.%* ^> A^ ^.-^>^^o. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ''/ /, / t/i &! ^ 1.0 I.I |50 "^ Si: 1^ IM IM M 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 •• 6" ► "/a % ^. el '3 >^ y Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) B73-4S03 k ^^ k iV ^q\ :\ iy>^xr>i^W/t ->• jrf/cJ, irV yy y 'p^'y^J^Pjr^yl^ y y^v^ -i^gggSS-^^^^ ^^ RT and HARBOUR of SflINT JOHN, | 1 HEW BRUNSWICK- Hai^bout^ jVIaster's Instructions. SAINT JOHN, N. H. : James Skaton, Printkr, 85 (Jkrmain Strep;t. 1898. I A s /^3 i ■ ■' 'M O' -^a^ifc,^ >% oi New lit^^- PORT and HARBOUR of SRINT JOHN, HEW BRUNSWICK- Harbour Masters Instructions. The following Extracts from Ciiy Laws relating to the Harbour of Saint John, and the due ordering of vessels therein,, are pub- lished for general information : Extracts from a Bye-Law Relaiinm to rm; Harbour <>f thk City of Saint John, and the Wharves and Slips within THE SAID City : 4. It shall be the duty of the Harbour Master, in p'. rson or by Dei)uty, to go on board of every ship or vessel of tht burthen of two hundred tons and upwards (except steamers), wh ch shall arrive or come into the Harbour of Saint John, within twelve hours after the arrival of such shij) or vessel, to see that such ship or vessel is properly moored and secured ; and in case he 's called on and requested so to do, to go on board of any vessel underlie burthen of two hundred tons, to see that any such vessel is properl) moored and secured. 'I'he master of every shi[)or vessel shall re- port at ihe Harbour Master's office the arrival of his ship or vesrsei within twelve hours of such arrival, and furnish such information as may be required for record. It shall be lawful for the Harbour Master to demand, receive and recover, as Harbour Master's fees, for every time any ship or vessel (except woodboats and river craft), shall arjive or come into the said Harbour, according to the following scale : Kor Vessels of 30 tons and under 30 tons, $0 S*^ For Vessels of 50 tons, and under 75 tons, 75 Kor Vessels of 75 tons, nnd under 100 tons, i 00 For Vessels of 100 ions, and under 150 tons, I 25 For Vessels of 150 tons, and under 200 tons, I 50 For Vessels of 200 tons, and under 300 tons, 2 00 For Vessels of 300 tons, and under 400 tons 2 50 For Vessels of 400 tons, and under 500 tons, 3 00 For Vessels of 500 tons, and under 550 tons, 3 5° And 25 cents for every 50 tons such Vessel may measure over 550 tons. To be paid by the Master, Owner, Consignee, or person in charge of such ship or vessel, on demand, at the election of the said Harbour Master : Provided, however, that for[^ali decked ves- sels (except steamers), under the burthen of one hundred tons, owned and registered at this Port, and for all vessels (exeept steamers), under that tonnage, owned or registered elsewhere, when trading within the Bay of Fundy, or trading and arriving from ports to the Northward of Cape Cod, West of Cape Canso, or from any port in Nova Scotia ; there may be paid to the Har- bour Master, in lieu of the several sums of money mentioned in the scale aforesaid, an annual sum, according to the following scale, viz : For Vessels under 30 tons, $0 75 F'or Vessels of 30 tons, and under 50 tons, i 00 For Vessels of 50 tons, and under 75 tons, I 50 For Vessels of 75 tons, and under 100 tons, , 2 00 In case the Master or Owner shall elect to make such annual pay- ment on the first arrival of any such vessel in the said Harbour after the 31st day of March in each yeui, and at the time of mak- ing such election shall also pay the same to the Harbour Master. 5. For all decked vessels, not being Ships of VVar or Trans- ports, or other vessels, employed in the transportation of Troops or Munitions of War, or otherwise exclusively for the time being in the employment of Her Majesty's Government ; and except steamers plying between this port and the port of Digby in Nova Scotia, and ports in the Bay of Fundy to the eastward of the en- trance to this Harbour, which shall arrive., come, or be brought •"••tf! to iwiiima 3 into this Harbour of Saint John ; there shall be paid on demand by the owner, master, agent, consignee, or jjerson in charge of such vessels respectively, to the use of the City Corporation of Saint John, as a duty of anchorage for each and every time such vessel may so arrive, come, or be brought, whether such vessel ''all anchor or not. According to the following scale, that is to say : — For Vessels not exceeding 50 ions, $0 7S For Vessels of 50 Ion';, and under loo tons, I 00 For Vessels of 100 tons, and ui.der 1 50 tons, 12; For Vessel;, of 150 Ions, and lunler 200 tons. I 50 For Vessels of 200 tons, and nnder 250 Ions I 75 For Vessels of 250 tons, and under 300 tons 2 00 And all vessels of greater burthen than three hundred tons in like- proportion, that is to say: the sum of twenty-five cents additional for every tifty tons such vessel may measure over three hiindred tons ; and for all decked British vessels whether owned or regis- tered in this port, or otherwise, trading within the Bay of Fund) . and arriving from ports to the northward and eastward of Cape Sable and West Quoddy light within the said Bay of Fundy, and for all woodboats and other river crafts trading on the river Saint John, there shall be j)aid annually for each and every year on their arrival, after the fiist day of April in each year, according to the tonnage and amounts fixed and made i)a)able according to the aforegoing scale in this section mentioned.* 6. The Harbour Master shall, according to his discretion, assign to each vessel arriving in the said Harbour the berth it shall occupy; and shall have power to change such berth from time to time as he may see fit. And no vessel shall take up or occupy any berth in the said Harbour, unless such berth shall have been as- signed to her by the Harbour Master. All vessels while within the said Harbour shall be under the control of the Harbour Mas- ter ; and no vessel shall haul to any wharf or to any mooring buoy or into any slip, without the permission of the Harbour Master, under the penalty of twenty dollars, to be paid by the master or person in charge of any such vessel, and the Harbour Master shall Note. — An annual sum of <;5.0() is payable (or eveiy Sleani 'Jug Hoat for privilege of plying in Saint John Harbour and fndiaiitown Harbour, payable lo the H irbou Master of either of tht)se Harliours. have the sole ordering and direction of all vessels as to thiir l)osilion, mooring, fastening, removal, berth for discharging or loading or otherwise in the said Harbour, and as to th:^ extent of accommodation masters or persons in charge thereof may require from each other ; and the Harbour Master shall have jwwer to order and direct one vessel to be (listened to another l)y cable, hawser, ro])e, chain, or other fastening, and in such manner as he shall think fit. No master, pilot, or person in charge of any ves- sel in the said Harbour, and no jjerson on l)oard of any vessel in the said Harbour, and no wharfinger, slij) master, or jjerson in charge of any wharf or slip in the said City, shall disregard or disobey any order or directions of the Harbour Master in any resjject, under the ])enalty of one hundred dollars, for each and every neglect or refusal to obey any such order or direction, and under the further jjenalty of twenty-five dollars, for every twenty-four hours during which any such person sh.ill continue to neglect or disobe\- any such order or direction. 7. In the event of the disobedience, refusal, resistance, or ne- glect of any ])erson or ])ersons on board of any vessel to the orders of the Harbour Master to remove the same under the l)owers conferred upon him by the last preceding section, it shall be lawful for the Harbour Master to enter upon any such vessel with such assistance as he may refjuire. and to remove the same ; and he shall have the power of employing a sufficient number of men for that purpose, and also any tugboat or tugboats in his discretion, at the expense of the Owner, Master, or person in charge of such vessel, to aid him in enforcing such removal ; and shall have the right to moor, anchor, or make fast such vessel ai such other place as he shall see fit ; ana in case of the non-payment ()( the expense of such removal, to recover the same with costs by action of debt in any court of competent jurisdiction. 8. No person shall wilfully and without i)ermission of the Harbour Master, unless in case of necessity, of wiiich the Har- bour Master shall be the judge, loose, or cast off, or cause or direct to be unloosened or cast off, any cable, hawser, chain, rope, or other fastening which shall have been made or fastened to any w^^CTi*"*^ -^ jH ^ m r- ww ^ oww c^y f. 5 Vessel hy the Didcr or consent of the [{arhoiir Master, under tlie penalty ot" eighty dollars. 9. Xo Master. ( )\vner, Pilot, or person in charge of any ves- sel t(^ \vjii( h ari(»lher shall have been fastened, shall cast off, or cau-e to he cast off such other \essel. witluiut tiie consent of the Harhoiir .\[a>ter lust had and obtained, except in case of great need and (hiiiirer. untler th.e peiialt}' of one hundred dollars. 10. l"',verv .-.jiip or vessel l\i;ig at a wharf shall be provided with a sufficieiit and i)roper ladder or gangway, reaching tVoui the wharf to the deck : and every s'lip or ve>>el King outside of ar.- other. shall be iiro\ide(l with a suflicieni Kidder or ga:igwav. which sl:all l;e placed so as to eriable persons, goods, niateiials. and things to pass and be carriul sa.fely to and frcni s;:<-r. oti.er ship or vessel, at sucii times and under such circurn-lan( es as the Har- bour A[aster or his Deputy shall order and ('irect. under peiiall\ upon the Master. Owner, or ]:erson in charge (if -uch ship or ves- sel, of twenty dollars for ea( h neglect of th.is ])rovision. 11. '1 'le M.;ster. Owner, or itersoii in (i.a.rire of anv ve>S(.l l\ing at any wf.aif, cr fastened to any (.ther vesseh shall lerniil a free jiassage or way over d.e ihck of such vessel for persons, goods, mateiials, and things of ;dl kiids. to vessels l)ing outside or inside of the saiei vessel ; ar.d anx persoii obstru.( ling such tm- I'assage, or ciusing such ol;stn:ction. shall be liable to a pena!l\ of twenty dollars for each and every breach of this section. 12 It shall be the duty of lh,e Master. Owner or jjcrsjn in cliarge of any vessel having ter:ders. whellier woodboats, scow-, or lighters of any kind about k,er. for the p'urpose of loading or di- charging, or ar.y oth.er purpose of said vessel, to have tlie same placed as close to sucli \esselas possible ; ar,d the number of such tendeisat any one tin.e shall lu; in the discretion of tlie Harbour .Master, and tl:ey sf-all be jjlaced as die Harbour Master may di- rect. The (Jwner. xMasier, or pers(;n iii charge e.fanv vessel hav- ing n:ore tlian the ni.ml er of tenders ]ierniitted about her at an\- one time, or not placed and arranged as may be directed by tlu Harbour Master, shall be liable to a penak)- of iwentv dollars f ),■ everv default. i,V Rafis of timber at any vessel shall be kejjt as close to the same as jjsossible, and no more timber shall be allowed to lie alcrgside of anyves&el than a reasonable quantity in the discretion of the Ha-boiir Master ; and Stevedores in charge of timber shall obey the orders of the Harbour Master respecting such rafis of timber, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every neglect. 14. No vessel shall be allowed to lie at anchor in the stream while discharging or loading when there is sufficient accommoda- tion for her at any of tho wharves or moorings, imless in the opinion of the Harbour Master good reason exists for so doing in which case the Harbour Master may permit any vessel to remain at anchor while discharging or loading, on payment of a sum daily equal to full wharfage, such payment to be in case of steam vessels, u])on gross tonnage. 15. The master, owner, or person in charge of any ship or vessel having jib or spanker booms, or bumpkins, shall cause the same to be close in on the day of arrival, under the penalty of eight dollars for each and every day such ship or vessel shall not have such jib, boom or bumi)kins close in. 16. No vessel shall be left without some person on board to take care of her, by night or by day, unless permission is given for this purpose by the Harbour Master. 17. All vessels lying at anchor in the Harbour shall keep a clear and bright light burning, at least six feet from the ui)permost deck, from sunset to sunrise. 18. No vessel lying in the stream shall have any tow line, hawser, or other thing made fast to any wharf, or the shore, except to haul in or out, unless by permission of the Harbour Master. 19. Vessels may be moored in tiers, under the direction of the Harbour Master. 20. All vessels shall be taut moored with their bower anchors, and shall have good buoys and buoyropes at their anchors. 21. The penalty for violation of or not conforming to the 7 provisions of this law, and for not obeying the lawful orders or di- rections of the Harbour Master, or his Deputy, in respecc to any l)rovision for which no jjenalty is hereinbefore prescribed, shall be twenty dollars ; to l)e imposed upon the owner, or person m charge of the vessel not conforming to the particular requirement. 2 2. No ballast, stone, gravel, earth, or rubbi.^h of any kind, shall be unladen, cast or emptied out of, or thrown overboard from any vessel whatever, in any roadstead, jjlace of anchorage, or part of the waters of the Bay of Fundy, ai die entrance of or near to th'.' said Harl)0ur, within the distance of three miles from tlie southernmost point of Paitridgc Island, under the penalty of eight dollars for each and every offence ; to be jiaid by the owner, mas- ter, or other [)erson having charge of any ^uch shij) or vessel. 23. Xo ballast, stone, gravel, earth, coal, ashes, timber, wood, saw-dust, or rubbish of any kind, shall be imladeii. discharged, deposited, thrown or laid, eitlier from any vessel, boat, scow, or other Siich craft, or from any '.iirl. wagon, sled, barrow, or other vehicle, or in any other manner, or by any person, from any wliart. l)ridge, or street, or from any part of the beach, or shore ol t'.ie C;ity. into any part of the Marhour of this City, or upon the beach and shore thereof, either below low water mark or between high and low water mark, or in or ui)on any of the slips of the said Harbour (excepting upon grounds from time to time api)ointe.l and designated by order of the Common Council for the reception of ballast, when said grounds are properly proctected by close-faced wharf or v,harves to i)rotect such ballast from being washed into the said Harbour), under the i)enalty of forty dollars for each and everv such act ; to be paid by the owner or owners, master, or person having charge of any vessel, boat, scow, or other craft from which such ballast, stone, earth, saw-dust or rubbish may have been discharged, or the owner or owners, or person driving any carl, wao-on, sled, barrow, or other vehicle from which the same ma\ have l)een unladen, or by the person or persons having thrown such ballast, stone, gravel, earth, coals, ashes, timber, wood, saw- dust, or rubbish, as aforesaid, or the person or persons who em l)loyed such person or i)ersons to throw the same ; provided tha 8 on C()nvicti(jn for any offence under this section, one half of the penalty when rectnered and received, shall be i)aid over to tiu- pei-son on whose infoi'malion the conviction was obtained. In' case the several ballast berths a])[)ointed by the Common Council be at any time occupied, it shall be in the discretion (>{ the Hai- bouf Master to permit ballast to be discharged at other wharves or jilaces jjrojierly j)re]jared and secured to receive the same, or at an}' wharf trcjm which such l)allast may be hauled away in shore. 24. All ballast, stone, gravel, earth, coal, ashes, timbei", wood, saw-dust, or rubbish of any kind, that shall or ma\- be deposited contrary to the provisions of this law, into any {'art of the Harbour of the said City, or ui'on any part of the beach, shore or slips at'oresaid, either below low water mark oi- between high and low water marks, shall be removed \\ithin such time thereafter as shall l)e directed in writing bv imv two members of the Common Coun- cil. the Mayor being one ; and if an)' such ballast, or other matter as aforesaid, shall not be removed within such time as shall be so directed for that jjurpose, the person that shall have so deposited the same, or the owner or owners, master or i)erson having chaige of any vessel, boat, scow or other craft, wagon, sled, barrow, or other vehicle from which the same may have been unladen, or the i)erson or persons having thrcjwn the same from any wharf, bridge, or street, as aforesaid, or the ])erson or ))ersons who employed such person or persons to throw the same, shall forfeit and i)ay the sum ot eight dollars for each and every day that the said ballast or other matter ;is aforesaid, shall so remain in the Harbour, or 1 the beach, shore, or any of the slips of the said Harbour of the said City, after the lime directed for the removal thereof as aforesaid, 25. In discharging any coals, manganese, or ore oi' any description, ballast, stone, earth, gravel, ashes, sawdust, or any rubbish of any kind, from any vessel in any i)art of the said Harbour, or in loading any coals, manganese, or ore of any description, ov any l)allasl, or other matter as last aforesaid, into or upon any vessel, a sufficient i)iece of canvas or tarpaulin shall be annexed to the said vessel, discharging or loading the same. "Wi extending from the I.allast port or guir.vale of such vessel to the wharf, vessel, h'ghier. or boat upon or into which the same shall i)e discharged, or from u'hich it may he laden, so as to pre\ent any part of die 3aid coals, manganese, ore, hallasi, orother matter from falling -to the said Harln.ur. under the pcnaltv of twcntv dollars for each and every neglect ; to he paid l)v the owner or owners, or master or person having charge or command of .uch vessel so dischargmg or loadmg any su<-h coals, nnngane.e. ore. I'alla->t or other matter as last atoresaid. 26. Xo person or persons shall take or attempt to take or carry away from any of the public Leaches or shores uilhm the City of Saint John, any stone, rock, gravel, sand or haliast, nmler the penalty of twenty dollars for ea<-h and every su. h act. Provided that the Common Council may grant permission to anv person to take sand therefrom, which permission shall set f .rth the number of loads to he taken m any case, and the time during which the same may he taken. 27. No vessel exceeding the burthen of two hundred avA twenty-five tons, shall come int.) or lie at either of the wharves ot die public market slip in Kings and Queens wards in this City, or lie in the said slip, or at either of the wharves in the said slip. under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and everv time every such vessel shall be so in the said slip ; to be paid by the owner, master, or other person having the charge or management of such vessel. 28. No vessel laden with salt, coals, bar iron or copper. >hall be permitted to discharge the same, or any part thereof, on either of the wharves on the north or south side of the said market >lip. in Kings and Queens wards, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every stich act ; to be paid by ilie owner, master, or other person having charge of such vessel ; provided and e\cei)t that bar iron or coi)i)er may be passed out by hand and delivered lengthwise on the wharf, so as not to interfere with the i)as>enger traffic. '"^ 2y. If any person shall saw or hew any timber, lumber, or 10 other wood, in any of the i)ul)Hc slii)s in the said City, he shall ];ay a fine of eight dollars for every time he shall so offend. 30. No vessel shall he jjlaced at anchor or moored in the Harbour of Saint John, near to the entrance to the Ferry slips on either side of the said Harbour, or so as to interfere with, or in an\- manner obstruct the passing of the Steam Ferry boats across and witliin the said Harbour. It shall be the duty of the Harbour Master to order the removal of any vessel so improperly moored ; also so to jjlace and regulate the placing and mooring of vessels at the wharves to the northward and southward of the ferry slips, on each side of the Harbour, as not to encroach on or obstruct either of the slijjs, or interfere with the free j)assage of the Ferry boats into or out of the same. 3r. The Harbour Master shall ha\e power at all times to de- termine, order, and direct what number of large scow.s, and also what number of small scows shall lie m any of the market slips, at any one time, and the owner, master, or ])erson in charge of any scow, jjcrsisling in bringing the same into either of the said slips, when warned not to do so by the said Harbour Master ; and e\ery owner, master or jjcrson in charge of any woodboat or scow, refusing or neglecting to obey tlie directions of the said Harbour Master, to ren";ove the same from either of the said slips after it has been unladen, shall forfeit and pay a sum of eight dollars for each and every such neglect or refusal. 32. Fvery scow coming into either of the said slips shall have the initial letters of the Christian name, and Surname in full, of the (nvner or owners, cut or painted legibly in some con- spicious ])art thereof, under the penalty upon the owner or per- son in charge thereof, of four dollars for each time such scow shall so come into either of the said slips. T,T,. No vessel shall be laid u]) in any of the i)ublic slips with- out authority from the Harbour Master, under the penalty upon he master, owner, or consignee, of two dollars per day for every day she shall remain there ; and the Harbour Master shall have [)0wer to remove any vessel laid up. 1 1 34. No Woodboat or other vessel laden or partly laden with hay, shall enter or be brought into the Market Slip, in Kings and Queens wards, tmder the penalty of twenty dollars ; to be paid by the owner or master, or other person in charge of such woodboat or other vessel. 35. It shall be the duty of the said Harbour Master and Deputy Harbour Master, to see that all the regulations and pro- visions of this law, and of all laws relating to the said Harbdur are duly observed; and if sucli Harbour Master or Deputy Har- ])Our Master shall at any time neglect or refuse to perform any of the duties appertaining to the office of Harbour Master, under and by virtue of this law, or any law of the Corporation, he shall for every such neglect or refusal, forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars : and shall further be subject to be removed and displaced from his office l)y order of the ("ommon Cotmcil. 'J'he Harbour Master .shall have the right at all times, in his discretion, to go on iJUcird of any vessel within the Harbour of Saint John. 39. The Harbour Master shall have full p-ower and atithority at any time to order the removal of any logs, s[>ars, or timber, whether loose or in joints, or rafts from any sli[), and to regulate and direct how the same may be placed in any slij). Any person having the care or control, or ownershij) of any such logs, spars, or timber, shall obey any and every direction of the Harbour' Master in any such respect, under the penally of twenty dollars for every neglect or refusal to obey any such order or direction. 43. In the construction of this Law, the word " vessel " shall comprehend and incKide all descriptions of ships and vessels that go afloat by whatever name commonly known, and whether regis- tered or imregistered. The words " Harbour Master" shall com j)rehend and include Deputy PTarboiir Maste*'. The word "owner" shall comprehend and include any part owner or owners. When more i)ersons than one art hereinbefore made subject to any penalty in the disjunctive, the ])roceeding for |[)enalty may be against any one or more of such persons. Vessels launched into the Harl)our shall be deemed and taken to have arrived therein. 12 KxikAcTS Fkd.M A B\'I.-I,A\V RKLAirxn TO TF1K FlKF. Df.PAR'I- MK.Nr AMI in ProIK; I I().\ ACAINST FiRKS. AND To PRO- \lii:. lOR THK UkI'I'KK K\ 11:^ <;riSl !!>.(, (iK FlRKS. i\ Tin: ("I'lV OF SaIX I JoMX : 3:?. Xo j!Crso;"i sb.all hum. gr;i\C'. (T" make use of fire in clcan- iiiLi; liic hoUoni or side of any vessel or boat ot" an\- description uhal^oever, or shall hoil any tar. ])iti:ii, tnrpeniine, or sulphur within the limits of the said Cit\-, unless such vessel C)r boat so burned or graved as aforesaid, and the fire made use of to heat or boil the said t.'r, jjilch, turpentine, or suljihur, shall be distant from any house or from any vessel containing ha) or other cc)m- bu>tible material, at least sixty feet. u)ider the penall}" of twenty dollars tor each and every offence. 33. No boat or vessel which ma\- ha\e come into any of the slip>. (»r to an}- ])ier or wiiarf in tlie said City, laden or ])artl\ laden with ha_\' or straw shall have any fire on board the same, under the penalty of eight dollars ; to be ])aid by the Owner, or Nla>ter. or other person havini; charge of such boat or ves;^el. 42. If an\' ship or vessel arrivingand coming into the Harbour of the said City (Queen's shijjs or vessels of war oi' any foreign counlr\' excepted), shall have any gunpowder on board exceeding tlie said (luantily of twenty In e pounds, such gun]iOwder exceed ing that ([uanlily shall be shall he unladen and discharged from such >hip or wssel within fort}'-eight hours after her arrival, and before such ship or vessel shall l)e brotight along>ide of any pier or wharf in the said City, under the j.'ain of the forfeiture of the said gunpowder, and also the penalt\' of lorty dollars tor each and every neglect, to be paid by the owner or owners of such. .u. '3 sliip or vessel, or the master or person having the charge or com- mand thereof; and that whenever any gunjiowder is discharged from any ship or vessel in the said Harbour, the same shall be conveyed by water, in a boat or bcjats, to some safe and secure place for the deposit of gunpowder without the limits of the said City, during which conveyance such guni)owder shall 1)6 covered with a tar[)aulin or other secure covering, under the i)enalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be paid by the owner or owners of such gunpowder, or the person having the charge or direction of such conveyance. 43. No gunpowder shall be taken or received on board of any shij) or vessel about to proceed to sea (Queen's ship or other ves- sel of war excepted), while such ship or vessel shall be and remain at any pier or wharf in the said City, or before such ship or ves- sel shall be cleared out at the Custom House and ready for sea, under jiain of the forfeiture of such gunpowder, and under the further penally of forty dollars for each and every offence, to be j)aid by the owner or owners of any ship or vessel into which gunpowder may be so received, contrary to[the true intent and mean- ing hereof, or by the person having the charge or command of such ship or vessel ; and that when it is intended to take ui lade any gunpowder on board of any ship or vessel lying in the said Harbour, the same shall be conveyed by water to such shi]) or vessel, during all which conveyance siich gunpowder shall be covered in the manner hereinbefore mentioned, under the i)enalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be [)aid by the owner or owners of such gunpowder, or the person having the charge or direction of such conveyance ; provided always, that gunpowder in any (]uantity not exceeding one cask may l)e carried by hand through the streets of the said Cit\, to be used 01 kept by any person or persons in the manner permitted by this law. if such gunpowder shall be so carried i'"'. a thick canvas or leathern bag, or other secure covering. 44. All gunjiowder or other explosive substance forfeited under and by virtue of this law, may be seized by the Chief Engineer, or ally District Kngincer, or the Mayor, or by any one of the Hfn f*^^ r: 14 Aldermen of the said City, or by any Policeman : and when seized, it shall be given in charge of one of the Folicemen, to be dq)0sited by him in some safe and secure place \nthoiit the limits of the said City ; and upon conviction of such owner or owners, or person in charge of such conveyance as aforesaid, any Policeman shall and may, and he is hereby authorized and em- powered, within three days after such conviction, to sell such gun- powder or other explosive substance at public auction, by sample, in the Market Square, in the said City, and the [proceeds of such sale, after deducting the necessary cost and charges of prosecution and sale shall be paid by the said Policeman to the Chamberlaiix to the use of the City of Saint John. ijt|i ^ » )tmi.i^i(«ii-^«' v« 4^ ! r!i t "^: \ ifiniMDMoilcQr^. laitt fSfSISMSIi^fc^ ISfSp m) O m •I— t > o u P. 13 > o +3 ^ OJ ce o Eh m w O o o • I— t o ^^ u o W © H iS SJ@M@M3M01 SJ^MeMSMSJ r'D r43 Paniplile'c :>t. John, X.B. Marbor .,, Harbvar ludstor's instn'C- tions J I I U vL u I. L.< '^ •' i\L' ..i L: :i< • u '