole men stand ; these pegs mark where the pole of each tent is to rest. Each tent squad should bring up a tent, pegs, and pole open the tent bag, and drive a peg between the heels of the pole man, who then grasps the pole ; the tent should then be opsned and phiced on the pole. If the tent has Storm guys, they should be fixed, and the ends held by four men ; if the tent has no storm guys, the four red runners then are held each by a man ; the Non-commis- sioned Officer seeing thit the door points the proper way, and that the fly is hooked. On all being reported ready. I: I 164 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. the bugle should sound one "G," and the whole be raised at once, the guys fixed, and the pegging down completed. The work is proceeded with in silence, Non-commissioned Officers directing the men where to drive the pegs, &c. In a few minutes the camp for the men should be com- pleted. After which, and not before, fatigue parties may be told off to pitch the Officers' tents. The Companies' cooks, under the direction of the Quarter Master, having selected a place for their kitchens, fatigue men collected fuel, &c., the preparation of the meal is forthwith com- menced. Infantry Camp of 8 Companies of 60 Men Each. I . Latnne. ■3 1 -a •a u a- Qr. Guard 160 yards. 20 20 Piles 20 of 20 Arms 20 20 X X I Latrine. I I I 20 I 20. X « - ♦ * * Privates' Tents. i< ♦ * "Staff Sergeants. Line of Kitchens. X X X X X Company OfiBcers. * * ♦ * ♦ * X ♦ Surgeons, Majors, Lt.-Col. Pay Mstr. Qr. Mstr. and Adjt. Waggons, Horses, Chargers, &c. Officers' Latrine. Rear Guard 5 \o CO T3 o i ft i w ENCAMPMENT. 165 t a o Officers commanding Companies should now examine the tents, to see that they are properly pitched ; the arms, accoutrements, and blankets brought in ; and a trench dug round each tent with a proper drain to carry off the water. The space in front of the front row of tents is the regi- mental parade ground and alarm post. To the front, and in line with the centre of the Camp, the Quarter-guard tent should be pitched, and a latrine constructed on either side, half way between it and the flank of the Regimental parade ground. The rear tent of each row of tents should be occupied by the senior Sergeant of the Company. Staff Sergeants have tents to themselves, pitched in continuation of the central Companies' rows of tents. Rifles during the day in fine weather should be piled outside each tent; in bad weather and at night they should stand round the pole, confined at the muzzles by a barrel hoop (wood) suspended from the roof. Bayonets and accoutrements should hang from, crossed pegs on the pole above the rifles. Officers' tents should be in rear and on the reverse flank of their respective Companies ; Staff and Field Officers, tents in rear of the Company Officers' ; Rear Guard ten at the limit of ground in rear of all ; Hospital tent, in a place selected by the Medical Officer ; stores, chargers, horses, waggons, &c., on the most suitable ground in rear of the Staff Officers' tent. Each Commanding Officer should have a distinguishing flag erected in front of his tent. The colours ot a Corps should be in charge of the Quarter-guard, and stacked (in their cases) under the charge of No. i sentry of that Guard. No traffic of any kind should be allowed along the front of a Camp, or through the tents. All carts, waggons, and I •I ) •i m' If i ■ :. = 1) !t i66 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. horses should pass through the intervals and along the rear. A place for a market should be selected and named in orders. All persons coming to the camp to sell articles of any kind should be confined to this place and not allowed to wander about the Camp. The Camp Police should arrest all persons found wandering, and a Picquet should remain in the market until it is cleared. The Commanding Ofl&cer should arrange a tariff of prices at which various articles may be sold, and no departure from this should be allowed, all articles being paid for at the time by the purchaser. The Camp Police should make rounds at uncertain intervals through the Camp and summarily arrest all who may contravene the orders. Women of loose character should be carefully excluded from the camp. The Main Sireet, through the OfiQcers' tents, should be used by men on duty only. Non-commissioned Officers, or persons having business with OfiQcers. No person should be allowed amongst the Officers' tents except the Sergeant-Major, the Quarter-Master Sergeant, men on duty (such as sweepers, orderlies, &c.). Non- commissioned Officers, or persons having business with Officers ; all other persons being directed to pass by the flanks. NECESSARIES. Two flannel shirts, two padrs of woollen socks, a towel, a woollen cap, a knife and lanyard, a spare pair of boots, should be sufficient necessaries for a short camp. As washing clothing is not generally practicable, it is sufficient, for a few days' work, to expose flannel articles to the air, and beat them. Next in importance to the feeding of the men, is the condition of their feet for marching. Good boots and woollen socks are indispensable for marching ; the boots ENCAMPMENT. 167 ■ 7- \h^ ^ole low-heeled, and sufficiently should be broad m he sole, low ^^ ^^^^ ; ,HcU to obviate the foot feeing the .^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ t^^^ n^^L^fert^^^^^^^^^^ in while ho.and be dried at a fire. . . j^^^^ . A .oonen cap is very Sno^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "r: aU .Mn,s the " Glengarry answers xni;> i f keep the hair closely cut. KITCHENS. ^^ en as not to incommode the Kitchens should >- ""ade -^s^o" ^^ ^^.^^.^ occupants of the t^^'^.^^^te^ Stents, To obviate any a reasonable distance of he men s t^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ chance of this "convenience the doo ^^ ^^ '^^^r'-'T^:'"'^':^ the s^oUe into the no change ot wmu doorways. _ _^ j^jj^^^n in rear ot Each Company should have Us o ^^^ ^._^p,^^, ^d in line «»\'*\°;°,rg >n the direction that the Kitchen consists of a trench dug ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^, ^ind is blo^ving, of »»<* vnd ^^^^ „„ ^ach s.de ; placed on it, should not rest abo ^^.^^ ^^^ ^,„ ^ fts depth should be .^ ">• !» f J"^ („, , ft,, decreasing is blovving, and conuuue ^at dept^^^ ^^^^ ^,,^,, , .pace then gradually to 3 '«• f* *°" ^^^ of the trench, to serve „ust be left equal to *« ^readt ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ,s a chimney. The fire .s U a^ * ^^„ ^.^ „p the is deep; it should ''°\fT^ Aching one another trench. The Kettles are ^aced ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ along this trench; dry so^s shou ^ ^^^, j^, chinks made by the '"""^^^^^^'fl^, u is advisable to pile up sods, or v/itn bi. 1 68 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. in height at the end away from 13 1 of at least one foot the fire. If the Regiment halts for more than one day these Kitchens are susceptible of great improvement ; the chimney can be made of mud or wattle and daub, and the draught may be increased by using short pieces of hoop-iron, as bars stretched across the trench to support a filling in of clay round each kettle, or in other words, to make a regular place for each kettle, into which it will fit exactly, so that its position may be frequently changed to prevent the contents of one being cooked before the other. As the day following the wind may change to an exactly opposite direction, a similar trench must be dug in continuation of the former one, the same chimney being used ; in this manner the same chimney will serve for trenches cut to suit the wind blowing from all four quarters. The openings from these trenches into the chimney should be closed with a sod, except the one to be used when the fire is lit. In some places, where bricks or stones suitable to the purpose are to be had, it is better to construct these Kitchens on the ground, instead of below the surface. Two logs rolled together in the direction of the wind, the fire being kindled between them, make a good Kitchen, the kettles being hung from a stick resting at each end on a forked upright. Where stones are plentiful a temporary fire place can be quickly constructed ; small poles six or eight feet long, one end resting on the ground, the other end projecting over the stones, can be used to hang the kettles on. STRAW. When Straw is issued for the use of troops, it should be made into mats, and not left loose in the bottom of the tent. Mats mav be best made as follows:— The ENCAMPMENT. 169 from these the • and es of ^port lords, t will nged ? the o an idug Jiney rve four the le to ricks 2tter 1 of straw is twisted into ropes ; two rows of tent pegs are driven into the ground parallel to one another and two feet apart, and the rope passed round the pegs to form the web. Other straw ropes are interlaced, so as to form the woof, and an excellent mat is made in a short time. Each man should have two mats, one for his head and shoulders, the other for his legs. Four men will make the mats for an entire tent in one day, two twisting the ropes and two weaving. WATER. Few things arc of more importance to the well-being of troops when encamped, than a plentiful supply of pure water. From whatever source the water supply is derived, it is absolutely requisite that it should not be polluted. The Officer entrusted with the duty of forming the encampment should therefore post sentries over it, taking them from the first troops that arrive on the ground; when the camp is completely formed, a Guard should be posted over the water supply. If the supply is from a stream, great care should be taken that the watering place for the men should be distinct from that for the animals. The latter should be lower down the stream than the former, and it is advisable to send patrols up the stream to prevent men washing or bathing in it. All washing in the neighbourhood of wells or watering places used for drinking, should be strictly forbidden, as the foul water percolates through the soil. If the stream have a muddy bottom, great care should be taken not to stir up the mud by dipping vessels into it. If the stream be shallow, dams should be made on it ; these are easily constructed with a few pickets and sods, a small piece of tarpauling may be used with great advan- tage for the purpose of making them water tight, A barrej 170 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. il sunk in the bed of the stream affords a convenient place into which to collect water. Filters can be easily made by placing two barrels one within another, and ramming the place between with clean straw, coarse sand, and charcoal if it can be procured, or branches of trees with the bark taken off. The water is allowed to flow into the outer barrel and rises through holes pierced in the bottom of the inner barrel. In a standing camp, if the water is not good, charcoal should be made, and the water regularly filtered ; an average of one gallon per head is sufficient for troops when encamped ; if in standing camp, this allowance should be increased, as men should be encouraged to wash themselves as much as possible. LATRINES. Latrines should be made in the most convenient situa- tion, by fatigue parties as soon as troops arrive on the ground, the places having been previously marked out for them by the Quarter Master. The trench should be made as narrow as possible, and about four feet deep, a rail or post supported upon a forked post at both ends, and about eighteen inches from the ground, laid along the edge, will serve for the men to sit on, and the whole should be screened with brushes, trees or lumber from public view. A fatigue party should throw a couple of inches of earth over the soil every day. This, if carefully done, will prevent all smell. When the trench is filled up, another one should be dug near it. The Camp Police and Sentries should have orders to prevent the men from committing nuisances in the vicinity of the camp. PART VII. FORMS. Owing to want of space the accompanying Forms are necessarily very much contracted, but at the foot of each a note is attached specifying the size that each should be. Printed Forms are recommended in the majority of cases, as a great saving of both time and labour. 172 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. X s 0) c ■ \ c «rt ■& 1 — — .M- - — ■•--. . w > , l.4« '1 ' b. 1 .s < C a; 0. H. 11 O 2 u ^* X s OS o MM < tt) H d >^ s FORMS. 173; 'w^ ■J *— •./ ■*-• «-« - ^ «*' v s to '^ Wi •* rt *^ Xi '■J 73 Si "v s 5 Tc *j c 2^ r, <5 'J i CC p. — ^ u - 'J •J u in rt rt rt x rt o » "t *s U 'J rt u ^74 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL II FOItlfl 3. Door Card. No. Regiment. - Squad. Company. I Sergeant I Corporal. i6 Privates. Sergeant In Charge. (Size 4i X 3 inches.) F O K ITI 4 . Biii' Card. No. -^ PRIVATE — C ompacy, Regiment. (Size 3^2 Inches ) FORMS. 175 c u. a. IT, en c c c s u OS c o C/5 ■4-' u (i •*■' f*tfi c <-• 0} c 4«> M V2 o .^ .y y c E 5: 5 176 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. » 9 9 fa £0 a -v u 3 73 3 1£ i E ! Q o u a> N • ^H cn Ui o :z, > *D- <>4 z c u 2 73 r^ ^ ^ V at 2 b) fi< d M Z '..) CA 3£ • 'J :tf FORMS. 177 00 •* -5, 9 en .M u E s en 4) N (A rt o tr. 1 u H rt z -o c rt .:< c rt (• 02 as 2 'ji Cii 1 1 u: : . i 'o 1 U •> rrd «z « 1 I C/5 N (^ Cm rt 8 FORMS. 179 CO e >- o U r" C o fciO c s 6 o U a 0) '-' to ^ I c S s 6 o I If. 7) s s o o N • (/) "H U c: «J C < - I'lidur Anns 1 i \ i i Rccniifs at Drill ... Instructors at Drill Pioneers Mnsicians 1 Total 1 ' - On Guard , Goinj^ on Guard ... Serv'ts and IJatnien Tailors ! i 1 1 1 ! Shoemakers H Cooks and Orderlies Fatigue ir.' „. . ( In Kegt'l Hos. ^^^^\ In guarteis... Renfirtpd Sick Attend- j Hospital... ing ( Ofii. Mess Regimental Employ Pioneers Leave Ironi Parade. In Confinement , Attached to — Co. y To tal Present To tal Eflectives 7, On detachment With leave i 1 W - Without leave 1 cr, < 1 Sick at 1 1 1 In Imprisonment ... To tal Absent 1 I 1 Wanting to Complete ... 1 Es tablishinent ! 1 Att ached from No. —Co. , i 1 1 (Note paper size. — See continuatifjii.) Commanding Co.'y. FORMS. l8l FOK.TI lO-CoHtinued. Casualties. {To be placed on tlu back.) On Guard. Going on Guard. Servants and Batmen... Tailors Shoemakers Cooks and Orderlies ... Fatigue Sick in Hospital Sick in Quarters Reported Sick Attending Hospital Attending Officers'Mess. Regimental Employ Pioneers Leave from Parade In Confinement Attached to No. — Co. On Escort On IJetacliment Absent with Leave .•\bsont without Leave. Sick ._."........;.;." In Imprisonment ijf, ' i' Orderly Sergeant. N.P). — In making out this Parade State, which is intended for Barracks or Camp, the number of the "Total on Parade/' added to the "Total Present, " will give the number of "Total Effectives; ' add again the "Total Absent" and " Wanting to Complete," and you get the " Establishment." The Officers should not be added in with the Sergeants, Corporals, &c., in the total. The names of the Casualties should be written on the back, under their respective heads. l82 00 U "•" ^" u« t: y * S S " Z -^ h Hi o CANADIAN MIMTIA MANUAL t3 , C « -J ^^ cX »^ — 1 •S}u».''i5i.i'">s 1 "su.pjqtis 1 ! •un;jOl 1 i ( ; ' ' J c i"" ^\ ^ 1 .2 u ~" •."" «■« /-N ♦^ ^* •* 1 3 a 1-^ rt '/ ^^ •- rib 15 u s - 7) •f ■/] C 'J3 ^ (A Q •3 u 3 ^ u ■ = J •J C (/) ^ 7; 0) - sjc _Z 1; .= rt - U iC y o rU! • 1, ^ irt 7) «^ FORMS. 183 Field State. FOR.ll II. Kegi merit. 18 ■ ... 1 1 VI 1 *^ M tf) , u> tf) (/) . ' bb Distribution. U V c u . (A c •yi 3 u ft Casualties, i 'JO S ! -ants ers. Z.2 Tl c ©■ 11^ 1 ^ S w 1/ 2f , B rt 3 ♦^ 1) , 3 3 rr! U 73 1/3 r/: X, X 1 (J 73 73 73 a X Lender Anns.. 1 On Dctachm't' Attend'^ Drill On Dutv 1 ^ CWit'h i c Leave... Pioneers Musicians 3i - Without ' 5 i Leave... Orderlies • i Sick .^tteiidiiiK 1 Hospital. Attd'« Otticers. ' Mess ' 1 Cooks , Sick in Hosp'lj Sick in Q'rtrs.i 1 Prisoners R(«t'l Luiploy Batmen Total Present. — — ' — — Effectives Wanting Establislim'nt Supernumer's Total Lt-Col., Comm'g Regim:nt. (N. B. On a ;d 6 x 4 Inches). ^^w^r^a^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) e\\^ :a 1.0 I.I ■ 40 I 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 L25 ||U |ii.6 ^ 6" ► <5^ y] 'V' / Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) S72-4S03 <^\^^ ¥ ii >■' i 184 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. vl !i 1 FOR.'fl 13. Regiment. Church Paradz State of Co. 18 DISTRIBUTION. a E "E. rt U B XI s C/3 c rt V u C/5 tn "rt u u 3 PQ i > d (2 Episcopalians Presbyterians W'. sleyans Roman Catholics On Guard 01 (In Hospital ^ '(In Quarters Cooks Regimental Employ In Confinement Absent with Leave Officers' Mess Attached to — Company 1 Total Present 1 .'''' On Furlough — AK ( With Leave ADsent ( vVithout Leave On Detachment In Imprisonment Sick at Totar Absent Wanting to Complete 1 Establishment Attached from No. — Co 1 i O. Sergeant. Commanding Co. (Note paper size.) e 5 ) a * ill! --v-,^! 1 86 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. Sit ^ • H Id Remarks. "s roster ; in the a; s 0) 1 V4. a u J3 4-1 s G S i2 V u V5 _3J T! I B "Si 2^3 C3 * 5 (ii t2 (Al >, 1 ... a; ^ i nche; uldb nece: rt oi.^ X ^i5 .> d rt 4^ % O & S W •v c (t ■ji c a; ■x> Si {oo3 1 i 3 " ■ — ■| 1 — . . zi i ~ — . — ' 4^ '^ : S ■ 1 ^^ ■ ' '♦W •XijapjQ i < O 1 rt^ tI 'w Ih . c Regiment onth of — . . "sjjoosg (A S o J3 G >^. > > .r; *^ o . u » s *= c 15 = '^ c c o ^ o c •- = i; sjc o =,0 :; - B ■S ^ ?r ^ > a ■!:: ■r: T3 .i u *- *- y 2 c-s.-^ - - rt c a! SStj'b 2 « '^ t5c§ .^ G 3 ^ i*^ !U ¥1 1-1 > • ^ i5 a a; S-rt h S rt S- "^ ^ (fl a^ 5 a o C '" >-< O e "» U = 3 ■u ^ !:t 0) ,, "5 « 33^ rt rt 3 a ° C 0J3 a_,fK 3 a S or .(flBaj'-rt-- f: — a >>H « rt 3 rt > " ,„• 2 lU "pjaTj-o 4) 2 "" 2 ^ ct o o _ M _ t« o .a ^* oj •^ -^ o iJ o .ti rt 3 - 0)^ o t"^ a c > u a — o .•- o a o o o<— 2ji ^ «) u 0. ^ rt 01 ;« Q. fO OJ o .^— ^ n3 N w S X) '31 « g 6C Date of Ch rt ^ o d O ^ O o H • H s < rt H z CK -d o s ) H ^ ! Z c en ^ » - P4 ■*^ (^ z _ 6 Z 202 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. FORITI '^4. Regimental Orderly Sergeant's Report. i8 As Regimental Orderly Sergeant yesterday, I performed the follow- ing duties : — 1. I paraded the Orderly Sergeants at a.m. who reported their men all out of bed, and that no smoking had occurred during the night. 2. I paraded the Orderly Corporals and men for rations at 3. I saw the prisoners' necessaries sent to the Guard Room at a.m. 4. I went round the Barrack rooms (or tents) with the Captain of the Day at a.m., and found everything regular, (except No. toomofNo. Company.) I saw that the urme tubs were removed to the proper places, and partly filled with clean water. 5. I marched off the rations to the several guards, in charge of the respective Non-commissioned Officers. 6. I saw tb«? sick paraded and marched to Hospital. 7. I parai.v-d the Orderly Sergeants and evidences at a.m. 8. I collected the gate and canteen reports, and handed them to the Non-commissioned Officers on those duties. 9. I visited the cook-houses at , and , and , and found everything regular. 10. I paraded the Orderly Corporals and men at- and , and — , and marched them to the cook liouse for the meals. II. I paraded the Orderly Corpor;Js and men for getting groceries at — 12. I visited the canteen at , and , and , and found every thing regular. 13. I visited the Non-commissioned Officers on gate duty at , and , and I saw that the names of the defaulters were on the gate and canteen boards. 14. I left list of passes with the Sergeant of the Guard, and handed the passes to the Orderly Sergeants of Companies. 15. I saw that the defaulters paraded, and found all present and sober. 16. I shewed the Orders to the Field and Staff Officers. 17. I attended at T .ttoo, with the Subaltern of the Day. 18. I went round tne Barracks for camp) with the Subaltern of the day half an hour after Tattoo, and saw that all fires and lights were out, and everything quiet and regular. To the Sergeant Major, Regimem. Sergeant, Regiment. (Sheet of foolscap, one-fifth margin.) FORMS. 203 cc « « ifi H Q w w H < i en O O Q a z o t/3 (/3 M 8 z o Z fa o H OS o &< C3 u > o o -M o o Cm O O c o o 75 d) Oj 0) 73 D "tS 73 o; '' ^ " o o o t c o c ID WD 0) a; 0) 73 ^ or.-- en '2 j;^^ o. ■«-rf 3 Q h » • S en ■ ^ 3 , I' X ;^ 1 i > b 1 d U s 1 "" Ci. a 73 o V to o •J? (U — : h ^\iSL/<;\ ! I 'i 'J ^ ^S / 204 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL, 'A FORMS. 205 Mfl c c --* o O as CI s 0) u o Q g O i s s o H o w w o g rt C/5 = .-I PI > 2o6 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. -.'§§ >■ > -r: ^ CO c '.= t« ^ 1 ►-.c g i ■- • ... rt • U 1 IS C 1 &.0 f^^ 1 i) r<^ ^ a. i 1 /* ■ . 1 w'' 1 ~~~ >1 .5 •4—1 r— » 1 >-' 1 rt = 0) < I ^-^ i: ; = i ii c •■ i 5 1 . c c s rt ' K i u « 1 z !■ 1 1 " i -4J 1 a; i 1 i. a; c c u < ft! X < ' iK 1 1 'rs S oT ■ W §« . C OJ 1 1 ^ ft z K H W G Z a _ i < 1 1 0) 2 1 1 13 rtpO *§ s- 8^ c^; — '.. - 1 >H 03 « «2 TS -— — 2 § 3 \s 1 « , 1 1 3 FORMS. 207 . 1 *^ • ID c rt c 1 (/) ^ .! tc 1 \1. U u 00 : rt-ii 1 I-* 1 c7i • 1 "^15 i ' i « 1 Si (75 1 S3 i c; 1 e u '% s • '"^ *■* ■M •— ri ?, OJ z ^ ^ .5 "^ • 9t (U •'- 51 m C e; « X § ci fa S rt Z 1 E^ C ^ ' -c rt ♦Q &H C 1 1 rt g S u 6 1 1 < Z HH c *- 1 M ftJC 1 0) 1 S Pi . - >. c A 0. a u 208 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. 9 e En 1 ' ■ FORMS. 20 1 1 3 1 I O o CO M C I r O in 1 X ^H > 1 T5 j ■ u i ^B ci* p:: « K» ^^H ^^ w H &^ " _ ^M 4i^ 1 ^H Q 3> D t; % . ^H • 4- •< o i =^ 3 c-r 6 C 5f' ^ ^ rt :S y* ^^^H S O 2r >, 4) 1 1 s 9 o w " ^1 ['^M u 3 3 b 1 o i 1 C t ii. ''• ^^1 (fl 1 '''^1 ■* O i) '1 1— ( '■'^l H d : r^l o c ; ^^H o \ ^ ^1 =c ' ^H /^ C ^^ ' ^H J5 o '.■ -w 1 ■ 1 f ^^^H 61 1 . __- 1 '^1 CANADIAi\ MILITIA MANUAL. 1 •suoijBAjasqo ' c sc ■^ en S ■ . j -EUIJS9Q 1 MJieaH JO 9}b;s "5c uGijBjado JO aSB9SIQ ui OJ Q 1 j i 1 JO paiQ ; 1 •aSjBqosiQ ' ■uoissiuipv / ■>fOBnB JO .Onfuj o u Q O < X 6. .5 "^ of •.- o W •Joquin\j , -asBo JO -ox FORMS. 21 I Si DC ft ^ c 3J -J ■J C a, Q 03 ! ;;: o u 2 o o 1- ir 1"^ -- = 0; o 'J c CL, S o X - 2'^ 0) W 03 O . o til V ^ I P^ c o t/3 (UHS.13At'H •S>[OBSdBUX •s8ui[S •si(3q-}stHA\ ■soqonoj ■S)[3q-SS0J3 •spjTjqqBDS ■S)9UOXBf[ •sjauqaj^ If. s c s cr u O c c £• E o U •SdB3 S^BiOJ ■S-iasnojj^ I " 3 FORMS. 2 M •sSuii^Soi J B : •sonioq-J3}T3A\ ! C •SJ10BS.I3AHH 1 ■s>{OHsdieu>i 1 ' i 1 •sSiuiS , •Sil3q-}STT3A\ . •saifonoj >> •S}i3q-sso.io 1 •spaBqqHOS H 1 ^^ 1 •s^ouo.^Bg f 1 •sayiH ] < •s^auipH 1 1 •sdB3 93b.io^ >1 'A •sjgsnojx "a o •soiunx 1 7) c •s;boo iB3iO 1 o u o < H 1 t u o «! h 2 I • CANADIAN MILITIA MaNU. AL. To the Quarter- .Alaster;— Required for the use of nairicd stores •— FORlfl 3,3. ■ Keginient. Xc— iS (Company, the under- Commandin Co.' I'' i' RecaK-ed the above s.ores .his da, in good order." Commanding Qq and ,U.„ „,ed a^Ja/bS^JSS'fS^'Si.t-W '- "u'ir.b^S: /ml-^d" '\ FORMS. 215 Xo.- ider- 1 1 1 t: •sSuiSSai 1 T. ~ > •% I 9inoq-jajBA\ '; 1 \ •S>{0BS.13AKH j t^ lOT3SdBU>I _ i ' i .ti'rt >-^ -^ •sSuiis c yc 1 1 1 !- > •s;iaq-}siuA\ j tent 1 1 - •saqonOfj tr 4-> 1 . c a •s;iaq-sso.i3 I tr. •- Regim •spjBqqBOS 1 •s;9uoXEa 1 1 .2 ?i * pi i s Xi •4-* ■saum ! ff 1 S3-G 1 8 •s;9ui[8H 1 -^ -9 ^- i •sdBO aSBJoj ^1 i •i •SJ9SU0JX 1 25 1 •sotunx — . -^ 0) 1 ^"5 Oh s •s^Boo ;b9jo I B:S «-^ u V- c ^ 8 u rt . aj ^ SV Q c u u rt U B. T e "Co 00. 05 P rt .M (A i CANADIAN mUTlA MaXUA FORMS. 21 iS it a: Si Z o CJ U D W H w H 1^ S oJ e c C5 •s§ui8So'7 1 1 1 1 1 •>lOBSdBU]^ •qonod j '}iag ssojo •Suns •J19g jsiBA\ •pjBqqBOS •jauoXBg •syiH 1 •jauqaH •dB3 38BJOJ ■sjasnojx •oiunx •}B03 JB9J0 i MM o o c 1) o 73 3 s ^ % w ) 2l8 11 5» e; 0. o ♦» Q CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. y. 00 O o h c = I. Cl V •sSuiSSa^ •ai};oq-.i9}HA\ 1 i ■>{OBSdBU>I •§o.ij 1 1 1 1 -jRe ;siBAv •qonoj 1 •»I9e SS0J3 •§"!IS •pJHqqBOS •jauoXeg ■9U!H •J9UI19H •dH3 9§BJO J •sjasnojx •oiunx •}K03 ;b9J9 (/I tn lU u o u c/; oJ 0) •^3 -a OJ 0) u :/7 i s^ ■^^ C O 0) '^ D rt *-> 5C C/J C £ -d 1) 3 S 0) 4^ ^ (JJ P^ ^3 - 3 O r-j X, o ■J) rt 3 O ffi 12: FORMS. 219 1 >-6 \ >' W t:=y -t-t rt ^ -f is i: 3 X C/j &.C t/: g V U " c c "5: (A 5i y, <^ g .2 '"' (i: SO > Oi rt . >-6 rS ij , c 'r^ tc "^^ " ?? P« c i*- c >— s^ c/D ;.:= w , ^£ S% rt c cC 1 Z'^ I r^ S '-h- 5 . U"; ■- c • c "^ tr. J d ^ ♦- g a; 5 C/3 Si >5 tf e 6 -' rt (il 4-1 OS H *^ r:^ -<-i "^ ^— * ^-^ CO -S 'tS ^< oj J cTJ 1 rt •:: rt bo . ■r. ^^^ E c , rfl 'rt ■*- C CJ u .;: . (y «•§ c^ c/, "3 u 25; 3 c3 1 u ^0 t th ring uty Crt 1 i^ -^ 5 s =^ 1 >-' 1- ^ T"! 5 1 3<: Ttify t ed to < theD &i c ^1- a •w. CJ • r^ 'O H PART VIII. r BUGLE CALLS. Every Regiment should have an easily distinguishecr "Regimental Call," which precedes every call except " Reveille," "Retreat" and "Tattoo.' Duty Calls should be sounde 1 from the Regimental parade ground; Calls applying to Officers only, in front of their quarters. The "Dress" and other Calls for Commanding Officers parade. "Reveille," "Retreat" and "Tattoo." should be sounded by all the Buglers ; other duty Calls bv the Orderly Bugler with the Regimental Guard. The " Halt " sounding annuls the last Call. Between "Tattoo" and "Reveille" no Bugle should sound or Drum beat, except for "Lights out" or the purposes of alarm. BUGLE CALLS. 22 1 LI i.l I ■ I' 111"* 1 t rt ; <5 c a" 1^ — mt III 1% i I n 'I i« 1 1 : % I I I I '% - I I isa Cl.ii li 1 I I I ! ^ 1 ! , ■ >>« ||iii% I 1 ! 'I 1 « ^ m' ^ 1) 1^ i« ll'l% I M I ■ 1 n I i rn •I (A 1 iCV II i« riT W !X ! II* I rn { 1 UJ t y' ' s 1 n* o 1,11 I I a < 3 C rt rt 1 i>r riT%! i!h a. I ! ,<,;! I « 1 1 o « I if I ' I M * -1- '.- - • • i I m I ; I flj ■I'm v X I 1. I i 1 n M 1% ' Mil 1 \in m IX 'C c c CO I i» I I I 1 T , I'll: |. nil' I* ,« « i<^l. LI. m m m 1 1 I'll i-f- H- Ml' II * Ml « « 1 1 - ml. ffl rri« 1 1 ! i rno^ ;ii N M 1-1. M ' I I iii ^1 222 CANADIAN MIMTIA MANl'AL. o u 3 I Mill ! I I ! I « 1. !l! « LI. ' ' ' i 'ill t I i illlj 1.1. MM m LI I i-MM m LiJ I I J..I. J. 1. i ' %i W I 1 1 I i I ' HH-4- 5 I « .X £-^* I I I I I I' I I I % I I I I n. I I ' I i I 1 K iX ■4-M- I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ml' m m I. I I < I ! I « LI i I llMf « J. I "if • LLi 111 I I I M MM « IX ! M I W.I.I Ml' I I ' % I ! « « I I ' ! I I I I LI I! 'Q^ m IX I I dJU : iTi* Mill ,>l"l I 'III m. I I ■ . I « I L i . M % I 1. I I I ' 1 : ■ M t- I III « LLI ! I I a. L I. MM i ! : I .MM M il l I I « I I I I « II Mm !>i ! i rri % I ll^4H 1 1 1 1 f n TTT ir; ■|^T iin ilL! OLi. ! i 'M I U CD! I k-^.' 1 1 1 I Ml ^1 I I I.I Im! % X I ( I I I « LL %'iJ_L ; M M Mill "Ml I I ill *iJ4 MM m Li I M I W iJ III i J_LL I I M I I I 1 MM I I I I I Ml « M L I I M ■ « .IJ_L. ''Ill «1_L1. Mil #b BUGLE CALLS. 223. 01 ■k i I :■ 5-1* m* m^ ^i^t;) 224 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. in 1^1 mm •J U o O C/3 y !•'■ m ij III: i i ; i • J_U.ll hill « 1 I I y. 11 -llII «i 11 i i !l m I I Ji • it !j > M i : I M ! > II %1J-I..«I ' < ' ^ . I « 1 I. I I I I I I ! . 'MM II ■ J X I i"n% Ml! I I Ci ,Cj 1 1 1 "Ijj i 1| ill! I • J_J_L % li g rt ^ 5 5 >> .= -. 5 C .5^ = &- v: ^r. rt p :^ ^^ = £ C = o >.^ ^ i: '-^ "" - s . £=;:'/ c ^ 5 o 5 ^ ii V r- ~ ^"^ ^ o (A . . r; -^ cr. '_ c -^ c ^ -! ^ c ^ •-' ^^ ■*— ' 1 1 i I i !*il * I I.I. 1% I ! A M I ■ "^1 ll^ Mill BUGLE CALLS. 225 c i> o 13 l£ ^^ o <«-J v2 ^ 'I-' <:i (U K t< r-" *-> t"*^ ■M (U c CJ X ,o (u o r- . [/) 9.A rt o tr o • c <-> h 1-1 1 ^ ([• ft I : ' I ■ Ml i Mill I I !T « IX ! ' M I *Li/l I < ' I I ! « ij, m IX I Ml « LI. ♦ MM a; IX MM n-i% I I i i_ « IX I* 1.1 r "^ ^ 5 C3 'T3 «iL!X : I i iT I M ' J Mill 1 %.IJ «m/ i '« iJ «M I f I I M ft .X I I \^\\ o ft ii cr (U ft! LI J I 1 %! ft.i_Ll ' ft i.l. c OJ e: (/) Td c o 1 M • Ti • i.i J J I M n Ii 1 1 1 1 ft jj MM I ftlU. MM ft U I r K (3H ft Jl \ 1 ft 1-1. ,li oc 15 226 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. !=^'d I NI ' I I I h-i» I I I M 1_L' ti^ EC If I M m I RL ri-i; IB i« "ttt* I I I u '5 cr u 01 u Ri W o c V M c in c o C) O VI H ■< C/3 I n O .H 23 r-i '.> ■ m r. ;^ rt 1 "*■ n i • 1 i T • 1 . MM Klli 1 I I L m l-H- ^ ^-r h-t; MM i I s W.I. m ix BUGLE CALLS. 227 I 228 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. U-L m \ 4J .2 c o c s M-f ill,, 'I «1 ^ « J. .^ •l^ C o en 1 « A MA !i! 1 I I I I I W I.I %.U_L, 111 I'll m LiJ 3 fc/1 « L c o U « !. ! i I !!• » 1. I t-M- I I 1 I « JJJ 4 i.ll « LLl C^ m 1 i -l-i « i.il MM w ill Mil W I. J 111 I I I II M .3 I i i >.^ « n !• cr. M t H % iX ;v -kl I' to « IX -t-+-r I I % L 1 • 1 • 1 ft. L 1 1 • 1 1 ri- J LIJ BUGLE CALLS. 229 ll^-^ 00 m^^ o ii ! M 230 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. ,l.i 1.. I ; : I m I \ ?■ a; c N I I'M «i I « J_I. « 1. l^. .Uu ! !T% +-MH I un (•n 1^ ' 1 i Dl I* I « I I. M I : I ' ' I M I.' ■ I ij W LL I %' I I I ! 1 I I I « J_L.I ' •I : ■!! « I I J ! C- rn % m I I A ! I % JJ_L •' _LLL I / ll'l m I IM tt LI. I I I I I % J_l J. •: ! fl •' I i.a l»LI i I I 0.1. ! I ! -IH-t w iMIl m Li .1 rrii I ! Mill Q I I I ; I i i j I ri i« W I I '] ■Ml m I-.L SI • i I 1 IJ'"I Mi II 19 i'! m I 'III !•: I •! m u I m 1 1 I ! « I I.I U4-+-+_) • J-l I I « I 'J (. n !• w 1.1 II I I : t-M-l m I I I I I I I / J ' I I. Mil I I *! nn lii iLti± «iiik S^ii^- 4J-i^ Th^ lT*5li TTSiJ rwfi in I Hit 'i^\ i ! BUGLE CALLS. 231 '■[ 232 « Li ■ ; i ! h I 1 1 «. 1 1 % 1 1 !<,. It: 1 * .1 _LU.. u I— ' 1% I i m C A J_LI i i •\ I I « J_IJ. . i : I % J_LL !«. ;' K II ^ X 11 ►: ! fV ":^ 1 1 • • 1 1 1 IT ' 1 I* 1 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. I I ! M "ri% ri~r% MM % I I im/ I in rri% « I J r • n • II' .1 I |i M I I TT% 'mm m. !J- '«.! I J 1 1 1 I ri-i; > 1 1 1 I I'l'i ■ « I. m.\ ! # MM • LIJ I i i'' ' % UJ Ml. «.LI I « III M ' : • .LU I M ^ « I iJ « 1 « I iJ « 1-1 J MM! « I II w Li. I M ' M 7 I 1 «. I I i :«- ■ « I 1 I • rrr% 'Ml ur MM TTT% Mil I I I ..KM I % III !«' ill uri mm i I itS^ iTKf:) TTm:) tr^ /n~r in~r% i M I rn% (5 I ! ! 1 I l?M I I i I "ri% IT* I I ' m* I I I I'll I « M W I i J W .LI I II I I W l.l_. III ■ m I..L.I MM m I I WlJI i-f A V A V (•'a. 'Ml wi i% I 4H A V A V t-l " l M ir [05 i c-riQ^ IX II I T\% MM A V H-f-H I M >" l t-l- t I I 1?LI 1) I I ill' I Ml I I I rn n-i% MM I r\% r'n % I I in r«\ A V !■ M I iir % i_ij I I I \\ u ^ !t:» i .' ■-TTO I I -i^ ^«^j BUGLE CALLS. 233 A IV i^H 234 CANADIAN MILITIA MANUAL. r^ m. m I. 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 I I1LI Mill o c o U o o < 11% 1*1 II «. I. I I I r I I I m ' I ' I W.L I II I W. ' III. W.IJ. ill! -+-H-1 Mill 111% I m. J. / I ; I I 1 11% / I I 1 1 1% I I I 1 1 TT' I I ULI I n% nil rTT% I I H- I I (TT . I I II I I TTl I I i% I I ri% I I 1 1 -H- l»L.I CO. ( Il l A i V I I • i i 1 Ki 1 I I ! t ( 1 C-iOL !;. 'A V O U 3 It -MIMA - ^M^ V r. = > I ' I I r i% •i 1 % 1 % 1 'r, % I ffi ^'l (• Uri I I) f4, i-f ft (D A V « A V H- 1 -H I 1 r y 7% 1 "% r 1 1 % 1 1 1 % 1 1 1 ' ! i 4^^ Ih % O t'"- •" " u c I ?i el ^ 2i^ - •^ C/3 C/5 T3 O Ji >H c S (U 3 O 0/1 t/3 • 3 fi . ^ l I' I ! 11 Jijj I r • I < INDEX. A. , Go Absence, officers' leave ot ■ •■•• ••■•••• non-commissioned olliccrs' and mens leave ol ^^^^^ witliont leave ,^ Accoutrements, how arranged • ^^^^ blacking for Adjutant, duties of ^^ Addressing; ofliccrs, manner of '^ ^^ Address of soldiers' letters •■" ^^ Armourer sergeant, duties of Armed parties, by wliom commanded ■••••••■• _^ Arms, how arranged 78 examination of B. 155 . Baggage _ 10 Band master, duties of y ^„ Bandsmen, duties of ■■■■ ^^ Band, duties on parade 43 Barracks, regulations for 44 Beds, how arranged .'............... 154 Bivouac 118 Boards 139 Books, regimental i45 company j^^ individual j,^ Book, general order 139 regimental order ■ ^^^ record of officers' services digest of services of regmient ^^^ portfolio of attestations ••••••■ ^^^ letter ''" 1^2 return _ j^2 register of furloughs ^^^ description of deserters ZZ... I43 defaulter, regimental 238 INDEX. Book, officer's court martial court martial ^'♦3 diary of parades ......_ ^'^'^ casualty ^44 crime ^44 hospital ^44 quarter master's ^'^"^ company order ^"^^ company roll ^45 company ledger ^'^^ company defaulter .,." ^'^^ company stores ^"^^ Bugle major, duties of !.."..".!.!! ^'^^ Buglers, duties of ^3 Bugle Calls !!.".".!!!!"!!. ^^ advance guard... ^^° band 235 bread '^'.''^^^^^'Z ^^^ corporals' ^^^ defaulters' ^^7 disperse ^^3 dress, the ^^^ drummers'... ^^^ fall in ZZ.'....Z. "^ fatigue 2^^ first post ^^5 flank guard ''''Z'ZZZ. ^^^ general salute ^^^ guard 2^^ lightsout ^^^ meat; ^34 . 22^ non-commissioned officers' . officers' ^^-^ officers' mess ^^^ orders ^^^ picquet ^^^ ^^^ quarter ^^^ rearguard ^^^ retreat [ ^^ reveille ^^° 221 rouse sergeants' "^l , ,. 226 sergeants dinner... o 22o INDEX. 239 225 Bugle Calls, sit down ^^^ tattoo 224 vegetables c. , . J. 43 Camps, regulations tor ^^^ plan of '^"'^^'Z 167 kitchen Canteens, regulations for ^^ Captains, duties of g Captain of the day, duties of ^^^ Casualty book ■■■■ ^^6 Cells J27 Chevrons go Choice of quarters ^g Clothing, how arranged, in quarters ^^^ Civil courts, offences punishable by ^^ Colour s-rgeants, duties of ^^ Commanding officer, dutiesof ■" ^^^ powers ot ,, Company organization ^^ ^^ taking over, ' ^^ designation, ^ ^^ ^5 flank, 107 orderly sergeant, duties of ^^^ corporal, duties of ^^2 cook, duties of j^j books j^5 order book ^ j^j roll book j^5 ledger '""' ,46 defaulter book j^g stores book ^ J27 Complaints, 78 Compliments, general y gj guards paying g3 sentries paying j^ Cook, sergeant, duties of ■" j^e house orderly ■■""' hG Courts martial 118 Courts of inquiry 144 Court martialbook 147 Correspondence, official j^o private i tl 11 240 INDEX. Crying down credit 48 Crime 120 book 144 Daily routine, regimental 39 Defaulters 41 drill of 130 Defaulter book, regimental 143 company 146 Desertion 126 Deserters, description of 142 Diary of parades 144 Digest of services of aregiment 140 Discharge 37 Divine service 51 Dress, officers' 131 non-commissioned officers' and men's 134 order of, officers' 133 order of, non-commissioned officers' and men's 138 Drills 65 Drum major, duties of 13 Drummers, duties of 37 Drunkenness 123 Duties, roster of 82 on guard 86 on sentry 93 on escort 95 onpicquet 96 of police 7 of provost sergeant 97 of captain of the day 98 of subaltern of the day 99 of regimental orderly sergeant 102 of " " corporal 104 of non-commissioned officer for sick, 104 ©I •• " " defaulters, 105 of " " " on gate, 105 of " " " on canteen 105 of " " " for cook house, 106 of regimer.tal orderlies 106 of company orderly sergeant, 107 of " " corporal, iii mM INDEX. 241 Duties, of company cooks, "2 of '' orderly men, 113 Duty roster, officers' 83 non-commissioned officers' and men's 84 company 85 E. Encampment formation of i59 Enrolment, mude of ■ 3^ Escorts, duties of 95 F. Feu-de-joie, firing a 77 Flank companies 35 Fire, alarmof 43 Forms ^7i Form of attestation ^72 discharge • ^73 door card ^74 bed card ^74 address for soldiers' letters. ^75 company sick report ^/^ surgeon's daily report "^17 " weekly " ^7^ pass ^79 morning parade state ^°° afternoon " " ^^^ field state ^^3 church parade state ^°4 iuusterroll ^^5 officers' duty roster '°" sergeant major's roster ■^°7 duly state ^^* company duty roster ^9*^ guard report ^92 captain of day's report '97 subaltern of day's report '9^ defaulters' list '59 gate and canteen report... 200 general absent report 2°^ regimental orderly sergeant's report 20z c. n;cen re ort 2°i 242 INDEX. Form of company absent report crime report ^°'^ ration return ^°5 medical report on prisoners !"!!!!"!! -^^^ record of officers' services . ^^^ defaulter book " '' ^°^ hospital admission and discharge book ^°^ quarter master's account with militia depariment 211 regiment ... requisition. ■* company's account with regimental store Trt II 1, • 1. . , . 215 individual marching in state ^^^ Furloughs, regulations for . ^^^ 62 a- . Gateduty General order book ..." "^ Giving military information ^^^ Great coats, how worn folded ...^ "^ Guards, dutieson ^^^ meals for ' ^^ paying compliments "^ relieving ^^ : 85 H. Haversacks, how worn Head-dress, how worn ^^^ Hospital Book ^35 Hospital, regulations for ^^* ■ sergeant, duties of . ^^ 49 I. Individual books Inspection, medical, of a regiment ^'^'^ " m II „r • 51 of prisoners 51 K. Kitchens, camp Knapsacks, how worn ^^'^ 136 I INDEX. 243 ^ L. Latrines 170 Leave of absence, officers' 61 non-commissioned officers' and mens' 62 Leggings, when worn ^i^ Letters, regulations for 48 Letter book ^42 Lights out, hour for 43 M. Majors, duties of ••• ^4 Marches ^52 Meals, hours of 4^ dress for 45 Medical officers, duties of 27 Medical inspection, of regiment 5i «« " of prisoners 5^^ Mess, officers' 53 sergeants' 5^ Military discussions, prohibition of 121 Musketry, duties of sergeant instructor " Muster parades 7^ N. Necessaries, for camp ^^^ Non-commissioned officers, duties of 7 promotion of ° examination of ° precedence of 9 in charge of squads, &c 16 tour of duty 84 punishment of ^" dress ^34 orders of dress ^3^ books tor ^^7 o. Ofifences, punishable by court martial "6 " by civil courts "9 " by c mmanding officer 120 Officers, general duties of ^7 mess 5^ 244 INDEX. Ofllcers' leave ,..., 60 manner of addressing 1 76 tour of duty * 82 duty roster 83 orderly duties 98 punishment of 122 dress 131 orders of dress 138 court martial book 143 books for 147 OflBcial correspondence 147 Orders, issue of 47 Orderly room clerk, duties of 12 Orderly sergeant, duties of regimental 102 *' " " of company 107 Orderly corporal " of regimental 104 " •• " of company m Orderlies, duties of 106 Orderly, cook house, duties of 106 men, duties of "3 Organization, regimental 34 company 35 P. Pay master, duties of 29 clerk, duties of 12 Parades, regulations for 65 forming 67 muster 7^ duty 72 dismissing 73 drawing swords on 74 bands on 75 Party demonstrations, forbidden 121 Passes, regulations for 62 Plan ol a camp 1^4 Plain clothes, by whom worn ^35 Picquets, duties of 9^ Pipe major, duties of i3 Pioneers, duties of 39 Pioneer sergeant, duties of X4 Pitching tents, mode of 161 Police, duties of^ 97" INDEX. 245 Portfolio of attestations ^^^ Private soldiers, duties of 1 5 Prisoners, medical inspection of 5^ before commanding officer ^^^ pmiishment by captain "^ Private correspondence, how addressed ^5° Provost sergeant, duties of 97 Punishment, by commanding officer ^^° ■ ' . 121 by captam drill, description of ^^° Q. Quarter master, duties of ^9 sergeant, duties of books ^^ Quarters, choice of ■• Railway, transport by ^^7 Record of officers' services ^'^" Registerot furloughs ^'^ Regimental organization orderly sergeant, duties of " corporal, duties oi ^^^ books ^^ order book ^^ Relieving guard sentries Retreat, hour of ^ Return book ^^ Reveille, hour of ^^ Roster of duties, officers' non-commissioned officers' and men °+ Routine, daily in barracks or camp 39 s. 80 Salutes, officers g non-commissioned officers'and men 7 sentries, dutiesof paying compliments relieving Sergeant major, duties of 246 INDEX. Sergeants' mess, regulations for 56 Servants, regulations for 63 Sick, going into hospital 49 coining out of hospital 50 list of, for orderly room 50 non-commissioned officers detailed for 104 Squadding, mode of 35 Staff sergeants, report to 34 Straw, regulations fbr, in camp 168 Subalterns, duties of 33 Subaltern of the day, duties of 99 T. Tattoo, hour of 40 Tent pitching, mode of 161 Tolls, regulations for 156 Tour of duty, officers' 82 non-commissioned officers' and men 84 Transfer of men 37 of a company 32 Transport by railway, regulations for 157 by water, regulations for 158 officer, duties of 157 sergeant, duties of 157 w, Water bottles, how worn 136 in camp regulations for 169 transport by, regulations for 15S ■=^,aO«°* T. CLAXTON, Importer & Dealer in AlITARY IIaND llNSTRUMENTS . BAND MUSIC, Husical Instruments & Fittings of all kinds. {»HERT MUSIC AT.IIAI.F t*UI€E, A $i.oo Piece for 50c. and a 50c. piece for 25^. (catalogues free). Having an established connection with some of the largest and best Houses in England, France and Germany, I am prepared to accept import orders for Band Instruments and Musical Instruments of every description. P. S. — Send a Post Card for my Catalogue of Half-price Music, and Thereby Save 50 Per Cent. V. €L.AXTOI¥t 197 Von|p;e St., Toronto. SezicL fox X^e^-acecL Xjist of ^Prices. lattitavu Snilcrv and ©titfittev, ALBERT HALL BUILDING, ISl ■2"03^TC3-E3 STI^EET, TORONTO, A few Doors North of Queen St. Uniforms of every description made to order according to the Latest Regulation, and everything necessary to an Officer's Outfit supplied at the Shortest Notice. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. ALL GOODS FORWARDED C. O. D. Willing & Williamson, TORONTO. Military Books a Specialty. ^ CATALOGUES FREE ON APPLICATION. 7 & 9 KING ST. E., TORONTO. JiL.. \ SRDDLERS, HARNESS 8c TRUNK MMERS, And Dealers in all Kinda of lilHarii ^rconirenicnis. Prompt attention to Orders and Enquiries by Mail. 115 YONGE STREET, TORONTO.