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Lorsqua la documant ast trap grand pour itra raproduit an un saul clich*. il ast film* i partir da I'angla supiriaur gaucha, da gaucha i droita. at da haut mn bas. an pranant la nombra d'imagas n6cassaira. Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 6 6 VICTOR fATH E ATRE. ROBT. JAMIESON, MANAGER. MIRRORS RESILVERED. WOt^K GUARANTEED. Floor Polishing Brushes for Waxed or Varnished Floors. Mixed Paints and Bath Tub Enamel. Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, Glass. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. 76 to 78 Port St., jrsfcH^ ^J. W. MELLOR. A. I From Hopklnsnn's Eui{Und,1 riiiics iiiiil lU'piiirs I'i.'iiiiis, 11,'iriii iiiiiiiiis, AMiciiciii nrt!:iii .. etc., on KcmsoiiuIiIc Terms. I'rniii|ii Alli'iiliiMi '^ivi'ii < I ;ili iirclois. 1«« F»AMDO!=»A AVE., VICTORIA, B. C. INFAVOR WITH ALL OKELL & MORRIS' PRESERVES B«*t mMI purvAt gonds on the British Columbia m THE BEST PLACE TO 00 AFTER THE SHOW. The Leading KeAtaurant Open All Night THE POODLE DOG. Oysters in any styie. HRS. R. C. DAVIES, Propr. For Supper After the Theatre, go to Lawrence's Cafe^^ Oysters in livery Styl«. Open all Night. P lANOS Sewing Machines The host In the market at... Fletcher Bros., Uovernmcnt St NE.W GOODS FOR NE.W YEAR JUST ARKIVI-n AT Oriental Bazaar Qrealegt deduction on everytlilai WANIBE & HATSUOKA, <)0 Douglas Street ...y/ICTORIA THEATRE.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21. 1893. Grand Musical Event of the Season . THE DEL CONTE *f ?.i Direct from Milan, It^ly. Together with MADAME GENERVA ./OHNSTONE-BISHOP Prima Dona Soprano SO— Artists— SO. Del CoNTi<: & Co. Proprietors. IN THC PRESCNTATION OF Manon Lescaut.^ CAST. Manon LpBuniit L. Montnnnri Lnrceiiiit L, Fi'iim^esfoni Benntci (les Ureiix (1. .Apistiiii (leionle O. ycneziaiii Edinoiulo A. Mnnieri) | Oste Kspi'ion | Muestro de Viilln A. Miisiero Sergente.. G. V'i'iii'ziiiiii Laiiipioiinri \. MaHiuro ^ CoinuDxnnte . ■ Esperon Metropolitan Lunch and Tea Roonns NO. •'ig FORT .STREET. Sopjiir Afler Id Mn. HHNRY CLAY. OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE. Victoria Loan Office, F. L.An(I;berg» Propr. Money aJViinceJ on jll kl'uts of ;ipprovi'J s^'iurlty. Biisiiu-ss Nlikl V r'lv.lte. Private entrance: - OiI.miijI AU-'V. 43 JOHNSON ST., VICTORIA ALL A MISTAKE. MR.T.W. riBRRB - H.is ff.t n in«Afi1 ti -statij— he IS still in -H|(1<;k. 7b DiiDiii -M.M .Ill.M to 111.- I (;i.i;.\NiN(;, i)> -Ri:PAI RINtJ, at i»m his old thi' ll wi.i. \s Sll;!hT, '.rilliswu k — I I M I and |._.w rates. 15 THE LEADING i^^r^t^rr^ fotographer "'^"eer Dye Works, OUR windows;* pj, V. I'dl I ml ol ilie Htory, l.utoiily ^!.^ A VHRY SHALL PART. Vnii iiccil to ciMiit; iiigi-jie to fiiiil nut tlie rciliictioMH we are malting oil nil liiii's. Voii wiV be wcli'oiiie wlifllicr von hi'u uiiytliiiiK .vmi ticiMl 111- not. 'i'lii;80 ItT'^OM of note ami envi'lopos an" gooii gBllers at tlif prirc: Magnet 5c. Qlendow loc. Abbotsford 15c. Plashwater aoc. JAMHESON, Book,'? aod Statlomiery 6n aOVERrjMENT ST. ^v ^ 09 'CD , O O' o3 ^' OUT ^CHT Our Carpels "TfT if^ 7^ are ''OUT OF SI CHI.'' Tlic are the finest to be had for the money, unr C"ari)cl Half cannot be missed if yon wish to obtain the l)fst <;le, nii«t HiHtory of Mni^ic. PIANOFORTE DEPARTMENT— Dr WiliiRm Mason's Tom-h and Technie, (the l)est, if not the only School of Tech- nic known 10 piHnoforte |ie"lH>ro)tif»), taught by pupil of Dr. Mason liiuimUf. VOCAF^ DEl'AKTMENT— InRtnuition by the only true and natiind method (that of 'NVilliani Shakesppnie, Manual (jarcia, Charles Lnnn, San (iiovanni, A. A. PattoD): not tauehl elsewhere in the province. Vulica bnilt np, made pure, •oft, t^moolh, distinct and Hlront;, wiili- out beiujf forced, strained or broken as by certain common but erroneous meth- ods. LA.^(,UAGES.— By Best Instructors. Prospectus on application. Business hours from 12 to 1.30 P. M. MISS M. B. SHARP. Prlacl|Mil| Smokers all agree. . that Bantlrt & Sons' CIGARS cannot he equalled in British Columbia. ncy lead all etben. BANTLEY & SONS CIOARMAKERS FORT STREET l^r A box of cii;ara would make a nice New Year'sgift for R gentleman frien4 Th» Cnnlrsl. LIninrtt and Chr.prst Ri'iuurant In (he City. YATES ST. COR. LANGLEY ST. Argument of Manon Lescaut. AccorJint lo Ihpslnry, Mannn I rscaiii. Ihr hernlnc n met at a small Tri nth lavrrn by a vounc Miidi-nl. Krnalo Des Gileux. Tht laller makr* suic, but It infurmrd by Manon that she Is on her way lo »m«r .1 convent. liiitInK bven utKcd lo do vi by her l:ilhi'r. Her biolher, l.rsiaul, call* her and she leaves Des Grleiix, promlsirii; 10 see him al nluhllall. Mean- while Ueronle de Revnir. a promlnenl piihll'' ollicl.il. becomes InleresleJ li Ihe elRhleen-viar-old Rlrl. and he liirs lo win Lescaul's confidence. ( ironie nrrances with ri'siillions (or a lasl coach in order 10 kidnap Mnnon, but hi» plan Is overheard by Tdmiindo. a Mend o( Des (jrleux. Manon keers her appoinlmeni with her sludenl lover, and Ihe lalter kld- niir» the tr'rl himself wiih Iho very coach o( (ieronle. The taller wanis lo fntow Ihe runaways, bul Ihere arc no horses, and Lescaul and Ihe old official have lo tiive up the chase. The second act opens in the ralntlal tooins of Geronle. whither Manon, tired of her life of poverty with DetOrleux, had (rone. Capricious, vain and ambitious, she *liines in her new surroundings, b Mill in odd mo- mi ris her heart turn", to the old life of love, Ihe more r ,ugnanl by con- tia>l with th.' voluptuous life of Gernnie. In Ihe fourth scene ot ihls act Dis Grieux finally discovers h:s ran-away Manon, and while they are en- f^uged in proli'staiions of love (ieronte surprises them The third scene is Ihe port of Havre, and Ihe ships at anchor, with the barracks— altoirethpr qnile pklurrsi|ue. Hither Dra Gik'U.\ had m.-inaffed 10 escape from the Paris fall and met Manon and her brother, the laller still his friend. Manon had been discarded by (ieronle and was to he shipped with other women to America, but Des (irieux Induces Ihe ship's commander to lake him also. The fourth ail is amonK the cotton fields of Louisiana where tn* slaves are ayinj;, and among them Manon and Des Grieux, STAfF. Sig. Alfredo Di-l Conte Aitniinistrator and Director M . Al. Harris Maniiuer Mr. Fieil Colver Treasurer Mr. Ed Kiigeanl (ieneral A»fent Mg. Etiore Urog. . . .Stage Manager The preat Salonia quariette apiiears in the orcliPHtra. Sijr, J. Hielplto Musiciil Director Luis G. SnloniB Violin Concertanto Every prinlnction under the personal direction of Alfredo del ('onte. GRAND SATURDAY IwiAtTNEE^ PRICES REDUCED TO 75 and 50 CENTS. CAMPBELL & CO Fashionable Cor. Broad SI. and Trouace Ave. _ , Opp Driard 1 aIlOrS.^.>• VICXORI A, B.C. importcrt of Fine Scotch and Eoilltb Ooedt. <3F9AIMD SRI IIL_I_ ICIAI- —I. CLUDINO— Madame Qenevra Johnstone-Blsliop, Linda Muniannri, Ailelinii Fiintun iind the Great Mexican Orcli«Ktra, iicludiiiu P. ValdeK, VioliiiiHt, Luis G. Roche. Cellist, ninl Ihe Snloma tjnartette^ ^ L-ASX RERP'ORIVIANCC SATURDAY... " ...EVENING Traviata." Hair . . . Ornaments The latest novelty In Combs, Pins, Etc. IN GRKAT VARIETY. Also Aeents for the infallible H«ir Restorer .... "DANDERINE." A«- C. KOSCHE'S HAIR STORE, 41 GOVERNMENT STREET. It is now time to think of getting your garden in shape for the .spring. Remember that Johnston's 5eed Store is the best place to pur- chase Seeds of all kinds. Nursery Stock, etc. 1R. lb. Johnston, 8a DOUQLAS ST.