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All other original copies are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. Les exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en papier est imprim6e sont film6s en commenpant par le premier plat et en terminant soit par la dernidre page qui romporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration, soit par le second plat, selon le cas. Tous les autres exemplaires origir ^M^lMHt ' f^ ^^y^/t^t TRUE PATRIOTISM. :xxzxixxxixxzzzz::xxxzxzxzxtxxxzixxxizixzxxxxxzzzi A Sermon Preached before St. Andrew's Society, Ottawa, Ont., on December 2nd, 1895, by the Chaplain, REV. WM. MclNTOSH. . , . " If I forget thee. O Jerusalem, let my right hand forgot her cunning, If I do rot remember thee, let my tongue cleave to tt'iie roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy." I'^^a. iii;. .>(>. 'I'lif ,li'\\ is ii clijiiMi-tci- iiiii(|ii(' ill iiist<)i\\. So loii^' iis lie rt'iiiaiiis the i;il)|f ciiiiiiot Ik- saiil lo Ik- \vitii(iii1 a proof of its ant ln'iiticity. lie is a witiu'ss t()-(la\' to tilt' truth of tliosc aiiciciit records. No otiu-r race luis suffered as (lie .lewisli race. ilalu Ionian captivity, (ir-'daii op))reHili9f)yi; l.'oiiiaii sl.nerv. Iliissiaii hriitality ! Siirelv tin dire im|)i cation has h<»eo liHtilled. "His hlood he on lis and on our ( iiii(hi'ii." >'et tlie Jew SHjCt, \i\es. .No po>\er on eartJi can hh)t iiiiii out of I'xistence. His love for hnine and eounti'v is a i)assion. lie loves nioiiex. laces all dan^'or for its sake, j^-oi's info exile to olitain it. Init never i'ory'cts liis lionie. Whalew-r tlie \irtiies oi- the sins of the .lew may he. his lo\c (ov lionie and eoimtry i-ntith's liini to respect \\li«'re\«'r he is. Tlie words of tlie text were prohaiily w ritteii on tlie return from tlit^ ClialdiMii captivity; and liy one whose heart was stirred at si^hl of the, desokitiou w roiii^lit. lie calls to mind the days oi' i^adness spent heside the ri\ers of iiahvhm. where the ojipressors ri'(|nired son;;s from tlieii' eaj)tives. soiifi's that could not lie siiny in a foreii^n land. Now that the. old home was i-ea(died. even in all its des-dation and ruin, it was inex- pressibly dear: "If 1 foiLict tliei'. ( ). .leriisaleni. let my rlyht hand for- i^'ct hei- eiinniiiL;'." There are fe;itiires of rescnil>laiice hctween the people who inhabit the Iie;i11ier hills id' Scotland and the rockv fa-;lnesses of .Indea. I.ovc of monev', and the pow<'r to make and keep it. are ipialities you tiiid in both. Hut love of country is the one predominant principle that commands for them the respect and admiration of all time. Love of country is none ^^Mr|3 / • 1. a ■>v- 1*11 • . • . ■ ■ I " < •• • ' . • 1 . • • J J • • I , ■ • • • 2 tile less mil, iilllinii^li it m;tv l>c luciil in its iisjiccts. Simic |>iirls of i)iii' «Miimlrv iinisl nic inoif lu iis than (itln'i's. We l(i\c nil int'n iionf tlic less lu'i'iiiisf wi- |()\t' soiiir the nioif. Wliilc \\i> r't-joifc in licinji" <'ili/.i'ns of (iu'iit- even ( i rt'iitt'i' iiritiiin. Iliat iniulilv cnipir'c inciiMJinji' oni'-fit'lli llu' |i()|iiilati()n III' IIm' ;^I()Im', and (^nai'dcd hy an aiinv v\ liosc r«'\('illt' lifiiilds the morning' tlir world, and Ionc nciiH- tlif less llic y(ins »d" Mi'i'fv i'lnj^la ii-i()ii that hallows and dit;iiilies patriotism as wtdl as e\i'i"y sentiment of th«' soul. Ilciice his |);i,i riot ism was not only iiiieiise, it was piir' .ind #igtrt^'i'(l. So it is with IIS. It is not so niiKdi the hillside iieat 'i t- -lad. ttb C"'.''"ftf! ••■. iiii;- r'' ei's. l he lochs mirrowed in l)caiil,\. Iviiii;- lik," iienis .WttiM her rii'^i^t'd hills, thai inaivc Old Scotland so dear to lis. it is the rellpi'io:) of her firesides, the ''ospel of her (diiir(dies. Seolland is the land of tlte Sahhatli. the land of the I'.ihie and Hilile stiidv. That is the rea- son v'oii liiid so few (d' her sons iinahle to read the sacred |)ai;e No Ihirty-t hree per cent, of her |)o|)ulalion tal)iilated as "niiahle to ii'ad and write." A i'i!i:i: ( or XT in Not less fortunate are we in this new land to which some of iis have ( ome, in vvhi(di others of iis wci-e horn. \\ C havt- a heritaf.!*' in tliis (oimtrv of which we may well lie prtMid and whiidi w c shoiihl j^iiard \vith Jcniotis care; the freest count r\ under the sun. witli iH'soiirces of which only siicceedinii' ^'cm-rai ions shall learn t h" extent. Ilei'c we have civil and rtdiii. It is s<'iitiniriit pill-' .111(1 I'l t-IjmI. lik.' ye II IS it is the s I lie JMiiil ■i llic I't'il- |)iiyt' No I'l'ud ;iii(l r MS liii\P ■»' ill lliis liird Willi of wliii'li liiiAc civil Jiiii of ;is ill IIh- lu-ld IK) tidii \\»'i'c iiid if le- d to ott. i iilK'iid of tlir Old Miiii, \oii know." Iiidfcd. uc Iimm' liiiiflly Ixiiowii u iicrc \\«' jirc siiicr t lif I'fiiis fril Iroiii llic liiiiids of the fii rsci'iii^' Scoltisli ttiiti'siiii'ii. :iiid it is not lo iir vvoiidn-cd :ii if in tlic midst of <'(Mitiiin«'d unccnniiit V s\<' sinnrt iiiifs sit;li : 'I "i'or tlif toncli of ii \ iinislicd Inind And the s(niiid of •! voice tliiil is slill." .\i:i:i) OF MivN. NcNcr in tlic liistor\ of our connliy \\;is tlicic ^rciitci* need of men o) iiitelli<'i'nce, men of |irinci|iie. men of i lie Hilile. New diin^i'cis ;iiise tliiit dciiiiiiid new eiier^v iind new nietliods. \ e\ed i|iiestioiis iire r;iciiii;' lis lliiit will not down. (^nesti(His ^)\' t rude nml commerce tli:it tlirciteii seri )iisl> the c(nidilioii of tlie Dominion: (|nesti(Mis of int-rpro- viiicinl riiilits tliiit m;i_\ scsei'idv le-t llic s'rcimtli of (Uir ( on fedcrMf ion . <|iiestioiis of liiiior ;ind c!i|)it:il that may shake to ilieir ceiilrc llic \er_\' fiMindat.ions , of reliL'ion. of man's res|)oiisilniit \ for man and acctmnta liilil \ to (lod. Tlie riijlil ins\\cr jii\t'ii to these (|iieslions will lilt lis iiji to llcaxcii. lull the smiiil :i •ylcct of tlieiii will tliin^t IIS down to hell. Oiir fellow citi/ens need to be laii}>lit that "it is j-ifi'liteoiisness ilial e\altetli a natiini. I>iil siii is ;i rt'- pi'oiudi lo an\ people." ( III K( II AND .SlATi:. The I eint ionslii|»s of Cluircli and Sta1<' must be clearlv detined. It is the hiisiiiess of the state to protect the church in the oiiscrv r. lu'c of any foflii of hidicf or worship that is not conlrar\ to i^dod moials. and to pi'o- \ide for the protection id' yonth from all forms of ti'inptat ion 111 it '■.-m l)c j)r<'\eiited. I,aws for the oliser\aiice id' tiie Saliliatli. in so far as it is ii diiy of I't'st from inannal Jalxn'. arc well within its pro\incc. It is also the duty of the stati- to remove tliat tii^antii- evil Ixd'orc which so inanv" ill our land fall and so iiian>,t)f tiicm Scoitdimcn the trallic in strong' drink. 'I'iu'se arc (picstions with which the State can properly dcil. an! must deal to save our land from ruin. I'.ut the state must not interfere in matters |)iirely ei'clesiast ical. The fad that the civil power can oc in- voked to collect tithes for the maintenance of ecclesiastical cslalilish- ments is evidence that we have not ,\et fully es<'aped from t> ■ relic-; of medieval barhafism. On tlx' other hnml the idiiHidi must not intnid" npoii the rii^h's of the sliilr. tioi- III tviii|(t Id I'ru-cf lirr pi'ciiliii r tcm-ls upon civil i-cco^^nit ion. I *'iiii iiiiii^iiit' :i I'cli^-idiis sliilc :i piiri' t licnci'.'icy iis idciilly jiossiliit', ')iit 111)1 in llic piTst'iil coiMlitiuii ul' sucicts. Kt-lij^'ittii imist lit- ('oiilfnt lo I'ollow liiT own piitli iuid \\n sorrv thiit the iireal ecclesiiisl ical bodies of this connlr-y have not recojjf- ni/ed this Irnth. lint the iiistory td" "Chnndi Coni'ts" is not sucji -is lo call for implicit failh in the wisdiun of their deli\cran<'es. MAM'I'OltA SCHOOLS. Surely this must he llie solution of tlie Manitoba s<'hooi (picslion. That (piest.ion will he settled. There is a |)opnlatioii in that youii^ ])ro- \inee thai, will do llii' rif^ht, and tiiere ai'e too many Scotchmen there to be bullied into sid>inission. 1 believe they will conn' to any fair nieetinji' grouiid, but 1 hey will iiol '^'wv up principle to a claim about whose e\i- ground for tiie charge that purely secular schools arc "(Jodless schools.' 'I'liere is a time and place for evi>ry lawful worl< under the sun. If I send my son to thcAiM sidiool lo learn di'awing, or* to a factory to learn iiow to nial\e sashes and dooi's: if i send my dangbtcr to attend the College of Music to study that art. or to a millinery estab- lishment to learn the mystery of trimming' hats and bonnets- bcc.iust> the exercises or business of cacii d;iy is not b»'gun l)y the reading of a jhu-- tion of Scripture and ])rayer. 1 have tio right to call these establishments '•( ;odless.'"i'hat t'i)ithet would not only be unjust, it would be silly. So I si'ud my (•hildrcn to the public scdiool to study reading, writing' and gTainmar. but not to be taught religion; and the chaige of "(iodlessness" against sucii schools is as insincei'c as it is absur'd. It is a mere fetish, a snjjerst it ion lo suppose that it is dang'crons to our (diildrcn oi- dishonor- ing' to the Almighty to tia\e tlie routine of our public schools begun au'l finished witiiout r(>ligious exercises. With all regard for the manv ev- I'CCO^IIll lOM. lossihlf, 'ml coiili'iit in ipt to s<'i/,!> st'it'.' to scf .Olll' IIS'.-I'llI iinttiM'S of ()ii}^lit not lu- liiitic ill )i'V. J !iin not ri'i'ofj- j^iifli "IS In )1 (nu'stion. yoim<>- j)ro- 011 iluMM' 1o nil' IIKH't illfi' w liosf i'\\- schools Ji ro i\\ fill woi'k \\ in*'', or* to y 'liuif>lilt'v IHM'V I'Still)- S- IXM'.IIISO \iin iui'l !■ niaMN' t'\"- ( cilcntClirisliiin men nnd wonicii who follow t|ir jiiofcssioii oT loacliin'i, it is nr\('ct Indcss a fai't that a iai'Lic ninnlici' so cn^a^^cd )\iiow \i«r\ liiili- of till- roiilcnls of tin- r.ililf. and iindci'slii nd fiir less of its s[)ii'il. To HM|nir<' sMcli persons to open llifir sd'ools with idijiions OM-ridsfs is i wiTtcln'd niockt'i'.v. and t<'nds to diniadr ( liristianil_\ in the minds of ihc scholars. 1 ha\t> known of ni'ainst t lif l!il)h> hy tlnit Ncry Ihin;^'. Li-I l hf home that is ihr Ijisl place tli- Sinulay school, till' Christian llnilcaxm' ,'(pial ta\atit till then, will men of tl'fl'erent relij^ions opiniinis li\e together in harmonv. It is onl\ with men of deep rtdi^ions coii\ ict ions that smh principles eiui aliide. and f ( laim l.hat (diaracter for my fellow -count rynnMi. Scotidimen are made of the stiitV of \\hi(di nnirtyis arc made; .None ■.<'.\- readier to snlTcr for (•(.iiscieiice sake than they. The histor\ of ^'cotlaml is a pjiiic of \vomler». I need not remind you of the da_\s when the winjdcd yien was the callip- (Iral, while sentimds watched the approacli of the liloody ('lav«M'1U)ii8e. When fealty to t.rnth cost men m>l (udy their- life, hut home and loved ciu's dearer fiir than life. Nor wt'v- they hindered liy the dependent ones at home. Women, a^f. and ieehle (diildrcn, cheered husbands ahJ fathers on to deeds of dariiiti' and endurance width arc the (dicrished herita^'e of sncceediiiL;' •^■ciicrat ions. This ti(itdit\ to C(ms'ience is seen not. ()u\\ in the face of a etnnnion foe. where the enthusiasm of battle would tend t.o m-rse a failing coura^^c. but in more [irosaic, and lience more trying' eircumstam-cs. it is seen in the disruption period of th" Scottish Chnndi. When in |s|:; Hic l^stablished Chnrch failed to yi\e the people whiit t!ie\ needed. 171 niinisteis and pri»fessors walked out. h'a\- itif>' ludiind th-ni half a juillion dollars in stipend iiiid all their houses id' Avoiship: walked out to poverty, and. in many cy.*;'s, to so\tre sii fTcrini!'. Tiu' riijhts and w roiif^is of that movement. ;iie wisdmn or unwisdom of the l^stablishmeiit and the l'"ree ( huiidi are not r it was |)ossible outside the bonlers of stern Old Scotland. i ScuthilMl is iKit i)iil\ iIm' liiiiil of iiitriisr I'fl JL! Mills ciiin ict idlis, it is tlir IiiikI III' iii.itiii'i' mill iiili'lliL;t'iil tliiMiM'lit. 'I'lu- Scotcli niii n is iiiitliiii;; if imt il I lli'iili It.' iil II. I lit' llliisl ilDit'lllit (|llfsl iiilis ul' tln^iliiii iwr, t'vcil 1u lliusc ill liiiiiilili' Jilf. siiiijilc :iiiil I'aiiiiliiii'. 'I'lir I'lriisiin or >lii-|ilii'ri1 cm (Ifiniiii- sti'iitc t I :i iiii't'lv III)' siiiilli- I'l'iisdiiiii^' III' (iilxiii. iiiitl |i(iiii1 iiiit with mi- Mi'iii;^' iii'i'iiiMi'v till' riilliirics III' A I'liii'tiiiinisiii Anil wlifniiT ui' nut \\i^ ii^'i'C' witli liis ('iiiii'liisii)iis, wr fiiiiiKil r.'iil In rrcii"'" ;,;<■ jus intt>lliL.>'i>nt iii'<|ii:iintiiiiri> with (liiil's Wnni. Wliili' tlir inn jiii'it \ III' Sriiti'linirii iHTi'|il llic I'lcsliytcfiiin I'ofni nl' ciilirrli ;^.i\ rniinriil . tlii'\ li\ no ini-iins siilnnit In In- i^iil Iiim'i'iI inln iiiif fold. A Kiiiiw lt'(l;jr ul' tin- ili\isiiins in Scuitisli ri'rsli\ ti'iiiiiiisni iiii|ilifs :i('i|ii:ii ntiiiii'i- witli :in ini|iiii't;iiil elm jiIit in cliiii'i'li liistorv. Tliis iiiiist ul' ni'ri"ssit\ he sii. I in lr| icni If in I' tliiili;ilit liiilsl in\iil\i' ili\i'lsit\ ul' ('uin-insiun. Ainuiiy I'ri'r, I liuiiijlii I'lil ini'ii fuin)ili'ti' nnifunnilv is iin- |,ussililc. \i)\\ iii;is liiiil nni liii'init V in tin- Millt'v ul lln' St. i.iiw rriicc. Imt \u'i will liiii'illy i-:ill il tin' uulcuiiii' nl' iiiil<'|i('nili'ii i tlmni^lit: \c1 "vrn llicn' its (lull. (Iciiil sway is wi-iiki'iiiiifj- (>ii tlir i^rrnt <|nrstiuns ul' lifi" iiinl ili'stiny i'Mts imin iniist tliinU t'ur liiinsi'll. iinist pluil aluiiy tli(> v\«'ary \\a\ alimr. iiiiist cunit' into in'isniial cuntac; with thf Aliniiilifs Avillioul tl.c iiH'iliatiun ul' priest or (ii'esliy trr. ()iil\ thus can man t'nlly l'esili/.t> his aeeuniitaliilils : uiiiy thus can tiie spirit nal within him In' iniule strong. Mill while there is (ii\ersit\ ul' luiiii, there is snlista nt iai unity re- e-aidini! Ilie eternal verities ul' unr Imiy relieiun. Man's niter lielplt'ss- liess tiiruiieh sin- his need ut' a Saviuiir Iruiii sin; the fulness of llie Atuneineiit t'ur man's ^iiilt. ulVeied "unee I'ur all." |)ru\ iiliiif^ a saUatiun lliat reaehes to the iit terinust : the inl'allilii lity ut' lluly Seri pt iircs as a f.;iiiile leailini;' us up tu the U nuw ledi^e ul' (lud; these art' Mie triiliis llial nut unly elaiin uiir attentiun. but demand i)\w heartiest aeeeptaiicc. In unr Iheuiiis we iiias dilVer widely: t henries ul" the iuKeiit ul' sin into the wni'Id. ul' till' nature nf tiie Atuneineiit. ul' the liiial dispusitiun ul' tiie wiel not do t tlii'i-f is but vlio liMs stood had M l iii'ss of v(,iil and pniilv of lifi- >ni''dy lir I ojiii' us in \ ii'w of sui'li a inissitm. Sni'idv if \M' l>ut fm* a niiiniriil rrali/i'd lis ina^'iiitndi' its di^'iiitv i) would Ininddc nv in t||.' diisi at lilt' foot (if till' i'i'o>>. and at llir >aini' liini' till n- willi tin' ^lii'ii'^lli of ;.>ianl> t.o do mir MastiT'> will. we lia\i' a inission to all men, Imt I'spffialls toonrown <'(iiiiit rv nun, and or^ani/at ions liUi- onis lndp ii^ in pcrforininu' it. Si-oic jmnn arr not iisii.dlv till' p. ofi'ssiiuia I lir;j'^ai'^, ,\i'l tlii'ii' a it liio'-r who (•iiini' to lis for lit'lp. and dcNci'Nc it fnnii ns ton. I.rl it ln' nnis to luini-t:'!' to lilt- prrsfiit lifr. That is all tin' lifr sn nian,\ Kiiow aii\thini;' alioiil. and li\ it tlii'\ inrasnri' an\ lifr that niav In' In fonii'. It is a pom n'l'om- liicndation of uiii' iiliL'ion to olVrr to thr iin jni'l nnali' t!ir I'.ri'ad of l.ifi' whili' wr withhohl frinii thrni III'' loaf for w liiili tlir\ Inint'i'i". Thi- iniii- i^trics fill' wliicli the Mas),'|- pinniiscs ii'ward air all mi nist rir-. to llir prisi'lll lifr. 'I'lir lirst srivirr wr ran irlidrr . ;.i roiin' l'_\ inr n is to lirip thrill t I hi'lp t lirmsrJM's. |,rt iis inspirr tlirm with liopr and till 1 lieiu wilii thr roniat;!' that conirs from I hr assnranrr of s\ m ji;i i h v HtroTlK' nii(1 I riir. It isonlv natural that mir own i>illi and Kin shuiild roni>' iieareHt to lis and orriipv thr laiyrst' plarr in niir thonrhl and rair. it raiiot\v»*ll be otiirrwisr. So it is ihal w lirn wr liiid an,\ of lliriii dishonoring tliriii .s( Im's I)\ w roii;^(|oi ii!^' wr i iit nil i\ rl \ fnl thr sliainr and share tlir sens>^ of j.;iiilt. While waikiiii.'- ahuiL; lli;^h strrri, fdasrow, nnr aftrinoon. f heard a drniiUrii woman nttrriiiL' Ion! words, with oaths and riirsr.^. F eaniiol tell ,\on how it linrt. Had it lirrn in a forri;j'n arrrnt likrly l should liardlx haxr notirrd it. I'.iii thr arrrnt was the Lowland arrrnt of inv niotlirr and of m\ lionir. and so it lansrd a thrnst of pain inr\- piessihle. Sprakinr of thr ritv and its i n l\a liila nt s with mir of thr rill- /ens. some liiiir a fir cw a ids. I told him of thr rirninisianrrs and how il alTrrIrd nir. ||r said : ■•()h, slir \\as Irish, ril warrant \iin slir was Irish, man. the «'it; is full of iheiii." WrM. I dmrt know wlnihrr or no' that the true eNphiiiat ion. lint I midrss I half w islird it w.ns. lint while onr roiint r\ nirii ronir nrarrst to iis. Irt ns lools out on ;i wider field, the family of tnaii. |l;,\in,L; irrrixrd lis rexclation the Iiailh of the {''athrrhood of (lod. Irt ns reeeive and art upon its nafnral roim- ter|)!ii"1. the r.rot lieriiood of man: and so wr haxc opporf ii nit \ . do rood unto all iiu'ii l)\ lieeoininL;' servants of all. Thus, and llms (HiIv, will thr bulwarks of ohi (•(•iiiiliv he iiiinlf stcoiiii. rolilical fionoinisls Ikinc llu'ir" place and work, and maii\' of tln'ii' lln-orics and plans arc worlliv of rt'spi'ct, l)nt. \ oil cannol make men iiiofal l>_\' Ici^islat nni. H()\\>'\»>r <'v- cfllt'iil tjif li'ijishit ion. in order t iitit it he rcallv' flVfct i\t'. there iniist le lieliinil it a\ moral ave, a relii^ioiis seiitiinent. Indeed. T kno.v nothiiiL;' of t rne morals apart fro ii relijiion. How eaii a man (daiiii to lie moral wliile he is constantly \\ ron.i^int;' 1 lit' One to whom lie is under tlie fi'reatcst. oliliiiat ions ? Hence, while such Icj^'isiatioii should In- soii^lii as will tend to ecpiaiize tlie liiirdeiis of life and dislrihiite its lilcssinns. so that all may share them, the tnii- solution of the (piestions arising' out of J,ali(ii- and Capital will oiilv lie found when " Mini to man tin.' wurlc! o'er, Sl:c)iiM hrnllu rs he. ^md a" tliat." That time is eoininii'. it is no cmptv di'i'am. 'I'here is a L;loiion-; iitnre for our couiilrx'. for our race. We arc on the upward ijrade. Iiroimh striiiziile and Icmpesi we arc rcacdiiiiii hit;licr i,Tonml. Tf at inies wc seem to he losiiii;'. M, is onlv secinint;'. W'c arc in le arm_\' of pro{j;'ress; unr march is onward and n|)ward. The Con- iieror of iio/rah is our Icailcr. Let its id loud and clear, "'i'he Campbclis are comini^'." 'i'lu' si<.;ht. t lie old, familiar strains of home-land, stirred them as notliiui;' else could. Notiiinii' could wilh- staiid their onrush. With a veil. tlic_\' rushed \\\t the ladders, leaped over the walls, :ind tlie enemy was drixcii before tiicni likt> chaiT befor-' the wind. Oh. yes. we lunc enthusiasm, jilcnty of it: but let it be in savini^', lather than dest royiiiii' uh n. There is need for it. 'i'iie conflict between ji'ood Jiiid e\il wages apace. Tlie Master calls for men. Surely He sliall not call to us in \ain. us yield our hearts to Him. our lixes to His ser\ ice. l''ollowiny Him we eaiiiiol fail, 'i'liiis shall we best scr\e our country in our day and generation, and, as eiti/cus of tiiat, "better coun- try." eonic To that inheritance alioxe. for which we are now by g'race being' prepared. iiDiiiisIs lunc IS are woilliy llo\Vt'V(M' <'\"- licrt' iniisl 1 «• uli't'd. T Uiio.v ji claim to l>f (> is iiii'lm" llif nld 111" son^lii s 1)1cssiii,l;s, so arisiujj;- out of ' is a i^'loi ions i|)\\anT liratlf. Ton 11(1. If at \\\> are ill (1. The Coii- \v. sludv iiioiv" ^iasltl for iihmi. st'on and \t'( t IIhmii worth , ('. (lie, if ncod 1)111 IllCV wild •iniK'raini'iil is lesK oiiriisli of nicst. boil) by been slialtiM'cd lisli I'lMiiMsnla. bri^adf, bet'ii u' wall only to I the wall, and. lay«Ml loud and aniiiiar strains nti' could with- M's, leaped over liaff bcfof.' Tilt- it. he ui savins", onflict between ^nvely lie shall iiir lives to His best siTvi' our t, "better i-onn- iiow by yraee