m IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET {MT-3) k A O {./ ,^ ^/k < signifie "A SUIVRE ', le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartaa, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent dtre filmte A des taux da reduction diff^rsrts. Lorsquo la document est trop grand pour dtr? reproduit en un seui clich«i, il est fiimA ^ partir de S'angie supArieur gauche, de gauche it droite, et de hau: en bes, en prenant la nombra d'imagea nteassaira. ties diagrammes suivants iliuatrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■rttjfei m Mt^- -'.'^jI ill'ssEi; "^**^' To the Electors of the Tecmnseth Dmm. Wi '';;v"*'F .^3 GENTLEMEN, The time is now fast approach- ing when you will be calle^d upon to exercise the privilege of Electbg yonr Representative for the Leefisiativft Oonnnil of tho. Prnvim»*», XnA in the fulfilment of that duty, to select a man in whom you have full confidence that he wiljl use his best esortionjs to proratote your interests, at the same time that he also fulfils the high clainvs which, in his Legislative capacity, the country at large will have upon him,. Tweaty-nifie years' experience, and the best por- tioA of mjy life 'ievftted, ta ihe settlement Okf these Co*a»tfes, and tlie pronjo^ioa of tl*eii> interests, added to an intimate acquaintance with every individual amongst the older settlers, whose advance in worldly prOsperitj, from year to year, I have watched with interest and laboured to promote — have, I think I may, without pre- sumption, say, qualified me for that position. ^These> f» a ti) ^ wk h- your owp intimate knowledge of them, arid of the measure of ability with which those important objects have been carried out, will enable you to determine how far your iiMierests are likely to be promoted by placing (Oe in the high poeitiou of your Representative in the Upper Chamber of the Legislature . My politics, which havi; always been mode- rate, are equally wjell kno|frn to you all j and it ^ therefore hardly necessjiry for me to refer to them in this address, sinpel they have undergone no other change than sudi as the progressive legislatioai of the countrj — both Imperial and Colonial — have induced ; and which, I may be allowed to say, liave removed for ever the grand distinction hitherto ekisting between Whig and Tory. The only questions ofja political character now appearing to claim ij^|)ectal atteation, are, Education, Representation by Population, and the Hudson Bay Territory. In reference to Education, my coDvietion is, that it is for your interests, and for the welfare of the Uuted Provinces, to allow the present Common School Act to, continue in full force and untouched, for it appears to work well, and as I believe, ives very general satisfaction 5 but should the question be brought u{) fw discussion, and any amendments he pro^josed in that Act, I shall then, as on every other question, be pai-e^ pared ta give them that considevaticm which the great importance of the subject entitles it to. The priftciple of Representation by Popuja- tiwi shaft r««eiYQ n»^ warmest su^ort, for it i»s my unqualified approval. And in regard to the Hudson Bay questtoa, I shall be prepared, when it is brought forward , to support the interests of Canada to the fullest extent. I am now, as I have hitherto been, a m; . of progress, and I shall ere^, to the best of my ability, advocate judicious improvements for the benefit of the country. I shall endeavor to pro- mote all objects in which your real interests are involved, and shall always be found advocating J^ wise economy in public expenditure. In conclusion — my long connection with the Counties of Huron and Perth — th.^ belief that I understand their interests, and a determination to promote them to the best of njy ability — era-- boldcn me to solicit your suffrages to place me as your Representative in the Legislative Coun- cil, and should I succeed in obtaining that great object of my ambition, I shall ever look upon it with pride and satisfaction, as an acknowledge- ment on your part that my past labors have merited approbation, and* as an assurance of your confidence in ray continued devotion to the furtherance of your welfare and interests, and which, as one of yourselves, are identical with my own. "nm ^Oilcrich, February 16, 1858. I am. Gentlemen, Your very faithful serva , THUiVlA« MEKCEii JONES.