THE LIFE XT 7^7^ OP E. M., H. R. H. EDWARD, DUKE OF KENT, ILLUSTRATED BY ins CORRAL I'ONDENCE WITH THE DE SALABERRY FAMILY NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED, EXTENDING FROM 1791 TC 1814. BY DR. WILLIAM JAMES ANDERSON, L.R.C.S., Edin., President of the Quebec Literary and Historical Society. " To hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature." " I sbould very imperfectly execute the task I have undertaken, if I were only to treat of battles and sieges, of the rise and fall of administrationi, of in- trigues in the Palaoo, and of debates in Parliament." — Macaiday. • • •. * . ••• ? *»• t ,^ €)Uat»a onlr oloronta: ^ HUNTER, ROSE & COMPANY. A^" 1870. I-' ^ OTTAWA : PBIKTBD BY HDNTER, HOSE 4 CO. d'iisr*/ COISTTENTS. LOBOSUCTOnT...... I 1 CHAPTER I. Birth — Childhood — Early Education — Military training — Luneberg —Hanover— -Geneva— Gibraltar— 1776 to 1791 , ,„„. 3 CHAPTER II. Quebec — Habits— Society — Desertion and Mutiny — Free Schools — De Salaberry family — Addresses — Departure for the West Indies — 1791 to 1794 8 CHAPTER III. Arrival in West Indies — Active Service — Gallantry in Action — Thanks of Parliament — Halifax — Commanding — 1791 and 1795 21 CHAPTER IV. Halifax — Lieut.-Qeneral — Garrison Intemperance — Parade — French Fleet— Chain Boom— Prince's Lodge— 1795 and 1796 34 CHAPTER V. Halifax — " Les 'Volontairos Canadiens" — Fall with horse — Betnrn to England— Address and Vote— 1797 and.1798 46 CHAPTER VI. England — Dnke of Kent — General — Commander-in-Chief B. N. America —Return to Halifax— Failing health — Beturn to England — 1799 and 1800 57 CHAPTER VII. England — Governor of Gibraltar — Correspondence with the Duke of Portland— 1800 to 1802 70 IV CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. Gibraltar — State of Garrison — Instructions- -Reforms — Mutiny — Sup- preasion—Kecall— 1802 aud 1803 84 CHAPTER IX. Kensington Palace — Castlehill Lodge — Negotiations — Field Marshal- Death of Mr. Pitt— 1803 to 1805 91 CHAPTER X. Grenville Administration — ArriTfu' of three do Salaberrys— Recruiting for Royals— Sir George Prevosi- -1806—1806 98 CHAPTER XI. Recruiting for Royals — Obstructions — Sir George Prevofit — Princess of Wales and Sir John Douglas — Half income transferred — Maurice and Louis de Salaborry embark for India — 1806—1807 109 CHAPTER XII. Letters to the de Salaberrys— The Duke's atrong attachment and un- tiring efforts for them — 1807., 124 CHAPTER XIII. De Salaberrys— Letter to th-^ King— Duko of York's letter— Letter to Lord Castlereagh— 1807— 1808 138 CHAPTER XIV. De Salaberrys— Advice to C. de Salaberry on marriage — Proposal to raise Highland Battalion— Declined by Horse Guards— Detarmi- nationofthe Duke— 1808 , .. 143 CHAPTER XV. Lieut. Connor— Sir James Craig, Governor General of Canada- Baron de Rottenburg— 1808— 1809 leo CONTENTS. V CHAPTER XVI. Walcheren. — The' Duke of Cumberland and Sellis — Death of Princoss Amelia— Illness of the King— Tho Regency— 1809— 1810, ..., 174 CHAPTER XVII. Enters on Public life — Mrs. Clarke and " The Rival Princes"— Mr. Galium — Consults Sir Samuel Romilly — Death of Maurice and Louis de Salaborry in India— 1810—1811— 1812 188 CHAPTER XVIII. Ciudad Rodrigo — Fall of Edward do Salaberry— Assassination of Mr. Percival — America declares War — Battle of Chateauguay — General Orders— Tho Duke's opinion— 1812— 1813— 1814 201 CHAPTER XIX. Touching letters from tho Duke and Madame de St, Laurent to Col. L. de Salaberry — Letter to Chief Justice Sewell on Union of Provinces — Fresh pecuniary difficulties from absconding of Solicitor — Letter to Prince Regent, and Lord Liverpool's reply — Renewed sacrifices to meet his liabilities — Addresses from various benevolent societies, and Freedom from tho City of London — Retires to Brussels — 1814 -1315-1816 217 CHAPTER XX. His Marriage — Re-marriage in England — Return to Continent — Resi- dence t.t Amorbach — Return to England — Birth of Princess Vic- toria — T.i creasing embarrassmonts — Woolbrook Glen — Illness and death— UA>mage tc his memory— 1817— 1818— 1819— 1820 229 POSTSCRIPT. De Salaberrys — Madame de St. Laurent — Amelia de Salaberry, the fa- vorite of the Duke , MM 237 INTRODUCTORY. One of the objects of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, is the prosecution of researches into the early history of Canada, and the recovering, procuring and pub- lishing interesting documents and useful information in con- nexion with the natural, civil and literary history of British North America. Having, during the past year, been in professional attendance on the late Lieut.-Colonel de Sala- berry. Deputy Adjuiant General of the Province, and the son of that distinguished Canadian soldier, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Michel de Salaberry, whose name is inseparably connected with Canada as the Victor of Chateauguay, I had many opportunities of conversing with him on that great exploit, as also on the general career of his father. Seeing that I felt so much interest in the subject. Col. de Salaberry placed in my hands certain letters addressed to his father by the late Duke of Kent, and I was thus enabled to pre- pare a paper which I read before the Society. After its publication in the "Transactions" of the Society, it became known that there had been placed in my hands by Col. de Salaberry, and his younger brother Charles, a cor- respondence between the Duke of Kent and members of the de Salaberry family, extending from 1791 to 1814, and a very general opinion was expressed by friends whose opinion I valued, that I should not rest with the publication of the paper which I had read, but should undertake to write a life of the Duke of Kent, based on the materials in my pos- session. It has been said that when personal character and habits form the principal subject of interest, a stranger stands at too great a distance to give thf> portrait a faithful outline or correct coloring, and that a true one can be only pourtrayed by him whose friendly intercourse gave opportunity of marking the peculiar characteristics of the subject. This is undoubtedly to a certain extent true, but it will also be ad- mitibd that he who writes his own biography often discloses traits of which no other person is cognizant, and gives an insight into his own character which might not otherwise be obtained, and that by letters, we may truly bo brought, as it were into personal correspondence with the distant and the dead. The Duke of Kent was an able and voluminous correspon- dent, and from the care with which his letters have been preserved, has thus unconsciously become his own biogra- pher ; but this biography has hitherto been confined to the limited circles of the families or friends of his correspon- dents, and the few of his letters which have been published, in his life by the Rev. Erskine Ncale, have only excited a desire to see more. I feel that the valuable correspondence which has been placed in my hands has furnished abundant matter for writing a life ; but, after mature deliberation, I have deter- mined simply to hold the mirror up, to nature, making my- self a mere amanuensis ; Tiothing extenuating and withhold- ing nothing, but giving the true photograph. In the present publication I propose to give the ivhole of the letters in my possession, not merely all in number, but the contents, merely filling up the narrative where it is obvious some con- necting statements are required, and I feel that I can do this without the sMghtest hesitation, assured there will not be found in the correspondence of the Duke of Kent a single expression calculated to offend the most refined taste, but that every letter will furnish an additional proof of his princely nature and the high and generous qualities which he invariably brought to bear in his intercourse with his fellow men. THE DUKE OF KENT. CHAPTER 1. Birth — Childhood — Early Education — Military Training— Luceberg — Hanover » fl enova— Q ibral tar. " Still on the spot Lord Marmion staid, For lairer scene he ne'er surveyed, The wandering eye could o'er it go, And mark the distant city glow, In gloomy thunder red, F( r on the smoke-wreaths huge and slow, That round her sable turrets glow The morning beams were shed, And tinged them with a lustre proud. Like that which streaks a thunder cloud ; 8uch dusky grandeur clothed thn height. Where the huge castle holds its state, And all the steep slope down, Whoeo ridgy back heaves to the sky, Piled deep and massy, close and high, Mine own romantic town." — Mannion, On the evening of Thursday, 11th August, 1791, His Majesty's ships Ulysses and Resolution, seven weeks from Gibraltar, and having on board the 7th Royal Fusileers, commanded by His Royal Highness Prince Edward, rounded Pointe L^vis, when there burst upon the view one of the most charming scenes the eye could dwell upon. On the right was the end of the beautiful Island of Orleans — the Isle of Bacchus of Cartier — studded with the white cottages of the habitants, embowered in trees ; on the opposite side of the north channel, on the main land, was seen the snow- white Fall of Montmorenci, from whence the shore trended with a gentle curve to the mouth of the River St. Charles, or Little River. From the Falls a long straggling line of white cottages skirted the road to the pretty village of Beauport, beyond which rose a lofty range of wooded heights stretching on to Ancient Lorette. On the left, forming the south shore of the basin, rose the picturesque Pointe L^vis, and at the head of the basin, between the Little River and 4 THE DUKE OF KENT. the mighty St. Lawrence, stood prominently forward Cape Diamond, rising abruptly from the water to the height of three hundred and forty-five feet, surmounted by the Citadel, and the " steep slope down " piled with public and private buildings, the tin roofs of which glittering in the setting sun, gave an appearance of fairy land. The scene was most calculated to impress with pleasurable sensations the Prince, who, during his whole life, shewed a high relish for the picturesque, and who was doubly interested when every- where he turned his eye rested on ground rendered classic by the military operations of Wolfe and Montcalm. Prince Edward Augustus, the fourth son of George the Third, was then in the twenty-fifth year of his age, having been born at Buckingham House, on the 2nd November, 1767. The month, says the Rev. Erskine Neale, was gloomy November ; but there was gloom also in the Palace, Edward, Duke of York, the favorite brother of the King, was then lying in state in his cofiin, and was buried the following day, and the Prince was christened on the 30th of the same iTiOnth, and was named after his deceased uncle. At an early period of his life, he was placed under the charge of Mr. Fisher, subsequently Canon of Windsor and Bishop of Exeter and Salisbury ; and to this happy circumstance he was indebted for a training which told on his future life, enabling him to meet heroically, if not to surmount, many difficulties, and to bear with Christian fortitude and equanimity the injustice and mortifications to which he was so long sub- jected. He was noted in childhood (and the child was father to the man) for a frank and generous disposition, and according to his tutor, the love of truth was in him paramount to every consideration. In the eighteenth year of his age he chose the profession of arms, and was sent to Luneberg in Hanover, to prosecute his studies under the Baron Wangenheim, whom be has described as " an arbitrary and inflexible governor," and " a mercenary tyrant," who enforced with unrelenting severity the wearving and mechanical details of parade and drill. Luneberg is described by Mr. Neale as a wretched poverty-stricken place, surrounded by ague breeding marshes, and without society. No wonder then that the Prince was disgusted with his profession and the world j and that he was THE DUKE OF KENT. 6 delighted •when at the close of the year lie was removed to Hanover, though, as he afterwards said, " it was a change of scene, but with it came no remedy of existing evils." We are also told that the Baron, whose whole soul was divided betAvecn drill and the accumulation of money, did not hesitate to appropriate to himself under one pretext or other, the greater portion of his allowance, restricting his poc- ket money to one guinea and a-lialf per week, and to prevent his remonstrances reaching his father, a rigid espionage was established, his letters were intercepted, and his conduct misrepresented, so that, again to use his own language, " my letters never having reached the King, he was displeased at my apparently undutiful conduct. I was described to him as recklessly extravagant, and much of the estrangement between my royal parent and myself — much of the sorrow of my after life — may be ascribed to that most uncalled for sojourn in the Electorate." The Reverend Erskine Neale has very justly observed that in Germany the soklier is not a man but a machine, not a living being with hopes, aspirations ard opinions of his own, but ail automaton. llis life, one never ending parade, he marks the successive changes of existence by drills. Such the British soldier never can become, and the attempt to make him such would inevitably ensure mutiny. There can be no doubt, that had it not been for the good seed sown in a kindly soil in early youth, all that was good and amiable in his nature would have been eradicated by the vicious system of training to which he was subjected in Germany. As it Avas, it left its impress on his character and accounts for the unpopularity which for a time rested on his name among the British soldiery, and all must agree with Mr. Neale, that the lesson thereby taught is indisputable : " The British Prince must be trained and nurtvrcd on British ground.'' On the 30th May, 1786, he was gazetted Colonel in the Army by brevet, shortly after elected a Knight of the Garter, and in October, 1787, by His Majesty's command, was transfered to Geneva, in many respects, a welcome change for the better ; but still he had a morose governor, instead of a parental tutor, a man who made it his solo study to receive and retain all he could of his allowance for main- tenance. He, however, had now the pleasure of forming the acquaintance and enjoying the society of English gentlemen, of his own age, but not having the means of commanding 6 THE DUKE OF KENT. even the indulgences wliicli tliey were allowed, lie incurred debts by borrowing money to procure tlicm ; but at length, " wearied out by petty and perpetual espionage, thAvarted on most occasions by the Baron ; chafed by ever recurring an- noyances arising from the position he had to maintain, with tlie stinted allowance assigned him, he resolved to visit England. He was now of age ; written remonstrances he had found unavailing, and he hoped a personal nppeal to his father might secure an impartial hearing and redress." In January, 1790, he arrived in Loudon, without previous intimation, and took uj) his quarters at an hotel, where he was at once visited by the Prince of Wales, wlio took him to Carlton House, where they were immediately joined by the Duke of York, v.'ho undertook to communicate his arrival to the King. Dire was the wrath of the King, his displeasure was inexorable. Prince Edward had returned without his sanction, therefore he refused to see him, and in a few days sent him peremptory Avritten orders under seal to proceed, within twenty-four hours, to Gibraltar, and only admitted him to his presence for a few minutes on the night before his departure. Thus, after an absence of six years from his family, he was debarred all opportunity of giving explanations, or laying open his embarrassments, or even of soliciting the King to grant him the usual and necessary outfit. On the first of February, with wounded feelings and in- sulted affections, he quitted England, and on his arrival at Gibraltar, was compelled to provide for his domestic esiab- lisiiment at enormous expense. He Avas, however, vid of the " Old Man of the Sea," Wangenheim, and was placed by the Governor, General O'Hara, under the kind tutelage of Colo- nel Symes, a man of generous qualities, Avho considerately made eftorts to relieve him fvom his embarrassments, though, unfortunately, without success. But, tc hi3 great delight, he Avas noAv appointed to the Colonelcy of the 7th Royal Fusileers, then forming part of the garrison, and had thus an opportunity of carrying out the ideas of military duty Avhich had been instilled into him in Germany, and as a consequciice, the strict discipline Avhich he enforced, though he faithfully subjected himself to it, mado him unpopular with the men. Yet it is on official record, that " the Prince's general conduct has been perfectly to the satisfaction of General O'Hara, and has met the approbation of the whole THE DUKE OF KENT. 7 garrison." And it is further testified, that of all the officers, he had shewn hunsolf tlie most attentive and diligent in the discharge of his public duties, "as well nfi the most rer/idar and temjjerate in his private hours." Unfavorable represen- tations had however been made at homo, as to the disaffec- tion prevalent among the Fusileers, and in consequence he was ordered to embark Avith them for Canada. Before his departure from Gibraltar, a splendid /^^e was given by his brother officers, to shev/ their regard for " their comrade and felloAV soldier," which was gratefully acknow- ledged by Sir Robert Boyd, in general orders, Avho Avai directed to say " how thittering to Ilis Royal Highness this mark of their attachment had been." Though owing to the very limited, or rather totally inade- quate allowance, which had been made to him by his father, his debts had been increaserl during his sojourn at Gibraltar. He left that fortress, bearing in his bosom good will to those he left behind, and animated with brighter hopes for the future, the voices of hh comrades still sounding in his ear, singing the concluding verses of a song composed for the C3 "O occasion : " For Royal Edward leaves us now ! 'Twa3 he who taught us how to bear The soldier's toil, the leader's care, Yet cheered fati.^ue with festive hours, Auii strewed liio's rujjged path with irjwors. Ye broczos softly waft him o'er To bravo the cold Canadian shore, To spread afar his risins^ fame, And make hia own a glorious name." Under these favorable auspices Prince Edward commenced his voyage to America, which terminated as has been des- cribed at the commencement of this chapter. 8 THE DUKE OF KENT. CHAPTER II. Quebec — Habits — Society — Desertion and Mutiny — Free School — De Salabcrry Family — Addresses — Departure for the West Indies. 1791 TO 1784. The Quebec Gazette informs us that, on the Saturday following his arrival, His Royal Highness Prince Edward received at the Castle of St. Louis the officers, civil and military, of the garrison, the clergy, merchants, etc. ; and in the afternoon, the ladies of Quebec were introduced ; and that on Thursday, 18th August, an address was pre- sented to him from the inhabitants, to which he made the following reply : — Gentlemen, — I request you will bo fully convinced how grate- ful I must feel myself for the very flattering seutiments you have expressed towards niy pcrsou. I am anxious that during my stay in this country, my conduct may prove I am deserving of them. Nothing will give me greater pleasure than if I should be for- tunate enough to find an opportunity of bcinff personally serviceable to you — till then, gentlemen, I hope you will remain fully persuaded of my gratitude and esteem. This may appear mere language of course, but time proved they were the genuine sentiments of his heart, and many a Canadian can testify to their practical fulfilment. The Prince at once entered on his military duties in con- nexion with his regiment and the garrison, with that ardour •which always distinguished him, and also joined in the society of the place "with gracious and engaging condescension," shewing marked courtesy on all occasions to the Frei^ch Canadians, with several of whom he associated on terms of the most kindly intimacy. He delighted in musical reunions and organized a society of amateurs, of which the late Chief Justice Sewell, an accomplished violinist, was leader. Though duty required hi? daily presence in the city, after some time, THE DUKE OF KENT. 9 in accordance with his taste for rural life, he took up his residence at Ilaldimand House, at the Falls of Montniorenci, from whence he drove into town every morning. He soon became very popular, and the Quebec irazette informs us that on the 2nd November, being the first anniversary of his birth after his arrival, a ball was given at the Castle of St. Louis, and the city was generally and splendidly illuminated in honor of the dav. Brown autumn was passed, and winter reigned supreme, and its "joys'' were fully entered into, and the terms on which he had already placed liimself with one of the Cana- dian families will be understood from the following letter, translated from the Frt-nch : Quebec, 1st March, 1792. I am in despair, my dear Bo S laberry, that we will not have the pleasure of seeinii; you here to-day. I am more pained to know tlie cause, but I hope it will not result in anything serious. Keep yourself cheerful, liave a little patience, and do not venture out till you are completely recovered. The moment you inform me the roads arc passable. I will not lose an instant in repairing to Beauport with Madame do 8t. Laurent. Avho joins with mc in assuring you of those sentiments of distinguished consideration and esteem, with which I am always your most devoted and faithful Edward, Col. R, Fusileers. P. S. — Many compliments from myself and Madame do St. Laurent, to Madame dc 8alaberry and your charming family. A Mon'r. M. Louis de Salaberry, Beauport. This letter affords the opportunity of introducing the gentleman to whom it was addressed, and who, with his family, will occupy a prominent part in this narrative. M. Louis Ignace de Salaberry, Seignior of Beauport, was descended from a noble family in tlie Bays de Basque, his great ancestor having been ennobled on the field of Coutras in 1557, by Henry Quatre, for a deed of daring and clemency performed under his eye. " Force a suj>erbe, 31ere^ a foible," said the monarch, "shall bo thy device," and it has continued to be so to the j)rcscnt day. Michel de Salaberry, the father of Louis, arrived at Quebec in 1735, in command of the French frigate L'Anglesea, and the archives of Notre Dame de l^cauport show that he was married on tlie 13th July, 1750, to Demoiselle Madeleine Louise Juchereau Duchesnay, daughter of the deceased Seignior j on the 5th 10 THE DUKE OF KENT. July, 1752, is recorded the baptism of Louis Ignace. Cap- tain de Salabcrry took an active part in all the operations preceding the conquest, and at the age of seven his son Louis "witnessed, from the General Hospital, the battle on the Plains of Abraham, ■svhicli decided the fate of Quebec and Canada. On the cession of Canada to Great Britain, Captain de Sala- berry transferred his allegiance, and became a British sub- ject. He sent Louis to France in 17H0, to prosecute his education, from -whence he returned to Quebec in 1708, and finished it at the Seminary. He was of great height and enormous strength, and the " Canadians of old" delighted to tell of his wonderous feats ; and, though a man of great courage, he was gentle to his friends and courteous to all, and by every action of his life illustrated the motto of his family. His loyalty was proved many times, and he received on four different occasions wounds in engagements with the Americans; during the war of 1775 he was severely wounded by the explosion of a shell in Fort St. John, and in the fol- lowing year Avas severely wounded by a musket ball in the knee. In 177S he married Demoiselle Catherine Hertel, but continued to serve till the close of the war in 1783, when he retired to his home ; and, in considoration of his services and his wounds, a pension as Lieutenant was granted him for life. He Avas living happy and respected in the bosom of his family atBeauport when the Prince arrived in Canada, and a warm attachment sprung up between them. The Prince was a constant, almost a daily visitor, showing a strong attachment and delighting in the society of the children, of Avhom M. de Salaberry had then several, boys and girls. It may not be out of place to remind the reader here, that at the time Ave are speaking of, Canada had been under British rule a little over a quarter of a century, and British society, though very much improved from Avhat it was in 17U6, Avhen General Murray sent in to the Imperial Govern- ment his report, Avas still very far from Avhat it ought to be. What it Avas in 17GG, let General Murray say : — " The whole population of Canada, exclusive of the king's troops, amounts to 72,275 souls, of Avhich in the parishes are nineteen families, Protestants. The rest of that persuasion (a few half-pay officers excepted) are traders, mechanics, and publicans, who reside in the LoAver ToAvn of Quebec and in Montreal. Most of them are foUoAvers of the army, of mean education, cr THE DUKE OF KENT. 11 soldiers disbanded at the reduction of troops. All have their fortunes to make, and I fear feiv are solicitous about the means, when the end can he attained. I report them to be in general tlie most immoral collection of men I ever knew; of course little calculated to make the new subjects enamoured of our laws, religion and customs, and far less adapted to enforce those laws Avhich are to govern. * * * ***** The Canadian noblesse were hated because their birth and behaviour entitled them to respect, and the peasants were abhorred because they were saved from the oppression they were threatened with. * * ***** The improper choice and number of the civil officers sent out from England increased the inquietude of the colony. Instead of men of genius and un- tainted morals, the very reverse were appointed to most im- portant offices, and it was impossible to communicate through them those impressions of the dignity of the government, by which alone mankind can be held together in society. The Judge fixed upon to conciliate the minds of 75,(J00 foreigners to the laws and government of Great Britain, was taken from a gaol, entirely ignorant of Civil Law, and of the lan- guage of the people. The Attorney-General, Avith regard to the language of the people, was no better qualified, the offices of Secretary of the Province, Registrar, Clerk of the Council, Commissary of Stores and Provisions, Provost Marslul, &c., &c., were given by patent to men ot interest in England, who let them out to the highest bidders, and so little did they consider the capacity of their representatives, that not one of them understood the language of the natives." It is painful and mortifying to find such a record, but it has been Avritten for our instruction, and perhaps even in the present day, we may profit by it. But it ought to be known that though the evils pointed out were peculiarly felt in Canada, where there was such a vast disproportion in number and so great a dissimilarity in religion and language between the two races, that the sys^'em was not exceptional, but was that generally adopted in that day by England towards all her colonies. Men notorious for tl'eir profligacy, entirely ignorant of the art or science of government, men who could not govern their own evil passions, were thought good enough to govern any colony. Society was somewhat improved in 1791, men of integrity and ability filled the CroAvn offices, but they were not exempt 12 THE DUKE OF KENT. from the prejudices of the school in wliich they had hcen educated. Hear what a recent writer, i\Ir. Fennings Taylor, describes it to have been : — " Such sentiments and Jio pre- ferences to which they led, were not as well approved of by the French subjects of tb.e Crown, as th^y were by the Crown itself. Q^o them, refugee immigrants were " Anglo- Ameri- cans," and as such they were only known as encroaching neighbours and aggressive enemies. Thus the new subjects and the new settlors discovered that they were more obnoxi- ous to each other than were the original races from which they had sprung. Their past history accounted for their present aversion. French and English power, whether in Europe or America, had always been exhibited in a state of strife, and time out of mind the youth of both countries had been carefully educated according to the canons of enmity. There was, moreover, a theological element in the quarter which tended to intensify this mutual aversion. The Anglo- American abhorred the rc^gion of Rome. Tlie Franco- American detested that of the Reformation. Public reverses had in an unlooked for way brought these ancient antagonists together, and thus men who had fought in opposing armies, and fostered every description of quarrel, were now elbowing one another as neighbors, sitting side by side, residents of the same country, subjects of the same crDwn, and competitors, but not on equal terms, for the same honors." The Prince, with intuitive sagacity, saw this state of things, and his goodness of heart, high sense of justice and sound policy, induced him to strive to conciliate and to avoid in every way offending the feelings or prejudices of " His Britannic Majesty's beloved Canadian subjects." Nothing can better show the kindly intercourse existing between him and one Canadian family, than the following letters : Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! a tliousand rounds in honor of the charming Sour is and the new-born. In truth my head is full of joy, and my hand trembles ^o much that 1 can t^carccly hold my pen. And it is another boy ! How I wisli that I was one of those power- ful fairies who Avere able to bestow their int in pursuit, and surprised him while sitting at table at Pointe aux Trembles. " You are fortunate, my Lord," said La Rose, " in my not being armed, for by Heaven, if I had had my pistol I -would have blown out your brains." La Rose was tried by Court Martial, and condemned to receive nine hundred and ninety-nine lashes^ the maximum allowed by the Mutiny Act. He sub- mitted to this atrocious punishment without a mnrmur, and refused with disdain assistance to put on his clothes after, but turning to the Prince, and striking his forehead with his THE DUKE OF KENT. 16 hand, said, " It is the bullet, my Lord, and not the lash, which ought to punish a French soldier." The disaffection -which had originated among the men of the Royal Fusileers at Gibraltar, and -which led to their removal to Canada, docs not appear to have diminished, and punishments were of fre(|uent occurrence -with certain hard- ened offenders, among whom at length a conspiracy was formed, as was proved at the trial. The mutineers proposed to break out of the barracks, and Averc confident of being joined by a largo number more, when they intended to seize the Prince, the General, and all the officers in the Cha- teau, who on non-compliance with their demands, were to be put to death, after which the mutineers proposed to escape by crossing the river and forcing the captains of militia to give them guides. "It is difficult to say," says tlie Quebec Gazette of the 28th March, 1793, " whether the folly or the atrociousness of the plot was the greatest ; for the smallest reflection might have satisfied them of the impossibility of cftecting their escape. Yet, it can hardly be doubted that had they once taken the first step, their desperate situation would have led them to the commission of as much mischief as in the moment might have been in their poAver." Fortunately , the plot Avas discovered in time, the conspirators Avere arrested, tried, and convicted, and the sentences of the Gen- eral Court-martial Avere as follows : — John Draper, found guilty of the charges exhibited against him — sentence, death, by being shot. William Rose, guilty — sentence,/iVe hundred lashes, James Lanergan, for Avant of sufficient evidence, acquitted. Timothy Kennedy, guilty — sentence, seven hun- dred lashes. Sergeant Thomas Urgton, Avho had been re- leased (from a belief that the evidence Avould not be suffi- cient to convict him) demanded and insisted on a trial, and Avas found guilty of a knoAvledgc of an intended mutiny, and sentenced to be reduced to the ranks, and to receive /omt* hundred lashes. Draper was ordered for execution on Tuesday, the 2nd April, but having made application for a Aveek's respite, it was granted. We copy the folloAving from the Quebec Gazette of Hth April, 1794 : > " On Tuesday last, about ten o'clock, Joseph Draper, of the Royal Fusileers, Avhose execution had been respited to 16 THE DUKE OF KENT. this day, was brought out from tlio barracks dressed in grave clothes, -walking beliind liis cotlin, >vhich was covered by a pall, and carried b^ iuur men. The troops inider arms marched slowly beibre — the music followed, ])hiying dirges suited to the occasion, and a vast concourse of spec- tators attended. When this allecting procession had reached tne pliice of execution, and the convict had prepared himself to suil'er, declaring to the last that he was innocent of the crime laid to his charge, and when the critical moment was arrived that was to have launched him into eternity, ho was thus addressed by Prince Edward : " ' Draper — you have now reached the aAvful moment vrhen a few minutes would carry you into the immediate presence of the Supreme IJeing. You must be conscious of the enormity of your guilt, and that you have not the least right to expect mercy. I, as your commanding officer, am entirely prevented I'rom making any application whatever in your favour, there being, from various circumstances of the case, no one opening that cculd justify me in that station in taking such a step. However, as the son of your Sovereign, whose greatest prerogative is the dispensation of mercy, I feel myself fortunately able to do that, which, as your Colonel, the indispensable laws of military discipline rendored it im- possible for me even to think of. In this situation, I have presumed to apply to the King's representative here, for your pardon ; and I am happy to be authorized to inform you that my application has been successful. Major-General Clark, in consequence of my warm prayers and entreaties, has had the goodness, by his acquiescence with my wishes, to enable me to prove both to you and the public, that though your atrocious machinations were chiefly directed against my per- son, 1 am the first to forgive you myself, and to obtain for you His Majesty's mercy. May you take Avarning by this awful scene, and so conduct yourself, that by the remainder of your life you may atone for your past crimes ; and that I may not hereafter have occasion to repent having now been your advocate. " The effect produced on the mind of the unhappy man, who could then have nothing but death in view, as well as on the feelings of the spectators, may be easier conceived than expressed." We turn with pleasure from this distressing scene, to relate acts more congenial. THE DUKE OF KENT. 17 On Scptcmbcu 5tli, 1703, tlio Quehco Gazette announced tlio opening and regulations of the Quebec Sunday Free School, uiult'i" the patronage of Ilis Royal Highness, as fol- lows : — " From an ardent desire of promoting the happiness and prosperity of his Majesty's faithful suljjects of this Province, and from the experience of the many and great a.lvantagcs that have been received from the Sunday Schools in England, under the patronage of the nobility and the Royal Family, His Royal Highness Prince Edward has been pleased strongly to recommend to the subscriber to open a Sunday Free School for the benefit of all those of every description who are desirous of acquiring the necessary and useful brandies of education, and will conform to the rules and regulations that Avill bo male for that purpose. " The said Free School will therefore be opened on Sunday next, under the patronage and direction of His Royal High- ness, from the hours of ten to three during the winter season, and the public may depend on every exertion on the part of the subscriber, in order to meet in every respect His Royal Highness' benevolent intentions. '• The subscriber requests those who wish to attend to give in their names as soon as possible. He may be seen every day from nine to twelve and from two to five, at the Aca- demy in the Bishop's Palace, where young people of both sexes Avill bo taught in separate apartments, all the various branches of literature, on terms most suitable to their cir- cumstances. Jas. Tanswell." *' Rule 2nd. — Every one of His Majesty's subjects of whatever description, will be admitted into this school and educated gratis, on condition of good behaviour and confor- mity to such rules and regulations as may from time to time be made for the better conductingthe same. " Rule oth. — Reading, writing, and the various branches of arithmetic, shall be constantly taught ift both languages ; and particular care taken to render the acquisition of the English language as easy as possible, to His Majesty's new Canadian subjects." The following advertisement shows that slavery still existed in Canada, though a Bill was then before the Legis- lature for its abolition : 18 THE DUKE OF KENT. "to be sold. " A likely, healthy, stout Mulatto man, aged 23 years ; has been used to house work, speaks both French and Eng- lish, and is fit for any hard labor. " Inquire of the Printer. " Quebec, 9th October, 1793." On Sunday, lOtli November, a dreadful fire broke out in Sault au Matelot street. Prince Edward and Lord Dorches- ter were present during the whole night, giving assistance and encouraging by their personal example, and in consequence the House of Assembly, then in session, passed an address, in which they acknowledged " the ardent zeal and indefatigable ability which His Royal Highness displayed on all occasions, for the protection of their property and the security of their lives." Tne masonic fraternity also presented him with an address, bearing testimony to his " gracious and engaging condescen- sion, and exemplary conduct" in every part of his duty. He honored with his friendship Chief Justice Sewell, Mr. Hale, Bishop Mountain, Bishop de Capse, M. Renauld, curd of Beauport, Pere de Berrey, the last Superior of the Recollets, Mr. Allsop, and, above all, M. Louis de Salaberry, for whom and whose family he formed a strong and lasting attachment. But finding the maintenance of his position incompatible with his limited means, and being anxious for active employment, in December, 1793, he solicited an appointment under Sir Charles Grey, then engaged in the reduction of the French West India Islands, and was ordered to proceed there in January, 1794, and left Quebec immediately before his de- parture could bo made public — when it was known that he was gone, addresses poured in from all quarters. An extract from one of these, with his reply, will furnish a fair sample of the whole. The addresses were received at the Chateau, by Lord Dorchester, who caused it to be known, that " The state of His Royal Highness' health -^vould not permit his going by Halifax during the Avinter, and that in order to lose as little time as possible, he had taken the shortest and most expeditious route to join his command." Extract from Address, 14th February, 1794 :—" The amiable qualities of benevolence and attention mapifested by your Royal Highness towards therelief and protection of our fellow citizens in the hour of distress, as well as your con- THE DUKE OF KENT. 19 descension antl urbanity to all who have occasionally had the honor to approach your Royal Highness, have invariably claimed our admiration and gratitude." Extract from His Royal Highness' reply : — "Nothing can flatter me more, than to learn from you, that my conduct during my residence in this Province has gainei your friend- ship, by meriting your approbation. Be assured that though I go with cheerfulness to the post assigned me by the King, my father, I shall not leave Quebec without real regret, nor without carrying with me a remembrance of the marks of friendship and consideration I have experienced here." He proceeded through the United States, intending to embark at Boston, and on crossing Lake Champlain, two of the sleds carrying his whole equipage, broke through the ice and were lost. On arriving at Burlington on the 13th February, the following characteristic note was sent in to him : To His Royal Highness Princo Edward. Sir, — Dictated by tlie principles of common civility and politeness, and possibly urged by an unwarrantable anxiety to have an interview with your Royal Highness, in behalf of the most res- pectable gentlemen of this place, we have to request you to appoint an hour (commencing after six o'clock, p. ni., on account of the business of the court) which will be most agreeable to you to receive that respectful attention due to your rank, and you may be assured, although in a strange couutry, that protection is equally at your command, with the greatest subject oi' the United States. We are with the greatest respect, Your most obedient servants, Elnathan Keyes, John Bishop, William Prentice. And the following answer returned : Gentlemen, — I am commanded by His Royal Highness Prince Edward, to return you his best thanks for your polite attention, and at the same time to say, that if half-past six o'clock this evening will be a convenient hour to you, he shall esteem himself much flattered by his having the pleasure of seeing you. I have the honour to remain, With great respect, Your most obedient humble servant, FllED. AUQT. WeTHERALL, 2 20 THE DUKE OF KENT. This chapter cannot be concluded more appropriately than by an extract from "Lambert's Travels in Canada," pub- lished in 1816 : " His Royal Highness during his residence in Canada, paid great attention to the inhabitants, partic- ularly to the French, to whom he gave commissions for their sons. His politeness and affability gained him the esteem of the people, many of whom I believe, really look upon him as their saint and patron ; at least, such is the way in which I have heard him spoken of." It is anticipating, but in concluding this chapter in the morning of the life of the Duke of Kent, I may remark that many, especially such as from misapprehension have been led to form an erroneous estimate of his conduct and charac- ter,' may have supposed, that as he was comparatively inex- perienced in the ways of the Avorld at the time of his residence in Canada, his utterances were the mere impulses of generous but thoughtless youth. But as age in no degree diminished the warmth of his affections or the steadfastness of his friend- ships, neither did his mature intellect, enlightened by experience, lead him in the noon and evening of his days to alter his views of a kind, a conciliatory and a just policy which he had on all occasions advocated and practised in the morning of life. And well would it have been for Canada, well would it have been for Great Britain, had he obtained what was at one time a cherished object of Lis ambition — the Government of Canada. THE DUKE OF KENT. 21 CHAPTER III. Arrival in West Indies— Active Service — Gallantry in Action — Tbanks of Parliament — Halifax — Commanding. 1794 AND 1795. Soon after his arrival at Boston, a packet carrying eight guns came into harbour, en route for tlie West Indies, and he proceeded in her. In the course of the passage, they were several times chased by the enemy, but had the good fortune to escape, and he reached his destination in safety. He was at once assigned a command, and entered upon hia duties with great spirit and activity. He headed several storming parties, on attacks of important forts in Martinique and Guadaloupe, and his daring bravery secured him general admiration. At Martinique he exposed himself to so much personal danger, as to draw upon him a llattering rebuke from Sir Charles Grey, whilst it raised him in the estimation of his brother officers, and, as might have been expected, made him extremely ])opular with the sohliers. He also distinguished himself in the attack on Fort Morne Fortund ; and at the capture of Guadaloupe, in April following, he led on the first division to the attack of the post on Morne Marcot, which was so ably executed as to command the highest eulogium in the despatch of the Commander in Chief. For these services both Houses of the British Parliament and the Irish House of Commons passed a vote of thanks ; he being the only member of the Royal Family wlio ever re- ceived a vote of thanks for actual service in the field. The Rev. Erskine Neale has pointed out : " Thfit when he arrived at Martinique, he was destii-ute of all but tlie clothes on his person. "His br ivery formed the subject of special commendation to the King by the General Commanding in Chief. " Where danger was the greatest the Prince was always to be found. " Where the battle raged with the fiercest fury, he was sure to be present. 22 THE DUKE OF KENT. "He never loitered five or ten miles m rear of theconilict, or arrived a day too late to perform his duty. " He led every man to his post, and nevei' deserted his own. " Yet," he continues, " the daring commander, the popu- lar soldier, the ohedient and actively employed son, -was left to bear as he best might, the degradation and annoyance inseparable from inadequate income, and increasing embar- rassments ; not an effort was made for his release ; oven definite promises were forgotten. The Gibraltar debt still pressed heavily on his burdened resources, though the King himself had pledged his Royal word he would defray it." And worst of all, Mr. Neale gives an extract from a letter •which he was permitted to allude to, not to transcribe, in which in the bitterness of his heart, wrung with the deepest sense of injury and injustice, he wrote : — "The West Indies! The wish entertained about me in certain quarters, when serving there, loas that I might fall." The campaign of 179i being terminated, he received orders to return to North America, and establish his head- quarters at Halifax as Commander in Chief of the forces in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Chief Justice the late Sir Brenton Haliburton has Avritten that he arrived in Halifax in the month of October, and that he was one of the subalterns of the guard of honor that received him. But Sir Brenton's memory must have failed him, as to the date, for we have now before us a letter written by him from Halifax on the 14th July. It has been stated in a preceding chapter, that while he resided in Canada, he had endeavoured to conciliate the French Canadians, the 7iohle8se or seigneurs of whom were numerous, and proud of the antiquity of their families, and the military glory of their ancestors, and though not rich were highly respected by the'r feudal retainers or eensitaires, and who, in a country where living was cheap, and tastes simple and inexpensive, were able to support the dignity of their position. He saw the wisdom of directing their aspir- ations into a proper channel, and had accordin\;ly encouraged the young men to seek employment in the military service of His Majesty. Mr. Louis de Salaberry had distinguished himself during the late American war, as a loyal subject and true soldier, and his eldest son, Charles Michel, though only a boy, had THE DUKE OF KENT. 28 served two years as a volunteer in H. M. 44th Regt., from which ho was re^i^ularly discharged on its being ordered home. ir. R. H. induced M. de Salaberry to consent to his joining the army, and promised him a commission, which he received in 1794, he being then in his sixteenth year. He proceeded at once to join his regiment in the West Indies, where the Prince had liopcd he woukl arrive before his depar- ture, but in this ho was disappointed, as will appear from the following letter, written in French : — Halifax, 14th July, 1794. My Dear 3Ir. de Sat.aberry, — I avail m/self, with very great pleasure, of an opportunity which offers to-day, to thank you for your obli;jring letters of the ISth and 2()th May, which I received on the 29th of the past month, after my return from a tour which I hud made to the distant parts of this Province and of New Brunswick. Receive my assurance of the full sense of the flattering manner in which you express your joy on ray happy return, and at the success which you have seen has attended mc in my military career. It is true that Providence has extended to me remarkable favor during the whole of the expedition, and when I reflect on the <>ood fortune with which I, in the first place, escaped the pursuit of all the French frigates which were cruisini^; o i the American coast, whilst I was traversing the ocean in a wretched little packet boat of six guns, and tliat after this, on arriving at my post, I found that no aff'air of any moment had occurred, and that I was in time to take part in the whole of the brilliant campaisu ; and, in the second place, of my having escaped in perfect safety both the sword of war and pestil- ence, under which so many of my brave comrades have succumbed, I cannot but wonder at the protection which accompanied me. Rest assured that I do not attribute these events to chance, but that I recognize and revere the Supreme IJeing who has been the dis- poser. My good fortune would have been complete if on my arrival here I had found my friend Madame de St. Laurent. I will now entertain you on the subject of your son, and I will say to you that lam more than sorry that he did not join the army before I left, but ho will not be the less well treated the moment mv letters shall arrive. No opportunity for the West Indies has offered since I have been informed of his departure ; one may present itself in a few days, and you may be assured that my recommendations in his favor will not be lukewarm. I rejoice to learn so delightful a trait in that excellent man Fraser, in his generous conduct towards your young .soldier. Certamly nothing beyond it could be expected from this worthy man, whose 24 THE DUKE OF KENT. whole pleasure is to do all the good he can ; it is not easy at pre- sent to find a man of his type. Do me favor to thank him for me, for the obliging offer of his vessel, and assure him most fully how much I am indebted to him for his oficr, and for his noble and generous conduct to my young protene. I have learnt with sincere regret the loss you have sustained in the Coadjutor, the more so as I am confident your present Bishop is in no way qualified at the present time to till the place he occupies. I very much fear that the office will bo filled long before my letter will reach the hands of Lord Dorchester, as it recommended your good friend M. Renauld, for whom I enter- tain the most sincere esteem, and also reminded my Lord that you had been most strongly recommended to him by me, at the moment of my departure, and that I hoped he would not lose sight of the promise he then made me, to be useful to you. As I propose to address a few lines to Madame de Salabcrry, I ■will add nothing more to this letter. Pray remember me to the ■whole of your family, as also to Pcre de Berrey and the Cure Kcnauld , and I subscribe myself, with sentimeuts of the most distinguished esteem and consideration, Your very zealous and devotc.l iriend, Edward. Halifax, Uth July, 1794. My Dear Madam, — Permit me to ofter many thanks for your delightful letter on the subject of your son. I am very .sorry that I cannot find out when he will reach the West Lidies, but you maybe certain that he will not have the least anxiety about the place, any more than myself, till his arrival. I shall write by a ship which will sail in a few days to the officer in command of his Battalion, as well as to the Commander in Chief, so that all your possible anxieties may be removed, and that he, on no occasion, may feel any want. I think for the present the garrison will be Tobago, at least his Battalion was there when I left the army. I will be informed if all remain quiet in that part of the world, as from present appearances it will, and when an opportunity of!ers he can exchange into the other Battalion now in Canada. It is better for him, however, to pass at least one year, so that he may be wholly weaned from the paternal roof and ac(|uire the rudiments of the service. As to his health, I have reason to believe that you need have no cause of anxiety, for it is a lemark which I make from experience, and which is nearly without exception, that persons under twenty and above forty, bear the climate without feeling any pernicious effect. M. de Salabcrry informs me in his letters that my friend believes THE DUKE OF KENT. 25 she is indebted for my safe arrival here, to your prayers ; I assure you, Madam, I join her most cordially in that thought, and am very much indebted for this proof of your remembrance and friendship. I hope I shall have the pleasure to inform you of her safe arrival here in three weeks or a month at most, when I am very certain she will join me in a few lines. Pray embrace well for me my little godson and Amelia, and remem- ber me at the same time to Adelaide and her two brothers. I see I must now finish, assuring you that I will be always happy when you will permit me to subscribe myself, with sentiments of the most sincere attachment for yourself and your whole family,^ Your very devoted and obedient servant, Edward. Halifax, 18th November, 1794. My Dear Mr. de Salabeury, — I have now before me your three letters of 8th Aug., and IGth and 28th Sept, I am really ashamed of being so long without acknowledging them, but I have been constantly engaged in one way or another, so that I have scarcely had a moment of leisure to myself. I embrace t!ie first moment I have found, to thank you with all my heart, for the assur- ance which you give me of the continuance of your friendship and remembrance. I have seen with sorrow the unfriendly steps the Government have taker 'n regard to you, and I am persuaded it is not neces- sary for me o assure you that no one can be more indignant than I am ; but sit ated as we are, I believe it will bo found infinitely the best, hov r . er hard the task may be, for you to retain the situation which you hold, and render all the service in your power, as you have hitherto done, and not resign, as you inform me you propose. In future it is to be hoped, indeed I feel assured, things will be more fortunate, and when the happy moment shall arrive you will always have the satisfaction of thinkino; that notwithstandina; all that has been done to irritate j'ou, //ou lutoe ahnoi/s done your duty with the same good will ; and that nothwithstanding all you have endured you have not drawn it upon yourself, by any fault of your own, and that any recompense you may enjoy, will only be your due. I hope that after what I have now said, you will not resign your commission, which, in the first place, you propose to do, and I further flatter myself you will follow my advice on this head, as it has been given to you at your own request. I have to inform you that since my last there has been no change in my position, except that orders from His Majesty were sent on the arrival of Madame, appointing me Commandant of the troops here. I do not know for how long a time I shall be permitted to hold the appointment, but I do not apprehend there is any intention to 26 THE DUKE or KENT. recall mft to England. ^Ml the letters which the August packet was bringing have been lost, so that if tlicrc was any news for uie, I will not know, till intelligence of the capture shall reach London, and there will bo time to send uie duplicates. I am extremely pained that my recommendations in favor of the worthy Cure Kenuuld were not attended to, but I believe that the honest man may amply console himself with the esteem and friend- ship which he so fully possesses, ol' all who know hini. Accept my thanks for the obliging manner in which you and Madame de Sala- berry congratulate me on the happy arrival of Madame. She enjoys here much better health than she did at Quebec, and we are assured that the winter is much less severe and disagreeable, and I flatter myself that in consequence, she will continue to be equally well dur- ing the whole winter. I have not received any letter from the Commander in Chief in the West Indies unco I left, but I know that letters which I addressed him on the subject of your sou, have reached him. I am happy to learn that he luis arrived safe and well, and I beg to assure you that I have no hesitation in giving you the hope, that in a short time ho will attain his Lieutenancy. You will give me very great pleasure at all times, in communica- ing the news which you may receive from him, for you may rest as- sured that the interest which I take in him will not cease to be e(iually lively, as it was when I did anything in my power to "-et him the appointment. I beg that you will have the goodness to send the enclosed to the Cur6 Renauld and the llev. Fbre de Berrey, and I will now conclude, requesting you to assure Madame de Salaberry of my regard, and of the sincere pleasure with which I have heard of the welftire of her- self and children. I embrace Amelia and my little godson with my whole heart, also the rest of the children and yourself, and I sub- scribe myself with most sincere attachment. Your most zealous and devoted friend, Edward. Halifax, 10th March, 1795. My Dear Mr. de Salaberry,— On Friday last, the 6th March, I had the pleasure of receiving by the Quebec mail, your obliging letter of the 29th January, for which pray accept my most sincere thanks. Permit me to a.ssure you that I am extremely flattered that in consequence of my last letter, you have decided, notwithstanding the disagreeable things to which you have been subjected, to retain your military appointment. The time is approaching, and will not be long, when your affairs may take another turn. THE DUKE OF KENT. 27 It appears at length distinctly understood, that Lord Dorchester has requested his recall, and whoever is appointed his successor, it will be very hard indeed to make an impression on him if I do not succeed in persuadinj^ him to better your position. Opinions are very divided as to whether his successor will combine in Ills person the civil and military command, or whether it will be thought better to appoint two persons to fill these posts. As for me I am unable to form any opinion on the subject, but if a separation of these offices take place, and if it be the intention of His Majesty to keep me any length of time absent from England, I think it will be barely possible that any other officer than myself should be nominated to the military command, the more so, as I am at present the senior officer in rank after Lord Dorchester in British North America. Though this would not give me any right to meddle in civil matters, it is natural to suppose that any recommendation which I might address to the Governor General would be attended to, as having more weight than any other that could be placed before him. As I be- lieve you must be convinced of my great desire to do everything to serve you whenever it !ji»l.te satisfaction, as it is no eijuicocal j)ruof of the ajyprobation with which Ills Maje:-tj/ has deigned to honor me. Madame de St. Laurent having informed me that you have not received any letters from us since the commencement of this year, I referred at once to my letter book, and I find that I wrote to you on the 12th March, and ihe 11th of the past month, so that this is the third. I believe also that the first enclosed one from Madame de St. Laurent, the same as this does. You may depend I will take the greatest possible care of the letter to your son la the West THE DUKE OF KENT. 37 Indies. I have at lonfijth liad occasion to write to the Commander in Chief there, and you may be assured that I did not forget my young i)roUWARD, Lieut.-General. Halifax, 5th September, 1796. My Dear Mr. de Salaberuy, — Though I have no news to communicate, having written you on the 1st August, I am unwilling to let the mail leave to-day witliout writing a few lines to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of 23rd July and 26th August. As to the first, I will say in reply, that it is absolutely impossible for me to promise to Mr. Lind to place him in my Regiment, as the number to whom I am already engaged, and the determination I have come to, not to Uiake any new promises till the old are fulfilled, prevent me. But if Mr. Lind desire an ensigncy for his son, without stipulating any particular quarter of the globe, I believe I may assure him that it will not bo difficult to meet his wishes in that respect, for there arc vacancies occurring daily in the regiments of the line, for which it is difficult to find candidates of age tit to serve. Accordingly I shall wait the result of this communication, before taking action. Your second letter, wherein you speak of the pains which I have taken to secure your son's rights, does not require any other answer from me than to assure you of the pleasure I have had in feeling that after so much trouble, the matter has been at length settled accord- ing to my wish. Madanae de St. ]jaurcnt will have told you that he is now replaced in the Ith Battalion of the GOth, where he formerly was, and that conse(iuently I recommend him to inform himself cor- rectly of any opportunity direct from (Quebec this autumn, so that he may join his regiment, and that till such occur, it will be well for him to remain with you. But if there be nothing certain, he had better avail himself of the corvette which conveys the rest of the Chasseurs of the 4th Regiment now in Canada, for after that there will not be mnny opportunities for the West Indies from here. As the corvette will leave in five or six days, there is a likelihood that it will arrive about the same time as this letter. I have written by this day's mail to your friend McKay ; without doubt he will communicate to you my letter, and I hope you will •approve the advice I have given him on the subject of his memorial. As Madame de St. Laurent writes Madame de Salaberry by the hands of Captain Smith, I will conclude, &c., &c. Edward. THE DUKE OF KENT. 41 Halifax, 3rd October, 1790. My Dear Major, — I would have been most uneasy on the subject of your son, if you had not announced his arrival ut the end of your letter. I grieve that Madame de Salaberry had occasion to be so much alarmed, but I hope that the sight of our young friend soon jmt ail to rights. I will have great pleasure in having him again with my regiment. I would have liked to have granted him leave to spring, according to the wish of his excellent mother, but you can judge for yourself, that from the position in which he now is, that it is necessary for him to return to his regiment. I only hope that he may lind an opportunity from Quebec, direct to the West Indies, for then you will be able to keep him longer with you than if it will be neccsr^ary for him to return here in the Govern- ment corvette, but should he be compelled to do this, you may bo assured I will take every care of him. Your friend M. Masf;on has arrived safely, he is now staying with Mr. Holland in consequence of letters from his father. His figure ia interesting, and I have a confused recollection of having seen him on our descent on Guadaloupe. I wish with all my heart that it was in my power to render him scrvico, but unfortunately at present I am unable to do more than to procure him a passage to the Islands, when he decides to go. Undoubtedly you must already have heard of the arrival of a French fleet on our coast ; it escaped from Brest and made a descent on Newfoundland, and according to our latest information was pre- paring to attack the port of St. John's, which is defended by land by a force of 4,500 men, including Provincials, and by sea, by a ship of 50 guns, two frigates and four corvettes. I think that from this force, I may flatter myself 8t. John's cannot be taken, but the fisheries will certainly suffer this year, from the devastations which these Carnuu/no/cs commit wherever they go. As for us we keep ourselves constantly on the alert, lest they should honor us wit^> a visit, which is not impossible, though it may be improbable, but I flatter myself that in the event of a visit we would so conduct our- selves, that they would be glad to retire as quickly as possible. Madame de St Laurent will have the pleasure of writing by next mail, &c., &c. Edward. Here, is the proper place to mention that on the Prince's arrival in Halifax, the habits of the garrison ^rere very dissi- pated, and that the civilians shared largely in the dissipation, and we have the testimony of the late Chief Justice, Sir Brenton Ilaliburton, then a Lieutenant in the garrison, that it was no unusual thing for gentlemen to join the ladi^a in a 42 THE DUKE OF KENT. state of intoxication, which woukl now bo considered very disgraceful, but which was then merely laughed at by the ladies themselves. The Prince at once stamped this state of things with his most marked disapprobation, and quickly put an end to it among the military, by parading the troops every morning at 5 o'clock, always attending himself. Gambling also prevailed to a great extent, but the Prince never touched a card, and as the early parade compelled its votaries to retire early to bed, gambling as well as drinking fell into disuse. The improvement thus forced on the military gra- dually extended to the g-^' oral society, and to Ilis Royal Highness is justly due the credit of putting an end to a very disreputable state of things, and elevating the public and private morals of the community. He was most attentive to his duties himself, and kept the garrison on the alert, when as we have seen it was not im- probable that the French fleet might attempt a sudden descent on Halifax. When I visited Halifax in 1834, 1 had the plea- sure to count among my friends the late Mr. James Forman, an old and respected merchant of that place, though long retired from business. Mr. Forman's anecdotes of the Prince from personal recollections, were very interesting, and their correctness has since been fully borne out by his junior, but some time contemporary, Sir Brenton Haliburton, in a letter addressed to Sir John Harvey, and published by Mr. Neale. Mr. Forman took me to scenes rendered historical by remin- iscences of the Prince, among these, to the "North-west arm," Avhere he pointed out a huge iron ring, riveted to the rock, to which had been attached a chain cable, which was stretched across the " arm," and fixed in like manner on the opposite side, and served as a boom to prevent the French fleet from stealing in the back way and bombarding the city. His Royal Highness, with that love for rural life to which we have already adverted, had selected a spot at th 3 head of that beautiful sheet of water, "Bedford Basin," which forms the inner harbour of Halifax, and had built for himself a pretty lodge, and had improved with great taste the natural beauties of the place. Here in the society of his friends he used to spend his moments of leisure. When I visited the spot with Mr. Forman in 1834, the "Lodge," or "Prince's Folly, " as it was commonly called, had fallen into ruin, and the winding paths, and THE DUKE OF KENT. 43 • • * spot where onco a garden smiled, And still whore many a garden flower grew wild, were overgrown with underwood and brambles. As we intend to give an extract on this head from the " Clockmaker," we shall say no more at present. Halifax, 28th November, 170G. My Dear Major, — I would have replied a great deal sooner to your letter of 6th October, received by the hands of Capt. Smith, the 23rd of 'he same month, had not the arrival of the packets rapidly on each other on the 7th and 8th occupied me incessantly for the next throe weeks. Now I have a moment's leisure, and I eagerly embrace it, to give you news of your son. lie arrived here safe and sound, the 25th of last month, in good health, notwith- standing the misfortune of having been shipwrecked with his companions on the Island of St. John (Prince Edward Island). He is now here doing duty with my regiment, and in the gar- rison as one of my own officers. The reason of this u, that I had cause to believe that his Battalion of the GOth is incorporated with another one in the West Indies, and that the officers have been sent to England to recruit, and I did not feel it my duty in this uncertainty, to expose him to danger, so I have dispensed with his going to the Island till I can ascertain how the thing really is. I have taken all the necessary steps on the subject, having written to my brother by the last packet, that I had detained your son here waiting for further orders from him to rejoin his regiment. I expect his reply by the January mail, which we need not expect here before April, in the ordinary course, seeing that the packets have to make the detour by New York. In the meantime I have taken care to arrange that his absence will not occasion any injury to Kis promo- tion, when his turn in the company of his own Battalion shall arrive, which cannot be long, as he is very near the head of all the Lieutenants of the Fourth Battalion. As to the idea which you have formed that his promotion may be arrested by any interest in his own regiment, I can assure you that you are mistaken. I always, &c., Edward. Halifax, 19th December, 1796. My Dear Major, — I received on the 13th current yours of the 10th and 11th November. You will have learnt by the return of M. Foy, that we were not long alarmed on the subject of 44 THE DUKE OF KENT. a visit from tho Carmagnoles, tliou<;li after the niidtllo of the 7th, up to tho bejj;inuing of the past luoiitb, we v.cro kept on the qui vive. It is not yet known in what direction their fleet sailed, but it is ({uite certain that it (quitted the shores of North America after the end of the Hth month. I myself think that it returned to Europe, but the general opinion is, that their force has been divided between St. Dominica and the Antilles. By the last news from Europe, we learn the continuation of tho brilliant success of the Archduke Charles, and of another complete victory by the Austrians, over the French under General Bonaparte, who lost an immense train of artillery. I think that these events will materially influence the affairs of Europe, and terminate in an honorable and permanent peace, such as every honest man desires. On the subject of General Prcscott, I will say to you candidly, that I believe he inwardly laments that his wife has adopted the proscribed list of Lady Dorchester, but I fear very much that he, like My Lord, will not meddle in these affairs. All the world blames Major liunbury very much as the chief cause of the disagreements which have split up so.;iety. I do not know, but [ am under tho impression that the General will not make any difference between one person and another. I shall be much mistaken if his Excellency draws back from his promise to me in your favor, to appoint you on the first vacancy for a Canadian, but I will say to you that I do not believe that he is generally favorable to that nation, but I beg of you to be firmly per- suaded that in any case, on my return to England, I will not cease to press on Ministers to give you something Avhich will place you and your numerous family in a state of independence, which I desire as ardently as yourself Before that time, unless the Governor shall have done something in your favour, in compliance with my strong recommendation, it would be altogether useless for me to address Ministers in writing. I have every reason in the world to praise the proceedings of these gentlemen in regard to everything in my own district, but when I have asked anything dependent on the Government of Canada, all, with the exception of my brother, have replied to me, that they can- not recommend to any situation, unless the proposition is supported by the Governor. I have received a letter from M. d'Estimauville ; I intend to write him to-day, that it will not be possible for me to appoint his son. I have learnt with pain, but not with surprise, of the revolt at Montreal. I think that the decisive manner in which the Getieral has poured troops into that city, has for the present suppressed that sedition, but he will require a respectable reinforcement of troops in spring, unless he wishes to expose himself to the same scenes and the THE DUKE OF KENT. 45 same consequences, •which were produced during the rebellion of the Colonics, on the first attempt at resisting the execution of the laws. It is well for you that the General is a man who will not per- mit himself to be played with, but will use every means to crush it with firmness. Your son is still here, waiting till it is decided where his Battalion is. Ho is in good health, and performs his duty with the greatest punctuality. I subscribe myself, &c., Edward. 46 THE DUKE OF KENT. CHAPTER V. / Ilttlifax— " Les Volmtairca Canadiem— Fall with Horse — Return to England — A'.ldress und Vote. 1797 AND 1798. Halifax, 20th March, 1797. My Dear Major, — I take advantage of this day's mail, to reply to your two obliging letters, the one of the 21st Januar}, received the 24th February, the other of the 18th February, received on the 17th of this month. You appear to have learnt by a letter from your sou, that I have placed him on board His Majesty's ship Asia, of 64 guns, with a detachment of thirty men to do duty as marines, during a cruise which will last to the end of next month. He found his expenses here rather heavy, on account of the dearness of everything, and it was to give him an opportunity of economising, that I gave him the preference for this service. He will likely have an opportunity of getting some prize money, as I believe his ship has gone to cruise in the course which Spanish vessels take from Havana and South America to Europe. I augur that he will certainly have good for- tune, and when it comes I will have much pleasure in communicating it to you. I say frankly that I have great hopes to learn by the next packet that he is already a Captain, for according to my calculation, at the time of the last vacancies, he was the senior Lieutenant of his Battalion, and consequently the first Lieutenant for promotion. I have at length received a letter from General Prescott, in which he expressed himself with much warmth and energy in reference to you. He says that in addition to my recommendation, which will always have great weight with him, he has a high personal regard for yourself, and that when an opportunity shall present itself to serve you he will not fail to avail himself of it. But ."s to an appointment to cither of the Councils, he mak^ precisely the same objections as I felt it my duty to state to you in my last. I firmly believe he is very much disposed to act up to his word to me, and will not be influenced by the absurdities of his wife. But I beg to assure you that I do not place my sole reliance on him, but I confidently hope that on'my return to England, if it be not accomplished before then, that I shall be in a position to do you real service. THE DUKE OF KENT. 47 Colonel Wetherall arrived here five days before your letter of 21st January came to hand. I am not the less under obligation to you, for your obliging attention in communicating the information furnished by Captain Founerest on the subject. He has sufifercd inconceiva- bly, having been for five months within the bars of a dungeon, and the rest of the time in a common prison. He is perfectly well, there ' being no change in his appearance, except that he looks rather thinner. I hope for your happiness, that the 4th Battalion will be completed and sent to Canada in the spring. There is every likelihood that this will be the case, as His Majesty has promised that the Battalion shall not return to the West Indies during this war, and that unless for the purpose of recruiting none of the regiment will remain in Europe. Having nothing more to add, I remain, &c., Edward. The following letter, addressed by the Prince to Sir Ralph Abercromby, will show how well he fulfilled his promises, and will save the necessity of publishing several letters addressed to Major de Salaberry of the same tenor : Halifax, 4th July, 1797. Sir, — I have taken the liberty of troubling you with these lines, in order to introduce to your notice the bearer of them. Lieutenant de Salaberry, of the 4th Battalion of the 60th, He is a young man in whose welfare I feel peculiarly interested, having been brought by me into the service, the son of one of the most respectable of His Majesty's Canadian subjects, who was severely wounded during the late war in the Provincial line. Least his absence from his regi- ment might be construed into any neglect on his part, I beg leave to state the following circumstances, of which the Duke of York is fully acquainted. At the time of the raising the 2nd Battalion of Boyal Fusilecrs he was supposed by me to be still an Ensign in the 60th, and as such he was recommended by me for a Lieutenancy in my regiment ; this he obtained, the notification was sent to the West Indies where he was serving in the 4th Battalion 60th, and in con- sequence, as I understood from him, he was ordered to join the Fusi- lecrs at Halifax. In the intermediate lime it was found, that at the time of his promotion in the Fusileers, he had already obtained a Lieutenancy in succession in the 60th. It appearinsr from the rapid succession in the West Indies that from his being so situated, ho would be a considerable loser in rank 48 THE DUKE OF KENT. by accepting the Lieutenancy in the Fusileers, I made application to the Duke of York to cancel the latter appointment, which he im- mediately consented to. Lieutenant de Salaberry who had joined here in consequcice of the former order, in July,179G, received the notification of his being removed back to the 60th late in the autumn, at a time when it was known that his Battalion the 4th had been drafted and sent home; — I therefore judj^ed it expedient to detain him till tbe further destination of the 4th Battalion was known, and I applied to my brother for instructions on that head. These were received late in April by the February packet, at the time that Lieutenant de Salaberry was absent on board Her Majesty's ship Asia, when he was serving as Lieutenant of Marines, with a detachment lent from this garrison in February, under the specific promise that they should be returned by the 16th April; this how- ever was not kept owing to the arrival of Admiral Vandeput in the Chesapeake, who ordered the Asia on a further cruise ; the event of which was that Lieutenant de Salaberry with his detachment did not return here till the 26th ultimo. The opportunity by which he now goes, is the only one that has offered since his arrival, and though void of either safety or comfort, being a very diminutive unarmed schooner, he has insisted on em- bracing it rather than it should be said that he had delayed a moment in repairing to his duty. I sincerely hope he may get safaly to his destination, and be enabled to present you wilh this letter, which I trust will be a full and entire justification of his absence. I shall now beg leave to add, that if not at the present the oldest, I believe he is within one of beinf;: the oldest Lieutenant of his Battalion ; having served in the West Indies from his first appoint- ment in the West Indies to the time of his being removed to the Fusileers; in the course of which time he commanded both the flank companies of his regiment, at the investment of Fort Matilda under General Prescott, and having been honored by the assurance of that officer's high approbation of his conduct; I have now to solicit your patronage in his favor — that when a proper opportunity ofl'ers, you may be good enough to promote him to a company. I shall esteem such a mark of your polite attention as the highest possible compliment you can pay me, and I shall always be ready to acknow- ledge it, as a weighty obligation conferred on myself. I have the honor to remain, With sentiments of perfect regard, Sir, Your most obdt. and very humble servant, Edward, Lieut.-General Sir Ralph Aberoromby, Lieut.-General. &c., &c. THE DUKE OF KENT. 49 The commencement of the next letter is not inserted, as it is merely a repetition of what is contained in the prece- ding letter to Sir R. Abercromby. Halifax, 19th June, 1797. My Dear Major, — I have again written to the Commander in Chief, and I have reason to believe that before he shall have reached his regiment, my brother will have signified to General Abercromby his desire that he should pay particular attention to my recommendation in his favor. I augur then that before the end of the year, your wishes for his promotion to a company will be gratilied, but you cannot desire this more ardently than I do. You ask me to inform you of the reasons which prevent the Governor from appointing you to the Councils. I believe that I informed you in one of my letters long ago, but as it is possible you did not receive it, I wiU again say, that the General gave mc to understand that for you personally he had the highest esteem, but that by instructions conveyed to him in a new order the vacancies were to he filled hy Englishmen and not hy any Canadian what- ever. The General is certainly not the man to give any such reason, unless it was strictly in accordance with the truth. Should any other occasion to serve you present itself, I would advise you if there be not time to give me previous notice, to address yourself directly to the Governor, reminding him of my recommenda- tion and your own services, and I am convinced that the General, unless he is bound by a previous promise, will not fail to pay im- mediate attention to your request. But if time permit to advise me of the vacancy, you may be persuaded that I will not neglect to do what is necessary to secure your succession. I am already con- vinced that the conduct of General Prcscott towards you on the subject of your leave, proves that he will not lose any occasion of showing that my recommendation has weight with him. I hope that your health is now recovered; as it is certain you will have a little rest. Walker has spoken to me of the great pains you have taken to discipline your new Battalion ; he says also that it advanced very much before his departure. I am fully sensible of the honest pride which Major Holland takes in you. The stuff of which an old soldier is composed is certainly good, it has not fallen the least short in him. I subscribe, &c., &c., Edward. In 1796, Lord Dorchester decided to raise a Canadian Regiment and called on M. Joseph de Longueil, M. de Sala- 50 THE DUK2 OF KENT. berry and M. Dambourges to aid him. The Baron de Longueil was appointed Colonel. De Salaberry, who had shown great energy and raised his Company in a short time, was made Major, and Dambourges, Captain of the Grenadier Company. The regiment ies Volontaires Cana- diens was six hundred strong, and had on its colors the device, *' Try Us ;" and it was to these that the Prince refers above. It served successively two years in Montreal, two at Sorel, and two at Quebec, when it was disbanded. The biographer of Dambourges asserts that it was frequently short of pay and supplies, and that Colonel de Longueil actually sustained it for a considerable time out of his own private revenues, and writes indignantly that notwithstanding the sacrifices made by both officers and men, the Duke of Port- land had forwarded a despatch to Sir R. S. 'Milnes, contain- ing this unjust expression : " But before I proceed further, I cannot help expressing to you my surprise, that the estab- lishment of the Canadian Battalion in Lower Canada, the principal object of which was to draw the Canadian gentle- men from their indolent and inactive habits, and attach them to the King's service, should have met with no greater suc- cess." Halifax, 3rd July, 1797. My Dear Major, — I send you inclosed a letter to General Prescott, in favor of the worthy Cure Ken.auld. It is under flying seal : do me the favor to hand it to the Cure, that he may pre- sent it himself. Please to translate it to him, so that he may be aware of its contents. I hope there need not be the least doubt of the result. You ask me if I am thoroughly satisfied with the state of defence of the post which I commaLd. I will say to you, that though not what I would desire, the works are very far advanced, and with the addition of the other regiment which has been promised me, and which is daily expected, I believe we could shew a good face to the Carniar/noles, if they should venture to visit us. In the mean time we work incessantly, and I think that by St. Michael's, all the forts will be in a very respeotablo state of dei'encc. As to Canada, I believe it is certain that they will not fail to send reinforcements, and as the troops of Darmstadt were taken into the English service, with the single reservation that they were not to serve on board the fleet as marines, and were not be sent to the East Indies, it is very probable that these troops will form the rein- THE DUKE OF KENT. 51 forccments ; but I say this not from any certainty, but merely from the likelihood, &c., &C. Edward. Halifax, 13th August, 1797. My Dear Major, — You say a great deal more than is necessary for what I have done for your sou. I desired that he should leave this with every possible pleasure, and that when he arrived at his post he should find himself at his ease. Our letters by the June packet, lead us to believe that the peace will not be long delayed, and if not already signed will soon be by the Ambassador, Lord Malmesbury. I tell you frankly that by Christmas, I flatter myself the whole will be ended, and that next spring I sliall be permitted to return to my country after an absence of thirteen years. I presume that the September packet will give us such information as will enable me to judge with certainty ; but I beg to assure you that no change of situation will cause me to lose for one moment the sincere desire I have to render you and your family service. Do me the favor to assure Madame de Salaberry and all the children of my remembrance, and believe at all times and places, I will always be, &c. Edward Halifax, 16th October, 1797. My Dear IMajor, — I have now before me your two letters, the first of 6th September, received on the 28th, and the second on the 19th September, which came to hand on the 14th cur- rent. I beg you to accept my thanks for both; as to the last, which informed me of the nomination of your second son to the Ensigncy in the Volontaires, it was infinitely more agreeable than the first, which apprised me of the injustice which has been done to our excellent Cur<5. On this subject I have taken the liberty to write to-day to General Prescott, indicating to him the motives which induced me to recommend the Cur6 iicnauld to him, assuring him, which was strictly true, that the wortliy man was entirely ignorant of it. I considered that it was my duty also, to communicate to him what I knew of the character of . I know not if it will be taken in good part, but I hope it will, as I have no other object in giving him the information than the conviction that the llepresentativo of His Majesty ought to be made acquainted with the character of every person employed in his government. Further as regards M. lleuauld, it would be vain, notwithstanding my good will, to make any attempt to change the 4 52 THE DUKE OF KENT. choice made by Governor Prescott, for without doubt all will bo done in England according to his report, as it is the rule to confirm his choice, consequently, in spite of the annoyance of seeing one's recommendations set aside, let the affair rest as it is at present, for any attempt to correct it would fail to effect any good whatever. I regret the more, as the Cure is far from content with the turn the ati'air has taken ; so until there is a new order of things, he iuust rest quiet, reserving hims-clf to a later day when he may speak his sentiments. As to the good fortune of your son, Maurice, I assure you I take great interest in it. The pay will always aid somewhat till such time as he can obtain a more permanent and better provision. I am happy to think that on this occasion, my recommendation in his favor has had some weight with the General. I have received one letter from your son from Martinique, where he arrived precisely the day after the departure of his Battalion for Jamaica ; but as the packet was daily expected, he would find an opportunity in a few days to reach his post. To-morrow, I have reason to believe that, a frigate will leave direct for that island. I will write him by that opportunity, and will inclose your last to him. I will give him anew a letter of introduction to Lord Balcarras, flie Governor of Jamaica, such as I gave him for Generals Abercromby and Hunter, but which were useless on account of their having left for Europe before his arrival. The mail of August did not bring any decisive news on the subject of tie peace, and wc wait with great uneasuiess for that of September, to know the result ; but my own opinion is, we will have to wait a month longer. If peace is established, it is to be presumed that I will bo recalled next spring ; but if the war continues I fear no change for me is to be hoped for. I have now nothing to add, but remain, &c., Edward. In explanation of tho preceding letter, it may be men- tioned that the Rev. Pierre Louis Ilcnauld, 6th Curd of Beauport, was born 13tli February, 1731, ordained priest in 1754, and became Cur«5 of Beauport in 1759; consequently, when the Duke of Kent arrived in Canada, he had been thirty-two years Curd, and was in the sixtieth year of his age. Monseigneur Langevin in his notes on the archives of Beauport, says ; — " The old parishioners speak of him as a man of imposing appearance, but of blunt manners, who delighted in the society of the highest personages in the Colony." The Duke of Kent had a high opinion of his ability, integrity and loyalty, and on that account had wished him to succeed the deceased bishop in preference to M. Plessis THE DUKE OF KENT. 58 Curd of Quebec. The Abbd Ferland, in his life of Plessis, gives us the text of the letter which the Duke wrote to Governor Prescott, and which is referred to in the preceding letter : " As to the coadjutor, M. Plessis, I believe it my duty to inform you that he is a man in whom you will find perhaps that it is not prudent to repose too much confidence. I knew him while he was Secretary to Bishop Hubert, and it was well known during my residence in Canada that he entirely governed the Bishop and the Seminary, and induced them to adopt opinions quite incompatible with our ideas of the supremacy of the King in ecclesiastical affairs !" And again; "I know that while I resided in Canada, the late Bishop Hubert objected strongly to remit to the Govern- ment a list of the nominations made to parishes ; and as we believed that prelate entirely guided by the present coadju- tors, that refusal was regarded by the most zealous subject of His Majesty in the country, as one of the numerous reasons which placed M. Plessis in a doubtful position, with respect to his loyalty towards Great Britain." Halifax, 17th October, 1797. Dear de Salaberry, — Your letter dated St. Pierre, Mar- tinique, 13th August, reached me on the 15th of the following month, since which, uo opportunity has offered for Jamaica till this day. As I conclude, you have been long since arrived at that island, I forward these lines under cover to Lord Balcarras, the Governor, from whom 70U will receive them, and to whom I have particularly recommended you, as you were unable to make use of the former letters with which I furnished you, owing to the departure of the officers to whom they were addressed, for England, Still it would be proper for you to deliver to his Lordship, that intended for Sir llalph Abcrcromby, which I would wish him to open, as it contains a particular explanation of your situation. The private letter for General Hunter you had beat keep, as it is probable you may some day or other meet him ; and as lie is, if I am not mistaken, your Colonel, it may hereafter prove a benefit to you. The inclosed letter from your father has been by me for some time, and I am happy in this opportunity of forwarding it. I have only to recommend to you the greatest attention to your duty upon all occasion^:, and the utmost correctness in your conduct, by adher- ing to which you will be sure to secure the continuation of my friendship and good will. Write whenever you find opportunities, either by way of the States or direct, as I shall always be happy to 54 THE DUKE OF KENT. hear of your welfare. Believe me ever to be your very sincere friend and well wisher. Lieut, de Salabcrry, Edward. &c., &c., &c. Halifax, 30th April, 1798. My Dear Major, — Your letter of 15th January did not reach me till the 12th inst., and the arrival immediately after of the European Mails of December and January, with the duplicates of the letters lost in the November packet, filled my bauds for a month with work without end, which I had scarcely got reduced, when the February packet increased my labour, and it is only to-day, after the departure of the mail with all my answers, that I can occupy myself with you. I beg of you, therefore, to accept, though rather late, my acknowledgments for the obliging manner in which you and Madame do Saiaberry have presented your congratulations on the renewal of the year. I beg of you to believe that I shall always entertain the same sentiments of affection and good will for your amiable family, whioh I have always endeavored to prove to you. I have the pleasure to communicate to you that I have at length received a letter from your son from Jamaica, where he was stationed with his Battalion until further orders ; a very fortunate thing for him, for it is the only colony of His Majesty where subalterns have a gratuity in addition to their pay, which has enabled him to live in comfort, and procure many agreeable necessaries without going into debt. His health is good. A very favorable opportunity having presented for me to call him again to the remembrance of my brother, you may be sure that I did not neglect it. I know it is the firm intention of the Duke of York, that no one shall be placed to his injury in a company which should fall to him of right, in his Battalion, though one may succeed by purchase. You know that this unfortunately cannot be avoided in our service by one who has not himself the means of purchase. In any case however, I trust you will be firmly persuaded that I will strive fur his advancement with all possible zeal. The letters by the February mail did not bring me any informa- tion wliich would lead me to believe, that I shall return to my native country this year, but I always buoy myself with the hope that this event, though little probable, is possible. In the mean time I have received a letter from His Majesty the King, which is very flattering to me, since it expresses in terms hy no means equivo- cal, his entire approbation of the ichole of viy conduct, a circum- stance which at the same time gave mc honor and pleasure^ and which I believe will give you great satisfaction to learn. Madame de St. Laurent joins with me in assuring Madame de THE DUKE OF KENT. 55 Salabcrry, '.nd yourself, of our sincere attachment, and in offering a thousand remembrances to your children, and I subscribe, &c., &c, Edward. Having lost in the Antelope and Tankerville his fourth and fifth outfits, it became necessary to order a sixth, which was shipped on board the transport Recovery, and which by an extraordinary fatality was also captured. Thus by the lost of equipments alone, the Prince, up to this date, was a loser to the extent of X10,000 stg. We hare seen that in his later letters he had begun to express the hope that he would be recalled to his native country, from which, though only in his thirty-second year, he had been no less than thirteen years absent ; his return Avas hastened in a way totally unexpected. On returning home from a field day, his horse fell with him on the streets of Halifax, producing such serious injury that his profes- sional adviser recommended his return to England. But before this, in June preceding, a circumstance had occurred which is recorded in the Journals of the Provincial Legislature, and which was exceedingly gratifying to him, and which shows the estimation in which he was held. It was resolved by the House of Assembly : — " That an humble address be presented to H. R. H. Prince Edward, to beg that he will be pleased to accept from the Province of Nova Scotia, a star as a testimony of the high respect which the Province has for H. K. Highness' person, as well as the grateful sense it entertains of the very essential services whi ch H. 11. H. has rendered to this Province." In this the Council and Lieut. -Governor cordially concurred : a grant of five hundred guineas was made, and the address unani- mously passed, to which H. R. H. gave a suitable reply from which the following is an abstract : — " Nothing could afford me greater gratification than to receive so unequivocal a proof of your approbation of my conduct during the time His Majesty has been pleased to honor me with the command of the troops in this Province. My utmost endeavors have always been exerted to obtain your good will, by pursuing that line of conduct which I thought would be most accept- able to the King, and most beneficial to his service, as well as that calculated for the protection of the Province. To have succeeded therefore in this object, of which circumstance ^our address of to-day afibrds me so honorable a testimony, IS tb-j more gratifying to my feelings, as I flatter my S9lf lohen 56 THE DUKE OF KENT. His Majesty u informed of it, he tvill not hear it with indiff- erence." While this public and oflEicial recognition of his services was taking place, he did not forget his friends in Canada, to whom he wrote as under : — Halifax, 15th October, 1798. My Dear Major. — Before my departure for England, in con- Bcquence of the advioe of Dr. North, who is of opinion that the waters of Bath are necessary to recover me from the eiFects of my fall, I could not permit the mail to leave to-day, though my time is much occupied as you may well conceive, without writing to assure you of the continuation of my esteem, and to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of date 29th July and 10th August, which both reached me in due course. I regret to learn that you have been suffering from so severe an attack of the affection of the head, to which I know you were sub- ject during my sojourn at Quebec. I hope, however, that you have by this time recovered. In reference to your son, I may repeat, that I will not fail on every occasion to make my brother aware how deeply I am interested in the promotion of your son, and as I have always said to you, I will not rest till he is appointed, if he is not already so. It is to be supposed that my voyage to England will enable me to do more in liis favor than my repeated letters appear to have done. It is very certain that I desire to accomplish tliis fully as much as yourself. As to yourself, I shall be equally vigilant to find if I can do any- thing for you with the Ministers, for it is very certain at present that there is very little to hope from General Prescott. As to your desire that I should remove your son from the 60th Regt ; as the subalterns of that Kegt., are discouraged by the appointment of so many strangers to the different vacancies in the corps, I will say to you, that there would be great injury to his chance of promotion, as he would be obliged to commence at the foot of the Lieutenants of any regiment to which he might be transferred, consequently it is not to be dreamed of, and convinced as you both must be of my good intentions, I again ask you to have patience. I approve very much of your letter to His Excellency on the sub- ject of an appointment to the Council, and I shall very much like that you will give me intelligence of the result. I am not acquainted with the difference which you say has taken place between the Governor and Council. Madame de St. Laurent desires me to say that she wished to write, but feeling so entirely occupied by preparations for our departure, you will have to excuse her till she can give the news from London. Both of us charge you with a thousand compliments to Madame do Salaberry and the children. As for yourself, &c., &c., Edwabd« THE DUKE OF KENT. 57 CHAPTER VI. England — Duko of Kent — General — Commander in Chief B. N. America— lieturu tu iialifax — Fuiliog health — Uutura to Eiigland. - l799 and 1800. Kensington Palace 9th April, 1799. My Dear Major, — Although I have no letter from you but that of the 25th October, which reached me here on the ]4ih January following, I do not wish to let the frigate Topazc, which goes straight to Quebec, leave without charging the Captain with a i'aw lines for you. I am at present, thank God, almost entirely recovered from the effects of the fall, which caused my return. Two months under the care of the surgeons here have rid me of the trouble, the weakness, and most of the pain, and my leg is as well as it was before the accident. I may tell you that our voyage from Halifax here, though not quite twenty-one days, was very stormy and disagreeable. On my return I was received in the most flattering manner by their Majesties and all my family. My establishment has passed both Houses of Parliament, and has received the Royal assent, and I have reason to believe that in a few days I shall be created Duke of Kent. It appears that His Majesty has not the least intention to send me on service out of England at present, but has thought pro- per to appoint me to the command of the army of the interior, and I will immediately establish my Headquarters in the centre of the County of Hampshire, in command of the troops there in canton- ment, for the defence of Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight, in case of attack. Madame de St. Laurent, who has charged me to say a thousand agreeable things to yourself, your wife and all your family, is now in perfect health, but the rigorous winter which we have had, has made both of us suffer a good deal. I learn that General Prescott has received permission to return to England on leave, and that a Major-General to command the troops ad interim will immediately leave, with a Civil Lieut.-Govcrnor, to fill his double office. This will last, it is thought, till the return 68 THE DUKE OF KENT. of General Clarke from the East Indies, wlilch is expcctad towards the end of ♦lie coming year, when it i.*^ suj)[)Osed General Preseott will be obliged to retire on a pension, and that General Clarke v ill replace him. You have here in a few words all that can interest you, for as to the political news the papers will ,!i;ive you more fully all the information you desire, than I could in the space of a letter. Madame de St. Laurent and myself earnestly request you to as- sure the good Cure llenauld of our remembrance, and you will doubtless communicate to him what this letter contains in relation to us. Say to him further that his letter of the 2Gth October reached me, but that truly I have been so fully occupied as to be unable to reply, consequently I have charged you to express to him that I am sensible of the regret he feels from tlio failure of my efforts with Bishop Denaud, in favor of the Abb6 Giliner. You will not fail also, I hope, to remember me to the llev. Pere dc Berrey, and to all who think of me with phasure. It is now time to close, so subscribing, &c. Edward. It is to be borne in mind that the Prince was now thirty- two years of age, and that for the long period o^ thirteen years^ from February 1785 to October 171J8, he had been banished from his home and family ; and that it was known to his father that from the causes we have mentioned, he was op- pressed with debt, which he was most honorably struggling to discharge from his limited income, and though his father promised to pay the Gibraltar debt, it was never done ; and moreover, though the Duke of Y^ork had got his parliamentary allowance at the age of twenty-one, and the Duke of Clar- ence at twenty-four, the King permitted him to remain in known embarrassment to this date, and as if to make the injustice more apparent, had caused to be voted, on the same day as his allowance was passed, a similar grant to the Duke of Cumberland, four years his junior. Parliament granted him .£12,000 per annum, but strange to say, no al- lowance for an establishment, as had been done in the case of the Duke of Clarence. When the Prince pointed out to Mr. Pitt the invidious delay which had taken place in his case, that Minister replied : — " The Prince having been abroad so many years on foreign service, his provision had been totally overlooked. An omission which was entirely his (Mr. Pitt's) fault, and for which he took shame to him- THE DUKE OF KENT. 69 self, but that so far as pecuniary loss -was concerned His Royal Highness should receive amends." Tliis 'pkdge was never fuljilled. "Ptis pecuniary difficulties," says Neale, " goaded him to the very quick. They embittered the pre- sent, and tinged with apprcliension the future." On the 7th May, 17UU, he took his seat in the House of Lords ; on the lOth was gazetted General in the army, and on the 17th nominated Commander in Chief of the Forces in British North America; and ou this occasion, he for the first time experienced some liberality at the hands of Government, who gave him £2,000 for an outfit. What his own feelings were, can be well judged from the following letter : — Kensington Palace, 10th June, 1799. My Dear Major,— -I received on the 28th of lust mouth a letter from you, without date, to which I hasten to reply by the packet which will leave in a few days, though I am very busy in making arrangements for my return to America, with which I rm literally occupied from morning to night. As Madame de St. Laurent writes you by this occasion, it will be unnecessary for me to repeat what ray reception was here on my arrival, and the proof which 1 have received of the favorable opinion which the King had formed of me, by promoting me to the rank of General, and appointing me Commander in Chief in North America. So I have now to tell you in consequence that I am about to return again to Halifax in the course of the month of August, as I propose to embark in the course of three weeks. I hope my present appointment will give me more influence than I formerly had, nearly as much as if I filled the civil Government at Quebec, and that I shall be able to give you something under Government that will be both agreeable and useful. As a prelude, I have written to the Duke of Portland, and urged him very strongly to recommend you particularly to the good offices of his relative, Mr. Mills, and I confidently hope it will have efiect. I am very sensible of the kind manner in which you express the joy which yourself, Madame de Salaberry and all your family felt on hearing our safe arrival in England. It appears that His Majesty, thinking that the dispute between your Governor General and the Council was such as to make ii necessary to recall General Prescott, came to the decision to appoint me his successor in the military command. For the present, I believe there will be only Lieut. -Governors in all the Provinces. But it is thought they are looking out for a person to appoint Gov- ernor General. 60 THE DUKE OF KENT. As to your eldest son, I certainly did not think it proper to do him so great an injury as to recommend him for a Captaincy in one of the Corps of Fencibles which are being raised for service in America, for the officers of these corps are subject to reduction at the peace, without half-pay, and your son, on entering any of the said regiments would certainly lose all the time he served in the lin». He is now the first but one of the Lieutenants of the 5th Battalion, and it is almost impossible, but that he will be advanced to the Captaincy in the course of the present year. Think then of the extreme folly it would have been to have disposed of him as you proposed ; and I would not have had his interests at heart if I had not opposed a proposal which was made simply to gratify the vanity of the moment, with certain ruin to his future prospects and hi« past services. As to your two other sons, I believe it will be possible for me to place them in one of the regiments, as you desire it so earnestly, though it may only be a momentary advantage, for certainly they will be disbanded at the peace. It is therefore the more necessary that I should correct the error into which you have fallen, in thinking that any of the regiments will be raised solely for Canada, for they are for all the Colonies of North America, including Bermuda. I may further say to you, that all the strength of the two Bat- talions of Votontaires Caiiadier.s will be placed on a new footing, that is to say, it will be proposed to the officers to place them on the same footing as the Fencibles, on their engaging their men to offer their services for all North America, in which case the regiments will be given to old Colonels of the Line, who during the war will be placed by Government on the same footing as regular troops ; but if they decline this offer, I have reason to believe that the oflScers of the corps will be disbanded and the men drafted into the Fencible Regiments as they arrive from Europe. I am sure you will like one item of this arrangement as it will enable you to prepare your men, by informing them of the wish of His Majesty, but under the seal of secrecy, and the most perfect confidence which I have in you. I now remain, &c., Edward. This return of the Duke to Halifax, as Comtnander in Chief of the Troops of British North America, afforded the Legislature of Nova Scotia an opportunity of presenting another address equally complimentary as the first, which was replied to by H. R. Highness with the same warmth and THE DUKE OF KENT. 61 sincerity which characterised all his intercourse. The address and reply are dated 19th September ; on the 22nd October he addressed Major de Salaberry as under : — Halifax, October 22Dd, 1799. My Dear Major, — I do not wish to let Mr. Foy leave with my letters for Canada, without giving him a few lines to you, to the end that you may be assured of the continuance of my esteem and good intentions towards you. I received on the 19th current, your letters of 30th August and 4th September; the letter which I wrole to you on the 11th o£ last month, has explained to you the impossibiUty of my appointing you my Aidc-de-Camp ; the orders of General Hunter you have seen and cannot have forgotten. The order passed on the present occasion to prepare the patent for you as Indian Superintendent, will bear date of the day on which de Chambault accepted the appointment as Aide-de-Camp to Governor Milnes. This will prove to you that I have seized the first opportunity of being useful to you, and you may believe that I shall strive to find something better for you, so that you may be free to live at Beauport, and be excused from service with your regi- ment. Apropos to this, I can readily conceive the current report that your corps will be put on the establishment. His Majesty has thought proper to make it known that he would be pleased if all the Provincial regiments would offer to serve in all the American Colonies, in place of being confined to the one whose name they bear. In consequence of accepting this offer, they would be placed on the establishment, as the Fenclhles are in England, and as is the Newfoundland Keglment, that is to say, the officers would rank through all North America, the same as they do at present in their respective Provinces, and the Adjutant and Quarter Masters would be sure of half-pay in case of reduction, and the regiments Vould be commanded by ofilcers taken from the line, who would be pro- prietors. I believe it is the intention to form a Brigade of Cana- dians after the manner of the 60th, of which the Commander in Chief of the Troops in America would be Colonel, as the Duke of York is of the 30th. The proposition has beeu already made to the Nova Scotian and New Brunswick Regiments, and both have expressed in the most loyal manner their willingness to serve wherever His JMajesty may think proper. I myself have made a very favorable report to His Majesty. I send by Mr. Foy instructions to General Hunter to make the same proposition to the two Canadian Corps, and to in- form them of the example set by these regiments to whom, from their locality, the offer was first made. I hope they will not shew 62 THE DUKE OF KENT. themselves less loyal and less willing to meet the wishes of their Sovereign. Here then, my dear Major, is the first foundation of the report of which you wrote to me. It is now time to finish as I have a great deal to do before the departure of iMr. Foy. With a thousand compliments from Madame de St. Laurent (whom I have advised not to write to you at this time, as I was writing this letter to you) to yourself, Madame de Salaberry and the children, I subscribe, &c., &c., Edward. Halifax, 18th November, 1799. My Dear Major, — T had the pleasure to receive on the 5th current, your letter of the 14th October. I have felt very great pleasure in finding that you have received the news of your appoint- ment as Indian Superintendent with so much joy, for certainly I wish thai you should consider it no unequivocal proof of the desire which I have always had to serve you. I am also very happy to see that you so well understand how it was impossible for me to appoint you my Aide-de-Camp. As for your younger son, as soon as he shall have entered on his sixteenth year, and is fit for regimental service, I shall have great pleasure in giving him an Ensigncy in the second Battalion of your Volunteers, whenever General Hunter shall report a vacancy to me. I have not as yet received any petition from the Widow Dam- bourges, but when it shall reach me, I will pay it every attention in my power, but I very much fear I do not possess the means of serv- ing her. With respect to Dr. Lloyd, I have a month ago unfortunately given away the place, at the request of Mr. Kush, Inspector General of Hospitals at London, but I promise that I shall not forget him when another occasions presents. I subscribe^ &c , &c., Edward. Halifax, 28th November. 1799. My DfJAR Major, — I hasten to inform you, that by the Hoyal Gazette, received ten days ago from England, by the September packet, I have seen with great satisfaction, that your eldest son has at length attained the Captaincy, he being now the tenth Captain-Lieutenant of the GOth Regiment, vice Pritchard, de- ceased. As it is very likely a long time might elapse before he may get a THE DUKE OF KENT. 63 Company in his regiment, owing to the supernumeraries attached in the hope of vacancies occurring. I intend to make an attempt again, to get the Commander in Chief in the West Indies to ap- point him to another corps, and I hope next spring to be able to inform you of my success. I await with impatience the official report of General Hunter on the resignation of Ensign Chiniqui, that I may appoint your son, whendVer you can inform me that he is of ago to enter the service. I have nothing more to add than the assurance of my remem- brance of Madame your wife, and the rest of the children, not for- getting Amelia, my special favorite, And I, &c., &c., Edward. Halifax, 26th February. 1800. My Dear Major, — My business has really accumulated to such a degree, that neither myself nor my Secretary, nor five under Secretaries can overtake it. I cannot find a single moment of leisure time to count upon from break of day to close of night, still I cannot permit the mail to leave to-day without informing you that your letter of the 8t^ December, duly reached me on the interests of the Indians of Upper Canada from those of the Lower Province, that they should be placed under the direc- tion of the Lieutenant Governor of the Upper Province. But I only submit these considerations to your Royal Highness' superior penetration and judgment with a view to dispose your Royal High- ness to think less unfavorably of the transaction in question, and to condescend to admit that it will not be expedient to take any step in the business, until Mr. Milnes has had an opportunity of trans- mitting a statement of the reasons which occasioned him to remove Major de Salaberry from the Deputy Superintendence of Indians, and to restore Majov de Chambault to that employment. I am, Sir, Your Royal Highness' Most dutiful servant, Portland. Kensington Palace, January 3rd, 1801* My Lord Duke, — I have bcon favored with your Grace's polite answer to my letter, and beg leave to trouble you with a few words more on the subject of it» 76 THE DUKE OF KENT. The situation licld by Major de Salabcrry as Superintendent of Indians, was of such a nature as not in the most distant manner to affcet either His Majesty's interests, or those of any of his subjects having commercial concerns in Canada, let who would be the person entrusted with it, for its duties are totally confined to the Indians immediately in the neighborhood of Quebec, who are the most in- offensive quiet sort of people in the world, and with whom there is scarcely any traffic carried on. Indeed almost all the Superinten- dent has to do, is to report to the Commandant of the Garrison of Quebec, whenever any Indians come into the town to represent their wants, and to issue from the stores such presents and relief as that officer authorises. I am enabled to speak pointedly on this subject, as I myself commanded that Garrison from Augt., '91 to Jany., '94, and during that period, had daily occasion to transact business with Mr. Lanmure who was then Superintendent, and considered by Lord Dorchester as immediately under my orders, as much as any other Staff Officer of the Garrison of Quebec ; unless therefore Major de Salaberry neglected his duty, or abused the trust reposed in him, which I will pawn my existence was not the case, it is impossible that any sense of duty to the King can have suggested to Mr, Milnes the displacing a man, who from his earliest youth had lived in habits of intercourse with most of those Indians, over Avhom his superintondcncy extended, to make room for another, who certainly whatever may be his other good qualities, does not possess the same advantages. With respect to the opinion entertained by Mr. Milnes, as to the office of Superintendent of Indians being entirely of a, Civil nature, I cannot help observing, that there is not a single officer who has ever served in Canada, that does not know the contrary to have been the case heretofore ; every person in the Indian Department, holding a commission from the Commander in Chief, being as much amenable to martial law as those who hold commissions in the Com- missariat or Barrack Department^ or are employed in His Majesty's vessels for the transport of troops and provisions on the lakes. For the truth of this assertion, I should esteem it a favor if your Grace would take the trouble of referring to Lord Dorchester, General Prescott, and Mr. Coffin, the Commissary and Controller General for Army accounts in British North America, all within a few hours reach of London. From what I have said in this letter, I wish your Grace to under- stand, that I cannot but consider my appointment of Major de Sala- berry to be Superintendent of Indians, on the resignation of Major de Chambault, as one which it was both my duty and right to make at the time I did so, and therefore as such, Lieut, Governor Milne's displacing him, unless he has given cause of dissatisfaction, as oppressive and unjust to him and as an affront to myself, and a reflection on my choice. I therefore flatter myself your Grace will THE DUKE OF KENT. 77 do me the justice to give directions that the matter may be candidly investigated, in order that the blame may finally attach where it ought justly to fall. It was not my intention to have said anything in this letter on tbc subject of His Majesty's commands for taking the responsibility of the Indian Department altogether out of the hands of the Command- er in Chief, with whom it has rested from the period of the conquest of Canada, as such had never been officially notified to me, and His Majesty's Ministers had never condescended to consult me on the subject. But as your Grace has touched upon that point in your letter, I cannot avoid saying, that I lament this should have taken place during my command, particularly as 0"u my departure for Ame- rica, eighteen months ago, I certainly quitted England with the fullest impression that the Duke of York had understood from Your Grace, that I was to continue in the supreme command of the In- dian Department in the same manner as Lord Dorchester held it, previous to tiie instruction being issued separating that portion of it, that was immediately within the limits of the Province of Upper Canada, a point on which, in consequence of advice given by my worthy old friend Lord Dorchester to me, in the strongest terms, I was induced to express myself fully to the Duke of York, though I now regret, from the many mortifications I have since experienced on that head, I did not then do it in writing instead of verbally. How- ever, while I remain at home without any immediate prospect of going out again to America, 1 do not wish to trouble your Grace upon the subject any further, reserving to myself, if I am called upon again to repair to my station there, to represent j ly sentiments on this diminution of the authority of the Commander in Chief, and the evils which I foresee will result to the King's service in conse- quence of it. As my correspondence with your Grace on the subject of Major de Salaberry has arisen iVom that gentleman's appeal to me as his Commanding Officer, in consequence of his dismissal, I shall bo anxious to acquaint him with the steps I have felt it my duty to take and with your reply to my representation, a3 1 have therefore neglect> ed keeping a copy of my former letters to your Grace, I shall be obliged if you will favor me with one. I lament the necessity I am under of taking up so much of your time with this apparently trivial subject ; but I trust your Grace will feel that to me it is an interesting one. I have the pleasure to conclude, by subscribing myself with the highest esteem and regard, My Lord Duke, Ever most respectfully and sincerely yours, His Grace, Edward. The Duke of Portland, 78 THE DUKE OF KENT. BULSTRODE, Wednesday, 7th Jany., 1801. Sir, — The sense of duty I owe to your Royal Highness having occasioned me to anticipate one of the objects of your Royal Highness' commands, by my having already called on Lieut. Governor Milnes for an explanation of the motives which induced him to remove Major de Salaberry from the office of Superintendent of Indians, it only re- mains for me to fulfil the other orders contained in your Royal High- ness' letter of the 3rd instant, by laying before your Royal High- ness a copy of the letter which your Royal Highness condescended to write to me, on the 21st of last month. I am, Sir, Your Royal Highness' Most dutiful servant, Portland. Kensington Palace, 30th April, 1801. My Dear Major, — I have been in possession of your letters of 26th November and 21st December, since the 29th of last month. I am very happy to find by their contents, that you have recovered your health, notwithstanding the unpleasantness of your position occasioned by the unfriendly conduct of Mr. Milnes, which you may well believe I appreciate as it ought to be. For the present the affair is in suspense, awaiting the reply of the Governor to the representations which I made to the Duke of Port- land on your case, and which were transmitted to him by the Feb "uary packet. I venture to flatter myself that the affair cannot be finished otherwise, than by your re-establishment in office, but I fear that some time may elapse before we know the end. I was very sure that my old friend Mr. Hale most sincerely par- ticipated in your troubles ; he has written me strongly and fully on the subject, and in a manner which does honor to his heart. Your remarks on the bad policy of placing the Indian Department under the Civil Government instead of under the Military as it for- merly was, appear to me very just. I shall use the same arguments in support of what I shall feel it my duty to say to the Secretary of State on the subject. I only fear that he may not see their force and may be slow to remedy the evil. I am strongly of your opinion, my dear Major, that it is absolutely out of the question for me to return to America, unless the Civil ani Military powers are reunited, and this does not appear likely, at least for the present. I however continue to hold my appointment, and in case of war with the United States I shall go out immediately. Our winter has been generally very dull, especially since the be- ginning of February, for the King has been indisposed for three • THE DUKE OF KENT. 79 months, but now, thank God, we flatter ourselves that he is entirely convalescent and that he will be spared us for many years. You will know from this that we abstain from any amusement whatever, which cannot fail to make the time hang heavily. The situation of poor Colonel Connolly has given me much pain, for I do not see at present any immediate hope of giving him relief. Still let me assure you, that I will not lose sight of him, and the moment that I have an opportunity of serving him, I will not fail. You gratify me by your account of the struggle between Messrs De Bonne and Panet for the Speakership ; it must have produced a great sensation in your little world. I am. well pleased that M. de Lanaudi6re has found means to retain his place, in spite of the attempt to deprive him of it, for I believe if he lost it, ho would not bo well off. The sending home of all the men of your Companies, after the order of General Hunter not to retain any man in the Battalion who was not capable of performing all the service required, without any change having been made in my position, was as you have judged not communicated to me. I will now finish, &c , &c . Edward. Kensington Palace, 1st June, 1801. My Dear Major, — I have had the pleasure to receive yours of the 23rd February, on the 20 th current. I am well pleased to learn the change which you iuform me has been made in your favor in relation to your place in the Indian Department ; if I did not fear there was sf^me plot under it, I would not put you to the trouble of thinking of it, but since I have sfiid so much, I will explain myself fully — I will give you then part of my thoughts. It appears to me that the dismissal of Colonel Bunbury, unless that officer has given cause for his dismissal, of which I am not informed, is an act of injustice even under the rule to which the Indian Department is now subject under the Civil Governor, for Bunbury held his place from General Frescott, who, when he gave it to him was Governor Gene- ral, and consequently on that officer complaining to the Minister, Mr. Milnes will be obliged " hon gre mal (jre" to replace him, and as a consequence you must be so also, and the favored de Chambault will find himself between two chairs, and " le derribre" on the ground. I hope sincerely that I may be a false prophet, but I con- fess I have great doubts, but in any case I advise you to accept, without saying a word, the place under the conditions now offered, and above all to remain on good terms with His Excellency, for if the misfortune should happen which I believe I foresee, you will have a right to claim from him, indemnity. 80 THE DUKE OF KENT. * Colonel Gordon having sent oflScially to General Hunter the date of the commission of Cherrier, I have no doubt that all your uneasiness on that head has been set at rest long ago. The com- mission which has been recalled by me, was signed by my hand before I left Halifax, and was transmitted to General Hunter in order to have the date filled in, the same as in the commission appointing his predecessor, Ensign Alexander, to the post of Quarter Master in the 60th. You will be, I am sure, pleased to know, that I continue for the present to hold my appointment as Commander in Chief in America, my leave having been lately renewed for another year. I know not if I will ever again be obliged to cross the ocean, but in spite of the attachment which I bear you all, I shall be inclined to do what I can to prevent it. Madame de St. Laurent is well, and charges me with many remembrances to yourself and Madame de Salabcrry, and believe, &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 1st October, 1801. There has been no change in my position here, except my nom- ination to the first regiment of Foot (Koyal Scotch) of two Battalions, in place of the Fusileers, which General Clarke has got, but this will not influence the post which I hold in America, and which I will re- tain, with permission to be absent on leave, till further orders. The Duke availed himself of his being in England to press his claims on the Ministry, and clearly pointed out the re- peated losses which he had sustained from his removals on service, and which by captures, shipwrecks, and similar causes beyond control, amounted to at least £50,000. He showed plainly that if the same justice were meted out to him as to the Duke of Clarence, tliat he would be entitled to receive .£96,000, but if he were only placed on the same footing as the Duke of Cumberland, he should receive £48,000. Mr. Pitt had promised relief, but Mr. Pitt retired from office with his promise unfulfilled. His successor Mr. Addington prom- ised, and forgot or repudiated his pledge. But it was under his administration that the Duke was transferred from the " Royal Fusileers" to the " Royal Scotch," and was shortly after tendered the Government of Gibraltar, an appointment which Mr. Neale has justly remarked, changed the whole THE DUKE OF KENT. 81 current of his life, and entailed on him years of unmerited obloquy and mental suffering. Mr Neale states that he had seen a memorandum in the Duke's own hand-writing, and evi- dently corrected by him as late as 1818, by which it appears that the post was tendered, and not sought by him, and ivas only accepted after he had received the strongest assurances from Grovernmenf of their /idlest support touching any regu- lations luhich he might find it necessary to issue. In the fol- lowing letter to Major de Salaberry, he incidentally alludes to his appointment : — Kensington Palace, 2nd April, 1802. My Dear Major, — I have been a long time in possession of your letter of 20th October, as it reached me toward the end of No- vember, but I calculated that if I wrote you direct by the fleet, you would have my letter as soon as if I had sent it in winter by the packet, which makes a circuitous route to New York. But while awaiting the moment of departure of Colonel Doyle, who charged himself with my letters, an event has taken place which has totally changed my position, and which I am sure will affect you very much ; it is no less than my appointment to the Government of Gib- raltar, vacant by the death of General O'Hara. In consequence, I ceased on the 25th of last month to be your Commandant, and I will embark for my new post at the end of the month. The inten- tion I believe is, not to appoint a Commander-in-Chief in America, while there is peace, but that General Hunter will have the com- mand in Canada as Lieut.-General, and General Boyera in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and their Dependencies. I am tlie more delighted, that before resigning my post in America, I have seen you reestablished in tho post to which I had appointed you, and from which you had been so unjustly displaced. I believe that you have no reason for fear, on the point which you appear to apprehend, that is to say, your residence at Quebec, for I have writ- ten to General Hunter to say to him, that in case your Battalion should leave Quebec, it is my desire that you should have leave, till such time as a new order is made to discharge the duties of your post in the Indian Department. Everythina is arranged in connexion with your youngest son, and General Huater will receive by the hands of Colonel Doyle the Commission • for all the vacancies in the battalions of your regi- ment, signed by me, the Duke of York having had no desire to meddle in the matter ; consequently the Scheffalizkys, father and son, have obtained, the first a Lieutenancy in tlo first Battalion, vice Juchereau, and the second an Ensigncy in the second Battalion, vice De Borderin, promoted to the Lice, but I regret that for the 82 THE DUKE OF KENT. present I cannot fulfil my intentions in regard to the Marquis du Barrail, and I beg of you that in expressing my regret, you will also excuse me for not replying to his letter. Before I promised him a company, I was engaged for the first vacancy, to an old officer named Sutherland, whom I wished to have immediately appointed to the Newfoundland Regiment, on the retirement of Captain Bourk, and I considered that the transference of Captain Sutherland to this regiment would also furnish me the opportunity to fulfil my other engagements, by placing the Marquis in your Battalion, but unfortunately the protection of the Prince of Wales was extend- ed to an officer named Frood, of the Newfoundland Regiment, and then I flattered myself that I could indemnify the Marquis in consequence of the retirement, but I discovered that Captain Frood, finding that he was a supernumerary Captain, refused to be named to the place. You will see well then, that this unfortunate circum- stance arose from no fault of mine, and I hope that from my good intentions towards the Marquis he will do me the justice to believe that I am truly sorry ; lastly, I will not fail to say to General Hunter, through Colonel .Doyle, that my word has been pledged for the first vacancy, and that I count it a point of honor to fulfil it. Permit me to charge you to present, viva voce, replies to the let- ters, which at different times, I have received Lanaudidre, Cur6 Renauld, Baron ScheiTalizky and Lieut. Dupres, and to which, from being surcharged at present with preparations for my depar- ture, I am unable to find time to reply. You will say to M. de Lanaudi^re, that I enter fully into all his feelings on the subject on which he wrote me, and that if I have one cause of regret more than another, in quitting the command in North America, it is that I feel that the separation of the civil from the military functions has done the King's service essential injury, which I had it not in my power to remedy ; add the assurance of my remembrance, and the interest which I will always feel in him, and which will not be diminished from the knowledge which I have of the unpleasantness to which he has been exposed in certain quarters. Say to the Cur6 Renauld a thousand obliging things for me, as also from Madame de St. Laurent, and that we join in the most sincere good wishes for his health and welfare. To the Baron SchefFalizky, you will please say that I think the best reply to him, is that sent to General Hunter — the commissions for himself and son. Finally tell Lieut. Dupres, that being no longer in command, I very much regret that I can do nothing for him, but if I had retained it, he should have had the first company after the Marquis de Barrail. Now, my dear Major, there only remains for me to add the as- surance of the great regret of Madame de St. Laurent and myself, which we cannot express in person, as there is little appearance at THE DUKE OF KENT. 83 present of our ever meeting again, unless there be a chance of our re- turning to America, or of your coming here, either of which events you must be convinced is within the chapter of accidents, but at the same time we hope that you will never doubt our friendship, and that you will be at all times firmly persuaded that wo will always pre- serve you in our memories ; it is with these sentiments and wishes of friendship and esteem that I subscribe myself, my dear Major from the bottom of my heart, ' Most sincerely and faithfully, Edward, Duke op Kent. 84 THE DUKE OF KENT. CHAPTER VIII. Gibraltar — State of Garrison — Instructions— Reforms — Military — Suppression — • Kecall. 1802 and 1803. We can find no other paper among the de Salaberry cor- respondence, under date 11^^02, but the letter which concludes the last chapter, and which is the only letter Avhich makes TTitntion of the Government of Gibraltar, we are thus com- j ciled to fall back on foreign sources for an account of this most eventful period in the Duke's career. Fortunately, from statements of the most reliable nature left by himself, and which have been adduced by^ Mr. Neale, and from official documents, Ave are enabled to place the train of events, under his brief, but important Government, clearly before our readers. The Duke Avas appointed to the Government on the 27th March, 1802, he embarked at Falmouth on 27th April, and reached Gibraltar on 10th May. In the first place, it is evident, that to the drunkenness and insubordination prevailing in the garrison, Avas due the tender of the appointment, and according to his statement, the Premier at one of the many interviews which he had Avith him on the subject, used this language : — " This state of things cannot be permitted to endure ; it has lasted too long. It must be put down, and your Royfrt Highness is the man to do it. You may fully reckon on the fullest measure of sup- port from the Cabinet at home." And on the 21st April, a few days before his departure, the Commander in Chief, the Duke of York, Avrote : — " I consider it my duty on your assuming the command of the Government of Gibraltar, to make your Royal Highness aware, that much caution Avill be necessary to establish a due degree of discipline among the troops, and Avhich I trust you Avill be able gradually to ac- complish, by a moderate exercise of the poAver vested in you." And another of his instructions Avas thus : — "It is essential that jrour Royal Highness should be made aware THE DUKE OF KENT 85 previous to your assuming command at Gibraltar, that too great a portion of the garrison has been usually employed in duties of fatigue ; that in consequence discipline has been relaxed, and drunkenness promoted ; that it will be the duty of your Royal Highness to exact the most minute attention to all His Majesty's regulations for disciplining, arming, clothing and appointing the army, from all of which not the most trifling deviation can be allowed." On arrival, he found that the statements made to him fell short of the reality ; immorality, laxity of all military rule and insubordination among the men prevailed to an alarming extent. The troops on parade presented a sloven- ly appearance and want of uniformity in their dress and ap- pointments, and the inaccuracy of their movements, and the unsteadiness of both officers and men, were apparent to every observer. Discipline Avas at the lowest ebb, consequently when off duty, the men Avere in a state of disgraceful intoxi. cation, and clothed so as to resemble laAvless plunderers, rather than organised troops. No unprotected female could walk the streets even during day, without being subjected to the grossest insults, and in several cases to brutal violence. His Royal Highness saw with regret, that much of this state of things was due to the carelessness of the officers and their inattention to duty. Having fully informed himself of these facts, by personal enquiry and observations, he at once set about their reform, and devoted to it seventeen hours each day. But he encountered unexpected difficulties Avhere he was entitled to support ; the officers themselves had be- come so demoralized, that they aided in exciting prejudices figainst His Royal Highness among the men, by circulating falsehoods as to his eagerness to inflict corporal punishment; and Henry Salisbury, one of the convicted mutineers of the 25th Regiment, at a time when he could have no motive for inventing a falsehood, but when according to his own words, he conceived it to be his duty as a soldier, and for the ease of his conscience, thus wrote and attested : — " The mutiny was formed and conducted by the officers of the garrison, and those officers were of the first rank." Feeling that drunkenness was at the root of all the evil, he determined to strike at it at once ; he found that there were ninety Avine and spirit houses within the garrison )though he materially curtailed his own income by doing so) he reduced the number to sixty, by cancelling the licences of 86 THE DUKE OF KENT. those who sold in the immediate neighborhood of the bar- racks and guard-rooms and obscure lanes, letting those re- main that were in th'* public streets. His next step was to give occupation to oflScers and men, believing that it would materially conduce to sobriety, re- storation oi discipline and consequent diminution of crime and punishment. A roll call was established at sunrise, and a dress parade morning and evening ; care was taken that the men should attend regularly at meals, and that they should be in barracks after the firing of the second evening gun. He instituted regular periods for drill and exercise ; provided for the regiments being off duty in succession, so that the commanding officers might see their men together once a week ; and enforced the system of march manoeuvre, laid down in His Majesty's regulations, to effect a general uniformity throughout the whole garrison. He also by a General Order, No. 146, established a wise set of regulations for the Canteen. These reforms, as might have been expected, were unsatis- factory to the parties affected. The officers were offended, because they were taken from their cards and billiards, which* they were accustomed to consider a part of their duty, the men submitted with relu stance to the drill and discipline to which they were now regul?iily subjected, and the clamors of those whose licenses the D. ke had withdrawn were inces- sant ; these combined causes produced at first a spirit of secret but deep dissatisfaction, which at length broke out in open mutiny. On the evening of the 24th December, the 2nd Battalion ot the Royals, excited with liquor, (having had their balances paid them) forced open the barrack gates and seized their arms, vowing vengeance against the Adjutant, who had ordered that they should not be suffered to go into town. Not finding him, they ran to +he barracks of the 25th Regi- ment, and endeavored to persuade that corps to join them, but without success. They then sent a large party to the 64th Regiment ; the grenadier company of which received them with a galling fire, wounding five of them. In less than an hour all was over and as next day they appeared contrite, H. R. H., after commenting forcibly on the enormity of the offence, forgave it. But on the 26th December, the 25th having received their balances, also got drunk, and went to induce the Royals to THE DTTKE OF KENT. 87 join them, which they refused to do ; and by the prompt action of Lt. Col. Ross, who commanded the 54tli, this second attempt at mutiny was crushed in less than three hours. Two of the 25th were killed by the fire of the Artil- lery, and unfortunately, one man was killed and five wounded out of a detachment of the Royals, who were, on this occa- sion, approaching to assist the Artillery to suppress the revolt. An attempt was now made to induce the, Duke to show the same leniency to the mutineers of the 25th, as had been in the case of the Royals, this he firmly resisted, and caused the ringleaders to be seized and brought to trial. Ten were found guilty and condemned to be executed, but only three met this doom. The Duke's firmness and modera-'ion thus extinguished the mutiii/, and in the course of a few days order was fully re-established, and all the troops brought back to a state of perfect discipline and obedience. The mutiny, it appears, was mainly brought about by foreigners in the ranks. Of the men executed, two were Dutchmen and one an Irishman. Mr. Neale relates a com- munication which he had with an old Chelsea pensioner, who was in garrison at the time of the mutiny, which fully establishes the fact that the appetite for drink was the chief cause of it! "The Duke of Kent," said the veteran, "I remember him well. He was a very had man. He would not let us drink. He said a soldier might do without drink ! an impossibility ! a rank, sheer, downright impossibility ! And then his hours, he was up before the sun ! and the parades — he never missed one. There was one word fore- most in his Prayer Book — the word Duty, and by that he swore. He was noble looking, Sir, Avas the Duke — noble, noble, but had rather too much of iron in him ; and, Sir, very few of the oflicers stood by him — very, very few — about the wine houses in particular. In that matter, he stood alone. Sir — almost, if not altogether alone. To be sure it was surprising how the deaths in the garrison diminished after many of the wine shops were shut up — the sick list was wonderfully shortened. Perhaps the Duke meant well. But about parades and wine shops his notions were most cussedly onaccountable !!" Mr. Neale further says: — "He found the garrison abandoned to intemperance — licentious, insubordi- nate, unsoldierlike. To remedy these evils, was his plain aud paramount duty as Commander in Chief. His missioQi 88 THE DUKE OF KENT. from England had that special end in view. He eflfected it not with the aid, but in spite of the apathy and opposition of his oificers. The garrison was in perfect tranquillity, and the troops in real subordination for three months before he was recalled." The books in the office of the Commander in Chief, show that there were fewer deaths in Gibraltar among the troops, by at least one half, during the Duke's command, than there had been in the same space of time for many years before or since, and further, that after he left there were more trials by court-martial in any three months that may be fixed on, than there wei'y during his whole stay at Gibraltar. Order Avas reestablished, but in the month of March, 1803, Captain Dodd, the Duke's military secretary, who had been sent to the Horse Guard? with his despatches, returned with orders that H. R. Highness should transfer the command to the second in command, General Barnett (whose recall he had requested), and should return without delay to England, for the purpose of communicating with His Majesty's confi- dential servants on what had passed in the garrison. The Duke declined to hand over the government to General Bar- nett, but resolved to await the arrival of Sir Thomas Trigge, who was to supersede him, and who arrived on the 21st April. The Duke remained ten days thereafter, in order to lay before Sir Thomas the condition in which the command was transferred to him. The excellent order in which everything was found was then fully admitted, and faithfully recorded by Sir Thomas. On the let May, 1803, he sailed on his return to England, his Government of Gibraltar having lasted a few days less than a year, but under what different feelings with which he had left it on a former occasion for America, or with which, a short year before, he had assumed the Government. He returned wounded and insulted, and by the hand of a brother. He had not only been summarily ordered home, when he expected approval, but had been directed to hand over the government to the very man who he had every reason ^o believe, and did believe, was the cause of most of the disor- ders and insubordination which he had been sent out to sup- press. On arriving in England, he at once demanded from his lirothcr, the Commander in Chief, an investigation into his conduct, earnestly urging that all privileges of rank should THE DUKE OF KENT. 89 be waived, and a Court Mar.ial sit in judgment. The answer was: — " The assembling of a Court Martial to adjudicate on the propriety or impropriety of the actions of an officer of his rank, was manifestly inexpedient. No such Court of Enquiry could be granted." It IS pleasing to record that while he experienced this treatmtmt at the hands of his brother, the Commander in Chief, ,i\e had the cordial sympathy and active support of his brother the Prince of Wales, who thus remonstrated with Mr. Addington : — ''You send a man out to control a garrison all but in a state of open mutiny. You tell him to terminate such a disgraceful state of things. You assure him of the unqualified support of Government in his undertaking. He goes out. He finds matters infinitely worse than they were represented. The impending outbreak occurs. He quells it thoroughly. By way of reward you disgrace him ! If you want to deter an officer from doing his duty, or desire to encourage a mutinous soldier, your tactics are admirable. They cannoc fail to attain such a result. Edward may well complain. He were neither officer, nor man, if he were silent." Some time after his recall, and when it was known that he was in disfavor at the Horse Guards, the inhabitants of Gibraltar remitted the sum of one thousand gi 'li-as to Capt. Dodd, to purchase a piece of plate as a memento of their attachment to II. R. Highness, and their perfect approbation of his Government. Perhaps the most unequivocal testimony has been furnished by General Sir VVm. Faucett, for many years Adjutant-Gen- eral under the Duke of York, who thus expressed himself on the "Military Instructions for the Garrison of Gibraltar," issued by the Duke of Kent : — "I have received both pleasure and edification in perusing it ; no officer in that or any other garrison, who makes the exact and regular performance of his duty the primary object of his attention, which he cer- tainly ought to do, can set up any just or well grounded objections to it ; and I think the Duke of Kent entitled to the highest praise for so enlightened and excellent a system, the more so because it was a branch of the public service which had been most neglected." Mr. Neale, in his preface, gives a letter which he had received from a man of hif/h rank, but whose name he sup- pressed, in which this paragraph occurs in reference to the 90 THE DUKE OF KENT. Duke : — "He was a military reformer — attempted to remedy certain gross evils ■which required immediate correction, and met with no support either from ■within or ■without, from his family or from his officers. Jealousy in a certain Ivgh quarter, to ■which I cannot for obvious reasons particularly allude, swamped him." The preface also contains this passage, from a letter of another gentleman, to ■whom he had applied for information : — " The history of the Duke's military life is so interwoven with difficulties, that some time yet must elapse before it can be done justice to. It would be unjust to deal with it par- tially ; and the more so, as documents exist on which it can be impartially treated, and to his honor and credit." And, " It must be some years, even then, before many details could be laid before the public, that it is due to the Duke's memory should be known." *' judgment thou art fled to brutish beasts, And men have lost their reason ; master , if I were disposed to stir Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage, 1 should do Bruliis wrong and Cassius wrong, Who you all know are honorable men. I will not do them wrong ; I rather choose To wrong the dead, to wrong myself, and you, Than I will wrong such honorable men," THE DUKE OF KENT. 91 CHAPTER IX. Kensington Palaeo— Cfistle Hill Lodge — Negotiations— Field Marshal — Death of Mr. Pitt. 1803 TO 1805. The Duke had restored order and discipline in the gar- rison at Gibraltar, but it was effected not merely at the cost of his own comfort and quiet, but by the sacrifice of a k ,rge portion of his income. How great that sacrifice must hf-ve been we can readily understand when we know that he was at the time suffering under great embarrassments, having to pay from bis income the interest on £20,000 of bonded debt. No allowance had been granted to him for an outfit, as he was told that the fees from auctions, wine;^ houses, etc., from which his income was to be derived, were so great that no a,llowance was ever given. Every license, then, whioh his sense of duty compelled him to withhold, was withheld at his own loss ; consequently when he left Gibraltar he was deeper in debt than ever. The correspondence with de Salaberry which appears to have intermitted during his absence at Gibraltar, for causes which can be easily appreciated, was recommenced shortly after his return to England, and from this date he also be- came a correspondent of his young proUgS, Charles Michel. The first letter to de Salaberry the elder, is as follows : — Kensington Palaci:, 13th December. 1803. My Dear de Salaberry, — Yesterday evening I had the pleasure to receive your letter of 26th October. I beg you to believe me that it give me very great pleasure to find that yourself and excellent wife were in the enjoyment of good health. You already know that I have obtained for Maurice an ensigncy in the " York Rangers," a regiment of the line composed of negroes raised by Colonel Stevenson, formerly of the 50th Foot, The corps is destined, in the first place, for Canada, where the staff of the regiment will be in spring. It is for this reason that I particu- larly desired to appoint your eon ; I had hoped also to have been 92 THE DUKE OF KENT. able to appoint your third son, Chevalier, but I have not yet suc- ceeded, but I liope after a little time to succeed in putting him in the same corps as his brother. If the plan of Colonel Stephenson succeeds, there is no doubt but that the regiment will be disbanded at the peace, but in that case the half-pay and rank attached to each grade will be an object of some consequence to my young friends. I shall only add now the assurance of my affectionate remem- brance of Madame de Salaberry, and the children, and I always, &c., Edward, P. S. — I am striving to obtain leave for your eldest son, and I flatter myself you will see him in May. Castle Hill Lodge, 28th December, 1803. Dear de Salaberry, — Your letter of the 5th October, I receiv- ed a few days ago, and I shall immediately make the application you wish, for your leave. I hope I may succeed, as I am sensible that both on account of your health, and the number of years that have elapsed since you saw your relatives, it must be a very great object for your to get home for a short time. You are perfectly right in making your application to me, as from the attachment which I bear your father, and the interest which I must take in yoar welfare, having brought you originally into the service, you will ever nnd me ready to step forward when I can be of use to you. Should there be any officers of my old acquaintance in your Bat- talion, pray remember mo kindly to them, and believe me ever to be with sincere regard, Dear de Salaberry, Yours &c, &c., Edward. Captain de Salaberry, &c, &c. KiiNsiNGTON Palace, Nov. 1st, 1804. Dear Sir, — J am commanded by the Duke of Kent to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 8th June last, which His Royal Highness would have replied to sooner, if he had had anything satisfactory to communicate to you respecting the leave of absence which you soli- cited, but the Commander in Chief having declined any interference with General Nugent on that head, the Duke was unwilling to make known to you the failure of success which attended his application. His Royal Highness has since heard with much satisfaction, from Capt. Fernet, that General Nugent has granted you leave, and also that THE DUKE OF KENT. 93 of late your conduct has been very correct. Mr. Hale has likewise communicated to H. 11 Highness, your highly meritorious attention to the comforts of your family, ichkh must principally depend upon you and your brothers for support. The Duke desires me to add that by a steady adherence to a line of conduct so creditable to you, you will always insure his protection. I have the honor to be. Dear Sir, Your most obdt. humble servant, Capt. de Salaberry, J. A. Vesey. 1st Batt. 60th. Mr. Pitt returned to power in 1804;, and the Duke took the opportunity of pressing his claims anew on the Govern- ment. Mr. Pitt at once admitted their justice, and gave the Duke a distinct assurance that he should be fully remuner- ated, but that owing to the state of public business, nothing might possibly be done till after the close of the session. But the session of 1804 closed, and a great part of that of 1805 passed, and the original creditors whose bonds had be- come due were very pressing, when he sought another inter- view with the minister in July, who then told him that His Majesty intended to grant <£20,000 from the droits of Ad- miralty to each of his younger sons, which he hoped would prove a temporary accommodation to him, but that it was not to aflfect the consideration of his peculiar and distinct claims for losses. The X20,000 was received and at once applied to the payment of the original bond of 1791. Kensington Palace, 11th March, 1805. My Dear de Salaberry, — I take advantage of the March mail to reply to your letters of 22nd and 25th November. Before they reached me, I had already commissior'id Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon, formerly my Secretary, but now Secretary to the Duke of York, to submit the names of your sons Maurice and Chevalier to my brother, for promotion as Lieutenants, and I have every Reason to believe that after a little we will have the desired success , but in the meantime the corps to which Maurice belonged, having a lew days ago been unexpectedly placed on half-pay, I have tak^en steps to have him appointe.l in the first place, Ensign in the Fourth Battalion of my own regimont, the^ Royals, and I wait to see his name appear as such in the Gazette of the 1st instant. In consequence it will be necessary for him to take passage here by the first opportunity, and I beg of you to consult our mutual friend, M. Hale, on the subject 94 THE DUKE OF KENT. as I have mentioned it to him, in a letter which I wrote him yes- terday. If Chevalier has not yet started for the West Indies, I strongly advise you to send him by England, as it is very likely I may be able to get him appointed a Lieutenant immediately. As to the two brothers Taylor, who have been lately appointed to companies in the Fusileers, it is necessary that I should explain to you, that their promotion was in the course of regular succession, and not by any extraordinary favor, the addition of a second Battalion to that Regi- ment, having given on the same day the rank of Captain to five of the senior Lieutenants. I rejoice to learn that your eldest son, has recovered so well from the effects of his long sojourn in the West Indies, and I doubt not but that his native air will in a short time restore him to his former health. Mrs. McDonnell having suffered extremely from sea sickness, has not yet left Liverpool, where she disembarked, and there her hus- band has gone to meet her, so we have not hitherto had any oppor- tunity of speaking to her. It is likely they will leave together for Gibraltar, where Mr. McDonnell goes with the commissariat, with an allowance of five shillings in addition to his pay as Captain. Madame de St. Laurent sends a thousand compliments to you and Madame de Salaberry and promises to write by Captain Vesey, who returns to Canada at the end of next month. In the meantime, my dear de Salaberry, - • I shall, &c., &c. Edward. Kensington Palace, 5th April, 1805. The departure of Captain Vesey, my dear de Salaberry, has been so suddenly announced, that being to-day very busy I see with regret that I must deprive myself of the pleasure of writing you a long letter, but I promise that I will make amends for it the first oppor- tunity — do not then say " le hon billet qui a la chartars," for you would do me injustice and I will prove it to you. Nothing could be more delightful than your letter, but its author. I have read it with extreme pleasure, what you say of Maurice enchants without surprising me. During his infancy I was always struck with something chivalrous about him, and you will recollect my passing my fi:.gers through his fair sunny hair, and comparing him to the famous Maurice, Count Saxe. I do not think less of my liltlc chevalier, now that he is at least as tall as you are. I hope you are satisfied with the way our Duke has disposed of both. His Royal Highness has certainly shown very great zeal. I would likewise inform you that Colonel Vesey, who is a very great THE DUKE OF KENT. 95 friend of yours, has contributed everything in his power with the Secretary of the Duke of York, and has eulogised in the most flatter- ing manner the brilliant talents of both young gentlemen. He assures me that they are really charming, and noted over the whole country for their politeness and elegant manrers. I hope that this letter will find Captain do Salaberry in better health ; the care of his tender mother and yours cannot fail to re- establish it speedily. On thinking how fatal those Islands are to tho health and lives of so many brave men, one cannot but regret their possession. Pray assure the dear invalid of my most tender regard. I am very happy to learn that Madame de Salaberry, (^alias "Ma Souris'') enjoys such good health. It will not fail to give me great satisfaction when I shall hear of the marriage of my three young friends, to whom I send a thousand loves. Adieu, dear and ever dear de Salaberry, I have only a minute left to dress and go out. It is go and come from morning till night. Ah! London, I will not call you a hole — the greatest and most beautiful city in the world — but every place has its drawbacks. Your sincere friend, J. DE St. Laueent. I have but time to add, that Maurice and Chevalier are now both Lieutenants in my regiment (the Royals) and that they must repair to England as quickly as possible to join their Battalion. For the present both are attached to the second, but I flatter myself before they shall arrive, they will be attached, at least, for the present to the third, the services of which are limited to the British Isles. I wish to give you this information myself, believing that you will be more gratified in receiving the news from me, than from any one else. Adieu, dear de Salaberry, Receive for yourself and wife, the assu- rance of the esteem of your devoted and afiectionate. Edward. A. M. M. de Salaberry, Beauport. In connexion with these letters, the following extract is given from a Quebec Journal : — '' On Saturday, 15th June, a dinner was given at the Union Tavern, by the Officers of the 1st and 2nd Battalion Canadian Militia, to Maurice Rock de Salaberry, Esq., late Adjutant of the Ist Battalion at present Lieut., in the 2nd Battalion Royals, for the purpose of congratulating him on his new promotion, as wall as wishing him and his two brothers a good voyage, they being on the eve of their de- 96 THE DUKE OF KENT. parture for Great Britain. The other guests were Col. de Salaberry, Col. D'Estimauvillc, Capt. de Salauerry of the 60th Regt., and Lieut. Lewis de Salaberry of the first Royals. Lieut. M. R. de Salaberry appeared with the gold medal, ■which was last summer presented to him by the Officers of the 1st Batt., in acknowledgment of his zeal and attention in instructing them in the military art. " Before the dinner an officer of the 1st Batt. rose and addressing Lieut. M. R. de Salsiberry, prayed him in the names of the officers present to accept anew the thanks of the Battalion, who could not see his departure without regret, Avere they not persuaded that a more brillant career was open to him in which he would have an opportunity of proy- ing to the mother country, the zeal and loyalty by which Canadian subjects are actuated. "The answer of Lieut, de Salaberry was modest. He said : — ' He did not deserve the honor which he that day received, but he assured his friends that he would use his best endeavors to render himself worthy of the sentiments they entertained in his favor, and that ho should ever be mindful of the happiness he at that moment felt.' " After dinner the usual loyal toasts were given, concluding with this sentiment : — ' Our three Cadets, may they do honor to their country, and prove to Great Britain, that His Majesty has no better defenders of his crown than his Canadian subjects.' " The three brothers sailed for England on the 26th Juno following. Whilst he was thus actively engaged in advancing the for- tunes of this family, his own aifairs gave him unceasing anxiety, and while he was urging his own peculiar claims, he with that freedom from selfishness for which he was ever distinguished, undertook to bring under the notice of the Minister the position of his younger brothers, (the Duke of York excepted,) and to point out how inadequate the Parlia- mentary allowance of .£12,000 per annum wjis to keep up the appearance which was expected from Princes of the Blood, in consequence of the enormous rise in every article since the passing of the grant. After repeated interviews the Duke was authorized to inform his brothers, that their Par- liamentary income would at the opening of next session be raised to X18,000 per annum clear of all deduction. Certain other perquisites were also promised, or a commutation in THE DUKE OP KENT. 97 lieu thereof. At the same time Mr. Pitt repeated his pledge, that the special claim of the Duke of Kent should be considered as exclusive of the general arrangements, observing : — '' That he was fully aware of the hardship of H. R. Highness' situation and of the difficulties that pressed upon him, and fully admitting the justice of assisting him to get over them." Death suddenly put an end to the possibility of perform- ance on the part of Mr. Pitt, who was a just and honorable man, and meant to carry out faithfully what he promised ; and the Duke was again left to begin negotiations anew with the Grenville administration. Before closing this chapter it must be stated that on the 5th September, 1804, His Majesty promoted him to the rank of Field Marshal. 98 THE DUKE OF KENT. CHAPTER X. Grenville Administration — Arri\al of three de Salaberrya — Recruiting for Royals — Sir George Prevost. 1805 AND 1806. Kensington Palace, 3rd September, 1805. My Dear de Salaberry, — Our young men have arrived fresh, vigorous and in good health. I will not attempt to express to you the pleasure I had in receiving them. Captain de Salaberry is as usual, very well, but the two Cadets, both of whom I last saw when so small, are to me 'perfect wonders. The Duke being at Weymouth with the Royal Family, I myself had the pleasure of doing the honors of Ken- sington Palace, and 1 hope they are quite satisfied with the friendly and cordial manner in which I acquitted myself. Captain de Salaberry, in whom I am happy to recognise the true son of his father, has had the gallantry to say to me, that he found no change in me, I have not failed to let him know I was much pleased with the good intention, which led him to pay a compliment so agreeable to a lady, after an absence of ten years. The tall Maurice and the amiable Chevalier, (jour living picture) also said they would have recognized me. My dear de Salaberry, you see they are made for the world, and they will be successful without doubt. Our dear Duke did not fail to see them immediately on his return, and partook of my enthusiasm in regard to them ; he has arranged with them their journey to Scotland, where they will repair imme- diately by sea. Captain de Salaberry will remain with us during the three months he proposes to remain in England, but till such time as we have a vacant room at Kensington, the Duke has asked him in the meantime (which will not be long) to mess every day with us. It is a very fortunate thing for Maurice and Chevalier, that your old friend Colonel Hardyman is at the head of their regiment, (the Royal Scotch), for he is ever grateful for the politeness he received from Madame de Salaberry, and will not fail to be very friendly, and as he is just married he will have greater opportunities of shewing them many attentions. I have also recommended them myself to THE DUKE OF KENT. 99 Mrs. Hardyman, an amiable person who will be very useful to theui, so everytliinu is (,(ife and ferfectbj ireil. You may believe that I put question on question to these three amiable sons of ijours, vavX 1 have learnt with pleasure that my dear " tiouris" my little friends, and my godson, are enjoying brilliant health. Master Edward will, I flatter myself, be lucky enough, for he has made a fortunate entrance into the world, His Koyal Highness having already nominated him as a cadet at Woolwich, and you must send him to us next year, when he shall have completed his fourteenth anniversary. The letters of your sons for you, my dear do Salaberry, being' already here, I am again prevented for want of time, to write you at leisure, but this I again promise to do on the first opportunity. Be- lieve me in the meantime, dear de Salaberry, Your sincere friend, J. BE. St. Laurent. A. M. M. De Salaberry, &c., &c., &c. P. S. — Kiss a thousand times my dear " Souris" and my charming girls. 1 find on reading over my letter that I forgot to say, that your sons dined with us yesterday. Pray assure Mr. Thomas, to whom present my compliments, that I did not forget to deliver your message to the Duke, who appears well disposed to comply with his wish, and I believe his son will be immediately appointed," Kensington Palace, October 1st, 1805. My Dear Father, — I wrote by the last packet of the extreme good fortune that awaited me as soon as my brothers went to Scot- land. I am now established in His Royal Highness' family, and to attempt describing to you the astonishing attention paid me by Madame de St. Laurent would be impossible. I have now been with them about a fortnight, and surely nothing more satisfying to my feelings could have happened, and I think you will feel on this occasion as I do myself — sensations the most pleasing. I hope that when you write to them you will touch on this subject, and mention liow great are my sentiments of gratitude for all the favors they have had the goodness to confer on me. Madame is really a sweet woman, and is as handsome as ever. The Duke and herself seem amazingly attached to you, and would I am convinced had they a proper oppor- tunity, do everything to serve you. But the Duke has not that influence which, as a Prince of the Blood, he might be supposed to have, and yet lie is undoubtedly far more correct in his conduct than any of his Boyal brothers. Independent of the honor of accompanying the Duke and Madame de St. Laurent to the play, they have given me the privilege of going to their box by myself whenever I please. This is grea' ttentiou 7 , 100 THE DUKE OF KENT. from them, as I know it is done with a view of saving my pocket. I have not as yet got into the apartment destined for me in the paUice, as they are not quite ready, but will be in a few days. This will also save me at the rate of forty or fifty guineas a year, in fact, presently I shall be at no further expense than for my breakfast and dress. This article is however beyond anything you can conceive, clothes are really dearer than in Canada, and of course I am obliged to appear always well dressed, in silk stockings, &c. In short it has cost me already upwards of forty gumeas on that account, and it looks as if I yet wanted everything. I shall now, my dear father, proceed to give you a piece of intel- ligence which I am sure will give you pleasure, it is that 1 am no longer to r/o to the West Indies. I mentioned to the Duke of Kent, that though I had every wish to return to my Company, I was utterly unfit for the climate, and that it was your particular wish that I might avoid going there. He had immediately the kindness to wait on the Commander in Chief, explained to him my situation, and obtained a promise that I should be appointed to one of the Battalions coming to England, until one went to Canada, and that I should then altogether be removed into it. Now it appears plain that a Battalion will go to Canada, but which is not known yet. I do not think the Third VfiW — perhaps the Fou7-th,\)nt more likely the Six'h. However, this (!fin't be done till next year, and perhaps not till the next after, and I shall still be in the way of anything that may turn up. I know not whether the Duke means to keep me about his person any length of time, however this arrangement will give him the op- portunity if he chooses, and I'll endeavour to conduct myself to his satisfaction, I am now the fifteenth Captain and in the way of being soon the eleventh. I may look forward to a Majority in two or three years. The Duke of Kent made me wait on the Duke of York ; he ap- peared to be a far diiFerent man. The 4th Battalion who have been drafted into the 1st and 6th, that is the staff ofiicers, &c., who had been supposed lost at sea, have at last arrived, and are obliged to per- form quarantine. Major Clark had not joined them when they left Jamaica. I have seen Major and Mr. Christie, I have met also Governor Milnes. As for political or warlike news I ought to refer you to the papers ; this much I'll say that Bonaparte appears to be in great danger. The Austrians have an army of 400,000, perhaps the best they ever have had, and the Russians are coming forward very fast with another supposed upvrards of 200,000, The Swedes forty or fifty — England fifty, and most of the Electors have, or must soon take piirt in the general confederacy. It does not appear improbable that the King of Prussia will join, if so we may calculate on the quick fall of I3onaparte. It is not supposed that we (the English) will THE DUKE OF KENT. 101 attempt anything till the spring, although a vast number of trans- ports have been in readiness, for a long time past. Bonaparte has not 500,000, if even so many." P. S.— October 4th, 1805— aS'. oW. — The above was written to be sent by the packet which was to leave three days ago. I just found an opportunity by the kStates, and I have only time to add a few lines. The Duke has hoard of the death of General Hunter. He called me aside yesterday and asked me if I should not like to go to Canada, as Aide-de-Camp to some general officer. You may suppose my surprise and my answer. He supposes General Burton will be appointed. He h .s written to him to desire he would take me with him. The Duke thinks that General Burtca will not, if appointed, refuse him that favor. This proves the Duke's good will to do everything for me. Independent of emoluments, how pleasant it would be for me to be in such a situation any where, but particularly in Canada. This must be a secret between us, uutil I write again, which will be in ten days, by the packet. If it appears I should not < succeed, it is better that nobody but you and I should know any- . thing about it. My brothers have joined their regiment. They have not wrote me yet. The 4th Battalion is at last arrived. It is said to-day in town, that a French squadron had got out, and taken two of our East India ships. This is not much credited. With my best respects to my dear mother, and all the family I am, in great haste, my dear father, yours, E. M DE Salaberry, P. S. — October 10th. — This could not go by the opportunity that I mentioned before, but H II H is good enough to inclose it with his despatches. General Burton is in Ireland, therefore the Duke does not expect an answer in less time than eight days from this date. I have nothing new to mention, except that I received a letter from Maurice yesterday. The 3rd Battalion of the Royals is coming to England immediately. They belong to it. They are to land within twenty -four miles of this ; I shall have the pleasure of seeing them soon again. Adieu my dear father. C. M. DE S. The year 1805 terminated in disappointment to the Duke ; the relief extended by Lord Grenville fell far short of that promised by Mr. Pitt. >£ 18000 was granted as the annual Parliamentary allowance, but subject to income tax of £2000. There was a certain accumulation of debt from interest accru- ing upon interest, and though the payment of hi>-j debts was the constant object of his life, he was not able to attain it. He felt this the more, as his embarrassments had not been occasioned by thoughtless extravagance, but oy actual 102 THE DUKE OF KENT. unexpected losses for Avhich he conceived the nation wa3 responsible. Kensington Palace, May 21st, 1806. Dear de Salaberry, — I have Deen much pleased with your two letters, which I should have acknowledged a great deal sooner, had it not been for the accumulated occupation which Lord Melville's trial gave me, and which you will easily guess from your own know- ledge of the life I lead in general, left me while it lasted, not a single second in the twenty-four hours I could call my own, and never five hours any one night for rest. I am delighted to find you met with so kind a reception from that excellent ofticer and worthy man Lieut. Col. Baron de llottenburg, but it was not more than I expected, as I know there was every dis- position on his part to show attention to any one that comes recom- mended from me. Pray do not fail to call upon him as soon as you get this letter, and convey to him my warm thanks for his most obliging answer to my last respecting you. I hope you will exert yourself to y'ludy the German language, while you continue under his command, as you never can have a finer opportunity of doing it, and that you will perfect yourself in all the scientific details of the manoeuvres of a rifle corps, for which he is master unquestionably in our service. I have not yet heard anything relative to the destination of your Battalion, but I should think it very likely that you would be ordered to Sicily, if that become the scene of active operations, for there is no country so celebrated for the advantageous use of rifle- men as that. I am equally ignorant of the arrangements intended for the commands of Halifax and Quebec, but am all alive and on the watch for every thing that regards your interests. Mr. Wind- ham is still too busily employed with Ins military plan to be able to attend to Major Robertson's aff"air, or to decide on the point of the reversion of the Indians store-keepers ship, on which that officer sell- ing to you is to depend, but the moment he has a little leisure, I intend refreshing his memory on the point. Madame de St. Laurent and myself are much pleased to find that our little gifts to your parents and your sisters have at length got oflf, and we hope that by the end of this month they will reach them in safety. Pray inform Mr. Holland that exclusive of the orderg he has got to be received on board the VUle de Milav, I have got Lord Berkley to name him to his brother the Admiral, who goes on board that ship to take the command of the Halifax station, so that 1 irust he will find himself comfortably situated on board. THE DUKE OF KENT. 103 Major Wauchope having written me that my third Battalion is now all clothed, I hope you will ^ct leave to ride over for a day, to see them out, in order that you will bo able to report to me how they look and march. Ilavinji; now nothing further to add, I shall conclude by assuring you of the unalterable friendship and regard with which I am dear de Salaberry. Yours most faithfully, Edward. Capt. de Salaberry. Kensington Palace, 28th May, 1806. Dear de Salaberry,— -I am much obliged to you for your let- ter which has just come to hand, and your attention to my wishes in going over to Chichester. Your report of the improved appearance of the men of ;uy 3rd Battalion, since they got their new clothing, is, as you i^^ay suppose, very satisfactory to me ; I wish you had been able to say as much of the manoeuvre!; but I am very thankful to you for telling me thus candidly the truth. As to the mode of inarching, I was already prepared to hear what j'ou have stated, but a letter which I wrote yesterday to Major Wauchope ivou/dl should hope at least it oiti/ht to bring them back to the old system again, and if he does his dufy it must. Yours sincerely, Edward. Kensington Palace, June .3rd, 1806. Dear de Salaberry, — I have just got your letter and hasten to inform you, that as yet I find Lieut. -General Eraser has not ac- cepted for certain, either of the North American Districts, so that no application has been made to him, but the moment I can ascer- tain that he has, I shall instantly write to him about taking lyou as his Aide-de-Camp, in case either of those he now has with him on the Staff in North Britain should not intend going out with him. Tell Mr. Holland, that I will speak to the Duke of Clarence to give me a letter to Sir Erasmus Gower, according to his wish, qr I will get him to name him to that officer before he leaves town, which I should think may answer the same purpose. In the meanwhile I have only to add, that by this day's post, and under Mr. Ereeling's frank, I send you two letters I have just received from Quebec for you, and remain with friendly regard. Dear Salaberry. jiver yours sincerely, Edward, Capt. de Salaberry. \ 104 THE DUKE OF KENT. KENSIN'aJON PaLACE, July 4th, 1806. Dear de Salaberry, — Having got the Duke of York's permis- sion to take for the Royals, any men of the Garrison Battalions who are fit for general service, and may be inclined to volunteer for it, from that limited description to which they now belong, I wish you, with the permission of my worthy friend Col, Baron de Rot- tenburg, to take the charge of recruiting for me, from that Battalion (the third if I mistake not,) which is in your neighbourhood. If therefore he is so good as to permit you to render me that ser- vice, you will apply for his leave to run over to Lieut.-Colonel Barlow at the Isle of Wight, in order to acquaint him that I have so deputed you for the purpose, there being no officer of my own whom I could well spare at present for that duty. Conceiving that no diflBculty can arise about this, I herewith inclose copies of two letters I have received from Lieut.-Col. Gordon, military secretary of the Comman- der in Chief,upon this subject, which I presume will sufficiently explain every point on which it is necessary for you to be informed, but if you wish to have any further instructions, only write to me, and you shall have your questions answered without delay. I have now only to add that I rely on your exertions, and ever remain, &c., Edward. P. S. — As the old bounty is still allowed, this is the golden mo- ment for the men, as it probably will not long continue, you must therefore make the best of this persuasive argument with them. Kensington Palace, July Uth, 1806. Dear de Salaberry, — Not having got home from Windsor last evening till seven o'clock, I was not favored with yours of Friday till too late to act upon it by last night's mail, I now however have to acquaint you that the Deputy Adjutant General, to whom I sent Lieut.-Colonel Smyth this morning, has engaged that by to-morrow evening's post. Major- General Sir Geonje Prevost shall have in- structions to afford everij assistance to our recruitiufj from the first Garrison Battalion, which I hope will obviate the greatest part if not every one of the obstacles which you have hitherto had so unfor- tunately, and indeed I may add so unexpectedly and unnecessarily thrown in your way. With respect to the drummers, I am fearful from what the Deputy Adjutant General said to Lieut.-Colonel Smyth, that I may not be equally successful, (though I have it more at heart to carry that point than anything) for Brigadier General Wyn- yard seemed to think that those only above the complement allowed Garrison Battalions, would be permitted to volunteer, however, you must do the best you can, and 1 must rely more ol yo'ir immediate THE DUKE OF KENT. 105 exertions to carry the point through on the spot, than on support on this from Head Quarters, though in everything else I may from the professions of the Deputy Adjutant General, expect it. To aid you in this I send you a copy of the circular letter to the command- ing officers of the Garrison Battalions, of whicii I think, if you are quick, you may avail yourself, so as to get the drummers attested and oif before any order arrives ; for the spirit of it seems fully to sanction the enlisting of them, as well as the non-commissioned officers. Your brothers of course who must, I reckon, be with you since yesterday, are to be considered as the party to receive the volunteers, which will remove any objection on that score, and I think it proba- ble, that by Tuesday Lieut -Colonel Bullcr may send two non- commissioned officers of the regiment to join them, but if they do not arrive in time, it should not detain your brothers going off to Hor- sham with such men as can be got, who cannot bo sent off too soon after their enlistment. I refer you to your brothers for the reason that renders it impos- sible, for the surgeon of the Royals to be spared from Horsham ; so much on this subject, to which I will add more to-morrow, if I find anything further to communicate. Pray give my kindest regards to Colonel de Ilottenburg, and tell him I have not heard a single syllable of his Battalion being des- tined for Sicily, but I will endeavor to find out if that be the case, and then give him the earliest information of the result of my en- quiries, which I am sure is the least I can do, in return for all the kindness and attention he has shown me. I shall now take my leave of you to-day, assuring you, dear de Sal- aberry, of those sentiments of unvarying friendship and regard with which I ever am Yours most faithfully, • Edward. Capt. de Salaberry. P. S. — I inclose for your information Lieut.-Colonel Smyth's note to me. Kensington Palack, 18th July, 180G. Dear de Salaberry, — I have to acknowledge your letter of yesterday, which has just come to hand, by which I perceive that you have turned over sixty volunteers from the 1st Garrison Battal- ion to your brother on Wednesday, who I trust in consequence of what I wrote, yesterday to Sir Georye Prevost, will be at latest to-morrow, on their march to Horsham. Having directed Capt Broad to send you one hundred attestations, before your application reached me, I hope by this day's mail yon 106 THE DUKE OF KENT. will have received them, at least if the printer has thought proper to keep his word. With respect to the, the only prospect I sec of securing them, w'll be to find out '"f there are not in the ranks of the Garrison Battalion, old ricn, who have been drummers formerly, who might replace them for all the purposes of duty, in which case there seems no reason why, as the number would in that case be made good, the volunteers might not be permitted to join me, and this 1 have s'kj- gested to Sir Geonje Prevost, loho, 1 hopa ivill act itpon it. In the 2nd Garrison Battalion no difficulty has been made in giving up whatever drummers volunteered, but I am not able to say whether that corps had not supernumeraries above the establishment or not. The circumstance of the 31st Regiment having got none of these men, notwithstanding the permission to recruit which they had in common with us, does infinite credit to your zeal and exertions, and I feel confident that whatever is in the power of any man to eiFect, will be done by you. Here it will be proper for me to mention, that after the 10th of next month that all lii.nted service men at present in the 2'^d Battalions of the line, who shall not by that time have volun- teered from limited to general service, are to be turned over to Garrison Battalions, which as we are to have permission to continue recruiting from them, will aiFord us, I should think a far larger field. I apprehend as the Commander in Chief has authorized limited ser- vice men volunteering for any regiment, that it must be incorrect on the part of any commanding officer of a corps to prevent means being taken by any recruiting officer properly empowered, to ascertain the sentiments of such men, as are not inclined to re-enlist for their own corps ; hoicever if your brother has reported what happened to him to Mv George Prevost, the steps he loill take in consequence of it, must prove %ohat his sentiments aie upon the subject. I shall certainly communicate to the Duke of York, my friend Col. de Rottenburg's hint concerning the Portuguese and Germans on board the prison ships, but I am very apprehensive if they are allowed to enlist at all, that it will be only for the 60th Regiment, Nothing can be more judicious than your remarks upon the losses sustained by families of the men who had enlisted upon the Reserve and Defense Acts, whenever they volunteered 'for general service, which nmst certainly impede men of that description having families from coming forward, but I am apprehensive clear as the case is, that ministers conceive that they would not be warranted in remedy- ing it. Having '".othing else to add I shall conclude by desiring to be re- membered to your brother, and subscribing myself with the most friendly regard, Dear de Salaberry, , Edward, THE DUKE OF KENT. 107 P. 8. — I annex the Adjutant General's answer to my query rela- tive to the 5th Battalion of the GOth Regiment, which has just come to hand. Kensington Palace, July, 23rd 180G. Dear de Salabehry, — On my return from Windsor, this fore- noon, I found your letter of the day before yesterday, inclosing your very handsome returns of volunteers, and instantly rode into town to communicate its contents to my worthy friend, Brigadier General Wynyard who was quite outrageous to hear ihat ^ou were again balked in your recruiting, who were authorized to do so from Head Quarters, while the 31st were allowed to go on, who had, as he observed, no regular sanction whatever, to take any men from the Garrison Battalions. He has in consequence promised to write to night to Sir George Prcvost, so explicitly as to prevent the possibility of your being inter- fered with again. You will in consequence, the moment you receive this, call on the General, and in my name enquire if you might pro- ceed with the recruiting as before, when there can be no donht of his answering in the affirmative. As soon as the point is settled let me know if you would wish one or both your brothers to stay with you, and whether you would wish to have besides the assistance of a sergeant of the Eoyals, for what I am now looking forward to, is to avail ourselves, of th 3 moment when the limited ser-vice men, wlio would not volunteer for general service, join the Garrison Battalion, and which will be principally those who did not like the usage they met with in their own corps, and who might if they had had the oppor- tunity, have disposed to turn out for another; at which time, I should conceive that our success might reasonably be expected to surpass that we have hitherto had, notwithstanding that has been o consi- derable in itself. I have now only to express my sincere and entire approbation of the conduct and zeal you have shown throughout the whole of this business, although I feel from your account of it, it has cost you so many unpleasant moments, however if my gratitude, and your own success, in overcoming every obstacle, can make you forget these, you may flatter yourself you have every right to do so. I remain with the most friendly regard, dear de Salaberry, Ever yours, &c., Edward. Captain de Salaberry, &o. Kensington. Kensington Palace, 29th July, 180G. Dear de Salaberry, — I have just received yours of yesterday and am, as you may suppose, highly gratified to find that every obi 108 THE DUKE OP KENT. stacle to your recruiting for the Royals has been removed, and that notwithstanding every attempt to oppose i/ou, the xoay is at length clear before you. With respect to your future conduct in the service which you have been so good as to undertake, I will only say to you, persevere as you begun, for you cannot do better. Lieut. Col.-Buller will receive my instructions to-morrow, to leave Sergeants Hunt and Hickes with you, and to send over your brother with Corporal Nicholas (with a view to his future promotion,) and a third sergeant from the regiment to form the recruiting party, who are to be entirely at your disposal. Whenever the staif of the 2nd and 4th Battalions join at Horsham, which will be in a few weeks, I shall hope to be able to send your other brother over to you, but just now there are such a number of men with the 3rd Battalion, and so small a proportion of officers to them, that 1 fear both could not be well missed, especially as they are without any doubt, the two most valuable officers we have in the corps. I am perfectly sensible that I owe the attainment of the five drummers altogether to your exertions, and was no stranger to the turn that matter had taken, which indeed I communicated to Briga- dier General Wyuyard, privately, from whom I have met with all the kindness and support possible, I was much vexed to hear of the pitiful malicious att£:ck made upon you by the officers of the 1st Garrison Battalion, but their being compelled to relinquish the prose- cution of it in the manner you have explained, must have been at the same time a very great mortification to them and triumph to you. Let me hear from you from time to time of your progress, and believe me always to be with the most friendly regard, dear de Sala- berry, Yours most faithfully, Eeward. Captain de Salaberry, 5th Battalion, 60th Regiment. THE DUKE OF KENT 109 CHAPTER XL Recruiting for Royals. — Obstruction?. — Sir George Prevost. — Princess of Wales and Sir John Duuglus. — Half incumo trausrerred. — Maurice aud Louis doSala- berry euibark for India. 1806 AND 1807. During the greater portion of ISOG, the Duke continued to take great interest in enlisting for his regiment, and letters on the subject, at least once a week, passed between him and Captain de Salaberry, of very similar tenor to those already given ; from which the reader will be able to judge of his habits of business in the closest details : — Kensington Pala.ce, 15th August, 1806. Dear de Salaberry, — Having been absent at Brighton from the morning of the 11th until yesterday, I have been unable earlier to acknowledge your letter of the 10th with its enclosure, which I found on my return here. I hasten now to repeat my warm acknow- ledgment to you for your zealous exertions, and the infinite service of which you have been to my corps. On inspecting the 3rd Battalion on the 11th at Horsham, I had the opportunity of seeing all your recruits, and I found them generally very serviceable good men, so that if this last batch is but as good, I can answer before hand for their fully meeting my appro- bation. As soon as the 2nd battalions of regiments of the line have turned out their limited service men to the Garrison ones, and the first of these shall have received their proportion, I shall rely on further success from the continuance of your efforts. Should you want any further assistance in the way of recruiting parties than you have, on receiving an intimation from you to that effect, I shall immediately attend to your wishes. I have great satisfaction in adding, that I saw your brother Louis at Horsham acquit himself most creditably in the field, of his duty as commander of a division , and that of his general conduct, as well as that of Maurice, I have received the most flattering report from Lieutenant-Colonel BuUer. We talk of moving to Castle Hill Lodge about the 25th, so that, I hope, towards the latter end of September or beginning of October, we shall enjoy the satisfaction of having you with us for a fortnight. 110 THE DUKE OP KENT. nc^reeablo to the promise you made us, on setting off to join )'Our Battalion. Let nie liear from you again, as soon as you break ground with the limited service men from the 2nd Battalion of the 31st Regi- ment, which I understand you are prevented from doing till after the 20th inst , but then I .should hope our success will make up for the disappointment we have hitherto experienced in that quarter, owing to the unaccountable conduct that has been observed throu'di- out towards us, on the part of the general officer who is second in command in the district. I remain with friendship and regard, Dear dc Salaberry, Edward, Kensington Palace, August 30th, 1806. Dear de Salaberry, — I received with great satisfaction yester- day your letter, in which you give me the welcome intelligence of the safe arrival of my godson, and enclosed a packet brought by him from your worthy father. Nothing can be more natural, than that you and your brother Maurice should wish to detain the young man a few days with you, and there cannot be the smallest objection to your doing so, but as the party would be incomplete without Louis joined you, I intend instructing Lieut.-Colonel Buller by to-night's mail to send him over to you on Monday or Tuesday, for as long as you would like to keep Edward with you. When you have had enough of him you will be so good as ship him on board of one of the Gosport coaches, that passes through Kensington, and consign him there to the Reverend Mr. Wetherall, who will have my further instructions conjointly with his brother the Brigadier, who is now with me, to settle everything about the equipment that may be necessary for him, and going to Bonnecastle's Academy, for as long as may be expedient to qualify him to pass his examination, previous to his admission as a cadet to the Academy at Woolwich. As I shall expect to receive from you on 3Ionday a report of your progress in recruiting, I shall not name that subject at present, but conclude by desiring my affectionate regards to Maurice and Edward, and subscribing myself with friendship and esteem, dear de Sala- berry, ever yours most respectfully, "- • Edward." Edward Alphonse de Salaberry, the godson of the Duke of Kent, at the request of H. R. Highness left his home and proceeded to England in H. M. ship Champion, com- manded by Captain Bromley, on 16th July, 1806. Hia arrival was announced in the following letter : — THE DUKE OP KEWT. Ill Castle Hill Lodoe, Kith September, 1806. As tlic Duke has told mc, my dear da 8ahiberry that from the delay of tlis departure of tlie packet there is time for mo to write, and with n'reat pleasure I take up my pen to announce the arrival of your Edward. Tlie boy who came to spend some days with us here and who conducted himself with all possible grace, has really charmed us and nearly turned our beads. Nobody could be better bred, more polish- ed or gentle, and his countenance is so intelligent and open and he smiles so sweetly. You had good reason to say in one of your former letters, that his pleasing mien would charm mc. I am absolutely carried away, for never did a boy of his age inspire mc with so much interest. He will tell you I am sure how much I have caressed him — more than he desired — but he endured it all with the best grace and the most perfect good temper. He permitted himself to be kissed and questioned without ceasing with great good nature and without any fear, for it is not possible to spoil him. To-day at length we decided to let him go to school, accompanied by General Wetherall, wheve we hope he will do well. It is the first and best school in the country, and there he will remain till such time as it is judged that he is sufficiently advanced to go to Marlow and from thence to Woolwich. Before placing him under the rod of h;s master, we could not refuse to show him, in the meantime, the sights of London. Ho went with us to Drury Lane, and he hadonrhos. for himse/f and company at Covent Garden. His company was. Dr. Wetherall, the General, Mrs. Wetherall, &c. We intend to go and see him in the course of next week to recommend him favorably to his Academy. I repeat there is not such another amiable boy. During his stay here he played drafts dominoes, backgammon, &c, and I am happy to say he won our money at all these games. It is impossible, with the intelligence he showed on every occasion, he will fail to carve for himself a brilliant career. He certainly will not foil for want of application, and I hope still further from the great desire he shows to please his illustrious god- father and his tender godmother. He will come to spend the Christ- mas holidays with us, and you may be sure that from now to 'then we will not lose sight of him, and the curricle will be employed to see how he gets on. I would write a great deal longer on this interesting subject, but have not time at present, having a large dinner party to-day. I hope that this rapidly traced letter will suffice to st t you at rest in regard to the success of our charming little man in miniature, who has entirely, absolutely and decidedly made a conquest of us. I am delighted that my dear Sonris has decided to try the wi"- (for my little finger tells me that she has done so). I hope she wifl wear it for my sake. It is a head dress which she will find ^ery comfortable, when she has become accustomed to it. Every body 112 THE DUKE OF KENT. wears it. I hope that it arrived safely with the letter which ac- companied it. I am delighted that my dear Souris is quite well, kiss her tenderly for me. I embrace with my whole heart, the amiable and tender mother of my little godson, and not less tenderly my dear Adelaide, and thank her a thousand times for her interesting letter, which I read with great pleasure. Adieu, my dear de Salaberry, believe me ever to be your most sincere friend. J. DE St. Laurent. Your eldest behaves well, he has enlisted not less than 150 recruits for the Royals within two months, and you may be sure thus has delighted the Duke. I hope the majority is not far off. As for the two Cadets, their conduct is also perfectly good. The room paper is for Beau port ; that home dear to my heart, and which I delight to call to mind, as the home of that amiable family that I so much love. Kensington Palace, 7th September, 1806. Dear de Salaberry, — Conceiving it is probable that by this time you will have had as much of your youngest brother's company as you may wish for the present, I now propose that you should take his place in the Gcsport evening coach of Tuesday, so that he may reach Kensington on Wednesday morning, where as I mentioned in my last you will direct him to stop and proceed to the Rev. Mr. Weth- erall's lodgings in Hounden street, who is already prepared to receive him, and bring him out to us at Castle Hill Lodge, to pass a day or two, before he goes on to Woolwich, where I intend putting him to an Academy, till such time as he is sufficiently advanced to be able to pass his examination for the cadetship with credit to himself. With best regards to all your brothers, and sentiments of (Sincere friend- ship, I remain dear de Salaberry, &c, &c, &c. Edward. Castle Hill Lodoe, 10th October, 1806. Dear de Salaberry,— As 1 am obliged to be at Windsor, the I4th and 15th, and shall not be at home till dinner time on the 16(/h, I shall wish you to arrive here on the latter day. Your best plan will, therefore, be to set off in the earliest Gosport coach, on the morning of Thursday, and to stop at the principal inn at Brentford, from whence it is but half an hour's walk to this, and where j ou can get a man to wheel up your portmanteau and trunk. My plan then is that you shall stay here till the 23rd, on which day I go to Horsham, THE DUKE OF KENT. 113 and where, If you like it, I will' take you with me to see your brother ; after that, you will, of course, come back with me here, and remain to the utmost extent of your leave, which, if I mistake not, as being only from your own commanding oflGicer, will oblige you to be back before post on the 1st November. I am happy to be able to inform you that Brigadier General Wetherall, who has within iiiC last few days been at Woolwich, gives me a most comfortable account of your brother Edward, who seems to like his situation, and to be well liked by those with whom he is. With the most friendly, &c., I remain, &c., Edward. Castle Hill Lodge, November 1st, 1806. Dear DE Salaberry, — Immediately on receiving your message by the return of my servant, I wrote to the agents to send you a credit of £200, which, I conclude, therefore, you will receive by mail that leaves London on Monday next. I have also written a pri /ate letter to the Duke of York, direct, soliciting as a personal favor Ensign Duchesnay's promotion to a Lieutenancy in the 5th J^attalion of his Regiment, on the ground of his noble conduct to his brother about the purchase. If that should fail, as I should really hope it should not, from the strong manner in which I have put the request, it will then be time enough to ask for his being transferred to the Royals. Of this therefore you will have the goodness to apprise both brothers, assuring them of the sincere satisfaction it will afford me, if I succeed in obtaining the accomplish- ment of their wishes. I remain, &c., Edward, Castle Hill Lodge, November 15th, 1806. Dear de Salaberry, — Since answering your letter of the day before yesterday, of which I conveyed to you my perfect approba- tion, as well as of the return which accompanied it, I have got yours of yesterday containing the return of the general service men, whose transfer to the Royals I owe to your exertions, though I fear it Will not be possible to obtain any benefit on account of them. As to the just claim of the guineas on each of the others, I hope I am not too sanguine in feeling confident that it will be established and recovered. Yonr report of the conduct of our limited service men when at Portsmouth in resisting every allurement used to induce them to volunteer for the regiment in that vicinity, perfectly tallies with that given by Major Muller, and though I was very much vexed 114 THE DUKE OF KENT. at their stubborness in not extending their services in the Royals, I cannot help honoring them for their steadiness in refusing to go to any other corps. Your offer of smuggling a few Germans and Northern foreigners, as well as some Piedmontese, is too acceptable for me not to-accept of it, but you must take care not to run any risks that may get you into a scrape, for I had rather lose a hundred men, than that tluit should happen. About tlie Duchesnays, the Duke of York told me he had given orders to see what could be done to meet my wishes, but at first insist- ed upon knowing that the elder was actiuiiiy in i\\Q jSecond Battalion, as well as the younger, I satisfied him by quoting you as my author- ity that whatever he might have been before he was now in the 5th, to which I added, that he would feel it I knew a great degra- dation to be transferred to any other. This I thought it necessary to say, as I found from having urged the removal of the younger brother to the 5th, solely on the plea of his wishing to remain with the elder one, it might have been the plan to send the elder back to the 2nd Battalion, which a.-rangement at least I have effectually put a stop to by so doing. At ;he same time I think if you would send me a paper stating the nuu'.ber of months that Lieut. Duchesnay has been in your Battalion, and what number of vacant ensigncies there are now in it, as well as how these vacancies have arisen, it might do good, for with that in my hand on Tuesday next, when I shall see the Duke of York at a Board of the Horse Guards, I think I may venture to make another push for the accomplishment of this arrangement. I shall write this evening to Lieut.-Colonel BuUer to send over Sergeants Hunt and Hickes to you, to be ready for an attack upon the United Service men, about to be transferred to the Garrison battalions, and therefore trust they will be with yoa early in next week. With the most friendly regard, I remain, &c., Edward. Capt. de Salaberry. ! Kensington Palace, December 8th, 1806. Brigadier General Wetherall is commanded to acknowledge Caj:- tain de Salaberry's letter of Friday last, and acquaint him of H. B, Highness' intention of endeavouring to gain some information on tho subject of it this day or to-morrow, as he is most anxious to second his zeal, the repeated proofs of which cannot fail to increase if possi- ble the Duke's attachment to him, but there is a surmise, that there will be for some time a stop put to the volunteering from the Garrison battalions, in order that they may bo once got into some THE DUKE OF KENT. 115 staff of regularity, after wliich at stated periods of the year, it is saiil they will be permitted to volunteer the extension of their services. As yet there is not any order cancelling that before obtained in favor of the Eoyals, and if so H. R. Highness is of opinion, (Iwt Sir George Frevost is rather hard upon his vr/iment ; in the mean- time an application will be made to the Adjutant General, and a favorable result is hoped for, at all events the object is so well worth the trouble of a trial, that the Duke would think himself shamefully supine were he not to make it. Kensinoton Palace, 12th December, 1306. DE(VR de Salaberry, — Having at lengtii procured the annexed copy of a circular letter from the Adjutant-General, to the Com- manding Officers of the different Garrison Battalions, I herewith send it to you, as being at the same time the best answer I can return to your queries contained in yours of the Sthinst., and the best code of instructions I can give you liow to proceed, for from the expe- rience I have had of your judgment and discretion, I am satisfied that you will with your usual zeal adopt, in consequence, those measures that will be most likely to answer our purpose, without exposing you to be found fault with for acting contrary to the order from Head Quarters. Pray copy off as fast as you can for yourself, and by the post that arrives in town on Monday, do not fail to return mc the original, as I wish to forward it on that day to Ireland. I remaia, &c., Edward. P. S. — You will of course see at once from the tenor of the Adju- tant-General's letter, that any partial order in favor of the Royals cannot be looked for. Kensington Palace, December 16th, 1806. Dear de Salaberry. — I have to thank you for your letter of the 14th, received yesterday, and to inform you that I intend writing to-day upon the subject of it to my friend Major-General Wynyard, through whom 1 hope to he able to rtmove the unac- countable obstacles ivhich you report beiivj again thrown in your way by the Lieut. -Governor of Fo 'fsmouth, as also to Lieut.-Col. Buller, to direct him to send over Captain Lee to assist you, who is an uncommon zealous officer, and will I think exactly answer the description you require, and as it may be advisable to have a Scotch officer also to talk over the men from that part of the United King- dom, that may be in the Jtrst and second Garrison Battalions, I will recommend to the Lieut.-Colonel *o order Lieut. John Grant to 8 116 THE DUKE OF KENT. accompany him, who, I am sure, will bo a powerful aid to you with that class of men. I have only time to add the assurance, &c , &c., Edward. Capt. de Salaberry, Kensington Palace, December 19th, 1806. Dear de Salaberry, — As next Thursday is Christmas day, and Madame de St. Laurent and myself wish much to have you to take dinner with us here, in company with your brother Edward, you will on receipt of this apply to my worthy friend Baron de Ilot- tenburg in my name, for leave to be absent from the 24th to the last of the month, and make your arrangements so as to arrive early enough on the morning of the 25th in London, to admit of your going over in the stage to Woolwich, and bringing Edward away from there, so that both of you may be with Madame de St. Laurent, at her house at Knightsbridge, by six o'clock in the evening. She will take care to provide you with a comfortable lodging in the neighbourhood, which your old acquaintance Beck will arrange. In the meantime, I will only add that you may expect the cap- tain, subaltern, and two sergeants of the Royals to arrive on Sunday or Monday at the latest at Portsmouth, where they will stay till after the first January. You will tlierefore be so good as to set them agoing, during the Tuesday and Wednesday, by shewing them the Cartes du Pays, and then with the aid of Duchesnay they will be able to get on during your absence. Believe me ever to be, dear de Salaberry, &c., &c.. Capt. de Salaberry, 5th Batt., 60th Regt., Haslar Barracks, Gosport. Edward. During this year decency was outraged, and the moral sensibilities of the right thinking English people were offend- ed by the publication of one of those scandals which on several occasions brought certain sons of George the Third into disrepute, and unfortunately for his peace, though not for his houor, the name of the Duke of Kent became mixed up with it. The unhappy Princess of Wales, having had a perious mis- understanding with Sir John and Lady Douglas, members of her household, was charged by Sir John with writing and sending certain anonymous letters and obscene drawings. Sir John was highly indignant and threatened a prosecution, THE DUKE OF KENT. 117 In the emergency the Princess had applied to the Duke of Kent tor advice and assistance. The Duke with his kindness of heart consented to enquire into the matter; the result will be best giver in the words of the Princess in her letter to the King : — " His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, as appears by his narrative, was convinced by Sir Sidney Smith that these letters came from me (I had requested His Royal Highness to prevent my having any further trouble on the subject), and did that which naturally became him, under such belief ; he endeavored for the peace of the family and of your Majesty, to keep from the knowledge of the world, what, if it had been true, would have justly reflected such in- finite disgrace upon me ; and it seems from the narrative, that he procured through Sir Sidney Smith Sir John Douglas' assurance that he would under existing circum- stances remain quiet if unmolested. This result. His Royal Highness says he communicated to me, and I seemed satisfied with it. And as undoubtedly he only communicrvted the re- sult to me, I could not be otherwise than satisfied." It seems however that the Duke of Sussex, impressed with statements made to him by Lady Douglas, that the conduct of the Princess of Wales had seriously compromised the honor ot her husband and the security of the Royal succession, felt it his duty to inform the Prince of Wales, adding that the Duke of Kent had been partly made acquainted with the matter a year before. In consequence, the Prince of Wales requested the Duke of Kent to inform him of the nature of the circumstances, and why he had so long kept them from his knowledge. The Duke in a written declaration, (referred to in the Princess' letter) stated the facts. The result to the Duke was such as ought to be expected by those who inter- fere in matrimonial disputes. The Prince blamed him for undue reserve, in not at once communicating to him what so seriou;.4y affected his honor, and the Princess was ofi'ended, because he had come most unwillingly to tlie conclusion that she had been guilty of culpable indiscretion in writing and sending what Sir John Douglas complained of. Yet he whs the party to whom she appealed in her great, if not un- merited distress, and her unhappy position wrought on his compassionate and generous forgiving nature so much, that though not blind to her defects, his counsel and assistance. were at all times readily extended. The general opinion at the time was, that so far as ho 118 THE DUKE OF KENT. was concerned in the matter, the Duke of Kent had showed discretion and good feeling, and posterity will not, we think, be disposed to alter the verdict. Time circled on, but brought no relief to his embarrass- ments. His losses according to an indisputable statement prepared by the comptroller of his household, General Wetherall, amounted to £108,200. He was now satisfied that no redress was to be expected from those then in power. He resolved to make an effort to relieve himself, and in 1807 transferred to Trustees one half of his income for the liquidation of his debts, and reduced his esiablishment in a corresponding degree with the hope of effecting this. Kensington Palace, .3rd January, 1807. Dear Salaberry, — I hereby send you Lieutenant-Colonel Buller's answer to my query relative to Wymos, Gurraty and Carly, from which you will perceive that it does not now lie in my power to take them, after the sort of report which the surgeon has judged it necessary to of make them. 1 liope, however, that of the 125 volunteers expected on Monday for the second Garrison Battalions, wc shall get men enough to make up for the loss of them, as well as the lanje number whom the Zlst Re(jlment, owimj to the obstacles thrown in our way hi/ Sir Georr/e Frevost, took away from us. I cannot help flattering myself with the prospect of some success at Plymouth, with the 3rd Garrison Battalion, to whom no doubt a fresh batch of men will arrive, after Lieutenant Grant reaches that quarter, to which place you will I suppose have learnt from Captain Lee, that I have judged it expedient to send that officer. Hoping that ycu reached Haslar without accident on Thursday morning, and that you are not the worse for the jaunt, I shall now conclude, &c., Edward. Captain de Salaberry, Haslar. Kensinqton Palace, January 10th, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — I do myself the pleasure of acknowledg- ing your letter of the 7th instant, from which I was very sincerely concerned to learn that you were confined by indisposition, but I hope it will not be of any duration, and that in a few days I shall have the pleasure of hearing from you that your health is perfectly re-established. THE DUKE OF KENT. 119 The letter which you allude to which was dated from Castle Hill Lodge ou the 15th November was despatched per coach, it being too late for the mail of that night, and the next day being Sunday ; and my motive for being in such a hurry about it was, that I wished to relieve Ensign Duchesnay, as soon as possible, from his apprehension of going out to the West Indies, and that I considered I had by my conversation with the Commander in Chief secured that point. As yet no decision as to the Canadian corps has taken place, but all my papers are before Mr. Windham, and I hope very soon to be able to have an interview with that gentleman again, when. I shall urge the necessity of a speedy determination upon it. I propose to-day writing to Lieutenant-Colonel Buller to ascertain if we can make a vacancy of a master tailor, in any one of the three battalions, and if wo can, you shall immediately receive my instructions to secure the one of the 2nd Garrison Battalion. The loss of the boys whom the 88th llegimcnt got during your absence, I regret very much, but liope you will be able to make up for it when once you are able to get out again. Having written very fully to Captain Lees this day, relative to the enlistment of foreigners, which wo cannot now do Oj.jenlij from the Prison ships, as he will explain to you, I shall refer you to him for my senti- ments on that head, and request your exertions in aid of the plan I have suggested to him. With regard to your letter from your friends in Canada, I beg to assure you it is never an inconvenience to me to frank them to yoM or your brothers, so pray never name that subject again. I remain, &c., Edward. P. S. — I conclude that General Wetherall will have informed you of our having obtained the promise of the Secretary of War to order the payment of the guinea per man to you and Ensign Mor- rison, for the limited service men sent by each of you respectively, from the 1st and 2nd Garrison Battalions. Kensington Palace, February 2nd, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — I have only time in great haste to ac- knowledge your letters of the 29th and 30th ultimo, and to inform you that 1 approve highly of your determination to delay a few days the carrying into execution our plan for the enlistment of the men from the Prison ship and oj the measure of xoaitivg till the Lieutenant (jovcrnor of Portsmouth is gone aicay, as that will he a 2'riiicipal object out of the icai/. As Lieutenant-Colonel Buller will be in town this week and I shall see him on Sunday, if you will write again on Friday, to re- mind me about the second party, and the sending you the great coats, 120 THE DUKE OF KENT. I will then settle both points with him ; but I think common leather caps would answer better than our foraging ones, for they are very Si owy and Would at once lead to detection of our manoeuvre, which T/ould have the worst possible effect. You may inform Captain Campbell that I will certainly comply with his request, but he had better come up to town and for that purpose go over to Hastings to get leave from Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart, now commanding the 2nd Battalion, to which he is at present attached. I shall then be able to see him myself and talk matters over with him relative to his recruiting. As he passes through Hastings he would do well to communicate to Lieutenant- Colonel Stewart his intention and to fix upon a Highland corporal and private from his own part of the country to accompany him. As 1 must go to the House of Lords directly, and after sitting up the whole night there, in all probability set off at seven to-morrow, to Marlow, to take your brother Edward there I have only time to add, &c., &c. Edward. P. S. — Pray make your Adjutant enquire the next time he goes on board of the Sultan, whether there is on board her a man of the name of Chantin, who was a French horn in the Band of the 86th Demi Brigade, and if there is, what his general character and ap- pearance are. Kensington Palace, February 5th, 1807. Dear DE Salaberrt, — Having this moment received your letter of yesterday, I hasten to thank you for it, and to assure you that I am highly gratified by the communication it contains, as also that I look forward with infinite pleasure to the prospect of your further success on Monday next. Lieut.-Colonel Buller being in town, I shall write by to-night's post to Major Muller, who com- mands the 4th Battalion, during his absence, relative to your batch of recruits, and trust that by taking that step, in addition to the explanations you proposed sending, last night, there can be no pos- sibility of any error being committed in the attestation of the men in question. 1 have great pleasure in informing you, that your brother Edward passed his examination at Marlow in my presence, with great credit to himself, on Tuesday, and that I left him there in charge of a very worthy man, Captain McDermott, who has promised me that ho would take the same care of him as if he were his own son, so that you may write your good father and your excellent mother word, that all the roughest of his labor is over, and that I trust there is now none but the most pleasant prospect before us. With sentiments, &c., Edward. THE DUKE OF KENT. 121 Kensington Palace, March 10th, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — I am duly favored with yours of the 7th inst., and its several inclosures. Your fresh return of foreign recruits is an uncommon fine one, as indeed has been every one of that descriptimi which you have sent, and I beg your acceptance of my best thanks for all ycmr zeal and exertions for the completion of my corps. The very moment I got your letter I sent for Carder, who promised me that he would forward to you immediately two dozen of great coats and caps, the same as the first he furnished, and when these are served out you have only to write to him for others, which I liave directed him to supply. It will only be necessary for you to charge the men with the cost of the caps out of their bounty, and remit the amount to Carder, and also to keep a correct list of to whom you give the great coats, as it is meant that the men who get them should keep them, the same as if they were issued to them when they come to take their duty with the regiment, I am not surprised that the musicians have acted as you described to me, for Leverier, who I now have, did exactly the same, till he found that my band although attached to my regiment, never joined but when I was with it, 'or when upon duty on His Majesty's person, after which he immediately consented to enlist. I should think there- fore that if I were to send over to you two of the band who are clever at talking over men of that class, the one an Alsacian, the other a Frenchman, both very well attached and disposed people, to help you for a few days, perhaps it might be of advantage to the cause ; let me know your ideas on this, and if you like the proposal they shall immediately be despatched ; only inform me whether you will have them sent in colored or in plain clothes. I cannot tell how my heart bleeds at the idea of the vexation you must have suffered, from those two letters you have sent for my perusal, and which I herewith return. I am really ashamed that they should have come from the pen of a British officer, and still more so from that of man who has got so many good parts. I cannot at- tempt to palliate them, and therefore will only entreat you to en- deavor to forget them, especially as you have my authority in future to make all your communications through Major Muller to Lieut.-Col. BuUer, upon the principle that as the former is a good linguist, and doing duty with the battalion to which the foreigners are posted, he will find greater facility than any one else in arranging any details respecting them, having the advantage of being able to address them, if not in their own tongue, at least in French, which is next akin to it. With sentiments, &c., &c., Edward, 122 THE DTJKE OF KENT. Kensington Palace, March 14th, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — Just a? I was going to take up my pen to inform you that a very sudc .n order had been issued for the embarkation of my 2nd Battalion for India, and for their being filled up for that purpose by transfers from the 3rd to a thousand rank and file, and for the full complement of officers, con- sisting of two Lieutenant-Colonels, two Majors, 10 Captains, 22 Lieutenants, and 8 Ensigns, being made up from those who could be immediately collected, in consequence of which both your brothers are ordered for that duty, I received yours of yester- day, to the contents of which I shall do myself the pleasure of replying, after I have concluded what I have to say on the former subject. To that I shall therefore now return and commence by saying that if our Canadian project cannot be effected, of which I have groat doubt from the length of time it has flagged, and the opposition made at Head Quarters to the reduction of the present Fencible Corps that bears that name, I consider it the most fortun- ate of all possible events that could happen to your brothers, to be sent upon the service on which they are about to embark, especially as Maurice, who by the bye, goes out as senior of his[rank, was on the eve of being ordered to the West Indies, and the two brothers will not now be separated, both continuing in the Grenadiers, and with Captain McLean, who, being a protege of mine, will, I am sure, feel towards them just as I could wish. I flatter myself therefore that you as well as they will feel rather pleased at the event than other- wise. But as it is extremely probable that at this moment the ad- vance they may get on embarkation may not be equal to meet the little demands upon them, for the payment of the debts they must have contracted for their equipment, should thoy require any little aid to discharge every stiver with punctuality and honor, a failure in which would be unlike the principles instilled into them by their good father, I commission you to find out what additions they may require, and to tell them that I shall be their banker for it ; at the same time assure them of my most friendly regard and best wishes. With regard to your recruiting from out the prison ships, I am not sorry that it is suspended for the moment, as Lieut.-Col. Buller is about to go from the 3rd Battalion to the 2nd, with which he is to embark as 2nd Lieut.-Colonel, when the command of the 3rd will devolve on IMajor McDonnell, and that of the 4th remain exclusively with Major Muller, from whom you will be sure of receiving every aid you can wish or desire. As to the musicians, I do not think it worth while having any more plague with them, since they choose to be so stubborn, and therefore it will be perhaps as well to decide ou not having Dacosta up. , THE DUKE OF KENT. 128 From General Mink I am sure you will receive every possible assistance, were his hands not tied up as they are, and I am much obliged to you for the attention you hove shewn the poor fellow whom I really am interested about, but it would not be fair in us to encourage him to go against his orders, as that might be very in- jurious to him, and I am sure we will always be more successful by following our present plan than by any other. I have not time to add more, I am, &c., Edwahd. 124 THE DUKE OP KENT. CHAPTER XII. Letters to the de Salaberry's. — The Dulio'a strong attachment and untiring exertions for thorn. 1807. The last chapter was concluded by a letter from the Duke, announcing that Maurice and Louis de Salaberry had been suddenly and unexpectedly ordered with their Battalion for India. The following letter from one of the brothers, shews what they felt on the subject. It may be mentioned that it was a custom among the French families to call the eldest son in common parlance, by the family name, thus in speaking of his elder brother the writer here refers to him as de Salaberry. The second son was in like manner designated " Chevalier," but in the pre- sent case from the circumstance alluded to by Madame de St. Laurent in one of her letters, Louis the third brother was known as " Chevalier." Portsmouth, April Ist, 1807. My Dear Father, — You will be a little astonished when I tell you that we are to embark in three or four days for India. We are waiting for the ships which are expected every moment. They are Indiamen. It will be much more pleasant to be on board such ves- sels than in transports, for they are like men of war. Tho' my dear father it is a very good country for us, I nevertheless feel very much at the idea of being absent from you and the family for such a long time ; but it is the fortune of war. This Battalion, the 2nd, is 1,000 strong, rank and fiio. It was reported here a few days before our going to India, we should go to Buenos Ayres, but no confirmation of it. It is not impossible, we might go by the Cape of Good Hope, for Government is determined to recapture that country. If we arc really lucky enough to go there we shall perhaps make a fortune, hut this ';. not expected. His R. Highness came down here to inspect us, and stayed two days. The very first thing he did when he knew of our going on board, was to write to de Salaberry, begging of him to give us the THE DUKE OF KENT. 126 money we wanted, on his account (the Duke) ; what uncommon goodness and great generosity, which always distiuguished him. You cannot conceive my dear father, how much he has done for us, par- ticularly on Ihe present occasion ; how gratoful ought wo to be for the many benefits which he has conferred upon us, and the conde- scension with which he has alway.s honored us. I trust we will always show by our conduct, that wo arc not unworthy of liis august protec- tion. As we are not yet attached to companies, wc arc so far fortunate in having no work to do at present. In fine, things arc now as wo desire, since H. 11. H. is not going to Canada. H. 11. Highness left yesterday for London, but before leaving ho shewed us the greatest affability, shaking hands with us on parade. I assure you this was too great an honor to have been expected. In tine, he is the best man in the world ; ho is adored by the regiment. If we have not gone out to Canada, certainly it is not the fault of the Duke, for overy thing was arranged by him, and our names placed before Mr. Windham in the list of officers. The Duke of York is determined not to reduce the present corps, I mean the one who is in Canada now. As to do Salaberry, our great and worthy protector is determined to get him a majority immc '.lately. Madame de St. Laurent assured my brother that he shall certainly get the next step before three months. Salaberry came down with H. R. H. from London ; he had been extremely well received by the Duke and Madame ; you cannot form an idea how uncommonly kind they are both. Solaberry's recruit- ing for the Royals, made him get some allowances, and when he re- ceived the Duke's letter on our subject, he answered liim tliat we had but very few debts, in fact our tailor was the only one to whom we owed ; the Duke replied by the next post, that as to the tailor, that was his business, that neither my brother nor mo should have anything to do with it, so that he has paid it, which amounted I be- lieve to forty pounds ; in short he has placed us under eternal obliga- tion. So that Salaberry is giving us some money ; and six months pay in advance ; our expenses will come to about £70 before our embarkation, but Salaberry and us together can do it. ^ ^ ^ ^ ife ^ The conclusion of the above letter is lost ; what is given is '^owever sufficient to show that these young men were not insensible of the favors conferred on them. Kensington Palace, 17th April, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — Conceiving that it will be satisfactorj to you to forward to your excellent parents at Quebec the annexed letter from the Commandant of the Junior Department of the Royal Military College at Great Marlow, as it contains a spontaneous report 126 THE DUKE OF KENT. of your brother Edward's good conduct, I herewith return it for that purpose, and will thank you when you write to your father, to com- municate my full intention of writing him by the mail of this month, but that the constant accumulation of business, which I think daily increases, had unfortunately so occupied every moment of my time, as to preclude the possibility of my doing myself that pleasure. Pray remember me kindly to your brothers Maurice and Chevalier (who I understand are still at Hilsea with the Captain), and believe me to be ever with the most friendly regard, Dear dc Salaberry, &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, April 21st, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — I had the pleasure of receiving yours of yesterday, which gave me the first information of the actual departure of my 2nd Jiattalion on the 18th, my last letter from Lieut, -Col. Stewart being dated the preceding day. I hope and trust they will have a short and prosperous voyage to their destination, and that we shall in the shortest possible space of time have the satisfaction of hearing of the health and safety of your two brothers, who certainly occupy a very considerable share of the interest I take in the general welfare of that part of the corps to which they belong. I am happy to find that my letter covering Lieut.-Col Butler's report to me of your brother Edward's progress, was so satisfactory to you, and I perfectly approve of your having forwarded it to your good father, who I am sure will be delighted with the account, in- deed it could not arrive more opportunely to soothe the whole family in the first moments of regret which they will naturally feel when they are informed of the great distance to which Maurice and Chevalier are gone. Madame de St. Laurent to whom I communicated the request of her young friends, to be remembered to her at the moment of their embarkation, expressed herself much gratified by this mark of their regard, and has desired me to say how much she was pleased with your manner of conveying it. Pray thank Major Campbell for his attention to my commission, concerning the exchange of Lieut. McArthur, but after all, if he should not be able to succeed iu obtaining one, I will permit him to go out to the 1st Battalion in the West Indies, upon his giving a ■written promise to exchange icithout taking any 'pecuniary con- sideration with any Lieutenant in that part of the world, whom Lieut. -General Bowyer or Colonel Nicholson shall make choice of, to come into the Koyals in his st^ead. Having already recommended to all the ,' vacancies there are at present iu the Royals, it will not be in my power for a few weeks THE DUKE OF KENT. 127 to name the son of your worthy father's friend, Mr. Thomas, for a commission in my regiment, and besides which, I am engaged for the next that is at nuj disposal, to a Mr. Cassel, by desire of the Duke of Clarence, but next to him Mr. Thomas shall certainly come in, and that you have my sanction to assure your father of, as also, that, but for the expectation of getting him into the project- ed Canadian Corps, I should long ago have got him an Ensigncy in the line. As yet, I do not know who will go out to command the forces in Canada ; whenever I find it is decided, I shall strive to get you nomin- ated to their staff, knowing what a gratification it must bo to your parents to have one of their sons so near them. But even (/' that should fail, I shall be upon the watch to avail myself of anything else that may offer for your advantage, of which rest assured I never will be unmindful. I have now only to add, that not having heard of the departure of my third Battalion lor Jersey, I shall wish you by return of post to givo me what information you may have on that head, in the meanvfhile believe me ever to be, &c, &c. Edward. Captain de Salaberry, &c, &c, &c. Kensington Palace, 9th May, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — Although I have nothing particular to say to you at present, except that I have every reason to hope that I shall be able shortly to get you appointed Aide-de-Camp to Sir Charles Green, who is going to Malta to relieve Lieut.-General Vil- lette, I would not let the mail go out this evening without acknow- ledging your letter of the 7th, which I found here on my return to Windsor to-day, containing the information of your march ; at the same time however it might be right to apprize you, that, not fore- seeing your movement would be so sudden, I sent you down on Thursday, directed to your old quarters, under a war office frank, the number of the Beau Monde for May, which was sent here for you ; unless therefore you have left directions to have your lettera sent after you, it will be necessary for you to write to Haslar to reco- ver it. A letter arrived on Thursday from your brother Edward, addressed to Madame de St. Laurent, and another for me, inclosing one for his father, so that you see my young prot^ife is not idle, indeed every account I receive of him is most satisfactory. As the wind has been tolerably fair for the last three weeks, since your brothers sailed, I trust they are by this time off Madeira, from whence I shall hopo to hear of or from them, and if I am not deceived in this expectation, 128 THE DUKE OF KENT. you may depend on my losing no time, when the account reaches me, in communicating to you the particulars of it. Madame de St. Laurent desires her best remembrance, and I re- main, &c., &c., Edward. Capt, de Salaberry. Kensington Palace, 25th June, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — Having removed to Castle Hill on the 15th inst , since which I have had a vast deal to attend to, in order to get settled, and bring up arrears of corres- pondence that had accumulated during those days I was unable to get to my desk, I have been unable to write to you earlier, as I had fully intended doing, when I had opened your letters of ■16th and 19th to Capt. Dodd, and indeed at this time I am still much hurried from an unusual quantity of business that has unfortu- nately for some days past been more than usually oppressive ; however I have determined just to give you a few lines, to say that I approve very highly of your letter to Sir Charles Green, which I shall forward to-day to that most respectable officer, and that I am to the full as much disappointed at your not having obtained permission to ac- company him as you can be yourself, however, pray keep up your spirits, and be assured that this is only a transient delay, and that the day is not distant when I shall be able to get you either promo- ted, or placed on the staff, and I am daily on the watch to find an opening, of v/hich 1 shall most certainly avail myself the very moment one occurs for me. I have great pleasure in informing you that I saw Edward at Mar- low on the 13th of this month, in excellent looks, health and spirits, and I received the very highest character of him from Lieut. -Colonel BuUer and Captain McDermott. He is to come to Castle Hill on the 29th, and I mean to let him pass the next month altogether here, as a reward for his diligence and attention. All this you will of course communicate to your good father, for whom I have also been fighting, though as yet without success at the Colonial office ; however I do not despair yet of getting something done for him. Madame de St. Laurent desires her best remembrances, &c., &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 2nd July, 1807. Bbar t)t Salaberry, — I have had the pleasure of receiving your letter of 28th in due course, and can assure you that the reading of it has given both Madame de St, Laurent and myself great pleasure. THE DUKE OF KENT. 129 Upon the subject of your good father, I named him a week since to Lord Cathcart, ior the Lieut.-Governor of Gaspd, but subsequent to that I fear that his being a Roman Catholic may be an objection, from the singular manner in which late events have caused the ob- solete rule on that point to be revived ; but if it shall turn out so, I shall try to get the late Mr. Lee's situation for him, which I appre- hend Robertson must have given up all thoughts of, for I understand he has accepted the office of Secretary to Sir James Cockburn in the Government of Curogoa, together with two minor appointments at the same place, all of which must I suppose be unknown to you, as it is only withiii these few days that I have heard of it. At present I hear he is in command of the 2nd Battalion, who arrived a short time ago, a skeleton of 200 men, from the West Indies. Your brother Edward has been here since Monday, and appears quite comfortable and happy. I can assure you he is in no one's way, and Madame de St. Laurent seems delighted to have him with her. I have now only to add her best remembrance, &c., &c. Edward. Capt. de Salaberry. &c., &c., &c. Castle Hill Lodge. 28th July, 1807. I have received all your letters, my dear de Salaberry, each day I wished to reply, and each day something always prevented me, but you know well that the silence of my pen by no means indicates that you arc absent from my thoughts. Edward who writes you, can also tell you if I have forgotten you, and if I always love you ; I shall leave to that amiable boy the care of writing you on this head, and truly I could not have a better mouth piece or a more true in- terpreter of my sentiments, so sincere and so true, for you and all pertaining to you. The beautiful embroidery, and the other charming work accompany- ing, from myj young friends, are now on my table, as also the pretty flag, which I must thank them for very much, as a mark of attention both kind and ingenious. Our two young voyagers must by this time have arrived at the Cape of Good ^I ope, and if they have called there, they will undoubt- edly have written us. I hope we will learn the good news of their havliig had a pleasant passage. I hope they Will find the country healthy, and have rapid promotion in their profession, The Duke who saw them at Portsmouth assures me that they em- barked in excellent spirits, and I believe him, for nothing could be more natural, for if one is convinced that the country is good for speculators, it must be advantageous to others, and all officers on that account strive to get the preference to accompany troops to India. 130 THE DUKE OF KENT. I am delighted, my dear do Salaberry, to find by your letter that yju look upon the thing in its true light. J. BE St. Laurent. Kensington Palace, 3rd August, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — Having for the last five or six days had a more than common pressure of business to get through, it has been quite out of my power to thank you earlier for your kind letter of 28th, which I received in due course. I can very easily understand your feelings, on finding the order, which had been given for your embarkation countermanded. I therefore hope sincerely that the application that has been made by your corps to have their services accepted of may be productive of the desired effect. Should it however meet with a negative, I appre- hend that there can be no doubt that the circumstance will proceed from an apprehension of the description of men your Battalion is composed of, being extremely subject to desertion, in the event of their being ever landed on the continent of Europe, which I presume must have been the original cause of the countermand, fo ' the Com- mander in Chief is well aware, both of the merit of your Co umanding officer and of the very excellent composition, generally s] ^eaking, of your staff of officers. I am much obliged to you for the hint which you gave me, relative to the discharge of some of your men, that was to take place on the 2nd inst ; and have already taken the necessary precaution to warn the famous crimp Paul Jones, whom you know to your cost, and who is now the recruiting sergeant of the Royals at Whitechapel, to look after/thom, so that I hope ho will be able to give as good ac- count of them. In regard to your offer, my dear de Salaberry, of assisting; me in the enlistment of volunteers from the Militia Kcgimcnts in your vicinity for the Royals, I shall most gladly avail myself of it, if the thing is possible, knowing how much I may expect from your zeal and activity, but I havemy doubts if you can do anything more than act quite under the rose, for thirty days are to be allowed to Col onela of Militia Regiments to furnish their own quota, without being sub- ject to the visit of any recruiting party ; after that tftne, those regi- ments only which shall fail in providing it, are to have parties sent to them, and in those cases the regiments that are to send those parties, will be named from Head Quarters, and no others allowed to enter. But after all I find that if the militia men make choice of my regiment thcnwives, they are to be permitted to go to it, and no compulsion is to be made use of to divert them to any other, so that perhaps by cautiously feeling the way, you may lay a founda- tion for some men of the regiments in your neighborhood, volun- THE DUKE OF KENT. 131 teerinsr for the Royals, in which I apprehend they will be sure of being iudulgcd, if when the time comes they do not waver, and will positively declare their determination to come into my regiment and no other. 1 had the pleasure of conducting your brother Edward to Great Marlow on Saturday last, after having spent a month at Castle Hill Lodge, and 1 have infinite gratification in assuring you, that his con- duct has been so much everything I could wish during the whole time, that it quite went against me to part with him, and I am quite sure his godmother '■'■eta it au nwiiis c/e moitie,'' in the same senti- ments. Madame de St. Laurent, who knows that I am writing to you, bids me assure you of her kind remembrance, and thank you for your recollection of her, and as to myself you mu,st be sensible, &c, &c, Edward. PS, — You will be happy to learn that notwithstanding the great draft which the completion of the 2nd Battalion to 1,000 rank and file was upon the 3rd and 4th, and the transfer of all the foreign- ers (80 in number) to my 1st Battalion, I have already brought the 3rd again to 598 rank and file, and the 4th to 470, so that if I am not very ill used indeed, and they will give me the establishment of 1,000 rank and file for each of them, with an additional lieutenant per company, I think I may safely engage upon the volunteering from the Militia Communes, that the 937 men that are wanting for that purpose shall very soon be provided. Kensington Palace, 10th August, 1807. Dear DE Salaberry, — I learnt with great satisfaction from your letter yesterday, that although the memorial of your regiment to be employed on the present expedition had not been attended with the desired effect, it had at least produced a flattering answer, and I trust the time will arrive when a favorable opportunity will be given to the respectable corps to which you belong, which is the only thing I am satisfied is wanting for them to distinguish themselves. Your destination for Ireland I long since foresaw ; indeed, at this moment of alarm in that country, I do not see where a more efficient battalion, or one more to be depended on in every sense, could be found, _for I fear there will be occasion for a sort of service in that unfortunate country ere long that will call for all the energy and steadiness of those employed on it. Pray do not fail to let me know the day on which you embark, for I mean to send you a letter of introduction to my friend Lord Harrington, who, I am sure if he has the opportunity, will notice you, from knowing that you are a protefje of mine, and I would fain hope that this mo\'e may be attended with consequences favorable to my earnest wishes for your advancement. I give you joy of the aug- 9 132 THE DUKE OF KENT. mentation of your establishment, as it will lead to tho addition of £15 annually to your contingent money. IMany thanks to you my good fellow, for your wish again to assist in filling the ranks of my regiment, but encumbered as you now are, I fear that is quite out of the question ; however, if on your march, or after your arrival in Ireland, you can be of any service to us, either with the Militia or Garrison Battalions, I shall rely on your not forgetting my interests. With regard to the foreigners, I perfectly agree with the justice of your observations, for I am well satisfied had they been left altogether in the hands of Major Muller, they would have gone on very diflferently than what has been the case under the command of Lieut.-Col. Buller, who with many good qualities, possesses a degree of national prejudice and of roughness that is perfectly odious and illiberal ; however, thank God it has done you no harm, and that is all I care about. You will be happy to learn, that with the excep- tion of one man of the name of iiaptiste Lawrence, who makes a claim upon you, no doubt as unfounded as those of the others, which, by reference to Major Muller was found fallacious, and whom I mean for example to send to the 4th Battalion, all the foreigners that could be got at, after the order for their embarkation was given (which comprises about half the number) as the other half had been shipped and were under weigh, when my letter to Lieut.-Col. Barlow reached tho Depot, have affixed their names to an assign- ment roll, declaratory of their having no claims whatever on you or the regiment, so that my heart is quite at ease on that head. I am much obliged to you for addressing Sergeant Brander to Captaiu Broad, he has already been the means of picking up fox* us a smart fellow of the name of Merkel, who gives me reason to hope that we will secure most of his companions for the Royals. You will easily conceive that I outer fully into all the feelings of your good father upon the distance to which your brothers are removed from him, but I trust ynur advancement, and their eventual return, with promotion, and the means of adding to the comforts of their worthy parents and sisters, will compensate him in his old age for the severe pangs which many causes have combined to ' make him suffer. | I propose, if possible, writing to him to-day. Madame do St. Laurent requests to be remembered to you most kindly, and I remain, &c., &c. Edward. Kensington Palace, 29th August, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — I have just got your letter from Rams- gate, and though I am hurried to a degree beyond all description, from the number of letters I have to answer by this evening's mail, THE DUKE OF KENT. 133 I am determined that you shall not beclisappointcd, I therefore sliall, the moment I have concluded this, pen a letter for Ijord Harrinj^ton to go under the same cover with it, and •which I trust cannot fail of insuring' you his Lordship's notice whenever lie may have it in his power to do anything for you ; in the meantime, 1 hope that you will not find the change of scene you are about to encounter unpleasant, and that your next move will be to gain a step of promotion. I have now only to add that I yesterday saw Sir James Craig, who is going to Quebec immediately, as Governor General and Com- mander in Chief in North America, and that I recommended your good father to him in the strongest terms, when he assured me he would take the earliest opportunity of noticing him, and of doing everything in his power to provide for him. With this information^ which I shall wish you to convey to your father, I must conclude by assuring you, &(j', &c., Edward. Captain de Salaberry, P. S. — Your brother Edward comes over here on Tuesday, and is to proceed to Woolwich to commence his studies on the 7th. Kensington Palace, 30th August, 1807. Dear Major. — The departure of Lieut -General Sir James Craig, for Quebec, as Commander in Chief of the Troops of His Majesty in North America, and Governor General of all the Provinces in that part of the world, furnishes me so excellent an opportunity to reply to your letters, and to offer my most sincere excuses for my long silence, that I eagerly avail myself of it. But before casting my eyes over the different letters which I have received from you between the 20th May 1805, which is the first, and that of the 8th May of the current year, which is the last, I would say to you that having been ab- solutely without any Secretary, after the return of Lieut.-Colonel Vesey to Quebec, till the time of the arrival of Captain Dodd from Gibraltar, nearly two months, the whole of my correspondence, which had already increased in an incomprehensible degree, completely over- whelmed me, being without any assistance but that of a single copy- ist, so that in spite of being under the necessity of being in my office five days out of the seven, from six in the morning till seven in the evening, I had scarcely time to reply to those letters on indispensable matters, and little by little I have been obHgcd to abandon alto- gether those of my correspondents whose let' jrs were merely to re- call them to my remembrance, and to assure me of the continuance of their attachment. Li fine to assure you that I do not speak with- out reason, I may say to you that I have written with my own hand, from the 1st January to 31st December 1806, (that is to say, draughts for my copyist) 3850 letters, and further, from the 1st 134 THE DUKE OF KENT. January to the present time 2920, which gives me reason to believe that they will amount to 4500 by the close of the year. I leave you to judge, after this explanation, if I have not a right to hope that you will pardon my involuntary silence, though of so long duration, especially when I assure you that my friendship and esteem for you and your respectable family, and the cordial attachment which I bear to your amiable and excellent children, have not been diminished in any degree, on the contrary, if it be possible, time and absence have only tended to increase these sentiments of my heart. As this letter will be presented to you by your new Civil and Mili- tary Chief, I have seized the opportunity to name you to him as one of the Canadian subjects of His Majesty whom I most esteem, and in whom I take a most lively interest, and T have every reason to be- lieve, from the assurances whicli he has given me, that you will be one of the first objects of his attention; as I have re(|uested him to arrange for you in some way. I may add that I have explained to him, that the principal point I have at heart is to obtain for you the appointment as a Legislative and Executive Councillor ; next Lieut.-Governor of Gasp(?, or failing this, Storekeeper of the Indian Department, in place of the deceased Lee ; but in the meantime, I have asked him to appoint you his Provincial Aide, as Captain St. Ours was with Lord Dorchester, and to give greater force to these requests, which were well received by Sir James Craig, I have written a few words to our mutual and excellent friend Hale, who I am sure will not be backward in putting his shoulder to the wheel. As for your new Chief, I do not know him intimately, but he is a brave man, comme il faut, of good manners, and generally much esteemed, loved and respected, so that I flatter myself he will dis- charge the duties of the post to which His Majesty has appointed him fully as well as any of his predecessors, whom you have known, and if he take care of you, you may well conceive he will have ad- ditional merit in my eyes. Now it is time for me to speak of your children. The eldest is at present with his Battalion of Chasseurs (the 5th of the 60th) in Ireland, and I hope he will not have long to wait for his majority, for I shall labour with all my powgr, above all, to have him appointed to my regiment. I had arranged for him to go to Malta, in the suite of Sir Charles Green, but at the moment, his Battalion was named for service on the Continent, and I did fail to obtain permission for him to avail himself of an arrangement which I regard as very advan- tageous for him. In the meantime, I applied to Sir James Craig, to gee if he could not take him out with him as his Brigade Major, but unfortunately he was already surcharged with applications, so that this plan also failed ; but as I have an eye to everything that may offer to his advantage, you may be assured that we will soon obtain something lor him, ' , THE DUKE OF KENT. 135 As for Maurice and Chevalier, who left this place for Madras, as Lieutenants of Grenadiers of my 2nd Battalion, it is impossible for us to hear from them before sprinjz-, for we must reckon six mt)nths before they will reach their destination, and six months before their letters can reach us, but when they left they were in perfect health, and in hi,<>h spirits, as became younu; heroes, and loved and esteemed by all their superiors and comrades, so that I have no fears for them. As to my godson Kdward, ho is the most charming- boy that lives, and I do not know whether ho is most loved by me or ^Madame de St. Laurent, lie has finished his preparatory course of studies at Marlow (which is for the education of candidiites for the Infantry and Cavalry), and to-morrow he will proceed to Woolwich, to follow the course recpiired for his own arm of the service (the Artillery and Engineers). He has spent the intermediate days with us here, where he has hitherto passed all the vacations. Nothing could be more satisfactory than his conduct at college, according to the report of his masters, who have never had any occasion to find fault with him ; and while ho was with us, I can bear testimony that his con- duct has been at least as satisfactory. So you may be assured, I do not flatter you when I say that his conduct and that of his brothers is all that could be wished. I hope this report will content you, and that when you reply to this letter, you will be able to fur- nish details no less agreeable, as to the health and well being of our dear Madame de Salaberry and your three daughters, in whose happiness I am at least as much interested as in that of your sons, who are the more immediate objects of my care. I believe that Madame de St. Laurent has spoken to you, in one of her letters, of the appearance of your three sons, (the younger) but lest she has neglected to do so, before quitting this interesting subject, I will add that Maurice is fully as tall as myself, being nearly six feet two inches, that Chevalier is not so tall, being about five feet ten inches, and that Edward promises to be an Hercules, in short, all three are the true stuff' to make .xcellent. soldiers, and I can vouch for their success. I shall now run over your different letters, to be able to reply to the various points which I shall meet, that is to say, such of them, as notwithstanding the time which has elapsed since they reached me, appear of such a nature as to demand a reply. I will begin by saying, that, I have not seen Lieut.-Col. Muter of the 6th Regiment, by whom you sent your letter of 28th May, 1805, which announced to me the approaching arrival of your three sons, and I fear much that was in conseciuence of things which hap- pened in Gibraltar in 1790, when he was a very young man, and which he might be assured I had forgotten, and would not recall after fourteen years, especially on receiving your introduction. The manner in which we have nursed your eldest son, since his arrival in England in August 1805, up to the month of May fol- 136 THE DUKE OF KENT. lowing, and the pains which I took to have him placed in the 5th Battalion, will have proved to you how much attention I have paid to what you said of his health having; suffered in those deadly West Indies, and I hope he now runs no risk of going as Captain there. Your letter of 23rd October in the same year, imparted to me the pleasure which you I'elt on my promotion to the rank of Field Mar- shall, and ithc obligation which you were under to the good Dr. Hol- mes, for his attention to our dear godson during his illness ; I need not assure you how sensible I am of all you have said on the first head, but I beg of you to convey to my deputy Frank Macconnell, hnw '.lighly I appreciated his conduct in the other. jl our letter of August 1805, furnishing copies of the interesting papers regarding Maurice, and whicli was followed by that of 28th October, I now keep for him, and as you know my attachment to your family you cannot doubt the deep impression they made on me. The same letter informed nic of the truly noble manner in which Bishop Mountain had acted towards you, and you may be sure, I did not foil to show him my sense of it when I saw him in London. The pains which I have taken to place Maurice and Chevalier in the same Battalion, will j^rovc to you that your request on this subject, made in another part of the same letter, has received that attention from me which you will at all times find me willing to accord. As to the question which you put me in your letter of 28th Octo- ber, as to the necessity cf sending their commissions to your sons, I think it my duty in reply, to advise you, to preserve them carefully in your own hands, until they can receive these honorable testimon- ials altogether, from your hands, but now there is no need that they should have anything to augment their baggage, which it is very essential to keep as little bulky as possible. As to you letter of 15th November following, which was to thank me for the care I have taken of your boys, since their arrival in England, I need only observe as before, that you will see in this act of mine an additional proof of the friendship and attachment which I bear to all your family. Now having replied to all your letters of 1805, I will pass to those of 1806, of which I have three before me, of 23rd June, 11th Juiy, and 25th September. The first is to thank me for the little present which I made you, of the uniform of my Household, and the others only referring to the departure of our dear godson. I beg of you not to fail to put on the uniform when you present yourself at the Chateau for the first time to be introduced to Sir James Craig. It only remains for me now to speak of your letters of 22nd January and 8th May of the current year. I have seen with pleasure in them and also in a letter which I received from Mr. Dunn himself, that he has recommended your appointment to the Executive Council, and I have no doubt that after a little while, I shall have the satis- THE DUKE OF KENT. 137 faction of knowiii;;», that the new chief has added a place in the Legislative Council, when we will be able to say " the victor jj is ours,' Finally the letters and the pretty work of which M. Lanaudiere waa the bearer, have arrived m good order, and I think that Madame de St. Laurent, who has written you by this opportunity, has not failed to say how much tliis mark of remembrance and attacluncnt on the part of Madame de Salaberry and your dear daughters, has given pleasure to us both, but at any rate I bi3g to assure yourself and the others that I have been not a little touched. I think that having arrived at this point, I have said quite enough, • and I shall only add a few words, to repeat to you, that at all times and places you may comman'^ my services, when you think that I can be useful te yourself or any member of your family, and that neither absence nor distance can ever change those sentiments of friendship and consideration with which I always am, my dear Major, Your aflfectionate and devoted Edward. Major dc Salaberry, Beauport. 138 THE DUKE OF KENT. CHAPTER XIII. Do Salaberrys— Letter to the King— Duko of York's Letters — Lcttar to Lord Castloroagh. 1807 k 1808. Kenhington Palace, 9th October, 1807. Dear de Salaberry, — I luid great pleasure in learning from your letter of the 28th ult., received tliree days since, that although you had a tedious and severe passage to your destined port, you had at length reached it in safety. You did perfectly right in sending the letter I gave you for Lord Harrington, to his Lordship at Dublin, as you saw no early prospect of being able to deliver it to him in person. A copy of his answer which reached me at the same time with your letter, I herewith in- close, and though his Lordship does not do more than express in it his general good intentions in your favour, and his regret that he has but few opportunities of being of service to any one, 1 trust that you can contrive to discover when a Brigade Majorship is likely to be vacant, that by my receiving timely information of the vacancy occurring, and repeating the application, I shall be able to accom- plish your appointment to a situation of that class. There was no occasion for you to apologise for addressing me at the time you did, as I am ever happy and ready to make any exertion in your favor, when there is the smallest chance of its being of ser- vice to you, and whenever I can succeed in that, I shall consider myself as more than compensated for any little trouble which the attaining that object may have occasioned me. As the investigation of Baptiste Laurence's claim, at the Head Quarters of the 4th Batt., is suspended till the return of your friend Major MuUer, to Edinburgh, from South Britain, I intend sending to my friend Lieut.-Colonel Hay, an extract of as much of your letter as relates to that subject, as I consider what you say as ex- tremely material towards the elucidation of the business. I cannot tell you how provoked I am when I reflect on the manner in which you have been plagued by the commanding officer of my 3rd Battalion, from first to last, in the course of your recruiting for the Royals, but thank God, that is now over, and no evil has arisen from it, so it will be best to pass a sponge over the past, especially as I hope you have not lost anything in that service, although it has not turned out as I THE DUKE OF KENT. 139 wished it to have done, advauta^cously for your pocket. 1 must not however dismiss the subject, without assuriii}^' you, that th(*ugh I lament the necessity there was ior your rcuiittinj;' to the Adjutant (»f the 3rd Battalion, the amount (»(' the j^uinea per juan, which under the sanction of the Secretary of War, you retained from each of the (irst batch of volunteers from the first Garrison Battalion, whom you sent to Horsham, T am extremely ;ood father will be in possession of a volume I wrote him, by that opportunity, and also introducing him to that officer, upon whose faithful promise of serving; him, at an early day after his arrival, I hope I may sincerely depend. Madame dc St. Laurent desires her kind remembrance to you, and I remain, &c., &c., Edward. Capt. de Salaberry, Cork. Cork, October 30th, 1807. My Dear Father, — Although it had been my intention of not troubling you by this packet, having so lately written you a long let- ter, yet as I have since received two communications from Maurice and Chevalier, and fearing that their letters to you may not arrive to hand as soon as this, I am induced in consequence to address you. The first of their letters was dated off the Cape de Verd Islands on the 24th May. Although they had been a little sick, they were then well and in good spirits. Their second, a very short one, reached me two days ago ; it was dated at llio Janeiro, in the Bra- zils, the 16th of AugUL;t, and had an uncommon (juick passage to England, from whence it was sent me by the Duke of Kent. This letter announced another written by Maurice on the 1 0th of the same month, sent by the Buffalo man of war, which contained all the pai'- ticulars of the voyage, find which he supposed I would receive shortly after that of the 16th sent by the Buffalo ; his surmise has therefore been verified. He merely says that the ^-Surat Castle^' their ship, alone, had been obliged to put into llio, in (Uslress, and that they had been there ever since the 1st July, and expected to leave on the 28th August, that is four days after the date of this letter ; they were both well and amused themselves highly. If they quitted the Brazils as soon as they expected, they no doubt are now in India ; truly a long passage, but still not expensive, as the captain of tlie ship is obliged to feed them all the way for a small proportion of their pay. 140 THE DUKE OP KENT. All your letters put under the care of Major and Mrs. Baily, reached me without expense, the day after I last wrote you. That officer had been so kind as to leave them at Kensington, from which the Duke had the condescension to send them to me free of all ex- pense, which saved me nearly two pounds. With respect to the things announced, I presume thoy have been left -^^ith Edward, who will some time or other send them to me ; however though they are not in my hands yet, I am extremely gratefiTi for them. I lately received a long letter from H. R. H. inclosing also Lord Harrington's answer to his letter of recommendation in my favor, promising to servo me as opportunity should occur. Lord Harring- ton also wrote me on the same subject, promising me a staff situation, with the old phrase as opportuniti/ should occur. His letter was courteous and gracious, but truly this opportuniti/ has now been two years and a half in orxurrlwj, and yet the prospect of success appears the same ; thank God, I make myself easy on that head, but I must confess that I was for some time very much out of humor, and very tired of being so long kept in suspense. This is truly a very cheap country, I think in all things much more than in Canada ; in consequence I have now a very good pros- pect of paying the debts which I left in England amounting to about £50 or £60. Our frequent changes in quarters have been uncom- monly expensive, as you may suppose, and on our arrival here, I was under the necessity of purchasing things to the amount of about £30, to make myself comfortable in my quarters. Thank God, I have now a good stock of all things, and will be for years at a very little expense on that head. I am to say that my health is rather better, so indeed are my spirits. In your last you make no mention of the boots I sent you two years ago, I hope you received them, and that you approved of them, as well as the other things for your use. In the Duke's last letter there is a passage for you that I now transcribe, " By this time I trust that Sir James Craig is well on his way to Canada, and that a few days more will put your good father in possession of a volume I wrote him by that opportunity, as also introducing him to the notice of that officer, upon whose faith- fal promises of serving him, at an early day after his arrival, I hopo may securely depend." After this, one cannot but feel confident of your success, and I sincerely hope no further disappointment will again happen. I am truly hap^y in saying that every appearance of war with America is now at an end, as that country cannot but be satisfied with the concessions lately made by this. It is said that Ministers do not allow them to bo concessions, but when you are informed of the recall of Admiral Berkely, from his Naval command at Halifax, and that the right of searching vessels of war of other countries ia THE DUKE OF KENT. 141 given up, I think that in spite of what Ministers and their friends may say to the contrary, you will allow these circumstances to be very great concessions. However, let them be what they will, the event of no war with the Americans, is very fortunate for our poor country, which would have suffered in tl e most severe manner, had the reverse been the case. I have not yet written to Mr. Fortescue , to tell the truth I hardly know how to set about it, yet 1 am determined to do it; Mr. For- tescue lives very near two hundred miles from this ; was the distance not so great I would willingly wait on him. This step I would pre- fer to writing. Will my dear ftither tell Adelaide, that I fully intended writing her, but I am deprived of that pleasure at this time, on the account of the postage which is very high, but I shall not fail to look for some person going to Canada, and in that case yo". will all receive volumes from me. I have paid the postage of my last letter, as well as of this, and in consequence, they must arrive to your hand ftv^j of a farthing's expense. It has given me the greatest pleasure to find that all the other presents have met with a kind reception, and that they have been to the taste of the ladies. I particularly prided myself on the shawl. If I can make it out, I shall send them some- thing in the spring. When you write a packet endeavor not to put any envelope to your letter, because it then costs double ; if you should ever put but a small piece of paper inside your letter, people of the Post Offices are so clever, that they immediately find it out, and charge the letter double. Give, if you please, my best respects to Duchesnay of Beauport ; thank him most kindly for his letters, and tell him I shall not fail to write him by very first good opportunity. Remember me also to all enquiring friends, and I remain, &c,, C. M. DE Salaberry. Major de Salaberry, Beauport. Kensington Palace, 30th December, 1807. My Dear Papa, — 1 have received several letters from you at home, which were dated the 24th Sep., 29th October and 8th Novem- ber, and also several from my dear sisters, which all aruved at the same time. I also received one of the 20th August, a very long time before the others. I learn from one, that you know of my arrival in England. I have not yet got a letter from my dear mamma, but I hope to have one quickly, which I will look for impatiently. I am at present . staying with H. H. H. the Duko of Kent at Kcnsingtou Palace, 142 THE DUKE OP KENT. where I have fine apartments. H. R. H. and Madame de St. Laurent are at present at Knightsbridge, which is some distance from here. It is a superb mansion, beautifully furnished ; I liave dined there many times, I dined there on Christmas day with the Duke of Orleans and his brothers. I have been at the opera ^vith H. 11. Highness and Madame, where I saw the Duke of Cam- bridge, to whom I was presented as the godson of H. K. Highness and Madame. I have also seen the Swedish Ambassador, the same evening. I have been at the play with H. R. H. H. R. Highness has given orders that we shall always have music at din- ner. The dinner is at seven o'clock, which is supper for me. The Duke and Madame have been very kind to me, and their kind- ness if possible is greater every day. I now return to the letters which I have received, and the ques- tions which you have asked me, my dear papa. I have not yet seen Madame Nichols, but I will see her very soon. I was 710 great things during the passage, for I was sick all the time. I saw Mr. Bauris the last time I was hero. I very much fear I shall not be able to go and see him now, but I believe that I shall certainly see him next time. i hope, my dear papa, you will write mc by every mail, the letters cost me nothing; they all come first to H. R. H., and then to me ; the postage is paid at the Palace where I now am. I have seen Madame Clarke ; she charged mc to send you a good many compliments. 8he said that Jerome Bonaparte treated her extremely well. I have now pas.sed my examination at Woolwich ; I am now a Cadet, and have two shillings and sixpence a day. I am going to Marlow on the 1st February ; it is another military school. H. R. H. has had the kindness to keep me with himself to go to Windsor with him before. I hope to see the Princess tliere. My study of arithmetic in Canada has been of great use to me, and I believe made me puss my examination more quickly than otherwise, and I .think I will have my conunission before eighteen months. The French was of great service to me at Marlow ; it is very fortunate that I did not acquire the French as it is spoken in Canada. I am very stout and tall ; I am now five feet and half an inch. I believe, my dear pupa, I have now replied to all the questions put to me. I will not write my dear mamma at this time, but in the meantime give her my sincere and tender love, and pray, my dear papa, kiss my sisters for me. Adieu my dear papa, I believe I shall see you before long, and I am with the most lively affection, Your devoted and obedient son, Edward Alpuonse de Salaberry. Major dc Salaberry, . *, Bcauport. •' THE DUKE OF KENT. 143 Madame de St. Laurent has given me six guineas since I came to England, a jolly sum for me. Mrs. Clarke's remark about her having been well treated by Jerome Bonaparte is thus explained. A French squadron under Jerome, had got to sea, and chased and dispersed the convoy of Indian ships, capturing, with his own ship of 84 guns, the vessel in which Mrs. Clarke was. The ship in which Edward de Salaberry was had a very narrow escape from capture. Kensington Palacd, 17th Jany., 1808. Dear de Salaberry, — Having this moment heard from our dear mutual friends, that Sir James Cockburu who is going out Lieut. - Governor to Curagoa (a dependency of Jamaica) might confer on you the situation of his A.D.C, which is paid by the Colony, at the same rate as officers attached in thosn situations to Generals on the staff, 1 hasten to let you know the circumstance, and must request your de- cisive answer by return of post, as there is not a moment to be lost, Sir James having made his arrangements to sail with the next convoy, and it being essential to enable you to hold your post, that you should exchange with a captain in your first Battalion, as serving in that station, and which hi the event of your approving of the arrangement, has been regulated beforehand for you. I understand the climate of Curagoa is reckoned the most healthy in that part of the world, and I have no doubt that if you are employed in that station, my friend General Villettes, to whom I then could and would recommend you most particularly, would do everything in his power to serve you, and forward your promotion. Having said this, I shall leave it altogether to your own discretion, feeling, and judgment, to decide upon the point, but if it should be for the acceptance of what is proposed, then be sure you send me an official shewahh letter, besides your private one, soliciting my good offices with the Commander in Chief, as Colonel of the 60th Kegiment, to obtain your exchange back to the first Battalion, a brother officer having applied to you on that head, and next your reason for making the application, on the ad- vantages, which from experience, you know are united with the command of a company at Jamaica, and your situation as a soldier of fortune, and having in some measure to support your father, mo- ther, and sisters, rendering it incumbent on you not to miss the opportunity of availing yourself of an offer that will aftbrd you large means of adding to their comforts ; this I suggest, as when the ex- change is once made, all the rest of the arrangement will follow of course. Believe me ever to bo with the most friendly regard, dear de Salaberry, Edward, 144 THE DUKE OP KENT. Kensington Palace, 1st February, 1808. Deau de Salaberry, — I do niyself the pleasure of acknowledg- ing your two letters of 21th ultimo, received on the 29th, and this day or to-morrow at latest shall proceed to forward the arrangement I have in view for your benefit, for I am only waiting to liear from our worthy friend Major llobcrtson, who has been my assistant in pro- moting this plan, and who, by the bye, accompanies Sir James as Sec- retary to the Government of Curagoa, to submit the exchange to Head Quarters. Nothing, my dear fellow, can do more honour to your head and heart, than your decision on the proposal I made to you, and bo assured that your conduct on the occasion enhances if possible the friendship and regard which I before entertained for you. I confess I was for the moment staggered how to act, when I found that your Battalion was ordered for Halifax to accompany your Colonel, now appointed Lieut.-Governor of Nova Scotia, and Com- mander of the Forces in that Province and its respective Dependen- cies, and had your destination been Quebec, not Halifax, I would have given up proceeding with the plan I have in view for you alto- gether ; hut xohen 1 recollect how iinhanihomeli/ Sir George Prcvoat treated you, when recruiting for me, 1 thought you loould not he over desirous of heing hrovght in closer contact with him, if it could he avoided ; I have therefore decided to follow my original inten- tion, and I sincerely hope that in a very few days,5l shall be able to send your summons to come over, but observe to say nothing of the staff situation intended for you, which I do not mean to talk of here, excepting to Sir James, Major Robertson, and Madame de St. Lau- rent, and when your exchange is known to Baron de llottenburg, only say, that you accept it in deference to my opinion, and with a view to your being able to render more service to your excellent pa- rents and your good sisters. I have now only to express my regret at your temporary indispo- sition,* and my best wishes for its speedy termination, being ever with the most friendly regard, dear de Salaberry, Edward. My Dear de Salaberry, — I had hoped before I acknowledged your letter of 28th ultimo, received this day, to have been able to in- form you of the name of the otficer you are to exchange with, indeed that the business was concluded, but I have not yet heard from our friend Major Robertson about it, which is a proof that he has not yet fully matured the matter ; at the same time I do not apprehend any hitch to prevent its being carried through, and trust about the 12th to be able to inform you " que tout est orrangi," for I expect Sir Jamea Cockburn to dine with me on Wednesday, the 10th, and by THE DUKE OF KENT. 145 that day, I believe the exchange must have been finally settled, for I know lie has three in view, and by none of whom there appeared any probability of an objection being started. This much I tliought, it would be satisfactory for you to learn, and therefore I have written it, advising you, if you wish to see your aunt and relatives in the vicinity of Dublin, to ask for a fortnight's leave at once,on rcc iptof this, from the 14th to the last of the month, sending me a direction where to write to you, as in that case I could get you immediate leave to come over, by applying to Lord Harrington at the same time, I write to apprize you of the business being all completed. In the meantime, &c , &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 17th May, 1808. Dear de Salaberry, — I have just received your letter of the 11th inst., in consequence of which, I shall immediately apply to Lord Harrington, for one of the vacant Brigade Majorships, as also to de Rottenburg, to ask for you, should he be entitled to have an officer of that class attached to him, so that I hope between the two, we shall be sure of carrying the point, and if I succeed, I shall really feel sincerely obliged to you for having enabled me, by the early notice you have given me of what is going on, to obtain that provision for you. I cannot tell you 'ow cruelly disappointed I was in not being able to effect a transfer for you, to cither the 1st or 6th Battalions of your Regiment, so as to enable you to accept of the very advan- tageous offer, which my friend, Sir James Cockburn, had the kind- ness to make me for you, but, strange as it may seem, both Col. de Rottenburg and Major Robertson's exertions, both of whom, I really believe, were very sincere in their wish to accomplish the exchange, I was desirous to effect for you, have in every instance proved abortive. As however, I have the solemn promise of Sir James to provide for you when you can get out, I do not intend to lose sight of the matter whenever I see an opening for again bringing it forward. Had the 5th Battalion been going to N. America, it would have been easy to have found an oiiScer willing to exchange, but the uncertainty of their destination, as well as that of the 2nd, has been an insurmountable bar to the accomplishment of my wishes in your behalf I have now only to add that Madame de St. Laurent desires her kindest regards in return for your obliging remembrance of her, and that I remain, &c., Dear de Salaberry, Captain do Salaberry. Edward. 146 THE DUKE OF KENT. While the Duke was thus shewing his deep and active interest in the welfare of the de Salaberry family, the war cloud was extending over Europe, and threatening to break on Gibraltar, of which he yet remained nominal Governor. Under these circumstances, he felt it his duty to address the following letter to the King : — Sir, — Letters received by the mail just arrived from the Mediter- ranean, having brought the certain information, that orders had reached Algoziras from Madrid, immediately to make such prepara- tions in the neighborhood of Gibraltar, as put beyond a doubt the intentions of the enemy to besiege it. I could not, under such circumstances, reconcile it to my feelings, were I to delay a moment in not only assuring your Majesty of my readiness to instantly go out there, but for earnestly soliciting your sanction, for my resuming the duties attached to the commission I have the honor to hold as Governor of tluit fortress. To jour Majesty, who yourself possesses a nice sense of honor, it is quite unnecessary for me to represent, that on the result of your decision on this request, which I beg leave in the most dutiful, yet in the strongest manner to press on your attention, everything most dear to me in life, I mean my character as a man, my professional credit as a soldier, is at stake. I will place these in your Majesty's hands, with no less confidence in your justice as my sovereign, than in your indulgence as my parent. With every sentiment of the most devoted attachment, and the most dutiful respect, I have the honor to subscribe myself. Your Majesty's most aifectionate Son, And most faithful subject and servant, Edward. To this letter, after some days, a reply, says JNeale, brief, cautiously worded, but couched in rather affectionate terms, came, approving his zeal and motives, but holding out to him TiD hope that he would, either then, or at any future time, be permitted to return to his Government. lie had felt it his duty to enclose to the Duke of York, a copy of the letter which he had addressed to the King, the receipt of which, was thus acknowledged : — Horse Guards, February 6th, 1808. Dear Edavard, — I take the earliest opportunity to acknowledge the receipt of your hiter of this morning, and am fully sensible of your candor in communicating to me the copy of a letter which you have thought yourself bound to address to His Majesty, requesting leave to return to your situation there. THE DUKE OF KENT. 147 I had hoped from tlie number of ineffectual applications which you have at different times made upon this unlucky subject, that you would have been prevented from renewing them ; and I can only repeat, how much I have lamented that no arrangement could be made to relieve you from the embarrassment which you must undoubtedly always labour under, so long as you retain the govern- ment of Gibraltar. I am, &c,, &c., &c., Frederick. In these ineffectual appeals originated a correspondence with Lord Castlereagh, in which H. R. Highness reviewed the whole case, but urged in vain for justice ; the correspon- dence closed with the following letter : — Kensinqton Palace, May 17th, 1808. My Lord,— I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's letter of yesterday, communicating his Majesty's commands respecting the application that I made to your Lordship on the 23rd ult., to which I am fully sensible it is my duty in all humility to submit ; at the same time I cannot help expressing to your Lordship my conviction, that had the King been made fulhj acquainted with the nature and extent of it, and that it had no reference whatever to his Majesty's decision of the 9th February, upon the request I made to him in my letter of the Gth of the same month, (of which I never presumed to solicit a recommendation on his part,) but that it was confined wholly to a resolution adopted by his confidential advisers, relative to myself, (in which the King could not have the slightest partici- pation.) which I consider founded on injustice, as it must have been entered into upon a representation of facts to my prejudice, while I had not the opportunity aitorded me of explaining my conduct as connected with the event that has occasioned that determination ; he could not, with his well known upright mind, have withheld from me that jus- tice which is extended to the meanest of his subjeecs, the right to defend my chaiacter against misrepresentation. Under this impression, which nothing can remove from my mind, I have no alternative left but to avail myself of the first opportunity that offers to do justice to my feelings, and to endeavor to remove from my character that unjust stigma which I conceive attached to it from that resolution of his Majesty's Ministers, which was com- municated to me by the Commander in Chief, in his letter of Gth February last, and which has given rise to the present correspond- ence. I remain, &c., &c., &c.^ The Right Hon. Edward, Lord Castlereagh, 10 148 THE DUKE OF KENT. CHAPTER XIV. De Salabcrrys — Advice to C. do Salaberry on marriage — Proposal to raise Highland Battalion — Declined by Horse Guards — Dotcrmination of the Duke. 1808. ' Kensington Palace, 28th May, 1808. Dear de Salaberrv, — Although greatly hurried to-day, I can- not think of letting the post go off without expressing the satisfac- tion I derived in learning from your letter of the 21st, and another of the same day, from my good friend Brigadier General de Kot- tenburg, both this instant received, that he had had the goodness to think of you for his Major of Brigade, and addin'g that if properly managed, I do not see the shadow of a difficulty, in obtaining the necessary sanction for your accompanying him, as Captain Prevost having been allowed to go out with his uncle, affords a precedent exactly in point. I however approve highly of not appearing :n it myself, for fear that I should mar the arrangement, . and leaving the whole to the good Brigadier to carry it through, when he arrives in town. At the same time, you may depend on my doing all I can to assist him, and that the moment I have anything to communicate, I shall lose no time in writing to you In the meantime I remain &c. Edward. ' ' - ' :■ Kensington Palace, 8th June, 1808. Dear de Salaberry, — I have this instant received your letter of the 2nd inst, and rejoice most sincerely to find that my worthy friend Brigadier General de Kottenburg, has fully met my wishes, by making application for you to attend him as Major of Brigade, while he is employed on duty at the camp now formed at the Curragh, and which I have no doubt will be acceded to by Lord Harrington, after the very strong manner in which I recommended you to him. I therefore flatter myself that this will tend greatly to facilitate the more important point of your going out to Canada With him, when I have every reason to believe that you will be noticed by the Com- mander in Chief, General Sir James Craig, for whom I shall not fail to give you an introductory letter previous to your departure. I only hope the expected embarkation of your Battalion for Gibraltar THE DUKE OF KENT. 149 will not operate as a hindrance to the accomplishment of this des- irable arrangement, and which I am of opinion would best be obviated by Brigadier General de Kottenburg claiming tlie privilege of select- ing an officer from his own Battalion as liis Major of Brigade, and stating the particular use you would be 'to him in Canada, from your local knowledge of tlu; country. This you will do well to communicate to the General, as my opinion, and at the same time to assure him, how grateful I feel for his kindness to you, and for his uniform attention to me on every occasion. Madame de St. Laurent desires her friendly remembrance to you, and I remain ever, &c. Edward. Kensington Palace, 13th June, 1808. Dear de Salaberry, — I have this instant received your letter and hasten to inform you, that by this night's mail the letter you have requested mc to write, and which my good friend Brigadier General de Kottenburg has suggested, shall be despatched to Lord Harrington, which I trust cannot fail of producing the desired effect; that is, your appointment to be his Major of Brigade during his con- tinuance in Ireland, which is on every account most desirable, and which on account of the pecuniary advantage which you will derive from it, as on account of it facilitating your going with him to Canada, for when once you are established as his Major of Brigade, it will be almost a matter of course your accompanying him. With respect to the point of your not embarking with your Bat- talion, if the good Brigadier is of opinion that your continuance with him will not be construed in a light to your disadvantage, I decidely approve of it, as I know he is a man who possesses too much sense of honor to advise anything to an officer that he will not be perfectly safe in doing ; let therefore his advice to you be your criterion, for you may be assured mine will accord with it. Being greatly hurried to day, I have only time to thank you for your communication of the regiments about to embark at Cove, and to execute Madame de St. Laurent's commission in recalling her to your remembrance, and to assure you, &c, &c, &c, Edward. Captain de Salaberry, &c. &c. Castle Hill Lodoe, August 2nd, 1808. My Dear Father, — Here am I once more in P]ngland, just re- turned from Ireland, where I had been Brigade Major for about seven weeks. I have given up that situation in order to follow Brig- 150 THE DUKE OF KENT. adier General de Eottcnburg to North America, in the same capacity. It hud not been settled whether Canada or Nova Scotia would be the destination, and at present it appears very probable hu may be sent to Spain or Portugal, to either of which places I certainly will fol- low him. I am indebted to the Duke of Kent for this situation, who really has been indefatigable in endeavoring to procure me something, which I think the Duke of York cannot well prevent my accepting. The moment everything is finally settled you shall hear from me. I hope you won't forget to thank our noble benefactor for this new in- stance of his goodness. I found Edward here, so much grown, and his countenance so much altered, indeed changed, that I positively did not know him. He will probably be as tall as Maurice, but stouter; the sound of his voice is also changed, being quite manly. Before leaving Ireland I spent twelve days with my aunt Fortes- cue, who was remarkably affected on seeing me, and most truly so at parting. Poor thing, I was the only one of the family she had seen for forty years. It is impossible to describe the attention I received from every part of the family. I am quite in love with Miss For- tescue, and really had an idea of bringing her over to Canada. I hope absence will efface the idea I had formed. What numberless enquiries did not my aunt make about her sister, &c. I wish some of you would write her. I shall write very soon, &c., &c., Ch. M. de Salaberry. Major de Salaberry, Beauport. Uellyabiiad, Presidency of Madras, September 30, 1808. Dear Adelaide, — I hope you will be so indulgent as to believe that I would not have remained such a long time silent. I assure you my dearest sister, that on my landing at Madras, the first thing I did was to write to my father and you, but being afraid that the postage of several letters might come to too high an expense, I only sent one letter directed to my father, which I hope has come to hand ; there is nothing in it but what was relative to our voyage. I recommended it tc the care of Messrs. Greenwood & Co., and they have no doubt forwarded it, as they have always been very punctual about my letters. I was very glad to hear by letters which we received when we joined, that you were living at Beauport, on account of a number of things which you know very well — no house rent to pay. That sum saved, even the half of it, will enable you to repair the house peu et peu, besides many other great advantages which you could not have THE DUKE OF KENT. 151 in town. As for society you surely could not wish for a pleasantcr one, having Mrs. Duclicsnay and family. ".s«»,s ouhJ iir I homme nitx j)d(h. The only thing disagreeable will be the cold, but still as there is plenty of wood, it can be remedied without great trouble. In my letter to you, which I kept .seven months, expecting every day an opportunity to send it, but being tired of waiting 1 opened it, and saw in it how 1 had been disappointed at Madras. Perhaps you would like to know, as it is concerning the beauties of this country. Well, I must begin to tell you, that there is what they call the *• Mount lload,'' which is, I daresay, the most charming one J ever saw ; upon this road the people of fashion ride every evening. As I had heard a great deal about this famous public place, one night I went out in a gig with an officer of the navy, but unhappily we hap- pened to be too late. Judge of how we must have felt at the dis- appointment. We returned without seeing any of the prttfi/ minois, and quite melancholy. Was there not sufficient ground to be vexed ? I am sure you'll be of my opinion, and now I am very much afraid the opportunity is lost for a long while; however, I'll endeavor to have one other trial by and bye. My letters from I*ortsmouth, as far as I can remember, must have made you laugh. I was almost out of my senses, I believe, and provoked at all our unfortunate affairs. Concerning the majority and all those " Chateaux en Espar/ne," I am truly sorry at our eldest brother's disappointment ; he has been rather too unhicky in all his transactions. I suppose that by this time he has given you an account of the Fortescues. I should like amazingly to hear something about them, but particularly about our female cousins. How truly happy I should feel were I to meet any of them, I believe it won't happen before my visiting Ireland, and then I shall he a Captain and an old man ! Maurice is very well; the country agrees with him very well. As to myself I have been rather unwell, but I hope to be accustomed to this climate in a few months. Col. Cornan came out in the las' fleet, and has been most uncom- monly civil to us, but particularly to me, for he brought me to hig house for a change of air, and faith it was of great service to my health. He toM us he had heard H. 11. Highness mention our names very often ; no doubt our Koyal protector has again with his usual goodness recommended us to the former ; in fact H. R. Highness never forgets doing anything in his power for our welfare; would to God he had more power! As there is no probability of his being employed, we must take things en philosophe and not get too sanguine about our promolion. My father never mentioned, whether he had received a letter which I wrote him from Hastings, I think in the latter end of Feby., 180T. I sent it by the mail . I presume it has been lost or kept in some post office^ A propo3, Mademoiselle, you never answered my !ast 162 THE DUKE OF KENT. letter from Portsmouth ; as you recollect, you quarrelled with mc about not answering yours, I did not forjiot that, yet I hope you will be more punctual hereafter. You cannot imagine, dear Adelaide, how sorry I was at not having any letters I'rom you by last fleet. I think the next will afford me great pleasure in that way. Adieu, dear sister, give my love to my dear mother and sisters, and believe, &c., &c. L. DE SaLA BERRY, Miss de Salaberry, Quebec. Grcuadicr Royal. • • Kensington Palace, 15th October, 1808, Dear ue Salaberry, — I have to acknowledge your letter of the 12th inst., received yesterday, and to thank you for your communi- cation of the removal of Brigadier General de llottenburg's quarters from Sandgate to Ashford, which I hope will be to the full as satis- factory to the General, especially as it has been done in order to leave him quite free from all interference to pursue the instruction of the two corps committed to his charge. I am at a loss to recollect the man whom you describe by the name Picard, and as having been in my service at Geneva, whom your General has hired ; I will, therefore, beg of you to enquire what situation he filled, and what other name he bears now or bore then. The only person of any thing like a similar name whom I can bring to my memory was Pierre Facanf, the guide who conducted me when I went to visit the glaciers of Chamouny ; however, T dare say, if he will give you a clew, I shall yet be able to make him out. As yet, nothing has been done in respect to my Highland Eifle levy, but if it should take place, I shall certainly apply, to Lave the recruits instructed under the direction of General de Kottenburg, and be most happy to avail myself of the offer of your aid upon the occasion. Madame de St. Laurent, is, thank God, quite well, and desires her best remembrance to you ; a7i(l as to myself, I am os usual, much vexed at heimj on the shelf in such\ times, but ever with the most friendly regard, dear de Salaberry, &c., &c., 4 Edward. • ' ■ . •* Kensington Palace, '*' 19th October, 1808. Dear de Salaberry,— I am much obliged to you for your leis- ter of yesterdav, which puts me quite aufait of the particulars of my old acquaintance, Mr. Peckard, whose activity on the occasion of the late Mr. Thellusson's fete I well recollect. I really am rejoiced to find that my placing him about Lord Thanet, has been productive of consequences so beneficial to the poor fellow, for the length of time THE DUKE OF KENT. 153 he remained in the service of that nobleman clearly proves that he served him Avitli fidelity, and that the little savings which have en- abled him to set up lor himself were honorably earned. I wish you would endeavor to ascertain I'or me, whether it is intended to make the whole 11th Rep;imcnt a light one, or only the 2nd Battalion, for if only that, it will rather induce mo to try if the same indulgence cannot be conferred on my 4th Battalion, who, I am sui'e, far exceed the 11th in material ibr any kind of service. I am glad to find that it is now so clearly defined, that you are to accompany your good General to Canada in the S])ring, as that now sets the matter at rest, and by the time you have been a few months there, I hope Col. Dillon's good intentions in your favour will be realized. Pray give my best regards to tlie General, and tell him, that as far as my little interest goes, I will use it in favor of his protei/d, the boy llichard Southei'n 8pencer, to get him into Christ's Hospital, but I fear it will be a long time before I succeed, as to this hour, though I have been trying for lour successive years, I have not yet been able to get a presentation for the son of poor Baldock, who, as you know, has been 17 years my head groom. It will, however, be necessary for me to have a reference where to apply to the person who has charge of the child, should I find it requisite to apply for an answer to any question which the Governors of the Charity may choose to put respecting him. Believe me ever to be, &,c., , Edward. Kensington Palace, 23rd October, 1808. Dear DE Salaberry, — I have just received your letter of yester- day, from which 1 perceive the en([uiries your good General took the trouble to make in compliance with my wish, to ascertain whetlier the first Battalion of the 11th Regiment was intended to be placed on the establishment of Light Infantry, the same as the 2nd, has not been able to produce any certain information on that head,! have therefore determined to endeavor to find it out through my friend, Major Gen. Wynyard, who probably will have it in his power to give me the desired information, until the receipt of which I must necessarily defer making the application in regard to my 4th Battalion, as I can only entertain the expectation of succeeding in getting it made light, if the other corps afibrds a precedent for such an arrangement — should it, how- ever, eventually take place, I must beg of you to assure the General that I place the most perfect reliance on his kind exertions to bring the Battalion forward as speedy as possible, in doing which I am sure your aid will not be wanting. Pray remember me most particularly to the General, assure also my old friend Major Hill of my kindest regards, and accept for yourself, &c., Edward, 154 THE DUKE OF KENT. P. S. — Madame de St. Laurent desires her friendly remembrance, and that I should inform you that Edward will be admitted on the 1st November into the 2nd Academy, which gives me every reason to hope, that in the course of about nine months more he will be qual- ified for a commission in the corps of Iloyal Engineers. Kensington Palace. 24th October, 1808. Dear de Salaberrt, — I have to thank you for your iu'-ter of the 20th, which I found on my return from Windsor to-day. As I think it best always to act on certain grounds, I shall be inclined to await the result of the information, which your good General and yourself are so good as to promise, that you will endeavor to procure relative to the intention of the whole 11th llegiment, being alight one, but I am sanguine enough to hope, that the result of your enquiries will be favorable to my hopes, in which case, I shall avail myself with pleasure of your suggestion about Ashford Barracks. Pray remember me to the General in the kindest manner, and again repeat to him that my best endeavors shall not be wanting to forward his benevolent wishes relative to young Spencer, although I cannot insure them success, and believe me ever to be with the most friendly regard, dear de Salaberry, Edward. Capt. de Salaberry, Brigade Major, Ashford, Kent. Kensington Palace, 1st November, 1808. Dear de Salaberry, — I had the pleasure of receiving last night yours of the 27th ultimo, from which I learnt with pleasure that you had at length received the pay and allowances due you by the Irish Government, and that my interference had been the means of accel- erating your obtaining them. I will not fail to communicate to my wo^-thy friend General Cal- vert your gratitude to him for the service wh'*ch he has been so good as to render on the occasion, as also for the justification of Captain Keynett. his letter of the 17th ultimo, which clearly proves the error of Mr. Browr's assertions to Sir Edward Littledale of the issue of your camp allowance, having been made on the 3rd September and the 13th ultimo. Your letter for lleyaett will be franked by this night's mail, and I trust reach him on the fourth day from this at Dublin. Having now replied to every point contained in your letter to me, I have to advert to that you have written to Madame de St, Laurent, THE DUKE OF KENT 155 under date of the 30th ultimo, which she communicated to me im- mediately on the receipt of it last night, and will endeavour to give you my sentiments on its contents with all that candour which my friendship for your excellent parents, as well as yourself, of so many years' standing, gives you every right to expect from me. From the long experience I have now had of the service of the regiments of the line, I am satisfied that no situation is so unenviahle as that of a married oflScer, even when he possesses an independent fortune to enable him to support his wife and family in the style in which a gentleman (such as the profession should make every one who holds the King's commission) not only would wish hut ought to do. Of course, therefore, when the married officer has not the aid of pri- vate fortune to add to the small pittance which the regimental pay affords him, in these dear times, his situation must be deplorable, being obliged either to see his wife and family want those comforts, without which their life must be a burden to them, or run in debt to pro- cure them. You, my dear de Salaberry, at this moment, possess about twenty shillings a-day pay, exclusive of those allowances which are not more than adequate to furnish and support your equipage as a staff officer. But the moment you get promotion, which naturally must be your first object, you will be reduced to fifteen shillings ; for you can- not expect that, with my interest only to support you (which literally at this time is worse than none), you will be appointed to any situation on the staff, while your very advancement must make you vacate the Urigade-Majorship you now hold ; that being the case, I leave it to your own good sense to judge whether, upon that small stipend,it would either be right or honorable to take away a young woman, for whom you have a regard, from those comforts she has been used to at home, to share the wretched accommodation of, at most, two barrack-rooms, if you are so situated as to be enabled to have her with you ; or, if the imperious call of duty separates you, to vegetate in some obscure lodging, on the few shillings which, 1 contend, you can ill spare from your scanty pay. Were I to write volumes, I could not express my sentiments more fully than I have done in the three foregoing pages : from which you will easily see that the sum of my opinion is, you oayht not and ca»?jo^ think of marrying your cousin ; indeed, I would go further and say, you ought to shun the very thought of matrimo- ny, situated as you are ; but if, under any circumstances, it can be right for you to think of it, it would be if chance threw in your way a woman of respectable character, who is enabled to give you, the day you marry her, that independence which there is little prospect of your being ever able to give her. After saying this, let me advise you, de prendre sur vans to be explicit without loss of time, for honor, good sense, and every consideration require it ; and believe me, when you have done this, you will, to the last hour of your ex- istence, feel grateful to me for having given you this counsel ; for to be a good soldier (for which bighlj honorable qualification no man 166 THE DUKE OF KENT. possesses more the requisite than yourself), it is absolutely necessary for a man to be independent, and with a wife and the prospect of a family it is impossible for you to be so. As you cannot doubt my friendship, I am sure you will ascribe every word I have said to the only motive that could ,<>uidc me — that of your welfare and future prospects. I shall not therefore at- tempt to apologize for the freedom with which I have spoken, but conclude here by assuring you of the warm sentiments of regard with which I ever am, Dear de Salaberry, yours faithfully, Edward. P. S. — 3Iadame de St. Laurent desires me to say, that I will re- turn you your letters to your friend, Captain Levcry, being convinced that you will now see the necessity of writing one of another com- plexion ; in doing which you have my full sanction to say that you have consulted me, and to communicate the advice I have felt it my duty to give you. , . ' •''-■'' • • Castleiiill Lodge, ' ■ • 15th November, 1808. I have received, my dear de Salaberry, all your letters from the 4th August inclusive to this date, in which you announce to me, the recovery of our dear Sourh from a severe illness. You have put me under a real obligation by not announcing it to me before her re- covery, otherwise I would have been most uneasy. Long may she enjoy health. Long, for the happiness of her family and friends, who knowing her amiability, her winning disposition and strong mind, are able to appreciate her virtues at their true value. Kiss her tenderly for me, in assurance that I love her with my whole heart. I have seen with sincere regret, that nothing has yet been done for you, but the Duke in accordance with your wish, has again written to General Craig, and we shall see what success will attend this new step. I see that there is something wrong, and that too many have been recommended at the same time. The Governor has fulfilled one part of his promise to your illustrious friend, but unfortunately has not yet performed that regarding you, but you may rest sure, the Duke is deteiinined, and this he will tell you himself in a letter which he proposes to accompany this. I hope then «o?t.s v^rrons this aifair will end well, and that in a short time, I shall be able to congratulate you on the attainment of what you have so long waited for. I have received all the pretty things which have been sent me by my young friends. Edward and your eldest who were present at the opening of the box, will tell you much better than I can how much pleasure this kind attention has given me, and how much the charm- THE DUKE OJ' KENT. 15t insr work of Adelaide, and Amelia was admired. Be as- sured then of ra;,- gratitude aud friendship, and of the pleasure I will have in sending them in spring, in return for their kind presents, some pretty trifles of the fashion. I have not yet received the snow-shoes, and Edward has not yet written on the subject, but as he is coming before long to pass the vacation with us, he will be able to let us know all about them. He continues to make great progress in his mathematical studies, draw- ings, &c. He is now taller than his mother and godmother, of which he is very proud, not wishing to be a single line less tall than Maurice. He has a fine appearance, is ambitious, but not vain. I shall now relate a little anecdote which has caused us a good deal of anxiety. It is true I have not the permission of him who is the hero of it, but I cannot deprive myself of the satisfaction, and I hope he will pardon this little indiscretion, as the story only does him honor. During the sojourn of Capt. de Salaberry in Ireland, his first care was to inform himself of the residence of his aunt, Mrs. Fortescue, where he presented himself with that eagerness to enjoy the society of relatives which is always felt in a strange land. The lady of the house received him with open arms, as did her husband and daugh- ter, a young and pretty girl of twenty or twenty-two years. A connexion so attractive could not but be dangerous for a young soldier, and a young soldier was naturally a formidable cousin to a young girl, the familiarity then which resulted under the pretext of relationship was changed very speedily into a more tender sentiment, and you see from this our young people thought of nothing less than love and marriage, when (.^iptain de Salaberry was obliged to return suddenly to England. Being thus under the necessity of separating from his fair cousin, sad were the adieus, there is no reason to doubt; but in this kind of trouble, the sorrow of those who are left ,"s the more painful, while those who go away, distracted by the cares of the journey and a thousand difibrent objects, bear it more easily. De Salaberry when he arrived here was as calm as usual, and some time afterwards having lost his enthusiasm for Miss Fortescue, I began to doubt if there was anything, as he always replied to my joking with a good grace, and I believed I was mistaken, and thought no more about it ; judge then my astonishment when after he had rejoined his regiment, some fifty miles from this, I received a letter requesting my adv'ce on his intention of marrying his cousin. I was astonished, not believing that there was any way of changing his resolution, but I hastened to secure a powerful auxiliary, and at once communicated to the Duke the untoward news, which I regarded as certain ruin to your son. Miss Fortescue having no fortune. Our illustrious friend taking the same view as myself, saw that no time was to be lost to get him out of the scrape, if possible, promised me to write him and did it immediately in terms the most strong though 158 THE DUKE OF KENT. kind, pointing out how he would onibarrass himself if he proceeded in a step so calculated to affect his future well being, and I added a few lines to that long letter, though we had little hope of the success of our effort. Well, my dear de Salaberry, would you believe it, the dear generous young man heroically thanked the Duke in the most grateful terms for his good advice so full of wisdom, solemnly promis- ing to think no more of marriage, and to write at once to Ireland, excusing himself to Miss Fortescue, on the grounds of the advice given by his illustrious protector, and sending at the same time to the young lady's brother-in-law a copy of the letter which had in- duced him to change his resolution. Rejoice then, my dear friecil .latyou have given being to one so noble, and let the pleasure of having such a child console you, at least iu a great degree, for other causes of disquiet. Embrace him with redoubled tenderness when he returns to you in spring, as Major of Brigade to General de Rottenburg, for there is without any doubt this prospect of advancement. I believe I have done right, but if I am wrong, you must pardon me on account of my good intentions. Adieu, my dear de Salaberry, I have been vei-y lazy in not writing you oftener, but this long lettev will insure my pardon. I shall now lay down my pen, hoping that this rhapsody will find in good health all the amiable family at Beau- port, whom I embrace most sincerely with my whole heart. J. DE St. Laurent. Whenever we get letters from India, you may depend they will be sent to you without loss of time. Kensington Palace, 5th November, 1808. Bear de Salaberry, — Not having received your letter of the 3rd, until late yesterday evening, owing to an omission of Beck, it was not in my power to acknowledge it as I otherwise certainly should have done, by return of post ; I therefore make it my first business this morning, to reply to it, by informing you how much I am delighted wi.h it, and assuring you that you have removed a very heavy load from my mind, by so handsomely and implicitly following the advice I gave you, which, though I am well aware, not of the pleasantest nature, pour un anuutt, was the only one which my friendship for you, and regard for your excellent parents, could admit of my conscientiously offering you. As such you will easily believe that I most sincerely rejoice at the wise resolution you have taken by cutting the matter short at once, and writing such a letter to you friend Captain Levery, as will dissipate any romantic ideas which your fair cousin may have been led to form, owing to your flirtation with her, and fully trust that that matter is set at rest for ever. In these sentimentB, Madame do St. Laurent as cor- THE DUKE OF KENT. 169 dially unites, and she is in every sense as highly pleased as myself at the proof you have given of your good sense, and of the ready deference you have shown to our joint opinions- In regard to what you mention relative to the 2nd Battalion of the 11th Regiment, 1 have only to say that you need not give your- self a moment's uneasiness, as it has not occasioned me either trouble or inconvenience, for as a preparatory step to applying for the for- mation of my 4th Battalion into a light one, I judged it necessary to propose, that the intended additional battalion, which the guar- dians of Mr. McDonald, the proprietor of the large Clanronald estate in the Highlands of Scotland, had offered me to raise, but the levy of which was suspended, owing to the Commander in Chief peremptorily refusing to permit the Highlanders, of which it was to be composed, to wear the national dress, and to allow the .Chieftain to come in as Lieut.-Colonel to it, should be made a rifle one, and the result of that which has been a decided negative, without assign- ing any reason whatever, although the 5th Battalion of the 60th affords the fairest possible means, coupled, notwithstanding the original acceptance of the offer of the noblemen and gentlemen, above alluded to, by the Duke of York's unasked opinion, that the proposed levy had better be incorporated with a Highland corps, has proved so clearly to my understandiii;/, that nothing lolli he acceded to at the Horse Guards, that is either for my henefit, credit or satisfaction, he it ever so advantageous for the public service, that 1 have come to the resolution never to mention the suhj'ect again. Pray remember me particularly to your good General, and believe me to be, &c., &c., &c. Edward. The Duke being now fully convinced that nothing would ever be acceded to at the Horse Guards, which was proposed or advocated by him, made no further effort to obtain active employment under Government, but devoted himself hence- forth more earnestly than ever to the promotion of every- thing that was intended to advance the comforts, the morals, or the education of the people. Referring to " Iiove's Young Dream" of de Salaberry and his fair cousin, it may be here mentioned, that some years subsequently, both were happily married, having found when fortune was more propitious, helps meet for each other. 160 THE DUKE OF KENT. CHAPTER Xy. - . Lieut. Connor — Sir James Craig, Governor General of Canada — Baron de Rotteuburg. 1808 AND 1809. y ' • :•■ Kensington Palace. ' '^ 13th December, 1808. Dear de Salaberry, — I liarve, in the joint name of Madame de St. Laurent and my 6wu, to return you many thanks for your kind attention in sending us tlie tine brace of pheasants that arrived yester- day, and at the same time to apologise to you for her not having replied to your last letter, which has been principally owing to the multiplidity of visitors we have had here ever since, which has left her but few leisure hours for some weeks past. We expect your brother Edward on Friday for the holidays, and I hope to hear he has obtained the remove into the fifth Academy, a circumstance that will probably insure him a commission within six months, if he should make his option tor the Artillery, or within twelve, for the Engineers. I hope the two regiments that are under your good General's tuition are advancing rapidly in the study of the new exorcise and manoeuvres, and that by the time he is summoned to embark for Canada, they will have made sufficient progress to do without their instructor. Pray remember me particularly to him, and accept for yourself the assurance of those sentiments of unalterable friendship and regard with which I always, &c., Brigade Major do Salaberry. Edward. Kensington Palace, 19th December, 1808. Dear de Salaberry, — I am just favored with your letter of yes- terday, and hasten to inform you in reply to it, that there is in the Royals at this time a Lieut. Connor, who was Drill Sergeant and Sergeant-Major to the S-lth Regt., during the time 1 last commanded at Gribr.altar, and who at that time showed very superior skill in learn- ing my system, in consequence of which I got him his commission in my regiment, but since that time he has been constantly employed in THE DUKE OF KENT. 161 recruitios;, in which line hejhasconsiderable talent, and has acquitted himself much to my satisfaction. 1 think him well qualified for the situation of Adjutant, and at this time he stands in my list for a com- mission of that class, so that if Brigadier-General de llottenburg and Lieut.-Col. Cuyler choose to recommend him for that commission in the 85th, I shall willingly accede to it, for the man's advantage, though ho will in every sense be a great loss to mc. There is also a Sergeant of the name of Church, a very superior young man, who is in fact an aspirant for a commission, whom I could recommend as a Sergeant-Major, from conduct and steadiness, if once he had acquired a thorough knowledge of discipline ; but the interest he has in his own country, has obliged me to keep him to recruiting, and therefore I could only oifcr him as a piece of the best material to make a Sergeant-Major of; but certainly he should have from four to six months before you can look upon him as an efiicient one. I remain, &c., &c , Edward. Kensington Palace, 27th December, 1808. Dear de Salaberry, — I have this day received your's of yester- day, and learn from it with satisfaction, that T/ieut.-Col. Cuyler in- tends recommending Lieut. Connor, of the Royals, for the Adjutancy of the 85th llegiment, as I really think that after a few months in- structions he will make a most valuable Adjutant. You will of course apprise him that in transmitting the recommendation to Head Quar- ters, he is fully at liberty to state, that he had previously obtained my consent, and was authorized to say so. Should Captain Crespigny, who was late in the Royals and exchanged into the G8th Regiment, be present with it, I will thank you to call upon that officer, and ac- quaint him from me, that I relied on his honor and liberality not to bring up when liieut. Connor arrives at Ashford, the misunderstand- ing that took place between him and Captain Smith, on account of which I was obliged to send him recruiting, and that his having the goodness to be silent altogether rcg.'. .ding that transaction, will be particularly obliging mc, as Connor obtained his promotion entirely through my protection, in consequence of his exemplary conduct when Grenadier Sergeant of the 54th Regiment, on the night of the mutiny at Gibraltar, and of the talent which he subsequently showed when brought forward as one of the drill-masters to instruct the Garrison in my system. Between you and me the truth of the story was, as I have it from the field officers of the regiment, that though Connor was certainly guilty of an indecorum towards Captain Smith, it was a very venial one, considering the station from which he had 162 THE DUKE OF KENT. risen, and it was generally thought by the field officers of the regi- ment that the Captain had been much too hard upon him. Your letter to your brother Edward has just been sent to him, and I conclude as soon as he has had an opportunity of consulting with Madame de St. Laurent, he will apprize you what day to expect him. Your gig will be taken up to-morrow to the waggon office in the Boro', and start by the Hythe waggon at 5 o'clock in the evening. I remain, &c., Edward, Kensington Palace, 29th December, 1808. Dear de Salaberry, — I have just received your's of yesterday, and have to thank you for so immediately communicating my mes- sage to Lieut. Cuyler. I am obliged to you for entering so fully as you appear to do into the commission I gave you for Captain Cres- pigny , whom you will find an uncommon gentlemanly man in his man- ners, but he is rather high and mighty, from having rather a long purse, it will therefore be necessary for you to use a little address at the outlet with him, and then I am sure you will find no difficulty in insuring his compliance with my wishes. Your gig was taken in by Severn yesterday, to the waggon office in the Boro', from whence I trust it will in a day or two reach you safe.' It is I think the cheapest purchase I have ever heard of in my life, for the patent axle alone is worth the money you gave for the whole, and after spending a few guineas in painting it up, it will be just as good as many a one for which 100 guineas are paid. • I think the East Suffiilk is one of the regiments from which the Eoyal got men at the last volunteering, if so, and an Act of the Legis- lature should again pass, as is expected, on the meeting of Parliament, to empower the militia to extend their services into the line, I should think something might be done with them, in favor of my regiment. I will thank you therefore to keep an eye to that, as I shall have no other person but yourself to look to in that case in your vicinity. Believe me, ever to be, &c., &c., &c Edward. Kensington Palace, 17th January, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — I have many thanks to return you for your letter of yesterday, containing the report of your interview with Captain Crespigny, from which I will candidly tell you that I perceive, notwith- standing his assurances of acquiescing in my wishes,that the high metal- led Captain still retains that old leaven he first introduced into the 4th THE DUKE OF KENT. 163 Battalion, and which has been, as Lieut. -Colonel Barnes tells me in confidence, of such serious injury to that part of my corps, that ho despairs of being able to eradicate it, without having recourse to very coercive measures ; I would have you however, as I now sec how the laud lays pretty clearly, the moment Lieutenant Connor arrives, lec- ture liini m mij namo, as to the necessity of his appearing not to know Captain Crespigny at all, and above all to start on the new regiment, by observing a very polite yet distant lino of conduct with all the officers, devoting himself entirely to his commanding officer and his duty ; and as to messing with the officers, don't let him think of it, at least till the two regiments separate. It would be well for you also to give a hint to Major Hil), who is a very old and zealously attached friend of mine, to keep an eye to Connor, and to advise him how to govern himself so as to accjuire the confidence of Colonel Cuyler, explaining to himself at the same time, that Lieut. Connor had got into a difficulty with the Captain of my 4th Bat- talion, in which I thought, as well as some other officers of the regi- ment, that he had been very hardly treated ; that he was the same man whom he must remember at Gibraltar, Grenadier Sergeant of the 54th Ilegiment, and who was instructed in the drill by Sergeant Major Stewart of the Royals, whom I had brought with me from the Fusileers; you may also mention him to Paymaster Manby, who is no less devoted to me than Major Hill, and then I am sure with the aid of your further good offices, you will soon get the man into that kind of proper train which he only wants proper advice to adopt, for he is an active, clever, useful fellow, and if well managed will do credit to my recommendation of him. Your brother Edward arrived here safe on Saturday, passed Sun- day with us here, went into London yesterday with an order for our box, to enable him to treat his friends, and to-day has returned to his duty at Woolwich. I remain ever, &c. Edward. Brigade Major de Salaberry, Ashford. Kensington Palace, 21st January, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — I have had the pleasure of receiving to-day your letter of yesterday, from which I am happy to perceive that you so perfectly understand my ideas relative to Lieut. Connor, who I be- lieve under the protection of a steady commanding officer, and guided by the judicious advice of Major Hill and Captain Manby, possesses every reciuisite to form a very valuable Adjutant to any regiment in the service, for he knows every minutia of duty well, and the drill in perfection, at least according to my system ; but like every Irislv 11 164 THE DUKE OF KENT. man he is inclined to be forward, and in consequence of the indiffer- ent education he has had, does not understand liow to discriminate ; I shall however enjoin him strictly to be governed by you at the outset, as you possess my confidence, and 1 feel pretty sanguine that he will not do discredit to my recommendation, though 1 am free to confess, that with («uch a domineoring disposition as that of the captains of my 4th Brigade, tlianks to the bad cxamjjle set them by Captain Crespigny, and not seen through sufficiently early by Colonel Hay to curb it in time, it is impossible that either ho or any other Adjutant who docs his duty as he ought should stand his ground. Notwithstanding what I have said of Captain Crespigny as an officer, I am far from wishing to set you against him as a man, for he certainly is very gentlenumlike in his manners, and 1 believe in his principles. You may inform Col. Cuyler from me, that Lieut. Connor's address is Belfast, north of Iceland, and that 1 am confident he is ready to start whenever he receives a summons to join the 85th, but 1 would suggest the propriety of his getting it conveyed through the Adju- tant General's Office, as it will require an authority from thence for him to leave his recruiting party before an officer arrives to re- ceive it from him. .: You are very kind in your enquiries about my health, I have unfortunately been confined since the 12th inst., loi'h 07!e of the heaviest colds and coughs, attended withjeuer and pains in all my limbs, that I ever yet remember having experienced, but I hope I am beginning gradually to get over it, and that I shall be quit of the complaint by another ten days or fortnight's confinement, having already gone ihrovgh all the discipline of medicine, the lancet, &c., which has made me as weak as water. Madame de St. Laurent still continues, I am sorry to say, under the influence of the same violent cough that has kept her confined now for above five weeks, and I fear much tliat there is very little chance of her getting about again till the return of milder weather, for this is a tribute she annually pays to the climate of this country. Believe me, &c,, &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 28th February, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — I have just had the pleasure of receiving yours of yesterday, from which I perceive that you must of late have had an immense deal of labour in collecting your returns from the motley crew that has poured in upon you since the return of the army from Spain, but it is excellent practice, and I am sure when the trouble is past you will not xCgret it, in consideration of the experi- ence which it will enable you to acquire. THE DUKE OF KENT. 165 I am glad to find that Lieut. Connor has joined, and that he took in such good part the advice and instructions I commissioned you to give him, as also that you have formed an opinion favorable to his success, this through the good offices of the two Majors, notwith- standing the difficult game he will have t) play between the Lieut. Colonel and the officers ; of course you will make him sensible that his first duty is to his commanding officer, but that in discharging that faithfully, he must never descend to be a spy upon his brother officers' actions, which captious officers at the 1. :ad of regiments are but too apt to exact of their departments, for he certainly can at all times state to him what he sees incorrect, provided he always ob- serves to do it in a manly, open way, and on positive conviction of the circumstances being as he states it, so that he must take care never to be led astray by hearsay or report. I lament to find that the troops recently arrived from Spain con- tinue so unhealthy. My 3rd Battalion too has suffered very severely, but I am happy to think it has got into far less disorder than almost any other corps that was upon the expedition. I remain, &c., &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 6th March, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — I have to thank you for your letter of yesterday, which has just come to hand, and to express my satisfac- tion at finding that Lieut, and Adjutant Connor seems so perfectly to understand the advice I requested you to give him from me, and also that his debut is considered favorable, as well by the Lieut.-Col- onel and Majors as by the ofiicers of the corps. I am glad too to find that he is aware how much his situation is benefited by his removal from the lloyal to the 85th. I do not think that the Commander in Chief could have chosen a more proper regiment to make a light one of than the 71st, for I be- lieve there is not a more gallant, active officer in the service than Colonel Beck, which cannot be more fully proved than in the contrast there is between the regiment commanded by him upon its return from Spain, and that both of the 50th and 91st regiments, as also by the small number of men he lost upon the retreat, when compared with that of other corps. My 3rd Battalion has certainly suffered a great deal from the rawness and inexperience of the men of which it was composed, but it was fortunate in having excellent field officers and a capital Adju- tant, so all things considered, it is at present, though not I fear in the same good order as the 71st, yet superior I think to most others that were with the expedition. 16G THE DUKE OF KENT. I need scarcely add that the statement you have favored me with was peculiarly acceptable, as enablin;;' me to make those comparisons. We have not had the pleasure of seeing your brother Edward since his return to Woolwich, which arises from Madame dc St. Lau- rent having settled with him that ho should defer his visit till we moved to Kensington, where wo had intended taking up our winter quarters from the middle of January, but one cause or another having hitherto prevented oiir establishing ourselves there, we have nearly come to the determination of continuing on at Castle Hill Lodge, where we shall probably summon him now at an early day. Madame de St. Laurent, though still plagued to some degree with her cold, is well enough to go out whenever the weather will admit of it, and I have no doubt will be thoroughly well the moment the winter is fairly gone. She desires her best regards to you, and I remain, &c., tS:c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 9th May, 1809. Deae de Salaberry, — Tn returning you the inclosures which wero contained in your letter of the 7th, I have to request that you will inform Lieut. Connor of my perfect readiness to concur in the exchange or transfer of his brother-in-law, Lieut. Stephenson of the Royal, into the 85th Light Infantry, but they must find out the means of effecting this, and then upon a reference to me, I will take care to give the young man such a recommendation as will insure him being well received. Should there be any Scotch lieutenant in the 85th, desirous of getting into the old national corps, who, you think, would be acceptable to me, I shall be very happy to concur in an exchange between Lieut. Stephenson and him, which I can then stand forward in effecting, but if Lieut. Stephenson is simply to fill up a vacancy in the 85th, his only way will be to get Lieut.-Coionel Cuyler to name it to General Stanwyr. I rejoice to find that Mr. Connor is going on so well, but it is not more than I expected, for I really think that under a Commanding officer, who is disposed to be at the same time a monitor and a friend to him, there is no part of his duty in which he will not excel. I am much obliged to you for the information you have given me relative to the tJSth, 71st, 85th and 95th regiments, but I appre- hend that the order you allude to has no connexion whatever with any specific service, for which the Regiments are wanting, and that it has been issued solely from the apprehension of Government, of being attacked by the opposition, for the incfiiciency in the field of that force, which appears so large on paper. Believe me ever to be, &c,, &c., Edward. THE DUKE OF KENT. 167 Kensington Palace, 31st May, 1809. Dear de Salarerry, — T am so hurried at present, through an inimenso over pressure of business unci correspondence, tluit I have only time in haste to acknowledtrc your letter of yesterday, and in returning you the letter of Lieut. Connor with its inelosures, to for- ward the promised recommendation, in belialfof Lieut. Stephenson, whit-h I hope will be satisfactory to Col. Cuyler. I remain ever, &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 23rd June, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — I have this moment received yo\xr letter of yesterday, and I very highly approve of the sentiments it contains. You may depend on my not losing a moment in writing to Major General Calvert respecting you, which I sincerely hope may produce the desired effect of enabling you to proceed on service with the Light Brigade, unless their being ordered away from tlie Superintendence of General de Kotteuburg should lead to an order being given for his proceeding according to his original destination to Canada, in which case I presume lie would not wish to go without you, nor you to separate from him. I avail myself of this opportunity to inform you, that the vacation of your brother Edward will commence in a fortnight, when, if you shall still continue at Ashford, and wish him to spend part of the time with you, you need only intimate that such is your desire, and Madame de St. Laurent and myself will readily consent to his going over to you for a fortnight or thereabouts. Ilemember me kindly to the General, And believe mc, &c., &c,, Edward. Kensington Palace, 24th June, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — My letter of yesterday will have informed you that I did not lose a moment in making *'ie application you wished me to do to Major General Calvert, and though the circum- stances, of which the subsequent letter I have just got from you in- forms me, renders that step now nugatory, 1 do not regret haring^ taken it, as it will prove to the Adjutant-General that my anxiety for your welfare does not flag. I am sure you will give me credit ^br rejoicing at the tttm things, have taken, which I consider the most fortunate for jwi that could have happened, as it enables you to proceed on service iu the plea- 168 THE DUKE OF KENT. santest possible way, and does not remove you from your worthy General, to whom I beg my best remembrance as well as acknowx ledgments for the readiness with which he has been so good as to promise that he would adopt the suggestion of the Adjutant General in your favor. As in my letter of yesterday I have already delivered my senti- ments as to the steps you had taken in order to get upon service, it will be needless for me to repeat them now, and therefore I shall only add my best thanks for the very acceptable memo, you have sent me of the regiments in your district, that have received order to march. Concluding by subscribing myself, &c., &c. Edward. Kensington Palace, 19th July, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — By the return of Edward this morning I had the pleasure of receiving your letter of yesterday, in reply to which I have great satisfaction in assuring you, that both Madame de St. Laurent and myself feel very strongly the sentiment of at- tachment you profess for us, and most cordially unite in every wish for your success, honor and advancement. At present the most perfect secret is kept with respect to your destination, but for my own part I am inclined to think that the Island of Walcheren and the naval force at Flushing, are the pri- mary objects, after which I conclude your motions will depend on the dispositions shown by the inhabitants to receive you, but I own I do not expect the same cordiality from those who are on the banks of the Skeld that would be ensured you if the Elbe and Weser were the point of debarkation , I shall rely on your promise to write by every opportunity that offers, and that you will desire Capt. Smith, who is with Brigadier General Brown, to do the same, as it is always interesting to receive accounts from two different hands of events of the nature of those which you are most likely to encounter. I shall now add, as your time must be fully occupied, &c., &c., Edward. Brigade Major de Salaberry. Kensington Palaci!, 5th August, 180(5. My Dear de Salaberry,— A frigate being about to leave in a few days, direct for Quebec, I have determined not to permit it to sail without carrying a letter from me, being really horrified at the length of time which I have permitted to pass without giving you this jproof of my remembrance and friendship. As I like to believe that you do me the justice to be persuaded THE DUKE OF KENT. 169 that you are not forgotten by me, or that there is the least coolness in my feelings towards you and your amiable family, notwithstand- ing my long silence. I believe it my duty to assure you, and you may be firmly con- vinced that it is nothing but truth, that after the promise which your Governor General made me, that he would do anything for you that was in his power, I had the greatest repugnance to take up my pen, without knowing that the hopes which he had given me in reference to you had been fulfilled, and as it was not till the 2nd May that I received your letter of 27th December, which gave me the good news, which I had so long waited for with such impatience, and since from that day to the present, I have always been very much occupied, you will understand how it was not possible for me to have written sooner. After this little preamble, I will commence my letter by inform- ing you that I received consecutively in due course your letters of the 15th July, 4th August, 8th November, 27th and 29th Decem- ber, 1808, and finally, that of the 8th June last, which I received by the hands of Col. Vesey on the 18th ult. In the first of these letters, that of the 15th July, you make allu- sion to the charming bark work made by your children, and which reached us in safety. I cannot choose a better time to say to you, how much Madame de St. Laurent and myself felt this proof of their attachment for us, and thattheeleganceof taste with which the whole was w^orked, has been admired by all who saw it, and to whom we had the pleasure of saying, that they came to us from the sisters of Salaberry and Edward, who are both of course known to those who visit us. As to the second of the letters, that of 4th August, containing the inclosures for your sons, I feel it my duty to assure you that they were all at once forwarded to their addresses, those for Salaberry and my godson were carried to them by myself ; those for our two Grenadiers were posted for Madras, (I may say within parenthesis, that T had most satisfactory news of them up to October last.) I now come to the third, that of the 8th November, which announced the happy marriage of your dear Hermine. I desire to express in the strongest terms how much pleasure I felt in learning this news, so interesting and agreeable in every respect, both for her and for you ; but I find that it is not only difficult but impossible to do justice to what my heart would wish me to say to you and Madame de Salaberry on this occasion. I now hasten to beg both of you to believe that of all your friends, there were none who re- joiced more sincerely than I at the happy event, and that I have always most sincerely wished that the happiness of the young wife may be uninterrupted, and such as we have a right to expect from the amiability cf the characters of both. I hope that you will prescrrt to your excellent wife my congratulations, also to the newly maw:ie(Jl 170 THE DUKE OF KENT. couple. As for Duchesnay, I had the pleasure of seeing him when he was in London two or three years ago, and I can never forget that fine trait in his character, when he employed to purchase a Lieutenancy for his brother the money which his mother had sent him for his own advancement. This trait alone proves that he pos- sesses an excellent heart and fine sentiments of honor, and with such a foundation it is impossible but that he will be a good husband and a good father, if Providence destines him to be a father. The principal part of your 4th letter, that of liTth December, was to announce your appointment to the place previously filled by the deceased Mr. Cofiln, on which I ^v^ill only observe, that for many a day nothing has given me more satisfaction than to find that at last Sir James Craig has kept his word with me, and that the time has at length arrived in which you will enjoy more of what wc English call the comforts of life, than has hitherto been the case since the disbanding of the Regiment of Royal Canadians. As in a letter recently received from Sir James Craig, he repeats that he had recommended you as an Executive Councillor, I believe I may assure you that you will not have to wait long, and if you desire to be called to the Legislative Council also, you may depend that it will give me much pleasure to write the Governor General on the subject. As to the Militia of which you speak in the latter part of your letter of 27th December, 1 believe there is no question but that they will re-assemble under an Act of the Provincial Parliament, which places the Militia when called out under the same footing of disci- pline as regiment? of the line. But T think if this important object is accomplished, the Governor will always keep a certain number on foot, and if you desire to have it, I have no doujjt but the command of one of the Battalions will be given to you, for t]:e advantage of having at the head of the corps a chief who is popular cannot have escaped his observation. I arrive now at your fifth letter, that of 29th December, written immediately after that in which de Salaberry informed you of the arrangement for which I had labored, and under which he with his General was to arrive in spring for duty in Canada, and I grieve to say that the positive assurance which I received from the Adjutant- General, and which was at the same time given to Sir James Craig, has not been carried out, and that the result has been a disappoint- ment to you and to Madame de Salaberry, but though the prepar- ations for the great expedition with which be was to go to Quebec have been suspended, I like to believe that they will yet be finished and that it will go to its original destination, either this autumn or next spring, and you may depend that I will do my best. In fine having replied to all your letters except the last, that of the lUth last June, which reached mc by the hands of Colonel Vescy, THE DUKE OF KENT. 171 it only remains for me to speak of its contents, and as the first part related to the non-arrival of de Salaberry whom you had expected with the first vessels, I need not add anything on the subject to what I have already said. As to Edward, if we wish to place him :n the Artillery, in a very few minutes he could get a lieutenancy, i)ut as the Engineers is the branch for which I destined him, being convinced that it is the most advantageous for his future advancement, he is obliged to pursue his studies a good while longer than is required of aspirants for the Artillery, and as there are now only five in the whole Academy before him, I consider that he may leave it at Christmas, when the regulations will oblige him to go, to prosecute for six months sur- veying under an able master, destined to finish the pupils for the Engineers, and then he will get his lieutenancy, after which there is every appearance of his remaining here for nine or ten months, when I will do everything in my power to have him sent speedily to Canada, if by any means the thing can be effected ; but you must not expect to see him before next year, for I believe it is usual to employ them at Chatham or Woolwich for six months before they are permitted to take what we call "Foreign Service." He lives with us always during the Academy vacations, and I hope that you will not think he is among strangers. The report which 1 have received from his superiors is very satisfactory. He is already well formed, and about five feet eight inches high, and I believe in a couple of years he will not be behind Maurice, who is as tall as I am, according to the report of an ofiicer who saw him in Madras six months ago. Edward has been bow here since the 4th July, and will return to the Academy on its re-opening on the 15th of the month, and will quit us with the same regret as 1 know we feel on parting with him. I am sure he will resume his studies with all possible zeal, being perfectly convinced of the importance of per- fecting himself in the qualifications necessary for his profession. I owe you a thousand thanks for the amusement you have afforded me, in sending me the Quebec Gazette, which gives the account of the proceedings of your Colonial Parliament, for certainly the Swiss patois is sufiicient to excite the risible muscles ; but badinage apart, I believe, after all I have heard, that your Governor General did well in acting with firmness, as he has done en every occ "ion which required it since his assumption of the Government, _, or it would not be prudent to permit atiy oppodtion to the representative of the Sovereign. You may believe 1 was very much pleased to observe the proper course you have held during the whole affair, but it was only what I expected from your sentiments of distin- guished loyalty. There remains nothing for me to add, but to convey Madame de St. Laurent's kind remembrance, as she will not write you now, 172 THE DUKE OF KENT. having done so recently, and to assure Madame de Salaberry of the continuance of my unalterable regard. I remain always, my dear de Salaberry, Your aifectionate and devoted Edward. A. M. M. de Salaberry, Beauport. The reader must have been struck with the expression in the preceding letter, " It would not be prudent to permit any opposition to the representative of the Sovereign ;" especially as coming from one whose views were generally in advance of his time, and who was really a very liberal and enlightened man, and when he looks at the constitutional liberty which is now so fully enjoyed in Canada, he will be still more astonished when he turns to the Journals of that day. The military education and experience of Sir James Craig had most thoroughly imbued him with the propriety cf carrying into the Civil Government modes of procedure, which though considered necessary in military affairs, were very arbitrary, and he most sincerely entertaiiu i the senti- ment enunciated by the Duke of Kent. Holding these views, he supported his Council iu the imprisonment of several prominent Canadians, under suspicion of sedition, arising from their having struggled for the establishment of prin- ciples which the Imperial Government subsequently conce- ded to the fullest extent, but which the then Provincial Government regarded as arising disaffection. Sir James was at direct issue with the Absembly, and con- cluded the address, with which he opened the House on the 10th April 1809, by cautioning them against jealousies among themselves, or of the Government which could have no other object in view than the general welfare. The House in their reply had introduced an indirect reproof for the hints which had fallen from the Governor, and before proceeding to the business for which they had been called together, proceeded to enquire into certain grievances ; they were thus occupied at the end of five weeks, when the patience of Sir James be- came exhausted, and he dissolved them in an angry speech which reminds one strongly of Oliver Cromwell. The fol- lowing extract will convey a correct idea of its general tenor: "You have wasted in fruitless debates, excited by private and personal animosities, or by frivolous contests upon trivial matters of form, that time and those talents to which within THE DUKE OF KENT. 173 your walls the public have an exclusive title. This abuse of your functions, you have preferred to the high and impor- tant duties which you owe to your Sovereign, and to your constituents, and you have thereby been forced to neglect the consideration of matters of moment and necessity which were before you, while you have at the same time prevented the introduction of such others as may have been in contem- plation. So much of intemperate heat has been manifested in all your proceedings, and you hava shown such a prolong- ed and disrespectful attention to matters submitted to your consideration by the other branches of the Legislature that whatever might be the moderation and forbearance on their parts, a general good understanding is scarcely to be looked for without a new Assembly." The state of public feeling in Canada, at this time will be understood from an extract from a letter from Louis de Sala- berry, dated from Hyderabad : " By the bye, I was very much hurt the other day in reading a paper by the highly infamous behaviour of some Canadians. The paper mentioned that there was a conspiracy discovered, which was to murder all the English inhabitants ; it must have been written by some Canard, for I cannot imagine that my poor countrymen would disgrace themselves by sach an infamous act. The paper in question mentions that Mr. Bedford (who is Mr. Bedford ?) was in gaol and several other Canadian gentlemen. The Speaker of the Souse of Assemble/ was also mentioned, as being at the head of the party. I sincerely hope the report is exaggerated, for it is so vile that it cannot be true. In a former paper I saw your name mentioned, it was when Sir James Craig delivered that curious speech ; it was most honorably mentioned, and I am sorry to find that the others were not so. I hope your letters will inform me of the whole transaction, hoAvever strange it may be." The Mr. Bedford, was M. Bedard, a distinguished member of the House, who was imprisoned by a warrant of three members of the Executive Council, but who Avas never brought to trial, though urgently demanding it, but shortly after the prorogation was released, without any explanation of the cause of his imprisonment, or of the motives of his enlarge- ment. 174 THE DUKE OF KENT. CHAPTER XVI. Walchcren.— The Duke of Cumberland and ScUis— Death of Princess Amelia- Illness of the King — The Regency. 1809, 1810. Kensington Palace, 18th September, 1809. Beae de Salaberry, — Although T have hitherto left your three interesting letters of the 7th, 8th and 20th August, which I received successively on the 12th and oOth of the sumo month, unanswered, be assured they gave me infinite pleasure, and that I felt, as I ought, your kind attention in thinking of me, in the midst of all the fatigues you had to encounter from the first moment of your landing until the date of your last. But exclusive of a certain apprehension which I was led to entertain (from reports that were in circulation here, of a degree of jealousy existing at your Head Quarters, in regard to the officers who correspond with me,) and which made me feel backward in writing to you, for fear of its doing you dis- service there, I have been too much harassed for the last month with an over pressure of business and engagements, that I really for a long time was unable to find leisure to do it, and latterly I was inclined to hope that you would have been included in the number of officers to co'r.c home, which would have afforded me the opportunity of thanking you personally for your several communications. However, having yesterday obtained a return of the Brigade, destined for the present to form the Garrison of Walcheren, and finding that your General is one of them, I conclude you remain with him, and there- fore am unwilling to delay longer assuring you of my friendly remem- brance. Without entering into any particulars of those details you have favored me with, I cannot help expressing my regret at the misap- plication of the noble army that has been so uselessly employed upon a service, the result of which is so far from being commensurate with the extent of the means employed upon it, that it could hardly be justified if two-thirds less force had done so little. But when I say this, pray understand me right, that I do not mean to detract from the gallantry of the troops that have been employed on the attack on WalchereU; or to deprecate the extent of the hardships and pri- vations they have experienced, which is but too well established by the deplorable return of nick that has been received from the corps THE DUKE OP KENT. 175 destined to remain there, and from the shocking state in which those arrived from thence^ are stated to have landed, but to declare my opinion, as well in regard to the want of judgment shown by Min- isters in so applying the force, and then appointing such a com- mandant to direct its operations, as with respect to the manner in which the whole business was conducted, which really must disgrace U3 in the eye of the enemy, far more than any event in our military annals that has yet occurred since we have been at war with revolu- tionised France. All now to be hoped is, that such a change will take place in administration as will lead to the immediate adoption of the only feasible plan which in our present situation can be thought of, that of evacuating Walcheren, after razing or blowing up all its defences, or that the present Ministry will have the candor to avow the egregious error they have committed, and take that step without which we have nothing to look forward to but the annihilation of those unfor- tunate corps who are destined to encounter the pestilential sickness of that aguish climate. Adverting to the mention you make of the conduct of the 3rd Battalion of the Royals, I cannot help expressing the great pride I feel at the accounts I have received from all quarters of the peculiar steadiness of the whole corps, and the distinguished gallantry of the flank companies, but the loss of poor Lieut. McLean, who was killed at the head of Captain Smythe's, the right Battalion company, is a very serious one to the corps, as well as to myself, he being the only survivor of the drills of the Fusileers who were formed by the late Captain Parsonage. Captain Wilson, who was wounded, is I hear so much indisposed, as well as the two Subalterns of the Light Infantry, who shared the same fate, as to be obliged to come over to England. I have now only to execute Madame de St. Laurent's commission, by assuring you of her best wishes, to desire my kind remembrance to your General, and to subscribe myself with the most friendly regard, dear de Salaberry, &c., Edward, P.S.—- 1 herewith inclose a letter for Paymaster Manby of the 85th Regiment, which you will oblige me by delivering safe into his own hands. Kensington Palace, 23rd September, 1809. I had the pleasure of receiving yesterday your letter of the 17th instant, from Teniers, from wh'ch I perceive you feel with respect to the result of the expedition, just as we do on this side of the water and that you concur in the opinion, that had proper energy been shown by your Commander, and his movements been conducted with 176 THE DURE OF KENT. promptitude, which ia all military operations is the primum mobi'e, Antwerp must have fallen, and the grind object of the expedition been eflPected, commensurate at the same time, with the enormous ex- pense at which it was fitted out, and with the reasonable expectations of the country. Indeed it is evident from all I have heard from every quarter, that Flushing might have been carried by a coup de main, the third day, and the whole island been reduced without subjecting the inhabitants to all the horrors which were experienced at Flushing during the siege, and in every part to which the inunda- tion extended. It is thought here, that nothing short of turning out the present administration, who planned the expedition, and the General to con- duct it, will satisfy the country, and so it ought to be, but as a considerable period will elapse between that and the meeting of Par- liament, and there will be time for people's minds to calm a little, I cannot help thinking, but that somehow or another, by sacrificing the two most obnoxious individuals, viz., the two Lord C — s, it will be contrived to jog on, without forming a new Government composed of the present opposition. But be that as it may, I hope and trust that for the sake of the poor fellows who are left to guard that mis- erable unhealthy spot where you now are, the necessity of abandoning it will be now felt, and that you will not be much longer exposed to the double danger of the epidemic fever and of being attacked when you cannot muster a force sufficient to defend yourselves, for I be- lieve such is the general feeling of the country. Nothing could be so distressing as the details you give me of the extent of the sickness, or be more bitter than the reflection that so many poor fellows should have been so wantonly sacrificed. In the number of those who have thus fallen, there is none I more sincerely regret than my old worthy friend Major Hill, who was one of the few standards of the old stock, of which now, alas ! there are but few remaining. I feel too much for his poor wife, whose situation I apprehend will be rendered most lamentable by his loss. What a scandalous shame it is, that when your Commissariat had the power in their hands, as you tell me they had, of procuring you an abundant supply of fresh provisions, they should have neglected that most important point, and that through that neglect you should have been reduced to the sad alternative, in the midst of all your sickness, of being fed six days in the week on salt provisions. It really would seem as if those felioics (for I have no patience to call them anything else) were paid by the enemy to do everything against our troops, instead of being supported at a heavy expense by our own Government to provide for their wants. From your not mentioning the state of your own health, or that of General de Rottenburg, I hope and trust that both of you are still well ; and that you may long continue so, is my most anxioiifl wish. Pray do not fail to assure him of my best remembrance, and THE DUKE OF KENT 177 of my earnest desire to see him again on the terra finna of old England. Madame de St. Laurent desires me to say how sincerely she unites with me in every wish for your welfare and happiness, and that I should inform you, for the honor of Maurice and Chevalier, that wo learnt yesterday, by a letter from Mr. Hale, that those two brothers of yours had transmitted to your excellent father one hundred guineas, the result of their little savings since they had embarked for India. Such traits, she observes, ought to be engraved in indelible characters, and so they will be in our hearts. I shall now take my leave of you, by wishing you a speedy return, and in the meanwhile be assured, dear de Salaberry, of those senti- ments of unalterable friendship and regard with which I always am, Edward. Captain do Salaberry served with the Light Brigade as Aide-de-Camp to General de Rottcnburg, during the cam- paign, and was with the advanced posts before Flushing, during the whole siege, but at the termination of active op- erations, he had to succumb to the fever, and was ordered to England. Castle Hill Lodge, 28th October, J 809. Dear de Salaberry, — Madame do St. Laurent and myself being very desirous of having the pleasure of your society for two or three days here, I write these few lines to propose to you to come over to dinner on "Wednesday next, the 1st November, and to remain here till after breakfast on Saturday. As we do not dine till half-past six, I apprehend you will be in sufficient time, if you make your ar- rangements for coming over here by the early afternoon coach. Believe me to be, &c., Edward. Castle Hill Lodge, 30th October, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — An unexpected circumstance having oc- curred that will prevent us having the pleasure of seeing you here on Wednesday next, as we had intended, I lose no time in apprising you of it ; at the same time, however, I am in the name of Madame de St. Laurent to request that you will have the goodness to hold yourself at her summons for Thursday or Friday, for one of which days she will in all probability have occasion to trouble you to ac- company her to the play at llichmond, where Mrs. Jordan is ex- pected to perform. 178 THE DUKE OP KENT. T hope by this time you have got quite over the effects of the Walchcren complaint, and that when next we meet, we shall see you perfectly re-established. In the meantime believe me, &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 31st October, 1809. Dear de Salaberrt, — I have to acknowledge your note of yes- terday, in reply to mine of the 28th, since which you will have re- ceived mine cancelling the arrangement I had communicated in that, and desiring you to hold yourself in readiness for a summons on Thursday or Friday. The latter is now fixed upon, and Madame de St. Laurent has requested me to beg of you to continue with us until Sunday. I shall myself be absent at Windsor all Thursday, and till the evening of Friday, but I shall hope then to join you at the play house, or at least lo be home by the time you return from it. Believe me, ^c, Edward. Kensington Palace, 6th November, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — Having been constantly occupied since Wednesday last, either by being at Windsor or on the road to and from it, or in bringing up the arrears of business that had accumu- lated during my absence, I have been unable until this instant to find leisure suflScient to acknowledge your two letters of the 31st ult., the one of which contained the several enclosures from our worthy friend Mr. Lanmore, that are herewith returned. But before I com- municate to you my sentiments on the subject of his letter to you, let me express my sincere concern at your continued indisposition, which has deprived us of the pleasure of seeing you here, and my sincere hope that by this time you are already in a state of convalescence. At all events I trust you will not think of leaving England without coming to pay us a visit, as I should be very sorry not to see you before you return to your post, only don't let it be on Wednesday, the 8th, for on that day I shall be from home. Now with respect to Mr. Lanmore's application on behalf of his friend Mr. Armiger, J. must beg of you to explain to him that from his kind and friendly attention to you and Mr. Vealo, in consequence of the estimation in which he knew I held you both, added to the high persona] opinion I entertain of his professional and moral char- acter, I feel every possible disposition to assist him in the attainment of any wish of his to the utmost of my power. However, in the pre- sent instance, I fear that is impracticable, for between ourselves there THE DUKE OP KENT. 179 is so much difficulty in intcrforing in the most distant manner with any point in coimcxion with thn establishment of the Princess Charlotte, that none of the family ever attempt it, but as Colonel Bloomtiuld of the lloyal Artillery, who is tije gentleman attendant on the Princess of Wales, and in fact has the entire direction of the whole establishment, has almost unbounded weight with the Prince, and would, I am, if he could bo prevailed upon to speak in Mr. Armiger's favor to His Koyal Highness, carry the point at once, I would strongly advise Mr. Jianmore to point out to that gentleman that he should get J)rs. llolls and Irvine, who appear to be very warm in their good wishes for him (if one may judge by the certificate they have given him) to write to Colonel Bloomfield in his favor, stating the object of his wishes, and representing him as highly de- serving of such a mark of the Prince's protection. If, in addition to this, Major (general Sir Thomas Jiloomfield, from whom it appears Mr. Arniiger has been honored with a very flattering testimonial, could be persuaded to write also to his namesake, 1 will venture to predict the complete success of Mr. Lanmore's wishes in behalf of his friend and partner, only in communicating this to that worthy man, bind him to a promise not to let any one know (if he chooses to adopt my advice) that it comes from mo, as, if it were surmised, it might occasion some unpleasant remarks from Carlton House upon my offieiousness. Believe me ever to be, &c., &c., Edward. P. S. — 1 herewith inclose a letter for Paymaster Manby of the 85th Regiment, which you will oblige me by ^delivering safe into his owa hands. Kensington Palace, 18th November, 1809. Dear de Salaherry, — Having received your letter of Thursday only on my return from play at 12 o'clock that night, and having made arrangements to set off for Windsor before day light the next morning, I had no time to do more than request Col. Vesey to appoint you to come over here to-morrow, and was unable to answer any other part of your letter. I therefore now take up my pen to say how sin- cerely I regret the unfavorable report you make of your health, which has so long deprived us of the pleasure of seeing you. Howe^'er, I hope to-morrow I shall have the satisfaction of finding that the last three days have helped you well on towards your convalescence. By the bye, I think you had better be here at 12 o'clock, than later, for I have some idea that the Duke of Clarence may call here with his two sons, about one, as I know the eldest joins his regiment on Monday ; you would therefore probably wish to have, as well as Mr. Lanmore, 12 180 THE DUKE OP KENT. your visit over before he arrives, as whenever he is here his stay is seldom less than two hours. Although I 'lave not been able to learn anything authoritative as to the evacuation of Walclieren, such as to authorize my telling you positively that it is actually decided upon, I am inclined to believe that Government have come to that decision, and therefore if a brush be expected when the embarkation commences, you arc quite right in not delaying your departure, if Mr. Lanmorc will give you his fiat for it. There are very unpleasant rumors about a mutiny in the garrison of Flushing, amongst our troops, in consequence of two or three se- vere, though I have no doubt, very proper examples having been made of some soldiers, who were caught plundering and marauding. God grant it may not be true, and above all that my regiment is not among the faulty. Perhaps to-morrow you will be able to tell me something about it. In answer to Lieut, and Adjutant Connor's letter, which I here- with return, I have to request that you will acquaint that officer, for the information of his father-in-law, Mr. Stephenson, that I will en- deavor to procure him the satisfaction of seeing his son for a little while, before he proceeds to the West Indies, either by getting him leave of absence, or placing him on the recruiting service, though I am rather inclined to think that tlicre will be obstacles to the latter arrangement, which I may find it difficult to overcome, I remain, &c., Edward* Kensington Palace, 21st November, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — I have this day received your two notes, and hasten to inclose to you the appointment solicited in the one for your friend Mr. Lanmore's partner, and also a few lines for the senior officer in command of the Royal Military Academy at Wool- wich, requesting leave for your brother Edward to come up on Sat- urday evening next, to see you, which you will of course send to Edward. At the same time, I have to inform you that I so totally disapprove of your attempting to go to Walcheren, without the fiat of Mr. Lanmore, that I have this day written to Brigadier-General do Rottenburg, inclosing that gentleman's opii Ion of your case, and to inform him that I had laid my injunction upon you not to think of moving for the present. I remain, &c., &c., Edward. THE DUKE OF KENT. 181 Kensington Palace, 27th November, 1809. Dear, de Salaberrt, — I had the pleasure of receiving this morn- ing your brother Edward's letter of Sunday, inclosing Mr. A.rmiger's to you, as also that of lirigadier General de llottenburg, herewith re- turned. With respect to the former of them, (which 1 have not thought it necessary to send back) T will thank you to signify through Mr. Lanmore, to the writer, unless you should have the opportunity of seeing him yourself, that I rejoice sincerely in having had the op- portunity of serving om?, who, from all accounts, possesses so much professional merit, us well as so respectable a private character, and at the same time I will thank you to say to Mr. Lanmore, that I duly received his polite letter of thanks upon the occasion, but 1 did not acknowledge it, meaning always to send him the message through you. In regard to the General's letter, I rejoice to find in what friendly terms he writes to you, as it satisfies me that when he gets my letter respecting you, he will receive it just as I wished. I am truly con- cerned to find that you still continue so unwell, but hope you won't suffer yourself to be out of spirits on account of it. for if that be the case it will only retard yoiir recovery ; let me therefore advise you to rouse yourself and bear up against the complaint, which will tend more to the re-cstablishmcnt of your health than anything, and when once you are in a state of convalescence, if Mr. Lanmore should think that a change of air ^ould do you good, we shall have great pleasure in having you out here, where I trust you are convinced you will not want anything we can afford to add to your comfort, or benefit your health. When you are able to write, I shall hope to hear from you, but do not think of taking up your pen before he tells you you are allowed to do so. I remain, &c., &c., Edward. Castle Hill Lodge, 15th December, 1809. Dear be Salaberry, — I trust that it can scarcely be necessary for me to say how sincerely I rejoiced in learning from your own and Mr. Lanmore's letters, that you were making such progress to- wards your recovery. As we have no thought whatever of moving to Kensington, except en vaHsaitt for a night or two, when we have occasion to go to the play o:- opera, we shall be delighted to have you here for as long as you can give us your company, being convinoed that the clear air of this pl:»ce and our quiet way of life cannot fail of doing you a great deal of good ; come, therefore, as soon as you like ; you are to have the Duko of Sussex's room, and when Edward. 182 THE DUKE OF KENT. comes from Woolwich, before he goes on the survey, he shall be in the little room next you which you used before to occupy. I perfectly approve of your idea of Brigadier-General do llotten- burg renewing his application to get out to Canada in the spring, to which he has every possible right, in v^hich case as well as in his return to his former station at Ashford, 1 apprehend that there can- not be a doubt of your being restored to your former situation, as his Major of Brigade, and the moment that things are sulfioiently advanced, I will write or speak to my friend, Major General Calvert, upon the subject. I must, however, make one reservation, that if I should have occasion for your services myself, as my Aide-de-Camp, (though I fear there is but little chance of that,) I may always have the right to claim you, as having the first right to them. You will, of course, write immediately on receipt of this, to let me know on what day we are to expect you, that we may have your room warm and comfortable against your arrival. In the meantime, I remain, &c., &c,, Edward. Kensington Palace, 23rd December, 1809. Dear de Salaberry, — At the desire of Madame de St. Laurent, who has not time this morning to write to your brother, from whom she received a letter dated from Sablonieres Hotel, yesterday, I inclose two tickets for the opera to-night, that are destined for your use and his, leaving it perfectly optional with both of you, if you cannot go without boots or gaiters, to use them in any part of the house, where the regu- lations admit of your appearing in that dress, and therefore exempting you altogether from coming to her box, unless you can, without risk und inconvenience, wear shoes and stockings ; at the same time, she desires me to add, that as she returns to-morrow to dinner to Castle Hill Lodge, she wishes you and your brother to come there about 5 in the afternoon, instead of deferring your move there till Monday, as mentioned in my last communication. Sincerely hoping that tlus will find you both much recovered, I remain, &c., Edward. ■ ^ " Kensington Palace, 1st May, 1810. Dear de (Salaberry, — I am quite at a loss to express all the morti- fication and surprise that I experienced at the purport of the annexed letter from Major-Gen. Calvert respecting you, so diametrically opposed to the communication that was received from him in writing as well as verbally, this time twelve months, when a positive promise was given that you should accompany your good General to Canada, and I have THE DUKE OF KENT. 183 reason to believe you were notified to Sir James Craig as an officer to be appointed to the first vacancy of a Major of Brigade in the country : — howeocr, knowiivj as [do the obstinate character of the Comman- der in Chi//, I fear there will be no chance of obtaining a reversal of the decision upon your case unless you can effect an exchano-e into your old Battalion (thi first), now expected home from the West Indies, in which case if Brigadier-General de llottenburg will make a personal push to have you, stating the inconvenience he should be put to if now deprived of your services, after having so long been kept in the expectation of taking you with him, I am of opinion that the point may yet be carried, but every thing depends on this (I conceive) and you should lose no time in urging the good General to co-operate witii you in this measure ; should it fail and you eventually be obliged to go to Portugal, all I can say is, that I will give you the warmest letter I can pen to Lord Wellington and Marshall Beresford, recommending you strongly to both their protection, which T trust would insure you their notice and attention to your interests. However I hope the other plan will succeed, if Briga- dier-General de llottenburg will assist us, and on that expectation I shall conclude this letter, desiring my best regards to the General, and subscribing myself, &c;, Edward. Kensington Palace, 7th May, 1810. Dear de Salaberry, — I have the pleasure, by desire of the Duke of Kent, to acknowledge your letter of yesterday, and to acquaint you that subsequent to His Koyal Highness' conversation with General de llottenburg, yesterday, he had a most satisfactory interview with the Adjutant-Ucneral, who appeared to view the plan of your exchange to the 1st Battalion of your regiment with Captain Kimininger as well calculated to promote the object of your going out to Canada, and promised to propose such arrangement to the Commander in Chief in the course of this day. The Adjutant-General in speaking of you to the Duke, assured H. II. Highness, that the difficulty which had arisen to prevent an immediate acquiescence with your wish of proceeding to Oa.iada was not from any blindness to your merit, as both himself and the Com- mander in Chief posses.sed the highest opinion of your professional worth, and were well convinced that your services established a claim to their consideration ; under these circumstances the Duke recommends you to exert your.self on the subject of the exchange, that is, to request that General de llottenburg will confine himself to that point, upon the plea of the strong desire he feels for your ac- companying him out to Canada, and the severe disappointment and iQConvenicnce b.e will experience if the arrangement be not admitted 184 THE DUKE OF KENT. of. The General will do well to assert his opinion, that your health is in such a precarious state as not to admit of your going through the fatigue of duty on foot. "With the most sincere &c, &c, &c., John Parkee. Kensington Palace, I2th May, 1810. Dear de Salaberry, — I send you herewith Major General Calvert's letter of yesterday, together with my answer to it, v/aich I shall wish you to deliver yourself into his hands, and vvith the view that you may become acquainted with its contents. I have kept it under a flying seal, which will enable you to peruse it. I trust that every thing is now in the best possible train for you, and that you will soon, from the prospect of revisiting your native home, recover your former health and spirits, which of late have suffered so severely, from the double cause of your indisposition and the fear of being disappointed in your very natural wish of getting out to Canada. I remain, &c, &c, &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 18th May, 1810. Dear de Salaberry, — I have just received your note, and hasten to beg of you to assure my good friend General de Rottenburg, that had I a box at any of the theatres, it should be at his and Madame de Rottenburg's orders, and that I should feel most happy in accommodating them with it, but for two years *; ast, I have given them all up, frora motives of cconomi/, rendered, necessary as you Imow, by the injustice of Government in not remunerating me for the heavy losses 1 sustained tchcn hist 1 went out to America, and when- ever I go to any public place, I only have the box for that individual night. This you will have the goodness to explain fully, communicat- ing at the same time my sincere regret at not having the means of complying with their re(|uest. 1 remain very sincerely, &c., &c., &c., Edward. P.S. — I herewith inclose two Canadiaa letters I will thank you to take charge of. E. Kensington Palace, 1st June, 1810. Dear de Salaberry, — I have just received your letter, and in consequence of what you have therein stated, will immediately write to Sir John Duckworth, according to the suggestion of my friend Com- THE DUKE OF KENT. 185 missioner Grey, to solicit a passage for you on board the Antelope^ although I am not personally acquainted with him, and sincerely hope that it will be attended with the desired effect. Being much hurried to-day, I have only time to desire my best regards to the Commis- sioner and your good General, and to subscribe myself &c., &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 5th June, 1810. Dear de Salaberry, — It is with real satisfaction that I now inclose to you Sir John Duckworth's polite answer to my request, from which you will perceive that he not only gives you a passage on board of the Antelup', but promises to promote your getting "to Canada with the utmost despatch. Being greatly hurried to-day, I have only time to say to you, that I beg you will endeavor to find out and give me the earliest notice of the day upon which you are likely to be called upon to embark, in order that T may be able to write to your good father, and as many more of my Canadian correspondents as my incessant occupa- tion and the obligation I am under to divide a portion of my time, betw^een my poor sick sister at Windsor, and my unfortunate wound- ed brother in London, will admij; of .... i remain, &c , Edward. The circumstances referred to at the close of the preced- ing letter, briiig under notice two events in connexion with the Royal family, which caused much sorrow to them, and, one of them, a most important crisis to the nation. On the 31st May, 1810, H. R. Highness the Duke of Cumberland returned from a concert about half-past twelve, and retired to bed immediately. About 2 a. m., he was aroused from sleep by a heavy blow with a sabre on his head, and springing out of bed, he received on his arm Avhich he had raised to protect his head another severe stroke. Six wounds in all were inflicted by his assailant, one uf which nearly severed a finger. The alarm was given and the household aroused. The assassin who had fled, and who turned out to be one of the Duke's valets, a Swiss of the name of Sellis, was found in his own bed, dead, with his head nearly severed from his body. The wounds on the Duke had been inflicted with his own sabre, those on Sellis, by the Duke's razor. Jealousy was ascribed as the motive which instigated the crime. 186 THE DUKE OF KENT. Mr. Home, a distinguished Surgeon, after a careful exam- ination of the wounds of the Duke, pronounced none of them mortal. A coroner's jury "was empanelled, and after an in- vestigation of four hours, returned a verdict of "/eZo de se" in the case of Sellis. A surgeon of some note saw Sellis after death, and gave it as his opinion, that the cuts on the back of the head could not have been inflicted by the deceased himself, and he sub- sequently made it the subject of lecture to his class, boldly declaring that if Sellis died by his own hands, he certainly had not cut and ha,cked himself on the back of his neck. As might have been expected great public excitement followed the delivery of this lecture, which tended very much to lower the Duke of Cumberland in public estimation, and a very general opinion prevailed that he had suppressed some very important facts, and if the truth had been all told, it would have shown that the Duke finding himself so treacherously and murderously attackedjhad seized, under the impulse of the moment, his razor, and in the ungovernable influence of the moment had inflicted the wounds on Sellis. Some with whom the Duke had never been popular, did not hesitate to lay a more serious crime to his charge. The Duke of Kent felt this most keenly. " We can have," said he, " no separate interests, and no individual eminence ; traduce one, and you injure all." And, " my brother has had two assassins to cope with, one, who was bent on the destruction of his body, the other on the destruction of his character ; of the two, the latter is by far the most dastardly;" and he ever afterwards showed his feeling on the subject, by "looking down," the lecturer, whom he had previously always greeted with the most marked courtesy. In this year also came the Jubilee. George III. had sat for fifty years on the throne of his fathers, and the natio:.'. who really loved him, rejoiced with an exceeding great joy^ but their rejoicing was soon turned into mourning. The Princess Amelia, the Kings youngest and favorite daughter, whose health had been long declining, now assumed very alarming symptoms, and so much was the King affected, that the Duke of Kent thus spoke to Dr. Collyer : " My father never imparts his sorrows to his family. If there be anything to give him pleasure, he never fails to make us all participate in it ; but he reserves the whole weight of his suff'erings and disappointments to himself. I can see bim working up his THE DUKE OP KENT. 187 mind to tlie highest pitch of endurance, yet he utters no complaints. Dearly as I love my sister, and grieved as I shall be to pan with her. I could almost wish the conflict were now closed. I dread a firmness on the part of the King, amidst his evident agony, Avhich I am persuaded will not give way unless his mental powers fail ; these I fear will suddenly yield to a pressure no longer to be borne." This fear was unfortunately too soon realized. A little before her death there was presented to the King a ring with a lock of her hair, and the word Remember ; the firmness of the man and father gave way, and reason fled. During the discussions which took place in the House of Lords on the Regency Bill, the Dul:e of Kent entered warmly into the feelings of his brother the Prince of Wales, and opposed every parliamentary restriction, conceiving that the Regency ought of right descend on the heir apparent, he being then of age, and on Lord Lansdowne's amendment which gave the administration of the Royal authority Lo the Prince of Wales, "subject tc such limitations and restrictions as shall be made and appointed," which was carried by 1U5 against 102, he voted with the majority. • : • ■^^^M^J^^^*** W iiW^.*i»'>» ifc»% 188 THE DUKE OF KENT. CHAPTER XVII. Enters on Public life— Mrs. Clarke and " The Rival Princes" — McCallum— Con- sults Sir Samuel Romilly — Death of Maurice and Lewis de Salaberry in India. 1810, 1811, AND 1812. " They grew in beauty side by side, They tilled one home with glee ; Their graves are severed fur and wide, By mount, and stream, and sea. . . The same fond mother bent at night O'er each fair sleeping brow, She had each folded flower in sight, — Where are those dreamers now ?" Up to this date the Duke, paying that deference to the expressed wish of his father for which he had always been noted, had abstained ^'•from decidedly intermeddling with public affairs,^' and even in his eiforts for the advancement of benevolent objects, had confined himself to his private support of them. So, with his great sense of delicacy, while there was any hope of his father's recovery, he still refrained from taking any prominent part, lest his father, on his res- toration to health, should think the injunction he had seen fit to lay on his sons had been forgotten. , , Kensington Palace, 7th June, 1810. Dear de Salaberry, — I have just received your letter, from which I perceive that you are almost immediately to sail for Tor- bay, and that as Sir John Duckworth is expected to embark and proceed to sea immediately upon the arrival of the Antelope there, I have no time to lose in preparing my Canadian letters, which I will therefore immediately set about, and endeavor to have in readiness, to forward to you by Saturday, or at latest Monday night's mail, addressed to the Post office at Bresham. I am delighted to find that you are so well pleased with the arrange- ments which have been made for your passage, and which, as it is insured to you as far as the I^Iagdalen Islands, cannot I think fail of being as short as under any circumstances can be expected at this season of the year. THE DUKE OF KENT. 189 I rejoice to find that my old friend Commissioner Grey has shown you so much attention, but it is no more than I expected from our old friendship, and his natural hospitality and geod nature. I am as much surprised as you can be to find that General de Rottenburg has not yet made his appearance at Portsmouth, and fully agree with you that he stands a good chance of missing the next convoy by his delay ; however you have done your duty in urging him not to be dilatory, and if he be disappointed of his passage tho fault will all be his own. Should Captain James Murray still be within your reach, pray tell him that so far from being offended with him, there is none of my nawal profef/6s whom I esteem higher, and that although he may not have received my letters, I never to my knowledge ever left one of his unacknowledged, and but a few weeks before Col. Downey went to Spain, I expressed very st^'ongly to that officer, who had known him when engaged in Miranda's expedition to the Caraccas, the opinion I entertained of hi5 merit ; I shall therefore be most happy at all times to hear from him. I must now conclude, to avoid being too late for the post, and therefore have only time to add the best remembrance of Madame de St. Laurent, and to subscribe myself, &c., &c,, Edward. P. S. — I fear from mistake between Beck and Severn your har- ness has not yet been sent off. I have therefore directed it to be shipped on board some ship in the river, destined for Canada, of which you shall be apprised as soon as it is on board. .:- : :. . • ' ' Castle Hill Lodge, 9th June, 1810. Dear de S ALABERRY, — Hoping that this may yet reach you be- fore you leave Portsmouth, I write to inform you that Beck has as- sured me that he sent off your harness to Gosport, the very day he received it from Severn, which was the first of June, but as he has not said whether by wagon or coach, and from his being at Kensing- ton, I cannr t get at him in time to have this explained before my letters must be made up for the mail, I trust it to t/ou to find out that by your own inquiries on that head. I hope to be able to write my Canada letters between this Mon- day and Tuesday, but hitherto I have been too much hurried to set about it, I remain, &c., Edward. P. S. — I open my letter again to acknowledge yours of yesterday, this moment come to hand, and to say that in consequence of its contents I propose writing a few lines to General de Rottenburg by to-night's mail, addressed to the post office at Portsmouth, in which 190 THE DUKE OF KENT. 1 shall inclose the promisftd letter for Sir James Craig, relative to yourself and him. Adverting to the mention you make of , I think it right, from knowing his character well, to guard you against any intimacy with him, for while he was dining every day at my table at Halifax, and receiving every civility I could heap upon him, ho was"'doing everything in his power to injure me at homo, so from that trait you may form some estimate of what confidence can be reposed in him. As to your Admiral, he is the finest fellow living. E. Kensington Palace, 14th June, 1810. Dear de Salaberry, — Yesterday being Wednesday, on which day of the week you know how my morning is always passed, I could not find time to acknowledge yours of the 12th, by return of the post, as I otherwise should have done. To-day being again called up to town, to attend the committee of the House of Lords, upon the Banbury Peerage, I fear I shall only be able to scribble a few hasty lines to your good father, and to-morrow being my weekly Windbor day, when I never can find a leisure moment, there is little prospect of my being able to write to more of my Canadian correspondents by you. However, if by Saturday or Monday I can prepare and despatch any more, I will run the risk of sending them under your address, to the Post Office at Bresham, observing to take the precau- tion of requesting the postmaster to send them back to me, in case you should have sailed from Torbay. I am happy to find your harness has at length arrived safe, for I was afraid, from the confused head of our friend Beck, there was some reason to fear you would be disappointed of it. I am delighted to find from General de Eottenburg's answer to my letter, that the introductory one I sent him for Sir James Craig, seemed so fully to meet his wishes, as well on his own as on your account, as I trust there can be no doubt of its procuring him a good station, and you, your old post of Brigade-Major. I have cow only to repeat the joint good wishes of Madame de St. Laurent and my- self for your prosperous voyage, and to assure you of the unalterable friendship with which I shall ever remain, Dear de Salaberry, &c., Edward. Kensington Palace, 18th June, 1810. Dear de Salaberry, — Having occasion to frank the inclosed to you, I avail myself of the opportunity to acknowledge your note of Saturday to Mr. Parker, and to acquaint you that 1 have leen so THE DUKE OF KENT. 191 h'lrrassed with the steps necrssnri/ to he taken hij me to counteract the vile, anptrsions tlirown out iitjainat wry vharactcr in that vile hook of Mr. Clarices, entitled, the '■'■Rliuil Princes,^' uhich has pest come out, ad to be totally unable to write to my Canadian, or any of my other American correspondents, by the present opportunity, but you may toll Colonel Hale, Mr. Young and Lieut -Colonel Young of the 8th llegimeut, who arc the only ones from whom I have letters by me unanswered, that I fully mean to avail myself of the next fleet to thank them for their respective communications. As such, this will be the last you will receive from me before your departure, and I shall conclude it, by repeating my best wishes for your welfare and happiness, and for an early meeting with all your friends in Canada, being ever with the most friendly regard. Dear de Sahiberry, &c., Edward. Captain de Salaberry. Some time in 180S, a publication had issued from the pen of a person named McCallum, professing to state the perse- cutions to which it alleged the Duke of Kent had been sub- jected by his brother, the Duke of York. The friends of the latter thought it advisable that the Duke of Kent should publish a disavowal of any participation in such sentiments, and the Prince of Wales advised that Sir Samuel Romilly should be consulted. The Duke of Kent accordingly sub- mitted to Sir Samuel a paper whicli he had prepared, and in which he declared distinctly that he had never given the most remote sanction to the publication of McCallum, which, confer- ring on himself the highest encomiums, had in equally strong terms abused others of his family, a mode of procedure most re- pugnant to his feelings. At the same time he did not hesitate to avow that he certainly had given currency among his mil- itary friends to all the correspondence alluded to, but never intended its publication. " On the contrary," said he, "my opinion has always been tho.t pamphlets of the nature of those alluded to, could do no good, while they certainly have a tendency to produce mischief ; and such being my senti- ments, I should be the last man in the world to give a sanction to the publication of them." Sir Samuel having given the matter his best consideration, strongly advised that neither the paper which had been drawn up by the Duke, nor any other, should be published. In January 1809, Coloned Wardle brought forward in the 192 THE DUKE OF KENT. House of Commons, a specific charge against the Duke of York, for malversation of office, as Commander in Chief, al- leging that a discarded mistress of his, Mrs. Mary Ann Clarke, had for years carried on a traffic in Military Com- missions. The enquiry lasted for two months, and many witnesses were examined, who made the most extraordinary disclosures, but Colonel Wardle failed to establish that the Duke himself had derived any direct pecuniary benefit from the transactions. He was acquitted of personal corruption, but the public feeling against him was so strong, that he de- termined to resign the command in chief, on which being made known. Lord Althorpe moved, " that the House did not think proper to prosecute the enquiry further, after the resignation of His Royal Highness." While the enquiry was pending, there were those who charged the Duke of Kent with secretly urging on the attack. He had been closely confined to the house by the severe illness to which he has made allusion in his letter, but as soon as he was able to go down to the " Lords," he in his place onthe 7th February, emphatically and indignantly repelled the imputation : — " So far," he said, " was he from thinking that there Avas anything improper in the conduct of his Royal brother, that he was fully persuaded that all the charges made against him were false, and would be proved without foundation." So in the present instance we see him hurry- ing into town to counteract the vile aspersions contained in the " Rival Princes." ' Kensington Palace, 6th August, 1810. Dear DE SaLABEIiry, — It was my intention on the receipt of the annexed truly afflicting letter from your brother Lewis, which reached me on the 9tl). ultimo, to have transmitted it to you, that you might be apprized of the melancholy event of which it contains the relation, and to have commissioned you to break it to your good parents and your sisters ; but being unfortunately obliged, as no official report had reached the Horse Guards of your poor brother Maurice's demise, to transmit Lewis' letter to Lieut.-Colonel Tor- rens, it was, through some oversight in the Military Secretary's Office, not returned to me until yesterday, so that it was out of my power to send it to you sooner. Fortunately, the departure of your friend, Dr. Keith's pro(6(:ii, Mr. Morris, for Quebec (for whom I have obtained an Ensigncy in the 49th Infantry), affords me an opportunity of sending it, and I hope and trust it will arrive in time THE DUKE OF KENT. 193 to prevent the account of the sad catastrophe from reaching your parents before this comes to hand, and enable you to prepare them for it. To you, who know how attached I am to your whole family, and how particularly partial I ever have been to poor Maurice, I need not attempt to express all I feel upon this distressing loss ; but I shall depend upon you to say everything for me that, is most con- soling to both your parents, and your sisters, upon communicating the circumstance to them, and to assure them that were ho mv nwu brother I could not lament his loss more sincerely than I <\o. I fear that it will be a severe blow, particularly to your mother. However, she is a thoroughly religious, good woman, and I trust she will in time overcome it, though I am well aware it will be a sad task. No change has taken place in my situation since you left this, ex- cept a severe and most inopportune blow to my finances, which the failure of my bankers, Messrs. DevaynescS: Co., has just given them — not from any actual loss, perhaps, which I have eventually to ap- prehend, but as leading to an unavoidable and immediate deprivation of some of those comforts which we have hitherto always been used to ; however, I have been long accustomed to disappointment, and I hope I know how to meet this fresh and unforeseen one as I ought. Could I get out to Gibraltar, all would soon be right again, but I do not apprehend that so much good fortune is in store for me. Remember me to Col. Hale most particularly, and tell him that the first leisure hour I have, I will answer his letters up to the 11th of April (the last of them), which reached me on the 24th June, I shall devote to him. I had nearly forgotten observing to you, that now I3arou De Rot- tenburg has attained the rank of Major-General, it will ba in his power, without putting himself under an obligation to any one, to retain you with him as his Aide-de-Camp, which I have no doubt he will himself do on being apprised of it. I remain ever, with the most friendly regard. Faithfully yours, dear de Salaberry, Edward. Hyderabad, 4th January, 1810. Sir, — May it please your Royal Highness, I think it my duty to inform your Royal Highness of the dreadful loss our family has sus- tained since I left England, therefore I hope your Royal Highness will be so indulgent as to excuse the liberty I am taking in trespassing on your Royal Highness' precious time. My unfortunate brother, Maurice, who was doomed never to see his friends again, died on 17th October, 1809, on the leftbankof the Tomboodra, after an illness of a fortnight, which he .re with manly 194 THE DUKE OF KENT. fortitude. Every assistance that could possibly be in a camp was given him, but alas ! Providence had decided otherwise. In the midst of my sorrow, I feel gratified in having the honor of apprisinc; your Royal Highness that my poor brother was univer- sally esteemed, and deeply regretted by his brother officers ; to ex- press their sentiments they have caused a valuable tomb to be erect- ed over him whom I have to lament. I can well assure your Royal Miglmcss, that had I not met with a number of friends, but particularly Captain Duncan, I would have felt the loss of an excellent brother more severely, but his indefatiga- ble and consoling manners were such, that I feel happy in acquaint- ing your Royal Highness of the circumstance ; indeed I had great proofs of his goodness of heart before the melancholy event, but his attention in this instance surpassed every other. My ever to be lamented brother died of the same complaint by which we have lost near four hundred men since we arrived in this country (the bowel complaint) ; there is hardly any remedy for it. As for myself, I suffered greatly from the unhealthiness of this climate, and I have much pleasure to say, that at last I begin to be a little more seasoned to the country. With the utmost respect, I take this opportunity to express my most sincere thanks for the marks of your Royal Highness' goodness, and acts of benevolence towards myself and the family, upon all occasions, which will be at all times remembered with sentiments that your Royal Highness' condescending and great protection has inspired in my heart of the highest gratitude, with which I have the honor of subscribing my- self, in requesting your Royal Highnesii to offer my most respectful compliments to Madame de St. Laurent, 9 Your Royal Highness' Most obedient, humble and devoted servant, Lewis M. de Salaberey. His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, &c, &c. Quebec, October 7th, 1810. Sir, — Impressed with sentiments of the most heartfelt gratitude, I lose no time in having the honor most dutifully to acknowledge the receipt of your Royal Highness' letter under date 6th August, with inclosurc from my brother Lewis addressed to your Royal Highness, on the subject of the melancholy fate my ever to be la- mented brother, Maurice, was doomed to meet. A dreadful calamity, which no time or circumstance can help to alleviate the bitterness of, in the minds of hii family, but particularly in thoseof his father and mother,whose distress on the occasion is at the highest pitch. No imagi- nation however acute can form an adequate estimation of the dread- ful scenes which succeeded the knowledge of that sad news. To THE DUKE OF KENT. 19o endeavor to give a detail of them would be superfluous, and could only tend to give pain to hearts such as that of your lloyal High- ness, and of Madame de St. Laurent, replete with kindness and humanity ; suffice it to say, that notwithstanding the precaution taken by your lloyal Highness, to break this melancholy affair, it has nearly broken the hearts of poor father and mother ; neither can I flatter myself they will ever be so fortunate as to recover their usual tempers, or get over the shock their too susceptible minds have received. Notwithstanding the extreme humanity manifested by your K. H., in seeking to give me the first information of what had passed in India, a newspaper containing the fatal intelligence had reached here nearly a fortnight before the rec jipt of your 11. Hs'. despatch, so true it is, that ill news travel wich rapidity ; yet remaining in ignorance as the causes which occasioned my poor brother's dissolu- tion, your R. H. may bo assured, that the information contained in your 11. H. letter, was received with all imaginable anxiety as well as gratitude. Receive, Sir, the united sincere thanks of our whole family, for the distinguished part your R. H. is pleased to take in the loss we have sustained, and in our subsequent sorrows. Indeed in Maurice your R. H. has lost a prot6(je, who has never been ex- ceeded by any one in love and veneration for your R. H. and Madame de St. Laurent. Would to God, that that part of your letter which concerns your Royal Highness was more consoling, but the pecuniary loss your R. H. has sustained is very sensibly felt by us; there remains how- ever the hope that, ultimately, your R H. will be reimbursed, yet it is not the less unpleasant to be in the meantime deprived of many comforts. I am not aware of the extentof your R. Hs'. loss, and in consequence fear the worst. Amidst the various calamities which surmount us, I know it will be gratifying to your R. Highness to hear that Baron de Rottenburg has met your R. Hs'. wishes in appointing me his Aide-de-Camp. Sir James Craig on my arrival, did not seem inclined to provide for me, but subsequently learning from the Gazette, the promotion of the Baron, ho has been good enough to appoint me to act as his Aide-de-'Jamp, until his promotion and appointment to the Staff as Major General is notified. There appears to be no doubt that the Baron will be kept here ; this is singularly fortunate, as without that I must have returned to England. It remains for me to avail myself of this opportunity to offer my most respectful homage to Madame de St. Laurent, and to assure your Royal Highness of the sincerity with which I have the honor to subscribe myself, with profound respect, Sir, Your R. H. most obedient, H. R. Highness, CnA.s. M. de Salaberry, The .Duke of Kent. 13 196 THE DUKE OF KENT. Quebec, 28th October, 1810. ^ Sir, — I had the honor to address your R, H. on the 7th inst., in answer to your R. H. communication respecting the death of my dear brother Maurice, duplicates of which I beg hereunto dutifully to transmit. It gives me extreme pain to say that my father is still in such a dreadful situation, as to preclude the possibility of his being able to address your li. H. by this opportunity, and the task to express his and my mother's sentiments in regard to poor Chevalier devolves on me. My father however directs me to say, that he will endeavor to seize an early opportunity to express how deeply he feels your 11. H. generous attention on the late melancholy occasion. My mother is very ill, in short, they are both inconsolable. In this unfortunate predicament, the only measure which could tend to alleviate their sorrows, would we to secure the immediate return of Chevalier from India. They in consequence supplicate that if there oe any means to give them this only consolation, your 11. H. would exert your usual generosity and kindness in effecting this event so near their hearts. My father in order to contribute to this, as far as lays in his power, intends shortly to remit £150 to the Agent of the lloyal in London, which when known and drawn by Chevalier will aid his return to England, or first to this country by way of the United States, which last method of travelling appears to be much more ex- peditious and less expensive. I cannot elucidate Chevalier's own ideas on the subject better than by transferring parts of his letter to me, which he conceived I would receive while near your R. H's. person, it is as follow : — " Now my dear brother I thought it was my duty to acquaint H. R. H. of our misfortune. In confjequence I wrote to him and mentioned the circumstances that occurred at that time, but did not exactly ask him to quit this disgusting country, because a soldier must be prepared to go anywhere, and of course be satisfied where- ever he is, or may be, but should H. R. H. speak to you about me, don't forget to iatimate that I expressed a wish to leave a country, which I have so just a right to detest, perhaps he will endeavor again to get me a company ; I don't know how it can be effected otherwise, as a passaj^e aboard an Indiaman is ruinous. Should I get a company it will not be known here before six months, then all the arrears of the King's and company's pay would almost defray my expenses for the passage to England, then I would be a little more happy than I am at present in this cursed and out of the way country, for although I am now in good health, the climate does not agree with me, having been accustomed to a very cold one." In a subsequent letter, CheTalier writes under the same impres- sion and adds : — " Don't forget to mention to H. R. H. that I wish ver^ much to leaye this cursed country, perhaps it will be a step THE DUKE OF KENT. 197 towards obtaining a Captaincy. By the bye, don't think I would like going home as a subaltern, it is not at all my intention, as a pass- age on board an Indiaman is ruinous. Therefore you must inti- mate to H. R. H. that it is impossible to think of it ; but could I get a company I might well afford to defray the expenses of such a voyage. I suffered a good deal from the climate of this detestable country, but I am pretty well now." Having put your 11. H. in possession of the situation and wishes of my parents, together with the sentiments of Chevalier and of the difficulties he is likely to encounter before the object of Lis return can be accomplished, it remains for me only to solicit that your II. H. will be pleased to excuse the uncommon length of this letter, and to hope that your R. H. who has on so many occasions been so fer- tile in contriving the means of softening the sufferings of your dis- tressed fiiends, will succeed in procuring the recall of my brother, without hh suffering materially in a military point of view through that c'rcumstance. With the most respectful homage to Madame de St. Laurent, I have the honor to remain, &c.; &c., Chas. M. de Salaberry. H. R. Highness. The Duke of Kent, &c. Kensington Palace, 18th November, 1811. Dear de Salaberry, — The accompanying copy of a letter from Lieut Gordon, of my 2nd Battalion, containing the most affecting account of the death of poor Chevalier, having this instant reached me, I send it off in haste by a running ship to the United States, that it may take its chance of reaching you before the packet, by whicli no doubt the Gazelle will go out to Canada, so that you may be able to break it to your worthy but most unfortunate parents. I cannot express to you how deeply Madame de St. Laurent and m)'- self are afflicted by this additional unexpected blow, following so soon after the former, or with what anxiety we look forward to tlie effect it may have upon your aged father and mother, whose spirits were already so much depressed which the first shock, which tae loss of our poor Maurice occasioned them. However, I hope, that the knowledge of our sympathising with their distress, will be some alleviation to their sufferings, and tliat time and resignation to the inscrutable will of Providence, will do more than any thing else to compose them. When the winter is over I intend applying fot Edward's removal to Canada, knowing how much it will tend to their comfort, and 198 THE DUKE OF KENT. looking forward to the probability of his having by that time been able to acquire a considerable degree of experience in the more active field duties of his profession, wliioh the approaching campaign ap- pears to hold out. You may therefore expect to hear from me again when he sails for Canada, which 1 hope should be about midsummer, as the return of the hot season will then cause a suspension of active service, and in the meanwhile pray exert yourself to keep up the spirits of our old friends, assuring them how much we are both at- tached to them, as to yourself my dear de Salaberry. I remain, &c., Edward. Capt. de Salaberry, Quebec. Masuupatam, April 7th, 1811. ' Sir, — The dcuuti of Lieutenant M. de Salaberry was communi- cated to your Eoyal Highness by his brother, it is with the deep- est sorrow, that I now apprise your Royal Highness of the melan- choly fate of my ever to be lamented friend, Lieutenant Lewis de Salaberry. On leaving our last station in January last, Mr. de Salaberry was attacked with the liver complaint, so severely as to prevent his re- moval from thence. In the course of a month he nearly recovered, but alas! was then seized with dysentery, which from the reduced state he was in, increased so rapidly that I regret to say it carried him ofi" on the 5th April. I have this day received a letter from the surgeon who attended him, that conveys the distressing wishes which he uttered the day before his death, namely that I would communicate to his brother the account of his death, and to say that in his last moments he did not forget his friends. He begged also that I might transmit to his friends any little trinkets that might be found in his writing desk. As your Koyal Highness was kind enough to write to Mr. de Salaberry, exprosshig your sorrow for the loss of his brother Maurice, I think i am not acting imprudently when I beg your Eoyal High- ness (being acquainted with his family), to communicate to his family the sad tidings of his fate. I cannot conclude without assuring Your Eoyal Highness that I cannot express the sorrow that has been occasioned by the death of these worthy young men. and that their loss will ever be regretted, for they were always considered as an ornament to the regiment. I have only to add, that every respect will be paid to the memory of Mr. de Salaberry ; he lies interred at Secumderabad, close to his unfortunate friend, Mr. Monro. Begging your Royal Highness THE DUKE OF KENT. 199 will assure Mr. de Salabcry's family, that I shall be happy to give them any information they may wish regarding my unfortunate friend. I remain with the utmost respect,Your Royal Highness' Most obedient <^' humble servant. George Gordon. His Royal flighness, The Duke of Kent, &c, &c, &c. Kensington Palace, 25th February, 1812. Dear de Salaberry, — I commence this letter by acknowledging yours of the 16th January, received on the 22nd ; and upon the con- tents of which you will perceive from the accompanying letter received this instant from Col. Torrens, that I lost no time in acting, though the result has been my usual unfortunate want of success ; at any time, I am sure you will give me credit for feeling most truly dis- appointed, when I fail in any attempt to be of service to you or yours, but I must confess that upon the present occasion 1 feel this regret doubly, for I had flattered myself with the pleasing prospect of carry- ing the point for you, and that the notification of it would have proved some balance to the deep wound which my letters of the 18th November last must have inflicted ; however, I trust that in a little time 1 shall be able to get something done for you, as Colonel Torrens has over and over again assured me that the Duke of York is fully sensible of your merit a ad of your claims, and you may be assured that I shall not be unmmdful of your interests^ when I can avail myself of any opportunity to promote them. Your letter of the 11th November, which reached me on the IGtli December, I have always deferred acting on, as I was in hopes of being able to announce to you at the same time the arrival of the two barrels of Montreal apples, which you had announced having shipped by the Harrison, but as they have not yet come to hand, I conclude the vessel has been either taken or lost, and I therefore now beg to assure you, that I feel just the same obligation to you for your kind remembrance of me as if they had been received. Pray tell your good father, that if I had been so situated, as to have had it in my power to ask a favor of the Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, I should certainly have tried to have got him the late Mr. Lanaudidre's place, but I am not on such terms with the present Government, as to warrant my so doing. In looking over my papers I have put my hand on an ofiicial let- ter from Col. Torrens, of the 4th September, in answer to one in which I made a joint application for poor Chevalier's promotion to a company and you to the Majority of the Canadian Fencibles, and 200 THE DUKE OF KENT. I think it right to inclose it, to show that I had not overlooked the request you made to i/ie on that subject, in yours of the 19th of laet June, and to this I add another from him (a private one) of the 23rd October, which was produced by one I addressed to him, upon receiV' ing yours of 23rd August, on the 3rd of that month,which will convince you, 1 am sure, that I have never omitted any opportunity of urging your pretensions when I thought I could do so with any effect. Although I feel the delicacy there is in again alluding to that se- cond melancholy event in your family, the account of which must have reached you long before this lime, still I am most anxious that your good parents should be assured that every step had been taken to insure the immediate return of poor Chevalier from India, on my receiving the intimation of their request to that effect, and that had Providence spared him, he would in all probability by this time have reached Europe. I shall now conclude by desiring that the most affectionate remem- brance of Madame de St. Laurent and myself may be made acceptable to your good mother and sisters, and that both your good father and yourself will believe how anxious we will be about you all till we hear from you. God bless you, my good fellow. Believe me ever to be, Most unalterably and faithfully yours, Edward. Major de Salaberry, Quebec. In the preceding chapter, it lias been pointed out why the Duke, who was so particularly well qualified to take a prominent part in debate, and in all matters of public or benevolent interest, had kept himsef aloof from public atten- tion ; but in this year it became evident from the state of the King's health, that there was only a very remote pros- pect, if any, of his ever being able again to assume the direc- tion of affairs, the Duke then felt that there could be no longer any impropriety in his taking his proper and leading place in all public matters. In the debates which took place in the House of Peers, on Lord Wellesley's motion, that the Catholics ought to be emancipated, His Royal Highness declared himself friendly to the measure, and on the 16th May, 1817, he divided with the minority, 90 against 142 on Lord Donoughmore's motion, that the whole House should take into consideration the petition of the Roman Catholics for relief from disabilities. He had on a previous occasion, assured the House, that he believed " that the removal of the Jtioman Catholic disabilities was the first general measure by ivhich the pacification of Ireland could be efeoted." THE DUKE OF KENT. 201 CHAPTER XVIII. CiuJad Rodrigo and Badajos— Fall of Edward de Salaberry — Assassination of Mr. Percival — America declares war — Battle of Chateauguay — Qencral Orders — the Duke's opinions. 1812, 1813, AND 1814. " One sleeps where southern vini.s are dressed Above the noble slain ; Ho wrapt his colors round his breast, Cn a blood-rod field of Spain. And parted thus, they rest who plajod Beneath the same green tree, Whose voices mingled as they prayed, Around one parent knee." Camp before Ciudad Rodrigo, 15th January, 1812. Sir, — At my arrival here I found that your Royal Highness had again had the excessive kindness to write to Colonel Fletcher in my fuvor ; may I be permitted to assure your Royal Highness, that those marks of goodness can never be out of my memory, and that even were I ungrateful enough to forget for a single moment what I owe my illustrious protector, everything about me must accuse me of more than savage ingratitude. I arrived here last night about 6 o'clock, after having rode that Jay eleven leagues (about 50 miles) with my o"-n horses ; having before had some very long marches, and found ' t we had broken ground on the 8tb. The occasion of my coming so fast from Castello Branco, was, that I heard there that the siege was begun, and wish- ing to participate in the hardships which my brother officers were enduring, I exerted myself as much as lay in my power to reach this in time,- which I have accomplished, having arrived here the day after the batteries were opened. (Captain Ross, R. A., whom I believe your Royal Highness knew, was killed the second night.) Wo have also lost another officer, and one wounded. The artillery has already made a very good breach and the storming is now daily expected. I hope we shall take the place soon, as it is of great con- sequence that it should fall, and we are suffering here everiy kind of hardship, having no lents, and indeed having hardly anything either for ourselves or horses to eat, with a very hard frost. Some of our officers have tents. We also understand that Mar- mont is coming down, which is another reason for hurrying the siege. — We have now sapped a good part of the 2nd parallel, and our bat- teries are keeping up a tremendous fire on the breach. The enemy mado 202 THE DUKE OF KENT. a sortie but was repulsed, after dislodging part of the parallel, by two of our officers aud a detachment of the 42nd Regiment. I shall at some future period give your Iloyal Highness an ac- count of the siege, together with what I have been doing since my arrival in this country. At present I must beg leave to end, being hardly able to hold my pen on account of the cold, which I hope will be an apology for this letter. I have the honor to remain, Your Royal Highness' most obedient And humble servant, Ed. a. de Salaberry. H. R. H. The Duke of Kent. Camp before Bapajos, 5th April, 1812. Sir, — I am ordered to storm one ofthe breaches this evening. As the service is rather dangerous, and I may or may not return, I beg leave to assure your Royal Highness, as well as Madame, that whatever may happen to me, I shall at every moment feel how much.^1 am in- debted to you. Believe me. Sir, that my last moments shall be to wish all the hap- piness which you, as well as Madame eminently deserve. I have the honor to be, with eternal gratitude. Your R. H. most obedient and grateful servant, E. A. DE Salaberry. H. R. H. The Duke of Kent. Kensington Palace, 24th April, 1812. My Dear de Salaberry, — Little did I think, when a few days ago, I put into the hand of Mr. Ryland, upon his calling here to take leave of me, the original of the letter from Lieut. Gordon of my regiment, announcing the particulars of the death of our poor Chev- alier, (a copy of which I sent you in mine of the 18th November by running ship to the States) that it would so soon again fall to my lot to communicate what I fear will be a still heavier blow to my old friends, the untimely fall of your younger brother at the storming of Badajos, an event that has overwhelmed Madame de St. Laurent and myself in the deepest affliction, indeed so much so that no powers of language can convey to you the ell'ect it had on us both. The accompanying letter, to inform his commanding officer, Lieut.- Col. Fletcher of the Royal Engineers, which ar rived last night, contains all the particulars I am at present possessed of, I send this off to Portsmouth to-night, in the hopes of yet catching Mr. Ryland before he sails. I can say no more, than that it is some consolation to think THE DUKE OF KENT. 203 that our poor lamented Edward's going to Portugal, was the effect of his own earnest solicitation, and that we took no steps to get him ap- pointed to Lord Wellington's army, but in conformity with his own wishes. You will, of course, say everything, both from Madame de St. Laurent and myself, to your afHicted parents, that will convey to them how deeply we unite in their grief for this fresh catastrophe, and accept for yourself the assurance of our unalterable friendship and regard, with which sentiments I subscribe myself, &c., Edward. Major de Salaberry. P. S. — You may rely on itny writing again at the moment I receive further details. Camp near Badajos, 8th April, 1812. Sir, — It is with extreme regret that I undertake the painful task of acquainting your Royal Highness with the fall of Lieutenant de Salaberry of the Engineers, at the storming of Badajos, on the night of the 6th instant. This valuable young officer was appointed to act under Captain Wilkinson of the same corps, in conducting the Light Division of the army to one of the breaches ; in the execution of this arduous and important service, he was unfortunately killed by a musket ball. From the interest expressed by your Royal Highness for Lieut, de Salaberry, it may prove a source of some consolation to know that he was universally esteemed by his brother officers, and that his fall is deeplyjamented by them. I will have the honor to address here- after your Royal Highness as to the state of his affairs. I am led to believe that there may be a small balance against him with the regiment, and indeed this may occur without anything like extrava- gance, as it is extremely difficult from the pay and allowances of a subaltern to purchase the number of horses for which he is allowed forage with the army, and without them he cannot possibly perform the duties that are entrusted to him. « I have the honor to be, &c., ,: : . B. Fletcher, Col. Royal Engineers. H.R. H. The Duke of Kent. Kensington Palace, 10th May, 1812. Dear de Salaberry, — In conformity to the promise I made you, in mine of the 24th ultimo, I now revert to the melancholy event, which I therein announced, fo- the purpose of communicating to you such of the afflicting details attending it as are contained in the 204 THE DUKE OP KENT. accompanying letter 'from his friend and brother officer Lieut. Ilulme of the same corps, which reached me last night, together with the five inclosurcs that were annexed to it. Of these you will perceive two are addressed to me, and I would not on any account part with them, as I wish to retain them as keepsakes of our poor lamented Edward. Still I feel it may be a melancholy satisfaction to your poor father and mother, to read them and take copies of them, and for that purpose I send them to you, under the fullest dependence after keeping them as long as you may judge necessary for the pur- pose, you will return them to me, under cover to Colonel Torrens. You will perceive both from poor Edward's letter to me, a few hours previous to the attack, and from that to you which I took the liberty of opening, that he had a melancholy presentiment of the fate which awaited him. Yet he met it, with all the coolness of a hero, and all the fortitude of a Christian ; in short every thing seems to combine to redouble our regrets of his untimely losS; and to over- whelm us with affliction, but yet we trust that the honorable death he has fallen may be the means of softening the blow in some degree. I shall now only add, that I mean on these repeated dreadful losses in your family, to ground a very strong fresh application in your be- half, which I hope will lead to your obtaining the Lieut.-Colonelcy of the Canadian Regiment. In the meantime pray rely on my warm- est friendship and believe me, &c., &c., Edward. P.S. — I herewith annex also the extract of a letter from Lieut.- Colonel Muller, by which you will see that poor Captain St. Pal, our dear Edward's Marlow comrade, has shared the same fate with him, which I know you will deplore also, as next to Edward we con- sidered him our most interesting protege. Alhambra, near Lisbon, 12th April, 1812. Sir, — No words can do justice to the feelings with which I convey to your Royal Highness the intelligence of an event which I could have wished to have been made known through some other more adequate channel, but being the person (in this country) most intimately in- terested therein, the unpleasant task has devolved on me. The corps of engineers, among other losses which it sustained on the 6th inst., has to lament that of Ed. de Salaberry, who was killed in the breach at the head of the column to which he was attached. Thus fell universally regretted an officer, who, had he lived, would have become a most brilliant ornament to his corps, and an honor to his friends. The letters in his portmanteau, and which I have the honor to inclose, were forwarded to me, and I lose not a moment m tran*- mitting them to your Royal Highness. The management of his THE DUKE OF KENT. 205 aflFaira has been intrusted to mo. I beg leave to assure your Royal Highness, that every possible attention on my pait shall be paid to them, and when settled, I shall have the honor (agreeably to his de- sire) of transmitting the papers relative thereto. May I Le allowed to indulge a hope, that my presumption in addressing your Royal Highness will be pardoned, to which nothing but the present melan- choly occasion could have induced me. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your Royal Highness' Most obedient and humble servant, John L. Hulme, Lieut. Royal Engineers. H. R. H., the Duke of Kent. Kensington Palace, 13th June, 1812. My Dear de Salaberry, — Two days since, I received your most afflicting letter of the month of March, which has caused me more distress than words can describe, inasmuch as I perceive from it that all the pains I took to forward to you by the very first opportu- nity I could find for America, the information of the loss of our poor Chevalier, in order that you might break it with caution to your good father and mother, had proved abortive, and that your poor parents had thus learnt] that melancholy event for the first time from the public prints, and being wholly unprepared for the catca- trophc, had, if possible, felt the blow still more heavily. I should hope that long ere this, the arrival of my letter of the 18th November, will have convinced them and you, how alive I was to all your sufferings, and how much I had it at heart to soften them, but for fear it should altogether have miscarried, I herewith annex a copy of it, though I am unable to obtain the first inclosure referred to in it, having forwarded the original in April last by the hands of Mr. Ryland, to put into yours, presuming that you would wish to retaia it in your family, as a testimony of the high estima- tion in which your poor brother was held. But as there can bo no doubt of that reaching you in safety, if Mr. Ryland gets to Quebec without accident, you will be able to complete the letter by annexing that paper to it. In adverting to the latter part of your favor, in which you state your anxious wish that your youngest brother should be sent out ; as a consolation to my old friends, I can't help observing that I feel quite unequal to say more than, would to God that were yet possible, but Providence has decreed otherwise, as my letters of 24th April and 10th of May will have apprised you before this can possibly come to hand. A former one which I wrote in February, if I mis- 206 THE DUKE OF KENT. take not, will have acquainted you with my intention of getting him sent out to you this summer, had his life been spared ; and, there- fore, 1 flatter myself that you will all be satisfied, that at no one time have you or yours been out of my thought. The extraordinary situation which this country has been in since the 11th May, the day after I last wrote you, when Mr. Percival fell by assassination, in fact without any Government, has necessarily retarded my plans in your behalf, but as at length one is formed, I hope shortly to be able to act upon them, and that the result ere long be such as to enable me to address you with more satisfaction, than has been the case for the last five months. I have now only Lo add everything which is most warm and affec- tionate, or that can be most alleviating in their distress to your poor father and mother, and to your sisters, both from myself and Madame de St. Laurent, and that you may rely on our unalterable friend- ship and regard for yourself, with which sentiment, I remain, &c., Edward. P. S. — Pray don't forget to name me suitably to your worthy General. Kensington Palace, 15th September, 1812. Dear de Salaberry, —It is with extreme satisfaction that I am at length enabled to apprise you of your having attained the perma- nent rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the army, together with your confirmation as Superintendent of the corps of Canadian Voltigeurs, for which Sir George Prevost had recommended you. You will perceive from the inclosed (which I have just received), from Colonel Torrens, that I have not been unmindful of your inte- rests, having suggested a project for your getting the Lieut.-Colo- nelcy of the Canadian Regiment, and although that plan had failed, the disappointment has been softened by the notification of your preferment, in another way, in which perhaps, in your talents for and experience of Light Service, you may be still more useful to your country, and I am sure you will be more agreeably employed to your own feelings, than if you had been in the fencible regiment. I have upon the strength of this piece of good news, addressed your good old father, and I now enclose the letter to you, under a flying seal, in order that you may first read it, and judge if his state of mind and spirit, are equal to the reading of it, by which you can be wholly governed in delivering it to him or not, for which I give you therefore carte blanche ; for as you will fully appreciate my inten- tion I know 1 cannot commit the management of the thing to better hau\.d. Although I am confident it is not necessary for me to recommend to THE DUKE OF KENT. 207 your attention the officers of my first Battalion, who have recently joined you from the West Indies, I cannot resist naming Captains JMcLean and Wilson, as two who have always distinguished them- selves by their professions of regard for you, and therefore are par- ticularly deserving of being noticed by you. Captains Stewart, Torrens and Rowan, I believe, are none of them known to you, but they are all officers of merit, and men of amiable manners, who will ever prove themselves worthy of any kindness you may shew them ; the subalterns being all much your juniors in years, I shall not bore you with any recommendations of them, but I will say upon the whole that they arc generally speaking, as respectable a set of their class as is to be met with in the army. I shall now take my leave of you, adding my kind remembrance to that of Madame de St. Laurent, and repeating the unalterable senti- ments of esteem and regard with which I ever am, dear de Salaberry, Edward. Lieut.-Col. de Salaberry, Quebec. Kensington Palace, 15th September, 1812. My dear Salaberry, — Though more than two years have glided by since I wrote you, (your last letter, that of date 28th July, 1810, received on 26th Sept., remaining still unanswered), I felt that you would know that my silence waa not occasioned by the least coolness on my part, towards yourself personally, or for those who are dear to you, but on the contrary that it has been caused by the impossi- bility I found in consequence of the succession of misfortunes which befell you, "coup sur coup," of writing on any subject which would not recall and add to your sorrows, knowing well that already you had been subjected to the full measure of what divine Providence Bends to us all, his wretched creatures, to prove our resignation. I preferred then to address all my communications on those afflict- ing details, to my good friend, your first born son, the kindness and excellence of whose heart I knew, and on whom I could con- fidently rely to impart them to his worthy mother, yourself anjl his good sisters, with that caution which was necessary to prevent a renewal of the shock which I feared might be experienced if the sad news of those cruel afflictions reached them suddenly. I have learned from him that unfortunately, in one instance, owing to one of those contretemps which are inseparable from every thing connected with the sea, my intention was defeated, the vessel which conveyed them having been either lost or captured, but notwithstand- ing this disappointment, I confidently reckoned that from your knowledgeof my heart and my feelings towards yourself, you must be persuaded that I would never fail to supply any consolation in my u 208 THE DUKE OF KENT. power to you and yours. But now that a considerable space of time has elapsed since the last of those calamities which caused us so much distress, (and to none, more than my good and faithful companion,) I believe that there could be no more suitable time to assure you of my remembrance .".nd my friendship, than now, when I can announce the advancement of de Salaberry to the permanent rank of Lieut. - Colonel in the army, as the appointment of Superintendent of the Cana- dian Voltigeurs, which has been confirmed by the Regent, the notifi- cation of which I send him, having myself received it this instant in a letter from Col. Torrens, Secretary to the Commander in Chief. Regard it then my venerable and respected friend, as an event of good augury, and iet us hope that Providence has still in store for you essential consolations for the heavy losses which the cruel fate of war has inflicted on you, and that the evening of your life may be passed at least without inquietude. Madame de St. Laurent joins me in saying a thousand agreeable things to her respected friend Madame de Salaberry, and your daughters ; as for yourself, I wish you to believe that since the com- mencement of your troubles, none of you have been for an instant absent from our thoughts. There remains nothing for me now but to beg of you both to write us as early as possible, and be persuaded that we will wait with im- patience to hear from you, and believe me now to be, with the senti- ments of esteem and friendship which I have ever entertained for you and yours, Your most affectionate and devoted, Edward. A. Monsieur, Monsieur de Salaberry, Beauport. Sir George Prevost, the Governor General and Com- mander in Chief in Canada, though we have seen that on a form- er occasion his conduct had been unfriendly to de Salaberry, now earnestly solicited him to raise the Canadian Voltigeurs, and, on the '2Sth of May, 1812, issued a General Order for orgahizing four Battalions. The first Battalion under de Salaberry rendezvoused at Pointe aux Trembles, and was rapidly brought into admirable discipline. The militia, however, had not been called out a moment too soon, for on the 18th June following, the American Govern- ment made its long threatened declaration of war, and on the 12th July, General Hull invaded Upper Canada, by crossing unopposed from Detroit to Sandwich. He failed, however, to get any sympathy or support from the inhabi- THE DUKE OF KENT. 209 tants, as he expected, and three detachments of his army having on three successive days been driven back, on their attempts to reach Amherstburgh, by a detachment of the 4th Regiment and a few Indians, he was compelled to re-cross to Detroit, where he was at once followed by General Brock, whose energetic operations speedily compelled him to sur- render that place with his whole army. The militia were paroled, but the General, his officers, and the regulars were sent to Lower Canada. In the meanwhile the American forces to the extent of 10,000, which had been for some time collecting under General Dearborn, on the Lower Canadian frontier, were put in motion. Sir George Prevost had already despatched do Salaberry with 400 Voltigeurs and some Indians to dispute their entrance into L'Acadie, which he did so promptly and thoroughly, that General Dearborn decamped on the 23rd November. For this service de Salaberry was thanked in General Orders by Sir George Prevost, who did full justice " to the enthusiastic loyalty of all classes of His Majesty's Canadian subjects." In this year de Salaberry had married his cousin Mari- anne Hertel de Rouville, with this explanation the following letter will be easily understood :— Kensington Palace, (Copy.) 8th August, 1813. Dear de Salaberry, — I have now before me your four letters of the 4th and 18th October l»st year, and of the 2nd of June of the present one, the former of which I received on the 28th November, and the last on the 7th instant. The first of these letters being writ- ten in all the bitterness of your anguish upon receiviDg that large packet of mine which contained the melancholy details of the loss of all your poor brothers, I shall only observe on it, that if I have so long delayed in acknowledging it, it has arisen from an unwillingness on my part to rip up those sores which 1 am aware for a length of time can be but slightly cicatrised ; and now that I resume my pen, I do it with some degree of pleasure, perceiving that your last letter is written in so much better spirits, although it gives but a melancholy account of your good and valuable parents. Madame de St, Laurent and myself, who were delighted to hear, in the first place, of the very judicious marriage you have made, have also been highly gratified in learning that she has given you a son, and not a little pleased with the compliment you have paid her by naming him after her. You will therefore judge how cordially 210 THE DUKE OF KENT. we both unite in the fervent prayer, that the name may prove more fortunate to him than it was to your poor brother Edward. The accounts which you sent me of your Battalion of Voltigeurs, and the progress you make in bringing them forward in a state of discipline, prepared me for tlie very handsome but well-deserved compliment paid you at a subsequent period, by the Commander of the Forces, as well as to them. It was therefore a matter of real satisfaction to me to be able to succeed in getting you the permanent rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, which, I may in truth say, you so /lan/Zy earnt ; but I hope now all painiul recollections will be done away with, and that you will continue to serve with alacrity, so long as the war lasts, looking forward to retire with honor, credit, and some advantage, at a peace ; unless we can succeed in securing you at that time, one of the principal staff situations in Canada. At the same time that I say this, if you could previously exchange into a per- manont corps, you should not lose sight of it, as thereby establishing your right to sell out. To revert for a moment to the melancholy event of poor Edward's death, I most fully subscribe to the propriety of your having kept back my letter announcing it to your poor father, which, of course, will now remain in your hands, to be made use of, or not, in course of time, as circumstances may require. I grieve much to find that your father's debilitated state should have rendered his resignation of the command of his regiment of embodied militia unavoidable, as I fear that circumstances must necessarily have circumscribed his comforts, You have not mentioued, in your last letter, your good mother ; I fear, therefore, you had nothing comfortable to say of her. Pray do not fail, in your next, to name her, as well as all your sisters, for Madame de St. Laurent and myself still preserve the same lively interest in their welfare, and desire to knof everything about them. When I contrast the present melanchulj/ scene of Beau- port, with the recollection of ichat ice formerly rememler it, I own it depresses my spirits much, and therefore 1 am always ready to make every allowance for your feelings on that head. Should the war continue much longer, and you once attain the rank of Colonel, I trust you would obtain the clothing of the corps into your own hands ; and in that case I hope you will remember Carder for your clothier, and Mr. Kirkland for your agent. I shall long to hear from you some account of my 1st Battalion, in case you should at any time come across thorn ; for after being separated as they were, foi- above eleven years, in the West Indies, I am fearful their appearance and discipline cannot be much to their credit. In general, all you tell me of the appearance of things in your vicinity, as to the present campaign, is extremely cheering, and I look forward with some degree of confidence to a succession of comfortable aecounts from Canada during the remainder of the season. THE DUKE OF KENT. 211 I have been doing all I can here to impress the necessity of doubling your number of seamen on the lakes, and sending you out a couple of thousand Highlanders yet this season ; but I am not able to say whether my counsel will be attended to or not. I have recently met myself with an awkward accident, from my horse frilling with me, as T was trotting briskly down the hill between the gates of Castle-hill and th-j bottom of Mr. Meuxe's grounds. Though it happened as far back as the 22nd of last month, I have not yet been able to leave my own premises, the cuts and bruises, though not dangerous, having been very severe. I have, however, been able to keep off fever through care and abstinence, and I hope by the time this month is up to feel nothing of the effects of it. It now only remains for me to convey to your wife Madame deSt. Laurent's kindest thanks for her obliging message, to assure you of our united best wishes for your health, wealth and happiness, and to subscribe myself, with the most friendly regard, Dear de Salaberry, Yours faithfully, Edward. P.S. — The enclosed letter was left with Beck some time since for you, and he requested me to enclose it. Lieut.-Col. de Salaberry. General Hampton having resolved to make an attempt on Montreal with 7,000 men, de Salaberry was again despatched to oppose his entrance into L'Acadie, which he did success- fully, and Hampton being foiled in several skirmishes, and being unwilling to risk a general engagement in the woods, retired to "Four Corners," where, on the 1st October, de Salaberry, with 50 Voltigeurs and 150 Indians, surprised him in camp, and after a warm action, put him into confu- sion, and made a satisfactory reconnoissance. Dearborn and Wilkinson having been foiled, there now only remained Hampton to contend with. De Salaberry, Avho had made himself thoroughly acquainted with the country, advanced to meet him, felling the trees and obstructing the road from Odelltown to L'Acadie along •which Hampton proposed to advance. Hampton was desi- rous of forming a junction with his Dommander in Chief, and believing the road leading to Chauteauguay open, attempted to advance by that route, but he was met by obstructions everywhere, de Salaberry having with great military sagacity thrown up field works at every strategic point. De Salaberry then ascended the left bank of the Chateauguay, and selecting an excellent position, threw up 14 212 THE DTJKE OF KENT. four successive lines of defence. Major General de Watteville visited and approved of the works. Sir George Prevost with his force was thirty miles in rear. On 25th October, Hampton with his whole force, consisting of 7,000 infantry, 400 horse and 12 guns, advanced to the Canadian camp, in which was de Salaberry with three hundred men, Voltigcurs, Fencibles and Indians. The con- flict lasted for four hours, and Hampton being out gene- railed and foiled in every attempt, retreated, suffering considerable loss, scarcely stopping until he reached Platts- burg. Sir George Vrevost did not come up till the engage- ment was at an end. The victory at Chateauguay prevented the junction of Hamilton and Wilkinson, arrested the invasion, saved Mont- real, and enabled the British commanders in Upper Canada to resume offensive operations. Strange to say, in the General Order issued by Adjutant- General Edward Baynes, on 27th October, the day after the battle, the action is described as having occurred between the American army, under General Hampton, and the advanced posts of the British, thrown out for the purpose of covering working parties under Col. de Salaberry/ ; and fur- ther, it contained this extraordinary statement : — " His Excellency the Governor in Chief and Commander of the Forces, having himself had the satisfaction of witnessing the conduct of the troops on this brilliant occasion, feels it a gratifying duty to render them that praise which is so justly their due ; to Major General de Watteville for the admirable arrangements established by him for th« defence of the post ; to Lieut. Col. de Salaberry for his judicious and officer like conduct in the choice of position and arrangement of his force." De Salaberry, who felt that this was a most unjustifiable attempt to deprive him of his due, instantly addressed, through the Adjutant-General, an indignant remonstrance to the Governor General, in which he pointed out that he had had no assistance from any superior officer in making any of the arrangements, which had been all completed by himself at the time the camp had been visited by Major General de Watteville, who'simply approved them, and that no officer of superior rank had come up till the action wut over. No direct notice was ever taken of this r^monstrtmce, but ; THE DUKE OF KENT. 213 on the 4th November a General Order was published, from which the folloAving is extracted : — The undaunted gallantry displayed by six companies, almost to a man, composed of Canadians, Fencibles and Militia, under the imme- diate command of Lieut. Col. de Salaberry, in repelling with dis- grace an American invading army twenty times their number, refleots unfadine: honor on the Canadian name. o No other explanation was ever given of the extraordinary mis-statements made in the General Order of 27th October, which were evidently intended to influence the Horse Guards, and it undoubtedly had that efiect, for in January, 1817, when it was proposed to confer the honor of C. B. on certain officers who had distinguished themselves during the war, that distinguished ofiicer, Lieut. Col. G. McDonnell, on calling at the Horse Guards, found to his astonishment that, while his own name had been inserted in the list, that of de Sala- berry had been omitted. The indignation of the honest and chivalrous soldier was aroused, and he at once addressed the Commander in Chief, through' Sir Henry Torrens, as follows : Having been second in command in the important action at Cha- teauguay, in Lower Canada, I can pledge my honor that the merit of occupying that position and of fighting that action is exclusively due to Lieut. Col. de Salaberry, wlio acted in both respects entirely from his own judgment, Major General de Watteville having only come up from his station, several miles in rear, after the enemy had been defeated, in consequence of a notification sent to him by myself, that we were then warmly enga