IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A A (A Vi ^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■^ 1^ 12.2 IS y£ ™— £: 1^ 12.0 III 1.8 U III 1.6 V] V2 ^/) V /a f Photographic Sciences Corporation \ •^ \\ 'g diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour §tre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. y errata )d to nt ne pelure, ipon d 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 8 6 Til COLOIXAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ^ \ THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. iSteststetetr anti iSmpobeteti untret (Set of parliament, 7° anU 8" Vict. cap. 110. Capital, £500,000. ESTABLISHED FOB THE PDHPOSE OF EFFECTINO ASSURANCES ON THE LIVES OP PERSONS RESIDENT IN OR ABOUT TO PROCEED TO THE COLONIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, INDIA, OR OTHER PLACES ABROAD. EDINBURGH, 1 GEORGE STREET, LONDON, 4 A. LOTHBURY. GLASGOW, 35 ST VINCENT PLACE. BRANCH OFFICES, OR AGENCIES ESTABLISHED IN THE FOLLOWING PLACES : — IN MONTREAU WITH AGENCIES . FOK CANADA. IN ST JOHN FOR NEW BRUNSWICK. IN HALIFAX FOR NOVA SCOTIA. IN ST JOHN'S FOR NEWFOUNDLAND. AT JAMAICA, TRINIDAD, BARBADOES, \ p^j^ .^^gg^ INDIES. BRITISH GUIANA, ANTIGUA, &.O. . i IN SYDNEY AND ADELAIDE . • FOR AUSTRALIA. IN CAPE TOWN . . . . • FOR CAPE COLONY. IN CALCUTTA, MADRAS, BOMBAY, & > ^r)n EAST INDIES & CEYLON. COLOMBO ) GOVERNOR. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF ELGIN AND KINCARDINE, Governor-General of Canada. EDINBURGH, 1 GEORGE STREET. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. GEOKGK Moiu, Esq., Chairman. GEOnOE MERCER, Esq., of Gorthy. JA.MES M. MELVILLE, Esq., W.S. PETER RAMSAY, EsEAR;iON, Esq. Secretary. HENRY JONES WILLIAMS, Esq. LONDON, 4 a. LOTHBURY. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF MINTO, Cbalmian. ALEXANDER GILLESPIE, Esq., of GU- lespies, MofFatt, & Co., 5 Gould Square. THOMAS nOULDSWORTH BROOKlNGi Esq., of Robinson & Brookings, 2 Alder- man's Walk. Medical Adviser. DR JOHN W, WOODFALL. JOHN SCOTT, Esq., 2 Alderman's Walk. DAVID LAING BURN, Esq., 12 Kensing. ton Palace Gardens. ALEXANDER MACGREGOR, Esq., 31 Chester Street, Grosvenor Place. Secretary. SYDNEY CROCKER, Esq. GLASGOW, 35 ST VINCENT PLACE. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. MUNGO CAMPBELL, Jun., Esq., of J An Campbell, Sen. & Co., Merchants, WILLIAM ECCLES, Esq. of Eccles, Burnley, & Co., Merchants. ALEX. GLASGOW, Esq., of Alex. Glas- gow & Co., Merchants. Medical Adviser. DR A. D. ANDERSON. GEORGE GILLESPIE, Esq., Merchant. MALCOM M'CAUL, Esq., of Leadbetter, M'Caul, & Co., Mercliants. DONALD SMITH, Esq., Manager of the Western Bank of Scotland. Secretary. WILLIAM HUNTER, Esq. il BRITISH KORTK AMERICA. BOAKDS OF MANAGEMENT. CANADAr-HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL, 19 Great St J\mes Street. The Hon. PETER M'GILL, President of the Bunk of Montreal. DAVID DAVIDSON, Esq.. Manager of the Bank of British North America. ALEXANDER SIMPSON, Esq., Cashier of the Bank of Montreal. CHRISTOPHER DUNKIN, Esq., Assistani Secretary, Canada East. HEW RAMSAY, Esq., of the firm of Armour and Ramsay Medical Adviser. GEORGE CAMPBELL, Esq., M.D Law Agent. JOHN HOSE, Esq.. Advocate. Manager. ALEXANDER DAVIDSON PARKER, Esq. NEW BRUNSWICK.— HEAD OFFICE, ST JOHN. The Hon. JOHN ROBERTSON, Mer. chant. CHARLES WARD, Esq.. Merchant. WILLIAM H. STREET, Esq., Merchant. JOHN WISHART, Esq., Merchant. JOHN DUNCAN, Esq., Merchant. Medical Adviser. JOHN PADDOCK, Esq., M.D. Agent and Secretary to the Board. DUNCAN ROBERTSON, Esq. NOVA SCOTIA.— HEAD OFFICE, HALIFAX. THE HON. M. B. ALMON, President of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils of the Province. The Hon. WILLIAM A. BLACK, Local Director of the Bank of British North America, Member of the Legislative Council. LEWIS BLISS, Esq. CHARLES TWINING, Esq., Barrister, President of the Halifax Fire Insurance Company. JOHN BAYLEY BLAND, Esq., Local Director of the Bank of British North America. THE HON. ALEXANDER KIETII, Director of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Member of the Legislative Council. Medical Advisers. JOHN E. FORSYTH, Esq., M.D.; ALEXANDER F. SAWERS, Esq., M.D. Agents and Secretaries to the Board. JAMES STEWART, Esq ; and CHARLES JAS. STEWART, Esq. THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. 1 HE practice of Life Assurance in any country indicates a state of society where high moral feeling and commercial confidence exist; and its progress in Great Britain is a marked feature in the national character. It is now upwards of a century since the first Institution for eftecting Life Assurances was established in England; but it is only since the beginning of the present century, or rather since the con- clusion of the war, that Life Assurance has become a general practice, an understood duty, and an essential portion of every monetary contract. The great number of Life Assurance Offices now established in Great Britain, and pursuing a successful course, affords strong evi- dence, that in other countries where society is in an equally settled state, similar institutions, conducted on right principles, will be equally appreciated, and equally succersful. Want of statistical information as to the value of human life has no doubt retarded the adoption of the system in many countries where its aid or protec- tion would be eagerly sought, if well-founded institutions were provided for its practice, — but the time has now arrived when increased knowledge enables its benefits to be extended with safety to many other parts of the world, where, hitherto, it has been unknown, or at least unpractised, except under great disadvantagts, by a distant and tardy correspondence, and at great expense. 2 THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. In France, Germany, and other European countries. Life Assu- rance has made some progress ; but beyond the limits of Europe the practice is very limited. In the British Colonies there is a general anxiety for the introduction of such Institutions, of which at present they are uliro"! e«)tirely destitute. In one or two instances small schemes have been commenced for the purposes o€ Life Assurance. — These, however, are local, and, consequently, limited in their operations ; not obtaining sufficient numbers to give a proper average of life, and being conducted with comparatively great expense. In India, Life Assurance oifices exist ; but there is still a wide field open to an institution founded on the most recent experience, conducted with liberality, and affording those facilities which well- constituted Life Assurance institutions in Great Britain now adopt. THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY has been established for the purpose of extending to the Colonies of Great Britain, and to India, the full benefit of Life Assurance ; and for the purpose of giving increased facilities to persons visiting or residing in Foreign countries. The Company is registered and empowered under the Act of Parliament 7° and 8° Vict., cap. 110. The general management of the Company is under the direction of persons who have been long practically acquainted with, and connected with the working of Life Assurance institutions ; and it has been the study c^ the Directors to afford all those advantages to their Policy-holders abroad which are commanded by Assurers in this country. For the purpose of giving increased facilities also in the Com- pany's transactions, the Directors have formed Local Boards of Management, and Branch Oifices, where Assurances may be effected and Premiums paid, in the different places to which they have extended their business, THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. O THE CAPITAL of the Company is £500,000. All the Directors in Great Britain are Shareholders of the Company, and those appointed in the Colonies are bound to take a similar interest in the Institution. THE RATES which the Company have adopted have been formed on the most correct observations which exist as to the value of life ; and the Directors have to acknowledge, among other sources, the valuable aid which they have received from the Parliamentary Reports, pre- pared by Col. TuLLOCH, in regard to the Mortality among the British Troops in the Colonies of Great Britain ; and the important assistance, in their proceedings, afforded by Henry Marshall, Esq., Deputy Inspector-General of Army Hospitals, the Medical Adviser of the Company. THE PROFITS of the Company will be ascertained and divided at certain inter- vals : the First InvesMgation and Division being to be in 1854, when each Policy having a right to participate in the Profits, will share in the Fund to be allocated for Division among the Assured, according to the Profits which the Company may calculate to have arisen on the particular Class of Risks to which such Policy may belong. THE FOLLOWING TABLES exhibit the Company's Rates in British Money ; and the Conditions as to Residence and Voyages are annexed to each Table, the General Regulations and Conditions following. A MAP OF THE WORLD, to facilitate reference, is given at the end. THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. CLASS A. Rates for an Assurance of £100, with and without Profits. ASNUAI. Annual Annual Annual Age. Premium without Premium with Age. Premium without Premium with Profits. Profits. Profits. Profits. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 15 1 11 2 1 14 38 2 16 7 3 18 16 1 11 11 1 14 10 39 2 18 4 3 3 7 17 1 12 8 1 15 8 40 3 3 5 6 18 1 13 5 1 16 6 41 3 2 3 7 8 19 1 14 3 1 17 5 42 3 4 3 9 10 20 1 15 1 1 18 4 43 3 6 1 3 12 1 21 1 16 1 19 4 44 3 8 5 3 14 7 22 1 16 10 2 3 45 3 10 9 3 17 3 23 1 17 9 2 1 o 46 3 13 3 3 19 11 24 1 18 9 2 2 3 47 3 16 4 3 25 1 19 8 2 3 3 48 3 18 10 4 6 26 2 9 2 4 5 49 4 2 4 9 5 27 2 1 10 2 5 7 50 4 5 3 4 13 28 2 2 11 2 6 10 51 4 8 10 4 16 11 29 2 4 2 8 52 4 12 8 5 11 30 2 5 2 2 9 4 53 4 16 10 5 5 7 31 2 6 5 2 10 7 54 5 15 5 10 7 32 2 7 8 2 12 55 5 6 4 5 16 33 2 9 2 13 6 56 5 11 6 6 18 34 2 10 5 2 15 57 5 16 10 6 7 5 35 2 11 10 2 16 7 58 6 2 6 6 13 7 36 2 13 5 2 18 3 59 6 8 6 7 2 37 2 14 11 2 19 11 60 6 14 11 7 7 1 These Premiums can also be paid by half yearly instalments ; but in the event of the death of a party in any year before a whole year's premium has been paid, the half I'emaining unpaid shall be deducted from the claun. THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Class A. Residence. Persons Assured in this Class, have permission to reside — In any part of Europe. In any part of North America, to the northward of 38** of north latitude, but not to the westward of the Mississippi River. And parties assured may travel, but not reside permanently, as far south as 35° of north latitude, but not to the westward of the Mississippi River. In Africa (Cape Colony), to the southward of 30" of south latitude. In Australia, (including New Zealand,) to the southward of 30** of south latitude. The northward of that limit charged at an increased rate, according to circumstances. Voyages. Persons Assured in this Class, have permission to pass — From any part of Europe to another, without extra charge. From any part of North America to another, within the limits before specified, without extra charge. From any European Port to any North American Port within the above limits, without extra charge. From any European or Nor.TH American Port within the above limits, to the Cape of Good Hope, at 15s. per cent each voyage. From any European or North American Port within the above limits, to Australia or New Zealand, at £1 per cent each voyage. PjSRSONS assured in this Class may proceed to those parts of the world embraced by any other Class, paying the corresponding Premium in terms of General Regulations and Conditions, page 12. THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. CLASS B. Rates for an Assurance of 100, with and without Profits. Annuat, Annual Annuj 11 Annual Age. Premium withodt Premium WITH AOG. Premium without Premium with Profits. Profits. Profit [S. Profits. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 15 2 12 2 15 7 38 3 16 9 4 2 1 16 2 12 8 2 16 5 39 3 18 5 4 3 11 17 2 13 5 2 17 2 40 4 2 4 5 10 18 2 14 3 2 18 41 4 2 1 4 7 9 19 2 15 2 18 10 42 4 4 4 9 11 20 2 15 10 2 19 9 43 4 6 1 4 12 1 21 2 16 8 3 8 44 4 8 4 4 14 5 22 2 17 6 3 1 7 45 4 10 8 4 17 2;3 2 18 5 3 2 6 46 4 13 1 4 19 7 24 2 19 5 3 3 6 47 4 15 9 5 2 6 25 3 4 3 4 6 48 4 18 6 5 5 5 26 3 1 4 3 5 7 49 5 1 7 5 8 8 27 3 2 4 3 6 9 50 5 4 10 5 12 1 28 3 3 5 3 7 10 51 5 8 4 5 15 10 29 3 4 6 3 9 52 5 12 5 19 11 3C 3 5 8 3 10 3 53 5 16 1 6 4 2 31 3 6 10 3 11 6 54 6 7 6 9 32 3 8 1 3 12 10 55 6 5 5 6 14 2 33 3 9 5 3 14 3 5Q 6 10 6 6 19 7 34 3 10 9 3 15 8 51 6 15 8 7 5 1 35 3 12 1 3 17 2 58 7 1 2 7 11 36 3 13 7 3 18 9 59 7 7 1 7 17 5 37 3 15 1 4 5 60 7 13 3 8 4 These Premiums can also be paid by half yearly instalments ; but in the event of the death of a party in any year before a whole year's premium has been paid, the half remaining unpaid shall be deducted from the claim. k: i' THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Class Jd. < Residence- Persons Assured in this Class, have permission to reside^ In North America to the northward of 35" of north lati- tude, but not to the westward of the Mississippi river. And from 30th November to 1st June, parties may travel, but not reside permanently, in any part of North America to the northward of 30*' north latitude, including the whole of the United Stat. In the Bermuda Islands. In South America, to the southward of 20" south latitude. The northward 0/20° south latitude to the Equator charged at an increased rate, according to circumstances. Voyages. No extra charge for Voyages in this Class. ■PHRSONS assured in this Class may proceed to those parts of the world emlraced by any other Class, paying the corresponding Premium in terms of General Regulations and Conditions, page 12. 8 THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. CLASS C. Rates for an Assurance q/*£100, with and without Profits. CIVIL RISKS. MILITARY* AND NAVAL RISKS Annual Pre- Annual Annual Pre- 1 Annual Age. mium WITHOUT Pre.mium WITH AOE. mium WITHOUT Premium with Profits. Profits. Profj TK. Profits. £ 8. d. JB s. d. £, 8. d. £ s. d. 18 3 9 7 3 19 18 3 16 6 4 6 11 19 3 10 4 3 19 11 19 3 17 5 4 7 11 20 3 11 3 4 11 20 3 18 2 4 9 21 3 12 2 4 2 21 1 3 19 5 4 10 3 22 3 13 2 4 3 2 22 4 6 4 11 6 23 3 14 3 4 4 6 23 4 1 8 4 12 11 24 3 15 5 4 5 8 24 4 2 11 4 14 3 25 3 16 7 4 7 25 4 4 2 4 16 8 26 3 17 10 4 8 5 26 4 5 7 4 17 3 27 3 19 1 4 9 11 27 4 7 4 18 10 28 4 6 4 11 5 28 4 8 6 6 7 29 4 1 10 4 13 29 4 10 5 2 4 30 4 3 4 4 14 9 30 4 11 8 6 4 2 31 4 4 11 4 16 6 31 4 13 6 6 6 1 32 4 6 6 4 18 3 32 4 15 1 5 8 1 33 4 8 1 5 1 33 4 16 11 6 10 1 34 4 9 10 5 2 1 34 4 18 10 6 12 1 35 4 11 7 5 4 1 35 5 8 6 13 7 36 4 13 6 6 6 3 36 5 1 11 5 15 3 37 4 15 5 6 8 5 37 5 3 5 5 17 6 38 4 17 5 5 10 9 38 5 5 5 6 19 9 39 4 19 7 5 13 1 39 6 7 7 6 2 1 40 5 1 9 5 15 7 40 5 9 9 6 4 1 41 5 4 1 5 18 3 41 5 11 7 6 6 3 42 5 6 6 6 1 42 5 13 6 6 9 43 5 9 6 3 11 43 5 16 6 11 11 44 6 11 8 6 6 11 44 5 18 8 6 14 11 45 5 14 5 6 10 45 6 1 5 6 17 6 46 5 17 3 6 13 3 46 6 3 9 7 3 47 6 4 6 16 10 47 6 6 4 7 3 10 48 6 3 7 7 6 48 6 9 7 7 7 6 49 6 7 1 7 4 4 49 6 13 1 7 11 1 50 6 10 8 7 8 6 50 6 16 8 7 15 51 6 14 7 7 12 11 51 7 1 7 18 11 52 6 18 8 7 17 7 52 7 3 8 8 3 7 53 7 3 8 2 6 53 7 8 8 8 6 64 7 7 8 8 7 10 54 7 12 8 8 13 10 55 7 12 7 ! 8 13 4 55 7 17 7 8 18 10 66 7 17 9 8 19 3 56 8 2 9 9 4 3 57 8 3 3 9 5 6 67 8 7 9 9 10 6 58 8 9 1 i 9 12 1 68 8 13 1 9 17 1 59 8 15 3 9 19 2 69 8 19 3 10 4 2 60 9 1 10 10 6 8 1 60 9 5 10 10 11 8 * MILITARY MEN holding appolntmcntB of a Civil character, not requiring Military service, are charged the rate applicablo to Civilians. These Premiums can also be paid by half-yearly instalments ; but in the event of the deatl. of a party in any year before a whole year's Premium has been paid, the half remaining unpaid shall be deducted from the claim. THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. 9 SPECIAL CONDITIONS, Class \j. Residence. Persons Assured in this Class, have permission to reside — In India generally, including the whole of the possessions of the Hon. East India Company and any part of the East to which their Servants may be required to proceed. In Ceylon. In the Mauritius. Also to visit those parts of China to which British traders have access. Persons proceeding to China, as a place of residence, are charged an additional rate of Premium. Voyages. No extra charge for Voyages in this Class. Persons assured in this Class may proceed to those parts of the world embraced by any other Class, paying the corresponding Premium in terms o/Generql Regulations and Conditions, page 12, 10 THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. CLASS D. JlATrS for an Assurance of £100, with and toithout Profits. AOE. Annual Pre- Annual Annual Pre- Annual mium WITHOUT Premium with AoE. mium without Premium with Profits. PlJOFlTS. Profits. Profits. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 18 3 12 9 4 2 3 40 5 6 5 6 3 19 3 13 7 4 3 2 41 6 8 10 6 3 20 3 14 6 4 4 2 42 5 11 4 6 6 10 21 3 15 6 4 6 4 43 5 14 6 8 10 22 3 16 6 4 6 6 44 5 16 9 6 12 23 3 17 8 4 7 9 45 5 19 7 6 15 2 24 3 18 10 4 9 1 46 6 2 8 6 18 7 25 4 1 4 10 6 47 6 5 11 7 2 3 26 4 14 4 12 48 6 9 3 7 6 1 27 4 2 9 4 13 6 49 6 12 10 7 10 2 28 4 4 2 4 15 1 60 6 16 8 7 14 6 29 4 5 8 4 16 10 61 7 8 7 19 30 4 7 2 4 18 7 62 7 5 8 3 11 31 4 8 9 5 4 63 7 9 7 8 9 1 32 4 10 5 5 2 2 54 7 14 6 8 14 6 33 4 12 2 5 4 2 55 7 19 6 9 4 34 4 13 11 6 6 2 56 8 4 11 9 6 5 35 4 15 10 5 8 4 57 8 10 8 9 13 36 4 17 9 5 10 6 58 8 le 10 9 19 11 37 4 19 10 5 12 10 59 9 3 3 10 7 2 38 5 1 11 . 5 15 2 60 9 10 2 10 15 39 5 4 1 5 17 9 1 ERSONS who have not resided previously in a Tropiciil Climate, or who have resided in such Climate for a shorter period than Five years, are required to make the following Payments in addition to the rates in the foregoing Table until their Five years' residence expires — after which period the rates continue constant, in terms of the Table. £3 per Cent extra for the first year's residence, the party not having resided pre. vionsly in a Tropical Climate, JE2 per Cent extra for the second year's residence, the party not having resided more than one year previously in a Tropical Climate. £1, 10s. per Cent extra for the third year's residencEi the party not having resided more than two years previously in a Tropical Climate. £1 per Cent extra for the fourth year's residence, the party not having resided more than three years previously in a Tropical Climate. lOs. per Cent extra for the fifth year's residence, the party not having resided more than four years previously in a Tropical Climate, Returning thereafter to the Rates given in the above Table. Military men and practising medical men pay an increased rate of Pre- mium according to circumstances. The extra Premium charged to Military Men, however, does not cover the risk of War, being merely for Residence. IhESE Premiums can also be paid by half-yearly instalments', but in the event of the death of a party in any year before a whole year's Premium has been paid, the half rempiir- ing unpaid shall be deducted from the claim. THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. 11 SPECIAL CONDITIONS. Class J). Residence. Persons Assured in this Class, have permission to reside In the West Indies generally, including British Guiana. Persons desirious of visiting or residing in other parts of North America and South America, not included under the other Classes, will receive the necessary license on application to the Company, and payment of such extra Premiums as may be required. Voyages. No extra Premium for Voyages in this Class. I^SRSONS assured in this Class may proceed to those parts of the world embraced by a:y other Class, paying the corresponding Premium in terms of General Regulations and Conditions, page 12. 12 THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. CENERAL RECULATIONS AND CONDITIONS, WITH REFERENCE TO THE FOREGOINO RATES AN^ SPT"1IAL CONDITIONS* l»EII80Ni PASSING FROM ONE CUSS TO ANOTHER. Persons Assured must give notice to tlie Office when they pro- pose to go beyond the limits of the Class under which they hold their Assurance, and make payment of the additional rate of Premium, (if any,) applicable to the Class to which they intend to proceed. Persons returning to, or coming within, the limits of a Class re- quiring a lower rate of Premium than the Class they have left, commence to pay the reduced rate of Premium when the next renewal Premium falls due, in terms of the Policy ; but per- sons neglecting to claim such reduction, and continuing to pay the higher rate of Premium in any of the Classes, shall not be entitled to claim any accounting, unless with reference to the Premium which has been paid immediately before such claim being made. Persons going beyond the limits of the Class under which they hold their Assurance, to a Class requiring a higher rate of Premium than the Class they have left, whether by sea or land, without authority from the Company, and payment of the proper Premium, incur a forfeiture of their Policy, but not until the end of six months from the date of such departure beyond the limits of their Class ; but in the event of death, within said period of six months, a deduction shall be made from the claim for the extra Premium which would have been *r I THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. 13 / charged by the Company for sucli extcndeol license, along with a fine not exceeding £10 sterling percent on the sum assured. Persons desirous of proceeding to any part of the world, not included in the Terms and Conditions as to Residence and Voyages, under Classes A, B, C, and D, must apply specially to the Company, and receive the necessary license, paying such extra Premium as may be required. V0YA0E8. The Conditions as to Voyages, under each particular Class, are applicable to time of Peace only, an additional rate being re- quired in time of War. NAVAL SERVICE. Persons engaged in Naval or Seafaring occupations, are sepa- rately rated ; and the Conditions as to Voyages, apply to them only when pa? ung from one part of the world to another, after retiring from nach Service. MILITARY SERVICE. Military Men (except under Class C) are not protected against the risk of actual Warfare, and in the event of their being called into such actual Service, they are liable to extra Premium. Actual Service dov's not apply to any casual outbreak or civil disturbance which the military may be called on to quell; and each Military Man is protected against the risk of war for six months, after he has been called into actual service, provided he communicates with the Office, and pays such extra Premium as may be necessary before the expiry of that period. If he fails to make such communication, (even although the danger shall have passed,) and to pay the necessary extra iS^jS^ 14 THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Premium, the Policy will bo forfeited. In the event of death during said period of six months, the claim will bo binding on the Company, under deduction of the extra Premium which would otherwise have been required. Persons engaged in Militia or Yeomanry Corps, are not held to come under the Military Conditions, except in the event of foreign invasion. Perions transKresstng any of theae Regtilatlons and CondlUona, Incur an immediate Forfeiture of their Policies. THE COLONIAL LU'E ASSURANCE COMPANY. 15 OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD not specified in tlie preceding Classes, are intended to \)<^ included in a separate Class, the rates for which will be fixed according to the Climate and particular circumstances of each case. MILITARY MEN can effect Assurances at an equal annual rate of Premium, covering the risk of any Service or of any Climate to which they may be ordered, and not varying with particular Service or Climate, as in ordinary cases. These rates are fixed according to the particular circumstances of each case. NAVAL MEN can effect Assurances at the rates specified under Class A; and they may proceed to any part of the world in Her Majesty's Ser- vice, on payment of moderate rates of extra Premium. PROTECTIVE ASSURANCES, WHOLE-WORLD-LICENSE. Persons accepting Life Assurance Policies as a security for money advanced, generally run the risk of the party going beyond the limits of his Policy, and incurring a forfeiture. The Colonial Company are ready to grant Policies at a slightly increased rate of Premium, (varying from 5s. to 10s. per cent,) covering thu risk of a party proceeding to any part of the world at an after 16 THE COLONIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. period, provided always that the Company are satisfied that the party has no present prospect or intention of going to an unhealthy Climate. The Company will also grant "Whole World Licences" to persons having the intention of proceeding abroad, at rates of Premium corresponding to the circumstances of each case. Every other information can be obtained at the Offices of the Company, 1 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH, 4 A. LOTHBURY, LONDON, 35 ST VINCENT PLACE, GLASGOW, or at any of the Branch Offices or Agencies abroad. EDINBVBOH: BALLA^TT^E and nUORESi CcuUl /^/^^ i. hV ' „.- V I| n U S S I A N ^ -iTt R ^-1 1 R1 v::c.^f^---^. s> C. R E t « L » » D «.lA-r„..fc_. ,v '/ /•■ r II K II .V .'.niii- lin-.i -Iifl.lin' «.:.■■.../■ m I • \ ... . * '■-■■i>_.>.N • »r.ii S<'i»t:!i I) I K 'IViipir nt* Ciiln '■■ '„ Sfthju'ii or (ii'Mt !*•■ r.1IL:im.TAS SKI ' iw '• ^ . v*""!'^'- ^■*' (I t J: .1 .\ •s.slm.U^™, -^l- f.virorftnyK.i u y » N » ■x iinr •llll'^.-'* .5,1111.;;; I) r I' .1 II r I c .1 X ,..,>^yi BM„..r„,,.<< ('flic, nil ■ii»^"^""^" ,; r /•; .; .v s,r..f:v..,„n..,.TF^ > ', t\i (ic*irj;iii ("ai..- lli'tii // /• ./ r .V <> r li K AiUm-ciic i'livli- IHO 1«A :,.illl;iluill> Willi I'l-iMll I'.lHVllvfii-h ;.ii:n'itcili' K l.-i M I.- « 1 -i' n„i[ ^' !'N if S|'ni'l-- ^\ J...- Sill,-,., lew. /; ./ .V I M F N L » » D 3 ' -lii'lnm jTlir Cirt'li li'i'lnn N A' •/• // y*- '' , 1. 1. |i4 « n rt '! ICy '■'^ ■ *■ -■». ■ \^ — ^i f '° M-^R ^A V S < ^&^^^^„ llM-U'»r-).:ri/ ,«• _Sl™l« •■-^ Hrtu" V 4 ^, 3 T H 1 ■ / V«**irtiiAy v' W'f 1'^ *».*.'. -M A II l". S 'I !i r . 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