IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 ill I.I us ^ us, u 1^ U^ 12.2 2.0 6" Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STRUT WeBSTIR,N.Y. 14SS0 (716) S73-4S03 ( llic Associntiidi. lie slmll not v.ito unless tlicrc Ix' a tie. wlu-ii In- sliail have thu casting voti- ; and he shall Ix* f.r-njjirio a nR-inbi'V olall ('(nuiuiltt'cs, Si:c. 11. - In the a1)s('n('(' ol" tlic rrcsidciit one <»r the VieoPresi- (Icnts, or in their alisonee a ( 'liaiiiiian. chosen hy th" >iieeting, shall ])rcsi(le. and jieitbrni the duties (it that ollicer. >Si;c. III. — The .Secretary shall kee]i a recuvd*of the luoceedings of the Assueiation ; shall have the custody of its hooks, papei's and curres|inndence ; aiid shall he rx-ntiiriu lueiiiher of all Coniniittees. 'Skc. IV. — It shall also he the duty of the Secretary tu ncttify all niendiers of tlieir eh'ction : keep a list of niend)crs Aviih their resid- ences: and issue circulars or notices when ret|uircd. iSec. ^'. — 1 1 shall lie the ihity (f the 'I'rcasni'er to ri'ceive idl nioneys lielongiiig to the .\ssociation; to keep ii written account of all rc'cei)its and cxiionditure ; and to pay no .sum without the ■written order of threi; inenihers of the Kxecutive ('iati(»n, no motion shall bt! roortance to the (Constituency, such as tlie bringing out and promoting the election of candidates to public othccrt, arranging the calling of conventions when deemed necessary, and the maintaining of communication with the Provincial Association. ARTICLE Til. The Oflicers of the Council shall consist of a President, Vice-Pres- idents, whoshall be the Presidents of each Branch Association within the division, Secretary and Treasurer. Of these, the President, .Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected at a meeting of the Council to be held on the thini Thursday of January in each year, or in case vif a vacancy, at tlie ensuing regular meeting. ARTICLE IV. It shall V)c the duty of the Trea-surer to receive all moneys belong- ing to the Electoral Division Council ;tp keep a written account of the receipts and expenditure, and to disburse no sum without the written order of two of the other officers of the Council. ARTICLE V. The Council shall meet on the third Thursday in the months of -.January and June, at a place and hour to be notified to each member by the Secretary thereof, at the direction of the President, and special meetings may be called by the President at any time ui>on notice to each member, provided that it shall be the duty of the I'residcnt to call a special meeting whenever requested in writiuLj so to do bv five members of the Council. ARTICLE VI. Each mcmT)cr of the l'21ectoral Division Council shall pay to the Treasurer the auuual sum of one dollar. ••^T (I Vt 5 AiaiCLK VII— ia'ly the President, or any member, ho shall at once take his scat, and the i)oint shall bcdecidcd by the President Avithout discussion. Sec. VII. — If any mend)er feels aggrieved by the decision of tlx- President, ho may appeal to the Association, and the question shall bo put : — " Shall the decision of the chair bo sustained ?" Sec. VIII. — Upon the rc(piost of any three members, the Presi- dent shall order the yeas and nays to be taken, and recorded in tlie minutes. Sec. IX. — In every Committee, one-third of the members com- prising it shall constitute a quorum, j^rovicled that nut less than throe shall at any time constitute such quorum. Sec. X. — All Reports of Committees shall be presented in writing if required by the Chairman. Sec. XL — No alteration or amendment shall be made to By-laws or Rules of Order without one month's previous notice in writing, and a two-third vote at an annual meeting ; neither can they be suspended at ordinary meetings but by a like vote, and for the oc- casion only. ARTICLE VIII. No addition, alteratio nor amendment shall be made to this Constitution without a two-third vote of the members present at an annual meeting, and one mouth's previous notice to the Secretary in writing. ^ % ONTARIO REFORM ASSOCIATION. CONSTITUTION. Airnci.K I. The Oiil.irii) l{v.''inii Associiitinu shall he roiniiosoil ul'lh*- I'rcsi- 'lonls, Sfciotuiios iiiKri'ira^iucrs uf cvon KK^doinl !)i\isiow ('((iiucil in Ontario, tlie liclbi'iu niombois «»t' I'ailiiiiiu'iit wliu an- moiiihcrs 'il' IJmncli Kot'onu Associations, loifolhoi- witli siuli otlicr nu'iuhers of Itraneli as-^ociatioiis as may iVcm lime In time he clcilcil at the an- nual mcclinjrs of Ihc < )nlaviii iiclnim Assuciatinn. AiniCLK II. The iihjects nl' the I'rnvineial Association sliall he llie eoUectinU of complete retmns of political imtormalioii iVom all jiaits of the Province, iho pnhlication anil distribution of canii»ai;4n anivisioii Councils on matters of j^eneral or local ])olitical impor- tance, the rendering of assistance in eloctinns in .special cases, and Lcenerally. the aiding and .strengthening by advice and infonnu- ♦ ion the Ivcform ])arty in Ontario. AKTICLE HI. The Ontario JJelbrm Association .shall appoint its own olUcer.s aunuallv, Jit a mooting to be held on the second Thursdav in February, and thoy shall consist of a Chairmiin, Treasurer antl two 8ecretario3, who, together with twenty other members, to bo etings Avhenever re«[uestod so to tlo by any throe members of the Committee in writing, and all meetings .shall bo ■lic advertisement. .virncLE V. Eacli mendter of the I'rovincial .Vssociatiou .sha!' i)ay to tho Treasurer thereof the annual .sum of four d< Mars, to assist in carry- ing out the objects of tho As.snciatinn. mmm. \] •K'. 10 AETICJJ-: VI.— liULES OF OIlDEi:. 8i:c. r. — No motion shall be opon for considcmtion until moved uiid scf'oiulcd, connnilted to writing and stated from tlic Chair. Sec. II.^ — When a (juestion is before the Association, no motion shall he received except to adjourn, to lay on the table, the previous ([uestion, to po.stpone, to refer, or to amend. 81:0. III. — AVhilc an amendment to an amendment is under con- sideration, no further motion to amend is in order. Sec. IV. — All questions, unless otherwise ]irovided, shall be de- cided liy the majority of mcmliers present. Si:c. V. — AVlieu a meml»er rises to speak,hc shall respectfully ad- dress Ill's remarks to tlio President, eonline himself to the question, and avoid personality. Shciuld more than one member rise to speak alji.t the same time, th'* President shall deierniine who is entitled to the iloor. Sec. VI.— "When a mt>mlKr is calkMl to order 1»y the President, or any mend)er7he shall at once take his sijat, and the point sh.ill be decided l)y the President without discussion. Sec. VII. — If any niendjor feels aj>gricved by tJus decision of the President, he niay appeal to the Association, and the question shall be put: — "Shall the nd)ers com- ])rising it shall constitute a quorum, provided that not less than three shall at any time constitute such (piorum. Snc. X. — All lleports of Committees shall be presented in writing if required by the Chairman. Sec. XI. — No alteration or auu'ndnient shall be made to By-laws or Pules of Order without one month's previous notice in writing, and a two-third vote at an annual meeting ; neither can they be suspended at (»rdinary meetings but by a like vote, and for the oc- ijasion oidy. APTICLK VII. No addition, alteration nor amendment shall ))e made to this ■♦•onstltution without a two-third vote of the members present at an annual meeting, and one uioutli's pr<>vious notice to the Secretary in writing. i% ^^ "n