IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A WJ. Z/u '£elure. Id J 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i c J 2) S3C ■•■ I n i wm u f wtwpw " **' " * '«••»■« f^OSv- <^ PRICE ONE POLIAR AND FIFTY GENTS. H^IISTD-BOOK AND INdl^P TO THE GOLD REGION OP i Frazer's and Thompson's Rivers, WITH TABLE OF DISTANCES. By ALEXANDER C. ANDBRSOlSr, . Late Chief Trader Hudson Bay Co's Service. -«i^ TO WHICH IS APPENDED CHINOOK JARGON— LANGUAGE USED Etc., Etc. PUBLISHED BY J. J. LE COUNT, SAN FRANCISOO. ' Entewsd ftccording to Act cf Congress, in tlie yenr 18fi8, by Alexander C. Ander- son, ill the Cleik'8 Offiie of the District Court of the Nortlievn District of Cnla, * ■ ■^'kJ^' ii -, ..^■■; '^ ^ -Y • v4V^. I. i '. '-.^ A- / "\ I'M 'J- 'tu * e (1 V n vi C tanmfo T* RE FACE. -♦•■♦- TriE writer's naiiio ha\iiio; hcvn receiitlv referred to in the public prints ot' r)i(0'on, in connection with the new o-old di^-u'lno-s in the Coutenii country, he has since been fi'orjiiently api>lied to for information in regard to tlie routes of access to that region. As the readiest mode of answering* sucli inipiiries, and to save tlie task of fi'e([uent re[)etition, he has thought it well to present the result of some of his by-gone ex])crienccs in a compendious form. The accompanying map, it is trusted, if it fails to meet the demands of the professional geographer, will be found fully to answer the end in view. The princii>al ])()ints ai'e set down with accuracjy, and the details, for all practical purposes, will be found cori'cct. The explanatory notes, it is believed, will not be without their value to persons about to visit a country so far generally unknown. ALEX. C. ANDERSON. Cattilamet, W. T. ) May 3d, 1858. f :Nr o T E s IN RKFEIIKXCE TO THE ROUTES OF COMI\[UNICATION WITH THE 6o(b lltgioit on Jfni^fr's ^ikr, EXPLANATORY of llic A('t'OMl'A>(VING MAP. -«•♦- Frazeu's liivER dii^cliaro*cs itself into the Gulf of Georgia, n Utile to the north of the 49th parallel. The head waters of its principal branch interlock with those of the Cohiniljia and the Athal)asca. At the distance of IGO miles from its mouth, it is joined by Tliomp- son's River, a lari>;c stream Howinij from the eastward. As indicated in the niap, the Cas- cade ran2;e of mountains — which may be viewed as a continuation of the Sierra Neva- da — ceases at this point. Here, and in its im- mediate vicinity, the diggings which are now creating so much excitement, liave been in 4 K\n,AN.\T()UV NOTKS. pi'oo'i'OF-.s siiu'o last Suiiiiix'r ; tlioim'h tlicir i'ii'1iiR','-s, now Mjt[>ni'(Miily so w<'ll autlK'iitica- tc't], was not ascoitaincJ till more latt'ly. TIktc arc two distinct lines ot* approach to tlieso mines: one bv the dirort roiitc llironi>*li Fra/er's liiNor; the other bv way of the Co- Innihia ]kiv<'r, hy l*ortlanlies for the interior. These routes will be separately considered. i. Route via Fort Langley. Fort Langley, tlie lowest post of the Hud- son's Bay Company on Fi-azer's lliver, is situ- ated on the lefl^^* bank, about twenty-live miles from the entrance. Thus far the stream is navii»"able for vessels of considerable burthen, the precaution of sounding or buoying the sand-heads at the entranc-e being tirst adopted, in the absence of a qnalilied pilot. The as- cent, however, short as the distance is, is rath- er tedious for a sailing vessel, as the river is * In this, aiul all other iiif^tancos where the like distinctions may be employed, it is with reference to tlio descending/ stream. KXl'LANATOUV NOTES. liiii(l-l<)i'lv(it], an.] tho wiiiJs coiiscnuontly iirci;- iilar nil.! (•.".Illliin". H Fort II<)j)c irt ji siiiiill post sltuati'd near tlio . ; iHoutli of the (2u<3M|iio-a!Ia Kivcr, uliicli falls JI iu sixty-nine miles a^ove Laniilev. 'riience to the. foot of the ''FalU" is twelve niihs tiir- ther. l^'i'oni that |>oint lo Thoiiijtson's Uiver Forks is a distaiice of fiftv-tVtur to lift v live miles, bv the travelled route. It is (|uestionaMe how far above Laugley a vessel of any considerable drai>L»*ht could n.'aw- ever, the obstatdes to steam navigation, and especially at the liigher i:;tages of the ^vater, I iudo'o to be very serious. Hitherto, bateaux of about tlireo tons bur- then have been employed by the Hudson's iJay Company, for transport below the Falls — • a slow mt.'thod when the water is high, as the ascent can tlien be elfected oidy by v.'ar}>ing along shore, with the aid of Indian canoes to pass the lines. J>y this tedious process, an ascent was made durinu* the freshet of 1848, 6 EXPLANATOUY NOTES. to the fuot of the Falls, in eii2:ht Jri}'!^ ; under ordinary clrcnnistances, it Avoiild occnpy five. There is a trail (indicated in the sketch as " Douglas Portao'e") from the upper Teet vil- lage, below the Falls, to Spuz-zum, above the Falls, the lowest village of the Saw-niee-nas, or Couteau. It is much lono-er, but not so rough as the passage of the river bank, which is for some distance cxtremelv broken. Both these portao'es are on the rio'ht bank. The series of rapids called the "Falls" is about three miles in lenoih. There is no such abrupt descent as the name implies. At low water these rapids may be ascended with light craft, by making portages; but at the higher stages of the water they present a difficulty almost insurmountable. Durino; the summer season, the rocky shores of the "Falls" are thronged by Indians from the lower country, who resort thither for the salmon fishery. A ceaseless feud, I may here mention, prevails between the Couteau and the lower Indians, who difier from each other widely in many respects. At 8puz-zum, six miles above the Falls, the river is crossed to the left bank, where is the terminus of a horse trail, opened in ]8'l7 and I EXl'LilNATOBY KOTES. tllO i 1848, across tlie mountains from tlie Similk- ameen country, but abandoned afterwards as ineligible, cliiefly on account of the difficulties of tiie Falls. This trail follows the river to Ke-que-loose, six miles further. At this point is the grave of a servant of the Hudson's Bay Compiuiy, who, in 1848, was found shot near the en- campment, under circumstances Avhich justi- fied the belief that lie died by his own vol- untary act. A large cedar statue, of Indian workmanship, and a small enclosure, mark tlie spot. The banks of the river immediately above this are very I'ugged ; consequently the trail ascends the lieiglit, (some two thousand feet or more), crosses it, and descends upon Anderson's River, at the forks of which two bridges Avere formerly in existence. The Similk-ameen trail continues inland hence ; that leading to the forks of Thomp- son's River (indicated by a trjiil-line in the sketch) diverges, and after a few miles travel again strikes Frazer's River, at Tqua-yowm, a populous village six miles above Ke-que-loose and situated at the mouth of Anderson's River. Thence to the Forks of Tho^npson's River, t- ^ i 8 EXPLANATORY NOTES. wliere tlie miners were last at wc^rk, is estima- ted at tliiitv-tlii'GO and a-lialf miles, tliroiio-]i a Lilly road, in places very stony and impassable for loaded horses Avitliout a large amount of labor in its improvement. Several streams fall in between T(|ua-yo\vm and the Forks, one of which, during the fresliets, has to be ferried over with canoes. From Tqua-yowm upwards a iDarked change in the cliaracter of the scen- ery trdces place ; tliough rugged, it is less densely timbered than the lower country, and shows every evidence of a drier climate. The vicinity of Tqua-yowm itself is ratlier |»ictu- res(|ue ; but, what is of more importance, it enjoj's a prolific salmon fishery during the season. From the Foi'ks of Thompson's River, liorse roads extend in both directions — up Frazer's River, and along Thompson's River — as indi- cated in the map. I will now proceed to point out some of the difliculties which embarrass this route, and wliich, until some better svstcm be oro-anized than at present exists, are deserving certainly of serious consideration. x\ssuming the miner to have reached the foot of the Falls by batteau or other convey- I EXPLANATORY NOTES. the and izod liulv the voy- ance, (and let me here remark that there is no practicable way of reaching this point from Fort Langley except by water), the more for- midable impediments to his progress are still in advance. Horses are not procurable here ; nor, if procurable, is the country suited for their subsistence. The navio-ation of the Falls at high water cannot be acL-u.nplished ; nor, indeed, is the upper portion of the river to be navio'ated without dithcultv at that stao-e. At the lower stao-e, these dithculties are so far modified that they may be overcome by por- tages ; but it is to be premised that a certain amount of skill and experience in canoe nav- igation — whic;h every one is not supposed to possess — is a necessary condition of the under- taking. The alternative is to proceed on foot; but my previous notes will have shown that the trail is a rough one, full of painful ine- qualities. It would, therefore, be impractica- ble to convey in this way more than a very limited amount of provisions, to say nothing of tools and other necessaries for mining oper- ations. From Fort Hope there is a horse trail across the mountains; but no horses are to be pro- cured there, as indeed not any are kept. All I I f I' 10 EXPLANATORY NOTEIi. these animals, wlien required for transport, are brouglit from across the mountain range, and return forthwith. Moreover, the Fort Hope trail does not strike the mining region, but unites with the trail from the Columbia valley, to be presently considered. I subjoin a resume of the distances by the direct trail : miles Mouth of Frazer's River to Fort Laugley .25 To Que-que-alla River GO To Falls 12 — 81 Falls Rapids 3 To Spuz-zurn 6 To Ke-que-loosc G To Tqua-yowm 6 To Forks of Thompson's River 33^ — 54^ Total IGO|- Hemorandum of Distances by the Fort Hope Route. miles. Fort Hope to the top of Munson's Mountain. 12 Across the Valle}^ to Camperaont du Chev- reuil, (summit of the Cascade range). . . .10 To Lake near height of land in Blackcye's Portage 25 To Tseistn. or Campemcnt dos Femmes 20 To Rocher de la Bicho 20 Total, to the junction uith Dalles Trail. . — 87 rl 81 EXPLANATORY NOTKS. 11 From Rochcr de la Bichc to forks of Thompson's ^^^^^ 85 Total, Fort Hope to Forl:s Thompson's Kivcr~r72 Mouth of Fraser's River to Fort Hope 84 Distance via Fort Hope— Total 256 N. B.— The above distances, as far as Rocher de la Biche, are noted according- to the encampments it 13 necessary to make, in order to seenre scanty pas- turage in the mountain for pack animals. Route via Columbia River and the Dalles. Every facility of Steam Xavio-ation' exists between Portland and the Dalles. The transit between ■ hese two points is ])erfornied in part of two days, the intervening night being pas- sed at the Cascades, ^vhel•c travelers are well accommodated. An attempt is heing made to extend steamboat navigation as far as the Priest's Ptapids, sixty miles abo\-e Walla- Walla, and one hundred and ninety from the Dalles ; but the success of this project is thus far undecided. With liorses there are two routes to the Priest's Rapids : One crossing jhe Columbia Piver at the Dalles, passing over the dividing ridge to the Yackama Vallev, and continuinrr 1 1 j^ X '^f 12 EXPLANATORY NOTES. across until the Columbia is a<>ain struck at the point in question, wlicro the Columbia is reci'osseJ to its left bank. (\. 1). — Tiiis trail in crossing the Yackama Valley, joins the trail which parties from Puget's Sound, cross- ing by the Xachess ]^ass, ^voul(l necessarily follow. The necessitv of crossino- to the left bank at tlie Priest's Papids, arises from the impracticable nature of tlie country on the right side, between that point and (Jkinagan.) The other route is by following the left bank of the Columbia from the Dalles to Wal- la- A\"alla, crossing the Snake Piver at its mouth, and tlience continuino' alowj: the Co- lumbia to the I'riest's Papids. (N. 1>. — There are several modifications of the latter portion of this route, some of which are shorter; but I instance this for simplicity.) The first described route is- :uch the short- er, as the Great Bend of the Columbia Piver is cut off by it. Put the double crossino' of the Columbia is a serious obstacle ; and the Yackama Piver, when high, is a troublesome impediment. For this reason, I should prefer tlie longer route by Walla-AValla; an J the more so, as it EXPLANATORY NOTES. 13 is passable at all seasons, ^vll^ch the other is not, owing to snow in the mountain. There is good grass by both routes. •rt- ver of I the nne ijxer IS it From tlie Priest's Rapids the Indian trail is follow^ed up some twent3'-five miles, when it strikes ofl" the river, and enters the Grande Coulef. an extraordinary ravine, the orioin of which has been a matter of much speculation. A portion of it is approximately sketched on the map. The bottom of this ravine is very smooth, and aifords excellent travelino-; o-ood encampinents are found at regular intervals. After followino' it for about sixtv miles, the trail strikes off for the Columbia, at a \^omi a few miles beyond a small lake, called by the voyo'jcnrs^ Le Lac a V Eau BUnc, (N. 11 — It is necessary to encamp at this lake. Tliere is a small stream twentv-five miles or so be- fore reaching the lake, which is another reg- ular encampment; and again another stream- let about thirty miles short of that last men- tioned, where it would likewise be necessary to encamp. This would be the iirst encamp- ment in the Grande Coulee after leaving tho Columbia. I cannot recall any encamping t. ~£k 14 EXPLANATORY- NOTES. i :♦ groinids, otlior tlian these three, in this por- tion of tlie road.) Striking oiT from the point mentioned, in a direction about N.N.W., tlie trail reaches the Cohimhia a few miles above Fort Okinagan, wliicli l*03t is called twenty-five miles from the Grande Coulee. Ferrying at the Fort, (the horses being swum), the trail ascends the Okinagan liiver, cutting points here and there, as shown in the i=ketch. At about sixty miles from the post is the Similk-a-meen Fork. TJie Okinagan is r^s? ed just above tlie junction. This crossing is narrow, and at the ordinary stao'c of the water can be forded "with ease ; at a higher stage, a canoe is hired. There is usually a pretty large concourse of Indians at this point during the salmon season. It is good policy to supply the chief with a little tobacco, to smoke with his followers. Good will is thus cheaply secured. From the Forks, the trail ascends the Sim- lik-a-meen ; but as the lower part of that river, where it breaks into the Okinagan Valley, is very rugged, it is advisable to ascend the Okinagan some miles, and along the lakes, by the main road towards Kamloops. A trail then branches off, as by the sketch, and ascends ^ EXPLANATORY NOTES. 15 T^ IS the the hills towards the Siniilk-a-mcen. After proceeding some distance, there is a small lake, affording a good encampment (called in the map "Crow Encampment." Continuing thence, the trail falls on the Simillc-a-meen above the obstacles referred to. Tlie valley of the Similk-a-mcen abounas in good pas- ture. Except during the freshets, the stream is i^eadily fordable ; and the trail accordingly is made to cross it frequently at such seasons, whereby several hills and some stony places are avoided. During the freshets, the left bank is followed without interruption. At the Red-Earth Fork the Similk-a-meen is left. The trail, following up a branch of this valley watered by the Red-Earth stream, etc., crosses the height of land which divides the water-shed of Frazer's River fi-om that of the Columbia, and descends towards Nicholas' Lake. A few miles before reachino- the lake there is a cut-off, indicated in the sketch, which strikes Nicholas' River below the out- let of the lake. This river is crossed to its riglit bank, and followed about thirty-five miles, when it is recrossed, (by fording in both cases, at the ordinary stage of the water) ; and the Doint is cut, seventeen miles, to Nica- • u ^''-l 10 EXl'LANATORY NOTES. 0-meon on Thoinpsoirs Niver. (\. !>. — P)e- sidos tho advantanv of this cut-oil' in point of shortness, the rig'ht b;iuk of the stiH.'am is very sleep and broken between the k)wer crossing* and the junction of the stream with Thomp- son's lliver at Thlik-um-cheena.) Nica-o-meen is the commencement of the niiiiino- reu'ion, as so far declared. Tlience it is thirteen miles to the Forks of Thompson's River. I now append an estimate of tlie distances by this route, wliicli will be found, 1 trust, reliable ; and I also add a memorandum of the encampments which a party with pack animals might expect to make. 1 1 ESTIMATE OF DISTANCES. mil 03. From the Dalles across the Yaekanui Valley, to the crossing place above Priest's Rapids . . 125 Five days' march with packs. 1} Y W A L LA- ^y A L L A . Dalles to Walla- Walla 130 To crossing place above Priest's Rapids. GO-— 190 Eight days' march with packs. lOl 111 EXPLANATORY NOTES. iT From the Priest's Rapids crossing to the Grande Coulee 25 Along the Grande Coulee 60 To Okinagan 25—110 From Okinagan to Forks of Similk-a-meen . 60 To Red-Earth Fork 90 To Cut-off near Nicholas Lake 55 To Lower Crossing Nicholas' River 35 Across to Nicaomeen 17 To Forks of Thompson's River 13—270 Total distance from the Priest's Rapid Crossing place to Thompson's River Forks 380 Distance from the Dalles by the several routes : Yackamd Route 125 x 380=405 Walla-Walla Route 190 x 380=570 Estimate of March from the Priest's Rapids Crossing to the Forks of Thompson'' s River. 1st — Encampment on the Columbia, near where the trail leaves the River. 2nd— On first rivulet in Grande Coulee. 3rd — On second rivulet in do. 4:th — At the small lake in do. 6th — At Okinagan. •yth— Rividre k la Grise, or Rat Lp'-e. 8th— Upper Bonaparte's River. 9t]i— Forks of Similk-a-meen. 10th — Crow Encampment, nth, 12th and 13th— Along the Similk-a-meen. 2 18 KXPLANATOKV NOTES. Mill — At, or beyond. Tlcd-Eartli Fork. l.')tli — Near IloL'hor do la r>iclio. KUli — (>ut-oIV near Nicholas' Lake. 17th — Upon Nicholas' Uiver. 18 th — Nicka-o-meen. 10th — Forks of Thompson's River. Or, 27 days from the Dalles, via Walla-Walla. It may l»o noted liore tliat, tliroiiccliout tlie (listaiK'O, tlu-rc are no obstacles to an easy luarcli, boyoiid tliose tliat T have endeavored to note. Pasture and water are plentiful, anvith the Italics trail at diHorent points. MEMORANDA AND NOTES On several suhjccts connected 'with the A[ining IiC(/ion. The gold found in the Couteau country has so far been procured chiefly from dry dig- gings. It is "coarse" gold, and its quality stands high in the market. Considerable quantities are reported to have been dug by the natives, who, so far, appear to have been the chief miners. The Nicoutameens* or Couteaux, are nu- merous. They, and other branches of the great * Couteaux, or Knives, is merely a corniption by the Cana- dian voyageurs of the native name. The Lower Indians caU |;hem Saw-mee-nd; they, in turn, call the Lower Indians Sd- chi-no ; neither party recognizing the foreign name. M 20 EXPLANATORY NOTES. She-whap-miick tribe, inhabit the banks of Frazer's River, from a little above the Falls to the frontier of New Caladonia. Their extreme poverty formerly made them roguish, and their reputation was bad ; but my own experience of their character was nowise unfavorable. — These Indians subsist chiefly on salmon, and various kinds of roots and berries. Their sal- mon they cure by splitting and drying, either in the smoke or sun. The Indians between Fort Langley and the Falls, known as Hart-lins, Pal-lalks, Teets, ut the winters are extremely capricious throughout tliese regions, and no two resem- ble each otlier very closely. In' general tho snow does not fall deep enough along tho banks of the main streams, to preclude winter traveling with })ack animals. The quality of the pasture is such (a kind of bunch grass in or CO EXPLANATORY NOTES. 23 most i)laces) that animals feed well at all sea- sons. There are many spots between the Sim- ilkameen Valley and Okinngan that are spec- ially favorable for winter ranches. In some, the snow never lies, however aronnd. The countr\', fiom (he mouth of I'^razcr's Kiver np to the Falls, is thickly wooded, mountainons, and impassable, so to sju'ak, for man or beast. The ri\er becomes more con- tracted above Fort IIo}h}. Above the Falls, as far as Tqua-yowm, the character of the country continues to resemble the same dis- tance below. At T(jua-yowm, liowever, as already noticed, a ('hange takes place, and the evidences of a drier climate begin to a|)j)ear. These continue to become more marked as we approach the Forks. At Thlik-um-chee-na, or the Little Fork, and u])wards, rattle-snakes, wormwood and the cactus (prickly-pear), char- acterize the i^cene ; and some of these attri- butes extend thence downward for some dis- tance. At this point, (Thlik-um-chec-na, the junc- tion of .Nicholas' Itiver with Thompson's Kiv- er), the IJorse Kegion may be said faii'ly to commence. Hence, to the frontiers of New I 24 EXPLANATORY NOTES. Caledonia, northward, and southward to the Pampas of Mexico, this useful animal is the best servant of man. Horses, however, are dear luxuries (comparatively speaking) in this quarter. At the Dalles, and around Walla- Walla, they are more numerous, and may be bought at very moderate rates. In conclusion, I would suggest to every miner, by which road soever he may travel to the Couteau mines, to supply himself well be- forehand, as he can depend upon little in that region, save what is imported by himself or others. I ' ' V^dZ i:^'4r .^.^^i; Language used by the different^JfiMfiv--^^^ French and Half- Breeds, of Frazer'^s River, Puget Sound, and surrounding country, as the means of Conversation with Americans, "Waw "Waw To speak Nika I Mika You Yaka He or She Nesika We Mesika AYe (D^ural) Klaska \They Klacksta Who Man Man Klootchman Woman Tcnass klootchman. ..Girl Tenass man Boy Mokoke house .... A store Moola Saw mill Kanim Canoe Issick Paddle Chuck Water Sockally tyee. ..The Al- mighty. Kapo A relative Chitch Grandmother Boston American Pesioux French King George, Eng. Scotch, Irish. Sitcum Siwashe, Half-br'd Tyee Chief Elitee Slave Ou Brother Ats Sister Oloman An old man Lemeyi . . . An old woman Sun Day Polakley Night Tenass polakley.. .Sunset Sitcum sun Noon Tenass sun Morning Oke oke sun To-day Tumalla To-morrow Tamanass man. . . .Indian Doctor. Chickamen. .Metals of all kinds. •• s ^ >%• 't • 1* %} \%-^^% % •• CHINOOK JARGON. p % -. > V Pish. *^ .., . . .^ i Tenass Saljiicl ,^ . ^good to eat. ^Lakootclie., .Clams , ■ ' ' - ' ; r. . : . Fi^i'^I^cmaif ^af)alel!^ I'yTonr ,. . *||i^non 'Snpali/l . .\^. . .^.^ .Wheat ^ * _Lv.ii.».^o >-,c. -j»*v.i^ . . . .Tri)ut Le Biscuit. . . . Hard broaS.* ^ «#s0 ^J|^\«4H%V< ^ .i^>mi!S^7WH^tici^hoo^ .\ . .NliJiAeti;' ^ Oleally. . . . . .^ . .Uenies Tcxjtoosh. . .'^ Milk IMrAcii^aH^'.^ltlijje berries (jI^cQi^V . JS. . ^..yj|»«!^ ♦ Cold oleallv. ^ .Cranljerries Tootoosh Gleece. . .Butter Pill oleally. . Strawberries Pasissce Blanket "Wapito .Potato Shirt Shirt Molas MelasscsSeapoooe Cap Shuga Sugar Capeau Cook Sil Cloth Seekolieks Pants Le Shawl .Shawh Lalopa llibbons La wane Oats^ Akacpooit Needle Lum Rum Sil sil Buttons Pire chuck, Ardent spirits Klapite Thread Skin shoes Moccasins Kamoosack Beads Chickamen shoes. ..Horse | Luck wullah Nuts shoes. i ANIMALS, BIRDS, FISE, ETC. Kuitan Horse Skudeo Squirrel Moos moos CowlSkubbyou Skunk La mutto Sheep | Man moos moos Ox Kramox Dog Korey kuitan, Pace horse Pish pish Cat,Le lo Wolf Kushaw Hog Lo cock Rooster Mo witch Deer: Le pole Hen Itsoot BeariLo sap Egg Quitchaddy Rabbit ;Tenass la kootche,Muscles Swaawa Panther iTcnass moos moos. . .Calf ;gj^ CHINOOK JARGOX. 21 Moolack or moose Elk La tate Head La pea * Foot Tee owit Le^^ Yachoot Belly La pooshe ^loutli Leeda Teeth Eiia Beaver Ninamox Otter Olikliiyou Seal Le mule or hyas koloii . . Mule. Kulla kalla Birds Yakolla Kagle Mauk Duck Shakirk llawk AVauo;h waugli Owl Smock mock Grouse Skad Mole Soolee Mouse Oluck Snake Quanlce Whale Quiceo Porpoise Gyakut Trail or road Quass Fear, afraid Tzae Sweet La table Table Sockally Tli^h Keekwully..Low, beneath Yoolkut Long Siyah Distance Tenass Small ITyas Largo Skookum Strong Wake Skookum .... Weak Le lang Tongue Seeah boose Eyes Sharty Sing Solux Angry Patle Full Patlura. .Drunk or full of rum. Lope Rope Initio Over, across Klip Deep Keemta Behind Hooey hooey. .exchange, barter ' Ivopa From, towards Olo. . . .Hungry or thirsty Quis quis. . ..A straw mat Paper Paper ' Lapiage A trap i Alloyma Another I Miami Down stream :Machlanny. . .Toward the land. Illahe Land !Toto Wind Sick tum turn. . . .Sorrow, regret. I An nah an nah. . . Surprise Killipie Capsize Kockshet. . .Fight, break, injure. Sick Sick lElip First I Alta At present ' Alkey Afterwards Hi you Plenty Konaway All iKar Where Till Heavy I Delate Straight Seepy Crooked Hyack Quick Klawa Slow Chee New 28 CHINOOK JARGON. Dly Dry Koory Run Chaco Come Clatawa Go Mamook Work Kloshe Good Masatchy Bad Le Job Devil La plate Priest Lo lo Carry Pooh Shoot Kow Tie Klack Untie Hee hee la ma. . .Gamble Kumtux Understand "Wake Konsick. . . .Never Konsick How much Kultus Nothing Kopet Stop Kopet waw waw... .Stop talking. Nanitch Look, see Halo None Potlatch Give Iscum Take Klapp Find Ipsoot Conceal, hide Yawa There Yakwa Here Turn turn Heart Mareie Thanks Hee hee Laugh Tance Dance Tin tin Music Quonisum Always Wah Astonishment Kaata Why Pe kata Why Abba Well there Moosum Sleep Chick chick. . . . A wagon Oihe. . .Sandwich Islands Oakoak This or that Ikta What Tikke Wan|; Ikta mika tikke, What do you want. Dly top seu Hay Snass Raiu Cold snass Snow Le hash Axe Opsu Knife La Queen Saw La peep Pipe Kianoose. Tobacco La plash A plank KuUkull stick Oak La plash stick Cedar Le gum rtick Pine Kokwa The same Ikt stick A yard Tenass musket Pistol Poleally Powder Kalidon Shot or balls Musket , . . . .Gun Skullapeen Rifle Mimaloose Kill Pooh Shoot Kaps wallah Steal La Selle Saddle La breed Bridle Sitlie Stirrup Lesibro Spurs La pushmo, Saddle blanket Siskiyou Bob-tail Leky . . Spotted or piebald De creme . . Cream colored Kiale Black CHINOOK JARGON. 29 Top seu Grass Ualluck laporte, Open the door. Iktpooy laporte, Shut the door. Klakany. . . .Out of doors Aiicutty Long ago Lay lay A long tune Mokook . . . Barter, buy or sell. Keek wully coat . Petticoat KeekwuUy sikolocks Drawers. Lemoro "Wild Ae kik Fish hook Staetejay Island Kooy kooy Rings Pe chuck Green Pill Ked Te kope White Hyas Sunday. .Christmas and Fourth of July. Klonass. . . .1 don't know Kumtux Understand Wake nika kumtux. .1 do not understand. Midlight Sit down Midwhit. Stand up, get up Laporte Door Halluck Open La Woolitch A boLile Iktpooy Shut Pilpil Blood Pilton Fool Klamenewhit False Taraanass . . . .Witchcraft Klemenwhit False Cold A year Moon Moon Klakcee Stars How Listen Leglow Nail La chaise Chair Oskan Cup Lapell Spado Closhe Illahe Prairie Cold sun Winter Warm sun Summer Six Friend Shetsham Swim Wicht Also Tickachey Although Teilacoom A relative Momok Chaco Bring ■ v •i no CHINOOK JAROON. E X 2\ M P L E S . ' H I- i ) :J. American. — Como here, friend, I want to talk with you. Indian. — Chako six, nika tikko waw waw copa mika. Am.— What ? Ind.— Ikta ! Am. — I want to buy a canoo with four paddles. Ind. — Nika tikke mokook kanim pe locket issick. Am. — Very good. Ind. — Closho. Am. — What is your price ? Ind. — Konsick dollar niika tikke. Am. — Thirty dollars. Ind. — Klone totilum dollar. Am. — No sir, I'll give you $20. Ind. — Wake six, nika marsh copa mika mox totilum dollar. Am. — I don't know ; I'U see. Ind. — Ivlonass, nika nanitch. Am. — Will you find three more Indians, and go with us to work canoo up Frazer river to the gold land ? Ind. — Mika klapp klone alloyama siwashe pe klata- wa copa nesika mamook kanim sockally Frazer river copa gole ilahe ? Am. — Yes, that's my mind, if you pay plenty money. Ind. — Nowitka, coqua nika turn tum spose mika marsh hiyou chickamen. u» CHINOOK J arc; OX. 31 NUMERALS. Ikt 1 Mox 2 Klorie 3 Locket 4 Qiiiiiam 5 Tubum G Sinimox ,. 7 Sootkin 8 Quies 9 Totilura 10 Totilura pe ikt 11 Totilum po mox 12 Tkt Tokamonak 100 Ikt hyai •ISfT H M l!l I* I 3 I ; ^ /.('tujUndtW'eif /}y>nf (h-fenwirh /20 "1 — ORT KAM 100^% l)\r. S'hustn '^ w 'f9 Tamp (ill Pouhtiu ^ ■ , QiVlDINC piVl D I NC\ THE CO t \/ /n/fis •/ / J<(i >iil'/< /f '\ \ ^ /'rif.sfs l'u(Xiiii{y (< y^.., % (S>fORTtMNCL£y)l ^r^ f23 122 fORTM0K\ \m%ii ' h >t 4t ^ ''^- ^^ ' ' ' ' '^ ,C:s'>f('////c//s/'it/u/i/i,'im/ vcook K jsm^ %M0^ M^fit ..'r-*'iA*v...-V fr^l^.A - .-^■31? i^^- w -5f-.- ■t^'-i trJ.J.LECOUNT -%^ ^ > V^^- mmw KOIJ ri:S 01 COMMUNICATION Compiled rroin Orioinal Xolcs .51- ^un///^/"/ (r:^^///^hMv/^ W 2P 4 ^■,- 30 w J^ ^^^ UTHT OF BRITTON k REV S. rRAIiOSCO. f2t T-Fo KtfimrfA* CL^-Y*^.'*,t4Ji^L"^arC -' ' '•'Of '^»» DOC LAKE JlV^'S"^*"^'" L^ )m^ iLAK£S Of o /.,, Ill . 4»ffAT J.^^ '' ^" ^'r\ mr OHINACAN H B ^^^^PT OKINACAN H B C IJ"-