r,^~r , » CIHM Microfiche (Mionographs) •/■■ ■/ Colleci^iOn de microftclies (monographies) ./ . Canadian Instituta for Historical IMicroraproductiont / InatitMt Canadian da microraproductions liistoriquas •■'■■'■ • -' - ~ • ■ . ■ ~ • ■ *■ ^ 1 ■[ -.■:;-- 1 : :.■ 'C ■: - ■ • ' -^ I|U« Tadifiical wid MbNofmMe MoHm I Htmn iMtmiqiiM •• biMiofrw(»N«Mi ttM4Mti«Mtt hat amnipiMl to obuiit th* bMt < co^aviilaMtforfHmint. FcMmtm of tfito co^ whkh ni«y ^ MMiotrapMcaNy -"NMi. «•«* •••» iKwr anv of tfw MiatM in tiM rapradHctkm, or wMah «My liinifieantiv chanp tlM iMMl inatlMd of f HMim. «• HCokMirad eovan/ Cowwrtwra da eotilaur V~l\ Cowr» da w ap d / I '^l CoMvartiira □ CoMi«r*itorad and/or laminaMi/ qatfVarttira rastaufto at/ou pa M i o i H a OCovartMamiailni/ i« titra da cotndKura ""n ColOMfad mapa/ □ CbloufMl ink (i.a. othar tlian bM or Mack)/ Encra da co«da«r (i^. autra qoa Maoa ou noiro) □ CokMirad platts and/or illintratiom/ Plandiai al/ou illustrations an eoulaur • □ Bound with ottwr matarial/ Ralii WMtt d'autras doeumanti r^ Tight bindinf may causa shadows or d i stortion L_J aloni intarior maifia/ La raliura jarrte P«rt eausar da I'omhra ou da la distorsion la ionf da la maria intAriaura D Blank laavas addad durint rastoration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanawar possiMa, thasa hava baan omittad f riim f itmint/ II sa pautqua eartainas pagas htanchas aioutlas lors d'una rastauratibn apparMssant dans la tanta, mais, lorsqua cala Mait poniMa. cas pagM n'ont pa^Htifilmtes. kii a *t* possiMa da sa>acHi«r. las dMaite da eat dans la mathoda normaia da f ilmaia sont Indt^uiia r~~1 Colourad paps/ ■; ^^V;'*' LJ Pagas dajeoulaur n Q D ..•— ,^ and/or laminatad/ lastaurias at/ou paNicuMas Piaoas diicolourad- s t a inad or foiiad/ 0Showthrou|h/ Transparanca Quality of print varias/. Oualiti in*gala da t'imprassion □ Continuous pagination/ Pagination continua D Indudss indaxtas)/ Comprand un (das) indax ■ Tifia on h aa dar takan from:/ La titra da f 'an-tita provi^nt: □ Titia paga of issua/ Paga da titra da la livraison ' 9 a Caption of issua/ Titra da depart da la liwaison D Additional eommants;/ Commantairas s u ppHima n tairas: Oiniriqua (piviodiquas) da la livraison There are some creases in the middle of pages. TNsitim is filmad at tiNa ra ducti on ratio diackad I C* documant ast f ihni au taux ila rMuetion indiqui ei^lassous. (moaning "CON- TINUID"K or tha aymbol ▼ (moaning "END"). wMahavar appllaa. t Mapa. plataa. oharta. ate.* may ba'filmad at diffarant raduetlon ratloa. Thoaa too^arga to ba antlrahf Ihahidad In ono oxpoaura aro fllmad baglnnlng in tho uppar laft hand cornar. loft to * right and top to bottom, oa many framat aa raqulrad. Tha following diagrama iliuttrata tha mathod: L'axa g4n«i N< 04 taair pluai da'la eonfo fllmai 'Laaaj ^-^•pla par la damli d'Imp plat.i ' origin prami d'impi ladari ampN 4i^ \ Unda darni« cat: li lymbc Laaei fiim^ Loraqi rapro4 da I'ar at da I dOrhaf llluatri ■ 4 1 1 2 3 * • > ^" * 1 2 4 5 ■ IthtnM brary , * Willy Iblllty !• fllmtd on AH »n th« Inttd • i r ;obt 1. t to \ th« L'MomplaIro fHm4 fyt roproduH ortoo * te 84n4ro8ft4 dt^ Metropolitan Toronto R«f«r«nc« I liltrary Baldwin Koom - Laa Imaoaa aulvantaa ont 4t« rtpVodultaa avao la plua grand aoln. oompta tanu da la eonditlon at da'la nattat* da I'axamplaira f llm«. at an conf ormltA avao Im oondHlona du eontrat da fiimaga. .\ " ' ' ^' '\ •' ■.'■.'•l'. ■■-,■•■.■;■;■■. "' Laa axamolalraa orlglnau^e dont la oouvartura w ^ papl«r aaflmpdm4a aont flKnda tt commandant par la pramlar plat at an tarmlnant toit par la damllira paga qui oomporta una ampralnta d'imprtaaion du d'INuatration, aolt par la aacond plat, aalon la oaa, Toua laa autraa axamplairaa ' orlglnaux aont fllmda an eomman^ant par la prami*ra paga 4|ul oorhpona una ampralnta d'impraaalon oti d'HIuatratlon at an tarmlnant par la darni«ra paga qui eomporta una talla ampralnta. \ In daa aymbolaa aulvanta apparaltra aur la darnl*ra Imaga da ohaquf mioroflcha. talon la oat: la tymbola — ^ algnifla "A 8UIVRE". la vymbola ▼ algnlfia "PIN". • Lat oartaa. planohaa.tablaaux.ato., piuvant ttra fllmte A daa tqux da reduction dIfMranta. Loraqua la dooumltnt aat trap grand pour Atra raprodult an un aaul cllehA. 11 oat fllniA A partir da rangia tupAHaur gauolia. da gaucfta A droita, at da haut an baa.'an praqant la nombra dOmagat nAoaataira. Laa diagrAmmaa aulvanta llluttrant la mAthoda. I.. 1 2 . ' ' ■ '. « >'. •2 . ^ 3 ■ j"\ ■ ... • . »i s 6 ....^ . (ANSI oni tSO TCST CHART No. 2) m 1.0 Itt to I2J 112 LM 1.25 RlHi z. Itt |2j0 ;;t.s u 1.4 A /iPPLED JM/K3E loc 1659 EoitMaiA Siratl RodiMtar. Nm Voftc 14609 USA (916) 462-0300-nMMM (716) ati-96M-Fai A VIEW OP THE N- WORLD WE LIVE%J CONTAINED IN A SltCTCH OF TUB , lilFi: OTtVUE AiiTnoh, . ■* ' "■■ ■'■■"-. . ■ -• ■■/■■ 7 , > ■ . . • /-t ^ ■ i^aai^Aw' ISA^C mi' . Bit WONOEBKUL . / ^'- 9tntu of Vetfei^ttianfiQtm, , i' WlllCJi BEFEL //p, THAT HAi SCARCELY EVER teS^ THE LOT 6W ANY ONE INPIVIOUi I'vblktied for the guidance of Ybung Tnujiiiiiion. PEBRUARV 1889; > ■ *, •■■ :•» '->••.„ ^y : .\. ■ .■ \ T HIS slancea« wprld w< habilatio •yar dai pleasant, Uie pinci Myot may sliui ntcnt of end-— thi previout By tli< tonshire, have cor I was bu courage would I was alw I had pounds ; bacheloi r-.^ •:—■■"■ ' "* , ■ ' ' ■ . - " '" - M r previous ^•^•^lO.O?! V ■ •• ■■■■" :-\ my per* to be t \ nidney ! '•.■ '- ■;' bread b( year I e •d in l)ie , '"■'":,.■ ." . b«urboo< .». ^ ^. —-■- '■"."."' ",. -..^ ■ ■ V ■■■«*-■"'* - ■■ ■ ■ ■ V- ■ \ ■ ■' ■■''■"'■ '^- '■ ■■.■-■>..■.!..-■■■■-■ ■■' •• ■ \ ■ ■ ■ ■ \ 1^-...: ■:■■■" ■j-r*' ■ ■ ■ ■' ■ ■ \ HlhHiltai ""^*1^^' "■-"■^S?"" A SKETCH, ^j6> vfCt T. ■"■; " HIS (Sketch will contain «o many oxirnordinnry circumo ttanceSf that without namen inirl |i|iic»)i >iro milimibud, tho world would tuppote it to bo ii ficiioii; l>iit noiilior nniiicx or habilationi will be on|itieiUirnl iiir. I wns, ond have continued cxirHordinuiy liniihliy mid Ktroilt;, considering I was but of a small stHtU(>. Uoving a determined iipirit and courage beyond, alt iniHgiiiaiion, I gave no insults, neither would I brook any. I whm langiit the trade of a baker, and was always inclined to xobrieiy. I had, by iheyear 180(), Movrd a Kmnll sum of money, sixty Sounds ; 1 was then thirty y^ar* of tisfo. 1 imiieined nn old achelor would be like an old hat, bin little valued ; and having previously informed a young ffuiale lliat; 1 intonded to finish my peregrination, we agrei'd to combat, what wo fouml to be the hydra of avarice and deceit. With my little Didney I was enabled to establitth myj«elf in the business of bread baking. To prnniiu^in eligible situation, iii the fir|t year I engaged in fourdiAVnMitoiH'H. and forlumitely succii^- ed in liie last, which was uaexctiptionably good» iu the neigh> b9urboo4 of I^ondun, W t now twfmi to fm«f lAB myieirona of Jhe moM happy of hunmii b«-iri|;ii. Tit*! Hniouni ufbiniiiN'M wd« iiuroiiiiiiuii good, aiy crod»i Inrg**, Hnd iny relurn* of r«'»dy iitoiuty not •liort of iliri-o IhhmIu'iI «nd Hfiy pounds fnrU w^jk. In the firtt »lgU- tr>rn mohtlM I fimiid u clvnr iiicoiiu* of £1,101). To rdiovo lIlJ oH.UrmwnioMtiiof twoofiny wif«iMiroiht>ri, who wero UMi!«t-r lMi!o»'», 1 hud rHHr»y family wt'ru «nvi>llii|Wd ill llttituw. No ono could ^ plMCt'cd duwiiw.irdM, but foriumil>rly iIioio^wih an ouik't in the rtmi't I'll mikfd, wo »ucc«tdt'd In i»av4»g our ff^en.by dimbinf o*!!" ilio roof« of four Iioiim;*. TIio consoqurnco wai, allnp- p«iirvd luia an 1 dtivantution ; but rucIi wmsi my pliiloKophy, uiy fcpiril» wuM notu liillo dijimii>i'd. I <»u« hwnrrd in pro- g»riy ilir.o liundr«d pound*. My los* was us follow* i — 120 ocks «/f floiif at M'ven pound* fiv« KhiHingn per tack » twenty cbaldronH ofcoalsMt two pound* per cUuldrbir; and furniture, in, worih one h uidred and fifty iiouudn. Having a leaio of •Uiy )*aiii, I had ejjfwmM iliroo hundred p<>und» on the pro- mi««* : the grow low, jC132(). The limurrtUce oflico b«>towed me tho dilapitlalion*. \vhicli I di*po»t'd of lo a »larch nuikor for ihiriy pound*, yxclu*ive of iho undoniroyed coal*, which wai about ibvi valMe of twenty pound*, leavin;; me a lo*er of Jnihe»hart time of eight ^ek» the promi*cs were rebuill, the buxineMi not the lea*! diminialifd, and my credit not aC •M ilijored. My ri?adi'r* may inwigino. ihi* was iho cmrof; that triisfortui.e ; ala*! »• w«» only the con»mcnc<;m»nt. Tho ^ Iii4ls.l hud accepted for ih« rnlif f of my wifu'a brotherl; in monthly •uccfs»ion, wa* coming duo ; and not one penny did , they advance toward* th^|f»ymtni!i. I paid them all on tho dayt of pre^en^mt'nt, iholaM one excrpied, which I accepted a bill for at three day* and gave to the ho'der in lieu thereof, fooli»bly iiet.'lecting to demand tho former bill ; not con»ider* Ing there was any danger. It got uliogeiher ertwcd from oiy memory. - ........ , .. The dav following my paying this bdl, I had an acceptance Wppy of o e hundred and twenty pound* of my own connraci. ing. 1 waa distracted in my miiid. fceing^hort fifty uound* of the. •mount Ml thieo o'clock lu the ufteruoou, and tli« hill would V be notf Btancn o uird iMii| any k»u rvpiivJ, ht tliorl of irtt ri|{li* ?o rdiovo »ho wcro : liiindrwd \\w bill* i« ni- litoKophy, I in pro* m :— 120 t twenty rurnittire, 1 IcHie of I the pro- bestowed cii niHkor Is, which loMr of rebtiin, lit not at ' D end of nt. Tho iiherlr^ in lenny did t on ibu accepted 1 therfof, con»idur< froni niy ceptance contract* ids of the >iU would I i be notftd at (tvr, when the f Mowing nxlrdnrdtniiry drcuni- •tancit 4H-(-nir«'d. A K«-n l«-ni.iii, n »iiait); iiil(iii>Hi.id mv •<« (ulttiwif: — '* lltvu you any k»owliMtt;(f who 1 tin t" 1 Mimwercd in llitt ii»'j;.iiivf. Il«^ rvplimi, •♦ My n«iniu m |nih!ii, imd knowing ijiiii you h.ivu ItJtrly •iiMdiiM d git m Io^m**., 1 Imvi* liroiii,'lit u Imiidrod |Hiuiiiii( ill my pocket, itiiil liHiikiiig ii mi^n liu h Hvrvicu ltt| yon, I hiive cwllfd lo iimk*' yon mh ufT-r ol' li, and wIumi I wi»h yoH lo rt'iiirn il, you hii.ill Imv*- not l^;>^ ll hi« o niynthi noiicif." I ncoil iioi dvxcribu my Iffliugii, I rulu^od 10 accept of moro fha^i itiu fifty puuiiiiii which 1 ruiiuiivd ui ihui parii- cuUr iiinrlnre. 1'i.linll now r.fer my {-eii'leM, liku tin- di«l of AIui7„ bnck- ward« for nUimk ui^'hden nionih-. At iho bi.iuilifyliig of aiy promiitea theru wim ono VViliiiiiit Viiico a jouinoy, niao cnriMjiiior, ho being h cu-tonier, and 1 coiii.id«'ring' him to b« » Koher mid indii^irioiiH niHii, I iidvonicd lo him eighty pounds whirli eMHh|i»|ioil him in busin.-sn, :inii edguged Wjih him to do w«Mk foi- lint Minonnt advi.nnd, which hu did. When the »iinie »Mii coin|i|»ted, iiu ••mploved u |»erM)n lo sur- vey the sanns «» i Mrcordiii:; lo (heir enthnalion, in iwo ac- count*, a survey bill of si,iy pounds »"d « lobhing one of aiirty-»ix. mnouniing toMii».|y-,.ix pounds which h ft h bulunco duo to VVi li;tni Vince of »i«i,.«.,i pound.. Ah ii uiIm iiro my ° object, I MmII convey u» my r. uder- nolliiiitr hiii fiicls ani' th»t lu tiiH Miimu lanjjiiHgn «M wiM used. I «>ked Mi. Vince whelhor ho would hiivo ihe balnncp. lie npli.d ,h follows J Mr. Liuon, yon h«*'o ho..n ao kin.i to me I won't mkn the money; a bill forn month tvill d|U cpiito hi well. The bill W4i given, and when due. p„id ; it wis aboui ion nionlli. previous lo the fire, fn ihat period ihere whh «c;,rcely e weok^but Udham Vince sent h» siMoi^ lo borrow a smnl] sum of money, about two or ihreo p.»inds »nd p««ctuallv retMrned t at ihu time «p,H,i.,...,|. ''p^„ .,'«,, ,,/i:;ji'"'.^i fire hHhad borrowed iwo pounds which wuh to" have been re* turned, but by the accident of the fire ^vas not by mo expected. Hl**^i ^''"Ji ""*",'"''''' •"'*^'J'"'"» •» 'lio abovo accident. Ho said, Mr.««lon I am sorry that the mom-y I have ofyouri. h«s s ippe.l ihroujrh my hands and I have nor tpil it for vouT enquired after my welfare, »„d wheiher nry all W«h desfro/i ^ especiully ihe receipt.. Not ex,H.ciiiig Jy evil desian. 1 in! formed h.i,, ,he truth, wo not hiving time to save • fJa^C ^ I toU him h« might detain tW t«ro p;>un'l. tiH t 'om^iewe^ wSM.i..diheA«.HoulddW««k/orh. When I heg(0 SS^M. to n.y uner astai.i»hii.em »Hl* l«on««i, grateful Vtt. tiinenmod/«f me the .maHWont of jhiriy Pound.. pre- Undine thai he had not del.v^redMhojobb.hg uccount of my &v'Ln.en... I. recollecting eW ;»"»gv ""'^ P"'"""^"* Jhelnieiuled base defratfd. 1 immedmiely pirsevered to pre- IVnt and coumeiact hUdcsign. My fir.i object was to find -iuthU surveyor, and 1 ,,ro.;eeded five '" '^^ ^l'^--" J »•»/•;; formation ho resided. Qn mV ""V^ • ^'^•''^h ,'*^"» .f °'" ^7* hour" from n.y-^eavlng W.flian. V.nce Th.* W^ Vmce. Ktto^^fcne the suivey book would detect and ex,.osehi» v.lhiff- SirSciiou. hai. a few minute, be^ ''"'^''^'^TlS^ Sicefc Bol po>8e»8idn of vhe paper J The surveyor beinr •S t4 tinSatGroydon.a^i.ta,ice of ./n miles fron.h« re^.- ^ XiS.l itill P^^rivered. and with .h4 assistance of an able lawyer, overthrew his base design. . i -* „„ With Ktlve, I shall advance forward ft' the time I lost mV mehioryra period of about a year. A sUnV of seventy pounds wSeSL.of nussaid to be due to the^bankn.pt^state of Je clothier to whom 1 had paid my wife's broiher^s debts. I appeaM against the claim, imagining that they could no J^J^^aiiy ; but to my a.tonisbo.ent. on the trial, the debt ' JlSd wis the producing the identical bill tl« irave an acceptance of tbfeo days, and paid when due. _ * To prevent my property from being wrested ^ from ine by •0 UtiiiU a proceeding. I sold the lea^ of .ny !'«>»^ ' *?^* tied ii.h n.y'^c.editors. though aga.nst Ihe.r "'^ vice, was ^der ^ermined. and did leave London with a sum of n.oney of only ine htrndredand fifty pounds. 1 proceeded to Liverpool. »and ^itablished niyself in ao exceeding good bus'"?**, nearly equiil to the one Mefi in Lnndon. ^ . : ^^ u^(u^l„^ Yl had, like a summer's dajr, a bright appearance before me. Itatwo years and a btif my property did not consist of less valae than jei200; But though 1 got dear of one rock 1 aooft got wrecked on others; Finding myself so very foppetim, Iwentupto London and paid that unjust demand of nearly one hundred P'H't'd^/ R-»^ ^^^^'^^^'f *" 7^^?;?'*^ h JJ\S by giving to William Harper the whole ot the bdls IJ^ad paid Sr him; which I burpt^l his own hoiise. his being- the chiefamonnt. upward* of sue hund.ed pounds, f^yhi^kmd- pm. he took m«ai»ure, aud was to »eiid me a suit of superfine /. i ) * .- ]. •. if^ippe?*^'^ -. n • £©■"4' tlotlMs) but to th» d«y my eyes have not «cen ihrtn. t wUtnow reuiurk how ii*in uf iliis omtoimi orcurred. Alier | had paid the seturiiy Hii.oiint, ihiii bhW WilhHm llHr|M»r ap- plied to n.«todi>.coui.t hiMi a bill of thirty pounds, drawn on bne xMr. Makepeace, CHfver and Gihler. ^ewca»lle Place^ Clerkenwell,a>»uil»g mo he wa» c-rtain it wo«ild be pam when due. .1 gave iheca>h without any iui.res.1, but ^hen II came due the bill wn» rclurnj^d on u.y hands. I iimuiroU 01 WlHIani HwriH^r wheiher ^®^•fc« P«^»«:« ««"■<* Jhe amount, ho assured uiu he did, ait*l HIiiiiHulii.tily arrested the urifortu- uate man. To make my history short, I found they ^'^ro r yoking iudostnotiscowph., just irtmrwiv value f, except by ruining hinu _ ; , Business \va* cxciediiigly g»ond«f: tfious 1 did noi urue for payunMil. There was one Lllcn Bobb. living lu Bold Sueet, who kept a ntost respectabte boarding hiHish, and was imUbifd tfi me for bread thirty *»l« pounds. A lawver, more offirlous than just, persuaded mo that I should lose n.y money if i did not arrest her for it. I look his advice, and the consiMiucnco was once more the ruin dfme. She was bailed, and reituestt-d an interview, when cho informed «io, what was tin- irnlh. that she was under bail ofdifferentarrosrs for about £-.'00. What brought it on WM «s follo\*s ; There was a mei.hi.nt in Liverpool whom kbe was mudi acquainted with, that she supnlied wiih tho cwh that she received from her boiirdors and lodgers.^and tiHik their acceptances, about six hundred pounds, which She ne- gotiated to her creditors. They afterwards became oanK. nipt, hot paying six|>ent:e in the pound. Any thiivg further I n«ed not intbrm my loaders. She having f.rnuure Worth »t lei&t X700 : sli% informed me that her income was great, saying Wtiie thatslie co^rfsoon workihronyh if ^^liH^t assistance. I felt for her, and gave immediate security to those pressing creditmra fiithe amount of two hundred and fifiy pounds. It was tho riN>St improper thing that could he ilpvised, if was inslaiiUy knSSwn. and every creditor came upon her as their claims came due* 1 was under the necesiiiy ofsupporting her through »1I, nLvnenUi bui li wh* but iriflint-, iMiIy what .^ha ciuld spare W »L he»d of Gr^ai Cm,.h Hall S.reci. 1 H • .« I.ou,^, I I en Ewiir wh» r«ik.d lor £500,000, whose properly wa» con- Sold not pay 6.n» nt 1-"^. My .l«b. wa» M-v^nty pound,, ^IW.^.-»1« » •••ft Livorpool, and^procerJ^Jt^Mau- thwl-r ; but r«si Jed ihc-n- .». y one ...o...h. 1 thti. procecdc^ JJB^Jn^n L».c»!..>hire ; tUer«1 had . co.,dor.ablo^ bu^ m,m could lh»v« been coi.l.-nU'd, with doing well. I wai Xri about two yrats; but b,.i..« ofareMl^ssd.. position, my U«««i'>n pro"M't*"" «" ^n»a'f •" London ucaiu. I »oW SJ buV,ne«. wi.li .h« lease of U.e house lor a liuadred pound.. •iir:S^.^tlona„n a,ain in tSlD whhibe wreck of »v «aruhi2S Jtist sunkU-m lo vnal.le ni.' to purcl.nse .Iw Ie«s« 2wwU.i»i boose .itoa.ed in Uninu S.reH. in the Borough of SJo"ihwa,k; butiu adinV..ot.Uuai.on jiomtheonelkft in 1805. 1 had too u.ai v coii.|Hiii.irs to adiuu ol a tanHP»-o«i» £i^buHine>s, ldi«p.»>.d.,fmyUs..«,ai.diradr,»ndre.»ovcJ !o East Lane. WalUvor.h, wlnro I bud porch ..ed a lease of wwii«e». A Mr. lli», of Brishton, having taken the coiUract Er"«rving the troops in L»..do.. with b.md, Ibad an oppor- SnCyofdwpoMng of then, to advantage, he requiring such* l«ha1l bere iofoim n.y r..ade.«. in what manner premise* aro leT^nd taken in London, very few excpt on l«a*e, and few fof l?£nl^^rm a* twenty o..; years. A leas« when first graiued U either purchased or an equivalent expended on the premisej, wWcb enabbjs the proprietor to let at a rednced r«nt, the land- ; T^^i^s no more p,«^er on .be premise, till the expiratjon of fromVie occupier to ano.her, who sees that all^cla.ms are pre- vfeK cleared. Not one b ,«.e in a .housaml bot the taker W to IMIV llie haver from len pounds to ten thousand.^which » \n London is calU^d good will. I removed again J" » ^istanl mrt of the same Union Smel I had formeily resi«led in. Fof P" - -. '- f lent, I beg to »b su r¥ e , that ta every ,,^* i^ iS . J- ■'^r ■ 7 ■-^, #^ i'l ftful mosily •mas, 1 »oom hud an opporloniijr uf illMdiitMMa|{ of ibai ■Uualion to •a adyaiitiigA. alid romoved to Gray • Ii||l' AtiWa period there #pi A great exdf»m«nt in LaiMii \ oicasidund by d iiedcMria^ feai of one JanivA Wilaoo, on/ B|ackluMith« (terforming a tM»and mile* in iwenly aucceMivo dvys; that and C»ptaia»Barel«?y*a perfyrming 1000 niilei Itt ^ 1000 hours, cngrosfted moat (|V il* confer««ii«B in iaverm«rid ' cbfiee bouses in LonJon. ^ being eonfiient the Bardey " fi(al iny powers would enable Ine to |ierform, I bad a desira 10 undcitako it, but more^ from emulation thai^ the., dTeslre of gain. A favoraWe oppOfWnliy f ctRKWfMI^ then occurred, and fora sntuti bi't, I wagered ihac I could p0f* form the feat of walking llOOiiiles in 1100 successive boafl,. The difficulty of iicrfurniing the task is supposed to be oec«« sipned by the deprivation of regular retit. 1 soon foimd that I had enemies even in- that coiicerrt. Scandal was alert, whW tber from those who did not f/pprove of niy f<>at that exceltoa' Dthors, or some oiher okuse/ I was slandered with a repiiMrl ^ that I bad not regularly |ie^formed it. To counteract' thtl'^^ mean design^ iseven pei!sou§|( wlio were the umpires, took their ; affidavit at the Mansion Ilou!«eVtbi*| these aspersions were iUhe* Firom that time I was .determined thai both that feat and the,' one Captain fiarcley performed, should bo considered at/ Bought. That feat was by .wajking one mile at the end of oii«' ! hour and the following one at the beginning, which gsrviethp" o(>portuniiy of an hour and a baif*s rest betwi^eneach walkihg, This vras performed on ^Jacklieath, oo the 29th Decenlbeiyfi 18 15. 1 performed thb same ft^at at thp same place in |he' following year, 1816, beginning in the first twenty tinnutes in each hour ; and ota BVixton Causeway, 1198 half* mjleii in" etery successive half hour. This feat was performed in iW^ same year, 1816, and in 1817 on Wormwood Sjtrubs, the fb^i* ' of SOdO miles in forty two days. 'lb 1817, likewi.se a j-otirney from Colchester to Lottdcuf '16 ode day, and return to Colcbestef the next, 51 miles each dttj foir twenty siic£.essive flays, finished Septeml»er 27ih, 1^* T^iiext wondeiful undertaking was at Stow Marked m Ol^ty of S^iilfolk, to wa!k a quarter' of a nkile every succiiuaiedaiDep*((>rd.inanotl|fir belonging to my friend James Whit»; ibiit he bnving 90 op^ porfuniiy to sen those premises to his ttdvnntage, 1 coald'iwt refvse Bcquiescing with it ; Ire moved to another sitnatioo likewise (lis proporiy , in Rosemary La ne, but I re muined ihejro but a sliort tinie. 1 ibenesiablishL'd a biiKiieM in Elldoti StreOt, WellingipniSquaro, just bordering OB the city, the pavement of l^y house was in It {'hut the following circuirtstances J0911 routod me froiu that. At the tiniu of the great failuro*,, I thiiik it was in 1826^ my friend, James While, persuaded me, t^d Whichl could not well refiiiie, to lend my acceptanco .V>r the ac!conitioii of »|ie William Akers to the amount , of X500.V The batik:*, and thousands of other firms fading, was the ikcayibn of providing^iis,' and hnnVlreds liiori*, with frpo lodgings, Wil'ittni Akcrs m the KingVBench, niyself in'Wliito* v^ros^ Sireei Palace. '1 was by the lord of the (ialace bestow^ a, free bakehouse, and fiiel gratis, my profits lipt less than thlSBO |>Ounds a week. This profitable concern I was to give iip^to ifn'othe'r, for prior to my accepting of it I had applied for fib^r^ ty to seek aiintlier kbode. ' Urifortnii'ateiy foi^ me no ,one it altoWed "the privilege to inhabit the palace ahy longer than jiif lordship pltfa»<^s. Ue ofdent his servants to dismios you, I was agajn'oat^' in the wide Jrortij, lint' the worKt liiisfortune uat M&U me^whilst'art inhabiiarit in the palacp, being depiiye^of IIJi¥ .'cdhipatiiop in prospeihy and adversity, one I'tltinkibr gpcKliHesli take hfi^, all tn all ifiei-H ncver^wait the liki^ I }iad rfmn ill family threiEi sons and niie Jiiiightcr ; my daughter aot ' ' 'Himya bs eo^O . ' l li fh e per i o d of s I x moiH lis Iprov i d- 7 ■ , ■ V' ttjirfire. %^7^,^J»'f*;rt.^ I rec«iv«d aleUer from n Other «Miyingi»»Htli«^ntcndjHig»g ^ S^go with r' * '«^ 'l^v^^Jj^in^ l^ »i«ck. I .et offfc Quebec viih the larce «•"»'•"• . ,. . ^|,„ posmeuion of •t.«^'=»r"y^»^" ;„',r^M,; that «f you, tl^ ; purchkie but half a 4^>«' %^ ♦*;"";' -. ^ „y coniidenog fe li««Kog I lost ««bt ^\.\;^ ,r^ »K S..ur of th«I cap. to c<>»y^y^^'^^:^^1^;^ A^' gubttaniial (ru^tnUf V"^*^^";,^ .^^^^ commenced on iho week following, and l »»*» \"» ^J » , * ,|, •,„ ChamplaiD «.|of abBkehonse at te.1 d«lU « 1^^^ ^f trade. •«. ab e to P';'=''"'J^;,„7 [Je f,r«t w^^tk in Irade thai jecurity a watch. A.c. */'"";,^"'_i„|a often poundtrattd »y purw had got to be "^ ^'T ^^ 'i^.'^'r ^^^^^ enabled to ui^jJroHBc tendency ^'^ '^'^^' „'S/ n.y friend. .tiUeii- e^lgeawhole^us^s^u^J^^ creaairtg m wei^'ht and «" """"V^^^^T ^ ; \„ England tp eaa- edbelWetiie. V»?'?Vv^'^ir^t^,iinat^. trade h»f. •ttinnter of 1830, *.•." 1*'*"'"!^'^ ., _-^ .Jo ■ late for that «»^ w n . It may now appt^ar to oe»» ""^ -LL\Hni t gtwA J^JnaiC My wife m endowod with the loiiuwing b«v- / / • ol eji- «Br«x- rrom » [ made >l *}^^^ ly (lop- toff for nnd my «ion of f vati2%. Captap ou. tl^ ot leay- b" " "■" er , if iWl ..\- iofiif« i wou|4 I the day nuideriiig of tbofe of Al»^ 1 on tbe iging t^ hampiaiD meoU pf osiiiDJK >* rade that iindti aipd inabled to JsBtiUeii- n appear- id toeM- trade hav- enable my raft in tbe more to en- jrtbat^ winHtaun Mat la^MbrMf, tniliiitryi virtwMT, Aikil Mtfc IiIm a^ m aeonomlft In hoasekeepiitf, and » food j«* iianf and «ein|Mtr«M. My readers imiy iitia|ine« mat w\ik iHum todd qualities, ih^nre was every tbinff iie«(«sary to lottsiiiute happiness; but how inistakAii are the ptblie' in leralor^hMt M e«sential ior that desideratum. WhafoVvf ^t wasihai my wife'Wa^ deflcieat of, that was the occa»iOn «f ^isoMmberiiig- that link, never will be (Mtblished by me : ao rarther than by bar conduct all eonoffort was bapbhed and nOl llikelyio return. •■ ' \ '. 6he wishinprto return to |?«g^aiid, by the advice ora tawyef, i^r..^httrhM Orotei, to whom she applied foi an unjostcee^ [cam, he>rf<«sommeiided nae by all meatif not to pi'event h* Ivitum if I eoukl poMlbly. support the expence ; his dpIniiHi beiaf,'ihat'lt was impossible to find happiness with a fbtnite of her principles. I thought it best not to cbpntemet h»r pre- tended design, so paid to a captajn for her return her pas^MAi. money, and gave a sum of nioiiey to herself, with a HuppTy of nrovisidns' for'the sea voyage for herself and children, wmch she insisted of havhig With her, llioueh againit aMr •wish : this was in the year lliSO, without virhidr precail^fJtl jt^ I , ihoold have lost the whde, And no prOSfMcl J»f (btirtro hmf^ \^ Wlihjthe nnforlitnate cuipence of-nosriy fi>riy pounds IriHl I liappinMs was fl^d. 'fhe children are at Hull. I have IrffdirV^^ •niaiion iearly from my daughter-in-law, Afv wife 1 was hih ' Ibritied had' died of th)} Cholera in 1934. #)r4he year IdSB^ I >l %ftid|my«elf posMMMLof more value ill property {han£S(W( lit||»o vearlBSS I held the conli^ft for supplying the gdvertf>> HiMMil inih bread, and fulfilled It ^th the greatest satisfaetlofiL iWjrpropenHity ibr assisting the poor I could not get rid of, |Mltboi^gb t am aWarO of being stigmatized with the brand df iwlng a fool. As it wao my principal detorminatioir to exposb ill injustice that was In my poor abilities to eneouiiter, t pi^ lishiur tbeliiibrniatlon of tho pnblic the following writt«iiby hionetf; Mitga imi^ meot of «rl«fU^^^^^^^^^ !? I^I nn^cirp vd, one half wuidnw; w«* taken aw#^ by Iwuse wn. "» .»ip- 1 shall li«re r«ary. aome person. ' ^f^^ niMMtoft, P,1834. in cfimlk irhile iH* iinncM of Fenniaf, of wttoM h«y wefa rbo knew illy of the caitid not b«vo iho pofvirtuo be lionrtt r reoi of o lir, .corner ThiswM of C«> [on*» in the he h«(| not \w house m i.»ho en a«^jr by hfttf a.lfin- IS ■■/^^ IdN^ worthathitiirtf, wtihout taking the whole f *!>» -' vkw* tenant dedartKl to iiM, iliai «h«f wkl Jtcqiwa Loftio, Uadlord, a as dui«ried by hiaww'lf and aiioibor, the yejr^ HO, hi taliiiifi as|NMit off the pw»nMseai at a laifi hour of tMr III t Of Lottie's niotiva I h»a?« my rcadars to judge* It m iswiry to siaif, that this gateway to the back proml^, #MVhotf|y the landlord's i Firman had no notid uf "•Jj irHept in n-plr, it would b« difficult for any oner lo have b«« , t0cess, so as to steal an old sai.h. I pfterwards pot a^poo* wan and his f«nilly lent fief, Into ihe hoMso, to lieep it •« »•- eir; I put in 18 panes of glass, for when Firman tooh tM use, I coonied 86 broken panes ; ihis family mended th» aOor,dbc., to make ii con.fori»bh',— this was about the lattfr end of November. Mr. Loriie called on me atrfiflWrent for hit rem, and was paij by mo whenever became ; bojPW me a leceipi for the sanM-. In January he ►ent his man fej (he rent due, 1 looked at ibe r«"Ui.t and loiind it waa js i^»n» • MO^e ilian was owing, and slif wod ihe man tlio »-«/«J«'P» JJ^ prove if. who look it bark ai.d calM i.o more till ^^' month : he then broughi another rece.|« f"7'~,»«»°^«^ "^, ihanwHs owiiiB : I said ** vour masier w mad, tell him to coMM ' wShJP* InUoot ,1^ day. h* did, ami «.id'.h..ie^w«..h.l nmoont due ; 1 ^h»wed my 'asi r«c«ir.t to convince him. Mr, LOniesaid this wo'ni do ; I give my receipt, say one monib' IrJl^ monnl" I wa..l,u«d.JMr«ck, and bad I not pie.erv||d. all the reoipts, I conld imt avoid paying him again , |.»«>««**^ Ihem and sL;«d them to him, .h-y were ^j^^^;^'^ hot in Enulish would b(v as follow : •• January 4th, 1688. Ho- ceived of Mr, E^ton. eight dollsrs for Wu "«>"J*.^'"* j**" qiies L.rt-tie.'» Fortunately i Jiad pres«jved all the receipti^. or else 1 must have .,, *• » . l -« j««u« The reply was," mv head so bad I forpei." Buthe. no douh*. knew7hL wJ. no back heut owing. Would not the last r». celM be sufficient for an honest man to see— ibai requurea no memory. He did not call for rem arter the »'««'«?'"8/»' •'i; : r«iry, but 1 went on the last day of April to py him, he hvmj oposiie to my tenant ; to my aMOiil»bment I lound »b^ "^ ito ftont barflcaited wiih stones so that no per*ou cpuWjgJ^ orNmt, and many \o*d» at ilie back. My tenant had dwdK ftit^ait before, and was oldnrl to b.» <<»«*-y«d^»" of >fc», SJSl^ow to'be imetred.|p»u..d,he.^one^a.i.th.r. I#0 monlhsNirihereaboMt^. leader ma^k thil^sHy fc IWO moimwvi fwrw^-f^'-'^' — -^ W » led to und o tftnnd , th a t I had co u iwu laVk thi^-my tenaol ii^ to it ; he malttPi fSi^st M 111 c » t i0 l »iii< 10 tilt mrnt «MH>l«f«4. tb« «9*«rii i»plM, **. yoii pn.v ■« iiMll,>t»lMit riglM k«v« ymi lo romplniH 7** Fw iW» miBMfi4Mi/4M Ml AcqiMial mtof thw •hrcunwiiNic*. Ir** glMtod pi^lNf biw iHaM two inmiIw ram, (*»t which h« «uet wvro oo^ bli^,Of Iwmio poy root for thoni tHI iho jronr hud eipiradsii fi« loob poMOMioH nnknown to oto and nwfvd tiio benofil. Noll oaioMi IMS bid 00 (hot part to which ha hod oriiM* Wiihoquaiitttih3o«if itidge K«rr was out of town, might anj^ poraon bloaliada bia premiMfi, what would be nny if ho was loldi *^jnoa did mm Manphiio of U V* I wa* iidbrniod that ilieio a^oi* B0« kot ihaftthioobiiiidred load«« there apjieared to bo oiovo* Ifo penoii iflkaa money out of my olieiii^ and I do*nt mi«t it» aa fnot still robbed t after a ooriaip liaio I di»cover 1 am* and lake Jip ihe robber and prove tlio robberyY^n the sanm Cnnd, hua ilie robber a right to be acquitted and keep hi», ly / Lei every person put the case lo himnelf,— that it the ffay t» ooderaiand juitice. Reader*, the ca«e in not ended here a before ifae l«p*e of a liionlh, 1 roceivf d a warrani for ten pounds Blorling, fur daniagea done to his honve ; 1 knew of no dMinagak. thOihalf window excepted* but being in a biMier condiiioa { I< tOadered before the roiurn of ilie warrant, four dollam in Aane* rfcan half dollars ; John Robinson, maHMfr Mioeiuiikor,- and Henry Jackson, cabinet maker, being pr«M)ni ; the case WenK to ihe Court, but was jifierwnrds refrinredio two Mg»errt ilie moni*y I had ten* , dero^ Plointiff*a ei^rl a Mr. Moore ; ,def4*ndunt*s». Mr.. McLenii { .MnpivOt Mr. Malouin^ The reports were filed i|^ CoMT^feporaiely, aa my txpett would not consent to their do^ , enioat.— - 1 ho cauie came to Im decidethe honorable Jodfft BoinMi« on Tuosday, May 27th, 18d4. * 1 called two reapcci- tObfowitooosea lo prove both the tender of ibe amotti^ of tweni* alnlliufii.ci|rroncy, and acknowledgment of the pbiintiflr,»wl|ic|l. n w— ■ iban coyorod iho amoifnt of the sa»h, anil oipenaoaf ♦ ■. Of to. that timjB incurred. Why is it iief«rred to their docjk^ aioDs ?< The bdaorable Judge says," whatever is tlw uiupiro*f Si- ?•« i r*» iiu« WHS lol* li«ieweMr b« nioMt I mUt it» • flr 1 liQi, ihCMHIli keep hk> le tray t» ttd iMire s npoundlL dHiNagik, liikNi} I in Ama* k«r,. and ;«»e Went l« for ar- MTl coiHd i« valued . > any (da* loey froiM; I, neither , had ten* , it'i,. Mr« 'filed hi their d«^, »leliidfiit ' retpetf^r " if t«iien|4.4^ ei peine i, r^' ■^" "'' 5-'A3P'"'-^g^'"^^ >.* wnort i« liM. I.IW. Thi- may h#v Canadian Iht but it lililu liJiu CiiglNi Imw. ^, lUiidtirs 1 rhnU Uvw pivo yoii an nccOiini rtf iiro recrfit ca»o«nf Kiiylioh luw. About H or 12 yt'tf-n titii k, N man fn niiitnIfiifldK, Lo iluii, niiinliTi'fl liix «tf|i-(lHii|;hii-r; iho mir- dor WHsrlfiirly fMovtid, but ilm Jii it w»» mkuii iinn plfn ihtti no (Xtrnoii cnn be trh-d iwiCL* f«)r unu ofl'cncM. The oihor whs h gniiilL'MiHh who w«f ffoing a jouincyoii m cohiIi, I ihiiik it w»« )i BrUiid cooch, bill do not tMko upon niti iioniiivoly tu »iiy, but the ttm wiia M follows :— Tho diiviT wm iiitdxicHiird, ihe coinch wan up«et. •nd the fionileiiMu wrioiwly injiircd ; nu Hctioii rKvt, iiiHrea «f geldings,— it »nu\ honen only. Tli« Judge directed the jurr to return a wrdict fur ihv defendant and i»ure enough Ihe Jury did. It a|)|M>Hr« lliai ihe Jnrfgo look preoMiont fVixii ilie recenr trial for murder, a lew uiuuihH proviouW That in Kngiiith lair; I suppose Judges and Juri«« nre like Kings, itifalllble« caaiMf' ' «rr or do wrung. . i, v, I albitliepubiic^s humble and mo • would pay the n ame without going into Cou r t. T im wrt*- lir 6%^, umpirs't voro In Cpurt at the^dtjcisions, to jirovo the BJanie to tltf •wy3!^f«" k«Mnibla JuJg* Bow«n lattuM Ml luiiir* rv«»"< ^.'y^ r.tL r..«ri Mr. Moore could not nvnnrknowln|, "'CiL iFoins to t«ko tho forrgoing to be prInffJ. I rtirt Irfth Mr. M'»«'*VJ'V,aW liin I Uttd lo*t that c«u« ; ho h«I« m« »>^.'*'* y."". «iSs«Xd I Tnd .aid to him. you co.dd not w«t it «l»dod. Tlljmr^^^ ,|,.,l I hud tendered him SW •void ^^'^''^r^tlvt^Zyl^XA he. Mr. Lorilc .»{d it ^Hng. ; ^•^•rT^,i;yr^^^^^^ aT that i,* truo -aid I. but It "•* l" n « the inl^ unCummon. into Court ; he theo ..id W«.b«for« thoonuy oMW ji,« ,,a™,ge. and v.h... J iS:KtiSr.lCof'.SonalK«n.leme.. con-r^.thlj uk iho ?^'*"' ,7" »|,elU you he h«. only to decide of th# eauM.. "t^* •7/!SJ,,We jLe tell, you that «ywrl.« .nd «g)ue i and the !»»»'«»'• * V , ^ ,„g„ ^l.ulUr to thf I ma.1 Lme of .hut«leco<:k wd b.ttledoorv ■^^rfl t.ke "pon niy^lf 10 tol the , tM% Mr. MooreJ|nd Mr. Malouin 1 keep..:ei|l. »#Mooie w.j to e vil^eMoi.. and to comply with jus clieot B. ho could W end ihe coi.t »«r(. ^helr duty. pppte. 1 •"•»■• fioint^^liHa „ fiivuuiffPVia ^oro wa« not Ig- ■i*' 'I I in n > trr itrw.'Tsn.^— "»■•'-'"' """ - "^ M»t my* requirat the priv Kie alK . Oi bee Ban thb yoii to poyi flcient ( found ii ■Iter ei 1 cann« been m ranged in («ct oilier f Englitfl h at 7k of her •he WD Sundu^ hour OI •he diti ihe WM down, any of do fvr 10 fff Hm «6 jnil* y birrifel* I mmm •« nicord, vb.:— % yiMing wotnwn, nmmm C«lh»r4il» J^ MiNar, on* ihiii wn* tri»^*^M^ lo b* • |««rii?0ii «f /'*'«'Jf WM in my M«r*ie»t N4 »li.M»km>|Xtr, in iimiHW* iii fWch I «• Mt iny»«fll" r«»Mf. V^r >»y tvMUr* lo Hml.r«iiin«l tm tm\m w»« H»aw*« tb« prWiU'te ol'n l«rm »lev»iy i*eoiHl Sim Iwy t.«r «Hiil 1^ Ki# alNi cb4io»« lo wpjilv ii ; lo chiircli »•»« |»rw«'iid»'«l ii »»mm , On N r»»ri.ii« ilnv I'li July, I h»i n bill i» j.uy |ii iIm ^pi*> bee Bonk of nixiy |.otiiinH* folk*. Tbi,>'»«'»g «'«"'"^^''»*'''y ■*"'••" ji apiMrtil ; and .\i» applied to mo for hor w..Re« a. it ««"hmIo* to bar, Hud received it. 1 M.on |M.rc«ived h«r to Rvt mora baocbiy tb»a wa* prndeol in h. r Hiuiulioni A If " .*?*"",^ qiM^t iw Mid lo •..*-, Did you fin.1 ib.it iwo d.dl^r bill. 1 1«|- plird. noi not diJ I «xiMr, ii : ibe error mn^t hnve l»«PP«™« Mm«how wilh n.«.,or «l ih« B«nk. Sb.- r«pli«d, I !«•« • «»• dollar bill mytlf. I «.ked lH,r liow^ Sba roplied •!« njhil rttmoinad out; I had i«k«*u wiib me a nve.{ollar bdl in mi«Uk« for k one doHnr ; I ba.l i» in ».y b..*o.H, and in ^ondroH»ing my- aolf on Koini; lo be^l. it m.ist b«vMropp.'d in the room, butia ft brealh mhI ii wa. money >h.r ba.l lufly received from Mr. Ridl e y, what tb e y ow d m« i. f..r wb^h, I not r''"'"^ J^ «';"»; irrirtfta«' iost ftterjr ■ \ tbe uuih o|- her uwratioo, lold h«r 1 would fi^tyo li»r biayt M ihi'whul* cumpMHy I141I mti |h* |iloiiiii<<; ulyUeJ wj lo c|u fur t^ ap«Ml til* bur lii;»liii. A yuiiiig gtMitleiiiHii uave Ittiti stivonjivitG*! b«|li»emiy M) takH liar filiwctv mid «fip ffut r<*iiiroii){r ijl) ikai^ liuttr prevuiU«'d liiiii fiuin beiii;; at lioiiio. I did nut u|i|^ti«« (^•ucli cundiit-.i, Hi(d wks dui/irniiiiied lu iiiquire whcihur it wtm Vrm that Mr. Kidli'y ow««d liHf 111011*7 fifx wiigus due. By ilk* <|ttWhg 1 found, a«i ex|u>ct«d it to bH, aXiUityi. 1 wjw deter** Nuaed 10 r«*iwimjind Iht tor irymg to (ihUu ou uie to groM « li«. IsMid 10 liQr, b«w ctfull yiiii Hsseri iio°gro>iii a fHlschoo4 Mihe above; but !«} tity H^^ini^(UlUeut «h(; pirrsWivd tbat the Sil antd Hoiiuch ibiiiir. I sliiH rviuark, ibat 1 bitd not anj ta that the fiv« dollar bill was my |irui>cr{y. Out by Jior per* ai«tii^ ibai kIiu bad not rt>|i«Miud ibai slu;g<»t it from Mr.liid- lay, 1 #a« detenuiiied th«» jiiUiir stliunld [m rifled lo ihu builonifc iir that reaton I sent fur i\ir. Carty and Mr. C..If«r to liHien to dkaan»wer« I should du.naiid of hor, which were as (olldwa i. Callierinr, you isay that you did iiot assert lo me that lh|i Hl^^^ you loxt was what you had froiu yojir furmcr master^ Mr. Kldley. ^l will givt* up th'ii, u* 1 havH no wiimiss; only inform wo who you had it froiu and I, will fort>ivo yoii, Sk% MMiedf I had it frotu a cousin, wiio i.s on b«>urd ilm Gulnar^, » gift dfWji paid to nie by ilie h^ind* of Mr. JSievenson. | ia* rVod what Air. SieveiiKon. Kh(! retracis thiit, and then again answer says, no, I had it ft oui a pf^rsou VKhuni ! lent luoneji KK ; I thnii again Inquired of lier, who that (U'raon was. Sh« •^Wr* won't tell you. I lold libragaju if kIiu would inform JMt Mine trull), i would have i he same good opinioji of licy, WM^ ni'gkt keep her place. She jcrave me the sanie reply, Nov, aaya 1» here is Mrr4Jary and Mr. C«lft?r, 1 will pronus« balbr4 them, if you -»iir s»l^^fy me by Hiiswering the above 4|UMiidn,J wiU give yon^fivi; jMHinds^^ SI|h f hop i'er ilie day. She 4eit parlflid* and in « few days after ilifre wai two pritcesses agaioH MBr one ajMiciiViug thai 1 idMudefed tlii» virtufiwi young Wftt A'. ..^. wMgM, jfiao. I Npphed t» her atiortH^jr,;t»«|Nfc!tifif#^i etovince him of ih« injumiicit or»urh m proc«>Hlitigi hiSv lij ili#' •orpNM the iHturiify wh« the identicnl yoimtf $««iill^Mti/'lli#' •fte^ If n« Ht ihHi liiiie, roh^biind with hvr, In ih«l #« "^ ' pfepserve Iut repiiliition; 8hit wn!( under ihe nnwhitf ©fl •bwMt for MX wi>ck!«. To boneiltihhi miibtem ofSrlrlii©; ^ fdund leagued HgHiiisr ine th liiM, the circiiniiiiaH«e ha|i|iencd widiin flfteen niifKjs ThoM)o!4ition nhonld be favourable to ink** Her character wa» extolled as almost to make Her appbor M# Wlgolefliglfi ^ 'Une witn^ f>feniion was George BagnHl; repf*«N>-" Mnifed;a!i a conMin; he wasio be the main eiiffine whaahe hi#] the money from, but thfy fHih^d in aulMtantialing thai* ihodgK^ complHe |ierjury wan rffxorted lb, Imt was (lOt, or cduM b# detected at the time/ There wait a yountr man of thir '■pti^Mj^.-' of Stanley de|MMpd to the conversation that was passed idfilwi^' in • V4uU where there wail a stone wall 'four fret thick, h«: being m the gairet (bur stories hisfh, and the printing prelsei'l with thirty men at work. Both Mr. Cary and Mr. Colferwoilli^ or could not remember thtquc^tionH I put to h<>r in tlieir pHf*": sence;Mr. and Mm. Ridley "never had such a precioiit •«*•., ^ vant,'*and I was deprecated for what ihey rhooned Inwf M«]» ' iilveigling her from their service, but all would not do, thi$^ honest part. of the jury yaw through their flinwyveil. Eid^l'''? ■vns for their conduct being corrupt, and I, not knowing Wntl'l wha determiueJ, foolishly consented to witlidraw the jury Ibr. ' another trial, l was blamed by ail, even the tionorablo Cfaiel^ J^tiice Sewell. The cause was ret>eated in several sessioMlf . . beibre it could come to a conclusion i and when it came to have tHcr jiidgmeiit of the Court, this virtuosity w>|s f<>und to be i' base St rnjnifiet, the cousin, George B»t>uf*n tobe her pai^moiif^ wti9 had fled from Kingstown, a few utiles frbih I>iiblin. .11* wits ft married man, she lived ^iih him a!>|)iretii in ih« "iiMmu of nII concernvd, exci^fU to thm a^ljr rtiintrd being my^Hli'. S\w eiidoMvounrd lo palm h«t« iMrftWKled cousin on Mr. Ridley t«> be hiit sliofMnon in » gro* , CiM'sioro. Mrs. Bugnuli wii« ibe daughter of ■ viry riMp^e* Ittw famtly in DubHn, QiiMiiers* and enttiblikhed i» tfiidorbj ||i^ pannts. Ocorgtr Bngnnll deposed before ine and hia tb«4|< •ipployer, that he w«a |ier»uad«fd by the Inwyer Fenwick pttrjore himiwif ; ina fvw dHyHafirr Fenwick wan called <«9 pfroapsto be a coni|>anion io jHcqiies Loriie, never to r^jNt^t- ; 1*110 ludgnifiit of iliu Court r.undeuiiH>d; tbeni or he^il|||i' coiu; but where was my ripencv to come from, phe'fiMii pleaded to be a pauper, 1 liai my own lawyer to pay iu iboit. •od ottier CHM-teii. noMriy i wo hundred ptnuud*. . TIh> >y*«^*ii *>f gr4niing licences iu Qiiebf«« ji one ^of . ibt HtCittanjuM thai can be devised. HOuKes'are lei and taken ■Aer the 'first of February. Many |iertit>ns engage iii iveniiaet Vtithout ever inmuining it is Ui be their ruin. ; Fw insftance, I Mgaged prom i>eii for five yeMrs, and expend fifty pounds. !•/ loiprove itieiUflo eKiabiisha res|teciMble seciMid rale hoteU 1 . lutyiiig had a licence fDr three years^ the fourth it wasreftiSMl Miiv I clMlIeoged any one, even the n'doubiHble, over officii ■li ii g 'i i ii , w|io>e habuutiuu in in a palace, lo aliodiee aeainsl ■)0iOtie imtanre that I ever viuiaied ihe law* But iliaiforiui* d|»bt« being, wiih otiier', afiur tour application, and suntqaoiied < bf liis Cxceltenry Lord l)urhan»/ reiiuesting that ihty woiild ftisifn tbe n^UHon why uiy licence waf prohibited. It was sitU . rofilied; I hill ftir^ut iIih uiubi^ntH I gave the above , i ff^ bjF rvquUins a civil answer to a ftiulisli qHetition, which eoH»* 'Blonwii%e would have taught hiui hi« propisir path to avoid tiiji i|aiignijire .he tumbled in. IJHdtieeucfsjI^n granted prev^ioiai M|iFeVruary, insN'ad of April, l>hould have^iyoidedl splittiag OS the rock ihat lias oifce more been n«y ruin lo try au|t>Uii||, ipirt of ill H woi III WH live in, with a V iriuous wifei , Vj/; ; {r Jtarn now Ismied Haie at Three Ri vert, and expected I h^A fefi Pamie Fortune^ ehh'st daughter betMod ; but t w«s t<|0 iiach of a favorite to bn discarded by lier. On the beeinniof of,Se(Meniber. IS Itut, a select body of men, I suppoer, 5^ b(»nles of porter, /SbottlOt o( cbnaipaigne, 10 doxeu of giugor beefi 8' galioQf of port ■■■■;■ ^5ft ■•■■■: . ■. ^. ■■■■;■■ ;.l^.:\:,:.r'' ••.,•..;■• ..■.■,.■ :irfB«», 8 galloiw of »hpfry, 5 g«tlon« nf cog^*e ^^t*^jf ■uperior qualhy, «.xiph,«-ji «iw «*fc«riiiii». WM'wrlfig w^«wifl» iChnr^ of w»iitT)., cookiiipr. bj^kHg**!*, Ac Ac,. I»in| titoeijlf full £23. Tlioim wiiMld-lw ptiiis i^ anmw ilw«iw«iVM. ihrt.e niiwicwijj, e»2j •ive of llH«ir commamj.r*, nHiiiriM, &c. Ac. ; !»**\' *T,;'RE number of r..;ty.fiv<., iKnid^* llw» '"»"«t"'''r *'ril A «Jf S5 Wge of « bluo ribLon. Ara.oib..r Abraham bawU^a out, d^ ihrT^onlo i.ilhVoe Riven, over «rethe l.k«- /^"^i^'J'.Jg^' ilon not to iHTo/M any |Hebc'iH..» '»;»\*'j;'"' i„'".£^^^^ or in il»« prU^uo 4rfth,,.e bonorHblestho B »h»r.^^^^^^^^^ ihe fuvou; of Ibeir W,jh .„iph.i»«»»eH "repie.1^^ The [wo dS i^rvani wa-» ordered and d»re not dwobey, Q« t"' *''?*Vr JlSZ Sept. litl. ««d l^.h, «« r"7'* ri^W iriotiuJ. Z-. &i^ &r, ^o those l.on.»r«ble.. or the QueeWW for their exhibition ir«H «h;T.;n l'"!"y'''v ^'"l!k"7u\°^ 'S J frlchtened ."heir honours «f««'r eij-hteen r^^rj^^^, ^'^'I iho co„d..sio...ifljvo..ldn.n.«n. •".•^-J^^^^J^^f.S^^ might be H go"»^r« »»^:^^^^7;,i^h^„,p,id„,J^ Muol^ •intef^jst t,. bo s..ie «l ^^^ ^^'^jlr^^HH i..f"««.. '"y r««d*« .«p thu deficiency, the \vin.|/ being sui>erior inw. t ;^ kept t.y . jerr- r "i^fi- rs ;:3' SJJi^xU' »^ . W|«l«d them tra. *f ih« e^irt «»'"^*; J^^ TT i»eritt.drd i» |mt o«e '••7»'*';""';V?'"t,^ ;„„,„« ,hrn l««.k .he ovf^tf 1. r J^Ul>ni^r« m2 the l.k«^Did you ^« «« *e Uke.^ •Tt ^'*^«f Jl.F.I|uyl.e« Grocer. Or. Ki«.lM,r. Mr, Oumouli,,: AuIS fmy expecting mio eWven poiind« would hHve b»Mi hIm l!! /.I*™! Rlvw,, 1 i„|J„„„.d „,y |,„d)„,a ,h., i, J....:^-.'* . ,*«i.jrj, M«,„„.i,.,„, i„^™^ hi™ I wo M i; w™;j: >P«M»l bw bobllon n.e I h,ve 0^.. vr.i«,.ll.J , "• Iter that Jade Ins •■», :*« '■'/'■ ■ • - - . ; . • • / ■' > ■ • ■ ■/' > ■| • ■. V' > • .-, ... ... '':'. •■.■; • ' . . vJ . - ;: .■ ..■'.■. • , . . • ■■,■ 1 1 1 1 r 1 ,- .* V .■ W. ' ":■•-/' ■ »' > r. /" " ''' ' ' '*'' .J^l . . .'t 7 k ■%v • J ^^^^^^^^^^^^r ''' : : . .4: ■ i ■.•-?■