^, v^ T; IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) * <■•■■ Garporatian /" ■■f^ ^ <■■■ \ f CIHM Microfiehd Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) rt!r ' \ • ¥ »#• • Canadian Institut* for HIttorteal MIcroraproductlona / Inttitut Canadian da microraproductlona hittoriquaa .^- TIM liwtiMtt Ml ■Wiwpli< to MMairapMHilv ^ Mitt ^mtt-Mn ( D D D Bound with othw matwidt/ R«IM avM d*MitrM doc wm mi r*n Tl#it btndi m hmv ■iMddvM or diatortioa La raUtm tarrte patrt c amar da I'omhra ou da la diftoniofi la long da la marft inl4riaora □ itank. loaaat addad durint rattoration may MfillNn' tM taiif. Whanavaf powMa, . . Daati OMMttad from ffiMiiii^ II Ml itaut qua eartainai Ion d'lma rattMiration apparainant dam la taxta, mail, lonqua eala Atait pouiMa. ca« pam n'ont pas ata fiinifM* Indudat indaM(a«)/ Comprand un (dat) indax Titia on hMdar tahan from:/ La titra da I'an-tita proviant: TitIa paga of i«Mia/ Plitt da titra da la livraiton r^ Caption of ntm/ Titra da depart da la livraiton Matthaad/ G4n«riqua (pAriodiquas) da la livraiton r-T/iddltionaleommantt:/ p„t ofe^^ag.s 13-15 Is «l«dliig, LkU C om m antairai tupptAmantairat: -^ : ' Thit itam it f ifcnad at tita raduction ratio chaakad Muti/" / Ca documant att filin« ao tauM da reduction indiqu* ei^daaioua, ^OJt^ ^wr "iwr CE T2X n7[ ^xjr xv Mat I* I Tlwl ofth fllml Orial bdflii ttMll •Ion, first •l«M«. 0^ ill) Thdl ■hsil TINU |.hlol Mapi diffti •ntirt right rsquli m«th % 12X 1CX »» 2«X 2tX 22% ; % D ^^ ** ?f-?*r* ^ ***^ ^ ^**^ f«»r«4u««4 thank* to VMi 9#n#fodtv oft / # Notropollton Toronto Mforonco library laldMin Room Tha lma«aa appaadng hara ara tha baat quality poaalMa oonaMarlng tha oontfltlon and {aorbfiltv of tha ari«inal copy and In kaaplnf with tha fNmlnfl aontraat apaalflaatlona. Original oflQiM In printad fMpar eovart ara fllmad bafllnnMg with tha front eovar and anding on tha laai iMga with a printad or llluatratad Improi* alon, or tha back oovar whan approprlata. All Athar original ooplaa ^n fllmad baglnning on tha firat paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraa- alon. and andIng on tha laat paga with a printad o^ IlluatratafI Impraaalon. Tho laat taoordad frama on oaeh miorof loha ahall oontain tha symbol — ^ (moaning "CON- TINUeO"). or tha symbol V (moaning "END"). j|Mrhlchavar appliaa. Mapa. platii/eharts, oto.. may bo ftlmad at diffarant raduotlon ratloa. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraly Includad In ona aNpoaurr«iiLlilm« algnlfia symbolo ▼ signlflo "PIN". roltra aur la iflaha. aalon It tUIVRIMo Los oartoa. planohoo. taMoauxJ oto.. pouvont *tra film4a A daa tauii do rAduotlon dIffAronta. Lorsquo 10 dooumont oat trop jgrond pour Atro raprod^%n un ihsuI ollohA. II jiot fNmA Apartir da l'a||ti supArldur gauoha. do gouoho A drolto. at df hout an bas. an pra'nont lo nombro d'Imagas nAcassalra. Laa dloglrammaa auh^antt IHustrant la mAthodo. " ■/• ■ / 1 6 •^ M .* t; :. •■ V v^-"- ■ •V ••/■ / if*. "A *-. J t ff l^-v<^ ^*rfi/2; I9J5 tile «l^y»ISH^ T/gV^ \!^' tB Om AutumlilSfiO £|iiPH Lakcaiitba ^ve^lb MonlfMd MlIlK llM; (o>>withl^flMyM>£ifiiiid«idi^ilM iK Iwd however detufoed hie . Ikmily oo the wiy from- A jbei y, ip 'season would not allow of proceeding on their Tojfift wIS . •■*• be^ sobmitted to Sir Jfopet Kempt (he mode of hie IdImM ** That will be dembotCraUve" waa acocompen^ wMi fcli' a liberal donetioo. * ^'MUim^ ip . Mootrfal and recpiesifd of.llie Caqmatttiie of ^ "^ "' " " m Qtf eight ignorant boya .•*#'•»?■•**' >»4 and. aiK VBara* Ww^^oiTqii^ f^lyqifa ooudd j^ IfToitb of (hretkiten ^ ilprril^i gfittfiB^ more, m^^^4^lS^^^^ lik beibie the cmtranoe, nMLloHMHyii ■VT^^.- j^4ili;;i|Mr-jtf->''^»« V 'iiy- .^l-'J fa ^Mi^,:.$mM,ji ;iti ■•;:V,^*j^;<4^ "^^pilh^f^^C^gSI^?^ I ./:.■■ '^'^iS:'.:.i -^:: W-rnM:;^ t > Om, who WM of A itiiiim^^ (ontue, tnl hre ytan of afa ^ imA i toooiiilerabl« portion of i[i« flnl chapter of John umJ ollirr p«1a of l)w N«W |Tw(«rMnt, with correcinMa aiid fluency.** I1ie liMt boy, eiglit yeoM o( age, •• read (he flrat of John with tolUs who bad been anl^ta of the fbrmer ezaminatkNi now vaad "wHb g^HF fkiency. Tho apelling took a more copwoa nuofa in tbe lui» gaai«k They had not abitted tbe oae of alato and poicilk hot bad learned dMt of the pen : aoYoral of them preaented copiea of text band woidBi anoll faHli OOoiei, reoeipta and lettera of their dwn writfaof , to the cooopany. A lean>r' #%e, preaent, obaervod (hat he had *^^een many docomenta praaented m coort of juftioe, whiqii were written and algned by men^ whoaa irritt '•«•*)••* Theao popila were aix year* of age, find a 'month only id' ti>rirp e n> — r^r-. — . .. ^. -. , : • or Uw N«w I with JQlnnf^k twtki m two if ■btt on mlmkti' Itch frtmtm mtd iMpoerffafliljof hebMlkfled. ma. r. ipil*i Hid com* Rrned with th« not enter alio \ Theywcf^ ht orainf ibk^ Uame tbiajp» |uat groQodf o^ Dd couQteHk* abt a Httto in noat as tnuoh and circulated >f theae manV It came L. Jk d after hearinaf of the expvr^ thattlwgM •ooompUMwd Mated. Tfab IB may reaiill raubjecta. It ay mentidD of aa aflriandor In a abort cry offtiendi n^ jn* But thwe popb fcrttied ori^ ptft <^ *W fiMftloii, t«JMf>mf ppll ,, ^ been admUtiJ tlnco the Hral of the flr.1 inonUi. ^^,.^^, ^ .fc^i' The eKamhiatkni took pince on the tciiih week. Tlw youivgeal of thdM iJiflbeffunioreodlnlhe Bixlhor»evenlhweek. ^ .« -^ lii' Fbur who coold •pell wonl. of two or lliree Icttert, Iconied to i^ ^ i'trw day^ and at the exiuninalion could rend any wIkw with (bency. . Foatti«n ImmI acciuimi ili« art of ijiclling and reading In ftve. tix, o' «jg WMka. Bevcral of llioni alM could, write, iwnioralo, lyake n^|uraa, and tia^ bMran to learn tmaU auma. , m. . ««. ^^U were recent begiuncra^ but liad made tome progreaa } aaUaftclory Bjr ihitWe they l»d been tti ichool. w a,- 7 The agea of many of diem were under foiff, Hvo, ttx, «c. . u^ Someof tliem lunl become teachcra and much improved theroaelfM The Speaker laving engaged to preacnl o petition to parliament tor an aid to the Inatitution, it had been aent down by hit hand* to tiuobec, A memoilal wai drawn up and read to ^ho company, re«>mmendlngjj« faMdtntion to the aid of pariiomen^ and itatin^ the (acU of the caae. Tbe crtniwmy vied with each other who should iign llrat. or moat wjllmgty, ana the oriSnal memorial was forwarded in time to ad lU proper bualncaa in tiM A Mirilamcntary grant of £200 waa aoon after made. The only draw- bMk on It waa, aome unfounded ospcraion of one of the mcmbera. we Ihoaght CuvUller had been a better judge of nierchandiM than to deal in audi olkkvory notiona ; but aa we found the pubUc did not miatako abu«5 for aryi- ment we left hia tour crout unnoticed. But hia. ia not tho oqly coae.tn wWch tha WgtHry of political partv apirit. haa been a cankerworm at the root ofgooQ qwtttiea, and othcrwiae noble benevolence. . v* .$ t .iw. We removed to a leaa central, but more commodious habitation. In tue, iMer raapect it waa inconyenient to a number of our pupila who came bnom • StMAce, Mt the school, whidi at tho aecond examination waa only 8« in aD, aood exceeded 58. , . . .i.^« We need not give the lnatan^ Mtich progreaa had been mode in arranging a senea of apOttpiiato let- ■M ifar readii^ and writing and arithmetic, vlhich would have inctWred «xpeo^ o«ld^blo*tlio amount of all parliamentary grants, had not a pHyatO PfpC •dd penbrial labour aavad that coat, by the sacrifice of- time andjBduit|«»if iT^Ih a ffi«ai niimbet of case*, a moat superior hand wnting baa bee^ ob- Qlieidoni in the higher rules, as well as the elementary bran^^a^of ^ ha v e been perfo r med with a c e lerity, accnracy, and beauty, t hg t ^^m!S!?.U jy^*?**"** ^ '^^^ cImm«, hM bMD to (kvtiMM MMetL ^^^^ •taipliOr Oie proccMof in.iruciio»H~.„cl nn«lly. promulgiio li tHU WbjD njMly adTwicing to j^rfrctkn. in writing. nriJh^Jtk^i,™^,^'*^^ ffitkitttion. ^ ' "" ^^ "«'^»^» «, p. who expreMod their high brtio^Cd^ J^CiS XJ**""^ ''r**^ **•" '^»'^' and cxp«»«Kl hi. .npm- ?CrL!I I . ""'V™*' o'^ «t»»cr g«nll«m«n, omorur whom vra. Hiadev llnir.; B«l. ow late worthy cndulato for .ho Wet Word ^ ^ ^^^' SSTbiUk i^nZ! "1 » t«""n^t)ii. Thb i. impormnt. bccouw ihi -^^itrt^"?"^'^'''^''''*"?'""^'^ *>^»«''^ f~n» P"P"- them. ^i^.^ tei-Vr* 'r ^ ?''^ y«»"' ^"« of «%ht.f five of ?llSrXhih;.iiSfmfl ?* «nd onoof our. wven of whSm did not two lell«.--.pellinff and madC m.t^ ^^^ could .pell a few woiJ. qf irwdaof threelEiiSSi^Kl^mT ^ ^^ ^^^ que«tion-one could .peU ojJ^ VhL !I^ ^ "^'^ (°*"" '"O"^'" vacation from die cholera One of the above waa a Canadien. unable to .peak a word of E^ W,, PROGRESS ON EXAMINATION. i^r^tjr^'."^' "*"' of them write. «,vend make the flgu.^ ThiBJqmor pupil, coald read without anv a«ii.tanco from pointinir-. •«JWil of tlie young«f$t pomted with d.eir own flnger.. TheyhS «bad^ hlirZS^I^J^t:;?" word. ..ngly, orin cpnnecUpn. \wo of S^ M iSi^'lw ^^^^"•r* iherefore qould not be expected to equS t£ ^^. ,kS^ pwticular. reference i. given to the notorial .totemeoL ' - t«nr SLJST^ '^"^ "S"^ °.^ "."■*^" ™«y ^ instructed bl«iiifa; a ^ ^ wSJ S^ T^*' ?~P*^y *""°^ ""^ practically qualified teaS^T »y ba expcdi- «ii th« f!|i|)en. xigaio it (o ajl >m: • MrWw of ktM)wletlg«. — raninuu', fec^ rrfMinitory U. .«Jy AyliMr* 4 (heir high ed hia anpro- ilaaley ^a^, t (lifflcull uid liooi uf aijuy becouM lh« nber^villago pupils them- ng^Marious r, and purti- ght,f five of om did not , w hia alnha- w worda of could spell I, had learnt . Iiolera. Enfliah. the figure)^ * pointings— I gained the I also read . t them had eMingiiia :beri. riamelttKr irancbeao^i oktieot. The time and t ipenee raqulraa Amds fcr tNa puUbr The ant)lk:alion wid not bear oitly (N) oim lanffu«g«, it applira to ell. TlM diflkulty which ariaca from acffuiring the knowMge of foreign character, ead the mried pronuuticialitH) of liviiiff tiNiguea rxcefitixi. But thia diflkuUy will be no greoinr than usual for a Fraiicluiuin to ac<(uiro Knglbh, or an KmylJahmjii to eoauire FrriK h. » Joeeph I^encaster luivinfr discMvored and breugtu his iovantione, bj th* teat of exporimnni, to a cofuiiur>nibl() drj^tne of |)e total graoU ammjnt to Ave huixlrcd |>ouiids curiTiicy. Tlio duratioi\ of diAbstitutkm, three years and one-half, allowing from the legislature a lUtlo monFihan 140 pounds per annum, a (rifle above tlie salary of l\\t master of tlw common Lenceaterian achool in (his city. Sir James Kempt's donation jC20. Ix)rd Aylmcr'a £80. Speaker Papi< neaujfd. Joaeph fiuilingtinm, of Laproirie,X5. 1830. Total jC50. When tbeae donations oco oddcd, (hey will iM)t make on income of jCSOO per anpum^ wbereaa that sum is common solory for (he head clerks in mercan(ilo houaee, and In many cases luis been exceeded by (lie salary of a Lancaaterian teacher, • either at New Haven, New York or Albany. Though none of tliem pnitend- iqg, to either Joseph Lancaster's inventive powers, or personal experience. Yet the public may remember that the salaiies of clerks ana teachers are altogether their own. That Uio expenses of mercantile houses and pubib ' v •chods belongs to the parties or tli^ publy:, and that the total income of Um'> derka and teachers are tree and unincumbetied. But not fo with tho income of Joseph Lancaster. The l^lf of hie house jroom has been, above three years, occupied for public purpoiie*. {The rent ** .alooe would make a deduction which with school nring would be aeri^ huiw ' dred dollan. The desks, moveable fittings up of the school-room^, P^PMr* ttfttkmory, rewards, printing of school lessons for experiment » wq(|||d^ |Rl|imp4 y^um, go (kr to talobg away more than 1000 dollars. ^^ - ^i^ yl;.; 4%fff ^j ^To this we have to add, that of above 250 pupils, admitted witoin the; timi, one half have either been actually free, or at such a small charge i not the name of compensation. \ r^^^ The pubUcatMn in the House, that 40 free scholars were under tu^lkN), dkl not enhance the private Ainda of the tdbocH, because the CommiMUpieni dkl not en quire into the nature of ihe selection, or the motive wbkh inAMicd enqu ,J. L. to select them as the material for his experiments, whkh wotddbe inoni junder hia controul, aqd might be dismiaaed if irregulv or ditorderiy. ^ _3J_ \-: ^^pjipTK- ^ •(i«a||im to thmtiu 10 ^^^ ^ P*"^ "^ 'y»^ ^*^** *^*® **^ '"^ •«» '^'" wt«NWutwiw. irMipfojrvd in ffftiJtfr h(Mlni»M, midit lo Iwrjp proihjcMl in ihii Uinfl • UiifVT P«t>A< than dm amtMint of oil tha PuiinmrnC^ry grtuite, but it wm IniponiMii, warn ihn aitiMikHi of iImi (irrmiMw, lo umi chriii for any (Ah/er purpdMS thMi fKoducinf hNMum for ffX|inrtntrii( ur rcwanki. "l^ **»**™ ^•*»« M"! •ft«r tchool. arp uauaJiv al thfl (Sapoahian of ttia WMMr. But Joa^ph l^uicaater'i liiw, uVrn in rnfular vacatkma, nweh maim Vm aurplua daUy houra Iiota ikH l»rm liia own. Prinlera hticm wefl what li» Siition of a ckwny half ih<*<^t la. nrni in larw tyjw, much moiv pidi'MF . .Ttwy know that for a pivaon who had naver bdbni haen uaid t« panofially work at crnrn^ ihe pure motive wUh Which tiarl Dalliouaie flr^t welcomed him to tliia l»n»viiM:c. 8ir Jamea Kempl patrociiaod him. I>jn! Aylmer vbited him. Horatio Gatea, (but ailenoe ffratitudp— -name not hia fnrtiifkji^n firaiae, for he will aay it it A iiw 1) or ^•aker Paplneau, at flrat l)phavctl iKil)ly to him, (aorrowAil perverakm aftar^ WWjO All. all, liave hia tlianka, yrt tlie actual gain of auch a Parliamantary ijfl^doea not teem to be ao enormoualv large, conaklerinf how long tha dty of Montreal had had tlie benefit of hit nytlem ; doea not teem of mucn magnitude, compared with tlic licneUit ariaing from achoolt in hit iiama. Doea not aeem worthy being made the tubjoct o( a threat out of Parliainaiit^ Of a politicd tini^ within ita walla. ««-** During the time I have lived In Montreal, I have not been Idle In iliewlnr my gratitude to iit benevolent citizcna. When in tlie commenoemeilt oT my career, I had a donation liat opencxl, why did 1 n6t follow it up t Hearta and houaea were open to me I I could not odvocate the cauae of the nik» TI?!l!2f* "*** "^ ^**^ *** "'^ *^" Inatitutk)n beaidca. I gave tha poor the preftrenee. Again I waved my right. When the cholera came my artlhi iqf , ^ring Deighboura had a prior claim, and I repent not acknowledging It. Bat now my parliamentary ftmdt are no n»ore. I cannot auppdrt an hMtitatkm without funda. I tuapend it, not to abandon a jot of iu objaeta, bm to ralae Amda to puraue tliem more eflectually, while I hav9 HIb and bMi^ I have kept up my inititution to tlie time, and beyond the tima W. whkm the ^aat grant waa made. I couW not, under auch inaultkig cfaxnraatiH^ alalMM, apply to pariiament for another, / had coiuUUred tod toM ktm tki Imtd lai^i I have aiKither and a nobler parliament to app^ to. Are thM dm thouoandi and tena of ihouaanda of Brifona growu up to adult years, and aoAie in prdtperotia. If not high life, wlw know my Ufb^s labouia ? And who, if IM'qn^kMi la aaked, wbo have been educated m Loncaater'a achoolif Wffl — ~^with Yotcea to reacMnd over the mouotaioi md viUd^ of the amp^ A'tMlk' trnoi drawa mWoid» vrtio ftolnta no gun in warfliure nuift'yet' i« — t »y» f Tb tMMMT luMvMta •'•r • mmMh ^"^ ^V^^ he be aciififf likti tiimMlf to berter lOe vo(^ fiir briMl, if elrinfth wee llA lo Mvm or U>bi« il, wuulil it not bn inarvrlliHrn f«)r Mich a men m oouU Ute ly in viUage achooli whero moiiitoni oro ueed, or where th« liiciier acta alone. ^ ' •. To iablMth aclioola and their tcochrra, wiUi ell the pupila wlio ceoneC teed. It can Iw nwdo a moat delightful amiiiKant by rapid inijirovcmenl in apell- faof and reeding. ^ 0. To mieeiooary. achoola of every diriatien donominolioii over the worid^ ft wfll be e powerAjl auxiliary, as ita principlee ere general --ite eppUcetion to to meny languagea will need peculiar dinsctione, but its dTecis will b«^ blewed to all. 7. lu applieetion to circulating or rotary achoola will be of uee. These ■oboole move mxn point to point, in e'ny one district, till ell poinu era benefited Iqr the drculetion of knowledge in schools, [which are thus moteable In thinly popoleted plecee. The more mpidlv the pupils can be improved, tlia mora raoUly wiu the ciroulsting medioms of knowled^ come rouixL Among otbsra the OaeUc schools of Scotland may partake of its utilitv. 8. Schools for adults, and schools for the blind, deaf and tlmlli fl jriU mora or less be capable of receiving improvement from thie inventkm. 0. Laocaaterian schools and all institutions of a kindred natnra may moH laifely partake of the improvement. ' . *l! ^^ Thepopila who ara usually placed in the first claie, wfll in a dntle^iy bt able to sjpeU b the 4th, 5th, or 6th, the difflcalty of leanung the alphabai llwifw^liray overcome. . ^The pi^Nla who nevertoNially began reading m foar and six monthfi may with the 6th class in one month to six aadny 1 Of leait \ \. IK . •J^Tj^l «f dl (iM. ln.t.Cuiirr. Ari»i £ one.. ...d dx. f,,, „,M,„K l"n> ti> «rry l..u> «««(. «Jn«„u» hUM,„^imZi ^Thm miMnmiM o( hi. family. oikI Ok? edtKoiian M bMwk M tffii hU own oWlfO u,n u. «,ur. hi, .c,,»yri«hi. on hrhoJf if ly. wife •J.I S "^ "^ iMMMnd copipaara iiilMrnijf*! fw ami iIm AimJs MtfviiUxJ, iHa work wjll •» *k l.k_r • ,'^"~""~ •"> •uni' l™i I.. riwWo hull lo f-ii.,J<» ilV^Wbour rf oAm, ««l direct uid .upwlnlrnd lh« rxnrrini™., |« I J'.« b ,iiw i,/ I- J. P^HiiMu, iliF Npf-ikcr "« "- P«"^"i^ «; TK^ S?^ i^^rpoTZl .1:?? ^' •»'",'"•.'"•" « 'W •«! . n«m«W d™w^ upon uw apoc, wkJ aimd hf many ol (lie moat reaDcctablo diisMia. mmm.' »<*doM^ w P„rii.n«n. hi.n«.|f. .i,l „|i,„ ,|„ Cooin,iii«, „p„„ed .^Zl MDouDl waa carrSl tL a. ^i'^ ' u *;«"'«">«»«"«7 giunt of fhe aamo XJf nn»iMSum!«. P?""**".T~ flamed. Th# CommiaakWiera appointed l>y ung^gy my, and mr^t tho .peakcr nl the ci,n« o,,p«into he wi^ ptrionally know™!; « of kiwwkHift mum • iMiMiON It art clvttiidi^ •wl hia im|)rtir«» I frtnlrni^is Ih •itotKNi tiMMn, hb (if m ■Mtw«Hp »K, kw m iHilm tliM fhscfivftrjf. UiM CAraiiM h« Mil ItMtnirtkjn, H^m at a rh««^ > ffffw hta «>wti (lirr, aixl atift miljr, Ims ahould pro- i«. ill wiaH-. M) irwtant two' ork wUl fo tb Uki labour ttf in view, lit inu«h fcrhk by an inioriM4 I l»l*ce, which \ir^, inaprrtud •moHal drawn ii6tMf rvoocn^ I tho SpeaW Jrted a fnint iraa carried by Do4, minutely t of the aame ig much leaa, appointtod t^ tiili) atteixM m t they ei- ■peaker con. inad marlMd knowD to ita -'• i ^_^ ,^ IT I. L. w«Mli |«v« «ip I© , wWby ha tmmfbt lirwaitl pff tiia tnniMivnunila. ^..,.,j ^,^ lln mada mi b|H»I*ioImmi Uj ill** |»rf«rni •rMam «l paHlamenI, niPiaai «C tha name b wlikJi lUtrmi* \m\ bttt\ uard, itnpiyiti|r «liat Iw aluKild haf jf grmi if \m e»efvk«d hia rifht of mtiiif on tlia jMiiM ij.lra of Briibli "••""J* Ila (iraA^rml milirr a|>fil) iiif to hia fhrmU all ovrr Uhi workl, ilwn lo aak fer •upu«jrt wlwrti aal liad alrtMMly lircni i:r cUjctiunawinf ^'TTtMUp^nWhlmaiHlf had hean tho emMm, 1. 1* ^W«W AlAlilJt Iwve votrtJ for lutti outlw Rruuiid wl !»» uilrrt^l liu tuMl olwoya taken In p«ib« Uo education | wnd lie warota, lie alKHtkl ever have to lament, thai what ha eatemnod to nobJo, what ha pral«ad ao Jtiaily, what li« apprt»v»l •« much aa public araU>r aducalkm, alKHild hovn liwn fKrvcrtrti by port/ •pWt, tO a W«»«, a drjfrmJinjf blot, on ull iliat woh mt cMcrlUnl, DU wot tha n»*»«W' of prrauna, tlio wortia, the actioiM, alt ecconi with the threat of Lafontaine, publicly uttaiad at llie pull ; Iw alKmld not linv« ciwwitkrwl ull concerned, m | walkinf by th« aamfl niK awl |Hiniuiiiff iImi anino iHir(M>ac. f J. L. iwvcr inlcrfcrftJ in ilio rlccii«»n, iH»r dwl lifl lake any Interral m H, ( imtU ha ohierved in the newtpaper, bia nci^ilwur P. K. Loclere'e namo ■• ehaimian of a mectinff for ilw nominal km of cantlkkiiea, (lie fdlowkif conttf- MMkm took plac« In thti atrpel :— ^ ^^ J. L. 80 neighbour Ixiclcrc, I lieer ibou art elect kmeerinf. . f B. E. L. I do not Ihink Dr. Tracy a auitaWo \Knon to rapreaenC thifl dty In porllamcnt, and I am cndcavmirinj^ lo kitioduco Mr. Duggr. Thta wa« tb(i Hmt decidcnl inturtnatioii J. L. liad on ttie aubjecl* J. L. Nor I uciibrr. For I ibink Dr. Trocey a very unrtt man (br a ra- pr««acntative, and I have a great reepcct for Stanley Bogg. I do not know that I live In l\w Word, or iliot I have a vote— I never vo(r«l In my life ; but If IWa on^ I aliall be willing to give it, if it cornea to aaliarp poiuU p. E. L. Certainly you Imvc o vote. J, L. Then in caae it coinca to ttie last five or alx votca, call on me.— Bono! coll but in ctae of ncccaaiiy, nml ibcn ilcjjcntl on mo* L. E. L. Thank you air —uiaiik yon- GikkI iiigR. (Stanley Bagg** aon waae€tlftgi -co mAke lpt«chM» Cr* T if"**'*' ^'*^ *7 prtriy~to «>llcli iuflbjrci,, w lo fnThiefEn vwe*. 1?!.".5"^/** I ""^ UiuOfffiU. i?f/l my word wa» givm -^lo quetifeM .^U AHie but. what miifei inyolvo my integrity, and that wu» of Ar motts eOH. Mqtt^nce to m« thnn h vote, or a patron. - Wiuii^V™^*"^ '^''' * '"*^*' '"""' **'"" once been tempted to tarrifle^ my hv- OEr'L^ !T*HJ?*'lS?' « pretentnem. The hisheat door of hop« waa JJcft Opened bv Uio hl;\raUi he ttuh it at au^h on ejpmt, ttor yet take tho leaat urn- Dni|<9«in)vuoheaitatlng choice. *. i 1^ u£i '} *^" ^. **P«'»?l ^* «»"M>. or WT". Of trttt. <» ti^irtiTe, tiAt! ao Sf?r*lll^* , Canada, that I could ffivo my word to the exercise of my riffht. mf to bk«ak ii, and tamely aacridce that rijfht under the Inuendoca, the \Ad! nga. Or threota of the few doys following^ my prOmiae ? kik;*. iJ!" "SSJl"' ***• ^^^ ""^ '^'^ *'**"***' "^ ^"9^ ^^^ any m»» (^om (tM» dWer Jarty c^Ued on me reapectlngr my vote, It aeema that tlio auifw ^nted m partiAmcnti and hope of the future, were conaidertd a aiifficient bonui to cure toy votK and it waa not Ull tho report of my promi*e that I Vaa I a fit person whose indcpendant vote Ahoutd bfc uoliLited. i«L. 3^}"^^ ^^^ ^ 5'* encomluma, an^ ao Ar from expreaabff diH^atilia<«. tBoOrt ahy occasion, had profcaaed lo urye eyery ghmt made to J. t. ^IcH 5IL1!I!5'U^"" prove. In consequence of a tonvfwutjcn in which it wAk proMied by h certain time; to carry her Improvement bo far forwUfd, aa to jy^ Iter in c^ of going down to Quebec, on the Iflth of Nmembfer hH' tdcOpt her fatTjcr'a CorreapOndence. und Write at his dictation. $ho was «tf^ Udarad engaged aa a pupil till that period. But wHen her &dier Called db thtt occaaion a OnnveraaUon took place, in Substance aa ftrflowa :— J. D. Tf. My Wife fa desirous of rentoving my daughter to a Ihdiea* lohool. xi ^iM ?i** ^^a* «'*<*•««* *«hp6U»'««'y- She la under the immediate ^)r ^.y^r ^ daughieiw^e is tn class with her own female fefations. •ndIconaiderher«»gO|Hi"i»il/Novembcr, after tiirhich Umol^iatohftve tMi direction to luijir^lterati^ V J, D, W. ^ rdo not attach much ltoportaii6e to the klea myaelt bui h0 myffuvot§at I UelecHon? ■ . 1 ^' \' !>•" c«'gag«tl by a promise, accidentally made to vole for SttolcT .paggv vvhoml>estee.iia8a very honestmmi. - ^7f D. W. An honest man! {mphatical^) You are toislaftiin iii- i ;1 1. Hwife maftelr of opWofa. and evc^ nmtt hos a right tO hb dw» praunr^nt; but i have ciso reason, (not political) why I cannot vote tbr Dr. ■ Tracey. , ■"■..■..',■-■■■> kfc i'J^ t^' ..'Mccl, " I do not saj^mtlch lor Dr. Titoy-4 do oot Ii|» »•■«.. i(»i(her ilte%n6d i—rto quetiton wriflcft mjr tft. of lio})« was join ihi» church lie wiih of ihy mo to ^liAce I iho leaai um- tn^Te, hAit to MS of my rlgiit, set, (hewttro* maiifHom Vh« i Burrui granted :ient li^nui to i that I Vu 1^ his child to tig dlH^atb^^ a J. L. ^Ich which it WM orw^fd, «■ to Sho WAR cta^ call^hliV6 HO te for Stanley fnislakdn Id- kttohb aw^ volt tbr Dr. -tdpiMHiiiw ^^' II l:ii^ fmp i mi MMMf iwikkii tbouu nor i» any way ent«iiiig into thofo. It ^9iBm% qiieaumi of in<>f4 in(ii9irity-~«Qd if c«U«d ujhhi I muti voio aoconliaf ^ r>roinMc. 4* U. W. Cfn ■!<(#>• itow wlial yoii trv Uuiog, you fjro voting' for Cavil' li9ir»your tnttny— you are voting ^ •oothor rnou, (whom U» WMMd) ywir unO(ny'-«qd yo«i fire voiuiir tgainit your flicw l*apuH>au» and «m ymii* flioni. ^ /. Itf. lodood I am pot vo^g (^ «ny (hain, for when I gave myvngfim^ my only knowlodga and comppfia^n waf cM?i^ botWQ^ tataiilf y Pogg ap| Mr. Tviovy. I ImU. no other motive iheiNn^l I bavo i^aof other >oow t bat t hiPiir |»y Iriond.PApionAu** i»M9« ># mM v«ry flroe^ aa Uiw aMl\)oe(. ^^|^ MmHofaMiiifludocel ' 4* P* W. Ifo do«9 not we hia ipQueuoo l)invie)f, hmt hi« IHpodn 4i nv« or fix volet* ** " . •. . ; / ; , J. ahe Wilt, w«l), THiVf and not tl| fAm School, bitt her fiitiier objected^ to «ill ^hich fliift was answered, thot she waa engaged tiU November, and her mother WQil# not wish iier f«lher to break bis woid ; and that go wbaie slie would f4M%^ should always bvo h(pv. foir sbo b^ Ipvod bor book, and that wo s^MJd PfWIt Ihit God wQiiU bless bcr. i^v ,. , , ♦ This wiM oonsiilorad as ft irape oJthibitjoQ of eliJotloiiPering inprigMoiipim cammm iB.ejAction«* But wo 4M ^tmtfirt i^t it greatly, in Jaow Pf W|U, from whon wo expected the fullest fiiUy adharitigtoa pron^, imH . liberty and individual freedom. From hintt we could never expect sudb ^ CQniil«r»lt«fi'e» iDfiuorNuinf #T(^t to bo futed on by tho M)reat9^ i#> Bipvklg a Child from Hchool, or tbf d«ngor of ioo^qg Poriiatnenury jnfl Mon f U rf Our Scholars anti our grants were not solicited oosiidd^nditiopf^nQr l|bpwk| We have accepted the'm on tcr^s so dpgrftdilig. ' The Child was sent to another $4^ the dtty id^tr ^. f^ipCast^^ voia wassiven*'. '-^ •.:•'.*"■.•••■'.■'■ :^-; '.-^ ■. - ' ':-,: r-. , '■ ....,/ :-,^- r' ;|* ^■■/.,. J. L. has been crediUy infi|fni<^/ that prior to the elisctions, an oUbr was made to Stanley Bag^ Esq. to ensure him success if he wdiikl give if pledge to go with a Majonty of the House of Assembly-^ond evef o^rtain -" '~~i wct^ oipr«red as a #4cr^« --among whidi wpm Ui«^ of reAisbg aid |j|nc»s|g|^s Inaliintkufff^Tbyis the very |iarty who wcfe tho only tu ask J. Vs. vote and to threaten liim on acoount of it, iwtj^ . ^ppHp baTWg ^tbJ^y tboMgh^ bought \imf were rei^ly to sacripco bim f9r.Wl^immt' tA^atlWr «dl^ H>ni>|iBiiy l ^. JflgnblJfe Wftt^^ vi^t it^ol^ioii contest grew loprp sqref^ 4» moamd miwNr Wl Wp9* t|t»t»Wt neither solicitiug npf vpf^^j wmmm» ^kmm k^ m «wii« tmm 9 N b^cw»6 a v^fiam tp mm hknaJBlfMAapowqrtHiiftiflv^ . ' * vj -i^ :s.'sii,i.,.u!tuA Dst liberality both (or u)') prioci|ile qi Milk. in itsflfsinfvdt and secondly as a i)rioiiaai\" Ifl M ■^' ."^s ,\'; ".»-. to Ay r li trl- ^> '• He WM repeatedly MtM to Hy (lie CommKleei who mw' hie mime on the Iht of Stanley Bni^fl^a voter*, wiihout oiiy coiiditiona atiarhed to it, tod perhaps knew o( imiir, but lie ulWoy* drcl iied t4l (he exuit time cume to whicti he Ntfxxl (*iitfu<;(xl. After iiaviiig declined oiio of ihrre npplkuilions — one IVfoniin}^ he was vb- Med by a Geiiilemun wliu otinouncfd iiim«<>irM Mr. Bruiieaii, ilio Bniiher^iiv « Law of Mr. Njieaker Papiuenu nnd'ttuKHl his Imisuk^a— Mr. B. 1 am oomo to solicit your vote for Dr. Trucey, on Ix-liall of the Country. / J. L. My vote is engvsed to Stunley Bagfg, but certainly fh)m what ■ J||BK>w of Dr. Troccy I could not voio for him. Mr. B. 1 miiiit tell you thtit (he Memben of the Houso of'A i i eniM fy who voted for the nfrants to you will take it very ill if you vote against them. .^ , J.. L.. It is not a vote oguinst diem. Hud I perliaps weigiied the thing ifiihould have done as 1 huve always done, not voted at all on such an occo- tkxit but without political motive, or party fcelin;^;, I havo accidciitally given my promise, and cannot break it. Beside.i—I think I know my friend Papl- neati — He has too high a seii»e of Honor (o wiHh mo to break my word. He can bejievo whut I Huy on my pluifi stuieinent, but if I did what ki now /^^ asked- I must bse bin conHdoncc. Ho would never trust me any more t f am certain be is (oo Honorable a Man to wish, mo to degrade myself, in ■ucTi Mr. B. with Emolloii «* yoti're rinrht, yon*re Hghf.** Seeing that my nluin statem ^nt bad ito full eflbct, I felt perfecUy satisAcd ■ that no offence would be taken at my vote and that 1 had only to seek u proper oocaakm for staling lo the Speaker himself my motives for oction to have the , ,, aame answer re-echoed, yet on reflrciioii there** seemed a strange coinci- f*ifeioot between die visit of .this Gentleman and the langua«?e of Jaoob l)e S Will** reooinniendatk>n tp consider, whom I wqs voting against. Thus I . couM I O0t ^ew it as 0% other than an authorii^ application in the Speak- 5 t«f% tUuike. l^hough I dkl hot expect this appeal from such a quarter, yet I . iBit aatiaaed With the cppduiuon and determined more than ever to give my ■»»••■■ • vV' ;..; ' Vieiy speedily after the vi^it from Speaker Papineau*^ Brother-in-Law, <(|Mrfii|f earnestly solicited, I went to tender my vote at the Polh The foHow- ,|Df ^wyemation took place then. S^nley Bagg £^. I am glad to see you Sir. J. L. I am come to give my vote. ' 8. B. I am ufrak] it will injure your InsUtutien. ' J. L. I am perfectly certain it willoot. * * P. E. Leclere, I think it wUI.— ^ r^i J. L. I differ in ppinion. ' -^ » I/' ' ' ^ "^ ^>^, -Sf*V: -rt*fT ^\ -^^ *••« S. Bagg, I think you had better not vote. Another voter then caiheu]). ^ P. £. Leclere. Haaa is another .voter take him instead.— This e^nter- Mlkm took place in a wbii*per. ' > ' ^ J. L. Now, took into immecHhte and deep cooskleratkH), the tmigdlar BMmoeiia which he hod ^n 8olireMi<«« Iron. «omo surer sijurco than J- ^J JJJ» ' S; nos«».ion of. and wiisfted. a- he was w.ih the dtdurotK^ of the hpeak- Ir^lBrothcr.iii-Uw ^ond believing tlml q plui.. statement of iho ca«j was aU fhat wTs t^ft Uo «»ti.iy the Smoker -J. L. deci ■ ■ . "^ ■•.■■,*.''- ;^^«rf ; J7i1~" I feel it only a proper "mark of rr«pect to t|i^, as llie *J««|- friend of my system of eti.ic.lion, to offer an exjilonalun of tlie vote winch I have promwou to give.'' Here a siotement wus given, which luis already been recited of the origin and promise of the vole, allowing ihat it was lre« and dear of all party whatever. . ' , •• . . i , 8. P.— In voting for Mr. Bagg, you vote for a party and a council, who hive ck>ne every thii^ of an illiberal kiiKl From the House ofAmtmb^f has oiWinaled cv?ry act which ffives freedom to the country. The Couned. or por^ in whose iiAuence Mr. fiogg is, have doi« all they can to taalave it. Z.]j:h. -It is not with me a party queslbn at alU Except oo t^lflectof '^liiOving of Roman Catholw fimancipaiion. on the greuna of re^ig^ Ubct^ tvT I iievcr expiessed a public opiiMon in my life oii any subject thought^U) » have a beanng on politics, and ^tliiit expression had not a wilitical mothre. Wftm all such things I have kept clear ; 1 have given, for the flrpt uqae fcimy life, a promise to vote, my word is past ; all n»en know that 1 liave it n my power to keep it, and I must be degraded, indee^, if I break my engagemoit. *rhou hast been in the habit of believing all I say on my own mtegnty. but what will my won! be worth to thee, if I break it now. liioUj|U|^ coih^ fide in me any more. , ' « » '■* . . ', I have told the persons, ^hoj-Aicited my vote, Ihat I was certain thou coirid not wish me to dishonor mjm^ by a breach of moral rectiliide. _ 8 p. -I do not see it in thit ligl^. Every man shouki vote forth* ifcourtry on general interests. We have beeli under the dominion of aScotchand Ewriiii fiiciion, base, tynmnwal and proud enemies o« the country. (Here tS^onversaiioh became heart-slckening^tit WM^ that manjirtiom J. L. teapected for higli hotjor and . benevolent*, in Ojwda. werO;iM|^ PaStoras box of plagues to the ^^Vf-Zi^f^^^ •houkl have been »rgtA on JotyfhUf^^^^^^^^ English Uwa and Engliahnied,^&^^ m»pa for rtture to bear. W^^^^^^^j^^^ J^S^ i- ; I bii^r, thai ho reniem >li i uw efw ~ hf^ -nol- bft MM»t» mi 'i^ititn^' .*^ 14 y aW^ of rattwctalle lara, oo tko If>M Mk evmi ol ih« Spo«Wi\ v«f ^mbefing wfuil hn c^omMkntMi thr «t\i«H;t of ||ii vWi. and pttwiii^ by ||# VnkiwK if not in«iiltin;f ilirrrtr, h* ntMwritiJ ) ' * ^•» J;L. — WhiUover miiy liHVo breii the politioi erf* dJfTepf ni men, I h«v« ,#iifHipd ifHo noiK* nT t>v>in. My uiily <|iic-i<(ioti it (mm of mtrgritf. Feclinr /|m« ho A-Uotw, (unI I winh I icinld ^^^^ tiuti in |km- 'iwton <>f my («'t'lu)f»ii (or « llMkrt linia. Thfy wuiild iiuiko mi iua{ireafKJi) rnuix; powerfui ^liu liillt iiU.hi vrbh I co4ilU C4Nivni tfice in QiiaVrrinnri Gyr flvo minute*, th«| ttiMi ' NI^Im 9em ilini the principle on which I act m a ((uc^tioii of C(miK:iorv.fl appKtd to a contrnon motion. I would not winh to oruikit a iM'riiu«nritt convoiviofi. I •hould be fflod (o are ihee put on iby Hpeoker** coat afiruin in a few niioul«% with a flwlirtf of the corrf»rfiK>aa of my motiv«^ iiinl^r it« At Iw^arin^ tl.ia tbe bpeolpeFa taoa flm lekuuxi mio a amile ind then ht Imwlml Odtrtj^lii. '#.. » ,^ I -"'Si. L. |irocc^ded.— I have 40 piipila under my core, who tm citlicf edtM!aiearniia hiivo vittet, | solicit oone, I ii^iN-nce none, I ottend no commiitceit, 1 multe no ppetvin'ii, | write - oothinsr in the papers', my vote \n the leont fMiaaibie rxoroioe of Hriliah fref* ihm^ 1 Ymw never exereisod it tiefbre, 1 have kept clear of alt politica all my . IAp^ •lid 1 winh not mtw to !« nmiimlemooil. ' I 8. P.— But other prrwoiui will not understand the teaf^oii of your vota, ^ /nl J. L.— If I um mianiiderhtodd I can puhli»h ikv reaaona, my fiiew) ' iloiEPH BuNLi.xoiu.M ha« u8 , J. L.-^<;Ii« hi|i no v6ur. r- " 8w ^.— One vote ia not much, but Auatio GuviUier la full of ititripiei hhqI 6ain§ 9M he can, year alter year, (o pack a party. 1 think all Drivfito CMPsidf* ntMMM tbouki srive way i I public giMxI. 'j' / vaM i, JL— Had it been thy own caae, I dionta certainly have r«affye4 V9f ipio An* thee, it waa ulwayM my intention. .n. atk»n occurred, in which J. L. gave particular reaaonnii 'Mfay I couki not vote for Dr. Trucey, but neither perannal nor poliiical. 4* JU %ie«red hia oomKict in aome pbirticulara aa injiirioua to the cau«« of e^ducatiflo* whicli Speaker Pupineau had advocated, and considered that auch coniJuct« |( deaiffned or erroneous, might lead in other thinsa to a miaappliciition of n>em* beruiip in Parliament, but he ia d§ad, nod uiueaa tlio atatemei^ ia rendered kuMap^naible, I do no* wish to give it. Hie Speaker, hovi^pycr, tlM>Hg^ tltt objections dkl not apply, and thai audi ooQsklefatkNM, in tlie 1W nC voting fur Dr. 'f raeey, abould be given vpp |.|^ieapeotlidl|^ctti 6k. P«^l am very wi>nfA' I jnd fcr general smd. ''^ /I J; l^^««iaBleyl3b«g )«« I Uia Il4a noinliig^aMt wr to-ihe it, it Mng attedgedtfi Mmtlanuai^ I tflU tbiM 1 bi^liaivpi ioi» >n. ■rf> ffiuader people tte 4i>'trliiil k Ifiiwiit 'Ui«< L^l (Hhrn On dytrnt *TomwUi I hiwl rp«olvH to ify* Uir© mytrif ( •MMUtli Wy fOtb M bMD tkdifiod, i alill «;tt»ideftil nqNdr (iM(N* iT tftln ctlM u|k«i. H. p._/ fconid hnre yon /o foiMWfr how tht l^nd «#f. . ^^ J. U~-(Rimnj( to jrw, but lh« ctuivf ration co«Hii«ir«l utondinff.)— reM^ diif tH«t noihhiff can cxcum? nic if 1 inienlloiiolly violoie my wonJ. All met know I hovr iK)wrr to keep It. NHtlifr my nwiect for tlK^, i»or « bHbn JT /800. coiild iiwhu f m« to fturffo Midi a toUi oft I •ItoH K'v*^ (Wmi priiidpfc f Ifc- tariliAH**™* with wl urh, iiecunliiry ronniA'intiorm with hki hove iio weigh*. On tlii«, t»H5 S|)rnk«r, with hi« uftiml |)oliit now*, acconifttin'rd m% lb Ae door, ttod when oboui to part, ai th« bottdin oT ilio ataira, U«ae word* ?^Tl. -itrtily wrrwt ther hesi- ^ by another traillli^ To ooDaequeiiq|»i be oidf <»Uil •-»■.■»■,« ■Jf T' ^-^ir' ^ . .^LiM <4r J'm^t i*. ••: leif^ ^♦fcjij^. ft .♦■^«i of M> II ^«SiS' W ,1 i (. .^. » « Jv > :St i ■' ■ ^•' ft ' • k *= h ' ^m • • f , * ' ,t .;» ft « «