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Tf XUIJJ-i f^BTL ■ A S»,MJ¥SXL.\J' ■^' • 4 HISTORICAL SKETCH, COVENANT AND LIST OF THE Officers and Members OF THE WEST YARMOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH, CHEQOQGIN, N. S. -BY — REV. B. H. THOMAS. 1897. THE WRITER'S NOTE. Ill a church, such as ouvs with a membeiship reaching up into the hundreds it is difficult for the individual members to know just who are their Brothers and Sisters in church fellow- ship. The aim of this little booklet is to give each member a complete register of names to be found on our church-roll; and to place a few facts before them in the form of a Historical sketch. The copy of our C'ovenant, together vvith the illustrations of church pioperty will be appreciated. l-~i ' I f. 7- (. /:^ r: ki't; '''"v' ..*:''v';vi. REV. BYRON H. THOMAS, THE PRESENT PASTOR. OFFICERS. DEAC.^ONS: Wm. Corning, Nelson Foote, J as. P. Rlack, Jeffrey Churchill, Stephen Churchill. CLERK: Wm. Corning. TREASURER: Wm. Corning. a-iiin THE WEST YARMOUTH BAPTIST PUOl'ERTY, CHEGOGGIN, N. S. HISTORICAL 5KETCH. Bj'pti.HtH have had an <»r^aiii/e(l oxistencf in what if really West Ya-mouth, N. H., ssi, (•<• tiie year l.S5:i. Baptists however have lived in Chegoggin, Overton and I'endnoke, sii'ce the ilays that our foielathers fiist resciud tlieir faruia from the f(;re8t primeval. Indeed the p.-n that traces the hi-story of Old Zion church in Yannouth town must of uecesHily mention tho struggles of ])ioneer Baptists in these lo«;ahties, for even yet *'01d Zion" is sp(»kent>f as the mother church. Precious indeed ar'? the niemories of I. v hye-gone hlessed days wlien the tVvthers and ujothers with their children gathered within the hallowed precincts of the "old round school house at the foot of the hill." vSoii^s of salvation were joyfully sung, the voice of glad testimony was frequently heard, and God's children were often found in the attitude of vsupplication. In IH5'S sixty memV)ers of the old Zion cnurch living in Chegoggin, Pembroke and Overton asked to be disn)isyed from the fellowship of said church in order that they might organize » Baptist church in what is re.iDy West Yarmouth with Che- goggin as a centre. The re(iuest was granted. On Baturday afternoon, April 23, 1853, they met, and after a precious season of prayer and praise the organization of the church was ell'ected. The following v/as the lirst Board of Deacons elected to serve the church : Zachariah Chipman, Nelson Corning, Kelley Rose and John Rose. Mi . Abner H. Huntington served as the lirst clerk. Mr. Walter G. Goucher, lac, was called to the pastorate. Since tlicn the ch\UiM has been served by thirteen pastors including the present incumbent. During the first years the growth of the church was slow, but each year witnessed accessions to the nieLnbeiship. In 18.58 the entire connnnnity was ablaze with the glories of revival fire ana 30 convevts united; in 18d2 under Pastor J. H. Saimders 19 became members ; in 1869, 26 converted ones became members; in 1878 the church was blessed with the largest revival in its history; 6() of the residents foimd pardon and joined the ranks of the church nJlitant. Revs. J. W. Weeks and H. N. Parry were the instrmnents in this work of grace. In 1880, 20 accessions are reported; in 1881, 21 received the right hand of fellowship and welcome. In 1892, under Rev. G. W. Schiu'man, the church enjoyed its second largest revival in its history— 44 were placed on the membership roll. In the year 1896 the present pastor has had the joy of giving the hand of fellowship to 20 new members. Of course these references are to the largest revivals, nearly all the years have witnessed accessions all the way from 1 to 16 candidates. We give the totals covering the entire period as follow?: 409 baptized, 79 added by letter; 100 have beei dismissed to other churches, 67 have been excluded; 138 have bi'en translated to the church triumphant. The present membership is 278. Three of the original members of the church are still living, Mrs. M. Traste, Mrs. M. J. Harris and Mrs. Hannah Beveridge; two of the original members have re- (Mmtly died, Mrs, S. A. Palmer and Mrs. M. J. Rose. So far as we know we claim to be the only Baptist church in the Province that resorts to strictly New Testament methods of raising church finances. The entire work of the church is sustained by the free, unsolicited plate offerings of the people. In this way over $800.00 were raised last year. The present edifice, a picture of which is herewith given, is the original structure built in 1850; it has, however, been remodelled and enlarged somewhat, tne tower and spire being added in later years. In addition to the church edifice the church owns a conmiodious parsonage with about xbur acres of land. Nine new horse sheds have recently been constructed at ('hegoggin adding to the value of church propeily, and to the comfort of the teams of the worshipers The church is in- debted to Bro. Capt. Sanuiel Corning for the use of the land up(m which the sheds have been erected. The Hall property at Overton is a substantial structure; and regular services are held each Lord's Day afternoon; a well sustained Saboath school holds weekly sessions. The fl W fl w Wednesday evemng prayer meeting is an established part of our work here. The friends in this place have recently put repairs on the interior of the Hall, in)proving the platform arrangements very ninch. New pulpit furniture has been added. The efTicient choir is led by Mr. G. Israel Allen. B. Y. P. U. work is an established reality b .th in Chegoggin and Overton. Two healthy Mission Bands are at work with the aini of inten^sifying interest in missions among our boys and girls. A Woman's Mission Aid Society has been formed and is at work along their ov^n lines. A more united and better or. ganizea church can scarce l)c' found among the sisterhood of churches in our convention. The non-resident members of the church are scattered throughout the continent, and even throughout the world. The influence then of our much loved Zion can truly be said to be universal. The church has had the joy of sending forth two of her sons to be preachers of the everlasting gospel- Archibald Foote and .John Tucker. Bro. Foote was not per- mitted to finish his studies at Acadia College whither he had gone, l)ut was called to the service of the life beyond this. It is our joy to report that the Master's " go ye" is upon Sister Edna Corning one of the promising daiaghters of our church. Sister Corn tug may in the providence of God, serve the cause of Missions in India. The membership of the church includes the villages of Overton, Pembroke, Chegoggin and Sandford, with a number of families in Middleton and Cape Forchu. West Yarmouth Baptists are grateful to the Great Head of the church for the many blessings that have come to them; giving them a leading place among the rural churches of the province. " I love thy church, O God; Her walls before Thee stand, Dear as the apple of thine eye, And graven on Thy hand. For her my tears shall fall, For her my prayers ascend; To her my cares and toils be giv'n, Till toilii and cares shall end." CHURCH COVENANT. Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour; and, on the pro- fession of our faith, having been Ijaptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness and comfort; to pro- mote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain ^to worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our de[iortme?it; to avoid all tattling, back- l)iting, and excessive anger; to abstain from the sale and use of intoxicating drinks as Vverage, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Saviour. We further engage to watch over one anothtr in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feel- ing and courtesy in speech; to be slow to take ott'ense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of oiu' Saviour, to secure it without delay. We moreover engage, that when we renmve from this place, we will as soon as possible unite with some f)ther church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant, and the principles of God's word. THE WEST YARMOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH, CHEGOGGIN, N. S. Constructed in 1S50 and twice remodelled. LIST OF riEMBERS. Allen, G. Isrcel Allen, Asenatb Allen, Norman Allen, Jennie Allen, Lettie Allen, GeoPKle Allen, Letitia Allen, May Bain, Ina Bain, Bessie Bain, William Bain, J. Delancey Bain, Margaret Bain, Hannah Bain, Mary Bain, Frederic Bain, Charles Brayn, Mary Brown, Lydia Bethune, William Bethune, Adelbert Bethune, QeorKiana Bethune, Agusta J Beveridge, Amos Beveridge, Hannah Black, Deacon James P. Black, Elizabeth Black, Julia H Black. Charles Bell, James N Blake, Isabel Bridgeo, Eunice Bell, Sarfth L. Churchill, Grace Churchill, Deacon Stephen Churchill, Deacon J^ffery Churchi'l, Al7in Churcbill, Eunice Churchill, Elizabeth Churchill, Myrtle Churchill, Grace Cburchill, Beatrice Churchill, Israel Churchill, Frederic Churchill, George W. Churchill, Martha Churchill, Nathan Chnrchill, Nellie Churchill, Mary H. Churchill. Etta Carey, Da«, Rose Doaoe, Clarence Doane, Howard Doane, Hiram Doane, Lottie Doane, Catherine Doan^j, TboJias Doty, Gbipman Dalton, Jessie Dalton, Nellie Durkee, Richard Durkee, Adeliade Durkee, Lurancy Durkee, William Durkee, Ralph Durkee, Edward Durkee, Pearl Sr. Durkee, Mrs. Pearl Durkee, Alvah Durkee, Ellen Durkee, John Durkee, Lydia Durkee, Maggie Durkee, Alice Du. kee, Pearl Durkee, EUeu Durkee, Anne Deveaus.lJosepb H. Foote, Lavinia Foote, Henrietta Foote, Eunice Foote, Elizabeth Foote, Elnjira Foote, James H. Foote, Nelson Foote, John Foote, Mark Foote, Alice Foote, Agnes Foote, Alvin Fuote, John Foote, Miner Foote, Charles Foote, Roy Foote, Blanche Foote, Ethel Foote, Lottie Foote, Budd Foote, Mary Foote, Nellie Foote. Elizabeth Fevens, Charles Goudey, Zecharlah Goudey, Julia A. Qoudey, Annie Ooudey, Mrs Ansel Harris, Mary E. Harris, Margaret Harris, Lyman Harris, Laura Haskell, Augusta Haley, Mary Jaffrey, James Jaffrey, Alvah Killara, Richard Killam,Geo. Killam, Isaac, sr. Killam, Isaac, jr. F.illam, Maria A. Killara, Stephen Killam, Hannah Killam, Susan B. Killam, Luretta Killam, Mabel Killam, Charles Killam, Mercy Lewis, James F. Liwis, Gertie M. Lent, George Lent, Frank Lent, Annie Lyons, William Lyons, Ethel Morse, Egbert Montague, Alice Moses, Jacob McKenna, Wm. McKennn, Henry McKenna, Lois McKenna, Ella McKenna, Thomas McKinnon, Alexander McKinnon, Alice Porter, Emma Porter, James B. Porter, Eben Porter, Mrs. Eben Porter, Ruth Porter, Annie Porter, Frederic Porter, Agnes Perry, Hardy Palmer, Harris Palmer, Mary Palmer, Nellie Pitman, Nathaniel Ritche, Luella Rose, Estella Rose, Jacob Rose, Cecilia Rose, James K. Rose, Eliza Rose, David Rose, Lois Rose, Laura Rose, Elma Rose, William Rose, Emma Rose, Henry Rose, Mary Rose, Nellie Rose. Alice Scoville, Reuben Scoville, Sarah Scoville, Nettie Scoville, Lottie So 8c Sc 8c 8c Sr 8t 8t 8t at Se Se Se St Sp Te Te Te Te Th Scoville, Leah Thomas, Rev. Byron Scovillo, William Thomas, Bessie M. Scoville, Etta Tnompsoii, Frederic Scoville, Asa Trask, Matilda Scoville, James Trask, Egbert Smith, Jane Trask, Annie Stanwood, Howard Vickery, Ada Stanwood, Edna Vickery, Qeorge R. Stanwood, Letiti:i Vickery, Alvah R. Stanwood. Emily H. Vickery. Geo. Servant, Zebulon Vickery, Lillian Servant, Mary Walker, Christina Servant, Alfred Webster, Robert Strickland, Augusta Williams, William Spinney, Kady Williams, Bessie Tedford, Hannah Williams, Hattie Tedford, Addie Williamson, Whitman Tedfoi-d, Clara Wetmore, Thomas TedloTd. Hattie Wetmore, Mrs. Thomas ThuTber, Janet Wyman, Annie