EPHEMERIS OFSTARS >^. ERRATA. l'A(iK. X. '20tli line, for 3h. 52ni. read 3h. 53m. XI. Srd line, for 44-5")S. read 14'.")i')a. 1 4tli lino, for 4(i-7(i read 41. 7(). 2 ")tli line, for ;t',l-<*0 read 20'!)0. '1 Last liue, for 44 read 14. 5 ir)tli Ime, for 40-4."i read 4!l-4."t. If. istli line, for 'M read -20. l(i 27tli lino, for 'iil-.so read 3!»'H0. IS I'.Jtli line, for 111.", read 115,-.. •2:? 82iia line, for 1240 read 124H. 30 Sif^ns for eoliinin h read x 3'( Sif,'nH for column I' read < 3(i SijiUH for rii,'!it column S. T. read — 44 17tli line, for 72 read 70. 4(! Sijin for rij^lit column <■ read — i<5 Si^'ii for left column // read — (■)0 Si<,'n for left column S. T. read — (il 20tli line, for 120-SO read 12H-,sO. (>l 2HtIi line, for 74-20 read 7r>-20. (il 2'.Hli line, for (!H!I read (itiO. (12 Sif,'n for column <■ read - (io Otli line, for 20 read .3<). 70 p^or Z 22", 2.s' S. read Z, 3(1' 25' S. 71 17th line, for (10-2H rt-RiAja ,j .^ rrilSfl 'HO Jn-.i-; /I •M"^'' •"!' .■•)d.rf>' :,,.'if(,f,:; ,;{,„^f!.., /;..; -li-.O ,m ::«iU .nf»iim n xnU^wxi r/rfJIlA .;^-J" ,.«..nUM./EPHEMERIS OF STARS ;' 'f '*'"'' IN THE ^<«i> Ofl* H'H.t'kl^^lj^.-n 9(f njj), VERTICAL § "POLARIS" , ,, ' —BY— ■ H'ltO t»'M|«rtrl -W Mi . *'• L- BLAKE, P.L.8. AND D.L.S., ^ '" ■•i*'»J*n Attronomkaf AntUtaiif at Torotito OoaervcUory. ., This original and convenient Ephemeria by Mr. Blake is the first and only puUoatfon of the kind ever attempted. These tables give the Time, and Azimuth by mere inspection. They have been compiled after a good deal of labor for the use and benefit of surveyors and engineers generally. It is intended to do away with calculations altogether, and to afford a ready means of at onc,e determining the Time and Azimuth of Polarin at the moment of observation, thereby (jiving the astronomical devia- tion of any line from the meridian by simply noting the readings of the Azimuth plate of the instrument at the time of observation. This compilation affords by far the easiest and shortest as well as the simplest method of obtaining Time and Azimuth. In the calculations necessary for compiling the tables the positions of the stars are those given in the Berliner Jahrbuch, and for those that are not found in it the American Almanac positions have ^en U8«d reduced to the Berlin meridian. „>(,,„ ..,;.,» The Siderial Timen and Azimuth of Polarin are given for every 2 . ■ i. i8,fi *^ «i .A^n METHOD OF oi^ERVATION. '• - ' /. The best method of observing would be to select your stars before- hand and make the necessary interpolations, getting your instrument into position a few minutes before tne time required, sight on Polarin and then swing the telescope to the time star and wait till it appears in the field of view, turn on to Polaris again, olamp and bisect accurately by means of tangent sor^w, noting the time by watch and again revolv- ing the telescope to the time star, note the x3me of its crosaing the wire. The observation is then complete, and the time interval correc- tions can then be applied and you have the niderral lime and aztmnth of Pdaris, which may be used in determining the deviation of any line you may be running by noting the readings of the azimuth plate of the instrument at the time of observation. As a rule with surveyors the azimuth is only required which can be taken out vdthout going through the inter potation for time thus simpli- fying matters. '" The deviation by this observation can be determined in less than nib minutes. An ordinary watch oat>&ble of keeping good time for the interval of two or three minutes between the observations is all that is neoeasary. No calculations involving the use of logarithms are required, and no other book or almanac is needed, as the tables for converting the sidereal time into mean time are inserted before the star tables. These are Table II., containing the sidereal time of mean noon at Greenwich for every day of the year, and Table III. for converting sidereal intervals into mean time int6rval8 after the manner of the table in the American Ephemeriff. li .J«* .■^0^i fn»;^> ilOt t« b»v-t • ' • * ■ : iu»w» ■AVifiV'A (ajw 'Kit ''O'llO .'1<»1 v. A ,c,i>. EXPLANATIONS. /~ In the first column, under Z, will be found the zenith diBtanr^e of It'* the time star followed by the dates. "S- t and t' are corrections of decimals of a second of the time for each degree of latitude differing from 45, and to be applied with its proper sign to the S. T. ufter multiplying by the difference in latitude, t being used for latitudes south of 45 and t' for places north of 45. a and a' are si'nilar corrections to be applied to the Azimuth. •.'V*.)l '! ■'* LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. ft' The column L4k for the latitude. S. T. and Az. are corrections to be applied to the Sid. Timcand Azimuth according to their signs. ^v.^mhi i-<^;».'«'' b contains the corrections to be applied for the interval of time be- tween the observations on polaris and the time star. They are deci- mals of a second and require to be multiplied by the interval in seconds. c are similar corrections for the Azimuth. The corrections require the interval between the observations not to be extended much over three minutes. > . ^ t^'Ml fiOS mX, At the foot of each page of the Star TabliSB will be foftihd the Zeniiih Distance of Polaria for finding purposes. This distance is for latitude 45 and is not corrected for refraction. Note. — All the above corrections are to be applied to the Sid., T. and Az. columns immediately under the stars name as the different signs are arranged for that purpose. ' .A .T if ill VI. EXAMPLE I. Jan. 20th, ^889.— At a place in latitude 52* 8G' and longitude OO" west. Polaris was Bupposed to be obBerved at lOh. UHni. .HOs. watcli time, and Hirius at lOh. 86m. Ob. in the same verticr\l plane — required the watoh error and azimuth of Polaris. Time interval, 150 seounda. Difference of latitude from 45 iu 7°.(>. /'= +0093x70= +0''71. i= +0.007 xl.'50=+ 105. A.m. «. Jan. 20th, 1889 8.T. = « 3;j 43-58 (!or. 8. T. for Lat. Sa" 8tf = — 93!»3 -. >■ Cor. <' = + 0-71 Time interval Cor. 6 = + 1-05 •*«'•"' *"' " Sideral Time . .'. Vr;\'rA' Vr.'lh*,; m'-'J^- - - • = 82 11-41 •M-\cn- Sidereal Time, M. Noon, 90th Mer V) . »VJ ; =20 1 12-25 >j,i- '• ■ Sidereal interval from Noon = 10 80 59-l(> Retardation Table III = 43-37 Standard Time, 90th Mer = 10 29 15-79 Watch Time = 10 .36 0- ', WatchFast % = 6 44-21 !«Mi1*«hT for azimuth. i4i,/ip A, - a'=— 1-08x7-6 = — 8"-2. c = - 0.102 x 150= — 15-3. Az = 1° 47' 0-" - Cor. Ae. for Lat. 52° 86 = f 17 43-0 Cor. a' = — 8-2 Time interval cor. c = — 15-3 Az. Polarin = 2 4 19-5 W A rigid solution gives S. T., =6h. 32m. 11-55b. Az., =2°4'20"W. V EXAMPLE IL Jan. 20th, 1889.— At a place in latitude 30" 12' and longitude 90° W. Polari/i was sup[)08ed to be observed at lOh. 57m. 10. watch time, and S Draconin S. P. in same vertical at lOh. 58m. 42b. required the sidereal time and azimuth of Polaris. Time interval, 92 seconds. Difference of latitude from 45 in 14-8. < = — 0-067x14-8 = — 0-99S. ft = + 0005 x 92- = + 046. h. m. s. Jan. 20th, 1889 S. T.= 6 55 403 Cor. 8. T. for Lat. 80° 12' = + 2 8-88 Cor. t = — 0-99 Time interval Cor. 6 = + 0-40 Sidereal Time = 6 67 12-38 FOR AZIMUTH. a= +0-67 X 14-8= +9"-9. c = — 0029x92= -2-8. Az 1° 48' 16" ' Cor. Az. for Lat. 3012 =— 19 50- Cor. a = + 9-9 Time interval cor. c = — 2-8 Az. of Polaris = 1 28 82-1 W A rigid solution gives 8. T., = 6h. 57in. 12-488. = Az. 1° 28' 81" W. Vll./ TABLE I. NAMES OF STARS. a Oassiopeiffi 7 CaBsiopeifB e Ur»«B Majoris 8. P i UrsiB Majoris 8. P a Eridani p Arietis a Arietis fi Ursffi Minoris 8. P 7« Ursffi Minoris 8. P a Persei i Peraei y Eridani i; Draconis 8. P a Tauri (Aldebaran) /S Orionis {Rigd) a AurigGB (Capella) /3 Draconis 8. P 8 Orionis e Orionis a Columbffi y Draconis 8. P o Orionis /3 AurigsB a Argus {Cartopus) a LyraB (Vega) 8. P, a Canis Majoris {Siritu) . . . . ( Canis Majoris 8 Draconis 8. P a Canis Minoris (Procyon) < Draconis 8. P a Cygni 8. P ij Cephei 8. P. t Ursn Majoris a Cephei S.P a HydrtB a Leonis {ReguluH) /9 UrssB Majoris a Ursn Majoris y Cephei 8. P X Draconis y Corvi S Cor vi SiPBRAb Tiua. h. 1 1 1 2 2 8 » 8 8 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 m. 88 49 60 19 82 48 42 10 16 86 48 12 26 4 8 17 21 25 27 43 44 51 9 24 88 46 66 28 29 27 29 62 2 17 69 66 69 21 28 8 22 Azimuth or Polaris. ■ 021 E 018 B 012 K 0- W 0- 6 W . 018 W *■ 019 W 0-89 W 0-51 W 0-54 W 1 7 W W ,) •! 16 W 20 W 81 W 82 W 84 W 86 \V 86 W 36 W 89 W 40 W 41 W 44 W 45 W 46 W 47 W 47 W 47 W 47 W 42 W 42 W 88 W 86 W 83 W 21 W 1 W W 0-61 W 0-48 W 81 W 0'25 W uV VIII. TABLE I.— Concluded. No. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 64 55 66 67 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 NAMES OF STARS. SiDKRAL Time. AziMUTH OF PoLAitia. o Cassiopeiae S. P, 7 Cassiopeiffi S. P e UrsBB Majoris o Virginis {Spica) f UrssB Majoris /3 Centauri o Bpotis (Arcturun) p UrssB Minqris p LibrsB 7,UrBce Minoris a Persei S. P S Persei S. P /3 Scorpii 8 Ophiuchi 7) Draconis a Scorpii (AntavM) a AurigsB (Oapella) S. P. /3 Draconis a Ophiuchi y Draconis /3 Aurigae S. P \ Sagittarii a Lyrnj ( Ve3 Tuesday Wednoa Tlnirs Friday iSatur Hunday Monday Tuefuiay Wednep Thui-6 Friday Satur ^anday jl3 Monday ,14 Tucsday'lo IA. tn. t. 1 18 45 •1862 2 18 4» 15|08 a 18 an li-M 4 18 i>7 .8-20 5 19 1 4-76 19 19 8119 Wednes thurg Friday Satur Sunday Monday 21 Tuesday 1 22 Wednes ;23 thurPi |24 Friday 25 Satur 20 Sun 60-99 20 47-5i 19 24 4410 19 38 400(i 19 32 37-32 19 3(5 33-77 19 40 30-33 19 44 26-88 19 48 23-44 19 52 20-00 19 56 10.5(5 20 1311 20 4 9-6G to 6 6-22 -ia 12 2-78 20 U 59-84 20 19 65-9P 20 23 52-45 20 27 49-00 20 31 45 50 20 35 42.1S iO 39 38-67 20 43 8B-21' Femjoary. es Q Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes TliurB Friday Sa^ur Sunday Monday Xursday Wodues Tliurs Friday !:>Al>ur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs FrJday SatuF Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs ■ .(■.'! :;;. .2 -in h. m. 1 r^O 47 M-78 20 51 28-34 20 55 24-89 20 59 ^1-45 21 3 18-00 21 21 21 21 ^ 21 21 21 31 21 7 11 15 19 23 14-50 11-12 7-67 4-22 0-77 20 57-38 30 63-89 34 50-45 38 47 00 42, 43-65 21 46 40;!^ 21 50 36-6(5 21 54 33-21 21 68 39-'76 22 2 26-§2 6, 22-87 10 19-43 14 15-08 18 12-68 22 9-Od 22 26 5-63 32 30 2-19 March. IaI ■*» ■s § % a 1 1 •« "a o o >. >. OB cS P .P Friday 1 Satur 2 Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednes 6 Thurs 7 Friday 8 Satur 9 Sunday ^0 Monday 11 Tuesday 12 Wednes 13 Thurs 14 Fi-iday 15 Satur . 16 Suntiay 17 Monday 18 Tuesday 19 Wednes 30 Thurs 21 Friday 22 Satflr 23 Sunday 24 K^ojnday 25 Tuesday 26 Sfteinea 27 Thurs 28 Friday 29 Satur 80 Sunday 81 .2 « °° a -< 5 S^ o h. m. s. 22 3? 66-29 32 41 61-85 33 45 4b-40 33 49 44-96 32 63 41-50 22 57 38-06 23 1 34-02 33 5 3117 23 9 37'72 38 13 34-37 28 17 20-82 2? 21 17-37 28 26 13-93 28 29 10-48 38 33 7-08 23 37 33 41 33 44 23 48 33 62 3-69 0-14 56-69 53-24 49-79 23 66 46-34 42-^ 4 39-46 8 36-01 12 32.6^ 16 29-11 30 25-66 24 22:33 28 18-77 32 16-32 Sf6 li-87 DifFerenoe fpr qne hour t. Ob.86^ X. TABLE ll.r^CoMinued. AT GREENWUm, MEAN NOON, 1889. Apbil. 1 r a Q Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Satnr Bnnday Monday Tuesday Wednea Thnrs Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thtars Friday 6atnr Sunday Mottday Tuesday Wednes 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 19 120 21 28 24 25 sii CQ Friday 26 Saturdy '27 Sunday 28 Monday ^ Tnesdi^y 30 h. m. M. 40 8*62 44 4-98 48 1-53 51 5808 55 64.64 59 5119 1 3 47-74 1 7 44-29 1 11 40-85 1 15 87-40 1 19 83-96 1 28 30-51 1 27 27-06 1 31 28-61 1 36 20-17 Mat. ■s Q 39 16-72 48 18-28 47 9-84 61 6-89 66 2-94 58 69-49 2 66-04 6 52-80 10 4916 14 45-tl 2 18 42-26 2 22 88-81 2 26 36-37 2 30 31-92 2 34 28-47 Wednes Thurs Friday flatur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednetf Thurs Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday S»tttr Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Satur SUflday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday h. •2 2 2 2 2 6 7 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 m. s. 38 2603 42 21-58 46 18-18 50 14-69 64 11-24 2 68 7-80 3 2 4-J 3 6 0-92 3 9 57-47 3 18 64-08 3 17 50-59 3 21 47-14 3 25 43-70 3 29 40-25 3 33 86-81 3 37 33-36 3 41 29-92 3 45 26-47 9 49 2303 3 62 19-68 JtlMB. ^ o 16-14 12-70 9-25 6'81 2*37 16 68-92 20 55-48 24 S204 28 48-60 82 45-16 36 41-71 Satur Bnnday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Satur Sunday 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ■20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 80 O o a S 9 .9 am 'OW o OQ A. m. «. 4 40 38-27 44 34-82 48 31-38 62 27-94 56 24-49 5 21-05 6 4 17-61 5 8 1417 6 12 10-72 5 16 7-28 20 3-84 24 0-40 27 56-96 31 53-62 36 6007 5 39 46-63 6 48 48-19 5 47 89-76 6 51 36-80 6 55 32-86 5 59 29-42 6 3 25-98 6 7 22-63 6 11 19-09 6 16 16-66 6 19 12-21 6 28 8-76 6 27 6-82 6 31 1-88 6 34 58-44 Ibifferenoe for ohe hour + 98. 8666. TABLE ll.-^Gontiniied. AT GREENWICH, MfiAN Kb ON, 1889 JtTLt. '' 1 AoftnsT. SeptembeiI. A :. fe C JS ii s ^ '•s. s *> ■a O o «> O o M s M a ■S X s 1 « *• "S i o o real Time ght Ascens Mean Ban. i 1 o S » •s real Time ght Ascens Mean Sun. « real Time ght Ascens Mean Bun. ^ Iw-S ■^ ^P5 p ^ IK'S Q « OQ Q Q o5 Q Q in A. »«. 1. A. m. H. A. m. H. Monday 1 « 38 64-99 Thurs 1 8 41 8-26 Sunday 1 10 48 21-45 TiieBday 2 6 42 Cl-56 Friday 2 8 45 4-82 Monday' 2 10 47 18.00 Wednes H 6 46 48-11 Ratnr 3 8 49 1-37 1 Tuesday » 10 51 44-55 Thura 4 6 50 44-67! Sunday 4 8 52 57-92 '•■ Wedne? 4 10 55 11-11 Friday 5 6 54 41.22 Monday 5 8 56 54-48 Thurs ■ 5 10 59 7-66 Satur 6 6 58 87-78 Tuesday 6 9 51'0* Friday 6 11 8 4-2^: Sunday 7 7 2 34-34 Wednes 7 9 4 47-68 Satur 7 11 7 0-76 Monday 8 7 « 30-90 Thurs 8 9 8 44-14 j Sunday •8 11 10 57^32 Tuesday 9 7 10 27-45 Friday 9 9 12 40-70 Monday 9 11 14 53-87, Wednes 10 7 14 24-01 Satur 10 9 16 87-25 Tuesday 10 11 18 .50-44 Thura 11 7 18 20-57 Sunday 11 9 20 83-81 Wednes 11 11 22 46-9^ Friday 12 7 22 17-13 Monday 12 9 24 .SO-87 Tliurs 12 11 "26 48.52 flatur 13 7 26 13-68 Tuesday 13 9 28 26-92 Friday 18 11 30 40-07 Sunday 14 7 30 10-24 WedueB 14 9 82 28-47 Satur" • 14 11 34 86-63 Monday m 7 34 6-80 Thurs 15 9 36 20- 12 21 $5-2r Satur' 27 8 21 -25-48 Tuesday 27 10 23 88-68 E*ridav 27 12 25 51-82 Suux'lay 2« 8 25 -22-04 Wednes 28 to 27 35-23 Satur" 28 12 2<» 48'.37 Monday 20 8 29 18-59 Thurs ' 29 10 31 31-78 Sunday 29 12 33 44*92 Tuesday 30 ft 33 15-14 Friday 30 10 35 28'84 Mpndfiy ^ 12 37 41-4Y Wednes ! 31 8 37 11-70 Satur 31 10 39 24-90 Difference fbr ond hoUi- + 98.8565 XII. '?A»LS II,-Co»ic/«ded. AT GRBENWigit, MEAJJ NOON, 18^. QCTOBBK. M I o §. Tuead»y Tnurs Ppidfty S»tiir ^imday Monday Tae8df.y Wed^nea thurs Friday Satur ^pn^ay l^pnday iJu/^ay Wednas Tliwrs B*riday Siatar Sun4&y 13 13 13 13 loiia Monday 31 Tuesday 'J2 Wednejs '23 tWs 'J4 Friday Satur 26 Sunday 27 I^ondayj^ Tpraday^d Wednes|30 tliurs' isi HI '3 -» » ■g ft o QQ A. m. 1. 13 41 3603 13 46 34-.ia 18 49 3113 13 53 27-69 13 57 24.24! 1 6 9 13 17 20-80 17-35 13-90 10-46 7-01 11 Vi la 14 16 16 mid 10 20 13 21 3-56 13 25 0-11 13 28 56-66 13 32 53-2'2 18 36 49-77 18 40 46-32 13 44 43-88 4& 39-43 13 52 35-98 18 56 32-54 2514 14 29-09 14 4 20-65 14 8 22-20 14 12 18-76 16 15.31 14 20 14 24 li 28 14 82 14 .35 14 39 11-87 8-42 4-97 V52 58-07 54-63 NqvKHviB. i ^ Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednea Thnns Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wedues Thurs Friday Satoif SqndAy Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Fridny Saiur 2 • n a <5 3 "3 ■» S S 2f « OQ h. m. H. 14 43 5119 14 47 47-74 14 51 44-30 14 55 40-86 14 59 87-41 a 7 11 15 19 16 23 16 27 15 31 16 36 15 39 33-96 30-51 2707 23-63 20-18 16-74 13-29 9-85 6-41 2-97 15 42 59-53 If^ 46 56-i[M 15 50 52-62 15 54 4!; -19 15 58 45-75 10 16 16 16 16 2 42-30 6 38-86 10 3.5-42 14 31-98 18 •28-.53 3016 16 22 25-08 16 26 21-64 16 30 18-20 16 .34 14-76 88 11-31 December. J3 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Fridi»y Satur Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Satar Sunt^y Monday Tuesday Wednes Thurs Friday Satur Sunday Monday Tueifday O o -cW o A. m. ». 16 42 7-37 16 46 4-43 16 50 0-99 16 53 57-64 16 57 54-10 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 1 60-66 6 47-21 9 43-77 13 40-33 17 36-89 21 33-45 25 30.00 29 26-56 33 23-12 37 19-68 17 41 17 45 17 49 17 53 17 67 16-24 12-80 9-36 5-91 2-47 21 18 22118 59-03 4 65-68 8 62-14 12 48-70 16 45-26 18 20 41-62 18 24 38-38 18 28 34-98 18 32 31-40 18 36 28-05 18 40 24-61 Difference for one houi; + 9a.8665 XIII. TJAPLE III.— SIDIiJREAL INTO MEAN SOLAU TIME. Tq. he ifnbtrtucfed from a Sidereal Time Interval. riide- reikl. Oh. m. B. ih. Sb. 8h. 4h. Bh. Fob ! BRCOND8. m. tn. 8. in. 8. m. B. m. 8. m. B. B. 8. Q 000 983 19-65 89-48 6 39-31 49-14 OflOO (|K« ■ i 0-18 9-99 19-82 ag-K^ 39-48 49-31 1 0-003 £ ' , i (O-aa loia 19-98 29-81 39-64 49-47 3 0-005 "' 0-4? lo-sa 2015 29-98 39-81 49-63 3 0-008 : *:■ 0-6Sf 1048 20-31 3U-14 39-97 49-80 4 0-011 a 0-81 10-64 20-47 30-30 4013 49-96 5 0-014 ft 0-98 10-81 20-64 30-47 40-30 5013 8 0-016 1 114 10-97 20-80 30-63 40-46 40-65 .W-29 7 0-019 8 1-31; 1114 90-9T 30-79 .SO-96 50-45 8 0D22 ■9 1-4T: 11-30 ailSi 40-79 60-62 9 01)25 10 7-68. 11-46 21-29 31-18 40-95 50-78 10 0-097 - a^'' ; ^ 1-80 11-63 31-46 31-29 41-13 50-95 11 0-OHO ''iP'' ' i-w U-79 81-62 81-45 41-88 51-11 12 0-083 > JkD- I i 818 11-95 81-78 81-61 41-44 51-27 13 0-085 -' fiti- 1 »B-2« 1212 81-95 31-78 41-61 51-44 14 0-038 '^'WO- , i ■'B-45 12-28 28-11 31-94 41-77 61-60 15 0-041 v%t 12-45 22-28 82-11 41-93 51-76 16 0-044 ^'^Ei'i* 12-61 82-44 32-27 42-10 61-93 17 0-046 ^a•^4 18.77 82-60 82-43 42-26 6209 18 0K)49 f 1 8-11' ■ 1 8-44 ia-94 82-77. 82-60 42-43 62-26 19 0-0S2 13-10 82-93. 32-76 32-92 42-59 62-42 90 O^Jte 13-27 83-09 42-75 62-58 21 0-057 i •.8-60 18-43 83-26 3309 42-92 62-75 22 0-060 9K)' f' < 8-76 13-59 23-42; 33-2.1 . 43-08 62-91 33 0-063 ' WK^' 1 i«'93 18-76 23-59 33-43 43-25 63-08 34 0-066 8&' i' '4-09 18-92 23-75 33-58 43-41 63-24 25 0-ofle 8E'' ;'4-25 1406 83-91 33-74 43-57 63-40 26 0-071 ffi^' ' • tS 14-25 8408 33-91 43-74 53-57 27 0-074 Vt' 14-41 84-24 34-07 43-90 63-73 28 0-076 flVT') ; *<"7S 14-58 84-41; 34-24 . 44-06 63-89 29 0-OT9 S*'' 60t 14-74 24-67 84-40 44-23 54-06 30 oroea 81^'j 14-90 24-73 84-56 34-7.9 44-89 64-22 31 0-080 Sgtv 8i84 16-07 24-90; 44-56 54-39 32 0-087 M|ii '640 15-23 ■ 85-061 84-89 44-72 54-55 33 0-090 3bu 85T 15-40 85-22; 85-09 44-88 54-71 84 0-098 flB9!> ; 8'73 15-56 te-39; 85-22 4505 64-88 35 0-09B 8K'' ! 8-89 15-72 35-55! 85-M 45-21 65-04 36 0-098 4?" 606 1.5-89 85-78: 85-56 46-38 56-20 37 0-101 W'i : 6'22 16-05 a')-88, 85-71 3V87 46-54 55-37 38 0-104 ' t r «»!i 16-21 26-04' 4.5-70 55-53 39 0-106 i ^i , frW 16-3S 86-21 3604 45-87 55-70 40 0-10!) < u 1 e-Ti 16-54 26-37 36.30 46-03 55-86i 41 0-112 * n j ■ 6-8S 16-71 86-54 ' 36.38 4619 86-02 42 0-115 < ■T-01 16-87 36-70 36.53 , 46-36 56-19 43 0-U7 ^ ! ' r-20 17 03 86-86 .86-69 46-58 56-35 44 0-iao ^ ^ ; ! f^l 17-20 27-03 27-19 36-86 4S-69: 36-52 45 0-123 ^ ^i \ '-53 17-36 37-02 46-85 56-68 46 0-136 ^ 1 '.70 17-52 27-.S5 37-18 4701 56-84 47 0-128 < ' : Hi.88 17-69 27-52 87-85 47-18 OT-01 48 0-181 < • 1 foa 17-85 27-68 87-51 47-34 57-17 49 0-134 * 1 CIS 18-02 37-85 37-68 47-51 87-33 60 0-137 «; ,(•35 1818 2801 87-84 47-67 57-60 61 0-189 Sm ; if 84 18-34 88-17 38-00; 47-83 57-66 52 0-142 18-51 38-34 3817 48-00 57-83 63 0-140 Bfc' 18-67 as-so 38-33 48-16 .17-99 54 0-147 "? '!' ' frOl 18-84 M-67 S-88 88-49: «-32 58-15 56 oiao 5«' 9-17 19-00 38-66; 48-49 58-.% 66 0-163 sf" 9'33 19-16 2B-99 : 38-82^ 48-65 58-48 67 0-166 5? 59. 9-30 19-33 89-16 ; 38-99 48-82 58-65 68 0-16H 9-66 19-49 aaraa. 39-15 48-96 58-81 69 0-181 :" XIV. •■■ ■ ,''.r ' TABLE in.-r-SlDEBEAL INTO MEAN SOLAU TIME. To be tSuhtracted /rom a Sidereal 'lime IntenwU. Hide- real. ah. 7h. 8b. 9h. lOh. llh. For • BKCONDB. m. in. B. ni. R. ni. B. m. 8. ni. «. 111. 8. 8. 8. 56-\n 1 8-80 I 18-63 1 2H-46 1 .BK^O 1 48-18 0-000 1 5914 h-97 18-80 28-63 8^-45 48-28 1 0-003 a Q 59-30 9-ia 18-96 28-79 38-62 48-45 2 0-005 3 59'-16 9-29 1912 2«-!)5 38-78 48-61 i 0-008 4 Q 59-63 9-16 19-29 29-12 38- H) 48-78 4 0-011 , 6 59-79 9-B2 19-45 29-28 39-11 48-94 6 0-014 i 6 Q 59-96 S-79 19 21-49 81-25 41-08 o0-91 17 0-046 US 1 1-92 U-75 81-58 31-41 41-24 51-07 18 0D4» 19 1 2-09 1 2-25 U-92 21-74 81-57 41-40 61-23 19 o-osi S» ■ 12-08 21-91 81-74 41-57 61-40 80 0-095 r ai 1 2-Jl 12-24 22-07 81-90 41-78 61-66 81 25E 0-080 83 1 2-.'.8 12-41 22-24 32-07 41-90 01-72 82 83 1 2-74 12-57 22-40 32-23 42-06 31-89 88 oim 84 1 2-90 12.73 22.56 82-39 42-22 62-05 84 o-om SJ 1 307 : 12-90 22-73 82-56 42-39 62-22 85 0K)6B as 1 3-23 13-06 22-89 82-72 42-55 52-38 86 O-flTl 87 1 3-40 . l:i-23 23-06 82-88 42-71 t2-54 87 Ormt 88 1 8-56 13-3.1 23-22 88-05 42-88 52-71 88 0O76 ,09 1 3-72 13-55 23-38 88-21 43-04 62-87 89 0W9 SO 1 3-89 13-72 ■ BH-.W 33-38 43-21 5:1-04 80 (Mm 31 1 4-OS. 13-88 83-71 83-54 43-37 53-20 81 0K)66 82 1 4-82 1 4-S 14-04 23-87 83-70 43-53 63-.S6 82 0D87 , S3 14-21 84-04 83-87 43-70 68-53 88 0O90 34 1 4-54 14 37 84-80 84-03 43-86 68-69 84 0O98 33 1 4-71 14-54 84-37 34-20 4402 68-85 85 Oram 38 1 4-87 14-70 84-53 34-36 44-19 64-02 86 0-096 37 1 503 14-86 84-69 34-52 44-35 6418 37 0-101 3S 1 5-20 15-03 84-86 34-69 44-52 64-35 88 0-104 39 1 5-36 15-19 avo2 34-85 44-68 64-51 89 0-106 40 1 5-53 15-36 85 19 85-01 44-84 64-67 40 0-109 41 1 5-69 15-52 aV3-i 3518 45-01 64-84 41 0-118 43 1 6-85 15-68 av.-.i 85-84 46-17 66-00 48 0-116 43 1 6-02 1.5-84 85-68 35-51 46-34 6517 44 0-117 44 1 $-18 1 6-3> 16-01 9V84 85-67 4650 66-33 0-180 45 1617 26-00 3'->-83 45-66 66-49 48 0-iai 46 1 6-51 16-31 86-17 r6-ao 45-83 66-66 46 0-126 47 1 687 18-50 26-33 8616 45-99 56-82 47 0-128 48 1 6-84 16-67 26-50 86.83 46-15 66-96 48 0-131 49 1 7-00 16-83 ii6-66 36.49 4632 66-15 49 0-134 SO 1 716 1899 26-82 36.6.5 . 46-48 66-31 SO 0-137 SI 1 7-33 i7-16 17-32 i7-49 a6-99 36-82 M-65 66-48 61 0-139 se 1 7-49 8715 36-98 46-81 66-64 ca 0-148 63 1 7-66 87-31 37-14 46-97 66-80 a 0-146 S4 1 7-88 17-85 a7-48 87-81 4714 66-97 64 0-147 65 1 7-fle ' 17-81 87-64 37-47 4T-80 67-13 tf6 0-150 B6 1 81$ 17-98 87-81 37-64 47-47 97-29 66 0-153 ^ 57 1 8-31 1811 87-97 37-80 47-68 87-46 s; 0-156 S8 1 8-47 18-30 88-13 37-96 47-79 67-62 S8 0-166 S9 1 8-64 18-47 .88-30 3813 47-96 67-79 60 0-161 XV. TABLIi III.— SIDEREAL INTO MEAN SOLAU TIME. To he Subtracted from a SiderecU Tirm Interval, 81dc- ^•eal. 1 laii. 131i. 14b. lAh. 16h. 17h. 1 FoK ' Srcondb. .m. m. B. tn. B. in. B. m. B. 111. B. in. B. 8. 8. 1 67.95 2 7-78 2 17-61 2 27-44 2 37-27 2 47-10 0-000 1 1 6H11 7-94 17-77 27-60 37-43 47-26 1 0-008 B 1 68'i!-< K-U 17-94 27-77 37-60 47-43 8 0-005 8 1 6814 8-27 1810 27-93 87-76 47-59 8 0-008 . 4 1 68-81 8.44 18-28 88-09 87-92 47-76 4 0-011 5 1 S8-77 8-61) 18-43 88-26 38-09 47-92 6 0-014 6 1 68-9.1' H-76 l.s-.-)9 28-42 .3s-2"> 48-08 6 (,-.)1B . 7 1 6i)l» W93 lB-76 28-.W 8><-42 48-24 7 0-019 8 1 69'2« >jm 18-92 28-75 88-58 48-41 8 0-092 9 1 6i)-4i i(-2> 19-08 98-91 38-74 48-57 9 0-035 10 1 69-59 41-42 19-2-> 89-08 88-91 48-74 10 o-oa? u 1 36-75 t)-.'i8 19-41 89-21 89-07 48-90 11 0-080 19 1 6e-9a 9-75 19-58 29-40 89-23 49-06. 13 0-033 13 2 o-()a 9-91 19-74 . 29-57 8n--40 49-23 18 0-03-. < 14 2 U-21 10-1)7 K 29-73 8!)-5J, 49-39 14 0-038 16 2 O-ll 10-2 1 29-90 89-73 49-56 16 0-041 16 2 0T)7 10-40 2>i-23 8U-06 80-89 49-72 16 0-044 17 2 0-,'4 10-56 »J-3i» ao-ai, 40-05 49-88 17 0O46 18 2 0-93 10-73 ao-.i6 8J-3.I 40-22 60-05 18 0-049 19 2 l'il6 10-89 20-72 8()-J5 40',38 60-21 19 0-063 21 2 l-2.i ll-iKJ 80-89 3 J- 72 40.^4 60-37 ao OrOBS a 2 i;w U-ii 2105 80-68 40-71 60-54 81 0-067 aa 2 l-5> 11-3S ai-21 81-04 40-87 50-70 82 0-060 as 2 1-72 11-55 21-38 31-21 41-04 fiO-87 23 0-063 at 2 1-88 U-71 81-54 81-37: 41-30 61-03 84 0-066 23 2 ii-05 11-88 21-70 81-53 41-36 51-19 25 0-068 06 2 2-21 1204 ai-.s7 81-70 41-53 61-36 26 0-071 S7 2 2-37 12-2) 22-03 81-86 41-69 51-.52 27 0-074 28 2 2-54 12-37 . 22-20' 8203 41-86 51-69 28 0-076 29 2 2-70 12-.)3 22-36 82-19 42-02, 51-85 29 0-079 89 2 286 12.69 22-52 82-35. 42-18 52-01 80 0-088 81 2 3-03 12'8S' 82-69 82-52 42-35 52-18 31 0-086 82 2 319 1302 ., 32-85 32-68 42-51 62-84 82 0-087 88 2 8-36 13-19 23-02 S-18 82-85 48-67 52-50 33 0-080 81 2 3-52 13-35 8;i-oi 42-84 82-67 84 0-098 85 2 3-.H 13-.51 33-34 83-17 48-00 .52-83 «5 0096 86 2 3-S-. 13-68 23-51 83-31 48-17 53-00 86 0-096 87 2 i-M 13-84 83-67 £-88 83-50 48'33 53-a6 37 0-101 . 38 2 4-18 14-01 83-66 48-49 53-32 3S 0-104 89 2 4-3J 14-17 84-00 83-83 48-66 63-49 89 0-106 40 2 4-JO 14-33 8416 83-99 48-88 63-. -> 40 0-109 41 2 4-67 14-50 84-33 34-16 48-99 68-81 41 0-118 42 2 4-83 14-66 84-49 84-83 44-19 68-98 42 0-116 43 2 4-99 14-82 84-65 84-48 44-81 64-14 48 0-117 44 2 S16 14-99 84-82 84-65 44-48 64-31 44 0-iao 4> 8 5-:^ 15-15 84-98 84-81 44-64 64-47 45 0-183 4« 2 5-49 15.32 a-.-i5 84-97 44-80 64-63 46 0-136 4'? 2 S-6> 1.5-48 85-31 8514 44-97 64-80 47 0-138 48 2 5-nl 15-64 33-47 85-30 46-13 64-96 48 0-131 49 2 .vm 15-81 45-64 85-80 a5-47 46-30 65-13 49 0-1S4 SO 2 614 15-97 85-63 : 46-46 . 55-29 60 0-137 61 2 6-31 16-13 3V96 »S-13 85-79 46-69 55-45 61 0-139 fiSI 2 6-47 16-30 85-96 45-79 55-68 68 0-148 68 2 .6-63 16-46 86-89 86-ia 46-95 66-78 63 0-146 is 2 6-80 16-63 86-46 86.39 46-12 ^ . 56-94 54 0-147 a 6-96 16'79 96-62 86.45 46^ 56-U 66 0-160 86 2 712 1696 86-78 96-95 86.61 46-44 66-87 66 0-153 57 a 7-29 17-12 86.78 46-61 66-44 67 0-156 SB 2 7-45 17-28 87-28 86-94 46-77 66-60 68 0-168 M 2 7-62 17-45 .,,87.10 4P-93 P6-76 69 0161 XVI. TABLE III.- SIDEREAL INTO MEAN SOLAR TIME. To ht Subtracted from a Sidereal Time Interval. Mldo-: real. 1 isb. 19h. aob. 31h. S3h. sah. For 8KCOMD8. w». m. B. tn. «. m. 8. tn. 8. tn. H. m. «. 8. ». '2} 7.0S 16 91 9-J.74 36.67 46.40 a i 8 67.4tt 7.2-. I7.0S 9J.91 36,74 46.57 B 0-008 i 9 57.M 7.41 17.21 fl/.07 86-90 46.73 4 0-011 5 9 67.75 7-o8 17.41 97.21 37.06 46 89 6 0-014 S 9 67.91 7-74 17-57 97-40 37-93 47-06 « (yoi6 7 9 sa-oi 7-90 17-73 97-56 87-39 47-99 7 0-019 8 9 68-94 8-07 17-90 97-73 87-56 47-39 8 0^89 0-op 0-097 9 9 68'40 8-23 18-06 97-89 aff-79 47-56 9 10 9 68-3t 8.40 18-22 98-05 87-88 47-71 10 U 9 68-7S 8-36 18-39 &i-29 88-05 47-88 11 0-081 U 8 66-89 8-79 18-55 9*38 88-91 48-04 18 0-083 la 8 69-06 8-89 13-72 38-55 as-71 88-38 48-81 13 0-08? 14 9 69-92 9-0) 18-88 98-54 48-37 14 0-03S 15 9 69-38 i 69-55 9-21 19-04 98-87 88-70 48-53 15 0-041 1« 931 19-21 29-04 98-87 48-70 16 0-044 11 9 61-71 fl-54 19-37 2:i-ai 39-03 48-86 17 0-046 9 69-88 9-71 19-54 9J-37 3y-19 49-08 18 0049 19 8 0«4 9-87 19-70 2q-.)3 9S-.36 49-19 19 0-059 tU 8 0-2J 10-03 19-86 9.1-69 89-38 49-35 80 0-066 21 8 0-87 10-2 J 9:>03 9a-86' 39-69 49-59 81 0-067 m 8 0-53 10-3S 'Jj-19 30-02 49-a5 49-68 2-i 0-080 na 8 0-70 10-53 90-35 30-18 40-01 49-84 83 0-068 M 8 0-86 10-69 90-59 80-33 40-18 60-01 81 O-OfW i3? 8 109 10-85 2>68 83-51 40-34 60-17 25 0-068 96 5? 8 1-19 U-09 «a-85i 30-68 40-51 60-33 86 0-071 8 1-35 11-18 91-01 30-84 40-67 60-50 97 0-074 28 8 1-51 11-34 91-17 31-00 40-83 60-66 88 0-076 99 8 1-68 11-31 91-34 81-17 46-00 S0-8S 89 0-079 30 8 1-84 11-67 91-50 81-33 4116 60-99 80 0-089 ;tt 8 901 11-84 91-67 31-49 41-38 81-15 81 0-086 ya 8 9-17 12-00 81-83 81-66 41-49 Sl-33 82 0-087 ss 8 9-38 12-16' 31-99 81-88 41-65 Sl-48 33 0-090 ai 8 9-30 12-33 92-16 81-99 41-89 61-65 31 0-099 as 8 9-66 19-49 w^-32 82-15 41-98 81-81 35 0-096 96 8 9-89 12.66 92-48 89-31 42-14 fi-31 61-97 38 Orom 87 8 8-99 12-88 92-63 99-48 82-14 37 0-101 SB 8 8-15 19-98 92-81 82-64 48-47 59-33 88 0-104 8 S-3fl 13-16 i^-98 82-81 ^-63 «-80 88-46 39 0-106 S' 8 a-^ 13-31 33-14' 82-97 $•63 40 0-109 4? 8 8-M 18-47 ■ 93-33 .13-18 48-96 v-n 41 0-118 M 8 3-81 13-64 33-17 SU-.TO &-13 M-96 49 0-116 4»' 8 3-97 13-80 83-63 »H-16 8-29 ^18 43 OUT 44 8 4-14 13-97 98-80 83-68 48-43 88-!» 44 0-lff) 48 8 433 1413 93-96 93-79 48-69 88-45 45 0-198 4« 3 4-46 14-9.1 34-18 83-95 ffi-7B 88-61 46 0-196 47 8 4-6d 14-46 31-29 81-ia 4896 . 88-78 47 0-19^ 48 8 4-70 1469 34-46 84-98 44-11 (6)-94 48 0-lSt 40 8 4-9fl a 6-lS 14-78 34-61 Sl-44 4-27 M-10 49 o-ist SO 1496 34-78 M-61 i4-44 rtl-97 80 0-187 0-18* 51 8 6-98 Xtyvi 34-94 81-77, 44-60 84-48 61 SB 8 64li 35-11 »4-94, 8510 44-76 tt4-69 68 ^ ae 8 6-6t 16-44 36-97 44-93 •4-76 B3 'H 8 6-7T 1660 16-77 35-43 ' ■a6'96j fe-09 ^^ «4 6-i3 .19 8 6-9JI 35-60 86-41 fc-96 66 O-lMJ ■•« 8 6-l5 16-98 8S-76 p-« 46-48 86-85 96-41 ^ O^w S7 8 6-9i 16-10 35-98 86-76 a-6e 46-91 vIlSs S9 a 9-49 8 6-60 ie-9QL 16-49 m m m ^ s;j§? t' 18^. Z. 10° 60' N. January 20... February 9 . . . March I " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20. June 9.' " 2« July 19 Auguflt 8... . " 281... September 17 October 7 . . . . " 27. . . . November 16 December 6 . 26. a CASSIOPEI.S:. t. •0.^3 •030 •013 •000 •000 •OOO •000 •007 •020 •040 •047 •OOO •080 •073 •073 •073 •060 •053 ■040 g. T. CSS" 49 Y4 4939 430T 4696 4160 4184 4933 49^§0 43.1T 4498 4ft 19 45 66 4691 4641 4638 4661 4649 4615 4589 t'. •053 •0.'<8 •018 •007 •000 •000 •007 •020 •033 •047 •067 •080 •080 •100 •100 •093 ■087 •073 -053 Az. E. 0°21' a. •32 •19 •13 •00 ■00 •00 ■00 ■06 •19 •38 •45 •57 ■70 •70 •70 ■70 ■57 ■61 ■38 30 91 19 6 3 3 8 14 99 30 39 46 51 55 55 53 48 41 89 C4 40 16 08 00 00 08 24 40 56 80 90 96 20 •20 •12 •04 ■8H ■64 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. —•021 S. T. Az. c. + «70 L. b. S.T. Az. <;. 28 - 9* 8» - 951 1 r^ T * 29 •021 9653 949 •377 < » 30 •020 9513 939 •383 * »• ^■ »1 •019 98 V3 991 •390 45 —Oil + €ioa 1 o + •4a'i 32 •019 9933 910 •397 46 •010 913 93 •494 33 •018 90-87 109 •403 47 •009 433 47 •504 84 •017 10 40 186 •410 48 •008 660 79 •516 35 •017 ITfT 16'9V 173 •417 49 •007 893 98 •527 36 •016 159 •423 50 •006 1140 196 •537 37 •016 1467 145 ■430 51 •005 1400 155 •548 38 •015 1300 130 •437 52 •004 1667 188 •659 39 •014 1133 114 •443 53 •003 1947 991 •570 40 •013 060 97 •450 54 •002 9944 9573 957 •681 41 •013 780 80 •457 55 •001 994 •692 42 •012 503 61 •463 56 —000 + 98 >;3 + 334 + •602 43 •Oil 400 49 •470 44 -Oil - 900 — 91 + •477 Polaris 7u Dist. = 48° 45'. 1889. Z. lo* 7' N. January 0. 20. February 9. March 1 . : . " 21... April 10... " 80... May 20.,.. June 9 " 29..,.. July 19.... August 8. . >CA88IOPEI^. 8. T. Qb 491B Beptember 17. October 7 . . . . " 27 ... . November 16.. December 6... 26... t. •040 •027 •013 •000 •000 'COO •000 •007 •020 •038 '047 •05« •067 •07H •067 •067 •050 ■053 •047 80^96 3*60 8099 9998 8990 800T 808Y 80*90 3198 899Y 8803 8861 34^30 34 «0 34 f 9 34 8§ 3498 8441 841ft t'. •0«0 •040 •027 •013 •000 •000 •OlS •020 •033 •063 •073 •093 •100 •107 •118 •113 •107 •087 •067 Az. £. LATITUDE CORKEOTIONS. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. L. b. 8. T. Az. V. 28 — 029 - li^ST - 161 + •878 29 •028 IVOO IAS •885 ' -. 80 •027 1618 148 •392 a t. ft 81 •027 lft9Y 141 •898 45 — 017 + 000 + + -492 32 •026 14^S8 is^io 184 •406 46 •016 138 1.1 •508 B8 •02s 19V •412 47 •015 9^78 80 •615 84 •025 1340 110 •418 48 •014 490 46 •627 86 •024 ll-4t 110 •425 49 •018 96V 68 •638 36 •028 10'4T 109 •432 50 •012 V9V 81 •650 37 •024 tf40 98 •488 51 •Oil 8-98 99 ■662 38 •022 8-38 88 •445 52 •Oltf 106V 190 ■673 39 •021 »-9» V8 •452 58 •009 1940 149 •685 40 •021 87 51 88 Invis ible 52 89 58 40 1- t 54 41 55 42 « 56 , 48 44 PolavM Z. DiBt.=:43° 1889. 24° 44' January 0. . . 20.... February 9 . . , March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 II 29 July 19'. '. '. . . ! August 8. .. . " 28 September 17 October 7. . . . " 27. . . . November 16 December 6 . 26. /3 ARIETIS. 8. T, lh48"' t. — 053 •040 •0?0 •007 •000 •000 •007 •013 •013 •(B7 •047 •0fe3 •O&J •073 •080 •087 •087 ■080 — 067 ^•36 8^83 338 9-37 9-95 943 S^Ol 366 44T 933 634 715 TT* 894 848 848 899 V86 t'. •067 •047 •033 •020 •007 •000 •000 •007 •027 •040 •053 •073 •093 •107 •113 •113 •113 •100 f-^187 Az. W. 0°13' •49 ■m •18 •06 •00 •00 ■06 •12 •12 •25 •43 •49 •62 •68 •74 ■80 •80 •74 ■62 89 91 100 108 113 lis 114 110 103 9.1 86 77 TO 63 99 S7 99 63 70 a'. - -82 •58 •41 •25 •08 ■00 ■00 •08 •33 •49 •60 ■91 115 1-32 140 140 1-40 1^24 -107 LATITUDE CORBECTIONS. L. b. 8. T. Az. e. —-362 L. b. 8. T. Az. c. 28 + •002 + 19^»3 - 178 29 •003 18-80 171 -368 1 30 ■004 1780 164 •875 «. n 81 •004 1687 197 •882 46 + 014 - ood + —•475 82 •005 1980 148 -388 46 •016 193 17 •48(-. 88 •006 1480 140 -396 47 •016 307 34 •497 34 •006 1878 181 -402 48 •017 467 99 •507 85 •007 19-67 193 •408 49 •018 683 70 -518 86 •008 11^43 119 •415 50 •019 8 13 90 •529 37 •008 1040 109 •422 51 ■0*20 998 111 •540 38 ■009 9-90 91 ■428 62 •021 1188 181 •551 39 •000 8-00 80 -485 63 •021 1880 196 •562 40 •001 680 68 -442 54 •022 1998 189 •572 41 •001 959 96 -448 55 •028 18-07 909 •683 42 •012 4-90 48 -455 56 + 024 - 90 33 < 987 -•594 48 •018 987 99 -462 44 + 018 + 1-47 — 19 —-468 PotomZ. DiBt. = 48'44'. 1889. ,, •22* 4' S. January O... " 20... February !) . . Marcli 1 " 21 April 10..... " .HO,.... May 20 .."... June 9 It JJO July 12,.'.... August 8.... " 28.... Beptember 17 October 7. . . . " 27.... November 16 December 6. . 26. . a ARIETI8. S. T. 2h 0" t. ;047 •03? •027 •008 •017 •000 •000 •007 •00» •017 ■020 •043 •057 •060 •080 •080 •080 •080 •067 tl0-9» a043 19 94 196T 1949 1964 ti004 3064 31 39 3341 33-39 3416 34§3 3A39 3331 9i!i9 3549 3314 + f. •073 •058 ■033 •013 ■000 •000 •000 •007 •020 •040 •060 •073 •087 •100 ■113 ■120 •120 •107 •093 Az. W. 0° 19'. + ^47 ■33 •27 •13 •07 •00 •00 •07 •13 ■27 •40 •53 •67 •80 •80 •80 •80 •80 + ■67 T4 K3 93 lOO 106 109 HI lOS 9S 90 m T3 64 37 33 30 31 33 66 a'. - Vd •58 •36 •14 ■00 ■00 ■00 •07 •22 •43 •66 •79 •94 108 123 1-30 1-30 116 -101 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. c. —■368 L. b- S. T. Az. €. 9 28 + 002 + 3y38 - 349 29 •003 36 30 340 ■373 80 ■004 3487 339 ■379 o *. m - 81 ■004 3S4T 318 ■385 45 + 013 — O'OO + O —•467 82 •00a 3307 307 -391 46 •014 313 33 •478 83 •006 3060 196 •397 47 •015 437 46 •490 84 ■006 1918 184 -408 48 •016 6-33 71 •602 85 ■007 1760 171 ■408 49 •017 8-87 96 •613 86 ■007 1607 137 ■414 60 017 11.83 133 •0-26 87 ■008 14-47 148 ■420 51 ■0l8 13-87 134 •637 88 •008 13*87 138 •426 52 ■019 1647 186 •648 89 ■009 1130 113 ■432 58 •m 1937 319 ■560 40 •010 947 96 •438 54 ■021 33-30 33§0 334 •672 41 •OlO 7-67 78 •443 56 •022 391 •583 42 ■Oil 387 60 •449 56 + 028 - 3840 + 839 —•696 48 ■0l2 8-93 41 •46o 4 44 + '012 1 3-00 - 31 —•461 — » , PofamZ. Di8t. = 43'44'. I 1889. ITHfJIA Z. 60° 28' N. January . . • " 20... February 9 . . , Mfirch !,....< " 21...; . April 10 " 80 May 20'.,... June 9. .. .. .. " 29. ... . July 19!..... August 8. . . . " 28.... September 17 October 7. .. . " 27.... November 16 December 6. . 26,. /. — 060 •047 •088 •020 •013 •000 •000 •007 •013 • 027 •083 •047 •067 •080 •087 •093 •093 •087 —•087 /SURSiE MINORIS, S.P. T. 2h 42"» is-aa 18-14 1*81' iv-a9 17 40 lV'!i6 1V4S lY-88 1806 18-«8 1923 1983 tiO'47 iiO-93 ai YT tll34 31T9 3184 SI 90 t'. •080 •067 •058 •027 •0181 •018 •000 •007 •020 •088 •058 •078 •087 •107 •127 •127 •127 •127 •118 Az. W. 0° 39'. a. + •SS •45 •82 •19 •13 •00 •00 •06 •18 •26 •82 •45 •64 •77 •84 •JK) •90 •84 + -84 48 61 TO ** 89 83 80 T« 6Y AS 48 89 81 89 SO 19 SI SV a'. — •as •74 •59 •29 •15 •16 •00 •07 •22 •87 •59 •81 •96 1^18 140 1-40 140 140 —125 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. • 28 + 080 •29 •080 30 •081 31 •082 32 •083 33 •088 34 •0818 35 •084 36 •084 37 •085 38 •086 39 •086 40 •087 41 •067 42 •088 48 •088 44 + •089 S. T. S84V S0-8Y 48aT 4«-4o 4S-8T 400V 8yso 84-SO 31S0 S8I8 saoo sira 1804 1498 1140 T18 898 Az. c. -•818 L. \i- n - 488 464 •328 44S •829 4S4 •885 45 + 089 408 •341 46 •090 880 •347 47 •091 8ftV •858 48 •092 88S •858 49 •093 806 •364 60 •O04 ST8 •870 61 •095 S49 •376 62 •096 S18 •882 63 •096 18V •388 64 •097 1.18 •898 56 •098 118 •899 56 + 08(9. 81 •406 .J5 - 49 —•411 S. T. 0-00 40V 8^ST 1S6V IVMiO 91-98 968V 8900 8V:a3 4800 4808 Az. —•417 48 •420 89 •435 18V •444 188 •453 940 •462 998 •472 3S9 •481 498 •490 491 •499 .S64 •508 641 -•517 Po/arwZ. DitV=48'48'. 1889. Z. 182° 46' N. January 0.. . . 20... February 9. . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 II 29 July 19...... August 8 . . . " 28 ... September 17 October 7 " 27.... November 16 December 6 . 26 . y UR8^ MINORIS, S. P. 8. T. S^ 10°>. t. -•060 •047 •038 •020 •007 •000 •000 •000 •007 •020 •027 •040 •060 •007 •080 •087 •093 •087 -•080 43-40 484tt 4S04 4«-8« 496Jl 4949 43.99 4801 4815 48 7.S 44 39 44-9§ 4546 4590 4635 46 76 4699 47 99 4T19 t'. •087 •073 •063 •040 •020 •013 •000 •013 ■013 •033 •047 •067 •087 •IIH •120 •133 •140 •140 •133 Az. W. 0° 51'. + LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. + •067 S. T. Az. c. L. b. S. T. Az. c. o 28 + TOOO - 631 —•293 i>'f J.f 29 •067 6660 607 •298 ': '. ': ' i 80 •068 6341 5'«9 •804 •* S. • 31 •068 5967 5^5 •310 45 + •076 - oo© + —•393 32 •069 56*07 597 •316 46 •077 5-88 57 •402 83 •069 5940 497 •322 47 •078 10-87 118 •412 34 ■070 4660 466 •328 48 •079 1660 180 •422 85 •071 44 80 484 •333 49 •079 9958 947 •432 36 •971 4«87 399 •339 50 •080 98-78 818 •442 37 •072 86-§0 363 •345 51 •081 »5 18 899 •452 88 •072 8967 395 •361 52 •082 44-87 471 •462 89 •073 98.40 985 •357 53 •088 4«98 555 •472 40 •97* 94-00 944 368 54 •084 5«88 644 •482 41 •p74 }9-58 1487 900 •368 55 -'084 6406 789 •492 42 ' •074 154 •374 56 + •086 - 7«18 + 889 —•502 43 •074 10'07 105 •8S0 ■ ; ' ' 44 + 076 + 507 - 54 -•386 Folari» Z. Di«i* *riaf 52' 1889. M 4° 28' N. Jivnuary 0.. .. * 20.... February 9. . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 80 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8 " 28 .... September 17 October 7 " 27 November 16 December 6 . . 20 .. -•■ . ,»- a PERBEI. S. T. Sh IB". t. —•063 •047 •08a •027 •013 •000 •000 •007 •007 •013 •027 •040 ■060 •073 •080 •087 •093 •087 —•083 50^44 SO 1.1 4973 4936 48-86 48.'(Y 48»0 48-7T 4939 4983 5064 4143 531S 538.1 534.1 .139.1 5437 54 30 5438 Az. W. 0° 54'. t'. a. " + •030 + •■)1 45 •060 •45 53 1 •047 •32 61 •0'2U •10 70 ; •007 •13 78! •000 •00 83 •000 •00 86 •000 ■06 84 •007 •06 80 •0'20 •13 73 •040 •26 65 •oco •39 55 •070 •58 45 •093 •71 36 •107 •77 38 •120 •84 33 •127 •90 30 •127 ■84 31 + 113 + ^84 33 a. - -ivv ■71 •55 •23 •08 •00 •00 •00 •08 •24 •47 •71 •87 110 1^'26 142 1-50 150 -1^34 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. 8. T. An. c. L. b. S. T. Az. c. o 28 —•018 + 7840 - 663 —•826 i"' . 29 •012 6987 638 •322 1 .'•)* 30 •012 6637 611 •338 1 " 1. « HI •Oil 6360 583 •343 J45 -004 ooo + —•425 32 •Oil 5880 553 •349 46 •003 5 47 59 •434 88 •010 5500 533 •365 47 •003 11 30 133 •443 84 •010 5106 490 •361 48 •002 17 18 188 •453 35 •009 47 OO 45.1 •367 49 •001 3340 358 •462 86 •008 4987 419 •878 50 — 001 3987 333 •471 87 •008 8867 883 •878 51 + •000 8667 411 •481 88 •007 3488 843 •384 52 •001 4878 494 •489 39 •007 3987 300 •390 53 •001 5107 583 •498 40 •006 3537 356 •396 54 •002 5880 675 ■508 41 •006 905S 310 •408 55 •008 6698 774 •517 42 •006 1567 163 •408 66 + •608 - 7547 + 879 —•626 48 •005 1060 111 •418 * 44 — 004 + 540 - 57 -•419 Polaris Z. Di»t. = 48" 58'. \ m 1889. S PER8EI. 2' 2G' N. January 0.. . 20... February 9 . . March 1 " 21 .\pril 10..... " 30 May 20 •Tune " 29 July 19 August 8. .. . " 28.... September 17 October 7 . . . . " 27.... November 16 December 6 . 26. 8. T. 3i> 35m t. .<. I'. •060 1V90 + 080 •058 169» ■067 •040 16«3 •053 •027 1606 •027 •018 1966 ■013 •007 IS^SS •000 •000 1.1^19 •000 •000 1A^44 •000 •007 1S^§1 ■007 •020 16-43 •021 •027 iT«a •039 •047 is-oo •0.50 •060 18^§9 •074 •073 1993 •099 •080 9613 ■116 •09.1 3068 ■120 •098 91 04 •130 •098 i(l-23 •130 •098 9119 + 120 Az. W. IM' a. I •64 ■57 ■43 ■29 •14 •07 ■00 •00 •07 •21 ■•29 •60 •64 •79 •86 100 1^00 100 1-00 Y9 83 90 99 108 113 IIV 116 Hit 106 98 88 7ti 68 60 i»4 50 ao 93 a'. - 90 •76 •60 •30 •15 •00 •00 •00 •08 •23 •38 •60 ■83 105 1-28 135 150 150 -1^43 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. c. —•234 L. b. 8. T. Az. c. ■ 28 — Oil + 83^40 - T93 29 010 7940 V94 •240 i(. . -V* , 30 •010 T«tl6 693 •246 •' «. * ■■ W 31 •009 not 661 ••262 45 -002 — ooo + O —■388 32 •009 66-89 698 •2,58 46 •001 640 67 ■348 33 •008 644T 993 •'263 47 — ooa 19-87 139 ■352 84 •008 98-09 996 ■269 48 + 000 19-67 914 •361 35 •007 98-49 917 ■275 49 ■000 96 73 993 •370 »H •007 48-Y3 476 •281 60 ■001 3413 378 •379 37 •006 4393 433 •287 61 •002 41-89 466 •386 88 •006 38-93 388 •298 62 •002 4980 961 •398 39 •006 338T 341 ■298 63 •008 98-99 669 •407 40 ■004 48-6T 991 •304 54 •004 6799 766 ■416 41 ■004 98-33 939 •310 66 •005 76-99 879 ■425 42 ■003 lT-1'3 184 -316 56 + 006 — 89-89 + 999 —434 43 •003 199T 196 •3-22 44 -002 + 6-18 — 69 —-328 — . . ..irf-,.r — Polarie Z. Diet. » 48' 57'. .* 1889. 7 ERIDANI. Z. 58° 49' S. January 0.. .. 20. . . . February 9,. .. March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 ....... . » 29 July 19....... August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 . . . . 27 November 16 . . December 6. .. 26... S. T. t. —•067 •053 •040 •027 •013 •007 •000 ■007 •013 •020 •083 •040 •053 •067 •080 •098 •093 •098 -•098 3h 48m 51 V« .'Sl^OO S0^12 49-34 49-tl4 4988 491T 50S§ ftt58 33-69 5881 54-97 5600 56 V9 5V^38 5741 57-85 I'. •080 •073 •060 ■040 ■0-20 •007 •000 •000 ■000 ■020 ■033 •O'iO •07J< ■OWii •113 •12^^ •133 •140 - •ISS Az. W. + -71 ■o7 ■43 ■'29 ■14 •07 •00 •07 ■14 ■21 ■30 ■43 •57 •71 ■86 100 100 100 + roo vr. 30 37 45 54 6!i 68 73 73 69 68 56 44 35 35 17 10 6 5 8 a' - •86 •79 •64 •48 •21 •07 ■00 •00 •00 •21 •36 •64 •79 100, 1-21 1-29 143 150 —143 LATITUDE CORRECJTIONS. L. b. + 013 S. T. Az. c. —•276 L. b. S. T. Az. r. o 28 + 9038 - 815 ijj , ■' 29 •013 8600 784 •282 30 ■014 8158 751 •288 o M. » 31 ■014 77-00 716 •293 45 + 032 — 000 + -•375 32 •015 73-40 680 •299 46 ■038 680 78 •383 83 ■016 67-67 643 •306 47 •024 1398 151 •392 34 •016 63-80 603 •311 48 •024 3138 333 •400 35 •017 57-97 560 •317 49 •035 3AOO 318 •408 36 -017 53-80 515 •328 50 •026 370O 410 •417 37 •018 47-60 469 •328 51 •027 45-37 506 •425 36 •018 43-30 430 •384 52 •027 5400 608 •438 8! •010 36-73 369 •340 68 •038 6807 716 •442 4I> •019 3107 315 •346 54 •039 73-60 831 •450 41 •OJM 3547 358 •368 56 •036 83-60 953 •458 4.2 •021 19-38 198 •368 56 + 030 — 9807 + 1088 —•467 43 •021 18-07 135 •368 44 + -022 + 6-67 - 70 —•369 I . .' PolariH Z. Di8t.=:48'"59'. it 1889. V DRACONIS, S. P. Z. 73° 14' N. S. T. January — 20... February 'J . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8. . . . " 28 September 17 October 7 " 27.... November 16 December 6. . 26.. t. •060 •oaa •040 •027 ■020 •007 •000 •000 •007 •007 •020 •033 •053 •060 •073 •087 •093 •093 •093 4h 12in 1194 1313 11 83 1166 11 S3 11 36 1136 11 67 11 81 1338 13-80 1333 13^Y9 1439 14 Y4 15-11 1348 l!iH9 1600 + t'. •093 •080 •067 •047 •020 •007 •000 •000 •000 •020 •033 •053 •073 •093 •113 •127 •140 •147 •140 Az. W, 1° 15'. + a. I •641 •57 •43 •29 •21 •07 •00 •00 •07 •07 •21 •36 •50 •64 •79 •93 100 100 + 1-00 5» 61 TO »9 88 95 99 lOO 98 93 84 V5 65 54 43 3V 33 30 33 o'. -1-02 •87 •73, •51 •22 •07 •00 •00 •00 •2<) •44 •65- •87 109 IBl ' 145 160 l-6t -1-60' LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. (- •030 S. T. Az. c. —•262 L. b^ S. T. Az. c- • 28 + 10153 — 916 29 •036 96-60 881 -267 1 *♦■ suff- 30 •037 9160 844 •271 4 •.! n. " 31 •037 8653 806 •275 45 + -044^ — ooo + O —•333 32 •038 8133 765 •279 46 •045 7tft 83 •341 33 •038 7699 733 -283 47 •046 15-78 169 •348 34 •039 7053 677 -287 48 •046 34-09 361 •356 35 •039 6500 639 •292 49 •047 33- "■■;■ PolarU Z. Di9t.=44'' 18'. ^ % 1889. :iu 0' 53' N. January 0. . . 20... Febrnary 9 . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 80 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8. .. . " 28.... September 17 October 7 . . . . " 27.... November 16 December 6 . 26. o AURIGii; fCaiMtl/aJ. 8. T. 5'' S-" t, — 067 •060 •047 •040 •027 •020 •007 •000 •000 •007 •013 •027 •040 •060 •073 •087 •098 •100 — 107 8§13 3810 3966 3675 3636 36^0ie 3996 3616 3649 3719 3786 3866 3946 4038 41 Ol 41 63 4it08 4334 t'. + '087 •087 •073 •053 •033 •013 •007 •000 •007 •007 •020 •040 •OCO •080 •100 •113 •133 •140 + •140 Az. W. 1° 82' •f>6 •ol •39 •34 •23 •17 •00 •00 •00 •0(i •11 •23 •34 •61 •62 •73 •79 •84 •90 49 40 se 64 78 81 88 90 91 86 80 71 61 91 40 31 34 96 19 a'. -105 105 •89 •65 •41 •16 •08 •00 •08 •08 •'24 •49 •73 ■97 122 1^38 1-62 170 -170 ] LATITU DE CORRECTIONS. L. b. — 006 S. T. Az. (•. L. b. S. T. Az. c. 28 + 133 87 -1117 — 199 29 •006 11787 1074 •202 30 •006 11180 1039 •204 «. n 31 ■005 16933 983 •207 45 + 000 - 000 + —•242 82 ■005 9030 933 •209 46 •000 040 101 .•248 33 •005 9373 880 •212 47 •001 1913 307 •265 34 ■004 86 06 839 •214 48 •002 3937 819 •262 »6 . :004 y9-.S7 767 •217 49 •002 39 80 437 •268 86 •004 V0B3 706 •219 50 •008 9073 963 •275 U' 37 •003 ».4'-87 643 91|A 903 •222 51 •003 6318 694 •282 r.<. 88 ■003 ■224 52 •004 7407 834 •288 if, 39 t003 ft0:»8 •227 63 •004 86-93 988 •295 7,, 40 ■ooa 439a 481 •229 64 •006 99 93 1140 •802 41 002 |W; 893 •232 55 •006 11897 1307 •808 42 •002 96-33 371 •284 66 + 006 -197-67 + 1489 —815 48 •001 , 1787 189 •287 44 -001 + 907 — 99 -•289 f^olaria Z. Dist. = 44^ 19', 17 1889. H'JtlHOJ, Z. 82° 37' N. Jaiiuary 0.. . 20... February 9 . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " iJO May 20 June 9 " 2!) July 19 August 8. . . . " 28 September 17 October 7 " 27 November 16 December 6 . 26 . /3 DRACONI8, H. P. 8. T. 6b I7n I. •060 •0(K) •047 •088 •027 •018 •000 •000 •000 •000 •018 •027 •040 •06.3 •067 •080 •090 •100 ■100 9H9'i »6il0 3600 3503 3«-8li 346.1 3A93 34«9 3694 3669 3V19 39.19 38-03 38-94 3f!i-9.1 39 41 39-V9 401tl t'. •098 •087 •078 •060 •038 ■020 •018 •007 •000 •013 •020 •040 •058 •080 •100 •127 •133 •147 •147 Az. W. 1*84' a. •48 •48 •37 •27 •21 •11 •00 •00 •00 ■00 •11 •21 ■32 •48 •53 •64 •80 •80 •80 .16 AO 69 Y4 Nil 91 9H lOl 101 98 99 83 73 69 .19 49 3S 30 30 a. -115 106 •!)0 •74 •41 •'2r, ■16 •08 ■00 ■16 •25 •49 •65 •98 1-23 1^55 1^64 1-80 -1^80 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. B. T. Az. c. L. b. S. T. Az. r. 28 .. 29 80 o .1. » 81 Invis ible 45 + 024 - ooo + O —•225 82 46 •026 960 103 •231 88 47 •026 I960 911 •237 84 48 •026 9993 396 ■242 35 49 •026 4073 447 •248 36 n. " 50 •027 .1193 979 •254 rf7 + 022 + 66^ 78 - 698 —•205 51 •027 63 60 710 •260 88 •022 .1990 990 •208 52 •028 7.1 80 898 •266 89 •028 91-47 .117 ■210 53 •028 88^.18 1009 •272 40 •028 43.13 441 •218 54 •029 10187 1166 •277 41 •038 89-40 361 •215 55 •029 119-93 1387 •283 42 •024 96-97 978 •218 56 + 080 — 13067 + 1919 —•289 48 •024 1897 190 •220 44 + 024 f 997 - 98 -•223' /•otom Z.Dist. = 44° 2V 18 1880. .W 45° 28' a. January 0. . . " 20... Febnmry K. . March 1 " 21 April 10 " HO May 20 June !l " 2i( July li) Auf^ust 8 . . . " 28 ... September 17 October 7. . . . " 27.... November 10 December (3 . " 26 . S 0RIONI8. 8. T. fih 2110. t. •OflO •OUO •058 •033 •027 •013 •000 •000 •000 •000 •007 •020 •038 •058 •0(i7 •080 •098 •098 •100 47*89 47»« 'MOU 4580 445M 440it 48N7 480il 4440 4ftOO 45-89 4690 48 04 4904 .1003 50lltt .1136 41-VO t'. ■ma •0K7 ■07H •053 •033 •020 •007 •000 •000 •007 •020 ■040 •053 ■073 ■100 ■113 ■133 •140 •140 Az. W. 1° 85'. a. " f -00 as •tiC 46 1 ■59 6» ; •37 71 ■29 80 ■15 88 ■00 94 •00 98 •00 98 ■00 95 ■07 89 ■22 80 •37 71 •59 60 •73 50 •88 40 ro3 3il 103 99 + M0 96 a'. -1-07 ■99 ■84 •ill •33 •28 •08 •00 •00 •08 •28 •4<'i •fil ■84 1-14 130 1^52 1^00 -1^«0 LATITUDE CORllECTIONS. L. b. + •005 S. T. Az. c. —•183 L. b. S. T. A. c. 28 + 13r98 -1115 29 •005 13173 1119 •185 80 •006 115 40 1065 •188 o M. " 81 •006 10900 1015 •190 !4o + •010 — o-oo + —•225 82 •006 ioa-5«» 964 •193 146 •Oil 973 103 •280 88 ■007 95-80 910 •195 47 •012 1980 313 -235 84 •0O7 8893 853 •198 48 •012 3037 339 •240 35 •007 8198 794 •200 49 •013 4118 451 •246 36 •008 7478 730 •208 50 •013 5340 580 •260 37 •008 67-88 665 •205 61 •014 64-30 716 ■255 88 •008 59-80 596 •208 52 •014 76'53 861 •260 39 •009 5aoo 538 •210 53 •018 89'40 1014 •265 40 •008 44-00 447 •218 54 •016 103-87 1177 •270 41 •009 35-78 366 •215 55 •016 11 7-07 1350 •275 42 •010 a7-90 383 •218 56 + -016 -^131-94 -fl534 —•280 43 •010 18.47 193 •220 t , 44 + 010 + 940 — 99 •-•223 . PolariK Z. T>M = i4* as . 19 lH8i), Z. 4«' 1«' 8. January 0. . . •20... February 9 . . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 80 May '20 June 9 II 2!) July 19, August H " 28 September 17 October 7 . . . 27 . . . November 1(1. December . . '2fi.. 0IU0NI8. 8. T. gh 25" t. •0(57 •058 •047 •040 •027 •018 •007 •000 •000 •007 •018 •027 •040 •053 •0(17 •0S7 •09« •100 •100 5.180 .lAoa .14 57 .1803 «» 10 .13»N .11 -or .11-69 aa-fni 5363 .14 71 .1.1-.1V 56-»(.1 .1VN4 .18-64 .10-3.1 .19-54 t'. - -098 •0H7 •078 ■OoH -040 •027 •007 •007 •000 •013 •0'20 •027 •058 •080 -100 •113 -133 •140 ■147 Az. W. 1° 86'. n 1 + 1 67 1 .J8l 47i 40 1 •27| 13{ 07] oo' 00' 07| 13| •27! 40j 53 (17; 87 1 93I OOl OOi 48 51 57 65 94 liti N9 9*2 93 90 M4 76 66 55 45 35 97 93 31 a' -1 08 100 •H5 ■m -4(1 •81 •OH •08 •00 -16 -'28 -31 -«i3 •98 1-1(1 1-31 l-fi5 1-R2 -170 LATITUDE CORUEOTIONS. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. 28 + 005 > 199 30 n -1166 -•160 ^ 4 'i- !*•* 29 •005 19300 1191 •168 ■ . : ,. . •26.. t. — 000 •C60 •047 •033 •0^27 •013 •000 •000 •000 •000 •013 •027, •033 •053 •060 •080 •087 •093 —•098 5V19 .t699 9606 5.110 .1S§3 3360 5180 51 IV 5139 517T 5359 5374 5506 56.55 5'»99 59 39 6041 6116 6145 f. + ^093 •087 •073 •060 •040 •027 •013 •007 •000 •007 •O'JO •033 •060 •080 •100 •120 •140 •147 + •153 Az. W. 1° 36'. LATITUDE CORUECJTIONS. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. L. b. 8. T. Az. <•. o 28 + 013 i 199 §0 -1171 -•163 29 ■013 13353 1137 •163 30 •013 11T13 1079 •167 o H. " 31 •014 110-60 1030 •170 45 + •017 — ooo + O -•217 32 •014 10393 978 •173 46 ■017 987 105 •222 33 •014 9»13 933 •177 47 •018 3007 316 •227 34 •014 9090 865 ■180 48 •018 3067 338 •282 35 •014 880Y 805 •183 49 •018 4173 457 •237 36 •016 Y5-80 741 •187 50 •019 53-30 588 •242 87 •015 68-av 674 •190 51 •019 65- 18 736 •247 38 •016 60-60 604 •193 52 ■O^iO 7760 873 •252 39 •015 536V 530 •197 58 •020 9067 1038 •257 40 •016 4460 453 •200 64 •021 10434 1193 ■262 41 •016 36-90 371 •203 56 •021 11874 1869 •267 42 •016 ii7«0 386 •207 56 + 022 — 133-80 + 1555 —•272 43 •016 1867 195 •210 • 44 + 016 + 94T - 100 —213 't i' i P« \ari» Z D iBt. = 4' 4° 24'. 31 1889, '>mn Z. January 0. . . . . 20 February '.(... March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June '.( , " 29 July 19 August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 16 . December 0. . . 2(5..., y DRACONIS, 8. P. t. •073 •067 •053 •047 •033 •020 •018 •007 •000 •007 •013 •020 •040 •033 •060 •080 •093 •100 •107 S. T. f,h 4311. 18^§1 I9^06 1893 l«i94 18-«M 1859 18-87 18 *4 18-73 1909 1948 1991 40-36 30'90 31-8S «179 33-30 33-65 3397 t'. ! f- -087 -087 -073 •053 •040 •020 •007 •007 •000 •007 •013 •033 •053 •067 ■093 •113 •133 •133 + 147 Az. W. 1° 39'. a. + •(i9 •63 •50 •44 ■31, :1J ■06! •OOl ■06! ■13 •19i •381 •50 •.56| •751 •88! : •941 + 1-00| 77 79 85 93 101 111 118 133 133 130 115 107 98 87 76 66 58 53 50 o'. -106 106 •90 •65 •49 •25 •08 •OS •00 •OS •16 •41 •65 •82 115 1^39 V64 164 -1^80 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. z b. S. T. Az. c. L. b^ S. T. Az. c. 28 29 »0 " H. ■/ 81 In vis ible 45 + 020 - 000 + —•183 32 46 ■020 1013 108 •188 83 47 •020 3067 333 •192 84 48 •021 31-60 344 •196 85 49 •021 4300 473 •200 86 60 •021 54- 80 607 •204 87 ."*. n 51 •022 67-13 749 •208 38 ^•018 + 63 53 - 633 — 166 52 ■022 8000 901 •213 89 •018 5440 547 •168 53 ■0*22 93.47 1061 ■217 40 •018 46.00 467 •171 54 •028 10760 1331 •221 41 •019 37-40 383 ■173 55 •02H 13340 1413 •225 42 •019 38^47 394 ■176 56 + 028 —137-98 + 1604 -•229 43 •019 1083 301 •178 44 + 019 + 980 - 108 —181 Polari'i Z. Diet. := 44' 28'. '22 1889. Z. 37° 37' S. January . . . . " '20.... February « . . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 16 . December . . 2() . . a ORIONIS. { S. T. 511.44m t. 1. t'. — 067 63-3S + -087 •067 6235 •080 •060 6193 •067 •040 6131 •060 •033 6055 •040 •020 50(>»W •020 •013 5937 •007 •007 5914 •000 •000 5969 •000 •007 5945 •000 •013 6009 •007 •027 6084 ■027 •040 6178 •047 •053 6a»6 •0(i7 •067 68-§0 •087 •080 6477 •107 •093 6567 •127 '100 6637 •133 -107 6666 + •140 Az. W. IMO' •63 36 •6;.i SH •56 44 •38 51 •31 60 •1!) 69 •i:^ 76 •05 §0 •00 81 •05 79 •13 73 •25 66 •38 56 •50 46 •63 35 •75 35 •88 17 •94 11 100 8 u. - -99 •91 •76 ■69 •46 ••.i!3 •08 •00 •CO •00 •08 •30 •53 •76 •99 1'22 145 1-52 -l^CO LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. + •002 S. T. Az. c. -1-27 L. b. 8. T. Az. ,: 28 + 134 33 -1311 29 •002 13787 1165 •130 ■■' 30 •003 13137 1116 •133! ° X. » 31 •008 114-58 1065 •137; 45 + •008 - 000 + —•183 32 •008 10767 1011 •140: 46 •008 1013 109 •187 38 •004 100-60 954 •143! 47 •008 30 73 334 •190 34 •004 9340 894 •147; 48 •009 31 67 345 •19H 36 •004 8607 833 •150' 49 •009 4306 473 •197 36 •005 7853 766 •153| 50 •009 5493 609 •200 37 •006 7073 694 •167! 51 •010 6733 753 •208 38 •005 6380 634 •160' 52 •010 8037 904 •207 39 •006 54-67 549 •1631 53 •010 9873 1064 •210 40 •006 46-30 468 •167i 54 •Oil 107-98 1335 •218 41 •006 3753 383 •170 55 •Oil 133-73 1416 -217 42 •007 38-60 395 •173 56 + 011 — 13S-33 + 1609 —•220 43 •007 1040 303 •177 44 + 007 + 9-§7 - 103 -•180 , 'if PotarinZ. Di8t. = 44* 80'. as 1S8!). Z. 0' 4' S. January 0. . . " 20... Februnry i) . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June l) " 29 July 19 August 8 " 28 September 17 October 7. . . . " 27 ... . November 16 December 6. . 2«. . /3 AURIGiE. (!. -•067 ■067 053 •05H •027 •0-20 •007 •007 •000 •007 •020 •027 •040 •053 •073 •087 •093 •100 — 107 S. T. 5h Sim 3305 3308 3154 3t lie 21 -03 ai^s§ «354 *I*09 9491 9.'(«9 ««89 3694 3T-99 t'. •087 •087 •073, •047; •040i •027i •007 i •000| •OOOi •ooo: •0071 •027i •040| •067i ■087j •hh! •120, •1331 - 1401 Az. W. r 41'. a. I - -63 •63 •i50 •50^ •25| •19| ■06: •06: •00 •06 •18! •25l •37l •50 •69 ■811 •87 •94 -l^OO 43 43 49 HI 66 V4 §3 86 88 89 80 73 63 .13 43 33 33 lY li a'. - •!»» ■99 •84 •61 •3K ••23 •0,s •00 •00 •00 •15 •31 •53 •76 •99 1-30 137 162 -160 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. 1- •OOo S. T. Az. c. L. b^ S. T. Az. <'. o 28 + i3«'y4 133.1 —•118 ■ '■■'.:. i 29 •004 13930 1178 •1'22 -y 30 •004 133.14 1139 •1-25 o n. " 31 •004 11.1 Y4 1077 •128 45 + 000 - ooo + O —176 32 •004 108.V4 1033 •132 46 •001 i037 110 •178 33 •003 1016» 96.1 •136 47 •001 30-93 336 ■182 34 •003 9440 90.1 •138 48 •001 3307 348 ■185 35 •003 8693 843 •142 49 ■001 43-33 478 ■188 36 •002 7937 77.1 ■145 .50 ■ooa .1.1.13 613 ■192 37 •002 7147 706 •148 51 •002 6807 760 •195 38 •002 6340 633 ■152 52 •002 8113 913 •198 39 •002 3.113 .1.1.1 ■155 53 •003 94.80 1073 •20i! 40 •001 4667 474 •158 54 •003 10907 1340 •205 41 •001 3793 389 •162 .55 •003 134 07 1431 •208 42 •001 3893 399 •165 56 + •003 -13986 + 1636 -•212 43 ■001 I960 304 '•168 44 + •000 + lOOO - 10.1 — 172 PolarUZ. Di8t. = 44'«2'. '^' 1889. Z. 97" 38' 3. January 0. . . 20... February 9. . March 1 " 21 A-pril 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8 . . . " 28 ... September 17 October 7. . . . " 27.... November 16 December 6 . 26 . a ARGUS (CanopvHj. i. T. 6»» 9" t. — 060 •053 ■047 •040 •027 •018 •000 •000 •000 •000 ■007 •013 •027 ■040 •053 •0t>7 •080 •093 —•100 68 41 69-iI3 65-90 64 «V 3361 6106 60-33 9994 606.1 6190 6»-53 69 35 67 36 69-49 '7091 7308 7373 Az. W. 1" 44'. a. + -(JO •53 •47 •40 •27 •13 •00 •00 •00 •00 •07 •13 •27 •40 •58 > -67 •80 •93 + 100 30 81 35 43 51 59 67 73 74 73 68 61 53 43 I 31 I 31 13 7 3 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. 28 + 011 29 •Oil 30 •Oil 31 •Oil 82 •Oil 33 •012 34 •012 36 •012 36 •012 37 •01» 38 + 018 39 40 41 42 43 44 S. T. 139 47 13373 13587 118-87 111-73 10440 96-93 89-37 81-47 73-33 6507 Az. c. L. b. -1357 — 091 1309 •093 1158 •096 1105 •098 46 1049 •101 46 990 •103 47 939 •106 48 864 •108 49 796 •111 50 733 •113 61 - 647 -116 62 63 64 65 66 % S. T. Az. Invis ibie PolaruZ. Di8t. = 44°37'. 'WHO:- ilUOU/,Ki!l/.A> ft Z. 96° 19' N. tTanuary — 20.... February V. .. March 1 " 21 April 10. .... " 30...... May 20 '.:.... June !>. ■.;*.■; . " 2'.l..?^.!.', July I!);.!;.;.. August 8 ' " 28 '. . . , September 17 October 7.* 'J7. Novembfer 1(5 Decembdr ti . . a LYUM C VajaJ, 8. P. S. T. 6" 24™ "■;}■ !K> •5 796 8-3§ §36 83A 8-37 §•31 §17 §31 §'3§ §66 903 943 976 1016 1057 1096 1146 11 §6 133§ /'. ■093 ■093 •080 ■067 ■047 •033 ■013 •007 ■000 ■000 ■007 •020 ■040 •060 ■080 •107 ■120 •133 •147 Az.W. 1° 45'. 67 7§ 73 79 §7 93 104 109 113 111 107 100 93 §1 70 60 Ht 44 39 a'. —102 102 •87 •73 •51 ■36 *15 ■07 ■00 •00 ■07 •22 •44 •65 •87 116 1-31 1-45 —1-60 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. ' H. T. Az. c. !l. b. S. T. Az. c. VI8 •■*. ^ ' ( 29 '-<0 * 1 • 4 '«.«< ! i:\ .' ')■ 1^ n r-. . 5 iii- rfi-l r- fJf^ 31 ,. 45 ( '■> » J < ■> 4 ': S 32 ■ .1 46 t f'.ii j" « i 33 34 47 48 IV i"^- i^^' 35 InviB ible 49 i ^' < V, i 1 •'■'. 30 •■ 30 H. " 37 51 + 010 - 71 00 + 793 — 116 38 52 •oiO §4 60 933 ■118 39 I 53 •on 9§§!i 1133 •120 40 kl -.. 54 ■on 11 3 §0 1303 •123 41 . ■m *"< • 65 •on 13947 1493 •126 4& I i : k ■- r»; ti i 56 + •011 -14S93 + 1697 — 128 48 44 Potarix Z. Di8t. = 45' 19'. 26 1889. Z. Gl" 84' H. January . . . . 20.... February 9 . . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 80 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 16 . December 6 . . 26 . . a CAN IS MAJOKIS fSirivsJ. 8. T. &>»»" t. I •0671 •0671 •060! •047| •0381 •027 •020 •0181 •007i •ooo! •007 •0201 •027! •040j •060| •0781 •087! •0931 •100! 4346 4SA8 4318 4it3§ 4141 4063 3983 3936 3904 3914 3960 404. 73° 49' 8. January 0. . . 20... February U . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June y " 29 July 19 August 8. . . . " 28 September 17 October 7. . . . " 27 ... . November 16 December 6. . 26. . < ( CANIS MAJORIb. S. T. 6'' 46"' t. 067 067 060 053 038 027 020 007 000 000 007 013 027 040 060 067 080 100 100 33-63 il330 31 -A.) SO-40 1949 18 81 18 84 1844 18-83 1960 30 V3 3909 3343 34 78 36 10 3Y 13 9T-79 t'. •087 •093; •080; •0671 •053| •03.'i •013 •0131 •000 •000 •0071 •020 •0331 •053 •073 •093: •120: •127 1 •140 Az. W. 1° 47'. a. I + •67: •671 •60| •r)3i •33 •27 •20 •07 •00 •00 •07 •13 -27 •40 •60i •67| •80] 100 + 1^00J 43 43 5« 61 69 98 86 93 99 95 93 86 T8 69 98 4V 3T 30 34 a'. -ror. 113 •97 •81 •6") •41 •16 -16 •00 •00 •08 •24 •41 •6.1 •89 13 46 54 70 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. + 002 S. T. Az. c. -036 L. b- S. T. Az. c. -^ 28 + 143-8T -1397 i>ui- -.u; 4- ;u ' :•» ; .: 29 •002 13693 1347 •037 Jl ~. V S «» >- ■^M% Ill Hs; 30 •002 13986 1199 ■038 1 " I*. •• 81 •002 13360 1140 •038 ;45 + ■004 - ooo + O — 050 82 •003 119 36 1083 •039 46 •004 10.93 117 •053 88 •003 10773 1031 •030| 47 •041j'48 •004 3330 340 ■055 84 •003 lOOOO 998 ■004 34 OO 870 •058 85 •008 9313 891 •042 149 •004 4630 908 •0(U) 86 •008 84 00 831 •043 160 ■004 9898 693 ■063 87 •003 7973 746 •043 J51 •005 7318 806 ■065 88 •008 6780 669 •044 52 •005 8600 969 •068 39 -003 98 47 986 •045 '53 •ooS 100.47 1141 •070 40 -008 4946 499 •046 54 •005 11960 1834 •073 41 •008 40.30 409 •047 55 •005 13198 1918 •075 42 •004 8060 816 •048 56 + ^005 -14897 + 1739 -078 48 •004 3073 316 •048 44 + 004 + 1093 - 110 — 049 '■■• Po/fflW« Z. Di8t. = 44'' 49'. 188t|, Z. «?"• 32' N. January 0. 20., Febrnary U March 1 . . . " 2L... April 10,.. " 30... May 20 June 44°62'. 29 1889. iV^OJi u CAN18 MINORI8 (Procyon). Z. ar aic h. January . . . •20... February 9. . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 80 May '20 June 9 " 29 July 19, August 8 " 28.... September 17 October 7 . . . 27 . . . November Ki. December fi. . 26.. S. T. t. •0(iO •or>» •068 ■o».s •027 ■01 « •007 •000 •000 '•000 •007 •01 H •027 •047 •0fi3 •073 •0K7 -•087 li*ltO 51-43 50-71 50-39 49-03 49-90 50-16 5066 5140 5'1-9'i 53-45 5435 55-39 56-3N 5699 f. -I ^087 •093 •087 •073 •067 •047 •027 •020 ■000 •000 •000 •013 •027 •047 -060 •087 •107 •1-27 + •140 Az. W. 1° 47'. (I LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. 55 62 551 f)5 Hoj 28 141 17, ool OOj OOl 07| 14i 28 48 56 76 90 90 83 ' 81 ! 04 103 111 118 133 134 133 118 111 103 03 81 71 «3 55 a' - 93 TOO •93 •79 -71 -oO •29 •21 -00 •00 •00 •14 ■•29 •50 •64 -93 1-14 1-36 -l-oO L. b. — 001 S. T. Az. c. + -019 1 L. b. S. T. Az. c. i 28 1^144 47 ft -1304 vi.f ; ■) .; ' J .■ -t 29 •001 13753 1353 ■020 5 Tf » * i ■;;.* ',' !<>■ M'i 30 -001 13040 1301 ■021 9 a. :> 31 -001 13313 1146 •0-22 45 — 001 - 000 '+ ' O + 038 32 -001 115 V3 1088 -023 46 -001 1100 116 •034 33 -001 10830 1037 -0-23 47 -001 3338 341 -035 34 •001 10040 963 •024 48 -001 3413 873 •036 36 -OOl- 034V 895 -023 49 -001 4640 500 •037 36 001 8440 535 -026 60 -oof 59-30 654 •037 37 •001 tool' 740 -027 51 -001 7358 800 •038 38 •001 6740 671 ■028 52 -001 8640 073 •039 39 •001 a8^6T 589 ■028 58 •002 10093 1145 •040 40 -001 400V ft03 •029 54 -002 116 30 1339 •D42 41 ■001 4033 411 •030 55 -009 13318 1534 42 •001 80 78 817 •031 56 — 002 —148 08 + 1733 + -042 43 -001 30-80 317 •032 ' '■ t. V 44 -001 + 10-60 111 + -om ) ■ •. ' 1 t'i - i- PolnttH Z. Di8t.=r45°4'. » 1989. t DRAC0NI8, 8. P. Z. 66° 1' N. 8. T, 7 b 2g'> Januai-y 0.. . 20... February 9.. . March 1 " 21 April 10 " »0 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8. . . . " 28 September 17 October 7 . . . " 27 . . . November 16. December 6. . 26.. t. •060 •060 •060 •058 •040 •027 •0-;i0 •007 •000 •000 •000 •007 •020 •027 •040 •060 •073 •080 •098 aoo4 9149 31 83 31-86 ill 13 aoo.1 door aoo3 ao64 3086 31 11 3146 31 04 33.36 3300 3338 34 00 34.94 3500 f. + •087 •093 •087 •073 •067 ■047 •027 •020 •000 •00*3 •000 •013 •027 •047 •067 •087 •IIH •127 + ■140 Az. W. 1° 47'. t " 1 + 58 81 58 TO 58 80 51 MA 89 04 26 lOl 19 llO 06 IIT 00 131 00 131 00 133 06 IIT 19 no 26 101 39 Ol 58 80 71 TO 77 61 + 90 «A «' -103 1-13 105 •89 •81 ■67 ■.32 •24 •00 ■00 ■00 •16 ■32 ■57 •81 105 1.S8 154 -170 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. — 005 S. T. Az. c. + 036 L. b. 8. T. Az. V. o 28 + 144'4T -1303 29 ■005 13T'48 13»4 ■037 30 ■006 13040 1301 ■038 1. i iA ," 31 ■006 13313 1146 ■038 45 -006 - 000 4 + 050 32 ■005 11AT3 1088 ■039 46 •006 1100 IIT ■051 33 ■005 10813 103T ■040 47 ■006 3338 341 ■052 .34 •006 10040 063 ■041 48 ■006 3413 3T3 ■052 .35 •006 034T 803 ■042 49 ■006 4640 .100 ■063 36 •005 84 88 834 ■043 50 ■006 AO-90 %Mi ■054 37 •006 T600 T30 ■044 51 ■006 T3A8 800 ■055 38 •006 6T4T 6T3 ■045 52 ■006 8640 OT3 ■057 39 •006 A86T 500 ■046 53 ■006 10098 1149 ■057 40 •006 4060 ft04 ■047 64 ■006 11630 1330 ■057 41 •006 40 33 413 •048 56 ■006 13313 1334 ■058 42 •006 80T8 81T ■048 56 — 006 -14803 + 1T33 + 059 43 •006 3080 31T ■049 44 -•006 + lO-AS - Ill + 049 Pdarit Z. Di8t. = 45°8'. 81 i88«. ;iJiri' z. 90' 7' N. January 0.. ■■ 20.... February 9. .. March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June !) " 29 July 19 August 8 . . . . " 28 .... September 17 October 7 " 27 November 10 December 6 . . 26 . . o CYGNI, S. P. B. T. gh 27" 99-48 9609 9616 /I6S9 S693 A607 .1600 .1613 .168.S 46-6ft 960il .1995 »»»» «S96 .1904 S9a4 <'. •07» ■087 •087 •OHO •067 OM •033 •027 •007 ■000 •000 •000 •013 •027 •040 •067 •087 •107 •127 Az. W. 1° 42', S6 59 St 44 60 6Y »T 84 91 94 94 93 89 81 79 63 41 43 33 o'. - ^87 108 103 •95 •79 •63 •Ad •32 •08 •00 •00 •00 •16 •32 •47 •79 103 126 -1^50 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. L. b. S. T. Az. c. a 28 M > *'■ \ 29 » ■' *i'i 80 9 H. m 81 45 —•014 — ooo + O + 150 32 46 •014 10-40 113 •151 33 47 •014 3130 339 •152 84 48 •014 33-40 348 •152 35 Invis ible 49 •014 44 OT 484 •153 36 50 •014 46 30 633 •154 37 61 •014 69-10 769 •155 38 62 •014 83-80 934 •156 39 58 •016 9610 1088 •157 40 54 •015 110-47 1363 •1.57 41 65 •015 134-77 1448 •158 42 56 --•015 —141 70 + 1644 + •159 48 44 Polarh Z. Di8t. = 45' 22' •42 1H««. •z. .78' 86' N. Janimry 0. . 20.. I''ebruiir^ It Muruli i.f . ■ " 21.,.. April 10. ,.. " 80,... May 20.... June Jt " 2«>..... . July 19,.,... August H..., " 38... t. -.06.1 .OIK) ■OUO .058 .047 .040 .o:jo •018 •000 •000 •000 •000 •007 Reiitembes 17 I ^020 October? -020 27 ! -040 November 1« \ •060 December (i -078 m 1— -OOH r, CEPHEI, 8. P.l B. T. 8'' 20™ 14 4 1 LIMA 10 OO 1607 1.19.1 l/SHO 19 62 I.IMO l-1.1» 1.16.1 1.1'NM 160Y I64T 16MT 1T«» ITTl IN »» 1KN9 1994 I'. ; I OsO •0!)iJ •01»;( •0.S7 •OtiO •040, •027 •Ol.l, •000 •000 •007. •013 •027 1 •063; •073, •a»3, •107, + -Vill Az. W. V 42'. •.';■, 44 •(W 40 •02 39 •f),'j 4tf •4.S 4f» ! •42 .14 •21 64 •14 Ttl •00 TM •00 HU •00 Mil •00 Nl •07 T» •21 69 •21 60 •42 .10 •62 »9 •7(; ;to •DO *il a'. - -KH 103 l^O.H •«6 ■HI •IMi •44 •il) •ir, •00 •00 •07 •i:i •2!> •M) •HI •»« -1-40 LATITUDE OGKRECTIONS. L. b. — 020 S. T. Az. c. L. b- •S. T. Az. <■. 1 28 + i3roo -1236 + •130 ■'It 29 •020 130 V» 1188 •135 'fV 30 •020 12360 1138 •1301 ^ •s. " 31 •020 11693 1086 ■136 46 — 021 - ooo + O + ■i;)« 32 •020 109:V3 1031 •1301 46 •021 10.40 111 •161 as •020 10!i 52" t. I ■•047 •060 •060 •060! •047 •047 •08H •020 •007 •000 •000 •000 •007 •013 •027 •047 •053 •007 —•080 la-TO 1848 1849 1!IM4 1«48 lilOO 11 Y/l 116Y 1170 11M7 1447 1477 18-4'1 14 2.1 1.1 02 1.1 P-S 16.1§ f. •OHO •093 •(t93 ■093 •OHO ■()(>7 •047 •033 •O'.'O ■007 ■000 ■007 ■013 •027 •040 ■0(10 ■087 ■107 •1-27 Az. W. •49 •03 ■()3 ■03 •49 •49 •35 •21 •07 •00 •00 •00 ■07 ■14 ■28 ■49 ■■>(•) ■70 •84 1° 88'. m 44 80 87 30 44 .11 60 00 7.1 MO 84 81 77 71 64 .18 44 34 43 a'. - •HH •03 103 103 1^88 •74 •52 ■37 •22 •07 •00 •07 •14 •29 •44 ■no •9(S 118 140 LATITUDE COKHECTIONS. L. b. H. r. A. c. + •149 L. b. S. T. Az. »•. 28 + -OOI) + 13160 -1188 4- ' .1 .' < t '• ; ' ,* 29 •00.-) 14.147 1144 ■152 t 1 • ' ■ 30 •005 11880 1004 •154 i " K. t 81 •005 114 40 1044 •1.17 |45 + 001 - 00 + + •192 .'»3 •005 10^40 001 •159 '46 •001 lOOO lOS •190 83 •004 08.13 086 •162 47 •000 4033 410 •200 34 ■004 0146 877 •164 ;48 + 000 3113 338 •204 85 •004 84-47 816 •167 !49 — 000 4447 464 •208 80 •004 7687 7.11 •169 ;50 •001 .1303 .107 •213 37 •003 6047 688 •172 ,51 •001 6607 787 •217 3B •003 6147 614 •174 52 •001 78-73 886 ■221 89 •003 .18 47 .188 ■177 53 •003 0400 1048 •225 40 •00i2 4S 40 450 •179 54 •00a 10.1-87 1411 •229 41 •002 36-73 376 •182 55 •ood 14040 1380 ■233 42 •002 48-00 480 •184 56 — 003 -18.16* + 1.178 + ^238 43 •002 1803 108 •187 ^ 44 + 001 + 60 - 101 + •189 <-,■ * (• Polaris Z. Diet. = 45° 18'. 34 1889. a CEPHEI, 8.P. Z. 72* 58' N. January 0. . . " 20... February 1) . . March 1 " n .\pril 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 " 2!» •Tuly 1!) August 8 . . . . " 28.... September 17 October 7 . . . . " 27.... November 16 December 6 . 20 . a. T. t. J '•053' •0«7' •0«7| •067 i •060' •047 1 •0831 •027 •013; •007: •007! •OOOj •0131 •020| •033 •040 •oco! •073 •080 9U.2">. 438'J 44.'S» 44-00 44-50 44-45 44-34 44 30 441§ 44-27 4437 44 50 44 89 4519 4500 4005 4005 4723 4775 t'. f -073 -087 •0!)3 •087 -080 •067 -053 •033 •013 •000 000 Az. W. r 36' •58 •07 •67 •67 •60 •47 •83 •27 •18 •07 1 •07! -000 -00 •007 -13 •020 •20 •033 •38 •060 •40 •073 •60 •100 78 + •120 t -80 35 29 27 28 33 40 49 57 04 09 71 71 07 02 52 44 33 23 14 n. - -7!t •94 1-01 •94 •h7 •7li •51 •36 •11 •00 •00 •00 •07 •22 •30 •65 •79 1-08 -180 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. 1.. b. — 025 S. T. Az. c. L. b. 8. T. Az. r. • 28 + 128 SO -1102 i + 174i » V <>«?» i 29 •025 12254 1117 -177 • 30 •026 1102O 1070 -179 ° ■•'. w 31 •026 10974 1021 •182 45 -029 - 00© + + •217 32 •026 10314 909 •184 46 -030 973 104 222 38 •026 904O 915 •187 47 -080 1987 215 •227 34 -026 8953 858 ■189 48 -031 30-40 331 •232 35 -027 8247 798 -192 49 ■031 41-33 454 ■237 36 -027 7520 735 -194, 50 •082 5207 583 •242 37 •027 0780 008 197| 51 -082 0453 721 •247 38 •027 0013 599 -199| 52 -088 70-93 800 ■252 39 •028 5233 525 -202 53 •083 89-80 1020 ■•257 40 ■028 4427 449 ■204 54 -084 103-47 1184 •262 41 •028 300O 307 ■207 55 •034 11707 1358 •267 42 •029 2740 283 ■209' 56 — 035 -13207 + 1543 + '272 48 •029 1800 194 -212i 44 -029 + 947 - 99 + -2141 /VorwZ. Di8t. = 46'87'. 35 1889. .f v Z. 63° 11' S. January 0. . . 20... 1 ebruary *.( . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 .Tune " 29 July 19...... August 8 . . . " 28 ... September 17 pctober 7. . . . " 27.... November 10 December fi . 26 . ■f ! a HYDR^. S. T. t. -053 •067 •0G7 •060 •060 •047 •033 •027 •013 •007 •000 •000 •007 •013 •020 •040 •047 •067 •080 9" 17° 6-36 706 734 730 6^89 6^34 naa 4^§§ 419 »§o 3^7 365 405 464 5-4fil 635 7 77 ii-04 0^99 ('. + -073 •093 •093 •093 •087 •073 •053 •040 •020 •007 •007 •000 •007 ■020 •040 •063 •080 •093 + 113 Az.W. 1° 88'. •47 •58 •58 •.52| •52! ■41 •29 ■23 •12 ■0(5 •00 •00 ■06 ■12 •17 •35 •41 •58 •70 19 la lO 11 15 29 31 39 47 5'i 54 55 53 47 39 30 19 9 O a'. - •7H •99 •99 •99 •92 ■7H ■56 ■U •21 •07 •07 •00 •07 •21 ■42 ■56 ■85 •90 -1'29 LATITUDE COKHECTIONS. L. 28 29 30 31 32 38 34 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 — 007 •007 •008 •008 •008 •009 •009 ■009 •010 •010 ■010 ■Oil ■Oil ■Oil ■012 •012 — 012 S. T. + 134 40 11839 113 37 10607 99-67 9313 86-47 7967 73-67 6547 5813 5053 4373 3473 36-47 1793 + 913 Az. c. + ^185 L. b. 1133 1079 •188 i 1034 •192;, " 987 ■195 i45 — 013 937 ■198 ,46 ■013 885 -202 '47 ■014 839 •205 ,48 ■014 771 -208 i49 •015 710 212 150 •016 647 ■215 |51 •016 579 ■218 62 •016 509 •222 53 •016 434 •226 54 •017 356 •228 65 •017 373 ■232 56 -018 187 •235 96 + •238 S. T. Az. ooo 947 1930 3940 3993 5093 6340 7440 8693 lOOOO 11380 13837 ■ ''<^ + + 242 101 -249 308 •'257 330 •264 439 ■272 564 •279 697 •287 837 •294 986 •302 1144 •309 1310 •317 + 1491 1- -324 PolarinZ. Di8t.:=45° 38'. 86 1889. ^'<'f»' Z. 82" '29' 8. January . . . . •20.... Februarys. . . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " m May 20. Jane 9 " 29 July 19, August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27.... Novembier 16. . December . . . 2«... a LPJONia (K'.). S. T. 9»' sg-n t. t. f. •058 -iHHt —•067 •060 «S41 •087 •073 «8 91 •087 •067 99-06 •093 •067 tes^se •087 •060 ^§•47 •073 •047 a»-§9 •060 •Vim aT43 •047 '0-27 9680 •020 •013 3636 •013 •007 3636 •000 •000 361.'( •000 •007 36 37 •000 •013 36^76 •007 •0-20 37.35 •0'20 •039 3§30 ■033 •047 391A •063 •060 303I •080 •073 31 19 -•100 Az. W. 1° 21'. 401 451 5ft 60 iio! 46 35 25 20 10 05i 10 Oft! lo: 16 26 35 46 35| 41 38 39 38 31 37 4jS 53 63 68 73 74 74 70 64 56 46 36 36 o' - ^87 113 113 121 113 •95 •78 •61 •26 •17 •00 •00 •00 •09 •26 •43 •69 1^04 - 1-30 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. —•004 S. T. Az. c. —•246 L. b. S. T. Az. r. o 28 t^ 109 00 — 983 '3 .':J % i'l vt)( ■ .**-*• 29 •004 10373 945 •250 ■ J : '< ■ ; f J 'H '.(w 30 •005 9833 905 •254 ° A). 1 1 « ■■V 31 •005 9387 863 •268 45 -Oil + OOO + i -317 32 •00.5 8783 830 •262 46 •012 830 89 •323 38 •006 81 -60 774 •267 47 •012 I6-80 183 •;»30 84 •006 7573 735 •271 48 •013 3573 381 •3H7 85 •007 6980 675 •275 49 •014 34 93 384 ■34.H 86 •007 6367 631 •279 50 •014 44-60^ 494 •360 37 DOS' 5783 565 •283 151 •015 54 «0 610 •357 38 •008 5093 506 •287 52 •016 6513 784 •363 89 •008 4497 444 •292 58 •016 7607 864 •370 40 •009 3747 379 •296 54 •017 8753 1003 •377 41 •009 3053 311 ■300155 •018 99-60 1150 •383 42 •010 3337 339 •304 l66 — 018 + 1 13 «7 f^ 1306 + 'MVd 43 •010 1573 163 •808 < * 44 -•Oil + 800 — 83 —813 I ' PolartH Z. Di8t. = 45*49'. .igife>j.AM;;*>«(i3.u »> /3 URS^ MAJOHIb. Z. ir 59' N. January 0. . . 20... February U . . March 1 " 21 AjM-il 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 II 29 July 19 August 8. . . . " 28 September 17 October 7 . . . . " 27.... November 16 December 6. . 2(). . t 040 060 067 07.S 078 067 068 047 027 020 007 000 000 007 013 020 038 047 060 S. T. 10" se-n 4314 4981 4341 4370 4380 43-63 4330 4306 43 V3 434A 4334 4313 431M 4334 43 73 43-86 43-84 44-68 4.140 t'. H 060! •080i ■087 •093 •093j •oho! •073! •060! ■040 •020i •013 ■000 •000 •000 •007 i •020 •040 •060 + ■073 Az. W. IM'. ' o. + ■se •54 •60 •66 •66 •60 •48' •42 •24 •181 ■oel •00, •00 •06 •12 •18 •30 •42 + -54 40 40 84 31 33 34 43 SO SO 67 73 77 70 78 74 68 SO SO 40 a'. - -71 •94 102 110 110 102 •86 •71 •47 •24 •16 •00 •00 •00 •08 •24 •47 -71 - ■%fc, LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. c. L. b^ S. T. Az. K. 28 f -018 + 83-47 744 + ^284 U <•K^■ 1 fi ,. 1 ■ .ist 29 •018 7847 716 •290 S A 'r \*\ 1 r ■•'■: IM) 30 •017 7440 686 •296 e .t. " 81 •017 70-83 654 ■302 45 + 010 ~ 000 + + ■383 82 •Ol« 6613 631 ■308 46 ■009 6.37 67 ■392 88 •0I6 61 80 586 •313 47 ■008 1373 138 ■400 84 •015 57:83 550 ■319 48 ■008 1047 313 ■408 86 •016 53.87 511 •325 49 ■007 36 47 301 ■417 86 •014 4830 471 •331 60 006 3380 374 ■425 87 •014 4347 438 •337 51 ■005 41-40 463 ■433 88 •013 3853 384 •348 52 ■005 4083 555 ■442 89 •018 3353 337 •348 53 ■004 5760 654 •450 40 •013 3840 387 •354 54 ■008 66-37 750 ■458 41 •012 3307 386 •360 55 ■002 75-40 8 70 ■467 42 •Oil 17 58 181 ■366 56 + ■001 - 8500 + 080 + -475 43 •Oil 1103 134 ■372 44 + 010 1 607 63 + ■378 '■• I ' \% toUxnH Z. Di8t. = 46» »'. 88 ism.)- z. 16'21'N. January 0. . . . 20.... February '.(... March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June " 29 July 19 August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 16 . December 0. . . 2(5... a URSiE MAJORIfcJ. 8. T. i lOh Sfl" t. i t'. : -.040 asso f-067; .05;j *28-79 •080 .oso '2937 •093 .067 3011 •100 .067 30-!ll •100 .060 49 64 •093' .047 3943 •080; •040 '2913 •ooo. •027 '2§^78 •047 ■013 '28-60 •027: •013 '284'2 •013 •007 '2S37 •000 •000 '2840 •000 •000 itS-SO •007! •007 '28-81 •007' •013 '2933 •013i •027 '2993 •040 •040 306A •060 •053 31-40 + •0801 Az. W. r 0'. + •36: •48: •54, •6o; •(!0 •54, •42i •3Gi •24: •12, •12 •OC. •00 •00 •06 •12' •24 i •3(Ji •48i 49 36 30 '27 31 38 46* a.^ Oil 69 73 7* 74 70 64 46 46 86 a . ~ -HI 104 121 180 1-m 1-21 104 •78 •61 •3;. •17 00 •00 •09 •09 •17 •.-.2 •78 -104 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. c. L. b- a. T. Az. r. o 28 + •026 + 8106 733 4 ^290 .' I t TH m ^>'U n:. 29 •026 7719 704 •295 * r . 30 •025 7319 67.1 •300 •■*. " 31 •026 69 1'2 644 .305 45 + 016 — ooo + ; 37^. 32 •024 64 9'2 611 •310 46 •015 6.30 6« •383 38 •024 60 73 .177 •315 47 •015 1360 13* •390 34 •023 3633 .141 •320 48 •014 19 30 '208 •39S 35 •022 .11.93 .103 •325' 49 •013 '2607 386 •405 36 •021 4783 463 •SSOJ.'iO •013 33-37 367 •413 37 •021 4366 431 .335 51 •012 4073 4.14 •420 38 •020 3786 378 •340 |52 •Oil 48.13 .145 •428 39 •020 3393 331 •345 163 •010 .1667 643 •435 40 •019 3786 383 •350 !.54 •010 6.137 746 •443 41 •018 3360 383 . ^355 55 •009 7430 8.17 •450 42 •018 1730 179 •360 56 + •008 83 67 + .173 + •498 43 •017 11 67 133 •865 ?» 44 + 017 + S93 - 63 + 370 H Potent Z.DiBt. = 46° 8'. 8ft lg89lii''t''"'->.Hu Z. 57° 59' N. January 0. . . 20... February 9 . . . March 1 " 21 .\pril 10 " ao May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8 . . . . " 28.... Sei)temb«r 17 October 7 . . . 27 . . . November 16. December 6. . 26.. 7 CEPHEI, S. P. S. T. llh 21m t. •040 •0(53 •067 •078 •073 •067 •060 •063 ■040 •0-27 •013 •013 •000 •000 •007 •013 •027 •040 •063 43.93 43-2§ 43-49 43-59 44 09 44-03 43§9 43-86 43-«6 43-39 43-31 43-36 43-37 43-33 4361 4394 4449 44-90 43-41 f'. + •0()0 •1180 •09H •100 •(I9H •093 •(180 •0G7 05:: •i>Hi! •()'2Q •007 •000 •007 •oi:; •0-20 •03;) •047 + •0(57 Az. W. 0° 51'. n •38 ■nl •64 ■70 •70 •64 ■67 •45 -28 ••26 •13 •13 •00 •00 •06 •13 •2.-) ■38 •51 Mi 46 39 35 35 38 44 li*I 60 68 7S SO 83 83 80 *a 6«$ 99 49 78 i(;4 1'21 1^30 ■•:i 0-WJ ■61 -17 -43 •26 •09 •00 •09 •17 •26 •43 •• I - •S? LATITUDE COURECrnoNS. r.. b. S. l\ Az. c. L. b. H. T. Az. V. 28 ^•103 ^ 6040 - 626 + -351 ii i «> :. . ■ . « •29 •104 0600 602 •357 . j\^* » :> "■■"* ;J0 ■104 6260 577 •300 o X. M 31 ■lOo 59 13 550 •3()8i 45 -114 — ooo + o + 450 32 ■10(r 5553 523 •374! 46 •115 527 56 ■467 :t3 •100 51-93 193 ■380 47 •116 10-73 115 ■483 34 •107 48*iO 463 ■386 48 ■117 16-40 178 ■500 35 ■lOS 4440 430 ■392 49 ■118 22-83 244 ■617 m 108 404T 396 ■498 60 ■119 28-40 314 ■i-83 37 •109 3647 360 ■103 151 ■120 34 80 388 •.-50 38 •110 :t'J40 323 409152 ■121 41-47 467 ■667 .•»9 •110 2813 283 ■415 53 •122 48-47 550 ■68:i 40 •111 2380 242 ■4211154 122 5580 638 (iOO 41 •112 19 33 198 ^•27 55 ■12< 6347 731 ■017 42 •112 1473 153 ■433 56 —•1-24 ~ 71-54 + 831 + 633 43 •113 lOOO 104 ■438 •i , - . 44 ■114 + 507 54 + 444 VI ^ )• tf PolnriH Z. Di8t.^4B°8'. 40 1889. Z. 92''57'N. \ DRACONIS. 8. T. i t. January ; ir^'OHH " '20 ! 053 February i> -060, March 1 067: " 21 -out: April 10 \ -OfiO, " 30 ■ -0631 Mav 20 •047 June \) •027; ' " 2!> I -020: July 1«» OlSi August 8 .■ •OO?! " 28 •«00i ' September 17 000; October? OOOi " 27 -0131 November 1<> \ "020 . December (i ^ •033. : " 26 — •047i 11'' 28m 4899 4960 .101Y 9096 AO-73 506§ S061 SO-30 4996 49 Y6 49-54 4940 4935 4951 4966 50 11 5064 5144 5!il3 Az, W. OMS' t'. a. // + -060 + -30 60 •080 •48 50 •093 •54 43 •100 •CO 39 •107 •CO 39 •100 •54 39 •087 •48 47 •073 •42 55 •0«0 •24 63 •033 •lii »a •020 •12 79 •013 •06 84 •007 •00 8T •000 •00 88 •013 •00 84 •013 •12 80 •033 •18 73 •053 30 64 + -{HM t -42 54 a. - 62 •83 •90 103 10 03 89 76 02 34 21 14 07 00 14 14 34 65 62 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. c. + •301 L. ' b. 8. T. Az. c. 9 28 + 042 + 6547 - 599 29 •042 6333 569 •307 is on i \fsi I \ » ■■ !0V 30 •041 5913 545 •312 o • ». • * ■ ■ V 31 •041 55-80 590 •318 46 + 033 — ooo + 1 ^400 32 •040 59-47 494 •3*24 46 •032 5 00 53 •410 m •040 4000 466 •330 47 •031 1013 109 •420 34 •039 45-53 437 •330, 48 •080 15-47 168 •480 36 •088 4193 406 •342, 49 •080 9107 930 •440 36 ■om 38-90 374 •.348; 50 •029 96-87 996 •460 .H7 •087 34-47 340 •353 51 •028 39-87 366 •460 38 •087 30 60 305 •369 52 •027 39-90 440 •470 39 •086 ii6-«0 968 •366 53 •027 4580 519 •480 40 •086 3947 999 -.371! 54 •020 5967 609 •490 41 ■0S5 18-97 187 •377' 55 •026 59-93 690 •-500 42 •085 13-93 144 -.3831 56 + 024 — 67 53 + 784 + 510 43 •034 940 99 •388; , , 44 + O-HS + 480 — 51 + -394! V •,/ . '. Polaris Z. Di8t. = 4«'8'. 41 1889. .7/ • 61° 54' 8. 8. T. r^.^ „«, 12" 8» January . . . . 20.... February 9 . . . March 1 " '21 i April 10 " -40 May '20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 10 , December 6. .. y CORVI. iUM: t. 033 053 0<57 073 080 037 067 053 040 033 020 007 007 000 000 007 013 027 040 677 8-08 90§ 9 77 lOlO 1002 969 9.07 mus 760 690 6>i4 .'S-6it 5.87 6-:i6 7 16 «»o 9.18 t'. + 053 •073' •087; •100 •100 •100 •093 •080 •0()() •040 •027 •0131 •007' •000 •000 •007: •020 •033; + •053 Az. W. 0° 31'. 66 56 48 4« 40 41 46 33 63 71 79 84 90 93 93 89 83 75 65 a'. - -09 •96 1-13 1^30 •.SO •30 •21 04 •78 62 35 ■17 •09 ■00 00 09 •20 43 •79 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. -•017 8. T. Az. c. L. b- S. T. Az. c. • 28 h 4313 - 389 + •346 t '•' 29 •018 4107 374 •352 30 •018 38 93 358 •.358 a n. • 31 •019 36 73 341 •305 45 — 028 - ooo + O + •458 32 •0-20 3453 334 •372 46 •0-29 337 35 •468 33 •020 33 37 306 •378 47 •030 667 73 •478 34 •021 3000 387 •385 [48 •031 1030 111 •488 85 •022 3760 367 •392; ;49 •032 1380 153 •498 86 •022 35 30 346 •398, 50 •033 1767 196 •508 87 •023 3367 333 •405' 51 •034 3160 343 •518 38 •024 30 13 300 •412 52 •035 3573 39D •528 39 •024 17 53 175 •418 53 •035 3007 343 •538 40 •025 1480 150 •425 54 •036 34.67 397 •548 41 •026 1307 133 •432| 55 •037 3940 455 •558 42 •026 930 95 •438 56 — 038 — 44 40 + 517 + •SOS 43 •027 630 65 •446 44 —•028 + 330 - 33 + •462 Polarin Z. Diet. = 46* 13'. 49 1889. - Z. 'ed' 54' s. January 0. . .. 20.... February '.)... March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 " 2!) July 19 August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 16 . December 6 . . 26 . . d OOBVI. 8. T. (. •033 •047 •053 •0«7 •067 •073 •067 •053i •047! •038' •020! •007 •000 •000 •000 •000 •018 •020 •083 12»> 22«» 33 31 3401 33 0*i 3641 36M3 3«-.'S4 35 94 Sf'S 3U 3441 3379 331H 3271 39 46 33.'i7 3303 33M3 34-S3 3611 Az, W, 0*26' /'. •0731 •093 j •lool •107 1 •107 •100 •0S7 a. -i- •073 •053 •033 1 •020 •007 •0001 •000 ' •007 i ■013 1 •033 i +058[+ •32 •45 •51 •64 •70 •64 •64 •51 •45 •32 •19 •06 •00 •00 •00 ■00 •13 •19 •32 38 an 14 11 13 16 33 33 40 49 46 61 64 64 63 .16 49 89 a. •83 105 1-13 1-iO 12() 113 •9H •83 •.53 ■•AH •23 •OH •00 •00 •OH •15 •3H — ^60 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. 8. T. Az. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. a 28 —•018 + 3443 - 811 m 29 •019 3«17 399 •360| •" »». 30 •019 31 13 387 •3671 o *.'■*'•■" y 1, M- 31 •020 3940 374 •373 45 — 029 - ooo o f ^467 32 •021 3167 360 •380 46 •O.iO 360 3§ •47H 33 •021 33§Y 343 •387. 47 •031 533 58 •489 34 •022 34 00 330 ■393, 48 •032 §13 89 •498 35 •023 3307 314 ■400 49 •033 1107 133 •510 36 •023 30 13 197 •407 50 ■034 1413 157 •521 37 •024 1§30 179 •443 51 •035 1733 194 •532 38 •025 1613 161 •420 52 •036 30-67 333 •542 39 •025 1400 141 •427! 53 •037 3413 374 •553 40 •026 1 11^87 130 •433 54 •038 3773 318 •564 41 •0!?7 960 98 •440: 55 •039 3160 364 •575 42 •027 733 76 •4471 56 — 040 — 3560 + 414 + •580 43 •028 S03 .13 •463 ' 44 — 029 + 3-ft8 — 36 + •460 Polari»Z. Di8t. = 46* \5'. 48 1889. flOlH'/ Z. »»?> 7»° 4' N. January 0. . . 20... February 1) . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 Auf>U8t 8 " 28 September 17 October 7 " 27 ... . November 1(5 December ti. . 26. . a CASSIOPEIiE, b. P. 8. T. 12h 31» 033 020 013 000 000 000 007 020 040 047 060 080 073 073 073 060 053 040 040 4114 41 «M 4307 4il43 4tl«*2 4ar7 43 76 43NO 4307 43.'S.'S 4'i.7» 4340 433.) 4331 43S8 43.74 430M 43-48 4403 <'. f 053, •033 •013 •007 •000 •000 •007 •020 •033 •047 •067 •080 •080 •100 •100 •93 •87; •73. + -53 Az. W. 0° 21'. + -321 •nr •13| •001 •00' •00[ •oo; •0(V •10 •.38: •45i •571 •70| •70| •70 •70 •57 •51 + -38 30 31 13 « 3 3 8 14 33 30 39 46 SI 55 53 53 48 41 33 a'. — -64 •40 •16 •OH •00 •00 •OH •24 •40 •56 •80 •!)(•) •96 1-20 120 M2 104 •88 — -64 LATITUDE COimECTIONS. L. b. -048 8. T. Az. c. L. b- S. T. Az. c. • 28 i 37^i7 n - 351 -i -370 29 •044 3653 343 •377 :(0 •044 35 13 333 •383 o .'*. 81 •045 3373 333 •3il0 45 — 056 — ooo + O + •483 32 •046 3333 310 •397 46 •057 313 33 •494 33 •047 30 87 109 •403 i47 •058 433 47 •504 84 •048 1940 186 •410 !48 •059 660 73 •516 85 •048 1787 173 •417 49 •060 893 98 •527 36 •049 16-37 159 •423 50 •061 1140 136 •537 37 •050 1467 145 •430 51 •062 1400 153 •648 38 •051 1300 130 •4371 52 •063 16.67 188 -559 39 •051 11 33 114 •443 53 •064 1947 331 •570 40 •053 060 97 •450 54 •065 33-40 357 •581 41 •054 7-80 80 •457 55 •066 3553 394 •592 42 •055 593 61 •463 56 — 067 - 38 73 + 334 + ■602 43 •055 400 43 •470 44 — 056 + 300 - 31 + •477 PoterwZ. Di8t. = 46°16'. 44 1889. Z. 74* 63' N, January 0. . . . 20.... February (I . . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 ■May 20 June 9 " 2!) July 10 August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 16 . December 6 . . 26 . . y CARaiOPEIiE, B. P. 8. T. t. ■040 027 •013! ■ooo' •000| •000 ! ■000 •007 •0*20 •033 •047' •053 ■0(;7 ■073 •0(;7 •0C)7 ■OC.O •053 ■047' 12i> 48"> 14 0» IttOO 13 lO 13«(» 13MO 13 Ml 13N1 13 ri 13ftl 13 .^« 13 lA 13 lO 13 30 13 f2 13«i2 1391 11 3') 1481 t'. + ■060 ■040 ■027 ■013 ■000 ■000 ■013 ■020 ■033 ■053 ■073 •0'.)3 •100 •107 •113 •113 •107 •087 + ^067 Az. W. 0' 1«' , ((. •48 «» —164 •32 47 ■4-_' •16 30 •2K ■00 »« ■14 •00 29 ■00 ■00 ie« ■00 ■00 32 •14 ■08 38 •21 ■24 4.1 •35 •40 9*2 •5(; 56 63 ■7s lit 71 •Oil SO 76 1-Of. H8 81 1-13 MO 82 1-20 SO 80 120 T.I 72 1-13 64 7© •02 56 61 - 71 LATITUDE COREECTIONfe. L. b. a. T. Az. c. + -378 L. b. 8. T. Az. e. o 28 —•052 + ir87 - 161 •? W » I' KM - m 29 •052 1700 1.1/1 ■385' ! t'» W 80 ■063 1613 148 ■302; 1 "to i\> 31 •054 1527 142 •308 45 —■063 o oo H •402 82 •054 1433 134 •405' 46 ■064 133 1.1 •503 88 ■0^4 1340 127 •412 47 ■065 273 30 •515 34 •055 12 40 110 •418, 48 ■066 4 20 46 •527 35 ■056 1147 110 ■425' 49 ■0(i7 .167 62 •538 36 ■056 1047 102 ■432 50 ■0(58 7 27 81 •550 87 ■U 940 03 ■438 51 ■0()0 8 03 08 ■5(;2 88 633 83 •445' 52 ■070 10-67' 120 ■573 39 •058 7'27 73 •452 53 ■071 12 10 142 ■,585 40 •059 613 62 •458: 54 ■072 11 33 164 •507 41 •060 900 .12 •465 55 ■075 1627 188 ■608 42 •om 1 3-80 30 •472: 56 -074 — 18Sp + 214 + -620 43 ■061 260 27 •478; ■ I ■ . II- ■' 44 —062 + 133 - 14 + ■48o| ; 1 ." i i • PotomZ. Di8t. = 46° 10'. m: 1889. c URSiE MAJOR. Z. ir 84' N. 8. T. lah 49» jAiiuary 0. . . 20... February)).. . March 1 " 21 April 10 " :^o May 20 June y " 29 July 1ft August H. . .. " 28 September 17 October 7 . . . " 27 . . . November Ki. December (J. . 2«.. t. •038 •047 •000 •0«7 •073 •073 •073 •060 •047 •040 •027 •013 •007 •000 ■000 •000 •007 •018 •027 96M0 SOl'i iiooe •2870 tl«i 13 31!) 19 tBV3H tt7«4 4Y49 ar 7« tiSl.t '1874 99.tl /'. + •0(10 •OHO •0!i:» •out ■V20 ■120 •IIH •100 •187 •0(;7 •047 ■03;{ •020 •ooa •007 •oi;{ ■0^20 •040 4- 053 Az. W. 0"12'. •3Gi •Jl •().■> ■72 •71) •7!t •7i) •05 •51 •43 ••21) •14 •07, •00 •00 •00 •07] •14l -21)1 73 64 .17 .14 .13 .1ft 63 60 70 N8 06 104 106 107 100 104 04 87 a' - •6C •87 1 01 12il i-;)o i-;j(i 123 rOM •1)4 •72 •51 •3C. •22 •0(1 •07 •14 •22 •43 - •50 LATITUDE CORUE(!TION8. L. b. + 022 8. T. 1 Az. c. ■345 L. b. 8. T. Az. c. o 28 + 1840 " i 164 . i • ■ rn 1 20 •021 17 33 1-18 •352 ■ » rt- ? :• 1 . . l"> HO •021 1647 1.11 •358 o r * 1* 81 •020 14.13 144 •365 45 + 011 - 00 + o + •468 82 •oin 14 60 137 •372 4() •010 140 1.1 •408 88 •Oil) 1367 149 •378| 47 •OOi) 4 87 31 ■47H 84 •018 1467 141 •385 48 •008 433 47 •48S 85 •017 1167 113 •392 4'J •007 .1-87 61 ■4!)s 8fi •017 1067 lOI •;ii)8 50 •001) 747 83 ■508 87 •Olfi 060 9;1 •405i;51 •00.-) 913 104 ■5IM 38 •015 8.13 8.1 •412h52 •004 1093 143 ■[,-i>^ .HI) •OlS 740 74 •418li53 •003 14 7 3 14.1 ■538 40 •014 6 47 63| •425 54 •002 14 67 168 •548 41 •018 .107 .14, •432 55 •001 16 6 7 193 -.558 42 •018 387 40 •488 56 + •000 - 18^80 h 419 + •568 43 •012 460 47 •445 44 ( Oil + 133 - 14i4 •442 ' r i ■ > V* irPolm-M Z. Di8t.=s45° 58'. 46 IHWJ. 4 :*^.iiHti . a VIUGINIK (SpiruJ. Z. January 0. . . . '20... February!). . . March 1 " 21 April 10 '• »0 May 20 June 9 •' 2ft July 1» .\ugU8t H " 28 September 17 October 7 . . . " 27 . . . November 1(5. December (i. . 26., 8. T. ' IBh 1«» t. •OoS •0S»l •020. •0071 •oooi •oooi •0071 •013 •020 •0.H3 •047 •060 •073 •078 •Of<7 •0«7 •080 •073 •060 1. '2ii:tn lit 'Hi tl.t IM "247 ^ •i8«l *i'iON til 51 •21 0«( teo »>i 'ii-ow 'ii .t? *i*2-4i 23 47 t'. -•060 •040 •027 •007 •007 •000 •007 •013 •027 •0;i3 •0()7 •07;t •100 •107 •llii •1^20 •107 •003 -•OHO Ax. E. •4U •31 •IH •06 •00 •00 •06 •12 •IH •31 •43 •3f) •68 •68 •80 ■80 •74 •68 •55 O'O'. «T »7 46 44 49 60 »H .1» 44 i 9« I »1 I 18 9 « » it 6 11 - -70 ■47 31 •OH •08 •00 •OH •16 •31 •62 •78 roi M7 V24 132 140 124 I'Oft •03 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. c. 1 L. b. fi. T. Az. c. 28 — 014 - 134 ft - la —•362 ni: 20 •016 1 «r 14 •368 ..<. 30 •015 itto 11 •875 o s. W 31 •016 114 11 •382 45 -•027 + ooo + + '476 32 •017 io» 10 •388 46 •028 007 1 •486 33 •018 lOO 10 •395 47 •029 oao 3 •497 34 •018 0.94 9 •402 48 •029 oa7 4 •507 36 •019 ©•»» n •408 49 •030 040 li •518 36 •020 0-80 7 •415 60 •031 048 6 •629 37 •021 078 7 •422 51 •082 067 fi •640 38 •021 067 6 •428 52 •038 078 9 •561 39 •022 0^60 5 •435 58 •034 098 11 •562 40 •023 047 4 •442 64 •086 107 18 •672 41 •024 040 4 •448 65 •036 124 14 •683 42 •024 033 3 •455 56 — 037 + 1-38 H 16 + •594 43 •025 0'20 a ■462 .' 44 — 026 — 013 — 1 — 468 • f i Polaris Z. Di8t. = 46°17'. '^■' l«89. '»ATPd;.-l'jf 10* 30' N. January . . . '20... February 9. . March 1 •' 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 0. " 2i» July 1» AugUBt 8 . . . " 38 ... September 17 October 7.. . . 'k 27.... November IH December (i . 2(> . f VllHJK MAJ()UI8. 8. T. 13»' lO™ t. -•()40 •033 •0^0 •007 •000 •000 •000 •013 •020 •083 •047 1 •060j •073 •07.^ •080 •080 •073 •067 ■om *29'2'2 47 »0 '27 NO ar 79 tf7 '14 '17 42 4610 4604 4.19N 401» 4049 470.1 47 74 f. •007 •(■47 '&i7 •)13 ■007 •000 •007 •007 •033 •0.53 •007 ■087 •100 •113 •120 •1^20 •113 •100 •087 Az. £. O'O'. a. ' 1 i •3.0 U9 •2'.. 89 •17 4N i •0(, .S.1 •00 00 •00 01 •00 .19 •12 .14 •17 47 •lit »M •41 49 ■r,-2 40 •M 1» •04 » •70 » •70 a •04 « •58 14 { •52 44 o'. - •TH •74 •51 •30 •18 •00 •08 •08 •3!» •(}2 •78 1^01 117 132 1^40 1-40 1-32 117 101 LATITUDE CORRECTION 8. Potari.s Z. Di8t. = 46° 17'. 48 1889. Z. I 104° 50' fci. January . . . 20... February 'J . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8 . . . " 28 ... September 17 October 7.- . " 27.... November 1(5 December 6 . 26 . /9CENTAURI. 8. T. '<••:! fJ.dSh 6gln t. •OfiO •047 •033 •013 •007 •000 •000 •007 •020 •033 •047 •0(50 •073 •080 •087 •093 •093 •087| •0781 19.13 iti §5 3444 36 34 3'9'S4 3«(69 3fi3<« 37 IK 3A49 3364 31 73 1096 1)4 44 17-6§ 4749 18»3 19 43 3143 Az. E. 0° 18'. 58 36 45 36 32 46 13 an 0() 63 00 6« 00 64 00 .19 19 93 32 43 45 34 68 34 71 1.1 . 77 » 1 84 3 90 1 90 3 84 6 71 14 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. c. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. • 28 -•051 - 3.'i 37 - 338 —•364 ' a. 29 •052 34 OO 319 •372 30 •052 33«0 310 •379 o ItA. 31 — 053 - 31 .13 - 301 -•387 45 — 044 •it 32 46 •040 i« 33 47 •041 m 34 48 •042 .m 35 49 •043 ■sty 86 50 •043 37 51 •044 38 Invis ible 52 •045 Invis ible ■•^, 39 58 •046 fXt 40 54 •046 41 66 •047 42 56 — 048 43 44 PofamZ. Di«t. = 46*16'. »» 1889. 'i5' 14' S. January 0. . 20.. February D Maruh 1. . . . " 21.... Ainil 10 . . . " 30.... May 20 ... . June 9. . . . . " 29 July 19.;... August 8; . , Heptember 17. October 7 " 27 November KJ . December 6. . . " 26... a BOOTIS (Archnfi-iJ. 8. T. 14'' ll™ t. -.058 .040 .027 .013 .013 .000 .000 '007 •020 <«33 •040 •0(50 •067 •080 •087 •093 •087 •0801 •078| 1046 itO-36 2118 itl!SO *I*i-93 4331 3193 3140 3104 30 43 108* 1043 10.17 1006 1036 1003 3060 Ax. K. 0" 23'. f. -•080 •000 •047 •027 •013 •007 •000 •013 i ■Q-M I •040 ] •odo ! ■080 ! •100 •113; •1'20 I •1'27 ' •PiT ■ ■VZi) ' -•107 1 1 + ^51 •39 •2B •13 •13 •00 •00 •Ot) •19 •32 •39 •1)8 ■1)4 •77 •84 •90 •84 •77 + •711 84 80 OO 107 114 117 117 113 I07 08 80 80 71 64 ;so .K6 «7 60 67 - -88 ■m •52 •29 •ir, •07 •00 •ir, •22 •44 •{\(\ •88 111 l^ar. i-m IKI 140 1^33 -118 LATITUDE CORRKCJ'IONS. L. b. 8. T. A.. c. L. 1 b- : B. T. Az. c. ■ ' 28 — 002 33 00 rf 308 —•359 .. -^fir. ')• - 'I*. 29 •002 3140 387 •365 ^tv tii, !•: cv 30 •003 3980 375 •371 o ■M i K. ' " V « 31 •004 38 13 363 •377 45 -014 -i ooo 1 o -•158 32 •006 3647 340 •388 46 •015 353 37 •470 38 •00» 34 73 335 •388 147 •016 518 55 •482 34 •OOd 3303 330 •394 48 •017 7-87 85 ■493 35 •007 31 13 305 •400] 49 •018 1067 118 ■:>or, 36 •007 10 37 180 •406ii.i0 •019 1353 153 ■r.i7 37 •OOt* 17 33 173 •412 iol •020 1660 185 ■r>28 38 •009 l.'S40 154 •418 ;.52 •0'20 10 80 333 •.->40 39 •010 13 40 135 •423;i53 ■021 33.13 363 ■.W2 40 •01(J 11 33 i;»5 •429i54 ■022 3660 304 •.•)63 41 •01) 30 04 •4.35| ■io •023 3037 348 ■57.-. 42 •Oil , 7 00 73 •441 j 56 -•024i H 34 07 306 -•587 43 •012 473 51 •447j ■ ' 44 — 013 - «'40 - 36 —•453 1 •• ■ ' PolarUZ. DiB«. = 46*lS';' 60 1889. Z. •29° 87' N. January 0.. •. 20. . . . February 9 . . , March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 •• 29 July 19...... August 8. . . . " 28.... September 17 October 7. . . . " 27.... November 16 December 6 . . 26. . /3 URSiE MIN0RI8. 8. T. 14h 46m /. ». t'. i + .060 il§9 — 080! .047 3^61 •067! .033 4aY •053! .020 479 ■021 .013 li97 •013! .000 9«6 •013; .000 583 •000 •007 996 ■007; •013 .1.79 •0-20 •027 962 •033 i •033 336 •053 •047 903 •073; •067 463 •087 •080 439 •107: •037 444 •1271 •098 4-08 •127: •093 415 127 •087 451 •127: + •087 496 -•1131 Az. E. 0' 39'. + -581 •451 •32 •19: •13i •00 •00: •oo! •l.-i •26 •32 •45 •64 •77 •84 •90 •90 •84 + ^84 43 61 ro 77 83 83 80 75 67 58 48 39 31 as 30 19 31 87 I - ^88 •74 •59 •29 •16 •15 •00 •07 ■22 •37 •59 •81 •96 118 140 1-40 140 140 1-25 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. + 060 8. T. Az. c. —•318 L. b- S. T. Az. c. 28 - 53 47 - 483 'w 29 •059 5087 464 •323 30 •059 4837 445 •329 «. " 31 •058 4560 434 •385 45 + 049 + 000 + -•417 H2 •057 4387 403 •341 46 •049 407 43 •426 38 ■057 4007 380 •347 47 ■048 837 89 •435 84 •056 3730 357 •353 48 •047 1367 187 •444 85 ■056 34 30 333 •358 49 •046 1735 188 •458 86 ■056 3130 306 •364 .-iO •045 3198 340 •462 37 •054 3813 378 •370 61 •044 3687 398 •472 88 ■054 3500 349 •376 52 •043 3300 859 •481 89 •053 3178 318 •382 53 ■042 3738 438 •490 40 ■052 18 40 187 ■388 54 ■041 43.00 491 •499 41 ■052 15 93 153 •898 56 ■040 4898 564 •508 42 ■051 1140 118 •399 56 + ■039 + 5518 + 641 —•517 48 ■051 773 81 •405 44 -t 050 - 393 - 43 —•411 PotemZ. Diat.=46*ll'. Sl< 1889. Z. 5»° 69' S. January 0.. .. 20.... February 9 . . . Maroh 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20., June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 Kovember 16 . December 6 . . 26 . . 8. T. IS"" ISm t. •060 •047 •033 •027 •013 •000 •000 •000 •007 •020 •027 •047 •060 •073 •087 •087 •093 •093 •087 4934 40^64 51§6 ft3-§4 «3^94 34 04 .'S3§4 3343 3a§3 3193 31 Ol 3034 4994 4941 4943 4983 10-33 /3 LIBR.£. t'. -•087 •073 •053 •033 •013 •007 •000 •007 •013| •027 •Oo3 •067 ■087 •107 •120 •138 •133 ■133 -127|i -(i Az. £. 0*61' a. ■ -68 •45 •32 •2(i •13 •00 •00 •00 •06 •19 •26 •46 •58 •71 •84 •84 ■90 •90 ■ ^84 33 33 43 33 60 63 6T 66 61 34 43 33 33 13 § 3 1 3 a. -104 •88 •64 •40 •16 •08 •00 •08 •1« •32 •56 ■80 104 l-2f> 144 160 160 160 ^•o2 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. 28- 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 8. T. Az. -013 •013i •014 •015 •015 •016 •016 •017 •017 •018 •018 •019i •020, •020 •021 •02l| •022 69 OO 63-6T 6337 38-MOI 3337 31 671 47981 4419| 40 37I 36331 3330i 3800 33671 1937 14 67 993 307 633 399 374 347 330 490 460 428 394 338 331 380 340 196 131 104 33 •318 •323 •329 •336 •341 •347 •353 •358 •364 •370 •376 •.1821 •388i •.»98| •3991 ■405, •41li ■022 •0^23 •024 •026 •026 •027 •028 ■028 •029 •030 •031 •082 8. T. s'ji n.i ooo 337 1067 1633 3330 38-37 8467 41 37 48-37 3334 6314 7130 Az. O 36 113 178 344 313 387 463 347 633 738 837 — -417 !' •427:;; •437 'j •447-;' •457 •467 •477 •487 •497 •507 •617 —•527 .If. Po/amZ. Di8t.a4«»r. Sftl l«8»-.t,Har( z. January 0. . . •40... February . . . .March 1.'.... " 21 .Vpril 10 " 30..^.. May 20 .1 uue !( " 29 July 19 August 8 . . . . " 28.... September 17 October 7 . . . " 27 . . . November 1(). December 6. . 26.. 7' URSA] MINOKIS. S. T. W> 15"' t. t'. (1 i 3846 --•087 -f- •381 »»1« •073 •45! 39Y1 •053 •32! 40-46 •040 •1<.)I 409*/ •020 •06| 41 tl9 •013 •00; 4166 •000 •ool 4181 •013 ■00 41 6a ■013 •00 4148 •033 •li). 41il9 •047 •2(5 4098 •007 •39! 4043 .•087 •58 4016 •113 •()4 398ie •120 •77 3996 •133 ■84 39'»a •140 •90 4002 •140 •84 409tt - -134 + -77 Az. E. 0- 51'. 70 78 8* 96 104 109 111 110 IOjS 98 89 79 70 60 .13 48 46 47 91 a- - Wi •84 •01 •4(1 •23 •15 ■00 •15 •15 •38 •53 •7(i •99 1-30 137 152 1(H» l-()0 -152 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. e. L. b. a. T. Az. C. vf 28 + •048 - ro 00 n 631 —•293 ;> ^{ »H» -f (0- >i- 29 •047 66 60 607 •299 ■ 30 •047 6314 .18il •304 ° fi* " 31 •046 .1967 .1.1.1 •310 45 + -038 + 000 f —•392 32 •045 .S60r .127 •31G 46 •037 .133 97 •403 33 •045 .1240 497 •322 47 •035 1087 118 •412 34 •044 48 60 466 •328 48 •034 1660 180 •422 35 •044 44 80^ 434 •333 49 •032 4t{.13 947 •432 36 •043 408V 390 •339 60 •031 ♦28 73 318 •442 37 •043 36 80 363 •345 51 •030 3.113 399 •452 38 ■042 3367 3«5 •351 52 •028 4187 471 •4()2 39 •042 •1840 98.1 •357 53 •027 4893 .119 •472 40 •041 >1400 *144 •363 54 •025 .1633 644 •482 41 •041 19.18 ttoo •36h 55 •024 64 06 739 •492 42 •040 14 87 1.14 •374 56 + •022 + 7318 + 839 —•502 43 •039 1007 10.1 •380 •ii .«:i fir > r. 44 + 039 - 507 - .14 •386 k ' PoUu-k Z. 0181.^48" 7'. 188£f. i y. .'.i=:;M «f>" 32' N. ■raiiuary 0; . . •20... Febrmiry 9 . . March 1 " •21.... l .Vplil 10...... " HO..... May -20 . . ....'. June !)...... " 2!( July li»...... August 8 . . . " '2H ... September 17 October 7. . . . " 27. . , . N«iveniber IW Dbceinber 6 . 26 . a PER8EI, S. P. S. T. 15h 22°' U •053 •047 •033 •027 •013 •000 •000 •007 •007 •013 •027 •040 •OCO •073 •080 •087 •093 ■087 ■087 Ol* 043 003 1 '16 1 *3 Vtt '2 06 911 a 10 '134 303 SO'l 1 70 16.1 ins 160 1 §6 '119 f.'. 080 OGO 047 0-20 007 000 000 000 007 0-20 040 0(JO 070 0'J3 107 120 127 127 113 Az. E. 0° 54'. f- •SI •45 •32 •20 •13 •00 •00 ■OG ■00 ■13 -26 •3!) •58 •71 •77 •84 •!)0 •84| + ^84 1 45 S'l 61 70 »§ 83 86 84 80 73 65 55 45 36 '18 '13 '10 '11 '13 a'. - •»5 •71 .55 •23 •08 •00 •00 •00 •08 •24 •47 •71 •87 1-ia 120 144 1-50' 1-50 -130 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. o 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 — 040 41 ■040 42 •041 43 •042 44 —•042 S. T. Az. ri 4K)-0 Invis ible ;»*• ^U- 'i5'ir '1053 15 67 1060 540 '156 'llO 16'1 111 57 •396 •402 •408 •413 -•419 L. —043 •043 •044 •045 •045 •046 •047 •047 •048 •049 •049 — 050 S. T. Az. ! boo 547 1190 17 13 9340 '19-87 3667 4373 5107 5880 66 03 7547 O 50 1'19 188 '158j 339 411 494 589 675 774 879 <;■■ •425 •434 ■443 ■453 ■462. ;• ■471 'i ■480 >' •489 • •498 • .508 •517 <■ •526 f Polaris Z. mat. = iG'r. M 1889. Z. 87* 84' N. January 0. . . 20... February 9 . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8 . . . " 28 ... September 17 October 7 " 27.... November 16 December 6 . 26 . d PEBBEI, B. P. 8. T. 16>» 41'» t. •060 •053 •040 •027 •013 •007 •000 •000 •007 •020 •027 •047 •060 •073 •080 •093 •093 •0J)3 •093 933 963 1013 1046 1086 1108 1133 1144 1193 llvt!} 1149 1133 1133 1100 1093 1081 1096 11 lO 11 33 t'. •080 •067 ■053 •027 •013 ■000 ■000 •000 ■007 •020 •033 ■053 ■073 ■093 •113 •120 •133 •133 •127 Az. E. I'l' a. t- -64 •57 •43 •29 •14 •07 •00 ■00 •07 ■21 -29 •50 •64 •79 •86 100 100 100 + 1^00 7H 8a 90 99 108 113 IIT 116 113 106 98 88 18 68 60 34 90 50 33 - -90 •75 .60 •30 •15 •00 •00 ■00 ■08 •23 •38 •60 •83 105 128 1-36 150 150 143 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. L. b. 8. T. Az. C. 1 n , ' > v" ' M 80 a n. « 81 45 — 044 1 ooo + —•333 82 Invis ible 46 •040 640 6T •343 88 47 •041 19-89 139 •3.52 84 48 •042 1967 914 •361 85 •• ■ . 49 •043 96 V 3 993 •370 86 50 •043 3413 3V8 •379 87 51 •044 4180 466 •388 88 1 , 62 •045 4980 361 •398 89 53 •046 3890 660 •407 40 64 •046 6YOO 766 •416 41 1. . 55 •047 76-90 879 •426 42 —•038 - 1» VB - 184 —•316 56 — 048 + 83 89 + 999 —•484 43 -038 190T 196 •322 44 — 039 — 613 - 63 -•328 PoiomZ. Di8t. = 46*4'. M 1889. fi SCORPII. z. 64* 30' 8. 8. T. January 0.. . 20... February 9.. . March 1 •' 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 «« 29 July 19,".'.... August 8 " 28 September 17 October 7 . . . " 27 . . . November 16. December 6. . 26.. t. •067 •060 •047 •027 •020 •007 •007 •000 •007 •020 ■027 •047 •060 •067 •082 •098 •106 •109 •104 I6h 3" 9663 ilT63 3§89 3090 31 31 33 31 33-(KS 3317 33 19 3383 331V 31 3Y 3030 393V 3843 3V-88 3V6.'S 3T V9 3844 t'. •093 •080 •067 •047 ■027 •013 •000 •000 •013 •020 •040 ■063 •080 •100 •113 •133 •140 •140 -140 Az. E. IMO*. •66 •51 ■39 •23 ■17 ■06 ■06 ■00 ■06 ■17 ■23 •39 •61 •66 •73 •79 •84 •90 ■84 37 34 43 .13 60 67 71 71 69 63 .14 44 84 34 19 7 3 3 4 a' 113 •97 •81 •67 •32 •16 •00 ■00 •16 •24 •49 •65 •97 1-23 1-38 1-62 170 170 -1-70 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. + 01 i S. T. Az. c. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. o 28 — 9437 ft — 830 —■287 '»• i. !- {■ •. ft '. ■«»■ 30 ■013 8507 783 ■296 o s. n 31 ■016 8033 748 ■300 46 — 023 + OOO + —•368 32 •017 7.1.13 709 ■304 46 ■024 713 77 •368 33 •017 7060 670 •308 47 ■026 1460 138 ■377 34 •018 6.133 638 •H12 48 ■026 3337 343 •386 35 •018 60^3 .184 •317 49 ■026 3037 333 •396 36 •019 .1*07 .138 •321 50 ■027 3860 438 •404 37 019 4960 490 •325 51 •028 4737 339 ■413 38 •020 4407 438 •329 52 •028 .1633 633 ■428 39 •020 3833 383 •333 63 ■029 6.187 748 •432 40 •021 3340 338 ■337 64 ■030 7380 868 •441 41 •021 36 33 369 •342 56 •031 86 30 993 •450 42 •022 3007 307 •346 66 -031 + 97 13 + 1131 —•459 43 •022 1370 141 •350 44 + •023 — 693 — 73 —•354 Pdarvi Z. Di8t. = 45° 58'. (6 1889. Z. 48" 24' S. January 0. . . . 20.... February 9 . . . March 1 " 21 April 10 • " 30 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 Aufijust 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " -27 November IG . December (j . . 26 . . S OPHUKJHI. 8. T. 16i> 12'» t. •073' •060j •047 •O.'W •0201 •018 •000 •000 •007' •013' •0-27 1 •047 •0o3' •0(i7; •087' '093' •107' •107' -•100' 903 lists Itl-OO 13-9it 1407 1.161 1.16» 1930 14§0 1411 13-3M lit .50 11 »» 11 «H 1104 11 lO 11 »3 t'. -•087 ■080 •0(57 •040 •0'27 •007 •007 •000 •007 •020 •033 •0r)3 ■073 •100 •113 •133 •1.33 •140 -140 Az. E. a. I •69' 66: •44' •.34' •19! •13: •oo; •oo' •13 •16 •2B: •48, •r,H •67 •81 ■88 l-0('> ro4 •96 SO ae 44 .14 63 60 74 '»4 72 66 .IP *H «r 18 11 6 4 6 a. - •a? •80 •67 •40 •27 •07 •07 ■00 •07 •20 •33 •.53 •73 100 MH 1^33 P33 1^4(t -l-4(l LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. c. -■279 L. b. S. T. Az. '"• .* 28 —•009 — 9§ 33 - 887 t<» (1 . '!-,'■ 29 •010 0333 8.14 ■283: 30 •010 88-73 817 •287 M. 31 ■Oil 8380 780 -292; 4.5 — 018 + 000 + ■350 82 •Oil 7878 740 •296' 46 •019 747 80 •358 33 •012 7360 600 ■300' 47 ■019 1.190 164 •367 34 •012 6833 6.1.1 ■3041 48 •020 4327 3.13 ■375 36 •018 6'103 600 •308 49 •021 3160 346 ■383 36 ■013 .1740 .161 ■312l .50 •021 40 97 446 ■392 87 ■014 .11 73 .111 .317! 51 •022 4033 .1.11 •40(1 38 •014 4.103 4.17 ■.321! 52 •023 5880 663 ■408 39 •015 30 03 403 •3251 63 •024 6867 780 ■417 40 •015 3380 343 •3-29' 64 ■024 7007 00.1 ■42.-. 41 •016 il7 40 tt81 •333' 55 •025 8004 1037 ■433 42 •016 a0 87 316 •337| 66 — 026 + 10134 + 1170 —■442 48 •017 14 13 147 •Wi] ■{)• T.t 44 —017 - 7ao - 76 —•346; . . J > i'o/arwZ, Di8t. = 45°5(J'. r.7 1889. !«• 40' N. January . . . . '20..'.. February 9. ., March 1 " '21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June " 29 July 19 Auf^uat 8 . . . , " 28 .... September 17 October 7 " 27 November l(i December 6 . " 26 . , 1) DRACONIH. 8. T. (.. I 000 053 040| 0271 020 007 000 000 007 007 020i 033, 053| 000' 073 087 093 093 098 lOh 19'" '1340 •24 GO 44.16 '24 96 •24121 •2300 •24 65 •24 1» •2396 •23*27 '2!2-9l« •2303 3333 I'. •093 ■080 •007 ■0-17 ■0-20 ■007 •(M10 ■000 ■000 •O'iO ■033 •()r,3 •073 •093 •113 •127 •MO •147 -140 Az. £. V 16'. a. ■M «'. •37 61 •43 70 •29 *9 : •21 H8 , •07 09 •00 99 •00 lOO •07 98 ! •07 9^2 •21 M4 •ao 7.^ •.■)0 64 •(■.4 44 1 •79 43 : •93 37 100 3^2 100 30 100 •29 a'. -102 •87 .73 •51 •22 •07 •00 •00 •00 •29 •44 •or. •s7 109 1-31 I4r. MJO 107 -1^(«) LATITU J )K CO R I! EOT ION S. L. b. •- + 022 R. T. toi Ml Az. 916 c. ■L- b. S. T. .\*. r. ■J 28 - -202 1 • ,. 1 29 •021 9600 881 •207 , ■ 1 ift i. :'. :•" 30 •021 9160 844 •271 i ° n.' ' 81 •020 8643 806 •275 ;45 + •013 r 000 1 •333 32 •020 8133 764 •279 140 •013 773 8*2 ■341 88 •019 ?600 7'23 •283 ;47 •012 1473 169 ■348 84 •019 r043 677 •2871^48 •Oil •24 00 •261 •35C, 85 ■018 6400 6'29 •292 49 •Oil 3^260 348 •;)(;:( 80 •018 49ai' 480 •290 50 •010 4160 160 •371 87 •017 4340 4^28 •300 51 •009 4093 469 •378 88 •017 4140 479 •304 i52 •009 60 73 683 •380 89 •OKi 41tI0 414 •308 ,53 •008 7083 804 •393 40 •010 3487 344 •312;54 •007 8160 934 •401 41 •Olo •2833 •290 •317 .no •007 9'287 1071 •408 42 •015 •2160 •223 •321 !50 + •ooo f 104 67 + 1^217 -•41C. 43 •014 1460 143 •325 1 44 1-014 — ■J'40 - 78 —•329 i 1 Polans Z. Di8t. = 45° 64'. S8 1889. IV 11' H, Janimry 0. . .. '20.... February '.(... March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June '.) " 2!» July 1<) August H . . , , " 28 .... September 17 October 7 " 27 November 16 December 6 . . 28.. a SCOUril. (AutartH). 8. T. Ifih 28™ t. ■0(57 •0(;o •04!» •038 •020 •007 •000 •000 •007 •013 •020 •03!) ■017 •067 •080 •093 •0!)3 •100 •100 110« 19 10 14 OO 1331 13 4« 13 13 13.1» 1163 1004 ©■■IS 8-40 r3? ^•»9 t'. ■mi •073 ■oc.o •040 •027 •007 •000 •1)0(1 •OOO •Oi:i ■■&>! •047 •07;f •0K7 ■107 ■120 •140 •140 •140 Az. E, V 18'. a. ■m\ •541 ■42! '30 •IH •0(1 •00 ■po •0(i 12 •18 ■30 ■42| •(iO '72! •H4: ■.S4 ■ilO •'.K» •30 »1 •IH MO •0(1 »* •00 01 ■po »3 1 •0(i 01 12 «6 •18 7« 4M .t3 «1 71 MO M* 01 »3 01 M6 7M «M .KM 4T 3H 30 •14 'i« •13 -I or, •S'.» .73 •40 •32 •OM ■m •00 •00 •ic. •32 •.")7 •H'.l i^or. l^3(> l-4(; V7(i h70 ' 17(» LATITUDE CORKECTIONS. L. b. S. T. A/,. r. L. b. S. T. •A/. o 28 —•015 -10540 951 -•254 \ :-L: 2'J •016 10033 915 -258 • 30 •015 9S13 876 •2()2 ° ' " 31 •017 M0§0 836 •267 45 — 023 F OOO i 32 •017 M440 794 •271 40 ■023 MOO 85 33 •017 7893 750 •275 47 •024 16 27 175 84 •018 782* 703 •279 48 ■025 3487 370 35 •018 6747 653 •283| 49 ■025 3380 371 86 •019 6143 603 •287 50 •026 4313' 477 37 •019 3547 548 •292 51 ■027 53^87 590 38 •020 49il0 491 •296 52 ■027 63 00' 708 39 •020 43 80 431 ■300 53 ■028 7360' 835 40 •021 3620 368 ■304^ 54 •029 84-67: 969 41 •021 3940 303 •308' 55 •029 9633! 1111 42 •021 3340 333 •312 5(5 —030 + 108-53, + 1363 43 •022 15 30 159 •317 44 — 022 - 773 - 831 —•321 • i -•.32i' •3s:i •340 •348 •365 ■•MVA •370 •37H •3,S5 •.S93 •400 -■40H Polai-XH Z. Di8t. = 45'' 52'. 5» IHHII. U-t V I ' Z. •.J we 7' N. •laiiuary 0. . . . 20 . . . . February !• . . . Mfticli I " 21 Ai)ril 10 " ao May '20 June il " '2'.i July 1« Au^UHt H. . . " as September 17. Octol)er 7 " 27 November IG . December (5 . . « AURKJVi: fCapellaJ H.V. 8. T. 17'' I?™ tt:i 17 •ill .s:i «» NO 21 21 24 .'SO 24 N 2 24 M 2 2322 2.'(:t5 2.'(»2 2.S 10 2.'S0r 24 Nl 24 «M 24 4N 24 43 24 4 M 24 .10 t' •087 •0H7 •07.H ■05.H •058 ■018 •007 •000 •007 •007 •020 •040 •OfiO •080 •100 •Hit ■xan •140 •140 Az. £. r 32' 4.1 49 .10 64 7» Nl ttm 90 91 NO HO 71 61 91 40 »1 24 20 19 a. -lo:. 10.-. ■H\) •m •41 •Ki •OH •00 •OH •OH •24 •4!l •7M •117 1-22 1-;JH 1'02 170 -170 LATITUDE COKKECTIUNS. L. I o 28 29 80 81 «t 82 i <^\ 88 M'V 84 J*i.'5'^ 85 V (! 1 86 t.tf- 87 ■' ^ { 88 ■; »■. K! 8tt .1 (H' 4U h-'^i 41 i' J'V 42 ■'■; * ( 48 44 S. T. «>0« Oi' •■ ' i; ! Invib I ... i*. L. 1 1 1 ! 45 4i;l 47| 48 40 ibie i i i 50 51 52 53 54 55 5(5- b. S. T. <»i- •023! + •024 j •024! •025i •02C •626 •027 •027 •028 •0-J8 •029 I*. O 9 19 29 39 .10 62 74 86 99 113 Az. 029 f 127. n^n't 001 + 401 13 27 §0 73 13' ■07 .13{ 53; 27 67 + PolariH Z. Dist. ^ 45° 39'. «■ !• *• 5 O lOl 207 319 437 .162 694 834 983 1140 1307 148.1 •242 •24H •2.55 •2(W •2(J8 ■27.-I •2H2 •2HH •21)5 •302 •308 -•315 00 1880. ti DHACONIH. Z. j »■ 'J'- 7»iJ8N, , l?"" 2ft"' Jftiiimry i OCO tltlOO 20 om JIUJO Febrnaiy » 047 JJI OO March 1 OSH ait:! " 21 027 ».1».1 April 10 018 att'O.t " 80 -000 :i6 ir May 20 OOO a6 »> June U (MM) ilY'l'i " 2« (MM) 37-511 July 19 ' 013 SrOO August 8 ; 027 3«':i9 " 28 040 :i«il6 September 17 , 053 3.1TT October 7 •0(>7 S.l'il " 27 1 -080 34«« November 16 '. I 100 a-llW December (5 j 100 31-46 2(J 1+100, 34 60 Az. E. r»4' f I. •()!)H •(».^7: -07H'' (MM)! ■033 (MM) •013 •(M)7 •000 -013; -oaol •48 •48, •371 •27 •21 •11 (M) •00 •(M) •00 •11 •040! ' 21: •or>3 1 '-'^ •080 ! -43 •100 •53 •127 ' -M •133 ! •80, •147 ■ ^80 —147 i+ •SO .16 40 69 »4 89 91 9M 101 101 OS 09 tis V3 69 .VI 49 3.1 30 30 n. -ii:> ro(i •1)0 •74 41 ••ifl •Hi •08 (K) •1(1 •25 •40 •(55 •08 155 l(i4 r80 -I'KO LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. + •008 8. T. Az. v. L. b. 8. T. A/. *'. 28 + 196T3 -1144 —•183' • ■a. 29 •008 19067 1100 •185, »>»' 80 •007 11440 1034 •188! M. ft 31 •007 10§0fii 1006 •190 45 + ^003 + 000 + -•225 82 •007 10193 0.1.1 •103 46 •003 060 103 •231 38 •007 94SY 901 •105 47 •002 1060 911 •237 84 •006 §§•13 §44 •108i 48 •002 9003 396 •242 35 •006 §1 13 7§.1 •200 49 •001 4073 447 •248 36 •006 7400 793 •203 50 •001 31 03 373 •254 37 306 6673 6.1§ •205 51 •000 63 60 710 •260 88 •005 5090 300 •208| 52 + •000 73§0 §33 •266 39 •005 31 47 317 •210 53 —•000 §§■33 1003 •272 40 •005 43.13 441 •213' 54 •001 101§7 1166 •277 41 •004 3340 361 •215 55 •001 11303 1337 ■288 42 •004 96-97 97§ •2181 56 —•001 + 130-67 + 1310 —■289 48 •004 l§-9§ 100 •220| 44 + ■004 + 991 — 0§ —•2281 ', Pdctria Z. DiBt. = 45° 86'. n 1HH«. !»2' 22' H. January 20 February '.» March I " 21 April 10 " HO May 20 June '.( " 21t July 19 Aufjust H " 2H Heptoniber 17 October 7 " 27 November U\ December (> 2fi =/== aovuivcni. I. •07« •0U7 ■OiJiJ ■040 •033i •020: •007i •007 ■000; •oi.s, •020 •033| •047; •05» •073 •087 •09a •107 •107 H. T. 17" 88".' 16 44 16 MO IT .tM IN .10 1M4I 4044 SI0^99 41 4T 41 N» 41 MS 41 .16 41 1» 40 4.1 19»» 1900 1M3I 11"»6 l'»*4 17 lis I'. •093 •098 •078 •0(J0 •088 •0'2U •007 •000 ■oooj •007 •0^20 •08.H •0r)8 •OHO •100 •120 •188 •140 -•147 Az. E. 1" 85'. .. •.i9 •(18j ■r,o ■8H •81 •l!t •or. •Of) •00 •18 •19 •Hi ■44 •r,o •09 •Hrti 100 100 89 MM 9.1 lOS 114 140 14Y i:to 1»1 14M 144 113 104 94 M4 74 6.1 60 .1M •OK •OH •Ho •70 •89 •28 •OH •00 •00 •OH •28 •89 •(12 •98 •l(i •89 •55 •62 •81 LATTTUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. — 008 8. T. Az. c. -174 L. b. 8. T. Az. c. o 28 -149M0 1164 •29 •008 144.13 IIIM •177 80 •008 116 40 1070 ■179 " H // HI •004 109 V3 1041 •182 45 —•008 + 00 + O -•217 H2 •0O4 103 13 969 •184 46 •009 978 104 •228 H3 •004 9640 91.1 •187 47 •009 19M7 415 •2*28 84 •005 M9.13 M-1M •189 48 •010 3040 331 •234 85 •006 M44» 79M •192; 49 •010 4133 494 •240 80 •005 7440 73.1 •194i 50 •010 .14 73 .1M4 •246 87 •006 67MO 6M9 •197 51 •Oil 64.13 741 ••252 38 •006 60 13 .199 •199 52 •Oil 7693 M66 •257 39 •006 .1433 .146 •202j |53 •012 M993 1040 •2(18 40 •007 4447 449 •2041 54 •012 10346 11M4 •269 41 •007 3.198 36M •207 i 55 •013 11773 139M •275 42 •007 4740 4M3 •209 56 -013 H 184 66 + 1.143 —•281 43 •008 1M60 193 •212 •-•214 44 - •OOS - 947 — 99 ■ , m Polar ui Z. Dist.3r45" 34'. tti 1889. ■ it!S'!' ' 7DRA(;ONI8. Z. ()" 30' N. 8. T. 17'' 52» i /. ; January '■ + n?'! 20 ! oc? February '.I ' Oo.H March 1 ' 047 " 21 oaa April 10 -020 " HO ' -OIH May 20 | -007 June !(. " 2!) July 10 August H " 2H September 17. October 7 " 27 ... . November 16. . December G. . . 26... •000 •007 •013| •020: •040i •OSili •060i •OflO •093 •100 •107 "• 1 ' 46 14 - ()K7 40 .Vd Os7 4YOO 073 4»74 05:i 4«i41 (tlO 40 1» 1 020 I9«T 007 •to itO 007 «047 000 «©«0 007 90 4*2 013 «o l»i 033 40 70 0.'i3 491* . 007 4S-«« • 003 4S19 113 •-i^SO i:i3 i 71 133 17*9 - 147 Az. E. r 39'. I •«!! ** •03! *9 •oO U!i 44 oa ■31 i lOl 10 11 M 13 IIM •OC 122 ■00 14» I 'Ol>: 120 I ■13 11« , •10 10* I 33 ■50 •or, ■7.",; •H8 •94 + 100 9» 8* *o 66 38 50 •06 •0(> •'.10 •05 •41) •25 •OS •OH •00 ■OS •10 •41 •05 •82 •15 •30 •04 •04 •HO :.ATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. + •006 S. T. A>.. c. + •141 L. b. S. T. Az. c. o 28 — laaso 1208 f- it*^ ■<■ 'i. « < ,{■ *'' •29 •00(5 12*40 1162 •143 » fi }f «•?.*.«. f »■■■• )..; 30 •006 I'iOMO 1113 •146 " K n 31 •000 214 13 1062 •148 45 + 002 + ooo + O + -183 32 •005 10*36 t008 •151 46 •001 1013 108 •188 33 •005 10026 9.12 •153 47 •001 20-6* 223 •192 34 •005 9306 892 •!5« 48 •001 3160 344 •190 35 •004 8.1*3 830 •158 4!» •000 4800 4*2 ••JdO 36 •004 *8ao *64 •161 50 •000 .14 80 60* -204 37 •004 *04* 69.1 •163 51 + 000 6* 13 *49 •'208 38 •004 62.13 623 •166 52 — 000 8000 901 •213 39 ■008 .14 40 .14* •168 53 •000 934* 1061 •217 40 •003 4600 46* •171 54 •001 10*60 1231 •221 41 •003 3*40 382 •173 55 •001 12240 1412 •225 42 •002 28 4* 294 •176 56 — 001 i 13*93 1604 + ^229 43 •002 1938 201 •178 44 + •ooa - 98© - 103 + 181 f -^ .*«- , PolarU Z. DiBt. = 45" 28'. m imx ir-t;'. ( . li AURIGi^-:, H.P. z. S. T. Az. E. 5)0° 4' N. 18" 0™ 1 1*41'. iTanuftrv 0. . » ^ /. 585*2 5855 58 00 5»3'2 500'2 5901 60 32 60 II 6070 60 85 6088 60 81 6065) 60 lO 60.'25 U009 6000 60-01 — -OH? •OH? •(17;^ ■047 •040 •0-27 •007 •000 •000 •000 •007 ■040 ■0(i7 •087 •n:( •120 • 1 A-i a'. 20 43 40 57 66 74 84 86 88 85 80 73 63 53 4*2 3*2 *23 17 ' 15 •9it February i) •84 March 1 •01 " 21 •88 Ajiril 10 ■ •2H •• -JO •OH May 20 •00 June !). •on " 2!) .0(1 July 1!» .i'> AufjUHt H .:n " 28 '. •;").-) September 17> •7('i October 7 •'.111 " 27 > r:{ii November l(i 1^37 December 6 \r,'2 26 ■I « •) i ',. 600f> -140 -IV,() LATITUDK GORIJKCTIONS. L. b. H. T. ; Az. r. II. i ■ !.• S. T. Az. r. 28 2'.l HO 1 ! ■•\ f;,«'|;-5' n.: ' K. - -i" 81 ; 45 -•018 -1- 0-00 I o •!7.i 82 1 4<) •014 10^*27 iio -17H 88 InviHihlo j 47 •014 4003 •246 ■Is-J M ' " ' * ; i ' 48 014 3«207 318 ■IK.-, 85 , ■ ■■ ' 1 ; 4'.i; 014 1353 178 -18S a(S .-iO 015 55-53 615 -I'.l-J a? 1 ! 51 015 68 67 760 -I'.l.'. «8 1 j 52' 01.". 81 13 013 •I'.IH «9 1 58 •010 «M'M0 1075 -20-J 40 , 54 OK) lOO 07 1418 •20.". 41 55 •010 144-07 1131 •ids 42 50 -OlO f 130-87 1 1646 •212 48 i 441 1 ■ I . ^ __iL. Polar D ist ^•15" a«'. (>4 1889. \ SAGITTAKII. Z. 70° 29' S. January . . • • 20.... February 9 . . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 " 29 July 19.....!! August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 1(5 . December 6. . . 26... /. .0B7 .060 .05H .047 .02H .027 ,013 •007 •000 •007 •007 •013 •033 •047 •060 •073 •087 •100 •107 30 1.5 31-»0 »302 3390 3*2 11 31 .t.'S 304<( tt9.31 «» 13 209Y '269.) t'. •093 •093 •OSO •067 •047 •0-27 •013 •007 •000 •000 •013 •027 •040 •OliO •0H7 •107 ■rj7 •140; •147i Az. K. 1" 45'. a. '' a . f •56 31 —108 •51 31 l^OS •45 36 •93 •39 43 •77 -28 sa •54 •'J3 60 •31 •11 6ti •15 •06 73 •08 •00 76 •00 •06 *« .00 •06 »1 .15 •11 64 .31 •2s a a •4(; •39 45 •70 ••il 34 100 •62 tl3 1-24 •73 14 1^47 •S4 » 1-62 ( -i-'o; 3 -l^TO LATITUDE COURECTIONS. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. L. b^ S. T. Az. f. 28 —•006 -14080 -1370 -077 29 •00(i 134 00 1333 •079 30 •006 ltl707 1170 •082 o K. " 31 •006 lilOOO 1117 •084| 45 — 008 + ooo O ■117 82 •00(i 11373 1060 •087 |46 •008 1067 114 •119 33 •007 10540 lOOl •089147 •008 3180 331 •122 84 •007 97»r 938 •092 '48 •009 3337 363 •124 36 •007 9013 873 •o<;4:4!t •009 4.1 30 496 •1-27 36 •007 83 ao 803 •097 |50 009 .1780 638 ■129 37 •007 7407 731 •099 !51 •010 7080 788 •132 88 •007 6.173 6.1.1 •102 |52 •010 8433 947 •134 39 •007 4730 .173 •104 53 •010 9847 1116 •137 40 •007 4833 491 •107 54 •Oil 11 333 139.1 •139 41 •007 39»7 403 •109'!55 •Oil 13887 1481 •142 42 •008 39 »3 309 •112 1 56 — Oil + 14.1 37 + 1687 -144 43 •008 3037 311 •114i 44 — 008 — 1033 — 108 — 117^ Polaris Z. Di8t.=.46° 17'. 6C 1889. Z. 6° 19' S. January 0. . . 20... February 9 . . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 "29 July 19...... August 8. . . . " 28.... September 17 October 7 . . . 27 . . . November 10. December 0. . 2«.. a LYK^: ( Vvmh 8. T. ISb 34" t. I •067! •067' •060j •063 •040! •027 •013 •007 •000 •000 •013 ■020 •023 •047 •067 •073 •09S •100 •107 ^•3« 8-63 916 9-8S 1034 1«04 19-38 13-04 1340 IS15 13-91 1343 1189 1117 1069 10-36 9-99 lOOl t'. •093 •093 •oso •067 ■047 •033 •018 ■007 ■000 ■000 •007 ■020 •040 •060 •080 •107 •120 •133 -•147 Az. E. r 45'. a I + •- 28 —14160 1377 ■ct* '.: ^ i *(!.' 29 •002 134 80 1339 •0H7 ■ • ' ■ • 30 •002 13780 1177 •088 ■-* X « 31 •001 13067 1133 •088 45 ■001 + 00 i- •100 32 •001 11347 1066 ■089 46 ■001 1073 11.1 •103 33 •001 1O60O 1006 •090 47 •002 3187 336 •10.-. 34 •001 9840 943 ■091 48 •002 3840 364 •lOH 3o •001 90-67 877 •092 49 •002 4.147 499 •110 36 •001 8373 808 •093 60 ■002 .17 93 643 •113 37 •000 74«S 735 ■093 51 ■002 7100 793 •115 38 + •000 6613 659 •rt94i.i2 ■003 84 60 9.13 ■lis 39 -000 .'S793 .178 •095 53 •003 9887 1133 ■120 40 •000 48-67 494 •096 I54 •003 11380 1303 123 41 •000 3953 404 •097 56 •004 13947 1493 •1-25 42 •001 3013 311 •098 56 -004 , + 14ft 93 + 1697 -•12K 43 •001 3040 313 ■098 • -■099 <>i 'r- %. h 'f f 44 — 001 — 1040 -109 '»» It: !*•<•'•> VolariiZ. Diet. = 45° 15'. 1889. 71° 26' 8. August 8. . . . " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 16 . December 6 . . 26 . . t. I •060 •067! ■0631 •047! (»40: •027 •013 •007: •ooo; ■000, •000 •013 •020 •088 ■058 •067 •080 •093 •100 IS"" S'jin 36-98 .ilia .1800 .t89Y 00-20 G146 63 70 635Y 6448 64 85 6483 64 38 63-68 6*':' w -003 13693 1249 •045 kV fi .«« 1 i;I ''OC: ■ ?.«-■ 30 •004 12980 1196 •046j o !*',' . - ff ■ -* 31 -004 12260 1141 •047! 45 — 004 + 000 + O —•058 32 -004 11327 1083 •048 46 •005 1087 117 •060 33 '004 10767 1022 •0481 47 •005 2220 240 •062 34 -004 lOOOO 938 •0491 48 •006 3393 370 •063 35 -004 9207 891 •050; 49 ■005 4620 307 •Ofi.'j :t(> •004 8400 821 •051 50 ■005 38-87 632 ■o<;7 .'J7 •004 73 78 747 •052 51 •006 7213 803 ■068 38 -004 6720 669 •053 52 •005 86 OO 968 ■070 39 •004 38 47 387 •053 53 •005 10047 1140 •072 40 •004 4947 301 •054 54 •005 11360 1323 •073 41 -004 4020 410 •055 56 •005 13133 1317 •076 42 •004 30«0 316 •a56 56 — 006 14773 + 1724 — 077 43 •004 51073 216 •057 45 --•004 — 1038 -111 —•058 Po/arwZ. DiBt,=:45°8'. 07 1889. ■.' 1 ' ■ • ; I z. 22" 28' N. 5 DFvACONIS. S. T. 11)1' -S'" Jaunarv + 20 ; Febiiiaiy 9 ; March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June !) July 19 August 8 . . . , " 28 .... September 17 October 7 " 27 November 10 December . . 20 ., /. •007 •007 •000 •05a •040 •027 •013 •013 •000 •000 •007 •013 •020 •040 •053 •007 •087 •003 •lOO' 1609 1667 1718 1775 1841 1893 19.96 1987 2017 2018 20 10 1986 1948 1892 18iJ2 1804 17-88 1781 t'. •087 •0!);! •087 •073 •000 ■040 ■0'20 •OIH ■000 •000 ■007 ■020 •033 ■053 •073 ■000 ■018 •133 ■147 Az. E. 1° 47'. a. " 1 + -07 76 i •07 7« •00 79 I •53 84 •40 9S •27 lOl •13 llO •13 116 ■00 120 ■00 120 •07 117 •13 112 ■20 104 1 •40 94 1 •53 83 1 •07 72 ! •87 62 i ■93 54 + V00 46 a'. - •ll.j 1^02 ■95 •80 •(;5 •43 •21 •15 ■00 ■00 •07 •22 •3t) •80 1^09 124 1-45 -TOO LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. c. -•027 L. b. S. T. Az. C. o 28 + -003 14440 — 1305^ . i- 29 •003 13740 1254 ■028 30 •003 13033 1201 ■029 ° .v. " 31 •003 12307 1146 ■030 146 (^ •OOS + ooo + — 042 22 •003 11567 1087 •031,140 ■003 109S 117 •045 33 •008 108 13 1026 •0.32 i47 ■003 2233 241 •048 84 •008 100 33 962 ■033 l48 •002 34 13 371 •051 35 •003 9247 895 •033 49 •002 4640 509 •054 SO •003 8433 824 •034 .50 •002 59 14 654 ■057 37 •003 7600 750 •036 51 •002 7247 808 ■000 38 •003 6747 672 •0.^0 52 •002 8633 972 ■003 39 •003 S867 590 ■037 53 •002 10087 1144 •000 40 •003 4960 504 •038 54 •002 116 07 1328 •009 41 •003 4033 412 ■038 55 •002 132 07 1523 •072 42 •003 30 73 317 ■039 66 + 002 -hl48^87 + 1730 — 075 43 •003 ao8o 217 •040 -4, • > '•^■'^■' 44 + -003 1060 111 — 041 » ' Polarin Z. Di8t. = 45°4'. 68 1889. e DRACONIS. Z. 24° 59' N. 8. T. igh 39"' January 20.... February 9 . . . March 1 " 21 Apiil 10 " 30 Mny 20 June 9 " 29 July 19 August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 16 . December 6. . . 26... t. •060 ■OCO •OC.O •058 ■040 •0-7 •0-20 •007 •000 •000 •000 •007 •020 •0'J7 •040 •060 •073 •080 •093 ;i4ii »'16» ii!iVl '"■ \": •j;» ■001 137«0 l'i52 ■035 Ut ■i\ t.f' 'ii't II' '■ <>;■ 30 •001 130I» 1199 •03(5 o • ■ It Hi} •001 l'i"i87 11 14 •03(5 45 , •002 + OOO + O -1 -Ol^i aaf •001 11547 1086 •030 40 •002 10 91t 117 ■013 aa •i)0l 10793 1045 •037 47 •002 '2*2-97 ♦240 ■04.-. 34 •001 lOO-SlO 961 •037 48 ■002 3407 370 •04(1 35 •001 9'2S» 894 ■038 49 •002 46«7 508 •04S 3« ■001 84-20 8'i» ■038 50 •002 5907 653 •050 37 •001 7587 749 ■038 51 •002 :7'233 807 •051 38 ■001 67».t 671 •039 52 •002 86 «0 970 ■OM 39 •001 5860 589 ■039 53 •002 100-73 1143 •055 40! •001 49-5» 50:) ■040. 54 •002 115 93 1396 ■05(5 41 ■001 40tl7 41tl ■OiO; 55 •002 13187 1590 ■05H 42 •002 5J067 317 ■040 5(3 + 002 14860 + 1798 ' 4 'O.'.".! 43 •002 •i0 80 '217 ■041 i ^ 44 +-002 -io«o -in + ■041! Polaris Z. Di8t. = 44"51'. 70 iHsy. 22" 28' 8. lanuary 0. . . . 20.... J-'ebrnary tt . . . March 1 •' 21 .Vpril 10 " 30 May 20 ■June !> " 29 July 19 August 8 . . . , " 28 .... September 17 October 7 " 27 November 16 December 6 . . 26 . . ■ \ + t. •o<;o •0(57 •0(50 •053 ■047 •033 •027 •018 •007 ■007 •000 •007 •0^20 •023 •047 •060 ■078 ■0«3 •093 « AQUlLiE (AllairJ. 8. T. 191. 4ym M, t'. 3911 -•0H7 3908 •oy;j SO-Ai) •09H 4006 •080 4090 •0(57 4179 ■047 4a'>l ■027 434li ■020 44tt5 •007 44 Tie •000 44 96 •000 4483 •013 44-40 •0-27 14389 ■047 4316 ■067 4*13T ■0K7 4167 ■107 4110 •120 4087 -140 Az. E. V 47'. . " n'. -.^H 54 — •93 •64 44 lOO ■M A3 1.00 ■51 «7 •86 ■45 05 •71 ■32 73 ■50 ■26 ti*I •29 •13 89 •21 ■06 94 ■07 •06 90 ■00 ■00 9.1 ■00 ■06 91 •14 ■19 85 -29 ■S2 76 ■rA) ■45 00 •71 •58 55 •93 •71 44 114 ■90 35 1^29 ■90 48 -1.50 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. o 28 + 001 29 ■001 30 •001 31 •001 22 •001 33 •001 84 •001 3,5 •001 86 •001 37 •001 38 •001 39 •001 40 •001 41 •001 42 •001 43 •002 44 + •002 8. T. -14387 13093 19987 14307 115-97 10773 lOOOO 9413 8407 7578 07-40 58^47 4947 4040 3000 4078 — lOOO Az. 1498 1449 1190 1141 1083 1044 958 891 841 747 009 587 501 410 310 410 -111 L. 036ji 037' 038 038 039 040 041 |45 46 j47 48 042 49 043 50 043151 044|i52 045:53 046 54 047 048 048 049 h002 ■002 ■002 ■002 ■002 ■002 ■002 ■002 ■003 ■003 ■oas ■003 8. T. Az. + ooo + 1087 117 4440 440 3393 370 4040 507 58^87 054 74 1 3 800 8 GOO 908 100 47 1140 1 1 5 OO 1343 131-53 1517 h 148-47 + 1744 k Of" 1 ■ H- - '.ri + ■050 ■052 •053 •055 •057 •033 ■060 ■062 ■063 ■065 ■067 + ■oes PolariiZ. Dist. = 44° 49'. 71 1889. Z. January 20 Februiiry *.t March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 •June 1) " 29. July 19 August 8 " 28 Reptember 17. . . . October 7 " 27 November 10 ... . Deoeinber 6 20 a' CAPRICORNI. 8. T. 20h l?"" t. •007 •067 •067 •007 •053 •040 •0-.i7 •020 •013 •007 •000 •007 •013 •027 •040 •000 ■073 •087 •100 .1§46 4M13 .1§49 /S009 .t90H el^oo OttOS 630i{ 64 0« 64 06 6.10.5 6.100 64-70 639M 63.21 6tt^33 6028 60-63 6013 t'. -080 ■0'.)3 •073 ■080 ■007 ■053, •033i •020 ■007 •007 ■000 •007 •0-20 •038' •000 •073' •093: •1131 -127 Az. E. 1" 45'. a. (- 00 •00 •(iO ■00 ■48 ■30 •24 •18 ■12 ■00 •00 ■00 •12 •24 ■30 •54 •06 •78 + •90 82 29 29 32 30 4T .56 63 69 72 »2 69 64 .56 46 36 2.5 16 8 o'. - -88 103 •90 ■88 •74 -.59 •37 ■22 •07 •07 ■00 •07 •22 •37 •60 •81 103 125 -140 LATITUDE COIIEECTIONS. L. b. d 28 + •004 29 •004 30 •001 81 •004 32 •005 38 •005 B4 •005 85 •005 36 •005 87 •005 88 •005 89 ■005 40 •OOf. 41 ■006 42 •006 48 ■006 44 + 006 8. T. Az. ■c. + 094 L. b- 14073 -1269 13393 1221 ■095 12Y00 116f> ■096 11993 1116 •097 46 + 006 112 73 10.59 •098 46 ■006 10.5 40 1000 •098 47 ■007 97§0 937 •099 48 •007 9013 872 ■100 49 •007 8220 803 ■101 50 •007 7401' 730 •102 51 •007 6.573 6.54 •103 52 •007 .5720 .573 •103 53 ■008 4840 490 ■104 54 ■008 3933 401 ■105 55 •008 2993 309 •100 56 + 009 2033 211 ■107 1033 — 108 + •108 8. T. Az. ^:l fs."-; * + OOP + lO^ 114 21 73 235 3320 362 4513 496 .57 60 638 7053 788 8407 945 98 27 1115 11307 1294 12867 1484 + 145 00 + 1687 •108 •112 •115 ■118 •1'22 •125 •128 •132 ■133 •138 •142 •145 PolarixZ. Dist. =» 44° 40'. 72 188<). Z. 0° 7' H. January 0. . . . 20.... February U . . . . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30...... May 20 June 9 " 20 July 10, August 8 " 28 September 17. October 7 . . . . 27.... November 10 . . December (i . . . 20... aOYGNl. B. T. 30i» 37« t. I •053' •000 •0C7 •000 •063, •040> •027 1 •020, •007, •000, •000| •007, .^007i •020| •083, •047 1 •0 «o ■70 «» ■03 »7 •»(» N4 •32 »1 •OS »4 •(X) f>.l •00 93 ■00 M9 •10 Nl •32 7il •47 Oit ■7!l .11 103 4it 1-2(1 33 -l^no LATITUDE CORHEdTlONS. L. b. — 003 8. T. Az. c. + 121 L. b. H. T. Az. r. o 28 -i3rit7 -lit3» vjf ;: 'i' 1 ti: 20 •003 13007 1191 •1'23 •--J' ■;■( n; 30 •003 Iit3«i7 1141 ■r25 ^ /i ■ 31 •003 I17«0 10993 1089 ■127 45 ,001 + ooo + O 1 150 32 •002 1033 ■128 40 ■001 1040 Hit ■151 33 •002 lOitSO 975 ■130 47 •(X)l itlilO it29 ■15-' 34 •002 9.54© 914 •1.S2 48 ■001 3i|-40 3.13 ■152 35 ■002 S7-87 8.10 •133 4!) ■001 4407 484 ■153 36 ■002 fiioito 783 ■18o '60 ■001 .16 20 6itil ■154 37 •002 7itil7 7 lit ■137 |51 ■001 6910 769 ■I5r. m ■002 64 13 638 •138i.52 001 8il-30 9it4 ■150 30 ■001 .'i.mo .160 •140 53 ■001 9010 1088 ■157 40 •001 470 478 •14l".'>4 •001 11097 lit63 ■157 41 •001 38:33 391 •143 55 •001 la.l 77 1448 ■15H 42 •001 itOilO 301 ■145 '50 f 001 + 141 70 + 164.1 ■ ■15'.l 43 •001 1980 ie06 ■147; : K 44 — 001 -1007 — lO.-J + •148, PofarU Z. I)i8t.=^44° 34'. 73 1880. 10" 24' N, January 0. . . . 20.... February ?) . . . March 1 '• 21.... April 10 " .SO May 20 June 9 " 20 July 1<.» ... Auf^ust H " 28 Keptember 17. October 7 " 27 November 16 . Deaember (>. .. 2fi... 1, CEPHEI. B. T. 20'> aS"" t. .05.1 •OCO •OGO •05H •047 •040 •020 •013 ■000 •000 •000 •000 •007 •O'^O •020 •040 •OGO •07» •098 .1664 .165'! .16 mO .17 1» .17 .1.1 .1§ 16 3S 4il .19 .IS 600Y 604.1 60N1 60M7 607» 6047 60.0.1 406O .1913 487.1 48.11 t'. i -080 •o:)3 •098 •087 •073i •0»M) •040 •027 •013i •000' •000 •007 •013 •027 •053 •073 •093 •107 -127 Az. E. 1" 42'. , 56 •02 •62 •.W •48 •42 •21 •14 •00 •00 •00 •00 •07 •21 •21 •42 •02 ■76 + •OO 44 40 39 4tl 48 .1.1 64 7« 78 83 83 81 77 69 60 90 39 30 31 a'. - '88 103 103 •96 •81 •66 •44 •29 •15 •00 •00 •07 •15 •29 •59 •81 •96 118 —140 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. —•010 S. T. Az. c. + 1.30 L. b^ S. T. Az. c. 28 13700 -1336 29 •009 13033 1188 •132 / (111 80 •009 13360 1138 •183 o ». " 31 •009 11673 1086 •135 45 — 006 + ooo + O + •158 82 •009 10973 1031 ■137 46 •006 10 40 111 •161 33 •009 10353 973 •138 47 •006 3130 339 •164 34 •D08 9.130 913 •140 48 •006 3333 3.13 •167 36 •008 8767 849 •142 49 •006 44 OO 483 •170 36 •008 8000 781 •143 .-JO •005 .1607 631 •173 37 •008 7307 710 •145 51 •005 0873 767 •176 38 •008 64 00 637 •147 52 •005 8187 933 •179 39 •007 .1.167 .1.19 •148 53 •005 9.167 1086 •182 40 •007 4707 477 •150 54 •004 11013 1360 185 41 •007 3887 391 •152 55 •004 13.137 1444 •188 42 •007 3913 301 •LW 56 — 004 + 14113 + 1643 + •191 43 •006 1973 306 •155 44 — 006 — 10 07 — 10.1 + •157 Polaris Z. Di8t. = 44'' 33'. 74 1H8!). Z. 86° 81' N. January 20 February 9 Maroh 1 AA*f>> t«i««f •'••••• April 10 .....:■('.. . " 30 May 20 June !) ■" 29 July 19 August 8 " 28 September 17 October 7 " 27 November 16 December 6 IJR8^ MAJORia, B.P. + .047 •060 ■060 •060 •047 •047 •033 •030 •007 •OOO •000 ' •OOO •007 •013 •027 •047 •O.'^O •063 + •080 8. T. 21" l" 31-36 3133 314N 3163 31-88 39-17 3itS6 3386 333.'S 336Y 3383 3401 3401 339V 33:69 33-.18 33-43 3333 33-3.1 a. •080 •0!)3 •093 •093 •080 •067 •0471 •033 •O^iO^ ■007 •000 •007 •0131 •027 •040 •060 •087 •107 -•l-i7 Az. p]. 1° 38'. II a. ■ " + -49 44 •63 «9 •63 3» •63 39 •49 44 •49 .11 •35 60 •21 69 •07 ».1 •00 80 •00 83 •00 81 •07 7» V -14 71 •28 63 ' ^49 .13 , •.56 43 •70 33 + -84 33 a . - ■8H 1^03 103 103 •88 •74 •.52 ■37 ■22 ■07 ■00 ■07 ■14 •29 •44 •66 •96 118 -1-40 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. L. b^ S. T. Az. c. o 28 29 ■ .i'il o<'. r*.-i 30 M. ■ 31 46 + 020 + OOO + + 192 32 '% 46 •020 lOOO lOS •196 38 ^ Invii ibie 47 •021 WO-83 319 •200 84 48 •031 3113 339 204 36 49 •022 43-47 464 •208 .w • ' hO ■022 .13-98 .197 •213 37 i 61 •022 6607 737 •217 38 i ■' v> 62 •028 79-78 996 •221 39 ''■ 63 •028 93-00 1043 •225 40 ,.-? g^ tv.. • " 64 •024 lOS-97 1311 ■229 41 + 018 - 86'*« ^876 + 182 66 •024 13040 1899 ■2m 42 •019 98-00 389 •184 66 + 024 + 18S-67 + 1«98 ^+•248 48 •019 t3-9ft 199 •187 ' ■■ .ir «.f j-i '■ U^ tii... Po/amZ. DiBt. = 44°80'. 73 1889. Z. 17" T N. n CEFHEI. H. T. 2lh llm Januftiv 0. f '• '-iO i FebiUary'J ' SIiuoli 1 " ai i April 10 " ao 1 Mav 20 : Juiic!> I '• -J!) : July U) j '• 28 j September 17. 1 October .7 " 27 Jfovembor Ifi. , Oeuembei' 2(i t. ] •053 •0(57| •0(;7 •0«7| •odo; •047 •o;J3! •027! •013' •007' •007 •ooo: •oiai •020 •0»3! •040 •0()0 •073, •080! .1010 5040 .14 24 /I44» <(S4 3.'S 54 0« 43^»0 44.10 t\ •073 •087 •0(13 •0.S7 •0>-0' •0()7: •o^'ial •03;i •01 ;J, •000 •000 •000 •007| •020; •033! •0()0 •073 •100 -120 Az. £. 1° U\ « I •53 •ti7 •07 •07 ■00 •47 •33 ■27 ■13 •07 ■07 •00 •13 •20 . •33 •40 ■<;o 73; •80; is 4» •J 7 4M »» 40 49 .17 04 o» 71 71 07 Ott .Itl 44 »:i iis 44 n r '7it •04 101 •04 •87 •72 •51 •3(i •14 •00 •00 •00 •07 •2'J •30 •«.i •7(1 1^08. -r80 LATITtlDK COP WEC'TIONK. •183 •138 •143 •148 •1.53 •1.-.8 •103 •1«8 •173 •178 •183 •188 b. A/.. .28j- 2»! 30] 31 32 33 35, 3KJ. -012 37| 'J12 •014 •014 •014 •013; •013 •013; •01;: •012 381 3i) 40 41 42 43I 44! •on •Oil •oil •010 •010 •010 12^.14 11020 109 74 10'.l 14 90-40 §933 8'24V 7.120 0780 0013 .1233 44 27 3000 2740 IMOO 9 47 1102 1117 1070 102 1: 909: 91.1 M;i§: 798, 73.1 oosj .199; .12.1 449 307 283 194 99 L.' b. 1 '8. T. f Az. 45 IG 47 48 ■o(m; •o;».s •101 •103 •106 •108 •HI •ii3;i4;t •iic;|50 •118|'5l' •121, .52 •123 53 •12« 54 •1-28 .55 •131 50 •183' •13(1,: •010 •oosi •00;)! •008, •oos ■007 •007 •OOG •000 •.)05 •>)05 ■ 004 I ,r« O'OO 973 19 87 30 40 41 33 .12 07 04 .13 70'93 89 80 103-47 11707 132 07 ...... 21.1 331 4.14 .183 721 800 1020 1184 13.18 1.143 \Ht !«! Pofnrix Z. Dist.=:44'23'. 76 1889. Z. 61° 4' 8. January 0.. . 20. . . February 9.. . Maroh 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9 ti 29 July 19.'.'...'. August 8 . . . . " 28.... September 17 October 7 ..'. 27 - . . November 16. liecember 6. . 26.. /3 AQUAIIII. 8. T. 21'' 30» t. + 053 ■073 •073 •067 •060 •063 •047 •033 •020 •013 •007 •000 •007 •020 •027 •047 •053 ■073 + •080 9936 asso 48 94 •i936 9983 3036 3150 39.13 33-60 3443 3^139 33 99 3493 34 34 3361 39§0 3393 31-49 f. — 073 •087 •093 •093 •087 •067 •053 ■040 •020 ■013, •007 ■000 •013i ■ouo| ■040 ■053 •073 •093' -•113! Az. E. 1" 81'. ■47 ■64 •64 •58 •52 ■47 ■41 •2i) ■17 •12 ■0»J •00 ■0(5 •17 •23 ■41 •47 •64 •70 79 64 61 69 66 74 §1 89 96 109 103 103 109 91- 90 8t Tl 61 31 - -78 ■92 ■99 •99 •92 •71 •55 •42 •21 •14 ■07 •00 •14 •21 •42 ■56 ■76 108 -127 LATITUDE CORREC3TION8. L. b. + 006 8. T. Az. c. + 170 1 L. b. 8. T. Az. c. o 28 —19987 -1109 29 •007 11694 1066 ■183 30 •007 1108V 1099 •187 o H ft 31 •007 1046T 974 •192 45 + 013 + 9 00 + O + •260 3-^ ■008 98-40 993 •196 46 •014 933 lOO ■256 33 •008 9193 873 •200 47 •014 1900 903 ■261' 34 •009 8340 819 •204 48 ■015 9907 316 ■267 36 •009 T860 761 •208 49 •015 3947 433 •273 36 •010 Ills 701 ■212 50 •015 3033 377 •279 37 •010 646V 638 •217 51 •016 6167 688 •286 38 •010 3733 379 •221 52 •016 7347 897 •291 39 •fll 4987 301 ■225 53 •017 83-87 974 •297 40 •Oil 4990 498 ■229 54 •017 98-80 1130 •302 41 •012 84 97 330 -233 55 •018 11940 1996 •308 42 •012 9613 970 •237 56 + •018 + 197 67 + 1479 + •314 43 •012 1767 183 •242 44 + •018 - 900 — 93 + •246 PolarxH Z. Di8t. = 44'' 18'. n 1889. Z. 46° 52' 8. January . . . 20... February 9. . March 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June 9...... " 29 July 19 August 8 . . . " 28 ... September 17 October 7. . . . " 27. . . . November 16 December 6 . 26 . a AQUAIUI. t. •047 •060 •067 •067 •067 •053 •040 •033 •020 •007 •000 •000 •007 •007 •020 •027 •040 •053 •067 8. T. '22h 3UI 60«1 600A 500.1 «006 «04S 611Y «300 630it 64 04 64 0.1 6564 66 Ol 66 11 65 06 6548 6495 64 11 63 4 J 69T6 I'. -067 •087 •087 •087 •OHO •073 •053 •040 •020 •013 ■007 ■000 •000 •013 •020 •040 •060 •080 -100 Az. £. 1° 23', •42 ■54 •()0 ■60 ■00 ■48 ■36 ■.30 ■18 •0«] •00 ■00 •06 •06 ■18 •24 •S6 •481 •60 44 38 90 98 31 3T 45 53 «1 67 71 I 73 68 ! 6« I 54 44 i 34 95 •60 •78 .78 •78 •72 •66 •48 •36 •18 12 •0(i ■00 •00 •12 •18 •3(5 •54 •72 ■90 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. S. T. Az. c. L. b. S. T. Az. c. o 28 + 008 -11097 - 005 + -2.37 .i i. 29 •008 11403 056 ■241 i ki ..-. 30 •009 0047 016 •246 \ a M. " 31 •009 0303 873 •2.50 45 t- 015 + ooo + + ^308 22 •009 8833 830 •254 46 •016 858 oo •314 33 •010 8953 789 •258 47 •015 17 90 184 •320 34 •010 7660 734 •262 48 •016 9697 988 •326 35 •Oil 7060 683 •267 49 •016 8560 380 •332 86 •Oil 64 40 690 •271 50 •017 45-88 500 •338 37 •Oil 5800 571 •275 51 •017 5547 617 •344 38 •012 5147 518 ■279 52 •018 6618 749 •350 39 •012 44 80 440 ■283 53 •018 7790 874 •356 40 •013 3787 384 ■287 54 •018 8880 1014 •362 41 •013 8080 313 •292 55 •019 lOlOO 1163 •368 42 •013 9347 949 •296 66 1- 019 + 113 80 + 1391 + •374 43 •014 1587 166 ■300 44 + 014 - 807 - 85 + •304 PoterwZ. Di8t. = 44''9'. r» ISStt. z. 02" 30' b. aGlUTIS. t. I January ! ^ •047' • OM •0(10 •or.H * -047' j-'0:)8 '/027 f-018 *-0()7 poo 20 February 9 March 1. . . " 21.?'. April 10 !K " 80 May 20. June 0. " 29. July 19. August 8 ..' ' -000 ••«•«••<( 28. September 17. October 7 " 27:.... November 16 . December . . •000 •000 ':-0l3 ' •p20 -040 •Ooo 26 +om 8. T. 22h yn OYO 9-314 9 74 10 41! 114? ia-o:t 1449 IGl.l tMH'i 1940 19 30 193» i8-3;{ 1T«W 13§» 14 49 13-2S Az. E. i" ao' 49 •>8 3.1 (>.'< 31 60 30 ryV, 3» 49 38 85 66 2S »» 14 »t 07 MM 00 99 00 99 00 9,f 00 »» 14 114 21 *6 42 66 56 «» 68 4* • # •.-1 LATITUDE COKRECTION8. L. b. 8. T. Az, - ! L. b. s. 28 + 024 — lOSOT — 973 i + .265, 2» •024 10380 938 •268i 80 •025 9741 898 •262: 31 •025 9aOT 837 •265 45j 82 ■025 8647 813 •268 40! 38 •026 80-S7 768 •272; 47; 34 •027 7307 7*10 •275| 48j 85 •027 6913 670 •2781 49 36 •028 6307 617 •282! 50 87 •028 3680 363 •286! 51 38 •029 30 40 303 ■288 1 52 •■ 89 •029 43 87 '443 •292; 53 40 •029 3707 377 •29.51 54 " 41 •080 301^ 309 '2981 55 42 + •080 ^ «9 93 - 938 + -302! 56 43 .... 1 ' 44 . . . . .^ . . 1 T. A. IuvIh ; i; ibfe ■ ;VaW«ZlDlst. = 44''8', 79 1889. f< I'lHCIS ATIKT. fFouKiJhniilj. ' Z. 75" 13' H. January 0. . . '• 20... Fobiunry (K . >farch 1 " ai April 10 " SO, May "20 ^ Juno \). ..,■• " •M...... July 19 Auj{U8t 8 . . . " 28 . . . Beptember 17 October 7. . . . " 37 November 1(5 t)econib«r (> . " ; a« . t. ■mo ■007 •0<}7 •007 •OOO •05;j ■040 •027 •OIH •007 '«00 •007 .•007 •007 •020i •o;J3 •o40 •000 H. T. .'i'i*' 6(5"' 1, 16T4 1.184 1.146 14»» 1-V6» I9N« •JIOK tl'ilt •i04« 19 42 /'. •()«() •080 •087 •0!»;i •o;»3 •o.-t; •(»7.4 •OW) •01. ■iYM •(»i:i •000 •00(1 •000 •0^20 •027 •040 •000 -•080 Ass. E. •SO •.■>4 •110 •00 ■(;o •r.4 •48 •30 •■J4 •rj rs'. ro OM 6il .19 61 64 71 '»9 81 94 •o(>, 100 •00 164 •0(i 105 •00' 104 •18 100 •t8, 94 •HOJ 84 •;!o; 76 i- •iVf 67 •u8 •77 .84 ■W •00 •84 •71 •68 •43 •.42 •13 •00 •00 •00 •ly •20 ao •58 •77 LATITU,l^Ii; COllUKCTIONS. L. b. 8. T. A?. c. . + 290 L. b. S. T. ■ « ; A.. f. 28 + 020 — s.iso - 774 ;<> } ■ • 29 •020 816V 744 •29oi * * 30 •021 7740 713 •300 1 ° M. " 31 •021 7313 6878 681 •Wii 45 •1- •028 + 000 + + -375 32 ■022 646 •314j 46 •029 647 70 •384 33 •0:i2 64 99 610 ■318 47 •030 1390 143 ■193 34 •023 .1960 .171 •322148 •031 90-90 990 •403 36 •023 .1493 i131 •327 49 •081 97S8 il09 •412 86 •024 .10-t8 489 •331 -,0 •032 3.107 389 •4VS1 37 •024 4.118 446 •3.V> 51 •0H8 4300 480 •430 38 •024 4007 399 •340 52 •088 .11-90 .177 •439 39 ■025 34 87 3.11 •.H43 53 ■OM 4987 680 •448 40 •026 9947 999 •.S50 ■54 •03.-> 6887 789 •458 41 •026 94 00 94.1 •352 56 •036 7840 904 ■4(>7 42 •027 1897 188 •360 56 + 036 + . 88^88 + 1097 + ■476 43 •027 1940 199 •366 ! 'i: Oi: -. « 44 + 028 — 688 — 66 + ■370 3. 1 ;* Po/orisZ. Di8t. = 48°57'. M 1889. Z. bO* 23' H. a PEG A8I. 8. T, January 0. 20. February 9 March 1... •' 21... April 10... " HO... aab im t. I •047 •06» •007 •007' •073 •067 •063 May 20 | 040 •O.-J-S •020 •01.< •007 '000 •007 •01» •020 •038 •040 •068 June 0. " 29 July 19*. '. '. '. . . . August 8... . " 28 September 17. October 7 " 27 November 16 . December 6 . . " . 26 . . K. t' )I963 -000 «tll9 •OHO 9100 •0H7 aiBT •01»8 «107 •0*13 9949 •0H7 «3-«3 •073 94 OO •0«0 94 96 •040 99M4 •027 96-511 •013 9V13 •007 9V46 •000 97 89 •000 9731 •007 96 94 •020 963Y •040 99-86 •OfiO 9999 — 080 Ai. E. a. )- •88 •44 •r>5 •65 •60 ■nn •44 •88 •27 •16 •11 •or> •oo| •05 •111 •16 •271 •83l f -441 IM' "ft T6 69 69 49 60 63 TO TS MO 94 lOO 104 10.1 lOA lOO 9H NO TT 6T -"/ — a . - .71 .94 1.02 1.10 1.10 1.02 .HO .71 .47 .31 .16 .OH .00 .00 .OH .24 0.47 0.71 -0.96 LATITUDE CORP*:CTIONS, L. b. 8. T. Az. + .307 L. b. 8. T. Az. e. 28 + •004 — 8813 - 7.10 ■29 •004 V913 790 •312 30 •005 *«OT 691 •817i • n. // 31 •006 *0-8T 6S8 •.H22 45 + 018 + o^oo + + ■392 32 •006 6660 695 •827 46 •CM 697 68 •401 3» •007 6997 .189 •382' 47 ■016 1980 139 •410 34 •007 »7'80 .158 •3.37! 48 •016 1960 914 •419 35 •008 . .18-97 515 •842 49 •016 96 67 993 •428 36 •008 48-98 474 •347 50 •017 3400 877 •488 37 •009 48-80 4»0 •357 51 •018 4167 466 •447 38 •009 3887 386 •852 52 •019 4967 560 •456 39 •010 38-80 838 •862 53 •020 5807 659 ■465 40 •Oil 98-60 989 167 54 •020 6680 7600 765 •474 41 •Oil 98-90 986 •872 55 •021 877 •488 42 •012 17-78 189 •877 56 + 02L + 85 67 + 996 + •498 48 •012 1900 194 •382 44 + 018 - 618 - 68 + •887 Potari* Z. Dirt. =.48" 56'. M 1HH9. 1'>''A« (i HUH a: MAJOItlH. S. P. Z. 8. T. As. E. 78" 1' N. 28» 2" IM'. •Tuiuarv' 4 •MO •000 •007 •078 -078 •067 •OSS • -047 31'(«N 3161 316T 3IT0 31H0 8908 39-49 89Y9 388N 38-YH 34-94 3499 34-V9 34-74 3473 34 69 . 34«1 8449 84-99 t'. (KiO •OHO •087 •(«>8 •Oim •080 •078 ■WW ■040 •0-20 •018 •000 •000 •000 •007 •0*20 •040 •0(50 —073 n H •«« •54 •(JO •66 •(J6 •60 •4H •42 •24 •18 •06 •00 •00 •06 •12 •18 •30 •42 + ^54 » 49 40 84 81 89 89 49 «o .19 6V 73 77 79 711 74 68 99 90 40 o' — -71 " '20 •04 KebruarTG 1-02 Maroh 1 1-10 " 21.. MO April 10 1-02 " 80. •86 May '20 -71 •47 -.»4 •1« ■00 " '29 ;... Tnlu lU '' 0«7 ' -O'iO ' '007 August 8 • 000 -000 •007 •oia •090 •0»8 -04V 't-060 " 28 •00 Seotember 17 •00 October 7 -08 27 •24 November 16 ■47 December 6 •71 26 — ^86 LATITUDE CORRECTIONS. L. b. 28 + 087 •29 ■038 80 •088 31 •0D9 82 •089 88 •040 34 •040 35 •041 36 •041 87 •042 38 •042 39 •04S 40 •043 41 •044 42 •044 43 -045 44 + 046 S. T. Az. 744 716 686 694 691 986 990 Will 471 498 384 887 987 986 181 194 68 «!. L. b. + •284 •290 > •296 o •802 46 + m •040 •308 46 •318 47 •047 •819 48 ■04^ •325 49 •049 •881 60 049 •060 •387 61 •348 52 •061 •348 58 •062 •864 64 •093 •360 66 •068 •366 66 + oii •872 + •878 li t ooo «^7 19-78 96-47' 38-80 41-40 40-89 97-60 66'97 79'40 89f00 Az. + o + •388 67 •392 188 •400 919 •408 991 •417 374 •426 469 •488 999 •442 694 •450 799 •458 810 •467 + 1000 + •476 Polaris Z. Di8t. = 48' 56'. 1880. Z. 72* 8»' N. January 0.. • 20... February 9 . . MarcL 1 " 21 April 10 " 30 May 20 June it • " 29 July 19 August 8. . . . " 38 September 17 October 7. .. . " 87.... Ncvember 16 December ti. . a«.. a URSiB MAJ0RI8, 8. P. t. •040 ■068 ■080 ■067 •0«7 •060 •047 ■040 •027 •018 r018 •007 •000 •000 •007 ■018 •027 '040 •0.58 8. T. 28»' 6" 11 94 11 49 11 68 II Yl 11 81 1904 1940 1984 1844 1898 1498 1468 1480 1490 1481 14'T9 1460 1441 1488 t'. ■067 •OHO •093 •100 ■100 •098 •080 •060 •047 •027 •018 •000 •000 •007 •007 •018 •040 •060 -080 Ai. K. rc. a. •86 •48 ■64' ■60l •60; •64 ■42 ■86 •34 •12 •12 •06 •00 •00 •06 12 •24 •86 •48 44 86 80 9T 98 81 88 46 44 69 69 78 V4 T4 TO 64 46 46 86 a'. - -87 104 1-Jl 1-80 130 1-21 104 •78 •61 •86 •17 •00 •00 •09 •09 •17 ■62 •78 —104 LATITUDE C0RBECTI0N8. L. 1 b. 8. T. A«. c. + •290 L. b. 8. T. Az. c. 28 + 043 - 81 06 - 189 29 044 TT19 T04 •296 II ■ 80 044 V819 6T4 •800 e «. . » 81 046 69^|9 64 99 644 •806 46 + 068 + ooo + + 876 88 046 611 •810 46 •0(4 690 64 •388 88 60lf9 4*1' •816 47 OM I960 184 •890 84 047 46-89 441 •8-20 48 ■056 1990 908 •398 ^6 047 4i;9« 408 ■826 49 ■066 , 96^4» 986 •406 86 048 41f$9 468 •380 60 •066 •057 889T 86T •418 87 048 i;» 491 •886 61 40-t8 48^48 . 444 •420 88 049 8T8 •840 62 •068 444 •428 89 049 89-99 881 •346 68 •069 466V 648 •486 40 060 9V;|6 988 •360 64 m 64-9ir V46 •448 41 Ool 99-|0 989 •866 56 »4^90 + 98;$* 84ir •460 48 («1 1V-90 1V9 •860 66 + m t 9V9 + •468 48 062 11-6V 199 •866 "/ 1 44 + 052 - 498 - 68 + •870 • . ,' . ■ Polaris ^.Biai.^iS' 56'. IHHO. z. 81* I' N. January 0.. . 20... February 9 . . Maroh 1 " iji April 10 " «0 May '20 June U . . , . . . " a» July 10 August 8.... " an. . . . fleptember 17 October 7 " 37.... November 10 December 6 . 26. yCKPHKI. B. T. W W WOI •os» M7 •073 •07» •067 •060 •OSS •040 •027 •018 •018 •000 •000 •007 •018 •027 •040 •088 86^«a a60H SST/I 8.'l-46 BSNtt 861T 864/1 8T 10 8760 8N8a 3N-91 8986 8964 89V4 89^ra 89.14 8994 8S90 8fl-68 TT •000 •OHO •0«!« •100 •o'.m •0«8 •OHO •0<17 •05H •088 •020 •007 •000 •107 •118 •020 •088 •047 •067 An. E. car •8H •CI •64 •70 •70 •6» •67 •45 •8H •2o •18 •18 •00 •00 W\ •18 ••i6 •8H •61 H9 46 89 84 84 8N 44 44 60 6M T4 fiO M8 1(8 NO T4 6N 49 49 a'. — -78 104 121 180 121 121 104 •87 •61 •48 ■26 •09 •00 •09 •17 •20 •48 •61 •87 LATITUDE CORREdTIONB. L. b. — 088 8. T. Az. c. + -Sol L. b. 8. T. Az. c. • 28 - 69 40 - 696 29 •082 6600 604 •857 •M •081 6960 4TT •868 o -.. ' n 81 •081 49-18 440 •868 46 — 072 + o-oo + + •460 82 •080 44-43 448 •874 46 •070 491 46 •467 88 •079 41-98 498 •880 47 070 10-T8 114 •488 84 •079 48^90 468 •886 48 •069 1640 178 •600 86 •078 4440 480 •892 49 •068 44-88 444 •617 86 •077 404T 896 •898 60 •068 4840 814 •688 87 •077 864T 860 •408 61 •067 84 80 888 •660 88 •076 89-40 898 •409 62 •066 41-4V 46V •567 89 •076 48-18 488 •415 58 •065 48-41 440 •688 40 •075 48-90 949 ■421 64 •065 44-80 688 •600 41 •074 19-88 198 •427 66 •064 684T T81 •617 42 •078 14-T8 148 •488 66 — 068 •f Vl-44 + 881 + •688 48 •078 lOOO 104 •488 44 — 072 — 40» - 44 + •444 ■ -• J Polarw Z. DiBt.=:48" 68'. 18W. Z. 66^ H' N. January 0. . .. iiO.... Fubninry !). . , March I " n April 10 ■' .HO May M) June S>«v«.. .• " a« July Itt AuguHt H . . . , " aH .... Bei>t()niber 17 Oatober 7 " S17-,.... November 16 DeceinlMr (( . , 20 . . \ DUACONIH, H. P. B. T. 98k 88». ■ouu ■tm •060 •007 •007 •.ooo •060 •047 •0'J7 ■O'iO •010 •007 •000 •000 •000 •OIH •OSM) •oa» •047 VttIT HftMT ««T« ««OS «H4T 9M-N6 490N 4»«.1 tt94« 99 IN «904 4904 7~ •(MM) •OHO ■ooa •100 •107 •100 •0H7 •07» •000 •0»H •0*20 •018 •007 •000 •01» •01 a •oa.H •oriH •000 Ab.B. V4V. a. « m •o 4N M r,4 48 00 S9 00 S9 ri4 89 4N 4T 4'J A« 24 68 IH Ttt Vi 99 00 N4 00 89 00 88 00 H4 12 MO IH T8 »0 64 42 94 a', ■tit 'HH ■m lOH 110 lOH •HO •70 ■02 •04 •21 •14 07 •00 •14 ■14 ■84 ■56 - 02 LATITUDE CORRBCTIONB. L. b. 8. T. Az. c. L. b. 8. T. Az. e. , • 28 + 061 - 6