'^. .s %. CiJ\t: %^ 1% rMAGF EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) Wo {/ Y €s. ^p} My Dearly Beloved Brethren, — 'V^O"^^*^ Itis&tated ihat when the remains of Dr. Payson,an eMifient Minister of the Gospel were carried to the Church, where he had so frequently and so faithfully dispensed the word of life, his weeping people saw a paper lying on his motionless breast, placei there at his own request with this inscription, " Remember the words I spake unto you, while I was yet with you." Now although my address on this occasion may come to you in a m mner less fitted to impress your hearts, yet I trust you will receive it as a token of my love for your souls, and not give an unwilling ear to one, who for the last twelve years has laboured among you in the Lord. As it is customary on such occasions as the present for one friend to express towarjs another the mutual demonstration of cordiality ani good will, so I wouU beg you to accept pf my best wishes for your welfare. It is my earnest prayer that this year on which we have justenteicd, may be to you the commencement of mmy happy years to ceme, and that during the remamir^^ ^^^^^^-^ ^fSHP'f ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ exj^^^rience ■L-^aL'ir.::j^a^-*a I the blessed fulfiWent of that j^rofaiifee « THey t^at sfieek the Lord ^all iuk want ^ny good thing. ^' But while desiring yo\jr temporal welfare, I would not be unmindful of your souls. May they " prosper and be in health !" May they b6 washed in the blood of Jesu^. May they be saved iii the day of the Lord, In addressing you oh this occasion, it is niy intention to say a word or two to each of those classes of which every congregation is more or less composed ; for while thore are only two classes strictly speaking — ^the righteous and the wicked — ^believers and unbelievers — children of God and children of the wicked one, these may be divided into other clashes indicative of their progress in the ways of holiness or those of sin. First class, — Tho.^ who have closed with Christ and are liviiig as his true disciples. Your number, My Dear Breth- ren is comparatively small. Ye are indeed " a itie flock'^ But " fear not — ^it is your Father^s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom." As Lot was vexed with the filthy conversa- tion of the inhabitants of Sodom, so you cannot but be vexed with the inconsistent character and conduct of many belong- ing to the congregatior, O what need have we " to sigh alid cry for all the'abomipations that are done in the midst of us." I doubt not, Brethren, but you are ready to eomplaiti ^ith Elijah of the few that fear the Lord and keep his cov- fehaht, but as he was surprised when God told him; that thelr^ i)