^^ '^ y^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) .V I i.a I.I mm m ^Itt 122 : us 120 ^ •'•■1.8 1^5 iU 116 6" 1 • s^irii • ajb^ia I Sdences GarpoiBtiQn 23 VMBT MAM STRKT \NnSm.N.Y. 14SM (716)172-4303 m CIHM Microf iche Series (Monographs) V .. ICMH Collection de microfiches (mbnographles) (r» '■•■.■ • Canadian Inatituta for Hiatorical Microrapro<^ctiona / Ihatftut cainadian da mlcroraproductlona KlatorkiiMa . - ■ I' ' TIM ImtlMilt hM eo^ avaUabtt f or to OOtBNI tiM BMt OnfMMN rMtHfM of wilt OOpy IMlMl Oi OM HMflO^ ""^ WO •ItnifioMiilv If OC wRMII ^M^ MMViod 0f fnMinf, m r~~l tlgnlfto "A tUIVIIE". to ^ symboloT slgnHto "RN".! Lee earteo. ptohehee, tablaeux. ete.. pauvant ttra fNmte A dee taux da rMuotton dlff«r4nts. Lorsquo to doeument eot trop grand pour Atra reproduft en un soul oNohA. H eat fimA A part^ da I'angto supArtour gaueha. do gauehe A drofta. at do haut an bee. en prenant to nombro dimagee nA c sssaka. Us dtogrammee sulvonts Ukistrsnt to mAthode. i 2 3 c- ■ 1 , r' '"■ 2 ■ : 3 ■ ■ / "# ■iTi He L^ [ ^Mk i ■ - -»■ V THB ,IAV\ S3 ^-^^-■iVi . v.«. r">/: ^/vv oir OF p ^-ii' p- hi- ^v «. f ii Nl IS L^TE CONGREGATION. ■ • ,'■',' '.ft A «TATEMl5.%'T Or FAf'TS. ■\.vr.-?^?|»rcyr ' v^ ' ^^ai«;hiii(( luicrc shephcrdB pen tl^ljjatfks at rve , . In IturdkHifotes oinid tluvfield Ml^Hf- }.'■■ i' , ■l.eapiiioVrttHtfvBoe wlilicaiwlplinl^foldt , OraAli^thUf bentto uulKMrd ilie ca^ ' 1 ' - r ^^"^ ', Of BemtKiicn bureber, whocc subst iniial doora, • y^|*';Oroa»*artrd ami bolted laMjifvar oo aMauli, ■' » ' ,^^ ' lft«t l»> wltadow ctiiulia or i»»er the lites { t - ' \ ^ {ili)«i? (iitk> Ma Oharch lewd IiireUirgi climb' *' ■■■:*■'■ ' "'■ ■.'■>■' K- '. ';. ■./».■ '■'\:, .V .V \ THK RECTOR OF PRSSCOTT, M- AlID HIS LATE CONGREGATION. ^-^^ A statebubut of WAim. ,_.r.x, ** And th«v w^re seaittend. beeiiui there is no ihephmrd ; thus ■alih tin; Lord "^ Qodt behoM I •» agaiiiit thaShepkeidat and P will leqaire my floelt «t their ande -XXXI? BMUel 0,10. i " Ae when • iMdwIinff wolf, Wliom huBcer drlvee to seek new hiannt for prey, Wetehing when dMnhenkrpea their floeke at eve In bordled eOiM amid tiio Add oeenre, Leapa o^er die fimoe with eaee Into the ibid t Or aa a thtefbent to aniioard the eaah Of aotne ilch bmoher, whoco anbattntial doora, Croea hand and, bolted liaai, faar no aaaanlt, In at the window eUmbsf or o«er the tilea ; So clomb the flratffrand thief into Gtod'v fold : So aince into Ilia Church lelrd hirdinga olimb." — JOMK Mi;.Tox. PRKSOOTT: ! "MKSSBNOKB" STBAli PB1C88I8, KING STBKtT. / * \ . - »-( - 1861. p 1. \ • f , for, fee *^ i'l ■ ^^ " * 4 ^»&r *!iwSi!i««i '1~ t-r?-r fr TO THE READER. Tmu oompotition of tbt fonowing pAmpblet hu ^veMMrilx ffj hurri^a. It w«f dtf«rfM from wtek to w—k, in th« hop« thfti til* RtT. Richard L«wm woald hav* toffioUnt good ttnt^ tad •nffioiont good (Mliog, to quit » ParUb where he is no longer^rv^ •pected. That hope ia uafortuoaUlj fallaoioaa; he Mejg^ to >• dtaiitate of both. ' These pages hare aooordinglj been written, Uterall/ with a rua- ningpen; and they doubtleas contoin inconsequence many fault! of diction, for whiqh dae apology is now tendered. Strength of faet^ in the present cJh will amply redeem any weakness of style. "Wt hare "nothin^lttenuated,vnor set down aught in malice."^ We have had recourse to no eqaivocation j we h%fe attempted BO legerdemain. Honesty is the best policy. Falsiioatioo moreover is useless, and casuistry superfluous whera the eTidenoe is already damning, and the conclusions inevitable. * . Having to deal with Mr. Lewis, we have been perfectly eandii} for, as the "Country Parson" observes in ope of his Essays, ** Per- fect candor foils the crafty man, as the sturdy Highlander's broad sword at once cut down the French master of fence, vapouring away with his rapier. You cannot beat » rogue with hit ow» weapons. Try him with truth: like Davii ho *has not provid that armor'; he is quite unaccustomed to it, and he goes dowa.*^ Pieeoott^ Maroh adrd, 1861. ■^■' •' I, .,1 -* THB^?™"F?f^''" "5 •v»* > '^ 1 :' ■:M \ •4 ' : ' '■ '■' ' . - ' \ * ■ ■■ i' .■ ■'■_':■' ' . ': ■ v , . . % , , • •■ ' ■ • v * ' i\:i ■s' ■/•■■" \ ■ ■ ' ■■■"■■..-, . ■ ^-^ ■-.■ 1 . » , '.■"■. ■ ■ - ' ■ \ ■ • ■;,■....■■/. *-/ - ^v:-.:.J...l,::' ■ ■ -* ■ • -- ) ^ . _ -'■ . -1 .f--. ,. , ■~-. '." 1 -- ':-:- ■■• ■■ • • ■ ■ ■."'■ '• ■■■■^' '■ "'■ >■.. ■ ... .■:.;.■..: ■■"^' \,"-^^ ••VX" ^ A STATEMENT OF FACfS. ••■J. .■ -i I W« ar« abottf to MTtil with » trtmbling hwd. a mtkBtholf .iet^« of human (Wltj. W. art about to Uar tho mMk from tho Cm of hf pocfiij, Md to arraign beforo tho bar of pablio ju^oo a i^ whoVw.^' beiiov. to L a dangoroo. impoator. With a fail appreciation of thtir iInpor^ wt ropwt tha wordt— a dangaroui *"£Sr aTtnto havaUttght u« that olamanoy it miapUoed whara tha culprit is impenitent: and we ara at langth convinced, that wa oannot impeach too openly, or denottnoe too itronglj, one whom neither the maturity ofhiajean, nor the iolemnity of hie marriage, vow. the eaoredneai of hit office, nor even the dread ol puniahment, haa deterred from being guilty of groee miiconduct. "unbeoomiag a alergy man, and tending to bring aoandal on the church. We may kffirm in hie cate what Darnel Webeter onoe aaid on a memorable occaiion: "Againit the priioner at the W aa an indiridual, I can not have tie elighteet prejudice. I would not do him the alighteat injury or iujuatice. But I do not aff^ei to »• indiff0rmtU)tU punishment of hu^gutU. Before, howftver, enteringupon the neoeatarv detail^ wamay_ba . D«rmiUed to quote, aa pertinent to the subject, the following remarka of an intelligentchurohmaD,whichare weU worthy of public attaoUoa : "Tha areat fault of our tfhurch ie, that it ie a profession, not A TOoaUon. or that Tooation where it exists is an accident, not an essential What are the motives that induce l^e jener^ty of young men to take Holy Ordersf There is^living^n the lamily ; Jr there il church ps^ronage in some friendly hands j or thaiiUtaa of a clergyman is reStrded as desirable, gtvw« « it d'Ri UW(«i 'lre> also is the Rwthr of WPansb^biTtihis eonduot is eren more scandalous than that of the Canadiao Bfotor ) •'^'flM tt^ftiMi eVQAllMllIy'MblaHrt^ '"Ii«erttimlj*{srtWeas«/Uiat we Y l«klol' Mr «r 'su6h'>«' ^(^tMrtiMi i of; ddUn^ipeifeiea liivo^gnteb of - tftfter ealIijigt««4uiri^g««(Ktt(nlen<«nd']kmi#abJ^ ^S^htmilu ''^•i^^ttUm%4cm:Jltid4$idthsJMt'ihmi\a vuniiVx^ me»i^Mtr£ •i"9ttklB'ttr^kh H)ktiat4 enHi^Hm/UUdM their iMoredikal&u -1 9 TIM nttttlb'er'ef e»«ad(liiit>»efa i«1lb'eoQf« byiibe oeudiMt ofilome bne loAose lehtl^acter • *'fj^*««« pM^M aSAymiihopfmfk ordnUHng Mm tit leaet •«' i0khtmk a lon^ ptpbatUm. we spwii. 6f fiietrwhieh^ei«rfectlr ••A m^jmrkk, kttdMtjfed^ eubfedt Mmeel/towti/ieialirBHraiittseeAieh fan himt vfhileat 0M'<«^f»^'ete>AimW^^ M Mmnmbs^Im*^ tht people hti liveB tmonf,'e$pe0ialfy ^wohUomen. k}li4re 'MMM»^i'}U2si^ thiHiik4hm^^rmmtamoe^ ecakmhi^whauld "«. / li H «i rty tfeicti»i>^t ' I '•«HM/p,the htf^PHfi pf mm^MnH iM*. »ee% ^ilmmr^),.,%rl^,o^i^p^^ ns -Vr--^- ;.' .^ ^^ i K .A t Jji .fc. ■ r a'.' fe^ .* S - J-; iltA^,%^i...^,._.J\,^ ■• ?»&( « :■'«■ ife — » \ ▲K0 HI! ULTB OONOIMATIOir. ^WnmA whidii UUmIIWmM^ prortrb wlilob Mji^ «*kM Ui« monk. And ibi« it tra* : foi\ m«ab«r of ik gQo4 hoi/ MMoiAtion is not DtcMiarilj bimMir hoW and godd. B i t iMi, ». wt know, was onoo an Aum^ ot LighL Joom boml wm obo of Okrifi't ▲poadM. ThaKcvarand Richard U^iaia a olarg7«aa of tha Obiaroh ol Bag lancl. ' Wa oan imagina a oaaa tomawhat aimilar to, and jat^w aoltkik that of tha Utta»4ndif idual, whioh would lUr iha •jmpaihita and aroata tha pity of almuat all who raflaot on it. Wa can piclara to ounalraa a man, who hai lqgj| lad an almost blamalaM Mfm, uataiatad br Vica, and anspottad from iha world. Wa alift imagiaa thiamaa jiaUiif in an unguarded momant to tha aUaring tpall of laaa mighty temptation, and oommittiog in tha briaf daurium al akttlta- maBt a orima foi which Taart of ramorta and Mlamn panitanoa caa aipna atona, and whioh damolitliaa in an instant tha iair-proportionad adiiea of hia formar life, leariag bit charactar a moral ruin I Soak a pictara baa baaii^drawn bj tha mattar hand of a nobla Secitak Dirina ; and, with soma slight alteration, fi^ rtproduoa itbara^ aait daaarikti in pathatio language what ought toliaTe bean, and parhapa ware, tha faalii^a of the Rector of Presoolt, when the recentdiao^oaora of his misdeeds took place. " Once a year, when ohurch-courta meat, our ei>y ma^ preeent a epeotacle which fools regard with iadiftr- anoe^ but wiee men with oompassion-and fear. A pale and hagcard man, bearing the title of "ReTerend," stands at tha bar of hia ahuroh. Not daring to look up, he benda there with his head buried in his hands, blushes on liis Ciee. his lips ^ui>aring, and a hell raging, .burning witbiu him, ashethinksof home^iu&dabrohaii- hearted wifii^ Ah, my brother there I And ah, my brethren here^ learn to ' watch and pray, that ye ent^r not into Umptation.' 8ea there the issue of all a mother's anxieties^ anda^^ar'sielMeiiTiog and panimonioua\toil to educate their promisiug mnd studious Mj. In this deep darkneeebaa set forerer a brilliint ooUega oaraar.*— Alaal what an end to the eolemn day of ordination, and the bright daj of marriage, and all thoee Sabbaths when an affMtionata people hung OB his eraqoent Upe I ** Oh I if this sacred office, if the conatant handling af thiagi dirina, if hours of study spent over the word of Qod, if fre<|9aol soenea of death wit^ their mpet awful and eobering eolemnitie^ if the irremediable ruiA into which degradation from the holj^ofiaa plnngM a man and his house with him, if the unspeakable hmpova* ness df this sin in one who held the poet of a eenUnel and wra; abar]^ with the care of eoule— if these do not fortify rad feBeajiu againat tha temptations of the flesh, then, in the name of Qod, *lal him that thinketh he standeih take heed lect be CallJ" | ^Subjects of this kind," wrilee Lord Kamet, in his •' Bleme^ta of Criticism," "are of all the fittest fo> tragedy ;" and ha sappo^ a ease in which a virtuous man hat drawn on himself a great mit- fortune by a fault incident to human nsftura. The remoisa arhiali Y— ff^^fmMmm) («• PMBDOTf r A and ^rcokleu effronterj swallows up all Q\kstuM\kviglhrn9i'A^ffi^*'l hl'jg i>,: M:,'Ji.li!i fUf) 9 77 «titiQfokpai«Mu>riroA'/Da*iu>3eeiBheb9, ihrof^o )ii9?«r ^qp» 4* figjito tbi.,cogfid9i)Q« and.jrespeo^ ofi hit -iMa congr^gHtivA^ VMhoutiu hnmVlir,:, Wzt(«U) ,ikDd)ittit4isguiM4>< r^p^iitia^. /i4 . «if fi«ili;>r«s99<^^t!>9 >hAQf»t9Mnqaw«.Miiibja«^^ic«Q^m<> bv«iw JiiwABift«ii4;<^irti]r i9t.ivb{)i%)«QmpFl9ihgr .iritb :i^,f«Wiift;K«i)p^.«^ ^«gjijMt bii»/iftti>ft.|nonMAit!» ,iiot««%>jioi M?i4iii4}jq mw^^^^^m^ i; ii Xik^Jt UMrtt;«nflMBia)g lift wbf^^Titt hM9ibi9;M^ Jlbaftf.jGMAo^l) eC^»boy«,tb9riii irfJMP liMiioqHsViAli^ arbllhMU«itiQ4i,vl4«»l^ho!tOl^cior« E^^^ '^|n8^ob«l'<4Mi^':i»ij4M/(8ai4 «beq D«inp«fa4N^^ UusjKay. tifjtoi Tkii ii^ObMiljrn •iiffMriBtbi.iloiig 4b4 >i^ HqcIh^ h» .^«fiv/. .;iii>99t vA o)^er kin^nd toxta mto tentencea d4?o!i% tppbw^ rftinff|o|«rM* •P«J|t»t^A]IMftifl9f«vooftljr» iMUetinj^ tlteeffli i«»RUci%, )fiq4ti*ppr«- 7fli>tpili>(ttj^wayih€t»ba».Jbir9»tb^ 4b« tili««i)WMmi)thfn. tvtnvidiMillji Mbblvd liy Iba ii»v7,p9trtMB»i^f!:.4b« t>pfiipa«toSte9tOr$i .aUd, ^w 4 «iii»«4 m ,loW;«a «ci]iQeiv» lw»]iVi MIM^giDP i)«ilHiMahMiih^>9eiiiijr*«Ci^ naljr pAetoiv bi8l«lf^d«mg a^ttTpag ibQt i4iiobirgitigr*i iK^ »*i'Mir; am miiinai^niiayiim } # ii i'i U i H1it Niii 'il D'tj i li l ■■ H » " t M t i ni wi u'l i ' i»>i w w»>m^4y* iilKMiMi|iaff ]||l->hi'>n! t'lifit 4^ v*i ;>r!)tt-t(4 I*-- ViBiitr t1iar«i &F^ othdrtelto/^fbh^v^db^iftM to W appliMblft to AM'«iM^"'**^If^airi8t lh6^>, fdbullrtt tit m tint if liip^6Ult;f9r^i^a hftt. i AncI if lid trespiMi ik||;MiMI'ihe« ibv«n I'fHjietfl'j 'thfltf ttiall forgiv* h>m."^XWh Luk^ 8, 4; ' ' ■""■ '•' iSjot^f^felf th* ecadition bri' whrolifofgityeness is to b*rfi«w», *H/ h6fi-^m}L*'^im hTrtitii]yn\ii^ of th«w^nh«ppy prbocSftdliigsi hid tli^R(rr;M«i 'Lewis follow^d't;h» honorabto advice qfont of tb«'old«r Hi«idb«fi*8 iof 'bki€oni^egj|ittoti| and«fr(^redtoth6 fuMilied' aggtierad* ftfl^wtplHnftl^Vof >hw<^tii!«l«»ieAi oowihict : guilty V8^h»?(frt8,li«kdliW <*• ItB-nHd wying, I rdpM»t;n. hi Wottldiroostniwuttdly W1r«4wel^iidl^ ^¥th 1n4 Ohrislliali «pi^it; tbescandttt howtyrddght ^'th^CtniMlt iik%hii iMve beert's^atSfild f ind the t)ahi« of Ab lifltK'AHiKy ^iDiiterof 0fitki6% Gbiptfl wotrkfitiftt hanrt ,> -m It MW n, « by^w^i ttd llf^Mphdlldik^ '<''»''l ''iii'U. viliMji.vHi;.'* (.!;•«.'.•/ -jJiiiiali A(ijOr'..,.fit(l.l •Tliv/'tiii Surely the words, which we are about to quote, by a^iflrlitiglBMiiii- dd^iiee'tfllQf KraUel i^ith the ^oaM^ ^>^hi^)^lgo 'a1l2^>teH4kn^his>fBaU^betwera*'bitd atid'tb«eitM^ "iF^^hAilitNml.thieft^tben thon\^ait |aii»ed i!hybiii»thev?>VtBai^ if ht 'will^iio^lydir'tfaeie, tK^ii'talb, ii^M»«li«>!«fai^ he neglect to hear the Churchv list him be unto theeiin'Ih«ithtMi titiHi|iiidap*blwaa;wxV>lH: MatilSiie^ Q^htf^Bevii^iwl VMittetaa» #a|t g^ltyridf gvievouv tHe^H^ < H^f'WMxtold'Kof^li^ ^htAtkibifi, i«fiiwtt1^ hi^r!«hb6el who •^bldti'ik'fi l}v«ry '«f'«^ «^i«te8|^8itociof the >Be^ra»dl ! Btefaatd ' liewta, '• «o tha'iiKmibbia^ of the Parish of Pr68cott,^pp0liv«dat>fl#8eto.M?e><^ti8fmon.^ iflle !<«ftheibighe8t (abed< the>moet implidtp^afldenco lin^hi'aiiiejri^ 'i4d inftaipritTV 'Mappy ^woiild* iti iiavevbeeti^! hadibuoU •degrees^' ii'^a^o«trbeea»V> bavV Bfonraa an eztiiet from a ..» i.^niiNU. >»Vvvvil' li daialtod fn%fl VrUda'h^d^-'fS/^^ ^ft* ¥"'. <«l- TRB BIOTOR OF FRISOOTT M.^". b« oireulftt«d, inToWing Mrions ohargM •gtintt tlit B«etor tt*N|M to hit •niwi towardi two Iftdict, ii^ettb«n of tho ftboTO-montioniid fftttUiM. Ono WM married, Mrs. B.; the other, unmarried, Hiw W. ; and both ladiet are ponetaed of oonriderable j^nonal attrao- tioQi. Hii attentioni to Mitt W. had been ootioed on manj differ- ent occaiiona aa being rery marked, and oertainlj Ua beyond what was reqhired by ordinary cqurtety ; but being a nuirried man and e clergy maUf he could not be eupposed to mean anything aenou^ aad many, "t^o had noticed his manner to her, remarked that hi§ dwQtion appeared^ery ridiculw*, eomng a« it did from a mid^^- agtdf m^rrvtd dfi^wnan. He waa frequenUy aeen driving with the young lady, a^ visited her house sO often, three or four limee % week, that bis extreme civility could not ifcilto be obsertid, and a gentleman swore at the preliminary investifiEftGon that he had told his wife that some trouble would assuredly arise from this pertina- cious visiting. \.i When, therefore^ It was understood that the reports which pre- vailed, were founded on -eom|>2atnte of hi$ conduct mads hy thoH^ vwryfaimUn^ wh4 had hem among Hii warmu^ friendtt people be^ to think that his attentions to Miss W. must have had a la(s»« meaning,- though exhibited merely as those of excessive politeness to the member of a family from whom he had leoeived ■0 muoh kmdness; W , The saandal at length became so great^ and caused so much die gust and indignation, that it was generally felt that an enqwry ott^t to be instituted into the conduct of the Beverend gentleman by competent authority. A letter was accordingly written by tho dhuroh Wardens to 4io Bishop of Toronto, aooompanied by dooa- ments from tho parties aggrieved, in explanation and support of the . charges, pi«ying his Lordship to cause such steps toibe ttken, as the case mi^t seem to demand. Tho Bishop considered the dhargea so grave th«t he appointed a Committee of enquiry, consisting of fenr Oiergymen and one Layman, all gentlemen of high standing ''and repnti^. We subjoin their names :— , Venerable Alexander N. Bethune, D.D., D.O.L., Archdeagn of York; Bev. B. Jukes Boswell, D.CJ*., Morrieburgh ; wRev. H. J. Qrasett, Toronto; Rev. John Wilson, Grafton; J. Cockbum, Esq., Oobourg. ' In pursuance of his Lordship's instructions these gentlemen as sembled at Prescott, and formed themselv^ into a Court of Bnqwry, before which the several parties were summoned to ippear. Pre- vi«tts to this time, however, when his trial was inevitable, Mr. Lewis issued the following circular: To the Mm^ of the United Church of England and Jr^nd, woviihipping at St. John's Church. Bba b BBWHiiN. -^ For r e asons that I ne e d not ment i on , I hnvj hitherto lefrftined from taking any notice of eAmysf, wMefc are mm \\ ^< -l'»t>^«S^iW'ddi«*ittJfeta^ ; ,„ euUtum in tJiU JPattsh. '■"■."''.■" ■ ■' ' .'" ." -'•! . -/ . ..-.„ ,<,., .i, ,(,:(, '1 h»i* ioW to rieaiiestyiii^ ClirtdtiB^ ^, J^r^I<'^l?^^^'«"*^*^®^>'*^*^'*« Si'fiop of tht iHotite $haU fMvt , «»<% meitlgizUd m charges, ckd vbii^ena ihaU W croU'^ lK»T*th4,^iT'#r^iton^liiaU^^^^ that , , jrlw* ,Tife w eftwly^iiodffrjta^d. Ui.9 ArraMepj^t;^f ^e fiSt wi . ., » 4004 89aM>i»f ]^qH«;!<^,y^ Ppngre^^tio;* ^tawitttoia,ihwf verdict ^m^M',.^ ,,5i8 Ck)ng^gati<^ dia 8pf the wifoiwa wer» .., fffpWjexamin^4 q(^ oath^ the Bi9hQp^rojiw^ «^fffi^^»i» W«<5«W^,«A^^^^^ Am, a« i/ it were not c^M^P^i¥mm^Mp^^ trouble. 'The thifd , iWi^flW .^n^ojTe^^;^i1a0ce, l),i^^^ ^^ ^jt^ , ^ T4»ibjt sieaQs Qf e«(?«)e, M^. tewia asaiunes?^ {r^ ^ir of rhno. ,,ce^Cfi %n4^a3^plai|»j^4»i? CongregatiQii l^e^ ^xtrem# anxiona . be If that th^re fhooy l^> ^p " unneoeasafT deW." aa it htor^llv ; miafortaoetiy he under even mbmen^^^ / - r^ • Wy all Jtnow the reauit of Jie a)urt Of j&uir^ W fxe^i ,y b^adib^ fairest p0fa8i|)le chance. Hft was represented by two leiral fentlemen^, of them hirlirpUi^Jv, whow^ ..ashamed of the.ease. It is needHto add tUTi>^i twiS aub- jested ^1 ppen oourUo the moftt ,rig.^ crpssexaniinatibn, ^iS two ladiea, fullT iubstaaliated the charges. At the; cm^moall th« Bnqmrj, thegj^airmaiiof thaQominisaion said : " Wa mJ inawt*- motjrfy of opinioD^ that there ia w«cient>«»u» /ik e^no^ ^'jtainat^eBev Richard C^emV to wwrmiil^n tetoaridi^M fw xi' Sl?"T*""''^ faVestagation. and a mcMw righteooa one wtt per- "o ^?w!*^*^'' P;<*|0»mced; Nota linlc w« wming in the- chain of ■^^ erWjhce, and the Rectorls gmhiwaa coBolarf^el/^^^^^ . . " ^lii^i??''"^ fti^brftMrttriial is pending it umisSrI for fc».e prri^ to aMta^lroui oomnoentiDg on the east. Contrary; F^ .wev«vn t'> the ' ; JfWWt^M «tidtletteof jo^nalism, ^ ».ppeam] .in thi -mm Qkitt^firsH, wUoh feiii4;4MUit very sWffimii'itt bM, died Id THi McrroR^c^ ftmxysrs ; (M wM to b« •«p«)ua), with UMmumbtr whiok <»«»Jf «•* "X'^f ": So^M aSScU r«Sd»t it to be hopod that the ryWo- •^^^^Jl fhtrptr^^ph; will aUtain i« foture from obtmdmg upon public i.olie» the poinUJw productions of hit gooce ouiU: ^^^ A? the whole compotition it a tpecimen ot the tmooth-tongued mendtdfy orir LeWt few supporter., we feel tempted to gire Tmo ex^n^cts, referring our reader, to^ to the Canadian Church Prt-, of September 12th, ^^eO. r \, . . HAwriiM • '* A oomraistion of four clergymen tat in public mth aH ^t iWaZ^»««« 0/ the place present, to inttitut» an mqUirr ^\.^.7?hm^^ ^ P'^'*"^* dergyman fpr ilt dared to make so --ee/mg an astertion The^mqmjj^^^^^ 1 Dablicone. many laaiet and gentlemen, who «*fii belonged to Mr. fflt Z«T«Son; certainly attended the Court. In a ca«» to i^r«aS when th# character of thjir Minister wat at tlake, they ^iw^'t^LlTh^Ti^fiioti^fot themselves, and see the w^nestet ^r^e^m^net^rr to the Tague babbling, of ruOor ^for croe.ex»ujiii , ►». But are theae ladiet and gentle- tid. matter, wi* the tf«..p«e«l i»»»tio» V.'I1S&?J«? I. tlSs cJndoot .tmightforwwd ot unptrtuU? Is .t not rrther » antwc-r w^.too nUwfiillv and that the defenaent meant ""^n? rSeSivTSf pubuJ rTmoet imporUBt point. W. «. ,tteniptJode«i»e tne pu^ diwimalrtiiB, md prewiot to our S;1i«t1» "fSS:^^. M«B«od, i»ch p.nioo.,f the y.,ag iSlJi^*" •• h«" npo- th« part of the »» : ^ i - '•AAbrttiBepi.viou.totheUh^of jMuatylufc wh.1j*« p..«;rta Mr Lewie of Pteeoo^ wee driTing me ouVhe took Qw Kh^S^iktariM^t Mdtorimlted tlmtheU .d rfection *)r me, ll^T he had formerly taken, and w^"*?^ J^* "^^ *T*X *L gSS^vSr-rwas i 'i^^ -. ) ' ^ ' ♦ - , . AND HlS LATK CONORlCOATtON. 11 lOMftn- athor of I poblto toDgu«d to girt I to tho ^UoimVA ^anfor ry being idioMr. OMO 10 kk«, thoj vitnoMM tiaior for [ gentk- «rtaming DgeQUOOt UeacoH tubh Iec, i/Ktol tltO ig pnblio iir pUv ? Nttber in- lor: "In rdy fwor* \nt meant linfamoar We ar« nt til our tlie yoQDg wnile ) took Aonfbrnie, fe. from- inigbt Dot ing ft tub' peftt^d tbe ideft M in- •ed hini i» iMurv I Wt Lewii follewed taib to BrockTilIe, i^d oame to lee me tt tbelpri- ▼ftte reeidenee of Mr. B., (at whose house I wm Tiiittng), and tnere jrnvatcfy demanded of me if I wotUd not promiee to wait one yea r fw Aimk and pe/rha/pe Kt VHrnld he free thin, and would then marry me, 1%€ propoeitton I oontidered heiHoue and at once reeented\it"f Such ii the t^jffidavit of tho joung ladjr ; but how doea thia atate- ment square with the aaserti^dn of the writer in the Church /Vmm her lips at the pre- Itminary enquiry: ^Blr; Lewie aak#d me on one ooMsion, if I would wait a year d^r him, and thatj>erhaps he wovAd jthm befre^," and would marry m^ This wai before I saw him in Brockrille -^ While I was there, be called on me/ It was the day ajfter my ar< riral. Sewcu a etranger to Mr. J}., at whose house -I was stop* fing, but said ho had aeen Miss B./ once before, at Perth I think, wasalone witb Mr. Lewis a little time before dinner. Daring ibis Ume he again urged me to wait a year for him, and thot prob« ably he would then m free to marry me. He told me that IfLxf^ Lewis had beep to Toronto, and while there had consulted federal eminent physiciains ; and that they had all expressed their surpriso that she was aliye, and that from the nature of her disease, she eould not live a year. That ehted theinHmoi^, When I dame home I told my cousin what Mr. Lewie bed eaid to me. 9he adfiied me to tell my father all that had happened. . . ./ have not Imk im hie oompa9^ einee. J avoided him after that." In an after part of the evidence, in answer to a question from the Oonrty the young lady said, " Ithought tbathii first proposal might bftTO been made in playfulness; bat the proposal at BrookviUe ehanged my opinion. I consider that the second proposkt wae pmfecl^f §eriou$f and that he meant what he eaid." . We eaiinot imagine how evidenee more damning can possibly ttdst; nor lare we acquainted with a ease more heartleaB and iniqaitons. We know that, as Robert Hall, we think, has ob- served, the mind of the bigot is like the eye; the mor* light we poor upon it, the more it contracts; but surely there is no bigot with ft mind 80 oontraeted as to refuse assent to the conclusiveaess of thii testimony. But, continues tho writer in the 0%urd^ /Veit, with clumsy fieetioQsness, "If the clergyman had only been good-natured, we should havo beard nothing of this scandal; but when lie cut the yom0 Uufyf and eaid naughty thinge about her^ tike proceeds to swe*T that he had kissed her, to his own great detriment, and the scftttdal of the chufob.^" Tbf whole of this statement is a wanton falsehood. The evi- denee on the trial distinctly provei^ that it was Miss W. who very yioperiy citf Iff. Lewji; and it waatafter thwhadukitn place, and Uhad oomplained of it in strong terms to Mrs. B. that he suddenly mittlitdiM0T«i7,now for the first tii^fii, that Mist W. was a M.\ ■.f ""'.■CW I I dfty m ..*" M^im Lr. ' UllWii«fc •«We»tov* Weii.««MW^^^^ jo«to«i»tli««»l«i»4«M»«f •'■•■^''IT^^^^ii.iiM^lJM.- ii 10 yy i,- A!n>HI3 LAtfi! CONQftBQATIOK. 1$^ la."' 9^ fgW^fj. ■ , ,. t/ 1 nito ) If ir-»i! •jTft.-' kw'vag itMA «<* Idbelir And*'' {kfriMoUMlr i.^ inlniBiii W'-'^ I Hill no oniiv; Itdy, whose father it t|ie complainant, and on variooi oeoaiiona h9 is shown to have used the imprbper liberty charged aminil blip, of kissing her, and has otherwise acted towards her, in EitoonatMil visits to her iiome, and his following her to Brookville, in * in«»> ner unbecoming a clergyman and calculated to bring soandsl apoo the church. It is quite true that in the course of these prooe pehseiaa the woric proceeded, until the amounts subsoibed by the awaibani,aC the Cpuf rea<>tlon (Fhould become due. Jf merdiil Banlt) for llfiOO, fell duo on the 80m of Har, 1860; which il waa aasaa* sarTtorcaew. A rsaewal note was iccordiuglj';|Bide te that piiiMM a«l JOHKTOBO: NovenberScd, lIML Ht' »•/ «";f*°'® '^n ' -^ cerUin of one ^ mw «»r« idle Tapojnng. ^^^J f^""*™" r ^^^ ti^e he of course Z!!!^^M^flM>lv after eonduct so disgraceful. . ^^ , „ yS. BU.O|\, .b4 wh». t?i^iZrw« in the pre«nt m.U.»ce. W(I«M •Mww w !rJII«.ntW ao lenient, considering the gravity oi »;-gr^l!J?^ erg- bX:S' Lwi. th. utenUv. •^^55!??L_-yl^h it undoubtedly deserves:— ToBOHTO, 17tb October, l»60r~— --«-«-Jbw W«*fiowle«fee two commpnicatipnifrom HfETi^ftA October enclosing a memorial signed by ■i"??^!^?!.* Kir which I am mAde aware of the tim tatliy the •bov. mentioned not*Qf*J»jB«M^ '^ i ► i ■} i ^ ► i i 41 ' AND HIS LATB OONaaBOATZOK. ' ■•■_.•■■■■■—•■ dent oonduot of your Incumbent. And, indeed I am noft iQirprMI when I consider the reckUu proceedingt o^tba Rer. Biohard L«wi% since his irinl. The decision of the Court, was as lenient at tha aabjeoi would admit, and given in the hope that the Bev. Bichard Ltwit woqU Meo tills, una retire from the Pariih on finding that he coald h9 no longer of any use in his profession, and if after a tim6f he diawad by his improved conduct and hearty r^pesntunct^ that he night again bo sa/Jy entrusted with another charge, I abould, io loeh case, have assisted in giving him another miieioD. But lo fitrflron adopting this course, which is almost universally foUowad— ho seems to glory in hie iiham«, and to put tho Bishop and hta hitf Congregation to defiance. The case being new in this coantrj, t am not prepared to say what the futuM prooeedinga ahotild bo^ but it is only A q^uestion of time, and doubilesa on a full eo<|air/ i|ni ■ball find a remedy for so motiffroKf an evil :-^ In the meantime, I recommend peace and qoietneaa, for auoh • state of thir^gs cannot continue long. IJiave the honor to be. Gentlemen, Youn faithfully, JOHNTOBONTO, J. S. MffiBWik and C. Shiv»b, EsQBi. With a document such as this on our side, we night fi«rkiily close the case, ^nd secure fff m a candid public a unamnoiit Torditl against the defendant. But it will scarcely be believed that tbcra actually exist partisans of Mr. Lewis, who have deolinod to road, and probably never will read, either the Judgment of tho Oonrt ot this important letter from the Bishop. We ask, ia this bigotrf, or ia it not? Is it fair to listen to the sophistical ovaaiona of Mie; Lewis, and to refuse u> read the irank statentnta of hit Biakop t We must again insist upon a point which we have provloualy noticed. Mr. Lewis in his circular simply requested ua "to withhold verdict until the Bibhop ot the Diocese thall have legal^ onr investigated the charges." We withheld our verdict aooordingly until the Bishop pronounced hie. The decision wa% tiiat Mr. Lewis had been proved guilty of conduct, "unbeooming a clergy na% and tending to bring scandal on the Church.">{^ And are we now to be blamed by Mr. Lewis (or aooeptiog thii verdict^ ai^hli^i more intelligent and self-reapeoting nenboit of his congj^egationj who frjom a strong sense of duty will no looj ^counteiptnce his miuistra^ions, to oe charged " therefore «^tiir|ier secutipg a maligned individual? Away with taclU«irMMiiiB|| favomism I we protest against such oanti Aajwefonarked b4lbr^ itisnot the! cowl wuich makes the m^nkT^ clergynaJi filtt i ^yman is liable to ^trespass, and s^od^not be upheld, andwdtlit^fd limply becdute he is a'chrgymnn. Hare the few who itiU If...^ lo the Mrmoni QtlS^JLi€ff\$ i ittoionM, whioh mtm bt $o imfMH, ^ |§ V tHjB BJSCTOB OF PBEflOOTP i^nM l1i«v »M 10 •<««»•[ btva the few, who are blindly content iLT^uri Pu Uenicany pun ; h.v the., few p«r.r>n., ^o •y, ^^[t^Z re.n. o'f H.'c.'l..inin« .he truth in ,h.. ca.e, i.n ih. Btohopwho hed iheaffldHvii. &c, of ihej.d.ee b.fore »'•»». fp^ JS- 5f the pfHcnlnfy enquiry, end .mple ^rirr^hllX flCTitmhTutK 1^^^ -— « of a persecuted •^But «.M«P.tely for the Rector', ceose there nre^no fact, .u^ •fM»d • the I '«of. of hi. guilt cnnot fairly be di puted. In the Klllii of tL Di*hop. "he can off.r no excu.e,"he can plead no J^REKnn Under the M fffive oircnm.tancef, what can poMibly tAfnatuf Shll defence? With an effrontery almo.t unpara. Z\M '^^ whole charg^.again.t hjm .r. SSV without foundation ; tba^ aa the l.beriie. .f^en with M... W fSt^ly «P«n »»" te.timony, and a. he denie. ihcm tn teto, ♦t/^wB^ be »id to be proved, &c.. &o. But .urely H the ^ 22-SS^of M?« W i. conarVned by atrong corroborative evidence / rSSf Imt be accepted by tKe public ; and we .hould much Id^e /^WwUtXTdirwievidenieon certain point, can reaw^^^^^ tSSI^to Mirt ? A wily intriguer like Mr. Lew., i. not l.kely IrSSTSfticVedhU unoithodox kis.S. in pre.ence of an •.ton..hed t»h»Jtln»^^a"» »» Rectorial billing and coo.ng were ^'•SS? .kI!' i*S?e de7en^ • " To theae articles the defendant baa • .J?^*X«^5^^^^^ (Judgmentof the court.) iwr^CrtMSactor/ defence, and one not iDYolv.ng any .iSiii^jrpawt onl But it ha. not even the «"e''tof or.«na lity ; ' ^^^IlHt ha. been un.uccei.fuly adopted by hundred, of 1!!!S?S J?eri i wurt in Canada, and moreover adopted, often ^ l«^ ^^ •I^SLSlahow of probability, when there baa not been i5?Xa^?orhi.late congregation. The charge, againat him **'if^liiSirbS\^Je^fi?. wa in every parucular by ^ Su»S ?«^ tK &.i. to be vaHd, .Uould be of a cprm^ SiiBgUuw.. Thiait^uneyerbe. . - — y^'ST-* ..Ki;» ^m not be hoodwink e d. n AND HIS LATI OOKOBWATlOir . I y *J ^n/Aft in preference to other ftmelee, •qnally bMiImi M hk fr«gatioD, but of uopleMiog «xt«nor, or uoeedootife Mitifl«l^w«» Irey want to be informed by what motiTte he waa aetoatM, WM% on different occaeione, be expreaaed a atrong wiah to b« ftUowel ^ mesmerite each of theae two ladies. Thej want to b« illMllil why he, a married clergymbu, ▼iaited one of theM ladita IhlM flt four timea a week, and once when her father waa away from hMM^ erery day in tiie week. They want him to explain why ho Mk lowed her to Brock ville, and to declare why, anleae it wao to form his aiteotioas upon her, he Tisited at the hoaaa of a gentloaiM\ iMif host, to whom he was peraonally oukoown. They -want bin ti| state how it waa he called on Miaa W. (Asm, and a few days ■At(|, this visit made the notable discovery that ahe waa a daagoroM character, unless it was becsuse aha had refoaed to aooodo to Ut vile proposals, which she'declarea in her affidavit "aho ran Bt oi l at heinous." From the numberleaa viaits he had paid Miaa Vf* ktr certainly, if any one, had enjoyed opportanitiea of thoio^^f learning her cheracter ; why then had he alwaya hitherto troatM her with marked deference, and in fact ancalled tot ooortaay* tm how oomes it that he now, suddenly and for the flrat time^ tads ool that he has been associating with a dangeroua character f Tbo reason is transparent. That visit at Brockville, from Uio ioMMftl nature of his advances, ** closed the intimacy," aa Miaa W. baa aworn. Her eyes were at length opened to the heartloM dtrign of the Rector, and he shrewdly aurmised that an ezpoanrt mm at hand. How can he obviate the effect of her revelationa f B/wbal D^eans throw duat in the eyes of the public f An idea. flaalMt across his scheming brain. Fiendish and malioiooa aa it ii^ it OMJ impose, he calculates, on the credulona. ■ He ia aware tkat in tba estimation of many wenk-rainded individoalHi it ia dificult bayond measure, for a clergyman to fall into tranagreaaion. Tbia faot ia ia hia favor ; he will of course qontradict all chargee againat hia a a H^ and if in addition to this denial, he can inaidiooaiy bring a ooonta»> accusation against the young lady with eren the fainteat dia^ow of probability, his innocence may perhapa be credited by aoma kfw of the lenst discerning. Artfully then, and with unaurpuaed t i aae b a r y i he commences to blacken her character. He goea in^oMdiataly to a lady, and tries to awake in her a feeling of iealonay againat M^ W, H^ tells her that she is a aimple*1ii)mded woman not to pav^ ceive her husband's motivea in encouragti;ig an intimacy with Miaa W. -He insinuates, he auggeata, he pitiei^ he adviaet^ ho babaraa in fact with an itigenuity 'ipf low cunning, which might oaaily baT» imposed upon a weak or jealously dispoaed wcnan. Bnt att in vain ; as wn shall see from the evidence we ajra about to quota ; Fanny Amelia B. sworn : ** Has known the defendant ttia B•1|^ Richard L e wia, over a ye a r. — He ia a married m a n bnt children. Suppose him to be between forty an«L ^ | y .MPa of i Should think that Mrs. Lewis was over forty, v^aaaa iaa amMi iA. nil SBOTOB.or ntxaoorr mwmm^rotth. Charch. but Hm "•^•' *•»»•« J^i^t^T^Jt J « ffgokt •tUnd*nt upon lh# wrvloM of the QMg| f]" J" •Mh»la?or thit for (I86a). HfV: Mr. .^'-'atWjM^L^ 5X.loritHn««lVur»ttt't KouM fte,utnily «I*.t Wnter. DoiiBf bto fWu ht n«f«r but once ^P^^^^^^W^.,^^ r, wben witneee wte to be con6rii*iFTI»" defendant • con. iMJMMr, WMn wttneee wee lo o» wuuuror-w - ■•- -- . "-- ^ ».__ ^mTook WM nenerelly .bout tdp'.c. connected w.th the tow^ Mp. H. iroke IrequenUy of tbe color in4 expreteion of ey«fc iHaWw. «• • Wdey. preViou. to Good Fnd.y^ -"d "W IM whil I h»d been wyiog to Mis. W. .bout him. He leid that SI bSl cot bi« in the etreer . He we. ippnrenl y much .r t.Ud. I tri«d tp eTi^t hi. queetlon by .eying th.t perhap. .he had not -" Ibim. the being nenr^iighted. He wid that .he b»d •wn ^ - V. 11 *Vt- .-__f— 4 »,« K« ••FIT RnYtouft to knowiirhet ene oeing noiir-s»gni.f>'». **«» — — - — — - MB^liilll well. He appeared to he very anxiou. fco knownrliat lylEa to IliN W. Mi-s W. had ju.t been at my honae. Hj loM actin on Good Friday, b,it I wa« not at home. He oaUjd MiToolBattor Bre about 4 o'clock, p.m. He was ihown in^ ih* Sor%Sl WM called down, and wa. with him ^W Jh^^ STtifo 4oon leading into the room. Both were open. He wwhed SriniwHirto dose them, and ..id «,me one -f t hear wh.t b0 anid. I declined to allow him to do .o, and to d him that I wonld not permit him to wy what other, might not hear.. 1 lat ZS ow oftbe door.. He told me that the whole town p.tied me, •ad asked me if I did n(^miatru4t an improper intimacy h^twtmn ^ ^nd and MiM^dg^d him tU J;j3f "'"J^ ,t« W '• ... . v' iji f^HHI^R.o .tKi^lTwt WA had been vshoor* ihilt ihViraaV^'old ( WWJyiW^ ie; andTOt ^e had been jcho^V matat. Haloid mo that I wa. a .imple mimed woman not to par- aaiTt m? hnaband'a motive, in encouraging the intimacy between Mftalf and Misa W. That Mis. W. came frequent y to my h6uij toaSwTmy hnaband'. purpoee.. I t9ld him that he wa. no friend of Biina thna to try to en.bittor roe agam.i my huaband. ne Mirad ma that he wa. my friend, and that it was for that rewion ?told na tWa. Ha aaked me whether Mis. W. came lo wa n% whaoaha called at my house. I an.wered him that of courae .ha 2d. Ha aaid-that I wa. entirely mi.tHken ; that it was my hui- £nd aho ria to aea and not me. I told him that I knew M.« W. wd htrmotire. far better than he did, and th,t I should b. ^ aorry to doubt her ainceri.y. He s«id dia Miss W. wa. a iangarbuJ character, and that I must beware of her. He told ma tliat my huaband had been out riding with her after 11 o dock at all bt-that there ahould be a boy sent put to ride behind, to hear IA tea what waa going on. I told him that Mijs W. was to be ttarwad to Mr. 0. H e said he pitied the m a n who married her. I M Wm that I would tell Miss W. what he had been saying about bar. Ha begged me not to do w, until he had had another in tar-^ ^ 1 waitlwaj* "^""^ ^ %l^*''*^ ■"* tn^nably aat near '•'> ! V. ,^ fit . tad an on* wn rtii . k«a hat led. not MD liat He lied the lere ihed' rbat tt I •at me, rtmn )ot ; per- reen OUM iend Hi aeon n#, she hui* MiM d be at * ] ine :k at hear to be r. I ! %■ s ■1' « V hfobadriof been oaUiog. \j iojortd tke door wfceo he oellod a| aj hooeel tT^to ttial tf «• %• Imd ▼iaited on aa averaf e oikm a week, aomeiinei oftosef. D«riaf one of his vUita he aakod permiiaioa to meeoieriae «*. I eaid Ibet I had net er been meemeriied, and would on no aoMpunt ellow it Tu the Reverend Dr. Boa well. " Ido not ibnk ibat it wati^d jeettoglj. I looked often Mr. Lewia at the mfiitier if mj Obtteh, and in that light could hardly bring mjielf to tflbk tbst do meent anything wrong in b«a conrertattona. I oertaii^ ae#rMTe bin any enoooregement to apeak to me in tbia nmm *f I alweje repeated Mr. Lewia'a ODnTeraationa to my huaban^Miedietely after they bad Uken place. My hatband aeverai tiiilft^ld me tbtl t duat be miataken, and that I had probably «|||lidenteod ICr. Lewia. DuHng one of Mr. Lewia'a Tiiita, the oon#raati0)B toroed upon fractious horses, and I told bim of having bM ool driving with my husband a few dbys liefore, with a oolt mjnfabend ewot and sometimes drives. Th« colt became UDinanagea) bnt of the vard' of a house, where my huaband hi and backed the catter aaa^st a wsgffon, and very QS both. Mr. Lewis askmi me whether I did not tliok'tbat utf husband had done this intentionally to injure me. I teld him thai not the slightest suspieion of the kind bad ever entered jay mind, and that it .was hrffhly impriper in him to try and exoiteseaMinsI my husband, thst I loved mf husband, and I believed he loved mii. He said that my husband did not love me, and that it was the talk of tho town thst he was not attsntive enough to me. Mr. Ijewis asked me several times to gp ^ving witlio him to Maitlao^ or ffliewhere; but I always declMed, and told him that we hadseviral horses in our own stable, and that I could go driving wbanever t choee." H Such is the ovidence of Mrs. B. at tKe prellmloary en^ry. Yt corresponds in every particular with her t^fitUivU made some time previously. We make an extract from the oMdaitU on the mesmeriitin part of the buyineu. " During one of his visitl^^ while alone in the room with me, MrC Lewis asked me if I had ever been mesmerised. I replied, no, that no one ever did, or could meimerif a me. He requested me to let him try, that be thonght be eotild, and that when he ^ot me asleep he would wakb ma again ; to whieb I again emphatically refused." Here is fi dilemroaAwith two verv formidable hums. Either the affidavit of Mrs. B. is trae. or it it not. If We believe it^ as we certainly do, what on oar(h are we to think of this unclericiil conduct on the part of Mr. Lewitf If wo do not believe it, we ar«f driven to suppose, either that Mrs. B. dreamt all this, or that the has deliberately perjured herself and jgined in a foul conspiracy to blast the oharaoter of an innocent clergyman, whom she has apparently no motive for injuring. Wa appeal to the public, which of these two theories ttanit toe mor* probablti» Mii ^30 '■',.' ■^■■'^^^ifBSi BIOTOR Of PRESOOTT Wt iobjo n wob portiott of Miit W.> •ridence u b«4M directly (^ tb« qaMtitn at iitut. : Mary Louiw W. iworar-'a reside inPrescott,andjma mem. berof7he Church of England. „ ^^"^V^'^Tratinit^^^^^^^ — bt Tiaitedat my father's hotiw very frequently dtirtng the fall ana wintol of 1859 and 18G0 ; ae often as three times a week, and one ;i°k when my S^^^^ wii from home, Mr. Lewis came everyday Twenrout ridfng with Mr. Lewis very o^^^^lXtZts toW me he called at our house he asked for my mother, ^ig »^«^^;^\°^^^^ to come into the room although not asked, for. ^His ««°^«^J^ wss genaw^Uy about ladies, their dress, the.r ^y^f±\^^^'^^, read poetry to us. and wmetimes repeated it from memory. « wTs J;7er^lv from Byron. Mrs. Hemana, and Moore. The poetry ::; fTmSISrTabJu^;^ : I do not ramember h« e^er epeakmg oTfaligion. I went on thecare ^o BrockviUe to make a nsit. Mj father accompanied me to the sUtion ^ ««« "Jf^ ,ime a^^^^ wasalaoRtthe station. The cars w^e behind the^rtime^^^^^ lather and myielf returned home. Mr. Lewis JeltthestalioJiat tbe «me tSn' ^^fwhen we returned - timeforthetrain wefouni^^^ Lewis there again. I think he came to 6ee me off. He askea me J;h:;Si'::^^ng. ^toldhlml was^ingtosU^atBroc^n^^ SirvoS^i^iy'^t^ro^^^ raise my veiL and he kissed me through it, (Here ag*'°^» * Semml, b^t we think >hat the ,j>ung lady s^^^^^^^^^^ alternative. She was , Im We might snbmit to our readers other portions of thi iiMdeiiM», but enough testimony has been adduced, and we are weary oMfa^ ease. Nevertheless we cannot conolude'without reference to^ne more particiiUr, viz: the evidence on the side of the DefeodaHpL^ He has made a great clamor about this ; but after tU what wtlT i| —what was its value f What hindered him from producing it all, such MS it was, before the five comnunioners at the preliminary enquiry. He indeed brought forward one witness, bis own servant ; but what did fAe prove? Simply that she bad a treacheroot memory as to certain facts, which several olergymen, then present, c^ttld have proved if they had wished. Mr. Lewis dsres (0| contradict this. Again, why was his wife's sister taken to Toronti and after all not examined for the- defenoef Assuredly beeaose ber evidence was not worth a straw, as she would only tell what she knew, and had scruples about telling ^Isehoodi^ wbieh nppear not to have troubled her reverend brother*in-law ! . I^t ua give a brief history of one ot his important .witneisee.** Oatherine McPhail, once a servsnt of Mrs. B. was ftd^pcMoeci firom Olengarry, on beh^ilf ofMr. Lewis. A sum of eighteen dollars wiS given hor for her expenses to Toronto* She oame to Preaeott and was examined as to the amount of her evidence by lomellMsi advisers of the Rector. '* What do yon know against Miss "Wr was the first question. "Nothing at all," was the prompt wfify ** Mias W. always behaved herself like a perfect lady, when ,1 jgw her," " What do you know of this matter of Mr. Lewis." >f ^ " that I know about Mr. Lewis," replied the girl, **is this: Mn.' mre me orders if Mr. Lewis called again, never to let him in."«^ The lawyers looked blank and opined that this witness would sot do to go to Toronto. They told her so accordingly, and demanded back the m.->ney which had been given her. "No^" laid the canny Catherine,' **you haVe subpoenaed me from Olengirry end brought me here to Prescott ; I am perfectly willing to go to 4 Toronto, and as it is not my fault that my evidence does sot rait yon, I will certainly keep the money." The lewyen in their seal to economise for their client^ coaxed and wheeoled, bnlUcd ■ensatlon Mmewhat akin to it was exiwrianced by Mit. B. i <*1 was always j^rald of Mr. LawIaP' fbe aaya, *'and invariably ait near the door wbtn he eallsd." Dr Andrew Smith In bis excellent work on ••Reptilia*' writeelaa fbOows: *■ Wbatevar may be aald in ridienle of ftadnation, it is nevcrtlMleM tme tli»t biidi, awi even qnadrnpeds, are, under certain cireumaiances, unable to ratlrs from the pres«nce of oertala of their enemies. This I have often exempttncd in ^tiwcaseofMrdjiandBnakef; and Ihaveheardoftnatances in whioh aatelopas ""havebeea so bewildered bythe appearanoe of erocodiles, and by the ertnaces - and dtoiontons they practuedi ss to be unable le fly or even niovafrom toe wot.' Bsalif, when we i«id of these snakee and crooodljss, and think of ttr."Leelfb " thatMissW.hashadalttekyesGSpsI II tm SXQXOB or pbbsoott and blottertd, an^ finally ffareatened* her wiib the blaok-hole, and other tragical penalties. But their blandishments were in vain, and their threats unavailing. The indexible young woman adhered doggedly to the dimes, and we are thus enabled to publish this veritable history of how the lawyers were nonplussed, and how the Reverend Riohard Lewis lost about eighteen dollars, by the con* ^ tumacy ot one of those important witnesses, nbout whom be delights to vapour. It may be well to mention, in case this story be denied, that Catherine McPhail will at any time swear to these fac s, either Jd Prescot t or Toronto ; provided of course t)iat the Rev. Richard Lewis will again be so obliging as to .uiy all her expensea from Qlengarry. - ■»&. We had at one time intended, be1^||,16ncluding this pamphlet, to recapitulate briefly the principal ^^%i the case. We believe, on looking baok^ that sojoh a course '•is unnecessary. We felt it our duty to explain the circumstances that tended to modify the judgment i bpt the evidence pt the witnesses, and the letter from the -Bishop need no additi|the church doth iftd tot eumple of life and instmction of manners."^ " Torti away thine ^tih>tti a beitntUol wo«aii,afldIipok iJbtoaattotlier^gbtattty ; rj^yrJf^. .. ANP HIS LATE OONOREOATIOK. an for many have been deceived by the beauty of a woman ; for here- with love is kindled as a fire. Sit not at all with another mans wife, lest thy l^rt incline to her, and so through thy desiie thou fall into destruction,"— IX Ecdesiasticus, 8, 9. ^ Mr. Lewis is evidently troubled with what St. Jamea calls «♦ superfluity of naughtiness." . Let him accordingly never thrust himself into the society of ladies, [whether maids, wives, or widows! unless he be accompanied by his better half. He will thus be less liable to fall into temptation ; for even where the spmt is willing; the flesh is weak. When a volcano gives proofs that its fires are but smouldering, some fierce eruption^ may at any tuns be expected. '♦ Which things are an allegory." . , Mr. Lewis, moreover, if he has any daiwoyance^ will ."»»»» from gratifying his penchant for mesmerism. Or if he will stUl attempt that non-sacerdotal art, let him electro-biologize his^grand. . mother, or force the oldest female inhabitant into a sute of coma; The moKt suspicious will then not mistrust his motives; but lot the youth and beautv of his lady acquaintances be henceforth doemed secure'irom the magnetism of his sUre, and the freedom of his manipulations. Finally, let him break himself by a strong effort, of the unclerioal trick of promiscuous kisawg. It is an institutioil peculiar to the Turks or Mormons, but one not sanctioned by the Christian Church. Brigham Young is no model for an Bpiscoi>ali»ii Clergyman. . , -« We here lay down our pen, weaned ^th a jsaintui duty. One thought alone has sustained us while writing : it was the inward conviction that truth is on our side. Thankfiilly, then, 'we csU to mind some glorious words of the iramorUl Milton,, which we commend to the earnest attention ot our readers: "Let Iruth and Falsehood grapple : who ever knew Truth put to the worse m a free i^nd open encounter ? She needs no policies, nor st»Ugem^ not licensingS to make her victorious; those are the shifUi atd defences that Error uses against her power." FINIS. Vi ■ ■* ■ ' ■ •, • : - * -T ■ ■ . . . / , * / 1 • . -'•■ V ■ -; * • " ' ik . \ ' ■1- . ■* .,_:-j£: , : ' ■ ^ ■ ' ' • ■" - «•■ >. t. « • '■■. :-v'^>.., ■■' mmmif^^'- .*4*^ '» ■' ,*■' , r» "I vj- "j,i--k « <»••: We an wJiich^ W ij;„"^ ^ be Uaghf the »al OROum .« w«iTO iDOM wfto bevp elwnys been the Arm snpporteft of tlie «!»I!r ■^*»d-;de^>nnlned that nerer ia this ProrinoT.hMn .".««•, ».»l in i(.„ favor of O^^T^Z.^^ L" •"" " 1" TheLordbejaig^^tSeoD 0. uifci^^^^^^ grier«nc». Three TfarVaM »« Ia.* ««- ■ ~!x S , ■'^* "» thenuelT.g. hfoajiht fiMth: had we . eUJSrn*? toJ^*i ^ 'f^"* •oqnouiir. weiti now »e« Sr*t ingiteSr ?' S' -'TPMtor Our hands •loquenr«,d -pW^ta^ If emf ^niLiS*'^ * *.'^-*""' *^ »»'- jw loaded proei^Sty and peV^v^^^^ % "*f '^ ;* hwfj d a bf iroff hi ' g u« I: f . ■:i s-.^