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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 f!/^ l^-'-^^ L . t\\ B I'M X V HE y^ 1 /'-I r- ^ V J OF OUR LORD i/ii m D JJ A sKiiMoN imii:a( iii:i> i;v iiii: i:i:\. i' m I!\m-\v W i'AS'l'oll ol" KNOX ( III lirll. MTIAW A. ( >.\ |E} SI NDAV. rilK Jm- AIMIII.. l^'.*'' y ( lv\-i ii; Si M'\^ ) im;imi:ii \\\ ki'ji r*'f. &\i Oa X^^r-^ --"^ I'l.'lNlll' IIV .l\MI~ ll"i|l vV >'>S- %c: ^ c3cE» cTEapraj^-?^ Acts II. .')ii : — '■ 77(/.N' .l,.-, irhrrtof tic all nri irifiu'ssis "". z. I |»r(»|Htsc 1(1 discuss tlii> iiinniiiiL! tlic pront's uf our I.tml's rt'surrcctio ni»i tli:it I tMnk M >|M'ci.ill\ the |)rnvin«r of the pulpit to tvcii n (l.-iu^'cr tli;i( vmi. wliosr jicrsoual cxpcrirncr ol' the power of iIh' irosprl ;itT»»nls you the stroiiLTt'st evidence in it> f;ivor. >liouid lie Moulded if muv weaker iirLMiineiil lie j»r('S«'iited. Vet we ouulit to know liow the objections (d' sceptics niiiy lie met : how incpiircrs may he hroutdit to that frame of nund in which they arc disposed to li.-ten to the < laiujs <>f Christ. Now the pioof of no <»ther c\cnt in Christian histor\ is so important as this. If .Icsus did not rise, lie may have Keen till' hcdiest of men and the !il-eatest of reliuious teachers, hut the Christ of thedospels llcc;innot havel>cen. lie has n<»t in that case liceu declared to he the Son of (iod with prtwer : our faith is \ain. we arc yel in our sins. 1. ]\ li'lf h sfniiiiinL I/kii. is ImriK In this (illiijul furl/ The f(»ur (iospcl> hc:ir aliundant evidence. The only c\cnt to which their testimony i- nioi'c profuse is tlie crucilixion. There arc variali<»ns in the narratives, luil these do not impair the vahu' of the evi cannoi i.^ ;"<'oncile writ- ten hy the hc|o\.d di-ciplc. l!ioui:!i late in |i|V. and that the other three were written hefore the downfall (,f .lcru>aleni. Thi- helicf I cannot now e-tal«li-li. hut it i- -tronuly held li\ the mas> of Christian writers, earlier and lali'r. Thu> it would ap|ie;ii' that men who li\ed throuuh the events lotify to the niarvel|on> fact on which the ehurch is founded. Ihit w c pos c\-en -trou^ci' testimony. .\ fiw iiitics iia\c denied that so much as one of the writiniis of the New Testament is genuine, hut these extreme men have never won any authority with others of their own -cliool. All with whom any arL'tuuent can he held have always maintained, that the l']pi-tlc- to the Konian- and (lalatioiis. louether with the two Kpistles to the ( orinthians. arc the work of rani. Step hv step, indeed, crilio arc winniiiir tlnir wa\ I" the position of the church. Oidy last year Ilarnack. of IJerlin. one of theahlestand most independent of them, allirmed that at any rate the (lospcl of Mark \\a> written \>\ the nepheu of Hiirnahas hefore A. I). 7t), iiiwl tliat iM'iirly al' tin- lOpisllcs vvliidi \v«' ascrilx' t<» I'aul were (•(tiii|>ns(';('iit |>in'|ti»sc. the luiii- irrcal Kpistlcs of tliis Apostle will suirnf, and rcjiardinj^ llnsc it may sim|»ly lie said, tliat the character and intellect of Paul are so stronjrly stamped upon them, that thi' testifnony of all the Christ- ian ajres is ahsolutely immoveahlc. Now in llomans. writing to Christians, many of whom h id never felt his own inlluence, I'aul mentions the resiu'reetion of ( hrist as a matter of coui'se ( Uom. i. 4 ), , and in (Jalations, writinu to a church which was driftini: away from his special doctrines, lie refers to it as an event in which all parties rejoice i(lal. i. 1 ). A<:ain, in I Cor. lo, addressin;^,' men who denied the L'cneral resurrection of the dead, he nx'cts them with an inference, evidently nauseous to them, viz., that Christ cannot have I'isen. Nay. he states in this passaue how many persons had actually seen Christ after His resurrection. It has recently heen su«r,u:ested that he meant no mor*'. than that they were convinced that .h'sus still lived in heaven. us try. then, how this very peculiar sense >if the word '•see"" will suit in an- other part of the same Kpistle. in 1 Cor. *>. i'aul is ariiuinu- that he is a true ,\|»o>tlc. and hy way of |»ioof he asks. " Have I not seen .lesus otu' Loi'd ".' " 1 )ocs he sUL^n;_f a conviction as the other .\postles, that, thoui.di already crucilied, .lesus still lives in heaven ? Did this conviction make a man an a|iostle, oi' was it not essential that he should have seen .lesus in the hody after lie had ris( ii ? Iler<' surely is a man who testilies for himself and many otheis anmv iind just and lioiioraMr and lovely and of (rood • r<'|)ort. Wero tlicy tlxMi mistaken ■' Ves, sonw liav.- answered. .Icsus swooned on the cross, was laid in the . cool air and the spices, crept out to his and thoujzh he soon di«'d. the disciples were inspirited hy his temporary esca|.e. and so went forth to estahjish tin- church of the risen One. It is dillicult to helieve that any one could pnhlish so ahsnrd a tlieorv with a serious face. Were the disciples so foolish as to h,. cucour- ai,M'd hy such an escape, was I'aul s<. mad as to call this a resurrec- tion? No critic is known to hold this view at the present time. At last we come to the etVorts of serious and sohcr men to a<'count for the conviction> of the jipostles without concediii tai> lorl. They eould not he content to let llini rot in the toiiih. they weiv full (.f the loii-in- to see ai^ain the Master who had lilled lli> circle with j(.y :nid hope and so they wrought themselves into theeonviction that thev would see liim auain. In such a >tate it was easy to imagine that lie had ajipeared to them. l-:.\citah|e people to-day have \ i-ions of their ahscnt friends. I!ui yon will notice that the ho|.e- of the disciples were crushed l>y (h- death of their Master. \o doiil.t they l(»nf a .Messiah who should die. How could thev then exjiect Jesus (.f Na/.areth to rise aL-'ain".' Nor. a<;ain, was there time for them t(» recover natiually from their irreat depres- sion and hy sonic ordinary means attain to the (inn conviction of His resurrection till, as this tc.xt testities. they were i)reachin;: Ixddly as witnesses of His trium|»h over death. Onlv the most extreme criticism will discredit wholly this hist(.ry of the earlv days of the church. Still more dillicult is it to -ret rid of the testimony of Paul. He does indeed aninn that he received visi- ons from the liord, hut it is a lon to tl»e (Mtnelusion that he was a visionary. It is said that on his way to Damascus, his mind was full of wretcheearances. \N'as Psiul some weak-minded enthusiast? On the contrary, his was a " sane, strong nature''. Not only did he give himself with all enihusiasm to the preaching of a risen Christ, hut hv conceived a theology which has nourished the profoundest s|)irits oi later ages, he enunciated jn'incijiles of conduct which hav«' ins[)ired the saintliest UK^n (Jod has given to tlu' church, and he guided the (Jentile churches and d(?cidcd (jues- tions of the gravest diHicidty with a wisulse was conununicated to them. "The p(»wer of I lis resurrec- tion " had wrought within them. Having hccoine in the higliest degree a (|uickcning spirit. He <|uickened them anew hy His spirit and through them the chmvh they founde(l. it is really the character of the Christian church For which we have to account, or, rather, that heavenly idea of it which has carried ca{)tive the minds and hearts and lives of the greatest Christian teachers. An effect so transcendetit ilrnKitidx a cause no less than divine. A supernatural society ninMf have had a supernatural origin. And, hretliren. He who ennoi '^d and exalted the men of other days can equallv l»less vou. " I am the Resurrection and the Life : he that helieveth on Me, though he