V] <^ n ^h VI "^ '# .^^^ %> O / /A IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 IIM 12:5 ■• 113 2 yl itt I.I 1.25 IIM 12.0 1.4 ill 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^1> # r^^ L''nr^i^-'--'^-'^^'r ■•'. '■^r:^fi^.v ■'.■(. $ tl $' I \? ^OVA SC0T;4 PROVINCE HOUSE i- ,- ,(>. 'i/ ■A ■# ■J ■1 /I ;■« I '^. ■^ h JHSB-. TT, -TT "sammmmm " %, ' -M 'l ' ^ ' "trl ACT UK IXCOliPORATION AND HV-I,AWS OF ^ ^bf felittt Bug Mininq (fompitun rl IT'- r PRINTHI) BY WILLIAM MAINAIJ, 11 PHINCE STHEET 1809. -t.***?^*- 'ipnMtfmBj-i miinMM "t^mtm I iiiiiiw iWiii i n it\m $ \ * M -4 1 6i h'^::';.^ «' '4-.. j^aBjjw" ^I \ , r A( 1 OK I^COKrolLXTlON AM) in-LAWS OK llalifav, 31 *. IMIIN'I'Kl) liV WIMJAM MACNAl'.. 11 1M{INCK STIJKKT 1869. "iSw.^ VC , -^ ih. ^# _: -» ^^ .^ »aL" . ".,..' Site®?* A..7 y % ?--^'-*l I* ' \ ' , " 4 •mmmmmrmim^mrmmmifmfmm ^"^ I . I r/,v' :^:k Geieral Asseily of the Froviice of Iva Scotia. AN ACT TO INCnitrOKATE «> jHinii \iitt f ;ia ptnrn0 (iijampimn, PusBed nt Halifax, the twelfth day of April, a. d. 1802. Be it eiiactod by tlie Governor, Council, and As- sembly, as follows : 1. Edward I'. Ardibcdd, William P. Parrot t, Jatnos corpoiatlon W. Emory, Eslos IIowo, Josc'iili II. (Joiiverse, and Gardiner (J. lhil)I)ard, their associato.s, siK'ce.ssors, and assigns, arc hereby constituted a body politic, by the name of the "Glace Bay Mininj^ Company," for the purpose of openinj^ and working Coal Mines . in the County of Cape Breton, and transacting- busi-^""'"''**- ness connected therewith, and building mills, and manufacturing coal oils, and constructing and making such railroads as may be necessary ft»r the transpor- tation of the production of such mines, ami other articles from thence to the place of shipment, and constructing and building such wharves, docks, and piers, as may be necessary for the working of such mines. 2. The Capital of the Company shall be one hun- capital drcd and fifty thousand dollars, in shares of one s'*'""""- hundred dollars each, which shall be pei'sonal pro- perty, transmissible and assignable as such • and the corporation shall have power to increase their Capital stock to three hundred thousand dollars by the issue of new shares of vote of the stockholders. 3. The first meeting of the Company shall be held First ment- at such time and place in this Province, or in thcwhenhria* Uriitod Sliitos ol" Anioricu, us any tliicu of the corpora- tors sJiull (IctorriiiiM', of wliicii pul)Iic notice Hhull l>o \];'iVi-\i in twii of llic Jliilifax nt'\vs|»ii|icis, at least twenty C'oni[)any, to a }j;Teater amount in tin; wlioh; than (lonlile the amount of tin; stock held iiy him, ileduct- ing thcn-from the amount actually paid to the Com- pany on account of such st(;ck, unless he shall have I'ciideied liimsell liahle for a j^Tealer sum by liecominj^ sufcty for the debts of the Company ; but no share- i>hii>iiity holder wild may ha\e (rinisl'erred his intcfest in the ?"'■'■',"""'" i^bick of the Company shall cease to be liable for any Ifllll blliiri'K • 1 / ( 1 • 1 contracts ol the Com()any entered into belore the date of such transi;.'r, so us any action in respect ul" such liability shall be bnuiglit within six months after such transfer. n. The meeting of the Ct)mpany shall be held at such place as the Directors may appoint, and at every annual meeting' tiiey shall elect a recognized mana- ger or agent, resilient in this I'rovince, service on whom of all process, lujtices, and other documents, shall be held to be sufficient service on the company, and the name of such agent shall bo filed with the Registrar of Deeds for the County of Halifax, (lompaiiy 6. The Couipaiiy, as soon as the same shall have "|"^j J/i^','^.'''' been organized, and the sum of twenty-live per cent, paid in on account of the stock taken, may proceed to render navigable Little and Big (jlace Bay, and Little and Big Ulace Bay lakes, from the ocean up- wards ; they may for that purpose, on obtaining the consent of the proprietors of the lands to be thereby Errci I'iirs iiH'eeted, erect piers, and breakwaters upon any land owned by the Company, or upon any land of the Crown, in respect of which such permission shall be granted by the Governor, in and about the entrance of said Little and Big Glace ; they may, with such assent, deepen, widen, excavate, and clear out such Bays and Lakes, and construct docks, dams, sluices. M('fllii(;is, wIk'Ii IicIiI AKtMit in lliU I'rovliifc kc /, r watorways, slips atid wharves, and al! and ovory doKcription of strnrturn caloilatod in improve ami make pood and availalih; the navij^-ation from the ocean as far up the hikes as may Irofo time to time be (h'emed advisahh; by tlie Company, and tliey shall, witii such Mssciit, have the ri;;'ht to dip. cxnivatr. oi emliank tiic cIiumiu'Is td' said litkcs. or any part thereof, so as to riMider tiie lakes navigable. 7. The public shall at all times, ai>(M- the (U)niple- ro^»'.' opon tion of said work, have the ri;_dit to use tlie same, nc. paying such tubs as shall be lixcil by the Legislature. 8. The Lepisliiture nmy auth(ui/,(> any i>ther party if Ui.' e'om- or coiupany to iii;ike the iiiipni\ i iicMits specilicd in j|,',;|:\,"' i',||. this Act, in Big (llace Ibiy and Jjake. if the couipany i>"ov.M»ir.iiH hereby incorporated shall not complete tli(! sann; within throo year."* from the pa.ssinp of this Act. An Ail lo ninciKJ /he Ad to liicorpurafr lite (llace llaij MiniiKj (JiDnpautj. ( Pa>iAcd on llw lO/A Iinin-- ;;;f,>-,,;;.';'',;;| ("ompanv, and to land and ship cargoes th(>rc, except p. lyi""'"' '^^ coal, on llie payment of (lo(.'Kap<3 ami tolls to llie Company ; tin.' rate of such dockage ami tolls to be fixed by the Company and approv(Ml by theCovernor and Council : proviiled such vessels shall not int(.'rferc with the use of the harbor by the Company; and in all (;ases the Ccmipany shall be entitl(Ml to priority, to cnmpimy to the exclusion of all oilier vessels, in favor of vessels '"'>•'. bringing" goods lor them or tiieir order, or coming to receive coal from thorn ; and in no case shall more than ^.'ll'^i"'!", „ two vessels at any one tinn; hv. entitled to the privi- time. lege granted by this act, except by consent of the Company. 2. AH vessels entering the harbor of Little (j! lace Vessels to Bay, shall be subject to such rules and regulations {^,^' "^JljJ.'^"'^^^ as shall from time to time be made by the company Company and approved by the Governor and Council. r ,-j f'^fe \^ mi^rm' No right to 3 Nothing in thin Act, or tho Act of which this is ■hi|> coaii. jjjj amendment, nhall give any parties the right to use the harbor constructed by the Company at Little Glace Hay, for the shipment of coals, without the cons(!nt in writing of the Company, from time to time accorded and given. An.'i.d.n".ii ^" ^^^^ '^^ amend the act to incorporate the Glace Bay ofchartir. Mining Companif. (Panaed on the l\th day of March, A. D. 1865. Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and As- sembly, as follows : <'apitni ^^ «'"i'* ^'C lawful for the company by a resolution Huxk iniiy passcd at any general meeting, to increase the capi- beinJi ■▼"^"" in-LAWS OF i^lMt §ag ^littittg (Kompaug^ I. The Officors oi' tlu; (Jlacc Hay Mining- Compai)y shall l)o not loss than three, nor more thati five Directors; one of whom shall he President of the Company ; also, a Manager or Agent, as required l»y the Act of Incorp(»ration ; also, a Treasurer and Clerk. n. The annual meeting' of the Company for the choice of Direc- tors and other purp(jses, shall be held in Halifax, on su(;h day in January or February in each year, as the Directors shall annually appoint. The number of Directors shall be fixed at every annual meeting. 111. The Directors, Manager or Agent, Treasurer, and Clerk, shall be chosen annually; and shall hold their offices until others be chosen and (jualitied in their stead. The Directors and Manager or Agent, shall be chosen by the stockholders, all other oflScers of the Company by the Directors. No per- son shall be eligible for the office of Director unless he own at least one hundred shares of stock. IV. Special meetings may be held when called by the Direc- tors ; and at any time stockholders holding one thousand shaves of stock may sign a notice to the President, rccjuest- ,> r "r . -ir ■Vik'*^ i^^ly. T F": ing him to call a special meetiiif^, and such mooting shall be held in pursuance of such call ; and no business sliull be transacted at any meeting, other than that (or which the meeting was called. V. All moetings shall be called by a noli(U! signed !)y the Clerk, 'octcd and mailed to each stockholder, or left at his resident.' or place of business, as registered in the books of the Company, fifteen days prior to llie meeting. VI. The Directors shall possess all powois held by tlie Com- pany, and shall have tiie same power to make contracts for the transaction of the business of the Company, iindcsr sea' or otherwise, as the corporation have ; e.\ce|>t tlie alienation of any Real Kstate, Mining Rights, or Water Privileges. The President and two Directors, or in the absence of llie President, three Directors, shall constitute af|uorum. They may elect such OHicers and Agents as they may think proper, tV»r the management of the all'airs of the Cttin- pany. All OlHoers appoiiiie I by iin,' Directijr.-:, may bo removed b}' them. Vll. The Treasurer, under tlie supervision iin 1 direction of tlu; President, shall receive and p;iy all monies of the Cc .ipaiiy ; and keep account of all the inccme and expenditure, entered in regular books to be kept for that purpose ; and to be open at all times to the inspection of the Directors. lie shall furnish to the Dinictors quarterly, or at such times as they may require, and to the stockholders at their annual meeting, correct statements of the fiiumcial position of tho Company. He shall perform such other duties as shall be designated by the Directors, and shall give such bonds for the faithful performance of his duties as they may require. n m»* t ■■ - t W 'y VIII. The Ck'i'k shall koop a record ol" all the meetings of the Stockliuldors and Directors. lie shall keep a register of all Stockholders, their place of residence, and the shares held by each ; and shall perAirin such other duties as shall he designated by the Directors. Before entering upon tln^ duties of his office, he shall make oath before the President of the Company, that he will fuitlifully perform the same. IX. The salaries, t)r pay, o\' all tlie Company's officers and cmploye(>s, shall be fi.\(Ml ])y the Directors. X. Every Stockholder shall have a certificate of the stock held by him, which certificate shall be in the following form :